
276 lines
9.6 KiB

generated/rv32ui-p-bltu: file format elf32-littleriscv
Disassembly of section .text.init:
00000000 <_start>:
0: 10005073 csrwi sstatus,0
00000004 <test_2>:
4: 00200193 li gp,2
8: 00000093 li ra,0
c: 00100113 li sp,1
10: 0020e663 bltu ra,sp,1c <test_2+0x18>
14: 2e301263 bne zero,gp,2f8 <fail>
18: 00301663 bne zero,gp,24 <test_3>
1c: fe20eee3 bltu ra,sp,18 <test_2+0x14>
20: 2c301c63 bne zero,gp,2f8 <fail>
00000024 <test_3>:
24: 00300193 li gp,3
28: ffe00093 li ra,-2
2c: fff00113 li sp,-1
30: 0020e663 bltu ra,sp,3c <test_3+0x18>
34: 2c301263 bne zero,gp,2f8 <fail>
38: 00301663 bne zero,gp,44 <test_4>
3c: fe20eee3 bltu ra,sp,38 <test_3+0x14>
40: 2a301c63 bne zero,gp,2f8 <fail>
00000044 <test_4>:
44: 00400193 li gp,4
48: 00000093 li ra,0
4c: fff00113 li sp,-1
50: 0020e663 bltu ra,sp,5c <test_4+0x18>
54: 2a301263 bne zero,gp,2f8 <fail>
58: 00301663 bne zero,gp,64 <test_5>
5c: fe20eee3 bltu ra,sp,58 <test_4+0x14>
60: 28301c63 bne zero,gp,2f8 <fail>
00000064 <test_5>:
64: 00500193 li gp,5
68: 00100093 li ra,1
6c: 00000113 li sp,0
70: 0020e463 bltu ra,sp,78 <test_5+0x14>
74: 00301463 bne zero,gp,7c <test_5+0x18>
78: 28301063 bne zero,gp,2f8 <fail>
7c: fe20eee3 bltu ra,sp,78 <test_5+0x14>
00000080 <test_6>:
80: 00600193 li gp,6
84: fff00093 li ra,-1
88: ffe00113 li sp,-2
8c: 0020e463 bltu ra,sp,94 <test_6+0x14>
90: 00301463 bne zero,gp,98 <test_6+0x18>
94: 26301263 bne zero,gp,2f8 <fail>
98: fe20eee3 bltu ra,sp,94 <test_6+0x14>
0000009c <test_7>:
9c: 00700193 li gp,7
a0: fff00093 li ra,-1
a4: 00000113 li sp,0
a8: 0020e463 bltu ra,sp,b0 <test_7+0x14>
ac: 00301463 bne zero,gp,b4 <test_7+0x18>
b0: 24301463 bne zero,gp,2f8 <fail>
b4: fe20eee3 bltu ra,sp,b0 <test_7+0x14>
000000b8 <test_8>:
b8: 00800193 li gp,8
bc: 800000b7 lui ra,0x80000
c0: 80000137 lui sp,0x80000
c4: fff10113 addi sp,sp,-1 # 7fffffff <begin_signature+0x7fffefff>
c8: 0020e463 bltu ra,sp,d0 <test_8+0x18>
cc: 00301463 bne zero,gp,d4 <test_8+0x1c>
d0: 22301463 bne zero,gp,2f8 <fail>
d4: fe20eee3 bltu ra,sp,d0 <test_8+0x18>
000000d8 <test_9>:
d8: 00900193 li gp,9
dc: 00000213 li tp,0
e0: f00000b7 lui ra,0xf0000
e4: f0000137 lui sp,0xf0000
e8: fff10113 addi sp,sp,-1 # efffffff <begin_signature+0xefffefff>
ec: 2020e663 bltu ra,sp,2f8 <fail>
f0: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
f4: 00200293 li t0,2
f8: fe5214e3 bne tp,t0,e0 <test_9+0x8>
000000fc <test_10>:
fc: 00a00193 li gp,10
100: 00000213 li tp,0
104: f00000b7 lui ra,0xf0000
108: f0000137 lui sp,0xf0000
10c: fff10113 addi sp,sp,-1 # efffffff <begin_signature+0xefffefff>
110: 00000013 nop
114: 1e20e263 bltu ra,sp,2f8 <fail>
118: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
11c: 00200293 li t0,2
120: fe5212e3 bne tp,t0,104 <test_10+0x8>
00000124 <test_11>:
124: 00b00193 li gp,11
128: 00000213 li tp,0
12c: f00000b7 lui ra,0xf0000
130: f0000137 lui sp,0xf0000
134: fff10113 addi sp,sp,-1 # efffffff <begin_signature+0xefffefff>
138: 00000013 nop
13c: 00000013 nop
140: 1a20ec63 bltu ra,sp,2f8 <fail>
144: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
148: 00200293 li t0,2
14c: fe5210e3 bne tp,t0,12c <test_11+0x8>
00000150 <test_12>:
150: 00c00193 li gp,12
154: 00000213 li tp,0
158: f00000b7 lui ra,0xf0000
15c: 00000013 nop
160: f0000137 lui sp,0xf0000
164: fff10113 addi sp,sp,-1 # efffffff <begin_signature+0xefffefff>
168: 1820e863 bltu ra,sp,2f8 <fail>
16c: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
170: 00200293 li t0,2
174: fe5212e3 bne tp,t0,158 <test_12+0x8>
00000178 <test_13>:
178: 00d00193 li gp,13
17c: 00000213 li tp,0
180: f00000b7 lui ra,0xf0000
184: 00000013 nop
188: f0000137 lui sp,0xf0000
18c: fff10113 addi sp,sp,-1 # efffffff <begin_signature+0xefffefff>
190: 00000013 nop
194: 1620e263 bltu ra,sp,2f8 <fail>
198: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
