diff --git a/tests/README.md b/tests/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..408058a --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +# 目录说明 + +example:包含C语言程序例程。 + +isa:旧的指令兼容性测试源码。RISC-V官方已经不更新了。 + +riscv-compliance:新的指令兼容性测试源码,RISC-V官方一直在更新。 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/COPYING.BSD b/tests/riscv-compliance/COPYING.BSD new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1d9da10 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/COPYING.BSD @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +Copyright (c) . All rights reserved. + +Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: + +1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. + +THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/COPYING.CC b/tests/riscv-compliance/COPYING.CC new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0fb847e --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/COPYING.CC @@ -0,0 +1,395 @@ +Attribution 4.0 International + +======================================================================= + +Creative Commons Corporation ("Creative Commons") is not a law firm and +does not provide legal services or legal advice. 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Only + tested riscvOVPsim and spike. + * fixed script bugs for spike as well + * renamed rv32i/I-IO.S to rv32i/I-IO-01.S along with necessary changes to the reference files + and Makefrag + * renamed mbadaddr csr to mtval as raised in issue #31 + * C.SWSP-01.S test updated to fix issue #37 + +2020-03-18 Neel Gala + * fixed doc/README.adoc with correct version to pass the sanity-check in the doc/Makefile + +2020-02-07 Prashanth Mundkur + * Support F extension on RV32 sail-riscv-c. + +2019-12-01 Allen Baum + * modified macro names to conformn to riscof naming convention of model specific vs. pre-defined + * add more complete list of macros, their uses, parameters, and whether they are required or optional + * minor structural changes (moving sentences, renumbering) and typo fixes + * clarified impact of debug macros + * clarified how SIGUPD and BASEUPD must be used + * remove section about test taxonomy, binary tests, emulated ops + * clarify/fix boundary between test target and framework responsibilities + (split test target into test target and test shell) + * remove To Be discussed items that have been discussed + * remove default case condition; if conditions are unchanged, part of same case + * minor grammatical changes related to the above + +2019-10-16 Allen Baum + * spec/TestFormatSpec.adoc: changed the format of the signature to fixed physical address size, fixed 32b data size extracted from COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN/END range. + + * more gramatical fixes, clarifications added + * added To Be Discussed items regarding emulated instruction and binary tests + +2019-09-11 Allen Baum + * spec/TestFormatSpec.adoc: more grammar and typo corrections and changes + clarified and added To Be Discussed issues + +2019-09-11 Allen Baum + * spec/TestFormatSpec.adoc: many grammar and typo corrections and changes + removed many "to Be Discussed items and made them official + Added wording to clarify spec intent (work in progress/goal rather than final) + Added macros to ease test authoring: RVTEST_SIGBASE, RVTEST_SIGUPDATE, RVTEST_CASE + Added detail on proposals for connection to framework (how framework selects tests). + Expanded definition of signature format + Changed the (proposed) directory structure and naming convention to eliminate ambiguities, add consistancy and slightly better match existing structure + Added many "future work" items related to the above + Added examples and comments to code examples to indicate how proposed macros would be used + * .gitignore: added condition to ignore Mac file system artifacts + + +2019-11-05 Lee Moore + * Restructured RV32I to move Zicsr and Zifencei into their own suites + +2019-10-14 Lee Moore + * Added Ability to run a single test by using the Make Variable RISCV_TEST + for example, to only run the test I-ADD-01 from the rv32i suite + make RISCV_ISA=rv32i RISCV_TEST=I-ADD-01 + * Added Top Level Variable to Makefile RISCV_TARGET_FLAGS, + in the case of the RISCV_TARGET this can be passed and appended to the invocation + commandline configuration, for example to pass a command line flag to the RISCV_TARGET + to perform tracing. The value of this flag will be target specific + make RISCV_ISA=rv32i RISCV_TEST=I-ADD-01 RISCV_TARGET_FLAGS="--trace" + This is has also been added to all other targets to allow target configuration from + the commandline + +2019-10-07 Philipp Wagner + * When executing the test suite, Ibex always writes an instruction + log. Update the Makefile to write it to a test-specific location + (next to all other log files). + * On Ibex, provide an additional .objdump-noalias disassembly file + with no aliases and numeric register names (instead of ABI names). + This file matches the Ibex trace and can be used to debug the test + runs. + +2019-08-29 Robert Balas + * Added support for using RI5CY as a target. + * Added subdirectory riscv-target/ri5cy + +2019-08-08 Lee Moore + * Added support for lowRISC/ibex RTL as a target using Verilator. + In conjunction with Philipp Wagner of lowRISC phw@lowrisc.org + +2019-07-18 Paul Donahue + * Fix typos/grammar and use correct architectural terms. + +2019-06-21 Ben Selfridge + * Added support for using the the GRIFT simulator as a target. + * Added subdirectory riscv-target/grift + * updated README.md and doc/README.adoc + +2019-05-23 Prashanth Mundkur + * Added support and instructions for using the C and OCaml simulators from the Sail RISC-V formal model as targets. + * added subdirectories riscv-target/sail-riscv-c and riscv-target/sail-riscv-ocaml + * updated README.md and doc/README.adoc + +2019-04-05 Allen Baum + * spec/TestFormatSpec.adoc: Adding details, minor corrections, ToBeDiscussed + items and clarifications to the specification of the future compliance test + suite. Also removing restrictions on having absolate addresses in signature + +2019-02-21 Lee Moore + * Fixed bug in RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ which was not preserving register t0 + * Corrected commit I-LUI-01.S, register target changed but missed assertion + +2019-02-21 Deborah Soung + * added RiscvFormalSpec as a target with its own unique environment + +2019-02-15 Radek Hajek + * updated rv32i tests to support all registers (x31) with assertions + * updated spec/TestFormatSpec.adoc example ISA test with new assertions + +2019-02-05 Deborah Soung + * [Issue #33] fixing rv32si/ma_fetch.S test + * [Issue #32] fixing breakpoint test + +2019-02-01 Lee Moore + * updated Infrastructure macros to support non-volatile registers + * updated riscvOVPsim + +2019-01-29 Deborah Soung + * Added Rocket Chip generated cores as a target + * riscv-target/rocket/compliance_io.h created + * riscv-target/rocket/compliance_test.h created + * riscv-target/rocket/*/Makefile.include created for existing test suites + * README.adoc updated with instructions for using Rocket cores as targets + +2019-01-22 Premysl Vaclavik + * feature: initial version of Compliance Test Format Specification + * This new document outlines how we should like the compliance + system to work going forward. By contrast the doc/README.adoc file + describes the current system as it is. + * Approved at Compliance TG meeting of 9 Jan 2019. + +2019-01-02 Radek Hajek + * unified macros in all compliance tests + +2018-12-20 Lee Moore + * fixed riscvOVPsim + +2018-11-22 Simon Davidmann + * added information on test suite status + +2018-11-21 Olof Kindgren + * Added support for using external target directories with $TARGETDIR + +2018-11-21 Neel Gala + * riscv-test-suite/rv_/references/_.reference_output: changed signature + format for all tests to include only 4-bytes per line starting with the + most significant byte on the left. + * riscv-target/spike/device/rv_/Makefile.include: Added a patch for + spike-device Makefiles where the old-signature format is post-processed + to generate a signature in the new format at the end of each test. + * riscv-target/riscvOVPsim/device/rv_/Makefile.include: same patch as above. + * Makefile: default target for Makefile is now to run all tests supported by + the target mentioned defined by RISCV_TARGET variable. + +2018-10-11 Simon Davidmann + * Ported github riscv/riscv-tests for RV32 processors to this compliance env + * rv32ua rv32uc rv32ud rv32uf rv32ud rv32ui + +2018-09-10 Lee Moore + * Added tests to RV32I to improve coverage, usage of Imperas Mutating Fault Simulator to + identify untested usage cases + * Macro renames to support GPR, (S)FPR, (D)FPR + * Added test suite RV32IM to test 32 bit Multiply and Divide instructions + * Added test suite RV32IMC to test 32 bit Compressed instructions + * Added test suite RV64I to test 64 bit Integer instructions + * Added test suite RV64IM to test 64 bit Multiply and Divide instructions + + +2018-06-15 Radek Hajek + + Modifications to support Codasip simulator. + + The simulator is renamed as Codasip-simulator (was + Codasip-IA-simulator), compliance_test.h has been moved to target + directories and a COMPILE_TARGET has been added to Makefile to + allow use of LLVM. + + * Makefile: Include Codasip simulator target. + * riscv-target/codasip-IA-simulator/compliance_io.h: Renamed as + riscv-target/Codasip-simulator/compliance_io.h. + * riscv-target/Codasip-simulator/compliance_io.h: Renamed from + riscv-target/codasip-IA-simulator/compliance_io. + * riscv-target/Codasip-simulator/compliance_test.h: Created. + * riscv-target/codasip-IA-simulator/device/rv32i/Makefile.include: + Renamed as + riscv-target/Codasip-simulator/device/rv32i/Makefile.include + * riscv-target/Codasip-simulator/device/rv32i/Makefile.include: + Renamed from + riscv-target/codasip-IA-simulator/device/rv32i/Makefile.include. + * riscv-test-env/compliance_test.h: Renamed as + riscv-target/riscvOVPsim/compliance_test.h. + * riscv-target/riscvOVPsim/compliance_test.h: Renamed from + riscv-test-env/compliance_test.h. + * riscv-target/riscvOVPsim/device/rv32i/Makefile.include: Updated + for new environment. + * riscv-target/spike/compliance_test.h: Created. + * riscv-target/spike/device/rv32i/Makefile.include: Updated for + new environment. + * riscv-test-suite/rv32i/Makefile: Likewise. + +2018-06-10 Jeremy Bennett + + Put placeholders in empty directories to make sure they show in + the GitHub hierarchy. + + * riscv-test-suite/rv32i/.gitignore: Created. + * riscv-test-suite/rv32m/.gitignore: Created. + +2018-06-10 Jeremy Bennett + + * README.md: Make references to files in the repo into links. + +2018-06-09 Jeremy Bennett + + * .gitignore: Ignore editor backup files. + +2018-06-09 Jeremy Bennett + + * README.md: Add better link to documentation README.md. + +2018-06-08 Jeremy Bennett + + * README.md: Move AsciiDoc details into new README.md in the doc + directory. + +2018-06-08 Jeremy Bennett + + * README.md: Fix typo in link to AsciiDoc cheat sheet + +2018-06-08 Jeremy Bennett + + * COPYING.BSD: Created. + * COPYING.CC: Created. + * README.md: Add git process, licensing and engineering process. + +2018-06-08 Jeremy Bennett + + * README.md: Correct details for running the compliance tests and + directory for OVPsim. + +2018-06-08 Jeremy Bennett + + Clean restructuring to just the work of interest. + + * thought-experiments: Directory removed. + * .gitignore: Merged with TestStructure/.gitignore + * Makefile: Renamed from TestStructure/Makefile. + * TestStructure/Makefile: Renamed as Makefile. + * README.md: Merged with TestStructure/README.md. + * TestStructure/.gitignore: Deleted and contents moved into + .gitignore. + * TestStructure/README.md: Deleted and contents moved into + README.md. + * TestStructure/doc: Directory deleted. + * TestStructure/riscv-target: Directory moved to riscv-target. + * riscv-target: Directory moved from TestStructure/riscv-target + * TestStructure/riscv-test-env: Directory moved to riscv-test-env. + * riscv-test-env: Directory moved from + TestStructure/riscv-test-env. + * TestStructure/riscv-test-suite: Directory moved to + riscv-test-suite. + * riscv-test-suite: Directory moved from + TestStructure/riscv-test-suite. + * thought-experiments: Directory deleted. + +2018-05-21 Jeremy Bennett + + Initial commit to populate the repository. + + * ChangeLog: Created. + * README.md: Created. diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/Makefile b/tests/riscv-compliance/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0147ebc --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ + + +SHELL=cmd + +export RISCV_TARGET ?= tinyriscv +export RISCV_PREFIX ?= ../../../../tools/gnu-mcu-eclipse-riscv-none-gcc-8.2.0-2.2-20190521-0004-win64/bin/riscv-none-embed- + +CURDIR = $(shell echo %cd%) + +export ROOTDIR = $(subst \,/,$(CURDIR)) +export TARGETDIR ?= $(ROOTDIR)/riscv-target + + +default: all + + +all: + $(MAKE) RISCV_TARGET=$(RISCV_TARGET) RISCV_DEVICE=rv32i RISCV_PREFIX=$(RISCV_PREFIX) RISCV_ISA=rv32i run -C $(ROOTDIR)/riscv-test-suite/rv32i + $(MAKE) RISCV_TARGET=$(RISCV_TARGET) RISCV_DEVICE=rv32im RISCV_PREFIX=$(RISCV_PREFIX) RISCV_ISA=rv32im run -C $(ROOTDIR)/riscv-test-suite/rv32im + + + +clean: + clean -C $(ROOTDIR)/riscv-test-suite/rv32i + clean -C $(ROOTDIR)/riscv-test-suite/rv32im + diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/README.md b/tests/riscv-compliance/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..636a7a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ +本项目fork from https://github.com/riscv/riscv-compliance,对其进行了修改以便适配tinyriscv。 + +使用方法: + +1.编译:make + +2.重新编译:先make clean, 然后再make,编译生成的文件在build_generated目录下。 + +# RISC-V Compliance Task Group + +This is a repository for the work of the RISC-V Foundation Compliance Task Group. The repository owners are: +- Jeremy Bennett (Embecosm) +- Lee Moore (Imperas) + +Details of the RISC-V Foundation, the work of its task groups, and how to become a member can be found at [riscv.org](https://riscv.org/). + +## Contribution process + +You are encouraged to contribute to this repository by submitting pull requests and by commenting on pull requests submitted by other people. + +- Where a pull request is non-controversial one of the repository owners will immediately merge it. The repository uses rebase merges to maintain a linear history. + +- Other pull requests will be publicised to the task group for comment and decision at a subsequent meeting of the group. Everyone is encouraged to comment on a pull request. Such pull requests will be merged by when a consensus/decision has been reached by the task group. + +## Licensing + +In general: +- code is licensed under the BSD 3-clause license (SPDX license identifier `BSD-3-Clause`); while +- documentation is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (SPDX license identifier `CC-BY-4.0`). + +The files [`COPYING.BSD`](./COPYING.BSD) and [`COPYING.CC`](./COPYING.CC) in the top level directory contain the complete text of these licenses. + +## Engineering practice + +- Documentation uses the structured text format _AsciiDoc_. See [`doc/README.adoc`](doc/README.adoc) for more details. + +- Some directories use `ChangeLog` files to track changes in the code and documentation. Please honor these, keeping them up to date and including the ChangeLog entry in the _git_ commit message. + +- Please include a comment with the SPDX license identifier in all source files, for example: +``` +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +``` + +## Running the compliance tests + +The only setup required is to define where the toolchain is found, and where the target / device is found. + +For the toolchain, the binaries must be in the search path and the compiler prefix is defined on the make line. The default value for this is + + RISCV_PREFIX ?= riscv64-unknown-elf- + +The path to the RUN_TARGET is defined within the riscv-target Makefile.include. + +To run the rv32i test suite on riscvOVPsim + + make RISCV_TARGET=riscvOVPsim RISCV_DEVICE=rv32i + +### Accessing riscvOVPsim + +As we create the RISCV.org compliance test suite, the Imperas developed _riscvOVPsim_ compliance simulator is included as part of this GitHub repository. For more information please contact info@ovpworld.org or info@imperas.com. + +For more information on riscvOVPsim look here: [riscv-ovpsim/README.md](riscv-ovpsim/README.md) and here: [riscv-ovpsim/doc/riscvOVPsim_User_Guide.pdf](riscv-ovpsim/doc/riscvOVPsim_User_Guide.pdf). + +### Using the simulators from the Sail RISC-V formal model + +The [Sail RISC-V formal model](https://github.com/rems-project/sail-riscv) generates two +simulators, in C and OCaml. They can be used as test targets for this compliance suite. + +For this purpose, the Sail model needs to be checked out and built on +the machine running the compliance suite. Follow the build +instructions described the README for building the RV32 and RV64 +models. Once built, please add `$SAIL_RISCV/c_emulator` and +`$SAIL_RISCV/ocaml_emulator` to your path, where $SAIL_RISCV is the +top-level directory containing the model. + +To test the compliance of the C simulator for the current RV32 and RV64 tests, use + + make RISCV_TARGET=sail-riscv-c all_variant + +while the corresponding command for the OCaml simulator is + + make RISCV_TARGET=sail-riscv-ocaml all_variant + +### Using the GRIFT simulator + +The [GRIFT](https://github.com/GaloisInc/grift) formal model and simulation tool +can be used as a test target for this compliance suite. + +GRIFT needs to be cloned and built on the machine running the compliance +suite. Follow the build instructions described in the README for building the +GRIFT simulator. Once build, add the generated `grift-sim` executable to your +path. + +To test the compliance of the GRIFT simulator for the current RV32 and RV64 +tests, use + + make RISCV_TARGET=grift all_variant + +Note that the I-MISALIGN_LDST test fails for GRIFT because GRIFT currently +supports misaligned loads and stores in hardware, while the test is specifically +written for systems that trap on misaligned loads and stores. diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ADD-01.elf b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ADD-01.elf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8fd8d45 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ADD-01.elf differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ADD-01.elf.bin b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ADD-01.elf.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..df94926 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ADD-01.elf.bin differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ADD-01.elf.objdump b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ADD-01.elf.objdump new file mode 100644 index 0000000..084a38d --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ADD-01.elf.objdump @@ -0,0 +1,339 @@ + +D:/gitee/open/tinyriscv/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ADD-01.elf: file format elf32-littleriscv + + +Disassembly of section .text.init: + +00000000 <_start>: + 0: 04c0006f j 4c + +00000004 : + 4: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 8: 00800f93 li t6,8 + c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,40 + 10: 00900f93 li t6,9 + 14: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,40 + 18: 00b00f93 li t6,11 + 1c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,40 + 20: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0 + 24: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start> + 28: 000f0463 beqz t5,30 + 2c: 000f0067 jr t5 + 30: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 34: 000f5463 bgez t5,3c + 38: 0040006f j 3c + +0000003c : + 3c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337 + +00000040 : + 40: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1 + 44: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 1000 + 48: ff9ff06f j 40 + +0000004c : + 4c: 00000193 li gp,0 + 50: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 54: fb428293 addi t0,t0,-76 # 4 + 58: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 + 5c: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0 + 60: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 64: 02028293 addi t0,t0,32 # 80 + 68: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0 + 6c: 00000293 li t0,0 + 70: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 74: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 78: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 7c: 30200073 mret + +00000080 : + 80: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 84: f8028293 addi t0,t0,-128 # 2000 + 88: fff00f93 li t6,-1 + 8c: 00000813 li a6,0 + 90: 010f8033 add zero,t6,a6 + 94: 0002a023 sw zero,0(t0) + 98: 00100f13 li t5,1 + 9c: 80100793 li a5,-2047 + a0: 00ff00b3 add ra,t5,a5 + a4: 0012a223 sw ra,4(t0) + a8: 00000e93 li t4,0 + ac: fff00713 li a4,-1 + b0: 00ee8133 add sp,t4,a4 + b4: 0022a423 sw sp,8(t0) + b8: 7ff00e13 li t3,2047 + bc: fffff6b7 lui a3,0xfffff + c0: dcc68693 addi a3,a3,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + c4: 00de01b3 add gp,t3,a3 + c8: 0032a623 sw gp,12(t0) + cc: 00000d93 li s11,0 + d0: 80000637 lui a2,0x80000 + d4: 00cd8233 add tp,s11,a2 + d8: 0042a823 sw tp,16(t0) + dc: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + e0: f3808093 addi ra,ra,-200 # 2014 + e4: 00001d37 lui s10,0x1 + e8: 800d0d13 addi s10,s10,-2048 # 800 + ec: 000015b7 lui a1,0x1 + f0: 23458593 addi a1,a1,564 # 1234 + f4: 00bd02b3 add t0,s10,a1 + f8: 0050a023 sw t0,0(ra) + fc: 07654cb7 lui s9,0x7654 + 100: 321c8c93 addi s9,s9,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 104: fff00513 li a0,-1 + 108: 00ac8333 add t1,s9,a0 + 10c: 0060a223 sw t1,4(ra) + 110: 80000c37 lui s8,0x80000 + 114: fffc0c13 addi s8,s8,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 118: 00100493 li s1,1 + 11c: 009c03b3 add t2,s8,s1 + 120: 0070a423 sw t2,8(ra) + 124: 00100b93 li s7,1 + 128: 80000437 lui s0,0x80000 + 12c: fff40413 addi s0,s0,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 130: 008b8433 add s0,s7,s0 + 134: 0080a623 sw s0,12(ra) + 138: fff00b13 li s6,-1 + 13c: 076543b7 lui t2,0x7654 + 140: 32138393 addi t2,t2,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 144: 007b04b3 add s1,s6,t2 + 148: 0090a823 sw s1,16(ra) + 14c: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 150: edc08093 addi ra,ra,-292 # 2028 + 154: 00001ab7 lui s5,0x1 + 158: 234a8a93 addi s5,s5,564 # 1234 + 15c: 00001337 lui t1,0x1 + 160: 80030313 addi t1,t1,-2048 # 800 + 164: 006a8533 add a0,s5,t1 + 168: 00a0a023 sw a0,0(ra) + 16c: 80000a37 lui s4,0x80000 + 170: 00000293 li t0,0 + 174: 005a05b3 add a1,s4,t0 + 178: 00b0a223 sw a1,4(ra) + 17c: fffff9b7 lui s3,0xfffff + 180: dcc98993 addi s3,s3,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 184: 7ff00213 li tp,2047 + 188: 00498633 add a2,s3,tp + 18c: 00c0a423 sw a2,8(ra) + 190: fff00913 li s2,-1 + 194: fff00193 li gp,-1 + 198: 003906b3 add a3,s2,gp + 19c: 00d0a623 sw a3,12(ra) + 1a0: 80100893 li a7,-2047 + 1a4: 00100113 li sp,1 + 1a8: 00288733 add a4,a7,sp + 1ac: 00e0a823 sw a4,16(ra) + 1b0: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 1b4: e8c10113 addi sp,sp,-372 # 203c + 1b8: 00000813 li a6,0 + 1bc: 00000093 li ra,0 + 1c0: 001807b3 add a5,a6,ra + 1c4: 00f12023 sw a5,0(sp) + 1c8: fff00793 li a5,-1 + 1cc: 00000013 nop + 1d0: 00078833 add a6,a5,zero + 1d4: 01012223 sw a6,4(sp) + 1d8: 00100713 li a4,1 + 1dc: 80100f93 li t6,-2047 + 1e0: 01f708b3 add a7,a4,t6 + 1e4: 01112423 sw a7,8(sp) + 1e8: 00000693 li a3,0 + 1ec: fff00f13 li t5,-1 + 1f0: 01e68933 add s2,a3,t5 + 1f4: 01212623 sw s2,12(sp) + 1f8: 7ff00613 li a2,2047 + 1fc: fffffeb7 lui t4,0xfffff + 200: dcce8e93 addi t4,t4,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 204: 01d609b3 add s3,a2,t4 + 208: 01312823 sw s3,16(sp) + 20c: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 210: e4408093 addi ra,ra,-444 # 2050 + 214: 00000593 li a1,0 + 218: 80000e37 lui t3,0x80000 + 21c: 01c58a33 add s4,a1,t3 + 220: 0140a023 sw s4,0(ra) + 224: 00001537 lui a0,0x1 + 228: 80050513 addi a0,a0,-2048 # 800 + 22c: 00001db7 lui s11,0x1 + 230: 234d8d93 addi s11,s11,564 # 1234 + 234: 01b50ab3 add s5,a0,s11 + 238: 0150a223 sw s5,4(ra) + 23c: 076544b7 lui s1,0x7654 + 240: 32148493 addi s1,s1,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 244: fff00d13 li s10,-1 + 248: 01a48b33 add s6,s1,s10 + 24c: 0160a423 sw s6,8(ra) + 250: 80000437 lui s0,0x80000 + 254: fff40413 addi s0,s0,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 258: 00100c93 li s9,1 + 25c: 01940bb3 add s7,s0,s9 + 260: 0170a623 sw s7,12(ra) + 264: 00100393 li t2,1 + 268: 80000c37 lui s8,0x80000 + 26c: fffc0c13 addi s8,s8,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 270: 01838c33 add s8,t2,s8 + 274: 0180a823 sw s8,16(ra) + 278: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 27c: dec08093 addi ra,ra,-532 # 2064 + 280: fff00313 li t1,-1 + 284: 07654bb7 lui s7,0x7654 + 288: 321b8b93 addi s7,s7,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 28c: 01730cb3 add s9,t1,s7 + 290: 0190a023 sw s9,0(ra) + 294: 000012b7 lui t0,0x1 + 298: 23428293 addi t0,t0,564 # 1234 + 29c: 00001b37 lui s6,0x1 + 2a0: 800b0b13 addi s6,s6,-2048 # 800 + 2a4: 01628d33 add s10,t0,s6 + 2a8: 01a0a223 sw s10,4(ra) + 2ac: 80000237 lui tp,0x80000 + 2b0: 00000a93 li s5,0 + 2b4: 01520db3 add s11,tp,s5 + 2b8: 01b0a423 sw s11,8(ra) + 2bc: fffff1b7 lui gp,0xfffff + 2c0: dcc18193 addi gp,gp,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 2c4: 7ff00a13 li s4,2047 + 2c8: 01418e33 add t3,gp,s4 + 2cc: 01c0a623 sw t3,12(ra) + 2d0: fff00113 li sp,-1 + 2d4: fff00993 li s3,-1 + 2d8: 01310eb3 add t4,sp,s3 + 2dc: 01d0a823 sw t4,16(ra) + 2e0: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 2e4: d9810113 addi sp,sp,-616 # 2078 + 2e8: 80100093 li ra,-2047 + 2ec: 00100913 li s2,1 + 2f0: 01208f33 add t5,ra,s2 + 2f4: 01e12023 sw t5,0(sp) + 2f8: 00000013 nop + 2fc: 00000893 li a7,0 + 300: 01100fb3 add t6,zero,a7 + 304: 01f12223 sw t6,4(sp) + 308: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 30c: cf828293 addi t0,t0,-776 # 2000 + 310: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 314: 00830313 addi t1,t1,8 # 10000008 <_end+0xfffde04> + 318: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 31c: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 320: d7428293 addi t0,t0,-652 # 2090 + 324: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 328: 00c30313 addi t1,t1,12 # 1000000c <_end+0xfffde08> + 32c: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 330: 00100293 li t0,1 + 334: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 338: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 33c: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 340: 00000013 nop + 344: 00100193 li gp,1 + 348: 00000073 ecall + +0000034c : + 34c: c0001073 unimp + ... + +Disassembly of section .tohost: + +00001000 : + ... + +00001100 : + ... + +Disassembly of section .data: + +00002000 : + 2000: ffff 0xffff + 2002: ffff 0xffff + 2004: ffff 0xffff + 2006: ffff 0xffff + 2008: ffff 0xffff + 200a: ffff 0xffff + 200c: ffff 0xffff + 200e: ffff 0xffff + 2010: ffff 0xffff + 2012: ffff 0xffff + +00002014 : + 2014: ffff 0xffff + 2016: ffff 0xffff + 2018: ffff 0xffff + 201a: ffff 0xffff + 201c: ffff 0xffff + 201e: ffff 0xffff + 2020: ffff 0xffff + 2022: ffff 0xffff + 2024: ffff 0xffff + 2026: ffff 0xffff + +00002028 : + 2028: ffff 0xffff + 202a: ffff 0xffff + 202c: ffff 0xffff + 202e: ffff 0xffff + 2030: ffff 0xffff + 2032: ffff 0xffff + 2034: ffff 0xffff + 2036: ffff 0xffff + 2038: ffff 0xffff + 203a: ffff 0xffff + +0000203c : + 203c: ffff 0xffff + 203e: ffff 0xffff + 2040: ffff 0xffff + 2042: ffff 0xffff + 2044: ffff 0xffff + 2046: ffff 0xffff + 2048: ffff 0xffff + 204a: ffff 0xffff + 204c: ffff 0xffff + 204e: ffff 0xffff + +00002050 : + 2050: ffff 0xffff + 2052: ffff 0xffff + 2054: ffff 0xffff + 2056: ffff 0xffff + 2058: ffff 0xffff + 205a: ffff 0xffff + 205c: ffff 0xffff + 205e: ffff 0xffff + 2060: ffff 0xffff + 2062: ffff 0xffff + +00002064 : + 2064: ffff 0xffff + 2066: ffff 0xffff + 2068: ffff 0xffff + 206a: ffff 0xffff + 206c: ffff 0xffff + 206e: ffff 0xffff + 2070: ffff 0xffff + 2072: ffff 0xffff + 2074: ffff 0xffff + 2076: ffff 0xffff + +00002078 : + 2078: ffff 0xffff + 207a: ffff 0xffff + 207c: ffff 0xffff + 207e: ffff 0xffff + 2080: ffff 0xffff + 2082: ffff 0xffff + 2084: ffff 0xffff + 2086: ffff 0xffff + 2088: ffff 0xffff + 208a: ffff 0xffff + 208c: 0000 unimp + ... + +00002090 : + ... + +00002100 : + 2100: 0080 addi s0,sp,64 + ... + +00002200 : + 2200: 0004 0x4 + ... diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ADDI-01.elf b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ADDI-01.elf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cac25a9 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ADDI-01.elf differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ADDI-01.elf.bin b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ADDI-01.elf.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2a189ca Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ADDI-01.elf.bin differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ADDI-01.elf.objdump b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ADDI-01.elf.objdump new file mode 100644 index 0000000..10b2d00 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ADDI-01.elf.objdump @@ -0,0 +1,297 @@ + +D:/gitee/open/tinyriscv/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ADDI-01.elf: file format elf32-littleriscv + + +Disassembly of section .text.init: + +00000000 <_start>: + 0: 04c0006f j 4c + +00000004 : + 4: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 8: 00800f93 li t6,8 + c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,40 + 10: 00900f93 li t6,9 + 14: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,40 + 18: 00b00f93 li t6,11 + 1c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,40 + 20: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0 + 24: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start> + 28: 000f0463 beqz t5,30 + 2c: 000f0067 jr t5 + 30: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 34: 000f5463 bgez t5,3c + 38: 0040006f j 3c + +0000003c : + 3c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337 + +00000040 : + 40: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1 + 44: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 1000 + 48: ff9ff06f j 40 + +0000004c : + 4c: 00000193 li gp,0 + 50: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 54: fb428293 addi t0,t0,-76 # 4 + 58: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 + 5c: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0 + 60: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 64: 02028293 addi t0,t0,32 # 80 + 68: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0 + 6c: 00000293 li t0,0 + 70: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 74: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 78: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 7c: 30200073 mret + +00000080 : + 80: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 84: f8028293 addi t0,t0,-128 # 2000 + 88: fff00f93 li t6,-1 + 8c: 000f8013 mv zero,t6 + 90: 0002a023 sw zero,0(t0) + 94: 00100f13 li t5,1 + 98: 801f0093 addi ra,t5,-2047 + 9c: 0012a223 sw ra,4(t0) + a0: 00000e93 li t4,0 + a4: fffe8113 addi sp,t4,-1 + a8: 0022a423 sw sp,8(t0) + ac: 7ff00e13 li t3,2047 + b0: 800e0193 addi gp,t3,-2048 + b4: 0032a623 sw gp,12(t0) + b8: 00000d93 li s11,0 + bc: 800d8213 addi tp,s11,-2048 + c0: 0042a823 sw tp,16(t0) + c4: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + c8: f5008093 addi ra,ra,-176 # 2014 + cc: 00001d37 lui s10,0x1 + d0: 800d0d13 addi s10,s10,-2048 # 800 + d4: 800d0293 addi t0,s10,-2048 + d8: 0050a023 sw t0,0(ra) + dc: 07654cb7 lui s9,0x7654 + e0: 321c8c93 addi s9,s9,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + e4: 800c8313 addi t1,s9,-2048 + e8: 0060a223 sw t1,4(ra) + ec: 80000c37 lui s8,0x80000 + f0: fffc0c13 addi s8,s8,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + f4: 001c0393 addi t2,s8,1 + f8: 0070a423 sw t2,8(ra) + fc: 00100b93 li s7,1 + 100: 800b8413 addi s0,s7,-2048 + 104: 0080a623 sw s0,12(ra) + 108: fff00b13 li s6,-1 + 10c: 800b0493 addi s1,s6,-2048 + 110: 0090a823 sw s1,16(ra) + 114: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 118: f1408093 addi ra,ra,-236 # 2028 + 11c: 00001ab7 lui s5,0x1 + 120: 234a8a93 addi s5,s5,564 # 1234 + 124: 800a8513 addi a0,s5,-2048 + 128: 00a0a023 sw a0,0(ra) + 12c: 80000a37 lui s4,0x80000 + 130: 000a0593 mv a1,s4 + 134: 00b0a223 sw a1,4(ra) + 138: fffff9b7 lui s3,0xfffff + 13c: dcc98993 addi s3,s3,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 140: 7ff98613 addi a2,s3,2047 + 144: 00c0a423 sw a2,8(ra) + 148: fff00913 li s2,-1 + 14c: fff90693 addi a3,s2,-1 + 150: 00d0a623 sw a3,12(ra) + 154: 80100893 li a7,-2047 + 158: 00188713 addi a4,a7,1 + 15c: 00e0a823 sw a4,16(ra) + 160: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 164: edc10113 addi sp,sp,-292 # 203c + 168: 00000813 li a6,0 + 16c: 00080793 mv a5,a6 + 170: 00f12023 sw a5,0(sp) + 174: fff00793 li a5,-1 + 178: 00078813 mv a6,a5 + 17c: 01012223 sw a6,4(sp) + 180: 00100713 li a4,1 + 184: 80170893 addi a7,a4,-2047 + 188: 01112423 sw a7,8(sp) + 18c: 00000693 li a3,0 + 190: fff68913 addi s2,a3,-1 + 194: 01212623 sw s2,12(sp) + 198: 7ff00613 li a2,2047 + 19c: 80060993 addi s3,a2,-2048 + 1a0: 01312823 sw s3,16(sp) + 1a4: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 1a8: eac08093 addi ra,ra,-340 # 2050 + 1ac: 00000593 li a1,0 + 1b0: 80058a13 addi s4,a1,-2048 + 1b4: 0140a023 sw s4,0(ra) + 1b8: 00001537 lui a0,0x1 + 1bc: 80050513 addi a0,a0,-2048 # 800 + 1c0: 80050a93 addi s5,a0,-2048 + 1c4: 0150a223 sw s5,4(ra) + 1c8: 076544b7 lui s1,0x7654 + 1cc: 32148493 addi s1,s1,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 1d0: 80048b13 addi s6,s1,-2048 + 1d4: 0160a423 sw s6,8(ra) + 1d8: 80000437 lui s0,0x80000 + 1dc: fff40413 addi s0,s0,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1e0: 00140b93 addi s7,s0,1 + 1e4: 0170a623 sw s7,12(ra) + 1e8: 00100393 li t2,1 + 1ec: 80038c13 addi s8,t2,-2048 + 1f0: 0180a823 sw s8,16(ra) + 1f4: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 1f8: e7008093 addi ra,ra,-400 # 2064 + 1fc: fff00313 li t1,-1 + 200: 80030c93 addi s9,t1,-2048 + 204: 0190a023 sw s9,0(ra) + 208: 000012b7 lui t0,0x1 + 20c: 23428293 addi t0,t0,564 # 1234 + 210: 80028d13 addi s10,t0,-2048 + 214: 01a0a223 sw s10,4(ra) + 218: 80000237 lui tp,0x80000 + 21c: 00020d93 mv s11,tp + 220: 01b0a423 sw s11,8(ra) + 224: fffff1b7 lui gp,0xfffff + 228: dcc18193 addi gp,gp,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 22c: 7ff18e13 addi t3,gp,2047 + 230: 01c0a623 sw t3,12(ra) + 234: fff00113 li sp,-1 + 238: fff10e93 addi t4,sp,-1 + 23c: 01d0a823 sw t4,16(ra) + 240: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 244: e3810113 addi sp,sp,-456 # 2078 + 248: 80100093 li ra,-2047 + 24c: 00108f13 addi t5,ra,1 + 250: 01e12023 sw t5,0(sp) + 254: 00000013 nop + 258: 00000f93 li t6,0 + 25c: 01f12223 sw t6,4(sp) + 260: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 264: da028293 addi t0,t0,-608 # 2000 + 268: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 26c: 00830313 addi t1,t1,8 # 10000008 <_end+0xfffde04> + 270: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 274: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 278: e1c28293 addi t0,t0,-484 # 2090 + 27c: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 280: 00c30313 addi t1,t1,12 # 1000000c <_end+0xfffde08> + 284: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 288: 00100293 li t0,1 + 28c: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 290: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 294: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 298: 00000013 nop + 29c: 00100193 li gp,1 + 2a0: 00000073 ecall + +000002a4 : + 2a4: c0001073 unimp + ... + +Disassembly of section .tohost: + +00001000 : + ... + +00001100 : + ... + +Disassembly of section .data: + +00002000 : + 2000: ffff 0xffff + 2002: ffff 0xffff + 2004: ffff 0xffff + 2006: ffff 0xffff + 2008: ffff 0xffff + 200a: ffff 0xffff + 200c: ffff 0xffff + 200e: ffff 0xffff + 2010: ffff 0xffff + 2012: ffff 0xffff + +00002014 : + 2014: ffff 0xffff + 2016: ffff 0xffff + 2018: ffff 0xffff + 201a: ffff 0xffff + 201c: ffff 0xffff + 201e: ffff 0xffff + 2020: ffff 0xffff + 2022: ffff 0xffff + 2024: ffff 0xffff + 2026: ffff 0xffff + +00002028 : + 2028: ffff 0xffff + 202a: ffff 0xffff + 202c: ffff 0xffff + 202e: ffff 0xffff + 2030: ffff 0xffff + 2032: ffff 0xffff + 2034: ffff 0xffff + 2036: ffff 0xffff + 2038: ffff 0xffff + 203a: ffff 0xffff + +0000203c : + 203c: ffff 0xffff + 203e: ffff 0xffff + 2040: ffff 0xffff + 2042: ffff 0xffff + 2044: ffff 0xffff + 2046: ffff 0xffff + 2048: ffff 0xffff + 204a: ffff 0xffff + 204c: ffff 0xffff + 204e: ffff 0xffff + +00002050 : + 2050: ffff 0xffff + 2052: ffff 0xffff + 2054: ffff 0xffff + 2056: ffff 0xffff + 2058: ffff 0xffff + 205a: ffff 0xffff + 205c: ffff 0xffff + 205e: ffff 0xffff + 2060: ffff 0xffff + 2062: ffff 0xffff + +00002064 : + 2064: ffff 0xffff + 2066: ffff 0xffff + 2068: ffff 0xffff + 206a: ffff 0xffff + 206c: ffff 0xffff + 206e: ffff 0xffff + 2070: ffff 0xffff + 2072: ffff 0xffff + 2074: ffff 0xffff + 2076: ffff 0xffff + +00002078 : + 2078: ffff 0xffff + 207a: ffff 0xffff + 207c: ffff 0xffff + 207e: ffff 0xffff + 2080: ffff 0xffff + 2082: ffff 0xffff + 2084: ffff 0xffff + 2086: ffff 0xffff + 2088: ffff 0xffff + 208a: ffff 0xffff + 208c: 0000 unimp + ... + +00002090 : + ... + +00002100 : + 2100: 0080 addi s0,sp,64 + ... + +00002200 : + 2200: 0004 0x4 + ... diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-AND-01.elf b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-AND-01.elf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ea189b3 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-AND-01.elf differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-AND-01.elf.bin b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-AND-01.elf.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..55e0f2e Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-AND-01.elf.bin differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-AND-01.elf.objdump b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-AND-01.elf.objdump new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4a94212 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-AND-01.elf.objdump @@ -0,0 +1,339 @@ + +D:/gitee/open/tinyriscv/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-AND-01.elf: file format elf32-littleriscv + + +Disassembly of section .text.init: + +00000000 <_start>: + 0: 04c0006f j 4c + +00000004 : + 4: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 8: 00800f93 li t6,8 + c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,40 + 10: 00900f93 li t6,9 + 14: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,40 + 18: 00b00f93 li t6,11 + 1c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,40 + 20: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0 + 24: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start> + 28: 000f0463 beqz t5,30 + 2c: 000f0067 jr t5 + 30: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 34: 000f5463 bgez t5,3c + 38: 0040006f j 3c + +0000003c : + 3c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337 + +00000040 : + 40: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1 + 44: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 1000 + 48: ff9ff06f j 40 + +0000004c : + 4c: 00000193 li gp,0 + 50: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 54: fb428293 addi t0,t0,-76 # 4 + 58: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 + 5c: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0 + 60: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 64: 02028293 addi t0,t0,32 # 80 + 68: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0 + 6c: 00000293 li t0,0 + 70: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 74: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 78: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 7c: 30200073 mret + +00000080 : + 80: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 84: f8028293 addi t0,t0,-128 # 2000 + 88: fff00f93 li t6,-1 + 8c: 00000813 li a6,0 + 90: 010ff033 and zero,t6,a6 + 94: 0002a023 sw zero,0(t0) + 98: 00100f13 li t5,1 + 9c: 80100793 li a5,-2047 + a0: 00ff70b3 and ra,t5,a5 + a4: 0012a223 sw ra,4(t0) + a8: 00000e93 li t4,0 + ac: fff00713 li a4,-1 + b0: 00eef133 and sp,t4,a4 + b4: 0022a423 sw sp,8(t0) + b8: 7ff00e13 li t3,2047 + bc: fffff6b7 lui a3,0xfffff + c0: dcc68693 addi a3,a3,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + c4: 00de71b3 and gp,t3,a3 + c8: 0032a623 sw gp,12(t0) + cc: 00000d93 li s11,0 + d0: 80000637 lui a2,0x80000 + d4: 00cdf233 and tp,s11,a2 + d8: 0042a823 sw tp,16(t0) + dc: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + e0: f3808093 addi ra,ra,-200 # 2014 + e4: 00001d37 lui s10,0x1 + e8: 800d0d13 addi s10,s10,-2048 # 800 + ec: 000015b7 lui a1,0x1 + f0: 23458593 addi a1,a1,564 # 1234 + f4: 00bd72b3 and t0,s10,a1 + f8: 0050a023 sw t0,0(ra) + fc: 07654cb7 lui s9,0x7654 + 100: 321c8c93 addi s9,s9,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 104: fff00513 li a0,-1 + 108: 00acf333 and t1,s9,a0 + 10c: 0060a223 sw t1,4(ra) + 110: 80000c37 lui s8,0x80000 + 114: fffc0c13 addi s8,s8,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 118: 00100493 li s1,1 + 11c: 009c73b3 and t2,s8,s1 + 120: 0070a423 sw t2,8(ra) + 124: 00100b93 li s7,1 + 128: 80000437 lui s0,0x80000 + 12c: fff40413 addi s0,s0,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 130: 008bf433 and s0,s7,s0 + 134: 0080a623 sw s0,12(ra) + 138: fff00b13 li s6,-1 + 13c: 076543b7 lui t2,0x7654 + 140: 32138393 addi t2,t2,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 144: 007b74b3 and s1,s6,t2 + 148: 0090a823 sw s1,16(ra) + 14c: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 150: edc08093 addi ra,ra,-292 # 2028 + 154: 00001ab7 lui s5,0x1 + 158: 234a8a93 addi s5,s5,564 # 1234 + 15c: 00001337 lui t1,0x1 + 160: 80030313 addi t1,t1,-2048 # 800 + 164: 006af533 and a0,s5,t1 + 168: 00a0a023 sw a0,0(ra) + 16c: 80000a37 lui s4,0x80000 + 170: 00000293 li t0,0 + 174: 005a75b3 and a1,s4,t0 + 178: 00b0a223 sw a1,4(ra) + 17c: fffff9b7 lui s3,0xfffff + 180: dcc98993 addi s3,s3,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 184: 7ff00213 li tp,2047 + 188: 0049f633 and a2,s3,tp + 18c: 00c0a423 sw a2,8(ra) + 190: fff00913 li s2,-1 + 194: fff00193 li gp,-1 + 198: 003976b3 and a3,s2,gp + 19c: 00d0a623 sw a3,12(ra) + 1a0: 80100893 li a7,-2047 + 1a4: 00100113 li sp,1 + 1a8: 0028f733 and a4,a7,sp + 1ac: 00e0a823 sw a4,16(ra) + 1b0: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 1b4: e8c10113 addi sp,sp,-372 # 203c + 1b8: 00000813 li a6,0 + 1bc: 00000093 li ra,0 + 1c0: 001877b3 and a5,a6,ra + 1c4: 00f12023 sw a5,0(sp) + 1c8: fff00793 li a5,-1 + 1cc: 00000013 nop + 1d0: 0007f833 and a6,a5,zero + 1d4: 01012223 sw a6,4(sp) + 1d8: 00100713 li a4,1 + 1dc: 80100f93 li t6,-2047 + 1e0: 01f778b3 and a7,a4,t6 + 1e4: 01112423 sw a7,8(sp) + 1e8: 00000693 li a3,0 + 1ec: fff00f13 li t5,-1 + 1f0: 01e6f933 and s2,a3,t5 + 1f4: 01212623 sw s2,12(sp) + 1f8: 7ff00613 li a2,2047 + 1fc: fffffeb7 lui t4,0xfffff + 200: dcce8e93 addi t4,t4,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 204: 01d679b3 and s3,a2,t4 + 208: 01312823 sw s3,16(sp) + 20c: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 210: e4408093 addi ra,ra,-444 # 2050 + 214: 00000593 li a1,0 + 218: 80000e37 lui t3,0x80000 + 21c: 01c5fa33 and s4,a1,t3 + 220: 0140a023 sw s4,0(ra) + 224: 00001537 lui a0,0x1 + 228: 80050513 addi a0,a0,-2048 # 800 + 22c: 00001db7 lui s11,0x1 + 230: 234d8d93 addi s11,s11,564 # 1234 + 234: 01b57ab3 and s5,a0,s11 + 238: 0150a223 sw s5,4(ra) + 23c: 076544b7 lui s1,0x7654 + 240: 32148493 addi s1,s1,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 244: fff00d13 li s10,-1 + 248: 01a4fb33 and s6,s1,s10 + 24c: 0160a423 sw s6,8(ra) + 250: 80000437 lui s0,0x80000 + 254: fff40413 addi s0,s0,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 258: 00100c93 li s9,1 + 25c: 01947bb3 and s7,s0,s9 + 260: 0170a623 sw s7,12(ra) + 264: 00100393 li t2,1 + 268: 80000c37 lui s8,0x80000 + 26c: fffc0c13 addi s8,s8,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 270: 0183fc33 and s8,t2,s8 + 274: 0180a823 sw s8,16(ra) + 278: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 27c: dec08093 addi ra,ra,-532 # 2064 + 280: fff00313 li t1,-1 + 284: 07654bb7 lui s7,0x7654 + 288: 321b8b93 addi s7,s7,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 28c: 01737cb3 and s9,t1,s7 + 290: 0190a023 sw s9,0(ra) + 294: 000012b7 lui t0,0x1 + 298: 23428293 addi t0,t0,564 # 1234 + 29c: 00001b37 lui s6,0x1 + 2a0: 800b0b13 addi s6,s6,-2048 # 800 + 2a4: 0162fd33 and s10,t0,s6 + 2a8: 01a0a223 sw s10,4(ra) + 2ac: 80000237 lui tp,0x80000 + 2b0: 00000a93 li s5,0 + 2b4: 01527db3 and s11,tp,s5 + 2b8: 01b0a423 sw s11,8(ra) + 2bc: fffff1b7 lui gp,0xfffff + 2c0: dcc18193 addi gp,gp,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 2c4: 7ff00a13 li s4,2047 + 2c8: 0141fe33 and t3,gp,s4 + 2cc: 01c0a623 sw t3,12(ra) + 2d0: fff00113 li sp,-1 + 2d4: fff00993 li s3,-1 + 2d8: 01317eb3 and t4,sp,s3 + 2dc: 01d0a823 sw t4,16(ra) + 2e0: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 2e4: d9810113 addi sp,sp,-616 # 2078 + 2e8: 80100093 li ra,-2047 + 2ec: 00100913 li s2,1 + 2f0: 0120ff33 and t5,ra,s2 + 2f4: 01e12023 sw t5,0(sp) + 2f8: 00000013 nop + 2fc: 00000893 li a7,0 + 300: 01107fb3 and t6,zero,a7 + 304: 01f12223 sw t6,4(sp) + 308: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 30c: cf828293 addi t0,t0,-776 # 2000 + 310: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 314: 00830313 addi t1,t1,8 # 10000008 <_end+0xfffde04> + 318: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 31c: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 320: d7428293 addi t0,t0,-652 # 2090 + 324: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 328: 00c30313 addi t1,t1,12 # 1000000c <_end+0xfffde08> + 32c: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 330: 00100293 li t0,1 + 334: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 338: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 33c: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 340: 00000013 nop + 344: 00100193 li gp,1 + 348: 00000073 ecall + +0000034c : + 34c: c0001073 unimp + ... + +Disassembly of section .tohost: + +00001000 : + ... + +00001100 : + ... + +Disassembly of section .data: + +00002000 : + 2000: ffff 0xffff + 2002: ffff 0xffff + 2004: ffff 0xffff + 2006: ffff 0xffff + 2008: ffff 0xffff + 200a: ffff 0xffff + 200c: ffff 0xffff + 200e: ffff 0xffff + 2010: ffff 0xffff + 2012: ffff 0xffff + +00002014 : + 2014: ffff 0xffff + 2016: ffff 0xffff + 2018: ffff 0xffff + 201a: ffff 0xffff + 201c: ffff 0xffff + 201e: ffff 0xffff + 2020: ffff 0xffff + 2022: ffff 0xffff + 2024: ffff 0xffff + 2026: ffff 0xffff + +00002028 : + 2028: ffff 0xffff + 202a: ffff 0xffff + 202c: ffff 0xffff + 202e: ffff 0xffff + 2030: ffff 0xffff + 2032: ffff 0xffff + 2034: ffff 0xffff + 2036: ffff 0xffff + 2038: ffff 0xffff + 203a: ffff 0xffff + +0000203c : + 203c: ffff 0xffff + 203e: ffff 0xffff + 2040: ffff 0xffff + 2042: ffff 0xffff + 2044: ffff 0xffff + 2046: ffff 0xffff + 2048: ffff 0xffff + 204a: ffff 0xffff + 204c: ffff 0xffff + 204e: ffff 0xffff + +00002050 : + 2050: ffff 0xffff + 2052: ffff 0xffff + 2054: ffff 0xffff + 2056: ffff 0xffff + 2058: ffff 0xffff + 205a: ffff 0xffff + 205c: ffff 0xffff + 205e: ffff 0xffff + 2060: ffff 0xffff + 2062: ffff 0xffff + +00002064 : + 2064: ffff 0xffff + 2066: ffff 0xffff + 2068: ffff 0xffff + 206a: ffff 0xffff + 206c: ffff 0xffff + 206e: ffff 0xffff + 2070: ffff 0xffff + 2072: ffff 0xffff + 2074: ffff 0xffff + 2076: ffff 0xffff + +00002078 : + 2078: ffff 0xffff + 207a: ffff 0xffff + 207c: ffff 0xffff + 207e: ffff 0xffff + 2080: ffff 0xffff + 2082: ffff 0xffff + 2084: ffff 0xffff + 2086: ffff 0xffff + 2088: ffff 0xffff + 208a: ffff 0xffff + 208c: 0000 unimp + ... + +00002090 : + ... + +00002100 : + 2100: 0080 addi s0,sp,64 + ... + +00002200 : + 2200: 0004 0x4 + ... diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ANDI-01.elf b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ANDI-01.elf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e97a1eb Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ANDI-01.elf differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ANDI-01.elf.bin b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ANDI-01.elf.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..04e3f07 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ANDI-01.elf.bin differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ANDI-01.elf.objdump b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ANDI-01.elf.objdump new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ee13e59 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ANDI-01.elf.objdump @@ -0,0 +1,297 @@ + +D:/gitee/open/tinyriscv/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ANDI-01.elf: file format elf32-littleriscv + + +Disassembly of section .text.init: + +00000000 <_start>: + 0: 04c0006f j 4c + +00000004 : + 4: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 8: 00800f93 li t6,8 + c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,40 + 10: 00900f93 li t6,9 + 14: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,40 + 18: 00b00f93 li t6,11 + 1c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,40 + 20: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0 + 24: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start> + 28: 000f0463 beqz t5,30 + 2c: 000f0067 jr t5 + 30: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 34: 000f5463 bgez t5,3c + 38: 0040006f j 3c + +0000003c : + 3c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337 + +00000040 : + 40: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1 + 44: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 1000 + 48: ff9ff06f j 40 + +0000004c : + 4c: 00000193 li gp,0 + 50: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 54: fb428293 addi t0,t0,-76 # 4 + 58: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 + 5c: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0 + 60: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 64: 02028293 addi t0,t0,32 # 80 + 68: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0 + 6c: 00000293 li t0,0 + 70: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 74: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 78: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 7c: 30200073 mret + +00000080 : + 80: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 84: f8028293 addi t0,t0,-128 # 2000 + 88: fff00f93 li t6,-1 + 8c: 000ff013 andi zero,t6,0 + 90: 0002a023 sw zero,0(t0) + 94: 00100f13 li t5,1 + 98: 801f7093 andi ra,t5,-2047 + 9c: 0012a223 sw ra,4(t0) + a0: 00000e93 li t4,0 + a4: fffef113 andi sp,t4,-1 + a8: 0022a423 sw sp,8(t0) + ac: 7ff00e13 li t3,2047 + b0: 800e7193 andi gp,t3,-2048 + b4: 0032a623 sw gp,12(t0) + b8: 00000d93 li s11,0 + bc: 800df213 andi tp,s11,-2048 + c0: 0042a823 sw tp,16(t0) + c4: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + c8: f5008093 addi ra,ra,-176 # 2014 + cc: 00001d37 lui s10,0x1 + d0: 800d0d13 addi s10,s10,-2048 # 800 + d4: 800d7293 andi t0,s10,-2048 + d8: 0050a023 sw t0,0(ra) + dc: 07654cb7 lui s9,0x7654 + e0: 321c8c93 addi s9,s9,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + e4: 800cf313 andi t1,s9,-2048 + e8: 0060a223 sw t1,4(ra) + ec: 80000c37 lui s8,0x80000 + f0: fffc0c13 addi s8,s8,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + f4: 001c7393 andi t2,s8,1 + f8: 0070a423 sw t2,8(ra) + fc: 00100b93 li s7,1 + 100: 800bf413 andi s0,s7,-2048 + 104: 0080a623 sw s0,12(ra) + 108: fff00b13 li s6,-1 + 10c: 800b7493 andi s1,s6,-2048 + 110: 0090a823 sw s1,16(ra) + 114: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 118: f1408093 addi ra,ra,-236 # 2028 + 11c: 00001ab7 lui s5,0x1 + 120: 234a8a93 addi s5,s5,564 # 1234 + 124: 800af513 andi a0,s5,-2048 + 128: 00a0a023 sw a0,0(ra) + 12c: 80000a37 lui s4,0x80000 + 130: 000a7593 andi a1,s4,0 + 134: 00b0a223 sw a1,4(ra) + 138: fffff9b7 lui s3,0xfffff + 13c: dcc98993 addi s3,s3,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 140: 7ff9f613 andi a2,s3,2047 + 144: 00c0a423 sw a2,8(ra) + 148: fff00913 li s2,-1 + 14c: fff97693 andi a3,s2,-1 + 150: 00d0a623 sw a3,12(ra) + 154: 80100893 li a7,-2047 + 158: 0018f713 andi a4,a7,1 + 15c: 00e0a823 sw a4,16(ra) + 160: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 164: edc10113 addi sp,sp,-292 # 203c + 168: 00000813 li a6,0 + 16c: 00087793 andi a5,a6,0 + 170: 00f12023 sw a5,0(sp) + 174: fff00793 li a5,-1 + 178: 0007f813 andi a6,a5,0 + 17c: 01012223 sw a6,4(sp) + 180: 00100713 li a4,1 + 184: 80177893 andi a7,a4,-2047 + 188: 01112423 sw a7,8(sp) + 18c: 00000693 li a3,0 + 190: fff6f913 andi s2,a3,-1 + 194: 01212623 sw s2,12(sp) + 198: 7ff00613 li a2,2047 + 19c: 80067993 andi s3,a2,-2048 + 1a0: 01312823 sw s3,16(sp) + 1a4: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 1a8: eac08093 addi ra,ra,-340 # 2050 + 1ac: 00000593 li a1,0 + 1b0: 8005fa13 andi s4,a1,-2048 + 1b4: 0140a023 sw s4,0(ra) + 1b8: 00001537 lui a0,0x1 + 1bc: 80050513 addi a0,a0,-2048 # 800 + 1c0: 80057a93 andi s5,a0,-2048 + 1c4: 0150a223 sw s5,4(ra) + 1c8: 076544b7 lui s1,0x7654 + 1cc: 32148493 addi s1,s1,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 1d0: 8004fb13 andi s6,s1,-2048 + 1d4: 0160a423 sw s6,8(ra) + 1d8: 80000437 lui s0,0x80000 + 1dc: fff40413 addi s0,s0,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1e0: 00147b93 andi s7,s0,1 + 1e4: 0170a623 sw s7,12(ra) + 1e8: 00100393 li t2,1 + 1ec: 8003fc13 andi s8,t2,-2048 + 1f0: 0180a823 sw s8,16(ra) + 1f4: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 1f8: e7008093 addi ra,ra,-400 # 2064 + 1fc: fff00313 li t1,-1 + 200: 80037c93 andi s9,t1,-2048 + 204: 0190a023 sw s9,0(ra) + 208: 000012b7 lui t0,0x1 + 20c: 23428293 addi t0,t0,564 # 1234 + 210: 8002fd13 andi s10,t0,-2048 + 214: 01a0a223 sw s10,4(ra) + 218: 80000237 lui tp,0x80000 + 21c: 00027d93 andi s11,tp,0 + 220: 01b0a423 sw s11,8(ra) + 224: fffff1b7 lui gp,0xfffff + 228: dcc18193 addi gp,gp,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 22c: 7ff1fe13 andi t3,gp,2047 + 230: 01c0a623 sw t3,12(ra) + 234: fff00113 li sp,-1 + 238: fff17e93 andi t4,sp,-1 + 23c: 01d0a823 sw t4,16(ra) + 240: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 244: e3810113 addi sp,sp,-456 # 2078 + 248: 80100093 li ra,-2047 + 24c: 0010ff13 andi t5,ra,1 + 250: 01e12023 sw t5,0(sp) + 254: 00000013 nop + 258: 00007f93 andi t6,zero,0 + 25c: 01f12223 sw t6,4(sp) + 260: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 264: da028293 addi t0,t0,-608 # 2000 + 268: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 26c: 00830313 addi t1,t1,8 # 10000008 <_end+0xfffde04> + 270: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 274: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 278: e1c28293 addi t0,t0,-484 # 2090 + 27c: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 280: 00c30313 addi t1,t1,12 # 1000000c <_end+0xfffde08> + 284: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 288: 00100293 li t0,1 + 28c: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 290: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 294: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 298: 00000013 nop + 29c: 00100193 li gp,1 + 2a0: 00000073 ecall + +000002a4 : + 2a4: c0001073 unimp + ... + +Disassembly of section .tohost: + +00001000 : + ... + +00001100 : + ... + +Disassembly of section .data: + +00002000 : + 2000: ffff 0xffff + 2002: ffff 0xffff + 2004: ffff 0xffff + 2006: ffff 0xffff + 2008: ffff 0xffff + 200a: ffff 0xffff + 200c: ffff 0xffff + 200e: ffff 0xffff + 2010: ffff 0xffff + 2012: ffff 0xffff + +00002014 : + 2014: ffff 0xffff + 2016: ffff 0xffff + 2018: ffff 0xffff + 201a: ffff 0xffff + 201c: ffff 0xffff + 201e: ffff 0xffff + 2020: ffff 0xffff + 2022: ffff 0xffff + 2024: ffff 0xffff + 2026: ffff 0xffff + +00002028 : + 2028: ffff 0xffff + 202a: ffff 0xffff + 202c: ffff 0xffff + 202e: ffff 0xffff + 2030: ffff 0xffff + 2032: ffff 0xffff + 2034: ffff 0xffff + 2036: ffff 0xffff + 2038: ffff 0xffff + 203a: ffff 0xffff + +0000203c : + 203c: ffff 0xffff + 203e: ffff 0xffff + 2040: ffff 0xffff + 2042: ffff 0xffff + 2044: ffff 0xffff + 2046: ffff 0xffff + 2048: ffff 0xffff + 204a: ffff 0xffff + 204c: ffff 0xffff + 204e: ffff 0xffff + +00002050 : + 2050: ffff 0xffff + 2052: ffff 0xffff + 2054: ffff 0xffff + 2056: ffff 0xffff + 2058: ffff 0xffff + 205a: ffff 0xffff + 205c: ffff 0xffff + 205e: ffff 0xffff + 2060: ffff 0xffff + 2062: ffff 0xffff + +00002064 : + 2064: ffff 0xffff + 2066: ffff 0xffff + 2068: ffff 0xffff + 206a: ffff 0xffff + 206c: ffff 0xffff + 206e: ffff 0xffff + 2070: ffff 0xffff + 2072: ffff 0xffff + 2074: ffff 0xffff + 2076: ffff 0xffff + +00002078 : + 2078: ffff 0xffff + 207a: ffff 0xffff + 207c: ffff 0xffff + 207e: ffff 0xffff + 2080: ffff 0xffff + 2082: ffff 0xffff + 2084: ffff 0xffff + 2086: ffff 0xffff + 2088: ffff 0xffff + 208a: ffff 0xffff + 208c: 0000 unimp + ... + +00002090 : + ... + +00002100 : + 2100: 0080 addi s0,sp,64 + ... + +00002200 : + 2200: 0004 0x4 + ... diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-AUIPC-01.elf b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-AUIPC-01.elf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1638d26 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-AUIPC-01.elf differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-AUIPC-01.elf.bin b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-AUIPC-01.elf.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2bec156 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-AUIPC-01.elf.bin differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-AUIPC-01.elf.objdump b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-AUIPC-01.elf.objdump new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9476674 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-AUIPC-01.elf.objdump @@ -0,0 +1,352 @@ + +D:/gitee/open/tinyriscv/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-AUIPC-01.elf: file format elf32-littleriscv + + +Disassembly of section .text.init: + +00000000 <_start>: + 0: 04c0006f j 4c + +00000004 : + 4: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 8: 00800f93 li t6,8 + c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,40 + 10: 00900f93 li t6,9 + 14: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,40 + 18: 00b00f93 li t6,11 + 1c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,40 + 20: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0 + 24: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start> + 28: 000f0463 beqz t5,30 + 2c: 000f0067 jr t5 + 30: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 34: 000f5463 bgez t5,3c + 38: 0040006f j 3c + +0000003c : + 3c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337 + +00000040 : + 40: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1 + 44: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 1000 + 48: ff9ff06f j 40 + +0000004c : + 4c: 00000193 li gp,0 + 50: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 54: fb428293 addi t0,t0,-76 # 4 + 58: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 + 5c: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0 + 60: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 64: 02028293 addi t0,t0,32 # 80 + 68: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0 + 6c: 00000293 li t0,0 + 70: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 74: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 78: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 7c: 30200073 mret + +00000080 : + 80: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 84: f8028293 addi t0,t0,-128 # 2000 + 88: 00000017 auipc zero,0x0 + 8c: 00000397 auipc t2,0x0 + 90: ffc38393 addi t2,t2,-4 # 88 + 94: 40700033 neg zero,t2 + 98: 0002a023 sw zero,0(t0) + 9c: 00000097 auipc ra,0x0 + a0: 00000397 auipc t2,0x0 + a4: ffc38393 addi t2,t2,-4 # 9c + a8: 407080b3 sub ra,ra,t2 + ac: 0012a223 sw ra,4(t0) + b0: 007ff117 auipc sp,0x7ff + b4: 00000397 auipc t2,0x0 + b8: ffc38393 addi t2,t2,-4 # b0 + bc: 40710133 sub sp,sp,t2 + c0: 0022a423 sw sp,8(t0) + c4: 00001197 auipc gp,0x1 + c8: 00000397 auipc t2,0x0 + cc: ffc38393 addi t2,t2,-4 # c4 + d0: 407181b3 sub gp,gp,t2 + d4: 0032a623 sw gp,12(t0) + d8: 01234217 auipc tp,0x1234 + dc: 00000397 auipc t2,0x0 + e0: ffc38393 addi t2,t2,-4 # d8 + e4: 40720233 sub tp,tp,t2 + e8: 0042a823 sw tp,16(t0) + ec: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + f0: f2808093 addi ra,ra,-216 # 2014 + f4: 80000297 auipc t0,0x80000 + f8: 00000197 auipc gp,0x0 + fc: ffc18193 addi gp,gp,-4 # f4 + 100: 403282b3 sub t0,t0,gp + 104: 0050a023 sw t0,0(ra) + 108: 01234317 auipc t1,0x1234 + 10c: 00000197 auipc gp,0x0 + 110: ffc18193 addi gp,gp,-4 # 108 + 114: 40330333 sub t1,t1,gp + 118: 0060a223 sw t1,4(ra) + 11c: fffff397 auipc t2,0xfffff + 120: 00000197 auipc gp,0x0 + 124: ffc18193 addi gp,gp,-4 # 11c + 128: 403383b3 sub t2,t2,gp + 12c: 0070a423 sw t2,8(ra) + 130: 00001417 auipc s0,0x1 + 134: 00000197 auipc gp,0x0 + 138: ffc18193 addi gp,gp,-4 # 130 + 13c: 40340433 sub s0,s0,gp + 140: 0080a623 sw s0,12(ra) + 144: 7ffff497 auipc s1,0x7ffff + 148: 00000197 auipc gp,0x0 + 14c: ffc18193 addi gp,gp,-4 # 144 + 150: 403484b3 sub s1,s1,gp + 154: 0090a823 sw s1,16(ra) + 158: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 15c: ed008093 addi ra,ra,-304 # 2028 + 160: 54321517 auipc a0,0x54321 + 164: 00000417 auipc s0,0x0 + 168: ffc40413 addi s0,s0,-4 # 160 + 16c: 40850533 sub a0,a0,s0 + 170: 00a0a023 sw a0,0(ra) + 174: 00800597 auipc a1,0x800 + 178: 00000417 auipc s0,0x0 + 17c: ffc40413 addi s0,s0,-4 # 174 + 180: 408585b3 sub a1,a1,s0 + 184: 00b0a223 sw a1,4(ra) + 188: 00000617 auipc a2,0x0 + 18c: 00000417 auipc s0,0x0 + 190: ffc40413 addi s0,s0,-4 # 188 + 194: 40860633 sub a2,a2,s0 + 198: 00c0a423 sw a2,8(ra) + 19c: 007ff697 auipc a3,0x7ff + 1a0: 00000417 auipc s0,0x0 + 1a4: ffc40413 addi s0,s0,-4 # 19c + 1a8: 408686b3 sub a3,a3,s0 + 1ac: 00d0a623 sw a3,12(ra) + 1b0: 00000717 auipc a4,0x0 + 1b4: 00000417 auipc s0,0x0 + 1b8: ffc40413 addi s0,s0,-4 # 1b0 + 1bc: 40870733 sub a4,a4,s0 + 1c0: 00e0a823 sw a4,16(ra) + 1c4: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 1c8: e7810113 addi sp,sp,-392 # 203c + 1cc: 00001797 auipc a5,0x1 + 1d0: 00000217 auipc tp,0x0 + 1d4: ffc20213 addi tp,tp,-4 # 1cc + 1d8: 404787b3 sub a5,a5,tp + 1dc: 00f12023 sw a5,0(sp) + 1e0: 00000817 auipc a6,0x0 + 1e4: 00000217 auipc tp,0x0 + 1e8: ffc20213 addi tp,tp,-4 # 1e0 + 1ec: 40480833 sub a6,a6,tp + 1f0: 01012223 sw a6,4(sp) + 1f4: 00000897 auipc a7,0x0 + 1f8: 00000217 auipc tp,0x0 + 1fc: ffc20213 addi tp,tp,-4 # 1f4 + 200: 404888b3 sub a7,a7,tp + 204: 01112423 sw a7,8(sp) + 208: 007ff917 auipc s2,0x7ff + 20c: 00000217 auipc tp,0x0 + 210: ffc20213 addi tp,tp,-4 # 208 + 214: 40490933 sub s2,s2,tp + 218: 01212623 sw s2,12(sp) + 21c: 00001997 auipc s3,0x1 + 220: 00000217 auipc tp,0x0 + 224: ffc20213 addi tp,tp,-4 # 21c + 228: 404989b3 sub s3,s3,tp + 22c: 01312823 sw s3,16(sp) + 230: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 234: e2008093 addi ra,ra,-480 # 2050 + 238: 01234a17 auipc s4,0x1234 + 23c: 00000197 auipc gp,0x0 + 240: ffc18193 addi gp,gp,-4 # 238 + 244: 403a0a33 sub s4,s4,gp + 248: 0140a023 sw s4,0(ra) + 24c: 80000a97 auipc s5,0x80000 + 250: 00000197 auipc gp,0x0 + 254: ffc18193 addi gp,gp,-4 # 24c + 258: 403a8ab3 sub s5,s5,gp + 25c: 0150a223 sw s5,4(ra) + 260: 01234b17 auipc s6,0x1234 + 264: 00000197 auipc gp,0x0 + 268: ffc18193 addi gp,gp,-4 # 260 + 26c: 403b0b33 sub s6,s6,gp + 270: 0160a423 sw s6,8(ra) + 274: fffffb97 auipc s7,0xfffff + 278: 00000197 auipc gp,0x0 + 27c: ffc18193 addi gp,gp,-4 # 274 + 280: 403b8bb3 sub s7,s7,gp + 284: 0170a623 sw s7,12(ra) + 288: 00001c17 auipc s8,0x1 + 28c: 00000197 auipc gp,0x0 + 290: ffc18193 addi gp,gp,-4 # 288 + 294: 403c0c33 sub s8,s8,gp + 298: 0180a823 sw s8,16(ra) + 29c: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 2a0: dc808093 addi ra,ra,-568 # 2064 + 2a4: 7ffffc97 auipc s9,0x7ffff + 2a8: 00000417 auipc s0,0x0 + 2ac: ffc40413 addi s0,s0,-4 # 2a4 + 2b0: 408c8cb3 sub s9,s9,s0 + 2b4: 0190a023 sw s9,0(ra) + 2b8: 54321d17 auipc s10,0x54321 + 2bc: 00000417 auipc s0,0x0 + 2c0: ffc40413 addi s0,s0,-4 # 2b8 + 2c4: 408d0d33 sub s10,s10,s0 + 2c8: 01a0a223 sw s10,4(ra) + 2cc: 00800d97 auipc s11,0x800 + 2d0: 00000417 auipc s0,0x0 + 2d4: ffc40413 addi s0,s0,-4 # 2cc + 2d8: 408d8db3 sub s11,s11,s0 + 2dc: 01b0a423 sw s11,8(ra) + 2e0: 00000e17 auipc t3,0x0 + 2e4: 00000417 auipc s0,0x0 + 2e8: ffc40413 addi s0,s0,-4 # 2e0 + 2ec: 408e0e33 sub t3,t3,s0 + 2f0: 01c0a623 sw t3,12(ra) + 2f4: 007ffe97 auipc t4,0x7ff + 2f8: 00000417 auipc s0,0x0 + 2fc: ffc40413 addi s0,s0,-4 # 2f4 + 300: 408e8eb3 sub t4,t4,s0 + 304: 01d0a823 sw t4,16(ra) + 308: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 30c: d7010113 addi sp,sp,-656 # 2078 + 310: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0 + 314: 00000217 auipc tp,0x0 + 318: ffc20213 addi tp,tp,-4 # 310 + 31c: 404f0f33 sub t5,t5,tp + 320: 01e12023 sw t5,0(sp) + 324: 00001f97 auipc t6,0x1 + 328: 00000217 auipc tp,0x0 + 32c: ffc20213 addi tp,tp,-4 # 324 + 330: 404f8fb3 sub t6,t6,tp + 334: 01f12223 sw t6,4(sp) + 338: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 33c: cc828293 addi t0,t0,-824 # 2000 + 340: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 344: 00830313 addi t1,t1,8 # 10000008 <_end+0xfffde04> + 348: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 34c: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 350: d4428293 addi t0,t0,-700 # 2090 + 354: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 358: 00c30313 addi t1,t1,12 # 1000000c <_end+0xfffde08> + 35c: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 360: 00100293 li t0,1 + 364: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 368: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 36c: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 370: 00000013 nop + 374: 00100193 li gp,1 + 378: 00000073 ecall + +0000037c : + 37c: c0001073 unimp + 380: 0000 unimp + ... + +Disassembly of section .tohost: + +00001000 : + ... + +00001100 : + ... + +Disassembly of section .data: + +00002000 : + 2000: ffff 0xffff + 2002: ffff 0xffff + 2004: ffff 0xffff + 2006: ffff 0xffff + 2008: ffff 0xffff + 200a: ffff 0xffff + 200c: ffff 0xffff + 200e: ffff 0xffff + 2010: ffff 0xffff + 2012: ffff 0xffff + +00002014 : + 2014: ffff 0xffff + 2016: ffff 0xffff + 2018: ffff 0xffff + 201a: ffff 0xffff + 201c: ffff 0xffff + 201e: ffff 0xffff + 2020: ffff 0xffff + 2022: ffff 0xffff + 2024: ffff 0xffff + 2026: ffff 0xffff + +00002028 : + 2028: ffff 0xffff + 202a: ffff 0xffff + 202c: ffff 0xffff + 202e: ffff 0xffff + 2030: ffff 0xffff + 2032: ffff 0xffff + 2034: ffff 0xffff + 2036: ffff 0xffff + 2038: ffff 0xffff + 203a: ffff 0xffff + +0000203c : + 203c: ffff 0xffff + 203e: ffff 0xffff + 2040: ffff 0xffff + 2042: ffff 0xffff + 2044: ffff 0xffff + 2046: ffff 0xffff + 2048: ffff 0xffff + 204a: ffff 0xffff + 204c: ffff 0xffff + 204e: ffff 0xffff + +00002050 : + 2050: ffff 0xffff + 2052: ffff 0xffff + 2054: ffff 0xffff + 2056: ffff 0xffff + 2058: ffff 0xffff + 205a: ffff 0xffff + 205c: ffff 0xffff + 205e: ffff 0xffff + 2060: ffff 0xffff + 2062: ffff 0xffff + +00002064 : + 2064: ffff 0xffff + 2066: ffff 0xffff + 2068: ffff 0xffff + 206a: ffff 0xffff + 206c: ffff 0xffff + 206e: ffff 0xffff + 2070: ffff 0xffff + 2072: ffff 0xffff + 2074: ffff 0xffff + 2076: ffff 0xffff + +00002078 : + 2078: ffff 0xffff + 207a: ffff 0xffff + 207c: ffff 0xffff + 207e: ffff 0xffff + 2080: ffff 0xffff + 2082: ffff 0xffff + 2084: ffff 0xffff + 2086: ffff 0xffff + 2088: ffff 0xffff + 208a: ffff 0xffff + 208c: 0000 unimp + ... + +00002090 : + ... + +00002100 : + 2100: 0080 addi s0,sp,64 + ... + +00002200 : + 2200: 0004 0x4 + ... diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BEQ-01.elf b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BEQ-01.elf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..13ec124 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BEQ-01.elf differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BEQ-01.elf.bin b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BEQ-01.elf.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6310dad Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BEQ-01.elf.bin differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BEQ-01.elf.objdump b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BEQ-01.elf.objdump new file mode 100644 index 0000000..67c2a1c --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BEQ-01.elf.objdump @@ -0,0 +1,480 @@ + +D:/gitee/open/tinyriscv/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BEQ-01.elf: file format elf32-littleriscv + + +Disassembly of section .text.init: + +00000000 <_start>: + 0: 04c0006f j 4c + +00000004 : + 4: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 8: 00800f93 li t6,8 + c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,40 + 10: 00900f93 li t6,9 + 14: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,40 + 18: 00b00f93 li t6,11 + 1c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,40 + 20: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0 + 24: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start> + 28: 000f0463 beqz t5,30 + 2c: 000f0067 jr t5 + 30: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 34: 000f5463 bgez t5,3c + 38: 0040006f j 3c + +0000003c : + 3c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337 + +00000040 : + 40: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1 + 44: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 1000 + 48: ff9ff06f j 40 + +0000004c : + 4c: 00000193 li gp,0 + 50: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 54: fb428293 addi t0,t0,-76 # 4 + 58: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 + 5c: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0 + 60: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 64: 02028293 addi t0,t0,32 # 80 + 68: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0 + 6c: 00000293 li t0,0 + 70: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 74: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 78: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 7c: 30200073 mret + +00000080 : + 80: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 84: f8010113 addi sp,sp,-128 # 2000 + 88: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 8c: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 90: fff00f93 li t6,-1 + 94: 00000813 li a6,0 + 98: 010f8663 beq t6,a6,a4 + 9c: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + a0: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + a4: 00112023 sw ra,0(sp) + a8: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + ac: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + b0: 00100f13 li t5,1 + b4: 80100793 li a5,-2047 + b8: 00ff0663 beq t5,a5,c4 + bc: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + c0: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + c4: 00112223 sw ra,4(sp) + c8: 0080006f j d0 + cc: 0200006f j ec + d0: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + d4: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + d8: 00000e93 li t4,0 + dc: fff00713 li a4,-1 + e0: feee86e3 beq t4,a4,cc + e4: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + e8: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + ec: 00112423 sw ra,8(sp) + f0: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + f4: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + f8: 7ff00e13 li t3,2047 + fc: fffff6b7 lui a3,0xfffff + 100: dcc68693 addi a3,a3,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 104: 00de0663 beq t3,a3,110 + 108: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 10c: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 110: 00112623 sw ra,12(sp) + 114: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 118: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 11c: 00000d93 li s11,0 + 120: 80000637 lui a2,0x80000 + 124: 00cd8663 beq s11,a2,130 + 128: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 12c: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 130: 00112823 sw ra,16(sp) + 134: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 138: ee010113 addi sp,sp,-288 # 2014 + 13c: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 140: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 144: 00001d37 lui s10,0x1 + 148: 800d0d13 addi s10,s10,-2048 # 800 + 14c: 000015b7 lui a1,0x1 + 150: 23458593 addi a1,a1,564 # 1234 + 154: 00bd0663 beq s10,a1,160 + 158: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 15c: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 160: 00112023 sw ra,0(sp) + 164: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 168: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 16c: 07654cb7 lui s9,0x7654 + 170: 321c8c93 addi s9,s9,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 174: fff00513 li a0,-1 + 178: 00ac8663 beq s9,a0,184 + 17c: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 180: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 184: 00112223 sw ra,4(sp) + 188: 0080006f j 190 + 18c: 0240006f j 1b0 + 190: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 194: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 198: 80000c37 lui s8,0x80000 + 19c: fffc0c13 addi s8,s8,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1a0: 00100493 li s1,1 + 1a4: fe9c04e3 beq s8,s1,18c + 1a8: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 1ac: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 1b0: 00112423 sw ra,8(sp) + 1b4: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 1b8: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 1bc: 00100b93 li s7,1 + 1c0: 80000437 lui s0,0x80000 + 1c4: fff40413 addi s0,s0,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1c8: 008b8663 beq s7,s0,1d4 + 1cc: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 1d0: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 1d4: 00112623 sw ra,12(sp) + 1d8: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 1dc: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 1e0: fff00b13 li s6,-1 + 1e4: 076543b7 lui t2,0x7654 + 1e8: 32138393 addi t2,t2,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 1ec: 007b0663 beq s6,t2,1f8 + 1f0: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 1f4: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 1f8: 00112823 sw ra,16(sp) + 1fc: 00002397 auipc t2,0x2 + 200: e2c38393 addi t2,t2,-468 # 2028 + 204: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 208: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 20c: 00001ab7 lui s5,0x1 + 210: 234a8a93 addi s5,s5,564 # 1234 + 214: 00001337 lui t1,0x1 + 218: 80030313 addi t1,t1,-2048 # 800 + 21c: 006a8663 beq s5,t1,228 + 220: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 224: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 228: 0013a023 sw ra,0(t2) + 22c: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 230: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 234: 80000a37 lui s4,0x80000 + 238: 00000293 li t0,0 + 23c: 005a0663 beq s4,t0,248 + 240: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 244: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 248: 0013a223 sw ra,4(t2) + 24c: 0080006f j 254 + 250: 0240006f j 274 + 254: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 258: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 25c: fffff9b7 lui s3,0xfffff + 260: dcc98993 addi s3,s3,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 264: 7ff00213 li tp,2047 + 268: fe4984e3 beq s3,tp,250 + 26c: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 270: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 274: 0013a423 sw ra,8(t2) + 278: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 27c: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 280: fff00913 li s2,-1 + 284: fff00193 li gp,-1 + 288: 00390663 beq s2,gp,294 + 28c: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 290: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 294: 0013a623 sw ra,12(t2) + 298: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 29c: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 2a0: 80100893 li a7,-2047 + 2a4: 00100113 li sp,1 + 2a8: 00288663 beq a7,sp,2b4 + 2ac: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 2b0: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 2b4: 0013a823 sw ra,16(t2) + 2b8: 00002197 auipc gp,0x2 + 2bc: d8418193 addi gp,gp,-636 # 203c + 2c0: 0000d137 lui sp,0xd + 2c4: ccc10113 addi sp,sp,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 2c8: 00000813 li a6,0 + 2cc: 00000093 li ra,0 + 2d0: 00180663 beq a6,ra,2dc + 2d4: 00012137 lui sp,0x12 + 2d8: 3ab10113 addi sp,sp,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 2dc: 0021a023 sw sp,0(gp) + 2e0: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 2e4: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 2e8: fff00793 li a5,-1 + 2ec: 00000013 nop + 2f0: 00078663 beqz a5,2fc + 2f4: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 2f8: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 2fc: 0011a223 sw ra,4(gp) + 300: 0080006f j 308 + 304: 0200006f j 324 + 308: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 30c: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 310: 00100713 li a4,1 + 314: 80100f93 li t6,-2047 + 318: fff706e3 beq a4,t6,304 + 31c: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 320: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 324: 0011a423 sw ra,8(gp) + 328: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 32c: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 330: 00000693 li a3,0 + 334: fff00f13 li t5,-1 + 338: 01e68663 beq a3,t5,344 + 33c: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 340: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 344: 0011a623 sw ra,12(gp) + 348: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 34c: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 350: 7ff00613 li a2,2047 + 354: fffffeb7 lui t4,0xfffff + 358: dcce8e93 addi t4,t4,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 35c: 01d60663 beq a2,t4,368 + 360: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 364: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 368: 0011a823 sw ra,16(gp) + 36c: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 370: ce410113 addi sp,sp,-796 # 2050 + 374: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 378: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 37c: 00000593 li a1,0 + 380: 80000e37 lui t3,0x80000 + 384: 01c58663 beq a1,t3,390 + 388: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 38c: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 390: 00112023 sw ra,0(sp) + 394: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 398: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 39c: 00001537 lui a0,0x1 + 3a0: 80050513 addi a0,a0,-2048 # 800 + 3a4: 00001db7 lui s11,0x1 + 3a8: 234d8d93 addi s11,s11,564 # 1234 + 3ac: 01b50663 beq a0,s11,3b8 + 3b0: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 3b4: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 3b8: 00112223 sw ra,4(sp) + 3bc: 0080006f j 3c4 + 3c0: 0240006f j 3e4 + 3c4: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 3c8: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 3cc: 076544b7 lui s1,0x7654 + 3d0: 32148493 addi s1,s1,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 3d4: fff00d13 li s10,-1 + 3d8: ffa484e3 beq s1,s10,3c0 + 3dc: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 3e0: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 3e4: 00112423 sw ra,8(sp) + 3e8: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 3ec: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 3f0: 80000437 lui s0,0x80000 + 3f4: fff40413 addi s0,s0,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 3f8: 00100c93 li s9,1 + 3fc: 01940663 beq s0,s9,408 + 400: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 404: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 408: 00112623 sw ra,12(sp) + 40c: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 410: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 414: 00100393 li t2,1 + 418: 80000c37 lui s8,0x80000 + 41c: fffc0c13 addi s8,s8,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 420: 01838663 beq t2,s8,42c + 424: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 428: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 42c: 00112823 sw ra,16(sp) + 430: 00002397 auipc t2,0x2 + 434: c3438393 addi t2,t2,-972 # 2064 + 438: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 43c: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 440: fff00313 li t1,-1 + 444: 07654bb7 lui s7,0x7654 + 448: 321b8b93 addi s7,s7,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 44c: 01730663 beq t1,s7,458 + 450: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 454: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 458: 0013a023 sw ra,0(t2) + 45c: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 460: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 464: 000012b7 lui t0,0x1 + 468: 23428293 addi t0,t0,564 # 1234 + 46c: 00001b37 lui s6,0x1 + 470: 800b0b13 addi s6,s6,-2048 # 800 + 474: 01628663 beq t0,s6,480 + 478: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 47c: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 480: 0013a223 sw ra,4(t2) + 484: 0080006f j 48c + 488: 0200006f j 4a8 + 48c: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 490: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 494: 80000237 lui tp,0x80000 + 498: 00000a93 li s5,0 + 49c: ff5206e3 beq tp,s5,488 + 4a0: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 4a4: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 4a8: 0013a423 sw ra,8(t2) + 4ac: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 4b0: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 4b4: fffff1b7 lui gp,0xfffff + 4b8: dcc18193 addi gp,gp,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 4bc: 7ff00a13 li s4,2047 + 4c0: 01418663 beq gp,s4,4cc + 4c4: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 4c8: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 4cc: 0013a623 sw ra,12(t2) + 4d0: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 4d4: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 4d8: fff00113 li sp,-1 + 4dc: fff00993 li s3,-1 + 4e0: 01310663 beq sp,s3,4ec + 4e4: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 4e8: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 4ec: 0013a823 sw ra,16(t2) + 4f0: 00002197 auipc gp,0x2 + 4f4: b8818193 addi gp,gp,-1144 # 2078 + 4f8: 0000d137 lui sp,0xd + 4fc: ccc10113 addi sp,sp,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 500: 80100093 li ra,-2047 + 504: 00100913 li s2,1 + 508: 01208663 beq ra,s2,514 + 50c: 00012137 lui sp,0x12 + 510: 3ab10113 addi sp,sp,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 514: 0021a023 sw sp,0(gp) + 518: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 51c: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 520: 00000013 nop + 524: 00000893 li a7,0 + 528: 01100663 beq zero,a7,534 + 52c: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 530: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 534: 0011a223 sw ra,4(gp) + 538: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 53c: ac828293 addi t0,t0,-1336 # 2000 + 540: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 544: 00830313 addi t1,t1,8 # 10000008 <_end+0xfffde04> + 548: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 54c: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 550: b4428293 addi t0,t0,-1212 # 2090 + 554: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 558: 00c30313 addi t1,t1,12 # 1000000c <_end+0xfffde08> + 55c: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 560: 00100293 li t0,1 + 564: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 568: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 56c: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 570: 00000013 nop + 574: 00100193 li gp,1 + 578: 00000073 ecall + +0000057c : + 57c: c0001073 unimp + 580: 0000 unimp + ... + +Disassembly of section .tohost: + +00001000 : + ... + +00001100 : + ... + +Disassembly of section .data: + +00002000 : + 2000: ffff 0xffff + 2002: ffff 0xffff + 2004: ffff 0xffff + 2006: ffff 0xffff + 2008: ffff 0xffff + 200a: ffff 0xffff + 200c: ffff 0xffff + 200e: ffff 0xffff + 2010: ffff 0xffff + 2012: ffff 0xffff + +00002014 : + 2014: ffff 0xffff + 2016: ffff 0xffff + 2018: ffff 0xffff + 201a: ffff 0xffff + 201c: ffff 0xffff + 201e: ffff 0xffff + 2020: ffff 0xffff + 2022: ffff 0xffff + 2024: ffff 0xffff + 2026: ffff 0xffff + +00002028 : + 2028: ffff 0xffff + 202a: ffff 0xffff + 202c: ffff 0xffff + 202e: ffff 0xffff + 2030: ffff 0xffff + 2032: ffff 0xffff + 2034: ffff 0xffff + 2036: ffff 0xffff + 2038: ffff 0xffff + 203a: ffff 0xffff + +0000203c : + 203c: ffff 0xffff + 203e: ffff 0xffff + 2040: ffff 0xffff + 2042: ffff 0xffff + 2044: ffff 0xffff + 2046: ffff 0xffff + 2048: ffff 0xffff + 204a: ffff 0xffff + 204c: ffff 0xffff + 204e: ffff 0xffff + +00002050 : + 2050: ffff 0xffff + 2052: ffff 0xffff + 2054: ffff 0xffff + 2056: ffff 0xffff + 2058: ffff 0xffff + 205a: ffff 0xffff + 205c: ffff 0xffff + 205e: ffff 0xffff + 2060: ffff 0xffff + 2062: ffff 0xffff + +00002064 : + 2064: ffff 0xffff + 2066: ffff 0xffff + 2068: ffff 0xffff + 206a: ffff 0xffff + 206c: ffff 0xffff + 206e: ffff 0xffff + 2070: ffff 0xffff + 2072: ffff 0xffff + 2074: ffff 0xffff + 2076: ffff 0xffff + +00002078 : + 2078: ffff 0xffff + 207a: ffff 0xffff + 207c: ffff 0xffff + 207e: ffff 0xffff + 2080: ffff 0xffff + 2082: ffff 0xffff + 2084: ffff 0xffff + 2086: ffff 0xffff + 2088: ffff 0xffff + 208a: ffff 0xffff + 208c: 0000 unimp + ... + +00002090 : + ... + +00002100 : + 2100: 0080 addi s0,sp,64 + ... + +00002200 : + 2200: 0004 0x4 + ... diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BGE-01.elf b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BGE-01.elf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9145d4e Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BGE-01.elf differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BGE-01.elf.bin b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BGE-01.elf.