
39 lines
956 B

generated/rv32ui-p-simple: file format elf32-littleriscv
Disassembly of section .text.init:
00000000 <_start>:
0: 00000d13 li s10,0
4: 00000d93 li s11,0
8: 00100d93 li s11,1
c: 00100d13 li s10,1
00000010 <loop_pass>:
10: 0000006f j 10 <loop_pass>
Disassembly of section .tohost:
00000080 <tohost>:
000000c0 <fromhost>:
Disassembly of section .riscv.attributes:
00000000 <.riscv.attributes>:
0: 1941 addi s2,s2,-16
2: 0000 unimp
4: 7200 flw fs0,32(a2)
6: 7369 lui t1,0xffffa
8: 01007663 bgeu zero,a6,14 <loop_pass+0x4>
c: 0000000f fence unknown,unknown
10: 7205 lui tp,0xfffe1
12: 3376 fld ft6,376(sp)
14: 6932 flw fs2,12(sp)
16: 7032 flw ft0,44(sp)
18: 0030 addi a2,sp,8