19c: 00200293 li t0,2
1a0: fe5210e3 bne tp,t0,180 <test_13+0x8>
000001a4 <test_14>:
1a4: 00e00193 li gp,14
1a8: 00000213 li tp,0
1ac: f00000b7 lui ra,0xf0000
1b0: 00000013 nop
1b4: 00000013 nop
1b8: f0000137 lui sp,0xf0000
1bc: fff10113 addi sp,sp,-1 # efffffff <begin_signature+0xefffefff>
1c0: 1220ec63 bltu ra,sp,2f8 <fail>
1c4: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
1c8: 00200293 li t0,2
1cc: fe5210e3 bne tp,t0,1ac <test_14+0x8>
000001d0 <test_15>:
1d0: 00f00193 li gp,15
1d4: 00000213 li tp,0
1d8: f00000b7 lui ra,0xf0000
1dc: f0000137 lui sp,0xf0000
1e0: fff10113 addi sp,sp,-1 # efffffff <begin_signature+0xefffefff>
1e4: 1020ea63 bltu ra,sp,2f8 <fail>
1e8: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
1ec: 00200293 li t0,2
1f0: fe5214e3 bne tp,t0,1d8 <test_15+0x8>
000001f4 <test_16>:
1f4: 01000193 li gp,16
1f8: 00000213 li tp,0
1fc: f00000b7 lui ra,0xf0000
200: f0000137 lui sp,0xf0000
204: fff10113 addi sp,sp,-1 # efffffff <begin_signature+0xefffefff>
208: 00000013 nop
20c: 0e20e663 bltu ra,sp,2f8 <fail>
210: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
214: 00200293 li t0,2
218: fe5212e3 bne tp,t0,1fc <test_16+0x8>
0000021c <test_17>:
21c: 01100193 li gp,17
220: 00000213 li tp,0
224: f00000b7 lui ra,0xf0000
228: f0000137 lui sp,0xf0000
22c: fff10113 addi sp,sp,-1 # efffffff <begin_signature+0xefffefff>
230: 00000013 nop
234: 00000013 nop
238: 0c20e063 bltu ra,sp,2f8 <fail>
23c: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
240: 00200293 li t0,2
244: fe5210e3 bne tp,t0,224 <test_17+0x8>
00000248 <test_18>:
248: 01200193 li gp,18
24c: 00000213 li tp,0
250: f00000b7 lui ra,0xf0000
254: 00000013 nop
258: f0000137 lui sp,0xf0000
25c: fff10113 addi sp,sp,-1 # efffffff <begin_signature+0xefffefff>
260: 0820ec63 bltu ra,sp,2f8 <fail>
264: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
268: 00200293 li t0,2
26c: fe5212e3 bne tp,t0,250 <test_18+0x8>
00000270 <test_19>:
270: 01300193 li gp,19
274: 00000213 li tp,0
278: f00000b7 lui ra,0xf0000
27c: 00000013 nop
280: f0000137 lui sp,0xf0000
284: fff10113 addi sp,sp,-1 # efffffff <begin_signature+0xefffefff>
288: 00000013 nop
28c: 0620e663 bltu ra,sp,2f8 <fail>
290: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
294: 00200293 li t0,2
298: fe5210e3 bne tp,t0,278 <test_19+0x8>
0000029c <test_20>:
29c: 01400193 li gp,20
2a0: 00000213 li tp,0
2a4: f00000b7 lui ra,0xf0000
2a8: 00000013 nop
2ac: 00000013 nop
2b0: f0000137 lui sp,0xf0000
2b4: fff10113 addi sp,sp,-1 # efffffff <begin_signature+0xefffefff>
2b8: 0420e063 bltu ra,sp,2f8 <fail>
2bc: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
2c0: 00200293 li t0,2
2c4: fe5210e3 bne tp,t0,2a4 <test_20+0x8>
000002c8 <test_21>:
2c8: 00100093 li ra,1
2cc: 00106a63 bltu zero,ra,2e0 <test_21+0x18>
2d0: 00108093 addi ra,ra,1 # f0000001 <begin_signature+0xeffff001>
2d4: 00108093 addi ra,ra,1
2d8: 00108093 addi ra,ra,1
2dc: 00108093 addi ra,ra,1
2e0: 00108093 addi ra,ra,1
2e4: 00108093 addi ra,ra,1
2e8: 00300e93 li t4,3
2ec: 01500193 li gp,21
2f0: 01d09463 bne ra,t4,2f8 <fail>
2f4: 00301663 bne zero,gp,300 <pass>
000002f8 <fail>:
2f8: 1000d073 csrwi sstatus,1
000002fc <loop_fail>:
2fc: 0000006f j 2fc <loop_fail>
00000300 <pass>:
300: 1001d073 csrwi sstatus,3
00000304 <loop_pass>:
304: 0000006f j 304 <loop_pass>
Disassembly of section .tohost:
00000380 <tohost>:
000003c0 <fromhost>:
Disassembly of section .riscv.attributes:
00000000 <.riscv.attributes>:
0: 1d41 addi s10,s10,-16
2: 0000 unimp
4: 7200 flw fs0,32(a2)
6: 7369 lui t1,0xffffa
8: 01007663 bgeu zero,a6,14 <test_2+0x10>
c: 00000013 nop
10: 7205 lui tp,0xfffe1
12: 3376 fld ft6,376(sp)
14: 6932 flw fs2,12(sp)
16: 7032 flw ft0,44(sp)
18: 0030 addi a2,sp,8
1a: 0108 addi a0,sp,128
1c: 0b0a slli s6,s6,0x2