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d6f1732 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BGE-01.elf.bin differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BGE-01.elf.objdump b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BGE-01.elf.objdump new file mode 100644 index 0000000..848a176 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BGE-01.elf.objdump @@ -0,0 +1,480 @@ + +D:/gitee/open/tinyriscv/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BGE-01.elf: file format elf32-littleriscv + + +Disassembly of section .text.init: + +00000000 <_start>: + 0: 04c0006f j 4c + +00000004 : + 4: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 8: 00800f93 li t6,8 + c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,40 + 10: 00900f93 li t6,9 + 14: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,40 + 18: 00b00f93 li t6,11 + 1c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,40 + 20: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0 + 24: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start> + 28: 000f0463 beqz t5,30 + 2c: 000f0067 jr t5 + 30: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 34: 000f5463 bgez t5,3c + 38: 0040006f j 3c + +0000003c : + 3c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337 + +00000040 : + 40: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1 + 44: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 1000 + 48: ff9ff06f j 40 + +0000004c : + 4c: 00000193 li gp,0 + 50: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 54: fb428293 addi t0,t0,-76 # 4 + 58: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 + 5c: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0 + 60: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 64: 02028293 addi t0,t0,32 # 80 + 68: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0 + 6c: 00000293 li t0,0 + 70: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 74: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 78: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 7c: 30200073 mret + +00000080 : + 80: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 84: f8010113 addi sp,sp,-128 # 2000 + 88: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 8c: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 90: fff00f93 li t6,-1 + 94: 00000813 li a6,0 + 98: 010fd663 bge t6,a6,a4 + 9c: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + a0: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + a4: 00112023 sw ra,0(sp) + a8: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + ac: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + b0: 00100f13 li t5,1 + b4: 80100793 li a5,-2047 + b8: 00ff5663 bge t5,a5,c4 + bc: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + c0: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + c4: 00112223 sw ra,4(sp) + c8: 0080006f j d0 + cc: 0200006f j ec + d0: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + d4: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + d8: 00000e93 li t4,0 + dc: fff00713 li a4,-1 + e0: feeed6e3 bge t4,a4,cc + e4: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + e8: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + ec: 00112423 sw ra,8(sp) + f0: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + f4: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + f8: 7ff00e13 li t3,2047 + fc: fffff6b7 lui a3,0xfffff + 100: dcc68693 addi a3,a3,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 104: 00de5663 bge t3,a3,110 + 108: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 10c: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 110: 00112623 sw ra,12(sp) + 114: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 118: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 11c: 00000d93 li s11,0 + 120: 80000637 lui a2,0x80000 + 124: 00cdd663 bge s11,a2,130 + 128: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 12c: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 130: 00112823 sw ra,16(sp) + 134: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 138: ee010113 addi sp,sp,-288 # 2014 + 13c: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 140: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 144: 00001d37 lui s10,0x1 + 148: 800d0d13 addi s10,s10,-2048 # 800 + 14c: 000015b7 lui a1,0x1 + 150: 23458593 addi a1,a1,564 # 1234 + 154: 00bd5663 bge s10,a1,160 + 158: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 15c: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 160: 00112023 sw ra,0(sp) + 164: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 168: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 16c: 07654cb7 lui s9,0x7654 + 170: 321c8c93 addi s9,s9,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 174: fff00513 li a0,-1 + 178: 00acd663 bge s9,a0,184 + 17c: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 180: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 184: 00112223 sw ra,4(sp) + 188: 0080006f j 190 + 18c: 0240006f j 1b0 + 190: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 194: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 198: 80000c37 lui s8,0x80000 + 19c: fffc0c13 addi s8,s8,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1a0: 00100493 li s1,1 + 1a4: fe9c54e3 bge s8,s1,18c + 1a8: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 1ac: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 1b0: 00112423 sw ra,8(sp) + 1b4: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 1b8: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 1bc: 00100b93 li s7,1 + 1c0: 80000437 lui s0,0x80000 + 1c4: fff40413 addi s0,s0,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1c8: 008bd663 bge s7,s0,1d4 + 1cc: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 1d0: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 1d4: 00112623 sw ra,12(sp) + 1d8: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 1dc: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 1e0: fff00b13 li s6,-1 + 1e4: 076543b7 lui t2,0x7654 + 1e8: 32138393 addi t2,t2,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 1ec: 007b5663 bge s6,t2,1f8 + 1f0: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 1f4: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 1f8: 00112823 sw ra,16(sp) + 1fc: 00002397 auipc t2,0x2 + 200: e2c38393 addi t2,t2,-468 # 2028 + 204: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 208: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 20c: 00001ab7 lui s5,0x1 + 210: 234a8a93 addi s5,s5,564 # 1234 + 214: 00001337 lui t1,0x1 + 218: 80030313 addi t1,t1,-2048 # 800 + 21c: 006ad663 bge s5,t1,228 + 220: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 224: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 228: 0013a023 sw ra,0(t2) + 22c: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 230: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 234: 80000a37 lui s4,0x80000 + 238: 00000293 li t0,0 + 23c: 005a5663 bge s4,t0,248 + 240: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 244: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 248: 0013a223 sw ra,4(t2) + 24c: 0080006f j 254 + 250: 0240006f j 274 + 254: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 258: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 25c: fffff9b7 lui s3,0xfffff + 260: dcc98993 addi s3,s3,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 264: 7ff00213 li tp,2047 + 268: fe49d4e3 bge s3,tp,250 + 26c: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 270: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 274: 0013a423 sw ra,8(t2) + 278: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 27c: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 280: fff00913 li s2,-1 + 284: fff00193 li gp,-1 + 288: 00395663 bge s2,gp,294 + 28c: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 290: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 294: 0013a623 sw ra,12(t2) + 298: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 29c: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 2a0: 80100893 li a7,-2047 + 2a4: 00100113 li sp,1 + 2a8: 0028d663 bge a7,sp,2b4 + 2ac: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 2b0: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 2b4: 0013a823 sw ra,16(t2) + 2b8: 00002197 auipc gp,0x2 + 2bc: d8418193 addi gp,gp,-636 # 203c + 2c0: 0000d137 lui sp,0xd + 2c4: ccc10113 addi sp,sp,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 2c8: 00000813 li a6,0 + 2cc: 00000093 li ra,0 + 2d0: 00185663 bge a6,ra,2dc + 2d4: 00012137 lui sp,0x12 + 2d8: 3ab10113 addi sp,sp,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 2dc: 0021a023 sw sp,0(gp) + 2e0: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 2e4: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 2e8: fff00793 li a5,-1 + 2ec: 00000013 nop + 2f0: 0007d663 bgez a5,2fc + 2f4: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 2f8: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 2fc: 0011a223 sw ra,4(gp) + 300: 0080006f j 308 + 304: 0200006f j 324 + 308: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 30c: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 310: 00100713 li a4,1 + 314: 80100f93 li t6,-2047 + 318: fff756e3 bge a4,t6,304 + 31c: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 320: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 324: 0011a423 sw ra,8(gp) + 328: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 32c: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 330: 00000693 li a3,0 + 334: fff00f13 li t5,-1 + 338: 01e6d663 bge a3,t5,344 + 33c: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 340: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 344: 0011a623 sw ra,12(gp) + 348: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 34c: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 350: 7ff00613 li a2,2047 + 354: fffffeb7 lui t4,0xfffff + 358: dcce8e93 addi t4,t4,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 35c: 01d65663 bge a2,t4,368 + 360: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 364: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 368: 0011a823 sw ra,16(gp) + 36c: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 370: ce410113 addi sp,sp,-796 # 2050 + 374: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 378: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 37c: 00000593 li a1,0 + 380: 80000e37 lui t3,0x80000 + 384: 01c5d663 bge a1,t3,390 + 388: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 38c: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 390: 00112023 sw ra,0(sp) + 394: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 398: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 39c: 00001537 lui a0,0x1 + 3a0: 80050513 addi a0,a0,-2048 # 800 + 3a4: 00001db7 lui s11,0x1 + 3a8: 234d8d93 addi s11,s11,564 # 1234 + 3ac: 01b55663 bge a0,s11,3b8 + 3b0: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 3b4: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 3b8: 00112223 sw ra,4(sp) + 3bc: 0080006f j 3c4 + 3c0: 0240006f j 3e4 + 3c4: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 3c8: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 3cc: 076544b7 lui s1,0x7654 + 3d0: 32148493 addi s1,s1,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 3d4: fff00d13 li s10,-1 + 3d8: ffa4d4e3 bge s1,s10,3c0 + 3dc: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 3e0: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 3e4: 00112423 sw ra,8(sp) + 3e8: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 3ec: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 3f0: 80000437 lui s0,0x80000 + 3f4: fff40413 addi s0,s0,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 3f8: 00100c93 li s9,1 + 3fc: 01945663 bge s0,s9,408 + 400: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 404: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 408: 00112623 sw ra,12(sp) + 40c: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 410: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 414: 00100393 li t2,1 + 418: 80000c37 lui s8,0x80000 + 41c: fffc0c13 addi s8,s8,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 420: 0183d663 bge t2,s8,42c + 424: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 428: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 42c: 00112823 sw ra,16(sp) + 430: 00002397 auipc t2,0x2 + 434: c3438393 addi t2,t2,-972 # 2064 + 438: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 43c: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 440: fff00313 li t1,-1 + 444: 07654bb7 lui s7,0x7654 + 448: 321b8b93 addi s7,s7,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 44c: 01735663 bge t1,s7,458 + 450: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 454: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 458: 0013a023 sw ra,0(t2) + 45c: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 460: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 464: 000012b7 lui t0,0x1 + 468: 23428293 addi t0,t0,564 # 1234 + 46c: 00001b37 lui s6,0x1 + 470: 800b0b13 addi s6,s6,-2048 # 800 + 474: 0162d663 bge t0,s6,480 + 478: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 47c: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 480: 0013a223 sw ra,4(t2) + 484: 0080006f j 48c + 488: 0200006f j 4a8 + 48c: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 490: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 494: 80000237 lui tp,0x80000 + 498: 00000a93 li s5,0 + 49c: ff5256e3 bge tp,s5,488 + 4a0: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 4a4: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 4a8: 0013a423 sw ra,8(t2) + 4ac: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 4b0: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 4b4: fffff1b7 lui gp,0xfffff + 4b8: dcc18193 addi gp,gp,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 4bc: 7ff00a13 li s4,2047 + 4c0: 0141d663 bge gp,s4,4cc + 4c4: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 4c8: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 4cc: 0013a623 sw ra,12(t2) + 4d0: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 4d4: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 4d8: fff00113 li sp,-1 + 4dc: fff00993 li s3,-1 + 4e0: 01315663 bge sp,s3,4ec + 4e4: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 4e8: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 4ec: 0013a823 sw ra,16(t2) + 4f0: 00002197 auipc gp,0x2 + 4f4: b8818193 addi gp,gp,-1144 # 2078 + 4f8: 0000d137 lui sp,0xd + 4fc: ccc10113 addi sp,sp,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 500: 80100093 li ra,-2047 + 504: 00100913 li s2,1 + 508: 0120d663 bge ra,s2,514 + 50c: 00012137 lui sp,0x12 + 510: 3ab10113 addi sp,sp,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 514: 0021a023 sw sp,0(gp) + 518: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 51c: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 520: 00000013 nop + 524: 00000893 li a7,0 + 528: 01105663 blez a7,534 + 52c: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 530: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 534: 0011a223 sw ra,4(gp) + 538: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 53c: ac828293 addi t0,t0,-1336 # 2000 + 540: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 544: 00830313 addi t1,t1,8 # 10000008 <_end+0xfffde04> + 548: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 54c: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 550: b4428293 addi t0,t0,-1212 # 2090 + 554: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 558: 00c30313 addi t1,t1,12 # 1000000c <_end+0xfffde08> + 55c: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 560: 00100293 li t0,1 + 564: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 568: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 56c: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 570: 00000013 nop + 574: 00100193 li gp,1 + 578: 00000073 ecall + +0000057c : + 57c: c0001073 unimp + 580: 0000 unimp + ... + +Disassembly of section .tohost: + +00001000 : + ... + +00001100 : + ... + +Disassembly of section .data: + +00002000 : + 2000: ffff 0xffff + 2002: ffff 0xffff + 2004: ffff 0xffff + 2006: ffff 0xffff + 2008: ffff 0xffff + 200a: ffff 0xffff + 200c: ffff 0xffff + 200e: ffff 0xffff + 2010: ffff 0xffff + 2012: ffff 0xffff + +00002014 : + 2014: ffff 0xffff + 2016: ffff 0xffff + 2018: ffff 0xffff + 201a: ffff 0xffff + 201c: ffff 0xffff + 201e: ffff 0xffff + 2020: ffff 0xffff + 2022: ffff 0xffff + 2024: ffff 0xffff + 2026: ffff 0xffff + +00002028 : + 2028: ffff 0xffff + 202a: ffff 0xffff + 202c: ffff 0xffff + 202e: ffff 0xffff + 2030: ffff 0xffff + 2032: ffff 0xffff + 2034: ffff 0xffff + 2036: ffff 0xffff + 2038: ffff 0xffff + 203a: ffff 0xffff + +0000203c : + 203c: ffff 0xffff + 203e: ffff 0xffff + 2040: ffff 0xffff + 2042: ffff 0xffff + 2044: ffff 0xffff + 2046: ffff 0xffff + 2048: ffff 0xffff + 204a: ffff 0xffff + 204c: ffff 0xffff + 204e: ffff 0xffff + +00002050 : + 2050: ffff 0xffff + 2052: ffff 0xffff + 2054: ffff 0xffff + 2056: ffff 0xffff + 2058: ffff 0xffff + 205a: ffff 0xffff + 205c: ffff 0xffff + 205e: ffff 0xffff + 2060: ffff 0xffff + 2062: ffff 0xffff + +00002064 : + 2064: ffff 0xffff + 2066: ffff 0xffff + 2068: ffff 0xffff + 206a: ffff 0xffff + 206c: ffff 0xffff + 206e: ffff 0xffff + 2070: ffff 0xffff + 2072: ffff 0xffff + 2074: ffff 0xffff + 2076: ffff 0xffff + +00002078 : + 2078: ffff 0xffff + 207a: ffff 0xffff + 207c: ffff 0xffff + 207e: ffff 0xffff + 2080: ffff 0xffff + 2082: ffff 0xffff + 2084: ffff 0xffff + 2086: ffff 0xffff + 2088: ffff 0xffff + 208a: ffff 0xffff + 208c: 0000 unimp + ... + +00002090 : + ... + +00002100 : + 2100: 0080 addi s0,sp,64 + ... + +00002200 : + 2200: 0004 0x4 + ... diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BGEU-01.elf b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BGEU-01.elf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d7e57e4 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BGEU-01.elf differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BGEU-01.elf.bin b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BGEU-01.elf.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5164b87 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BGEU-01.elf.bin differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BGEU-01.elf.objdump b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BGEU-01.elf.objdump new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9aaf132 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BGEU-01.elf.objdump @@ -0,0 +1,480 @@ + +D:/gitee/open/tinyriscv/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BGEU-01.elf: file format elf32-littleriscv + + +Disassembly of section .text.init: + +00000000 <_start>: + 0: 04c0006f j 4c + +00000004 : + 4: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 8: 00800f93 li t6,8 + c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,40 + 10: 00900f93 li t6,9 + 14: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,40 + 18: 00b00f93 li t6,11 + 1c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,40 + 20: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0 + 24: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start> + 28: 000f0463 beqz t5,30 + 2c: 000f0067 jr t5 + 30: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 34: 000f5463 bgez t5,3c + 38: 0040006f j 3c + +0000003c : + 3c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337 + +00000040 : + 40: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1 + 44: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 1000 + 48: ff9ff06f j 40 + +0000004c : + 4c: 00000193 li gp,0 + 50: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 54: fb428293 addi t0,t0,-76 # 4 + 58: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 + 5c: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0 + 60: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 64: 02028293 addi t0,t0,32 # 80 + 68: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0 + 6c: 00000293 li t0,0 + 70: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 74: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 78: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 7c: 30200073 mret + +00000080 : + 80: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 84: f8010113 addi sp,sp,-128 # 2000 + 88: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 8c: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 90: fff00f93 li t6,-1 + 94: 00000813 li a6,0 + 98: 010ff663 bgeu t6,a6,a4 + 9c: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + a0: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + a4: 00112023 sw ra,0(sp) + a8: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + ac: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + b0: 00100f13 li t5,1 + b4: 80100793 li a5,-2047 + b8: 00ff7663 bgeu t5,a5,c4 + bc: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + c0: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + c4: 00112223 sw ra,4(sp) + c8: 0080006f j d0 + cc: 0200006f j ec + d0: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + d4: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + d8: 00000e93 li t4,0 + dc: fff00713 li a4,-1 + e0: feeef6e3 bgeu t4,a4,cc + e4: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + e8: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + ec: 00112423 sw ra,8(sp) + f0: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + f4: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + f8: 7ff00e13 li t3,2047 + fc: fffff6b7 lui a3,0xfffff + 100: dcc68693 addi a3,a3,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 104: 00de7663 bgeu t3,a3,110 + 108: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 10c: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 110: 00112623 sw ra,12(sp) + 114: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 118: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 11c: 00000d93 li s11,0 + 120: 80000637 lui a2,0x80000 + 124: 00cdf663 bgeu s11,a2,130 + 128: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 12c: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 130: 00112823 sw ra,16(sp) + 134: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 138: ee010113 addi sp,sp,-288 # 2014 + 13c: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 140: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 144: 00001d37 lui s10,0x1 + 148: 800d0d13 addi s10,s10,-2048 # 800 + 14c: 000015b7 lui a1,0x1 + 150: 23458593 addi a1,a1,564 # 1234 + 154: 00bd7663 bgeu s10,a1,160 + 158: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 15c: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 160: 00112023 sw ra,0(sp) + 164: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 168: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 16c: 07654cb7 lui s9,0x7654 + 170: 321c8c93 addi s9,s9,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 174: fff00513 li a0,-1 + 178: 00acf663 bgeu s9,a0,184 + 17c: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 180: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 184: 00112223 sw ra,4(sp) + 188: 0080006f j 190 + 18c: 0240006f j 1b0 + 190: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 194: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 198: 80000c37 lui s8,0x80000 + 19c: fffc0c13 addi s8,s8,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1a0: 00100493 li s1,1 + 1a4: fe9c74e3 bgeu s8,s1,18c + 1a8: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 1ac: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 1b0: 00112423 sw ra,8(sp) + 1b4: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 1b8: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 1bc: 00100b93 li s7,1 + 1c0: 80000437 lui s0,0x80000 + 1c4: fff40413 addi s0,s0,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1c8: 008bf663 bgeu s7,s0,1d4 + 1cc: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 1d0: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 1d4: 00112623 sw ra,12(sp) + 1d8: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 1dc: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 1e0: fff00b13 li s6,-1 + 1e4: 076543b7 lui t2,0x7654 + 1e8: 32138393 addi t2,t2,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 1ec: 007b7663 bgeu s6,t2,1f8 + 1f0: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 1f4: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 1f8: 00112823 sw ra,16(sp) + 1fc: 00002397 auipc t2,0x2 + 200: e2c38393 addi t2,t2,-468 # 2028 + 204: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 208: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 20c: 00001ab7 lui s5,0x1 + 210: 234a8a93 addi s5,s5,564 # 1234 + 214: 00001337 lui t1,0x1 + 218: 80030313 addi t1,t1,-2048 # 800 + 21c: 006af663 bgeu s5,t1,228 + 220: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 224: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 228: 0013a023 sw ra,0(t2) + 22c: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 230: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 234: 80000a37 lui s4,0x80000 + 238: 00000293 li t0,0 + 23c: 005a7663 bgeu s4,t0,248 + 240: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 244: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 248: 0013a223 sw ra,4(t2) + 24c: 0080006f j 254 + 250: 0240006f j 274 + 254: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 258: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 25c: fffff9b7 lui s3,0xfffff + 260: dcc98993 addi s3,s3,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 264: 7ff00213 li tp,2047 + 268: fe49f4e3 bgeu s3,tp,250 + 26c: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 270: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 274: 0013a423 sw ra,8(t2) + 278: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 27c: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 280: fff00913 li s2,-1 + 284: fff00193 li gp,-1 + 288: 00397663 bgeu s2,gp,294 + 28c: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 290: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 294: 0013a623 sw ra,12(t2) + 298: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 29c: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 2a0: 80100893 li a7,-2047 + 2a4: 00100113 li sp,1 + 2a8: 0028f663 bgeu a7,sp,2b4 + 2ac: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 2b0: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 2b4: 0013a823 sw ra,16(t2) + 2b8: 00002197 auipc gp,0x2 + 2bc: d8418193 addi gp,gp,-636 # 203c + 2c0: 0000d137 lui sp,0xd + 2c4: ccc10113 addi sp,sp,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 2c8: 00000813 li a6,0 + 2cc: 00000093 li ra,0 + 2d0: 00187663 bgeu a6,ra,2dc + 2d4: 00012137 lui sp,0x12 + 2d8: 3ab10113 addi sp,sp,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 2dc: 0021a023 sw sp,0(gp) + 2e0: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 2e4: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 2e8: fff00793 li a5,-1 + 2ec: 00000013 nop + 2f0: 0007f663 bgeu a5,zero,2fc + 2f4: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 2f8: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 2fc: 0011a223 sw ra,4(gp) + 300: 0080006f j 308 + 304: 0200006f j 324 + 308: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 30c: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 310: 00100713 li a4,1 + 314: 80100f93 li t6,-2047 + 318: fff776e3 bgeu a4,t6,304 + 31c: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 320: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 324: 0011a423 sw ra,8(gp) + 328: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 32c: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 330: 00000693 li a3,0 + 334: fff00f13 li t5,-1 + 338: 01e6f663 bgeu a3,t5,344 + 33c: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 340: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 344: 0011a623 sw ra,12(gp) + 348: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 34c: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 350: 7ff00613 li a2,2047 + 354: fffffeb7 lui t4,0xfffff + 358: dcce8e93 addi t4,t4,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 35c: 01d67663 bgeu a2,t4,368 + 360: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 364: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 368: 0011a823 sw ra,16(gp) + 36c: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 370: ce410113 addi sp,sp,-796 # 2050 + 374: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 378: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 37c: 00000593 li a1,0 + 380: 80000e37 lui t3,0x80000 + 384: 01c5f663 bgeu a1,t3,390 + 388: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 38c: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 390: 00112023 sw ra,0(sp) + 394: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 398: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 39c: 00001537 lui a0,0x1 + 3a0: 80050513 addi a0,a0,-2048 # 800 + 3a4: 00001db7 lui s11,0x1 + 3a8: 234d8d93 addi s11,s11,564 # 1234 + 3ac: 01b57663 bgeu a0,s11,3b8 + 3b0: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 3b4: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 3b8: 00112223 sw ra,4(sp) + 3bc: 0080006f j 3c4 + 3c0: 0240006f j 3e4 + 3c4: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 3c8: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 3cc: 076544b7 lui s1,0x7654 + 3d0: 32148493 addi s1,s1,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 3d4: fff00d13 li s10,-1 + 3d8: ffa4f4e3 bgeu s1,s10,3c0 + 3dc: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 3e0: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 3e4: 00112423 sw ra,8(sp) + 3e8: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 3ec: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 3f0: 80000437 lui s0,0x80000 + 3f4: fff40413 addi s0,s0,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 3f8: 00100c93 li s9,1 + 3fc: 01947663 bgeu s0,s9,408 + 400: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 404: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 408: 00112623 sw ra,12(sp) + 40c: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 410: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 414: 00100393 li t2,1 + 418: 80000c37 lui s8,0x80000 + 41c: fffc0c13 addi s8,s8,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 420: 0183f663 bgeu t2,s8,42c + 424: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 428: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 42c: 00112823 sw ra,16(sp) + 430: 00002397 auipc t2,0x2 + 434: c3438393 addi t2,t2,-972 # 2064 + 438: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 43c: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 440: fff00313 li t1,-1 + 444: 07654bb7 lui s7,0x7654 + 448: 321b8b93 addi s7,s7,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 44c: 01737663 bgeu t1,s7,458 + 450: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 454: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 458: 0013a023 sw ra,0(t2) + 45c: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 460: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 464: 000012b7 lui t0,0x1 + 468: 23428293 addi t0,t0,564 # 1234 + 46c: 00001b37 lui s6,0x1 + 470: 800b0b13 addi s6,s6,-2048 # 800 + 474: 0162f663 bgeu t0,s6,480 + 478: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 47c: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 480: 0013a223 sw ra,4(t2) + 484: 0080006f j 48c + 488: 0200006f j 4a8 + 48c: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 490: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 494: 80000237 lui tp,0x80000 + 498: 00000a93 li s5,0 + 49c: ff5276e3 bgeu tp,s5,488 + 4a0: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 4a4: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 4a8: 0013a423 sw ra,8(t2) + 4ac: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 4b0: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 4b4: fffff1b7 lui gp,0xfffff + 4b8: dcc18193 addi gp,gp,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 4bc: 7ff00a13 li s4,2047 + 4c0: 0141f663 bgeu gp,s4,4cc + 4c4: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 4c8: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 4cc: 0013a623 sw ra,12(t2) + 4d0: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 4d4: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 4d8: fff00113 li sp,-1 + 4dc: fff00993 li s3,-1 + 4e0: 01317663 bgeu sp,s3,4ec + 4e4: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 4e8: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 4ec: 0013a823 sw ra,16(t2) + 4f0: 00002197 auipc gp,0x2 + 4f4: b8818193 addi gp,gp,-1144 # 2078 + 4f8: 0000d137 lui sp,0xd + 4fc: ccc10113 addi sp,sp,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 500: 80100093 li ra,-2047 + 504: 00100913 li s2,1 + 508: 0120f663 bgeu ra,s2,514 + 50c: 00012137 lui sp,0x12 + 510: 3ab10113 addi sp,sp,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 514: 0021a023 sw sp,0(gp) + 518: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 51c: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 520: 00000013 nop + 524: 00000893 li a7,0 + 528: 01107663 bgeu zero,a7,534 + 52c: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 530: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 534: 0011a223 sw ra,4(gp) + 538: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 53c: ac828293 addi t0,t0,-1336 # 2000 + 540: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 544: 00830313 addi t1,t1,8 # 10000008 <_end+0xfffde04> + 548: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 54c: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 550: b4428293 addi t0,t0,-1212 # 2090 + 554: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 558: 00c30313 addi t1,t1,12 # 1000000c <_end+0xfffde08> + 55c: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 560: 00100293 li t0,1 + 564: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 568: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 56c: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 570: 00000013 nop + 574: 00100193 li gp,1 + 578: 00000073 ecall + +0000057c : + 57c: c0001073 unimp + 580: 0000 unimp + ... + +Disassembly of section .tohost: + +00001000 : + ... + +00001100 : + ... + +Disassembly of section .data: + +00002000 : + 2000: ffff 0xffff + 2002: ffff 0xffff + 2004: ffff 0xffff + 2006: ffff 0xffff + 2008: ffff 0xffff + 200a: ffff 0xffff + 200c: ffff 0xffff + 200e: ffff 0xffff + 2010: ffff 0xffff + 2012: ffff 0xffff + +00002014 : + 2014: ffff 0xffff + 2016: ffff 0xffff + 2018: ffff 0xffff + 201a: ffff 0xffff + 201c: ffff 0xffff + 201e: ffff 0xffff + 2020: ffff 0xffff + 2022: ffff 0xffff + 2024: ffff 0xffff + 2026: ffff 0xffff + +00002028 : + 2028: ffff 0xffff + 202a: ffff 0xffff + 202c: ffff 0xffff + 202e: ffff 0xffff + 2030: ffff 0xffff + 2032: ffff 0xffff + 2034: ffff 0xffff + 2036: ffff 0xffff + 2038: ffff 0xffff + 203a: ffff 0xffff + +0000203c : + 203c: ffff 0xffff + 203e: ffff 0xffff + 2040: ffff 0xffff + 2042: ffff 0xffff + 2044: ffff 0xffff + 2046: ffff 0xffff + 2048: ffff 0xffff + 204a: ffff 0xffff + 204c: ffff 0xffff + 204e: ffff 0xffff + +00002050 : + 2050: ffff 0xffff + 2052: ffff 0xffff + 2054: ffff 0xffff + 2056: ffff 0xffff + 2058: ffff 0xffff + 205a: ffff 0xffff + 205c: ffff 0xffff + 205e: ffff 0xffff + 2060: ffff 0xffff + 2062: ffff 0xffff + +00002064 : + 2064: ffff 0xffff + 2066: ffff 0xffff + 2068: ffff 0xffff + 206a: ffff 0xffff + 206c: ffff 0xffff + 206e: ffff 0xffff + 2070: ffff 0xffff + 2072: ffff 0xffff + 2074: ffff 0xffff + 2076: ffff 0xffff + +00002078 : + 2078: ffff 0xffff + 207a: ffff 0xffff + 207c: ffff 0xffff + 207e: ffff 0xffff + 2080: ffff 0xffff + 2082: ffff 0xffff + 2084: ffff 0xffff + 2086: ffff 0xffff + 2088: ffff 0xffff + 208a: ffff 0xffff + 208c: 0000 unimp + ... + +00002090 : + ... + +00002100 : + 2100: 0080 addi s0,sp,64 + ... + +00002200 : + 2200: 0004 0x4 + ... diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BLT-01.elf b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BLT-01.elf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ad2d801 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BLT-01.elf differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BLT-01.elf.bin b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BLT-01.elf.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3ba7815 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BLT-01.elf.bin differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BLT-01.elf.objdump b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BLT-01.elf.objdump new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0245f22 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BLT-01.elf.objdump @@ -0,0 +1,480 @@ + +D:/gitee/open/tinyriscv/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BLT-01.elf: file format elf32-littleriscv + + +Disassembly of section .text.init: + +00000000 <_start>: + 0: 04c0006f j 4c + +00000004 : + 4: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 8: 00800f93 li t6,8 + c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,40 + 10: 00900f93 li t6,9 + 14: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,40 + 18: 00b00f93 li t6,11 + 1c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,40 + 20: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0 + 24: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start> + 28: 000f0463 beqz t5,30 + 2c: 000f0067 jr t5 + 30: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 34: 000f5463 bgez t5,3c + 38: 0040006f j 3c + +0000003c : + 3c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337 + +00000040 : + 40: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1 + 44: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 1000 + 48: ff9ff06f j 40 + +0000004c : + 4c: 00000193 li gp,0 + 50: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 54: fb428293 addi t0,t0,-76 # 4 + 58: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 + 5c: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0 + 60: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 64: 02028293 addi t0,t0,32 # 80 + 68: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0 + 6c: 00000293 li t0,0 + 70: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 74: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 78: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 7c: 30200073 mret + +00000080 : + 80: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 84: f8010113 addi sp,sp,-128 # 2000 + 88: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 8c: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 90: fff00f93 li t6,-1 + 94: 00000813 li a6,0 + 98: 010fc663 blt t6,a6,a4 + 9c: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + a0: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + a4: 00112023 sw ra,0(sp) + a8: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + ac: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + b0: 00100f13 li t5,1 + b4: 80100793 li a5,-2047 + b8: 00ff4663 blt t5,a5,c4 + bc: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + c0: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + c4: 00112223 sw ra,4(sp) + c8: 0080006f j d0 + cc: 0200006f j ec + d0: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + d4: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + d8: 00000e93 li t4,0 + dc: fff00713 li a4,-1 + e0: feeec6e3 blt t4,a4,cc + e4: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + e8: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + ec: 00112423 sw ra,8(sp) + f0: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + f4: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + f8: 7ff00e13 li t3,2047 + fc: fffff6b7 lui a3,0xfffff + 100: dcc68693 addi a3,a3,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 104: 00de4663 blt t3,a3,110 + 108: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 10c: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 110: 00112623 sw ra,12(sp) + 114: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 118: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 11c: 00000d93 li s11,0 + 120: 80000637 lui a2,0x80000 + 124: 00cdc663 blt s11,a2,130 + 128: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 12c: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 130: 00112823 sw ra,16(sp) + 134: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 138: ee010113 addi sp,sp,-288 # 2014 + 13c: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 140: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 144: 00001d37 lui s10,0x1 + 148: 800d0d13 addi s10,s10,-2048 # 800 + 14c: 000015b7 lui a1,0x1 + 150: 23458593 addi a1,a1,564 # 1234 + 154: 00bd4663 blt s10,a1,160 + 158: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 15c: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 160: 00112023 sw ra,0(sp) + 164: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 168: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 16c: 07654cb7 lui s9,0x7654 + 170: 321c8c93 addi s9,s9,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 174: fff00513 li a0,-1 + 178: 00acc663 blt s9,a0,184 + 17c: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 180: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 184: 00112223 sw ra,4(sp) + 188: 0080006f j 190 + 18c: 0240006f j 1b0 + 190: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 194: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 198: 80000c37 lui s8,0x80000 + 19c: fffc0c13 addi s8,s8,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1a0: 00100493 li s1,1 + 1a4: fe9c44e3 blt s8,s1,18c + 1a8: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 1ac: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 1b0: 00112423 sw ra,8(sp) + 1b4: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 1b8: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 1bc: 00100b93 li s7,1 + 1c0: 80000437 lui s0,0x80000 + 1c4: fff40413 addi s0,s0,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1c8: 008bc663 blt s7,s0,1d4 + 1cc: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 1d0: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 1d4: 00112623 sw ra,12(sp) + 1d8: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 1dc: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 1e0: fff00b13 li s6,-1 + 1e4: 076543b7 lui t2,0x7654 + 1e8: 32138393 addi t2,t2,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 1ec: 007b4663 blt s6,t2,1f8 + 1f0: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 1f4: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 1f8: 00112823 sw ra,16(sp) + 1fc: 00002397 auipc t2,0x2 + 200: e2c38393 addi t2,t2,-468 # 2028 + 204: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 208: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 20c: 00001ab7 lui s5,0x1 + 210: 234a8a93 addi s5,s5,564 # 1234 + 214: 00001337 lui t1,0x1 + 218: 80030313 addi t1,t1,-2048 # 800 + 21c: 006ac663 blt s5,t1,228 + 220: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 224: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 228: 0013a023 sw ra,0(t2) + 22c: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 230: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 234: 80000a37 lui s4,0x80000 + 238: 00000293 li t0,0 + 23c: 005a4663 blt s4,t0,248 + 240: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 244: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 248: 0013a223 sw ra,4(t2) + 24c: 0080006f j 254 + 250: 0240006f j 274 + 254: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 258: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 25c: fffff9b7 lui s3,0xfffff + 260: dcc98993 addi s3,s3,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 264: 7ff00213 li tp,2047 + 268: fe49c4e3 blt s3,tp,250 + 26c: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 270: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 274: 0013a423 sw ra,8(t2) + 278: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 27c: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 280: fff00913 li s2,-1 + 284: fff00193 li gp,-1 + 288: 00394663 blt s2,gp,294 + 28c: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 290: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 294: 0013a623 sw ra,12(t2) + 298: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 29c: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 2a0: 80100893 li a7,-2047 + 2a4: 00100113 li sp,1 + 2a8: 0028c663 blt a7,sp,2b4 + 2ac: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 2b0: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 2b4: 0013a823 sw ra,16(t2) + 2b8: 00002197 auipc gp,0x2 + 2bc: d8418193 addi gp,gp,-636 # 203c + 2c0: 0000d137 lui sp,0xd + 2c4: ccc10113 addi sp,sp,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 2c8: 00000813 li a6,0 + 2cc: 00000093 li ra,0 + 2d0: 00184663 blt a6,ra,2dc + 2d4: 00012137 lui sp,0x12 + 2d8: 3ab10113 addi sp,sp,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 2dc: 0021a023 sw sp,0(gp) + 2e0: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 2e4: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 2e8: fff00793 li a5,-1 + 2ec: 00000013 nop + 2f0: 0007c663 bltz a5,2fc + 2f4: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 2f8: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 2fc: 0011a223 sw ra,4(gp) + 300: 0080006f j 308 + 304: 0200006f j 324 + 308: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 30c: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 310: 00100713 li a4,1 + 314: 80100f93 li t6,-2047 + 318: fff746e3 blt a4,t6,304 + 31c: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 320: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 324: 0011a423 sw ra,8(gp) + 328: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 32c: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 330: 00000693 li a3,0 + 334: fff00f13 li t5,-1 + 338: 01e6c663 blt a3,t5,344 + 33c: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 340: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 344: 0011a623 sw ra,12(gp) + 348: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 34c: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 350: 7ff00613 li a2,2047 + 354: fffffeb7 lui t4,0xfffff + 358: dcce8e93 addi t4,t4,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 35c: 01d64663 blt a2,t4,368 + 360: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 364: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 368: 0011a823 sw ra,16(gp) + 36c: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 370: ce410113 addi sp,sp,-796 # 2050 + 374: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 378: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 37c: 00000593 li a1,0 + 380: 80000e37 lui t3,0x80000 + 384: 01c5c663 blt a1,t3,390 + 388: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 38c: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 390: 00112023 sw ra,0(sp) + 394: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 398: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 39c: 00001537 lui a0,0x1 + 3a0: 80050513 addi a0,a0,-2048 # 800 + 3a4: 00001db7 lui s11,0x1 + 3a8: 234d8d93 addi s11,s11,564 # 1234 + 3ac: 01b54663 blt a0,s11,3b8 + 3b0: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 3b4: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 3b8: 00112223 sw ra,4(sp) + 3bc: 0080006f j 3c4 + 3c0: 0240006f j 3e4 + 3c4: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 3c8: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 3cc: 076544b7 lui s1,0x7654 + 3d0: 32148493 addi s1,s1,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 3d4: fff00d13 li s10,-1 + 3d8: ffa4c4e3 blt s1,s10,3c0 + 3dc: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 3e0: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 3e4: 00112423 sw ra,8(sp) + 3e8: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 3ec: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 3f0: 80000437 lui s0,0x80000 + 3f4: fff40413 addi s0,s0,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 3f8: 00100c93 li s9,1 + 3fc: 01944663 blt s0,s9,408 + 400: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 404: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 408: 00112623 sw ra,12(sp) + 40c: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 410: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 414: 00100393 li t2,1 + 418: 80000c37 lui s8,0x80000 + 41c: fffc0c13 addi s8,s8,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 420: 0183c663 blt t2,s8,42c + 424: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 428: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 42c: 00112823 sw ra,16(sp) + 430: 00002397 auipc t2,0x2 + 434: c3438393 addi t2,t2,-972 # 2064 + 438: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 43c: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 440: fff00313 li t1,-1 + 444: 07654bb7 lui s7,0x7654 + 448: 321b8b93 addi s7,s7,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 44c: 01734663 blt t1,s7,458 + 450: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 454: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 458: 0013a023 sw ra,0(t2) + 45c: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 460: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 464: 000012b7 lui t0,0x1 + 468: 23428293 addi t0,t0,564 # 1234 + 46c: 00001b37 lui s6,0x1 + 470: 800b0b13 addi s6,s6,-2048 # 800 + 474: 0162c663 blt t0,s6,480 + 478: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 47c: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 480: 0013a223 sw ra,4(t2) + 484: 0080006f j 48c + 488: 0200006f j 4a8 + 48c: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 490: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 494: 80000237 lui tp,0x80000 + 498: 00000a93 li s5,0 + 49c: ff5246e3 blt tp,s5,488 + 4a0: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 4a4: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 4a8: 0013a423 sw ra,8(t2) + 4ac: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 4b0: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 4b4: fffff1b7 lui gp,0xfffff + 4b8: dcc18193 addi gp,gp,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 4bc: 7ff00a13 li s4,2047 + 4c0: 0141c663 blt gp,s4,4cc + 4c4: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 4c8: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 4cc: 0013a623 sw ra,12(t2) + 4d0: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 4d4: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 4d8: fff00113 li sp,-1 + 4dc: fff00993 li s3,-1 + 4e0: 01314663 blt sp,s3,4ec + 4e4: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 4e8: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 4ec: 0013a823 sw ra,16(t2) + 4f0: 00002197 auipc gp,0x2 + 4f4: b8818193 addi gp,gp,-1144 # 2078 + 4f8: 0000d137 lui sp,0xd + 4fc: ccc10113 addi sp,sp,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 500: 80100093 li ra,-2047 + 504: 00100913 li s2,1 + 508: 0120c663 blt ra,s2,514 + 50c: 00012137 lui sp,0x12 + 510: 3ab10113 addi sp,sp,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 514: 0021a023 sw sp,0(gp) + 518: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 51c: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 520: 00000013 nop + 524: 00000893 li a7,0 + 528: 01104663 bgtz a7,534 + 52c: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 530: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 534: 0011a223 sw ra,4(gp) + 538: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 53c: ac828293 addi t0,t0,-1336 # 2000 + 540: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 544: 00830313 addi t1,t1,8 # 10000008 <_end+0xfffde04> + 548: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 54c: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 550: b4428293 addi t0,t0,-1212 # 2090 + 554: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 558: 00c30313 addi t1,t1,12 # 1000000c <_end+0xfffde08> + 55c: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 560: 00100293 li t0,1 + 564: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 568: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 56c: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 570: 00000013 nop + 574: 00100193 li gp,1 + 578: 00000073 ecall + +0000057c : + 57c: c0001073 unimp + 580: 0000 unimp + ... + +Disassembly of section .tohost: + +00001000 : + ... + +00001100 : + ... + +Disassembly of section .data: + +00002000 : + 2000: ffff 0xffff + 2002: ffff 0xffff + 2004: ffff 0xffff + 2006: ffff 0xffff + 2008: ffff 0xffff + 200a: ffff 0xffff + 200c: ffff 0xffff + 200e: ffff 0xffff + 2010: ffff 0xffff + 2012: ffff 0xffff + +00002014 : + 2014: ffff 0xffff + 2016: ffff 0xffff + 2018: ffff 0xffff + 201a: ffff 0xffff + 201c: ffff 0xffff + 201e: ffff 0xffff + 2020: ffff 0xffff + 2022: ffff 0xffff + 2024: ffff 0xffff + 2026: ffff 0xffff + +00002028 : + 2028: ffff 0xffff + 202a: ffff 0xffff + 202c: ffff 0xffff + 202e: ffff 0xffff + 2030: ffff 0xffff + 2032: ffff 0xffff + 2034: ffff 0xffff + 2036: ffff 0xffff + 2038: ffff 0xffff + 203a: ffff 0xffff + +0000203c : + 203c: ffff 0xffff + 203e: ffff 0xffff + 2040: ffff 0xffff + 2042: ffff 0xffff + 2044: ffff 0xffff + 2046: ffff 0xffff + 2048: ffff 0xffff + 204a: ffff 0xffff + 204c: ffff 0xffff + 204e: ffff 0xffff + +00002050 : + 2050: ffff 0xffff + 2052: ffff 0xffff + 2054: ffff 0xffff + 2056: ffff 0xffff + 2058: ffff 0xffff + 205a: ffff 0xffff + 205c: ffff 0xffff + 205e: ffff 0xffff + 2060: ffff 0xffff + 2062: ffff 0xffff + +00002064 : + 2064: ffff 0xffff + 2066: ffff 0xffff + 2068: ffff 0xffff + 206a: ffff 0xffff + 206c: ffff 0xffff + 206e: ffff 0xffff + 2070: ffff 0xffff + 2072: ffff 0xffff + 2074: ffff 0xffff + 2076: ffff 0xffff + +00002078 : + 2078: ffff 0xffff + 207a: ffff 0xffff + 207c: ffff 0xffff + 207e: ffff 0xffff + 2080: ffff 0xffff + 2082: ffff 0xffff + 2084: ffff 0xffff + 2086: ffff 0xffff + 2088: ffff 0xffff + 208a: ffff 0xffff + 208c: 0000 unimp + ... + +00002090 : + ... + +00002100 : + 2100: 0080 addi s0,sp,64 + ... + +00002200 : + 2200: 0004 0x4 + ... diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BLTU-01.elf b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BLTU-01.elf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9bce13f Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BLTU-01.elf differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BLTU-01.elf.bin b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BLTU-01.elf.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b79b5a3 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BLTU-01.elf.bin differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BLTU-01.elf.objdump b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BLTU-01.elf.objdump new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8c41620 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BLTU-01.elf.objdump @@ -0,0 +1,480 @@ + +D:/gitee/open/tinyriscv/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BLTU-01.elf: file format elf32-littleriscv + + +Disassembly of section .text.init: + +00000000 <_start>: + 0: 04c0006f j 4c + +00000004 : + 4: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 8: 00800f93 li t6,8 + c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,40 + 10: 00900f93 li t6,9 + 14: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,40 + 18: 00b00f93 li t6,11 + 1c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,40 + 20: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0 + 24: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start> + 28: 000f0463 beqz t5,30 + 2c: 000f0067 jr t5 + 30: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 34: 000f5463 bgez t5,3c + 38: 0040006f j 3c + +0000003c : + 3c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337 + +00000040 : + 40: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1 + 44: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 1000 + 48: ff9ff06f j 40 + +0000004c : + 4c: 00000193 li gp,0 + 50: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 54: fb428293 addi t0,t0,-76 # 4 + 58: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 + 5c: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0 + 60: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 64: 02028293 addi t0,t0,32 # 80 + 68: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0 + 6c: 00000293 li t0,0 + 70: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 74: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 78: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 7c: 30200073 mret + +00000080 : + 80: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 84: f8010113 addi sp,sp,-128 # 2000 + 88: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 8c: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 90: fff00f93 li t6,-1 + 94: 00000813 li a6,0 + 98: 010fe663 bltu t6,a6,a4 + 9c: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + a0: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + a4: 00112023 sw ra,0(sp) + a8: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + ac: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + b0: 00100f13 li t5,1 + b4: 80100793 li a5,-2047 + b8: 00ff6663 bltu t5,a5,c4 + bc: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + c0: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + c4: 00112223 sw ra,4(sp) + c8: 0080006f j d0 + cc: 0200006f j ec + d0: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + d4: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + d8: 00000e93 li t4,0 + dc: fff00713 li a4,-1 + e0: feeee6e3 bltu t4,a4,cc + e4: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + e8: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + ec: 00112423 sw ra,8(sp) + f0: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + f4: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + f8: 7ff00e13 li t3,2047 + fc: fffff6b7 lui a3,0xfffff + 100: dcc68693 addi a3,a3,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 104: 00de6663 bltu t3,a3,110 + 108: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 10c: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 110: 00112623 sw ra,12(sp) + 114: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 118: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 11c: 00000d93 li s11,0 + 120: 80000637 lui a2,0x80000 + 124: 00cde663 bltu s11,a2,130 + 128: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 12c: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 130: 00112823 sw ra,16(sp) + 134: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 138: ee010113 addi sp,sp,-288 # 2014 + 13c: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 140: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 144: 00001d37 lui s10,0x1 + 148: 800d0d13 addi s10,s10,-2048 # 800 + 14c: 000015b7 lui a1,0x1 + 150: 23458593 addi a1,a1,564 # 1234 + 154: 00bd6663 bltu s10,a1,160 + 158: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 15c: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 160: 00112023 sw ra,0(sp) + 164: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 168: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 16c: 07654cb7 lui s9,0x7654 + 170: 321c8c93 addi s9,s9,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 174: fff00513 li a0,-1 + 178: 00ace663 bltu s9,a0,184 + 17c: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 180: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 184: 00112223 sw ra,4(sp) + 188: 0080006f j 190 + 18c: 0240006f j 1b0 + 190: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 194: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 198: 80000c37 lui s8,0x80000 + 19c: fffc0c13 addi s8,s8,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1a0: 00100493 li s1,1 + 1a4: fe9c64e3 bltu s8,s1,18c + 1a8: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 1ac: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 1b0: 00112423 sw ra,8(sp) + 1b4: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 1b8: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 1bc: 00100b93 li s7,1 + 1c0: 80000437 lui s0,0x80000 + 1c4: fff40413 addi s0,s0,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1c8: 008be663 bltu s7,s0,1d4 + 1cc: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 1d0: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 1d4: 00112623 sw ra,12(sp) + 1d8: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 1dc: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 1e0: fff00b13 li s6,-1 + 1e4: 076543b7 lui t2,0x7654 + 1e8: 32138393 addi t2,t2,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 1ec: 007b6663 bltu s6,t2,1f8 + 1f0: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 1f4: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 1f8: 00112823 sw ra,16(sp) + 1fc: 00002397 auipc t2,0x2 + 200: e2c38393 addi t2,t2,-468 # 2028 + 204: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 208: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 20c: 00001ab7 lui s5,0x1 + 210: 234a8a93 addi s5,s5,564 # 1234 + 214: 00001337 lui t1,0x1 + 218: 80030313 addi t1,t1,-2048 # 800 + 21c: 006ae663 bltu s5,t1,228 + 220: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 224: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 228: 0013a023 sw ra,0(t2) + 22c: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 230: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 234: 80000a37 lui s4,0x80000 + 238: 00000293 li t0,0 + 23c: 005a6663 bltu s4,t0,248 + 240: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 244: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 248: 0013a223 sw ra,4(t2) + 24c: 0080006f j 254 + 250: 0240006f j 274 + 254: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 258: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 25c: fffff9b7 lui s3,0xfffff + 260: dcc98993 addi s3,s3,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 264: 7ff00213 li tp,2047 + 268: fe49e4e3 bltu s3,tp,250 + 26c: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 270: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 274: 0013a423 sw ra,8(t2) + 278: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 27c: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 280: fff00913 li s2,-1 + 284: fff00193 li gp,-1 + 288: 00396663 bltu s2,gp,294 + 28c: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 290: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 294: 0013a623 sw ra,12(t2) + 298: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 29c: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 2a0: 80100893 li a7,-2047 + 2a4: 00100113 li sp,1 + 2a8: 0028e663 bltu a7,sp,2b4 + 2ac: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 2b0: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 2b4: 0013a823 sw ra,16(t2) + 2b8: 00002197 auipc gp,0x2 + 2bc: d8418193 addi gp,gp,-636 # 203c + 2c0: 0000d137 lui sp,0xd + 2c4: ccc10113 addi sp,sp,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 2c8: 00000813 li a6,0 + 2cc: 00000093 li ra,0 + 2d0: 00186663 bltu a6,ra,2dc + 2d4: 00012137 lui sp,0x12 + 2d8: 3ab10113 addi sp,sp,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 2dc: 0021a023 sw sp,0(gp) + 2e0: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 2e4: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 2e8: fff00793 li a5,-1 + 2ec: 00000013 nop + 2f0: 0007e663 bltu a5,zero,2fc + 2f4: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 2f8: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 2fc: 0011a223 sw ra,4(gp) + 300: 0080006f j 308 + 304: 0200006f j 324 + 308: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 30c: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 310: 00100713 li a4,1 + 314: 80100f93 li t6,-2047 + 318: fff766e3 bltu a4,t6,304 + 31c: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 320: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 324: 0011a423 sw ra,8(gp) + 328: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 32c: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 330: 00000693 li a3,0 + 334: fff00f13 li t5,-1 + 338: 01e6e663 bltu a3,t5,344 + 33c: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 340: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 344: 0011a623 sw ra,12(gp) + 348: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 34c: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 350: 7ff00613 li a2,2047 + 354: fffffeb7 lui t4,0xfffff + 358: dcce8e93 addi t4,t4,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 35c: 01d66663 bltu a2,t4,368 + 360: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 364: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 368: 0011a823 sw ra,16(gp) + 36c: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 370: ce410113 addi sp,sp,-796 # 2050 + 374: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 378: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 37c: 00000593 li a1,0 + 380: 80000e37 lui t3,0x80000 + 384: 01c5e663 bltu a1,t3,390 + 388: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 38c: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 390: 00112023 sw ra,0(sp) + 394: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 398: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 39c: 00001537 lui a0,0x1 + 3a0: 80050513 addi a0,a0,-2048 # 800 + 3a4: 00001db7 lui s11,0x1 + 3a8: 234d8d93 addi s11,s11,564 # 1234 + 3ac: 01b56663 bltu a0,s11,3b8 + 3b0: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 3b4: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 3b8: 00112223 sw ra,4(sp) + 3bc: 0080006f j 3c4 + 3c0: 0240006f j 3e4 + 3c4: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 3c8: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 3cc: 076544b7 lui s1,0x7654 + 3d0: 32148493 addi s1,s1,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 3d4: fff00d13 li s10,-1 + 3d8: ffa4e4e3 bltu s1,s10,3c0 + 3dc: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 3e0: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 3e4: 00112423 sw ra,8(sp) + 3e8: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 3ec: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 3f0: 80000437 lui s0,0x80000 + 3f4: fff40413 addi s0,s0,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 3f8: 00100c93 li s9,1 + 3fc: 01946663 bltu s0,s9,408 + 400: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 404: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 408: 00112623 sw ra,12(sp) + 40c: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 410: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 414: 00100393 li t2,1 + 418: 80000c37 lui s8,0x80000 + 41c: fffc0c13 addi s8,s8,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 420: 0183e663 bltu t2,s8,42c + 424: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 428: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 42c: 00112823 sw ra,16(sp) + 430: 00002397 auipc t2,0x2 + 434: c3438393 addi t2,t2,-972 # 2064 + 438: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 43c: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 440: fff00313 li t1,-1 + 444: 07654bb7 lui s7,0x7654 + 448: 321b8b93 addi s7,s7,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 44c: 01736663 bltu t1,s7,458 + 450: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 454: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 458: 0013a023 sw ra,0(t2) + 45c: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 460: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 464: 000012b7 lui t0,0x1 + 468: 23428293 addi t0,t0,564 # 1234 + 46c: 00001b37 lui s6,0x1 + 470: 800b0b13 addi s6,s6,-2048 # 800 + 474: 0162e663 bltu t0,s6,480 + 478: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 47c: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 480: 0013a223 sw ra,4(t2) + 484: 0080006f j 48c + 488: 0200006f j 4a8 + 48c: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 490: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 494: 80000237 lui tp,0x80000 + 498: 00000a93 li s5,0 + 49c: ff5266e3 bltu tp,s5,488 + 4a0: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 4a4: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 4a8: 0013a423 sw ra,8(t2) + 4ac: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 4b0: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 4b4: fffff1b7 lui gp,0xfffff + 4b8: dcc18193 addi gp,gp,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 4bc: 7ff00a13 li s4,2047 + 4c0: 0141e663 bltu gp,s4,4cc + 4c4: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 4c8: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 4cc: 0013a623 sw ra,12(t2) + 4d0: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 4d4: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 4d8: fff00113 li sp,-1 + 4dc: fff00993 li s3,-1 + 4e0: 01316663 bltu sp,s3,4ec + 4e4: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 4e8: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 4ec: 0013a823 sw ra,16(t2) + 4f0: 00002197 auipc gp,0x2 + 4f4: b8818193 addi gp,gp,-1144 # 2078 + 4f8: 0000d137 lui sp,0xd + 4fc: ccc10113 addi sp,sp,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 500: 80100093 li ra,-2047 + 504: 00100913 li s2,1 + 508: 0120e663 bltu ra,s2,514 + 50c: 00012137 lui sp,0x12 + 510: 3ab10113 addi sp,sp,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 514: 0021a023 sw sp,0(gp) + 518: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 51c: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 520: 00000013 nop + 524: 00000893 li a7,0 + 528: 01106663 bltu zero,a7,534 + 52c: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 530: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 534: 0011a223 sw ra,4(gp) + 538: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 53c: ac828293 addi t0,t0,-1336 # 2000 + 540: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 544: 00830313 addi t1,t1,8 # 10000008 <_end+0xfffde04> + 548: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 54c: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 550: b4428293 addi t0,t0,-1212 # 2090 + 554: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 558: 00c30313 addi t1,t1,12 # 1000000c <_end+0xfffde08> + 55c: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 560: 00100293 li t0,1 + 564: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 568: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 56c: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 570: 00000013 nop + 574: 00100193 li gp,1 + 578: 00000073 ecall + +0000057c : + 57c: c0001073 unimp + 580: 0000 unimp + ... + +Disassembly of section .tohost: + +00001000 : + ... + +00001100 : + ... + +Disassembly of section .data: + +00002000 : + 2000: ffff 0xffff + 2002: ffff 0xffff + 2004: ffff 0xffff + 2006: ffff 0xffff + 2008: ffff 0xffff + 200a: ffff 0xffff + 200c: ffff 0xffff + 200e: ffff 0xffff + 2010: ffff 0xffff + 2012: ffff 0xffff + +00002014 : + 2014: ffff 0xffff + 2016: ffff 0xffff + 2018: ffff 0xffff + 201a: ffff 0xffff + 201c: ffff 0xffff + 201e: ffff 0xffff + 2020: ffff 0xffff + 2022: ffff 0xffff + 2024: ffff 0xffff + 2026: ffff 0xffff + +00002028 : + 2028: ffff 0xffff + 202a: ffff 0xffff + 202c: ffff 0xffff + 202e: ffff 0xffff + 2030: ffff 0xffff + 2032: ffff 0xffff + 2034: ffff 0xffff + 2036: ffff 0xffff + 2038: ffff 0xffff + 203a: ffff 0xffff + +0000203c : + 203c: ffff 0xffff + 203e: ffff 0xffff + 2040: ffff 0xffff + 2042: ffff 0xffff + 2044: ffff 0xffff + 2046: ffff 0xffff + 2048: ffff 0xffff + 204a: ffff 0xffff + 204c: ffff 0xffff + 204e: ffff 0xffff + +00002050 : + 2050: ffff 0xffff + 2052: ffff 0xffff + 2054: ffff 0xffff + 2056: ffff 0xffff + 2058: ffff 0xffff + 205a: ffff 0xffff + 205c: ffff 0xffff + 205e: ffff 0xffff + 2060: ffff 0xffff + 2062: ffff 0xffff + +00002064 : + 2064: ffff 0xffff + 2066: ffff 0xffff + 2068: ffff 0xffff + 206a: ffff 0xffff + 206c: ffff 0xffff + 206e: ffff 0xffff + 2070: ffff 0xffff + 2072: ffff 0xffff + 2074: ffff 0xffff + 2076: ffff 0xffff + +00002078 : + 2078: ffff 0xffff + 207a: ffff 0xffff + 207c: ffff 0xffff + 207e: ffff 0xffff + 2080: ffff 0xffff + 2082: ffff 0xffff + 2084: ffff 0xffff + 2086: ffff 0xffff + 2088: ffff 0xffff + 208a: ffff 0xffff + 208c: 0000 unimp + ... + +00002090 : + ... + +00002100 : + 2100: 0080 addi s0,sp,64 + ... + +00002200 : + 2200: 0004 0x4 + ... diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BNE-01.elf b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BNE-01.elf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1f23393 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BNE-01.elf differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BNE-01.elf.bin b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BNE-01.elf.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4429bf3 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BNE-01.elf.bin differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BNE-01.elf.objdump b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BNE-01.elf.objdump new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ddaf1f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BNE-01.elf.objdump @@ -0,0 +1,480 @@ + +D:/gitee/open/tinyriscv/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-BNE-01.elf: file format elf32-littleriscv + + +Disassembly of section .text.init: + +00000000 <_start>: + 0: 04c0006f j 4c + +00000004 : + 4: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 8: 00800f93 li t6,8 + c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,40 + 10: 00900f93 li t6,9 + 14: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,40 + 18: 00b00f93 li t6,11 + 1c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,40 + 20: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0 + 24: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start> + 28: 000f0463 beqz t5,30 + 2c: 000f0067 jr t5 + 30: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 34: 000f5463 bgez t5,3c + 38: 0040006f j 3c + +0000003c : + 3c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337 + +00000040 : + 40: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1 + 44: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 1000 + 48: ff9ff06f j 40 + +0000004c : + 4c: 00000193 li gp,0 + 50: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 54: fb428293 addi t0,t0,-76 # 4 + 58: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 + 5c: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0 + 60: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 64: 02028293 addi t0,t0,32 # 80 + 68: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0 + 6c: 00000293 li t0,0 + 70: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 74: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 78: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 7c: 30200073 mret + +00000080 : + 80: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 84: f8010113 addi sp,sp,-128 # 2000 + 88: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 8c: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 90: fff00f93 li t6,-1 + 94: 00000813 li a6,0 + 98: 010f9663 bne t6,a6,a4 + 9c: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + a0: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + a4: 00112023 sw ra,0(sp) + a8: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + ac: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + b0: 00100f13 li t5,1 + b4: 80100793 li a5,-2047 + b8: 00ff1663 bne t5,a5,c4 + bc: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + c0: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + c4: 00112223 sw ra,4(sp) + c8: 0080006f j d0 + cc: 0200006f j ec + d0: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + d4: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + d8: 00000e93 li t4,0 + dc: fff00713 li a4,-1 + e0: feee96e3 bne t4,a4,cc + e4: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + e8: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + ec: 00112423 sw ra,8(sp) + f0: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + f4: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + f8: 7ff00e13 li t3,2047 + fc: fffff6b7 lui a3,0xfffff + 100: dcc68693 addi a3,a3,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 104: 00de1663 bne t3,a3,110 + 108: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 10c: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 110: 00112623 sw ra,12(sp) + 114: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 118: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 11c: 00000d93 li s11,0 + 120: 80000637 lui a2,0x80000 + 124: 00cd9663 bne s11,a2,130 + 128: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 12c: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 130: 00112823 sw ra,16(sp) + 134: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 138: ee010113 addi sp,sp,-288 # 2014 + 13c: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 140: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 144: 00001d37 lui s10,0x1 + 148: 800d0d13 addi s10,s10,-2048 # 800 + 14c: 000015b7 lui a1,0x1 + 150: 23458593 addi a1,a1,564 # 1234 + 154: 00bd1663 bne s10,a1,160 + 158: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 15c: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 160: 00112023 sw ra,0(sp) + 164: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 168: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 16c: 07654cb7 lui s9,0x7654 + 170: 321c8c93 addi s9,s9,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 174: fff00513 li a0,-1 + 178: 00ac9663 bne s9,a0,184 + 17c: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 180: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 184: 00112223 sw ra,4(sp) + 188: 0080006f j 190 + 18c: 0240006f j 1b0 + 190: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 194: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 198: 80000c37 lui s8,0x80000 + 19c: fffc0c13 addi s8,s8,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1a0: 00100493 li s1,1 + 1a4: fe9c14e3 bne s8,s1,18c + 1a8: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 1ac: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 1b0: 00112423 sw ra,8(sp) + 1b4: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 1b8: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 1bc: 00100b93 li s7,1 + 1c0: 80000437 lui s0,0x80000 + 1c4: fff40413 addi s0,s0,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1c8: 008b9663 bne s7,s0,1d4 + 1cc: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 1d0: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 1d4: 00112623 sw ra,12(sp) + 1d8: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 1dc: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 1e0: fff00b13 li s6,-1 + 1e4: 076543b7 lui t2,0x7654 + 1e8: 32138393 addi t2,t2,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 1ec: 007b1663 bne s6,t2,1f8 + 1f0: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 1f4: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 1f8: 00112823 sw ra,16(sp) + 1fc: 00002397 auipc t2,0x2 + 200: e2c38393 addi t2,t2,-468 # 2028 + 204: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 208: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 20c: 00001ab7 lui s5,0x1 + 210: 234a8a93 addi s5,s5,564 # 1234 + 214: 00001337 lui t1,0x1 + 218: 80030313 addi t1,t1,-2048 # 800 + 21c: 006a9663 bne s5,t1,228 + 220: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 224: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 228: 0013a023 sw ra,0(t2) + 22c: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 230: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 234: 80000a37 lui s4,0x80000 + 238: 00000293 li t0,0 + 23c: 005a1663 bne s4,t0,248 + 240: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 244: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 248: 0013a223 sw ra,4(t2) + 24c: 0080006f j 254 + 250: 0240006f j 274 + 254: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 258: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 25c: fffff9b7 lui s3,0xfffff + 260: dcc98993 addi s3,s3,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 264: 7ff00213 li tp,2047 + 268: fe4994e3 bne s3,tp,250 + 26c: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 270: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 274: 0013a423 sw ra,8(t2) + 278: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 27c: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 280: fff00913 li s2,-1 + 284: fff00193 li gp,-1 + 288: 00391663 bne s2,gp,294 + 28c: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 290: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 294: 0013a623 sw ra,12(t2) + 298: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 29c: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 2a0: 80100893 li a7,-2047 + 2a4: 00100113 li sp,1 + 2a8: 00289663 bne a7,sp,2b4 + 2ac: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 2b0: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 2b4: 0013a823 sw ra,16(t2) + 2b8: 00002197 auipc gp,0x2 + 2bc: d8418193 addi gp,gp,-636 # 203c + 2c0: 0000d137 lui sp,0xd + 2c4: ccc10113 addi sp,sp,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 2c8: 00000813 li a6,0 + 2cc: 00000093 li ra,0 + 2d0: 00181663 bne a6,ra,2dc + 2d4: 00012137 lui sp,0x12 + 2d8: 3ab10113 addi sp,sp,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 2dc: 0021a023 sw sp,0(gp) + 2e0: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 2e4: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 2e8: fff00793 li a5,-1 + 2ec: 00000013 nop + 2f0: 00079663 bnez a5,2fc + 2f4: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 2f8: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 2fc: 0011a223 sw ra,4(gp) + 300: 0080006f j 308 + 304: 0200006f j 324 + 308: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 30c: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 310: 00100713 li a4,1 + 314: 80100f93 li t6,-2047 + 318: fff716e3 bne a4,t6,304 + 31c: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 320: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 324: 0011a423 sw ra,8(gp) + 328: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 32c: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 330: 00000693 li a3,0 + 334: fff00f13 li t5,-1 + 338: 01e69663 bne a3,t5,344 + 33c: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 340: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 344: 0011a623 sw ra,12(gp) + 348: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 34c: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 350: 7ff00613 li a2,2047 + 354: fffffeb7 lui t4,0xfffff + 358: dcce8e93 addi t4,t4,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 35c: 01d61663 bne a2,t4,368 + 360: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 364: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 368: 0011a823 sw ra,16(gp) + 36c: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 370: ce410113 addi sp,sp,-796 # 2050 + 374: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 378: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 37c: 00000593 li a1,0 + 380: 80000e37 lui t3,0x80000 + 384: 01c59663 bne a1,t3,390 + 388: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 38c: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 390: 00112023 sw ra,0(sp) + 394: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 398: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 39c: 00001537 lui a0,0x1 + 3a0: 80050513 addi a0,a0,-2048 # 800 + 3a4: 00001db7 lui s11,0x1 + 3a8: 234d8d93 addi s11,s11,564 # 1234 + 3ac: 01b51663 bne a0,s11,3b8 + 3b0: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 3b4: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 3b8: 00112223 sw ra,4(sp) + 3bc: 0080006f j 3c4 + 3c0: 0240006f j 3e4 + 3c4: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 3c8: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 3cc: 076544b7 lui s1,0x7654 + 3d0: 32148493 addi s1,s1,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 3d4: fff00d13 li s10,-1 + 3d8: ffa494e3 bne s1,s10,3c0 + 3dc: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 3e0: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 3e4: 00112423 sw ra,8(sp) + 3e8: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 3ec: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 3f0: 80000437 lui s0,0x80000 + 3f4: fff40413 addi s0,s0,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 3f8: 00100c93 li s9,1 + 3fc: 01941663 bne s0,s9,408 + 400: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 404: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 408: 00112623 sw ra,12(sp) + 40c: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 410: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 414: 00100393 li t2,1 + 418: 80000c37 lui s8,0x80000 + 41c: fffc0c13 addi s8,s8,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 420: 01839663 bne t2,s8,42c + 424: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 428: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 42c: 00112823 sw ra,16(sp) + 430: 00002397 auipc t2,0x2 + 434: c3438393 addi t2,t2,-972 # 2064 + 438: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 43c: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 440: fff00313 li t1,-1 + 444: 07654bb7 lui s7,0x7654 + 448: 321b8b93 addi s7,s7,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 44c: 01731663 bne t1,s7,458 + 450: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 454: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 458: 0013a023 sw ra,0(t2) + 45c: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 460: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 464: 000012b7 lui t0,0x1 + 468: 23428293 addi t0,t0,564 # 1234 + 46c: 00001b37 lui s6,0x1 + 470: 800b0b13 addi s6,s6,-2048 # 800 + 474: 01629663 bne t0,s6,480 + 478: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 47c: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 480: 0013a223 sw ra,4(t2) + 484: 0080006f j 48c + 488: 0200006f j 4a8 + 48c: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 490: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 494: 80000237 lui tp,0x80000 + 498: 00000a93 li s5,0 + 49c: ff5216e3 bne tp,s5,488 + 4a0: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 4a4: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 4a8: 0013a423 sw ra,8(t2) + 4ac: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 4b0: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 4b4: fffff1b7 lui gp,0xfffff + 4b8: dcc18193 addi gp,gp,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 4bc: 7ff00a13 li s4,2047 + 4c0: 01419663 bne gp,s4,4cc + 4c4: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 4c8: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 4cc: 0013a623 sw ra,12(t2) + 4d0: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 4d4: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 4d8: fff00113 li sp,-1 + 4dc: fff00993 li s3,-1 + 4e0: 01311663 bne sp,s3,4ec + 4e4: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 4e8: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 4ec: 0013a823 sw ra,16(t2) + 4f0: 00002197 auipc gp,0x2 + 4f4: b8818193 addi gp,gp,-1144 # 2078 + 4f8: 0000d137 lui sp,0xd + 4fc: ccc10113 addi sp,sp,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 500: 80100093 li ra,-2047 + 504: 00100913 li s2,1 + 508: 01209663 bne ra,s2,514 + 50c: 00012137 lui sp,0x12 + 510: 3ab10113 addi sp,sp,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 514: 0021a023 sw sp,0(gp) + 518: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 51c: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 520: 00000013 nop + 524: 00000893 li a7,0 + 528: 01101663 bne zero,a7,534 + 52c: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 530: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 534: 0011a223 sw ra,4(gp) + 538: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 53c: ac828293 addi t0,t0,-1336 # 2000 + 540: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 544: 00830313 addi t1,t1,8 # 10000008 <_end+0xfffde04> + 548: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 54c: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 550: b4428293 addi t0,t0,-1212 # 2090 + 554: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 558: 00c30313 addi t1,t1,12 # 1000000c <_end+0xfffde08> + 55c: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 560: 00100293 li t0,1 + 564: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 568: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 56c: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 570: 00000013 nop + 574: 00100193 li gp,1 + 578: 00000073 ecall + +0000057c : + 57c: c0001073 unimp + 580: 0000 unimp + ... + +Disassembly of section .tohost: + +00001000 : + ... + +00001100 : + ... + +Disassembly of section .data: + +00002000 : + 2000: ffff 0xffff + 2002: ffff 0xffff + 2004: ffff 0xffff + 2006: ffff 0xffff + 2008: ffff 0xffff + 200a: ffff 0xffff + 200c: ffff 0xffff + 200e: ffff 0xffff + 2010: ffff 0xffff + 2012: ffff 0xffff + +00002014 : + 2014: ffff 0xffff + 2016: ffff 0xffff + 2018: ffff 0xffff + 201a: ffff 0xffff + 201c: ffff 0xffff + 201e: ffff 0xffff + 2020: ffff 0xffff + 2022: ffff 0xffff + 2024: ffff 0xffff + 2026: ffff 0xffff + +00002028 : + 2028: ffff 0xffff + 202a: ffff 0xffff + 202c: ffff 0xffff + 202e: ffff 0xffff + 2030: ffff 0xffff + 2032: ffff 0xffff + 2034: ffff 0xffff + 2036: ffff 0xffff + 2038: ffff 0xffff + 203a: ffff 0xffff + +0000203c : + 203c: ffff 0xffff + 203e: ffff 0xffff + 2040: ffff 0xffff + 2042: ffff 0xffff + 2044: ffff 0xffff + 2046: ffff 0xffff + 2048: ffff 0xffff + 204a: ffff 0xffff + 204c: ffff 0xffff + 204e: ffff 0xffff + +00002050 : + 2050: ffff 0xffff + 2052: ffff 0xffff + 2054: ffff 0xffff + 2056: ffff 0xffff + 2058: ffff 0xffff + 205a: ffff 0xffff + 205c: ffff 0xffff + 205e: ffff 0xffff + 2060: ffff 0xffff + 2062: ffff 0xffff + +00002064 : + 2064: ffff 0xffff + 2066: ffff 0xffff + 2068: ffff 0xffff + 206a: ffff 0xffff + 206c: ffff 0xffff + 206e: ffff 0xffff + 2070: ffff 0xffff + 2072: ffff 0xffff + 2074: ffff 0xffff + 2076: ffff 0xffff + +00002078 : + 2078: ffff 0xffff + 207a: ffff 0xffff + 207c: ffff 0xffff + 207e: ffff 0xffff + 2080: ffff 0xffff + 2082: ffff 0xffff + 2084: ffff 0xffff + 2086: ffff 0xffff + 2088: ffff 0xffff + 208a: ffff 0xffff + 208c: 0000 unimp + ... + +00002090 : + ... + +00002100 : + 2100: 0080 addi s0,sp,64 + ... + +00002200 : + 2200: 0004 0x4 + ... diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-DELAY_SLOTS-01.elf b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-DELAY_SLOTS-01.elf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4709737 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-DELAY_SLOTS-01.elf differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-DELAY_SLOTS-01.elf.bin b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-DELAY_SLOTS-01.elf.