@ -29,6 +29,12 @@
`define ChipDisable 1'b0
`define ChipDisable 1'b0
`define JumpEnable 1'b1
`define JumpEnable 1'b1
`define JumpDisable 1'b0
`define JumpDisable 1'b0
`define DivResultNotReady 1'b0
`define DivResultReady 1'b1
`define DivStart 1'b1
`define DivStop 1'b0
`define HoldEnable 1'b1
`define HoldDisable 1'b0
// I type inst
// I type inst
`define INST_TYPE_I 7'b0010011
`define INST_TYPE_I 7'b0010011
@ -71,6 +77,10 @@
`define INST_MULH 3'b001
`define INST_MULH 3'b001
`define INST_MULHSU 3'b010
`define INST_MULHSU 3'b010
`define INST_MULHU 3'b011
`define INST_MULHU 3'b011
`define INST_DIV 3'b100
`define INST_DIVU 3'b101
`define INST_REM 3'b110
`define INST_REMU 3'b111
// J type inst
// J type inst
`define INST_JAL 7'b1101111
`define INST_JAL 7'b1101111
@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
`include "defines.v"
module div (
input wire clk,
input wire rst,
input wire[`RegBus] dividend_i,
input wire[`RegBus] divisor_i,
input wire start_i,
output reg[`DoubleRegBus] result_o,
output reg ready_o
parameter STATE_IDLE = 0;
parameter STATE_START = 1;
parameter STATE_REVERT = 2;
parameter STATE_END = 3;
reg[`RegBus] dividend_temp;
reg[`RegBus] divisor_temp;
reg[1:0] state;
reg[6:0] count;
reg[`RegBus] div_result;
reg[`RegBus] div_remain;
reg[`RegBus] minuend;
reg[`RegBus] divisor_zero_result;
always @ (posedge clk) begin
if (rst == `RstEnable) begin
state <= STATE_IDLE;
ready_o <= `DivResultNotReady;
result_o <= {`ZeroWord, `ZeroWord};
div_result <= `ZeroWord;
div_remain <= `ZeroWord;
divisor_zero_result <= ~32'b00000001 + 1'b1;
end else begin
case (state)
if (start_i == `DivStart) begin
if (divisor_i == `ZeroWord) begin
ready_o <= `DivResultReady;
result_o <= {`ZeroWord, divisor_zero_result};
end else begin
count <= 7'd31;
state <= STATE_START;
if (dividend_i[31] == 1'b1) begin
dividend_temp <= ~dividend_i + 1;
minuend <= ((~dividend_i + 1) >> 7'd31) & 1'b1;
end else begin
dividend_temp <= dividend_i;
minuend <= (dividend_i >> 7'd31) & 1'b1;
if (divisor_i[31] == 1'b1) begin
divisor_temp <= ~divisor_i + 1;
end else begin
divisor_temp <= divisor_i;
div_result <= `ZeroWord;
div_remain <= `ZeroWord;
end else begin
ready_o <= `DivResultNotReady;
result_o <= {`ZeroWord, `ZeroWord};
if (start_i == `DivStart) begin
if (count >= 7'd1) begin
if (minuend >= divisor_temp) begin
div_result <= (div_result << 1'b1) | 1'b1;
minuend <= ((minuend - divisor_temp) << 1'b1) | ((dividend_temp >> (count - 1'b1)) & 1'b1);
end else begin
div_result <= (div_result << 1'b1) | 1'b0;
minuend <= (minuend << 1'b1) | ((dividend_temp >> (count - 1'b1)) & 1'b1);
count <= count - 1'b1;
end else begin
state <= STATE_REVERT;
if (minuend >= divisor_temp) begin
div_result <= (div_result << 1'b1) | 1'b1;
div_remain <= minuend - divisor_temp;
end else begin
div_result <= (div_result << 1'b1) | 1'b0;
div_remain <= minuend;
end else begin
ready_o <= `DivResultReady;
result_o <= {`ZeroWord, `ZeroWord};
state <= STATE_IDLE;
if (start_i == `DivStart) begin
if (dividend_i[31] ^ divisor_i[31] == 1'b1) begin
div_result <= ~div_result + 1'b1;
if (((dividend_i[31] == 1'b1) && (div_remain >= 0)) || ((dividend_i[31] == 1'b0) && (div_remain < 0))) begin
div_remain <= ~div_remain + 1'b1;
state <= STATE_END;
end else begin
ready_o <= `DivResultReady;
result_o <= {`ZeroWord, `ZeroWord};
state <= STATE_IDLE;
STATE_END: begin
if (start_i == `DivStart) begin
ready_o <= `DivResultReady;
result_o <= {div_remain, div_result};
end else begin
state <= STATE_IDLE;
ready_o <= `DivResultNotReady;
@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ module ex (
input wire[`SramBus] inst_i, // inst content
input wire[`SramBus] inst_i, // inst content
input wire inst_valid_i,
input wire inst_valid_i,
input wire[`SramAddrBus] inst_addr_i, // inst addr
input wire[`SramAddrBus] inst_addr_i, // inst addr
input wire reg_we_i,
input wire[`RegAddrBus] reg_waddr_i,
// from regs
// from regs
input wire[`RegBus] reg1_rdata_i, // reg1 read data
input wire[`RegBus] reg1_rdata_i, // reg1 read data
@ -34,6 +36,10 @@ module ex (
// from sram
// from sram
input wire[`SramBus] sram_rdata_i, // ram read data
input wire[`SramBus] sram_rdata_i, // ram read data
// from div
input wire div_ready_i,
input wire[`DoubleRegBus] div_result_i,
// to sram
// to sram
output reg[`SramBus] sram_wdata_o, // ram write data
output reg[`SramBus] sram_wdata_o, // ram write data
output reg[`SramAddrBus] sram_raddr_o, // ram read addr
output reg[`SramAddrBus] sram_raddr_o, // ram read addr
@ -41,6 +47,17 @@ module ex (
// to regs
// to regs
output reg[`RegBus] reg_wdata_o, // reg write data
output reg[`RegBus] reg_wdata_o, // reg write data
output reg reg_we_o, // reg write enable
output reg[`RegAddrBus] reg_waddr_o, // reg write addr
