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Copyright 2019 Blue Liang, liangkangnan@163.com
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
`include "defines.v"
// tinyriscv处理器核顶层模块
module tinyriscv_core(
input wire clk,
input wire rst_n,
output wire[31:0] dbus_addr_o,
input wire[31:0] dbus_data_i,
output wire[31:0] dbus_data_o,
output wire[3:0] dbus_sel_o,
output wire dbus_we_o,
output wire dbus_req_valid_o,
input wire dbus_req_ready_i,
input wire dbus_rsp_valid_i,
output wire dbus_rsp_ready_o,
output wire[31:0] ibus_addr_o, // 取指地址
input wire[31:0] ibus_data_i, // 取到的指令内容
output wire[31:0] ibus_data_o,
output wire[3:0] ibus_sel_o,
output wire ibus_we_o,
output wire ibus_req_valid_o,
input wire ibus_req_ready_i,
input wire ibus_rsp_valid_i,
output wire ibus_rsp_ready_o,
input wire jtag_halt_i,
input wire[`INT_WIDTH-1:0] int_i // 中断输入信号
// ifu模块输出信号
wire[31:0] ifetch_inst_o;
wire[31:0] ifetch_pc_o;
wire ifetch_inst_valid_o;
// ifu_idu模块输出信号
wire[31:0] if_inst_o;
wire[31:0] if_inst_addr_o;
wire[`INT_WIDTH-1:0] if_int_flag_o;
// idu模块输出信号
wire[31:0] id_inst_o;
wire[31:0] id_inst_addr_o;
wire[`DECINFO_WIDTH-1:0] id_dec_info_bus_o;
wire[31:0] id_dec_imm_o;
wire[31:0] id_dec_pc_o;
wire[4:0] id_rs1_raddr_o;
wire[4:0] id_rs2_raddr_o;
wire[4:0] id_rd_waddr_o;
wire id_rd_we_o;
wire id_stall_o;
wire[31:0] id_rs1_rdata_o;
wire[31:0] id_rs2_rdata_o;
// idu_exu模块输出信号
wire[31:0] ie_inst_o;
wire[31:0] ie_inst_addr_o;
wire[`DECINFO_WIDTH-1:0] ie_dec_info_bus_o;
wire[31:0] ie_dec_imm_o;
wire[31:0] ie_dec_pc_o;
wire[31:0] ie_rs1_rdata_o;
wire[31:0] ie_rs2_rdata_o;
wire[4:0] ie_rd_waddr_o;
wire ie_rd_we_o;
// exu模块输出信号
wire[31:0] ex_mem_wdata_o;
wire[31:0] ex_mem_addr_o;
wire ex_mem_we_o;
wire[3:0] ex_mem_sel_o;
wire ex_mem_req_valid_o;
wire ex_mem_rsp_ready_o;
wire ex_mem_access_misaligned_o;
wire[31:0] ex_reg_wdata_o;
wire ex_reg_we_o;
wire[4:0] ex_reg_waddr_o;
wire ex_hold_flag_o;
wire ex_jump_flag_o;
wire[31:0] ex_jump_addr_o;
wire[31:0] ex_csr_wdata_o;
wire ex_csr_we_o;
wire[31:0] ex_csr_waddr_o;
wire[31:0] ex_csr_raddr_o;
wire ex_inst_ecall_o;
wire ex_inst_ebreak_o;
wire ex_inst_mret_o;
// gpr_reg模块输出信号
wire[31:0] regs_rdata1_o;
wire[31:0] regs_rdata2_o;
// csr_reg模块输出信号
wire[31:0] csr_ex_data_o;
wire[31:0] csr_clint_data_o;
wire[31:0] csr_mtvec_o;
wire[31:0] csr_mepc_o;
wire[31:0] csr_mstatus_o;
// pipe_ctrl模块输出信号
wire[31:0] ctrl_flush_addr_o;
wire ctrl_flush_o;
wire[`STALL_WIDTH-1:0] ctrl_stall_o;
// clint模块输出信号
wire clint_csr_we_o;
wire[31:0] clint_csr_waddr_o;
wire[31:0] clint_csr_wdata_o;
wire clint_stall_flag_o;
wire[31:0] clint_int_addr_o;
wire clint_int_assert_o;
assign dbus_addr_o = ex_mem_addr_o;
assign dbus_data_o = ex_mem_wdata_o;
assign dbus_we_o = ex_mem_we_o;
assign dbus_sel_o = ex_mem_sel_o;
assign dbus_req_valid_o = ex_mem_req_valid_o;
assign dbus_rsp_ready_o = ex_mem_rsp_ready_o;
ifu u_ifu(
pipe_ctrl u_pipe_ctrl(
gpr_reg u_gpr_reg(
csr_reg u_csr_reg(
ifu_idu u_ifu_idu(
idu u_idu(
idu_exu u_idu_exu(
exu u_exu(
clint u_clint(