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b76ab6c Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-DELAY_SLOTS-01.elf.bin differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-DELAY_SLOTS-01.elf.objdump b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-DELAY_SLOTS-01.elf.objdump new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f3efe50 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-DELAY_SLOTS-01.elf.objdump @@ -0,0 +1,193 @@ + +D:/gitee/open/tinyriscv/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-DELAY_SLOTS-01.elf: file format elf32-littleriscv + + +Disassembly of section .text.init: + +00000000 <_start>: + 0: 04c0006f j 4c + +00000004 : + 4: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 8: 00800f93 li t6,8 + c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,40 + 10: 00900f93 li t6,9 + 14: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,40 + 18: 00b00f93 li t6,11 + 1c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,40 + 20: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0 + 24: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start> + 28: 000f0463 beqz t5,30 + 2c: 000f0067 jr t5 + 30: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 34: 000f5463 bgez t5,3c + 38: 0040006f j 3c + +0000003c : + 3c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337 + +00000040 : + 40: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1 + 44: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 1000 + 48: ff9ff06f j 40 + +0000004c : + 4c: 00000193 li gp,0 + 50: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 54: fb428293 addi t0,t0,-76 # 4 + 58: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 + 5c: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0 + 60: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 64: 02028293 addi t0,t0,32 # 80 + 68: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0 + 6c: 00000293 li t0,0 + 70: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 74: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 78: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 7c: 30200073 mret + +00000080 : + 80: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 84: f8008093 addi ra,ra,-128 # 2000 + 88: 11111137 lui sp,0x11111 + 8c: 11110113 addi sp,sp,273 # 11111111 <_end+0x1110ef0d> + 90: 0080006f j 98 + 94: 00000113 li sp,0 + 98: 0020a023 sw sp,0(ra) + 9c: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + a0: f6808093 addi ra,ra,-152 # 2004 + a4: 22222137 lui sp,0x22222 + a8: 22210113 addi sp,sp,546 # 22222222 <_end+0x2222001e> + ac: 00000217 auipc tp,0x0 + b0: 01020213 addi tp,tp,16 # bc + b4: 00020067 jr tp # 0 <_start> + b8: 00000113 li sp,0 + bc: 0020a023 sw sp,0(ra) + c0: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + c4: f4808093 addi ra,ra,-184 # 2008 + c8: 00500293 li t0,5 + cc: 00600313 li t1,6 + d0: 33333137 lui sp,0x33333 + d4: 33310113 addi sp,sp,819 # 33333333 <_end+0x3333112f> + d8: 00528463 beq t0,t0,e0 + dc: 00000113 li sp,0 + e0: 0020a023 sw sp,0(ra) + e4: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + e8: f2808093 addi ra,ra,-216 # 200c + ec: 00500293 li t0,5 + f0: 00600313 li t1,6 + f4: 44444137 lui sp,0x44444 + f8: 44410113 addi sp,sp,1092 # 44444444 <_end+0x44442240> + fc: 00629463 bne t0,t1,104 + 100: 00000113 li sp,0 + 104: 0020a023 sw sp,0(ra) + 108: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 10c: f0808093 addi ra,ra,-248 # 2010 + 110: 00500293 li t0,5 + 114: 00600313 li t1,6 + 118: 55555137 lui sp,0x55555 + 11c: 55510113 addi sp,sp,1365 # 55555555 <_end+0x55553351> + 120: 0062c463 blt t0,t1,128 + 124: 00000113 li sp,0 + 128: 0020a023 sw sp,0(ra) + 12c: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 130: ee808093 addi ra,ra,-280 # 2014 + 134: 00500293 li t0,5 + 138: 00600313 li t1,6 + 13c: 66666137 lui sp,0x66666 + 140: 66610113 addi sp,sp,1638 # 66666666 <_end+0x66664462> + 144: 0062e463 bltu t0,t1,14c + 148: 00000113 li sp,0 + 14c: 0020a023 sw sp,0(ra) + 150: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 154: ec808093 addi ra,ra,-312 # 2018 + 158: 00500293 li t0,5 + 15c: 00600313 li t1,6 + 160: 77777137 lui sp,0x77777 + 164: 77710113 addi sp,sp,1911 # 77777777 <_end+0x77775573> + 168: 00535463 bge t1,t0,170 + 16c: 00000113 li sp,0 + 170: 0020a023 sw sp,0(ra) + 174: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 178: ea808093 addi ra,ra,-344 # 201c + 17c: 00500293 li t0,5 + 180: 00600313 li t1,6 + 184: 88889137 lui sp,0x88889 + 188: 88810113 addi sp,sp,-1912 # 88888888 <_end+0x88886684> + 18c: 00537463 bgeu t1,t0,194 + 190: 00000113 li sp,0 + 194: 0020a023 sw sp,0(ra) + 198: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 19c: e6828293 addi t0,t0,-408 # 2000 + 1a0: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 1a4: 00830313 addi t1,t1,8 # 10000008 <_end+0xfffde04> + 1a8: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 1ac: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 1b0: e7428293 addi t0,t0,-396 # 2020 + 1b4: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 1b8: 00c30313 addi t1,t1,12 # 1000000c <_end+0xfffde08> + 1bc: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 1c0: 00100293 li t0,1 + 1c4: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 1c8: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 1cc: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 1d0: 00000013 nop + 1d4: 00100193 li gp,1 + 1d8: 00000073 ecall + +000001dc : + 1dc: c0001073 unimp + ... + +Disassembly of section .tohost: + +00001000 : + ... + +00001100 : + ... + +Disassembly of section .data: + +00002000 : + 2000: ffff 0xffff + 2002: ffff 0xffff + +00002004 : + 2004: ffff 0xffff + 2006: ffff 0xffff + +00002008 : + 2008: ffff 0xffff + 200a: ffff 0xffff + +0000200c : + 200c: ffff 0xffff + 200e: ffff 0xffff + +00002010 : + 2010: ffff 0xffff + 2012: ffff 0xffff + +00002014 : + 2014: ffff 0xffff + 2016: ffff 0xffff + +00002018 : + 2018: ffff 0xffff + 201a: ffff 0xffff + +0000201c : + 201c: ffff 0xffff + 201e: ffff 0xffff + +00002020 : + ... + +00002100 : + 2100: 0080 addi s0,sp,64 + ... + +00002200 : + 2200: 0004 0x4 + ... diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-EBREAK-01.elf b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-EBREAK-01.elf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1bf1a26 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-EBREAK-01.elf differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-EBREAK-01.elf.bin b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-EBREAK-01.elf.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1e5ece9 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-EBREAK-01.elf.bin differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-EBREAK-01.elf.objdump b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-EBREAK-01.elf.objdump new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bec9f00 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-EBREAK-01.elf.objdump @@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ + +D:/gitee/open/tinyriscv/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-EBREAK-01.elf: file format elf32-littleriscv + + +Disassembly of section .text.init: + +00000000 <_start>: + 0: 04c0006f j 4c + +00000004 : + 4: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 8: 00800f93 li t6,8 + c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,40 + 10: 00900f93 li t6,9 + 14: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,40 + 18: 00b00f93 li t6,11 + 1c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,40 + 20: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0 + 24: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start> + 28: 000f0463 beqz t5,30 + 2c: 000f0067 jr t5 + 30: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 34: 000f5463 bgez t5,3c + 38: 0040006f j 3c + +0000003c : + 3c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337 + +00000040 : + 40: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1 + 44: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 1000 + 48: ff9ff06f j 40 + +0000004c : + 4c: 00000193 li gp,0 + 50: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 54: fb428293 addi t0,t0,-76 # 4 + 58: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 + 5c: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0 + 60: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 64: 02028293 addi t0,t0,32 # 80 + 68: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0 + 6c: 00000293 li t0,0 + 70: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 74: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 78: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 7c: 30200073 mret + +00000080 : + 80: 00000097 auipc ra,0x0 + 84: 02c08093 addi ra,ra,44 # ac <_trap_handler> + 88: 30509ff3 csrrw t6,mtvec,ra + 8c: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 90: f7408093 addi ra,ra,-140 # 2000 + 94: 11111137 lui sp,0x11111 + 98: 11110113 addi sp,sp,273 # 11111111 <_end+0x1110ef0d> + 9c: 00100073 ebreak + a0: 0000a023 sw zero,0(ra) + a4: 305f9073 csrw mtvec,t6 + a8: 0280006f j d0 + +000000ac <_trap_handler>: + ac: 34102f73 csrr t5,mepc + b0: 004f0f13 addi t5,t5,4 + b4: 341f1073 csrw mepc,t5 + b8: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + bc: 01e0a023 sw t5,0(ra) + c0: 0020a223 sw sp,4(ra) + c4: 0000a423 sw zero,8(ra) + c8: 00c08093 addi ra,ra,12 + cc: 30200073 mret + +000000d0 : + d0: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + d4: f3028293 addi t0,t0,-208 # 2000 + d8: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + dc: 00830313 addi t1,t1,8 # 10000008 <_end+0xfffde04> + e0: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + e4: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + e8: f2c28293 addi t0,t0,-212 # 2010 + ec: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + f0: 00c30313 addi t1,t1,12 # 1000000c <_end+0xfffde08> + f4: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + f8: 00100293 li t0,1 + fc: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 100: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 104: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 108: 00000013 nop + 10c: 00100193 li gp,1 + 110: 00000073 ecall + +00000114 : + 114: c0001073 unimp + ... + +Disassembly of section .tohost: + +00001000 : + ... + +00001100 : + ... + +Disassembly of section .data: + +00002000 : + 2000: ffff 0xffff + 2002: ffff 0xffff + 2004: ffff 0xffff + 2006: ffff 0xffff + 2008: ffff 0xffff + 200a: ffff 0xffff + 200c: ffff 0xffff + 200e: ffff 0xffff + +00002010 : + ... + +00002100 : + 2100: 0080 addi s0,sp,64 + ... + +00002200 : + 2200: 0004 0x4 + ... diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ECALL-01.elf b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ECALL-01.elf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ebd943c Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ECALL-01.elf differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ECALL-01.elf.bin b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ECALL-01.elf.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..832273b Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ECALL-01.elf.bin differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ECALL-01.elf.objdump b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ECALL-01.elf.objdump new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8a94d90 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ECALL-01.elf.objdump @@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ + +D:/gitee/open/tinyriscv/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ECALL-01.elf: file format elf32-littleriscv + + +Disassembly of section .text.init: + +00000000 <_start>: + 0: 04c0006f j 4c + +00000004 : + 4: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 8: 00800f93 li t6,8 + c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,40 + 10: 00900f93 li t6,9 + 14: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,40 + 18: 00b00f93 li t6,11 + 1c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,40 + 20: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0 + 24: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start> + 28: 000f0463 beqz t5,30 + 2c: 000f0067 jr t5 + 30: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 34: 000f5463 bgez t5,3c + 38: 0040006f j 3c + +0000003c : + 3c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337 + +00000040 : + 40: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1 + 44: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 1000 + 48: ff9ff06f j 40 + +0000004c : + 4c: 00000193 li gp,0 + 50: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 54: fb428293 addi t0,t0,-76 # 4 + 58: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 + 5c: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0 + 60: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 64: 02028293 addi t0,t0,32 # 80 + 68: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0 + 6c: 00000293 li t0,0 + 70: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 74: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 78: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 7c: 30200073 mret + +00000080 : + 80: 00000097 auipc ra,0x0 + 84: 02c08093 addi ra,ra,44 # ac <_trap_handler> + 88: 30509ff3 csrrw t6,mtvec,ra + 8c: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 90: f7408093 addi ra,ra,-140 # 2000 + 94: 11111137 lui sp,0x11111 + 98: 11110113 addi sp,sp,273 # 11111111 <_end+0x1110ef0d> + 9c: 00000073 ecall + a0: 0000a023 sw zero,0(ra) + a4: 305f9073 csrw mtvec,t6 + a8: 0280006f j d0 + +000000ac <_trap_handler>: + ac: 34102f73 csrr t5,mepc + b0: 004f0f13 addi t5,t5,4 + b4: 341f1073 csrw mepc,t5 + b8: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + bc: 01e0a023 sw t5,0(ra) + c0: 0020a223 sw sp,4(ra) + c4: 0000a423 sw zero,8(ra) + c8: 00c08093 addi ra,ra,12 + cc: 30200073 mret + +000000d0 : + d0: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + d4: f3028293 addi t0,t0,-208 # 2000 + d8: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + dc: 00830313 addi t1,t1,8 # 10000008 <_end+0xfffde04> + e0: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + e4: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + e8: f2c28293 addi t0,t0,-212 # 2010 + ec: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + f0: 00c30313 addi t1,t1,12 # 1000000c <_end+0xfffde08> + f4: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + f8: 00100293 li t0,1 + fc: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 100: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 104: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 108: 00000013 nop + 10c: 00100193 li gp,1 + 110: 00000073 ecall + +00000114 : + 114: c0001073 unimp + ... + +Disassembly of section .tohost: + +00001000 : + ... + +00001100 : + ... + +Disassembly of section .data: + +00002000 : + 2000: ffff 0xffff + 2002: ffff 0xffff + 2004: ffff 0xffff + 2006: ffff 0xffff + 2008: ffff 0xffff + 200a: ffff 0xffff + 200c: ffff 0xffff + 200e: ffff 0xffff + +00002010 : + ... + +00002100 : + 2100: 0080 addi s0,sp,64 + ... + +00002200 : + 2200: 0004 0x4 + ... diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ENDIANESS-01.elf b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ENDIANESS-01.elf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dc09faa Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ENDIANESS-01.elf differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ENDIANESS-01.elf.bin b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ENDIANESS-01.elf.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9ad5324 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ENDIANESS-01.elf.bin differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ENDIANESS-01.elf.objdump b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ENDIANESS-01.elf.objdump new file mode 100644 index 0000000..023e7cd --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ENDIANESS-01.elf.objdump @@ -0,0 +1,136 @@ + +D:/gitee/open/tinyriscv/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ENDIANESS-01.elf: file format elf32-littleriscv + + +Disassembly of section .text.init: + +00000000 <_start>: + 0: 04c0006f j 4c + +00000004 : + 4: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 8: 00800f93 li t6,8 + c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,40 + 10: 00900f93 li t6,9 + 14: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,40 + 18: 00b00f93 li t6,11 + 1c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,40 + 20: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0 + 24: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start> + 28: 000f0463 beqz t5,30 + 2c: 000f0067 jr t5 + 30: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 34: 000f5463 bgez t5,3c + 38: 0040006f j 3c + +0000003c : + 3c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337 + +00000040 : + 40: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1 + 44: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 1000 + 48: ff9ff06f j 40 + +0000004c : + 4c: 00000193 li gp,0 + 50: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 54: fb428293 addi t0,t0,-76 # 4 + 58: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 + 5c: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0 + 60: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 64: 02028293 addi t0,t0,32 # 80 + 68: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0 + 6c: 00000293 li t0,0 + 70: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 74: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 78: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 7c: 30200073 mret + +00000080 : + 80: 00002817 auipc a6,0x2 + 84: f8480813 addi a6,a6,-124 # 2004 + 88: 00002897 auipc a7,0x2 + 8c: f8888893 addi a7,a7,-120 # 2010 + 90: 00082083 lw ra,0(a6) + 94: 00085103 lhu sp,0(a6) + 98: 00285183 lhu gp,2(a6) + 9c: fff84203 lbu tp,-1(a6) + a0: 00084283 lbu t0,0(a6) + a4: 00184303 lbu t1,1(a6) + a8: 00284383 lbu t2,2(a6) + ac: 00384403 lbu s0,3(a6) + b0: 0018a023 sw ra,0(a7) + b4: 0028a223 sw sp,4(a7) + b8: 0038a423 sw gp,8(a7) + bc: 0048a623 sw tp,12(a7) + c0: 0058a823 sw t0,16(a7) + c4: 0068aa23 sw t1,20(a7) + c8: 0078ac23 sw t2,24(a7) + cc: 0088ae23 sw s0,28(a7) + d0: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + d4: f4028293 addi t0,t0,-192 # 2010 + d8: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + dc: 00830313 addi t1,t1,8 # 10000008 <_end+0xfffde04> + e0: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + e4: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + e8: f4c28293 addi t0,t0,-180 # 2030 + ec: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + f0: 00c30313 addi t1,t1,12 # 1000000c <_end+0xfffde08> + f4: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + f8: 00100293 li t0,1 + fc: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 100: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 104: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 108: 00000013 nop + 10c: 00100193 li gp,1 + 110: 00000073 ecall + +00000114 : + 114: c0001073 unimp + ... + +Disassembly of section .tohost: + +00001000 : + ... + +00001100 : + ... + +Disassembly of section .data: + +00002000 : + 2000: 89abcdef jal s11,fffbe09a <_end+0xfffbbe96> + +00002004 : + 2004: 01234567 0x1234567 + ... + +00002010 : + 2010: ffff 0xffff + 2012: ffff 0xffff + 2014: ffff 0xffff + 2016: ffff 0xffff + 2018: ffff 0xffff + 201a: ffff 0xffff + 201c: ffff 0xffff + 201e: ffff 0xffff + 2020: ffff 0xffff + 2022: ffff 0xffff + 2024: ffff 0xffff + 2026: ffff 0xffff + 2028: ffff 0xffff + 202a: ffff 0xffff + 202c: ffff 0xffff + 202e: ffff 0xffff + +00002030 : + ... + +00002100 : + 2100: 0080 addi s0,sp,64 + ... + +00002200 : + 2200: 0004 0x4 + ... diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-IO-01.elf b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-IO-01.elf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1e83698 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-IO-01.elf differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-IO-01.elf.bin b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-IO-01.elf.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..645a886 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-IO-01.elf.bin differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-IO-01.elf.objdump b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-IO-01.elf.objdump new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0215076 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-IO-01.elf.objdump @@ -0,0 +1,401 @@ + +D:/gitee/open/tinyriscv/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-IO-01.elf: file format elf32-littleriscv + + +Disassembly of section .text.init: + +00000000 <_start>: + 0: 04c0006f j 4c + +00000004 : + 4: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 8: 00800f93 li t6,8 + c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,40 + 10: 00900f93 li t6,9 + 14: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,40 + 18: 00b00f93 li t6,11 + 1c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,40 + 20: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0 + 24: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start> + 28: 000f0463 beqz t5,30 + 2c: 000f0067 jr t5 + 30: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 34: 000f5463 bgez t5,3c + 38: 0040006f j 3c + +0000003c : + 3c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337 + +00000040 : + 40: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1 + 44: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 1000 + 48: ff9ff06f j 40 + +0000004c : + 4c: 00000193 li gp,0 + 50: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 54: fb428293 addi t0,t0,-76 # 4 + 58: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 + 5c: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0 + 60: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 64: 02028293 addi t0,t0,32 # 80 + 68: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0 + 6c: 00000293 li t0,0 + 70: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 74: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 78: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 7c: 30200073 mret + +00000080 : + 80: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 84: f8008093 addi ra,ra,-128 # 2000 + 88: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 8c: fa810113 addi sp,sp,-88 # 2030 + 90: 0000a183 lw gp,0(ra) + 94: 00000213 li tp,0 + 98: 00100293 li t0,1 + 9c: fff00313 li t1,-1 + a0: 800003b7 lui t2,0x80000 + a4: fff38393 addi t2,t2,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + a8: 80000437 lui s0,0x80000 + ac: 00418233 add tp,gp,tp + b0: 005182b3 add t0,gp,t0 + b4: 00618333 add t1,gp,t1 + b8: 007183b3 add t2,gp,t2 + bc: 00818433 add s0,gp,s0 + c0: 00312023 sw gp,0(sp) + c4: 00412223 sw tp,4(sp) + c8: 00512423 sw t0,8(sp) + cc: 00612623 sw t1,12(sp) + d0: 00712823 sw t2,16(sp) + d4: 00812a23 sw s0,20(sp) + d8: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + dc: f2c08093 addi ra,ra,-212 # 2004 + e0: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + e4: f6810113 addi sp,sp,-152 # 2048 + e8: 0000a403 lw s0,0(ra) + ec: 00000493 li s1,0 + f0: 00100513 li a0,1 + f4: fff00593 li a1,-1 + f8: 80000637 lui a2,0x80000 + fc: fff60613 addi a2,a2,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 100: 800006b7 lui a3,0x80000 + 104: 009404b3 add s1,s0,s1 + 108: 00a40533 add a0,s0,a0 + 10c: 00b405b3 add a1,s0,a1 + 110: 00c40633 add a2,s0,a2 + 114: 00d406b3 add a3,s0,a3 + 118: 00812023 sw s0,0(sp) + 11c: 00912223 sw s1,4(sp) + 120: 00a12423 sw a0,8(sp) + 124: 00b12623 sw a1,12(sp) + 128: 00c12823 sw a2,16(sp) + 12c: 00d12a23 sw a3,20(sp) + 130: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 134: ed808093 addi ra,ra,-296 # 2008 + 138: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 13c: f2810113 addi sp,sp,-216 # 2060 + 140: 0000a683 lw a3,0(ra) + 144: 00000713 li a4,0 + 148: 00100793 li a5,1 + 14c: fff00813 li a6,-1 + 150: 800008b7 lui a7,0x80000 + 154: fff88893 addi a7,a7,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 158: 80000937 lui s2,0x80000 + 15c: 00e68733 add a4,a3,a4 + 160: 00f687b3 add a5,a3,a5 + 164: 01068833 add a6,a3,a6 + 168: 011688b3 add a7,a3,a7 + 16c: 01268933 add s2,a3,s2 + 170: 00d12023 sw a3,0(sp) + 174: 00e12223 sw a4,4(sp) + 178: 00f12423 sw a5,8(sp) + 17c: 01012623 sw a6,12(sp) + 180: 01112823 sw a7,16(sp) + 184: 01212a23 sw s2,20(sp) + 188: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 18c: e8408093 addi ra,ra,-380 # 200c + 190: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 194: ee810113 addi sp,sp,-280 # 2078 + 198: 0000a903 lw s2,0(ra) + 19c: 00000993 li s3,0 + 1a0: 00100a13 li s4,1 + 1a4: fff00a93 li s5,-1 + 1a8: 80000b37 lui s6,0x80000 + 1ac: fffb0b13 addi s6,s6,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1b0: 80000bb7 lui s7,0x80000 + 1b4: 013909b3 add s3,s2,s3 + 1b8: 01490a33 add s4,s2,s4 + 1bc: 01590ab3 add s5,s2,s5 + 1c0: 01690b33 add s6,s2,s6 + 1c4: 01790bb3 add s7,s2,s7 + 1c8: 01212023 sw s2,0(sp) + 1cc: 01312223 sw s3,4(sp) + 1d0: 01412423 sw s4,8(sp) + 1d4: 01512623 sw s5,12(sp) + 1d8: 01612823 sw s6,16(sp) + 1dc: 01712a23 sw s7,20(sp) + 1e0: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 1e4: e3008093 addi ra,ra,-464 # 2010 + 1e8: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 1ec: ea810113 addi sp,sp,-344 # 2090 + 1f0: 0000ab83 lw s7,0(ra) + 1f4: 00000c13 li s8,0 + 1f8: 00100c93 li s9,1 + 1fc: fff00d13 li s10,-1 + 200: 80000db7 lui s11,0x80000 + 204: fffd8d93 addi s11,s11,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 208: 80000e37 lui t3,0x80000 + 20c: 018b8c33 add s8,s7,s8 + 210: 019b8cb3 add s9,s7,s9 + 214: 01ab8d33 add s10,s7,s10 + 218: 01bb8db3 add s11,s7,s11 + 21c: 01cb8e33 add t3,s7,t3 + 220: 01712023 sw s7,0(sp) + 224: 01812223 sw s8,4(sp) + 228: 01912423 sw s9,8(sp) + 22c: 01a12623 sw s10,12(sp) + 230: 01b12823 sw s11,16(sp) + 234: 01c12a23 sw t3,20(sp) + 238: 00002c97 auipc s9,0x2 + 23c: ddcc8c93 addi s9,s9,-548 # 2014 + 240: 00002d17 auipc s10,0x2 + 244: e68d0d13 addi s10,s10,-408 # 20a8 + 248: 000cae03 lw t3,0(s9) + 24c: 00100d93 li s11,1 + 250: 01be0eb3 add t4,t3,s11 + 254: 01be8f33 add t5,t4,s11 + 258: 01bf0fb3 add t6,t5,s11 + 25c: 01bf80b3 add ra,t6,s11 + 260: 01b08133 add sp,ra,s11 + 264: 01b101b3 add gp,sp,s11 + 268: 01bd2023 sw s11,0(s10) + 26c: 01cd2223 sw t3,4(s10) + 270: 01dd2423 sw t4,8(s10) + 274: 01ed2623 sw t5,12(s10) + 278: 01fd2823 sw t6,16(s10) + 27c: 001d2a23 sw ra,20(s10) + 280: 002d2c23 sw sp,24(s10) + 284: 003d2e23 sw gp,28(s10) + 288: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 28c: d9008093 addi ra,ra,-624 # 2018 + 290: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 294: e3810113 addi sp,sp,-456 # 20c8 + 298: 0000ae03 lw t3,0(ra) + 29c: f7ff9db7 lui s11,0xf7ff9 + 2a0: 818d8d93 addi s11,s11,-2024 # f7ff8818 <_end+0xf7ff6614> + 2a4: 01be0033 add zero,t3,s11 + 2a8: 00012023 sw zero,0(sp) + 2ac: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 2b0: d7008093 addi ra,ra,-656 # 201c + 2b4: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 2b8: e1810113 addi sp,sp,-488 # 20cc + 2bc: 0000ae03 lw t3,0(ra) + 2c0: f7ff9db7 lui s11,0xf7ff9 + 2c4: 818d8d93 addi s11,s11,-2024 # f7ff8818 <_end+0xf7ff6614> + 2c8: 01be0033 add zero,t3,s11 + 2cc: 000002b3 add t0,zero,zero + 2d0: 00012023 sw zero,0(sp) + 2d4: 00512223 sw t0,4(sp) + 2d8: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 2dc: d4808093 addi ra,ra,-696 # 2020 + 2e0: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 2e4: df410113 addi sp,sp,-524 # 20d4 + 2e8: 0000a183 lw gp,0(ra) + 2ec: 00018233 add tp,gp,zero + 2f0: 000202b3 add t0,tp,zero + 2f4: 00500333 add t1,zero,t0 + 2f8: 00030733 add a4,t1,zero + 2fc: 000707b3 add a5,a4,zero + 300: 00078833 add a6,a5,zero + 304: 01000cb3 add s9,zero,a6 + 308: 01900d33 add s10,zero,s9 + 30c: 000d0db3 add s11,s10,zero + 310: 00412023 sw tp,0(sp) + 314: 01a12223 sw s10,4(sp) + 318: 01b12423 sw s11,8(sp) + 31c: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 320: d1428293 addi t0,t0,-748 # 2030 + 324: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 328: 00830313 addi t1,t1,8 # 10000008 <_end+0xfffde04> + 32c: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 330: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 334: db028293 addi t0,t0,-592 # 20e0 + 338: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 33c: 00c30313 addi t1,t1,12 # 1000000c <_end+0xfffde08> + 340: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 344: 00100293 li t0,1 + 348: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 34c: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 350: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 354: 00000013 nop + 358: 00100193 li gp,1 + 35c: 00000073 ecall + +00000360 : + 360: c0001073 unimp + ... + +Disassembly of section .tohost: + +00001000 : + ... + +00001100 : + ... + +Disassembly of section .data: + +00002000 : + 2000: 0000 unimp + ... + +00002004 : + 2004: 0001 nop + ... + +00002008 : + 2008: ffff 0xffff + 200a: ffff 0xffff + +0000200c : + 200c: ffff 0xffff + 200e: 7fff 0x7fff + +00002010 : + 2010: 0000 unimp + 2012: 8000 0x8000 + +00002014 : + 2014: abcd j 2606 <_end+0x402> + ... + +00002018 : + 2018: 5678 lw a4,108(a2) + 201a: 1234 addi a3,sp,296 + +0000201c : + 201c: ba98 fsd fa4,48(a3) + 201e: fedc fsw fa5,60(a3) + +00002020 : + 2020: 5814 lw a3,48(s0) + 2022: 3692 fld fa3,288(sp) + ... + +00002030 : + 2030: ffff 0xffff + 2032: ffff 0xffff + 2034: ffff 0xffff + 2036: ffff 0xffff + 2038: ffff 0xffff + 203a: ffff 0xffff + 203c: ffff 0xffff + 203e: ffff 0xffff + 2040: ffff 0xffff + 2042: ffff 0xffff + 2044: ffff 0xffff + 2046: ffff 0xffff + +00002048 : + 2048: ffff 0xffff + 204a: ffff 0xffff + 204c: ffff 0xffff + 204e: ffff 0xffff + 2050: ffff 0xffff + 2052: ffff 0xffff + 2054: ffff 0xffff + 2056: ffff 0xffff + 2058: ffff 0xffff + 205a: ffff 0xffff + 205c: ffff 0xffff + 205e: ffff 0xffff + +00002060 : + 2060: ffff 0xffff + 2062: ffff 0xffff + 2064: ffff 0xffff + 2066: ffff 0xffff + 2068: ffff 0xffff + 206a: ffff 0xffff + 206c: ffff 0xffff + 206e: ffff 0xffff + 2070: ffff 0xffff + 2072: ffff 0xffff + 2074: ffff 0xffff + 2076: ffff 0xffff + +00002078 : + 2078: ffff 0xffff + 207a: ffff 0xffff + 207c: ffff 0xffff + 207e: ffff 0xffff + 2080: ffff 0xffff + 2082: ffff 0xffff + 2084: ffff 0xffff + 2086: ffff 0xffff + 2088: ffff 0xffff + 208a: ffff 0xffff + 208c: ffff 0xffff + 208e: ffff 0xffff + +00002090 : + 2090: ffff 0xffff + 2092: ffff 0xffff + 2094: ffff 0xffff + 2096: ffff 0xffff + 2098: ffff 0xffff + 209a: ffff 0xffff + 209c: ffff 0xffff + 209e: ffff 0xffff + 20a0: ffff 0xffff + 20a2: ffff 0xffff + 20a4: ffff 0xffff + 20a6: ffff 0xffff + +000020a8 : + 20a8: ffff 0xffff + 20aa: ffff 0xffff + 20ac: ffff 0xffff + 20ae: ffff 0xffff + 20b0: ffff 0xffff + 20b2: ffff 0xffff + 20b4: ffff 0xffff + 20b6: ffff 0xffff + 20b8: ffff 0xffff + 20ba: ffff 0xffff + 20bc: ffff 0xffff + 20be: ffff 0xffff + 20c0: ffff 0xffff + 20c2: ffff 0xffff + 20c4: ffff 0xffff + 20c6: ffff 0xffff + +000020c8 : + 20c8: ffff 0xffff + 20ca: ffff 0xffff + +000020cc : + 20cc: ffff 0xffff + 20ce: ffff 0xffff + 20d0: ffff 0xffff + 20d2: ffff 0xffff + +000020d4 : + 20d4: ffff 0xffff + 20d6: ffff 0xffff + 20d8: ffff 0xffff + 20da: ffff 0xffff + 20dc: ffff 0xffff + 20de: ffff 0xffff + +000020e0 : + ... + +00002100 : + 2100: 0080 addi s0,sp,64 + ... + +00002200 : + 2200: 0004 0x4 + ... diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-JAL-01.elf b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-JAL-01.elf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..88e89c2 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-JAL-01.elf differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-JAL-01.elf.bin b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-JAL-01.elf.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a239275 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-JAL-01.elf.bin differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-JAL-01.elf.objdump b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-JAL-01.elf.objdump new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c3d3fdf --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-JAL-01.elf.objdump @@ -0,0 +1,395 @@ + +D:/gitee/open/tinyriscv/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-JAL-01.elf: file format elf32-littleriscv + + +Disassembly of section .text.init: + +00000000 <_start>: + 0: 04c0006f j 4c + +00000004 : + 4: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 8: 00800f93 li t6,8 + c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,40 + 10: 00900f93 li t6,9 + 14: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,40 + 18: 00b00f93 li t6,11 + 1c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,40 + 20: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0 + 24: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start> + 28: 000f0463 beqz t5,30 + 2c: 000f0067 jr t5 + 30: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 34: 000f5463 bgez t5,3c + 38: 0040006f j 3c + +0000003c : + 3c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337 + +00000040 : + 40: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1 + 44: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 1000 + 48: ff9ff06f j 40 + +0000004c : + 4c: 00000193 li gp,0 + 50: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 54: fb428293 addi t0,t0,-76 # 4 + 58: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 + 5c: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0 + 60: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 64: 02028293 addi t0,t0,32 # 80 + 68: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0 + 6c: 00000293 li t0,0 + 70: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 74: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 78: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 7c: 30200073 mret + +00000080 : + 80: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 84: f8028293 addi t0,t0,-128 # 2000 + 88: 0000d037 lui zero,0xd + 8c: ccc00013 li zero,-820 + 90: 00c00fef jal t6,9c + 94: 00012037 lui zero,0x12 + 98: 3ab00013 li zero,939 + 9c: 0002a023 sw zero,0(t0) + a0: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + a4: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + a8: 00c00f6f jal t5,b4 + ac: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + b0: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + b4: 0012a223 sw ra,4(t0) + b8: 0080006f j c0 + bc: 0180006f j d4 + c0: 0000d137 lui sp,0xd + c4: ccc10113 addi sp,sp,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + c8: ff5ffeef jal t4,bc + cc: 00012137 lui sp,0x12 + d0: 3ab10113 addi sp,sp,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + d4: 0022a423 sw sp,8(t0) + d8: 0000d1b7 lui gp,0xd + dc: ccc18193 addi gp,gp,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + e0: 00c00e6f jal t3,ec + e4: 000121b7 lui gp,0x12 + e8: 3ab18193 addi gp,gp,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + ec: 0032a623 sw gp,12(t0) + f0: 0000d237 lui tp,0xd + f4: ccc20213 addi tp,tp,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + f8: 00c00def jal s11,104 + fc: 00012237 lui tp,0x12 + 100: 3ab20213 addi tp,tp,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 104: 0042a823 sw tp,16(t0) + 108: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 10c: f0c08093 addi ra,ra,-244 # 2014 + 110: 0000d2b7 lui t0,0xd + 114: ccc28293 addi t0,t0,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 118: 00c00d6f jal s10,124 + 11c: 000122b7 lui t0,0x12 + 120: 3ab28293 addi t0,t0,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 124: 0050a023 sw t0,0(ra) + 128: 0000d337 lui t1,0xd + 12c: ccc30313 addi t1,t1,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 130: 00c00cef jal s9,13c + 134: 00012337 lui t1,0x12 + 138: 3ab30313 addi t1,t1,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 13c: 0060a223 sw t1,4(ra) + 140: 0080006f j 148 + 144: 0180006f j 15c + 148: 0000d3b7 lui t2,0xd + 14c: ccc38393 addi t2,t2,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 150: ff5ffc6f jal s8,144 + 154: 000123b7 lui t2,0x12 + 158: 3ab38393 addi t2,t2,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 15c: 0070a423 sw t2,8(ra) + 160: 0000d437 lui s0,0xd + 164: ccc40413 addi s0,s0,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 168: 00c00bef jal s7,174 + 16c: 00012437 lui s0,0x12 + 170: 3ab40413 addi s0,s0,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 174: 0080a623 sw s0,12(ra) + 178: 0000d4b7 lui s1,0xd + 17c: ccc48493 addi s1,s1,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 180: 00c00b6f jal s6,18c + 184: 000124b7 lui s1,0x12 + 188: 3ab48493 addi s1,s1,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 18c: 0090a823 sw s1,16(ra) + 190: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 194: e9808093 addi ra,ra,-360 # 2028 + 198: 0000d537 lui a0,0xd + 19c: ccc50513 addi a0,a0,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 1a0: 00c00aef jal s5,1ac + 1a4: 00012537 lui a0,0x12 + 1a8: 3ab50513 addi a0,a0,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 1ac: 00a0a023 sw a0,0(ra) + 1b0: 0000d5b7 lui a1,0xd + 1b4: ccc58593 addi a1,a1,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 1b8: 00c00a6f jal s4,1c4 + 1bc: 000125b7 lui a1,0x12 + 1c0: 3ab58593 addi a1,a1,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 1c4: 00b0a223 sw a1,4(ra) + 1c8: 0080006f j 1d0 + 1cc: 0180006f j 1e4 + 1d0: 0000d637 lui a2,0xd + 1d4: ccc60613 addi a2,a2,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 1d8: ff5ff9ef jal s3,1cc + 1dc: 00012637 lui a2,0x12 + 1e0: 3ab60613 addi a2,a2,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 1e4: 00c0a423 sw a2,8(ra) + 1e8: 0000d6b7 lui a3,0xd + 1ec: ccc68693 addi a3,a3,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 1f0: 00c0096f jal s2,1fc + 1f4: 000126b7 lui a3,0x12 + 1f8: 3ab68693 addi a3,a3,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 1fc: 00d0a623 sw a3,12(ra) + 200: 0000d737 lui a4,0xd + 204: ccc70713 addi a4,a4,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 208: 00c008ef jal a7,214 + 20c: 00012737 lui a4,0x12 + 210: 3ab70713 addi a4,a4,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 214: 00e0a823 sw a4,16(ra) + 218: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 21c: e2410113 addi sp,sp,-476 # 203c + 220: 0000d7b7 lui a5,0xd + 224: ccc78793 addi a5,a5,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 228: 00c0086f jal a6,234 + 22c: 000127b7 lui a5,0x12 + 230: 3ab78793 addi a5,a5,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 234: 00f12023 sw a5,0(sp) + 238: 0000d837 lui a6,0xd + 23c: ccc80813 addi a6,a6,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 240: 00c007ef jal a5,24c + 244: 00012837 lui a6,0x12 + 248: 3ab80813 addi a6,a6,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 24c: 01012223 sw a6,4(sp) + 250: 0080006f j 258 + 254: 0180006f j 26c + 258: 0000d8b7 lui a7,0xd + 25c: ccc88893 addi a7,a7,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 260: ff5ff76f jal a4,254 + 264: 000128b7 lui a7,0x12 + 268: 3ab88893 addi a7,a7,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 26c: 01112423 sw a7,8(sp) + 270: 0000d937 lui s2,0xd + 274: ccc90913 addi s2,s2,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 278: 00c006ef jal a3,284 + 27c: 00012937 lui s2,0x12 + 280: 3ab90913 addi s2,s2,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 284: 01212623 sw s2,12(sp) + 288: 0000d9b7 lui s3,0xd + 28c: ccc98993 addi s3,s3,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 290: 00c0066f jal a2,29c + 294: 000129b7 lui s3,0x12 + 298: 3ab98993 addi s3,s3,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 29c: 01312823 sw s3,16(sp) + 2a0: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 2a4: db008093 addi ra,ra,-592 # 2050 + 2a8: 0000da37 lui s4,0xd + 2ac: ccca0a13 addi s4,s4,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 2b0: 00c005ef jal a1,2bc + 2b4: 00012a37 lui s4,0x12 + 2b8: 3aba0a13 addi s4,s4,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 2bc: 0140a023 sw s4,0(ra) + 2c0: 0000dab7 lui s5,0xd + 2c4: ccca8a93 addi s5,s5,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 2c8: 00c0056f jal a0,2d4 + 2cc: 00012ab7 lui s5,0x12 + 2d0: 3aba8a93 addi s5,s5,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 2d4: 0150a223 sw s5,4(ra) + 2d8: 0080006f j 2e0 + 2dc: 0180006f j 2f4 + 2e0: 0000db37 lui s6,0xd + 2e4: cccb0b13 addi s6,s6,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 2e8: ff5ff4ef jal s1,2dc + 2ec: 00012b37 lui s6,0x12 + 2f0: 3abb0b13 addi s6,s6,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 2f4: 0160a423 sw s6,8(ra) + 2f8: 0000dbb7 lui s7,0xd + 2fc: cccb8b93 addi s7,s7,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 300: 00c0046f jal s0,30c + 304: 00012bb7 lui s7,0x12 + 308: 3abb8b93 addi s7,s7,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 30c: 0170a623 sw s7,12(ra) + 310: 0000dc37 lui s8,0xd + 314: cccc0c13 addi s8,s8,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 318: 00c003ef jal t2,324 + 31c: 00012c37 lui s8,0x12 + 320: 3abc0c13 addi s8,s8,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 324: 0180a823 sw s8,16(ra) + 328: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 32c: d3c08093 addi ra,ra,-708 # 2064 + 330: 0000dcb7 lui s9,0xd + 334: cccc8c93 addi s9,s9,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 338: 00c0036f jal t1,344 + 33c: 00012cb7 lui s9,0x12 + 340: 3abc8c93 addi s9,s9,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 344: 0190a023 sw s9,0(ra) + 348: 0000dd37 lui s10,0xd + 34c: cccd0d13 addi s10,s10,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 350: 00c002ef jal t0,35c + 354: 00012d37 lui s10,0x12 + 358: 3abd0d13 addi s10,s10,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 35c: 01a0a223 sw s10,4(ra) + 360: 0080006f j 368 + 364: 0180006f j 37c + 368: 0000ddb7 lui s11,0xd + 36c: cccd8d93 addi s11,s11,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 370: ff5ff26f jal tp,364 + 374: 00012db7 lui s11,0x12 + 378: 3abd8d93 addi s11,s11,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 37c: 01b0a423 sw s11,8(ra) + 380: 0000de37 lui t3,0xd + 384: ccce0e13 addi t3,t3,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 388: 00c001ef jal gp,394 + 38c: 00012e37 lui t3,0x12 + 390: 3abe0e13 addi t3,t3,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 394: 01c0a623 sw t3,12(ra) + 398: 0000deb7 lui t4,0xd + 39c: ccce8e93 addi t4,t4,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 3a0: 00c0016f jal sp,3ac + 3a4: 00012eb7 lui t4,0x12 + 3a8: 3abe8e93 addi t4,t4,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 3ac: 01d0a823 sw t4,16(ra) + 3b0: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 3b4: cc810113 addi sp,sp,-824 # 2078 + 3b8: 0000df37 lui t5,0xd + 3bc: cccf0f13 addi t5,t5,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 3c0: 00c000ef jal ra,3cc + 3c4: 00012f37 lui t5,0x12 + 3c8: 3abf0f13 addi t5,t5,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 3cc: 01e12023 sw t5,0(sp) + 3d0: 0000dfb7 lui t6,0xd + 3d4: cccf8f93 addi t6,t6,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 3d8: 00c0006f j 3e4 + 3dc: 00012fb7 lui t6,0x12 + 3e0: 3abf8f93 addi t6,t6,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 3e4: 01f12223 sw t6,4(sp) + 3e8: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 3ec: c1828293 addi t0,t0,-1000 # 2000 + 3f0: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 3f4: 00830313 addi t1,t1,8 # 10000008 <_end+0xfffde04> + 3f8: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 3fc: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 400: c9428293 addi t0,t0,-876 # 2090 + 404: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 408: 00c30313 addi t1,t1,12 # 1000000c <_end+0xfffde08> + 40c: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 410: 00100293 li t0,1 + 414: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 418: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 41c: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 420: 00000013 nop + 424: 00100193 li gp,1 + 428: 00000073 ecall + +0000042c : + 42c: c0001073 unimp + ... + +Disassembly of section .tohost: + +00001000 : + ... + +00001100 : + ... + +Disassembly of section .data: + +00002000 : + 2000: ffff 0xffff + 2002: ffff 0xffff + 2004: ffff 0xffff + 2006: ffff 0xffff + 2008: ffff 0xffff + 200a: ffff 0xffff + 200c: ffff 0xffff + 200e: ffff 0xffff + 2010: ffff 0xffff + 2012: ffff 0xffff + +00002014 : + 2014: ffff 0xffff + 2016: ffff 0xffff + 2018: ffff 0xffff + 201a: ffff 0xffff + 201c: ffff 0xffff + 201e: ffff 0xffff + 2020: ffff 0xffff + 2022: ffff 0xffff + 2024: ffff 0xffff + 2026: ffff 0xffff + +00002028 : + 2028: ffff 0xffff + 202a: ffff 0xffff + 202c: ffff 0xffff + 202e: ffff 0xffff + 2030: ffff 0xffff + 2032: ffff 0xffff + 2034: ffff 0xffff + 2036: ffff 0xffff + 2038: ffff 0xffff + 203a: ffff 0xffff + +0000203c : + 203c: ffff 0xffff + 203e: ffff 0xffff + 2040: ffff 0xffff + 2042: ffff 0xffff + 2044: ffff 0xffff + 2046: ffff 0xffff + 2048: ffff 0xffff + 204a: ffff 0xffff + 204c: ffff 0xffff + 204e: ffff 0xffff + +00002050 : + 2050: ffff 0xffff + 2052: ffff 0xffff + 2054: ffff 0xffff + 2056: ffff 0xffff + 2058: ffff 0xffff + 205a: ffff 0xffff + 205c: ffff 0xffff + 205e: ffff 0xffff + 2060: ffff 0xffff + 2062: ffff 0xffff + +00002064 : + 2064: ffff 0xffff + 2066: ffff 0xffff + 2068: ffff 0xffff + 206a: ffff 0xffff + 206c: ffff 0xffff + 206e: ffff 0xffff + 2070: ffff 0xffff + 2072: ffff 0xffff + 2074: ffff 0xffff + 2076: ffff 0xffff + +00002078 : + 2078: ffff 0xffff + 207a: ffff 0xffff + 207c: ffff 0xffff + 207e: ffff 0xffff + 2080: ffff 0xffff + 2082: ffff 0xffff + 2084: ffff 0xffff + 2086: ffff 0xffff + 2088: ffff 0xffff + 208a: ffff 0xffff + 208c: 0000 unimp + ... + +00002090 : + ... + +00002100 : + 2100: 0080 addi s0,sp,64 + ... + +00002200 : + 2200: 0004 0x4 + ... diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-JALR-01.elf b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-JALR-01.elf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..136b657 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-JALR-01.elf differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-JALR-01.elf.bin b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-JALR-01.elf.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ce79725 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-JALR-01.elf.bin differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-JALR-01.elf.objdump b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-JALR-01.elf.objdump new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c31feb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-JALR-01.elf.objdump @@ -0,0 +1,459 @@ + +D:/gitee/open/tinyriscv/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-JALR-01.elf: file format elf32-littleriscv + + +Disassembly of section .text.init: + +00000000 <_start>: + 0: 04c0006f j 4c + +00000004 : + 4: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 8: 00800f93 li t6,8 + c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,40 + 10: 00900f93 li t6,9 + 14: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,40 + 18: 00b00f93 li t6,11 + 1c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,40 + 20: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0 + 24: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start> + 28: 000f0463 beqz t5,30 + 2c: 000f0067 jr t5 + 30: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 34: 000f5463 bgez t5,3c + 38: 0040006f j 3c + +0000003c : + 3c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337 + +00000040 : + 40: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1 + 44: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 1000 + 48: ff9ff06f j 40 + +0000004c : + 4c: 00000193 li gp,0 + 50: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 54: fb428293 addi t0,t0,-76 # 4 + 58: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 + 5c: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0 + 60: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 64: 02028293 addi t0,t0,32 # 80 + 68: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0 + 6c: 00000293 li t0,0 + 70: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 74: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 78: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 7c: 30200073 mret + +00000080 : + 80: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 84: f8028293 addi t0,t0,-128 # 2000 + 88: 0000dfb7 lui t6,0xd + 8c: cccf8f93 addi t6,t6,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 90: 00000817 auipc a6,0x0 + 94: 01480813 addi a6,a6,20 # a4 + 98: 00080067 jr a6 + 9c: 00012fb7 lui t6,0x12 + a0: 3abf8f93 addi t6,t6,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + a4: 01f2a023 sw t6,0(t0) + a8: 0000df37 lui t5,0xd + ac: cccf0f13 addi t5,t5,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + b0: 00000797 auipc a5,0x0 + b4: 01378793 addi a5,a5,19 # c3 + b8: 001780e7 jalr 1(a5) + bc: 00012f37 lui t5,0x12 + c0: 3abf0f13 addi t5,t5,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + c4: 01e2a223 sw t5,4(t0) + c8: 0080006f j d0 + cc: 0200006f j ec + d0: 0000deb7 lui t4,0xd + d4: ccce8e93 addi t4,t4,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + d8: 00000717 auipc a4,0x0 + dc: ff370713 addi a4,a4,-13 # cb + e0: 00170167 jalr sp,1(a4) + e4: 00012eb7 lui t4,0x12 + e8: 3abe8e93 addi t4,t4,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + ec: 01d2a423 sw t4,8(t0) + f0: 0000de37 lui t3,0xd + f4: ccce0e13 addi t3,t3,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + f8: 00000697 auipc a3,0x0 + fc: 01068693 addi a3,a3,16 # 108 + 100: 004681e7 jalr gp,4(a3) + 104: 00012e37 lui t3,0x12 + 108: 3abe0e13 addi t3,t3,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 10c: 01c2a623 sw t3,12(t0) + 110: 0000ddb7 lui s11,0xd + 114: cccd8d93 addi s11,s11,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 118: 00000617 auipc a2,0x0 + 11c: 01260613 addi a2,a2,18 # 12a + 120: 00260267 jalr tp,2(a2) + 124: 00012db7 lui s11,0x12 + 128: 3abd8d93 addi s11,s11,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 12c: 01b2a823 sw s11,16(t0) + 130: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 134: ee408093 addi ra,ra,-284 # 2014 + 138: 0000dd37 lui s10,0xd + 13c: cccd0d13 addi s10,s10,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 140: 00000597 auipc a1,0x0 + 144: 01058593 addi a1,a1,16 # 150 + 148: 004582e7 jalr t0,4(a1) + 14c: 00012d37 lui s10,0x12 + 150: 3abd0d13 addi s10,s10,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 154: 01a0a023 sw s10,0(ra) + 158: 0000dcb7 lui s9,0xd + 15c: cccc8c93 addi s9,s9,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 160: 00000517 auipc a0,0x0 + 164: 01150513 addi a0,a0,17 # 171 + 168: 00350367 jalr t1,3(a0) + 16c: 00012cb7 lui s9,0x12 + 170: 3abc8c93 addi s9,s9,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 174: 0190a223 sw s9,4(ra) + 178: 0080006f j 180 + 17c: 0200006f j 19c + 180: 0000dc37 lui s8,0xd + 184: cccc0c13 addi s8,s8,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 188: 00000497 auipc s1,0x0 + 18c: ff248493 addi s1,s1,-14 # 17a + 190: 002483e7 jalr t2,2(s1) + 194: 00012c37 lui s8,0x12 + 198: 3abc0c13 addi s8,s8,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 19c: 0180a423 sw s8,8(ra) + 1a0: 0000dbb7 lui s7,0xd + 1a4: cccb8b93 addi s7,s7,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 1a8: 00000417 auipc s0,0x0 + 1ac: 01440413 addi s0,s0,20 # 1bc + 1b0: 00040467 jalr s0,s0 + 1b4: 00012bb7 lui s7,0x12 + 1b8: 3abb8b93 addi s7,s7,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 1bc: 0170a623 sw s7,12(ra) + 1c0: 0000db37 lui s6,0xd + 1c4: cccb0b13 addi s6,s6,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 1c8: 00000397 auipc t2,0x0 + 1cc: 01338393 addi t2,t2,19 # 1db + 1d0: 001384e7 jalr s1,1(t2) + 1d4: 00012b37 lui s6,0x12 + 1d8: 3abb0b13 addi s6,s6,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 1dc: 0160a823 sw s6,16(ra) + 1e0: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 1e4: e4808093 addi ra,ra,-440 # 2028 + 1e8: 0000dab7 lui s5,0xd + 1ec: ccca8a93 addi s5,s5,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 1f0: 00000317 auipc t1,0x0 + 1f4: 01330313 addi t1,t1,19 # 203 + 1f8: 00130567 jalr a0,1(t1) + 1fc: 00012ab7 lui s5,0x12 + 200: 3aba8a93 addi s5,s5,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 204: 0150a023 sw s5,0(ra) + 208: 0000da37 lui s4,0xd + 20c: ccca0a13 addi s4,s4,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 210: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 214: 01028293 addi t0,t0,16 # 220 + 218: 004285e7 jalr a1,4(t0) + 21c: 00012a37 lui s4,0x12 + 220: 3aba0a13 addi s4,s4,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 224: 0140a223 sw s4,4(ra) + 228: 0080006f j 230 + 22c: 0200006f j 24c + 230: 0000d9b7 lui s3,0xd + 234: ccc98993 addi s3,s3,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 238: 00000217 auipc tp,0x0 + 23c: ff220213 addi tp,tp,-14 # 22a + 240: 00220667 jalr a2,2(tp) # 0 <_start> + 244: 000129b7 lui s3,0x12 + 248: 3ab98993 addi s3,s3,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 24c: 0130a423 sw s3,8(ra) + 250: 0000d937 lui s2,0xd + 254: ccc90913 addi s2,s2,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 258: 00000197 auipc gp,0x0 + 25c: 01018193 addi gp,gp,16 # 268 + 260: 004186e7 jalr a3,4(gp) + 264: 00012937 lui s2,0x12 + 268: 3ab90913 addi s2,s2,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 26c: 0120a623 sw s2,12(ra) + 270: 0000d8b7 lui a7,0xd + 274: ccc88893 addi a7,a7,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 278: 00000117 auipc sp,0x0 + 27c: 01110113 addi sp,sp,17 # 289 + 280: 00310767 jalr a4,3(sp) + 284: 000128b7 lui a7,0x12 + 288: 3ab88893 addi a7,a7,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 28c: 0110a823 sw a7,16(ra) + 290: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 294: dac10113 addi sp,sp,-596 # 203c + 298: 0000d837 lui a6,0xd + 29c: ccc80813 addi a6,a6,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 2a0: 00000097 auipc ra,0x0 + 2a4: 01208093 addi ra,ra,18 # 2b2 + 2a8: 002087e7 jalr a5,2(ra) + 2ac: 00012837 lui a6,0x12 + 2b0: 3ab80813 addi a6,a6,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 2b4: 01012023 sw a6,0(sp) + 2b8: 0000d7b7 lui a5,0xd + 2bc: ccc78793 addi a5,a5,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 2c0: 00000097 auipc ra,0x0 + 2c4: 01408093 addi ra,ra,20 # 2d4 + 2c8: 00008867 jalr a6,ra + 2cc: 000127b7 lui a5,0x12 + 2d0: 3ab78793 addi a5,a5,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 2d4: 00f12223 sw a5,4(sp) + 2d8: 0080006f j 2e0 + 2dc: 0200006f j 2fc + 2e0: 0000d737 lui a4,0xd + 2e4: ccc70713 addi a4,a4,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 2e8: 00000f97 auipc t6,0x0 + 2ec: ff3f8f93 addi t6,t6,-13 # 2db + 2f0: 001f88e7 jalr a7,1(t6) + 2f4: 00012737 lui a4,0x12 + 2f8: 3ab70713 addi a4,a4,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 2fc: 00e12423 sw a4,8(sp) + 300: 0000d6b7 lui a3,0xd + 304: ccc68693 addi a3,a3,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 308: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0 + 30c: 013f0f13 addi t5,t5,19 # 31b + 310: 001f0967 jalr s2,1(t5) + 314: 000126b7 lui a3,0x12 + 318: 3ab68693 addi a3,a3,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 31c: 00d12623 sw a3,12(sp) + 320: 0000d637 lui a2,0xd + 324: ccc60613 addi a2,a2,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 328: 00000e97 auipc t4,0x0 + 32c: 010e8e93 addi t4,t4,16 # 338 + 330: 004e89e7 jalr s3,4(t4) + 334: 00012637 lui a2,0x12 + 338: 3ab60613 addi a2,a2,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 33c: 00c12823 sw a2,16(sp) + 340: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 344: d1008093 addi ra,ra,-752 # 2050 + 348: 0000d5b7 lui a1,0xd + 34c: ccc58593 addi a1,a1,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 350: 00000e17 auipc t3,0x0 + 354: 012e0e13 addi t3,t3,18 # 362 + 358: 002e0a67 jalr s4,2(t3) + 35c: 000125b7 lui a1,0x12 + 360: 3ab58593 addi a1,a1,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 364: 00b0a023 sw a1,0(ra) + 368: 0000d537 lui a0,0xd + 36c: ccc50513 addi a0,a0,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 370: 00000d97 auipc s11,0x0 + 374: 010d8d93 addi s11,s11,16 # 380 + 378: 004d8ae7 jalr s5,4(s11) + 37c: 00012537 lui a0,0x12 + 380: 3ab50513 addi a0,a0,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 384: 00a0a223 sw a0,4(ra) + 388: 0080006f j 390 + 38c: 0200006f j 3ac + 390: 0000d4b7 lui s1,0xd + 394: ccc48493 addi s1,s1,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 398: 00000d17 auipc s10,0x0 + 39c: ff1d0d13 addi s10,s10,-15 # 389 + 3a0: 003d0b67 jalr s6,3(s10) + 3a4: 000124b7 lui s1,0x12 + 3a8: 3ab48493 addi s1,s1,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 3ac: 0090a423 sw s1,8(ra) + 3b0: 0000d437 lui s0,0xd + 3b4: ccc40413 addi s0,s0,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 3b8: 00000c97 auipc s9,0x0 + 3bc: 012c8c93 addi s9,s9,18 # 3ca + 3c0: 002c8be7 jalr s7,2(s9) + 3c4: 00012437 lui s0,0x12 + 3c8: 3ab40413 addi s0,s0,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 3cc: 0080a623 sw s0,12(ra) + 3d0: 0000d3b7 lui t2,0xd + 3d4: ccc38393 addi t2,t2,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 3d8: 00000c17 auipc s8,0x0 + 3dc: 014c0c13 addi s8,s8,20 # 3ec + 3e0: 000c0c67 jalr s8,s8 + 3e4: 000123b7 lui t2,0x12 + 3e8: 3ab38393 addi t2,t2,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 3ec: 0070a823 sw t2,16(ra) + 3f0: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 3f4: c7408093 addi ra,ra,-908 # 2064 + 3f8: 0000d337 lui t1,0xd + 3fc: ccc30313 addi t1,t1,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 400: 00000b97 auipc s7,0x0 + 404: 013b8b93 addi s7,s7,19 # 413 + 408: 001b8ce7 jalr s9,1(s7) + 40c: 00012337 lui t1,0x12 + 410: 3ab30313 addi t1,t1,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 414: 0060a023 sw t1,0(ra) + 418: 0000d2b7 lui t0,0xd + 41c: ccc28293 addi t0,t0,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 420: 00000b17 auipc s6,0x0 + 424: 013b0b13 addi s6,s6,19 # 433 + 428: 001b0d67 jalr s10,1(s6) + 42c: 000122b7 lui t0,0x12 + 430: 3ab28293 addi t0,t0,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 434: 0050a223 sw t0,4(ra) + 438: 0080006f j 440 + 43c: 0200006f j 45c + 440: 0000d237 lui tp,0xd + 444: ccc20213 addi tp,tp,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 448: 00000a97 auipc s5,0x0 + 44c: ff0a8a93 addi s5,s5,-16 # 438 + 450: 004a8de7 jalr s11,4(s5) + 454: 00012237 lui tp,0x12 + 458: 3ab20213 addi tp,tp,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 45c: 0040a423 sw tp,8(ra) + 460: 0000d1b7 lui gp,0xd + 464: ccc18193 addi gp,gp,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 468: 00000a17 auipc s4,0x0 + 46c: 012a0a13 addi s4,s4,18 # 47a + 470: 002a0e67 jalr t3,2(s4) + 474: 000121b7 lui gp,0x12 + 478: 3ab18193 addi gp,gp,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 47c: 0030a623 sw gp,12(ra) + 480: 0000d137 lui sp,0xd + 484: ccc10113 addi sp,sp,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 488: 00000997 auipc s3,0x0 + 48c: 01098993 addi s3,s3,16 # 498 + 490: 00498ee7 jalr t4,4(s3) + 494: 00012137 lui sp,0x12 + 498: 3ab10113 addi sp,sp,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 49c: 0020a823 sw sp,16(ra) + 4a0: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 4a4: bd810113 addi sp,sp,-1064 # 2078 + 4a8: 0000d0b7 lui ra,0xd + 4ac: ccc08093 addi ra,ra,-820 # cccc <_end+0xaac8> + 4b0: 00000917 auipc s2,0x0 + 4b4: 01190913 addi s2,s2,17 # 4c1 + 4b8: 00390f67 jalr t5,3(s2) + 4bc: 000120b7 lui ra,0x12 + 4c0: 3ab08093 addi ra,ra,939 # 123ab <_end+0x101a7> + 4c4: 00112023 sw ra,0(sp) + 4c8: 0000d037 lui zero,0xd + 4cc: ccc00013 li zero,-820 + 4d0: 00000897 auipc a7,0x0 + 4d4: 01288893 addi a7,a7,18 # 4e2 + 4d8: 00288fe7 jalr t6,2(a7) + 4dc: 00012037 lui zero,0x12 + 4e0: 3ab00013 li zero,939 + 4e4: 00012223 sw zero,4(sp) + 4e8: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 4ec: b1828293 addi t0,t0,-1256 # 2000 + 4f0: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 4f4: 00830313 addi t1,t1,8 # 10000008 <_end+0xfffde04> + 4f8: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 4fc: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 500: b9428293 addi t0,t0,-1132 # 2090 + 504: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 508: 00c30313 addi t1,t1,12 # 1000000c <_end+0xfffde08> + 50c: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 510: 00100293 li t0,1 + 514: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 518: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 51c: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 520: 00000013 nop + 524: 00100193 li gp,1 + 528: 00000073 ecall + +0000052c : + 52c: c0001073 unimp + ... + +Disassembly of section .tohost: + +00001000 : + ... + +00001100 : + ... + +Disassembly of section .data: + +00002000 : + 2000: ffff 0xffff + 2002: ffff 0xffff + 2004: ffff 0xffff + 2006: ffff 0xffff + 2008: ffff 0xffff + 200a: ffff 0xffff + 200c: ffff 0xffff + 200e: ffff 0xffff + 2010: ffff 0xffff + 2012: ffff 0xffff + +00002014 : + 2014: ffff 0xffff + 2016: ffff 0xffff + 2018: ffff 0xffff + 201a: ffff 0xffff + 201c: ffff 0xffff + 201e: ffff 0xffff + 2020: ffff 0xffff + 2022: ffff 0xffff + 2024: ffff 0xffff + 2026: ffff 0xffff + +00002028 : + 2028: ffff 0xffff + 202a: ffff 0xffff + 202c: ffff 0xffff + 202e: ffff 0xffff + 2030: ffff 0xffff + 2032: ffff 0xffff + 2034: ffff 0xffff + 2036: ffff 0xffff + 2038: ffff 0xffff + 203a: ffff 0xffff + +0000203c : + 203c: ffff 0xffff + 203e: ffff 0xffff + 2040: ffff 0xffff + 2042: ffff 0xffff + 2044: ffff 0xffff + 2046: ffff 0xffff + 2048: ffff 0xffff + 204a: ffff 0xffff + 204c: ffff 0xffff + 204e: ffff 0xffff + +00002050 : + 2050: ffff 0xffff + 2052: ffff 0xffff + 2054: ffff 0xffff + 2056: ffff 0xffff + 2058: ffff 0xffff + 205a: ffff 0xffff + 205c: ffff 0xffff + 205e: ffff 0xffff + 2060: ffff 0xffff + 2062: ffff 0xffff + +00002064 : + 2064: ffff 0xffff + 2066: ffff 0xffff + 2068: ffff 0xffff + 206a: ffff 0xffff + 206c: ffff 0xffff + 206e: ffff 0xffff + 2070: ffff 0xffff + 2072: ffff 0xffff + 2074: ffff 0xffff + 2076: ffff 0xffff + +00002078 : + 2078: ffff 0xffff + 207a: ffff 0xffff + 207c: ffff 0xffff + 207e: ffff 0xffff + 2080: ffff 0xffff + 2082: ffff 0xffff + 2084: ffff 0xffff + 2086: ffff 0xffff + 2088: ffff 0xffff + 208a: ffff 0xffff + 208c: 0000 unimp + ... + +00002090 : + ... + +00002100 : + 2100: 0080 addi s0,sp,64 + ... + +00002200 : + 2200: 0004 0x4 + ... diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LB-01.elf b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LB-01.elf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2b922bc Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LB-01.elf differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LB-01.elf.bin b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LB-01.elf.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3885015 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LB-01.elf.bin differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LB-01.elf.objdump b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LB-01.elf.objdump new file mode 100644 index 0000000..30e89e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LB-01.elf.objdump @@ -0,0 +1,346 @@ + +D:/gitee/open/tinyriscv/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LB-01.elf: file format elf32-littleriscv + + +Disassembly of section .text.init: + +00000000 <_start>: + 0: 04c0006f j 4c + +00000004 : + 4: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 8: 00800f93 li t6,8 + c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,40 + 10: 00900f93 li t6,9 + 14: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,40 + 18: 00b00f93 li t6,11 + 1c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,40 + 20: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0 + 24: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start> + 28: 000f0463 beqz t5,30 + 2c: 000f0067 jr t5 + 30: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 34: 000f5463 bgez t5,3c + 38: 0040006f j 3c + +0000003c : + 3c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337 + +00000040 : + 40: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1 + 44: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 1000 + 48: ff9ff06f j 40 + +0000004c : + 4c: 00000193 li gp,0 + 50: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 54: fb428293 addi t0,t0,-76 # 4 + 58: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 + 5c: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0 + 60: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 64: 02028293 addi t0,t0,32 # 80 + 68: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0 + 6c: 00000293 li t0,0 + 70: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 74: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 78: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 7c: 30200073 mret + +00000080 : + 80: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 84: fb028293 addi t0,t0,-80 # 2030 + 88: 00002f97 auipc t6,0x2 + 8c: f90f8f93 addi t6,t6,-112 # 2018 + 90: 000f8003 lb zero,0(t6) + 94: 0002a023 sw zero,0(t0) + 98: 00002f17 auipc t5,0x2 + 9c: f80f0f13 addi t5,t5,-128 # 2018 + a0: ffef0083 lb ra,-2(t5) + a4: 0012a223 sw ra,4(t0) + a8: 00002e97 auipc t4,0x2 + ac: f70e8e93 addi t4,t4,-144 # 2018 + b0: 003e8103 lb sp,3(t4) + b4: 0022a423 sw sp,8(t0) + b8: 00002e17 auipc t3,0x2 + bc: f60e0e13 addi t3,t3,-160 # 2018 + c0: ffce0183 lb gp,-4(t3) + c4: 0032a623 sw gp,12(t0) + c8: 00002d97 auipc s11,0x2 + cc: f50d8d93 addi s11,s11,-176 # 2018 + d0: 002d8203 lb tp,2(s11) + d4: 0042a823 sw tp,16(t0) + d8: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + dc: f6c08093 addi ra,ra,-148 # 2044 + e0: 00002d17 auipc s10,0x2 + e4: f38d0d13 addi s10,s10,-200 # 2018 + e8: 004d0283 lb t0,4(s10) + ec: 0050a023 sw t0,0(ra) + f0: 00002c97 auipc s9,0x2 + f4: f28c8c93 addi s9,s9,-216 # 2018 + f8: fffc8303 lb t1,-1(s9) + fc: 0060a223 sw t1,4(ra) + 100: 00002c17 auipc s8,0x2 + 104: f18c0c13 addi s8,s8,-232 # 2018 + 108: 001c0383 lb t2,1(s8) + 10c: 0070a423 sw t2,8(ra) + 110: 00002b97 auipc s7,0x2 + 114: f08b8b93 addi s7,s7,-248 # 2018 + 118: 000b8403 lb s0,0(s7) + 11c: 0080a623 sw s0,12(ra) + 120: 00002b17 auipc s6,0x2 + 124: ef8b0b13 addi s6,s6,-264 # 2018 + 128: ffeb0483 lb s1,-2(s6) + 12c: 0090a823 sw s1,16(ra) + 130: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 134: f2808093 addi ra,ra,-216 # 2058 + 138: 00002a97 auipc s5,0x2 + 13c: ee0a8a93 addi s5,s5,-288 # 2018 + 140: 003a8503 lb a0,3(s5) + 144: 00a0a023 sw a0,0(ra) + 148: 00002a17 auipc s4,0x2 + 14c: ed0a0a13 addi s4,s4,-304 # 2018 + 150: ffca0583 lb a1,-4(s4) + 154: 00b0a223 sw a1,4(ra) + 158: 00002997 auipc s3,0x2 + 15c: ec098993 addi s3,s3,-320 # 2018 + 160: 00298603 lb a2,2(s3) + 164: 00c0a423 sw a2,8(ra) + 168: 00002917 auipc s2,0x2 + 16c: eb090913 addi s2,s2,-336 # 2018 + 170: 00490683 lb a3,4(s2) + 174: 00d0a623 sw a3,12(ra) + 178: 00002897 auipc a7,0x2 + 17c: ea088893 addi a7,a7,-352 # 2018 + 180: fff88703 lb a4,-1(a7) + 184: 00e0a823 sw a4,16(ra) + 188: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 18c: ee410113 addi sp,sp,-284 # 206c + 190: 00002817 auipc a6,0x2 + 194: e8880813 addi a6,a6,-376 # 2018 + 198: 00180783 lb a5,1(a6) + 19c: 00f12023 sw a5,0(sp) + 1a0: 00002797 auipc a5,0x2 + 1a4: e7878793 addi a5,a5,-392 # 2018 + 1a8: 00078803 lb a6,0(a5) + 1ac: 01012223 sw a6,4(sp) + 1b0: 00002717 auipc a4,0x2 + 1b4: e6870713 addi a4,a4,-408 # 2018 + 1b8: ffe70883 lb a7,-2(a4) + 1bc: 01112423 sw a7,8(sp) + 1c0: 00002697 auipc a3,0x2 + 1c4: e5868693 addi a3,a3,-424 # 2018 + 1c8: 00368903 lb s2,3(a3) + 1cc: 01212623 sw s2,12(sp) + 1d0: 00002617 auipc a2,0x2 + 1d4: e4860613 addi a2,a2,-440 # 2018 + 1d8: ffc60983 lb s3,-4(a2) + 1dc: 01312823 sw s3,16(sp) + 1e0: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 1e4: ea008093 addi ra,ra,-352 # 2080 + 1e8: 00002597 auipc a1,0x2 + 1ec: e3058593 addi a1,a1,-464 # 2018 + 1f0: 00258a03 lb s4,2(a1) + 1f4: 0140a023 sw s4,0(ra) + 1f8: 00002517 auipc a0,0x2 + 1fc: e2050513 addi a0,a0,-480 # 2018 + 200: 00450a83 lb s5,4(a0) + 204: 0150a223 sw s5,4(ra) + 208: 00002497 auipc s1,0x2 + 20c: e1048493 addi s1,s1,-496 # 2018 + 210: fff48b03 lb s6,-1(s1) + 214: 0160a423 sw s6,8(ra) + 218: 00002417 auipc s0,0x2 + 21c: e0040413 addi s0,s0,-512 # 2018 + 220: 00140b83 lb s7,1(s0) + 224: 0170a623 sw s7,12(ra) + 228: 00002397 auipc t2,0x2 + 22c: df038393 addi t2,t2,-528 # 2018 + 230: 00038c03 lb s8,0(t2) + 234: 0180a823 sw s8,16(ra) + 238: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 23c: e5c08093 addi ra,ra,-420 # 2094 + 240: 00002317 auipc t1,0x2 + 244: dd830313 addi t1,t1,-552 # 2018 + 248: ffe30c83 lb s9,-2(t1) + 24c: 0190a023 sw s9,0(ra) + 250: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 254: dc828293 addi t0,t0,-568 # 2018 + 258: 00328d03 lb s10,3(t0) + 25c: 01a0a223 sw s10,4(ra) + 260: 00002217 auipc tp,0x2 + 264: db820213 addi tp,tp,-584 # 2018 + 268: ffc20d83 lb s11,-4(tp) # fffffffc <_end+0xffffddf8> + 26c: 01b0a423 sw s11,8(ra) + 270: 00002197 auipc gp,0x2 + 274: da818193 addi gp,gp,-600 # 2018 + 278: 00218e03 lb t3,2(gp) + 27c: 01c0a623 sw t3,12(ra) + 280: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 284: d9810113 addi sp,sp,-616 # 2018 + 288: 00410e83 lb t4,4(sp) + 28c: 01d0a823 sw t4,16(ra) + 290: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 294: e1810113 addi sp,sp,-488 # 20a8 + 298: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 29c: d8008093 addi ra,ra,-640 # 2018 + 2a0: fff08f03 lb t5,-1(ra) + 2a4: 01e12023 sw t5,0(sp) + 2a8: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 2ac: d7008093 addi ra,ra,-656 # 2018 + 2b0: 00108f83 lb t6,1(ra) + 2b4: 01f12223 sw t6,4(sp) + 2b8: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 2bc: d7828293 addi t0,t0,-648 # 2030 + 2c0: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 2c4: 00830313 addi t1,t1,8 # 10000008 <_end+0xfffde04> + 2c8: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 2cc: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 2d0: df428293 addi t0,t0,-524 # 20c0 + 2d4: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 2d8: 00c30313 addi t1,t1,12 # 1000000c <_end+0xfffde08> + 2dc: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 2e0: 00100293 li t0,1 + 2e4: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 2e8: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 2ec: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 2f0: 00000013 nop + 2f4: 00100193 li gp,1 + 2f8: 00000073 ecall + +000002fc : + 2fc: c0001073 unimp + 300: 0000 unimp + ... + +Disassembly of section .tohost: + +00001000 : + ... + +00001100 : + ... + +Disassembly of section .data: + +00002000 : + 2000: f222 fsw fs0,36(sp) + 2002: 11f1 addi gp,gp,-4 + 2004: 44f4 lw a3,76(s1) + 2006: f666f333 0xf666f333 + 200a: 55f5 li a1,-3 + 200c: 88f8 0x88f8 + 200e: 0aaaf777 0xaaaf777 + 2012: 9909 andi a0,a0,-30 + 2014: cc0c sw a1,24(s0) + 2016: 0xeee0bbb + +00002018 : + 2018: 0eee slli t4,t4,0x1b + 201a: dd0d beqz a0,1f54 + 201c: 00f0 addi a2,sp,76 + 201e: 0fff 0xfff + 2020: 5678 lw a4,108(a2) + 2022: 1234 addi a3,sp,296 + 2024: def0 sw a2,124(a3) + 2026: 9abc 0x9abc + 2028: 3210 fld fa2,32(a2) + 202a: 7654 flw fa3,44(a2) + 202c: ba98 fsd fa4,48(a3) + 202e: fedc fsw fa5,60(a3) + +00002030 : + 2030: ffff 0xffff + 2032: ffff 0xffff + 2034: ffff 0xffff + 2036: ffff 0xffff + 2038: ffff 0xffff + 203a: ffff 0xffff + 203c: ffff 0xffff + 203e: ffff 0xffff + 2040: ffff 0xffff + 2042: ffff 0xffff + +00002044 : + 2044: ffff 0xffff + 2046: ffff 0xffff + 2048: ffff 0xffff + 204a: ffff 0xffff + 204c: ffff 0xffff + 204e: ffff 0xffff + 2050: ffff 0xffff + 2052: ffff 0xffff + 2054: ffff 0xffff + 2056: ffff 0xffff + +00002058 : + 2058: ffff 0xffff + 205a: ffff 0xffff + 205c: ffff 0xffff + 205e: ffff 0xffff + 2060: ffff 0xffff + 2062: ffff 0xffff + 2064: ffff 0xffff + 2066: ffff 0xffff + 2068: ffff 0xffff + 206a: ffff 0xffff + +0000206c : + 206c: ffff 0xffff + 206e: ffff 0xffff + 2070: ffff 0xffff + 2072: ffff 0xffff + 2074: ffff 0xffff + 2076: ffff 0xffff + 2078: ffff 0xffff + 207a: ffff 0xffff + 207c: ffff 0xffff + 207e: ffff 0xffff + +00002080 : + 2080: ffff 0xffff + 2082: ffff 0xffff + 2084: ffff 0xffff + 2086: ffff 0xffff + 2088: ffff 0xffff + 208a: ffff 0xffff + 208c: ffff 0xffff + 208e: ffff 0xffff + 2090: ffff 0xffff + 2092: ffff 0xffff + +00002094 : + 2094: ffff 0xffff + 2096: ffff 0xffff + 2098: ffff 0xffff + 209a: ffff 0xffff + 209c: ffff 0xffff + 209e: ffff 0xffff + 20a0: ffff 0xffff + 20a2: ffff 0xffff + 20a4: ffff 0xffff + 20a6: ffff 0xffff + +000020a8 : + 20a8: ffff 0xffff + 20aa: ffff 0xffff + 20ac: ffff 0xffff + 20ae: ffff 0xffff + 20b0: ffff 0xffff + 20b2: ffff 0xffff + 20b4: ffff 0xffff + 20b6: ffff 0xffff + 20b8: ffff 0xffff + 20ba: ffff 0xffff + 20bc: 0000 unimp + ... + +000020c0 : + ... + +00002100 : + 2100: 0080 addi s0,sp,64 + ... + +00002200 : + 2200: 0004 0x4 + ... diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LBU-01.elf b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LBU-01.elf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2d9a9fe Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LBU-01.elf differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LBU-01.elf.bin b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LBU-01.elf.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c8f25aa Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LBU-01.elf.bin differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LBU-01.elf.objdump b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LBU-01.elf.objdump new file mode 100644 index 0000000..23de5f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LBU-01.elf.objdump @@ -0,0 +1,346 @@ + +D:/gitee/open/tinyriscv/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LBU-01.elf: file format elf32-littleriscv + + +Disassembly of section .text.init: + +00000000 <_start>: + 0: 04c0006f j 4c + +00000004 : + 4: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 8: 00800f93 li t6,8 + c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,40 + 10: 00900f93 li t6,9 + 14: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,40 + 18: 00b00f93 li t6,11 + 1c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,40 + 20: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0 + 24: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start> + 28: 000f0463 beqz t5,30 + 2c: 000f0067 jr t5 + 30: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 34: 000f5463 bgez t5,3c + 38: 0040006f j 3c + +0000003c : + 3c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337 + +00000040 : + 40: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1 + 44: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 1000 + 48: ff9ff06f j 40 + +0000004c : + 4c: 00000193 li gp,0 + 50: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 54: fb428293 addi t0,t0,-76 # 4 + 58: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 + 5c: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0 + 60: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 64: 02028293 addi t0,t0,32 # 80 + 68: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0 + 6c: 00000293 li t0,0 + 70: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 74: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 78: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 7c: 30200073 mret + +00000080 : + 80: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 84: fb028293 addi t0,t0,-80 # 2030 + 88: 00002f97 auipc t6,0x2 + 8c: f90f8f93 addi t6,t6,-112 # 2018 + 90: 000fc003 lbu zero,0(t6) + 94: 0002a023 sw zero,0(t0) + 98: 00002f17 auipc t5,0x2 + 9c: f80f0f13 addi t5,t5,-128 # 2018 + a0: ffef4083 lbu ra,-2(t5) + a4: 0012a223 sw ra,4(t0) + a8: 00002e97 auipc t4,0x2 + ac: f70e8e93 addi t4,t4,-144 # 2018 + b0: 003ec103 lbu sp,3(t4) + b4: 0022a423 sw sp,8(t0) + b8: 00002e17 auipc t3,0x2 + bc: f60e0e13 addi t3,t3,-160 # 2018 + c0: ffce4183 lbu gp,-4(t3) + c4: 0032a623 sw gp,12(t0) + c8: 00002d97 auipc s11,0x2 + cc: f50d8d93 addi s11,s11,-176 # 2018 + d0: 002dc203 lbu tp,2(s11) + d4: 0042a823 sw tp,16(t0) + d8: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + dc: f6c08093 addi ra,ra,-148 # 2044 + e0: 00002d17 auipc s10,0x2 + e4: f38d0d13 addi s10,s10,-200 # 2018 + e8: 004d4283 lbu t0,4(s10) + ec: 0050a023 sw t0,0(ra) + f0: 00002c97 auipc s9,0x2 + f4: f28c8c93 addi s9,s9,-216 # 2018 + f8: fffcc303 lbu t1,-1(s9) + fc: 0060a223 sw t1,4(ra) + 100: 00002c17 auipc s8,0x2 + 104: f18c0c13 addi s8,s8,-232 # 2018 + 108: 001c4383 lbu t2,1(s8) + 10c: 0070a423 sw t2,8(ra) + 110: 00002b97 auipc s7,0x2 + 114: f08b8b93 addi s7,s7,-248 # 2018 + 118: 000bc403 lbu s0,0(s7) + 11c: 0080a623 sw s0,12(ra) + 120: 00002b17 auipc s6,0x2 + 124: ef8b0b13 addi s6,s6,-264 # 2018 + 128: ffeb4483 lbu s1,-2(s6) + 12c: 0090a823 sw s1,16(ra) + 130: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 134: f2808093 addi ra,ra,-216 # 2058 + 138: 00002a97 auipc s5,0x2 + 13c: ee0a8a93 addi s5,s5,-288 # 2018 + 140: 003ac503 lbu a0,3(s5) + 144: 00a0a023 sw a0,0(ra) + 148: 00002a17 auipc s4,0x2 + 14c: ed0a0a13 addi s4,s4,-304 # 2018 + 150: ffca4583 lbu a1,-4(s4) + 154: 00b0a223 sw a1,4(ra) + 158: 00002997 auipc s3,0x2 + 15c: ec098993 addi s3,s3,-320 # 2018 + 160: 0029c603 lbu a2,2(s3) + 164: 00c0a423 sw a2,8(ra) + 168: 00002917 auipc s2,0x2 + 16c: eb090913 addi s2,s2,-336 # 2018 + 170: 00494683 lbu a3,4(s2) + 174: 00d0a623 sw a3,12(ra) + 178: 00002897 auipc a7,0x2 + 17c: ea088893 addi a7,a7,-352 # 2018 + 180: fff8c703 lbu a4,-1(a7) + 184: 00e0a823 sw a4,16(ra) + 188: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 18c: ee410113 addi sp,sp,-284 # 206c + 190: 00002817 auipc a6,0x2 + 194: e8880813 addi a6,a6,-376 # 2018 + 198: 00184783 lbu a5,1(a6) + 19c: 00f12023 sw a5,0(sp) + 1a0: 00002797 auipc a5,0x2 + 1a4: e7878793 addi a5,a5,-392 # 2018 + 1a8: 0007c803 lbu a6,0(a5) + 1ac: 01012223 sw a6,4(sp) + 1b0: 00002717 auipc a4,0x2 + 1b4: e6870713 addi a4,a4,-408 # 2018 + 1b8: ffe74883 lbu a7,-2(a4) + 1bc: 01112423 sw a7,8(sp) + 1c0: 00002697 auipc a3,0x2 + 1c4: e5868693 addi a3,a3,-424 # 2018 + 1c8: 0036c903 lbu s2,3(a3) + 1cc: 01212623 sw s2,12(sp) + 1d0: 00002617 auipc a2,0x2 + 1d4: e4860613 addi a2,a2,-440 # 2018 + 1d8: ffc64983 lbu s3,-4(a2) + 1dc: 01312823 sw s3,16(sp) + 1e0: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 1e4: ea008093 addi ra,ra,-352 # 2080 + 1e8: 00002597 auipc a1,0x2 + 1ec: e3058593 addi a1,a1,-464 # 2018 + 1f0: 0025ca03 lbu s4,2(a1) + 1f4: 0140a023 sw s4,0(ra) + 1f8: 00002517 auipc a0,0x2 + 1fc: e2050513 addi a0,a0,-480 # 2018 + 200: 00454a83 lbu s5,4(a0) + 204: 0150a223 sw s5,4(ra) + 208: 00002497 auipc s1,0x2 + 20c: e1048493 addi s1,s1,-496 # 2018 + 210: fff4cb03 lbu s6,-1(s1) + 214: 0160a423 sw s6,8(ra) + 218: 00002417 auipc s0,0x2 + 21c: e0040413 addi s0,s0,-512 # 2018 + 220: 00144b83 lbu s7,1(s0) + 224: 0170a623 sw s7,12(ra) + 228: 00002397 auipc t2,0x2 + 22c: df038393 addi t2,t2,-528 # 2018 + 230: 0003cc03 lbu s8,0(t2) + 234: 0180a823 sw s8,16(ra) + 238: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 23c: e5c08093 addi ra,ra,-420 # 2094 + 240: 00002317 auipc t1,0x2 + 244: dd830313 addi t1,t1,-552 # 2018 + 248: ffe34c83 lbu s9,-2(t1) + 24c: 0190a023 sw s9,0(ra) + 250: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 254: dc828293 addi t0,t0,-568 # 2018 + 258: 0032cd03 lbu s10,3(t0) + 25c: 01a0a223 sw s10,4(ra) + 260: 00002217 auipc tp,0x2 + 264: db820213 addi tp,tp,-584 # 2018 + 268: ffc24d83 lbu s11,-4(tp) # fffffffc <_end+0xffffddf8> + 26c: 01b0a423 sw s11,8(ra) + 270: 00002197 auipc gp,0x2 + 274: da818193 addi gp,gp,-600 # 2018 + 278: 0021ce03 lbu t3,2(gp) + 27c: 01c0a623 sw t3,12(ra) + 280: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 284: d9810113 addi sp,sp,-616 # 2018 + 288: 00414e83 lbu t4,4(sp) + 28c: 01d0a823 sw t4,16(ra) + 290: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 294: e1810113 addi sp,sp,-488 # 20a8 + 298: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 29c: d8008093 addi ra,ra,-640 # 2018 + 2a0: fff0cf03 lbu t5,-1(ra) + 2a4: 01e12023 sw t5,0(sp) + 2a8: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 2ac: d7008093 addi ra,ra,-656 # 2018 + 2b0: 0010cf83 lbu t6,1(ra) + 2b4: 01f12223 sw t6,4(sp) + 2b8: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 2bc: d7828293 addi t0,t0,-648 # 2030 + 2c0: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 2c4: 00830313 addi t1,t1,8 # 10000008 <_end+0xfffde04> + 2c8: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 2cc: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 2d0: df428293 addi t0,t0,-524 # 20c0 + 2d4: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 2d8: 00c30313 addi t1,t1,12 # 1000000c <_end+0xfffde08> + 2dc: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 2e0: 00100293 li t0,1 + 2e4: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 2e8: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 2ec: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 2f0: 00000013 nop + 2f4: 00100193 li gp,1 + 2f8: 00000073 ecall + +000002fc : + 2fc: c0001073 unimp + 300: 0000 unimp + ... + +Disassembly of section .tohost: + +00001000 : + ... + +00001100 : + ... + +Disassembly of section .data: + +00002000 : + 2000: f222 fsw fs0,36(sp) + 2002: 11f1 addi gp,gp,-4 + 2004: 44f4 lw a3,76(s1) + 2006: f666f333 0xf666f333 + 200a: 55f5 li a1,-3 + 200c: 88f8 0x88f8 + 200e: 0aaaf777 0xaaaf777 + 2012: 9909 andi a0,a0,-30 + 2014: cc0c sw a1,24(s0) + 2016: 0xeee0bbb + +00002018 : + 2018: 0eee slli t4,t4,0x1b + 201a: dd0d beqz a0,1f54 + 201c: 00f0 addi a2,sp,76 + 201e: 0fff 0xfff + 2020: 5678 lw a4,108(a2) + 2022: 1234 addi a3,sp,296 + 2024: def0 sw a2,124(a3) + 2026: 9abc 0x9abc + 2028: 3210 fld fa2,32(a2) + 202a: 7654 flw fa3,44(a2) + 202c: ba98 fsd fa4,48(a3) + 202e: fedc fsw fa5,60(a3) + +00002030 : + 2030: ffff 0xffff + 2032: ffff 0xffff + 2034: ffff 0xffff + 2036: ffff 0xffff + 2038: ffff 0xffff + 203a: ffff 0xffff + 203c: ffff 0xffff + 203e: ffff 0xffff + 2040: ffff 0xffff + 2042: ffff 0xffff + +00002044 : + 2044: ffff 0xffff + 2046: ffff 0xffff + 2048: ffff 0xffff + 204a: ffff 0xffff + 204c: ffff 0xffff + 204e: ffff 0xffff + 2050: ffff 0xffff + 2052: ffff 0xffff + 2054: ffff 0xffff + 2056: ffff 0xffff + +00002058 : + 2058: ffff 0xffff + 205a: ffff 0xffff + 205c: ffff 0xffff + 205e: ffff 0xffff + 2060: ffff 0xffff + 2062: ffff 0xffff + 2064: ffff 0xffff + 2066: ffff 0xffff + 2068: ffff 0xffff + 206a: ffff 0xffff + +0000206c : + 206c: ffff 0xffff + 206e: ffff 0xffff + 2070: ffff 0xffff + 2072: ffff 0xffff + 2074: ffff 0xffff + 2076: ffff 0xffff + 2078: ffff 0xffff + 207a: ffff 0xffff + 207c: ffff 0xffff + 207e: ffff 0xffff + +00002080 : + 2080: ffff 0xffff + 2082: ffff 0xffff + 2084: ffff 0xffff + 2086: ffff 0xffff + 2088: ffff 0xffff + 208a: ffff 0xffff + 208c: ffff 0xffff + 208e: ffff 0xffff + 2090: ffff 0xffff + 2092: ffff 0xffff + +00002094 : + 2094: ffff 0xffff + 2096: ffff 0xffff + 2098: ffff 0xffff + 209a: ffff 0xffff + 209c: ffff 0xffff + 209e: ffff 0xffff + 20a0: ffff 0xffff + 20a2: ffff 0xffff + 20a4: ffff 0xffff + 20a6: ffff 0xffff + +000020a8 : + 20a8: ffff 0xffff + 20aa: ffff 0xffff + 20ac: ffff 0xffff + 20ae: ffff 0xffff + 20b0: ffff 0xffff + 20b2: ffff 0xffff + 20b4: ffff 0xffff + 20b6: ffff 0xffff + 20b8: ffff 0xffff + 20ba: ffff 0xffff + 20bc: 0000 unimp + ... + +000020c0 : + ... + +00002100 : + 2100: 0080 addi s0,sp,64 + ... + +00002200 : + 2200: 0004 0x4 + ... diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LH-01.elf b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LH-01.elf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7de6df3 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LH-01.elf differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LH-01.elf.bin b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LH-01.elf.