// to div
output reg[`RegBus] div_dividend_o,
output reg[`RegBus] div_divisor_o,
output reg div_start_o,
// to pc_reg
output reg hold_flag_o,
output reg[`RegBus] hold_addr_o,
// to pc_reg
// to pc_reg
output reg jump_flag_o, // if jump or not flag
output reg jump_flag_o, // if jump or not flag
@ -59,10 +76,16 @@ module ex (
wire[`DoubleRegBus] mulhsu_temp_invert;
wire[`DoubleRegBus] mulhsu_temp_invert;
wire[`RegBus] op1_mul;
wire[`RegBus] op1_mul;
wire[`RegBus] op2_mul;
wire[`RegBus] op2_mul;
reg div_starting;
reg is_jumping;
reg div_reg_we;
reg[4:0] div_rd_reg;
reg[2:0] div_funct3;
wire[6:0] opcode = inst_i[6:0];
wire[6:0] opcode = inst_i[6:0];
wire[2:0] funct3 = inst_i[14:12];
wire[2:0] funct3 = inst_i[14:12];
wire[6:0] funct7 = inst_i[31:25];
wire[6:0] funct7 = inst_i[31:25];
wire[4:0] rd = inst_i[11:7];
assign sign_extend_tmp = {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[31:20]};
assign sign_extend_tmp = {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[31:20]};
assign shift_bits = inst_i[24:20];
assign shift_bits = inst_i[24:20];
@ -79,13 +102,66 @@ module ex (
if (rst == `RstEnable) begin
if (rst == `RstEnable) begin
sram_raddr_o <= `ZeroWord;
sram_raddr_o <= `ZeroWord;
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
hold_flag_o <= `HoldDisable;
sram_raddr_index <= 2'b0;
sram_raddr_index <= 2'b0;
sram_waddr_index <= 2'b0;
sram_waddr_index <= 2'b0;
div_starting <= `DivStop;
is_jumping <= `False;
div_reg_we <= `WriteDisable;
div_start_o <= `DivStop;
always @ (*) begin
always @ (*) begin
if (inst_valid_i == `InstValid) begin
div_dividend_o <= reg1_rdata_i;
div_divisor_o <= reg2_rdata_i;
always @ (*) begin
reg_we_o <= reg_we_i | div_reg_we;
always @ (*) begin
if ((is_jumping == `False) && (div_starting == `DivStart)) begin
if (div_ready_i == `DivResultReady) begin
case (div_funct3)
`INST_DIV: begin
div_reg_we <= `WriteEnable;
reg_waddr_o <= div_rd_reg;
reg_wdata_o <= div_result_i[31:0];
div_starting <= `DivStop;
div_start_o <= `DivStop;
hold_flag_o <= `HoldDisable;
`INST_DIVU: begin
div_reg_we <= `WriteEnable;
reg_waddr_o <= div_rd_reg;
reg_wdata_o <= div_result_i[31:0];
div_starting <= `DivStop;
div_start_o <= `DivStop;
hold_flag_o <= `HoldDisable;
`INST_REM: begin
div_reg_we <= `WriteEnable;
reg_waddr_o <= div_rd_reg;
reg_wdata_o <= div_result_i[63:32];
div_starting <= `DivStop;
div_start_o <= `DivStop;
hold_flag_o <= `HoldDisable;
`INST_REMU: begin
div_reg_we <= `WriteEnable;
reg_waddr_o <= div_rd_reg;
reg_wdata_o <= div_result_i[63:32];
div_starting <= `DivStop;
div_start_o <= `DivStop;
hold_flag_o <= `HoldDisable;
end else if (inst_valid_i == `InstValid) begin
div_reg_we <= `WriteDisable;
reg_waddr_o <= reg_waddr_i;
case (opcode)
case (opcode)
`INST_TYPE_I: begin
`INST_TYPE_I: begin
case (funct3)
case (funct3)
@ -265,6 +341,42 @@ module ex (
reg_wdata_o <= mulhsu_temp[63:32];
reg_wdata_o <= mulhsu_temp[63:32];
`INST_DIV: begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
hold_flag_o <= `HoldEnable;
div_start_o <= `DivStart;
div_starting <= `DivStart;
div_rd_reg <= rd;
div_funct3 <= funct3;
hold_addr_o <= inst_addr_i + 4'h4;
`INST_DIVU: begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
hold_flag_o <= `HoldEnable;
div_start_o <= `DivStart;
div_starting <= `DivStart;
div_rd_reg <= rd;
div_funct3 <= funct3;
hold_addr_o <= inst_addr_i + 4'h4;
`INST_REM: begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
hold_flag_o <= `HoldEnable;
div_start_o <= `DivStart;
div_starting <= `DivStart;
div_rd_reg <= rd;
div_funct3 <= funct3;
hold_addr_o <= inst_addr_i + 4'h4;
`INST_REMU: begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
hold_flag_o <= `HoldEnable;
div_start_o <= `DivStart;
div_starting <= `DivStart;
div_rd_reg <= rd;
div_funct3 <= funct3;
hold_addr_o <= inst_addr_i + 4'h4;
@ -323,6 +435,7 @@ module ex (
`INST_BEQ: begin
`INST_BEQ: begin
if (reg1_rdata_i == reg2_rdata_i) begin
if (reg1_rdata_i == reg2_rdata_i) begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpEnable;
jump_flag_o <= `JumpEnable;
is_jumping <= `True;
jump_addr_o <= inst_addr_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[7], inst_i[30:25], inst_i[11:8], 1'b0};
jump_addr_o <= inst_addr_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[7], inst_i[30:25], inst_i[11:8], 1'b0};
end else begin
end else begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
@ -331,6 +444,7 @@ module ex (
`INST_BNE: begin
`INST_BNE: begin
if (reg1_rdata_i != reg2_rdata_i) begin
if (reg1_rdata_i != reg2_rdata_i) begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpEnable;
jump_flag_o <= `JumpEnable;
is_jumping <= `True;
jump_addr_o <= inst_addr_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[7], inst_i[30:25], inst_i[11:8], 1'b0};
