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arduino/main/Kalman.cpp Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
/* Copyright (C) 2012 Kristian Lauszus, TKJ Electronics. All rights reserved.
This software may be distributed and modified under the terms of the GNU
General Public License version 2 (GPL2) as published by the Free Software
Foundation and appearing in the file GPL2.TXT included in the packaging of
this file. Please note that GPL2 Section 2[b] requires that all works based
on this software must also be made publicly available under the terms of
the GPL2 ("Copyleft").
Contact information
Kristian Lauszus, TKJ Electronics
Web :
e-mail :
#include "Kalman.h"
Kalman::Kalman() {
/* We will set the variables like so, these can also be tuned by the user */
Q_angle = 0.001f;
Q_bias = 0.003f;
R_measure = 0.03f;
angle = 0.0f; // Reset the angle
bias = 0.0f; // Reset bias
P[0][0] = 0.0f; // Since we assume that the bias is 0 and we know the starting angle (use setAngle), the error covariance matrix is set like so - see:
P[0][1] = 0.0f;
P[1][0] = 0.0f;
P[1][1] = 0.0f;
// The angle should be in degrees and the rate should be in degrees per second and the delta time in seconds
float Kalman::getAngle(float newAngle, float newRate, float dt) {
// KasBot V2 - Kalman filter module -
// Modified by Kristian Lauszus
// See my blog post for more information:
// Discrete Kalman filter time update equations - Time Update ("Predict")
// Update xhat - Project the state ahead
/* Step 1 */
rate = newRate - bias;
angle += dt * rate;
// Update estimation error covariance - Project the error covariance ahead
/* Step 2 */
P[0][0] += dt * (dt*P[1][1] - P[0][1] - P[1][0] + Q_angle);
P[0][1] -= dt * P[1][1];
P[1][0] -= dt * P[1][1];
P[1][1] += Q_bias * dt;
// Discrete Kalman filter measurement update equations - Measurement Update ("Correct")
// Calculate Kalman gain - Compute the Kalman gain
/* Step 4 */
float S = P[0][0] + R_measure; // Estimate error
/* Step 5 */
float K[2]; // Kalman gain - This is a 2x1 vector
K[0] = P[0][0] / S;
K[1] = P[1][0] / S;
// Calculate angle and bias - Update estimate with measurement zk (newAngle)
/* Step 3 */
float y = newAngle - angle; // Angle difference
/* Step 6 */
angle += K[0] * y;
bias += K[1] * y;
// Calculate estimation error covariance - Update the error covariance
/* Step 7 */
float P00_temp = P[0][0];
float P01_temp = P[0][1];
P[0][0] -= K[0] * P00_temp;
P[0][1] -= K[0] * P01_temp;
P[1][0] -= K[1] * P00_temp;
P[1][1] -= K[1] * P01_temp;
return angle;
void Kalman::setAngle(float angle) { this->angle = angle; }; // Used to set angle, this should be set as the starting angle
float Kalman::getRate() { return this->rate; }; // Return the unbiased rate
/* These are used to tune the Kalman filter */
void Kalman::setQangle(float Q_angle) { this->Q_angle = Q_angle; };
void Kalman::setQbias(float Q_bias) { this->Q_bias = Q_bias; };
void Kalman::setRmeasure(float R_measure) { this->R_measure = R_measure; };
float Kalman::getQangle() { return this->Q_angle; };
float Kalman::getQbias() { return this->Q_bias; };
float Kalman::getRmeasure() { return this->R_measure; };

arduino/main/Kalman.h Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
/* Copyright (C) 2012 Kristian Lauszus, TKJ Electronics. All rights reserved.
This software may be distributed and modified under the terms of the GNU
General Public License version 2 (GPL2) as published by the Free Software
Foundation and appearing in the file GPL2.TXT included in the packaging of
this file. Please note that GPL2 Section 2[b] requires that all works based
on this software must also be made publicly available under the terms of
the GPL2 ("Copyleft").
Contact information
Kristian Lauszus, TKJ Electronics
Web :
e-mail :
#ifndef _Kalman_h_
#define _Kalman_h_
class Kalman {
// The angle should be in degrees and the rate should be in degrees per second and the delta time in seconds
float getAngle(float newAngle, float newRate, float dt);
void setAngle(float angle); // Used to set angle, this should be set as the starting angle
float getRate(); // Return the unbiased rate
/* These are used to tune the Kalman filter */
void setQangle(float Q_angle);
* setQbias(float Q_bias)
* Default value (0.003f) is in Kalman.cpp.