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bd9e7ae Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LH-01.elf.bin differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LH-01.elf.objdump b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LH-01.elf.objdump new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5be7d7f --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LH-01.elf.objdump @@ -0,0 +1,346 @@ + +D:/gitee/open/tinyriscv/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LH-01.elf: file format elf32-littleriscv + + +Disassembly of section .text.init: + +00000000 <_start>: + 0: 04c0006f j 4c + +00000004 : + 4: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 8: 00800f93 li t6,8 + c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,40 + 10: 00900f93 li t6,9 + 14: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,40 + 18: 00b00f93 li t6,11 + 1c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,40 + 20: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0 + 24: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start> + 28: 000f0463 beqz t5,30 + 2c: 000f0067 jr t5 + 30: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 34: 000f5463 bgez t5,3c + 38: 0040006f j 3c + +0000003c : + 3c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337 + +00000040 : + 40: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1 + 44: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 1000 + 48: ff9ff06f j 40 + +0000004c : + 4c: 00000193 li gp,0 + 50: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 54: fb428293 addi t0,t0,-76 # 4 + 58: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 + 5c: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0 + 60: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 64: 02028293 addi t0,t0,32 # 80 + 68: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0 + 6c: 00000293 li t0,0 + 70: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 74: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 78: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 7c: 30200073 mret + +00000080 : + 80: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 84: fb028293 addi t0,t0,-80 # 2030 + 88: 00002f97 auipc t6,0x2 + 8c: f90f8f93 addi t6,t6,-112 # 2018 + 90: 000f9003 lh zero,0(t6) + 94: 0002a023 sw zero,0(t0) + 98: 00002f17 auipc t5,0x2 + 9c: f80f0f13 addi t5,t5,-128 # 2018 + a0: ffef1083 lh ra,-2(t5) + a4: 0012a223 sw ra,4(t0) + a8: 00002e97 auipc t4,0x2 + ac: f70e8e93 addi t4,t4,-144 # 2018 + b0: 002e9103 lh sp,2(t4) + b4: 0022a423 sw sp,8(t0) + b8: 00002e17 auipc t3,0x2 + bc: f60e0e13 addi t3,t3,-160 # 2018 + c0: ffce1183 lh gp,-4(t3) + c4: 0032a623 sw gp,12(t0) + c8: 00002d97 auipc s11,0x2 + cc: f50d8d93 addi s11,s11,-176 # 2018 + d0: 002d9203 lh tp,2(s11) + d4: 0042a823 sw tp,16(t0) + d8: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + dc: f6c08093 addi ra,ra,-148 # 2044 + e0: 00002d17 auipc s10,0x2 + e4: f38d0d13 addi s10,s10,-200 # 2018 + e8: 004d1283 lh t0,4(s10) + ec: 0050a023 sw t0,0(ra) + f0: 00002c97 auipc s9,0x2 + f4: f28c8c93 addi s9,s9,-216 # 2018 + f8: 000c9303 lh t1,0(s9) + fc: 0060a223 sw t1,4(ra) + 100: 00002c17 auipc s8,0x2 + 104: f18c0c13 addi s8,s8,-232 # 2018 + 108: 000c1383 lh t2,0(s8) + 10c: 0070a423 sw t2,8(ra) + 110: 00002b97 auipc s7,0x2 + 114: f08b8b93 addi s7,s7,-248 # 2018 + 118: 000b9403 lh s0,0(s7) + 11c: 0080a623 sw s0,12(ra) + 120: 00002b17 auipc s6,0x2 + 124: ef8b0b13 addi s6,s6,-264 # 2018 + 128: ffeb1483 lh s1,-2(s6) + 12c: 0090a823 sw s1,16(ra) + 130: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 134: f2808093 addi ra,ra,-216 # 2058 + 138: 00002a97 auipc s5,0x2 + 13c: ee0a8a93 addi s5,s5,-288 # 2018 + 140: 002a9503 lh a0,2(s5) + 144: 00a0a023 sw a0,0(ra) + 148: 00002a17 auipc s4,0x2 + 14c: ed0a0a13 addi s4,s4,-304 # 2018 + 150: ffca1583 lh a1,-4(s4) + 154: 00b0a223 sw a1,4(ra) + 158: 00002997 auipc s3,0x2 + 15c: ec098993 addi s3,s3,-320 # 2018 + 160: 00299603 lh a2,2(s3) + 164: 00c0a423 sw a2,8(ra) + 168: 00002917 auipc s2,0x2 + 16c: eb090913 addi s2,s2,-336 # 2018 + 170: 00491683 lh a3,4(s2) + 174: 00d0a623 sw a3,12(ra) + 178: 00002897 auipc a7,0x2 + 17c: ea088893 addi a7,a7,-352 # 2018 + 180: 00089703 lh a4,0(a7) + 184: 00e0a823 sw a4,16(ra) + 188: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 18c: ee410113 addi sp,sp,-284 # 206c + 190: 00002817 auipc a6,0x2 + 194: e8880813 addi a6,a6,-376 # 2018 + 198: 00081783 lh a5,0(a6) + 19c: 00f12023 sw a5,0(sp) + 1a0: 00002797 auipc a5,0x2 + 1a4: e7878793 addi a5,a5,-392 # 2018 + 1a8: 00079803 lh a6,0(a5) + 1ac: 01012223 sw a6,4(sp) + 1b0: 00002717 auipc a4,0x2 + 1b4: e6870713 addi a4,a4,-408 # 2018 + 1b8: ffe71883 lh a7,-2(a4) + 1bc: 01112423 sw a7,8(sp) + 1c0: 00002697 auipc a3,0x2 + 1c4: e5868693 addi a3,a3,-424 # 2018 + 1c8: 00269903 lh s2,2(a3) + 1cc: 01212623 sw s2,12(sp) + 1d0: 00002617 auipc a2,0x2 + 1d4: e4860613 addi a2,a2,-440 # 2018 + 1d8: ffc61983 lh s3,-4(a2) + 1dc: 01312823 sw s3,16(sp) + 1e0: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 1e4: ea008093 addi ra,ra,-352 # 2080 + 1e8: 00002597 auipc a1,0x2 + 1ec: e3058593 addi a1,a1,-464 # 2018 + 1f0: 00259a03 lh s4,2(a1) + 1f4: 0140a023 sw s4,0(ra) + 1f8: 00002517 auipc a0,0x2 + 1fc: e2050513 addi a0,a0,-480 # 2018 + 200: 00451a83 lh s5,4(a0) + 204: 0150a223 sw s5,4(ra) + 208: 00002497 auipc s1,0x2 + 20c: e1048493 addi s1,s1,-496 # 2018 + 210: 00049b03 lh s6,0(s1) + 214: 0160a423 sw s6,8(ra) + 218: 00002417 auipc s0,0x2 + 21c: e0040413 addi s0,s0,-512 # 2018 + 220: 00041b83 lh s7,0(s0) + 224: 0170a623 sw s7,12(ra) + 228: 00002397 auipc t2,0x2 + 22c: df038393 addi t2,t2,-528 # 2018 + 230: 00039c03 lh s8,0(t2) + 234: 0180a823 sw s8,16(ra) + 238: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 23c: e5c08093 addi ra,ra,-420 # 2094 + 240: 00002317 auipc t1,0x2 + 244: dd830313 addi t1,t1,-552 # 2018 + 248: ffe31c83 lh s9,-2(t1) + 24c: 0190a023 sw s9,0(ra) + 250: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 254: dc828293 addi t0,t0,-568 # 2018 + 258: 00229d03 lh s10,2(t0) + 25c: 01a0a223 sw s10,4(ra) + 260: 00002217 auipc tp,0x2 + 264: db820213 addi tp,tp,-584 # 2018 + 268: ffc21d83 lh s11,-4(tp) # fffffffc <_end+0xffffddf8> + 26c: 01b0a423 sw s11,8(ra) + 270: 00002197 auipc gp,0x2 + 274: da818193 addi gp,gp,-600 # 2018 + 278: 00219e03 lh t3,2(gp) + 27c: 01c0a623 sw t3,12(ra) + 280: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 284: d9810113 addi sp,sp,-616 # 2018 + 288: 00411e83 lh t4,4(sp) + 28c: 01d0a823 sw t4,16(ra) + 290: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 294: e1810113 addi sp,sp,-488 # 20a8 + 298: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 29c: d8008093 addi ra,ra,-640 # 2018 + 2a0: 00009f03 lh t5,0(ra) + 2a4: 01e12023 sw t5,0(sp) + 2a8: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 2ac: d7008093 addi ra,ra,-656 # 2018 + 2b0: 00009f83 lh t6,0(ra) + 2b4: 01f12223 sw t6,4(sp) + 2b8: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 2bc: d7828293 addi t0,t0,-648 # 2030 + 2c0: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 2c4: 00830313 addi t1,t1,8 # 10000008 <_end+0xfffde04> + 2c8: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 2cc: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 2d0: df428293 addi t0,t0,-524 # 20c0 + 2d4: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 2d8: 00c30313 addi t1,t1,12 # 1000000c <_end+0xfffde08> + 2dc: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 2e0: 00100293 li t0,1 + 2e4: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 2e8: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 2ec: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 2f0: 00000013 nop + 2f4: 00100193 li gp,1 + 2f8: 00000073 ecall + +000002fc : + 2fc: c0001073 unimp + 300: 0000 unimp + ... + +Disassembly of section .tohost: + +00001000 : + ... + +00001100 : + ... + +Disassembly of section .data: + +00002000 : + 2000: f222 fsw fs0,36(sp) + 2002: 11f1 addi gp,gp,-4 + 2004: 44f4 lw a3,76(s1) + 2006: f666f333 0xf666f333 + 200a: 55f5 li a1,-3 + 200c: 88f8 0x88f8 + 200e: 0aaaf777 0xaaaf777 + 2012: 9909 andi a0,a0,-30 + 2014: cc0c sw a1,24(s0) + 2016: 0xeee0bbb + +00002018 : + 2018: 0eee slli t4,t4,0x1b + 201a: dd0d beqz a0,1f54 + 201c: 00f0 addi a2,sp,76 + 201e: 0fff 0xfff + 2020: 5678 lw a4,108(a2) + 2022: 1234 addi a3,sp,296 + 2024: def0 sw a2,124(a3) + 2026: 9abc 0x9abc + 2028: 3210 fld fa2,32(a2) + 202a: 7654 flw fa3,44(a2) + 202c: ba98 fsd fa4,48(a3) + 202e: fedc fsw fa5,60(a3) + +00002030 : + 2030: ffff 0xffff + 2032: ffff 0xffff + 2034: ffff 0xffff + 2036: ffff 0xffff + 2038: ffff 0xffff + 203a: ffff 0xffff + 203c: ffff 0xffff + 203e: ffff 0xffff + 2040: ffff 0xffff + 2042: ffff 0xffff + +00002044 : + 2044: ffff 0xffff + 2046: ffff 0xffff + 2048: ffff 0xffff + 204a: ffff 0xffff + 204c: ffff 0xffff + 204e: ffff 0xffff + 2050: ffff 0xffff + 2052: ffff 0xffff + 2054: ffff 0xffff + 2056: ffff 0xffff + +00002058 : + 2058: ffff 0xffff + 205a: ffff 0xffff + 205c: ffff 0xffff + 205e: ffff 0xffff + 2060: ffff 0xffff + 2062: ffff 0xffff + 2064: ffff 0xffff + 2066: ffff 0xffff + 2068: ffff 0xffff + 206a: ffff 0xffff + +0000206c : + 206c: ffff 0xffff + 206e: ffff 0xffff + 2070: ffff 0xffff + 2072: ffff 0xffff + 2074: ffff 0xffff + 2076: ffff 0xffff + 2078: ffff 0xffff + 207a: ffff 0xffff + 207c: ffff 0xffff + 207e: ffff 0xffff + +00002080 : + 2080: ffff 0xffff + 2082: ffff 0xffff + 2084: ffff 0xffff + 2086: ffff 0xffff + 2088: ffff 0xffff + 208a: ffff 0xffff + 208c: ffff 0xffff + 208e: ffff 0xffff + 2090: ffff 0xffff + 2092: ffff 0xffff + +00002094 : + 2094: ffff 0xffff + 2096: ffff 0xffff + 2098: ffff 0xffff + 209a: ffff 0xffff + 209c: ffff 0xffff + 209e: ffff 0xffff + 20a0: ffff 0xffff + 20a2: ffff 0xffff + 20a4: ffff 0xffff + 20a6: ffff 0xffff + +000020a8 : + 20a8: ffff 0xffff + 20aa: ffff 0xffff + 20ac: ffff 0xffff + 20ae: ffff 0xffff + 20b0: ffff 0xffff + 20b2: ffff 0xffff + 20b4: ffff 0xffff + 20b6: ffff 0xffff + 20b8: ffff 0xffff + 20ba: ffff 0xffff + 20bc: 0000 unimp + ... + +000020c0 : + ... + +00002100 : + 2100: 0080 addi s0,sp,64 + ... + +00002200 : + 2200: 0004 0x4 + ... diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LHU-01.elf b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LHU-01.elf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..157db8b Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LHU-01.elf differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LHU-01.elf.bin b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LHU-01.elf.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8ff9fd6 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LHU-01.elf.bin differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LHU-01.elf.objdump b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LHU-01.elf.objdump new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a3a7604 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LHU-01.elf.objdump @@ -0,0 +1,346 @@ + +D:/gitee/open/tinyriscv/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LHU-01.elf: file format elf32-littleriscv + + +Disassembly of section .text.init: + +00000000 <_start>: + 0: 04c0006f j 4c + +00000004 : + 4: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 8: 00800f93 li t6,8 + c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,40 + 10: 00900f93 li t6,9 + 14: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,40 + 18: 00b00f93 li t6,11 + 1c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,40 + 20: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0 + 24: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start> + 28: 000f0463 beqz t5,30 + 2c: 000f0067 jr t5 + 30: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 34: 000f5463 bgez t5,3c + 38: 0040006f j 3c + +0000003c : + 3c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337 + +00000040 : + 40: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1 + 44: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 1000 + 48: ff9ff06f j 40 + +0000004c : + 4c: 00000193 li gp,0 + 50: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 54: fb428293 addi t0,t0,-76 # 4 + 58: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 + 5c: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0 + 60: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 64: 02028293 addi t0,t0,32 # 80 + 68: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0 + 6c: 00000293 li t0,0 + 70: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 74: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 78: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 7c: 30200073 mret + +00000080 : + 80: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 84: fb028293 addi t0,t0,-80 # 2030 + 88: 00002f97 auipc t6,0x2 + 8c: f90f8f93 addi t6,t6,-112 # 2018 + 90: 000fd003 lhu zero,0(t6) + 94: 0002a023 sw zero,0(t0) + 98: 00002f17 auipc t5,0x2 + 9c: f80f0f13 addi t5,t5,-128 # 2018 + a0: ffef5083 lhu ra,-2(t5) + a4: 0012a223 sw ra,4(t0) + a8: 00002e97 auipc t4,0x2 + ac: f70e8e93 addi t4,t4,-144 # 2018 + b0: 002ed103 lhu sp,2(t4) + b4: 0022a423 sw sp,8(t0) + b8: 00002e17 auipc t3,0x2 + bc: f60e0e13 addi t3,t3,-160 # 2018 + c0: ffce5183 lhu gp,-4(t3) + c4: 0032a623 sw gp,12(t0) + c8: 00002d97 auipc s11,0x2 + cc: f50d8d93 addi s11,s11,-176 # 2018 + d0: 002dd203 lhu tp,2(s11) + d4: 0042a823 sw tp,16(t0) + d8: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + dc: f6c08093 addi ra,ra,-148 # 2044 + e0: 00002d17 auipc s10,0x2 + e4: f38d0d13 addi s10,s10,-200 # 2018 + e8: 004d5283 lhu t0,4(s10) + ec: 0050a023 sw t0,0(ra) + f0: 00002c97 auipc s9,0x2 + f4: f28c8c93 addi s9,s9,-216 # 2018 + f8: 000cd303 lhu t1,0(s9) + fc: 0060a223 sw t1,4(ra) + 100: 00002c17 auipc s8,0x2 + 104: f18c0c13 addi s8,s8,-232 # 2018 + 108: 000c5383 lhu t2,0(s8) + 10c: 0070a423 sw t2,8(ra) + 110: 00002b97 auipc s7,0x2 + 114: f08b8b93 addi s7,s7,-248 # 2018 + 118: 000bd403 lhu s0,0(s7) + 11c: 0080a623 sw s0,12(ra) + 120: 00002b17 auipc s6,0x2 + 124: ef8b0b13 addi s6,s6,-264 # 2018 + 128: ffeb5483 lhu s1,-2(s6) + 12c: 0090a823 sw s1,16(ra) + 130: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 134: f2808093 addi ra,ra,-216 # 2058 + 138: 00002a97 auipc s5,0x2 + 13c: ee0a8a93 addi s5,s5,-288 # 2018 + 140: 002ad503 lhu a0,2(s5) + 144: 00a0a023 sw a0,0(ra) + 148: 00002a17 auipc s4,0x2 + 14c: ed0a0a13 addi s4,s4,-304 # 2018 + 150: ffca5583 lhu a1,-4(s4) + 154: 00b0a223 sw a1,4(ra) + 158: 00002997 auipc s3,0x2 + 15c: ec098993 addi s3,s3,-320 # 2018 + 160: 0029d603 lhu a2,2(s3) + 164: 00c0a423 sw a2,8(ra) + 168: 00002917 auipc s2,0x2 + 16c: eb090913 addi s2,s2,-336 # 2018 + 170: 00495683 lhu a3,4(s2) + 174: 00d0a623 sw a3,12(ra) + 178: 00002897 auipc a7,0x2 + 17c: ea088893 addi a7,a7,-352 # 2018 + 180: 0008d703 lhu a4,0(a7) + 184: 00e0a823 sw a4,16(ra) + 188: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 18c: ee410113 addi sp,sp,-284 # 206c + 190: 00002817 auipc a6,0x2 + 194: e8880813 addi a6,a6,-376 # 2018 + 198: 00085783 lhu a5,0(a6) + 19c: 00f12023 sw a5,0(sp) + 1a0: 00002797 auipc a5,0x2 + 1a4: e7878793 addi a5,a5,-392 # 2018 + 1a8: 0007d803 lhu a6,0(a5) + 1ac: 01012223 sw a6,4(sp) + 1b0: 00002717 auipc a4,0x2 + 1b4: e6870713 addi a4,a4,-408 # 2018 + 1b8: ffe75883 lhu a7,-2(a4) + 1bc: 01112423 sw a7,8(sp) + 1c0: 00002697 auipc a3,0x2 + 1c4: e5868693 addi a3,a3,-424 # 2018 + 1c8: 0026d903 lhu s2,2(a3) + 1cc: 01212623 sw s2,12(sp) + 1d0: 00002617 auipc a2,0x2 + 1d4: e4860613 addi a2,a2,-440 # 2018 + 1d8: ffc65983 lhu s3,-4(a2) + 1dc: 01312823 sw s3,16(sp) + 1e0: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 1e4: ea008093 addi ra,ra,-352 # 2080 + 1e8: 00002597 auipc a1,0x2 + 1ec: e3058593 addi a1,a1,-464 # 2018 + 1f0: 0025da03 lhu s4,2(a1) + 1f4: 0140a023 sw s4,0(ra) + 1f8: 00002517 auipc a0,0x2 + 1fc: e2050513 addi a0,a0,-480 # 2018 + 200: 00455a83 lhu s5,4(a0) + 204: 0150a223 sw s5,4(ra) + 208: 00002497 auipc s1,0x2 + 20c: e1048493 addi s1,s1,-496 # 2018 + 210: 0004db03 lhu s6,0(s1) + 214: 0160a423 sw s6,8(ra) + 218: 00002417 auipc s0,0x2 + 21c: e0040413 addi s0,s0,-512 # 2018 + 220: 00045b83 lhu s7,0(s0) + 224: 0170a623 sw s7,12(ra) + 228: 00002397 auipc t2,0x2 + 22c: df038393 addi t2,t2,-528 # 2018 + 230: 0003dc03 lhu s8,0(t2) + 234: 0180a823 sw s8,16(ra) + 238: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 23c: e5c08093 addi ra,ra,-420 # 2094 + 240: 00002317 auipc t1,0x2 + 244: dd830313 addi t1,t1,-552 # 2018 + 248: ffe35c83 lhu s9,-2(t1) + 24c: 0190a023 sw s9,0(ra) + 250: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 254: dc828293 addi t0,t0,-568 # 2018 + 258: 0022dd03 lhu s10,2(t0) + 25c: 01a0a223 sw s10,4(ra) + 260: 00002217 auipc tp,0x2 + 264: db820213 addi tp,tp,-584 # 2018 + 268: ffc25d83 lhu s11,-4(tp) # fffffffc <_end+0xffffddf8> + 26c: 01b0a423 sw s11,8(ra) + 270: 00002197 auipc gp,0x2 + 274: da818193 addi gp,gp,-600 # 2018 + 278: 0021de03 lhu t3,2(gp) + 27c: 01c0a623 sw t3,12(ra) + 280: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 284: d9810113 addi sp,sp,-616 # 2018 + 288: 00415e83 lhu t4,4(sp) + 28c: 01d0a823 sw t4,16(ra) + 290: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 294: e1810113 addi sp,sp,-488 # 20a8 + 298: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 29c: d8008093 addi ra,ra,-640 # 2018 + 2a0: 0000df03 lhu t5,0(ra) + 2a4: 01e12023 sw t5,0(sp) + 2a8: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 2ac: d7008093 addi ra,ra,-656 # 2018 + 2b0: 0000df83 lhu t6,0(ra) + 2b4: 01f12223 sw t6,4(sp) + 2b8: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 2bc: d7828293 addi t0,t0,-648 # 2030 + 2c0: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 2c4: 00830313 addi t1,t1,8 # 10000008 <_end+0xfffde04> + 2c8: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 2cc: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 2d0: df428293 addi t0,t0,-524 # 20c0 + 2d4: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 2d8: 00c30313 addi t1,t1,12 # 1000000c <_end+0xfffde08> + 2dc: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 2e0: 00100293 li t0,1 + 2e4: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 2e8: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 2ec: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 2f0: 00000013 nop + 2f4: 00100193 li gp,1 + 2f8: 00000073 ecall + +000002fc : + 2fc: c0001073 unimp + 300: 0000 unimp + ... + +Disassembly of section .tohost: + +00001000 : + ... + +00001100 : + ... + +Disassembly of section .data: + +00002000 : + 2000: f222 fsw fs0,36(sp) + 2002: 11f1 addi gp,gp,-4 + 2004: 44f4 lw a3,76(s1) + 2006: f666f333 0xf666f333 + 200a: 55f5 li a1,-3 + 200c: 88f8 0x88f8 + 200e: 0aaaf777 0xaaaf777 + 2012: 9909 andi a0,a0,-30 + 2014: cc0c sw a1,24(s0) + 2016: 0xeee0bbb + +00002018 : + 2018: 0eee slli t4,t4,0x1b + 201a: dd0d beqz a0,1f54 + 201c: 00f0 addi a2,sp,76 + 201e: 0fff 0xfff + 2020: 5678 lw a4,108(a2) + 2022: 1234 addi a3,sp,296 + 2024: def0 sw a2,124(a3) + 2026: 9abc 0x9abc + 2028: 3210 fld fa2,32(a2) + 202a: 7654 flw fa3,44(a2) + 202c: ba98 fsd fa4,48(a3) + 202e: fedc fsw fa5,60(a3) + +00002030 : + 2030: ffff 0xffff + 2032: ffff 0xffff + 2034: ffff 0xffff + 2036: ffff 0xffff + 2038: ffff 0xffff + 203a: ffff 0xffff + 203c: ffff 0xffff + 203e: ffff 0xffff + 2040: ffff 0xffff + 2042: ffff 0xffff + +00002044 : + 2044: ffff 0xffff + 2046: ffff 0xffff + 2048: ffff 0xffff + 204a: ffff 0xffff + 204c: ffff 0xffff + 204e: ffff 0xffff + 2050: ffff 0xffff + 2052: ffff 0xffff + 2054: ffff 0xffff + 2056: ffff 0xffff + +00002058 : + 2058: ffff 0xffff + 205a: ffff 0xffff + 205c: ffff 0xffff + 205e: ffff 0xffff + 2060: ffff 0xffff + 2062: ffff 0xffff + 2064: ffff 0xffff + 2066: ffff 0xffff + 2068: ffff 0xffff + 206a: ffff 0xffff + +0000206c : + 206c: ffff 0xffff + 206e: ffff 0xffff + 2070: ffff 0xffff + 2072: ffff 0xffff + 2074: ffff 0xffff + 2076: ffff 0xffff + 2078: ffff 0xffff + 207a: ffff 0xffff + 207c: ffff 0xffff + 207e: ffff 0xffff + +00002080 : + 2080: ffff 0xffff + 2082: ffff 0xffff + 2084: ffff 0xffff + 2086: ffff 0xffff + 2088: ffff 0xffff + 208a: ffff 0xffff + 208c: ffff 0xffff + 208e: ffff 0xffff + 2090: ffff 0xffff + 2092: ffff 0xffff + +00002094 : + 2094: ffff 0xffff + 2096: ffff 0xffff + 2098: ffff 0xffff + 209a: ffff 0xffff + 209c: ffff 0xffff + 209e: ffff 0xffff + 20a0: ffff 0xffff + 20a2: ffff 0xffff + 20a4: ffff 0xffff + 20a6: ffff 0xffff + +000020a8 : + 20a8: ffff 0xffff + 20aa: ffff 0xffff + 20ac: ffff 0xffff + 20ae: ffff 0xffff + 20b0: ffff 0xffff + 20b2: ffff 0xffff + 20b4: ffff 0xffff + 20b6: ffff 0xffff + 20b8: ffff 0xffff + 20ba: ffff 0xffff + 20bc: 0000 unimp + ... + +000020c0 : + ... + +00002100 : + 2100: 0080 addi s0,sp,64 + ... + +00002200 : + 2200: 0004 0x4 + ... diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LUI-01.elf b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LUI-01.elf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5de9a20 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LUI-01.elf differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LUI-01.elf.bin b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LUI-01.elf.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..764af96 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LUI-01.elf.bin differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LUI-01.elf.objdump b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LUI-01.elf.objdump new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ed421fa --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LUI-01.elf.objdump @@ -0,0 +1,256 @@ + +D:/gitee/open/tinyriscv/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LUI-01.elf: file format elf32-littleriscv + + +Disassembly of section .text.init: + +00000000 <_start>: + 0: 04c0006f j 4c + +00000004 : + 4: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 8: 00800f93 li t6,8 + c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,40 + 10: 00900f93 li t6,9 + 14: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,40 + 18: 00b00f93 li t6,11 + 1c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,40 + 20: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0 + 24: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start> + 28: 000f0463 beqz t5,30 + 2c: 000f0067 jr t5 + 30: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 34: 000f5463 bgez t5,3c + 38: 0040006f j 3c + +0000003c : + 3c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337 + +00000040 : + 40: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1 + 44: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 1000 + 48: ff9ff06f j 40 + +0000004c : + 4c: 00000193 li gp,0 + 50: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 54: fb428293 addi t0,t0,-76 # 4 + 58: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 + 5c: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0 + 60: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 64: 02028293 addi t0,t0,32 # 80 + 68: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0 + 6c: 00000293 li t0,0 + 70: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 74: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 78: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 7c: 30200073 mret + +00000080 : + 80: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 84: f8028293 addi t0,t0,-128 # 2000 + 88: 00000037 lui zero,0x0 + 8c: 0002a023 sw zero,0(t0) + 90: 000000b7 lui ra,0x0 + 94: 0012a223 sw ra,4(t0) + 98: 007ff137 lui sp,0x7ff + 9c: 0022a423 sw sp,8(t0) + a0: 000011b7 lui gp,0x1 + a4: 0032a623 sw gp,12(t0) + a8: 01234237 lui tp,0x1234 + ac: 0042a823 sw tp,16(t0) + b0: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + b4: f6408093 addi ra,ra,-156 # 2014 + b8: 800002b7 lui t0,0x80000 + bc: 0050a023 sw t0,0(ra) + c0: 01234337 lui t1,0x1234 + c4: 0060a223 sw t1,4(ra) + c8: fffff3b7 lui t2,0xfffff + cc: 0070a423 sw t2,8(ra) + d0: 00001437 lui s0,0x1 + d4: 0080a623 sw s0,12(ra) + d8: 7ffff4b7 lui s1,0x7ffff + dc: 0090a823 sw s1,16(ra) + e0: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + e4: f4808093 addi ra,ra,-184 # 2028 + e8: 54321537 lui a0,0x54321 + ec: 00a0a023 sw a0,0(ra) + f0: 008005b7 lui a1,0x800 + f4: 00b0a223 sw a1,4(ra) + f8: 00000637 lui a2,0x0 + fc: 00c0a423 sw a2,8(ra) + 100: 007ff6b7 lui a3,0x7ff + 104: 00d0a623 sw a3,12(ra) + 108: 00000737 lui a4,0x0 + 10c: 00e0a823 sw a4,16(ra) + 110: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 114: f2c10113 addi sp,sp,-212 # 203c + 118: 000017b7 lui a5,0x1 + 11c: 00f12023 sw a5,0(sp) + 120: 00000837 lui a6,0x0 + 124: 01012223 sw a6,4(sp) + 128: 000008b7 lui a7,0x0 + 12c: 01112423 sw a7,8(sp) + 130: 007ff937 lui s2,0x7ff + 134: 01212623 sw s2,12(sp) + 138: 000019b7 lui s3,0x1 + 13c: 01312823 sw s3,16(sp) + 140: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 144: f1008093 addi ra,ra,-240 # 2050 + 148: 01234a37 lui s4,0x1234 + 14c: 0140a023 sw s4,0(ra) + 150: 80000ab7 lui s5,0x80000 + 154: 0150a223 sw s5,4(ra) + 158: 01234b37 lui s6,0x1234 + 15c: 0160a423 sw s6,8(ra) + 160: fffffbb7 lui s7,0xfffff + 164: 0170a623 sw s7,12(ra) + 168: 00001c37 lui s8,0x1 + 16c: 0180a823 sw s8,16(ra) + 170: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 174: ef408093 addi ra,ra,-268 # 2064 + 178: 7ffffcb7 lui s9,0x7ffff + 17c: 0190a023 sw s9,0(ra) + 180: 54321d37 lui s10,0x54321 + 184: 01a0a223 sw s10,4(ra) + 188: 00800db7 lui s11,0x800 + 18c: 01b0a423 sw s11,8(ra) + 190: 00000e37 lui t3,0x0 + 194: 01c0a623 sw t3,12(ra) + 198: 007ffeb7 lui t4,0x7ff + 19c: 01d0a823 sw t4,16(ra) + 1a0: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 1a4: ed810113 addi sp,sp,-296 # 2078 + 1a8: 00000f37 lui t5,0x0 + 1ac: 01e12023 sw t5,0(sp) + 1b0: 00001fb7 lui t6,0x1 + 1b4: 01f12223 sw t6,4(sp) + 1b8: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 1bc: e4828293 addi t0,t0,-440 # 2000 + 1c0: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 1c4: 00830313 addi t1,t1,8 # 10000008 <_end+0xfffde04> + 1c8: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 1cc: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 1d0: ec428293 addi t0,t0,-316 # 2090 + 1d4: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 1d8: 00c30313 addi t1,t1,12 # 1000000c <_end+0xfffde08> + 1dc: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 1e0: 00100293 li t0,1 + 1e4: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 1e8: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 1ec: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 1f0: 00000013 nop + 1f4: 00100193 li gp,1 + 1f8: 00000073 ecall + +000001fc : + 1fc: c0001073 unimp + 200: 0000 unimp + ... + +Disassembly of section .tohost: + +00001000 : + ... + +00001100 : + ... + +Disassembly of section .data: + +00002000 : + 2000: ffff 0xffff + 2002: ffff 0xffff + 2004: ffff 0xffff + 2006: ffff 0xffff + 2008: ffff 0xffff + 200a: ffff 0xffff + 200c: ffff 0xffff + 200e: ffff 0xffff + 2010: ffff 0xffff + 2012: ffff 0xffff + +00002014 : + 2014: ffff 0xffff + 2016: ffff 0xffff + 2018: ffff 0xffff + 201a: ffff 0xffff + 201c: ffff 0xffff + 201e: ffff 0xffff + 2020: ffff 0xffff + 2022: ffff 0xffff + 2024: ffff 0xffff + 2026: ffff 0xffff + +00002028 : + 2028: ffff 0xffff + 202a: ffff 0xffff + 202c: ffff 0xffff + 202e: ffff 0xffff + 2030: ffff 0xffff + 2032: ffff 0xffff + 2034: ffff 0xffff + 2036: ffff 0xffff + 2038: ffff 0xffff + 203a: ffff 0xffff + +0000203c : + 203c: ffff 0xffff + 203e: ffff 0xffff + 2040: ffff 0xffff + 2042: ffff 0xffff + 2044: ffff 0xffff + 2046: ffff 0xffff + 2048: ffff 0xffff + 204a: ffff 0xffff + 204c: ffff 0xffff + 204e: ffff 0xffff + +00002050 : + 2050: ffff 0xffff + 2052: ffff 0xffff + 2054: ffff 0xffff + 2056: ffff 0xffff + 2058: ffff 0xffff + 205a: ffff 0xffff + 205c: ffff 0xffff + 205e: ffff 0xffff + 2060: ffff 0xffff + 2062: ffff 0xffff + +00002064 : + 2064: ffff 0xffff + 2066: ffff 0xffff + 2068: ffff 0xffff + 206a: ffff 0xffff + 206c: ffff 0xffff + 206e: ffff 0xffff + 2070: ffff 0xffff + 2072: ffff 0xffff + 2074: ffff 0xffff + 2076: ffff 0xffff + +00002078 : + 2078: ffff 0xffff + 207a: ffff 0xffff + 207c: ffff 0xffff + 207e: ffff 0xffff + 2080: ffff 0xffff + 2082: ffff 0xffff + 2084: ffff 0xffff + 2086: ffff 0xffff + 2088: ffff 0xffff + 208a: ffff 0xffff + 208c: 0000 unimp + ... + +00002090 : + ... + +00002100 : + 2100: 0080 addi s0,sp,64 + ... + +00002200 : + 2200: 0004 0x4 + ... diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LW-01.elf b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LW-01.elf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6fdd964 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LW-01.elf differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LW-01.elf.bin b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LW-01.elf.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f3936c7 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LW-01.elf.bin differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LW-01.elf.objdump b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LW-01.elf.objdump new file mode 100644 index 0000000..85790ca --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LW-01.elf.objdump @@ -0,0 +1,346 @@ + +D:/gitee/open/tinyriscv/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-LW-01.elf: file format elf32-littleriscv + + +Disassembly of section .text.init: + +00000000 <_start>: + 0: 04c0006f j 4c + +00000004 : + 4: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 8: 00800f93 li t6,8 + c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,40 + 10: 00900f93 li t6,9 + 14: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,40 + 18: 00b00f93 li t6,11 + 1c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,40 + 20: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0 + 24: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start> + 28: 000f0463 beqz t5,30 + 2c: 000f0067 jr t5 + 30: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 34: 000f5463 bgez t5,3c + 38: 0040006f j 3c + +0000003c : + 3c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337 + +00000040 : + 40: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1 + 44: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 1000 + 48: ff9ff06f j 40 + +0000004c : + 4c: 00000193 li gp,0 + 50: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 54: fb428293 addi t0,t0,-76 # 4 + 58: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 + 5c: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0 + 60: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 64: 02028293 addi t0,t0,32 # 80 + 68: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0 + 6c: 00000293 li t0,0 + 70: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 74: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 78: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 7c: 30200073 mret + +00000080 : + 80: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 84: fb028293 addi t0,t0,-80 # 2030 + 88: 00002f97 auipc t6,0x2 + 8c: f90f8f93 addi t6,t6,-112 # 2018 + 90: 000fa003 lw zero,0(t6) + 94: 0002a023 sw zero,0(t0) + 98: 00002f17 auipc t5,0x2 + 9c: f80f0f13 addi t5,t5,-128 # 2018 + a0: 000f2083 lw ra,0(t5) + a4: 0012a223 sw ra,4(t0) + a8: 00002e97 auipc t4,0x2 + ac: f70e8e93 addi t4,t4,-144 # 2018 + b0: 000ea103 lw sp,0(t4) + b4: 0022a423 sw sp,8(t0) + b8: 00002e17 auipc t3,0x2 + bc: f60e0e13 addi t3,t3,-160 # 2018 + c0: ffce2183 lw gp,-4(t3) + c4: 0032a623 sw gp,12(t0) + c8: 00002d97 auipc s11,0x2 + cc: f50d8d93 addi s11,s11,-176 # 2018 + d0: 000da203 lw tp,0(s11) + d4: 0042a823 sw tp,16(t0) + d8: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + dc: f6c08093 addi ra,ra,-148 # 2044 + e0: 00002d17 auipc s10,0x2 + e4: f38d0d13 addi s10,s10,-200 # 2018 + e8: 004d2283 lw t0,4(s10) + ec: 0050a023 sw t0,0(ra) + f0: 00002c97 auipc s9,0x2 + f4: f28c8c93 addi s9,s9,-216 # 2018 + f8: 000ca303 lw t1,0(s9) + fc: 0060a223 sw t1,4(ra) + 100: 00002c17 auipc s8,0x2 + 104: f18c0c13 addi s8,s8,-232 # 2018 + 108: 000c2383 lw t2,0(s8) + 10c: 0070a423 sw t2,8(ra) + 110: 00002b97 auipc s7,0x2 + 114: f08b8b93 addi s7,s7,-248 # 2018 + 118: 000ba403 lw s0,0(s7) + 11c: 0080a623 sw s0,12(ra) + 120: 00002b17 auipc s6,0x2 + 124: ef8b0b13 addi s6,s6,-264 # 2018 + 128: 000b2483 lw s1,0(s6) + 12c: 0090a823 sw s1,16(ra) + 130: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 134: f2808093 addi ra,ra,-216 # 2058 + 138: 00002a97 auipc s5,0x2 + 13c: ee0a8a93 addi s5,s5,-288 # 2018 + 140: 000aa503 lw a0,0(s5) + 144: 00a0a023 sw a0,0(ra) + 148: 00002a17 auipc s4,0x2 + 14c: ed0a0a13 addi s4,s4,-304 # 2018 + 150: ffca2583 lw a1,-4(s4) + 154: 00b0a223 sw a1,4(ra) + 158: 00002997 auipc s3,0x2 + 15c: ec098993 addi s3,s3,-320 # 2018 + 160: 0009a603 lw a2,0(s3) + 164: 00c0a423 sw a2,8(ra) + 168: 00002917 auipc s2,0x2 + 16c: eb090913 addi s2,s2,-336 # 2018 + 170: 00492683 lw a3,4(s2) + 174: 00d0a623 sw a3,12(ra) + 178: 00002897 auipc a7,0x2 + 17c: ea088893 addi a7,a7,-352 # 2018 + 180: 0008a703 lw a4,0(a7) + 184: 00e0a823 sw a4,16(ra) + 188: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 18c: ee410113 addi sp,sp,-284 # 206c + 190: 00002817 auipc a6,0x2 + 194: e8880813 addi a6,a6,-376 # 2018 + 198: 00082783 lw a5,0(a6) + 19c: 00f12023 sw a5,0(sp) + 1a0: 00002797 auipc a5,0x2 + 1a4: e7878793 addi a5,a5,-392 # 2018 + 1a8: 0007a803 lw a6,0(a5) + 1ac: 01012223 sw a6,4(sp) + 1b0: 00002717 auipc a4,0x2 + 1b4: e6870713 addi a4,a4,-408 # 2018 + 1b8: 00072883 lw a7,0(a4) + 1bc: 01112423 sw a7,8(sp) + 1c0: 00002697 auipc a3,0x2 + 1c4: e5868693 addi a3,a3,-424 # 2018 + 1c8: 0006a903 lw s2,0(a3) + 1cc: 01212623 sw s2,12(sp) + 1d0: 00002617 auipc a2,0x2 + 1d4: e4860613 addi a2,a2,-440 # 2018 + 1d8: ffc62983 lw s3,-4(a2) + 1dc: 01312823 sw s3,16(sp) + 1e0: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 1e4: ea008093 addi ra,ra,-352 # 2080 + 1e8: 00002597 auipc a1,0x2 + 1ec: e3058593 addi a1,a1,-464 # 2018 + 1f0: 0005aa03 lw s4,0(a1) + 1f4: 0140a023 sw s4,0(ra) + 1f8: 00002517 auipc a0,0x2 + 1fc: e2050513 addi a0,a0,-480 # 2018 + 200: 00452a83 lw s5,4(a0) + 204: 0150a223 sw s5,4(ra) + 208: 00002497 auipc s1,0x2 + 20c: e1048493 addi s1,s1,-496 # 2018 + 210: 0004ab03 lw s6,0(s1) + 214: 0160a423 sw s6,8(ra) + 218: 00002417 auipc s0,0x2 + 21c: e0040413 addi s0,s0,-512 # 2018 + 220: 00042b83 lw s7,0(s0) + 224: 0170a623 sw s7,12(ra) + 228: 00002397 auipc t2,0x2 + 22c: df038393 addi t2,t2,-528 # 2018 + 230: 0003ac03 lw s8,0(t2) + 234: 0180a823 sw s8,16(ra) + 238: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 23c: e5c08093 addi ra,ra,-420 # 2094 + 240: 00002317 auipc t1,0x2 + 244: dd830313 addi t1,t1,-552 # 2018 + 248: 00032c83 lw s9,0(t1) + 24c: 0190a023 sw s9,0(ra) + 250: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 254: dc828293 addi t0,t0,-568 # 2018 + 258: 0002ad03 lw s10,0(t0) + 25c: 01a0a223 sw s10,4(ra) + 260: 00002217 auipc tp,0x2 + 264: db820213 addi tp,tp,-584 # 2018 + 268: ffc22d83 lw s11,-4(tp) # fffffffc <_end+0xffffddf8> + 26c: 01b0a423 sw s11,8(ra) + 270: 00002197 auipc gp,0x2 + 274: da818193 addi gp,gp,-600 # 2018 + 278: 0001ae03 lw t3,0(gp) + 27c: 01c0a623 sw t3,12(ra) + 280: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 284: d9810113 addi sp,sp,-616 # 2018 + 288: 00412e83 lw t4,4(sp) + 28c: 01d0a823 sw t4,16(ra) + 290: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 294: e1810113 addi sp,sp,-488 # 20a8 + 298: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 29c: d8008093 addi ra,ra,-640 # 2018 + 2a0: 0000af03 lw t5,0(ra) + 2a4: 01e12023 sw t5,0(sp) + 2a8: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 2ac: d7008093 addi ra,ra,-656 # 2018 + 2b0: 0000af83 lw t6,0(ra) + 2b4: 01f12223 sw t6,4(sp) + 2b8: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 2bc: d7828293 addi t0,t0,-648 # 2030 + 2c0: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 2c4: 00830313 addi t1,t1,8 # 10000008 <_end+0xfffde04> + 2c8: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 2cc: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 2d0: df428293 addi t0,t0,-524 # 20c0 + 2d4: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 2d8: 00c30313 addi t1,t1,12 # 1000000c <_end+0xfffde08> + 2dc: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 2e0: 00100293 li t0,1 + 2e4: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 2e8: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 2ec: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 2f0: 00000013 nop + 2f4: 00100193 li gp,1 + 2f8: 00000073 ecall + +000002fc : + 2fc: c0001073 unimp + 300: 0000 unimp + ... + +Disassembly of section .tohost: + +00001000 : + ... + +00001100 : + ... + +Disassembly of section .data: + +00002000 : + 2000: f222 fsw fs0,36(sp) + 2002: 11f1 addi gp,gp,-4 + 2004: 44f4 lw a3,76(s1) + 2006: f666f333 0xf666f333 + 200a: 55f5 li a1,-3 + 200c: 88f8 0x88f8 + 200e: 0aaaf777 0xaaaf777 + 2012: 9909 andi a0,a0,-30 + 2014: cc0c sw a1,24(s0) + 2016: 0xeee0bbb + +00002018 : + 2018: 0eee slli t4,t4,0x1b + 201a: dd0d beqz a0,1f54 + 201c: 00f0 addi a2,sp,76 + 201e: 0fff 0xfff + 2020: 5678 lw a4,108(a2) + 2022: 1234 addi a3,sp,296 + 2024: def0 sw a2,124(a3) + 2026: 9abc 0x9abc + 2028: 3210 fld fa2,32(a2) + 202a: 7654 flw fa3,44(a2) + 202c: ba98 fsd fa4,48(a3) + 202e: fedc fsw fa5,60(a3) + +00002030 : + 2030: ffff 0xffff + 2032: ffff 0xffff + 2034: ffff 0xffff + 2036: ffff 0xffff + 2038: ffff 0xffff + 203a: ffff 0xffff + 203c: ffff 0xffff + 203e: ffff 0xffff + 2040: ffff 0xffff + 2042: ffff 0xffff + +00002044 : + 2044: ffff 0xffff + 2046: ffff 0xffff + 2048: ffff 0xffff + 204a: ffff 0xffff + 204c: ffff 0xffff + 204e: ffff 0xffff + 2050: ffff 0xffff + 2052: ffff 0xffff + 2054: ffff 0xffff + 2056: ffff 0xffff + +00002058 : + 2058: ffff 0xffff + 205a: ffff 0xffff + 205c: ffff 0xffff + 205e: ffff 0xffff + 2060: ffff 0xffff + 2062: ffff 0xffff + 2064: ffff 0xffff + 2066: ffff 0xffff + 2068: ffff 0xffff + 206a: ffff 0xffff + +0000206c : + 206c: ffff 0xffff + 206e: ffff 0xffff + 2070: ffff 0xffff + 2072: ffff 0xffff + 2074: ffff 0xffff + 2076: ffff 0xffff + 2078: ffff 0xffff + 207a: ffff 0xffff + 207c: ffff 0xffff + 207e: ffff 0xffff + +00002080 : + 2080: ffff 0xffff + 2082: ffff 0xffff + 2084: ffff 0xffff + 2086: ffff 0xffff + 2088: ffff 0xffff + 208a: ffff 0xffff + 208c: ffff 0xffff + 208e: ffff 0xffff + 2090: ffff 0xffff + 2092: ffff 0xffff + +00002094 : + 2094: ffff 0xffff + 2096: ffff 0xffff + 2098: ffff 0xffff + 209a: ffff 0xffff + 209c: ffff 0xffff + 209e: ffff 0xffff + 20a0: ffff 0xffff + 20a2: ffff 0xffff + 20a4: ffff 0xffff + 20a6: ffff 0xffff + +000020a8 : + 20a8: ffff 0xffff + 20aa: ffff 0xffff + 20ac: ffff 0xffff + 20ae: ffff 0xffff + 20b0: ffff 0xffff + 20b2: ffff 0xffff + 20b4: ffff 0xffff + 20b6: ffff 0xffff + 20b8: ffff 0xffff + 20ba: ffff 0xffff + 20bc: 0000 unimp + ... + +000020c0 : + ... + +00002100 : + 2100: 0080 addi s0,sp,64 + ... + +00002200 : + 2200: 0004 0x4 + ... diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-MISALIGN_JMP-01.elf b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-MISALIGN_JMP-01.elf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1b85a61 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-MISALIGN_JMP-01.elf differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-MISALIGN_JMP-01.elf.bin b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-MISALIGN_JMP-01.elf.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8e1ad2a Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-MISALIGN_JMP-01.elf.bin differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-MISALIGN_JMP-01.elf.objdump b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-MISALIGN_JMP-01.elf.objdump new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b172d88 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-MISALIGN_JMP-01.elf.objdump @@ -0,0 +1,326 @@ + +D:/gitee/open/tinyriscv/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-MISALIGN_JMP-01.elf: file format elf32-littleriscv + + +Disassembly of section .text.init: + +00000000 <_start>: + 0: 04c0006f j 4c + +00000004 : + 4: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 8: 00800f93 li t6,8 + c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,40 + 10: 00900f93 li t6,9 + 14: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,40 + 18: 00b00f93 li t6,11 + 1c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,40 + 20: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0 + 24: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start> + 28: 000f0463 beqz t5,30 + 2c: 000f0067 jr t5 + 30: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 34: 000f5463 bgez t5,3c + 38: 0040006f j 3c + +0000003c : + 3c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337 + +00000040 : + 40: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1 + 44: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 1000 + 48: ff9ff06f j 40 + +0000004c : + 4c: 00000193 li gp,0 + 50: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 54: fb428293 addi t0,t0,-76 # 4 + 58: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 + 5c: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0 + 60: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 64: 02028293 addi t0,t0,32 # 80 + 68: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0 + 6c: 00000293 li t0,0 + 70: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 74: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 78: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 7c: 30200073 mret + +00000080 : + 80: 00000097 auipc ra,0x0 + 84: 20808093 addi ra,ra,520 # 288 <_trap_handler> + 88: 30509ff3 csrrw t6,mtvec,ra + 8c: 30127073 csrci misa,4 + 90: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 94: f7008093 addi ra,ra,-144 # 2000 + 98: 11111137 lui sp,0x11111 + 9c: 11110113 addi sp,sp,273 # 11111111 <_end+0x1110ef0d> + a0: 00a0006f j aa + a4: 00000113 li sp,0 + a8: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + ac: f6408093 addi ra,ra,-156 # 200c + b0: 22222137 lui sp,0x22222 + b4: 22210113 addi sp,sp,546 # 22222222 <_end+0x2222001e> + b8: 00000217 auipc tp,0x0 + bc: 01120213 addi tp,tp,17 # c9 + c0: 00020067 jr tp # 0 <_start> + c4: 00000113 li sp,0 + c8: 0020a023 sw sp,0(ra) + cc: 00408093 addi ra,ra,4 + d0: 33333137 lui sp,0x33333 + d4: 33310113 addi sp,sp,819 # 33333333 <_end+0x3333112f> + d8: 00000217 auipc tp,0x0 + dc: 01020213 addi tp,tp,16 # e8 + e0: 00120067 jr 1(tp) # 0 <_start> + e4: 00000113 li sp,0 + e8: 0020a023 sw sp,0(ra) + ec: 00408093 addi ra,ra,4 + f0: 44444137 lui sp,0x44444 + f4: 44410113 addi sp,sp,1092 # 44444444 <_end+0x44442240> + f8: 00000217 auipc tp,0x0 + fc: 01420213 addi tp,tp,20 # 10c + 100: ffd20067 jr -3(tp) # 0 <_start> + 104: 00000113 li sp,0 + 108: 0020a023 sw sp,0(ra) + 10c: 00408093 addi ra,ra,4 + 110: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 114: f0808093 addi ra,ra,-248 # 2018 + 118: 55555137 lui sp,0x55555 + 11c: 55510113 addi sp,sp,1365 # 55555555 <_end+0x55553351> + 120: 00000217 auipc tp,0x0 + 124: 01220213 addi tp,tp,18 # 132 + 128: 00020067 jr tp # 0 <_start> + 12c: 00000113 li sp,0 + 130: 66666137 lui sp,0x66666 + 134: 66610113 addi sp,sp,1638 # 66666666 <_end+0x66664462> + 138: 00000217 auipc tp,0x0 + 13c: 01320213 addi tp,tp,19 # 14b + 140: 00020067 jr tp # 0 <_start> + 144: 00000113 li sp,0 + 148: 77777137 lui sp,0x77777 + 14c: 77710113 addi sp,sp,1911 # 77777777 <_end+0x77775573> + 150: 00000217 auipc tp,0x0 + 154: 01020213 addi tp,tp,16 # 160 + 158: 00220067 jr 2(tp) # 0 <_start> + 15c: 00000113 li sp,0 + 160: 88889137 lui sp,0x88889 + 164: 88810113 addi sp,sp,-1912 # 88888888 <_end+0x88886684> + 168: 00000217 auipc tp,0x0 + 16c: 01020213 addi tp,tp,16 # 178 + 170: 00320067 jr 3(tp) # 0 <_start> + 174: 00000113 li sp,0 + 178: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 17c: ed008093 addi ra,ra,-304 # 2048 + 180: 00500293 li t0,5 + 184: 00600313 li t1,6 + 188: 00628763 beq t0,t1,196 + 18c: 9999a137 lui sp,0x9999a + 190: 99910113 addi sp,sp,-1639 # 99999999 <_end+0x99997795> + 194: 00000013 nop + 198: 00000013 nop + 19c: 00528563 beq t0,t0,1a6 + 1a0: 00000113 li sp,0 + 1a4: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 1a8: eb008093 addi ra,ra,-336 # 2054 + 1ac: 00500293 li t0,5 + 1b0: 00600313 li t1,6 + 1b4: 00529763 bne t0,t0,1c2 + 1b8: aaaab137 lui sp,0xaaaab + 1bc: aaa10113 addi sp,sp,-1366 # aaaaaaaa <_end+0xaaaa88a6> + 1c0: 00000013 nop + 1c4: 00000013 nop + 1c8: 00629563 bne t0,t1,1d2 + 1cc: 00000113 li sp,0 + 1d0: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 1d4: e9008093 addi ra,ra,-368 # 2060 + 1d8: 00500293 li t0,5 + 1dc: 00600313 li t1,6 + 1e0: 00534763 blt t1,t0,1ee + 1e4: bbbbc137 lui sp,0xbbbbc + 1e8: bbb10113 addi sp,sp,-1093 # bbbbbbbb <_end+0xbbbb99b7> + 1ec: 00000013 nop + 1f0: 00000013 nop + 1f4: 0062c563 blt t0,t1,1fe + 1f8: 00000113 li sp,0 + 1fc: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 200: e7008093 addi ra,ra,-400 # 206c + 204: 00500293 li t0,5 + 208: 00600313 li t1,6 + 20c: 00536763 bltu t1,t0,21a + 210: ccccd137 lui sp,0xccccd + 214: ccc10113 addi sp,sp,-820 # cccccccc <_end+0xccccaac8> + 218: 00000013 nop + 21c: 00000013 nop + 220: 0062e563 bltu t0,t1,22a + 224: 00000113 li sp,0 + 228: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 22c: e5008093 addi ra,ra,-432 # 2078 + 230: 00500293 li t0,5 + 234: 00600313 li t1,6 + 238: 0062d763 bge t0,t1,246 + 23c: dddde137 lui sp,0xdddde + 240: ddd10113 addi sp,sp,-547 # dddddddd <_end+0xddddbbd9> + 244: 00000013 nop + 248: 00000013 nop + 24c: 00535563 bge t1,t0,256 + 250: 00000113 li sp,0 + 254: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 258: e3008093 addi ra,ra,-464 # 2084 + 25c: 00500293 li t0,5 + 260: 00600313 li t1,6 + 264: 0062f763 bgeu t0,t1,272 + 268: eeeef137 lui sp,0xeeeef + 26c: eee10113 addi sp,sp,-274 # eeeeeeee <_end+0xeeeeccea> + 270: 00000013 nop + 274: 00000013 nop + 278: 00537563 bgeu t1,t0,282 + 27c: 00000113 li sp,0 + 280: 305f9073 csrw mtvec,t6 + 284: 0300006f j 2b4 + +00000288 <_trap_handler>: + 288: 34302f73 csrr t5,mtval + 28c: ffef0f13 addi t5,t5,-2 + 290: 341f1073 csrw mepc,t5 + 294: 34302f73 csrr t5,mtval + 298: 003f7f13 andi t5,t5,3 + 29c: 01e0a023 sw t5,0(ra) + 2a0: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 2a4: 01e0a223 sw t5,4(ra) + 2a8: 0020a423 sw sp,8(ra) + 2ac: 00c08093 addi ra,ra,12 + 2b0: 30200073 mret + +000002b4 : + 2b4: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 2b8: d4c28293 addi t0,t0,-692 # 2000 + 2bc: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 2c0: 00830313 addi t1,t1,8 # 10000008 <_end+0xfffde04> + 2c4: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 2c8: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 2cc: dc828293 addi t0,t0,-568 # 2090 + 2d0: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 2d4: 00c30313 addi t1,t1,12 # 1000000c <_end+0xfffde08> + 2d8: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 2dc: 00100293 li t0,1 + 2e0: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 2e4: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 2e8: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 2ec: 00000013 nop + 2f0: 00100193 li gp,1 + 2f4: 00000073 ecall + +000002f8 : + 2f8: c0001073 unimp + ... + +Disassembly of section .tohost: + +00001000 : + ... + +00001100 : + ... + +Disassembly of section .data: + +00002000 : + 2000: ffff 0xffff + 2002: ffff 0xffff + 2004: ffff 0xffff + 2006: ffff 0xffff + 2008: ffff 0xffff + 200a: ffff 0xffff + +0000200c : + 200c: ffff 0xffff + 200e: ffff 0xffff + 2010: ffff 0xffff + 2012: ffff 0xffff + 2014: ffff 0xffff + 2016: ffff 0xffff + +00002018 : + 2018: ffff 0xffff + 201a: ffff 0xffff + 201c: ffff 0xffff + 201e: ffff 0xffff + 2020: ffff 0xffff + 2022: ffff 0xffff + 2024: ffff 0xffff + 2026: ffff 0xffff + 2028: ffff 0xffff + 202a: ffff 0xffff + 202c: ffff 0xffff + 202e: ffff 0xffff + 2030: ffff 0xffff + 2032: ffff 0xffff + 2034: ffff 0xffff + 2036: ffff 0xffff + 2038: ffff 0xffff + 203a: ffff 0xffff + 203c: ffff 0xffff + 203e: ffff 0xffff + 2040: ffff 0xffff + 2042: ffff 0xffff + 2044: ffff 0xffff + 2046: ffff 0xffff + +00002048 : + 2048: ffff 0xffff + 204a: ffff 0xffff + 204c: ffff 0xffff + 204e: ffff 0xffff + 2050: ffff 0xffff + 2052: ffff 0xffff + +00002054 : + 2054: ffff 0xffff + 2056: ffff 0xffff + 2058: ffff 0xffff + 205a: ffff 0xffff + 205c: ffff 0xffff + 205e: ffff 0xffff + +00002060 : + 2060: ffff 0xffff + 2062: ffff 0xffff + 2064: ffff 0xffff + 2066: ffff 0xffff + 2068: ffff 0xffff + 206a: ffff 0xffff + +0000206c : + 206c: ffff 0xffff + 206e: ffff 0xffff + 2070: ffff 0xffff + 2072: ffff 0xffff + 2074: ffff 0xffff + 2076: ffff 0xffff + +00002078 : + 2078: ffff 0xffff + 207a: ffff 0xffff + 207c: ffff 0xffff + 207e: ffff 0xffff + 2080: ffff 0xffff + 2082: ffff 0xffff + +00002084 : + 2084: ffff 0xffff + 2086: ffff 0xffff + 2088: ffff 0xffff + 208a: ffff 0xffff + 208c: ffff 0xffff + 208e: ffff 0xffff + +00002090 : + ... + +00002100 : + 2100: 0080 addi s0,sp,64 + ... + +00002200 : + 2200: 0004 0x4 + ... diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-MISALIGN_LDST-01.elf b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-MISALIGN_LDST-01.elf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a300a6e Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-MISALIGN_LDST-01.elf differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-MISALIGN_LDST-01.elf.bin b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-MISALIGN_LDST-01.elf.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..69ad42e Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-MISALIGN_LDST-01.elf.bin differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-MISALIGN_LDST-01.elf.objdump b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-MISALIGN_LDST-01.elf.objdump new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d914ea4 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-MISALIGN_LDST-01.elf.objdump @@ -0,0 +1,299 @@ + +D:/gitee/open/tinyriscv/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-MISALIGN_LDST-01.elf: file format elf32-littleriscv + + +Disassembly of section .text.init: + +00000000 <_start>: + 0: 04c0006f j 4c + +00000004 : + 4: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 8: 00800f93 li t6,8 + c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,40 + 10: 00900f93 li t6,9 + 14: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,40 + 18: 00b00f93 li t6,11 + 1c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,40 + 20: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0 + 24: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start> + 28: 000f0463 beqz t5,30 + 2c: 000f0067 jr t5 + 30: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 34: 000f5463 bgez t5,3c + 38: 0040006f j 3c + +0000003c : + 3c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337 + +00000040 : + 40: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1 + 44: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 1000 + 48: ff9ff06f j 40 + +0000004c : + 4c: 00000193 li gp,0 + 50: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 54: fb428293 addi t0,t0,-76 # 4 + 58: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 + 5c: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0 + 60: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 64: 02028293 addi t0,t0,32 # 80 + 68: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0 + 6c: 00000293 li t0,0 + 70: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 74: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 78: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 7c: 30200073 mret + +00000080 : + 80: 00000097 auipc ra,0x0 + 84: 14408093 addi ra,ra,324 # 1c4 <_trap_handler> + 88: 30509ff3 csrrw t6,mtvec,ra + 8c: 00002197 auipc gp,0x2 + 90: f7418193 addi gp,gp,-140 # 2000 + 94: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 98: f7c10113 addi sp,sp,-132 # 2010 + 9c: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + a0: f8408093 addi ra,ra,-124 # 2020 + a4: 00500293 li t0,5 + a8: 00600313 li t1,6 + ac: 0001a203 lw tp,0(gp) + b0: 00412023 sw tp,0(sp) + b4: 0011a203 lw tp,1(gp) + b8: 00412223 sw tp,4(sp) + bc: 0021a203 lw tp,2(gp) + c0: 00412423 sw tp,8(sp) + c4: 0031a203 lw tp,3(gp) + c8: 00412623 sw tp,12(sp) + cc: 00002197 auipc gp,0x2 + d0: f3818193 addi gp,gp,-200 # 2004 + d4: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + d8: f6410113 addi sp,sp,-156 # 2038 + dc: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + e0: f7c08093 addi ra,ra,-132 # 2058 + e4: 00500293 li t0,5 + e8: 00600313 li t1,6 + ec: 00019203 lh tp,0(gp) + f0: 00412023 sw tp,0(sp) + f4: 00119203 lh tp,1(gp) + f8: 00412223 sw tp,4(sp) + fc: 00219203 lh tp,2(gp) + 100: 00412423 sw tp,8(sp) + 104: 00319203 lh tp,3(gp) + 108: 00412623 sw tp,12(sp) + 10c: 0001d203 lhu tp,0(gp) + 110: 00412823 sw tp,16(sp) + 114: 0011d203 lhu tp,1(gp) + 118: 00412a23 sw tp,20(sp) + 11c: 0021d203 lhu tp,2(gp) + 120: 00412c23 sw tp,24(sp) + 124: 0031d203 lhu tp,3(gp) + 128: 00412e23 sw tp,28(sp) + 12c: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 130: f4c10113 addi sp,sp,-180 # 2078 + 134: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 138: f5408093 addi ra,ra,-172 # 2088 + 13c: 00000313 li t1,0 + 140: 9999a2b7 lui t0,0x9999a + 144: 99928293 addi t0,t0,-1639 # 99999999 <_end+0x99997795> + 148: 00512023 sw t0,0(sp) + 14c: 00512223 sw t0,4(sp) + 150: 00512423 sw t0,8(sp) + 154: 00512623 sw t0,12(sp) + 158: 00612023 sw t1,0(sp) + 15c: 00410113 addi sp,sp,4 + 160: 006120a3 sw t1,1(sp) + 164: 00410113 addi sp,sp,4 + 168: 00612123 sw t1,2(sp) + 16c: 00410113 addi sp,sp,4 + 170: 006121a3 sw t1,3(sp) + 174: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 178: f2c10113 addi sp,sp,-212 # 20a0 + 17c: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 180: f3408093 addi ra,ra,-204 # 20b0 + 184: 00000313 li t1,0 + 188: 9999a2b7 lui t0,0x9999a + 18c: 99928293 addi t0,t0,-1639 # 99999999 <_end+0x99997795> + 190: 00512023 sw t0,0(sp) + 194: 00512223 sw t0,4(sp) + 198: 00512423 sw t0,8(sp) + 19c: 00512623 sw t0,12(sp) + 1a0: 00611023 sh t1,0(sp) + 1a4: 00410113 addi sp,sp,4 + 1a8: 006110a3 sh t1,1(sp) + 1ac: 00410113 addi sp,sp,4 + 1b0: 00611123 sh t1,2(sp) + 1b4: 00410113 addi sp,sp,4 + 1b8: 006111a3 sh t1,3(sp) + 1bc: 305f9073 csrw mtvec,t6 + 1c0: 02c0006f j 1ec + +000001c4 <_trap_handler>: + 1c4: 34102f73 csrr t5,mepc + 1c8: 004f0f13 addi t5,t5,4 + 1cc: 341f1073 csrw mepc,t5 + 1d0: 34302f73 csrr t5,mtval + 1d4: 003f7f13 andi t5,t5,3 + 1d8: 01e0a023 sw t5,0(ra) + 1dc: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 1e0: 01e0a223 sw t5,4(ra) + 1e4: 00808093 addi ra,ra,8 + 1e8: 30200073 mret + +000001ec : + 1ec: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 1f0: e2428293 addi t0,t0,-476 # 2010 + 1f4: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 1f8: 00830313 addi t1,t1,8 # 10000008 <_end+0xfffde04> + 1fc: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 200: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 204: ec028293 addi t0,t0,-320 # 20c0 + 208: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 20c: 00c30313 addi t1,t1,12 # 1000000c <_end+0xfffde08> + 210: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 214: 00100293 li t0,1 + 218: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 21c: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 220: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 224: 00000013 nop + 228: 00100193 li gp,1 + 22c: 00000073 ecall + +00000230 : + 230: c0001073 unimp + ... + +Disassembly of section .tohost: + +00001000 : + ... + +00001100 : + ... + +Disassembly of section .data: + +00002000 : + 2000: b1c1 j 1cc0 + 2002: 91a1 srli a1,a1,0x28 + +00002004 : + 2004: f202 fsw ft0,36(sp) + 2006: d2e2 sw s8,100(sp) + ... + +00002010 : + 2010: ffff 0xffff + 2012: ffff 0xffff + 2014: ffff 0xffff + 2016: ffff 0xffff + 2018: ffff 0xffff + 201a: ffff 0xffff + 201c: ffff 0xffff + 201e: ffff 0xffff + +00002020 : + 2020: ffff 0xffff + 2022: ffff 0xffff + 2024: ffff 0xffff + 2026: ffff 0xffff + 2028: ffff 0xffff + 202a: ffff 0xffff + 202c: ffff 0xffff + 202e: ffff 0xffff + 2030: ffff 0xffff + 2032: ffff 0xffff + 2034: ffff 0xffff + 2036: ffff 0xffff + +00002038 : + 2038: ffff 0xffff + 203a: ffff 0xffff + 203c: ffff 0xffff + 203e: ffff 0xffff + 2040: ffff 0xffff + 2042: ffff 0xffff + 2044: ffff 0xffff + 2046: ffff 0xffff + 2048: ffff 0xffff + 204a: ffff 0xffff + 204c: ffff 0xffff + 204e: ffff 0xffff + 2050: ffff 0xffff + 2052: ffff 0xffff + 2054: ffff 0xffff + 2056: ffff 0xffff + +00002058 : + 2058: ffff 0xffff + 205a: ffff 0xffff + 205c: ffff 0xffff + 205e: ffff 0xffff + 2060: ffff 0xffff + 2062: ffff 0xffff + 2064: ffff 0xffff + 2066: ffff 0xffff + 2068: ffff 0xffff + 206a: ffff 0xffff + 206c: ffff 0xffff + 206e: ffff 0xffff + 2070: ffff 0xffff + 2072: ffff 0xffff + 2074: ffff 0xffff + 2076: ffff 0xffff + +00002078 : + 2078: ffff 0xffff + 207a: ffff 0xffff + 207c: ffff 0xffff + 207e: ffff 0xffff + 2080: ffff 0xffff + 2082: ffff 0xffff + 2084: ffff 0xffff + 2086: ffff 0xffff + +00002088 : + 2088: ffff 0xffff + 208a: ffff 0xffff + 208c: ffff 0xffff + 208e: ffff 0xffff + 2090: ffff 0xffff + 2092: ffff 0xffff + 2094: ffff 0xffff + 2096: ffff 0xffff + 2098: ffff 0xffff + 209a: ffff 0xffff + 209c: ffff 0xffff + 209e: ffff 0xffff + +000020a0 : + 20a0: ffff 0xffff + 20a2: ffff 0xffff + 20a4: ffff 0xffff + 20a6: ffff 0xffff + 20a8: ffff 0xffff + 20aa: ffff 0xffff + 20ac: ffff 0xffff + 20ae: ffff 0xffff + +000020b0 : + 20b0: ffff 0xffff + 20b2: ffff 0xffff + 20b4: ffff 0xffff + 20b6: ffff 0xffff + 20b8: ffff 0xffff + 20ba: ffff 0xffff + 20bc: ffff 0xffff + 20be: ffff 0xffff + +000020c0 : + ... + +00002100 : + 2100: 0080 addi s0,sp,64 + ... + +00002200 : + 2200: 0004 0x4 + ... diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-NOP-01.elf b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-NOP-01.elf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5e2bde1 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-NOP-01.elf differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-NOP-01.elf.bin b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-NOP-01.elf.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4bbf5d0 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-NOP-01.elf.bin differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-NOP-01.elf.objdump b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-NOP-01.elf.objdump new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4c6631c --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-NOP-01.elf.objdump @@ -0,0 +1,239 @@ + +D:/gitee/open/tinyriscv/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-NOP-01.elf: file format elf32-littleriscv + + +Disassembly of section .text.init: + +00000000 <_start>: + 0: 04c0006f j 4c + +00000004 : + 4: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 8: 00800f93 li t6,8 + c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,40 + 10: 00900f93 li t6,9 + 14: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,40 + 18: 00b00f93 li t6,11 + 1c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,40 + 20: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0 + 24: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start> + 28: 000f0463 beqz t5,30 + 2c: 000f0067 jr t5 + 30: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 34: 000f5463 bgez t5,3c + 38: 0040006f j 3c + +0000003c : + 3c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337 + +00000040 : + 40: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1 + 44: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 1000 + 48: ff9ff06f j 40 + +0000004c : + 4c: 00000193 li gp,0 + 50: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 54: fb428293 addi t0,t0,-76 # 4 + 58: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 + 5c: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0 + 60: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 64: 02028293 addi t0,t0,32 # 80 + 68: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0 + 6c: 00000293 li t0,0 + 70: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 74: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 78: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 7c: 30200073 mret + +00000080 : + 80: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 84: f8008093 addi ra,ra,-128 # 2000 + 88: 00200113 li sp,2 + 8c: 00300193 li gp,3 + 90: 00400213 li tp,4 + 94: 00500293 li t0,5 + 98: 00600313 li t1,6 + 9c: 00700393 li t2,7 + a0: 00800413 li s0,8 + a4: 00900493 li s1,9 + a8: 00a00513 li a0,10 + ac: 00b00593 li a1,11 + b0: 00c00613 li a2,12 + b4: 00d00693 li a3,13 + b8: 00e00713 li a4,14 + bc: 00f00793 li a5,15 + c0: 01000813 li a6,16 + c4: 01100893 li a7,17 + c8: 01200913 li s2,18 + cc: 01300993 li s3,19 + d0: 01400a13 li s4,20 + d4: 01500a93 li s5,21 + d8: 01600b13 li s6,22 + dc: 01700b93 li s7,23 + e0: 01800c13 li s8,24 + e4: 01900c93 li s9,25 + e8: 01a00d13 li s10,26 + ec: 01b00d93 li s11,27 + f0: 01c00e13 li t3,28 + f4: 01d00e93 li t4,29 + f8: 01e00f13 li t5,30 + fc: 01f00f93 li t6,31 + 100: 00000013 nop + 104: 00000013 nop + 108: 00000013 nop + 10c: 00000013 nop + 110: 00000013 nop + 114: 00000013 nop + 118: 0000a023 sw zero,0(ra) + 11c: 0020a223 sw sp,4(ra) + 120: 0030a423 sw gp,8(ra) + 124: 0040a623 sw tp,12(ra) + 128: 0050a823 sw t0,16(ra) + 12c: 0060aa23 sw t1,20(ra) + 130: 0070ac23 sw t2,24(ra) + 134: 0080ae23 sw s0,28(ra) + 138: 0290a023 sw s1,32(ra) + 13c: 02a0a223 sw a0,36(ra) + 140: 02b0a423 sw a1,40(ra) + 144: 02c0a623 sw a2,44(ra) + 148: 02d0a823 sw a3,48(ra) + 14c: 02e0aa23 sw a4,52(ra) + 150: 02f0ac23 sw a5,56(ra) + 154: 0300ae23 sw a6,60(ra) + 158: 0510a023 sw a7,64(ra) + 15c: 0520a223 sw s2,68(ra) + 160: 0530a423 sw s3,72(ra) + 164: 0540a623 sw s4,76(ra) + 168: 0550a823 sw s5,80(ra) + 16c: 0560aa23 sw s6,84(ra) + 170: 0570ac23 sw s7,88(ra) + 174: 0580ae23 sw s8,92(ra) + 178: 0790a023 sw s9,96(ra) + 17c: 07a0a223 sw s10,100(ra) + 180: 07b0a423 sw s11,104(ra) + 184: 07c0a623 sw t3,108(ra) + 188: 07d0a823 sw t4,112(ra) + 18c: 07e0aa23 sw t5,116(ra) + 190: 07f0ac23 sw t6,120(ra) + 194: 00002197 auipc gp,0x2 + 198: ee818193 addi gp,gp,-280 # 207c + 19c: 00000417 auipc s0,0x0 + 1a0: 00000013 nop + 1a4: 00000013 nop + 1a8: 00000013 nop + 1ac: 00000013 nop + 1b0: 00000013 nop + 1b4: 00000497 auipc s1,0x0 + 1b8: 408484b3 sub s1,s1,s0 + 1bc: 0091a023 sw s1,0(gp) + 1c0: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 1c4: e4028293 addi t0,t0,-448 # 2000 + 1c8: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 1cc: 00830313 addi t1,t1,8 # 10000008 <_end+0xfffde04> + 1d0: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 1d4: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 1d8: eac28293 addi t0,t0,-340 # 2080 + 1dc: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 1e0: 00c30313 addi t1,t1,12 # 1000000c <_end+0xfffde08> + 1e4: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 1e8: 00100293 li t0,1 + 1ec: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 1f0: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 1f4: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 1f8: 00000013 nop + 1fc: 00100193 li gp,1 + 200: 00000073 ecall + +00000204 : + 204: c0001073 unimp + ... + +Disassembly of section .tohost: + +00001000 : + ... + +00001100 : + ... + +Disassembly of section .data: + +00002000 : + 2000: ffff 0xffff + 2002: ffff 0xffff + 2004: ffff 0xffff + 2006: ffff 0xffff + 2008: ffff 0xffff + 200a: ffff 0xffff + 200c: ffff 0xffff + 200e: ffff 0xffff + 2010: ffff 0xffff + 2012: ffff 0xffff + 2014: ffff 0xffff + 2016: ffff 0xffff + 2018: ffff 0xffff + 201a: ffff 0xffff + 201c: ffff 0xffff + 201e: ffff 0xffff + 2020: ffff 0xffff + 2022: ffff 0xffff + 2024: ffff 0xffff + 2026: ffff 0xffff + 2028: ffff 0xffff + 202a: ffff 0xffff + 202c: ffff 0xffff + 202e: ffff 0xffff + 2030: ffff 0xffff + 2032: ffff 0xffff + 2034: ffff 0xffff + 2036: ffff 0xffff + 2038: ffff 0xffff + 203a: ffff 0xffff + 203c: ffff 0xffff + 203e: ffff 0xffff + 2040: ffff 0xffff + 2042: ffff 0xffff + 2044: ffff 0xffff + 2046: ffff 0xffff + 2048: ffff 0xffff + 204a: ffff 0xffff + 204c: ffff 0xffff + 204e: ffff 0xffff + 2050: ffff 0xffff + 2052: ffff 0xffff + 2054: ffff 0xffff + 2056: ffff 0xffff + 2058: ffff 0xffff + 205a: ffff 0xffff + 205c: ffff 0xffff + 205e: ffff 0xffff + 2060: ffff 0xffff + 2062: ffff 0xffff + 2064: ffff 0xffff + 2066: ffff 0xffff + 2068: ffff 0xffff + 206a: ffff 0xffff + 206c: ffff 0xffff + 206e: ffff 0xffff + 2070: ffff 0xffff + 2072: ffff 0xffff + 2074: ffff 0xffff + 2076: ffff 0xffff + 2078: ffff 0xffff + 207a: ffff 0xffff + +0000207c : + 207c: ffff 0xffff + 207e: ffff 0xffff + +00002080 : + ... + +00002100 : + 2100: 0080 addi s0,sp,64 + ... + +00002200 : + 2200: 0004 0x4 + ... diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-OR-01.elf b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-OR-01.elf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0dc2259 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-OR-01.elf differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-OR-01.elf.bin b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-OR-01.elf.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a732dc0 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-OR-01.elf.bin differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-OR-01.elf.objdump b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-OR-01.elf.objdump new file mode 100644 index 0000000..96cac74 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-OR-01.elf.objdump @@ -0,0 +1,339 @@ + +D:/gitee/open/tinyriscv/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-OR-01.elf: file format elf32-littleriscv + + +Disassembly of section .text.init: + +00000000 <_start>: + 0: 04c0006f j 4c + +00000004 : + 4: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 8: 00800f93 li t6,8 + c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,40 + 10: 00900f93 li t6,9 + 14: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,40 + 18: 00b00f93 li t6,11 + 1c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,40 + 20: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0 + 24: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start> + 28: 000f0463 beqz t5,30 + 2c: 000f0067 jr t5 + 30: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 34: 000f5463 bgez t5,3c + 38: 0040006f j 3c + +0000003c : + 3c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337 + +00000040 : + 40: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1 + 44: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 1000 + 48: ff9ff06f j 40 + +0000004c : + 4c: 00000193 li gp,0 + 50: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 54: fb428293 addi t0,t0,-76 # 4 + 58: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 + 5c: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0 + 60: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 64: 02028293 addi t0,t0,32 # 80 + 68: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0 + 6c: 00000293 li t0,0 + 70: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 74: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 78: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 7c: 30200073 mret + +00000080 : + 80: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 84: f8028293 addi t0,t0,-128 # 2000 + 88: fff00f93 li t6,-1 + 8c: 00000813 li a6,0 + 90: 010fe033 or zero,t6,a6 + 94: 0002a023 sw zero,0(t0) + 98: 00100f13 li t5,1 + 9c: 80100793 li a5,-2047 + a0: 00ff60b3 or ra,t5,a5 + a4: 0012a223 sw ra,4(t0) + a8: 00000e93 li t4,0 + ac: fff00713 li a4,-1 + b0: 00eee133 or sp,t4,a4 + b4: 0022a423 sw sp,8(t0) + b8: 7ff00e13 li t3,2047 + bc: fffff6b7 lui a3,0xfffff + c0: dcc68693 addi a3,a3,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + c4: 00de61b3 or gp,t3,a3 + c8: 0032a623 sw gp,12(t0) + cc: 00000d93 li s11,0 + d0: 80000637 lui a2,0x80000 + d4: 00cde233 or tp,s11,a2 + d8: 0042a823 sw tp,16(t0) + dc: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + e0: f3808093 addi ra,ra,-200 # 2014 + e4: 00001d37 lui s10,0x1 + e8: 800d0d13 addi s10,s10,-2048 # 800 + ec: 000015b7 lui a1,0x1 + f0: 23458593 addi a1,a1,564 # 1234 + f4: 00bd62b3 or t0,s10,a1 + f8: 0050a023 sw t0,0(ra) + fc: 07654cb7 lui s9,0x7654 + 100: 321c8c93 addi s9,s9,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 104: fff00513 li a0,-1 + 108: 00ace333 or t1,s9,a0 + 10c: 0060a223 sw t1,4(ra) + 110: 80000c37 lui s8,0x80000 + 114: fffc0c13 addi s8,s8,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 118: 00100493 li s1,1 + 11c: 009c63b3 or t2,s8,s1 + 120: 0070a423 sw t2,8(ra) + 124: 00100b93 li s7,1 + 128: 80000437 lui s0,0x80000 + 12c: fff40413 addi s0,s0,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 130: 008be433 or s0,s7,s0 + 134: 0080a623 sw s0,12(ra) + 138: fff00b13 li s6,-1 + 13c: 076543b7 lui t2,0x7654 + 140: 32138393 addi t2,t2,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 144: 007b64b3 or s1,s6,t2 + 148: 0090a823 sw s1,16(ra) + 14c: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 150: edc08093 addi ra,ra,-292 # 2028 + 154: 00001ab7 lui s5,0x1 + 158: 234a8a93 addi s5,s5,564 # 1234 + 15c: 00001337 lui t1,0x1 + 160: 80030313 addi t1,t1,-2048 # 800 + 164: 006ae533 or a0,s5,t1 + 168: 00a0a023 sw a0,0(ra) + 16c: 80000a37 lui s4,0x80000 + 170: 00000293 li t0,0 + 174: 005a65b3 or a1,s4,t0 + 178: 00b0a223 sw a1,4(ra) + 17c: fffff9b7 lui s3,0xfffff + 180: dcc98993 addi s3,s3,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 184: 7ff00213 li tp,2047 + 188: 0049e633 or a2,s3,tp + 18c: 00c0a423 sw a2,8(ra) + 190: fff00913 li s2,-1 + 194: fff00193 li gp,-1 + 198: 003966b3 or a3,s2,gp + 19c: 00d0a623 sw a3,12(ra) + 1a0: 80100893 li a7,-2047 + 1a4: 00100113 li sp,1 + 1a8: 0028e733 or a4,a7,sp + 1ac: 00e0a823 sw a4,16(ra) + 1b0: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 1b4: e8c10113 addi sp,sp,-372 # 203c + 1b8: 00000813 li a6,0 + 1bc: 00000093 li ra,0 + 1c0: 001867b3 or a5,a6,ra + 1c4: 00f12023 sw a5,0(sp) + 1c8: fff00793 li a5,-1 + 1cc: 00000013 nop + 1d0: 0007e833 or a6,a5,zero + 1d4: 01012223 sw a6,4(sp) + 1d8: 00100713 li a4,1 + 1dc: 80100f93 li t6,-2047 + 1e0: 01f768b3 or a7,a4,t6 + 1e4: 01112423 sw a7,8(sp) + 1e8: 00000693 li a3,0 + 1ec: fff00f13 li t5,-1 + 1f0: 01e6e933 or s2,a3,t5 + 1f4: 01212623 sw s2,12(sp) + 1f8: 7ff00613 li a2,2047 + 1fc: fffffeb7 lui t4,0xfffff + 200: dcce8e93 addi t4,t4,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 204: 01d669b3 or s3,a2,t4 + 208: 01312823 sw s3,16(sp) + 20c: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 210: e4408093 addi ra,ra,-444 # 2050 + 214: 00000593 li a1,0 + 218: 80000e37 lui t3,0x80000 + 21c: 01c5ea33 or s4,a1,t3 + 220: 0140a023 sw s4,0(ra) + 224: 00001537 lui a0,0x1 + 228: 80050513 addi a0,a0,-2048 # 800 + 22c: 00001db7 lui s11,0x1 + 230: 234d8d93 addi s11,s11,564 # 1234 + 234: 01b56ab3 or s5,a0,s11 + 238: 0150a223 sw s5,4(ra) + 23c: 076544b7 lui s1,0x7654 + 240: 32148493 addi s1,s1,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 244: fff00d13 li s10,-1 + 248: 01a4eb33 or s6,s1,s10 + 24c: 0160a423 sw s6,8(ra) + 250: 80000437 lui s0,0x80000 + 254: fff40413 addi s0,s0,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 258: 00100c93 li s9,1 + 25c: 01946bb3 or s7,s0,s9 + 260: 0170a623 sw s7,12(ra) + 264: 00100393 li t2,1 + 268: 80000c37 lui s8,0x80000 + 26c: fffc0c13 addi s8,s8,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 270: 0183ec33 or s8,t2,s8 + 274: 0180a823 sw s8,16(ra) + 278: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 27c: dec08093 addi ra,ra,-532 # 2064 + 280: fff00313 li t1,-1 + 284: 07654bb7 lui s7,0x7654 + 288: 321b8b93 addi s7,s7,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 28c: 01736cb3 or s9,t1,s7 + 290: 0190a023 sw s9,0(ra) + 294: 000012b7 lui t0,0x1 + 298: 23428293 addi t0,t0,564 # 1234 + 29c: 00001b37 lui s6,0x1 + 2a0: 800b0b13 addi s6,s6,-2048 # 800 + 2a4: 0162ed33 or s10,t0,s6 + 2a8: 01a0a223 sw s10,4(ra) + 2ac: 80000237 lui tp,0x80000 + 2b0: 00000a93 li s5,0 + 2b4: 01526db3 or s11,tp,s5 + 2b8: 01b0a423 sw s11,8(ra) + 2bc: fffff1b7 lui gp,0xfffff + 2c0: dcc18193 addi gp,gp,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 2c4: 7ff00a13 li s4,2047 + 2c8: 0141ee33 or t3,gp,s4 + 2cc: 01c0a623 sw t3,12(ra) + 2d0: fff00113 li sp,-1 + 2d4: fff00993 li s3,-1 + 2d8: 01316eb3 or t4,sp,s3 + 2dc: 01d0a823 sw t4,16(ra) + 2e0: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 2e4: d9810113 addi sp,sp,-616 # 2078 + 2e8: 80100093 li ra,-2047 + 2ec: 00100913 li s2,1 + 2f0: 0120ef33 or t5,ra,s2 + 2f4: 01e12023 sw t5,0(sp) + 2f8: 00000013 nop + 2fc: 00000893 li a7,0 + 300: 01106fb3 or t6,zero,a7 + 304: 01f12223 sw t6,4(sp) + 308: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 30c: cf828293 addi t0,t0,-776 # 2000 + 310: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 314: 00830313 addi t1,t1,8 # 10000008 <_end+0xfffde04> + 318: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 31c: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 320: d7428293 addi t0,t0,-652 # 2090 + 324: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 328: 00c30313 addi t1,t1,12 # 1000000c <_end+0xfffde08> + 32c: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 330: 00100293 li t0,1 + 334: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 338: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 33c: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 340: 00000013 nop + 344: 00100193 li gp,1 + 348: 00000073 ecall + +0000034c : + 34c: c0001073 unimp + ... + +Disassembly of section .tohost: + +00001000 : + ... + +00001100 : + ... + +Disassembly of section .data: + +00002000 : + 2000: ffff 0xffff + 2002: ffff 0xffff + 2004: ffff 0xffff + 2006: ffff 0xffff + 2008: ffff 0xffff + 200a: ffff 0xffff + 200c: ffff 0xffff + 200e: ffff 0xffff + 2010: ffff 0xffff + 2012: ffff 0xffff + +00002014 : + 2014: ffff 0xffff + 2016: ffff 0xffff + 2018: ffff 0xffff + 201a: ffff 0xffff + 201c: ffff 0xffff + 201e: ffff 0xffff + 2020: ffff 0xffff + 2022: ffff 0xffff + 2024: ffff 0xffff + 2026: ffff 0xffff + +00002028 : + 2028: ffff 0xffff + 202a: ffff 0xffff + 202c: ffff 0xffff + 202e: ffff 0xffff + 2030: ffff 0xffff + 2032: ffff 0xffff + 2034: ffff 0xffff + 2036: ffff 0xffff + 2038: ffff 0xffff + 203a: ffff 0xffff + +0000203c : + 203c: ffff 0xffff + 203e: ffff 0xffff + 2040: ffff 0xffff + 2042: ffff 0xffff + 2044: ffff 0xffff + 2046: ffff 0xffff + 2048: ffff 0xffff + 204a: ffff 0xffff + 204c: ffff 0xffff + 204e: ffff 0xffff + +00002050 : + 2050: ffff 0xffff + 2052: ffff 0xffff + 2054: ffff 0xffff + 2056: ffff 0xffff + 2058: ffff 0xffff + 205a: ffff 0xffff + 205c: ffff 0xffff + 205e: ffff 0xffff + 2060: ffff 0xffff + 2062: ffff 0xffff + +00002064 : + 2064: ffff 0xffff + 2066: ffff 0xffff + 2068: ffff 0xffff + 206a: ffff 0xffff + 206c: ffff 0xffff + 206e: ffff 0xffff + 2070: ffff 0xffff + 2072: ffff 0xffff + 2074: ffff 0xffff + 2076: ffff 0xffff + +00002078 : + 2078: ffff 0xffff + 207a: ffff 0xffff + 207c: ffff 0xffff + 207e: ffff 0xffff + 2080: ffff 0xffff + 2082: ffff 0xffff + 2084: ffff 0xffff + 2086: ffff 0xffff + 2088: ffff 0xffff + 208a: ffff 0xffff + 208c: 0000 unimp + ... + +00002090 : + ... + +00002100 : + 2100: 0080 addi s0,sp,64 + ... + +00002200 : + 2200: 0004 0x4 + ... diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ORI-01.elf b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ORI-01.elf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bfeea17 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ORI-01.elf differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ORI-01.elf.bin b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ORI-01.elf.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b903be2 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ORI-01.elf.bin differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ORI-01.elf.objdump b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ORI-01.elf.objdump new file mode 100644 index 0000000..87cc3bb --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ORI-01.elf.objdump @@ -0,0 +1,297 @@ + +D:/gitee/open/tinyriscv/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-ORI-01.elf: file format elf32-littleriscv + + +Disassembly of section .text.init: + +00000000 <_start>: + 0: 04c0006f j 4c + +00000004 : + 4: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 8: 00800f93 li t6,8 + c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,40 + 10: 00900f93 li t6,9 + 14: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,40 + 18: 00b00f93 li t6,11 + 1c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,40 + 20: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0 + 24: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start> + 28: 000f0463 beqz t5,30 + 2c: 000f0067 jr t5 + 30: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 34: 000f5463 bgez t5,3c + 38: 0040006f j 3c + +0000003c : + 3c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337 + +00000040 : + 40: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1 + 44: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 1000 + 48: ff9ff06f j 40 + +0000004c : + 4c: 00000193 li gp,0 + 50: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 54: fb428293 addi t0,t0,-76 # 4 + 58: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 + 5c: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0 + 60: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 64: 02028293 addi t0,t0,32 # 80 + 68: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0 + 6c: 00000293 li t0,0 + 70: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 74: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 78: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 7c: 30200073 mret + +00000080 : + 80: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 84: f8028293 addi t0,t0,-128 # 2000 + 88: fff00f93 li t6,-1 + 8c: 000fe013 ori zero,t6,0 + 90: 0002a023 sw zero,0(t0) + 94: 00100f13 li t5,1 + 98: 801f6093 ori ra,t5,-2047 + 9c: 0012a223 sw ra,4(t0) + a0: 00000e93 li t4,0 + a4: fffee113 ori sp,t4,-1 + a8: 0022a423 sw sp,8(t0) + ac: 7ff00e13 li t3,2047 + b0: 800e6193 ori gp,t3,-2048 + b4: 0032a623 sw gp,12(t0) + b8: 00000d93 li s11,0 + bc: 800de213 ori tp,s11,-2048 + c0: 0042a823 sw tp,16(t0) + c4: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + c8: f5008093 addi ra,ra,-176 # 2014 + cc: 00001d37 lui s10,0x1 + d0: 800d0d13 addi s10,s10,-2048 # 800 + d4: 800d6293 ori t0,s10,-2048 + d8: 0050a023 sw t0,0(ra) + dc: 07654cb7 lui s9,0x7654 + e0: 321c8c93 addi s9,s9,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + e4: 800ce313 ori t1,s9,-2048 + e8: 0060a223 sw t1,4(ra) + ec: 80000c37 lui s8,0x80000 + f0: fffc0c13 addi s8,s8,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + f4: 001c6393 ori t2,s8,1 + f8: 0070a423 sw t2,8(ra) + fc: 00100b93 li s7,1 + 100: 800be413 ori s0,s7,-2048 + 104: 0080a623 sw s0,12(ra) + 108: fff00b13 li s6,-1 + 10c: 800b6493 ori s1,s6,-2048 + 110: 0090a823 sw s1,16(ra) + 114: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 118: f1408093 addi ra,ra,-236 # 2028 + 11c: 00001ab7 lui s5,0x1 + 120: 234a8a93 addi s5,s5,564 # 1234 + 124: 800ae513 ori a0,s5,-2048 + 128: 00a0a023 sw a0,0(ra) + 12c: 80000a37 lui s4,0x80000 + 130: 000a6593 ori a1,s4,0 + 134: 00b0a223 sw a1,4(ra) + 138: fffff9b7 lui s3,0xfffff + 13c: dcc98993 addi s3,s3,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 140: 7ff9e613 ori a2,s3,2047 + 144: 00c0a423 sw a2,8(ra) + 148: fff00913 li s2,-1 + 14c: fff96693 ori a3,s2,-1 + 150: 00d0a623 sw a3,12(ra) + 154: 80100893 li a7,-2047 + 158: 0018e713 ori a4,a7,1 + 15c: 00e0a823 sw a4,16(ra) + 160: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 164: edc10113 addi sp,sp,-292 # 203c + 168: 00000813 li a6,0 + 16c: 00086793 ori a5,a6,0 + 170: 00f12023 sw a5,0(sp) + 174: fff00793 li a5,-1 + 178: 0007e813 ori a6,a5,0 + 17c: 01012223 sw a6,4(sp) + 180: 00100713 li a4,1 + 184: 80176893 ori a7,a4,-2047 + 188: 01112423 sw a7,8(sp) + 18c: 00000693 li a3,0 + 190: fff6e913 ori s2,a3,-1 + 194: 01212623 sw s2,12(sp) + 198: 7ff00613 li a2,2047 + 19c: 80066993 ori s3,a2,-2048 + 1a0: 01312823 sw s3,16(sp) + 1a4: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 1a8: eac08093 addi ra,ra,-340 # 2050 + 1ac: 00000593 li a1,0 + 1b0: 8005ea13 ori s4,a1,-2048 + 1b4: 0140a023 sw s4,0(ra) + 1b8: 00001537 lui a0,0x1 + 1bc: 80050513 addi a0,a0,-2048 # 800 + 1c0: 80056a93 ori s5,a0,-2048 + 1c4: 0150a223 sw s5,4(ra) + 1c8: 076544b7 lui s1,0x7654 + 1cc: 32148493 addi s1,s1,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 1d0: 8004eb13 ori s6,s1,-2048 + 1d4: 0160a423 sw s6,8(ra) + 1d8: 80000437 lui s0,0x80000 + 1dc: fff40413 addi s0,s0,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1e0: 00146b93 ori s7,s0,1 + 1e4: 0170a623 sw s7,12(ra) + 1e8: 00100393 li t2,1 + 1ec: 8003ec13 ori s8,t2,-2048 + 1f0: 0180a823 sw s8,16(ra) + 1f4: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 1f8: e7008093 addi ra,ra,-400 # 2064 + 1fc: fff00313 li t1,-1 + 200: 80036c93 ori s9,t1,-2048 + 204: 0190a023 sw s9,0(ra) + 208: 000012b7 lui t0,0x1 + 20c: 23428293 addi t0,t0,564 # 1234 + 210: 8002ed13 ori s10,t0,-2048 + 214: 01a0a223 sw s10,4(ra) + 218: 80000237 lui tp,0x80000 + 21c: 00026d93 ori s11,tp,0 + 220: 01b0a423 sw s11,8(ra) + 224: fffff1b7 lui gp,0xfffff + 228: dcc18193 addi gp,gp,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 22c: 7ff1ee13 ori t3,gp,2047 + 230: 01c0a623 sw t3,12(ra) + 234: fff00113 li sp,-1 + 238: fff16e93 ori t4,sp,-1 + 23c: 01d0a823 sw t4,16(ra) + 240: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 244: e3810113 addi sp,sp,-456 # 2078 + 248: 80100093 li ra,-2047 + 24c: 0010ef13 ori t5,ra,1 + 250: 01e12023 sw t5,0(sp) + 254: 00000013 nop + 258: 00006f93 ori t6,zero,0 + 25c: 01f12223 sw t6,4(sp) + 260: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 264: da028293 addi t0,t0,-608 # 2000 + 268: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 26c: 00830313 addi t1,t1,8 # 10000008 <_end+0xfffde04> + 270: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 274: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 278: e1c28293 addi t0,t0,-484 # 2090 + 27c: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 280: 00c30313 addi t1,t1,12 # 1000000c <_end+0xfffde08> + 284: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 288: 00100293 li t0,1 + 28c: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 290: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 294: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 298: 00000013 nop + 29c: 00100193 li gp,1 + 2a0: 00000073 ecall + +000002a4 : + 2a4: c0001073 unimp + ... + +Disassembly of section .tohost: + +00001000 : + ... + +00001100 : + ... + +Disassembly of section .data: + +00002000 : + 2000: ffff 0xffff + 2002: ffff 0xffff + 2004: ffff 0xffff + 2006: ffff 0xffff + 2008: ffff 0xffff + 200a: ffff 0xffff + 200c: ffff 0xffff + 200e: ffff 0xffff + 2010: ffff 0xffff + 2012: ffff 0xffff + +00002014 : + 2014: ffff 0xffff + 2016: ffff 0xffff + 2018: ffff 0xffff + 201a: ffff 0xffff + 201c: ffff 0xffff + 201e: ffff 0xffff + 2020: ffff 0xffff + 2022: ffff 0xffff + 2024: ffff 0xffff + 2026: ffff 0xffff + +00002028 : + 2028: ffff 0xffff + 202a: ffff 0xffff + 202c: ffff 0xffff + 202e: ffff 0xffff + 2030: ffff 0xffff + 2032: ffff 0xffff + 2034: ffff 0xffff + 2036: ffff 0xffff + 2038: ffff 0xffff + 203a: ffff 0xffff + +0000203c : + 203c: ffff 0xffff + 203e: ffff 0xffff + 2040: ffff 0xffff + 2042: ffff 0xffff + 2044: ffff 0xffff + 2046: ffff 0xffff + 2048: ffff 0xffff + 204a: ffff 0xffff + 204c: ffff 0xffff + 204e: ffff 0xffff + +00002050 : + 2050: ffff 0xffff + 2052: ffff 0xffff + 2054: ffff 0xffff + 2056: ffff 0xffff + 2058: ffff 0xffff + 205a: ffff 0xffff + 205c: ffff 0xffff + 205e: ffff 0xffff + 2060: ffff 0xffff + 2062: ffff 0xffff + +00002064 : + 2064: ffff 0xffff + 2066: ffff 0xffff + 2068: ffff 0xffff + 206a: ffff 0xffff + 206c: ffff 0xffff + 206e: ffff 0xffff + 2070: ffff 0xffff + 2072: ffff 0xffff + 2074: ffff 0xffff + 2076: ffff 0xffff + +00002078 : + 2078: ffff 0xffff + 207a: ffff 0xffff + 207c: ffff 0xffff + 207e: ffff 0xffff + 2080: ffff 0xffff + 2082: ffff 0xffff + 2084: ffff 0xffff + 2086: ffff 0xffff + 2088: ffff 0xffff + 208a: ffff 0xffff + 208c: 0000 unimp + ... + +00002090 : + ... + +00002100 : + 2100: 0080 addi s0,sp,64 + ... + +00002200 : + 2200: 0004 0x4 + ... diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-RF_size-01.elf b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-RF_size-01.elf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a2f1e2f Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-RF_size-01.elf differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-RF_size-01.elf.bin b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-RF_size-01.elf.