jump_addr_o <= inst_addr_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[7], inst_i[30:25], inst_i[11:8], 1'b0};
end else begin
end else begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
@ -339,12 +453,14 @@ module ex (
`INST_BLT: begin
`INST_BLT: begin
if (reg1_rdata_i[31] == 1'b1 && reg2_rdata_i[31] == 1'b0) begin
if (reg1_rdata_i[31] == 1'b1 && reg2_rdata_i[31] == 1'b0) begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpEnable;
jump_flag_o <= `JumpEnable;
is_jumping <= `True;
jump_addr_o <= inst_addr_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[7], inst_i[30:25], inst_i[11:8], 1'b0};
jump_addr_o <= inst_addr_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[7], inst_i[30:25], inst_i[11:8], 1'b0};
end else if (reg1_rdata_i[31] == 1'b1 && reg2_rdata_i[31] == 1'b1) begin
end else if (reg1_rdata_i[31] == 1'b1 && reg2_rdata_i[31] == 1'b1) begin
if (reg1_rdata_i >= reg2_rdata_i) begin
if (reg1_rdata_i >= reg2_rdata_i) begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
end else begin
end else begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpEnable;
jump_flag_o <= `JumpEnable;
is_jumping <= `True;
jump_addr_o <= inst_addr_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[7], inst_i[30:25], inst_i[11:8], 1'b0};
jump_addr_o <= inst_addr_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[7], inst_i[30:25], inst_i[11:8], 1'b0};
end else if (reg1_rdata_i[31] == 1'b0 && reg2_rdata_i[31] == 1'b0) begin
end else if (reg1_rdata_i[31] == 1'b0 && reg2_rdata_i[31] == 1'b0) begin
@ -352,6 +468,7 @@ module ex (
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
end else begin
end else begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpEnable;
jump_flag_o <= `JumpEnable;
is_jumping <= `True;
jump_addr_o <= inst_addr_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[7], inst_i[30:25], inst_i[11:8], 1'b0};
jump_addr_o <= inst_addr_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[7], inst_i[30:25], inst_i[11:8], 1'b0};
end else begin
end else begin
@ -361,12 +478,14 @@ module ex (
`INST_BGE: begin
`INST_BGE: begin
if (reg1_rdata_i[31] == 1'b0 && reg2_rdata_i[31] == 1'b1) begin
if (reg1_rdata_i[31] == 1'b0 && reg2_rdata_i[31] == 1'b1) begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpEnable;
jump_flag_o <= `JumpEnable;
is_jumping <= `True;
jump_addr_o <= inst_addr_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[7], inst_i[30:25], inst_i[11:8], 1'b0};
jump_addr_o <= inst_addr_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[7], inst_i[30:25], inst_i[11:8], 1'b0};
end else if (reg1_rdata_i[31] == 1'b1 && reg2_rdata_i[31] == 1'b1) begin
end else if (reg1_rdata_i[31] == 1'b1 && reg2_rdata_i[31] == 1'b1) begin
if (reg1_rdata_i < reg2_rdata_i) begin
if (reg1_rdata_i < reg2_rdata_i) begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
end else begin
end else begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpEnable;
jump_flag_o <= `JumpEnable;
is_jumping <= `True;
jump_addr_o <= inst_addr_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[7], inst_i[30:25], inst_i[11:8], 1'b0};
jump_addr_o <= inst_addr_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[7], inst_i[30:25], inst_i[11:8], 1'b0};
end else if (reg1_rdata_i[31] == 1'b0 && reg2_rdata_i[31] == 1'b0) begin
end else if (reg1_rdata_i[31] == 1'b0 && reg2_rdata_i[31] == 1'b0) begin
@ -374,6 +493,7 @@ module ex (
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
end else begin
end else begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpEnable;
jump_flag_o <= `JumpEnable;
is_jumping <= `True;
jump_addr_o <= inst_addr_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[7], inst_i[30:25], inst_i[11:8], 1'b0};
jump_addr_o <= inst_addr_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[7], inst_i[30:25], inst_i[11:8], 1'b0};
end else begin
end else begin
@ -388,6 +508,7 @@ module ex (
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
end else begin
end else begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpEnable;
jump_flag_o <= `JumpEnable;
is_jumping <= `True;
jump_addr_o <= inst_addr_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[7], inst_i[30:25], inst_i[11:8], 1'b0};
jump_addr_o <= inst_addr_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[7], inst_i[30:25], inst_i[11:8], 1'b0};
end else if (reg1_rdata_i[31] == 1'b0 && reg2_rdata_i[31] == 1'b0) begin
end else if (reg1_rdata_i[31] == 1'b0 && reg2_rdata_i[31] == 1'b0) begin
@ -395,10 +516,12 @@ module ex (
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
end else begin
end else begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpEnable;
jump_flag_o <= `JumpEnable;
is_jumping <= `True;