* Raise this to follow input more closely,
* lower this to smooth result of kalman filter.
void setQbias(float Q_bias);
void setRmeasure(float R_measure);
float getQangle();
float getQbias();
float getRmeasure();
/* Kalman filter variables */
float Q_angle; // Process noise variance for the accelerometer
float Q_bias; // Process noise variance for the gyro bias
float R_measure; // Measurement noise variance - this is actually the variance of the measurement noise
float angle; // The angle calculated by the Kalman filter - part of the 2x1 state vector
float bias; // The gyro bias calculated by the Kalman filter - part of the 2x1 state vector
float rate; // Unbiased rate calculated from the rate and the calculated bias - you have to call getAngle to update the rate
float P[2][2]; // Error covariance matrix - This is a 2x2 matrix

image/gui_main.jpg Normal file

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参考代码.cpp Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Kalman.h> // Source:
#define gyroZ_OFF -0.22
//#define stable_angle 178.2
//#define stable_angle 58.8
//#define stable_angle 301.75
#define stable_angle 60.0
Kalman kalmanZ;
/* IMU Data */
double accX, accY, accZ;
double gyroX, gyroY, gyroZ;
int16_t tempRaw;
double gyroZangle; // Angle calculate using the gyro only
double compAngleZ; // Calculated angle using a complementary filter
double kalAngleZ; // Calculated angle using a Kalman filter
uint32_t timer;
uint8_t i2cData[14]; // Buffer for I2C data
#include <SimpleFOC.h>
//#include "common/foc_utils.h"
#define swing_up_voltage 1.5 //V
#define balance_voltage 10 //V
#define min_voltage 9.5 //V
#define PID_P 0 //
#define PID_I 0 //
#define PID_D 1 //
#define LQR_K1 1 //
#define LQR_K2 0 //
#define LQR_K3 0.0 //
float PID_P = 1; //
float PID_I = 0; //
float PID_D = 0; //
float LQR_K1 = 50; //摇摆到平衡
float LQR_K2 = 2; //
float LQR_K3 = 0.30; //
float LQR_K1_1 = 50; //平衡态
float LQR_K2_1 = 2; //
float LQR_K3_1 = 0.15; //
float LQR_K1 = 200; //摇摆到平衡
float LQR_K2 = 40; //
float LQR_K3 = 0.30; //
float LQR_K1_1 = 200; //平衡态
float LQR_K2_1 = 15; //
float LQR_K3_1 = 0.15; //
float LQR_K1 = 200; //
float LQR_K2 = 40; //
float LQR_K3 = 0.30; //
float LQR_K1 = 80; //平衡完成
float LQR_K2 = 15; //
float LQR_K3 = 0.15; //
float OFFSET = 0;
bool stable = 0, battery_low = 0;
uint32_t last_unstable_time;
//output=LQR_K1*PID+LQR_K2*p_vel + LQR_K3 * m_vel
MagneticSensorI2C sensor = MagneticSensorI2C(AS5600_I2C);
PIDController angle_pid = PIDController(PID_P, PID_I, PID_D, balance_voltage * 0.7, 20000);
LowPassFilter lpf_throttle{0.00};
// BLDC motor init
BLDCMotor motor = BLDCMotor(5);
// driver instance
BLDCDriver3PWM driver = BLDCDriver3PWM(9, 10, 11, 8, 3);
double rotationshift(double origin, double theta, double shift, bool y);
double acc2rotation(double x, double y);
float controllerLQR(float p_angle, float p_vel, float m_vel);
float constrainAngle(float x);
// instantiate the commander
Commander command = Commander(Serial);
//void onp(char *cmd) { command.scalar(&PID_P, cmd); }
//void oni(char *cmd) { command.scalar(&PID_I, cmd); }
//void ond(char *cmd) { command.scalar(&PID_D, cmd); }
void onj(char *cmd) { command.scalar(&LQR_K1, cmd); }
void onk(char *cmd) { command.scalar(&LQR_K2, cmd); }
void onl(char *cmd) { command.scalar(&LQR_K3, cmd); }
void setup()
Wire.setClock(400000UL); // Set I2C frequency to 400kHz