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a874744 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-RF_size-01.elf.bin differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-RF_size-01.elf.objdump b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-RF_size-01.elf.objdump new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6b67a4a --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-RF_size-01.elf.objdump @@ -0,0 +1,275 @@ + +D:/gitee/open/tinyriscv/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-RF_size-01.elf: file format elf32-littleriscv + + +Disassembly of section .text.init: + +00000000 <_start>: + 0: 04c0006f j 4c + +00000004 : + 4: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 8: 00800f93 li t6,8 + c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,40 + 10: 00900f93 li t6,9 + 14: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,40 + 18: 00b00f93 li t6,11 + 1c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,40 + 20: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0 + 24: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start> + 28: 000f0463 beqz t5,30 + 2c: 000f0067 jr t5 + 30: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 34: 000f5463 bgez t5,3c + 38: 0040006f j 3c + +0000003c : + 3c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337 + +00000040 : + 40: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1 + 44: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 1000 + 48: ff9ff06f j 40 + +0000004c : + 4c: 00000193 li gp,0 + 50: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 54: fb428293 addi t0,t0,-76 # 4 + 58: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 + 5c: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0 + 60: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 64: 02028293 addi t0,t0,32 # 80 + 68: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0 + 6c: 00000293 li t0,0 + 70: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 74: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 78: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 7c: 30200073 mret + +00000080 : + 80: 00002817 auipc a6,0x2 + 84: f8080813 addi a6,a6,-128 # 2000 + 88: 42727037 lui zero,0x42727 + 8c: e6f00013 li zero,-401 + 90: 563330b7 lui ra,0x56333 + 94: 24908093 addi ra,ra,585 # 56333249 <_end+0x56331045> + 98: 2d562137 lui sp,0x2d562 + 9c: 05210113 addi sp,sp,82 # 2d562052 <_end+0x2d55fe4e> + a0: 526971b7 lui gp,0x52697 + a4: 36318193 addi gp,gp,867 # 52697363 <_end+0x5269515f> + a8: 736b8237 lui tp,0x736b8 + ac: 92020213 addi tp,tp,-1760 # 736b7920 <_end+0x736b571c> + b0: 737462b7 lui t0,0x73746 + b4: 57228293 addi t0,t0,1394 # 73746572 <_end+0x7374436e> + b8: 6e205337 lui t1,0x6e205 + bc: e6f30313 addi t1,t1,-401 # 6e204e6f <_end+0x6e202c6b> + c0: 4d6973b7 lui t2,0x4d697 + c4: c6138393 addi t2,t2,-927 # 4d696c61 <_end+0x4d694a5d> + c8: 6f646437 lui s0,0x6f646 + cc: 17340413 addi s0,s0,371 # 6f646173 <_end+0x6f643f6f> + d0: 6b7944b7 lui s1,0x6b794 + d4: 06348493 addi s1,s1,99 # 6b794063 <_end+0x6b791e5f> + d8: 74657537 lui a0,0x74657 + dc: 27350513 addi a0,a0,627 # 74657273 <_end+0x7465506f> + e0: 286e75b7 lui a1,0x286e7 + e4: f7358593 addi a1,a1,-141 # 286e6f73 <_end+0x286e4d6f> + e8: 656b2637 lui a2,0x656b2 + ec: 04860613 addi a2,a2,72 # 656b2048 <_end+0x656afe44> + f0: 205266b7 lui a3,0x20526 + f4: 16468693 addi a3,a3,356 # 20526164 <_end+0x20523f60> + f8: 6f6d3737 lui a4,0x6f6d3 + fc: 92c70713 addi a4,a4,-1748 # 6f6d292c <_end+0x6f6d0728> + 100: 697037b7 lui a5,0x69703 + 104: e6378793 addi a5,a5,-413 # 69702e63 <_end+0x69700c5f> + 108: 00082023 sw zero,0(a6) + 10c: 00182223 sw ra,4(a6) + 110: 00282423 sw sp,8(a6) + 114: 00382623 sw gp,12(a6) + 118: 00482823 sw tp,16(a6) + 11c: 00582a23 sw t0,20(a6) + 120: 00682c23 sw t1,24(a6) + 124: 00782e23 sw t2,28(a6) + 128: 02882023 sw s0,32(a6) + 12c: 02982223 sw s1,36(a6) + 130: 02a82423 sw a0,40(a6) + 134: 02b82623 sw a1,44(a6) + 138: 02c82823 sw a2,48(a6) + 13c: 02d82a23 sw a3,52(a6) + 140: 02e82c23 sw a4,56(a6) + 144: 02f82e23 sw a5,60(a6) + 148: 00002217 auipc tp,0x2 + 14c: ef820213 addi tp,tp,-264 # 2040 + 150: 636f6837 lui a6,0x636f6 + 154: 46180813 addi a6,a6,1121 # 636f6461 <_end+0x636f425d> + 158: 6a6578b7 lui a7,0x6a657 + 15c: b4088893 addi a7,a7,-1216 # 6a656b40 <_end+0x6a65493c> + 160: 20287937 lui s2,0x20287 + 164: 86190913 addi s2,s2,-1951 # 20286861 <_end+0x2028465d> + 168: 616a69b7 lui s3,0x616a6 + 16c: 56b98993 addi s3,s3,1387 # 616a656b <_end+0x616a4367> + 170: 61766a37 lui s4,0x61766 + 174: 520a0a13 addi s4,s4,1312 # 61766520 <_end+0x6176431c> + 178: 2e205ab7 lui s5,0x2e205 + 17c: c65a8a93 addi s5,s5,-923 # 2e204c65 <_end+0x2e202a61> + 180: 636f7b37 lui s6,0x636f7 + 184: d29b0b13 addi s6,s6,-727 # 636f6d29 <_end+0x636f4b25> + 188: 73697bb7 lui s7,0x73697 + 18c: 02eb8b93 addi s7,s7,46 # 7369702e <_end+0x73694e2a> + 190: 66208c37 lui s8,0x66208 + 194: 96fc0c13 addi s8,s8,-1681 # 6620796f <_end+0x6620576b> + 198: 67652cb7 lui s9,0x67652 + 19c: 069c8c93 addi s9,s9,105 # 67652069 <_end+0x6764fe65> + 1a0: 65737d37 lui s10,0x65737 + 1a4: 361d0d13 addi s10,s10,865 # 65737361 <_end+0x6573515d> + 1a8: 75732db7 lui s11,0x75732 + 1ac: 06dd8d93 addi s11,s11,109 # 7573206d <_end+0x7572fe69> + 1b0: 3a291e37 lui t3,0x3a291 + 1b4: d0ae0e13 addi t3,t3,-758 # 3a290d0a <_end+0x3a28eb06> + 1b8: 68697eb7 lui t4,0x68697 + 1bc: 320e8e93 addi t4,t4,800 # 68697320 <_end+0x6869511c> + 1c0: 61642f37 lui t5,0x61642 + 1c4: 074f0f13 addi t5,t5,116 # 61642074 <_end+0x6163fe70> + 1c8: 75207fb7 lui t6,0x75207 + 1cc: 265f8f93 addi t6,t6,613 # 75207265 <_end+0x75205061> + 1d0: 01022023 sw a6,0(tp) # 0 <_start> + 1d4: 01122223 sw a7,4(tp) # 4 + 1d8: 01222423 sw s2,8(tp) # 8 + 1dc: 01322623 sw s3,12(tp) # c + 1e0: 01422823 sw s4,16(tp) # 10 + 1e4: 01522a23 sw s5,20(tp) # 14 + 1e8: 01622c23 sw s6,24(tp) # 18 + 1ec: 01722e23 sw s7,28(tp) # 1c + 1f0: 03822023 sw s8,32(tp) # 20 + 1f4: 03922223 sw s9,36(tp) # 24 + 1f8: 03a22423 sw s10,40(tp) # 28 + 1fc: 03b22623 sw s11,44(tp) # 2c + 200: 03c22823 sw t3,48(tp) # 30 + 204: 03d22a23 sw t4,52(tp) # 34 + 208: 03e22c23 sw t5,56(tp) # 38 + 20c: 03f22e23 sw t6,60(tp) # 3c + 210: 00002217 auipc tp,0x2 + 214: e7020213 addi tp,tp,-400 # 2080 + 218: 00022023 sw zero,0(tp) # 0 <_start> + 21c: 00122223 sw ra,4(tp) # 4 + 220: 00222423 sw sp,8(tp) # 8 + 224: 00322623 sw gp,12(tp) # c + 228: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 22c: dd828293 addi t0,t0,-552 # 2000 + 230: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 234: 00830313 addi t1,t1,8 # 10000008 <_end+0xfffde04> + 238: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 23c: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 240: e5428293 addi t0,t0,-428 # 2090 + 244: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 248: 00c30313 addi t1,t1,12 # 1000000c <_end+0xfffde08> + 24c: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 250: 00100293 li t0,1 + 254: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 258: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 25c: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 260: 00000013 nop + 264: 00100193 li gp,1 + 268: 00000073 ecall + +0000026c : + 26c: c0001073 unimp + ... + +Disassembly of section .tohost: + +00001000 : + ... + +00001100 : + ... + +Disassembly of section .data: + +00002000 : + 2000: ffff 0xffff + 2002: ffff 0xffff + 2004: ffff 0xffff + 2006: ffff 0xffff + 2008: ffff 0xffff + 200a: ffff 0xffff + 200c: ffff 0xffff + 200e: ffff 0xffff + 2010: ffff 0xffff + 2012: ffff 0xffff + 2014: ffff 0xffff + 2016: ffff 0xffff + 2018: ffff 0xffff + 201a: ffff 0xffff + 201c: ffff 0xffff + 201e: ffff 0xffff + 2020: ffff 0xffff + 2022: ffff 0xffff + 2024: ffff 0xffff + 2026: ffff 0xffff + 2028: ffff 0xffff + 202a: ffff 0xffff + 202c: ffff 0xffff + 202e: ffff 0xffff + 2030: ffff 0xffff + 2032: ffff 0xffff + 2034: ffff 0xffff + 2036: ffff 0xffff + 2038: ffff 0xffff + 203a: ffff 0xffff + 203c: ffff 0xffff + 203e: ffff 0xffff + +00002040 : + 2040: ffff 0xffff + 2042: ffff 0xffff + 2044: ffff 0xffff + 2046: ffff 0xffff + 2048: ffff 0xffff + 204a: ffff 0xffff + 204c: ffff 0xffff + 204e: ffff 0xffff + 2050: ffff 0xffff + 2052: ffff 0xffff + 2054: ffff 0xffff + 2056: ffff 0xffff + 2058: ffff 0xffff + 205a: ffff 0xffff + 205c: ffff 0xffff + 205e: ffff 0xffff + 2060: ffff 0xffff + 2062: ffff 0xffff + 2064: ffff 0xffff + 2066: ffff 0xffff + 2068: ffff 0xffff + 206a: ffff 0xffff + 206c: ffff 0xffff + 206e: ffff 0xffff + 2070: ffff 0xffff + 2072: ffff 0xffff + 2074: ffff 0xffff + 2076: ffff 0xffff + 2078: ffff 0xffff + 207a: ffff 0xffff + 207c: ffff 0xffff + 207e: ffff 0xffff + +00002080 : + 2080: ffff 0xffff + 2082: ffff 0xffff + 2084: ffff 0xffff + 2086: ffff 0xffff + 2088: ffff 0xffff + 208a: ffff 0xffff + 208c: ffff 0xffff + 208e: ffff 0xffff + +00002090 : + ... + +00002100 : + 2100: 0080 addi s0,sp,64 + ... + +00002200 : + 2200: 0004 0x4 + ... diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-RF_width-01.elf b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-RF_width-01.elf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..85ac614 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-RF_width-01.elf differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-RF_width-01.elf.bin b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-RF_width-01.elf.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4bf0c82 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-RF_width-01.elf.bin differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-RF_width-01.elf.objdump b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-RF_width-01.elf.objdump new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8b49647 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-RF_width-01.elf.objdump @@ -0,0 +1,320 @@ + +D:/gitee/open/tinyriscv/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-RF_width-01.elf: file format elf32-littleriscv + + +Disassembly of section .text.init: + +00000000 <_start>: + 0: 04c0006f j 4c + +00000004 : + 4: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 8: 00800f93 li t6,8 + c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,40 + 10: 00900f93 li t6,9 + 14: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,40 + 18: 00b00f93 li t6,11 + 1c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,40 + 20: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0 + 24: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start> + 28: 000f0463 beqz t5,30 + 2c: 000f0067 jr t5 + 30: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 34: 000f5463 bgez t5,3c + 38: 0040006f j 3c + +0000003c : + 3c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337 + +00000040 : + 40: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1 + 44: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 1000 + 48: ff9ff06f j 40 + +0000004c : + 4c: 00000193 li gp,0 + 50: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 54: fb428293 addi t0,t0,-76 # 4 + 58: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 + 5c: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0 + 60: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 64: 02028293 addi t0,t0,32 # 80 + 68: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0 + 6c: 00000293 li t0,0 + 70: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 74: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 78: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 7c: 30200073 mret + +00000080 : + 80: 00002817 auipc a6,0x2 + 84: f8080813 addi a6,a6,-128 # 2000 + 88: 00100013 li zero,1 + 8c: 00100093 li ra,1 + 90: 00100113 li sp,1 + 94: 00100193 li gp,1 + 98: 00100213 li tp,1 + 9c: 00100293 li t0,1 + a0: 00100313 li t1,1 + a4: 00100393 li t2,1 + a8: 00100413 li s0,1 + ac: 00100493 li s1,1 + b0: 00100513 li a0,1 + b4: 00100593 li a1,1 + b8: 00100613 li a2,1 + bc: 00100693 li a3,1 + c0: 00100713 li a4,1 + c4: 00100793 li a5,1 + c8: 01f09093 slli ra,ra,0x1f + cc: 0000c463 bltz ra,d4 + d0: 00000093 li ra,0 + d4: 01f11113 slli sp,sp,0x1f + d8: 00014463 bltz sp,e0 + dc: 00000113 li sp,0 + e0: 01f19193 slli gp,gp,0x1f + e4: 0001c463 bltz gp,ec + e8: 00000193 li gp,0 + ec: 01f21213 slli tp,tp,0x1f + f0: 00024463 bltz tp,f8 + f4: 00000213 li tp,0 + f8: 01f29293 slli t0,t0,0x1f + fc: 0002c463 bltz t0,104 + 100: 00000293 li t0,0 + 104: 01f31313 slli t1,t1,0x1f + 108: 00034463 bltz t1,110 + 10c: 00000313 li t1,0 + 110: 01f39393 slli t2,t2,0x1f + 114: 0003c463 bltz t2,11c + 118: 00000393 li t2,0 + 11c: 01f41413 slli s0,s0,0x1f + 120: 00044463 bltz s0,128 + 124: 00000413 li s0,0 + 128: 01f49493 slli s1,s1,0x1f + 12c: 0004c463 bltz s1,134 + 130: 00000493 li s1,0 + 134: 01f51513 slli a0,a0,0x1f + 138: 00054463 bltz a0,140 + 13c: 00000513 li a0,0 + 140: 01f59593 slli a1,a1,0x1f + 144: 0005c463 bltz a1,14c + 148: 00000593 li a1,0 + 14c: 01f61613 slli a2,a2,0x1f + 150: 00064463 bltz a2,158 + 154: 00000613 li a2,0 + 158: 01f69693 slli a3,a3,0x1f + 15c: 0006c463 bltz a3,164 + 160: 00000693 li a3,0 + 164: 01f71713 slli a4,a4,0x1f + 168: 00074463 bltz a4,170 + 16c: 00000713 li a4,0 + 170: 01f79793 slli a5,a5,0x1f + 174: 0007c463 bltz a5,17c + 178: 00000793 li a5,0 + 17c: 00082023 sw zero,0(a6) + 180: 00182223 sw ra,4(a6) + 184: 00282423 sw sp,8(a6) + 188: 00382623 sw gp,12(a6) + 18c: 00482823 sw tp,16(a6) + 190: 00582a23 sw t0,20(a6) + 194: 00682c23 sw t1,24(a6) + 198: 00782e23 sw t2,28(a6) + 19c: 02882023 sw s0,32(a6) + 1a0: 02982223 sw s1,36(a6) + 1a4: 02a82423 sw a0,40(a6) + 1a8: 02b82623 sw a1,44(a6) + 1ac: 02c82823 sw a2,48(a6) + 1b0: 02d82a23 sw a3,52(a6) + 1b4: 02e82c23 sw a4,56(a6) + 1b8: 02f82e23 sw a5,60(a6) + 1bc: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 1c0: e8408093 addi ra,ra,-380 # 2040 + 1c4: 00100813 li a6,1 + 1c8: 00100893 li a7,1 + 1cc: 00100913 li s2,1 + 1d0: 00100993 li s3,1 + 1d4: 00100a13 li s4,1 + 1d8: 00100a93 li s5,1 + 1dc: 00100b13 li s6,1 + 1e0: 00100b93 li s7,1 + 1e4: 00100c13 li s8,1 + 1e8: 00100c93 li s9,1 + 1ec: 00100d13 li s10,1 + 1f0: 00100d93 li s11,1 + 1f4: 00100e13 li t3,1 + 1f8: 00100e93 li t4,1 + 1fc: 00100f13 li t5,1 + 200: 00100f93 li t6,1 + 204: 01f81813 slli a6,a6,0x1f + 208: 00084463 bltz a6,210 + 20c: 00000813 li a6,0 + 210: 01f89893 slli a7,a7,0x1f + 214: 0008c463 bltz a7,21c + 218: 00000893 li a7,0 + 21c: 01f91913 slli s2,s2,0x1f + 220: 00094463 bltz s2,228 + 224: 00000913 li s2,0 + 228: 01f99993 slli s3,s3,0x1f + 22c: 0009c463 bltz s3,234 + 230: 00000993 li s3,0 + 234: 01fa1a13 slli s4,s4,0x1f + 238: 000a4463 bltz s4,240 + 23c: 00000a13 li s4,0 + 240: 01fa9a93 slli s5,s5,0x1f + 244: 000ac463 bltz s5,24c + 248: 00000a93 li s5,0 + 24c: 01fb1b13 slli s6,s6,0x1f + 250: 000b4463 bltz s6,258 + 254: 00000b13 li s6,0 + 258: 01fb9b93 slli s7,s7,0x1f + 25c: 000bc463 bltz s7,264 + 260: 00000b93 li s7,0 + 264: 01fc1c13 slli s8,s8,0x1f + 268: 000c4463 bltz s8,270 + 26c: 00000c13 li s8,0 + 270: 01fc9c93 slli s9,s9,0x1f + 274: 000cc463 bltz s9,27c + 278: 00000c93 li s9,0 + 27c: 01fd1d13 slli s10,s10,0x1f + 280: 000d4463 bltz s10,288 + 284: 00000d13 li s10,0 + 288: 01fd9d93 slli s11,s11,0x1f + 28c: 000dc463 bltz s11,294 + 290: 00000d93 li s11,0 + 294: 01fe1e13 slli t3,t3,0x1f + 298: 000e4463 bltz t3,2a0 + 29c: 00000e13 li t3,0 + 2a0: 01fe9e93 slli t4,t4,0x1f + 2a4: 000ec463 bltz t4,2ac + 2a8: 00000e93 li t4,0 + 2ac: 01ff1f13 slli t5,t5,0x1f + 2b0: 000f4463 bltz t5,2b8 + 2b4: 00000f13 li t5,0 + 2b8: 01ff9f93 slli t6,t6,0x1f + 2bc: 000fc463 bltz t6,2c4 + 2c0: 00000f93 li t6,0 + 2c4: 0100a023 sw a6,0(ra) + 2c8: 0110a223 sw a7,4(ra) + 2cc: 0120a423 sw s2,8(ra) + 2d0: 0130a623 sw s3,12(ra) + 2d4: 0140a823 sw s4,16(ra) + 2d8: 0150aa23 sw s5,20(ra) + 2dc: 0160ac23 sw s6,24(ra) + 2e0: 0170ae23 sw s7,28(ra) + 2e4: 0380a023 sw s8,32(ra) + 2e8: 0390a223 sw s9,36(ra) + 2ec: 03a0a423 sw s10,40(ra) + 2f0: 03b0a623 sw s11,44(ra) + 2f4: 03c0a823 sw t3,48(ra) + 2f8: 03d0aa23 sw t4,52(ra) + 2fc: 03e0ac23 sw t5,56(ra) + 300: 03f0ae23 sw t6,60(ra) + 304: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 308: cfc28293 addi t0,t0,-772 # 2000 + 30c: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 310: 00830313 addi t1,t1,8 # 10000008 <_end+0xfffde04> + 314: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 318: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 31c: d6828293 addi t0,t0,-664 # 2080 + 320: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 324: 00c30313 addi t1,t1,12 # 1000000c <_end+0xfffde08> + 328: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 32c: 00100293 li t0,1 + 330: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 334: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 338: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 33c: 00000013 nop + 340: 00100193 li gp,1 + 344: 00000073 ecall + +00000348 : + 348: c0001073 unimp + ... + +Disassembly of section .tohost: + +00001000 : + ... + +00001100 : + ... + +Disassembly of section .data: + +00002000 : + 2000: ffff 0xffff + 2002: ffff 0xffff + 2004: ffff 0xffff + 2006: ffff 0xffff + 2008: ffff 0xffff + 200a: ffff 0xffff + 200c: ffff 0xffff + 200e: ffff 0xffff + 2010: ffff 0xffff + 2012: ffff 0xffff + 2014: ffff 0xffff + 2016: ffff 0xffff + 2018: ffff 0xffff + 201a: ffff 0xffff + 201c: ffff 0xffff + 201e: ffff 0xffff + 2020: ffff 0xffff + 2022: ffff 0xffff + 2024: ffff 0xffff + 2026: ffff 0xffff + 2028: ffff 0xffff + 202a: ffff 0xffff + 202c: ffff 0xffff + 202e: ffff 0xffff + 2030: ffff 0xffff + 2032: ffff 0xffff + 2034: ffff 0xffff + 2036: ffff 0xffff + 2038: ffff 0xffff + 203a: ffff 0xffff + 203c: ffff 0xffff + 203e: ffff 0xffff + +00002040 : + 2040: ffff 0xffff + 2042: ffff 0xffff + 2044: ffff 0xffff + 2046: ffff 0xffff + 2048: ffff 0xffff + 204a: ffff 0xffff + 204c: ffff 0xffff + 204e: ffff 0xffff + 2050: ffff 0xffff + 2052: ffff 0xffff + 2054: ffff 0xffff + 2056: ffff 0xffff + 2058: ffff 0xffff + 205a: ffff 0xffff + 205c: ffff 0xffff + 205e: ffff 0xffff + 2060: ffff 0xffff + 2062: ffff 0xffff + 2064: ffff 0xffff + 2066: ffff 0xffff + 2068: ffff 0xffff + 206a: ffff 0xffff + 206c: ffff 0xffff + 206e: ffff 0xffff + 2070: ffff 0xffff + 2072: ffff 0xffff + 2074: ffff 0xffff + 2076: ffff 0xffff + 2078: ffff 0xffff + 207a: ffff 0xffff + 207c: ffff 0xffff + 207e: ffff 0xffff + +00002080 : + ... + +00002100 : + 2100: 0080 addi s0,sp,64 + ... + +00002200 : + 2200: 0004 0x4 + ... diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-RF_x0-01.elf b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-RF_x0-01.elf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7b71eee Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-RF_x0-01.elf differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-RF_x0-01.elf.bin b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-RF_x0-01.elf.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8dfa1a7 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-RF_x0-01.elf.bin differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-RF_x0-01.elf.objdump b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-RF_x0-01.elf.objdump new file mode 100644 index 0000000..443530c --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-RF_x0-01.elf.objdump @@ -0,0 +1,191 @@ + +D:/gitee/open/tinyriscv/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-RF_x0-01.elf: file format elf32-littleriscv + + +Disassembly of section .text.init: + +00000000 <_start>: + 0: 04c0006f j 4c + +00000004 : + 4: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 8: 00800f93 li t6,8 + c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,40 + 10: 00900f93 li t6,9 + 14: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,40 + 18: 00b00f93 li t6,11 + 1c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,40 + 20: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0 + 24: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start> + 28: 000f0463 beqz t5,30 + 2c: 000f0067 jr t5 + 30: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 34: 000f5463 bgez t5,3c + 38: 0040006f j 3c + +0000003c : + 3c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337 + +00000040 : + 40: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1 + 44: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 1000 + 48: ff9ff06f j 40 + +0000004c : + 4c: 00000193 li gp,0 + 50: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 54: fb428293 addi t0,t0,-76 # 4 + 58: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 + 5c: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0 + 60: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 64: 02028293 addi t0,t0,32 # 80 + 68: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0 + 6c: 00000293 li t0,0 + 70: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 74: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 78: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 7c: 30200073 mret + +00000080 : + 80: 00002f97 auipc t6,0x2 + 84: f90f8f93 addi t6,t6,-112 # 2010 + 88: abcde037 lui zero,0xabcde + 8c: 00100013 li zero,1 + 90: 7f006013 ori zero,zero,2032 + 94: 53f07013 andi zero,zero,1343 + 98: 80304013 xori zero,zero,-2045 + 9c: 00501013 slli zero,zero,0x5 + a0: 40205013 srai zero,zero,0x2 + a4: 00405013 srli zero,zero,0x4 + a8: 000fa023 sw zero,0(t6) + ac: 00002f97 auipc t6,0x2 + b0: f68f8f93 addi t6,t6,-152 # 2014 + b4: 00100093 li ra,1 + b8: 7f000113 li sp,2032 + bc: 53f00193 li gp,1343 + c0: 80300213 li tp,-2045 + c4: 00500293 li t0,5 + c8: 00200313 li t1,2 + cc: 00400393 li t2,4 + d0: 01800413 li s0,24 + d4: abcde017 auipc zero,0xabcde + d8: 00100033 add zero,zero,ra + dc: 00206033 or zero,zero,sp + e0: 00307033 and zero,zero,gp + e4: 00404033 xor zero,zero,tp + e8: 00501033 sll zero,zero,t0 + ec: 40605033 sra zero,zero,t1 + f0: 00705033 srl zero,zero,t2 + f4: 40800033 neg zero,s0 + f8: 000fa023 sw zero,0(t6) + fc: 00002f97 auipc t6,0x2 + 100: f1cf8f93 addi t6,t6,-228 # 2018 + 104: 00100093 li ra,1 + 108: 00200113 li sp,2 + 10c: 0020a033 slt zero,ra,sp + 110: 000fa023 sw zero,0(t6) + 114: 0020b033 sltu zero,ra,sp + 118: 000fa223 sw zero,4(t6) + 11c: 0020a013 slti zero,ra,2 + 120: 000fa423 sw zero,8(t6) + 124: 0020b013 sltiu zero,ra,2 + 128: 000fa623 sw zero,12(t6) + 12c: 00002f97 auipc t6,0x2 + 130: efcf8f93 addi t6,t6,-260 # 2028 + 134: 0040006f j 138 + 138: 000fa023 sw zero,0(t6) + 13c: 00000097 auipc ra,0x0 + 140: 00c08093 addi ra,ra,12 # 148 + 144: 00008067 ret + 148: 000fa223 sw zero,4(t6) + 14c: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 150: eb408093 addi ra,ra,-332 # 2000 + 154: 00002f97 auipc t6,0x2 + 158: edcf8f93 addi t6,t6,-292 # 2030 + 15c: 0000a003 lw zero,0(ra) + 160: 000fa023 sw zero,0(t6) + 164: 00009003 lh zero,0(ra) + 168: 000fa223 sw zero,4(t6) + 16c: 00008003 lb zero,0(ra) + 170: 000fa423 sw zero,8(t6) + 174: 0000c003 lbu zero,0(ra) + 178: 000fa623 sw zero,12(t6) + 17c: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 180: e9428293 addi t0,t0,-364 # 2010 + 184: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 188: 00830313 addi t1,t1,8 # 10000008 <_end+0xfffde04> + 18c: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 190: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 194: eb028293 addi t0,t0,-336 # 2040 + 198: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 19c: 00c30313 addi t1,t1,12 # 1000000c <_end+0xfffde08> + 1a0: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 1a4: 00100293 li t0,1 + 1a8: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 1ac: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 1b0: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 1b4: 00000013 nop + 1b8: 00100193 li gp,1 + 1bc: 00000073 ecall + +000001c0 : + 1c0: c0001073 unimp + +Disassembly of section .tohost: + +00001000 : + ... + +00001100 : + ... + +Disassembly of section .data: + +00002000 : + 2000: 42524e4f fnmadd.d ft8,ft4,ft5,fs0,rmm + ... + +00002010 : + 2010: ffff 0xffff + 2012: ffff 0xffff + +00002014 : + 2014: ffff 0xffff + 2016: ffff 0xffff + +00002018 : + 2018: ffff 0xffff + 201a: ffff 0xffff + 201c: ffff 0xffff + 201e: ffff 0xffff + 2020: ffff 0xffff + 2022: ffff 0xffff + 2024: ffff 0xffff + 2026: ffff 0xffff + +00002028 : + 2028: ffff 0xffff + 202a: ffff 0xffff + 202c: ffff 0xffff + 202e: ffff 0xffff + +00002030 : + 2030: ffff 0xffff + 2032: ffff 0xffff + 2034: ffff 0xffff + 2036: ffff 0xffff + 2038: ffff 0xffff + 203a: ffff 0xffff + 203c: ffff 0xffff + 203e: ffff 0xffff + +00002040 : + ... + +00002100 : + 2100: 0080 addi s0,sp,64 + ... + +00002200 : + 2200: 0004 0x4 + ... diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SB-01.elf b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SB-01.elf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..936b695 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SB-01.elf differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SB-01.elf.bin b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SB-01.elf.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5e514b5 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SB-01.elf.bin differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SB-01.elf.objdump b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SB-01.elf.objdump new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d9a4170 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SB-01.elf.objdump @@ -0,0 +1,331 @@ + +D:/gitee/open/tinyriscv/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SB-01.elf: file format elf32-littleriscv + + +Disassembly of section .text.init: + +00000000 <_start>: + 0: 04c0006f j 4c + +00000004 : + 4: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 8: 00800f93 li t6,8 + c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,40 + 10: 00900f93 li t6,9 + 14: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,40 + 18: 00b00f93 li t6,11 + 1c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,40 + 20: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0 + 24: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start> + 28: 000f0463 beqz t5,30 + 2c: 000f0067 jr t5 + 30: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 34: 000f5463 bgez t5,3c + 38: 0040006f j 3c + +0000003c : + 3c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337 + +00000040 : + 40: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1 + 44: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 1000 + 48: ff9ff06f j 40 + +0000004c : + 4c: 00000193 li gp,0 + 50: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 54: fb428293 addi t0,t0,-76 # 4 + 58: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 + 5c: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0 + 60: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 64: 02028293 addi t0,t0,32 # 80 + 68: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0 + 6c: 00000293 li t0,0 + 70: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 74: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 78: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 7c: 30200073 mret + +00000080 : + 80: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 84: f8428293 addi t0,t0,-124 # 2004 + 88: 00028023 sb zero,0(t0) + 8c: fff00813 li a6,-1 + 90: 00028f93 mv t6,t0 + 94: 010f8023 sb a6,0(t6) + 98: fe028f23 sb zero,-2(t0) + 9c: 00100793 li a5,1 + a0: 00028f13 mv t5,t0 + a4: feff0f23 sb a5,-2(t5) + a8: 000281a3 sb zero,3(t0) + ac: 00000713 li a4,0 + b0: 00028e93 mv t4,t0 + b4: 00ee81a3 sb a4,3(t4) + b8: fe028e23 sb zero,-4(t0) + bc: 7ff00693 li a3,2047 + c0: 00028e13 mv t3,t0 + c4: fede0e23 sb a3,-4(t3) + c8: 00028123 sb zero,2(t0) + cc: 00000613 li a2,0 + d0: 00028d93 mv s11,t0 + d4: 00cd8123 sb a2,2(s11) + d8: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + dc: f4008093 addi ra,ra,-192 # 2018 + e0: 00008223 sb zero,4(ra) + e4: 000015b7 lui a1,0x1 + e8: 80058593 addi a1,a1,-2048 # 800 + ec: 00008d13 mv s10,ra + f0: 00bd0223 sb a1,4(s10) + f4: fe008fa3 sb zero,-1(ra) + f8: 07654537 lui a0,0x7654 + fc: 32150513 addi a0,a0,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 100: 00008c93 mv s9,ra + 104: feac8fa3 sb a0,-1(s9) + 108: 000080a3 sb zero,1(ra) + 10c: 800004b7 lui s1,0x80000 + 110: fff48493 addi s1,s1,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 114: 00008c13 mv s8,ra + 118: 009c00a3 sb s1,1(s8) + 11c: 00008023 sb zero,0(ra) + 120: 00100413 li s0,1 + 124: 00008b93 mv s7,ra + 128: 008b8023 sb s0,0(s7) + 12c: fe008f23 sb zero,-2(ra) + 130: fff00393 li t2,-1 + 134: 00008b13 mv s6,ra + 138: fe7b0f23 sb t2,-2(s6) + 13c: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 140: ef008093 addi ra,ra,-272 # 202c + 144: 000081a3 sb zero,3(ra) + 148: 00001337 lui t1,0x1 + 14c: 23430313 addi t1,t1,564 # 1234 + 150: 00008a93 mv s5,ra + 154: 006a81a3 sb t1,3(s5) + 158: fe008e23 sb zero,-4(ra) + 15c: 800002b7 lui t0,0x80000 + 160: 00008a13 mv s4,ra + 164: fe5a0e23 sb t0,-4(s4) + 168: 00008123 sb zero,2(ra) + 16c: fffff237 lui tp,0xfffff + 170: dcc20213 addi tp,tp,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 174: 00008993 mv s3,ra + 178: 00498123 sb tp,2(s3) + 17c: 00008223 sb zero,4(ra) + 180: fff00193 li gp,-1 + 184: 00008913 mv s2,ra + 188: 00390223 sb gp,4(s2) + 18c: fe008fa3 sb zero,-1(ra) + 190: 80100113 li sp,-2047 + 194: 00008893 mv a7,ra + 198: fe288fa3 sb sp,-1(a7) + 19c: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 1a0: ea410113 addi sp,sp,-348 # 2040 + 1a4: 000100a3 sb zero,1(sp) + 1a8: 00000093 li ra,0 + 1ac: 00010813 mv a6,sp + 1b0: 001800a3 sb ra,1(a6) + 1b4: 00010023 sb zero,0(sp) + 1b8: fff00013 li zero,-1 + 1bc: 00010793 mv a5,sp + 1c0: 00078023 sb zero,0(a5) + 1c4: fe010f23 sb zero,-2(sp) + 1c8: 00100f93 li t6,1 + 1cc: 00010713 mv a4,sp + 1d0: fff70f23 sb t6,-2(a4) + 1d4: 000101a3 sb zero,3(sp) + 1d8: 00000f13 li t5,0 + 1dc: 00010693 mv a3,sp + 1e0: 01e681a3 sb t5,3(a3) + 1e4: fe010e23 sb zero,-4(sp) + 1e8: 7ff00e93 li t4,2047 + 1ec: 00010613 mv a2,sp + 1f0: ffd60e23 sb t4,-4(a2) + 1f4: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 1f8: e6008093 addi ra,ra,-416 # 2054 + 1fc: 00008123 sb zero,2(ra) + 200: 00000e13 li t3,0 + 204: 00008593 mv a1,ra + 208: 01c58123 sb t3,2(a1) + 20c: 00008223 sb zero,4(ra) + 210: 00001db7 lui s11,0x1 + 214: 800d8d93 addi s11,s11,-2048 # 800 + 218: 00008513 mv a0,ra + 21c: 01b50223 sb s11,4(a0) + 220: fe008fa3 sb zero,-1(ra) + 224: 07654d37 lui s10,0x7654 + 228: 321d0d13 addi s10,s10,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 22c: 00008493 mv s1,ra + 230: ffa48fa3 sb s10,-1(s1) + 234: 000080a3 sb zero,1(ra) + 238: 80000cb7 lui s9,0x80000 + 23c: fffc8c93 addi s9,s9,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 240: 00008413 mv s0,ra + 244: 019400a3 sb s9,1(s0) + 248: 00008023 sb zero,0(ra) + 24c: 00100c13 li s8,1 + 250: 00008393 mv t2,ra + 254: 01838023 sb s8,0(t2) + 258: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 25c: e1008093 addi ra,ra,-496 # 2068 + 260: fe008f23 sb zero,-2(ra) + 264: fff00b93 li s7,-1 + 268: 00008313 mv t1,ra + 26c: ff730f23 sb s7,-2(t1) + 270: 000081a3 sb zero,3(ra) + 274: 00001b37 lui s6,0x1 + 278: 234b0b13 addi s6,s6,564 # 1234 + 27c: 00008293 mv t0,ra + 280: 016281a3 sb s6,3(t0) # 80000003 <_end+0x7fffddff> + 284: fe008e23 sb zero,-4(ra) + 288: 80000ab7 lui s5,0x80000 + 28c: 00008213 mv tp,ra + 290: ff520e23 sb s5,-4(tp) # fffffffc <_end+0xffffddf8> + 294: 00008123 sb zero,2(ra) + 298: fffffa37 lui s4,0xfffff + 29c: dcca0a13 addi s4,s4,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 2a0: 00008193 mv gp,ra + 2a4: 01418123 sb s4,2(gp) + 2a8: 00008223 sb zero,4(ra) + 2ac: fff00993 li s3,-1 + 2b0: 00008113 mv sp,ra + 2b4: 01310223 sb s3,4(sp) + 2b8: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 2bc: dc410113 addi sp,sp,-572 # 207c + 2c0: fe010fa3 sb zero,-1(sp) + 2c4: 80100913 li s2,-2047 + 2c8: 00010093 mv ra,sp + 2cc: ff208fa3 sb s2,-1(ra) + 2d0: 000100a3 sb zero,1(sp) + 2d4: 00000893 li a7,0 + 2d8: 00010093 mv ra,sp + 2dc: 011080a3 sb a7,1(ra) + 2e0: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 2e4: d2028293 addi t0,t0,-736 # 2000 + 2e8: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 2ec: 00830313 addi t1,t1,8 # 10000008 <_end+0xfffde04> + 2f0: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 2f4: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 2f8: d9c28293 addi t0,t0,-612 # 2090 + 2fc: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 300: 00c30313 addi t1,t1,12 # 1000000c <_end+0xfffde08> + 304: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 308: 00100293 li t0,1 + 30c: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 310: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 314: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 318: 00000013 nop + 31c: 00100193 li gp,1 + 320: 00000073 ecall + +00000324 : + 324: c0001073 unimp + ... + +Disassembly of section .tohost: + +00001000 : + ... + +00001100 : + ... + +Disassembly of section .data: + +00002000 : + 2000: ffff 0xffff + 2002: ffff 0xffff + +00002004 : + 2004: ffff 0xffff + 2006: ffff 0xffff + 2008: ffff 0xffff + 200a: ffff 0xffff + 200c: ffff 0xffff + 200e: ffff 0xffff + 2010: ffff 0xffff + 2012: ffff 0xffff + 2014: ffff 0xffff + 2016: ffff 0xffff + +00002018 : + 2018: ffff 0xffff + 201a: ffff 0xffff + 201c: ffff 0xffff + 201e: ffff 0xffff + 2020: ffff 0xffff + 2022: ffff 0xffff + 2024: ffff 0xffff + 2026: ffff 0xffff + 2028: ffff 0xffff + 202a: ffff 0xffff + +0000202c : + 202c: ffff 0xffff + 202e: ffff 0xffff + 2030: ffff 0xffff + 2032: ffff 0xffff + 2034: ffff 0xffff + 2036: ffff 0xffff + 2038: ffff 0xffff + 203a: ffff 0xffff + 203c: ffff 0xffff + 203e: ffff 0xffff + +00002040 : + 2040: ffff 0xffff + 2042: ffff 0xffff + 2044: ffff 0xffff + 2046: ffff 0xffff + 2048: ffff 0xffff + 204a: ffff 0xffff + 204c: ffff 0xffff + 204e: ffff 0xffff + 2050: ffff 0xffff + 2052: ffff 0xffff + +00002054 : + 2054: ffff 0xffff + 2056: ffff 0xffff + 2058: ffff 0xffff + 205a: ffff 0xffff + 205c: ffff 0xffff + 205e: ffff 0xffff + 2060: ffff 0xffff + 2062: ffff 0xffff + 2064: ffff 0xffff + 2066: ffff 0xffff + +00002068 : + 2068: ffff 0xffff + 206a: ffff 0xffff + 206c: ffff 0xffff + 206e: ffff 0xffff + 2070: ffff 0xffff + 2072: ffff 0xffff + 2074: ffff 0xffff + 2076: ffff 0xffff + 2078: ffff 0xffff + 207a: ffff 0xffff + +0000207c : + 207c: ffff 0xffff + 207e: ffff 0xffff + 2080: ffff 0xffff + 2082: ffff 0xffff + 2084: ffff 0xffff + 2086: ffff 0xffff + 2088: ffff 0xffff + 208a: ffff 0xffff + 208c: ffff 0xffff + 208e: ffff 0xffff + +00002090 : + ... + +00002100 : + 2100: 0080 addi s0,sp,64 + ... + +00002200 : + 2200: 0004 0x4 + ... diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SH-01.elf b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SH-01.elf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c9f2dd9 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SH-01.elf differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SH-01.elf.bin b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SH-01.elf.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..857881b Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SH-01.elf.bin differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SH-01.elf.objdump b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SH-01.elf.objdump new file mode 100644 index 0000000..534c070 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SH-01.elf.objdump @@ -0,0 +1,331 @@ + +D:/gitee/open/tinyriscv/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SH-01.elf: file format elf32-littleriscv + + +Disassembly of section .text.init: + +00000000 <_start>: + 0: 04c0006f j 4c + +00000004 : + 4: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 8: 00800f93 li t6,8 + c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,40 + 10: 00900f93 li t6,9 + 14: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,40 + 18: 00b00f93 li t6,11 + 1c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,40 + 20: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0 + 24: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start> + 28: 000f0463 beqz t5,30 + 2c: 000f0067 jr t5 + 30: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 34: 000f5463 bgez t5,3c + 38: 0040006f j 3c + +0000003c : + 3c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337 + +00000040 : + 40: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1 + 44: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 1000 + 48: ff9ff06f j 40 + +0000004c : + 4c: 00000193 li gp,0 + 50: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 54: fb428293 addi t0,t0,-76 # 4 + 58: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 + 5c: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0 + 60: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 64: 02028293 addi t0,t0,32 # 80 + 68: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0 + 6c: 00000293 li t0,0 + 70: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 74: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 78: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 7c: 30200073 mret + +00000080 : + 80: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 84: f8428293 addi t0,t0,-124 # 2004 + 88: 00029023 sh zero,0(t0) + 8c: fff00813 li a6,-1 + 90: 00028f93 mv t6,t0 + 94: 010f9023 sh a6,0(t6) + 98: fe029f23 sh zero,-2(t0) + 9c: 00100793 li a5,1 + a0: 00028f13 mv t5,t0 + a4: feff1f23 sh a5,-2(t5) + a8: 00029123 sh zero,2(t0) + ac: 00000713 li a4,0 + b0: 00028e93 mv t4,t0 + b4: 00ee9123 sh a4,2(t4) + b8: fe029e23 sh zero,-4(t0) + bc: 7ff00693 li a3,2047 + c0: 00028e13 mv t3,t0 + c4: fede1e23 sh a3,-4(t3) + c8: 00029123 sh zero,2(t0) + cc: 00000613 li a2,0 + d0: 00028d93 mv s11,t0 + d4: 00cd9123 sh a2,2(s11) + d8: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + dc: f4008093 addi ra,ra,-192 # 2018 + e0: 00009223 sh zero,4(ra) + e4: 000015b7 lui a1,0x1 + e8: 80058593 addi a1,a1,-2048 # 800 + ec: 00008d13 mv s10,ra + f0: 00bd1223 sh a1,4(s10) + f4: 00009023 sh zero,0(ra) + f8: 07654537 lui a0,0x7654 + fc: 32150513 addi a0,a0,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 100: 00008c93 mv s9,ra + 104: 00ac9023 sh a0,0(s9) + 108: 00009023 sh zero,0(ra) + 10c: 800004b7 lui s1,0x80000 + 110: fff48493 addi s1,s1,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 114: 00008c13 mv s8,ra + 118: 009c1023 sh s1,0(s8) + 11c: 00009023 sh zero,0(ra) + 120: 00100413 li s0,1 + 124: 00008b93 mv s7,ra + 128: 008b9023 sh s0,0(s7) + 12c: fe009f23 sh zero,-2(ra) + 130: fff00393 li t2,-1 + 134: 00008b13 mv s6,ra + 138: fe7b1f23 sh t2,-2(s6) + 13c: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 140: ef008093 addi ra,ra,-272 # 202c + 144: 00009123 sh zero,2(ra) + 148: 00001337 lui t1,0x1 + 14c: 23430313 addi t1,t1,564 # 1234 + 150: 00008a93 mv s5,ra + 154: 006a9123 sh t1,2(s5) + 158: fe009e23 sh zero,-4(ra) + 15c: 800002b7 lui t0,0x80000 + 160: 00008a13 mv s4,ra + 164: fe5a1e23 sh t0,-4(s4) + 168: 00009123 sh zero,2(ra) + 16c: fffff237 lui tp,0xfffff + 170: dcc20213 addi tp,tp,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 174: 00008993 mv s3,ra + 178: 00499123 sh tp,2(s3) + 17c: 00009223 sh zero,4(ra) + 180: fff00193 li gp,-1 + 184: 00008913 mv s2,ra + 188: 00391223 sh gp,4(s2) + 18c: 00009023 sh zero,0(ra) + 190: 80100113 li sp,-2047 + 194: 00008893 mv a7,ra + 198: 00289023 sh sp,0(a7) + 19c: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 1a0: ea410113 addi sp,sp,-348 # 2040 + 1a4: 00011023 sh zero,0(sp) + 1a8: 00000093 li ra,0 + 1ac: 00010813 mv a6,sp + 1b0: 00181023 sh ra,0(a6) + 1b4: 00011023 sh zero,0(sp) + 1b8: fff00013 li zero,-1 + 1bc: 00010793 mv a5,sp + 1c0: 00079023 sh zero,0(a5) + 1c4: fe011f23 sh zero,-2(sp) + 1c8: 00100f93 li t6,1 + 1cc: 00010713 mv a4,sp + 1d0: fff71f23 sh t6,-2(a4) + 1d4: 00011123 sh zero,2(sp) + 1d8: 00000f13 li t5,0 + 1dc: 00010693 mv a3,sp + 1e0: 01e69123 sh t5,2(a3) + 1e4: fe011e23 sh zero,-4(sp) + 1e8: 7ff00e93 li t4,2047 + 1ec: 00010613 mv a2,sp + 1f0: ffd61e23 sh t4,-4(a2) + 1f4: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 1f8: e6008093 addi ra,ra,-416 # 2054 + 1fc: 00009123 sh zero,2(ra) + 200: 00000e13 li t3,0 + 204: 00008593 mv a1,ra + 208: 01c59123 sh t3,2(a1) + 20c: 00009223 sh zero,4(ra) + 210: 00001db7 lui s11,0x1 + 214: 800d8d93 addi s11,s11,-2048 # 800 + 218: 00008513 mv a0,ra + 21c: 01b51223 sh s11,4(a0) + 220: 00009023 sh zero,0(ra) + 224: 07654d37 lui s10,0x7654 + 228: 321d0d13 addi s10,s10,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 22c: 00008493 mv s1,ra + 230: 01a49023 sh s10,0(s1) + 234: 00009023 sh zero,0(ra) + 238: 80000cb7 lui s9,0x80000 + 23c: fffc8c93 addi s9,s9,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 240: 00008413 mv s0,ra + 244: 01941023 sh s9,0(s0) + 248: 00009023 sh zero,0(ra) + 24c: 00100c13 li s8,1 + 250: 00008393 mv t2,ra + 254: 01839023 sh s8,0(t2) + 258: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 25c: e1008093 addi ra,ra,-496 # 2068 + 260: fe009f23 sh zero,-2(ra) + 264: fff00b93 li s7,-1 + 268: 00008313 mv t1,ra + 26c: ff731f23 sh s7,-2(t1) + 270: 00009123 sh zero,2(ra) + 274: 00001b37 lui s6,0x1 + 278: 234b0b13 addi s6,s6,564 # 1234 + 27c: 00008293 mv t0,ra + 280: 01629123 sh s6,2(t0) # 80000002 <_end+0x7fffddfe> + 284: fe009e23 sh zero,-4(ra) + 288: 80000ab7 lui s5,0x80000 + 28c: 00008213 mv tp,ra + 290: ff521e23 sh s5,-4(tp) # fffffffc <_end+0xffffddf8> + 294: 00009123 sh zero,2(ra) + 298: fffffa37 lui s4,0xfffff + 29c: dcca0a13 addi s4,s4,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 2a0: 00008193 mv gp,ra + 2a4: 01419123 sh s4,2(gp) + 2a8: 00009223 sh zero,4(ra) + 2ac: fff00993 li s3,-1 + 2b0: 00008113 mv sp,ra + 2b4: 01311223 sh s3,4(sp) + 2b8: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 2bc: dc410113 addi sp,sp,-572 # 207c + 2c0: 00011023 sh zero,0(sp) + 2c4: 80100913 li s2,-2047 + 2c8: 00010093 mv ra,sp + 2cc: 01209023 sh s2,0(ra) + 2d0: 00011023 sh zero,0(sp) + 2d4: 00000893 li a7,0 + 2d8: 00010093 mv ra,sp + 2dc: 01109023 sh a7,0(ra) + 2e0: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 2e4: d2028293 addi t0,t0,-736 # 2000 + 2e8: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 2ec: 00830313 addi t1,t1,8 # 10000008 <_end+0xfffde04> + 2f0: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 2f4: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 2f8: d9c28293 addi t0,t0,-612 # 2090 + 2fc: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 300: 00c30313 addi t1,t1,12 # 1000000c <_end+0xfffde08> + 304: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 308: 00100293 li t0,1 + 30c: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 310: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 314: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 318: 00000013 nop + 31c: 00100193 li gp,1 + 320: 00000073 ecall + +00000324 : + 324: c0001073 unimp + ... + +Disassembly of section .tohost: + +00001000 : + ... + +00001100 : + ... + +Disassembly of section .data: + +00002000 : + 2000: ffff 0xffff + 2002: ffff 0xffff + +00002004 : + 2004: ffff 0xffff + 2006: ffff 0xffff + 2008: ffff 0xffff + 200a: ffff 0xffff + 200c: ffff 0xffff + 200e: ffff 0xffff + 2010: ffff 0xffff + 2012: ffff 0xffff + 2014: ffff 0xffff + 2016: ffff 0xffff + +00002018 : + 2018: ffff 0xffff + 201a: ffff 0xffff + 201c: ffff 0xffff + 201e: ffff 0xffff + 2020: ffff 0xffff + 2022: ffff 0xffff + 2024: ffff 0xffff + 2026: ffff 0xffff + 2028: ffff 0xffff + 202a: ffff 0xffff + +0000202c : + 202c: ffff 0xffff + 202e: ffff 0xffff + 2030: ffff 0xffff + 2032: ffff 0xffff + 2034: ffff 0xffff + 2036: ffff 0xffff + 2038: ffff 0xffff + 203a: ffff 0xffff + 203c: ffff 0xffff + 203e: ffff 0xffff + +00002040 : + 2040: ffff 0xffff + 2042: ffff 0xffff + 2044: ffff 0xffff + 2046: ffff 0xffff + 2048: ffff 0xffff + 204a: ffff 0xffff + 204c: ffff 0xffff + 204e: ffff 0xffff + 2050: ffff 0xffff + 2052: ffff 0xffff + +00002054 : + 2054: ffff 0xffff + 2056: ffff 0xffff + 2058: ffff 0xffff + 205a: ffff 0xffff + 205c: ffff 0xffff + 205e: ffff 0xffff + 2060: ffff 0xffff + 2062: ffff 0xffff + 2064: ffff 0xffff + 2066: ffff 0xffff + +00002068 : + 2068: ffff 0xffff + 206a: ffff 0xffff + 206c: ffff 0xffff + 206e: ffff 0xffff + 2070: ffff 0xffff + 2072: ffff 0xffff + 2074: ffff 0xffff + 2076: ffff 0xffff + 2078: ffff 0xffff + 207a: ffff 0xffff + +0000207c : + 207c: ffff 0xffff + 207e: ffff 0xffff + 2080: ffff 0xffff + 2082: ffff 0xffff + 2084: ffff 0xffff + 2086: ffff 0xffff + 2088: ffff 0xffff + 208a: ffff 0xffff + 208c: ffff 0xffff + 208e: ffff 0xffff + +00002090 : + ... + +00002100 : + 2100: 0080 addi s0,sp,64 + ... + +00002200 : + 2200: 0004 0x4 + ... diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLL-01.elf b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLL-01.elf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1fe7f47 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLL-01.elf differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLL-01.elf.bin b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLL-01.elf.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1ae0afb Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLL-01.elf.bin differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLL-01.elf.objdump b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLL-01.elf.objdump new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b07cf6d --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLL-01.elf.objdump @@ -0,0 +1,329 @@ + +D:/gitee/open/tinyriscv/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLL-01.elf: file format elf32-littleriscv + + +Disassembly of section .text.init: + +00000000 <_start>: + 0: 04c0006f j 4c + +00000004 : + 4: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 8: 00800f93 li t6,8 + c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,40 + 10: 00900f93 li t6,9 + 14: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,40 + 18: 00b00f93 li t6,11 + 1c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,40 + 20: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0 + 24: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start> + 28: 000f0463 beqz t5,30 + 2c: 000f0067 jr t5 + 30: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 34: 000f5463 bgez t5,3c + 38: 0040006f j 3c + +0000003c : + 3c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337 + +00000040 : + 40: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1 + 44: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 1000 + 48: ff9ff06f j 40 + +0000004c : + 4c: 00000193 li gp,0 + 50: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 54: fb428293 addi t0,t0,-76 # 4 + 58: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 + 5c: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0 + 60: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 64: 02028293 addi t0,t0,32 # 80 + 68: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0 + 6c: 00000293 li t0,0 + 70: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 74: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 78: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 7c: 30200073 mret + +00000080 : + 80: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 84: f8028293 addi t0,t0,-128 # 2000 + 88: fff00f93 li t6,-1 + 8c: 00000813 li a6,0 + 90: 010f9033 sll zero,t6,a6 + 94: 0002a023 sw zero,0(t0) + 98: 00100f13 li t5,1 + 9c: 00000793 li a5,0 + a0: 00ff10b3 sll ra,t5,a5 + a4: 0012a223 sw ra,4(t0) + a8: 00000e93 li t4,0 + ac: 00100713 li a4,1 + b0: 00ee9133 sll sp,t4,a4 + b4: 0022a423 sw sp,8(t0) + b8: 7ff00e13 li t3,2047 + bc: 00400693 li a3,4 + c0: 00de11b3 sll gp,t3,a3 + c4: 0032a623 sw gp,12(t0) + c8: 00000d93 li s11,0 + cc: 00800613 li a2,8 + d0: 00cd9233 sll tp,s11,a2 + d4: 0042a823 sw tp,16(t0) + d8: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + dc: f3c08093 addi ra,ra,-196 # 2014 + e0: 00001d37 lui s10,0x1 + e4: 800d0d13 addi s10,s10,-2048 # 800 + e8: 01f00593 li a1,31 + ec: 00bd12b3 sll t0,s10,a1 + f0: 0050a023 sw t0,0(ra) + f4: 07654cb7 lui s9,0x7654 + f8: 321c8c93 addi s9,s9,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + fc: 01000513 li a0,16 + 100: 00ac9333 sll t1,s9,a0 + 104: 0060a223 sw t1,4(ra) + 108: 80000c37 lui s8,0x80000 + 10c: fffc0c13 addi s8,s8,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 110: 00100493 li s1,1 + 114: 009c13b3 sll t2,s8,s1 + 118: 0070a423 sw t2,8(ra) + 11c: 00100b93 li s7,1 + 120: 00000413 li s0,0 + 124: 008b9433 sll s0,s7,s0 + 128: 0080a623 sw s0,12(ra) + 12c: fff00b13 li s6,-1 + 130: 00000393 li t2,0 + 134: 007b14b3 sll s1,s6,t2 + 138: 0090a823 sw s1,16(ra) + 13c: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 140: eec08093 addi ra,ra,-276 # 2028 + 144: 00001ab7 lui s5,0x1 + 148: 234a8a93 addi s5,s5,564 # 1234 + 14c: 00100313 li t1,1 + 150: 006a9533 sll a0,s5,t1 + 154: 00a0a023 sw a0,0(ra) + 158: 80000a37 lui s4,0x80000 + 15c: 00400293 li t0,4 + 160: 005a15b3 sll a1,s4,t0 + 164: 00b0a223 sw a1,4(ra) + 168: fffff9b7 lui s3,0xfffff + 16c: dcc98993 addi s3,s3,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 170: 00800213 li tp,8 + 174: 00499633 sll a2,s3,tp + 178: 00c0a423 sw a2,8(ra) + 17c: fff00913 li s2,-1 + 180: 01f00193 li gp,31 + 184: 003916b3 sll a3,s2,gp + 188: 00d0a623 sw a3,12(ra) + 18c: 80100893 li a7,-2047 + 190: 01000113 li sp,16 + 194: 00289733 sll a4,a7,sp + 198: 00e0a823 sw a4,16(ra) + 19c: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 1a0: ea010113 addi sp,sp,-352 # 203c + 1a4: 00000813 li a6,0 + 1a8: 00100093 li ra,1 + 1ac: 001817b3 sll a5,a6,ra + 1b0: 00f12023 sw a5,0(sp) + 1b4: fff00793 li a5,-1 + 1b8: 00000013 nop + 1bc: 00079833 sll a6,a5,zero + 1c0: 01012223 sw a6,4(sp) + 1c4: 00100713 li a4,1 + 1c8: 00000f93 li t6,0 + 1cc: 01f718b3 sll a7,a4,t6 + 1d0: 01112423 sw a7,8(sp) + 1d4: 00000693 li a3,0 + 1d8: 00100f13 li t5,1 + 1dc: 01e69933 sll s2,a3,t5 + 1e0: 01212623 sw s2,12(sp) + 1e4: 7ff00613 li a2,2047 + 1e8: 00400e93 li t4,4 + 1ec: 01d619b3 sll s3,a2,t4 + 1f0: 01312823 sw s3,16(sp) + 1f4: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 1f8: e5c08093 addi ra,ra,-420 # 2050 + 1fc: 00000593 li a1,0 + 200: 00800e13 li t3,8 + 204: 01c59a33 sll s4,a1,t3 + 208: 0140a023 sw s4,0(ra) + 20c: 00001537 lui a0,0x1 + 210: 80050513 addi a0,a0,-2048 # 800 + 214: 01f00d93 li s11,31 + 218: 01b51ab3 sll s5,a0,s11 + 21c: 0150a223 sw s5,4(ra) + 220: 076544b7 lui s1,0x7654 + 224: 32148493 addi s1,s1,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 228: 01000d13 li s10,16 + 22c: 01a49b33 sll s6,s1,s10 + 230: 0160a423 sw s6,8(ra) + 234: 80000437 lui s0,0x80000 + 238: fff40413 addi s0,s0,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 23c: 00100c93 li s9,1 + 240: 01941bb3 sll s7,s0,s9 + 244: 0170a623 sw s7,12(ra) + 248: 00100393 li t2,1 + 24c: 00000c13 li s8,0 + 250: 01839c33 sll s8,t2,s8 + 254: 0180a823 sw s8,16(ra) + 258: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 25c: e0c08093 addi ra,ra,-500 # 2064 + 260: fff00313 li t1,-1 + 264: 00000b93 li s7,0 + 268: 01731cb3 sll s9,t1,s7 + 26c: 0190a023 sw s9,0(ra) + 270: 000012b7 lui t0,0x1 + 274: 23428293 addi t0,t0,564 # 1234 + 278: 00100b13 li s6,1 + 27c: 01629d33 sll s10,t0,s6 + 280: 01a0a223 sw s10,4(ra) + 284: 80000237 lui tp,0x80000 + 288: 00400a93 li s5,4 + 28c: 01521db3 sll s11,tp,s5 + 290: 01b0a423 sw s11,8(ra) + 294: fffff1b7 lui gp,0xfffff + 298: dcc18193 addi gp,gp,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 29c: 00800a13 li s4,8 + 2a0: 01419e33 sll t3,gp,s4 + 2a4: 01c0a623 sw t3,12(ra) + 2a8: fff00113 li sp,-1 + 2ac: 01f00993 li s3,31 + 2b0: 01311eb3 sll t4,sp,s3 + 2b4: 01d0a823 sw t4,16(ra) + 2b8: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 2bc: dc010113 addi sp,sp,-576 # 2078 + 2c0: 80100093 li ra,-2047 + 2c4: 01000913 li s2,16 + 2c8: 01209f33 sll t5,ra,s2 + 2cc: 01e12023 sw t5,0(sp) + 2d0: 00000013 nop + 2d4: 00100893 li a7,1 + 2d8: 01101fb3 sll t6,zero,a7 + 2dc: 01f12223 sw t6,4(sp) + 2e0: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 2e4: d2028293 addi t0,t0,-736 # 2000 + 2e8: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 2ec: 00830313 addi t1,t1,8 # 10000008 <_end+0xfffde04> + 2f0: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 2f4: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 2f8: d9c28293 addi t0,t0,-612 # 2090 + 2fc: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 300: 00c30313 addi t1,t1,12 # 1000000c <_end+0xfffde08> + 304: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 308: 00100293 li t0,1 + 30c: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 310: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 314: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 318: 00000013 nop + 31c: 00100193 li gp,1 + 320: 00000073 ecall + +00000324 : + 324: c0001073 unimp + ... + +Disassembly of section .tohost: + +00001000 : + ... + +00001100 : + ... + +Disassembly of section .data: + +00002000 : + 2000: ffff 0xffff + 2002: ffff 0xffff + 2004: ffff 0xffff + 2006: ffff 0xffff + 2008: ffff 0xffff + 200a: ffff 0xffff + 200c: ffff 0xffff + 200e: ffff 0xffff + 2010: ffff 0xffff + 2012: ffff 0xffff + +00002014 : + 2014: ffff 0xffff + 2016: ffff 0xffff + 2018: ffff 0xffff + 201a: ffff 0xffff + 201c: ffff 0xffff + 201e: ffff 0xffff + 2020: ffff 0xffff + 2022: ffff 0xffff + 2024: ffff 0xffff + 2026: ffff 0xffff + +00002028 : + 2028: ffff 0xffff + 202a: ffff 0xffff + 202c: ffff 0xffff + 202e: ffff 0xffff + 2030: ffff 0xffff + 2032: ffff 0xffff + 2034: ffff 0xffff + 2036: ffff 0xffff + 2038: ffff 0xffff + 203a: ffff 0xffff + +0000203c : + 203c: ffff 0xffff + 203e: ffff 0xffff + 2040: ffff 0xffff + 2042: ffff 0xffff + 2044: ffff 0xffff + 2046: ffff 0xffff + 2048: ffff 0xffff + 204a: ffff 0xffff + 204c: ffff 0xffff + 204e: ffff 0xffff + +00002050 : + 2050: ffff 0xffff + 2052: ffff 0xffff + 2054: ffff 0xffff + 2056: ffff 0xffff + 2058: ffff 0xffff + 205a: ffff 0xffff + 205c: ffff 0xffff + 205e: ffff 0xffff + 2060: ffff 0xffff + 2062: ffff 0xffff + +00002064 : + 2064: ffff 0xffff + 2066: ffff 0xffff + 2068: ffff 0xffff + 206a: ffff 0xffff + 206c: ffff 0xffff + 206e: ffff 0xffff + 2070: ffff 0xffff + 2072: ffff 0xffff + 2074: ffff 0xffff + 2076: ffff 0xffff + +00002078 : + 2078: ffff 0xffff + 207a: ffff 0xffff + 207c: ffff 0xffff + 207e: ffff 0xffff + 2080: ffff 0xffff + 2082: ffff 0xffff + 2084: ffff 0xffff + 2086: ffff 0xffff + 2088: ffff 0xffff + 208a: ffff 0xffff + 208c: 0000 unimp + ... + +00002090 : + ... + +00002100 : + 2100: 0080 addi s0,sp,64 + ... + +00002200 : + 2200: 0004 0x4 + ... diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLLI-01.elf b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLLI-01.elf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8adf8f0 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLLI-01.elf differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLLI-01.elf.bin b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLLI-01.elf.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aef87e9 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLLI-01.elf.bin differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLLI-01.elf.objdump b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLLI-01.elf.objdump new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b4aa6bb --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLLI-01.elf.objdump @@ -0,0 +1,297 @@ + +D:/gitee/open/tinyriscv/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLLI-01.elf: file format elf32-littleriscv + + +Disassembly of section .text.init: + +00000000 <_start>: + 0: 04c0006f j 4c + +00000004 : + 4: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 8: 00800f93 li t6,8 + c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,40 + 10: 00900f93 li t6,9 + 14: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,40 + 18: 00b00f93 li t6,11 + 1c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,40 + 20: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0 + 24: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start> + 28: 000f0463 beqz t5,30 + 2c: 000f0067 jr t5 + 30: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 34: 000f5463 bgez t5,3c + 38: 0040006f j 3c + +0000003c : + 3c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337 + +00000040 : + 40: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1 + 44: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 1000 + 48: ff9ff06f j 40 + +0000004c : + 4c: 00000193 li gp,0 + 50: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 54: fb428293 addi t0,t0,-76 # 4 + 58: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 + 5c: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0 + 60: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 64: 02028293 addi t0,t0,32 # 80 + 68: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0 + 6c: 00000293 li t0,0 + 70: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 74: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 78: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 7c: 30200073 mret + +00000080 : + 80: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 84: f8028293 addi t0,t0,-128 # 2000 + 88: fff00f93 li t6,-1 + 8c: 000f9013 slli zero,t6,0x0 + 90: 0002a023 sw zero,0(t0) + 94: 00100f13 li t5,1 + 98: 000f1093 slli ra,t5,0x0 + 9c: 0012a223 sw ra,4(t0) + a0: 00000e93 li t4,0 + a4: 001e9113 slli sp,t4,0x1 + a8: 0022a423 sw sp,8(t0) + ac: 7ff00e13 li t3,2047 + b0: 004e1193 slli gp,t3,0x4 + b4: 0032a623 sw gp,12(t0) + b8: 00000d93 li s11,0 + bc: 008d9213 slli tp,s11,0x8 + c0: 0042a823 sw tp,16(t0) + c4: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + c8: f5008093 addi ra,ra,-176 # 2014 + cc: 00001d37 lui s10,0x1 + d0: 800d0d13 addi s10,s10,-2048 # 800 + d4: 01fd1293 slli t0,s10,0x1f + d8: 0050a023 sw t0,0(ra) + dc: 07654cb7 lui s9,0x7654 + e0: 321c8c93 addi s9,s9,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + e4: 010c9313 slli t1,s9,0x10 + e8: 0060a223 sw t1,4(ra) + ec: 80000c37 lui s8,0x80000 + f0: fffc0c13 addi s8,s8,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + f4: 001c1393 slli t2,s8,0x1 + f8: 0070a423 sw t2,8(ra) + fc: 00100b93 li s7,1 + 100: 000b9413 slli s0,s7,0x0 + 104: 0080a623 sw s0,12(ra) + 108: fff00b13 li s6,-1 + 10c: 000b1493 slli s1,s6,0x0 + 110: 0090a823 sw s1,16(ra) + 114: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 118: f1408093 addi ra,ra,-236 # 2028 + 11c: 00001ab7 lui s5,0x1 + 120: 234a8a93 addi s5,s5,564 # 1234 + 124: 001a9513 slli a0,s5,0x1 + 128: 00a0a023 sw a0,0(ra) + 12c: 80000a37 lui s4,0x80000 + 130: 004a1593 slli a1,s4,0x4 + 134: 00b0a223 sw a1,4(ra) + 138: fffff9b7 lui s3,0xfffff + 13c: dcc98993 addi s3,s3,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 140: 00899613 slli a2,s3,0x8 + 144: 00c0a423 sw a2,8(ra) + 148: fff00913 li s2,-1 + 14c: 01f91693 slli a3,s2,0x1f + 150: 00d0a623 sw a3,12(ra) + 154: 80100893 li a7,-2047 + 158: 01089713 slli a4,a7,0x10 + 15c: 00e0a823 sw a4,16(ra) + 160: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 164: edc10113 addi sp,sp,-292 # 203c + 168: 00000813 li a6,0 + 16c: 00181793 slli a5,a6,0x1 + 170: 00f12023 sw a5,0(sp) + 174: fff00793 li a5,-1 + 178: 00079813 slli a6,a5,0x0 + 17c: 01012223 sw a6,4(sp) + 180: 00100713 li a4,1 + 184: 00071893 slli a7,a4,0x0 + 188: 01112423 sw a7,8(sp) + 18c: 00000693 li a3,0 + 190: 00169913 slli s2,a3,0x1 + 194: 01212623 sw s2,12(sp) + 198: 7ff00613 li a2,2047 + 19c: 00461993 slli s3,a2,0x4 + 1a0: 01312823 sw s3,16(sp) + 1a4: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 1a8: eac08093 addi ra,ra,-340 # 2050 + 1ac: 00000593 li a1,0 + 1b0: 00859a13 slli s4,a1,0x8 + 1b4: 0140a023 sw s4,0(ra) + 1b8: 00001537 lui a0,0x1 + 1bc: 80050513 addi a0,a0,-2048 # 800 + 1c0: 01f51a93 slli s5,a0,0x1f + 1c4: 0150a223 sw s5,4(ra) + 1c8: 076544b7 lui s1,0x7654 + 1cc: 32148493 addi s1,s1,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 1d0: 01049b13 slli s6,s1,0x10 + 1d4: 0160a423 sw s6,8(ra) + 1d8: 80000437 lui s0,0x80000 + 1dc: fff40413 addi s0,s0,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1e0: 00141b93 slli s7,s0,0x1 + 1e4: 0170a623 sw s7,12(ra) + 1e8: 00100393 li t2,1 + 1ec: 00039c13 slli s8,t2,0x0 + 1f0: 0180a823 sw s8,16(ra) + 1f4: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 1f8: e7008093 addi ra,ra,-400 # 2064 + 1fc: fff00313 li t1,-1 + 200: 00031c93 slli s9,t1,0x0 + 204: 0190a023 sw s9,0(ra) + 208: 000012b7 lui t0,0x1 + 20c: 23428293 addi t0,t0,564 # 1234 + 210: 00129d13 slli s10,t0,0x1 + 214: 01a0a223 sw s10,4(ra) + 218: 80000237 lui tp,0x80000 + 21c: 00421d93 slli s11,tp,0x4 + 220: 01b0a423 sw s11,8(ra) + 224: fffff1b7 lui gp,0xfffff + 228: dcc18193 addi gp,gp,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 22c: 00819e13 slli t3,gp,0x8 + 230: 01c0a623 sw t3,12(ra) + 234: fff00113 li sp,-1 + 238: 01f11e93 slli t4,sp,0x1f + 23c: 01d0a823 sw t4,16(ra) + 240: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 244: e3810113 addi sp,sp,-456 # 2078 + 248: 80100093 li ra,-2047 + 24c: 01009f13 slli t5,ra,0x10 + 250: 01e12023 sw t5,0(sp) + 254: 00000013 nop + 258: 00101f93 slli t6,zero,0x1 + 25c: 01f12223 sw t6,4(sp) + 260: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 264: da028293 addi t0,t0,-608 # 2000 + 268: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 26c: 00830313 addi t1,t1,8 # 10000008 <_end+0xfffde04> + 270: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 274: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 278: e1c28293 addi t0,t0,-484 # 2090 + 27c: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 280: 00c30313 addi t1,t1,12 # 1000000c <_end+0xfffde08> + 284: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 288: 00100293 li t0,1 + 28c: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 290: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 294: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 298: 00000013 nop + 29c: 00100193 li gp,1 + 2a0: 00000073 ecall + +000002a4 : + 2a4: c0001073 unimp + ... + +Disassembly of section .tohost: + +00001000 : + ... + +00001100 : + ... + +Disassembly of section .data: + +00002000 : + 2000: ffff 0xffff + 2002: ffff 0xffff + 2004: ffff 0xffff + 2006: ffff 0xffff + 2008: ffff 0xffff + 200a: ffff 0xffff + 200c: ffff 0xffff + 200e: ffff 0xffff + 2010: ffff 0xffff + 2012: ffff 0xffff + +00002014 : + 2014: ffff 0xffff + 2016: ffff 0xffff + 2018: ffff 0xffff + 201a: ffff 0xffff + 201c: ffff 0xffff + 201e: ffff 0xffff + 2020: ffff 0xffff + 2022: ffff 0xffff + 2024: ffff 0xffff + 2026: ffff 0xffff + +00002028 : + 2028: ffff 0xffff + 202a: ffff 0xffff + 202c: ffff 0xffff + 202e: ffff 0xffff + 2030: ffff 0xffff + 2032: ffff 0xffff + 2034: ffff 0xffff + 2036: ffff 0xffff + 2038: ffff 0xffff + 203a: ffff 0xffff + +0000203c : + 203c: ffff 0xffff + 203e: ffff 0xffff + 2040: ffff 0xffff + 2042: ffff 0xffff + 2044: ffff 0xffff + 2046: ffff 0xffff + 2048: ffff 0xffff + 204a: ffff 0xffff + 204c: ffff 0xffff + 204e: ffff 0xffff + +00002050 : + 2050: ffff 0xffff + 2052: ffff 0xffff + 2054: ffff 0xffff + 2056: ffff 0xffff + 2058: ffff 0xffff + 205a: ffff 0xffff + 205c: ffff 0xffff + 205e: ffff 0xffff + 2060: ffff 0xffff + 2062: ffff 0xffff + +00002064 : + 2064: ffff 0xffff + 2066: ffff 0xffff + 2068: ffff 0xffff + 206a: ffff 0xffff + 206c: ffff 0xffff + 206e: ffff 0xffff + 2070: ffff 0xffff + 2072: ffff 0xffff + 2074: ffff 0xffff + 2076: ffff 0xffff + +00002078 : + 2078: ffff 0xffff + 207a: ffff 0xffff + 207c: ffff 0xffff + 207e: ffff 0xffff + 2080: ffff 0xffff + 2082: ffff 0xffff + 2084: ffff 0xffff + 2086: ffff 0xffff + 2088: ffff 0xffff + 208a: ffff 0xffff + 208c: 0000 unimp + ... + +00002090 : + ... + +00002100 : + 2100: 0080 addi s0,sp,64 + ... + +00002200 : + 2200: 0004 0x4 + ... diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLT-01.elf b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLT-01.elf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1b29762 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLT-01.elf differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLT-01.elf.bin b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLT-01.elf.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a425d2e Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLT-01.elf.bin differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLT-01.elf.objdump b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLT-01.elf.objdump new file mode 100644 index 0000000..138087c --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLT-01.elf.objdump @@ -0,0 +1,339 @@ + +D:/gitee/open/tinyriscv/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLT-01.elf: file format elf32-littleriscv + + +Disassembly of section .text.init: + +00000000 <_start>: + 0: 04c0006f j 4c + +00000004 : + 4: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 8: 00800f93 li t6,8 + c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,40 + 10: 00900f93 li t6,9 + 14: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,40 + 18: 00b00f93 li t6,11 + 1c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,40 + 20: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0 + 24: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start> + 28: 000f0463 beqz t5,30 + 2c: 000f0067 jr t5 + 30: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 34: 000f5463 bgez t5,3c + 38: 0040006f j 3c + +0000003c : + 3c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337 + +00000040 : + 40: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1 + 44: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 1000 + 48: ff9ff06f j 40 + +0000004c : + 4c: 00000193 li gp,0 + 50: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 54: fb428293 addi t0,t0,-76 # 4 + 58: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 + 5c: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0 + 60: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 64: 02028293 addi t0,t0,32 # 80 + 68: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0 + 6c: 00000293 li t0,0 + 70: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 74: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 78: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 7c: 30200073 mret + +00000080 : + 80: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 84: f8028293 addi t0,t0,-128 # 2000 + 88: fff00f93 li t6,-1 + 8c: 00000813 li a6,0 + 90: 010fa033 slt zero,t6,a6 + 94: 0002a023 sw zero,0(t0) + 98: 00100f13 li t5,1 + 9c: 80100793 li a5,-2047 + a0: 00ff20b3 slt ra,t5,a5 + a4: 0012a223 sw ra,4(t0) + a8: 00000e93 li t4,0 + ac: fff00713 li a4,-1 + b0: 00eea133 slt sp,t4,a4 + b4: 0022a423 sw sp,8(t0) + b8: 7ff00e13 li t3,2047 + bc: fffff6b7 lui a3,0xfffff + c0: dcc68693 addi a3,a3,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + c4: 00de21b3 slt gp,t3,a3 + c8: 0032a623 sw gp,12(t0) + cc: 00000d93 li s11,0 + d0: 80000637 lui a2,0x80000 + d4: 00cda233 slt tp,s11,a2 + d8: 0042a823 sw tp,16(t0) + dc: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + e0: f3808093 addi ra,ra,-200 # 2014 + e4: 00001d37 lui s10,0x1 + e8: 800d0d13 addi s10,s10,-2048 # 800 + ec: 000015b7 lui a1,0x1 + f0: 23458593 addi a1,a1,564 # 1234 + f4: 00bd22b3 slt t0,s10,a1 + f8: 0050a023 sw t0,0(ra) + fc: 07654cb7 lui s9,0x7654 + 100: 321c8c93 addi s9,s9,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 104: fff00513 li a0,-1 + 108: 00aca333 slt t1,s9,a0 + 10c: 0060a223 sw t1,4(ra) + 110: 80000c37 lui s8,0x80000 + 114: fffc0c13 addi s8,s8,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 118: 00100493 li s1,1 + 11c: 009c23b3 slt t2,s8,s1 + 120: 0070a423 sw t2,8(ra) + 124: 00100b93 li s7,1 + 128: 80000437 lui s0,0x80000 + 12c: fff40413 addi s0,s0,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 130: 008ba433 slt s0,s7,s0 + 134: 0080a623 sw s0,12(ra) + 138: fff00b13 li s6,-1 + 13c: 076543b7 lui t2,0x7654 + 140: 32138393 addi t2,t2,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 144: 007b24b3 slt s1,s6,t2 + 148: 0090a823 sw s1,16(ra) + 14c: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 150: edc08093 addi ra,ra,-292 # 2028 + 154: 00001ab7 lui s5,0x1 + 158: 234a8a93 addi s5,s5,564 # 1234 + 15c: 00001337 lui t1,0x1 + 160: 80030313 addi t1,t1,-2048 # 800 + 164: 006aa533 slt a0,s5,t1 + 168: 00a0a023 sw a0,0(ra) + 16c: 80000a37 lui s4,0x80000 + 170: 00000293 li t0,0 + 174: 005a25b3 slt a1,s4,t0 + 178: 00b0a223 sw a1,4(ra) + 17c: fffff9b7 lui s3,0xfffff + 180: dcc98993 addi s3,s3,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 184: 7ff00213 li tp,2047 + 188: 0049a633 slt a2,s3,tp + 18c: 00c0a423 sw a2,8(ra) + 190: fff00913 li s2,-1 + 194: fff00193 li gp,-1 + 198: 003926b3 slt a3,s2,gp + 19c: 00d0a623 sw a3,12(ra) + 1a0: 80100893 li a7,-2047 + 1a4: 00100113 li sp,1 + 1a8: 0028a733 slt a4,a7,sp + 1ac: 00e0a823 sw a4,16(ra) + 1b0: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 1b4: e8c10113 addi sp,sp,-372 # 203c + 1b8: 00000813 li a6,0 + 1bc: 00000093 li ra,0 + 1c0: 001827b3 slt a5,a6,ra + 1c4: 00f12023 sw a5,0(sp) + 1c8: fff00793 li a5,-1 + 1cc: 00000013 nop + 1d0: 0007a833 sltz a6,a5 + 1d4: 01012223 sw a6,4(sp) + 1d8: 00100713 li a4,1 + 1dc: 80100f93 li t6,-2047 + 1e0: 01f728b3 slt a7,a4,t6 + 1e4: 01112423 sw a7,8(sp) + 1e8: 00000693 li a3,0 + 1ec: fff00f13 li t5,-1 + 1f0: 01e6a933 slt s2,a3,t5 + 1f4: 01212623 sw s2,12(sp) + 1f8: 7ff00613 li a2,2047 + 1fc: fffffeb7 lui t4,0xfffff + 200: dcce8e93 addi t4,t4,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 204: 01d629b3 slt s3,a2,t4 + 208: 01312823 sw s3,16(sp) + 20c: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 210: e4408093 addi ra,ra,-444 # 2050 + 214: 00000593 li a1,0 + 218: 80000e37 lui t3,0x80000 + 21c: 01c5aa33 slt s4,a1,t3 + 220: 0140a023 sw s4,0(ra) + 224: 00001537 lui a0,0x1 + 228: 80050513 addi a0,a0,-2048 # 800 + 22c: 00001db7 lui s11,0x1 + 230: 234d8d93 addi s11,s11,564 # 1234 + 234: 01b52ab3 slt s5,a0,s11 + 238: 0150a223 sw s5,4(ra) + 23c: 076544b7 lui s1,0x7654 + 240: 32148493 addi s1,s1,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 244: fff00d13 li s10,-1 + 248: 01a4ab33 slt s6,s1,s10 + 24c: 0160a423 sw s6,8(ra) + 250: 80000437 lui s0,0x80000 + 254: fff40413 addi s0,s0,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 258: 00100c93 li s9,1 + 25c: 01942bb3 slt s7,s0,s9 + 260: 0170a623 sw s7,12(ra) + 264: 00100393 li t2,1 + 268: 80000c37 lui s8,0x80000 + 26c: fffc0c13 addi s8,s8,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 270: 0183ac33 slt s8,t2,s8 + 274: 0180a823 sw s8,16(ra) + 278: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 27c: dec08093 addi ra,ra,-532 # 2064 + 280: fff00313 li t1,-1 + 284: 07654bb7 lui s7,0x7654 + 288: 321b8b93 addi s7,s7,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 28c: 01732cb3 slt s9,t1,s7 + 290: 0190a023 sw s9,0(ra) + 294: 000012b7 lui t0,0x1 + 298: 23428293 addi t0,t0,564 # 1234 + 29c: 00001b37 lui s6,0x1 + 2a0: 800b0b13 addi s6,s6,-2048 # 800 + 2a4: 0162ad33 slt s10,t0,s6 + 2a8: 01a0a223 sw s10,4(ra) + 2ac: 80000237 lui tp,0x80000 + 2b0: 00000a93 li s5,0 + 2b4: 01522db3 slt s11,tp,s5 + 2b8: 01b0a423 sw s11,8(ra) + 2bc: fffff1b7 lui gp,0xfffff + 2c0: dcc18193 addi gp,gp,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 2c4: 7ff00a13 li s4,2047 + 2c8: 0141ae33 slt t3,gp,s4 + 2cc: 01c0a623 sw t3,12(ra) + 2d0: fff00113 li sp,-1 + 2d4: fff00993 li s3,-1 + 2d8: 01312eb3 slt t4,sp,s3 + 2dc: 01d0a823 sw t4,16(ra) + 2e0: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 2e4: d9810113 addi sp,sp,-616 # 2078 + 2e8: 80100093 li ra,-2047 + 2ec: 00100913 li s2,1 + 2f0: 0120af33 slt t5,ra,s2 + 2f4: 01e12023 sw t5,0(sp) + 2f8: 00000013 nop + 2fc: 00000893 li a7,0 + 300: 01102fb3 sgtz t6,a7 + 304: 01f12223 sw t6,4(sp) + 308: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 30c: cf828293 addi t0,t0,-776 # 2000 + 310: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 314: 00830313 addi t1,t1,8 # 10000008 <_end+0xfffde04> + 318: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 31c: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 320: d7428293 addi t0,t0,-652 # 2090 + 324: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 328: 00c30313 addi t1,t1,12 # 1000000c <_end+0xfffde08> + 32c: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 330: 00100293 li t0,1 + 334: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 338: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 33c: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 340: 00000013 nop + 344: 00100193 li gp,1 + 348: 00000073 ecall + +0000034c : + 34c: c0001073 unimp + ... + +Disassembly of section .tohost: + +00001000 : + ... + +00001100 : + ... + +Disassembly of section .data: + +00002000 : + 2000: ffff 0xffff + 2002: ffff 0xffff + 2004: ffff 0xffff + 2006: ffff 0xffff + 2008: ffff 0xffff + 200a: ffff 0xffff + 200c: ffff 0xffff + 200e: ffff 0xffff + 2010: ffff 0xffff + 2012: ffff 0xffff + +00002014 : + 2014: ffff 0xffff + 2016: ffff 0xffff + 2018: ffff 0xffff + 201a: ffff 0xffff + 201c: ffff 0xffff + 201e: ffff 0xffff + 2020: ffff 0xffff + 2022: ffff 0xffff + 2024: ffff 0xffff + 2026: ffff 0xffff + +00002028 : + 2028: ffff 0xffff + 202a: ffff 0xffff + 202c: ffff 0xffff + 202e: ffff 0xffff + 2030: ffff 0xffff + 2032: ffff 0xffff + 2034: ffff 0xffff + 2036: ffff 0xffff + 2038: ffff 0xffff + 203a: ffff 0xffff + +0000203c : + 203c: ffff 0xffff + 203e: ffff 0xffff + 2040: ffff 0xffff + 2042: ffff 0xffff + 2044: ffff 0xffff + 2046: ffff 0xffff + 2048: ffff 0xffff + 204a: ffff 0xffff + 204c: ffff 0xffff + 204e: ffff 0xffff + +00002050 : + 2050: ffff 0xffff + 2052: ffff 0xffff + 2054: ffff 0xffff + 2056: ffff 0xffff + 2058: ffff 0xffff + 205a: ffff 0xffff + 205c: ffff 0xffff + 205e: ffff 0xffff + 2060: ffff 0xffff + 2062: ffff 0xffff + +00002064 : + 2064: ffff 0xffff + 2066: ffff 0xffff + 2068: ffff 0xffff + 206a: ffff 0xffff + 206c: ffff 0xffff + 206e: ffff 0xffff + 2070: ffff 0xffff + 2072: ffff 0xffff + 2074: ffff 0xffff + 2076: ffff 0xffff + +00002078 : + 2078: ffff 0xffff + 207a: ffff 0xffff + 207c: ffff 0xffff + 207e: ffff 0xffff + 2080: ffff 0xffff + 2082: ffff 0xffff + 2084: ffff 0xffff + 2086: ffff 0xffff + 2088: ffff 0xffff + 208a: ffff 0xffff + 208c: 0000 unimp + ... + +00002090 : + ... + +00002100 : + 2100: 0080 addi s0,sp,64 + ... + +00002200 : + 2200: 0004 0x4 + ... diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLTI-01.elf b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLTI-01.elf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d8f3230 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLTI-01.elf differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLTI-01.elf.bin b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLTI-01.elf.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5ffee9f Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLTI-01.elf.bin differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLTI-01.elf.objdump b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLTI-01.elf.objdump new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1dbb56c --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLTI-01.elf.objdump @@ -0,0 +1,297 @@ + +D:/gitee/open/tinyriscv/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLTI-01.elf: file format elf32-littleriscv + + +Disassembly of section .text.init: + +00000000 <_start>: + 0: 04c0006f j 4c + +00000004 : + 4: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 8: 00800f93 li t6,8 + c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,40 + 10: 00900f93 li t6,9 + 14: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,40 + 18: 00b00f93 li t6,11 + 1c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,40 + 20: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0 + 24: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start> + 28: 000f0463 beqz t5,30 + 2c: 000f0067 jr t5 + 30: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 34: 000f5463 bgez t5,3c + 38: 0040006f j 3c + +0000003c : + 3c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337 + +00000040 : + 40: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1 + 44: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 1000 + 48: ff9ff06f j 40 + +0000004c : + 4c: 00000193 li gp,0 + 50: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 54: fb428293 addi t0,t0,-76 # 4 + 58: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 + 5c: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0 + 60: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 64: 02028293 addi t0,t0,32 # 80 + 68: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0 + 6c: 00000293 li t0,0 + 70: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 74: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 78: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 7c: 30200073 mret + +00000080 : + 80: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 84: f8028293 addi t0,t0,-128 # 2000 + 88: fff00f93 li t6,-1 + 8c: 000fa013 slti zero,t6,0 + 90: 0002a023 sw zero,0(t0) + 94: 00100f13 li t5,1 + 98: 801f2093 slti ra,t5,-2047 + 9c: 0012a223 sw ra,4(t0) + a0: 00000e93 li t4,0 + a4: fffea113 slti sp,t4,-1 + a8: 0022a423 sw sp,8(t0) + ac: 7ff00e13 li t3,2047 + b0: 800e2193 slti gp,t3,-2048 + b4: 0032a623 sw gp,12(t0) + b8: 00000d93 li s11,0 + bc: 800da213 slti tp,s11,-2048 + c0: 0042a823 sw tp,16(t0) + c4: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + c8: f5008093 addi ra,ra,-176 # 2014 + cc: 00001d37 lui s10,0x1 + d0: 800d0d13 addi s10,s10,-2048 # 800 + d4: 800d2293 slti t0,s10,-2048 + d8: 0050a023 sw t0,0(ra) + dc: 07654cb7 lui s9,0x7654 + e0: 321c8c93 addi s9,s9,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + e4: 800ca313 slti t1,s9,-2048 + e8: 0060a223 sw t1,4(ra) + ec: 80000c37 lui s8,0x80000 + f0: fffc0c13 addi s8,s8,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + f4: 001c2393 slti t2,s8,1 + f8: 0070a423 sw t2,8(ra) + fc: 00100b93 li s7,1 + 100: 800ba413 slti s0,s7,-2048 + 104: 0080a623 sw s0,12(ra) + 108: fff00b13 li s6,-1 + 10c: 800b2493 slti s1,s6,-2048 + 110: 0090a823 sw s1,16(ra) + 114: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 118: f1408093 addi ra,ra,-236 # 2028 + 11c: 00001ab7 lui s5,0x1 + 120: 234a8a93 addi s5,s5,564 # 1234 + 124: 800aa513 slti a0,s5,-2048 + 128: 00a0a023 sw a0,0(ra) + 12c: 80000a37 lui s4,0x80000 + 130: 000a2593 slti a1,s4,0 + 134: 00b0a223 sw a1,4(ra) + 138: fffff9b7 lui s3,0xfffff + 13c: dcc98993 addi s3,s3,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 140: 7ff9a613 slti a2,s3,2047 + 144: 00c0a423 sw a2,8(ra) + 148: fff00913 li s2,-1 + 14c: fff92693 slti a3,s2,-1 + 150: 00d0a623 sw a3,12(ra) + 154: 80100893 li a7,-2047 + 158: 0018a713 slti a4,a7,1 + 15c: 00e0a823 sw a4,16(ra) + 160: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 164: edc10113 addi sp,sp,-292 # 203c + 168: 00000813 li a6,0 + 16c: 00082793 slti a5,a6,0 + 170: 00f12023 sw a5,0(sp) + 174: fff00793 li a5,-1 + 178: 0007a813 slti a6,a5,0 + 17c: 01012223 sw a6,4(sp) + 180: 00100713 li a4,1 + 184: 80172893 slti a7,a4,-2047 + 188: 01112423 sw a7,8(sp) + 18c: 00000693 li a3,0 + 190: fff6a913 slti s2,a3,-1 + 194: 01212623 sw s2,12(sp) + 198: 7ff00613 li a2,2047 + 19c: 80062993 slti s3,a2,-2048 + 1a0: 01312823 sw s3,16(sp) + 1a4: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 1a8: eac08093 addi ra,ra,-340 # 2050 + 1ac: 00000593 li a1,0 + 1b0: 8005aa13 slti s4,a1,-2048 + 1b4: 0140a023 sw s4,0(ra) + 1b8: 00001537 lui a0,0x1 + 1bc: 80050513 addi a0,a0,-2048 # 800 + 1c0: 80052a93 slti s5,a0,-2048 + 1c4: 0150a223 sw s5,4(ra) + 1c8: 076544b7 lui s1,0x7654 + 1cc: 32148493 addi s1,s1,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 1d0: 8004ab13 slti s6,s1,-2048 + 1d4: 0160a423 sw s6,8(ra) + 1d8: 80000437 lui s0,0x80000 + 1dc: fff40413 addi s0,s0,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1e0: 00142b93 slti s7,s0,1 + 1e4: 0170a623 sw s7,12(ra) + 1e8: 00100393 li t2,1 + 1ec: 8003ac13 slti s8,t2,-2048 + 1f0: 0180a823 sw s8,16(ra) + 1f4: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 1f8: e7008093 addi ra,ra,-400 # 2064 + 1fc: fff00313 li t1,-1 + 200: 80032c93 slti s9,t1,-2048 + 204: 0190a023 sw s9,0(ra) + 208: 000012b7 lui t0,0x1 + 20c: 23428293 addi t0,t0,564 # 1234 + 210: 8002ad13 slti s10,t0,-2048 + 214: 01a0a223 sw s10,4(ra) + 218: 80000237 lui tp,0x80000 + 21c: 00022d93 slti s11,tp,0 + 220: 01b0a423 sw s11,8(ra) + 224: fffff1b7 lui gp,0xfffff + 228: dcc18193 addi gp,gp,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 22c: 7ff1ae13 slti t3,gp,2047 + 230: 01c0a623 sw t3,12(ra) + 234: fff00113 li sp,-1 + 238: fff12e93 slti t4,sp,-1 + 23c: 01d0a823 sw t4,16(ra) + 240: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 244: e3810113 addi sp,sp,-456 # 2078 + 248: 80100093 li ra,-2047 + 24c: 0010af13 slti t5,ra,1 + 250: 01e12023 sw t5,0(sp) + 254: 00000013 nop + 258: 00002f93 slti t6,zero,0 + 25c: 01f12223 sw t6,4(sp) + 260: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 264: da028293 addi t0,t0,-608 # 2000 + 268: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 26c: 00830313 addi t1,t1,8 # 10000008 <_end+0xfffde04> + 270: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 274: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 278: e1c28293 addi t0,t0,-484 # 2090 + 27c: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 280: 00c30313 addi t1,t1,12 # 1000000c <_end+0xfffde08> + 284: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 288: 00100293 li t0,1 + 28c: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 290: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 294: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 298: 00000013 nop + 29c: 00100193 li gp,1 + 2a0: 00000073 ecall + +000002a4 : + 2a4: c0001073 unimp + ... + +Disassembly of section .tohost: + +00001000 : + ... + +00001100 : + ... + +Disassembly of section .data: + +00002000 : + 2000: ffff 0xffff + 2002: ffff 0xffff + 2004: ffff 0xffff + 2006: ffff 0xffff + 2008: ffff 0xffff + 200a: ffff 0xffff + 200c: ffff 0xffff + 200e: ffff 0xffff + 2010: ffff 0xffff + 2012: ffff 0xffff + +00002014 : + 2014: ffff 0xffff + 2016: ffff 0xffff + 2018: ffff 0xffff + 201a: ffff 0xffff + 201c: ffff 0xffff + 201e: ffff 0xffff + 2020: ffff 0xffff + 2022: ffff 0xffff + 2024: ffff 0xffff + 2026: ffff 0xffff + +00002028 : + 2028: ffff 0xffff + 202a: ffff 0xffff + 202c: ffff 0xffff + 202e: ffff 0xffff + 2030: ffff 0xffff + 2032: ffff 0xffff + 2034: ffff 0xffff + 2036: ffff 0xffff + 2038: ffff 0xffff + 203a: ffff 0xffff + +0000203c : + 203c: ffff 0xffff + 203e: ffff 0xffff + 2040: ffff 0xffff + 2042: ffff 0xffff + 2044: ffff 0xffff + 2046: ffff 0xffff + 2048: ffff 0xffff + 204a: ffff 0xffff + 204c: ffff 0xffff + 204e: ffff 0xffff + +00002050 : + 2050: ffff 0xffff + 2052: ffff 0xffff + 2054: ffff 0xffff + 2056: ffff 0xffff + 2058: ffff 0xffff + 205a: ffff 0xffff + 205c: ffff 0xffff + 205e: ffff 0xffff + 2060: ffff 0xffff + 2062: ffff 0xffff + +00002064 : + 2064: ffff 0xffff + 2066: ffff 0xffff + 2068: ffff 0xffff + 206a: ffff 0xffff + 206c: ffff 0xffff + 206e: ffff 0xffff + 2070: ffff 0xffff + 2072: ffff 0xffff + 2074: ffff 0xffff + 2076: ffff 0xffff + +00002078 : + 2078: ffff 0xffff + 207a: ffff 0xffff + 207c: ffff 0xffff + 207e: ffff 0xffff + 2080: ffff 0xffff + 2082: ffff 0xffff + 2084: ffff 0xffff + 2086: ffff 0xffff + 2088: ffff 0xffff + 208a: ffff 0xffff + 208c: 0000 unimp + ... + +00002090 : + ... + +00002100 : + 2100: 0080 addi s0,sp,64 + ... + +00002200 : + 2200: 0004 0x4 + ... diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLTIU-01.elf b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLTIU-01.elf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e351260 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLTIU-01.elf differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLTIU-01.elf.bin b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLTIU-01.elf.