jump_addr_o <= inst_addr_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[7], inst_i[30:25], inst_i[11:8], 1'b0};
jump_addr_o <= inst_addr_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[7], inst_i[30:25], inst_i[11:8], 1'b0};
end else begin
end else begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpEnable;
jump_flag_o <= `JumpEnable;
is_jumping <= `True;
jump_addr_o <= inst_addr_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[7], inst_i[30:25], inst_i[11:8], 1'b0};
jump_addr_o <= inst_addr_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[7], inst_i[30:25], inst_i[11:8], 1'b0};
@ -410,6 +533,7 @@ module ex (
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
end else begin
end else begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpEnable;
jump_flag_o <= `JumpEnable;
is_jumping <= `True;
jump_addr_o <= inst_addr_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[7], inst_i[30:25], inst_i[11:8], 1'b0};
jump_addr_o <= inst_addr_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[7], inst_i[30:25], inst_i[11:8], 1'b0};
end else if (reg1_rdata_i[31] == 1'b0 && reg2_rdata_i[31] == 1'b0) begin
end else if (reg1_rdata_i[31] == 1'b0 && reg2_rdata_i[31] == 1'b0) begin
@ -417,10 +541,12 @@ module ex (
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
end else begin
end else begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpEnable;
jump_flag_o <= `JumpEnable;
is_jumping <= `True;
jump_addr_o <= inst_addr_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[7], inst_i[30:25], inst_i[11:8], 1'b0};
jump_addr_o <= inst_addr_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[7], inst_i[30:25], inst_i[11:8], 1'b0};
end else begin
end else begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpEnable;
jump_flag_o <= `JumpEnable;
is_jumping <= `True;
jump_addr_o <= inst_addr_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[7], inst_i[30:25], inst_i[11:8], 1'b0};
jump_addr_o <= inst_addr_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[7], inst_i[30:25], inst_i[11:8], 1'b0};
@ -428,11 +554,13 @@ module ex (
`INST_JAL: begin
`INST_JAL: begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpEnable;
jump_flag_o <= `JumpEnable;
is_jumping <= `True;
jump_addr_o <= inst_addr_i + {{12{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[19:12], inst_i[20], inst_i[30:21], 1'b0};
jump_addr_o <= inst_addr_i + {{12{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[19:12], inst_i[20], inst_i[30:21], 1'b0};
reg_wdata_o <= inst_addr_i + 4'h4;
reg_wdata_o <= inst_addr_i + 4'h4;
`INST_JALR: begin
`INST_JALR: begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpEnable;
jump_flag_o <= `JumpEnable;
is_jumping <= `True;
jump_addr_o <= (reg1_rdata_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[31:20]}) & (32'hfffffffe);
jump_addr_o <= (reg1_rdata_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[31:20]}) & (32'hfffffffe);
reg_wdata_o <= inst_addr_i + 4'h4;
reg_wdata_o <= inst_addr_i + 4'h4;
@ -446,9 +574,11 @@ module ex (
`INST_NOP: begin
`INST_NOP: begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
is_jumping <= `False;
`INST_FENCE: begin
`INST_FENCE: begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpEnable;
jump_flag_o <= `JumpEnable;
is_jumping <= `True;
jump_addr_o <= inst_addr_i + 4'h4;
jump_addr_o <= inst_addr_i + 4'h4;
default: begin
default: begin
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ module id (
input wire[`SramBus] inst_i, // inst content
input wire[`SramBus] inst_i, // inst content
input wire[`SramAddrBus] inst_addr_i, // inst addr
input wire[`SramAddrBus] inst_addr_i, // inst addr
input wire jump_flag_ex_i,
input wire jump_flag_ex_i,
input wire hold_flag_ex_i,
// to regs
// to regs
output reg reg1_re_o, // reg1 read enable
output reg reg1_re_o, // reg1 read enable
@ -66,6 +67,11 @@ module id (
sram_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
sram_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
reg_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
reg_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
inst_o <= `INST_NOP;
inst_o <= `INST_NOP;
end else if (hold_flag_ex_i == `HoldEnable) begin
inst_valid_o <= `InstValid;
sram_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
reg_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
inst_o <= `INST_NOP;
end else begin
end else begin
inst_o <= inst_i;
inst_o <= inst_i;
inst_addr_o <= inst_addr_i;
inst_addr_o <= inst_addr_i;
@ -271,6 +277,46 @@ module id (
reg2_raddr_o <= rs2;
reg2_raddr_o <= rs2;
sram_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
sram_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
`INST_DIV: begin
inst_valid_o <= `InstValid;
reg_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