Serial.println(((analogRead(A3) / 41.5)));
i2cData[0] = 7; // Set the sample rate to 1000Hz - 8kHz/(7+1) = 1000Hz
i2cData[1] = 0x00; // Disable FSYNC and set 260 Hz Acc filtering, 256 Hz Gyro filtering, 8 KHz sampling
i2cData[2] = 0x00; // Set Gyro Full Scale Range to ±250deg/s
i2cData[3] = 0x00; // Set Accelerometer Full Scale Range to ±2g
while (i2cWrite(0x19, i2cData, 4, false))
; // Write to all four registers at once
while (i2cWrite(0x6B, 0x01, true))
; // PLL with X axis gyroscope reference and disable sleep mode
while (i2cRead(0x75, i2cData, 1))
if (i2cData[0] != 0x68)
{ // Read "WHO_AM_I" register
Serial.print(F("Error reading sensor"));
while (1)
delay(100); // Wait for sensor to stabilize
/* Set kalman and gyro starting angle */
while (i2cRead(0x3B, i2cData, 6))
accX = (int16_t)((i2cData[0] << 8) | i2cData[1]);
accY = (int16_t)((i2cData[2] << 8) | i2cData[3]);
accZ = (int16_t)((i2cData[4] << 8) | i2cData[5]);
// Source: eq. 25 and eq. 26
// atan2 outputs the value of -π to π (radians) - see
// It is then converted from radians to degrees
// Eq. 25 and 26
double pitch = acc2rotation(accX, accY);
gyroZangle = pitch;
timer = micros();
pinMode(4, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(4, 1);
// driver
driver.voltage_power_supply = 12;
// link the driver and the motor
// aligning voltage
motor.voltage_sensor_align = 3;
// choose FOC modulation (optional)
//motor.foc_modulation = FOCModulationType::SinePWM;
motor.foc_modulation = FOCModulationType::SpaceVectorPWM;
// set control loop type to be used
motor.controller = MotionControlType::torque;
//motor.controller = TorqueControlType::voltage;
motor.voltage_limit = balance_voltage;
// initialize motor
// align encoder and start FOC
//motor.initFOC(4.05, Direction::CCW);
//command.add('p', onp, "p");
//command.add('i', oni, "i");
//command.add('d', ond, "d");
command.add('j', onj, "newj:");
command.add('k', onk, "newk:");
command.add('l', onl, "newl:");
digitalWrite(4, 0);
long loop_count = 0;
float target_voltage;
void loop()
if (loop_count++ == 10)
/* Update all the values */
while (i2cRead(0x3B, i2cData, 14))
accX = (int16_t)((i2cData[0] << 8) | i2cData[1]);
accY = (int16_t)((i2cData[2] << 8) | i2cData[3]);
accZ = (int16_t)((i2cData[4] << 8) | i2cData[5]);
tempRaw = (int16_t)((i2cData[6] << 8) | i2cData[7]);
gyroX = (int16_t)((i2cData[8] << 8) | i2cData[9]);
gyroY = (int16_t)((i2cData[10] << 8) | i2cData[11]);
gyroZ = (int16_t)((i2cData[12] << 8) | i2cData[13]);
double dt = (double)(micros() - timer) / 1000000; // Calculate delta time
timer = micros();
// Source: eq. 25 and eq. 26
// atan2 outputs the value of -π to π (radians) - see
// It is then converted from radians to degrees
// Eq. 25 and 26
double pitch = acc2rotation(accX, accY);
double gyroZrate = gyroZ / 131.0; // Convert to deg/s
kalAngleZ = kalmanZ.getAngle(pitch, gyroZrate + gyroZ_OFF, dt);
gyroZangle += (gyroZrate + gyroZ_OFF) * dt;
//gyroXangle += kalmanX.getRate() * dt; // Calculate gyro angle using the unbiased rate
//gyroYangle += kalmanY.getRate() * dt;
compAngleZ = 0.93 * (compAngleZ + (gyroZrate + gyroZ_OFF) * dt) + 0.07 * pitch;
// Reset the gyro angle when it has drifted too much
if (gyroZangle < -180 || gyroZangle > 180)
gyroZangle = kalAngleZ;
/* Print Data */
#if 0 // Set to 1 to activate
Serial.print(accX); Serial.print("\t");
Serial.print(accY); Serial.print("\t");
Serial.print(accZ); Serial.print("\t");