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8c5fa09 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLTIU-01.elf.bin differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLTIU-01.elf.objdump b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLTIU-01.elf.objdump new file mode 100644 index 0000000..737c723 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLTIU-01.elf.objdump @@ -0,0 +1,297 @@ + +D:/gitee/open/tinyriscv/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLTIU-01.elf: file format elf32-littleriscv + + +Disassembly of section .text.init: + +00000000 <_start>: + 0: 04c0006f j 4c + +00000004 : + 4: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 8: 00800f93 li t6,8 + c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,40 + 10: 00900f93 li t6,9 + 14: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,40 + 18: 00b00f93 li t6,11 + 1c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,40 + 20: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0 + 24: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start> + 28: 000f0463 beqz t5,30 + 2c: 000f0067 jr t5 + 30: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 34: 000f5463 bgez t5,3c + 38: 0040006f j 3c + +0000003c : + 3c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337 + +00000040 : + 40: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1 + 44: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 1000 + 48: ff9ff06f j 40 + +0000004c : + 4c: 00000193 li gp,0 + 50: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 54: fb428293 addi t0,t0,-76 # 4 + 58: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 + 5c: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0 + 60: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 64: 02028293 addi t0,t0,32 # 80 + 68: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0 + 6c: 00000293 li t0,0 + 70: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 74: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 78: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 7c: 30200073 mret + +00000080 : + 80: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 84: f8028293 addi t0,t0,-128 # 2000 + 88: fff00f93 li t6,-1 + 8c: 000fb013 sltiu zero,t6,0 + 90: 0002a023 sw zero,0(t0) + 94: 00100f13 li t5,1 + 98: 801f3093 sltiu ra,t5,-2047 + 9c: 0012a223 sw ra,4(t0) + a0: 00000e93 li t4,0 + a4: fffeb113 sltiu sp,t4,-1 + a8: 0022a423 sw sp,8(t0) + ac: 7ff00e13 li t3,2047 + b0: 800e3193 sltiu gp,t3,-2048 + b4: 0032a623 sw gp,12(t0) + b8: 00000d93 li s11,0 + bc: 800db213 sltiu tp,s11,-2048 + c0: 0042a823 sw tp,16(t0) + c4: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + c8: f5008093 addi ra,ra,-176 # 2014 + cc: 00001d37 lui s10,0x1 + d0: 800d0d13 addi s10,s10,-2048 # 800 + d4: 800d3293 sltiu t0,s10,-2048 + d8: 0050a023 sw t0,0(ra) + dc: 07654cb7 lui s9,0x7654 + e0: 321c8c93 addi s9,s9,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + e4: 800cb313 sltiu t1,s9,-2048 + e8: 0060a223 sw t1,4(ra) + ec: 80000c37 lui s8,0x80000 + f0: fffc0c13 addi s8,s8,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + f4: 001c3393 seqz t2,s8 + f8: 0070a423 sw t2,8(ra) + fc: 00100b93 li s7,1 + 100: 800bb413 sltiu s0,s7,-2048 + 104: 0080a623 sw s0,12(ra) + 108: fff00b13 li s6,-1 + 10c: 800b3493 sltiu s1,s6,-2048 + 110: 0090a823 sw s1,16(ra) + 114: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 118: f1408093 addi ra,ra,-236 # 2028 + 11c: 00001ab7 lui s5,0x1 + 120: 234a8a93 addi s5,s5,564 # 1234 + 124: 800ab513 sltiu a0,s5,-2048 + 128: 00a0a023 sw a0,0(ra) + 12c: 80000a37 lui s4,0x80000 + 130: 000a3593 sltiu a1,s4,0 + 134: 00b0a223 sw a1,4(ra) + 138: fffff9b7 lui s3,0xfffff + 13c: dcc98993 addi s3,s3,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 140: 7ff9b613 sltiu a2,s3,2047 + 144: 00c0a423 sw a2,8(ra) + 148: fff00913 li s2,-1 + 14c: fff93693 sltiu a3,s2,-1 + 150: 00d0a623 sw a3,12(ra) + 154: 80100893 li a7,-2047 + 158: 0018b713 seqz a4,a7 + 15c: 00e0a823 sw a4,16(ra) + 160: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 164: edc10113 addi sp,sp,-292 # 203c + 168: 00000813 li a6,0 + 16c: 00083793 sltiu a5,a6,0 + 170: 00f12023 sw a5,0(sp) + 174: fff00793 li a5,-1 + 178: 0007b813 sltiu a6,a5,0 + 17c: 01012223 sw a6,4(sp) + 180: 00100713 li a4,1 + 184: 80173893 sltiu a7,a4,-2047 + 188: 01112423 sw a7,8(sp) + 18c: 00000693 li a3,0 + 190: fff6b913 sltiu s2,a3,-1 + 194: 01212623 sw s2,12(sp) + 198: 7ff00613 li a2,2047 + 19c: 80063993 sltiu s3,a2,-2048 + 1a0: 01312823 sw s3,16(sp) + 1a4: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 1a8: eac08093 addi ra,ra,-340 # 2050 + 1ac: 00000593 li a1,0 + 1b0: 8005ba13 sltiu s4,a1,-2048 + 1b4: 0140a023 sw s4,0(ra) + 1b8: 00001537 lui a0,0x1 + 1bc: 80050513 addi a0,a0,-2048 # 800 + 1c0: 80053a93 sltiu s5,a0,-2048 + 1c4: 0150a223 sw s5,4(ra) + 1c8: 076544b7 lui s1,0x7654 + 1cc: 32148493 addi s1,s1,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 1d0: 8004bb13 sltiu s6,s1,-2048 + 1d4: 0160a423 sw s6,8(ra) + 1d8: 80000437 lui s0,0x80000 + 1dc: fff40413 addi s0,s0,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1e0: 00143b93 seqz s7,s0 + 1e4: 0170a623 sw s7,12(ra) + 1e8: 00100393 li t2,1 + 1ec: 8003bc13 sltiu s8,t2,-2048 + 1f0: 0180a823 sw s8,16(ra) + 1f4: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 1f8: e7008093 addi ra,ra,-400 # 2064 + 1fc: fff00313 li t1,-1 + 200: 80033c93 sltiu s9,t1,-2048 + 204: 0190a023 sw s9,0(ra) + 208: 000012b7 lui t0,0x1 + 20c: 23428293 addi t0,t0,564 # 1234 + 210: 8002bd13 sltiu s10,t0,-2048 + 214: 01a0a223 sw s10,4(ra) + 218: 80000237 lui tp,0x80000 + 21c: 00023d93 sltiu s11,tp,0 + 220: 01b0a423 sw s11,8(ra) + 224: fffff1b7 lui gp,0xfffff + 228: dcc18193 addi gp,gp,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 22c: 7ff1be13 sltiu t3,gp,2047 + 230: 01c0a623 sw t3,12(ra) + 234: fff00113 li sp,-1 + 238: fff13e93 sltiu t4,sp,-1 + 23c: 01d0a823 sw t4,16(ra) + 240: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 244: e3810113 addi sp,sp,-456 # 2078 + 248: 80100093 li ra,-2047 + 24c: 0010bf13 seqz t5,ra + 250: 01e12023 sw t5,0(sp) + 254: 00000013 nop + 258: 00003f93 sltiu t6,zero,0 + 25c: 01f12223 sw t6,4(sp) + 260: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 264: da028293 addi t0,t0,-608 # 2000 + 268: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 26c: 00830313 addi t1,t1,8 # 10000008 <_end+0xfffde04> + 270: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 274: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 278: e1c28293 addi t0,t0,-484 # 2090 + 27c: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 280: 00c30313 addi t1,t1,12 # 1000000c <_end+0xfffde08> + 284: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 288: 00100293 li t0,1 + 28c: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 290: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 294: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 298: 00000013 nop + 29c: 00100193 li gp,1 + 2a0: 00000073 ecall + +000002a4 : + 2a4: c0001073 unimp + ... + +Disassembly of section .tohost: + +00001000 : + ... + +00001100 : + ... + +Disassembly of section .data: + +00002000 : + 2000: ffff 0xffff + 2002: ffff 0xffff + 2004: ffff 0xffff + 2006: ffff 0xffff + 2008: ffff 0xffff + 200a: ffff 0xffff + 200c: ffff 0xffff + 200e: ffff 0xffff + 2010: ffff 0xffff + 2012: ffff 0xffff + +00002014 : + 2014: ffff 0xffff + 2016: ffff 0xffff + 2018: ffff 0xffff + 201a: ffff 0xffff + 201c: ffff 0xffff + 201e: ffff 0xffff + 2020: ffff 0xffff + 2022: ffff 0xffff + 2024: ffff 0xffff + 2026: ffff 0xffff + +00002028 : + 2028: ffff 0xffff + 202a: ffff 0xffff + 202c: ffff 0xffff + 202e: ffff 0xffff + 2030: ffff 0xffff + 2032: ffff 0xffff + 2034: ffff 0xffff + 2036: ffff 0xffff + 2038: ffff 0xffff + 203a: ffff 0xffff + +0000203c : + 203c: ffff 0xffff + 203e: ffff 0xffff + 2040: ffff 0xffff + 2042: ffff 0xffff + 2044: ffff 0xffff + 2046: ffff 0xffff + 2048: ffff 0xffff + 204a: ffff 0xffff + 204c: ffff 0xffff + 204e: ffff 0xffff + +00002050 : + 2050: ffff 0xffff + 2052: ffff 0xffff + 2054: ffff 0xffff + 2056: ffff 0xffff + 2058: ffff 0xffff + 205a: ffff 0xffff + 205c: ffff 0xffff + 205e: ffff 0xffff + 2060: ffff 0xffff + 2062: ffff 0xffff + +00002064 : + 2064: ffff 0xffff + 2066: ffff 0xffff + 2068: ffff 0xffff + 206a: ffff 0xffff + 206c: ffff 0xffff + 206e: ffff 0xffff + 2070: ffff 0xffff + 2072: ffff 0xffff + 2074: ffff 0xffff + 2076: ffff 0xffff + +00002078 : + 2078: ffff 0xffff + 207a: ffff 0xffff + 207c: ffff 0xffff + 207e: ffff 0xffff + 2080: ffff 0xffff + 2082: ffff 0xffff + 2084: ffff 0xffff + 2086: ffff 0xffff + 2088: ffff 0xffff + 208a: ffff 0xffff + 208c: 0000 unimp + ... + +00002090 : + ... + +00002100 : + 2100: 0080 addi s0,sp,64 + ... + +00002200 : + 2200: 0004 0x4 + ... diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLTU-01.elf b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLTU-01.elf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9c0a672 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLTU-01.elf differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLTU-01.elf.bin b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLTU-01.elf.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ff2d3f7 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLTU-01.elf.bin differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLTU-01.elf.objdump b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLTU-01.elf.objdump new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e56927b --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLTU-01.elf.objdump @@ -0,0 +1,339 @@ + +D:/gitee/open/tinyriscv/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SLTU-01.elf: file format elf32-littleriscv + + +Disassembly of section .text.init: + +00000000 <_start>: + 0: 04c0006f j 4c + +00000004 : + 4: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 8: 00800f93 li t6,8 + c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,40 + 10: 00900f93 li t6,9 + 14: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,40 + 18: 00b00f93 li t6,11 + 1c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,40 + 20: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0 + 24: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start> + 28: 000f0463 beqz t5,30 + 2c: 000f0067 jr t5 + 30: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 34: 000f5463 bgez t5,3c + 38: 0040006f j 3c + +0000003c : + 3c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337 + +00000040 : + 40: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1 + 44: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 1000 + 48: ff9ff06f j 40 + +0000004c : + 4c: 00000193 li gp,0 + 50: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 54: fb428293 addi t0,t0,-76 # 4 + 58: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 + 5c: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0 + 60: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 64: 02028293 addi t0,t0,32 # 80 + 68: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0 + 6c: 00000293 li t0,0 + 70: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 74: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 78: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 7c: 30200073 mret + +00000080 : + 80: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 84: f8028293 addi t0,t0,-128 # 2000 + 88: fff00f93 li t6,-1 + 8c: 00000813 li a6,0 + 90: 010fb033 sltu zero,t6,a6 + 94: 0002a023 sw zero,0(t0) + 98: 00100f13 li t5,1 + 9c: 80100793 li a5,-2047 + a0: 00ff30b3 sltu ra,t5,a5 + a4: 0012a223 sw ra,4(t0) + a8: 00000e93 li t4,0 + ac: fff00713 li a4,-1 + b0: 00eeb133 sltu sp,t4,a4 + b4: 0022a423 sw sp,8(t0) + b8: 7ff00e13 li t3,2047 + bc: fffff6b7 lui a3,0xfffff + c0: dcc68693 addi a3,a3,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + c4: 00de31b3 sltu gp,t3,a3 + c8: 0032a623 sw gp,12(t0) + cc: 00000d93 li s11,0 + d0: 80000637 lui a2,0x80000 + d4: 00cdb233 sltu tp,s11,a2 + d8: 0042a823 sw tp,16(t0) + dc: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + e0: f3808093 addi ra,ra,-200 # 2014 + e4: 00001d37 lui s10,0x1 + e8: 800d0d13 addi s10,s10,-2048 # 800 + ec: 000015b7 lui a1,0x1 + f0: 23458593 addi a1,a1,564 # 1234 + f4: 00bd32b3 sltu t0,s10,a1 + f8: 0050a023 sw t0,0(ra) + fc: 07654cb7 lui s9,0x7654 + 100: 321c8c93 addi s9,s9,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 104: fff00513 li a0,-1 + 108: 00acb333 sltu t1,s9,a0 + 10c: 0060a223 sw t1,4(ra) + 110: 80000c37 lui s8,0x80000 + 114: fffc0c13 addi s8,s8,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 118: 00100493 li s1,1 + 11c: 009c33b3 sltu t2,s8,s1 + 120: 0070a423 sw t2,8(ra) + 124: 00100b93 li s7,1 + 128: 80000437 lui s0,0x80000 + 12c: fff40413 addi s0,s0,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 130: 008bb433 sltu s0,s7,s0 + 134: 0080a623 sw s0,12(ra) + 138: fff00b13 li s6,-1 + 13c: 076543b7 lui t2,0x7654 + 140: 32138393 addi t2,t2,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 144: 007b34b3 sltu s1,s6,t2 + 148: 0090a823 sw s1,16(ra) + 14c: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 150: edc08093 addi ra,ra,-292 # 2028 + 154: 00001ab7 lui s5,0x1 + 158: 234a8a93 addi s5,s5,564 # 1234 + 15c: 00001337 lui t1,0x1 + 160: 80030313 addi t1,t1,-2048 # 800 + 164: 006ab533 sltu a0,s5,t1 + 168: 00a0a023 sw a0,0(ra) + 16c: 80000a37 lui s4,0x80000 + 170: 00000293 li t0,0 + 174: 005a35b3 sltu a1,s4,t0 + 178: 00b0a223 sw a1,4(ra) + 17c: fffff9b7 lui s3,0xfffff + 180: dcc98993 addi s3,s3,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 184: 7ff00213 li tp,2047 + 188: 0049b633 sltu a2,s3,tp + 18c: 00c0a423 sw a2,8(ra) + 190: fff00913 li s2,-1 + 194: fff00193 li gp,-1 + 198: 003936b3 sltu a3,s2,gp + 19c: 00d0a623 sw a3,12(ra) + 1a0: 80100893 li a7,-2047 + 1a4: 00100113 li sp,1 + 1a8: 0028b733 sltu a4,a7,sp + 1ac: 00e0a823 sw a4,16(ra) + 1b0: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 1b4: e8c10113 addi sp,sp,-372 # 203c + 1b8: 00000813 li a6,0 + 1bc: 00000093 li ra,0 + 1c0: 001837b3 sltu a5,a6,ra + 1c4: 00f12023 sw a5,0(sp) + 1c8: fff00793 li a5,-1 + 1cc: 00000013 nop + 1d0: 0007b833 sltu a6,a5,zero + 1d4: 01012223 sw a6,4(sp) + 1d8: 00100713 li a4,1 + 1dc: 80100f93 li t6,-2047 + 1e0: 01f738b3 sltu a7,a4,t6 + 1e4: 01112423 sw a7,8(sp) + 1e8: 00000693 li a3,0 + 1ec: fff00f13 li t5,-1 + 1f0: 01e6b933 sltu s2,a3,t5 + 1f4: 01212623 sw s2,12(sp) + 1f8: 7ff00613 li a2,2047 + 1fc: fffffeb7 lui t4,0xfffff + 200: dcce8e93 addi t4,t4,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 204: 01d639b3 sltu s3,a2,t4 + 208: 01312823 sw s3,16(sp) + 20c: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 210: e4408093 addi ra,ra,-444 # 2050 + 214: 00000593 li a1,0 + 218: 80000e37 lui t3,0x80000 + 21c: 01c5ba33 sltu s4,a1,t3 + 220: 0140a023 sw s4,0(ra) + 224: 00001537 lui a0,0x1 + 228: 80050513 addi a0,a0,-2048 # 800 + 22c: 00001db7 lui s11,0x1 + 230: 234d8d93 addi s11,s11,564 # 1234 + 234: 01b53ab3 sltu s5,a0,s11 + 238: 0150a223 sw s5,4(ra) + 23c: 076544b7 lui s1,0x7654 + 240: 32148493 addi s1,s1,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 244: fff00d13 li s10,-1 + 248: 01a4bb33 sltu s6,s1,s10 + 24c: 0160a423 sw s6,8(ra) + 250: 80000437 lui s0,0x80000 + 254: fff40413 addi s0,s0,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 258: 00100c93 li s9,1 + 25c: 01943bb3 sltu s7,s0,s9 + 260: 0170a623 sw s7,12(ra) + 264: 00100393 li t2,1 + 268: 80000c37 lui s8,0x80000 + 26c: fffc0c13 addi s8,s8,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 270: 0183bc33 sltu s8,t2,s8 + 274: 0180a823 sw s8,16(ra) + 278: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 27c: dec08093 addi ra,ra,-532 # 2064 + 280: fff00313 li t1,-1 + 284: 07654bb7 lui s7,0x7654 + 288: 321b8b93 addi s7,s7,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 28c: 01733cb3 sltu s9,t1,s7 + 290: 0190a023 sw s9,0(ra) + 294: 000012b7 lui t0,0x1 + 298: 23428293 addi t0,t0,564 # 1234 + 29c: 00001b37 lui s6,0x1 + 2a0: 800b0b13 addi s6,s6,-2048 # 800 + 2a4: 0162bd33 sltu s10,t0,s6 + 2a8: 01a0a223 sw s10,4(ra) + 2ac: 80000237 lui tp,0x80000 + 2b0: 00000a93 li s5,0 + 2b4: 01523db3 sltu s11,tp,s5 + 2b8: 01b0a423 sw s11,8(ra) + 2bc: fffff1b7 lui gp,0xfffff + 2c0: dcc18193 addi gp,gp,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 2c4: 7ff00a13 li s4,2047 + 2c8: 0141be33 sltu t3,gp,s4 + 2cc: 01c0a623 sw t3,12(ra) + 2d0: fff00113 li sp,-1 + 2d4: fff00993 li s3,-1 + 2d8: 01313eb3 sltu t4,sp,s3 + 2dc: 01d0a823 sw t4,16(ra) + 2e0: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 2e4: d9810113 addi sp,sp,-616 # 2078 + 2e8: 80100093 li ra,-2047 + 2ec: 00100913 li s2,1 + 2f0: 0120bf33 sltu t5,ra,s2 + 2f4: 01e12023 sw t5,0(sp) + 2f8: 00000013 nop + 2fc: 00000893 li a7,0 + 300: 01103fb3 snez t6,a7 + 304: 01f12223 sw t6,4(sp) + 308: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 30c: cf828293 addi t0,t0,-776 # 2000 + 310: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 314: 00830313 addi t1,t1,8 # 10000008 <_end+0xfffde04> + 318: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 31c: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 320: d7428293 addi t0,t0,-652 # 2090 + 324: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 328: 00c30313 addi t1,t1,12 # 1000000c <_end+0xfffde08> + 32c: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 330: 00100293 li t0,1 + 334: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 338: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 33c: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 340: 00000013 nop + 344: 00100193 li gp,1 + 348: 00000073 ecall + +0000034c : + 34c: c0001073 unimp + ... + +Disassembly of section .tohost: + +00001000 : + ... + +00001100 : + ... + +Disassembly of section .data: + +00002000 : + 2000: ffff 0xffff + 2002: ffff 0xffff + 2004: ffff 0xffff + 2006: ffff 0xffff + 2008: ffff 0xffff + 200a: ffff 0xffff + 200c: ffff 0xffff + 200e: ffff 0xffff + 2010: ffff 0xffff + 2012: ffff 0xffff + +00002014 : + 2014: ffff 0xffff + 2016: ffff 0xffff + 2018: ffff 0xffff + 201a: ffff 0xffff + 201c: ffff 0xffff + 201e: ffff 0xffff + 2020: ffff 0xffff + 2022: ffff 0xffff + 2024: ffff 0xffff + 2026: ffff 0xffff + +00002028 : + 2028: ffff 0xffff + 202a: ffff 0xffff + 202c: ffff 0xffff + 202e: ffff 0xffff + 2030: ffff 0xffff + 2032: ffff 0xffff + 2034: ffff 0xffff + 2036: ffff 0xffff + 2038: ffff 0xffff + 203a: ffff 0xffff + +0000203c : + 203c: ffff 0xffff + 203e: ffff 0xffff + 2040: ffff 0xffff + 2042: ffff 0xffff + 2044: ffff 0xffff + 2046: ffff 0xffff + 2048: ffff 0xffff + 204a: ffff 0xffff + 204c: ffff 0xffff + 204e: ffff 0xffff + +00002050 : + 2050: ffff 0xffff + 2052: ffff 0xffff + 2054: ffff 0xffff + 2056: ffff 0xffff + 2058: ffff 0xffff + 205a: ffff 0xffff + 205c: ffff 0xffff + 205e: ffff 0xffff + 2060: ffff 0xffff + 2062: ffff 0xffff + +00002064 : + 2064: ffff 0xffff + 2066: ffff 0xffff + 2068: ffff 0xffff + 206a: ffff 0xffff + 206c: ffff 0xffff + 206e: ffff 0xffff + 2070: ffff 0xffff + 2072: ffff 0xffff + 2074: ffff 0xffff + 2076: ffff 0xffff + +00002078 : + 2078: ffff 0xffff + 207a: ffff 0xffff + 207c: ffff 0xffff + 207e: ffff 0xffff + 2080: ffff 0xffff + 2082: ffff 0xffff + 2084: ffff 0xffff + 2086: ffff 0xffff + 2088: ffff 0xffff + 208a: ffff 0xffff + 208c: 0000 unimp + ... + +00002090 : + ... + +00002100 : + 2100: 0080 addi s0,sp,64 + ... + +00002200 : + 2200: 0004 0x4 + ... diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SRA-01.elf b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SRA-01.elf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..61a1323 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SRA-01.elf differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SRA-01.elf.bin b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SRA-01.elf.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..43079ae Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SRA-01.elf.bin differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SRA-01.elf.objdump b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SRA-01.elf.objdump new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6fb83a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SRA-01.elf.objdump @@ -0,0 +1,329 @@ + +D:/gitee/open/tinyriscv/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SRA-01.elf: file format elf32-littleriscv + + +Disassembly of section .text.init: + +00000000 <_start>: + 0: 04c0006f j 4c + +00000004 : + 4: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 8: 00800f93 li t6,8 + c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,40 + 10: 00900f93 li t6,9 + 14: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,40 + 18: 00b00f93 li t6,11 + 1c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,40 + 20: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0 + 24: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start> + 28: 000f0463 beqz t5,30 + 2c: 000f0067 jr t5 + 30: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 34: 000f5463 bgez t5,3c + 38: 0040006f j 3c + +0000003c : + 3c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337 + +00000040 : + 40: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1 + 44: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 1000 + 48: ff9ff06f j 40 + +0000004c : + 4c: 00000193 li gp,0 + 50: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 54: fb428293 addi t0,t0,-76 # 4 + 58: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 + 5c: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0 + 60: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 64: 02028293 addi t0,t0,32 # 80 + 68: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0 + 6c: 00000293 li t0,0 + 70: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 74: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 78: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 7c: 30200073 mret + +00000080 : + 80: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 84: f8028293 addi t0,t0,-128 # 2000 + 88: fff00f93 li t6,-1 + 8c: 00000813 li a6,0 + 90: 410fd033 sra zero,t6,a6 + 94: 0002a023 sw zero,0(t0) + 98: 00100f13 li t5,1 + 9c: 00000793 li a5,0 + a0: 40ff50b3 sra ra,t5,a5 + a4: 0012a223 sw ra,4(t0) + a8: 00000e93 li t4,0 + ac: 00100713 li a4,1 + b0: 40eed133 sra sp,t4,a4 + b4: 0022a423 sw sp,8(t0) + b8: 7ff00e13 li t3,2047 + bc: 00400693 li a3,4 + c0: 40de51b3 sra gp,t3,a3 + c4: 0032a623 sw gp,12(t0) + c8: 00000d93 li s11,0 + cc: 00800613 li a2,8 + d0: 40cdd233 sra tp,s11,a2 + d4: 0042a823 sw tp,16(t0) + d8: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + dc: f3c08093 addi ra,ra,-196 # 2014 + e0: 00001d37 lui s10,0x1 + e4: 800d0d13 addi s10,s10,-2048 # 800 + e8: 01f00593 li a1,31 + ec: 40bd52b3 sra t0,s10,a1 + f0: 0050a023 sw t0,0(ra) + f4: 07654cb7 lui s9,0x7654 + f8: 321c8c93 addi s9,s9,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + fc: 01000513 li a0,16 + 100: 40acd333 sra t1,s9,a0 + 104: 0060a223 sw t1,4(ra) + 108: 80000c37 lui s8,0x80000 + 10c: fffc0c13 addi s8,s8,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 110: 00100493 li s1,1 + 114: 409c53b3 sra t2,s8,s1 + 118: 0070a423 sw t2,8(ra) + 11c: 00100b93 li s7,1 + 120: 00000413 li s0,0 + 124: 408bd433 sra s0,s7,s0 + 128: 0080a623 sw s0,12(ra) + 12c: fff00b13 li s6,-1 + 130: 00000393 li t2,0 + 134: 407b54b3 sra s1,s6,t2 + 138: 0090a823 sw s1,16(ra) + 13c: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 140: eec08093 addi ra,ra,-276 # 2028 + 144: 00001ab7 lui s5,0x1 + 148: 234a8a93 addi s5,s5,564 # 1234 + 14c: 00100313 li t1,1 + 150: 406ad533 sra a0,s5,t1 + 154: 00a0a023 sw a0,0(ra) + 158: 80000a37 lui s4,0x80000 + 15c: 00400293 li t0,4 + 160: 405a55b3 sra a1,s4,t0 + 164: 00b0a223 sw a1,4(ra) + 168: fffff9b7 lui s3,0xfffff + 16c: dcc98993 addi s3,s3,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 170: 00800213 li tp,8 + 174: 4049d633 sra a2,s3,tp + 178: 00c0a423 sw a2,8(ra) + 17c: fff00913 li s2,-1 + 180: 01f00193 li gp,31 + 184: 403956b3 sra a3,s2,gp + 188: 00d0a623 sw a3,12(ra) + 18c: 80100893 li a7,-2047 + 190: 01000113 li sp,16 + 194: 4028d733 sra a4,a7,sp + 198: 00e0a823 sw a4,16(ra) + 19c: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 1a0: ea010113 addi sp,sp,-352 # 203c + 1a4: 00000813 li a6,0 + 1a8: 00100093 li ra,1 + 1ac: 401857b3 sra a5,a6,ra + 1b0: 00f12023 sw a5,0(sp) + 1b4: fff00793 li a5,-1 + 1b8: 00000013 nop + 1bc: 4007d833 sra a6,a5,zero + 1c0: 01012223 sw a6,4(sp) + 1c4: 00100713 li a4,1 + 1c8: 00000f93 li t6,0 + 1cc: 41f758b3 sra a7,a4,t6 + 1d0: 01112423 sw a7,8(sp) + 1d4: 00000693 li a3,0 + 1d8: 00100f13 li t5,1 + 1dc: 41e6d933 sra s2,a3,t5 + 1e0: 01212623 sw s2,12(sp) + 1e4: 7ff00613 li a2,2047 + 1e8: 00400e93 li t4,4 + 1ec: 41d659b3 sra s3,a2,t4 + 1f0: 01312823 sw s3,16(sp) + 1f4: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 1f8: e5c08093 addi ra,ra,-420 # 2050 + 1fc: 00000593 li a1,0 + 200: 00800e13 li t3,8 + 204: 41c5da33 sra s4,a1,t3 + 208: 0140a023 sw s4,0(ra) + 20c: 00001537 lui a0,0x1 + 210: 80050513 addi a0,a0,-2048 # 800 + 214: 01f00d93 li s11,31 + 218: 41b55ab3 sra s5,a0,s11 + 21c: 0150a223 sw s5,4(ra) + 220: 076544b7 lui s1,0x7654 + 224: 32148493 addi s1,s1,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 228: 01000d13 li s10,16 + 22c: 41a4db33 sra s6,s1,s10 + 230: 0160a423 sw s6,8(ra) + 234: 80000437 lui s0,0x80000 + 238: fff40413 addi s0,s0,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 23c: 00100c93 li s9,1 + 240: 41945bb3 sra s7,s0,s9 + 244: 0170a623 sw s7,12(ra) + 248: 00100393 li t2,1 + 24c: 00000c13 li s8,0 + 250: 4183dc33 sra s8,t2,s8 + 254: 0180a823 sw s8,16(ra) + 258: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 25c: e0c08093 addi ra,ra,-500 # 2064 + 260: fff00313 li t1,-1 + 264: 00000b93 li s7,0 + 268: 41735cb3 sra s9,t1,s7 + 26c: 0190a023 sw s9,0(ra) + 270: 000012b7 lui t0,0x1 + 274: 23428293 addi t0,t0,564 # 1234 + 278: 00100b13 li s6,1 + 27c: 4162dd33 sra s10,t0,s6 + 280: 01a0a223 sw s10,4(ra) + 284: 80000237 lui tp,0x80000 + 288: 00400a93 li s5,4 + 28c: 41525db3 sra s11,tp,s5 + 290: 01b0a423 sw s11,8(ra) + 294: fffff1b7 lui gp,0xfffff + 298: dcc18193 addi gp,gp,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 29c: 00800a13 li s4,8 + 2a0: 4141de33 sra t3,gp,s4 + 2a4: 01c0a623 sw t3,12(ra) + 2a8: fff00113 li sp,-1 + 2ac: 01f00993 li s3,31 + 2b0: 41315eb3 sra t4,sp,s3 + 2b4: 01d0a823 sw t4,16(ra) + 2b8: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 2bc: dc010113 addi sp,sp,-576 # 2078 + 2c0: 80100093 li ra,-2047 + 2c4: 01000913 li s2,16 + 2c8: 4120df33 sra t5,ra,s2 + 2cc: 01e12023 sw t5,0(sp) + 2d0: 00000013 nop + 2d4: 00100893 li a7,1 + 2d8: 41105fb3 sra t6,zero,a7 + 2dc: 01f12223 sw t6,4(sp) + 2e0: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 2e4: d2028293 addi t0,t0,-736 # 2000 + 2e8: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 2ec: 00830313 addi t1,t1,8 # 10000008 <_end+0xfffde04> + 2f0: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 2f4: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 2f8: d9c28293 addi t0,t0,-612 # 2090 + 2fc: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 300: 00c30313 addi t1,t1,12 # 1000000c <_end+0xfffde08> + 304: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 308: 00100293 li t0,1 + 30c: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 310: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 314: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 318: 00000013 nop + 31c: 00100193 li gp,1 + 320: 00000073 ecall + +00000324 : + 324: c0001073 unimp + ... + +Disassembly of section .tohost: + +00001000 : + ... + +00001100 : + ... + +Disassembly of section .data: + +00002000 : + 2000: ffff 0xffff + 2002: ffff 0xffff + 2004: ffff 0xffff + 2006: ffff 0xffff + 2008: ffff 0xffff + 200a: ffff 0xffff + 200c: ffff 0xffff + 200e: ffff 0xffff + 2010: ffff 0xffff + 2012: ffff 0xffff + +00002014 : + 2014: ffff 0xffff + 2016: ffff 0xffff + 2018: ffff 0xffff + 201a: ffff 0xffff + 201c: ffff 0xffff + 201e: ffff 0xffff + 2020: ffff 0xffff + 2022: ffff 0xffff + 2024: ffff 0xffff + 2026: ffff 0xffff + +00002028 : + 2028: ffff 0xffff + 202a: ffff 0xffff + 202c: ffff 0xffff + 202e: ffff 0xffff + 2030: ffff 0xffff + 2032: ffff 0xffff + 2034: ffff 0xffff + 2036: ffff 0xffff + 2038: ffff 0xffff + 203a: ffff 0xffff + +0000203c : + 203c: ffff 0xffff + 203e: ffff 0xffff + 2040: ffff 0xffff + 2042: ffff 0xffff + 2044: ffff 0xffff + 2046: ffff 0xffff + 2048: ffff 0xffff + 204a: ffff 0xffff + 204c: ffff 0xffff + 204e: ffff 0xffff + +00002050 : + 2050: ffff 0xffff + 2052: ffff 0xffff + 2054: ffff 0xffff + 2056: ffff 0xffff + 2058: ffff 0xffff + 205a: ffff 0xffff + 205c: ffff 0xffff + 205e: ffff 0xffff + 2060: ffff 0xffff + 2062: ffff 0xffff + +00002064 : + 2064: ffff 0xffff + 2066: ffff 0xffff + 2068: ffff 0xffff + 206a: ffff 0xffff + 206c: ffff 0xffff + 206e: ffff 0xffff + 2070: ffff 0xffff + 2072: ffff 0xffff + 2074: ffff 0xffff + 2076: ffff 0xffff + +00002078 : + 2078: ffff 0xffff + 207a: ffff 0xffff + 207c: ffff 0xffff + 207e: ffff 0xffff + 2080: ffff 0xffff + 2082: ffff 0xffff + 2084: ffff 0xffff + 2086: ffff 0xffff + 2088: ffff 0xffff + 208a: ffff 0xffff + 208c: 0000 unimp + ... + +00002090 : + ... + +00002100 : + 2100: 0080 addi s0,sp,64 + ... + +00002200 : + 2200: 0004 0x4 + ... diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SRAI-01.elf b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SRAI-01.elf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..23b0fed Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SRAI-01.elf differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SRAI-01.elf.bin b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SRAI-01.elf.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..55da1ff Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SRAI-01.elf.bin differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SRAI-01.elf.objdump b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SRAI-01.elf.objdump new file mode 100644 index 0000000..827fa15 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SRAI-01.elf.objdump @@ -0,0 +1,297 @@ + +D:/gitee/open/tinyriscv/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SRAI-01.elf: file format elf32-littleriscv + + +Disassembly of section .text.init: + +00000000 <_start>: + 0: 04c0006f j 4c + +00000004 : + 4: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 8: 00800f93 li t6,8 + c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,40 + 10: 00900f93 li t6,9 + 14: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,40 + 18: 00b00f93 li t6,11 + 1c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,40 + 20: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0 + 24: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start> + 28: 000f0463 beqz t5,30 + 2c: 000f0067 jr t5 + 30: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 34: 000f5463 bgez t5,3c + 38: 0040006f j 3c + +0000003c : + 3c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337 + +00000040 : + 40: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1 + 44: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 1000 + 48: ff9ff06f j 40 + +0000004c : + 4c: 00000193 li gp,0 + 50: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 54: fb428293 addi t0,t0,-76 # 4 + 58: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 + 5c: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0 + 60: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 64: 02028293 addi t0,t0,32 # 80 + 68: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0 + 6c: 00000293 li t0,0 + 70: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 74: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 78: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 7c: 30200073 mret + +00000080 : + 80: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 84: f8028293 addi t0,t0,-128 # 2000 + 88: fff00f93 li t6,-1 + 8c: 400fd013 srai zero,t6,0x0 + 90: 0002a023 sw zero,0(t0) + 94: 00100f13 li t5,1 + 98: 400f5093 srai ra,t5,0x0 + 9c: 0012a223 sw ra,4(t0) + a0: 00000e93 li t4,0 + a4: 401ed113 srai sp,t4,0x1 + a8: 0022a423 sw sp,8(t0) + ac: 7ff00e13 li t3,2047 + b0: 404e5193 srai gp,t3,0x4 + b4: 0032a623 sw gp,12(t0) + b8: 00000d93 li s11,0 + bc: 408dd213 srai tp,s11,0x8 + c0: 0042a823 sw tp,16(t0) + c4: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + c8: f5008093 addi ra,ra,-176 # 2014 + cc: 00001d37 lui s10,0x1 + d0: 800d0d13 addi s10,s10,-2048 # 800 + d4: 41fd5293 srai t0,s10,0x1f + d8: 0050a023 sw t0,0(ra) + dc: 07654cb7 lui s9,0x7654 + e0: 321c8c93 addi s9,s9,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + e4: 410cd313 srai t1,s9,0x10 + e8: 0060a223 sw t1,4(ra) + ec: 80000c37 lui s8,0x80000 + f0: fffc0c13 addi s8,s8,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + f4: 401c5393 srai t2,s8,0x1 + f8: 0070a423 sw t2,8(ra) + fc: 00100b93 li s7,1 + 100: 400bd413 srai s0,s7,0x0 + 104: 0080a623 sw s0,12(ra) + 108: fff00b13 li s6,-1 + 10c: 400b5493 srai s1,s6,0x0 + 110: 0090a823 sw s1,16(ra) + 114: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 118: f1408093 addi ra,ra,-236 # 2028 + 11c: 00001ab7 lui s5,0x1 + 120: 234a8a93 addi s5,s5,564 # 1234 + 124: 401ad513 srai a0,s5,0x1 + 128: 00a0a023 sw a0,0(ra) + 12c: 80000a37 lui s4,0x80000 + 130: 404a5593 srai a1,s4,0x4 + 134: 00b0a223 sw a1,4(ra) + 138: fffff9b7 lui s3,0xfffff + 13c: dcc98993 addi s3,s3,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 140: 4089d613 srai a2,s3,0x8 + 144: 00c0a423 sw a2,8(ra) + 148: fff00913 li s2,-1 + 14c: 41f95693 srai a3,s2,0x1f + 150: 00d0a623 sw a3,12(ra) + 154: 80100893 li a7,-2047 + 158: 4108d713 srai a4,a7,0x10 + 15c: 00e0a823 sw a4,16(ra) + 160: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 164: edc10113 addi sp,sp,-292 # 203c + 168: 00000813 li a6,0 + 16c: 40185793 srai a5,a6,0x1 + 170: 00f12023 sw a5,0(sp) + 174: fff00793 li a5,-1 + 178: 4007d813 srai a6,a5,0x0 + 17c: 01012223 sw a6,4(sp) + 180: 00100713 li a4,1 + 184: 40075893 srai a7,a4,0x0 + 188: 01112423 sw a7,8(sp) + 18c: 00000693 li a3,0 + 190: 4016d913 srai s2,a3,0x1 + 194: 01212623 sw s2,12(sp) + 198: 7ff00613 li a2,2047 + 19c: 40465993 srai s3,a2,0x4 + 1a0: 01312823 sw s3,16(sp) + 1a4: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 1a8: eac08093 addi ra,ra,-340 # 2050 + 1ac: 00000593 li a1,0 + 1b0: 4085da13 srai s4,a1,0x8 + 1b4: 0140a023 sw s4,0(ra) + 1b8: 00001537 lui a0,0x1 + 1bc: 80050513 addi a0,a0,-2048 # 800 + 1c0: 41f55a93 srai s5,a0,0x1f + 1c4: 0150a223 sw s5,4(ra) + 1c8: 076544b7 lui s1,0x7654 + 1cc: 32148493 addi s1,s1,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 1d0: 4104db13 srai s6,s1,0x10 + 1d4: 0160a423 sw s6,8(ra) + 1d8: 80000437 lui s0,0x80000 + 1dc: fff40413 addi s0,s0,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1e0: 40145b93 srai s7,s0,0x1 + 1e4: 0170a623 sw s7,12(ra) + 1e8: 00100393 li t2,1 + 1ec: 4003dc13 srai s8,t2,0x0 + 1f0: 0180a823 sw s8,16(ra) + 1f4: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 1f8: e7008093 addi ra,ra,-400 # 2064 + 1fc: fff00313 li t1,-1 + 200: 40035c93 srai s9,t1,0x0 + 204: 0190a023 sw s9,0(ra) + 208: 000012b7 lui t0,0x1 + 20c: 23428293 addi t0,t0,564 # 1234 + 210: 4012dd13 srai s10,t0,0x1 + 214: 01a0a223 sw s10,4(ra) + 218: 80000237 lui tp,0x80000 + 21c: 40425d93 srai s11,tp,0x4 + 220: 01b0a423 sw s11,8(ra) + 224: fffff1b7 lui gp,0xfffff + 228: dcc18193 addi gp,gp,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 22c: 4081de13 srai t3,gp,0x8 + 230: 01c0a623 sw t3,12(ra) + 234: fff00113 li sp,-1 + 238: 41f15e93 srai t4,sp,0x1f + 23c: 01d0a823 sw t4,16(ra) + 240: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 244: e3810113 addi sp,sp,-456 # 2078 + 248: 80100093 li ra,-2047 + 24c: 4100df13 srai t5,ra,0x10 + 250: 01e12023 sw t5,0(sp) + 254: 00000013 nop + 258: 40105f93 srai t6,zero,0x1 + 25c: 01f12223 sw t6,4(sp) + 260: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 264: da028293 addi t0,t0,-608 # 2000 + 268: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 26c: 00830313 addi t1,t1,8 # 10000008 <_end+0xfffde04> + 270: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 274: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 278: e1c28293 addi t0,t0,-484 # 2090 + 27c: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 280: 00c30313 addi t1,t1,12 # 1000000c <_end+0xfffde08> + 284: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 288: 00100293 li t0,1 + 28c: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 290: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 294: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 298: 00000013 nop + 29c: 00100193 li gp,1 + 2a0: 00000073 ecall + +000002a4 : + 2a4: c0001073 unimp + ... + +Disassembly of section .tohost: + +00001000 : + ... + +00001100 : + ... + +Disassembly of section .data: + +00002000 : + 2000: ffff 0xffff + 2002: ffff 0xffff + 2004: ffff 0xffff + 2006: ffff 0xffff + 2008: ffff 0xffff + 200a: ffff 0xffff + 200c: ffff 0xffff + 200e: ffff 0xffff + 2010: ffff 0xffff + 2012: ffff 0xffff + +00002014 : + 2014: ffff 0xffff + 2016: ffff 0xffff + 2018: ffff 0xffff + 201a: ffff 0xffff + 201c: ffff 0xffff + 201e: ffff 0xffff + 2020: ffff 0xffff + 2022: ffff 0xffff + 2024: ffff 0xffff + 2026: ffff 0xffff + +00002028 : + 2028: ffff 0xffff + 202a: ffff 0xffff + 202c: ffff 0xffff + 202e: ffff 0xffff + 2030: ffff 0xffff + 2032: ffff 0xffff + 2034: ffff 0xffff + 2036: ffff 0xffff + 2038: ffff 0xffff + 203a: ffff 0xffff + +0000203c : + 203c: ffff 0xffff + 203e: ffff 0xffff + 2040: ffff 0xffff + 2042: ffff 0xffff + 2044: ffff 0xffff + 2046: ffff 0xffff + 2048: ffff 0xffff + 204a: ffff 0xffff + 204c: ffff 0xffff + 204e: ffff 0xffff + +00002050 : + 2050: ffff 0xffff + 2052: ffff 0xffff + 2054: ffff 0xffff + 2056: ffff 0xffff + 2058: ffff 0xffff + 205a: ffff 0xffff + 205c: ffff 0xffff + 205e: ffff 0xffff + 2060: ffff 0xffff + 2062: ffff 0xffff + +00002064 : + 2064: ffff 0xffff + 2066: ffff 0xffff + 2068: ffff 0xffff + 206a: ffff 0xffff + 206c: ffff 0xffff + 206e: ffff 0xffff + 2070: ffff 0xffff + 2072: ffff 0xffff + 2074: ffff 0xffff + 2076: ffff 0xffff + +00002078 : + 2078: ffff 0xffff + 207a: ffff 0xffff + 207c: ffff 0xffff + 207e: ffff 0xffff + 2080: ffff 0xffff + 2082: ffff 0xffff + 2084: ffff 0xffff + 2086: ffff 0xffff + 2088: ffff 0xffff + 208a: ffff 0xffff + 208c: 0000 unimp + ... + +00002090 : + ... + +00002100 : + 2100: 0080 addi s0,sp,64 + ... + +00002200 : + 2200: 0004 0x4 + ... diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SRL-01.elf b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SRL-01.elf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..88fc19c Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SRL-01.elf differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SRL-01.elf.bin b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SRL-01.elf.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6cdcea2 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SRL-01.elf.bin differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SRL-01.elf.objdump b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SRL-01.elf.objdump new file mode 100644 index 0000000..11337fd --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SRL-01.elf.objdump @@ -0,0 +1,329 @@ + +D:/gitee/open/tinyriscv/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SRL-01.elf: file format elf32-littleriscv + + +Disassembly of section .text.init: + +00000000 <_start>: + 0: 04c0006f j 4c + +00000004 : + 4: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 8: 00800f93 li t6,8 + c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,40 + 10: 00900f93 li t6,9 + 14: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,40 + 18: 00b00f93 li t6,11 + 1c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,40 + 20: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0 + 24: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start> + 28: 000f0463 beqz t5,30 + 2c: 000f0067 jr t5 + 30: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 34: 000f5463 bgez t5,3c + 38: 0040006f j 3c + +0000003c : + 3c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337 + +00000040 : + 40: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1 + 44: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 1000 + 48: ff9ff06f j 40 + +0000004c : + 4c: 00000193 li gp,0 + 50: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 54: fb428293 addi t0,t0,-76 # 4 + 58: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 + 5c: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0 + 60: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 64: 02028293 addi t0,t0,32 # 80 + 68: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0 + 6c: 00000293 li t0,0 + 70: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 74: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 78: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 7c: 30200073 mret + +00000080 : + 80: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 84: f8028293 addi t0,t0,-128 # 2000 + 88: fff00f93 li t6,-1 + 8c: 00000813 li a6,0 + 90: 010fd033 srl zero,t6,a6 + 94: 0002a023 sw zero,0(t0) + 98: 00100f13 li t5,1 + 9c: 00000793 li a5,0 + a0: 00ff50b3 srl ra,t5,a5 + a4: 0012a223 sw ra,4(t0) + a8: 00000e93 li t4,0 + ac: 00100713 li a4,1 + b0: 00eed133 srl sp,t4,a4 + b4: 0022a423 sw sp,8(t0) + b8: 7ff00e13 li t3,2047 + bc: 00400693 li a3,4 + c0: 00de51b3 srl gp,t3,a3 + c4: 0032a623 sw gp,12(t0) + c8: 00000d93 li s11,0 + cc: 00800613 li a2,8 + d0: 00cdd233 srl tp,s11,a2 + d4: 0042a823 sw tp,16(t0) + d8: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + dc: f3c08093 addi ra,ra,-196 # 2014 + e0: 00001d37 lui s10,0x1 + e4: 800d0d13 addi s10,s10,-2048 # 800 + e8: 01f00593 li a1,31 + ec: 00bd52b3 srl t0,s10,a1 + f0: 0050a023 sw t0,0(ra) + f4: 07654cb7 lui s9,0x7654 + f8: 321c8c93 addi s9,s9,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + fc: 01000513 li a0,16 + 100: 00acd333 srl t1,s9,a0 + 104: 0060a223 sw t1,4(ra) + 108: 80000c37 lui s8,0x80000 + 10c: fffc0c13 addi s8,s8,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 110: 00100493 li s1,1 + 114: 009c53b3 srl t2,s8,s1 + 118: 0070a423 sw t2,8(ra) + 11c: 00100b93 li s7,1 + 120: 00000413 li s0,0 + 124: 008bd433 srl s0,s7,s0 + 128: 0080a623 sw s0,12(ra) + 12c: fff00b13 li s6,-1 + 130: 00000393 li t2,0 + 134: 007b54b3 srl s1,s6,t2 + 138: 0090a823 sw s1,16(ra) + 13c: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 140: eec08093 addi ra,ra,-276 # 2028 + 144: 00001ab7 lui s5,0x1 + 148: 234a8a93 addi s5,s5,564 # 1234 + 14c: 00100313 li t1,1 + 150: 006ad533 srl a0,s5,t1 + 154: 00a0a023 sw a0,0(ra) + 158: 80000a37 lui s4,0x80000 + 15c: 00400293 li t0,4 + 160: 005a55b3 srl a1,s4,t0 + 164: 00b0a223 sw a1,4(ra) + 168: fffff9b7 lui s3,0xfffff + 16c: dcc98993 addi s3,s3,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 170: 00800213 li tp,8 + 174: 0049d633 srl a2,s3,tp + 178: 00c0a423 sw a2,8(ra) + 17c: fff00913 li s2,-1 + 180: 01f00193 li gp,31 + 184: 003956b3 srl a3,s2,gp + 188: 00d0a623 sw a3,12(ra) + 18c: 80100893 li a7,-2047 + 190: 01000113 li sp,16 + 194: 0028d733 srl a4,a7,sp + 198: 00e0a823 sw a4,16(ra) + 19c: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 1a0: ea010113 addi sp,sp,-352 # 203c + 1a4: 00000813 li a6,0 + 1a8: 00100093 li ra,1 + 1ac: 001857b3 srl a5,a6,ra + 1b0: 00f12023 sw a5,0(sp) + 1b4: fff00793 li a5,-1 + 1b8: 00000013 nop + 1bc: 0007d833 srl a6,a5,zero + 1c0: 01012223 sw a6,4(sp) + 1c4: 00100713 li a4,1 + 1c8: 00000f93 li t6,0 + 1cc: 01f758b3 srl a7,a4,t6 + 1d0: 01112423 sw a7,8(sp) + 1d4: 00000693 li a3,0 + 1d8: 00100f13 li t5,1 + 1dc: 01e6d933 srl s2,a3,t5 + 1e0: 01212623 sw s2,12(sp) + 1e4: 7ff00613 li a2,2047 + 1e8: 00400e93 li t4,4 + 1ec: 01d659b3 srl s3,a2,t4 + 1f0: 01312823 sw s3,16(sp) + 1f4: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 1f8: e5c08093 addi ra,ra,-420 # 2050 + 1fc: 00000593 li a1,0 + 200: 00800e13 li t3,8 + 204: 01c5da33 srl s4,a1,t3 + 208: 0140a023 sw s4,0(ra) + 20c: 00001537 lui a0,0x1 + 210: 80050513 addi a0,a0,-2048 # 800 + 214: 01f00d93 li s11,31 + 218: 01b55ab3 srl s5,a0,s11 + 21c: 0150a223 sw s5,4(ra) + 220: 076544b7 lui s1,0x7654 + 224: 32148493 addi s1,s1,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 228: 01000d13 li s10,16 + 22c: 01a4db33 srl s6,s1,s10 + 230: 0160a423 sw s6,8(ra) + 234: 80000437 lui s0,0x80000 + 238: fff40413 addi s0,s0,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 23c: 00100c93 li s9,1 + 240: 01945bb3 srl s7,s0,s9 + 244: 0170a623 sw s7,12(ra) + 248: 00100393 li t2,1 + 24c: 00000c13 li s8,0 + 250: 0183dc33 srl s8,t2,s8 + 254: 0180a823 sw s8,16(ra) + 258: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 25c: e0c08093 addi ra,ra,-500 # 2064 + 260: fff00313 li t1,-1 + 264: 00000b93 li s7,0 + 268: 01735cb3 srl s9,t1,s7 + 26c: 0190a023 sw s9,0(ra) + 270: 000012b7 lui t0,0x1 + 274: 23428293 addi t0,t0,564 # 1234 + 278: 00100b13 li s6,1 + 27c: 0162dd33 srl s10,t0,s6 + 280: 01a0a223 sw s10,4(ra) + 284: 80000237 lui tp,0x80000 + 288: 00400a93 li s5,4 + 28c: 01525db3 srl s11,tp,s5 + 290: 01b0a423 sw s11,8(ra) + 294: fffff1b7 lui gp,0xfffff + 298: dcc18193 addi gp,gp,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 29c: 00800a13 li s4,8 + 2a0: 0141de33 srl t3,gp,s4 + 2a4: 01c0a623 sw t3,12(ra) + 2a8: fff00113 li sp,-1 + 2ac: 01f00993 li s3,31 + 2b0: 01315eb3 srl t4,sp,s3 + 2b4: 01d0a823 sw t4,16(ra) + 2b8: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 2bc: dc010113 addi sp,sp,-576 # 2078 + 2c0: 80100093 li ra,-2047 + 2c4: 01000913 li s2,16 + 2c8: 0120df33 srl t5,ra,s2 + 2cc: 01e12023 sw t5,0(sp) + 2d0: 00000013 nop + 2d4: 00100893 li a7,1 + 2d8: 01105fb3 srl t6,zero,a7 + 2dc: 01f12223 sw t6,4(sp) + 2e0: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 2e4: d2028293 addi t0,t0,-736 # 2000 + 2e8: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 2ec: 00830313 addi t1,t1,8 # 10000008 <_end+0xfffde04> + 2f0: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 2f4: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 2f8: d9c28293 addi t0,t0,-612 # 2090 + 2fc: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 300: 00c30313 addi t1,t1,12 # 1000000c <_end+0xfffde08> + 304: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 308: 00100293 li t0,1 + 30c: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 310: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 314: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 318: 00000013 nop + 31c: 00100193 li gp,1 + 320: 00000073 ecall + +00000324 : + 324: c0001073 unimp + ... + +Disassembly of section .tohost: + +00001000 : + ... + +00001100 : + ... + +Disassembly of section .data: + +00002000 : + 2000: ffff 0xffff + 2002: ffff 0xffff + 2004: ffff 0xffff + 2006: ffff 0xffff + 2008: ffff 0xffff + 200a: ffff 0xffff + 200c: ffff 0xffff + 200e: ffff 0xffff + 2010: ffff 0xffff + 2012: ffff 0xffff + +00002014 : + 2014: ffff 0xffff + 2016: ffff 0xffff + 2018: ffff 0xffff + 201a: ffff 0xffff + 201c: ffff 0xffff + 201e: ffff 0xffff + 2020: ffff 0xffff + 2022: ffff 0xffff + 2024: ffff 0xffff + 2026: ffff 0xffff + +00002028 : + 2028: ffff 0xffff + 202a: ffff 0xffff + 202c: ffff 0xffff + 202e: ffff 0xffff + 2030: ffff 0xffff + 2032: ffff 0xffff + 2034: ffff 0xffff + 2036: ffff 0xffff + 2038: ffff 0xffff + 203a: ffff 0xffff + +0000203c : + 203c: ffff 0xffff + 203e: ffff 0xffff + 2040: ffff 0xffff + 2042: ffff 0xffff + 2044: ffff 0xffff + 2046: ffff 0xffff + 2048: ffff 0xffff + 204a: ffff 0xffff + 204c: ffff 0xffff + 204e: ffff 0xffff + +00002050 : + 2050: ffff 0xffff + 2052: ffff 0xffff + 2054: ffff 0xffff + 2056: ffff 0xffff + 2058: ffff 0xffff + 205a: ffff 0xffff + 205c: ffff 0xffff + 205e: ffff 0xffff + 2060: ffff 0xffff + 2062: ffff 0xffff + +00002064 : + 2064: ffff 0xffff + 2066: ffff 0xffff + 2068: ffff 0xffff + 206a: ffff 0xffff + 206c: ffff 0xffff + 206e: ffff 0xffff + 2070: ffff 0xffff + 2072: ffff 0xffff + 2074: ffff 0xffff + 2076: ffff 0xffff + +00002078 : + 2078: ffff 0xffff + 207a: ffff 0xffff + 207c: ffff 0xffff + 207e: ffff 0xffff + 2080: ffff 0xffff + 2082: ffff 0xffff + 2084: ffff 0xffff + 2086: ffff 0xffff + 2088: ffff 0xffff + 208a: ffff 0xffff + 208c: 0000 unimp + ... + +00002090 : + ... + +00002100 : + 2100: 0080 addi s0,sp,64 + ... + +00002200 : + 2200: 0004 0x4 + ... diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SRLI-01.elf b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SRLI-01.elf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..53e9db1 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SRLI-01.elf differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SRLI-01.elf.bin b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SRLI-01.elf.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..25e32f5 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SRLI-01.elf.bin differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SRLI-01.elf.objdump b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SRLI-01.elf.objdump new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e8a49c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SRLI-01.elf.objdump @@ -0,0 +1,297 @@ + +D:/gitee/open/tinyriscv/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SRLI-01.elf: file format elf32-littleriscv + + +Disassembly of section .text.init: + +00000000 <_start>: + 0: 04c0006f j 4c + +00000004 : + 4: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 8: 00800f93 li t6,8 + c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,40 + 10: 00900f93 li t6,9 + 14: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,40 + 18: 00b00f93 li t6,11 + 1c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,40 + 20: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0 + 24: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start> + 28: 000f0463 beqz t5,30 + 2c: 000f0067 jr t5 + 30: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 34: 000f5463 bgez t5,3c + 38: 0040006f j 3c + +0000003c : + 3c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337 + +00000040 : + 40: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1 + 44: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 1000 + 48: ff9ff06f j 40 + +0000004c : + 4c: 00000193 li gp,0 + 50: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 54: fb428293 addi t0,t0,-76 # 4 + 58: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 + 5c: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0 + 60: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 64: 02028293 addi t0,t0,32 # 80 + 68: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0 + 6c: 00000293 li t0,0 + 70: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 74: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 78: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 7c: 30200073 mret + +00000080 : + 80: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 84: f8028293 addi t0,t0,-128 # 2000 + 88: fff00f93 li t6,-1 + 8c: 000fd013 srli zero,t6,0x0 + 90: 0002a023 sw zero,0(t0) + 94: 00100f13 li t5,1 + 98: 000f5093 srli ra,t5,0x0 + 9c: 0012a223 sw ra,4(t0) + a0: 00000e93 li t4,0 + a4: 001ed113 srli sp,t4,0x1 + a8: 0022a423 sw sp,8(t0) + ac: 7ff00e13 li t3,2047 + b0: 004e5193 srli gp,t3,0x4 + b4: 0032a623 sw gp,12(t0) + b8: 00000d93 li s11,0 + bc: 008dd213 srli tp,s11,0x8 + c0: 0042a823 sw tp,16(t0) + c4: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + c8: f5008093 addi ra,ra,-176 # 2014 + cc: 00001d37 lui s10,0x1 + d0: 800d0d13 addi s10,s10,-2048 # 800 + d4: 01fd5293 srli t0,s10,0x1f + d8: 0050a023 sw t0,0(ra) + dc: 07654cb7 lui s9,0x7654 + e0: 321c8c93 addi s9,s9,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + e4: 010cd313 srli t1,s9,0x10 + e8: 0060a223 sw t1,4(ra) + ec: 80000c37 lui s8,0x80000 + f0: fffc0c13 addi s8,s8,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + f4: 001c5393 srli t2,s8,0x1 + f8: 0070a423 sw t2,8(ra) + fc: 00100b93 li s7,1 + 100: 000bd413 srli s0,s7,0x0 + 104: 0080a623 sw s0,12(ra) + 108: fff00b13 li s6,-1 + 10c: 000b5493 srli s1,s6,0x0 + 110: 0090a823 sw s1,16(ra) + 114: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 118: f1408093 addi ra,ra,-236 # 2028 + 11c: 00001ab7 lui s5,0x1 + 120: 234a8a93 addi s5,s5,564 # 1234 + 124: 001ad513 srli a0,s5,0x1 + 128: 00a0a023 sw a0,0(ra) + 12c: 80000a37 lui s4,0x80000 + 130: 004a5593 srli a1,s4,0x4 + 134: 00b0a223 sw a1,4(ra) + 138: fffff9b7 lui s3,0xfffff + 13c: dcc98993 addi s3,s3,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 140: 0089d613 srli a2,s3,0x8 + 144: 00c0a423 sw a2,8(ra) + 148: fff00913 li s2,-1 + 14c: 01f95693 srli a3,s2,0x1f + 150: 00d0a623 sw a3,12(ra) + 154: 80100893 li a7,-2047 + 158: 0108d713 srli a4,a7,0x10 + 15c: 00e0a823 sw a4,16(ra) + 160: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 164: edc10113 addi sp,sp,-292 # 203c + 168: 00000813 li a6,0 + 16c: 00185793 srli a5,a6,0x1 + 170: 00f12023 sw a5,0(sp) + 174: fff00793 li a5,-1 + 178: 0007d813 srli a6,a5,0x0 + 17c: 01012223 sw a6,4(sp) + 180: 00100713 li a4,1 + 184: 00075893 srli a7,a4,0x0 + 188: 01112423 sw a7,8(sp) + 18c: 00000693 li a3,0 + 190: 0016d913 srli s2,a3,0x1 + 194: 01212623 sw s2,12(sp) + 198: 7ff00613 li a2,2047 + 19c: 00465993 srli s3,a2,0x4 + 1a0: 01312823 sw s3,16(sp) + 1a4: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 1a8: eac08093 addi ra,ra,-340 # 2050 + 1ac: 00000593 li a1,0 + 1b0: 0085da13 srli s4,a1,0x8 + 1b4: 0140a023 sw s4,0(ra) + 1b8: 00001537 lui a0,0x1 + 1bc: 80050513 addi a0,a0,-2048 # 800 + 1c0: 01f55a93 srli s5,a0,0x1f + 1c4: 0150a223 sw s5,4(ra) + 1c8: 076544b7 lui s1,0x7654 + 1cc: 32148493 addi s1,s1,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 1d0: 0104db13 srli s6,s1,0x10 + 1d4: 0160a423 sw s6,8(ra) + 1d8: 80000437 lui s0,0x80000 + 1dc: fff40413 addi s0,s0,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1e0: 00145b93 srli s7,s0,0x1 + 1e4: 0170a623 sw s7,12(ra) + 1e8: 00100393 li t2,1 + 1ec: 0003dc13 srli s8,t2,0x0 + 1f0: 0180a823 sw s8,16(ra) + 1f4: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 1f8: e7008093 addi ra,ra,-400 # 2064 + 1fc: fff00313 li t1,-1 + 200: 00035c93 srli s9,t1,0x0 + 204: 0190a023 sw s9,0(ra) + 208: 000012b7 lui t0,0x1 + 20c: 23428293 addi t0,t0,564 # 1234 + 210: 0012dd13 srli s10,t0,0x1 + 214: 01a0a223 sw s10,4(ra) + 218: 80000237 lui tp,0x80000 + 21c: 00425d93 srli s11,tp,0x4 + 220: 01b0a423 sw s11,8(ra) + 224: fffff1b7 lui gp,0xfffff + 228: dcc18193 addi gp,gp,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 22c: 0081de13 srli t3,gp,0x8 + 230: 01c0a623 sw t3,12(ra) + 234: fff00113 li sp,-1 + 238: 01f15e93 srli t4,sp,0x1f + 23c: 01d0a823 sw t4,16(ra) + 240: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 244: e3810113 addi sp,sp,-456 # 2078 + 248: 80100093 li ra,-2047 + 24c: 0100df13 srli t5,ra,0x10 + 250: 01e12023 sw t5,0(sp) + 254: 00000013 nop + 258: 00105f93 srli t6,zero,0x1 + 25c: 01f12223 sw t6,4(sp) + 260: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 264: da028293 addi t0,t0,-608 # 2000 + 268: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 26c: 00830313 addi t1,t1,8 # 10000008 <_end+0xfffde04> + 270: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 274: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 278: e1c28293 addi t0,t0,-484 # 2090 + 27c: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 280: 00c30313 addi t1,t1,12 # 1000000c <_end+0xfffde08> + 284: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 288: 00100293 li t0,1 + 28c: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 290: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 294: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 298: 00000013 nop + 29c: 00100193 li gp,1 + 2a0: 00000073 ecall + +000002a4 : + 2a4: c0001073 unimp + ... + +Disassembly of section .tohost: + +00001000 : + ... + +00001100 : + ... + +Disassembly of section .data: + +00002000 : + 2000: ffff 0xffff + 2002: ffff 0xffff + 2004: ffff 0xffff + 2006: ffff 0xffff + 2008: ffff 0xffff + 200a: ffff 0xffff + 200c: ffff 0xffff + 200e: ffff 0xffff + 2010: ffff 0xffff + 2012: ffff 0xffff + +00002014 : + 2014: ffff 0xffff + 2016: ffff 0xffff + 2018: ffff 0xffff + 201a: ffff 0xffff + 201c: ffff 0xffff + 201e: ffff 0xffff + 2020: ffff 0xffff + 2022: ffff 0xffff + 2024: ffff 0xffff + 2026: ffff 0xffff + +00002028 : + 2028: ffff 0xffff + 202a: ffff 0xffff + 202c: ffff 0xffff + 202e: ffff 0xffff + 2030: ffff 0xffff + 2032: ffff 0xffff + 2034: ffff 0xffff + 2036: ffff 0xffff + 2038: ffff 0xffff + 203a: ffff 0xffff + +0000203c : + 203c: ffff 0xffff + 203e: ffff 0xffff + 2040: ffff 0xffff + 2042: ffff 0xffff + 2044: ffff 0xffff + 2046: ffff 0xffff + 2048: ffff 0xffff + 204a: ffff 0xffff + 204c: ffff 0xffff + 204e: ffff 0xffff + +00002050 : + 2050: ffff 0xffff + 2052: ffff 0xffff + 2054: ffff 0xffff + 2056: ffff 0xffff + 2058: ffff 0xffff + 205a: ffff 0xffff + 205c: ffff 0xffff + 205e: ffff 0xffff + 2060: ffff 0xffff + 2062: ffff 0xffff + +00002064 : + 2064: ffff 0xffff + 2066: ffff 0xffff + 2068: ffff 0xffff + 206a: ffff 0xffff + 206c: ffff 0xffff + 206e: ffff 0xffff + 2070: ffff 0xffff + 2072: ffff 0xffff + 2074: ffff 0xffff + 2076: ffff 0xffff + +00002078 : + 2078: ffff 0xffff + 207a: ffff 0xffff + 207c: ffff 0xffff + 207e: ffff 0xffff + 2080: ffff 0xffff + 2082: ffff 0xffff + 2084: ffff 0xffff + 2086: ffff 0xffff + 2088: ffff 0xffff + 208a: ffff 0xffff + 208c: 0000 unimp + ... + +00002090 : + ... + +00002100 : + 2100: 0080 addi s0,sp,64 + ... + +00002200 : + 2200: 0004 0x4 + ... diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SUB-01.elf b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SUB-01.elf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4042f83 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SUB-01.elf differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SUB-01.elf.bin b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SUB-01.elf.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6958799 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SUB-01.elf.bin differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SUB-01.elf.objdump b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SUB-01.elf.objdump new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6406c5b --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SUB-01.elf.objdump @@ -0,0 +1,339 @@ + +D:/gitee/open/tinyriscv/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SUB-01.elf: file format elf32-littleriscv + + +Disassembly of section .text.init: + +00000000 <_start>: + 0: 04c0006f j 4c + +00000004 : + 4: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 8: 00800f93 li t6,8 + c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,40 + 10: 00900f93 li t6,9 + 14: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,40 + 18: 00b00f93 li t6,11 + 1c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,40 + 20: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0 + 24: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start> + 28: 000f0463 beqz t5,30 + 2c: 000f0067 jr t5 + 30: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 34: 000f5463 bgez t5,3c + 38: 0040006f j 3c + +0000003c : + 3c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337 + +00000040 : + 40: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1 + 44: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 1000 + 48: ff9ff06f j 40 + +0000004c : + 4c: 00000193 li gp,0 + 50: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 54: fb428293 addi t0,t0,-76 # 4 + 58: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 + 5c: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0 + 60: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 64: 02028293 addi t0,t0,32 # 80 + 68: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0 + 6c: 00000293 li t0,0 + 70: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 74: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 78: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 7c: 30200073 mret + +00000080 : + 80: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 84: f8028293 addi t0,t0,-128 # 2000 + 88: fff00f93 li t6,-1 + 8c: 00000813 li a6,0 + 90: 410f8033 sub zero,t6,a6 + 94: 0002a023 sw zero,0(t0) + 98: 00100f13 li t5,1 + 9c: 80100793 li a5,-2047 + a0: 40ff00b3 sub ra,t5,a5 + a4: 0012a223 sw ra,4(t0) + a8: 00000e93 li t4,0 + ac: fff00713 li a4,-1 + b0: 40ee8133 sub sp,t4,a4 + b4: 0022a423 sw sp,8(t0) + b8: 7ff00e13 li t3,2047 + bc: fffff6b7 lui a3,0xfffff + c0: dcc68693 addi a3,a3,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + c4: 40de01b3 sub gp,t3,a3 + c8: 0032a623 sw gp,12(t0) + cc: 00000d93 li s11,0 + d0: 80000637 lui a2,0x80000 + d4: 40cd8233 sub tp,s11,a2 + d8: 0042a823 sw tp,16(t0) + dc: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + e0: f3808093 addi ra,ra,-200 # 2014 + e4: 00001d37 lui s10,0x1 + e8: 800d0d13 addi s10,s10,-2048 # 800 + ec: 000015b7 lui a1,0x1 + f0: 23458593 addi a1,a1,564 # 1234 + f4: 40bd02b3 sub t0,s10,a1 + f8: 0050a023 sw t0,0(ra) + fc: 07654cb7 lui s9,0x7654 + 100: 321c8c93 addi s9,s9,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 104: fff00513 li a0,-1 + 108: 40ac8333 sub t1,s9,a0 + 10c: 0060a223 sw t1,4(ra) + 110: 80000c37 lui s8,0x80000 + 114: fffc0c13 addi s8,s8,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 118: 00100493 li s1,1 + 11c: 409c03b3 sub t2,s8,s1 + 120: 0070a423 sw t2,8(ra) + 124: 00100b93 li s7,1 + 128: 80000437 lui s0,0x80000 + 12c: fff40413 addi s0,s0,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 130: 408b8433 sub s0,s7,s0 + 134: 0080a623 sw s0,12(ra) + 138: fff00b13 li s6,-1 + 13c: 076543b7 lui t2,0x7654 + 140: 32138393 addi t2,t2,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 144: 407b04b3 sub s1,s6,t2 + 148: 0090a823 sw s1,16(ra) + 14c: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 150: edc08093 addi ra,ra,-292 # 2028 + 154: 00001ab7 lui s5,0x1 + 158: 234a8a93 addi s5,s5,564 # 1234 + 15c: 00001337 lui t1,0x1 + 160: 80030313 addi t1,t1,-2048 # 800 + 164: 406a8533 sub a0,s5,t1 + 168: 00a0a023 sw a0,0(ra) + 16c: 80000a37 lui s4,0x80000 + 170: 00000293 li t0,0 + 174: 405a05b3 sub a1,s4,t0 + 178: 00b0a223 sw a1,4(ra) + 17c: fffff9b7 lui s3,0xfffff + 180: dcc98993 addi s3,s3,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 184: 7ff00213 li tp,2047 + 188: 40498633 sub a2,s3,tp + 18c: 00c0a423 sw a2,8(ra) + 190: fff00913 li s2,-1 + 194: fff00193 li gp,-1 + 198: 403906b3 sub a3,s2,gp + 19c: 00d0a623 sw a3,12(ra) + 1a0: 80100893 li a7,-2047 + 1a4: 00100113 li sp,1 + 1a8: 40288733 sub a4,a7,sp + 1ac: 00e0a823 sw a4,16(ra) + 1b0: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 1b4: e8c10113 addi sp,sp,-372 # 203c + 1b8: 00000813 li a6,0 + 1bc: 00000093 li ra,0 + 1c0: 401807b3 sub a5,a6,ra + 1c4: 00f12023 sw a5,0(sp) + 1c8: fff00793 li a5,-1 + 1cc: 00000013 nop + 1d0: 40078833 sub a6,a5,zero + 1d4: 01012223 sw a6,4(sp) + 1d8: 00100713 li a4,1 + 1dc: 80100f93 li t6,-2047 + 1e0: 41f708b3 sub a7,a4,t6 + 1e4: 01112423 sw a7,8(sp) + 1e8: 00000693 li a3,0 + 1ec: fff00f13 li t5,-1 + 1f0: 41e68933 sub s2,a3,t5 + 1f4: 01212623 sw s2,12(sp) + 1f8: 7ff00613 li a2,2047 + 1fc: fffffeb7 lui t4,0xfffff + 200: dcce8e93 addi t4,t4,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 204: 41d609b3 sub s3,a2,t4 + 208: 01312823 sw s3,16(sp) + 20c: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 210: e4408093 addi ra,ra,-444 # 2050 + 214: 00000593 li a1,0 + 218: 80000e37 lui t3,0x80000 + 21c: 41c58a33 sub s4,a1,t3 + 220: 0140a023 sw s4,0(ra) + 224: 00001537 lui a0,0x1 + 228: 80050513 addi a0,a0,-2048 # 800 + 22c: 00001db7 lui s11,0x1 + 230: 234d8d93 addi s11,s11,564 # 1234 + 234: 41b50ab3 sub s5,a0,s11 + 238: 0150a223 sw s5,4(ra) + 23c: 076544b7 lui s1,0x7654 + 240: 32148493 addi s1,s1,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 244: fff00d13 li s10,-1 + 248: 41a48b33 sub s6,s1,s10 + 24c: 0160a423 sw s6,8(ra) + 250: 80000437 lui s0,0x80000 + 254: fff40413 addi s0,s0,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 258: 00100c93 li s9,1 + 25c: 41940bb3 sub s7,s0,s9 + 260: 0170a623 sw s7,12(ra) + 264: 00100393 li t2,1 + 268: 80000c37 lui s8,0x80000 + 26c: fffc0c13 addi s8,s8,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 270: 41838c33 sub s8,t2,s8 + 274: 0180a823 sw s8,16(ra) + 278: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 27c: dec08093 addi ra,ra,-532 # 2064 + 280: fff00313 li t1,-1 + 284: 07654bb7 lui s7,0x7654 + 288: 321b8b93 addi s7,s7,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 28c: 41730cb3 sub s9,t1,s7 + 290: 0190a023 sw s9,0(ra) + 294: 000012b7 lui t0,0x1 + 298: 23428293 addi t0,t0,564 # 1234 + 29c: 00001b37 lui s6,0x1 + 2a0: 800b0b13 addi s6,s6,-2048 # 800 + 2a4: 41628d33 sub s10,t0,s6 + 2a8: 01a0a223 sw s10,4(ra) + 2ac: 80000237 lui tp,0x80000 + 2b0: 00000a93 li s5,0 + 2b4: 41520db3 sub s11,tp,s5 + 2b8: 01b0a423 sw s11,8(ra) + 2bc: fffff1b7 lui gp,0xfffff + 2c0: dcc18193 addi gp,gp,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 2c4: 7ff00a13 li s4,2047 + 2c8: 41418e33 sub t3,gp,s4 + 2cc: 01c0a623 sw t3,12(ra) + 2d0: fff00113 li sp,-1 + 2d4: fff00993 li s3,-1 + 2d8: 41310eb3 sub t4,sp,s3 + 2dc: 01d0a823 sw t4,16(ra) + 2e0: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 2e4: d9810113 addi sp,sp,-616 # 2078 + 2e8: 80100093 li ra,-2047 + 2ec: 00100913 li s2,1 + 2f0: 41208f33 sub t5,ra,s2 + 2f4: 01e12023 sw t5,0(sp) + 2f8: 00000013 nop + 2fc: 00000893 li a7,0 + 300: 41100fb3 neg t6,a7 + 304: 01f12223 sw t6,4(sp) + 308: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 30c: cf828293 addi t0,t0,-776 # 2000 + 310: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 314: 00830313 addi t1,t1,8 # 10000008 <_end+0xfffde04> + 318: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 31c: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 320: d7428293 addi t0,t0,-652 # 2090 + 324: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 328: 00c30313 addi t1,t1,12 # 1000000c <_end+0xfffde08> + 32c: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 330: 00100293 li t0,1 + 334: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 338: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 33c: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 340: 00000013 nop + 344: 00100193 li gp,1 + 348: 00000073 ecall + +0000034c : + 34c: c0001073 unimp + ... + +Disassembly of section .tohost: + +00001000 : + ... + +00001100 : + ... + +Disassembly of section .data: + +00002000 : + 2000: ffff 0xffff + 2002: ffff 0xffff + 2004: ffff 0xffff + 2006: ffff 0xffff + 2008: ffff 0xffff + 200a: ffff 0xffff + 200c: ffff 0xffff + 200e: ffff 0xffff + 2010: ffff 0xffff + 2012: ffff 0xffff + +00002014 : + 2014: ffff 0xffff + 2016: ffff 0xffff + 2018: ffff 0xffff + 201a: ffff 0xffff + 201c: ffff 0xffff + 201e: ffff 0xffff + 2020: ffff 0xffff + 2022: ffff 0xffff + 2024: ffff 0xffff + 2026: ffff 0xffff + +00002028 : + 2028: ffff 0xffff + 202a: ffff 0xffff + 202c: ffff 0xffff + 202e: ffff 0xffff + 2030: ffff 0xffff + 2032: ffff 0xffff + 2034: ffff 0xffff + 2036: ffff 0xffff + 2038: ffff 0xffff + 203a: ffff 0xffff + +0000203c : + 203c: ffff 0xffff + 203e: ffff 0xffff + 2040: ffff 0xffff + 2042: ffff 0xffff + 2044: ffff 0xffff + 2046: ffff 0xffff + 2048: ffff 0xffff + 204a: ffff 0xffff + 204c: ffff 0xffff + 204e: ffff 0xffff + +00002050 : + 2050: ffff 0xffff + 2052: ffff 0xffff + 2054: ffff 0xffff + 2056: ffff 0xffff + 2058: ffff 0xffff + 205a: ffff 0xffff + 205c: ffff 0xffff + 205e: ffff 0xffff + 2060: ffff 0xffff + 2062: ffff 0xffff + +00002064 : + 2064: ffff 0xffff + 2066: ffff 0xffff + 2068: ffff 0xffff + 206a: ffff 0xffff + 206c: ffff 0xffff + 206e: ffff 0xffff + 2070: ffff 0xffff + 2072: ffff 0xffff + 2074: ffff 0xffff + 2076: ffff 0xffff + +00002078 : + 2078: ffff 0xffff + 207a: ffff 0xffff + 207c: ffff 0xffff + 207e: ffff 0xffff + 2080: ffff 0xffff + 2082: ffff 0xffff + 2084: ffff 0xffff + 2086: ffff 0xffff + 2088: ffff 0xffff + 208a: ffff 0xffff + 208c: 0000 unimp + ... + +00002090 : + ... + +00002100 : + 2100: 0080 addi s0,sp,64 + ... + +00002200 : + 2200: 0004 0x4 + ... diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SW-01.elf b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SW-01.elf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e557028 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SW-01.elf differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SW-01.elf.bin b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SW-01.elf.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8c52408 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SW-01.elf.bin differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SW-01.elf.objdump b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SW-01.elf.objdump new file mode 100644 index 0000000..77d765a --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SW-01.elf.objdump @@ -0,0 +1,393 @@ + +D:/gitee/open/tinyriscv/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-SW-01.elf: file format elf32-littleriscv + + +Disassembly of section .text.init: + +00000000 <_start>: + 0: 04c0006f j 4c + +00000004 : + 4: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 8: 00800f93 li t6,8 + c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,40 + 10: 00900f93 li t6,9 + 14: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,40 + 18: 00b00f93 li t6,11 + 1c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,40 + 20: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0 + 24: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start> + 28: 000f0463 beqz t5,30 + 2c: 000f0067 jr t5 + 30: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 34: 000f5463 bgez t5,3c + 38: 0040006f j 3c + +0000003c : + 3c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337 + +00000040 : + 40: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1 + 44: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 1000 + 48: ff9ff06f j 40 + +0000004c : + 4c: 00000193 li gp,0 + 50: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 54: fb428293 addi t0,t0,-76 # 4 + 58: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 + 5c: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0 + 60: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 64: 02028293 addi t0,t0,32 # 80 + 68: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0 + 6c: 00000293 li t0,0 + 70: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 74: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 78: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 7c: 30200073 mret + +00000080 : + 80: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 84: f8028293 addi t0,t0,-128 # 2000 + 88: 0002a023 sw zero,0(t0) + 8c: fff00813 li a6,-1 + 90: 00028f93 mv t6,t0 + 94: 7d0f8f93 addi t6,t6,2000 + 98: 830fa823 sw a6,-2000(t6) + 9c: 0002a383 lw t2,0(t0) + a0: 0002a223 sw zero,4(t0) + a4: 00100793 li a5,1 + a8: 00428f13 addi t5,t0,4 + ac: 000f0f13 mv t5,t5 + b0: 00ff2023 sw a5,0(t5) + b4: 0042a383 lw t2,4(t0) + b8: 0002a423 sw zero,8(t0) + bc: 00000713 li a4,0 + c0: 00828e93 addi t4,t0,8 + c4: 001e8e93 addi t4,t4,1 + c8: feeeafa3 sw a4,-1(t4) + cc: 0082a383 lw t2,8(t0) + d0: 0002a623 sw zero,12(t0) + d4: 7ff00693 li a3,2047 + d8: 00c28e13 addi t3,t0,12 + dc: 7d0e0e13 addi t3,t3,2000 + e0: 82de2823 sw a3,-2000(t3) + e4: 00c2a383 lw t2,12(t0) + e8: 0002a823 sw zero,16(t0) + ec: 00000613 li a2,0 + f0: 01028d93 addi s11,t0,16 + f4: 830d8d93 addi s11,s11,-2000 + f8: 7ccda823 sw a2,2000(s11) + fc: 0102a383 lw t2,16(t0) + 100: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 104: f1408093 addi ra,ra,-236 # 2014 + 108: 0000a023 sw zero,0(ra) + 10c: 000015b7 lui a1,0x1 + 110: 80058593 addi a1,a1,-2048 # 800 + 114: 00008d13 mv s10,ra + 118: 830d0d13 addi s10,s10,-2000 + 11c: 7cbd2823 sw a1,2000(s10) + 120: 0000a183 lw gp,0(ra) + 124: 0000a223 sw zero,4(ra) + 128: 07654537 lui a0,0x7654 + 12c: 32150513 addi a0,a0,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 130: 00408c93 addi s9,ra,4 + 134: 830c8c93 addi s9,s9,-2000 + 138: 7caca823 sw a0,2000(s9) + 13c: 0040a183 lw gp,4(ra) + 140: 0000a423 sw zero,8(ra) + 144: 800004b7 lui s1,0x80000 + 148: fff48493 addi s1,s1,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 14c: 00808c13 addi s8,ra,8 + 150: fffc0c13 addi s8,s8,-1 + 154: 009c20a3 sw s1,1(s8) + 158: 0080a183 lw gp,8(ra) + 15c: 0000a623 sw zero,12(ra) + 160: 00100413 li s0,1 + 164: 00c08b93 addi s7,ra,12 + 168: 830b8b93 addi s7,s7,-2000 + 16c: 7c8ba823 sw s0,2000(s7) + 170: 00c0a183 lw gp,12(ra) + 174: 0000a823 sw zero,16(ra) + 178: fff00393 li t2,-1 + 17c: 01008b13 addi s6,ra,16 + 180: 830b0b13 addi s6,s6,-2000 + 184: 7c7b2823 sw t2,2000(s6) + 188: 0100a183 lw gp,16(ra) + 18c: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 190: e9c08093 addi ra,ra,-356 # 2028 + 194: 0000a023 sw zero,0(ra) + 198: 00001337 lui t1,0x1 + 19c: 23430313 addi t1,t1,564 # 1234 + 1a0: 00008a93 mv s5,ra + 1a4: 830a8a93 addi s5,s5,-2000 + 1a8: 7c6aa823 sw t1,2000(s5) + 1ac: 0000a403 lw s0,0(ra) + 1b0: 0000a223 sw zero,4(ra) + 1b4: 800002b7 lui t0,0x80000 + 1b8: 00408a13 addi s4,ra,4 + 1bc: 000a0a13 mv s4,s4 + 1c0: 005a2023 sw t0,0(s4) + 1c4: 0040a403 lw s0,4(ra) + 1c8: 0000a423 sw zero,8(ra) + 1cc: fffff237 lui tp,0xfffff + 1d0: dcc20213 addi tp,tp,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 1d4: 00808993 addi s3,ra,8 + 1d8: 83098993 addi s3,s3,-2000 + 1dc: 7c49a823 sw tp,2000(s3) + 1e0: 0080a403 lw s0,8(ra) + 1e4: 0000a623 sw zero,12(ra) + 1e8: fff00193 li gp,-1 + 1ec: 00c08913 addi s2,ra,12 + 1f0: 00190913 addi s2,s2,1 + 1f4: fe392fa3 sw gp,-1(s2) + 1f8: 00c0a403 lw s0,12(ra) + 1fc: 0000a823 sw zero,16(ra) + 200: 80100113 li sp,-2047 + 204: 01008893 addi a7,ra,16 + 208: 00088893 mv a7,a7 + 20c: 0028a023 sw sp,0(a7) + 210: 0100a403 lw s0,16(ra) + 214: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 218: e2810113 addi sp,sp,-472 # 203c + 21c: 00012023 sw zero,0(sp) + 220: ffe00093 li ra,-2 + 224: 00010813 mv a6,sp + 228: fff80813 addi a6,a6,-1 + 22c: 001820a3 sw ra,1(a6) + 230: 00012203 lw tp,0(sp) + 234: 00012223 sw zero,4(sp) + 238: fff00013 li zero,-1 + 23c: 00410793 addi a5,sp,4 + 240: 7d078793 addi a5,a5,2000 + 244: 8207a823 sw zero,-2000(a5) + 248: 00412203 lw tp,4(sp) + 24c: 00012423 sw zero,8(sp) + 250: 00100f93 li t6,1 + 254: 00810713 addi a4,sp,8 + 258: 00070713 mv a4,a4 + 25c: 01f72023 sw t6,0(a4) + 260: 00812203 lw tp,8(sp) + 264: 00012623 sw zero,12(sp) + 268: 00000f13 li t5,0 + 26c: 00c10693 addi a3,sp,12 + 270: 00168693 addi a3,a3,1 + 274: ffe6afa3 sw t5,-1(a3) + 278: 00c12203 lw tp,12(sp) + 27c: 00012823 sw zero,16(sp) + 280: 7ff00e93 li t4,2047 + 284: 01010613 addi a2,sp,16 + 288: 7d060613 addi a2,a2,2000 + 28c: 83d62823 sw t4,-2000(a2) + 290: 01012203 lw tp,16(sp) + 294: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 298: dbc08093 addi ra,ra,-580 # 2050 + 29c: 0000a023 sw zero,0(ra) + 2a0: 00000e13 li t3,0 + 2a4: 00008593 mv a1,ra + 2a8: 83058593 addi a1,a1,-2000 + 2ac: 7dc5a823 sw t3,2000(a1) + 2b0: 0000a183 lw gp,0(ra) + 2b4: 0000a223 sw zero,4(ra) + 2b8: 00001db7 lui s11,0x1 + 2bc: 800d8d93 addi s11,s11,-2048 # 800 + 2c0: 00408513 addi a0,ra,4 + 2c4: 83050513 addi a0,a0,-2000 + 2c8: 7db52823 sw s11,2000(a0) + 2cc: 0040a183 lw gp,4(ra) + 2d0: 0000a423 sw zero,8(ra) + 2d4: 07654d37 lui s10,0x7654 + 2d8: 321d0d13 addi s10,s10,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 2dc: 00808493 addi s1,ra,8 + 2e0: 83048493 addi s1,s1,-2000 + 2e4: 7da4a823 sw s10,2000(s1) + 2e8: 0080a183 lw gp,8(ra) + 2ec: 0000a623 sw zero,12(ra) + 2f0: 80000cb7 lui s9,0x80000 + 2f4: fffc8c93 addi s9,s9,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 2f8: 00c08413 addi s0,ra,12 + 2fc: fff40413 addi s0,s0,-1 + 300: 019420a3 sw s9,1(s0) + 304: 00c0a183 lw gp,12(ra) + 308: 0000a823 sw zero,16(ra) + 30c: 00100c13 li s8,1 + 310: 01008393 addi t2,ra,16 + 314: 83038393 addi t2,t2,-2000 + 318: 7d83a823 sw s8,2000(t2) + 31c: 0100a183 lw gp,16(ra) + 320: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 324: d4408093 addi ra,ra,-700 # 2064 + 328: 0000a023 sw zero,0(ra) + 32c: fff00b93 li s7,-1 + 330: 00008313 mv t1,ra + 334: 83030313 addi t1,t1,-2000 + 338: 7d732823 sw s7,2000(t1) + 33c: 0000a403 lw s0,0(ra) + 340: 0000a223 sw zero,4(ra) + 344: 00001b37 lui s6,0x1 + 348: 234b0b13 addi s6,s6,564 # 1234 + 34c: 00408293 addi t0,ra,4 + 350: 83028293 addi t0,t0,-2000 # 7ffff830 <_end+0x7fffd62c> + 354: 7d62a823 sw s6,2000(t0) + 358: 0040a403 lw s0,4(ra) + 35c: 0000a423 sw zero,8(ra) + 360: 80000ab7 lui s5,0x80000 + 364: 00808213 addi tp,ra,8 + 368: 00020213 mv tp,tp + 36c: 01522023 sw s5,0(tp) # 0 <_start> + 370: 0080a403 lw s0,8(ra) + 374: 0000a623 sw zero,12(ra) + 378: fffffa37 lui s4,0xfffff + 37c: dcca0a13 addi s4,s4,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 380: 00c08193 addi gp,ra,12 + 384: 83018193 addi gp,gp,-2000 + 388: 7d41a823 sw s4,2000(gp) + 38c: 00c0a403 lw s0,12(ra) + 390: 0000a823 sw zero,16(ra) + 394: fff00993 li s3,-1 + 398: 01008113 addi sp,ra,16 + 39c: 00110113 addi sp,sp,1 + 3a0: ff312fa3 sw s3,-1(sp) + 3a4: 0100a403 lw s0,16(ra) + 3a8: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 3ac: cd010113 addi sp,sp,-816 # 2078 + 3b0: 00012023 sw zero,0(sp) + 3b4: 80100913 li s2,-2047 + 3b8: 00010093 mv ra,sp + 3bc: 00008093 mv ra,ra + 3c0: 0120a023 sw s2,0(ra) + 3c4: 00012203 lw tp,0(sp) + 3c8: 00012223 sw zero,4(sp) + 3cc: ffe00893 li a7,-2 + 3d0: 00410093 addi ra,sp,4 + 3d4: fff08093 addi ra,ra,-1 + 3d8: 0110a0a3 sw a7,1(ra) + 3dc: 00412203 lw tp,4(sp) + 3e0: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 3e4: c2028293 addi t0,t0,-992 # 2000 + 3e8: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 3ec: 00830313 addi t1,t1,8 # 10000008 <_end+0xfffde04> + 3f0: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 3f4: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 3f8: c9c28293 addi t0,t0,-868 # 2090 + 3fc: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 400: 00c30313 addi t1,t1,12 # 1000000c <_end+0xfffde08> + 404: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 408: 00100293 li t0,1 + 40c: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 410: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 414: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 418: 00000013 nop + 41c: 00100193 li gp,1 + 420: 00000073 ecall + +00000424 : + 424: c0001073 unimp + ... + +Disassembly of section .tohost: + +00001000 : + ... + +00001100 : + ... + +Disassembly of section .data: + +00002000 : + 2000: ffff 0xffff + 2002: ffff 0xffff + 2004: ffff 0xffff + 2006: ffff 0xffff + 2008: ffff 0xffff + 200a: ffff 0xffff + 200c: ffff 0xffff + 200e: ffff 0xffff + 2010: ffff 0xffff + 2012: ffff 0xffff + +00002014 : + 2014: ffff 0xffff + 2016: ffff 0xffff + 2018: ffff 0xffff + 201a: ffff 0xffff + 201c: ffff 0xffff + 201e: ffff 0xffff + 2020: ffff 0xffff + 2022: ffff 0xffff + 2024: ffff 0xffff + 2026: ffff 0xffff + +00002028 : + 2028: ffff 0xffff + 202a: ffff 0xffff + 202c: ffff 0xffff + 202e: ffff 0xffff + 2030: ffff 0xffff + 2032: ffff 0xffff + 2034: ffff 0xffff + 2036: ffff 0xffff + 2038: ffff 0xffff + 203a: ffff 0xffff + +0000203c : + 203c: ffff 0xffff + 203e: ffff 0xffff + 2040: ffff 0xffff + 2042: ffff 0xffff + 2044: ffff 0xffff + 2046: ffff 0xffff + 2048: ffff 0xffff + 204a: ffff 0xffff + 204c: ffff 0xffff + 204e: ffff 0xffff + +00002050 : + 2050: ffff 0xffff + 2052: ffff 0xffff + 2054: ffff 0xffff + 2056: ffff 0xffff + 2058: ffff 0xffff + 205a: ffff 0xffff + 205c: ffff 0xffff + 205e: ffff 0xffff + 2060: ffff 0xffff + 2062: ffff 0xffff + +00002064 : + 2064: ffff 0xffff + 2066: ffff 0xffff + 2068: ffff 0xffff + 206a: ffff 0xffff + 206c: ffff 0xffff + 206e: ffff 0xffff + 2070: ffff 0xffff + 2072: ffff 0xffff + 2074: ffff 0xffff + 2076: ffff 0xffff + +00002078 : + 2078: ffff 0xffff + 207a: ffff 0xffff + 207c: ffff 0xffff + 207e: ffff 0xffff + 2080: ffff 0xffff + 2082: ffff 0xffff + 2084: ffff 0xffff + 2086: ffff 0xffff + 2088: ffff 0xffff + 208a: ffff 0xffff + 208c: 0000 unimp + ... + +00002090 : + ... + +00002100 : + 2100: 0080 addi s0,sp,64 + ... + +00002200 : + 2200: 0004 0x4 + ... diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-XOR-01.elf b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-XOR-01.elf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5fe7e1b Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-XOR-01.elf differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-XOR-01.elf.bin b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-XOR-01.elf.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b3dce17 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-XOR-01.elf.bin differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-XOR-01.elf.objdump b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-XOR-01.elf.objdump new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4aa8432 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-XOR-01.elf.objdump @@ -0,0 +1,339 @@ + +D:/gitee/open/tinyriscv/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-XOR-01.elf: file format elf32-littleriscv + + +Disassembly of section .text.init: + +00000000 <_start>: + 0: 04c0006f j 4c + +00000004 : + 4: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 8: 00800f93 li t6,8 + c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,40 + 10: 00900f93 li t6,9 + 14: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,40 + 18: 00b00f93 li t6,11 + 1c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,40 + 20: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0 + 24: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start> + 28: 000f0463 beqz t5,30 + 2c: 000f0067 jr t5 + 30: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 34: 000f5463 bgez t5,3c + 38: 0040006f j 3c + +0000003c : + 3c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337 + +00000040 : + 40: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1 + 44: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 1000 + 48: ff9ff06f j 40 + +0000004c : + 4c: 00000193 li gp,0 + 50: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 54: fb428293 addi t0,t0,-76 # 4 + 58: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 + 5c: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0 + 60: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 64: 02028293 addi t0,t0,32 # 80 + 68: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0 + 6c: 00000293 li t0,0 + 70: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 74: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 78: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 7c: 30200073 mret + +00000080 : + 80: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 84: f8028293 addi t0,t0,-128 # 2000 + 88: fff00f93 li t6,-1 + 8c: 00000813 li a6,0 + 90: 010fc033 xor zero,t6,a6 + 94: 0002a023 sw zero,0(t0) + 98: 00100f13 li t5,1 + 9c: 80100793 li a5,-2047 + a0: 00ff40b3 xor ra,t5,a5 + a4: 0012a223 sw ra,4(t0) + a8: 00000e93 li t4,0 + ac: fff00713 li a4,-1 + b0: 00eec133 xor sp,t4,a4 + b4: 0022a423 sw sp,8(t0) + b8: 7ff00e13 li t3,2047 + bc: fffff6b7 lui a3,0xfffff + c0: dcc68693 addi a3,a3,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + c4: 00de41b3 xor gp,t3,a3 + c8: 0032a623 sw gp,12(t0) + cc: 00000d93 li s11,0 + d0: 80000637 lui a2,0x80000 + d4: 00cdc233 xor tp,s11,a2 + d8: 0042a823 sw tp,16(t0) + dc: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + e0: f3808093 addi ra,ra,-200 # 2014 + e4: 00001d37 lui s10,0x1 + e8: 800d0d13 addi s10,s10,-2048 # 800 + ec: 000015b7 lui a1,0x1 + f0: 23458593 addi a1,a1,564 # 1234 + f4: 00bd42b3 xor t0,s10,a1 + f8: 0050a023 sw t0,0(ra) + fc: 07654cb7 lui s9,0x7654 + 100: 321c8c93 addi s9,s9,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 104: fff00513 li a0,-1 + 108: 00acc333 xor t1,s9,a0 + 10c: 0060a223 sw t1,4(ra) + 110: 80000c37 lui s8,0x80000 + 114: fffc0c13 addi s8,s8,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 118: 00100493 li s1,1 + 11c: 009c43b3 xor t2,s8,s1 + 120: 0070a423 sw t2,8(ra) + 124: 00100b93 li s7,1 + 128: 80000437 lui s0,0x80000 + 12c: fff40413 addi s0,s0,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 130: 008bc433 xor s0,s7,s0 + 134: 0080a623 sw s0,12(ra) + 138: fff00b13 li s6,-1 + 13c: 076543b7 lui t2,0x7654 + 140: 32138393 addi t2,t2,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 144: 007b44b3 xor s1,s6,t2 + 148: 0090a823 sw s1,16(ra) + 14c: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 150: edc08093 addi ra,ra,-292 # 2028 + 154: 00001ab7 lui s5,0x1 + 158: 234a8a93 addi s5,s5,564 # 1234 + 15c: 00001337 lui t1,0x1 + 160: 80030313 addi t1,t1,-2048 # 800 + 164: 006ac533 xor a0,s5,t1 + 168: 00a0a023 sw a0,0(ra) + 16c: 80000a37 lui s4,0x80000 + 170: 00000293 li t0,0 + 174: 005a45b3 xor a1,s4,t0 + 178: 00b0a223 sw a1,4(ra) + 17c: fffff9b7 lui s3,0xfffff + 180: dcc98993 addi s3,s3,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 184: 7ff00213 li tp,2047 + 188: 0049c633 xor a2,s3,tp + 18c: 00c0a423 sw a2,8(ra) + 190: fff00913 li s2,-1 + 194: fff00193 li gp,-1 + 198: 003946b3 xor a3,s2,gp + 19c: 00d0a623 sw a3,12(ra) + 1a0: 80100893 li a7,-2047 + 1a4: 00100113 li sp,1 + 1a8: 0028c733 xor a4,a7,sp + 1ac: 00e0a823 sw a4,16(ra) + 1b0: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 1b4: e8c10113 addi sp,sp,-372 # 203c + 1b8: 00000813 li a6,0 + 1bc: 00000093 li ra,0 + 1c0: 001847b3 xor a5,a6,ra + 1c4: 00f12023 sw a5,0(sp) + 1c8: fff00793 li a5,-1 + 1cc: 00000013 nop + 1d0: 0007c833 xor a6,a5,zero + 1d4: 01012223 sw a6,4(sp) + 1d8: 00100713 li a4,1 + 1dc: 80100f93 li t6,-2047 + 1e0: 01f748b3 xor a7,a4,t6 + 1e4: 01112423 sw a7,8(sp) + 1e8: 00000693 li a3,0 + 1ec: fff00f13 li t5,-1 + 1f0: 01e6c933 xor s2,a3,t5 + 1f4: 01212623 sw s2,12(sp) + 1f8: 7ff00613 li a2,2047 + 1fc: fffffeb7 lui t4,0xfffff + 200: dcce8e93 addi t4,t4,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 204: 01d649b3 xor s3,a2,t4 + 208: 01312823 sw s3,16(sp) + 20c: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 210: e4408093 addi ra,ra,-444 # 2050 + 214: 00000593 li a1,0 + 218: 80000e37 lui t3,0x80000 + 21c: 01c5ca33 xor s4,a1,t3 + 220: 0140a023 sw s4,0(ra) + 224: 00001537 lui a0,0x1 + 228: 80050513 addi a0,a0,-2048 # 800 + 22c: 00001db7 lui s11,0x1 + 230: 234d8d93 addi s11,s11,564 # 1234 + 234: 01b54ab3 xor s5,a0,s11 + 238: 0150a223 sw s5,4(ra) + 23c: 076544b7 lui s1,0x7654 + 240: 32148493 addi s1,s1,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 244: fff00d13 li s10,-1 + 248: 01a4cb33 xor s6,s1,s10 + 24c: 0160a423 sw s6,8(ra) + 250: 80000437 lui s0,0x80000 + 254: fff40413 addi s0,s0,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 258: 00100c93 li s9,1 + 25c: 01944bb3 xor s7,s0,s9 + 260: 0170a623 sw s7,12(ra) + 264: 00100393 li t2,1 + 268: 80000c37 lui s8,0x80000 + 26c: fffc0c13 addi s8,s8,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 270: 0183cc33 xor s8,t2,s8 + 274: 0180a823 sw s8,16(ra) + 278: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 27c: dec08093 addi ra,ra,-532 # 2064 + 280: fff00313 li t1,-1 + 284: 07654bb7 lui s7,0x7654 + 288: 321b8b93 addi s7,s7,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 28c: 01734cb3 xor s9,t1,s7 + 290: 0190a023 sw s9,0(ra) + 294: 000012b7 lui t0,0x1 + 298: 23428293 addi t0,t0,564 # 1234 + 29c: 00001b37 lui s6,0x1 + 2a0: 800b0b13 addi s6,s6,-2048 # 800 + 2a4: 0162cd33 xor s10,t0,s6 + 2a8: 01a0a223 sw s10,4(ra) + 2ac: 80000237 lui tp,0x80000 + 2b0: 00000a93 li s5,0 + 2b4: 01524db3 xor s11,tp,s5 + 2b8: 01b0a423 sw s11,8(ra) + 2bc: fffff1b7 lui gp,0xfffff + 2c0: dcc18193 addi gp,gp,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 2c4: 7ff00a13 li s4,2047 + 2c8: 0141ce33 xor t3,gp,s4 + 2cc: 01c0a623 sw t3,12(ra) + 2d0: fff00113 li sp,-1 + 2d4: fff00993 li s3,-1 + 2d8: 01314eb3 xor t4,sp,s3 + 2dc: 01d0a823 sw t4,16(ra) + 2e0: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 2e4: d9810113 addi sp,sp,-616 # 2078 + 2e8: 80100093 li ra,-2047 + 2ec: 00100913 li s2,1 + 2f0: 0120cf33 xor t5,ra,s2 + 2f4: 01e12023 sw t5,0(sp) + 2f8: 00000013 nop + 2fc: 00000893 li a7,0 + 300: 01104fb3 xor t6,zero,a7 + 304: 01f12223 sw t6,4(sp) + 308: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 30c: cf828293 addi t0,t0,-776 # 2000 + 310: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 314: 00830313 addi t1,t1,8 # 10000008 <_end+0xfffde04> + 318: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 31c: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 320: d7428293 addi t0,t0,-652 # 2090 + 324: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 328: 00c30313 addi t1,t1,12 # 1000000c <_end+0xfffde08> + 32c: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 330: 00100293 li t0,1 + 334: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 338: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 33c: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 340: 00000013 nop + 344: 00100193 li gp,1 + 348: 00000073 ecall + +0000034c : + 34c: c0001073 unimp + ... + +Disassembly of section .tohost: + +00001000 : + ... + +00001100 : + ... + +Disassembly of section .data: + +00002000 : + 2000: ffff 0xffff + 2002: ffff 0xffff + 2004: ffff 0xffff + 2006: ffff 0xffff + 2008: ffff 0xffff + 200a: ffff 0xffff + 200c: ffff 0xffff + 200e: ffff 0xffff + 2010: ffff 0xffff + 2012: ffff 0xffff + +00002014 : + 2014: ffff 0xffff + 2016: ffff 0xffff + 2018: ffff 0xffff + 201a: ffff 0xffff + 201c: ffff 0xffff + 201e: ffff 0xffff + 2020: ffff 0xffff + 2022: ffff 0xffff + 2024: ffff 0xffff + 2026: ffff 0xffff + +00002028 : + 2028: ffff 0xffff + 202a: ffff 0xffff + 202c: ffff 0xffff + 202e: ffff 0xffff + 2030: ffff 0xffff + 2032: ffff 0xffff + 2034: ffff 0xffff + 2036: ffff 0xffff + 2038: ffff 0xffff + 203a: ffff 0xffff + +0000203c : + 203c: ffff 0xffff + 203e: ffff 0xffff + 2040: ffff 0xffff + 2042: ffff 0xffff + 2044: ffff 0xffff + 2046: ffff 0xffff + 2048: ffff 0xffff + 204a: ffff 0xffff + 204c: ffff 0xffff + 204e: ffff 0xffff + +00002050 : + 2050: ffff 0xffff + 2052: ffff 0xffff + 2054: ffff 0xffff + 2056: ffff 0xffff + 2058: ffff 0xffff + 205a: ffff 0xffff + 205c: ffff 0xffff + 205e: ffff 0xffff + 2060: ffff 0xffff + 2062: ffff 0xffff + +00002064 : + 2064: ffff 0xffff + 2066: ffff 0xffff + 2068: ffff 0xffff + 206a: ffff 0xffff + 206c: ffff 0xffff + 206e: ffff 0xffff + 2070: ffff 0xffff + 2072: ffff 0xffff + 2074: ffff 0xffff + 2076: ffff 0xffff + +00002078 : + 2078: ffff 0xffff + 207a: ffff 0xffff + 207c: ffff 0xffff + 207e: ffff 0xffff + 2080: ffff 0xffff + 2082: ffff 0xffff + 2084: ffff 0xffff + 2086: ffff 0xffff + 2088: ffff 0xffff + 208a: ffff 0xffff + 208c: 0000 unimp + ... + +00002090 : + ... + +00002100 : + 2100: 0080 addi s0,sp,64 + ... + +00002200 : + 2200: 0004 0x4 + ... diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-XORI-01.elf b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-XORI-01.elf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..87cdc14 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-XORI-01.elf differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-XORI-01.elf.bin b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-XORI-01.elf.