reg_waddr_o <= rd;
reg1_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
reg1_raddr_o <= rs1;
reg2_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
reg2_raddr_o <= rs2;
sram_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
`INST_DIVU: begin
inst_valid_o <= `InstValid;
reg_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
reg_waddr_o <= rd;
reg1_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
reg1_raddr_o <= rs1;
reg2_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
reg2_raddr_o <= rs2;
sram_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
`INST_REM: begin
inst_valid_o <= `InstValid;
reg_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
reg_waddr_o <= rd;
reg1_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
reg1_raddr_o <= rs1;
reg2_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
reg2_raddr_o <= rs2;
sram_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
`INST_REMU: begin
inst_valid_o <= `InstValid;
reg_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
reg_waddr_o <= rd;
reg1_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
reg1_raddr_o <= rs1;
reg2_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
reg2_raddr_o <= rs2;
sram_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
default: begin
default: begin
inst_valid_o <= `InstInvalid;
inst_valid_o <= `InstInvalid;
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ module if_id (
input wire[`SramAddrBus] inst_addr_i, // inst addr
input wire[`SramAddrBus] inst_addr_i, // inst addr
input wire jump_flag_ex_i,
input wire jump_flag_ex_i,
input wire hold_flag_ex_i,
output reg[`SramBus] inst_o,
output reg[`SramBus] inst_o,
output reg[`SramAddrBus] inst_addr_o
output reg[`SramAddrBus] inst_addr_o
@ -39,6 +40,9 @@ module if_id (
end else if (jump_flag_ex_i == `JumpEnable) begin
end else if (jump_flag_ex_i == `JumpEnable) begin
inst_o <= `INST_NOP;
inst_o <= `INST_NOP;
inst_addr_o <= `ZeroWord;
inst_addr_o <= `ZeroWord;
end else if (hold_flag_ex_i == `HoldEnable) begin
inst_o <= `INST_NOP;
inst_addr_o <= `ZeroWord;
end else begin
end else begin
inst_o <= inst_i;
inst_o <= inst_i;
inst_addr_o <= inst_addr_i;
inst_addr_o <= inst_addr_i;
@ -53,6 +53,13 @@ module openriscv_core (
wire[`SramAddrBus] ex_sram_waddr_o;
wire[`SramAddrBus] ex_sram_waddr_o;
wire ex_jump_flag_o;
wire ex_jump_flag_o;
wire[`RegBus] ex_jump_addr_o;
wire[`RegBus] ex_jump_addr_o;
wire[`RegBus] ex_div_dividend_o;
wire[`RegBus] ex_div_divisor_o;
wire ex_div_start_o;
wire ex_hold_flag_o;
wire[`RegBus] ex_hold_addr_o;
wire ex_reg_we_o;
wire[`RegAddrBus] ex_reg_waddr_o;
// regs
// regs
wire[`RegBus] regs_rdata1_o;
wire[`RegBus] regs_rdata1_o;
@ -62,6 +69,10 @@ module openriscv_core (
wire[`SramBus] ram_pc_rdata_o;
wire[`SramBus] ram_pc_rdata_o;
wire[`SramBus] ram_ex_rdata_o;
wire[`SramBus] ram_ex_rdata_o;
// div
wire[`DoubleRegBus] div_result_o;
wire div_ready_o;
sim_ram u_sim_ram(
sim_ram u_sim_ram(
@ -81,6 +92,8 @@ module openriscv_core (
@ -88,8 +101,8 @@ module openriscv_core (
regs u_regs(
regs u_regs(
@ -106,7 +119,8 @@ module openriscv_core (
id u_id(
id u_id(
@ -116,6 +130,7 @@ module openriscv_core (
@ -134,15 +149,36 @@ module openriscv_core (
div u_div(
@ -25,6 +25,9 @@ module pc_reg (
input wire jump_flag_ex_i,
input wire jump_flag_ex_i,
input wire[`RegBus] jump_addr_ex_i,
input wire[`RegBus] jump_addr_ex_i,
input wire hold_flag_ex_i,
input wire[`RegBus] hold_addr_ex_i,
output reg[`SramAddrBus] pc_o,
output reg[`SramAddrBus] pc_o,
output reg re_o
output reg re_o
@ -39,6 +42,9 @@ module pc_reg (
end else if (jump_flag_ex_i == `JumpEnable) begin
end else if (jump_flag_ex_i == `JumpEnable) begin
pc_o <= jump_addr_ex_i;
pc_o <= jump_addr_ex_i;
offset <= jump_addr_ex_i + 4'h4;
offset <= jump_addr_ex_i + 4'h4;
end else if (hold_flag_ex_i == `HoldEnable) begin
pc_o <= hold_addr_ex_i;
offset <= hold_addr_ex_i;
end else begin
end else begin
pc_o <= offset;
pc_o <= offset;
offset <= offset + 4'h4;
offset <= offset + 4'h4;
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ module openriscv_core_tb;
// sim timeout
// sim timeout
initial begin
initial begin
$display("Time Out.");
$display("Time Out.");
@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
iverilog -s openriscv_core_tb -o out.vvp -I ..\rtl openriscv_core_tb.v ..\rtl\defines.v ..\rtl\ex.v ..\rtl\id.v ..\rtl\openriscv_core.v ..\rtl\pc_reg.v ..\rtl\regs.v ..\rtl\sim_ram.v ..\rtl\if_id.v
iverilog -s openriscv_core_tb -o out.vvp -I ..\rtl openriscv_core_tb.v ..\rtl\defines.v ..\rtl\ex.v ..\rtl\id.v ..\rtl\openriscv_core.v ..\rtl\pc_reg.v ..\rtl\regs.v ..\rtl\sim_ram.v ..\rtl\if_id.v ..\rtl\div.v
vvp out.vvp
vvp out.vvp
@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
..\tools\BinToMem_CLI.exe %1 %2