Serial.print(gyroX); Serial.print("\t");
Serial.print(gyroY); Serial.print("\t");
Serial.print(gyroZ); Serial.print("\t");
#if 0
// calculate the pendulum angle
//LQR_K1 = analogRead(A3) / 10.0;
digitalWrite(3, 1);
//float pendulum_angle = constrainAngle(rotationshift(kalAngleZ * 3, 180.0, -180.0+OFFSET, 0.0) / 57.29578 + M_PI);
//float pendulum_angle = constrainAngle((kalAngleZ - stable_angle ) / 57.29578);
float pendulum_angle = constrainAngle((fmod(kalAngleZ * 3, 360.0) / 3.0 - stable_angle) / 57.29578);
if (abs(pendulum_angle) < 0.6) // if angle small enough stabilize 0.5~30°,1.5~90°
//target_voltage = controllerLQR(pendulum_angle, g.gyro.z, motor.shaftVelocity());
target_voltage = controllerLQR(angle_pid(pendulum_angle), gyroZrate / 57.29578, motor.shaftVelocity());
//digitalWrite(4, 1);
else // else do swing-up
{ // sets 1.5V to the motor in order to swing up
target_voltage = -_sign(gyroZrate) * swing_up_voltage;
digitalWrite(4, 0);
// set the target voltage to the motor
if (accZ < -13000 && ((accX * accX + accY * accY) > (14000 * 14000)))
// restart the counter
loop_count = 0;
driver.voltage_power_supply = analogRead(A3) / 41.5;
if ((analogRead(A3) / 41.5) < min_voltage && !battery_low)
battery_low = 1;
while (battery_low)
if (millis() % 500 < 250)
digitalWrite(4, 1);
digitalWrite(4, 0);
//Serial.print(constrainAngle(rotationshift(kalAngleZ * 3, 180.0, -180.0+OFFSET, 0.0) / 57.29578 + M_PI));
//Serial.println(fmod(kalAngleZ * 3, 360.0) / 3.0);
// function constraining the angle in between -pi and pi, in degrees -180 and 180
float constrainAngle(float x)
x = fmod(x + M_PI, _2PI);
if (x < 0)
x += _2PI;
return x - M_PI;
// LQR stabilization controller functions
// calculating the voltage that needs to be set to the motor in order to stabilize the pendulum
float controllerLQR(float p_angle, float p_vel, float m_vel)
// if angle controllable
// calculate the control law
// LQR controller u = k*x
// - k = [40, 7, 0.3]
// - k = [13.3, 21, 0.3]
// - x = [pendulum angle, pendulum velocity, motor velocity]'
if (abs(p_angle) > 0.05)
last_unstable_time = millis();
stable = 0;
digitalWrite(4, 0);
if ((millis() - last_unstable_time) > 1000)
stable = 1;
digitalWrite(4, 1);
float u;
if (!stable)
u = LQR_K1 * p_angle + LQR_K2 * p_vel + LQR_K3 * m_vel;
//u = LQR_K1 * p_angle + LQR_K2 * p_vel + LQR_K3 * m_vel;
u = LQR_K1_1 * p_angle + LQR_K2_1 * p_vel + LQR_K3_1 * m_vel;
// limit the voltage set to the motor
if (abs(u) > motor.voltage_limit * 0.7)
u = _sign(u) * motor.voltage_limit * 0.7;
return u;
/* mpu6050加速度转换为角度
acc2rotation(ax, ay)
acc2rotation(az, ay) */
double acc2rotation(double x, double y)
if (y < 0)
return atan(x / y) / 1.570796 * 90 + 180;
else if (x < 0)
return (atan(x / y) / 1.570796 * 90 + 360);
return (atan(x / y) / 1.570796 * 90);
/* mpu6050加速度转换为角度
rotationshift(original angle,+θ,shiftθ,0 is normal,1 is reverse)
double rotationshift(double origin, double theta, double shift = 0, bool y = false)
static float origin_old;
if (abs(origin - origin_old) > 0.1)
origin_old += _sign(origin - origin_old) * 0.01;
origin_old = origin;
if (y == 0)
if (origin + theta > 360)
return origin + theta - 360 + shift;
return origin + theta + shift;
if (-(origin + theta) + 360 < 0)
return -(origin + theta) + 360 + 360 + shift;
return -(origin + theta) + 360 + shift;

物料清单.xlsx Normal file

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