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4eddc45 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-XORI-01.elf.bin differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-XORI-01.elf.objdump b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-XORI-01.elf.objdump new file mode 100644 index 0000000..299cdad --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-XORI-01.elf.objdump @@ -0,0 +1,297 @@ + +D:/gitee/open/tinyriscv/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32i/I-XORI-01.elf: file format elf32-littleriscv + + +Disassembly of section .text.init: + +00000000 <_start>: + 0: 04c0006f j 4c + +00000004 : + 4: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 8: 00800f93 li t6,8 + c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,40 + 10: 00900f93 li t6,9 + 14: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,40 + 18: 00b00f93 li t6,11 + 1c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,40 + 20: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0 + 24: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start> + 28: 000f0463 beqz t5,30 + 2c: 000f0067 jr t5 + 30: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 34: 000f5463 bgez t5,3c + 38: 0040006f j 3c + +0000003c : + 3c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337 + +00000040 : + 40: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1 + 44: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 1000 + 48: ff9ff06f j 40 + +0000004c : + 4c: 00000193 li gp,0 + 50: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 54: fb428293 addi t0,t0,-76 # 4 + 58: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 + 5c: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0 + 60: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 64: 02028293 addi t0,t0,32 # 80 + 68: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0 + 6c: 00000293 li t0,0 + 70: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 74: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 78: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 7c: 30200073 mret + +00000080 : + 80: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 84: f8028293 addi t0,t0,-128 # 2000 + 88: fff00f93 li t6,-1 + 8c: 000fc013 xori zero,t6,0 + 90: 0002a023 sw zero,0(t0) + 94: 00100f13 li t5,1 + 98: 801f4093 xori ra,t5,-2047 + 9c: 0012a223 sw ra,4(t0) + a0: 00000e93 li t4,0 + a4: fffec113 not sp,t4 + a8: 0022a423 sw sp,8(t0) + ac: 7ff00e13 li t3,2047 + b0: 800e4193 xori gp,t3,-2048 + b4: 0032a623 sw gp,12(t0) + b8: 00000d93 li s11,0 + bc: 800dc213 xori tp,s11,-2048 + c0: 0042a823 sw tp,16(t0) + c4: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + c8: f5008093 addi ra,ra,-176 # 2014 + cc: 00001d37 lui s10,0x1 + d0: 800d0d13 addi s10,s10,-2048 # 800 + d4: 800d4293 xori t0,s10,-2048 + d8: 0050a023 sw t0,0(ra) + dc: 07654cb7 lui s9,0x7654 + e0: 321c8c93 addi s9,s9,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + e4: 800cc313 xori t1,s9,-2048 + e8: 0060a223 sw t1,4(ra) + ec: 80000c37 lui s8,0x80000 + f0: fffc0c13 addi s8,s8,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + f4: 001c4393 xori t2,s8,1 + f8: 0070a423 sw t2,8(ra) + fc: 00100b93 li s7,1 + 100: 800bc413 xori s0,s7,-2048 + 104: 0080a623 sw s0,12(ra) + 108: fff00b13 li s6,-1 + 10c: 800b4493 xori s1,s6,-2048 + 110: 0090a823 sw s1,16(ra) + 114: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 118: f1408093 addi ra,ra,-236 # 2028 + 11c: 00001ab7 lui s5,0x1 + 120: 234a8a93 addi s5,s5,564 # 1234 + 124: 800ac513 xori a0,s5,-2048 + 128: 00a0a023 sw a0,0(ra) + 12c: 80000a37 lui s4,0x80000 + 130: 000a4593 xori a1,s4,0 + 134: 00b0a223 sw a1,4(ra) + 138: fffff9b7 lui s3,0xfffff + 13c: dcc98993 addi s3,s3,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 140: 7ff9c613 xori a2,s3,2047 + 144: 00c0a423 sw a2,8(ra) + 148: fff00913 li s2,-1 + 14c: fff94693 not a3,s2 + 150: 00d0a623 sw a3,12(ra) + 154: 80100893 li a7,-2047 + 158: 0018c713 xori a4,a7,1 + 15c: 00e0a823 sw a4,16(ra) + 160: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 164: edc10113 addi sp,sp,-292 # 203c + 168: 00000813 li a6,0 + 16c: 00084793 xori a5,a6,0 + 170: 00f12023 sw a5,0(sp) + 174: fff00793 li a5,-1 + 178: 0007c813 xori a6,a5,0 + 17c: 01012223 sw a6,4(sp) + 180: 00100713 li a4,1 + 184: 80174893 xori a7,a4,-2047 + 188: 01112423 sw a7,8(sp) + 18c: 00000693 li a3,0 + 190: fff6c913 not s2,a3 + 194: 01212623 sw s2,12(sp) + 198: 7ff00613 li a2,2047 + 19c: 80064993 xori s3,a2,-2048 + 1a0: 01312823 sw s3,16(sp) + 1a4: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 1a8: eac08093 addi ra,ra,-340 # 2050 + 1ac: 00000593 li a1,0 + 1b0: 8005ca13 xori s4,a1,-2048 + 1b4: 0140a023 sw s4,0(ra) + 1b8: 00001537 lui a0,0x1 + 1bc: 80050513 addi a0,a0,-2048 # 800 + 1c0: 80054a93 xori s5,a0,-2048 + 1c4: 0150a223 sw s5,4(ra) + 1c8: 076544b7 lui s1,0x7654 + 1cc: 32148493 addi s1,s1,801 # 7654321 <_end+0x765211d> + 1d0: 8004cb13 xori s6,s1,-2048 + 1d4: 0160a423 sw s6,8(ra) + 1d8: 80000437 lui s0,0x80000 + 1dc: fff40413 addi s0,s0,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1e0: 00144b93 xori s7,s0,1 + 1e4: 0170a623 sw s7,12(ra) + 1e8: 00100393 li t2,1 + 1ec: 8003cc13 xori s8,t2,-2048 + 1f0: 0180a823 sw s8,16(ra) + 1f4: 00002097 auipc ra,0x2 + 1f8: e7008093 addi ra,ra,-400 # 2064 + 1fc: fff00313 li t1,-1 + 200: 80034c93 xori s9,t1,-2048 + 204: 0190a023 sw s9,0(ra) + 208: 000012b7 lui t0,0x1 + 20c: 23428293 addi t0,t0,564 # 1234 + 210: 8002cd13 xori s10,t0,-2048 + 214: 01a0a223 sw s10,4(ra) + 218: 80000237 lui tp,0x80000 + 21c: 00024d93 xori s11,tp,0 + 220: 01b0a423 sw s11,8(ra) + 224: fffff1b7 lui gp,0xfffff + 228: dcc18193 addi gp,gp,-564 # ffffedcc <_end+0xffffcbc8> + 22c: 7ff1ce13 xori t3,gp,2047 + 230: 01c0a623 sw t3,12(ra) + 234: fff00113 li sp,-1 + 238: fff14e93 not t4,sp + 23c: 01d0a823 sw t4,16(ra) + 240: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 244: e3810113 addi sp,sp,-456 # 2078 + 248: 80100093 li ra,-2047 + 24c: 0010cf13 xori t5,ra,1 + 250: 01e12023 sw t5,0(sp) + 254: 00000013 nop + 258: 00004f93 xori t6,zero,0 + 25c: 01f12223 sw t6,4(sp) + 260: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 264: da028293 addi t0,t0,-608 # 2000 + 268: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 26c: 00830313 addi t1,t1,8 # 10000008 <_end+0xfffde04> + 270: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 274: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 278: e1c28293 addi t0,t0,-484 # 2090 + 27c: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 280: 00c30313 addi t1,t1,12 # 1000000c <_end+0xfffde08> + 284: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 288: 00100293 li t0,1 + 28c: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 290: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 294: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 298: 00000013 nop + 29c: 00100193 li gp,1 + 2a0: 00000073 ecall + +000002a4 : + 2a4: c0001073 unimp + ... + +Disassembly of section .tohost: + +00001000 : + ... + +00001100 : + ... + +Disassembly of section .data: + +00002000 : + 2000: ffff 0xffff + 2002: ffff 0xffff + 2004: ffff 0xffff + 2006: ffff 0xffff + 2008: ffff 0xffff + 200a: ffff 0xffff + 200c: ffff 0xffff + 200e: ffff 0xffff + 2010: ffff 0xffff + 2012: ffff 0xffff + +00002014 : + 2014: ffff 0xffff + 2016: ffff 0xffff + 2018: ffff 0xffff + 201a: ffff 0xffff + 201c: ffff 0xffff + 201e: ffff 0xffff + 2020: ffff 0xffff + 2022: ffff 0xffff + 2024: ffff 0xffff + 2026: ffff 0xffff + +00002028 : + 2028: ffff 0xffff + 202a: ffff 0xffff + 202c: ffff 0xffff + 202e: ffff 0xffff + 2030: ffff 0xffff + 2032: ffff 0xffff + 2034: ffff 0xffff + 2036: ffff 0xffff + 2038: ffff 0xffff + 203a: ffff 0xffff + +0000203c : + 203c: ffff 0xffff + 203e: ffff 0xffff + 2040: ffff 0xffff + 2042: ffff 0xffff + 2044: ffff 0xffff + 2046: ffff 0xffff + 2048: ffff 0xffff + 204a: ffff 0xffff + 204c: ffff 0xffff + 204e: ffff 0xffff + +00002050 : + 2050: ffff 0xffff + 2052: ffff 0xffff + 2054: ffff 0xffff + 2056: ffff 0xffff + 2058: ffff 0xffff + 205a: ffff 0xffff + 205c: ffff 0xffff + 205e: ffff 0xffff + 2060: ffff 0xffff + 2062: ffff 0xffff + +00002064 : + 2064: ffff 0xffff + 2066: ffff 0xffff + 2068: ffff 0xffff + 206a: ffff 0xffff + 206c: ffff 0xffff + 206e: ffff 0xffff + 2070: ffff 0xffff + 2072: ffff 0xffff + 2074: ffff 0xffff + 2076: ffff 0xffff + +00002078 : + 2078: ffff 0xffff + 207a: ffff 0xffff + 207c: ffff 0xffff + 207e: ffff 0xffff + 2080: ffff 0xffff + 2082: ffff 0xffff + 2084: ffff 0xffff + 2086: ffff 0xffff + 2088: ffff 0xffff + 208a: ffff 0xffff + 208c: 0000 unimp + ... + +00002090 : + ... + +00002100 : + 2100: 0080 addi s0,sp,64 + ... + +00002200 : + 2200: 0004 0x4 + ... diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/DIV.elf b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/DIV.elf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5a7ac37 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/DIV.elf differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/DIV.elf.bin b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/DIV.elf.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8de3f3a Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/DIV.elf.bin differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/DIV.elf.objdump b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/DIV.elf.objdump new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9f7f66c --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/DIV.elf.objdump @@ -0,0 +1,332 @@ + +D:/gitee/open/tinyriscv/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/DIV.elf: file format elf32-littleriscv + + +Disassembly of section .text.init: + +00000000 <_start>: + 0: 04c0006f j 4c + +00000004 : + 4: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 8: 00800f93 li t6,8 + c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,40 + 10: 00900f93 li t6,9 + 14: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,40 + 18: 00b00f93 li t6,11 + 1c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,40 + 20: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0 + 24: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start> + 28: 000f0463 beqz t5,30 + 2c: 000f0067 jr t5 + 30: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 34: 000f5463 bgez t5,3c + 38: 0040006f j 3c + +0000003c : + 3c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337 + +00000040 : + 40: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1 + 44: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 1000 + 48: ff9ff06f j 40 + +0000004c : + 4c: 00000193 li gp,0 + 50: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 54: fb428293 addi t0,t0,-76 # 4 + 58: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 + 5c: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0 + 60: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 64: 02028293 addi t0,t0,32 # 80 + 68: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0 + 6c: 00000293 li t0,0 + 70: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 74: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 78: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 7c: 30200073 mret + +00000080 : + 80: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 84: f8010113 addi sp,sp,-128 # 2000 + 88: 00000913 li s2,0 + 8c: 00000893 li a7,0 + 90: 031948b3 div a7,s2,a7 + 94: 01112023 sw a7,0(sp) + 98: 00000a13 li s4,0 + 9c: 00100993 li s3,1 + a0: 033a49b3 div s3,s4,s3 + a4: 01312223 sw s3,4(sp) + a8: 00000b13 li s6,0 + ac: fff00a93 li s5,-1 + b0: 035b4ab3 div s5,s6,s5 + b4: 01512423 sw s5,8(sp) + b8: 00000c13 li s8,0 + bc: 80000bb7 lui s7,0x80000 + c0: fffb8b93 addi s7,s7,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + c4: 037c4bb3 div s7,s8,s7 + c8: 01712623 sw s7,12(sp) + cc: 00000d13 li s10,0 + d0: 80000cb7 lui s9,0x80000 + d4: 039d4cb3 div s9,s10,s9 + d8: 01912823 sw s9,16(sp) + dc: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + e0: f3810113 addi sp,sp,-200 # 2014 + e4: 00100e13 li t3,1 + e8: 00000d93 li s11,0 + ec: 03be4db3 div s11,t3,s11 + f0: 01b12023 sw s11,0(sp) + f4: 00100f13 li t5,1 + f8: 00100e93 li t4,1 + fc: 03df4eb3 div t4,t5,t4 + 100: 01d12223 sw t4,4(sp) + 104: 00100193 li gp,1 + 108: fff00a93 li s5,-1 + 10c: 0351cab3 div s5,gp,s5 + 110: 01512423 sw s5,8(sp) + 114: 00100413 li s0,1 + 118: 80000237 lui tp,0x80000 + 11c: fff20213 addi tp,tp,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 120: 02444233 div tp,s0,tp + 124: 00412623 sw tp,12(sp) + 128: 00100593 li a1,1 + 12c: 800004b7 lui s1,0x80000 + 130: 0295c4b3 div s1,a1,s1 + 134: 00912823 sw s1,16(sp) + 138: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 13c: ef010113 addi sp,sp,-272 # 2028 + 140: fff00693 li a3,-1 + 144: 00000613 li a2,0 + 148: 02c6c633 div a2,a3,a2 + 14c: 00c12023 sw a2,0(sp) + 150: fff00793 li a5,-1 + 154: 00100713 li a4,1 + 158: 02e7c733 div a4,a5,a4 + 15c: 00e12223 sw a4,4(sp) + 160: fff00893 li a7,-1 + 164: fff00813 li a6,-1 + 168: 0308c833 div a6,a7,a6 + 16c: 01012423 sw a6,8(sp) + 170: fff00993 li s3,-1 + 174: 80000937 lui s2,0x80000 + 178: fff90913 addi s2,s2,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 17c: 0329c933 div s2,s3,s2 + 180: 01212623 sw s2,12(sp) + 184: fff00a93 li s5,-1 + 188: 80000a37 lui s4,0x80000 + 18c: 034aca33 div s4,s5,s4 + 190: 01412823 sw s4,16(sp) + 194: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 198: ea810113 addi sp,sp,-344 # 203c + 19c: 80000bb7 lui s7,0x80000 + 1a0: fffb8b93 addi s7,s7,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1a4: 00000b13 li s6,0 + 1a8: 036bcb33 div s6,s7,s6 + 1ac: 01612023 sw s6,0(sp) + 1b0: 80000cb7 lui s9,0x80000 + 1b4: fffc8c93 addi s9,s9,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1b8: 00100c13 li s8,1 + 1bc: 038ccc33 div s8,s9,s8 + 1c0: 01812223 sw s8,4(sp) + 1c4: 80000db7 lui s11,0x80000 + 1c8: fffd8d93 addi s11,s11,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1cc: fff00d13 li s10,-1 + 1d0: 03adcd33 div s10,s11,s10 + 1d4: 01a12423 sw s10,8(sp) + 1d8: 80000eb7 lui t4,0x80000 + 1dc: fffe8e93 addi t4,t4,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1e0: 80000e37 lui t3,0x80000 + 1e4: fffe0e13 addi t3,t3,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1e8: 03cece33 div t3,t4,t3 + 1ec: 01c12623 sw t3,12(sp) + 1f0: 80000ab7 lui s5,0x80000 + 1f4: fffa8a93 addi s5,s5,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1f8: 80000f37 lui t5,0x80000 + 1fc: 03eacf33 div t5,s5,t5 + 200: 01e12823 sw t5,16(sp) + 204: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 208: e4c10113 addi sp,sp,-436 # 2050 + 20c: 80000237 lui tp,0x80000 + 210: 00000193 li gp,0 + 214: 023241b3 div gp,tp,gp + 218: 00312023 sw gp,0(sp) + 21c: 800004b7 lui s1,0x80000 + 220: 00100413 li s0,1 + 224: 0284c433 div s0,s1,s0 + 228: 00812223 sw s0,4(sp) + 22c: 80000637 lui a2,0x80000 + 230: fff00593 li a1,-1 + 234: 02b645b3 div a1,a2,a1 + 238: 00b12423 sw a1,8(sp) + 23c: 80000737 lui a4,0x80000 + 240: 800006b7 lui a3,0x80000 + 244: fff68693 addi a3,a3,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 248: 02d746b3 div a3,a4,a3 + 24c: 00d12623 sw a3,12(sp) + 250: 80000837 lui a6,0x80000 + 254: 800007b7 lui a5,0x80000 + 258: 02f847b3 div a5,a6,a5 + 25c: 00f12823 sw a5,16(sp) + 260: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 264: da028293 addi t0,t0,-608 # 2000 + 268: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 26c: 00830313 addi t1,t1,8 # 10000008 <_end+0xfffde04> + 270: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 274: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 278: e5c28293 addi t0,t0,-420 # 20d0 + 27c: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 280: 00c30313 addi t1,t1,12 # 1000000c <_end+0xfffde08> + 284: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 288: 00100293 li t0,1 + 28c: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 290: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 294: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 298: 00000013 nop + 29c: 00100193 li gp,1 + 2a0: 00000073 ecall + +000002a4 : + 2a4: c0001073 unimp + ... + +Disassembly of section .tohost: + +00001000 : + ... + +00001100 : + ... + +Disassembly of section .data: + +00002000 : + 2000: ffff 0xffff + 2002: ffff 0xffff + 2004: ffff 0xffff + 2006: ffff 0xffff + 2008: ffff 0xffff + 200a: ffff 0xffff + 200c: ffff 0xffff + 200e: ffff 0xffff + 2010: ffff 0xffff + 2012: ffff 0xffff + +00002014 : + 2014: ffff 0xffff + 2016: ffff 0xffff + 2018: ffff 0xffff + 201a: ffff 0xffff + 201c: ffff 0xffff + 201e: ffff 0xffff + 2020: ffff 0xffff + 2022: ffff 0xffff + 2024: ffff 0xffff + 2026: ffff 0xffff + +00002028 : + 2028: ffff 0xffff + 202a: ffff 0xffff + 202c: ffff 0xffff + 202e: ffff 0xffff + 2030: ffff 0xffff + 2032: ffff 0xffff + 2034: ffff 0xffff + 2036: ffff 0xffff + 2038: ffff 0xffff + 203a: ffff 0xffff + +0000203c : + 203c: ffff 0xffff + 203e: ffff 0xffff + 2040: ffff 0xffff + 2042: ffff 0xffff + 2044: ffff 0xffff + 2046: ffff 0xffff + 2048: ffff 0xffff + 204a: ffff 0xffff + 204c: ffff 0xffff + 204e: ffff 0xffff + +00002050 : + 2050: ffff 0xffff + 2052: ffff 0xffff + 2054: ffff 0xffff + 2056: ffff 0xffff + 2058: ffff 0xffff + 205a: ffff 0xffff + 205c: ffff 0xffff + 205e: ffff 0xffff + 2060: ffff 0xffff + 2062: ffff 0xffff + +00002064 : + 2064: ffff 0xffff + 2066: ffff 0xffff + 2068: ffff 0xffff + 206a: ffff 0xffff + 206c: ffff 0xffff + 206e: ffff 0xffff + 2070: ffff 0xffff + 2072: ffff 0xffff + 2074: ffff 0xffff + 2076: ffff 0xffff + +00002078 : + 2078: ffff 0xffff + 207a: ffff 0xffff + 207c: ffff 0xffff + 207e: ffff 0xffff + 2080: ffff 0xffff + 2082: ffff 0xffff + 2084: ffff 0xffff + 2086: ffff 0xffff + 2088: ffff 0xffff + 208a: ffff 0xffff + +0000208c : + 208c: ffff 0xffff + 208e: ffff 0xffff + 2090: ffff 0xffff + 2092: ffff 0xffff + 2094: ffff 0xffff + 2096: ffff 0xffff + 2098: ffff 0xffff + 209a: ffff 0xffff + 209c: ffff 0xffff + 209e: ffff 0xffff + +000020a0 : + 20a0: ffff 0xffff + 20a2: ffff 0xffff + 20a4: ffff 0xffff + 20a6: ffff 0xffff + 20a8: ffff 0xffff + 20aa: ffff 0xffff + 20ac: ffff 0xffff + 20ae: ffff 0xffff + 20b0: ffff 0xffff + 20b2: ffff 0xffff + +000020b4 : + 20b4: ffff 0xffff + 20b6: ffff 0xffff + 20b8: ffff 0xffff + 20ba: ffff 0xffff + 20bc: ffff 0xffff + 20be: ffff 0xffff + 20c0: ffff 0xffff + 20c2: ffff 0xffff + 20c4: ffff 0xffff + 20c6: ffff 0xffff + ... + +000020d0 : + ... + +00002100 : + 2100: 0080 addi s0,sp,64 + ... + +00002200 : + 2200: 0004 0x4 + ... diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/DIVU.elf b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/DIVU.elf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f39faf4 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/DIVU.elf differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/DIVU.elf.bin b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/DIVU.elf.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f8dd501 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/DIVU.elf.bin differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/DIVU.elf.objdump b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/DIVU.elf.objdump new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c64d83d --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/DIVU.elf.objdump @@ -0,0 +1,332 @@ + +D:/gitee/open/tinyriscv/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/DIVU.elf: file format elf32-littleriscv + + +Disassembly of section .text.init: + +00000000 <_start>: + 0: 04c0006f j 4c + +00000004 : + 4: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 8: 00800f93 li t6,8 + c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,40 + 10: 00900f93 li t6,9 + 14: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,40 + 18: 00b00f93 li t6,11 + 1c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,40 + 20: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0 + 24: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start> + 28: 000f0463 beqz t5,30 + 2c: 000f0067 jr t5 + 30: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 34: 000f5463 bgez t5,3c + 38: 0040006f j 3c + +0000003c : + 3c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337 + +00000040 : + 40: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1 + 44: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 1000 + 48: ff9ff06f j 40 + +0000004c : + 4c: 00000193 li gp,0 + 50: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 54: fb428293 addi t0,t0,-76 # 4 + 58: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 + 5c: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0 + 60: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 64: 02028293 addi t0,t0,32 # 80 + 68: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0 + 6c: 00000293 li t0,0 + 70: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 74: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 78: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 7c: 30200073 mret + +00000080 : + 80: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 84: f8010113 addi sp,sp,-128 # 2000 + 88: 00000913 li s2,0 + 8c: 00000893 li a7,0 + 90: 031958b3 divu a7,s2,a7 + 94: 01112023 sw a7,0(sp) + 98: 00000a13 li s4,0 + 9c: 00100993 li s3,1 + a0: 033a59b3 divu s3,s4,s3 + a4: 01312223 sw s3,4(sp) + a8: 00000b13 li s6,0 + ac: fff00a93 li s5,-1 + b0: 035b5ab3 divu s5,s6,s5 + b4: 01512423 sw s5,8(sp) + b8: 00000c13 li s8,0 + bc: 80000bb7 lui s7,0x80000 + c0: fffb8b93 addi s7,s7,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + c4: 037c5bb3 divu s7,s8,s7 + c8: 01712623 sw s7,12(sp) + cc: 00000d13 li s10,0 + d0: 80000cb7 lui s9,0x80000 + d4: 039d5cb3 divu s9,s10,s9 + d8: 01912823 sw s9,16(sp) + dc: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + e0: f3810113 addi sp,sp,-200 # 2014 + e4: 00100e13 li t3,1 + e8: 00000d93 li s11,0 + ec: 03be5db3 divu s11,t3,s11 + f0: 01b12023 sw s11,0(sp) + f4: 00100f13 li t5,1 + f8: 00100e93 li t4,1 + fc: 03df5eb3 divu t4,t5,t4 + 100: 01d12223 sw t4,4(sp) + 104: 00100193 li gp,1 + 108: fff00a93 li s5,-1 + 10c: 0351dab3 divu s5,gp,s5 + 110: 01512423 sw s5,8(sp) + 114: 00100413 li s0,1 + 118: 80000237 lui tp,0x80000 + 11c: fff20213 addi tp,tp,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 120: 02445233 divu tp,s0,tp + 124: 00412623 sw tp,12(sp) + 128: 00100593 li a1,1 + 12c: 800004b7 lui s1,0x80000 + 130: 0295d4b3 divu s1,a1,s1 + 134: 00912823 sw s1,16(sp) + 138: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 13c: ef010113 addi sp,sp,-272 # 2028 + 140: fff00693 li a3,-1 + 144: 00000613 li a2,0 + 148: 02c6d633 divu a2,a3,a2 + 14c: 00c12023 sw a2,0(sp) + 150: fff00793 li a5,-1 + 154: 00100713 li a4,1 + 158: 02e7d733 divu a4,a5,a4 + 15c: 00e12223 sw a4,4(sp) + 160: fff00893 li a7,-1 + 164: fff00813 li a6,-1 + 168: 0308d833 divu a6,a7,a6 + 16c: 01012423 sw a6,8(sp) + 170: fff00993 li s3,-1 + 174: 80000937 lui s2,0x80000 + 178: fff90913 addi s2,s2,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 17c: 0329d933 divu s2,s3,s2 + 180: 01212623 sw s2,12(sp) + 184: fff00a93 li s5,-1 + 188: 80000a37 lui s4,0x80000 + 18c: 034ada33 divu s4,s5,s4 + 190: 01412823 sw s4,16(sp) + 194: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 198: ea810113 addi sp,sp,-344 # 203c + 19c: 80000bb7 lui s7,0x80000 + 1a0: fffb8b93 addi s7,s7,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1a4: 00000b13 li s6,0 + 1a8: 036bdb33 divu s6,s7,s6 + 1ac: 01612023 sw s6,0(sp) + 1b0: 80000cb7 lui s9,0x80000 + 1b4: fffc8c93 addi s9,s9,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1b8: 00100c13 li s8,1 + 1bc: 038cdc33 divu s8,s9,s8 + 1c0: 01812223 sw s8,4(sp) + 1c4: 80000db7 lui s11,0x80000 + 1c8: fffd8d93 addi s11,s11,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1cc: fff00d13 li s10,-1 + 1d0: 03addd33 divu s10,s11,s10 + 1d4: 01a12423 sw s10,8(sp) + 1d8: 80000eb7 lui t4,0x80000 + 1dc: fffe8e93 addi t4,t4,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1e0: 80000e37 lui t3,0x80000 + 1e4: fffe0e13 addi t3,t3,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1e8: 03cede33 divu t3,t4,t3 + 1ec: 01c12623 sw t3,12(sp) + 1f0: 80000ab7 lui s5,0x80000 + 1f4: fffa8a93 addi s5,s5,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1f8: 80000f37 lui t5,0x80000 + 1fc: 03eadf33 divu t5,s5,t5 + 200: 01e12823 sw t5,16(sp) + 204: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 208: e4c10113 addi sp,sp,-436 # 2050 + 20c: 80000237 lui tp,0x80000 + 210: 00000193 li gp,0 + 214: 023251b3 divu gp,tp,gp + 218: 00312023 sw gp,0(sp) + 21c: 800004b7 lui s1,0x80000 + 220: 00100413 li s0,1 + 224: 0284d433 divu s0,s1,s0 + 228: 00812223 sw s0,4(sp) + 22c: 80000637 lui a2,0x80000 + 230: fff00593 li a1,-1 + 234: 02b655b3 divu a1,a2,a1 + 238: 00b12423 sw a1,8(sp) + 23c: 80000737 lui a4,0x80000 + 240: 800006b7 lui a3,0x80000 + 244: fff68693 addi a3,a3,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 248: 02d756b3 divu a3,a4,a3 + 24c: 00d12623 sw a3,12(sp) + 250: 80000837 lui a6,0x80000 + 254: 800007b7 lui a5,0x80000 + 258: 02f857b3 divu a5,a6,a5 + 25c: 00f12823 sw a5,16(sp) + 260: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 264: da028293 addi t0,t0,-608 # 2000 + 268: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 26c: 00830313 addi t1,t1,8 # 10000008 <_end+0xfffde04> + 270: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 274: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 278: e5c28293 addi t0,t0,-420 # 20d0 + 27c: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 280: 00c30313 addi t1,t1,12 # 1000000c <_end+0xfffde08> + 284: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 288: 00100293 li t0,1 + 28c: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 290: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 294: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 298: 00000013 nop + 29c: 00100193 li gp,1 + 2a0: 00000073 ecall + +000002a4 : + 2a4: c0001073 unimp + ... + +Disassembly of section .tohost: + +00001000 : + ... + +00001100 : + ... + +Disassembly of section .data: + +00002000 : + 2000: ffff 0xffff + 2002: ffff 0xffff + 2004: ffff 0xffff + 2006: ffff 0xffff + 2008: ffff 0xffff + 200a: ffff 0xffff + 200c: ffff 0xffff + 200e: ffff 0xffff + 2010: ffff 0xffff + 2012: ffff 0xffff + +00002014 : + 2014: ffff 0xffff + 2016: ffff 0xffff + 2018: ffff 0xffff + 201a: ffff 0xffff + 201c: ffff 0xffff + 201e: ffff 0xffff + 2020: ffff 0xffff + 2022: ffff 0xffff + 2024: ffff 0xffff + 2026: ffff 0xffff + +00002028 : + 2028: ffff 0xffff + 202a: ffff 0xffff + 202c: ffff 0xffff + 202e: ffff 0xffff + 2030: ffff 0xffff + 2032: ffff 0xffff + 2034: ffff 0xffff + 2036: ffff 0xffff + 2038: ffff 0xffff + 203a: ffff 0xffff + +0000203c : + 203c: ffff 0xffff + 203e: ffff 0xffff + 2040: ffff 0xffff + 2042: ffff 0xffff + 2044: ffff 0xffff + 2046: ffff 0xffff + 2048: ffff 0xffff + 204a: ffff 0xffff + 204c: ffff 0xffff + 204e: ffff 0xffff + +00002050 : + 2050: ffff 0xffff + 2052: ffff 0xffff + 2054: ffff 0xffff + 2056: ffff 0xffff + 2058: ffff 0xffff + 205a: ffff 0xffff + 205c: ffff 0xffff + 205e: ffff 0xffff + 2060: ffff 0xffff + 2062: ffff 0xffff + +00002064 : + 2064: ffff 0xffff + 2066: ffff 0xffff + 2068: ffff 0xffff + 206a: ffff 0xffff + 206c: ffff 0xffff + 206e: ffff 0xffff + 2070: ffff 0xffff + 2072: ffff 0xffff + 2074: ffff 0xffff + 2076: ffff 0xffff + +00002078 : + 2078: ffff 0xffff + 207a: ffff 0xffff + 207c: ffff 0xffff + 207e: ffff 0xffff + 2080: ffff 0xffff + 2082: ffff 0xffff + 2084: ffff 0xffff + 2086: ffff 0xffff + 2088: ffff 0xffff + 208a: ffff 0xffff + +0000208c : + 208c: ffff 0xffff + 208e: ffff 0xffff + 2090: ffff 0xffff + 2092: ffff 0xffff + 2094: ffff 0xffff + 2096: ffff 0xffff + 2098: ffff 0xffff + 209a: ffff 0xffff + 209c: ffff 0xffff + 209e: ffff 0xffff + +000020a0 : + 20a0: ffff 0xffff + 20a2: ffff 0xffff + 20a4: ffff 0xffff + 20a6: ffff 0xffff + 20a8: ffff 0xffff + 20aa: ffff 0xffff + 20ac: ffff 0xffff + 20ae: ffff 0xffff + 20b0: ffff 0xffff + 20b2: ffff 0xffff + +000020b4 : + 20b4: ffff 0xffff + 20b6: ffff 0xffff + 20b8: ffff 0xffff + 20ba: ffff 0xffff + 20bc: ffff 0xffff + 20be: ffff 0xffff + 20c0: ffff 0xffff + 20c2: ffff 0xffff + 20c4: ffff 0xffff + 20c6: ffff 0xffff + ... + +000020d0 : + ... + +00002100 : + 2100: 0080 addi s0,sp,64 + ... + +00002200 : + 2200: 0004 0x4 + ... diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/MUL.elf b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/MUL.elf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9c48a02 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/MUL.elf differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/MUL.elf.bin b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/MUL.elf.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ef30e3d Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/MUL.elf.bin differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/MUL.elf.objdump b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/MUL.elf.objdump new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3a364b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/MUL.elf.objdump @@ -0,0 +1,332 @@ + +D:/gitee/open/tinyriscv/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/MUL.elf: file format elf32-littleriscv + + +Disassembly of section .text.init: + +00000000 <_start>: + 0: 04c0006f j 4c + +00000004 : + 4: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 8: 00800f93 li t6,8 + c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,40 + 10: 00900f93 li t6,9 + 14: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,40 + 18: 00b00f93 li t6,11 + 1c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,40 + 20: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0 + 24: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start> + 28: 000f0463 beqz t5,30 + 2c: 000f0067 jr t5 + 30: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 34: 000f5463 bgez t5,3c + 38: 0040006f j 3c + +0000003c : + 3c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337 + +00000040 : + 40: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1 + 44: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 1000 + 48: ff9ff06f j 40 + +0000004c : + 4c: 00000193 li gp,0 + 50: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 54: fb428293 addi t0,t0,-76 # 4 + 58: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 + 5c: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0 + 60: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 64: 02028293 addi t0,t0,32 # 80 + 68: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0 + 6c: 00000293 li t0,0 + 70: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 74: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 78: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 7c: 30200073 mret + +00000080 : + 80: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 84: f8010113 addi sp,sp,-128 # 2000 + 88: 00000913 li s2,0 + 8c: 00000893 li a7,0 + 90: 031908b3 mul a7,s2,a7 + 94: 01112023 sw a7,0(sp) + 98: 00000a13 li s4,0 + 9c: 00100993 li s3,1 + a0: 033a09b3 mul s3,s4,s3 + a4: 01312223 sw s3,4(sp) + a8: 00000b13 li s6,0 + ac: fff00a93 li s5,-1 + b0: 035b0ab3 mul s5,s6,s5 + b4: 01512423 sw s5,8(sp) + b8: 00000c13 li s8,0 + bc: 80000bb7 lui s7,0x80000 + c0: fffb8b93 addi s7,s7,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + c4: 037c0bb3 mul s7,s8,s7 + c8: 01712623 sw s7,12(sp) + cc: 00000d13 li s10,0 + d0: 80000cb7 lui s9,0x80000 + d4: 039d0cb3 mul s9,s10,s9 + d8: 01912823 sw s9,16(sp) + dc: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + e0: f3810113 addi sp,sp,-200 # 2014 + e4: 00100e13 li t3,1 + e8: 00000d93 li s11,0 + ec: 03be0db3 mul s11,t3,s11 + f0: 01b12023 sw s11,0(sp) + f4: 00100f13 li t5,1 + f8: 00100e93 li t4,1 + fc: 03df0eb3 mul t4,t5,t4 + 100: 01d12223 sw t4,4(sp) + 104: 00100193 li gp,1 + 108: fff00a93 li s5,-1 + 10c: 03518ab3 mul s5,gp,s5 + 110: 01512423 sw s5,8(sp) + 114: 00100413 li s0,1 + 118: 80000237 lui tp,0x80000 + 11c: fff20213 addi tp,tp,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 120: 02440233 mul tp,s0,tp + 124: 00412623 sw tp,12(sp) + 128: 00100593 li a1,1 + 12c: 800004b7 lui s1,0x80000 + 130: 029584b3 mul s1,a1,s1 + 134: 00912823 sw s1,16(sp) + 138: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 13c: ef010113 addi sp,sp,-272 # 2028 + 140: fff00693 li a3,-1 + 144: 00000613 li a2,0 + 148: 02c68633 mul a2,a3,a2 + 14c: 00c12023 sw a2,0(sp) + 150: fff00793 li a5,-1 + 154: 00100713 li a4,1 + 158: 02e78733 mul a4,a5,a4 + 15c: 00e12223 sw a4,4(sp) + 160: fff00893 li a7,-1 + 164: fff00813 li a6,-1 + 168: 03088833 mul a6,a7,a6 + 16c: 01012423 sw a6,8(sp) + 170: fff00993 li s3,-1 + 174: 80000937 lui s2,0x80000 + 178: fff90913 addi s2,s2,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 17c: 03298933 mul s2,s3,s2 + 180: 01212623 sw s2,12(sp) + 184: fff00a93 li s5,-1 + 188: 80000a37 lui s4,0x80000 + 18c: 034a8a33 mul s4,s5,s4 + 190: 01412823 sw s4,16(sp) + 194: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 198: ea810113 addi sp,sp,-344 # 203c + 19c: 80000bb7 lui s7,0x80000 + 1a0: fffb8b93 addi s7,s7,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1a4: 00000b13 li s6,0 + 1a8: 036b8b33 mul s6,s7,s6 + 1ac: 01612023 sw s6,0(sp) + 1b0: 80000cb7 lui s9,0x80000 + 1b4: fffc8c93 addi s9,s9,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1b8: 00100c13 li s8,1 + 1bc: 038c8c33 mul s8,s9,s8 + 1c0: 01812223 sw s8,4(sp) + 1c4: 80000db7 lui s11,0x80000 + 1c8: fffd8d93 addi s11,s11,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1cc: fff00d13 li s10,-1 + 1d0: 03ad8d33 mul s10,s11,s10 + 1d4: 01a12423 sw s10,8(sp) + 1d8: 80000eb7 lui t4,0x80000 + 1dc: fffe8e93 addi t4,t4,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1e0: 80000e37 lui t3,0x80000 + 1e4: fffe0e13 addi t3,t3,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1e8: 03ce8e33 mul t3,t4,t3 + 1ec: 01c12623 sw t3,12(sp) + 1f0: 80000ab7 lui s5,0x80000 + 1f4: fffa8a93 addi s5,s5,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1f8: 80000f37 lui t5,0x80000 + 1fc: 03ea8f33 mul t5,s5,t5 + 200: 01e12823 sw t5,16(sp) + 204: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 208: e4c10113 addi sp,sp,-436 # 2050 + 20c: 80000237 lui tp,0x80000 + 210: 00000193 li gp,0 + 214: 023201b3 mul gp,tp,gp + 218: 00312023 sw gp,0(sp) + 21c: 800004b7 lui s1,0x80000 + 220: 00100413 li s0,1 + 224: 02848433 mul s0,s1,s0 + 228: 00812223 sw s0,4(sp) + 22c: 80000637 lui a2,0x80000 + 230: fff00593 li a1,-1 + 234: 02b605b3 mul a1,a2,a1 + 238: 00b12423 sw a1,8(sp) + 23c: 80000737 lui a4,0x80000 + 240: 800006b7 lui a3,0x80000 + 244: fff68693 addi a3,a3,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 248: 02d706b3 mul a3,a4,a3 + 24c: 00d12623 sw a3,12(sp) + 250: 80000837 lui a6,0x80000 + 254: 800007b7 lui a5,0x80000 + 258: 02f807b3 mul a5,a6,a5 + 25c: 00f12823 sw a5,16(sp) + 260: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 264: da028293 addi t0,t0,-608 # 2000 + 268: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 26c: 00830313 addi t1,t1,8 # 10000008 <_end+0xfffde04> + 270: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 274: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 278: e5c28293 addi t0,t0,-420 # 20d0 + 27c: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 280: 00c30313 addi t1,t1,12 # 1000000c <_end+0xfffde08> + 284: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 288: 00100293 li t0,1 + 28c: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 290: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 294: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 298: 00000013 nop + 29c: 00100193 li gp,1 + 2a0: 00000073 ecall + +000002a4 : + 2a4: c0001073 unimp + ... + +Disassembly of section .tohost: + +00001000 : + ... + +00001100 : + ... + +Disassembly of section .data: + +00002000 : + 2000: ffff 0xffff + 2002: ffff 0xffff + 2004: ffff 0xffff + 2006: ffff 0xffff + 2008: ffff 0xffff + 200a: ffff 0xffff + 200c: ffff 0xffff + 200e: ffff 0xffff + 2010: ffff 0xffff + 2012: ffff 0xffff + +00002014 : + 2014: ffff 0xffff + 2016: ffff 0xffff + 2018: ffff 0xffff + 201a: ffff 0xffff + 201c: ffff 0xffff + 201e: ffff 0xffff + 2020: ffff 0xffff + 2022: ffff 0xffff + 2024: ffff 0xffff + 2026: ffff 0xffff + +00002028 : + 2028: ffff 0xffff + 202a: ffff 0xffff + 202c: ffff 0xffff + 202e: ffff 0xffff + 2030: ffff 0xffff + 2032: ffff 0xffff + 2034: ffff 0xffff + 2036: ffff 0xffff + 2038: ffff 0xffff + 203a: ffff 0xffff + +0000203c : + 203c: ffff 0xffff + 203e: ffff 0xffff + 2040: ffff 0xffff + 2042: ffff 0xffff + 2044: ffff 0xffff + 2046: ffff 0xffff + 2048: ffff 0xffff + 204a: ffff 0xffff + 204c: ffff 0xffff + 204e: ffff 0xffff + +00002050 : + 2050: ffff 0xffff + 2052: ffff 0xffff + 2054: ffff 0xffff + 2056: ffff 0xffff + 2058: ffff 0xffff + 205a: ffff 0xffff + 205c: ffff 0xffff + 205e: ffff 0xffff + 2060: ffff 0xffff + 2062: ffff 0xffff + +00002064 : + 2064: ffff 0xffff + 2066: ffff 0xffff + 2068: ffff 0xffff + 206a: ffff 0xffff + 206c: ffff 0xffff + 206e: ffff 0xffff + 2070: ffff 0xffff + 2072: ffff 0xffff + 2074: ffff 0xffff + 2076: ffff 0xffff + +00002078 : + 2078: ffff 0xffff + 207a: ffff 0xffff + 207c: ffff 0xffff + 207e: ffff 0xffff + 2080: ffff 0xffff + 2082: ffff 0xffff + 2084: ffff 0xffff + 2086: ffff 0xffff + 2088: ffff 0xffff + 208a: ffff 0xffff + +0000208c : + 208c: ffff 0xffff + 208e: ffff 0xffff + 2090: ffff 0xffff + 2092: ffff 0xffff + 2094: ffff 0xffff + 2096: ffff 0xffff + 2098: ffff 0xffff + 209a: ffff 0xffff + 209c: ffff 0xffff + 209e: ffff 0xffff + +000020a0 : + 20a0: ffff 0xffff + 20a2: ffff 0xffff + 20a4: ffff 0xffff + 20a6: ffff 0xffff + 20a8: ffff 0xffff + 20aa: ffff 0xffff + 20ac: ffff 0xffff + 20ae: ffff 0xffff + 20b0: ffff 0xffff + 20b2: ffff 0xffff + +000020b4 : + 20b4: ffff 0xffff + 20b6: ffff 0xffff + 20b8: ffff 0xffff + 20ba: ffff 0xffff + 20bc: ffff 0xffff + 20be: ffff 0xffff + 20c0: ffff 0xffff + 20c2: ffff 0xffff + 20c4: ffff 0xffff + 20c6: ffff 0xffff + ... + +000020d0 : + ... + +00002100 : + 2100: 0080 addi s0,sp,64 + ... + +00002200 : + 2200: 0004 0x4 + ... diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/MULH.elf b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/MULH.elf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c1a6e4d Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/MULH.elf differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/MULH.elf.bin b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/MULH.elf.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..06c735b Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/MULH.elf.bin differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/MULH.elf.objdump b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/MULH.elf.objdump new file mode 100644 index 0000000..272f6e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/MULH.elf.objdump @@ -0,0 +1,332 @@ + +D:/gitee/open/tinyriscv/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/MULH.elf: file format elf32-littleriscv + + +Disassembly of section .text.init: + +00000000 <_start>: + 0: 04c0006f j 4c + +00000004 : + 4: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 8: 00800f93 li t6,8 + c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,40 + 10: 00900f93 li t6,9 + 14: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,40 + 18: 00b00f93 li t6,11 + 1c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,40 + 20: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0 + 24: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start> + 28: 000f0463 beqz t5,30 + 2c: 000f0067 jr t5 + 30: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 34: 000f5463 bgez t5,3c + 38: 0040006f j 3c + +0000003c : + 3c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337 + +00000040 : + 40: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1 + 44: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 1000 + 48: ff9ff06f j 40 + +0000004c : + 4c: 00000193 li gp,0 + 50: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 54: fb428293 addi t0,t0,-76 # 4 + 58: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 + 5c: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0 + 60: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 64: 02028293 addi t0,t0,32 # 80 + 68: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0 + 6c: 00000293 li t0,0 + 70: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 74: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 78: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 7c: 30200073 mret + +00000080 : + 80: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 84: f8010113 addi sp,sp,-128 # 2000 + 88: 00000913 li s2,0 + 8c: 00000893 li a7,0 + 90: 031918b3 mulh a7,s2,a7 + 94: 01112023 sw a7,0(sp) + 98: 00000a13 li s4,0 + 9c: 00100993 li s3,1 + a0: 033a19b3 mulh s3,s4,s3 + a4: 01312223 sw s3,4(sp) + a8: 00000b13 li s6,0 + ac: fff00a93 li s5,-1 + b0: 035b1ab3 mulh s5,s6,s5 + b4: 01512423 sw s5,8(sp) + b8: 00000c13 li s8,0 + bc: 80000bb7 lui s7,0x80000 + c0: fffb8b93 addi s7,s7,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + c4: 037c1bb3 mulh s7,s8,s7 + c8: 01712623 sw s7,12(sp) + cc: 00000d13 li s10,0 + d0: 80000cb7 lui s9,0x80000 + d4: 039d1cb3 mulh s9,s10,s9 + d8: 01912823 sw s9,16(sp) + dc: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + e0: f3810113 addi sp,sp,-200 # 2014 + e4: 00100e13 li t3,1 + e8: 00000d93 li s11,0 + ec: 03be1db3 mulh s11,t3,s11 + f0: 01b12023 sw s11,0(sp) + f4: 00100f13 li t5,1 + f8: 00100e93 li t4,1 + fc: 03df1eb3 mulh t4,t5,t4 + 100: 01d12223 sw t4,4(sp) + 104: 00100193 li gp,1 + 108: fff00a93 li s5,-1 + 10c: 03519ab3 mulh s5,gp,s5 + 110: 01512423 sw s5,8(sp) + 114: 00100413 li s0,1 + 118: 80000237 lui tp,0x80000 + 11c: fff20213 addi tp,tp,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 120: 02441233 mulh tp,s0,tp + 124: 00412623 sw tp,12(sp) + 128: 00100593 li a1,1 + 12c: 800004b7 lui s1,0x80000 + 130: 029594b3 mulh s1,a1,s1 + 134: 00912823 sw s1,16(sp) + 138: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 13c: ef010113 addi sp,sp,-272 # 2028 + 140: fff00693 li a3,-1 + 144: 00000613 li a2,0 + 148: 02c69633 mulh a2,a3,a2 + 14c: 00c12023 sw a2,0(sp) + 150: fff00793 li a5,-1 + 154: 00100713 li a4,1 + 158: 02e79733 mulh a4,a5,a4 + 15c: 00e12223 sw a4,4(sp) + 160: fff00893 li a7,-1 + 164: fff00813 li a6,-1 + 168: 03089833 mulh a6,a7,a6 + 16c: 01012423 sw a6,8(sp) + 170: fff00993 li s3,-1 + 174: 80000937 lui s2,0x80000 + 178: fff90913 addi s2,s2,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 17c: 03299933 mulh s2,s3,s2 + 180: 01212623 sw s2,12(sp) + 184: fff00a93 li s5,-1 + 188: 80000a37 lui s4,0x80000 + 18c: 034a9a33 mulh s4,s5,s4 + 190: 01412823 sw s4,16(sp) + 194: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 198: ea810113 addi sp,sp,-344 # 203c + 19c: 80000bb7 lui s7,0x80000 + 1a0: fffb8b93 addi s7,s7,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1a4: 00000b13 li s6,0 + 1a8: 036b9b33 mulh s6,s7,s6 + 1ac: 01612023 sw s6,0(sp) + 1b0: 80000cb7 lui s9,0x80000 + 1b4: fffc8c93 addi s9,s9,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1b8: 00100c13 li s8,1 + 1bc: 038c9c33 mulh s8,s9,s8 + 1c0: 01812223 sw s8,4(sp) + 1c4: 80000db7 lui s11,0x80000 + 1c8: fffd8d93 addi s11,s11,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1cc: fff00d13 li s10,-1 + 1d0: 03ad9d33 mulh s10,s11,s10 + 1d4: 01a12423 sw s10,8(sp) + 1d8: 80000eb7 lui t4,0x80000 + 1dc: fffe8e93 addi t4,t4,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1e0: 80000e37 lui t3,0x80000 + 1e4: fffe0e13 addi t3,t3,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1e8: 03ce9e33 mulh t3,t4,t3 + 1ec: 01c12623 sw t3,12(sp) + 1f0: 80000ab7 lui s5,0x80000 + 1f4: fffa8a93 addi s5,s5,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1f8: 80000f37 lui t5,0x80000 + 1fc: 03ea9f33 mulh t5,s5,t5 + 200: 01e12823 sw t5,16(sp) + 204: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 208: e4c10113 addi sp,sp,-436 # 2050 + 20c: 80000237 lui tp,0x80000 + 210: 00000193 li gp,0 + 214: 023211b3 mulh gp,tp,gp + 218: 00312023 sw gp,0(sp) + 21c: 800004b7 lui s1,0x80000 + 220: 00100413 li s0,1 + 224: 02849433 mulh s0,s1,s0 + 228: 00812223 sw s0,4(sp) + 22c: 80000637 lui a2,0x80000 + 230: fff00593 li a1,-1 + 234: 02b615b3 mulh a1,a2,a1 + 238: 00b12423 sw a1,8(sp) + 23c: 80000737 lui a4,0x80000 + 240: 800006b7 lui a3,0x80000 + 244: fff68693 addi a3,a3,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 248: 02d716b3 mulh a3,a4,a3 + 24c: 00d12623 sw a3,12(sp) + 250: 80000837 lui a6,0x80000 + 254: 800007b7 lui a5,0x80000 + 258: 02f817b3 mulh a5,a6,a5 + 25c: 00f12823 sw a5,16(sp) + 260: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 264: da028293 addi t0,t0,-608 # 2000 + 268: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 26c: 00830313 addi t1,t1,8 # 10000008 <_end+0xfffde04> + 270: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 274: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 278: e5c28293 addi t0,t0,-420 # 20d0 + 27c: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 280: 00c30313 addi t1,t1,12 # 1000000c <_end+0xfffde08> + 284: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 288: 00100293 li t0,1 + 28c: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 290: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 294: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 298: 00000013 nop + 29c: 00100193 li gp,1 + 2a0: 00000073 ecall + +000002a4 : + 2a4: c0001073 unimp + ... + +Disassembly of section .tohost: + +00001000 : + ... + +00001100 : + ... + +Disassembly of section .data: + +00002000 : + 2000: ffff 0xffff + 2002: ffff 0xffff + 2004: ffff 0xffff + 2006: ffff 0xffff + 2008: ffff 0xffff + 200a: ffff 0xffff + 200c: ffff 0xffff + 200e: ffff 0xffff + 2010: ffff 0xffff + 2012: ffff 0xffff + +00002014 : + 2014: ffff 0xffff + 2016: ffff 0xffff + 2018: ffff 0xffff + 201a: ffff 0xffff + 201c: ffff 0xffff + 201e: ffff 0xffff + 2020: ffff 0xffff + 2022: ffff 0xffff + 2024: ffff 0xffff + 2026: ffff 0xffff + +00002028 : + 2028: ffff 0xffff + 202a: ffff 0xffff + 202c: ffff 0xffff + 202e: ffff 0xffff + 2030: ffff 0xffff + 2032: ffff 0xffff + 2034: ffff 0xffff + 2036: ffff 0xffff + 2038: ffff 0xffff + 203a: ffff 0xffff + +0000203c : + 203c: ffff 0xffff + 203e: ffff 0xffff + 2040: ffff 0xffff + 2042: ffff 0xffff + 2044: ffff 0xffff + 2046: ffff 0xffff + 2048: ffff 0xffff + 204a: ffff 0xffff + 204c: ffff 0xffff + 204e: ffff 0xffff + +00002050 : + 2050: ffff 0xffff + 2052: ffff 0xffff + 2054: ffff 0xffff + 2056: ffff 0xffff + 2058: ffff 0xffff + 205a: ffff 0xffff + 205c: ffff 0xffff + 205e: ffff 0xffff + 2060: ffff 0xffff + 2062: ffff 0xffff + +00002064 : + 2064: ffff 0xffff + 2066: ffff 0xffff + 2068: ffff 0xffff + 206a: ffff 0xffff + 206c: ffff 0xffff + 206e: ffff 0xffff + 2070: ffff 0xffff + 2072: ffff 0xffff + 2074: ffff 0xffff + 2076: ffff 0xffff + +00002078 : + 2078: ffff 0xffff + 207a: ffff 0xffff + 207c: ffff 0xffff + 207e: ffff 0xffff + 2080: ffff 0xffff + 2082: ffff 0xffff + 2084: ffff 0xffff + 2086: ffff 0xffff + 2088: ffff 0xffff + 208a: ffff 0xffff + +0000208c : + 208c: ffff 0xffff + 208e: ffff 0xffff + 2090: ffff 0xffff + 2092: ffff 0xffff + 2094: ffff 0xffff + 2096: ffff 0xffff + 2098: ffff 0xffff + 209a: ffff 0xffff + 209c: ffff 0xffff + 209e: ffff 0xffff + +000020a0 : + 20a0: ffff 0xffff + 20a2: ffff 0xffff + 20a4: ffff 0xffff + 20a6: ffff 0xffff + 20a8: ffff 0xffff + 20aa: ffff 0xffff + 20ac: ffff 0xffff + 20ae: ffff 0xffff + 20b0: ffff 0xffff + 20b2: ffff 0xffff + +000020b4 : + 20b4: ffff 0xffff + 20b6: ffff 0xffff + 20b8: ffff 0xffff + 20ba: ffff 0xffff + 20bc: ffff 0xffff + 20be: ffff 0xffff + 20c0: ffff 0xffff + 20c2: ffff 0xffff + 20c4: ffff 0xffff + 20c6: ffff 0xffff + ... + +000020d0 : + ... + +00002100 : + 2100: 0080 addi s0,sp,64 + ... + +00002200 : + 2200: 0004 0x4 + ... diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/MULHSU.elf b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/MULHSU.elf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..44b11f1 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/MULHSU.elf differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/MULHSU.elf.bin b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/MULHSU.elf.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3daa04c Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/MULHSU.elf.bin differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/MULHSU.elf.objdump b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/MULHSU.elf.objdump new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9df9e26 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/MULHSU.elf.objdump @@ -0,0 +1,332 @@ + +D:/gitee/open/tinyriscv/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/MULHSU.elf: file format elf32-littleriscv + + +Disassembly of section .text.init: + +00000000 <_start>: + 0: 04c0006f j 4c + +00000004 : + 4: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 8: 00800f93 li t6,8 + c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,40 + 10: 00900f93 li t6,9 + 14: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,40 + 18: 00b00f93 li t6,11 + 1c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,40 + 20: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0 + 24: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start> + 28: 000f0463 beqz t5,30 + 2c: 000f0067 jr t5 + 30: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 34: 000f5463 bgez t5,3c + 38: 0040006f j 3c + +0000003c : + 3c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337 + +00000040 : + 40: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1 + 44: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 1000 + 48: ff9ff06f j 40 + +0000004c : + 4c: 00000193 li gp,0 + 50: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 54: fb428293 addi t0,t0,-76 # 4 + 58: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 + 5c: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0 + 60: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 64: 02028293 addi t0,t0,32 # 80 + 68: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0 + 6c: 00000293 li t0,0 + 70: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 74: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 78: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 7c: 30200073 mret + +00000080 : + 80: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 84: f8010113 addi sp,sp,-128 # 2000 + 88: 00000913 li s2,0 + 8c: 00000893 li a7,0 + 90: 031928b3 mulhsu a7,s2,a7 + 94: 01112023 sw a7,0(sp) + 98: 00000a13 li s4,0 + 9c: 00100993 li s3,1 + a0: 033a29b3 mulhsu s3,s4,s3 + a4: 01312223 sw s3,4(sp) + a8: 00000b13 li s6,0 + ac: fff00a93 li s5,-1 + b0: 035b2ab3 mulhsu s5,s6,s5 + b4: 01512423 sw s5,8(sp) + b8: 00000c13 li s8,0 + bc: 80000bb7 lui s7,0x80000 + c0: fffb8b93 addi s7,s7,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + c4: 037c2bb3 mulhsu s7,s8,s7 + c8: 01712623 sw s7,12(sp) + cc: 00000d13 li s10,0 + d0: 80000cb7 lui s9,0x80000 + d4: 039d2cb3 mulhsu s9,s10,s9 + d8: 01912823 sw s9,16(sp) + dc: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + e0: f3810113 addi sp,sp,-200 # 2014 + e4: 00100e13 li t3,1 + e8: 00000d93 li s11,0 + ec: 03be2db3 mulhsu s11,t3,s11 + f0: 01b12023 sw s11,0(sp) + f4: 00100f13 li t5,1 + f8: 00100e93 li t4,1 + fc: 03df2eb3 mulhsu t4,t5,t4 + 100: 01d12223 sw t4,4(sp) + 104: 00100193 li gp,1 + 108: fff00a93 li s5,-1 + 10c: 0351aab3 mulhsu s5,gp,s5 + 110: 01512423 sw s5,8(sp) + 114: 00100413 li s0,1 + 118: 80000237 lui tp,0x80000 + 11c: fff20213 addi tp,tp,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 120: 02442233 mulhsu tp,s0,tp + 124: 00412623 sw tp,12(sp) + 128: 00100593 li a1,1 + 12c: 800004b7 lui s1,0x80000 + 130: 0295a4b3 mulhsu s1,a1,s1 + 134: 00912823 sw s1,16(sp) + 138: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 13c: ef010113 addi sp,sp,-272 # 2028 + 140: fff00693 li a3,-1 + 144: 00000613 li a2,0 + 148: 02c6a633 mulhsu a2,a3,a2 + 14c: 00c12023 sw a2,0(sp) + 150: fff00793 li a5,-1 + 154: 00100713 li a4,1 + 158: 02e7a733 mulhsu a4,a5,a4 + 15c: 00e12223 sw a4,4(sp) + 160: fff00893 li a7,-1 + 164: fff00813 li a6,-1 + 168: 0308a833 mulhsu a6,a7,a6 + 16c: 01012423 sw a6,8(sp) + 170: fff00993 li s3,-1 + 174: 80000937 lui s2,0x80000 + 178: fff90913 addi s2,s2,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 17c: 0329a933 mulhsu s2,s3,s2 + 180: 01212623 sw s2,12(sp) + 184: fff00a93 li s5,-1 + 188: 80000a37 lui s4,0x80000 + 18c: 034aaa33 mulhsu s4,s5,s4 + 190: 01412823 sw s4,16(sp) + 194: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 198: ea810113 addi sp,sp,-344 # 203c + 19c: 80000bb7 lui s7,0x80000 + 1a0: fffb8b93 addi s7,s7,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1a4: 00000b13 li s6,0 + 1a8: 036bab33 mulhsu s6,s7,s6 + 1ac: 01612023 sw s6,0(sp) + 1b0: 80000cb7 lui s9,0x80000 + 1b4: fffc8c93 addi s9,s9,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1b8: 00100c13 li s8,1 + 1bc: 038cac33 mulhsu s8,s9,s8 + 1c0: 01812223 sw s8,4(sp) + 1c4: 80000db7 lui s11,0x80000 + 1c8: fffd8d93 addi s11,s11,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1cc: fff00d13 li s10,-1 + 1d0: 03adad33 mulhsu s10,s11,s10 + 1d4: 01a12423 sw s10,8(sp) + 1d8: 80000eb7 lui t4,0x80000 + 1dc: fffe8e93 addi t4,t4,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1e0: 80000e37 lui t3,0x80000 + 1e4: fffe0e13 addi t3,t3,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1e8: 03ceae33 mulhsu t3,t4,t3 + 1ec: 01c12623 sw t3,12(sp) + 1f0: 80000ab7 lui s5,0x80000 + 1f4: fffa8a93 addi s5,s5,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1f8: 80000f37 lui t5,0x80000 + 1fc: 03eaaf33 mulhsu t5,s5,t5 + 200: 01e12823 sw t5,16(sp) + 204: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 208: e4c10113 addi sp,sp,-436 # 2050 + 20c: 80000237 lui tp,0x80000 + 210: 00000193 li gp,0 + 214: 023221b3 mulhsu gp,tp,gp + 218: 00312023 sw gp,0(sp) + 21c: 800004b7 lui s1,0x80000 + 220: 00100413 li s0,1 + 224: 0284a433 mulhsu s0,s1,s0 + 228: 00812223 sw s0,4(sp) + 22c: 80000637 lui a2,0x80000 + 230: fff00593 li a1,-1 + 234: 02b625b3 mulhsu a1,a2,a1 + 238: 00b12423 sw a1,8(sp) + 23c: 80000737 lui a4,0x80000 + 240: 800006b7 lui a3,0x80000 + 244: fff68693 addi a3,a3,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 248: 02d726b3 mulhsu a3,a4,a3 + 24c: 00d12623 sw a3,12(sp) + 250: 80000837 lui a6,0x80000 + 254: 800007b7 lui a5,0x80000 + 258: 02f827b3 mulhsu a5,a6,a5 + 25c: 00f12823 sw a5,16(sp) + 260: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 264: da028293 addi t0,t0,-608 # 2000 + 268: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 26c: 00830313 addi t1,t1,8 # 10000008 <_end+0xfffde04> + 270: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 274: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 278: e5c28293 addi t0,t0,-420 # 20d0 + 27c: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 280: 00c30313 addi t1,t1,12 # 1000000c <_end+0xfffde08> + 284: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 288: 00100293 li t0,1 + 28c: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 290: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 294: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 298: 00000013 nop + 29c: 00100193 li gp,1 + 2a0: 00000073 ecall + +000002a4 : + 2a4: c0001073 unimp + ... + +Disassembly of section .tohost: + +00001000 : + ... + +00001100 : + ... + +Disassembly of section .data: + +00002000 : + 2000: ffff 0xffff + 2002: ffff 0xffff + 2004: ffff 0xffff + 2006: ffff 0xffff + 2008: ffff 0xffff + 200a: ffff 0xffff + 200c: ffff 0xffff + 200e: ffff 0xffff + 2010: ffff 0xffff + 2012: ffff 0xffff + +00002014 : + 2014: ffff 0xffff + 2016: ffff 0xffff + 2018: ffff 0xffff + 201a: ffff 0xffff + 201c: ffff 0xffff + 201e: ffff 0xffff + 2020: ffff 0xffff + 2022: ffff 0xffff + 2024: ffff 0xffff + 2026: ffff 0xffff + +00002028 : + 2028: ffff 0xffff + 202a: ffff 0xffff + 202c: ffff 0xffff + 202e: ffff 0xffff + 2030: ffff 0xffff + 2032: ffff 0xffff + 2034: ffff 0xffff + 2036: ffff 0xffff + 2038: ffff 0xffff + 203a: ffff 0xffff + +0000203c : + 203c: ffff 0xffff + 203e: ffff 0xffff + 2040: ffff 0xffff + 2042: ffff 0xffff + 2044: ffff 0xffff + 2046: ffff 0xffff + 2048: ffff 0xffff + 204a: ffff 0xffff + 204c: ffff 0xffff + 204e: ffff 0xffff + +00002050 : + 2050: ffff 0xffff + 2052: ffff 0xffff + 2054: ffff 0xffff + 2056: ffff 0xffff + 2058: ffff 0xffff + 205a: ffff 0xffff + 205c: ffff 0xffff + 205e: ffff 0xffff + 2060: ffff 0xffff + 2062: ffff 0xffff + +00002064 : + 2064: ffff 0xffff + 2066: ffff 0xffff + 2068: ffff 0xffff + 206a: ffff 0xffff + 206c: ffff 0xffff + 206e: ffff 0xffff + 2070: ffff 0xffff + 2072: ffff 0xffff + 2074: ffff 0xffff + 2076: ffff 0xffff + +00002078 : + 2078: ffff 0xffff + 207a: ffff 0xffff + 207c: ffff 0xffff + 207e: ffff 0xffff + 2080: ffff 0xffff + 2082: ffff 0xffff + 2084: ffff 0xffff + 2086: ffff 0xffff + 2088: ffff 0xffff + 208a: ffff 0xffff + +0000208c : + 208c: ffff 0xffff + 208e: ffff 0xffff + 2090: ffff 0xffff + 2092: ffff 0xffff + 2094: ffff 0xffff + 2096: ffff 0xffff + 2098: ffff 0xffff + 209a: ffff 0xffff + 209c: ffff 0xffff + 209e: ffff 0xffff + +000020a0 : + 20a0: ffff 0xffff + 20a2: ffff 0xffff + 20a4: ffff 0xffff + 20a6: ffff 0xffff + 20a8: ffff 0xffff + 20aa: ffff 0xffff + 20ac: ffff 0xffff + 20ae: ffff 0xffff + 20b0: ffff 0xffff + 20b2: ffff 0xffff + +000020b4 : + 20b4: ffff 0xffff + 20b6: ffff 0xffff + 20b8: ffff 0xffff + 20ba: ffff 0xffff + 20bc: ffff 0xffff + 20be: ffff 0xffff + 20c0: ffff 0xffff + 20c2: ffff 0xffff + 20c4: ffff 0xffff + 20c6: ffff 0xffff + ... + +000020d0 : + ... + +00002100 : + 2100: 0080 addi s0,sp,64 + ... + +00002200 : + 2200: 0004 0x4 + ... diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/MULHU.elf b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/MULHU.elf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3d32874 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/MULHU.elf differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/MULHU.elf.bin b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/MULHU.elf.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1dfa40c Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/MULHU.elf.bin differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/MULHU.elf.objdump b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/MULHU.elf.objdump new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fb964d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/MULHU.elf.objdump @@ -0,0 +1,332 @@ + +D:/gitee/open/tinyriscv/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/MULHU.elf: file format elf32-littleriscv + + +Disassembly of section .text.init: + +00000000 <_start>: + 0: 04c0006f j 4c + +00000004 : + 4: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 8: 00800f93 li t6,8 + c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,40 + 10: 00900f93 li t6,9 + 14: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,40 + 18: 00b00f93 li t6,11 + 1c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,40 + 20: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0 + 24: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start> + 28: 000f0463 beqz t5,30 + 2c: 000f0067 jr t5 + 30: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 34: 000f5463 bgez t5,3c + 38: 0040006f j 3c + +0000003c : + 3c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337 + +00000040 : + 40: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1 + 44: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 1000 + 48: ff9ff06f j 40 + +0000004c : + 4c: 00000193 li gp,0 + 50: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 54: fb428293 addi t0,t0,-76 # 4 + 58: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 + 5c: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0 + 60: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 64: 02028293 addi t0,t0,32 # 80 + 68: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0 + 6c: 00000293 li t0,0 + 70: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 74: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 78: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 7c: 30200073 mret + +00000080 : + 80: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 84: f8010113 addi sp,sp,-128 # 2000 + 88: 00000913 li s2,0 + 8c: 00000893 li a7,0 + 90: 031938b3 mulhu a7,s2,a7 + 94: 01112023 sw a7,0(sp) + 98: 00000a13 li s4,0 + 9c: 00100993 li s3,1 + a0: 033a39b3 mulhu s3,s4,s3 + a4: 01312223 sw s3,4(sp) + a8: 00000b13 li s6,0 + ac: fff00a93 li s5,-1 + b0: 035b3ab3 mulhu s5,s6,s5 + b4: 01512423 sw s5,8(sp) + b8: 00000c13 li s8,0 + bc: 80000bb7 lui s7,0x80000 + c0: fffb8b93 addi s7,s7,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + c4: 037c3bb3 mulhu s7,s8,s7 + c8: 01712623 sw s7,12(sp) + cc: 00000d13 li s10,0 + d0: 80000cb7 lui s9,0x80000 + d4: 039d3cb3 mulhu s9,s10,s9 + d8: 01912823 sw s9,16(sp) + dc: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + e0: f3810113 addi sp,sp,-200 # 2014 + e4: 00100e13 li t3,1 + e8: 00000d93 li s11,0 + ec: 03be3db3 mulhu s11,t3,s11 + f0: 01b12023 sw s11,0(sp) + f4: 00100f13 li t5,1 + f8: 00100e93 li t4,1 + fc: 03df3eb3 mulhu t4,t5,t4 + 100: 01d12223 sw t4,4(sp) + 104: 00100193 li gp,1 + 108: fff00a93 li s5,-1 + 10c: 0351bab3 mulhu s5,gp,s5 + 110: 01512423 sw s5,8(sp) + 114: 00100413 li s0,1 + 118: 80000237 lui tp,0x80000 + 11c: fff20213 addi tp,tp,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 120: 02443233 mulhu tp,s0,tp + 124: 00412623 sw tp,12(sp) + 128: 00100593 li a1,1 + 12c: 800004b7 lui s1,0x80000 + 130: 0295b4b3 mulhu s1,a1,s1 + 134: 00912823 sw s1,16(sp) + 138: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 13c: ef010113 addi sp,sp,-272 # 2028 + 140: fff00693 li a3,-1 + 144: 00000613 li a2,0 + 148: 02c6b633 mulhu a2,a3,a2 + 14c: 00c12023 sw a2,0(sp) + 150: fff00793 li a5,-1 + 154: 00100713 li a4,1 + 158: 02e7b733 mulhu a4,a5,a4 + 15c: 00e12223 sw a4,4(sp) + 160: fff00893 li a7,-1 + 164: fff00813 li a6,-1 + 168: 0308b833 mulhu a6,a7,a6 + 16c: 01012423 sw a6,8(sp) + 170: fff00993 li s3,-1 + 174: 80000937 lui s2,0x80000 + 178: fff90913 addi s2,s2,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 17c: 0329b933 mulhu s2,s3,s2 + 180: 01212623 sw s2,12(sp) + 184: fff00a93 li s5,-1 + 188: 80000a37 lui s4,0x80000 + 18c: 034aba33 mulhu s4,s5,s4 + 190: 01412823 sw s4,16(sp) + 194: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 198: ea810113 addi sp,sp,-344 # 203c + 19c: 80000bb7 lui s7,0x80000 + 1a0: fffb8b93 addi s7,s7,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1a4: 00000b13 li s6,0 + 1a8: 036bbb33 mulhu s6,s7,s6 + 1ac: 01612023 sw s6,0(sp) + 1b0: 80000cb7 lui s9,0x80000 + 1b4: fffc8c93 addi s9,s9,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1b8: 00100c13 li s8,1 + 1bc: 038cbc33 mulhu s8,s9,s8 + 1c0: 01812223 sw s8,4(sp) + 1c4: 80000db7 lui s11,0x80000 + 1c8: fffd8d93 addi s11,s11,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1cc: fff00d13 li s10,-1 + 1d0: 03adbd33 mulhu s10,s11,s10 + 1d4: 01a12423 sw s10,8(sp) + 1d8: 80000eb7 lui t4,0x80000 + 1dc: fffe8e93 addi t4,t4,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1e0: 80000e37 lui t3,0x80000 + 1e4: fffe0e13 addi t3,t3,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1e8: 03cebe33 mulhu t3,t4,t3 + 1ec: 01c12623 sw t3,12(sp) + 1f0: 80000ab7 lui s5,0x80000 + 1f4: fffa8a93 addi s5,s5,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1f8: 80000f37 lui t5,0x80000 + 1fc: 03eabf33 mulhu t5,s5,t5 + 200: 01e12823 sw t5,16(sp) + 204: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 208: e4c10113 addi sp,sp,-436 # 2050 + 20c: 80000237 lui tp,0x80000 + 210: 00000193 li gp,0 + 214: 023231b3 mulhu gp,tp,gp + 218: 00312023 sw gp,0(sp) + 21c: 800004b7 lui s1,0x80000 + 220: 00100413 li s0,1 + 224: 0284b433 mulhu s0,s1,s0 + 228: 00812223 sw s0,4(sp) + 22c: 80000637 lui a2,0x80000 + 230: fff00593 li a1,-1 + 234: 02b635b3 mulhu a1,a2,a1 + 238: 00b12423 sw a1,8(sp) + 23c: 80000737 lui a4,0x80000 + 240: 800006b7 lui a3,0x80000 + 244: fff68693 addi a3,a3,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 248: 02d736b3 mulhu a3,a4,a3 + 24c: 00d12623 sw a3,12(sp) + 250: 80000837 lui a6,0x80000 + 254: 800007b7 lui a5,0x80000 + 258: 02f837b3 mulhu a5,a6,a5 + 25c: 00f12823 sw a5,16(sp) + 260: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 264: da028293 addi t0,t0,-608 # 2000 + 268: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 26c: 00830313 addi t1,t1,8 # 10000008 <_end+0xfffde04> + 270: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 274: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 278: e5c28293 addi t0,t0,-420 # 20d0 + 27c: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 280: 00c30313 addi t1,t1,12 # 1000000c <_end+0xfffde08> + 284: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 288: 00100293 li t0,1 + 28c: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 290: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 294: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 298: 00000013 nop + 29c: 00100193 li gp,1 + 2a0: 00000073 ecall + +000002a4 : + 2a4: c0001073 unimp + ... + +Disassembly of section .tohost: + +00001000 : + ... + +00001100 : + ... + +Disassembly of section .data: + +00002000 : + 2000: ffff 0xffff + 2002: ffff 0xffff + 2004: ffff 0xffff + 2006: ffff 0xffff + 2008: ffff 0xffff + 200a: ffff 0xffff + 200c: ffff 0xffff + 200e: ffff 0xffff + 2010: ffff 0xffff + 2012: ffff 0xffff + +00002014 : + 2014: ffff 0xffff + 2016: ffff 0xffff + 2018: ffff 0xffff + 201a: ffff 0xffff + 201c: ffff 0xffff + 201e: ffff 0xffff + 2020: ffff 0xffff + 2022: ffff 0xffff + 2024: ffff 0xffff + 2026: ffff 0xffff + +00002028 : + 2028: ffff 0xffff + 202a: ffff 0xffff + 202c: ffff 0xffff + 202e: ffff 0xffff + 2030: ffff 0xffff + 2032: ffff 0xffff + 2034: ffff 0xffff + 2036: ffff 0xffff + 2038: ffff 0xffff + 203a: ffff 0xffff + +0000203c : + 203c: ffff 0xffff + 203e: ffff 0xffff + 2040: ffff 0xffff + 2042: ffff 0xffff + 2044: ffff 0xffff + 2046: ffff 0xffff + 2048: ffff 0xffff + 204a: ffff 0xffff + 204c: ffff 0xffff + 204e: ffff 0xffff + +00002050 : + 2050: ffff 0xffff + 2052: ffff 0xffff + 2054: ffff 0xffff + 2056: ffff 0xffff + 2058: ffff 0xffff + 205a: ffff 0xffff + 205c: ffff 0xffff + 205e: ffff 0xffff + 2060: ffff 0xffff + 2062: ffff 0xffff + +00002064 : + 2064: ffff 0xffff + 2066: ffff 0xffff + 2068: ffff 0xffff + 206a: ffff 0xffff + 206c: ffff 0xffff + 206e: ffff 0xffff + 2070: ffff 0xffff + 2072: ffff 0xffff + 2074: ffff 0xffff + 2076: ffff 0xffff + +00002078 : + 2078: ffff 0xffff + 207a: ffff 0xffff + 207c: ffff 0xffff + 207e: ffff 0xffff + 2080: ffff 0xffff + 2082: ffff 0xffff + 2084: ffff 0xffff + 2086: ffff 0xffff + 2088: ffff 0xffff + 208a: ffff 0xffff + +0000208c : + 208c: ffff 0xffff + 208e: ffff 0xffff + 2090: ffff 0xffff + 2092: ffff 0xffff + 2094: ffff 0xffff + 2096: ffff 0xffff + 2098: ffff 0xffff + 209a: ffff 0xffff + 209c: ffff 0xffff + 209e: ffff 0xffff + +000020a0 : + 20a0: ffff 0xffff + 20a2: ffff 0xffff + 20a4: ffff 0xffff + 20a6: ffff 0xffff + 20a8: ffff 0xffff + 20aa: ffff 0xffff + 20ac: ffff 0xffff + 20ae: ffff 0xffff + 20b0: ffff 0xffff + 20b2: ffff 0xffff + +000020b4 : + 20b4: ffff 0xffff + 20b6: ffff 0xffff + 20b8: ffff 0xffff + 20ba: ffff 0xffff + 20bc: ffff 0xffff + 20be: ffff 0xffff + 20c0: ffff 0xffff + 20c2: ffff 0xffff + 20c4: ffff 0xffff + 20c6: ffff 0xffff + ... + +000020d0 : + ... + +00002100 : + 2100: 0080 addi s0,sp,64 + ... + +00002200 : + 2200: 0004 0x4 + ... diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/REM.elf b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/REM.elf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..058781e Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/REM.elf differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/REM.elf.bin b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/REM.elf.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..014a2d8 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/REM.elf.bin differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/REM.elf.objdump b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/REM.elf.objdump new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7f010b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/REM.elf.objdump @@ -0,0 +1,332 @@ + +D:/gitee/open/tinyriscv/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/REM.elf: file format elf32-littleriscv + + +Disassembly of section .text.init: + +00000000 <_start>: + 0: 04c0006f j 4c + +00000004 : + 4: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 8: 00800f93 li t6,8 + c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,40 + 10: 00900f93 li t6,9 + 14: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,40 + 18: 00b00f93 li t6,11 + 1c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,40 + 20: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0 + 24: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start> + 28: 000f0463 beqz t5,30 + 2c: 000f0067 jr t5 + 30: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 34: 000f5463 bgez t5,3c + 38: 0040006f j 3c + +0000003c : + 3c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337 + +00000040 : + 40: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1 + 44: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 1000 + 48: ff9ff06f j 40 + +0000004c : + 4c: 00000193 li gp,0 + 50: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 54: fb428293 addi t0,t0,-76 # 4 + 58: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 + 5c: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0 + 60: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 64: 02028293 addi t0,t0,32 # 80 + 68: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0 + 6c: 00000293 li t0,0 + 70: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 74: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 78: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 7c: 30200073 mret + +00000080 : + 80: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 84: f8010113 addi sp,sp,-128 # 2000 + 88: 00000913 li s2,0 + 8c: 00000893 li a7,0 + 90: 031968b3 rem a7,s2,a7 + 94: 01112023 sw a7,0(sp) + 98: 00000a13 li s4,0 + 9c: 00100993 li s3,1 + a0: 033a69b3 rem s3,s4,s3 + a4: 01312223 sw s3,4(sp) + a8: 00000b13 li s6,0 + ac: fff00a93 li s5,-1 + b0: 035b6ab3 rem s5,s6,s5 + b4: 01512423 sw s5,8(sp) + b8: 00000c13 li s8,0 + bc: 80000bb7 lui s7,0x80000 + c0: fffb8b93 addi s7,s7,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + c4: 037c6bb3 rem s7,s8,s7 + c8: 01712623 sw s7,12(sp) + cc: 00000d13 li s10,0 + d0: 80000cb7 lui s9,0x80000 + d4: 039d6cb3 rem s9,s10,s9 + d8: 01912823 sw s9,16(sp) + dc: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + e0: f3810113 addi sp,sp,-200 # 2014 + e4: 00100e13 li t3,1 + e8: 00000d93 li s11,0 + ec: 03be6db3 rem s11,t3,s11 + f0: 01b12023 sw s11,0(sp) + f4: 00100f13 li t5,1 + f8: 00100e93 li t4,1 + fc: 03df6eb3 rem t4,t5,t4 + 100: 01d12223 sw t4,4(sp) + 104: 00100193 li gp,1 + 108: fff00a93 li s5,-1 + 10c: 0351eab3 rem s5,gp,s5 + 110: 01512423 sw s5,8(sp) + 114: 00100413 li s0,1 + 118: 80000237 lui tp,0x80000 + 11c: fff20213 addi tp,tp,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 120: 02446233 rem tp,s0,tp + 124: 00412623 sw tp,12(sp) + 128: 00100593 li a1,1 + 12c: 800004b7 lui s1,0x80000 + 130: 0295e4b3 rem s1,a1,s1 + 134: 00912823 sw s1,16(sp) + 138: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 13c: ef010113 addi sp,sp,-272 # 2028 + 140: fff00693 li a3,-1 + 144: 00000613 li a2,0 + 148: 02c6e633 rem a2,a3,a2 + 14c: 00c12023 sw a2,0(sp) + 150: fff00793 li a5,-1 + 154: 00100713 li a4,1 + 158: 02e7e733 rem a4,a5,a4 + 15c: 00e12223 sw a4,4(sp) + 160: fff00893 li a7,-1 + 164: fff00813 li a6,-1 + 168: 0308e833 rem a6,a7,a6 + 16c: 01012423 sw a6,8(sp) + 170: fff00993 li s3,-1 + 174: 80000937 lui s2,0x80000 + 178: fff90913 addi s2,s2,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 17c: 0329e933 rem s2,s3,s2 + 180: 01212623 sw s2,12(sp) + 184: fff00a93 li s5,-1 + 188: 80000a37 lui s4,0x80000 + 18c: 034aea33 rem s4,s5,s4 + 190: 01412823 sw s4,16(sp) + 194: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 198: ea810113 addi sp,sp,-344 # 203c + 19c: 80000bb7 lui s7,0x80000 + 1a0: fffb8b93 addi s7,s7,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1a4: 00000b13 li s6,0 + 1a8: 036beb33 rem s6,s7,s6 + 1ac: 01612023 sw s6,0(sp) + 1b0: 80000cb7 lui s9,0x80000 + 1b4: fffc8c93 addi s9,s9,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1b8: 00100c13 li s8,1 + 1bc: 038cec33 rem s8,s9,s8 + 1c0: 01812223 sw s8,4(sp) + 1c4: 80000db7 lui s11,0x80000 + 1c8: fffd8d93 addi s11,s11,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1cc: fff00d13 li s10,-1 + 1d0: 03aded33 rem s10,s11,s10 + 1d4: 01a12423 sw s10,8(sp) + 1d8: 80000eb7 lui t4,0x80000 + 1dc: fffe8e93 addi t4,t4,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1e0: 80000e37 lui t3,0x80000 + 1e4: fffe0e13 addi t3,t3,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1e8: 03ceee33 rem t3,t4,t3 + 1ec: 01c12623 sw t3,12(sp) + 1f0: 80000ab7 lui s5,0x80000 + 1f4: fffa8a93 addi s5,s5,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1f8: 80000f37 lui t5,0x80000 + 1fc: 03eaef33 rem t5,s5,t5 + 200: 01e12823 sw t5,16(sp) + 204: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 208: e4c10113 addi sp,sp,-436 # 2050 + 20c: 80000237 lui tp,0x80000 + 210: 00000193 li gp,0 + 214: 023261b3 rem gp,tp,gp + 218: 00312023 sw gp,0(sp) + 21c: 800004b7 lui s1,0x80000 + 220: 00100413 li s0,1 + 224: 0284e433 rem s0,s1,s0 + 228: 00812223 sw s0,4(sp) + 22c: 80000637 lui a2,0x80000 + 230: fff00593 li a1,-1 + 234: 02b665b3 rem a1,a2,a1 + 238: 00b12423 sw a1,8(sp) + 23c: 80000737 lui a4,0x80000 + 240: 800006b7 lui a3,0x80000 + 244: fff68693 addi a3,a3,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 248: 02d766b3 rem a3,a4,a3 + 24c: 00d12623 sw a3,12(sp) + 250: 80000837 lui a6,0x80000 + 254: 800007b7 lui a5,0x80000 + 258: 02f867b3 rem a5,a6,a5 + 25c: 00f12823 sw a5,16(sp) + 260: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 264: da028293 addi t0,t0,-608 # 2000 + 268: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 26c: 00830313 addi t1,t1,8 # 10000008 <_end+0xfffde04> + 270: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 274: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 278: e5c28293 addi t0,t0,-420 # 20d0 + 27c: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 280: 00c30313 addi t1,t1,12 # 1000000c <_end+0xfffde08> + 284: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 288: 00100293 li t0,1 + 28c: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 290: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 294: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 298: 00000013 nop + 29c: 00100193 li gp,1 + 2a0: 00000073 ecall + +000002a4 : + 2a4: c0001073 unimp + ... + +Disassembly of section .tohost: + +00001000 : + ... + +00001100 : + ... + +Disassembly of section .data: + +00002000 : + 2000: ffff 0xffff + 2002: ffff 0xffff + 2004: ffff 0xffff + 2006: ffff 0xffff + 2008: ffff 0xffff + 200a: ffff 0xffff + 200c: ffff 0xffff + 200e: ffff 0xffff + 2010: ffff 0xffff + 2012: ffff 0xffff + +00002014 : + 2014: ffff 0xffff + 2016: ffff 0xffff + 2018: ffff 0xffff + 201a: ffff 0xffff + 201c: ffff 0xffff + 201e: ffff 0xffff + 2020: ffff 0xffff + 2022: ffff 0xffff + 2024: ffff 0xffff + 2026: ffff 0xffff + +00002028 : + 2028: ffff 0xffff + 202a: ffff 0xffff + 202c: ffff 0xffff + 202e: ffff 0xffff + 2030: ffff 0xffff + 2032: ffff 0xffff + 2034: ffff 0xffff + 2036: ffff 0xffff + 2038: ffff 0xffff + 203a: ffff 0xffff + +0000203c : + 203c: ffff 0xffff + 203e: ffff 0xffff + 2040: ffff 0xffff + 2042: ffff 0xffff + 2044: ffff 0xffff + 2046: ffff 0xffff + 2048: ffff 0xffff + 204a: ffff 0xffff + 204c: ffff 0xffff + 204e: ffff 0xffff + +00002050 : + 2050: ffff 0xffff + 2052: ffff 0xffff + 2054: ffff 0xffff + 2056: ffff 0xffff + 2058: ffff 0xffff + 205a: ffff 0xffff + 205c: ffff 0xffff + 205e: ffff 0xffff + 2060: ffff 0xffff + 2062: ffff 0xffff + +00002064 : + 2064: ffff 0xffff + 2066: ffff 0xffff + 2068: ffff 0xffff + 206a: ffff 0xffff + 206c: ffff 0xffff + 206e: ffff 0xffff + 2070: ffff 0xffff + 2072: ffff 0xffff + 2074: ffff 0xffff + 2076: ffff 0xffff + +00002078 : + 2078: ffff 0xffff + 207a: ffff 0xffff + 207c: ffff 0xffff + 207e: ffff 0xffff + 2080: ffff 0xffff + 2082: ffff 0xffff + 2084: ffff 0xffff + 2086: ffff 0xffff + 2088: ffff 0xffff + 208a: ffff 0xffff + +0000208c : + 208c: ffff 0xffff + 208e: ffff 0xffff + 2090: ffff 0xffff + 2092: ffff 0xffff + 2094: ffff 0xffff + 2096: ffff 0xffff + 2098: ffff 0xffff + 209a: ffff 0xffff + 209c: ffff 0xffff + 209e: ffff 0xffff + +000020a0 : + 20a0: ffff 0xffff + 20a2: ffff 0xffff + 20a4: ffff 0xffff + 20a6: ffff 0xffff + 20a8: ffff 0xffff + 20aa: ffff 0xffff + 20ac: ffff 0xffff + 20ae: ffff 0xffff + 20b0: ffff 0xffff + 20b2: ffff 0xffff + +000020b4 : + 20b4: ffff 0xffff + 20b6: ffff 0xffff + 20b8: ffff 0xffff + 20ba: ffff 0xffff + 20bc: ffff 0xffff + 20be: ffff 0xffff + 20c0: ffff 0xffff + 20c2: ffff 0xffff + 20c4: ffff 0xffff + 20c6: ffff 0xffff + ... + +000020d0 : + ... + +00002100 : + 2100: 0080 addi s0,sp,64 + ... + +00002200 : + 2200: 0004 0x4 + ... diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/REMU.elf b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/REMU.elf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d55880b Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/REMU.elf differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/REMU.elf.bin b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/REMU.elf.bin new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0db6c20 Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/REMU.elf.bin differ diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/REMU.elf.objdump b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/REMU.elf.objdump new file mode 100644 index 0000000..86b7c12 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/REMU.elf.objdump @@ -0,0 +1,332 @@ + +D:/gitee/open/tinyriscv/tests/riscv-compliance/build_generated/rv32im/REMU.elf: file format elf32-littleriscv + + +Disassembly of section .text.init: + +00000000 <_start>: + 0: 04c0006f j 4c + +00000004 : + 4: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 8: 00800f93 li t6,8 + c: 03ff0a63 beq t5,t6,40 + 10: 00900f93 li t6,9 + 14: 03ff0663 beq t5,t6,40 + 18: 00b00f93 li t6,11 + 1c: 03ff0263 beq t5,t6,40 + 20: 00000f17 auipc t5,0x0 + 24: fe0f0f13 addi t5,t5,-32 # 0 <_start> + 28: 000f0463 beqz t5,30 + 2c: 000f0067 jr t5 + 30: 34202f73 csrr t5,mcause + 34: 000f5463 bgez t5,3c + 38: 0040006f j 3c + +0000003c : + 3c: 5391e193 ori gp,gp,1337 + +00000040 : + 40: 00001f17 auipc t5,0x1 + 44: fc3f2023 sw gp,-64(t5) # 1000 + 48: ff9ff06f j 40 + +0000004c : + 4c: 00000193 li gp,0 + 50: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 54: fb428293 addi t0,t0,-76 # 4 + 58: 30529073 csrw mtvec,t0 + 5c: 30005073 csrwi mstatus,0 + 60: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0 + 64: 02028293 addi t0,t0,32 # 80 + 68: 34129073 csrw mepc,t0 + 6c: 00000293 li t0,0 + 70: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 74: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 78: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 7c: 30200073 mret + +00000080 : + 80: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 84: f8010113 addi sp,sp,-128 # 2000 + 88: 00000913 li s2,0 + 8c: 00000893 li a7,0 + 90: 031978b3 remu a7,s2,a7 + 94: 01112023 sw a7,0(sp) + 98: 00000a13 li s4,0 + 9c: 00100993 li s3,1 + a0: 033a79b3 remu s3,s4,s3 + a4: 01312223 sw s3,4(sp) + a8: 00000b13 li s6,0 + ac: fff00a93 li s5,-1 + b0: 035b7ab3 remu s5,s6,s5 + b4: 01512423 sw s5,8(sp) + b8: 00000c13 li s8,0 + bc: 80000bb7 lui s7,0x80000 + c0: fffb8b93 addi s7,s7,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + c4: 037c7bb3 remu s7,s8,s7 + c8: 01712623 sw s7,12(sp) + cc: 00000d13 li s10,0 + d0: 80000cb7 lui s9,0x80000 + d4: 039d7cb3 remu s9,s10,s9 + d8: 01912823 sw s9,16(sp) + dc: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + e0: f3810113 addi sp,sp,-200 # 2014 + e4: 00100e13 li t3,1 + e8: 00000d93 li s11,0 + ec: 03be7db3 remu s11,t3,s11 + f0: 01b12023 sw s11,0(sp) + f4: 00100f13 li t5,1 + f8: 00100e93 li t4,1 + fc: 03df7eb3 remu t4,t5,t4 + 100: 01d12223 sw t4,4(sp) + 104: 00100193 li gp,1 + 108: fff00a93 li s5,-1 + 10c: 0351fab3 remu s5,gp,s5 + 110: 01512423 sw s5,8(sp) + 114: 00100413 li s0,1 + 118: 80000237 lui tp,0x80000 + 11c: fff20213 addi tp,tp,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 120: 02447233 remu tp,s0,tp + 124: 00412623 sw tp,12(sp) + 128: 00100593 li a1,1 + 12c: 800004b7 lui s1,0x80000 + 130: 0295f4b3 remu s1,a1,s1 + 134: 00912823 sw s1,16(sp) + 138: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 13c: ef010113 addi sp,sp,-272 # 2028 + 140: fff00693 li a3,-1 + 144: 00000613 li a2,0 + 148: 02c6f633 remu a2,a3,a2 + 14c: 00c12023 sw a2,0(sp) + 150: fff00793 li a5,-1 + 154: 00100713 li a4,1 + 158: 02e7f733 remu a4,a5,a4 + 15c: 00e12223 sw a4,4(sp) + 160: fff00893 li a7,-1 + 164: fff00813 li a6,-1 + 168: 0308f833 remu a6,a7,a6 + 16c: 01012423 sw a6,8(sp) + 170: fff00993 li s3,-1 + 174: 80000937 lui s2,0x80000 + 178: fff90913 addi s2,s2,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 17c: 0329f933 remu s2,s3,s2 + 180: 01212623 sw s2,12(sp) + 184: fff00a93 li s5,-1 + 188: 80000a37 lui s4,0x80000 + 18c: 034afa33 remu s4,s5,s4 + 190: 01412823 sw s4,16(sp) + 194: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 198: ea810113 addi sp,sp,-344 # 203c + 19c: 80000bb7 lui s7,0x80000 + 1a0: fffb8b93 addi s7,s7,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1a4: 00000b13 li s6,0 + 1a8: 036bfb33 remu s6,s7,s6 + 1ac: 01612023 sw s6,0(sp) + 1b0: 80000cb7 lui s9,0x80000 + 1b4: fffc8c93 addi s9,s9,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1b8: 00100c13 li s8,1 + 1bc: 038cfc33 remu s8,s9,s8 + 1c0: 01812223 sw s8,4(sp) + 1c4: 80000db7 lui s11,0x80000 + 1c8: fffd8d93 addi s11,s11,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1cc: fff00d13 li s10,-1 + 1d0: 03adfd33 remu s10,s11,s10 + 1d4: 01a12423 sw s10,8(sp) + 1d8: 80000eb7 lui t4,0x80000 + 1dc: fffe8e93 addi t4,t4,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1e0: 80000e37 lui t3,0x80000 + 1e4: fffe0e13 addi t3,t3,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1e8: 03cefe33 remu t3,t4,t3 + 1ec: 01c12623 sw t3,12(sp) + 1f0: 80000ab7 lui s5,0x80000 + 1f4: fffa8a93 addi s5,s5,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 1f8: 80000f37 lui t5,0x80000 + 1fc: 03eaff33 remu t5,s5,t5 + 200: 01e12823 sw t5,16(sp) + 204: 00002117 auipc sp,0x2 + 208: e4c10113 addi sp,sp,-436 # 2050 + 20c: 80000237 lui tp,0x80000 + 210: 00000193 li gp,0 + 214: 023271b3 remu gp,tp,gp + 218: 00312023 