..\tools\BinToMem_CLI.exe %1 %2
iverilog -s openriscv_core_tb -o out.vvp -I ..\rtl openriscv_core_tb.v ..\rtl\defines.v ..\rtl\ex.v ..\rtl\id.v ..\rtl\openriscv_core.v ..\rtl\pc_reg.v ..\rtl\regs.v ..\rtl\sim_ram.v ..\rtl\if_id.v
iverilog -s openriscv_core_tb -o out.vvp -I ..\rtl openriscv_core_tb.v ..\rtl\defines.v ..\rtl\ex.v ..\rtl\id.v ..\rtl\openriscv_core.v ..\rtl\pc_reg.v ..\rtl\regs.v ..\rtl\sim_ram.v ..\rtl\if_id.v ..\rtl\div.v
vvp out.vvp
vvp out.vvp
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
generated/rv32um-p-div: file format elf32-littleriscv
Disassembly of section .text.init:
00000000 <_start>:
0: 00000d13 li s10,0
4: 00000d93 li s11,0
00000008 <test_2>:
8: 01400093 li ra,20
c: 00600113 li sp,6
10: 0220cf33 div t5,ra,sp
14: 00300e93 li t4,3
18: 00200193 li gp,2
1c: 0ddf1463 bne t5,t4,e4 <fail>
00000020 <test_3>:
20: fec00093 li ra,-20
24: 00600113 li sp,6
28: 0220cf33 div t5,ra,sp
2c: ffd00e93 li t4,-3
30: 00300193 li gp,3
34: 0bdf1863 bne t5,t4,e4 <fail>
00000038 <test_4>:
38: 01400093 li ra,20
3c: ffa00113 li sp,-6
40: 0220cf33 div t5,ra,sp
44: ffd00e93 li t4,-3
48: 00400193 li gp,4
4c: 09df1c63 bne t5,t4,e4 <fail>
00000050 <test_5>:
50: fec00093 li ra,-20
54: ffa00113 li sp,-6
58: 0220cf33 div t5,ra,sp
5c: 00300e93 li t4,3
60: 00500193 li gp,5
64: 09df1063 bne t5,t4,e4 <fail>
00000068 <test_6>:
68: 00000093 li ra,0
6c: 00100113 li sp,1
70: 0220cf33 div t5,ra,sp
74: 00000e93 li t4,0
78: 00600193 li gp,6
7c: 07df1463 bne t5,t4,e4 <fail>
00000080 <test_7>:
80: 00000093 li ra,0
84: fff00113 li sp,-1
88: 0220cf33 div t5,ra,sp
8c: 00000e93 li t4,0
90: 00700193 li gp,7
94: 05df1863 bne t5,t4,e4 <fail>
00000098 <test_8>:
98: 00000093 li ra,0
9c: 00000113 li sp,0
a0: 0220cf33 div t5,ra,sp
a4: fff00e93 li t4,-1
a8: 00800193 li gp,8
ac: 03df1c63 bne t5,t4,e4 <fail>
000000b0 <test_9>:
b0: 00100093 li ra,1
b4: 00000113 li sp,0
b8: 0220cf33 div t5,ra,sp
bc: fff00e93 li t4,-1
c0: 00900193 li gp,9
c4: 03df1063 bne t5,t4,e4 <fail>
000000c8 <test_10>:
c8: 00000093 li ra,0
cc: 00000113 li sp,0
d0: 0220cf33 div t5,ra,sp
d4: fff00e93 li t4,-1
d8: 00a00193 li gp,10
dc: 01df1463 bne t5,t4,e4 <fail>
e0: 00301863 bne zero,gp,f0 <pass>
000000e4 <fail>:
e4: 00100d13 li s10,1
e8: 00000d93 li s11,0
000000ec <loop_fail>:
ec: 0000006f j ec <loop_fail>
000000f0 <pass>:
f0: 00100d13 li s10,1
f4: 00100d93 li s11,1
000000f8 <loop_pass>:
f8: 0000006f j f8 <loop_pass>
Disassembly of section .tohost:
00000140 <tohost>:
00000180 <fromhost>:
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
13 0D 00 00 93 0D 00 00 93 00 40 01 13 01 60 00
33 CF 20 02 93 0E 30 00 93 01 20 00 63 14 DF 0D
93 00 C0 FE 13 01 60 00 33 CF 20 02 93 0E D0 FF
93 01 30 00 63 18 DF 0B 93 00 40 01 13 01 A0 FF
33 CF 20 02 93 0E D0 FF 93 01 40 00 63 1C DF 09
93 00 C0 FE 13 01 A0 FF 33 CF 20 02 93 0E 30 00
93 01 50 00 63 10 DF 09 93 00 00 00 13 01 10 00
33 CF 20 02 93 0E 00 00 93 01 60 00 63 14 DF 07
93 00 00 00 13 01 F0 FF 33 CF 20 02 93 0E 00 00
93 01 70 00 63 18 DF 05 93 00 00 00 13 01 00 00
33 CF 20 02 93 0E F0 FF 93 01 80 00 63 1C DF 03
93 00 10 00 13 01 00 00 33 CF 20 02 93 0E F0 FF
93 01 90 00 63 10 DF 03 93 00 00 00 13 01 00 00
33 CF 20 02 93 0E F0 FF 93 01 A0 00 63 14 DF 01
63 18 30 00 13 0D 10 00 93 0D 00 00 6F 00 00 00
13 0D 10 00 93 0D 10 00 6F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
generated/rv32um-p-divu: file format elf32-littleriscv
Disassembly of section .text.init:
00000000 <_start>:
0: 00000d13 li s10,0
4: 00000d93 li s11,0
00000008 <test_2>:
8: 01400093 li ra,20
c: 00600113 li sp,6
10: 0220df33 divu t5,ra,sp
14: 00300e93 li t4,3
18: 00200193 li gp,2
1c: 0ddf1663 bne t5,t4,e8 <fail>
00000020 <test_3>:
20: fec00093 li ra,-20
24: 00600113 li sp,6
28: 0220df33 divu t5,ra,sp
2c: 2aaabeb7 lui t4,0x2aaab
30: aa7e8e93 addi t4,t4,-1369 # 2aaaaaa7 <begin_signature+0x2aaa9aa7>
34: 00300193 li gp,3
38: 0bdf1863 bne t5,t4,e8 <fail>
0000003c <test_4>:
3c: 01400093 li ra,20
40: ffa00113 li sp,-6
44: 0220df33 divu t5,ra,sp
48: 00000e93 li t4,0
4c: 00400193 li gp,4
50: 09df1c63 bne t5,t4,e8 <fail>
00000054 <test_5>:
54: fec00093 li ra,-20
58: ffa00113 li sp,-6
5c: 0220df33 divu t5,ra,sp
60: 00000e93 li t4,0
64: 00500193 li gp,5
68: 09df1063 bne t5,t4,e8 <fail>
0000006c <test_6>:
6c: 800000b7 lui ra,0x80000
70: 00100113 li sp,1
74: 0220df33 divu t5,ra,sp
78: 80000eb7 lui t4,0x80000
7c: 00600193 li gp,6
80: 07df1463 bne t5,t4,e8 <fail>
00000084 <test_7>:
84: 800000b7 lui ra,0x80000
88: fff00113 li sp,-1
8c: 0220df33 divu t5,ra,sp
90: 00000e93 li t4,0
94: 00700193 li gp,7
98: 05df1863 bne t5,t4,e8 <fail>
0000009c <test_8>:
9c: 800000b7 lui ra,0x80000
a0: 00000113 li sp,0
a4: 0220df33 divu t5,ra,sp
a8: fff00e93 li t4,-1
ac: 00800193 li gp,8
b0: 03df1c63 bne t5,t4,e8 <fail>
