// Mark MacKay http://method.ac MIT License $.fn.dragInput = function(cfg){ return this.each(function(){ this.repeating = false; // Apply specified options or defaults: // (Ought to refactor this some day to use $.extend() instead) this.dragCfg = { min: cfg && !isNaN(parseFloat(cfg.min)) ? Number(cfg.min) : null, // Fixes bug with min:0 max: cfg && !isNaN(parseFloat(cfg.max)) ? Number(cfg.max) : null, step: cfg && Number(cfg.step) ? cfg.step : 1, stepfunc: cfg && cfg.stepfunc ? cfg.stepfunc : false, dragAdjust: cfg && cfg.dragAdjust ? cfg.dragAdjust : 1, height: 70, cursor: cfg && cfg.cursor ? Boolean(cfg.cursor) : false, start: cfg && cfg.start ? Number(cfg.start) : 0, _btn_width: 20, _direction: null, _delay: null, _repeat: null, callback: cfg && cfg.callback ? cfg.callback : null }; // if a smallStep isn't supplied, use half the regular step this.dragCfg.smallStep = cfg && cfg.smallStep ? cfg.smallStep : this.dragCfg.step/2; var dragAdjust = this.dragCfg.dragAdjust; var $label = $(this).parent(); var $input = $(this); var cursorHeight = this.dragCfg.height; var min = this.dragCfg.min; var max = this.dragCfg.max var step = this.dragCfg.step var area = (max - min > 0) ? (max - min) / step : 200; var scale = area/cursorHeight * step; var lastY = 0; var attr = this.getAttribute("data-attr"); var canvas = svgEditor.canvas var selectedElems = canvas.getSelectedElems(); var isTouch = svgedit.browser.isTouch(); var completed = true //for mousewheel var $cursor = (area && this.dragCfg.cursor) ? $("
").appendTo($label) : false $input.attr("readonly", "readonly") if ($cursor && !isNaN(this.dragCfg.start)) $cursor.css("top", (this.dragCfg.start*-1)/scale+cursorHeight) //this is where all the magic happens this.adjustValue = function(i, completed){ var v; if(isNaN(this.value)) { v = this.dragCfg.reset; } else if($.isFunction(this.dragCfg.stepfunc)) { v = this.dragCfg.stepfunc(this, i); } else { v = Number((Number(this.value) + Number(i)).toFixed(5)); } if (max !== null) v = Math.min(v, max); if (min !== null) v = Math.max(v, min); if ($cursor) this.updateCursor(v); this.value = v; $label.attr("data-value", v) if ($.isFunction(this.dragCfg.callback)) this.dragCfg.callback(this, completed) }; $label.toggleClass("draginput", $label.is("label")) // when the mouse is down and moving this.move = function(e, oy, val) { if (isTouch) { e = e.originalEvent.touches[0] } // just got started let's save for undo purposes if (lastY === 0) { lastY = oy; } var deltaY = (e.pageY - lastY) *-1 lastY = e.pageY; val = (deltaY * scale) * dragAdjust var fixed = (step < 1) ? 1 : 0 this.adjustValue(val.toFixed(fixed)) //no undo true }; //when the mouse is released this.stop = function() { $('body').removeClass('dragging'); $label.removeClass("active"); completed = true; $(window).unbind("mousemove.draginput touchmove.draginput mouseup.draginput touchend.draginput"); lastY = 0; if (selectedElems[0]) { var batchCmd = canvas.undoMgr.finishUndoableChange(); if (!batchCmd.isEmpty()) canvas.undoMgr.addCommandToHistory(batchCmd); } this.adjustValue(0, completed) } this.updateCursor = function(){ var value = parseFloat(this.value) var pos = (value*-1)/scale+cursorHeight $cursor.css("top", pos) } this.start = function(e) { if (isTouch) e = e.originalEvent.touches[0] var oy = e.pageY; var val = this.value; var el = this; canvas.undoMgr.beginUndoableChange(attr, selectedElems) $('body').addClass('dragging'); $label.addClass('active'); $(window).bind("mousemove.draginput touchmove.draginput", function(e){el.move(e, oy, parseFloat(val))}) $(window).bind("mouseup.draginput touchend.draginput", function(e){el.stop()}) } $(this) .attr("readonly", "readonly") .attr("data-scale", scale) .attr("data-domain", cursorHeight) .attr("data-cursor", ($cursor != false)) .bind("mousedown touchstart", function(e){ this.blur(); this.start(e); }) .bind("dblclick taphold", function(e) { this.removeAttribute("readonly", "readonly"); this.focus(); this.select(); }) .keydown(function(e){ // Respond to up/down arrow keys. switch(e.keyCode){ case 13: this.adjustValue(0); this.blur(); break; // Enter } }) .focus(function(e){ if (this.getAttribute("readonly") === "readonly") this.blur() }) .blur(function(e){ this.setAttribute("readonly", "readonly") }) .bind("mousewheel", function(e, delta, deltaX, deltaY){ if (completed) canvas.undoMgr.beginUndoableChange(attr, selectedElems) completed = false clearTimeout(window.undoTimeout) window.undoTimeout = setTimeout(function(){ wheel_input.stop() },1000) var wheel_input = this; if (deltaY > 0) this.adjustValue(this.dragCfg.step); else if (deltaY < 0) this.adjustValue(-this.dragCfg.step); e.preventDefault(); }) }); }; // public function $.fn.dragInput.updateCursor = function(el){ var value = parseFloat(el.value); var scale = parseFloat(el.getAttribute("data-scale")); var domain = parseFloat(el.getAttribute("data-domain")); var pos = ((value*-1)/scale+domain) + "px"; var cursor = el.parentNode.lastChild if (cursor.className == "draginput_cursor") cursor.style.top = pos; }