
126 lines
4.0 KiB

D:/gitee/open/tinyriscv/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ECALL-01.elf: file format elf32-littleriscv
Disassembly of section .text.init:
00000000 <_start>:
0: 04c0006f j 4c <reset_vector>
00000004 <trap_vector>:
4: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause
8: 00800f93 li t6,8
c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,40 <write_tohost>
10: 00900f93 li t6,9
14: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,40 <write_tohost>
18: 00b00f93 li t6,11
1c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,40 <write_tohost>
20: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0
24: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start>
28: 000f0463 beqz t5,30 <trap_vector+0x2c>
2c: 000f0067 jr t5
30: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause
34: 000f5463 bgez t5,3c <handle_exception>
38: 0040006f j 3c <handle_exception>
0000003c <handle_exception>:
3c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337
00000040 <write_tohost>:
40: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1
44: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 1000 <tohost>
48: ff9ff06f j 40 <write_tohost>
0000004c <reset_vector>:
4c: 00000193 li gp,0
50: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0
54: fb428293 addi t0,t0,-76 # 4 <trap_vector>
58: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0
5c: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0
60: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0
64: 02028293 addi t0,t0,32 # 80 <begin_testcode>
68: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0
6c: 00000293 li t0,0
70: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000
74: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c>
78: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1)
7c: 30200073 mret
00000080 <begin_testcode>:
80: 00000097 auipc ra,0x0
84: 02c08093 addi ra,ra,44 # ac <_trap_handler>
88: 30509ff3 csrrw t6,mtvec,ra
8c: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2
90: f7408093 addi ra,ra,-140 # 2000 <begin_signature>
94: 11111137 lui sp,0x11111
98: 11110113 addi sp,sp,273 # 11111111 <_end+0x1110ef0d>
9c: 00000073 ecall
a0: 0000a023 sw zero,0(ra)
a4: 305f9073 csrw mtvec,t6
a8: 0280006f j d0 <test_end>
000000ac <_trap_handler>:
ac: 34102f73 csrr t5,mepc
b0: 004f0f13 addi t5,t5,4
b4: 341f1073 csrw mepc,t5
b8: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause
bc: 01e0a023 sw t5,0(ra)
c0: 0020a223 sw sp,4(ra)
c4: 0000a423 sw zero,8(ra)
c8: 00c08093 addi ra,ra,12
cc: 30200073 mret
000000d0 <test_end>:
d0: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2
d4: f3028293 addi t0,t0,-208 # 2000 <begin_signature>
d8: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000
dc: 00830313 addi t1,t1,8 # 10000008 <_end+0xfffde04>
e0: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1)
e4: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2
e8: f2c28293 addi t0,t0,-212 # 2010 <end_signature>
ec: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000
f0: 00c30313 addi t1,t1,12 # 1000000c <_end+0xfffde08>
f4: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1)
f8: 00100293 li t0,1
fc: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000
100: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c>
104: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1)
108: 00000013 nop
10c: 00100193 li gp,1
110: 00000073 ecall
00000114 <end_testcode>:
114: c0001073 unimp
Disassembly of section .tohost:
00001000 <tohost>:
00001100 <fromhost>:
Disassembly of section .data:
00002000 <begin_signature>:
2000: ffff 0xffff
2002: ffff 0xffff
2004: ffff 0xffff
2006: ffff 0xffff
2008: ffff 0xffff
200a: ffff 0xffff
200c: ffff 0xffff
200e: ffff 0xffff
00002010 <end_signature>:
00002100 <begin_regstate>:
2100: 0080 addi s0,sp,64
00002200 <end_regstate>:
2200: 0004 0x4