000000b4 <test_9>:
b4: 00100093 li ra,1
b8: 00000113 li sp,0
bc: 0220df33 divu t5,ra,sp
c0: fff00e93 li t4,-1
c4: 00900193 li gp,9
c8: 03df1063 bne t5,t4,e8 <fail>
000000cc <test_10>:
cc: 00000093 li ra,0
d0: 00000113 li sp,0
d4: 0220df33 divu t5,ra,sp
d8: fff00e93 li t4,-1
dc: 00a00193 li gp,10
e0: 01df1463 bne t5,t4,e8 <fail>
e4: 00301863 bne zero,gp,f4 <pass>
000000e8 <fail>:
e8: 00100d13 li s10,1
ec: 00000d93 li s11,0
000000f0 <loop_fail>:
f0: 0000006f j f0 <loop_fail>
000000f4 <pass>:
f4: 00100d13 li s10,1
f8: 00100d93 li s11,1
000000fc <loop_pass>:
fc: 0000006f j fc <loop_pass>
100: 0000 unimp
Disassembly of section .tohost:
00000140 <tohost>:
00000180 <fromhost>:
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
13 0D 00 00 93 0D 00 00 93 00 40 01 13 01 60 00
33 DF 20 02 93 0E 30 00 93 01 20 00 63 16 DF 0D
93 00 C0 FE 13 01 60 00 33 DF 20 02 B7 BE AA 2A
93 8E 7E AA 93 01 30 00 63 18 DF 0B 93 00 40 01
13 01 A0 FF 33 DF 20 02 93 0E 00 00 93 01 40 00
63 1C DF 09 93 00 C0 FE 13 01 A0 FF 33 DF 20 02
93 0E 00 00 93 01 50 00 63 10 DF 09 B7 00 00 80
13 01 10 00 33 DF 20 02 B7 0E 00 80 93 01 60 00
63 14 DF 07 B7 00 00 80 13 01 F0 FF 33 DF 20 02
93 0E 00 00 93 01 70 00 63 18 DF 05 B7 00 00 80
13 01 00 00 33 DF 20 02 93 0E F0 FF 93 01 80 00
63 1C DF 03 93 00 10 00 13 01 00 00 33 DF 20 02
93 0E F0 FF 93 01 90 00 63 10 DF 03 93 00 00 00
13 01 00 00 33 DF 20 02 93 0E F0 FF 93 01 A0 00
63 14 DF 01 63 18 30 00 13 0D 10 00 93 0D 00 00
6F 00 00 00 13 0D 10 00 93 0D 10 00 6F 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
generated/rv32um-p-rem: file format elf32-littleriscv
Disassembly of section .text.init:
00000000 <_start>:
0: 00000d13 li s10,0
4: 00000d93 li s11,0
00000008 <test_2>:
8: 01400093 li ra,20
c: 00600113 li sp,6
10: 0220ef33 rem t5,ra,sp
14: 00200e93 li t4,2
18: 00200193 li gp,2
1c: 0ddf1463 bne t5,t4,e4 <fail>
00000020 <test_3>:
20: fec00093 li ra,-20
24: 00600113 li sp,6
28: 0220ef33 rem t5,ra,sp
2c: ffe00e93 li t4,-2
30: 00300193 li gp,3
34: 0bdf1863 bne t5,t4,e4 <fail>
00000038 <test_4>:
38: 01400093 li ra,20
3c: ffa00113 li sp,-6
40: 0220ef33 rem t5,ra,sp
44: 00200e93 li t4,2
48: 00400193 li gp,4
4c: 09df1c63 bne t5,t4,e4 <fail>
00000050 <test_5>:
50: fec00093 li ra,-20
54: ffa00113 li sp,-6
58: 0220ef33 rem t5,ra,sp
5c: ffe00e93 li t4,-2
60: 00500193 li gp,5
64: 09df1063 bne t5,t4,e4 <fail>
00000068 <test_6>:
68: 00000093 li ra,0
6c: 00100113 li sp,1
70: 0220ef33 rem t5,ra,sp
74: 00000e93 li t4,0
78: 00600193 li gp,6
7c: 07df1463 bne t5,t4,e4 <fail>
00000080 <test_7>:
80: 00000093 li ra,0
84: fff00113 li sp,-1
88: 0220ef33 rem t5,ra,sp
8c: 00000e93 li t4,0
90: 00700193 li gp,7
94: 05df1863 bne t5,t4,e4 <fail>
00000098 <test_8>:
98: 00000093 li ra,0
9c: 00000113 li sp,0
a0: 0220ef33 rem t5,ra,sp
a4: 00000e93 li t4,0
a8: 00800193 li gp,8
ac: 03df1c63 bne t5,t4,e4 <fail>
000000b0 <test_9>:
b0: 00100093 li ra,1
b4: 00000113 li sp,0
b8: 0220ef33 rem t5,ra,sp
bc: 00100e93 li t4,1
c0: 00900193 li gp,9
c4: 03df1063 bne t5,t4,e4 <fail>
000000c8 <test_10>:
c8: 00000093 li ra,0
cc: 00000113 li sp,0
d0: 0220ef33 rem t5,ra,sp
d4: 00000e93 li t4,0
d8: 00a00193 li gp,10
dc: 01df1463 bne t5,t4,e4 <fail>
e0: 00301863 bne zero,gp,f0 <pass>
000000e4 <fail>:
e4: 00100d13 li s10,1
e8: 00000d93 li s11,0
000000ec <loop_fail>:
ec: 0000006f j ec <loop_fail>
000000f0 <pass>:
f0: 00100d13 li s10,1
f4: 00100d93 li s11,1
000000f8 <loop_pass>:
f8: 0000006f j f8 <loop_pass>
Disassembly of section .tohost:
00000140 <tohost>:
00000180 <fromhost>:
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
13 0D 00 00 93 0D 00 00 93 00 40 01 13 01 60 00
33 EF 20 02 93 0E 20 00 93 01 20 00 63 14 DF 0D
93 00 C0 FE 13 01 60 00 33 EF 20 02 93 0E E0 FF
93 01 30 00 63 18 DF 0B 93 00 40 01 13 01 A0 FF
33 EF 20 02 93 0E 20 00 93 01 40 00 63 1C DF 09
93 00 C0 FE 13 01 A0 FF 33 EF 20 02 93 0E E0 FF
93 01 50 00 63 10 DF 09 93 00 00 00 13 01 10 00
33 EF 20 02 93 0E 00 00 93 01 60 00 63 14 DF 07
93 00 00 00 13 01 F0 FF 33 EF 20 02 93 0E 00 00
93 01 70 00 63 18 DF 05 93 00 00 00 13 01 00 00
33 EF 20 02 93 0E 00 00 93 01 80 00 63 1C DF 03
93 00 10 00 13 01 00 00 33 EF 20 02 93 0E 10 00
93 01 90 00 63 10 DF 03 93 00 00 00 13 01 00 00
33 EF 20 02 93 0E 00 00 93 01 A0 00 63 14 DF 01
63 18 30 00 13 0D 10 00 93 0D 00 00 6F 00 00 00
13 0D 10 00 93 0D 10 00 6F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
generated/rv32um-p-remu: file format elf32-littleriscv
Disassembly of section .text.init:
00000000 <_start>:
0: 00000d13 li s10,0
4: 00000d93 li s11,0
00000008 <test_2>:
8: 01400093 li ra,20
c: 00600113 li sp,6
10: 0220ff33 remu t5,ra,sp
14: 00200e93 li t4,2
18: 00200193 li gp,2
1c: 0ddf1463 bne t5,t4,e4 <fail>
00000020 <test_3>:
20: fec00093 li ra,-20
24: 00600113 li sp,6
28: 0220ff33 remu t5,ra,sp
2c: 00200e93 li t4,2
30: 00300193 li gp,3
34: 0bdf1863 bne t5,t4,e4 <fail>
00000038 <test_4>:
38: 01400093 li ra,20
3c: ffa00113 li sp,-6
40: 0220ff33 remu t5,ra,sp
44: 01400e93 li t4,20
48: 00400193 li gp,4
4c: 09df1c63 bne t5,t4,e4 <fail>
00000050 <test_5>:
50: fec00093 li ra,-20
54: ffa00113 li sp,-6
58: 0220ff33 remu t5,ra,sp
5c: fec00e93 li t4,-20
60: 00500193 li gp,5
64: 09df1063 bne t5,t4,e4 <fail>
00000068 <test_6>:
68: 00000093 li ra,0
6c: 00100113 li sp,1
70: 0220ff33 remu t5,ra,sp
74: 00000e93 li t4,0
78: 00600193 li gp,6
7c: 07df1463 bne t5,t4,e4 <fail>
00000080 <test_7>:
80: 00000093 li ra,0
84: fff00113 li sp,-1
88: 0220ff33 remu t5,ra,sp
8c: 00000e93 li t4,0
90: 00700193 li gp,7
94: 05df1863 bne t5,t4,e4 <fail>
00000098 <test_8>:
98: 00000093 li ra,0
9c: 00000113 li sp,0
a0: 0220ff33 remu t5,ra,sp
a4: 00000e93 li t4,0
a8: 00800193 li gp,8
ac: 03df1c63 bne t5,t4,e4 <fail>
000000b0 <test_9>:
b0: 00100093 li ra,1
b4: 00000113 li sp,0
b8: 0220ff33 remu t5,ra,sp
bc: 00100e93 li t4,1
c0: 00900193 li gp,9
c4: 03df1063 bne t5,t4,e4 <fail>
000000c8 <test_10>:
c8: 00000093 li ra,0
cc: 00000113 li sp,0
d0: 0220ff33 remu t5,ra,sp
d4: 00000e93 li t4,0
d8: 00a00193 li gp,10
dc: 01df1463 bne t5,t4,e4 <fail>
e0: 00301863 bne zero,gp,f0 <pass>
000000e4 <fail>:
e4: 00100d13 li s10,1
e8: 00000d93 li s11,0
000000ec <loop_fail>:
ec: 0000006f j ec <loop_fail>
000000f0 <pass>:
f0: 00100d13 li s10,1
f4: 00100d93 li s11,1
000000f8 <loop_pass>:
f8: 0000006f j f8 <loop_pass>
Disassembly of section .tohost:
00000140 <tohost>:
00000180 <fromhost>:
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
13 0D 00 00 93 0D 00 00 93 00 40 01 13 01 60 00
33 FF 20 02 93 0E 20 00 93 01 20 00 63 14 DF 0D
93 00 C0 FE 13 01 60 00 33 FF 20 02 93 0E 20 00
93 01 30 00 63 18 DF 0B 93 00 40 01 13 01 A0 FF
33 FF 20 02 93 0E 40 01 93 01 40 00 63 1C DF 09
93 00 C0 FE 13 01 A0 FF 33 FF 20 02 93 0E C0 FE
93 01 50 00 63 10 DF 09 93 00 00 00 13 01 10 00
33 FF 20 02 93 0E 00 00 93 01 60 00 63 14 DF 07
93 00 00 00 13 01 F0 FF 33 FF 20 02 93 0E 00 00
93 01 70 00 63 18 DF 05 93 00 00 00 13 01 00 00
33 FF 20 02 93 0E 00 00 93 01 80 00 63 1C DF 03
93 00 10 00 13 01 00 00 33 FF 20 02 93 0E 10 00
93 01 90 00 63 10 DF 03 93 00 00 00 13 01 00 00
33 FF 20 02 93 0E 00 00 93 01 A0 00 63 14 DF 01
63 18 30 00 13 0D 10 00 93 0D 00 00 6F 00 00 00
13 0D 10 00 93 0D 10 00 6F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
rv32um_sc_tests = \
rv32um_sc_tests = \
mul mulh mulhsu mulhu \
mul mulh mulhsu mulhu \
div divu rem remu
rv32um_p_tests = $(addprefix rv32um-p-, $(rv32um_sc_tests))
rv32um_p_tests = $(addprefix rv32um-p-, $(rv32um_sc_tests))
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
# See LICENSE for license details.
# div.S
# Test div instruction.
#include "riscv_test.h"
#include "test_macros.h"
# Arithmetic tests
TEST_RR_OP( 2, div, 3, 20, 6 );
TEST_RR_OP( 3, div, -3, -20, 6 );
TEST_RR_OP( 4, div, -3, 20, -6 );
TEST_RR_OP( 5, div, 3, -20, -6 );
TEST_RR_OP( 6, div, -1<<63, -1<<63, 1 );
TEST_RR_OP( 7, div, -1<<63, -1<<63, -1 );
TEST_RR_OP( 8, div, -1, -1<<63, 0 );
TEST_RR_OP( 9, div, -1, 1, 0 );
TEST_RR_OP(10, div, -1, 0, 0 );
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
# See LICENSE for license details.
# divu.S
# Test divu instruction.
#include "riscv_test.h"
#include "test_macros.h"
# Arithmetic tests
TEST_RR_OP( 2, divu, 3, 20, 6 );
TEST_RR_OP( 3, divu, 715827879, -20, 6 );
TEST_RR_OP( 4, divu, 0, 20, -6 );
TEST_RR_OP( 5, divu, 0, -20, -6 );
TEST_RR_OP( 6, divu, -1<<31, -1<<31, 1 );
TEST_RR_OP( 7, divu, 0, -1<<31, -1 );
TEST_RR_OP( 8, divu, -1, -1<<31, 0 );
TEST_RR_OP( 9, divu, -1, 1, 0 );
TEST_RR_OP(10, divu, -1, 0, 0 );
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
# See LICENSE for license details.
# rem.S
# Test rem instruction.
#include "riscv_test.h"
#include "test_macros.h"
# Arithmetic tests
TEST_RR_OP( 2, rem, 2, 20, 6 );
TEST_RR_OP( 3, rem, -2, -20, 6 );
TEST_RR_OP( 4, rem, 2, 20, -6 );
TEST_RR_OP( 5, rem, -2, -20, -6 );
TEST_RR_OP( 6, rem, 0, -1<<63, 1 );
TEST_RR_OP( 7, rem, 0, -1<<63, -1 );
TEST_RR_OP( 8, rem, -1<<63, -1<<63, 0 );
TEST_RR_OP( 9, rem, 1, 1, 0 );
TEST_RR_OP(10, rem, 0, 0, 0 );
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
# See LICENSE for license details.
# remu.S
# Test remu instruction.
#include "riscv_test.h"
#include "test_macros.h"
# Arithmetic tests
TEST_RR_OP( 2, remu, 2, 20, 6 );
TEST_RR_OP( 3, remu, 2, -20, 6 );
TEST_RR_OP( 4, remu, 20, 20, -6 );
TEST_RR_OP( 5, remu, -20, -20, -6 );
TEST_RR_OP( 6, remu, 0, -1<<63, 1 );
TEST_RR_OP( 7, remu, -1<<63, -1<<63, -1 );
TEST_RR_OP( 8, remu, -1<<63, -1<<63, 0 );
TEST_RR_OP( 9, remu, 1, 1, 0 );
TEST_RR_OP(10, remu, 0, 0, 0 );
Reference in New Issue