sw gp,0(sp) + 21c: 800004b7 lui s1,0x80000 + 220: 00100413 li s0,1 + 224: 0284f433 remu s0,s1,s0 + 228: 00812223 sw s0,4(sp) + 22c: 80000637 lui a2,0x80000 + 230: fff00593 li a1,-1 + 234: 02b675b3 remu a1,a2,a1 + 238: 00b12423 sw a1,8(sp) + 23c: 80000737 lui a4,0x80000 + 240: 800006b7 lui a3,0x80000 + 244: fff68693 addi a3,a3,-1 # 7fffffff <_end+0x7fffddfb> + 248: 02d776b3 remu a3,a4,a3 + 24c: 00d12623 sw a3,12(sp) + 250: 80000837 lui a6,0x80000 + 254: 800007b7 lui a5,0x80000 + 258: 02f877b3 remu a5,a6,a5 + 25c: 00f12823 sw a5,16(sp) + 260: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 264: da028293 addi t0,t0,-608 # 2000 + 268: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 26c: 00830313 addi t1,t1,8 # 10000008 <_end+0xfffde04> + 270: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 274: 00002297 auipc t0,0x2 + 278: e5c28293 addi t0,t0,-420 # 20d0 + 27c: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 280: 00c30313 addi t1,t1,12 # 1000000c <_end+0xfffde08> + 284: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 288: 00100293 li t0,1 + 28c: 10000337 lui t1,0x10000 + 290: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 10000010 <_end+0xfffde0c> + 294: 00532023 sw t0,0(t1) + 298: 00000013 nop + 29c: 00100193 li gp,1 + 2a0: 00000073 ecall + +000002a4 : + 2a4: c0001073 unimp + ... + +Disassembly of section .tohost: + +00001000 : + ... + +00001100 : + ... + +Disassembly of section .data: + +00002000 : + 2000: ffff 0xffff + 2002: ffff 0xffff + 2004: ffff 0xffff + 2006: ffff 0xffff + 2008: ffff 0xffff + 200a: ffff 0xffff + 200c: ffff 0xffff + 200e: ffff 0xffff + 2010: ffff 0xffff + 2012: ffff 0xffff + +00002014 : + 2014: ffff 0xffff + 2016: ffff 0xffff + 2018: ffff 0xffff + 201a: ffff 0xffff + 201c: ffff 0xffff + 201e: ffff 0xffff + 2020: ffff 0xffff + 2022: ffff 0xffff + 2024: ffff 0xffff + 2026: ffff 0xffff + +00002028 : + 2028: ffff 0xffff + 202a: ffff 0xffff + 202c: ffff 0xffff + 202e: ffff 0xffff + 2030: ffff 0xffff + 2032: ffff 0xffff + 2034: ffff 0xffff + 2036: ffff 0xffff + 2038: ffff 0xffff + 203a: ffff 0xffff + +0000203c : + 203c: ffff 0xffff + 203e: ffff 0xffff + 2040: ffff 0xffff + 2042: ffff 0xffff + 2044: ffff 0xffff + 2046: ffff 0xffff + 2048: ffff 0xffff + 204a: ffff 0xffff + 204c: ffff 0xffff + 204e: ffff 0xffff + +00002050 : + 2050: ffff 0xffff + 2052: ffff 0xffff + 2054: ffff 0xffff + 2056: ffff 0xffff + 2058: ffff 0xffff + 205a: ffff 0xffff + 205c: ffff 0xffff + 205e: ffff 0xffff + 2060: ffff 0xffff + 2062: ffff 0xffff + +00002064 : + 2064: ffff 0xffff + 2066: ffff 0xffff + 2068: ffff 0xffff + 206a: ffff 0xffff + 206c: ffff 0xffff + 206e: ffff 0xffff + 2070: ffff 0xffff + 2072: ffff 0xffff + 2074: ffff 0xffff + 2076: ffff 0xffff + +00002078 : + 2078: ffff 0xffff + 207a: ffff 0xffff + 207c: ffff 0xffff + 207e: ffff 0xffff + 2080: ffff 0xffff + 2082: ffff 0xffff + 2084: ffff 0xffff + 2086: ffff 0xffff + 2088: ffff 0xffff + 208a: ffff 0xffff + +0000208c : + 208c: ffff 0xffff + 208e: ffff 0xffff + 2090: ffff 0xffff + 2092: ffff 0xffff + 2094: ffff 0xffff + 2096: ffff 0xffff + 2098: ffff 0xffff + 209a: ffff 0xffff + 209c: ffff 0xffff + 209e: ffff 0xffff + +000020a0 : + 20a0: ffff 0xffff + 20a2: ffff 0xffff + 20a4: ffff 0xffff + 20a6: ffff 0xffff + 20a8: ffff 0xffff + 20aa: ffff 0xffff + 20ac: ffff 0xffff + 20ae: ffff 0xffff + 20b0: ffff 0xffff + 20b2: ffff 0xffff + +000020b4 : + 20b4: ffff 0xffff + 20b6: ffff 0xffff + 20b8: ffff 0xffff + 20ba: ffff 0xffff + 20bc: ffff 0xffff + 20be: ffff 0xffff + 20c0: ffff 0xffff + 20c2: ffff 0xffff + 20c4: ffff 0xffff + 20c6: ffff 0xffff + ... + +000020d0 : + ... + +00002100 : + 2100: 0080 addi s0,sp,64 + ... + +00002200 : + 2200: 0004 0x4 + ... diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/doc/.gitignore b/tests/riscv-compliance/doc/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..70954a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/doc/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +# Ignore editor backups +*~ +# Generated files +custom.dict +README.pdf +README.html \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/doc/ChangeLog b/tests/riscv-compliance/doc/ChangeLog new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6b40841 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/doc/ChangeLog @@ -0,0 +1,147 @@ +2019-02-21 Deborah Soung + * README.adoc: Documentation for rocket chip as target. + +2019-02-05 Deborah Soung + * README.adoc: Update documentation for rocket chip as target (fixed rv32si/ma_fetch.S). + * README.adoc: Update documentation for rocket chip as target (fixed breakpoint.S). + +2019-01-29 Deborah Soung + * README.adoc: Documentation for rocket chip as target. + +2018-11-21 Olof Kindgren + + * README.adoc (Repository structure) Added documentation for the $TARGETDIR environmental variable + +2018-11-21 Neel Gala + * README.adoc: Added new signature format spec. + +2018-06-18 Jeremy Bennett + + * README.adoc (Future work): Reflect changes made to support + Codasip simulator. + (Repository structure): Diagrammatic representation of the file + structure deleted. + +2018-06-12 Jeremy Bennett + + * .gitignore: Add custom.dict. + +2018-06-12 Jeremy Bennett + + Document issue 1.8 Draft. + + * README.adoc (Introduction): Add Future work section and bump + version. + * custom.wordlist: Add words needed for Future work section. + +2018-06-12 Jeremy Bennett + + * README.adoc: Remove special apostrophe from "licensor's". + * custom.wordlist: Updated with more words to be ignored. + +2018-06-12 Jeremy Bennett + + * README-old.md: Deleted. + * README.adoc: Include details of how to contribute and installing + the tools from the old README and reference the licence as an + appendix. + +2018-06-11 Jeremy Bennett + + This makes the document appear directly as the README of the doc + directory, so there is now no longer a need to publish to GitHub + pages. + + * .gitignore: Change name of files ignored. + * Makefile: Remove publish target. + * README.adoc: Symbolic link removed and replaced by design.adoc, + to which the CC license text has been added. + * design.adoc: Renamed as README.adoc. + * publish.sh: Deleted. + +2018-06-11 Jeremy Bennett + + * README.md: Previous version moved to README-old.md for the time + being. + * README.adoc: Created as symbolic link to design.adoc. + +2018-06-10 Jeremy Bennett + + * README.md: Note about make publish. + * design.adoc (Overall structure): Make list or instruction sets + and extensions compact representation. + +2018-06-10 Jeremy Bennett + + * publish.sh: Only publish from clean and committed master branch + to avoid difficult use of git stash. + +2018-06-10 Jeremy Bennett + + * publish.sh: Don't rely on doc directory being available on + gh-pages branch. + +2018-06-10 Jeremy Bennett + + * publish.sh: Make executable and correctly set top level + repository directory. + +2018-06-10 Jeremy Bennett + + Add a mechanism to make the latest documentation available via + GitHub pages. This means that design.html is no longer part of + the master branch, but is published by copying to index.html on + the gh-pages branch. + + * .gitignore: Ignore design.html. + * Makefile: Add publish target and delete design.html when cleaning. + * README.md: Link to GitHub pages for latest documentation. + * design.adoc: Deal with AsciiDoc apparent bug with consecutive + comment blogs. + * design.html: Deleted. + * publish.sh: Created. + +2018-06-10 Jeremy Bennett + + * README.md: Fix link to generated documentation. + * design.html: Regenerated. + +2018-06-09 Jeremy Bennett + + * Makefile: Add sanity check for version number and spell target. + * design.adoc: Fix trivial typo. + * design.html: Regenerated. + +2018-06-09 Jeremy Bennett + + * .gitignore: Don't ignore .html or .xml + * README.md: Note location of old documentation, give link to HTML + and explain how to contribute. + * custom.wordlist: Created. + * design.adoc: Cleaned up from top to bottom and spell checked. + * design.html: Generated. + +2018-06-08 Jeremy Bennett + + * Makefile: Clean up and add license header. + * README.md: Created. + * design.adoc: Add licensing and SPDX license identifier. + * legacy.adoc: Deleted. + +2018-06-04 Jeremy Bennett + + This is the first version of the document taken from Simon + Davidmann's MS Word document. The main document is design.adoc, + legacy material, currently just appendices C and D has been moved + to legacy.adoc. + + design.adoc is correct AsciiDoc. legacy.adoc is just a raw dump, + which needs cleaning up. + + The next step will be restructuring design.adoc as agreed. + + * .gitignore: Created. + * ChangeLog: Created. + * Makefile: Created. + * design.adoc: Created. + * legacy.adoc: Created. diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/doc/Makefile b/tests/riscv-compliance/doc/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f6ac46c --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/doc/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +# Makefile for RISC-V Compliance Task Group documentation + +# This file is part of the RISC-V Foundation Compliance Task Group compliance +# tool set and documentation. + +# Copyright (C) 2017 CodaSip Limited +# Copyright (C) 2018 Embecosm Limited . +# Copyright (C) 2018 Imperas Limited + +# All rights reserved. + +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: + +# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, +# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# 3. Neither the name of mosquitto nor the names of its +# contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from +# this software without specific prior written permission. + +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" +# AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE +# IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE +# ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE +# LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR +# CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF +# SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS +# INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN +# CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) +# ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE +# POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. + +# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause + +ROOT = README +SRC = $(ROOT).adoc +SRC_STRIPPED = $(ROOT)-stripped.adoc + +.PHONY: all +all: pdf html + +.PHONY: pdf +pdf: $(ROOT).pdf + +$(ROOT).pdf: sanity-check $(SRC) + asciidoctor-pdf -d article $(SRC) + +.PHONY: html +html: $(ROOT).html + +$(ROOT).html: sanity-check $(SRC) + asciidoctor -d article -b html $(SRC) + +# It is all too easy for the document history and title page to have diverging +# version numbers. This target checks first. + +.PHONY: sanity-check +sanity-check: + @s=$$(sed -n < $(SRC) -e '3s/Issue //p') ; \ + t=$$(sed -n < $(SRC) -e "/== Document history/,/^$$/p" | \ + grep -c "$${s}") ; \ + if [ $${t} -ne 1 ] ; \ + then \ + echo "Version number of title and document history do not match" ; \ + exit 1 ; \ + fi + +custom.dict: custom.wordlist + aspell --lang=en create master ./$@ < $< + +.PHONY: spell +spell: custom.dict $(SRC) + sed < $(SRC) > $(SRC_STRIPPED) -e 's/`[^`]\+`//gp' -e '/^----$$/,/^----$$/d' + aspell --master=en_US --mode=none --add-extra-dicts=./custom.dict \ + -c $(SRC_STRIPPED) + $(RM) $(SRC_STRIPPED) + +clean: + rm -f $(ROOT)-stripped.adoc $(ROOT).pdf $(ROOT).html custom.dict diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/doc/README.adoc b/tests/riscv-compliance/doc/README.adoc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..47150bb --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/doc/README.adoc @@ -0,0 +1,646 @@ += RISC-V Compliance Tests = +RISC-V Foundation Compliance Task Group +Issue 1.15 Draft +:toc: +:icons: font +:numbered: +:source-highlighter: rouge + +//// +SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0 + +Document conventions: +- one line per paragraph (don't fill lines - this makes changes clearer) +- Wikipedia heading conventions (First word only capitalized) +- US spelling throughout. +- Run "make spell" before committing changes. +- Build the HTML and commit it with any changed source. +- Do not commit the PDF! +//// + +== Introduction +=== About + +This document describes the RISC-V Compliance Testing framework which is used to test a RISC-V device's compliance to the different RISC-V specifications. + +* It explains the required structure of a test, the framework around the tests, the running of individual tests, and the suites of tests. + +* It includes, as reference, details of the first suite of tests for the RV32I and their reference signatures. + +* It explains how to set up different targets to run the tests. + +* It is an expansion of the work carried out by Codasip in the second half of 2017. + +This document is made freely available under a <>. + +=== Purpose of compliance tests + +The goal of compliance tests is to check whether the processor under development meets the open RISC-V standards or not. It is considered as non-functional testing meaning that it doesn’t substitute for design verification. This can be interpreted as testing to check all important aspects of the specification but without focusing on details, for example, on all possible values of instruction operands or all combinations of possible registers. + +The result that compliance tests provide to the user is an assurance that the specification has been interpreted correctly and the design under test (DUT) can be declared as RISC-V compliant. + +=== Intended audience + +This document is intended for design and verification engineers who wish to develop new compliance tests and also those who wish check if their implementation (simulation models, HDL models, etc.) of a RISC-V processor is compliant to the RISC-V specifications. + +=== Future work + +This is a work in progress. A number of areas need resolving before the work is complete, and are recorded here so they do not get forgotten. + +Consider whether `compliance_test.h` is needed :: It's not clear if this belongs in target directories, or if it is needed at all. + +Generalize Makefile configuration :: At present each platform requires editing of the makefile, and many areas are not even fully parameterized. Again we wish to explore a wider range of platforms before deciding what needs parameterization. For now `COMPILE_TARGET` allows a choice between GCC and LLVM. More generally, we know that with tools like _autotools_ and _cmake_ this is a well understood problem to solve. + +Free up all registers for compliance testing :: At present some platforms have macros which use some registers in set up and verification, thus excluding them from compliance testing. We believe careful structuring of the macros will mean this problem can be avoided in the future, thus avoiding any registers being excluded from compliance testing. + +=== Feedback and how to contribute + +Comments on this document should be made through the RISC-V Compliance Task Group mailing list. Proposed changes may be submitted as git pull requests. + +You are encouraged to contribute to this repository by submitting pull requests and by commenting on pull requests submitted by other people as described in the link:../README.md[`README.md`] file in the top level directory. + +NOTE: Don't forget to add your own name to the list of contributors in the document. + +==== AsciiDoc + +This is a structured text format used by this document. Simple usage should be fairly self evident. + +* Comprehensive information on the format is on the http://www.methods.co.nz/asciidoc/[AsciiDoc website]. + +* Comprehensive information on the tooling on the https://asciidoctor.org/[AsciiDoctor website]. + +* You may find this https://asciidoctor.org/docs/asciidoc-syntax-quick-reference/[cheat sheet] helpful. + +==== Installing tools + +To generate the documentation as HTML you need _asciidoctor_ and to generate as +PDF you need _asciidoctor-pdf_. + +* These are the https://asciidoctor.org/docs/install-toolchain/[installation instructions for asciidoctor]. + +* These are the https://asciidoctor.org/docs/asciidoctor-pdf/#install-the-published-gem[installation instructions for asciidoctor-pdf]. + +To spell check you need _aspell_ installed. + +==== Building the documentation + +To build HTML: +[source,make] +---- +make html +---- + +To build PDF: +[source,make] +---- +make pdf +---- + +To build both: +[source,make] +---- +make +---- + +To check the spelling (excludes any listing or code phrases): +[source,make] +---- +make spell +---- + +Any custom words for spell checking should be added to link:./custom.wordlist[`custom.wordlist`]. + +=== Contributors + +This document has been created by the following people (in alphabetical order of surname). + +[quote] +Jeremy Bennett, Mary Bennett, Simon Davidmann, Neel Gala, Radek Hajek, Lee Moore, Milan Nostersky, Marcela Zachariasova. + +=== Document history +[cols="<1,<2,<3,<4",options="header,pagewidth",] +|================================================================================ +| _Revision_ | _Date_ | _Author_ | _Modification_ +| 1.15 Draft | 14 March 2019 | +Prashanth Mundkur | + +Added support and instructions for using the C and OCaml simulators from the Sail RISC-V formal model as targets. +| 1.14 Draft | 21 February 2019 | +Deborah Soung | + +Documented how to use SiFive's RISC-V ISA Formal Specification model as a target. +| 1.13 Draft | 29 January 2019 | +Deborah Soung | + +Added documentation on how to use Rocket Chip generated cores as targets. +| 1.12 Draft | 22 November 2018 | +Simon Davidmann | + +Updated notes on Test Suites. +| 1.11 Draft | 21 November 2018 | +Neel Gala | + +Added new signature format specs . +| 1.10 Draft | 20 June 2018 | + +Simon Davidmann, Lee Moore | + +Cleaned up description of updated framework and inclusion of riscvOVPsim. + +| 1.9 Draft | 12 June 2018 | + +Jeremy Bennett | + +Update Future work section to take account of Codasip changes. Remove diagrammatic directory structure. + +| 1.8 Draft | 12 June 2018 | + +Jeremy Bennett | + +Add Future work section. + +| 1.7 Draft | 12 June 2018 | + +Jeremy Bennett | + +Add CC license as an appendix. + +| 1.6 Draft | 10 June 2018 | + +Jeremy Bennett | + +Tidy up areas that are flawed in HTML version. + +| 1.5 Draft | 8 June 2018 | + +Jeremy Bennett | + +General tidy up. + +| 1.4 Draft | 8 June 2018 | + +Jeremy Bennett | + +Added license preamble. + +| 1.3 Draft | 5 June 2018 | + +Simon Davidmann | + +Updated to reflect directory structure and trace macros. + +| 1.2 Draft | 3 June 2018 | + +Jeremy Bennett | + +Converted to AsciiDoc, cleaned up and restructured. + +| 1.1 Draft | 1 June 2018 | + +Simon Davidmann +Lee Moore | + +Revised format and expand to describe framework, usage of many tests groups, +and different Targets + +|1.0 | 24 December 2017 | + +Radek Hajek +Milan Nostersky +Marcela Zachariasova | + +First version of the document. + +|================================================================================ + +== Overall structure +=== The compliance test + +At the heart of the testing infrastructure is the detailed compliance test. This is the RISC-V assembler code that is executed on the processor and that provides results in a defined memory area (the _signature_). The test should only use the minimum of instructions and only those absolutely necessary. It should only use instructions and registers from the ISA instruction set on which it is targeted. + +=== The Test Virtual Machine + +The test runs in the context of a _Test Virtual Machine_ (TVM) as defined and available at https://github.com/riscv/riscv-tests. There will be a different TVM for each instruction subset and each profile. + +=== The target environment + +A specific target will need to be chosen and setup to run the Test. This can be an Instruction Set Simulator (ISS), full system simulator (emulator), HDL simulator, FPGA prototype, or a board/chip, etc. The test runs in the context of a TVM and is set up to run on the specific target. The _target environment_ controls the loading of the test plus TVM onto the target, configures the device if needed, controls the execution, and then extracts the signature. + +=== The processor configuration (device configuration) + +The RISC-V specification allows many optional instructions, registers, and other features. Many targets have a fixed selection of these optional items which cannot be changed. For example, a chip is fixed in the mask. A simulator on the other hand may implement all known options and will need to be constrained to have only the required options available. There will need to be processor configuration for those target devices which need to be constrained to only reflect the features of the device being compliance tested. This is essential when writing compliance tests to ensure that only available options are used in the tests. + +=== The test signature + +The _test signature_ is defined as reference data written into memory during the execution of the test. It should record values and results of the operation of the Test. It is expected that an implementation, at the end of a test, dumps the signature in to a file such that only 4-bytes are written per line, starting with the most-significant byte on the left. + +=== The test reference signature + +The _test reference signature_ is the _test signature_ saved from an execution run of the RISC‑V _golden model_. This is currently from a RISC-V ISS, but the intention is that the RISC-V Formal Model from the RISCV.org Formal Working Group will be used when it is complete, functional, and available. + +=== The test suites + +Tests are grouped into different functional test suites targeting the different subsets of the full RISC-V specifications. There will be ISA and privilege suites. + +For information on the status of the different test suites, look here: link:../riscv-test-suite/README.md[../riscv-test-suite/README.md] + + +=== The test framework + +This works at several levels. At the lowest level it runs a test with a TVM on a specific configured target device and compares the test’s output test signature against the test reference signature and reports if there is any difference. A difference indicates that the target has failed that specific compliance test. + +The test framework allows different test suites to be run depending on the capabilities of the target + +The test framework collates the results of all the Tests that comprise a Test Suite and reports the overall results. + +== Developing new tests +=== Structure + +* Clone directory structure of an existing test suite alongside the RV32I tree. + +* This must include test and reference signature directories (`src` and `references`). + +* Check the target environment setup files. + +* Check the processor configuration files. + +=== Process + +This description assumes the use of a configurable simulator with good trace and debug capabilities. + +* Work on one test at a time. + +* Ensure that the processor configuration is set appropriately. + +* Use the `RVTEST` macros (defined in `compliance_io.h`) to make it easy to see the details of a Test’s execution. There are macros for assertions (`RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ`) and tracing (`RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR`) which are empty on targets that can not implement them. + +* Assuming you are developing the test on a simulator, use the simulator’s tracing capabilities, especially a register change mode to single step your test examining all changing registers etc. to ensure your test is stimulating what is intending. + +* Make sure that the signature you generate at the end of the run shows adequate internal test state such that any checks do report as fails if wrong. + +* When you are satisfied that the test does what is intended and that the test signature is correct, copy this into a test reference signature (in the references directory). + +For a test suite to be complete it needs to have tests that exercise the full functionality of what it is intended to test. There are tools available to measure instruction and other resource coverage. These should be used to ensure that 100% of the intended instructions have been tested. + +== Test framework + +For running compliance tests, the Test Virtual Machine (TVM) “p” available at https://github.com/riscv/riscv-tests is utilized. + +In addition to using the basic functionality of the TVM, the script for running compliance tests runs the test on the target and then performs comparison of the target’s generated test signature to the manually reviewed test reference signature. + +See the chapter below for selecting and setting up the target (simulator, or hardware, etc.). + +If using a target that requires the processor to be configured, see the chapter below on processor configuration. + +You will also need to have a suitable compiler tool chain (GCC or LLVM) installed in your environment and available on your path. + +Tests are run by commands in the top level `Makefile` which has targets for simulate and verify + +[source,make] +---- +RISCV_TARGET ?= riscvOVPsim +RISCV_DEVICE ?= rv32i +RISCV_PREFIX ?= riscv64-unknown-elf- + +simulate: + make RISCV_TARGET=$(RISCV_TARGET) \ + RISCV_DEVICE=$(RISCV_DEVICE) \ + RISCV_PREFIX=$(RISCV_PREFIX) \ + run -C $(SUITEDIR) + +verify: + riscv-test-env/verify.sh +---- + +== Setting the target environment + +The target environment needs setting up to allow the compliance tests to be run on the target. This can be used while developing compliance test suites or it can be used with new targets to see if they correctly execute the compliance test suites and are compliant! + +This chapter provides information on the currently available targets and includes a short tutorial on how to add a new target. + +== Support for parallel make + +In order to speed compilation and execution runs, make can be run in parallel using options to control parallelism. + +Two variables are of importance here PARALLEL=<0|1> and JOBS=<-jX --max-load=Y> whereby X and Y are integer values + +Additionally the target selected, must be coded in such a way to support parallel execution, unfortunately some targets use common intermediate files, rather than unique files, this makes them unsuitable for parallel execution, these targets will need to be re-coded. + +At the moment the riscvOVPsim target will support parallel execution by default, and will select the options -j8 --max-load=4 - these can be overridden either by disable (PARALLEL=0), or redefinition JOBS="-j2 --max-load=2" + +=== Imperas riscvOVPsim compliance simulator + +For tracing the test the following macros are defined in `riscv-target/riscvOVPsim/compliance_io.h`: + +[source,make] +---- +RVTEST_IO_INIT +RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(_SP, _STR) +RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(_SP, _R, _I) +---- + +An example of a test that uses the tracing macros is `riscv-test-suite/rv32i/ISA/src/I-IO.S`. + +To configure the simulator for different target devices there needs to be a Makefile fragment in the `device` directory. + +The Makefile fragment for RV32I is in `riscv-target/riscvOVPsim/device/rv32i` + +In the top level Makefile there needs to be a selection for the target and device: +[source,make] +---- +RISCV_TARGET?=riscvOVPsim +RISCV_DEVICE?=rv32i +---- + +The path to the RUN_TARGET is defined within the riscv-target Makefile.include. + + +=== Codasip ISA simulator + +tbd + +=== GNU CGEN ISS +==== Within GDB + +tbd + +==== Via GDB Remote Serial Protocol + +tbd + +=== Berkeley Spike ISA simulator +For spike the file `riscv-target/spike/compliance_io.h` has the trace macros defined as empty. The Makefile fragment in `riscv-target/spike/device/rv32i` has the spike run command for the RV32I device. + +=== Berkeley Rocket Chip emulators +Additional environment variables: + +* `ROCKET_DIR`: Specifies link:https://github.com/freechipsproject/rocket-chip[Rocket Chip] directory. Required. +* `ROCKET_CONFIG`: Specifies Rocket Chip link:https://github.com/freechipsproject/rocket-chip/blob/master/src/main/scala/system/Configs.scala[configuration]. **Usually** defaults to `DefaultConfig` or `DefaultRV32Config`, unless the aforementioned configurations do not support a test suite's ISA extensions (for example, in the case of `rv32ud`). + +Before running the compliance test, make sure that the correct emulator is built, following the link:https://github.com/freechipsproject/rocket-chip#emulator[instructions in the Rocket Chip repository]. + +**Note**: Rocket Chip's `DefaultRV32Config` is currently failing the following test — link:https://github.com/riscv/riscv-compliance/issues/31[rv32i/I-MISALIGN_JMP-01.S]. + +=== SiFive RISC-V ISA Formal Specification +Additional environment variables: + +* `FORMALSPEC_DIR`: Specifies link:https://github.com/sifive/RiscvSpecFormal[formal specification] directory. Required. + +Build the link:https://github.com/sifive/RiscvSpecFormal[formal model] before running compliance tests. The model currently supports `RV32i` with `a`, `c`, and `f` extensions. + +**Note**: Some tests in the `rv32i` suite will fail because privileged CSRs are not yet implemented in the formal specification. + +=== GRIFT (Galois RISC-V Formal Tools) Simulator + +To run the compliance test suite on the GRIFT simulator, first build/install GRIFT (https://github.com/GaloisInc/grift). The GRIFT simulation tool `grift-sim` needs to be on your PATH. + +Then, we can run the compliance suite via: + +[source,make] +---- +make RISCV_TARGET=grift +---- + +We have ported the rv32i, rv32im, rv32imc, rv64i, and rv64im tests. You can also run these individually, e.g.: + +[source,make] +---- +make RISCV_TARGET=grift RISCV_ISA=rv64i RISCV_DEVICE=rv64i +---- + +=== SiFive Freedom Unleashed 540 board (tbd) + +tbd + +=== Verilator Verilog RI5CY RTL processor +==== With GDB Server + +tbd + +==== With testbench monitor + +tbd + +=== Adding a new Target + +In this section, a short tutorial how to add a user target in the TVM is provided. + +If you do not want to use the TVM at all, it is recommended to just take the tests and references and incorporate them into your testing environment. The only requirement needed in this case is that there must be an option to dump the results from the target in the test environment so as the comparison to test reference signature is possible. + +The following steps demonstrate an example in which a target was replaced by Codasip ISA simulator. In a similar way, any RISC-V ISA simulator or any RTL simulation model of the RISC-V processor can be connected. + +* Redefine macros in `ISA/src/compliance_test.h` and `binary_coding/src/compliance_test.h`. ++ +For example, to support Codasip ISA simulator as Target, it was necessary to redefine `RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT macro`, `RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN` macro and `RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END` macro in `ISA/compliance_test.h` in the following way: ++ +[source,c] +---- +#define RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + add x31, x0, 1 + sw x31, codasip_syscall, t0 +---- + +* This means that on the address defined by `codasip_syscall`, the 1 value is stored and this is interpreted as `HALT` for the Codasip ISA simulator. ++ +[source,c] +---- +#define RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN + .align 4; + .global codasip_signature_start; +codasip_signature_start: +---- ++ +[source,c] +---- +#define RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END + .align 4; + .global codasip_signature_end; +codasip_signature_end: +---- + +* The Codasip ISA simulator dumps data from the addresses bounded by labels `codasip_signature_start` and `codasip_signature_end` to `stdout`. The dumped data represent the results of the tests. + +* Modify Makefiles in `ISA/Makefile` and `binary_coding/Makefile`. It is important to change tools that are evaluated and parameters that are passed to the tools. ++ +For example, to support the Codasip ISA simulator as the device under test +(DUT), it was necessary to change `RISCV_SIM` from `spike` to +`codix_berkelium-ia-isimulator –r` and parameters for running the simulator +from `+signature=$(work_dir)/$<.signature.output` to `–info 5` plus handle +redirection to a file by `1>$(work_dir)/$<.signature.output`. + +== Configuring the target device + +This section is for how to specify which optional parts are being used + +NOTE: This is primarily for simulators. + +In the directory `riscv-target/*/device` there are directories that have Makefile fragments that configure the simulator to simulate only those parts of the RISC-V specification that is required for the specific target device being tested. + +For example for the riscvOVPsim to be configured to be a RV32I +[source,make] +---- +RUN_TARGET= \ + riscvOVPsim.exe --variant RV32I --program $(work_dir_isa)/$< \ + --signaturedump \ + --override riscvOVPsim/cpu/sigdump/SignatureFile=$(work_dir_isa)/$(*).signature.output \ + --override riscvOVPsim/cpu/sigdump/ResultReg=3 \ + --override riscvOVPsim/cpu/simulateexceptions=T \ + --logfile $(work_dir_isa)/$@ +---- +[appendix] +== One ISA Test + +For a detailed description of one ISA test please have a look at the example: link:../riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-IO.S[`I-IO.S`]. + +This includes use of all the logging and assertion macros and shows how a test is split into sections. + +[appendix] +== Repository structure + +The top level directory contains a `README.md` file giving an overview of the project, top level `Makefile`, `ChangeLog`, the `verify.sh` script and complete license files for the Creative Commons and BSD licenses used by the task group. There are then four top level directories. + +`doc`:: All the documentation for the project, written using _AsciiDoc_. + +`riscv-target`:: Contains a further subdirectory for each target, within which are placed the `compliance_io.h` header for that target and a `device` directory for all the devices of that target. If the `$TARGETDIR` environment variable is set to another directory, the scripts will search this directory for targets instead. + +`riscv-test-env`:: This contains headers common to all environments, and then a directory for each TVM variant, with `link.ld` linker script and `riscv_test.h` header. + +`riscv-test-suite`:: This contains a subdirectory for each instruction set or instruction set extension. Within each subdirectory the source code and reference output for each test are in the `ISA` directory. + +`riscv-ovpsim`:: This contains a copy of the Imperas OVP riscvOVPsim simulator for use in compliance testing. It includes a subdirectory of examples with pre-compiled .elf files and has binaries of the simulator for Linux64 and Windows64. This is referenced by the makefiles for developing and running the compliance suites. riscvOVPsim can run all the tracing and assertion macros used in the tests. + +[appendix] +== Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License + +Creative Commons Corporation (“Creative Commons”) is not a law firm and does not provide legal services or legal advice. Distribution of Creative Commons public licenses does not create a lawyer-client or other relationship. Creative Commons makes its licenses and related information available on an “as-is” basis. Creative Commons gives no warranties regarding its licenses, any material licensed under their terms and conditions, or any related information. Creative Commons disclaims all liability for damages resulting from their use to the fullest extent possible. + +=== Using Creative Commons Public Licenses + +Creative Commons public licenses provide a standard set of terms and conditions that creators and other rights holders may use to share original works of authorship and other material subject to copyright and certain other rights specified in the public license below. The following considerations are for informational purposes only, are not exhaustive, and do not form part of our licenses. + +[horizontal] +*Considerations for licensors*:: Our public licenses are intended for use by those authorized to give the public permission to use material in ways otherwise restricted by copyright and certain other rights. Our licenses are irrevocable. Licensors should read and understand the terms and conditions of the license they choose before applying it. Licensors should also secure all rights necessary before applying our licenses so that the public can reuse the material as expected. Licensors should clearly mark any material not subject to the license. This includes other CC-licensed material, or material used under an exception or limitation to copyright. https://wiki.creativecommons.org/wiki/Considerations_for_licensors_and_licensees#Considerations_for_licensors[More considerations for licensors]. + +*Considerations for the public*:: By using one of our public licenses, a licensor grants the public permission to use the licensed material under specified terms and conditions. If the licensor's permission is not necessary for any reason–for example, because of any applicable exception or limitation to copyright–then that use is not regulated by the license. Our licenses grant only permissions under copyright and certain other rights that a licensor has authority to grant. 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Where disclaimers of warranties are not allowed in full or in part, this disclaimer may not apply to You.* + +b. *To the extent possible, in no event will the Licensor be liable to You on any legal theory (including, without limitation, negligence) or otherwise for any direct, special, indirect, incidental, consequential, punitive, exemplary, or other losses, costs, expenses, or damages arising out of this Public License or use of the Licensed Material, even if the Licensor has been advised of the possibility of such losses, costs, expenses, or damages. Where a limitation of liability is not allowed in full or in part, this limitation may not apply to You.* + +c. The disclaimer of warranties and limitation of liability provided above shall be interpreted in a manner that, to the extent possible, most closely approximates an absolute disclaimer and waiver of all liability. + +==== Section 6 -- Term and Termination. + +a. This Public License applies for the term of the Copyright and Similar Rights licensed here. However, if You fail to comply with this Public License, then Your rights under this Public License terminate automatically. + +b. Where Your right to use the Licensed Material has terminated under Section 6(a), it reinstates: + 1. automatically as of the date the violation is cured, provided it is cured within 30 days of Your discovery of the violation; or + 2. upon express reinstatement by the Licensor. + +c. For the avoidance of doubt, this Section 6(b) does not affect any right the Licensor may have to seek remedies for Your violations of this Public License. + +d. For the avoidance of doubt, the Licensor may also offer the Licensed Material under separate terms or conditions or stop distributing the Licensed Material at any time; however, doing so will not terminate this Public License. +Sections 1, 5, 6, 7, and 8 survive termination of this Public License. + +==== Section 7 -- Other Terms and Conditions. + +a. The Licensor shall not be bound by any additional or different terms or conditions communicated by You unless expressly agreed. + +b. Any arrangements, understandings, or agreements regarding the Licensed Material not stated herein are separate from and independent of the terms and conditions of this Public License. + +==== Section 8 -- Interpretation. + +a. For the avoidance of doubt, this Public License does not, and shall not be interpreted to, reduce, limit, restrict, or impose conditions on any use of the Licensed Material that could lawfully be made without permission under this Public License. + +b. To the extent possible, if any provision of this Public License is deemed unenforceable, it shall be automatically reformed to the minimum extent necessary to make it enforceable. If the provision cannot be reformed, it shall be severed from this Public License without affecting the enforceability of the remaining terms and conditions. + +c. No term or condition of this Public License will be waived and no failure to comply consented to unless expressly agreed to by the Licensor. + +d. Nothing in this Public License constitutes or may be interpreted as a limitation upon, or waiver of, any privileges and immunities that apply to the Licensor or You, including from the legal processes of any jurisdiction or authority. + +=== Supplementary + +Creative Commons is not a party to its public licenses. Notwithstanding, Creative Commons may elect to apply one of its public licenses to material it publishes and in those instances will be considered the “Licensor.” The text of the Creative Commons public licenses is dedicated to the public domain under the https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode[CC0 Public Domain Dedication]. Except for the limited purpose of indicating that material is shared under a Creative Commons public license or as otherwise permitted by the Creative Commons policies published at https://creativecommons.org/policies[creativecommons.org/policies], Creative Commons does not authorize the use of the trademark “Creative Commons” or any other trademark or logo of Creative Commons without its prior written consent including, without limitation, in connection with any unauthorized modifications to any of its public licenses or any other arrangements, understandings, or agreements concerning use of licensed material. For the avoidance of doubt, this paragraph does not form part of the public licenses. + +Creative Commons may be contacted at https://creativecommons.org/[creativecommons.org]. diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/doc/custom.wordlist b/tests/riscv-compliance/doc/custom.wordlist new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2efdc59 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/doc/custom.wordlist @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +AsciiDoc +asciidoc +AsciiDoctor +asciidoctor +aspell +autotools +CGEN +cmake +Codasip +creativecommons +CY +Davidmann +discoverable +DUT +EF +enforceability +FPGA +GDB +Generis +github +Hajek +HDL +http +https +IC +ies +immunities +Imperas +io +IM +ISA +legalcode +licensor +licensors +licensor's +LLVM +makefile +makefiles +Marcela +md +merchantability +Nostersky +nz +pagewidth +parameterization +pdf +publicdomain +Radek +README +riscv +riscvOVPsim +RTL +rv +RVTEST +SiFive +spdx +src +subdirectory +sublicensable +synched +tbd +testbench +toc +toolchain +TVM +URI +Verilator +Verilog +waivable +WIPO +wordlist +www +Zachariasova diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-target/tinyriscv/README.md b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-target/tinyriscv/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0a226c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-target/tinyriscv/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +# Running the compliance tests with RI5CY +Build RI5CY's core testbench by navigating to `riscv/tb/core` and calling `make +vsim-all` or if you prefer verilator `make verilate`. + +Set `TARGET_SIM` by providing the `vsim` executable and the work directory of +the compiled model of RI5CY e.g. +`export TARGET_SIM=vsim -work RI5CY_REPO/tb/core/work` +or point `TARGET_SIM` to the compiled verilator testbench e.g. +`export TARGET_SIM=RI5CY_REPO/tb/core/testbench_verilator` + +Now set the following variables: +``` +export RISCV_PREFIX=riscv32-unknown-elf- +export RISCV_TARGET=ri5cy +export RISCV_DEVICE=rv32imc +``` + +You are now ready to run the tests. The following are supported: +* `make RISCV_ISA=rv32i` +* `make RISCV_ISA=rv32im` +* `make RISCV_ISA=rv32imc` diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-target/tinyriscv/compliance_io.h b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-target/tinyriscv/compliance_io.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b56fafc --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-target/tinyriscv/compliance_io.h @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +// RISC-V Compliance IO Test Header File + +/* + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Imperas Software Ltd., www.imperas.com + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + * You may obtain a copy of the License at + * + * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + * + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, + * either express or implied. + * + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + * limitations under the License. + * + */ + +#ifndef _COMPLIANCE_IO_H +#define _COMPLIANCE_IO_H + +//----------------------------------------------------------------------- +// RV IO Macros (Non functional) +//----------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#define RVTEST_IO_INIT +#define RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(_SP, _STR) +#define RVTEST_IO_CHECK() +#define RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(_SP, _R, _I) +#define RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_SFPR_EQ(_F, _R, _I) +#define RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_DFPR_EQ(_D, _R, _I) + +#endif // _COMPLIANCE_IO_H diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-target/tinyriscv/compliance_test.h b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-target/tinyriscv/compliance_test.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f0c7540 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-target/tinyriscv/compliance_test.h @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +// RISC-V Compliance Test Header File +// Copyright (c) 2017, Codasip Ltd. All Rights Reserved. +// See LICENSE for license details. +// +// Description: Common header file for RV32I tests + +#ifndef _COMPLIANCE_TEST_H +#define _COMPLIANCE_TEST_H + +#include "riscv_test.h" + +//----------------------------------------------------------------------- +// RV Compliance Macros +//----------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#define TESTUTIL_BASE 0x10000000 +#define TESTUTIL_ADDR_HALT (TESTUTIL_BASE + 0x10) +#define TESTUTIL_ADDR_BEGIN_SIGNATURE (TESTUTIL_BASE + 0x8) +#define TESTUTIL_ADDR_END_SIGNATURE (TESTUTIL_BASE + 0xc) + +#define RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT \ + /* tell simulation about location of begin_signature */ \ + la t0, begin_signature; \ + li t1, TESTUTIL_ADDR_BEGIN_SIGNATURE; \ + sw t0, 0(t1); \ + /* tell simulation about location of end_signature */ \ + la t0, end_signature; \ + li t1, TESTUTIL_ADDR_END_SIGNATURE; \ + sw t0, 0(t1); \ + /* dump signature and terminate simulation */ \ + li t0, 1; \ + li t1, TESTUTIL_ADDR_HALT; \ + sw t0, 0(t1); \ + RVTEST_PASS \ + +#define RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M \ + RVTEST_RV32M \ + +#define RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN \ + RVTEST_CODE_BEGIN \ + +#define RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END \ + RVTEST_CODE_END \ + +#define RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN \ + RVTEST_DATA_BEGIN \ + +#define RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END \ + RVTEST_DATA_END \ + +#endif diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-target/tinyriscv/device/rv32Zicsr/Makefile.include b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-target/tinyriscv/device/rv32Zicsr/Makefile.include new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f848d3e --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-target/tinyriscv/device/rv32Zicsr/Makefile.include @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ + + + +RISCV_PREFIX ?= riscv32-unknown-elf- +RISCV_GCC ?= $(RISCV_PREFIX)gcc +RISCV_OBJDUMP ?= $(RISCV_PREFIX)objdump +RISCV_OBJCOPY ?= $(RISCV_PREFIX)objcopy +RISCV_GCC_OPTS ?= -static -mcmodel=medany -fvisibility=hidden -nostdlib -nostartfiles + +COMPILE_TARGET=\ + $$(RISCV_GCC) $(1) $$(RISCV_GCC_OPTS) \ + -I$(ROOTDIR)/riscv-test-env/ \ + -I$(ROOTDIR)/riscv-test-env/p/ \ + -I$(TARGETDIR)/$(RISCV_TARGET)/ \ + -T$(ROOTDIR)/riscv-test-env/p/link.ld $$(<) \ + -o $$(@); \ + $$(RISCV_OBJDUMP) -D $$(@) > $$(@).objdump; \ + $$(RISCV_OBJCOPY) -O binary $$(@) $$(@).bin diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-target/tinyriscv/device/rv32Zifencei/Makefile.include b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-target/tinyriscv/device/rv32Zifencei/Makefile.include new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f848d3e --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-target/tinyriscv/device/rv32Zifencei/Makefile.include @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ + + + +RISCV_PREFIX ?= riscv32-unknown-elf- +RISCV_GCC ?= $(RISCV_PREFIX)gcc +RISCV_OBJDUMP ?= $(RISCV_PREFIX)objdump +RISCV_OBJCOPY ?= $(RISCV_PREFIX)objcopy +RISCV_GCC_OPTS ?= -static -mcmodel=medany -fvisibility=hidden -nostdlib -nostartfiles + +COMPILE_TARGET=\ + $$(RISCV_GCC) $(1) $$(RISCV_GCC_OPTS) \ + -I$(ROOTDIR)/riscv-test-env/ \ + -I$(ROOTDIR)/riscv-test-env/p/ \ + -I$(TARGETDIR)/$(RISCV_TARGET)/ \ + -T$(ROOTDIR)/riscv-test-env/p/link.ld $$(<) \ + -o $$(@); \ + $$(RISCV_OBJDUMP) -D $$(@) > $$(@).objdump; \ + $$(RISCV_OBJCOPY) -O binary $$(@) $$(@).bin diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-target/tinyriscv/device/rv32i/Makefile.include b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-target/tinyriscv/device/rv32i/Makefile.include new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f848d3e --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-target/tinyriscv/device/rv32i/Makefile.include @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ + + + +RISCV_PREFIX ?= riscv32-unknown-elf- +RISCV_GCC ?= $(RISCV_PREFIX)gcc +RISCV_OBJDUMP ?= $(RISCV_PREFIX)objdump +RISCV_OBJCOPY ?= $(RISCV_PREFIX)objcopy +RISCV_GCC_OPTS ?= -static -mcmodel=medany -fvisibility=hidden -nostdlib -nostartfiles + +COMPILE_TARGET=\ + $$(RISCV_GCC) $(1) $$(RISCV_GCC_OPTS) \ + -I$(ROOTDIR)/riscv-test-env/ \ + -I$(ROOTDIR)/riscv-test-env/p/ \ + -I$(TARGETDIR)/$(RISCV_TARGET)/ \ + -T$(ROOTDIR)/riscv-test-env/p/link.ld $$(<) \ + -o $$(@); \ + $$(RISCV_OBJDUMP) -D $$(@) > $$(@).objdump; \ + $$(RISCV_OBJCOPY) -O binary $$(@) $$(@).bin diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-target/tinyriscv/device/rv32im/Makefile.include b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-target/tinyriscv/device/rv32im/Makefile.include new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f848d3e --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-target/tinyriscv/device/rv32im/Makefile.include @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ + + + +RISCV_PREFIX ?= riscv32-unknown-elf- +RISCV_GCC ?= $(RISCV_PREFIX)gcc +RISCV_OBJDUMP ?= $(RISCV_PREFIX)objdump +RISCV_OBJCOPY ?= $(RISCV_PREFIX)objcopy +RISCV_GCC_OPTS ?= -static -mcmodel=medany -fvisibility=hidden -nostdlib -nostartfiles + +COMPILE_TARGET=\ + $$(RISCV_GCC) $(1) $$(RISCV_GCC_OPTS) \ + -I$(ROOTDIR)/riscv-test-env/ \ + -I$(ROOTDIR)/riscv-test-env/p/ \ + -I$(TARGETDIR)/$(RISCV_TARGET)/ \ + -T$(ROOTDIR)/riscv-test-env/p/link.ld $$(<) \ + -o $$(@); \ + $$(RISCV_OBJDUMP) -D $$(@) > $$(@).objdump; \ + $$(RISCV_OBJCOPY) -O binary $$(@) $$(@).bin diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-env/LICENSE b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-env/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000..48fe522 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-env/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +Copyright (c) 2012-2015, The Regents of the University of California (Regents). +All Rights Reserved. + +Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright + notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the + documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +3. Neither the name of the Regents nor the + names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products + derived from this software without specific prior written permission. + +IN NO EVENT SHALL REGENTS BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, +SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING LOST PROFITS, ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF REGENTS HAS +BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. + +REGENTS SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE AND ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTATION, IF ANY, PROVIDED +HEREUNDER IS PROVIDED "AS IS". REGENTS HAS NO OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE +MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-env/encoding.h b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-env/encoding.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c109ce1 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-env/encoding.h @@ -0,0 +1,1471 @@ +// See LICENSE for license details. + +#ifndef RISCV_CSR_ENCODING_H +#define RISCV_CSR_ENCODING_H + +#define MSTATUS_UIE 0x00000001 +#define MSTATUS_SIE 0x00000002 +#define MSTATUS_HIE 0x00000004 +#define MSTATUS_MIE 0x00000008 +#define MSTATUS_UPIE 0x00000010 +#define MSTATUS_SPIE 0x00000020 +#define MSTATUS_HPIE 0x00000040 +#define MSTATUS_MPIE 0x00000080 +#define MSTATUS_SPP 0x00000100 +#define MSTATUS_HPP 0x00000600 +#define MSTATUS_MPP 0x00001800 +#define MSTATUS_FS 0x00006000 +#define MSTATUS_XS 0x00018000 +#define MSTATUS_MPRV 0x00020000 +#define MSTATUS_SUM 0x00040000 +#define MSTATUS_MXR 0x00080000 +#define MSTATUS_TVM 0x00100000 +#define MSTATUS_TW 0x00200000 +#define MSTATUS_TSR 0x00400000 +#define MSTATUS32_SD 0x80000000 +#define MSTATUS_UXL 0x0000000300000000 +#define MSTATUS_SXL 0x0000000C00000000 +#define MSTATUS64_SD 0x8000000000000000 + +#define SSTATUS_UIE 0x00000001 +#define SSTATUS_SIE 0x00000002 +#define SSTATUS_UPIE 0x00000010 +#define SSTATUS_SPIE 0x00000020 +#define SSTATUS_SPP 0x00000100 +#define SSTATUS_FS 0x00006000 +#define SSTATUS_XS 0x00018000 +#define SSTATUS_SUM 0x00040000 +#define SSTATUS_MXR 0x00080000 +#define SSTATUS32_SD 0x80000000 +#define SSTATUS_UXL 0x0000000300000000 +#define SSTATUS64_SD 0x8000000000000000 + +#define DCSR_XDEBUGVER (3U<<30) +#define DCSR_NDRESET (1<<29) +#define DCSR_FULLRESET (1<<28) +#define DCSR_EBREAKM (1<<15) +#define DCSR_EBREAKH (1<<14) +#define DCSR_EBREAKS (1<<13) +#define DCSR_EBREAKU (1<<12) +#define DCSR_STOPCYCLE (1<<10) +#define DCSR_STOPTIME (1<<9) +#define DCSR_CAUSE (7<<6) +#define DCSR_DEBUGINT (1<<5) +#define DCSR_HALT (1<<3) +#define DCSR_STEP (1<<2) +#define DCSR_PRV (3<<0) + +#define DCSR_CAUSE_NONE 0 +#define DCSR_CAUSE_SWBP 1 +#define DCSR_CAUSE_HWBP 2 +#define DCSR_CAUSE_DEBUGINT 3 +#define DCSR_CAUSE_STEP 4 +#define DCSR_CAUSE_HALT 5 + +#define MCONTROL_TYPE(xlen) (0xfULL<<((xlen)-4)) +#define MCONTROL_DMODE(xlen) (1ULL<<((xlen)-5)) +#define MCONTROL_MASKMAX(xlen) (0x3fULL<<((xlen)-11)) + +#define MCONTROL_SELECT (1<<19) +#define MCONTROL_TIMING (1<<18) +#define MCONTROL_ACTION (0x3f<<12) +#define MCONTROL_CHAIN (1<<11) +#define MCONTROL_MATCH (0xf<<7) +#define MCONTROL_M (1<<6) +#define MCONTROL_H (1<<5) +#define MCONTROL_S (1<<4) +#define MCONTROL_U (1<<3) +#define MCONTROL_EXECUTE (1<<2) +#define MCONTROL_STORE (1<<1) +#define MCONTROL_LOAD (1<<0) + +#define MCONTROL_TYPE_NONE 0 +#define MCONTROL_TYPE_MATCH 2 + +#define MCONTROL_ACTION_DEBUG_EXCEPTION 0 +#define MCONTROL_ACTION_DEBUG_MODE 1 +#define MCONTROL_ACTION_TRACE_START 2 +#define MCONTROL_ACTION_TRACE_STOP 3 +#define MCONTROL_ACTION_TRACE_EMIT 4 + +#define MCONTROL_MATCH_EQUAL 0 +#define MCONTROL_MATCH_NAPOT 1 +#define MCONTROL_MATCH_GE 2 +#define MCONTROL_MATCH_LT 3 +#define MCONTROL_MATCH_MASK_LOW 4 +#define MCONTROL_MATCH_MASK_HIGH 5 + +#define MIP_SSIP (1 << IRQ_S_SOFT) +#define MIP_HSIP (1 << IRQ_H_SOFT) +#define MIP_MSIP (1 << IRQ_M_SOFT) +#define MIP_STIP (1 << IRQ_S_TIMER) +#define MIP_HTIP (1 << IRQ_H_TIMER) +#define MIP_MTIP (1 << IRQ_M_TIMER) +#define MIP_SEIP (1 << IRQ_S_EXT) +#define MIP_HEIP (1 << IRQ_H_EXT) +#define MIP_MEIP (1 << IRQ_M_EXT) + +#define SIP_SSIP MIP_SSIP +#define SIP_STIP MIP_STIP + +#define PRV_U 0 +#define PRV_S 1 +#define PRV_H 2 +#define PRV_M 3 + +#define SATP32_MODE 0x80000000 +#define SATP32_ASID 0x7FC00000 +#define SATP32_PPN 0x003FFFFF +#define SATP64_MODE 0xF000000000000000 +#define SATP64_ASID 0x0FFFF00000000000 +#define SATP64_PPN 0x00000FFFFFFFFFFF + +#define SATP_MODE_OFF 0 +#define SATP_MODE_SV32 1 +#define SATP_MODE_SV39 8 +#define SATP_MODE_SV48 9 +#define SATP_MODE_SV57 10 +#define SATP_MODE_SV64 11 + +#define PMP_R 0x01 +#define PMP_W 0x02 +#define PMP_X 0x04 +#define PMP_A 0x18 +#define PMP_L 0x80 +#define PMP_SHIFT 2 + +#define PMP_TOR 0x08 +#define PMP_NA4 0x10 +#define PMP_NAPOT 0x18 + +#define IRQ_S_SOFT 1 +#define IRQ_H_SOFT 2 +#define IRQ_M_SOFT 3 +#define IRQ_S_TIMER 5 +#define IRQ_H_TIMER 6 +#define IRQ_M_TIMER 7 +#define IRQ_S_EXT 9 +#define IRQ_H_EXT 10 +#define IRQ_M_EXT 11 +#define IRQ_COP 12 +#define IRQ_HOST 13 + +#define DEFAULT_RSTVEC 0x00001000 +#define CLINT_BASE 0x02000000 +#define CLINT_SIZE 0x000c0000 +#define EXT_IO_BASE 0x40000000 +#define DRAM_BASE 0x80000000 + +// page table entry (PTE) fields +#define PTE_V 0x001 // Valid +#define PTE_R 0x002 // Read +#define PTE_W 0x004 // Write +#define PTE_X 0x008 // Execute +#define PTE_U 0x010 // User +#define PTE_G 0x020 // Global +#define PTE_A 0x040 // Accessed +#define PTE_D 0x080 // Dirty +#define PTE_SOFT 0x300 // Reserved for Software + +#define PTE_PPN_SHIFT 10 + +#define PTE_TABLE(PTE) (((PTE) & (PTE_V | PTE_R | PTE_W | PTE_X)) == PTE_V) + +#ifdef __riscv + +#if __riscv_xlen == 64 +# define MSTATUS_SD MSTATUS64_SD +# define SSTATUS_SD SSTATUS64_SD +# define RISCV_PGLEVEL_BITS 9 +# define SATP_MODE SATP64_MODE +#else +# define MSTATUS_SD MSTATUS32_SD +# define SSTATUS_SD SSTATUS32_SD +# define RISCV_PGLEVEL_BITS 10 +# define SATP_MODE SATP32_MODE +#endif +#define RISCV_PGSHIFT 12 +#define RISCV_PGSIZE (1 << RISCV_PGSHIFT) + +#ifndef __ASSEMBLER__ + +#ifdef __GNUC__ + +#define read_csr(reg) ({ unsigned long __tmp; \ + asm volatile ("csrr %0, " #reg : "=r"(__tmp)); \ + __tmp; }) + +#define write_csr(reg, val) ({ \ + asm volatile ("csrw " #reg ", %0" :: "rK"(val)); }) + +#define swap_csr(reg, val) ({ unsigned long __tmp; \ + asm volatile ("csrrw %0, " #reg ", %1" : "=r"(__tmp) : "rK"(val)); \ + __tmp; }) + +#define set_csr(reg, bit) ({ unsigned long __tmp; \ + asm volatile ("csrrs %0, " #reg ", %1" : "=r"(__tmp) : "rK"(bit)); \ + __tmp; }) + +#define clear_csr(reg, bit) ({ unsigned long __tmp; \ + asm volatile ("csrrc %0, " #reg ", %1" : "=r"(__tmp) : "rK"(bit)); \ + __tmp; }) + +#define rdtime() read_csr(time) +#define rdcycle() read_csr(cycle) +#define rdinstret() read_csr(instret) + +#endif + +#endif + +#endif + +#endif +/* Automatically generated by parse-opcodes. */ +#ifndef RISCV_ENCODING_H +#define RISCV_ENCODING_H +#define MATCH_BEQ 0x63 +#define MASK_BEQ 0x707f +#define MATCH_BNE 0x1063 +#define MASK_BNE 0x707f +#define MATCH_BLT 0x4063 +#define MASK_BLT 0x707f +#define MATCH_BGE 0x5063 +#define MASK_BGE 0x707f +#define MATCH_BLTU 0x6063 +#define MASK_BLTU 0x707f +#define MATCH_BGEU 0x7063 +#define MASK_BGEU 0x707f +#define MATCH_JALR 0x67 +#define MASK_JALR 0x707f +#define MATCH_JAL 0x6f +#define MASK_JAL 0x7f +#define MATCH_LUI 0x37 +#define MASK_LUI 0x7f +#define MATCH_AUIPC 0x17 +#define MASK_AUIPC 0x7f +#define MATCH_ADDI 0x13 +#define MASK_ADDI 0x707f +#define MATCH_SLLI 0x1013 +#define MASK_SLLI 0xfc00707f +#define MATCH_SLTI 0x2013 +#define MASK_SLTI 0x707f +#define MATCH_SLTIU 0x3013 +#define MASK_SLTIU 0x707f +#define MATCH_XORI 0x4013 +#define MASK_XORI 0x707f +#define MATCH_SRLI 0x5013 +#define MASK_SRLI 0xfc00707f +#define MATCH_SRAI 0x40005013 +#define MASK_SRAI 0xfc00707f +#define MATCH_ORI 0x6013 +#define MASK_ORI 0x707f +#define MATCH_ANDI 0x7013 +#define MASK_ANDI 0x707f +#define MATCH_ADD 0x33 +#define MASK_ADD 0xfe00707f +#define MATCH_SUB 0x40000033 +#define MASK_SUB 0xfe00707f +#define MATCH_SLL 0x1033 +#define MASK_SLL 0xfe00707f +#define MATCH_SLT 0x2033 +#define MASK_SLT 0xfe00707f +#define MATCH_SLTU 0x3033 +#define MASK_SLTU 0xfe00707f +#define MATCH_XOR 0x4033 +#define MASK_XOR 0xfe00707f +#define MATCH_SRL 0x5033 +#define MASK_SRL 0xfe00707f +#define MATCH_SRA 0x40005033 +#define MASK_SRA 0xfe00707f +#define MATCH_OR 0x6033 +#define MASK_OR 0xfe00707f +#define MATCH_AND 0x7033 +#define MASK_AND 0xfe00707f +#define MATCH_ADDIW 0x1b +#define MASK_ADDIW 0x707f +#define MATCH_SLLIW 0x101b +#define MASK_SLLIW 0xfe00707f +#define MATCH_SRLIW 0x501b +#define MASK_SRLIW 0xfe00707f +#define MATCH_SRAIW 0x4000501b +#define MASK_SRAIW 0xfe00707f +#define MATCH_ADDW 0x3b +#define MASK_ADDW 0xfe00707f +#define MATCH_SUBW 0x4000003b +#define MASK_SUBW 0xfe00707f +#define MATCH_SLLW 0x103b +#define MASK_SLLW 0xfe00707f +#define MATCH_SRLW 0x503b +#define MASK_SRLW 0xfe00707f +#define MATCH_SRAW 0x4000503b +#define MASK_SRAW 0xfe00707f +#define MATCH_LB 0x3 +#define MASK_LB 0x707f +#define MATCH_LH 0x1003 +#define MASK_LH 0x707f +#define MATCH_LW 0x2003 +#define MASK_LW 0x707f +#define MATCH_LD 0x3003 +#define MASK_LD 0x707f +#define MATCH_LBU 0x4003 +#define MASK_LBU 0x707f +#define MATCH_LHU 0x5003 +#define MASK_LHU 0x707f +#define MATCH_LWU 0x6003 +#define MASK_LWU 0x707f +#define MATCH_SB 0x23 +#define MASK_SB 0x707f +#define MATCH_SH 0x1023 +#define MASK_SH 0x707f +#define MATCH_SW 0x2023 +#define MASK_SW 0x707f +#define MATCH_SD 0x3023 +#define MASK_SD 0x707f +#define MATCH_FENCE 0xf +#define MASK_FENCE 0x707f +#define MATCH_FENCE_I 0x100f +#define MASK_FENCE_I 0x707f +#define MATCH_MUL 0x2000033 +#define MASK_MUL 0xfe00707f +#define MATCH_MULH 0x2001033 +#define MASK_MULH 0xfe00707f +#define MATCH_MULHSU 0x2002033 +#define MASK_MULHSU 0xfe00707f +#define MATCH_MULHU 0x2003033 +#define MASK_MULHU 0xfe00707f +#define MATCH_DIV 0x2004033 +#define MASK_DIV 0xfe00707f +#define MATCH_DIVU 0x2005033 +#define MASK_DIVU 0xfe00707f +#define MATCH_REM 0x2006033 +#define MASK_REM 0xfe00707f +#define MATCH_REMU 0x2007033 +#define MASK_REMU 0xfe00707f +#define MATCH_MULW 0x200003b +#define MASK_MULW 0xfe00707f +#define MATCH_DIVW 0x200403b +#define MASK_DIVW 0xfe00707f +#define MATCH_DIVUW 0x200503b +#define MASK_DIVUW 0xfe00707f +#define MATCH_REMW 0x200603b +#define MASK_REMW 0xfe00707f +#define MATCH_REMUW 0x200703b +#define MASK_REMUW 0xfe00707f +#define MATCH_AMOADD_W 0x202f +#define MASK_AMOADD_W 0xf800707f +#define MATCH_AMOXOR_W 0x2000202f +#define MASK_AMOXOR_W 0xf800707f +#define MATCH_AMOOR_W 0x4000202f +#define MASK_AMOOR_W 0xf800707f +#define MATCH_AMOAND_W 0x6000202f +#define MASK_AMOAND_W 0xf800707f +#define MATCH_AMOMIN_W 0x8000202f +#define MASK_AMOMIN_W 0xf800707f +#define MATCH_AMOMAX_W 0xa000202f +#define MASK_AMOMAX_W 0xf800707f +#define MATCH_AMOMINU_W 0xc000202f +#define MASK_AMOMINU_W 0xf800707f +#define MATCH_AMOMAXU_W 0xe000202f +#define MASK_AMOMAXU_W 0xf800707f +#define MATCH_AMOSWAP_W 0x800202f +#define MASK_AMOSWAP_W 0xf800707f +#define MATCH_LR_W 0x1000202f +#define MASK_LR_W 0xf9f0707f +#define MATCH_SC_W 0x1800202f +#define MASK_SC_W 0xf800707f +#define MATCH_AMOADD_D 0x302f +#define MASK_AMOADD_D 0xf800707f +#define MATCH_AMOXOR_D 0x2000302f +#define MASK_AMOXOR_D 0xf800707f +#define MATCH_AMOOR_D 0x4000302f +#define MASK_AMOOR_D 0xf800707f +#define MATCH_AMOAND_D 0x6000302f +#define MASK_AMOAND_D 0xf800707f +#define MATCH_AMOMIN_D 0x8000302f +#define MASK_AMOMIN_D 0xf800707f +#define MATCH_AMOMAX_D 0xa000302f +#define MASK_AMOMAX_D 0xf800707f +#define MATCH_AMOMINU_D 0xc000302f +#define MASK_AMOMINU_D 0xf800707f +#define MATCH_AMOMAXU_D 0xe000302f +#define MASK_AMOMAXU_D 0xf800707f +#define MATCH_AMOSWAP_D 0x800302f +#define MASK_AMOSWAP_D 0xf800707f +#define MATCH_LR_D 0x1000302f +#define MASK_LR_D 0xf9f0707f +#define MATCH_SC_D 0x1800302f +#define MASK_SC_D 0xf800707f +#define MATCH_ECALL 0x73 +#define MASK_ECALL 0xffffffff +#define MATCH_EBREAK 0x100073 +#define MASK_EBREAK 0xffffffff +#define MATCH_URET 0x200073 +#define MASK_URET 0xffffffff +#define MATCH_SRET 0x10200073 +#define MASK_SRET 0xffffffff +#define MATCH_MRET 0x30200073 +#define MASK_MRET 0xffffffff +#define MATCH_DRET 0x7b200073 +#define MASK_DRET 0xffffffff +#define MATCH_SFENCE_VMA 0x12000073 +#define MASK_SFENCE_VMA 0xfe007fff +#define MATCH_WFI 0x10500073 +#define MASK_WFI 0xffffffff +#define MATCH_CSRRW 0x1073 +#define MASK_CSRRW 0x707f +#define MATCH_CSRRS 0x2073 +#define MASK_CSRRS 0x707f +#define MATCH_CSRRC 0x3073 +#define MASK_CSRRC 0x707f +#define MATCH_CSRRWI 0x5073 +#define MASK_CSRRWI 0x707f +#define MATCH_CSRRSI 0x6073 +#define MASK_CSRRSI 0x707f +#define MATCH_CSRRCI 0x7073 +#define MASK_CSRRCI 0x707f +#define MATCH_FADD_S 0x53 +#define MASK_FADD_S 0xfe00007f +#define MATCH_FSUB_S 0x8000053 +#define MASK_FSUB_S 0xfe00007f +#define MATCH_FMUL_S 0x10000053 +#define MASK_FMUL_S 0xfe00007f +#define MATCH_FDIV_S 0x18000053 +#define MASK_FDIV_S 0xfe00007f +#define MATCH_FSGNJ_S 0x20000053 +#define MASK_FSGNJ_S 0xfe00707f +#define MATCH_FSGNJN_S 0x20001053 +#define MASK_FSGNJN_S 0xfe00707f +#define MATCH_FSGNJX_S 0x20002053 +#define MASK_FSGNJX_S 0xfe00707f +#define MATCH_FMIN_S 0x28000053 +#define MASK_FMIN_S 0xfe00707f +#define MATCH_FMAX_S 0x28001053 +#define MASK_FMAX_S 0xfe00707f +#define MATCH_FSQRT_S 0x58000053 +#define MASK_FSQRT_S 0xfff0007f +#define MATCH_FADD_D 0x2000053 +#define MASK_FADD_D 0xfe00007f +#define MATCH_FSUB_D 0xa000053 +#define MASK_FSUB_D 0xfe00007f +#define MATCH_FMUL_D 0x12000053 +#define MASK_FMUL_D 0xfe00007f +#define MATCH_FDIV_D 0x1a000053 +#define MASK_FDIV_D 0xfe00007f +#define MATCH_FSGNJ_D 0x22000053 +#define MASK_FSGNJ_D 0xfe00707f +#define MATCH_FSGNJN_D 0x22001053 +#define MASK_FSGNJN_D 0xfe00707f +#define MATCH_FSGNJX_D 0x22002053 +#define MASK_FSGNJX_D 0xfe00707f +#define MATCH_FMIN_D 0x2a000053 +#define MASK_FMIN_D 0xfe00707f +#define MATCH_FMAX_D 0x2a001053 +#define MASK_FMAX_D 0xfe00707f +#define MATCH_FCVT_S_D 0x40100053 +#define MASK_FCVT_S_D 0xfff0007f +#define MATCH_FCVT_D_S 0x42000053 +#define MASK_FCVT_D_S 0xfff0007f +#define MATCH_FSQRT_D 0x5a000053 +#define MASK_FSQRT_D 0xfff0007f +#define MATCH_FADD_Q 0x6000053 +#define MASK_FADD_Q 0xfe00007f +#define MATCH_FSUB_Q 0xe000053 +#define MASK_FSUB_Q 0xfe00007f +#define MATCH_FMUL_Q 0x16000053 +#define MASK_FMUL_Q 0xfe00007f +#define MATCH_FDIV_Q 0x1e000053 +#define MASK_FDIV_Q 0xfe00007f +#define MATCH_FSGNJ_Q 0x26000053 +#define MASK_FSGNJ_Q 0xfe00707f +#define MATCH_FSGNJN_Q 0x26001053 +#define MASK_FSGNJN_Q 0xfe00707f +#define MATCH_FSGNJX_Q 0x26002053 +#define MASK_FSGNJX_Q 0xfe00707f +#define MATCH_FMIN_Q 0x2e000053 +#define MASK_FMIN_Q 0xfe00707f +#define MATCH_FMAX_Q 0x2e001053 +#define MASK_FMAX_Q 0xfe00707f +#define MATCH_FCVT_S_Q 0x40300053 +#define MASK_FCVT_S_Q 0xfff0007f +#define MATCH_FCVT_Q_S 0x46000053 +#define MASK_FCVT_Q_S 0xfff0007f +#define MATCH_FCVT_D_Q 0x42300053 +#define MASK_FCVT_D_Q 0xfff0007f +#define MATCH_FCVT_Q_D 0x46100053 +#define MASK_FCVT_Q_D 0xfff0007f +#define MATCH_FSQRT_Q 0x5e000053 +#define MASK_FSQRT_Q 0xfff0007f +#define MATCH_FLE_S 0xa0000053 +#define MASK_FLE_S 0xfe00707f +#define MATCH_FLT_S 0xa0001053 +#define MASK_FLT_S 0xfe00707f +#define MATCH_FEQ_S 0xa0002053 +#define MASK_FEQ_S 0xfe00707f +#define MATCH_FLE_D 0xa2000053 +#define MASK_FLE_D 0xfe00707f +#define MATCH_FLT_D 0xa2001053 +#define MASK_FLT_D 0xfe00707f +#define MATCH_FEQ_D 0xa2002053 +#define MASK_FEQ_D 0xfe00707f +#define MATCH_FLE_Q 0xa6000053 +#define MASK_FLE_Q 0xfe00707f +#define MATCH_FLT_Q 0xa6001053 +#define MASK_FLT_Q 0xfe00707f +#define MATCH_FEQ_Q 0xa6002053 +#define MASK_FEQ_Q 0xfe00707f +#define MATCH_FCVT_W_S 0xc0000053 +#define MASK_FCVT_W_S 0xfff0007f +#define MATCH_FCVT_WU_S 0xc0100053 +#define MASK_FCVT_WU_S 0xfff0007f +#define MATCH_FCVT_L_S 0xc0200053 +#define MASK_FCVT_L_S 0xfff0007f +#define MATCH_FCVT_LU_S 0xc0300053 +#define MASK_FCVT_LU_S 0xfff0007f +#define MATCH_FMV_X_W 0xe0000053 +#define MASK_FMV_X_W 0xfff0707f +#define MATCH_FCLASS_S 0xe0001053 +#define MASK_FCLASS_S 0xfff0707f +#define MATCH_FCVT_W_D 0xc2000053 +#define MASK_FCVT_W_D 0xfff0007f +#define MATCH_FCVT_WU_D 0xc2100053 +#define MASK_FCVT_WU_D 0xfff0007f +#define MATCH_FCVT_L_D 0xc2200053 +#define MASK_FCVT_L_D 0xfff0007f +#define MATCH_FCVT_LU_D 0xc2300053 +#define MASK_FCVT_LU_D 0xfff0007f +#define MATCH_FMV_X_D 0xe2000053 +#define MASK_FMV_X_D 0xfff0707f +#define MATCH_FCLASS_D 0xe2001053 +#define MASK_FCLASS_D 0xfff0707f +#define MATCH_FCVT_W_Q 0xc6000053 +#define MASK_FCVT_W_Q 0xfff0007f +#define MATCH_FCVT_WU_Q 0xc6100053 +#define MASK_FCVT_WU_Q 0xfff0007f +#define MATCH_FCVT_L_Q 0xc6200053 +#define MASK_FCVT_L_Q 0xfff0007f +#define MATCH_FCVT_LU_Q 0xc6300053 +#define MASK_FCVT_LU_Q 0xfff0007f +#define MATCH_FMV_X_Q 0xe6000053 +#define MASK_FMV_X_Q 0xfff0707f +#define MATCH_FCLASS_Q 0xe6001053 +#define MASK_FCLASS_Q 0xfff0707f +#define MATCH_FCVT_S_W 0xd0000053 +#define MASK_FCVT_S_W 0xfff0007f +#define MATCH_FCVT_S_WU 0xd0100053 +#define MASK_FCVT_S_WU 0xfff0007f +#define MATCH_FCVT_S_L 0xd0200053 +#define MASK_FCVT_S_L 0xfff0007f +#define MATCH_FCVT_S_LU 0xd0300053 +#define MASK_FCVT_S_LU 0xfff0007f +#define MATCH_FMV_W_X 0xf0000053 +#define MASK_FMV_W_X 0xfff0707f +#define MATCH_FCVT_D_W 0xd2000053 +#define MASK_FCVT_D_W 0xfff0007f +#define MATCH_FCVT_D_WU 0xd2100053 +#define MASK_FCVT_D_WU 0xfff0007f +#define MATCH_FCVT_D_L 0xd2200053 +#define MASK_FCVT_D_L 0xfff0007f +#define MATCH_FCVT_D_LU 0xd2300053 +#define MASK_FCVT_D_LU 0xfff0007f +#define MATCH_FMV_D_X 0xf2000053 +#define MASK_FMV_D_X 0xfff0707f +#define MATCH_FCVT_Q_W 0xd6000053 +#define MASK_FCVT_Q_W 0xfff0007f +#define MATCH_FCVT_Q_WU 0xd6100053 +#define MASK_FCVT_Q_WU 0xfff0007f +#define MATCH_FCVT_Q_L 0xd6200053 +#define MASK_FCVT_Q_L 0xfff0007f +#define MATCH_FCVT_Q_LU 0xd6300053 +#define MASK_FCVT_Q_LU 0xfff0007f +#define MATCH_FMV_Q_X 0xf6000053 +#define MASK_FMV_Q_X 0xfff0707f +#define MATCH_FLW 0x2007 +#define MASK_FLW 0x707f +#define MATCH_FLD 0x3007 +#define MASK_FLD 0x707f +#define MATCH_FLQ 0x4007 +#define MASK_FLQ 0x707f +#define MATCH_FSW 0x2027 +#define MASK_FSW 0x707f +#define MATCH_FSD 0x3027 +#define MASK_FSD 0x707f +#define MATCH_FSQ 0x4027 +#define MASK_FSQ 0x707f +#define MATCH_FMADD_S 0x43 +#define MASK_FMADD_S 0x600007f +#define MATCH_FMSUB_S 0x47 +#define MASK_FMSUB_S 0x600007f +#define MATCH_FNMSUB_S 0x4b +#define MASK_FNMSUB_S 0x600007f +#define MATCH_FNMADD_S 0x4f +#define MASK_FNMADD_S 0x600007f +#define MATCH_FMADD_D 0x2000043 +#define MASK_FMADD_D 0x600007f +#define MATCH_FMSUB_D 0x2000047 +#define MASK_FMSUB_D 0x600007f +#define MATCH_FNMSUB_D 0x200004b +#define MASK_FNMSUB_D 0x600007f +#define MATCH_FNMADD_D 0x200004f +#define MASK_FNMADD_D 0x600007f +#define MATCH_FMADD_Q 0x6000043 +#define MASK_FMADD_Q 0x600007f +#define MATCH_FMSUB_Q 0x6000047 +#define MASK_FMSUB_Q 0x600007f +#define MATCH_FNMSUB_Q 0x600004b +#define MASK_FNMSUB_Q 0x600007f +#define MATCH_FNMADD_Q 0x600004f +#define MASK_FNMADD_Q 0x600007f +#define MATCH_C_NOP 0x1 +#define MASK_C_NOP 0xffff +#define MATCH_C_ADDI16SP 0x6101 +#define MASK_C_ADDI16SP 0xef83 +#define MATCH_C_JR 0x8002 +#define MASK_C_JR 0xf07f +#define MATCH_C_JALR 0x9002 +#define MASK_C_JALR 0xf07f +#define MATCH_C_EBREAK 0x9002 +#define MASK_C_EBREAK 0xffff +#define MATCH_C_LD 0x6000 +#define MASK_C_LD 0xe003 +#define MATCH_C_SD 0xe000 +#define MASK_C_SD 0xe003 +#define MATCH_C_ADDIW 0x2001 +#define MASK_C_ADDIW 0xe003 +#define MATCH_C_LDSP 0x6002 +#define MASK_C_LDSP 0xe003 +#define MATCH_C_SDSP 0xe002 +#define MASK_C_SDSP 0xe003 +#define MATCH_C_ADDI4SPN 0x0 +#define MASK_C_ADDI4SPN 0xe003 +#define MATCH_C_FLD 0x2000 +#define MASK_C_FLD 0xe003 +#define MATCH_C_LW 0x4000 +#define MASK_C_LW 0xe003 +#define MATCH_C_FLW 0x6000 +#define MASK_C_FLW 0xe003 +#define MATCH_C_FSD 0xa000 +#define MASK_C_FSD 0xe003 +#define MATCH_C_SW 0xc000 +#define MASK_C_SW 0xe003 +#define MATCH_C_FSW 0xe000 +#define MASK_C_FSW 0xe003 +#define MATCH_C_ADDI 0x1 +#define MASK_C_ADDI 0xe003 +#define MATCH_C_JAL 0x2001 +#define MASK_C_JAL 0xe003 +#define MATCH_C_LI 0x4001 +#define MASK_C_LI 0xe003 +#define MATCH_C_LUI 0x6001 +#define MASK_C_LUI 0xe003 +#define MATCH_C_SRLI 0x8001 +#define MASK_C_SRLI 0xec03 +#define MATCH_C_SRAI 0x8401 +#define MASK_C_SRAI 0xec03 +#define MATCH_C_ANDI 0x8801 +#define MASK_C_ANDI 0xec03 +#define MATCH_C_SUB 0x8c01 +#define MASK_C_SUB 0xfc63 +#define MATCH_C_XOR 0x8c21 +#define MASK_C_XOR 0xfc63 +#define MATCH_C_OR 0x8c41 +#define MASK_C_OR 0xfc63 +#define MATCH_C_AND 0x8c61 +#define MASK_C_AND 0xfc63 +#define MATCH_C_SUBW 0x9c01 +#define MASK_C_SUBW 0xfc63 +#define MATCH_C_ADDW 0x9c21 +#define MASK_C_ADDW 0xfc63 +#define MATCH_C_J 0xa001 +#define MASK_C_J 0xe003 +#define MATCH_C_BEQZ 0xc001 +#define MASK_C_BEQZ 0xe003 +#define MATCH_C_BNEZ 0xe001 +#define MASK_C_BNEZ 0xe003 +#define MATCH_C_SLLI 0x2 +#define MASK_C_SLLI 0xe003 +#define MATCH_C_FLDSP 0x2002 +#define MASK_C_FLDSP 0xe003 +#define MATCH_C_LWSP 0x4002 +#define MASK_C_LWSP 0xe003 +#define MATCH_C_FLWSP 0x6002 +#define MASK_C_FLWSP 0xe003 +#define MATCH_C_MV 0x8002 +#define MASK_C_MV 0xf003 +#define MATCH_C_ADD 0x9002 +#define MASK_C_ADD 0xf003 +#define MATCH_C_FSDSP 0xa002 +#define MASK_C_FSDSP 0xe003 +#define MATCH_C_SWSP 0xc002 +#define MASK_C_SWSP 0xe003 +#define MATCH_C_FSWSP 0xe002 +#define MASK_C_FSWSP 0xe003 +#define MATCH_CUSTOM0 0xb +#define MASK_CUSTOM0 0x707f +#define MATCH_CUSTOM0_RS1 0x200b +#define MASK_CUSTOM0_RS1 0x707f +#define MATCH_CUSTOM0_RS1_RS2 0x300b +#define MASK_CUSTOM0_RS1_RS2 0x707f +#define MATCH_CUSTOM0_RD 0x400b +#define MASK_CUSTOM0_RD 0x707f +#define MATCH_CUSTOM0_RD_RS1 0x600b +#define MASK_CUSTOM0_RD_RS1 0x707f +#define MATCH_CUSTOM0_RD_RS1_RS2 0x700b +#define MASK_CUSTOM0_RD_RS1_RS2 0x707f +#define MATCH_CUSTOM1 0x2b +#define MASK_CUSTOM1 0x707f +#define MATCH_CUSTOM1_RS1 0x202b +#define MASK_CUSTOM1_RS1 0x707f +#define MATCH_CUSTOM1_RS1_RS2 0x302b +#define MASK_CUSTOM1_RS1_RS2 0x707f +#define MATCH_CUSTOM1_RD 0x402b +#define MASK_CUSTOM1_RD 0x707f +#define MATCH_CUSTOM1_RD_RS1 0x602b +#define MASK_CUSTOM1_RD_RS1 0x707f +#define MATCH_CUSTOM1_RD_RS1_RS2 0x702b +#define MASK_CUSTOM1_RD_RS1_RS2 0x707f +#define MATCH_CUSTOM2 0x5b +#define MASK_CUSTOM2 0x707f +#define MATCH_CUSTOM2_RS1 0x205b +#define MASK_CUSTOM2_RS1 0x707f +#define MATCH_CUSTOM2_RS1_RS2 0x305b +#define MASK_CUSTOM2_RS1_RS2 0x707f +#define MATCH_CUSTOM2_RD 0x405b +#define MASK_CUSTOM2_RD 0x707f +#define MATCH_CUSTOM2_RD_RS1 0x605b +#define MASK_CUSTOM2_RD_RS1 0x707f +#define MATCH_CUSTOM2_RD_RS1_RS2 0x705b +#define MASK_CUSTOM2_RD_RS1_RS2 0x707f +#define MATCH_CUSTOM3 0x7b +#define MASK_CUSTOM3 0x707f +#define MATCH_CUSTOM3_RS1 0x207b +#define MASK_CUSTOM3_RS1 0x707f +#define MATCH_CUSTOM3_RS1_RS2 0x307b +#define MASK_CUSTOM3_RS1_RS2 0x707f +#define MATCH_CUSTOM3_RD 0x407b +#define MASK_CUSTOM3_RD 0x707f +#define MATCH_CUSTOM3_RD_RS1 0x607b +#define MASK_CUSTOM3_RD_RS1 0x707f +#define MATCH_CUSTOM3_RD_RS1_RS2 0x707b +#define MASK_CUSTOM3_RD_RS1_RS2 0x707f +#define CSR_FFLAGS 0x1 +#define CSR_FRM 0x2 +#define CSR_FCSR 0x3 +#define CSR_CYCLE 0xc00 +#define CSR_TIME 0xc01 +#define CSR_INSTRET 0xc02 +#define CSR_HPMCOUNTER3 0xc03 +#define CSR_HPMCOUNTER4 0xc04 +#define CSR_HPMCOUNTER5 0xc05 +#define CSR_HPMCOUNTER6 0xc06 +#define CSR_HPMCOUNTER7 0xc07 +#define CSR_HPMCOUNTER8 0xc08 +#define CSR_HPMCOUNTER9 0xc09 +#define CSR_HPMCOUNTER10 0xc0a +#define CSR_HPMCOUNTER11 0xc0b +#define CSR_HPMCOUNTER12 0xc0c +#define CSR_HPMCOUNTER13 0xc0d +#define CSR_HPMCOUNTER14 0xc0e +#define CSR_HPMCOUNTER15 0xc0f +#define CSR_HPMCOUNTER16 0xc10 +#define CSR_HPMCOUNTER17 0xc11 +#define CSR_HPMCOUNTER18 0xc12 +#define CSR_HPMCOUNTER19 0xc13 +#define CSR_HPMCOUNTER20 0xc14 +#define CSR_HPMCOUNTER21 0xc15 +#define CSR_HPMCOUNTER22 0xc16 +#define CSR_HPMCOUNTER23 0xc17 +#define CSR_HPMCOUNTER24 0xc18 +#define CSR_HPMCOUNTER25 0xc19 +#define CSR_HPMCOUNTER26 0xc1a +#define CSR_HPMCOUNTER27 0xc1b +#define CSR_HPMCOUNTER28 0xc1c +#define CSR_HPMCOUNTER29 0xc1d +#define CSR_HPMCOUNTER30 0xc1e +#define CSR_HPMCOUNTER31 0xc1f +#define CSR_SSTATUS 0x100 +#define CSR_SIE 0x104 +#define CSR_STVEC 0x105 +#define CSR_SCOUNTEREN 0x106 +#define CSR_SSCRATCH 0x140 +#define CSR_SEPC 0x141 +#define CSR_SCAUSE 0x142 +#define CSR_STVAL 0x143 +#define CSR_SIP 0x144 +#define CSR_SATP 0x180 +#define CSR_MSTATUS 0x300 +#define CSR_MISA 0x301 +#define CSR_MEDELEG 0x302 +#define CSR_MIDELEG 0x303 +#define CSR_MIE 0x304 +#define CSR_MTVEC 0x305 +#define CSR_MCOUNTEREN 0x306 +#define CSR_MSCRATCH 0x340 +#define CSR_MEPC 0x341 +#define CSR_MCAUSE 0x342 +#define CSR_MTVAL 0x343 +#define CSR_MIP 0x344 +#define CSR_PMPCFG0 0x3a0 +#define CSR_PMPCFG1 0x3a1 +#define CSR_PMPCFG2 0x3a2 +#define CSR_PMPCFG3 0x3a3 +#define CSR_PMPADDR0 0x3b0 +#define CSR_PMPADDR1 0x3b1 +#define CSR_PMPADDR2 0x3b2 +#define CSR_PMPADDR3 0x3b3 +#define CSR_PMPADDR4 0x3b4 +#define CSR_PMPADDR5 0x3b5 +#define CSR_PMPADDR6 0x3b6 +#define CSR_PMPADDR7 0x3b7 +#define CSR_PMPADDR8 0x3b8 +#define CSR_PMPADDR9 0x3b9 +#define CSR_PMPADDR10 0x3ba +#define CSR_PMPADDR11 0x3bb +#define CSR_PMPADDR12 0x3bc +#define CSR_PMPADDR13 0x3bd +#define CSR_PMPADDR14 0x3be +#define CSR_PMPADDR15 0x3bf +#define CSR_TSELECT 0x7a0 +#define CSR_TDATA1 0x7a1 +#define CSR_TDATA2 0x7a2 +#define CSR_TDATA3 0x7a3 +#define CSR_DCSR 0x7b0 +#define CSR_DPC 0x7b1 +#define CSR_DSCRATCH 0x7b2 +#define CSR_MCYCLE 0xb00 +#define CSR_MINSTRET 0xb02 +#define CSR_MHPMCOUNTER3 0xb03 +#define CSR_MHPMCOUNTER4 0xb04 +#define CSR_MHPMCOUNTER5 0xb05 +#define CSR_MHPMCOUNTER6 0xb06 +#define CSR_MHPMCOUNTER7 0xb07 +#define CSR_MHPMCOUNTER8 0xb08 +#define CSR_MHPMCOUNTER9 0xb09 +#define CSR_MHPMCOUNTER10 0xb0a +#define CSR_MHPMCOUNTER11 0xb0b +#define CSR_MHPMCOUNTER12 0xb0c +#define CSR_MHPMCOUNTER13 0xb0d +#define CSR_MHPMCOUNTER14 0xb0e +#define CSR_MHPMCOUNTER15 0xb0f +#define CSR_MHPMCOUNTER16 0xb10 +#define CSR_MHPMCOUNTER17 0xb11 +#define CSR_MHPMCOUNTER18 0xb12 +#define CSR_MHPMCOUNTER19 0xb13 +#define CSR_MHPMCOUNTER20 0xb14 +#define CSR_MHPMCOUNTER21 0xb15 +#define CSR_MHPMCOUNTER22 0xb16 +#define CSR_MHPMCOUNTER23 0xb17 +#define CSR_MHPMCOUNTER24 0xb18 +#define CSR_MHPMCOUNTER25 0xb19 +#define CSR_MHPMCOUNTER26 0xb1a +#define CSR_MHPMCOUNTER27 0xb1b +#define CSR_MHPMCOUNTER28 0xb1c +#define CSR_MHPMCOUNTER29 0xb1d +#define CSR_MHPMCOUNTER30 0xb1e +#define CSR_MHPMCOUNTER31 0xb1f +#define CSR_MHPMEVENT3 0x323 +#define CSR_MHPMEVENT4 0x324 +#define CSR_MHPMEVENT5 0x325 +#define CSR_MHPMEVENT6 0x326 +#define CSR_MHPMEVENT7 0x327 +#define CSR_MHPMEVENT8 0x328 +#define CSR_MHPMEVENT9 0x329 +#define CSR_MHPMEVENT10 0x32a +#define CSR_MHPMEVENT11 0x32b +#define CSR_MHPMEVENT12 0x32c +#define CSR_MHPMEVENT13 0x32d +#define CSR_MHPMEVENT14 0x32e +#define CSR_MHPMEVENT15 0x32f +#define CSR_MHPMEVENT16 0x330 +#define CSR_MHPMEVENT17 0x331 +#define CSR_MHPMEVENT18 0x332 +#define CSR_MHPMEVENT19 0x333 +#define CSR_MHPMEVENT20 0x334 +#define CSR_MHPMEVENT21 0x335 +#define CSR_MHPMEVENT22 0x336 +#define CSR_MHPMEVENT23 0x337 +#define CSR_MHPMEVENT24 0x338 +#define CSR_MHPMEVENT25 0x339 +#define CSR_MHPMEVENT26 0x33a +#define CSR_MHPMEVENT27 0x33b +#define CSR_MHPMEVENT28 0x33c +#define CSR_MHPMEVENT29 0x33d +#define CSR_MHPMEVENT30 0x33e +#define CSR_MHPMEVENT31 0x33f +#define CSR_MVENDORID 0xf11 +#define CSR_MARCHID 0xf12 +#define CSR_MIMPID 0xf13 +#define CSR_MHARTID 0xf14 +#define CSR_CYCLEH 0xc80 +#define CSR_TIMEH 0xc81 +#define CSR_INSTRETH 0xc82 +#define CSR_HPMCOUNTER3H 0xc83 +#define CSR_HPMCOUNTER4H 0xc84 +#define CSR_HPMCOUNTER5H 0xc85 +#define CSR_HPMCOUNTER6H 0xc86 +#define CSR_HPMCOUNTER7H 0xc87 +#define CSR_HPMCOUNTER8H 0xc88 +#define CSR_HPMCOUNTER9H 0xc89 +#define CSR_HPMCOUNTER10H 0xc8a +#define CSR_HPMCOUNTER11H 0xc8b +#define CSR_HPMCOUNTER12H 0xc8c +#define CSR_HPMCOUNTER13H 0xc8d +#define CSR_HPMCOUNTER14H 0xc8e +#define CSR_HPMCOUNTER15H 0xc8f +#define CSR_HPMCOUNTER16H 0xc90 +#define CSR_HPMCOUNTER17H 0xc91 +#define CSR_HPMCOUNTER18H 0xc92 +#define CSR_HPMCOUNTER19H 0xc93 +#define CSR_HPMCOUNTER20H 0xc94 +#define CSR_HPMCOUNTER21H 0xc95 +#define CSR_HPMCOUNTER22H 0xc96 +#define CSR_HPMCOUNTER23H 0xc97 +#define CSR_HPMCOUNTER24H 0xc98 +#define CSR_HPMCOUNTER25H 0xc99 +#define CSR_HPMCOUNTER26H 0xc9a +#define CSR_HPMCOUNTER27H 0xc9b +#define CSR_HPMCOUNTER28H 0xc9c +#define CSR_HPMCOUNTER29H 0xc9d +#define CSR_HPMCOUNTER30H 0xc9e +#define CSR_HPMCOUNTER31H 0xc9f +#define CSR_MCYCLEH 0xb80 +#define CSR_MINSTRETH 0xb82 +#define CSR_MHPMCOUNTER3H 0xb83 +#define CSR_MHPMCOUNTER4H 0xb84 +#define CSR_MHPMCOUNTER5H 0xb85 +#define CSR_MHPMCOUNTER6H 0xb86 +#define CSR_MHPMCOUNTER7H 0xb87 +#define CSR_MHPMCOUNTER8H 0xb88 +#define CSR_MHPMCOUNTER9H 0xb89 +#define CSR_MHPMCOUNTER10H 0xb8a +#define CSR_MHPMCOUNTER11H 0xb8b +#define CSR_MHPMCOUNTER12H 0xb8c +#define CSR_MHPMCOUNTER13H 0xb8d +#define CSR_MHPMCOUNTER14H 0xb8e +#define CSR_MHPMCOUNTER15H 0xb8f +#define CSR_MHPMCOUNTER16H 0xb90 +#define CSR_MHPMCOUNTER17H 0xb91 +#define CSR_MHPMCOUNTER18H 0xb92 +#define CSR_MHPMCOUNTER19H 0xb93 +#define CSR_MHPMCOUNTER20H 0xb94 +#define CSR_MHPMCOUNTER21H 0xb95 +#define CSR_MHPMCOUNTER22H 0xb96 +#define CSR_MHPMCOUNTER23H 0xb97 +#define CSR_MHPMCOUNTER24H 0xb98 +#define CSR_MHPMCOUNTER25H 0xb99 +#define CSR_MHPMCOUNTER26H 0xb9a +#define CSR_MHPMCOUNTER27H 0xb9b +#define CSR_MHPMCOUNTER28H 0xb9c +#define CSR_MHPMCOUNTER29H 0xb9d +#define CSR_MHPMCOUNTER30H 0xb9e +#define CSR_MHPMCOUNTER31H 0xb9f +#define CAUSE_MISALIGNED_FETCH 0x0 +#define CAUSE_FETCH_ACCESS 0x1 +#define CAUSE_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION 0x2 +#define CAUSE_BREAKPOINT 0x3 +#define CAUSE_MISALIGNED_LOAD 0x4 +#define CAUSE_LOAD_ACCESS 0x5 +#define CAUSE_MISALIGNED_STORE 0x6 +#define CAUSE_STORE_ACCESS 0x7 +#define CAUSE_USER_ECALL 0x8 +#define CAUSE_SUPERVISOR_ECALL 0x9 +#define CAUSE_HYPERVISOR_ECALL 0xa +#define CAUSE_MACHINE_ECALL 0xb +#define CAUSE_FETCH_PAGE_FAULT 0xc +#define CAUSE_LOAD_PAGE_FAULT 0xd +#define CAUSE_STORE_PAGE_FAULT 0xf +#endif +#ifdef DECLARE_INSN +DECLARE_INSN(beq, MATCH_BEQ, MASK_BEQ) +DECLARE_INSN(bne, MATCH_BNE, MASK_BNE) +DECLARE_INSN(blt, MATCH_BLT, MASK_BLT) +DECLARE_INSN(bge, MATCH_BGE, MASK_BGE) +DECLARE_INSN(bltu, MATCH_BLTU, MASK_BLTU) +DECLARE_INSN(bgeu, MATCH_BGEU, MASK_BGEU) +DECLARE_INSN(jalr, MATCH_JALR, MASK_JALR) +DECLARE_INSN(jal, MATCH_JAL, MASK_JAL) +DECLARE_INSN(lui, MATCH_LUI, MASK_LUI) +DECLARE_INSN(auipc, MATCH_AUIPC, MASK_AUIPC) +DECLARE_INSN(addi, MATCH_ADDI, MASK_ADDI) +DECLARE_INSN(slli, MATCH_SLLI, MASK_SLLI) +DECLARE_INSN(slti, MATCH_SLTI, MASK_SLTI) +DECLARE_INSN(sltiu, MATCH_SLTIU, MASK_SLTIU) +DECLARE_INSN(xori, MATCH_XORI, MASK_XORI) +DECLARE_INSN(srli, MATCH_SRLI, MASK_SRLI) +DECLARE_INSN(srai, MATCH_SRAI, MASK_SRAI) +DECLARE_INSN(ori, MATCH_ORI, MASK_ORI) +DECLARE_INSN(andi, MATCH_ANDI, MASK_ANDI) +DECLARE_INSN(add, MATCH_ADD, MASK_ADD) +DECLARE_INSN(sub, MATCH_SUB, MASK_SUB) +DECLARE_INSN(sll, MATCH_SLL, MASK_SLL) +DECLARE_INSN(slt, MATCH_SLT, MASK_SLT) +DECLARE_INSN(sltu, MATCH_SLTU, MASK_SLTU) +DECLARE_INSN(xor, MATCH_XOR, MASK_XOR) +DECLARE_INSN(srl, MATCH_SRL, MASK_SRL) +DECLARE_INSN(sra, MATCH_SRA, MASK_SRA) +DECLARE_INSN(or, MATCH_OR, MASK_OR) +DECLARE_INSN(and, MATCH_AND, MASK_AND) +DECLARE_INSN(addiw, MATCH_ADDIW, MASK_ADDIW) +DECLARE_INSN(slliw, MATCH_SLLIW, MASK_SLLIW) +DECLARE_INSN(srliw, MATCH_SRLIW, MASK_SRLIW) +DECLARE_INSN(sraiw, MATCH_SRAIW, MASK_SRAIW) +DECLARE_INSN(addw, MATCH_ADDW, MASK_ADDW) +DECLARE_INSN(subw, MATCH_SUBW, MASK_SUBW) +DECLARE_INSN(sllw, MATCH_SLLW, MASK_SLLW) +DECLARE_INSN(srlw, MATCH_SRLW, MASK_SRLW) +DECLARE_INSN(sraw, MATCH_SRAW, MASK_SRAW) +DECLARE_INSN(lb, MATCH_LB, MASK_LB) +DECLARE_INSN(lh, MATCH_LH, MASK_LH) +DECLARE_INSN(lw, MATCH_LW, MASK_LW) +DECLARE_INSN(ld, MATCH_LD, MASK_LD) +DECLARE_INSN(lbu, MATCH_LBU, MASK_LBU) +DECLARE_INSN(lhu, MATCH_LHU, MASK_LHU) +DECLARE_INSN(lwu, MATCH_LWU, MASK_LWU) +DECLARE_INSN(sb, MATCH_SB, MASK_SB) +DECLARE_INSN(sh, MATCH_SH, MASK_SH) +DECLARE_INSN(sw, MATCH_SW, MASK_SW) +DECLARE_INSN(sd, MATCH_SD, MASK_SD) +DECLARE_INSN(fence, MATCH_FENCE, MASK_FENCE) +DECLARE_INSN(fence_i, MATCH_FENCE_I, MASK_FENCE_I) +DECLARE_INSN(mul, MATCH_MUL, MASK_MUL) +DECLARE_INSN(mulh, MATCH_MULH, MASK_MULH) +DECLARE_INSN(mulhsu, MATCH_MULHSU, MASK_MULHSU) +DECLARE_INSN(mulhu, MATCH_MULHU, MASK_MULHU) +DECLARE_INSN(div, MATCH_DIV, MASK_DIV) +DECLARE_INSN(divu, MATCH_DIVU, MASK_DIVU) +DECLARE_INSN(rem, MATCH_REM, MASK_REM) +DECLARE_INSN(remu, MATCH_REMU, MASK_REMU) +DECLARE_INSN(mulw, MATCH_MULW, MASK_MULW) +DECLARE_INSN(divw, MATCH_DIVW, MASK_DIVW) +DECLARE_INSN(divuw, MATCH_DIVUW, MASK_DIVUW) +DECLARE_INSN(remw, MATCH_REMW, MASK_REMW) +DECLARE_INSN(remuw, MATCH_REMUW, MASK_REMUW) +DECLARE_INSN(amoadd_w, MATCH_AMOADD_W, MASK_AMOADD_W) +DECLARE_INSN(amoxor_w, MATCH_AMOXOR_W, MASK_AMOXOR_W) +DECLARE_INSN(amoor_w, MATCH_AMOOR_W, MASK_AMOOR_W) +DECLARE_INSN(amoand_w, MATCH_AMOAND_W, MASK_AMOAND_W) +DECLARE_INSN(amomin_w, MATCH_AMOMIN_W, MASK_AMOMIN_W) +DECLARE_INSN(amomax_w, MATCH_AMOMAX_W, MASK_AMOMAX_W) +DECLARE_INSN(amominu_w, MATCH_AMOMINU_W, MASK_AMOMINU_W) +DECLARE_INSN(amomaxu_w, MATCH_AMOMAXU_W, MASK_AMOMAXU_W) +DECLARE_INSN(amoswap_w, MATCH_AMOSWAP_W, MASK_AMOSWAP_W) +DECLARE_INSN(lr_w, MATCH_LR_W, MASK_LR_W) +DECLARE_INSN(sc_w, MATCH_SC_W, MASK_SC_W) +DECLARE_INSN(amoadd_d, MATCH_AMOADD_D, MASK_AMOADD_D) +DECLARE_INSN(amoxor_d, MATCH_AMOXOR_D, MASK_AMOXOR_D) +DECLARE_INSN(amoor_d, MATCH_AMOOR_D, MASK_AMOOR_D) +DECLARE_INSN(amoand_d, MATCH_AMOAND_D, MASK_AMOAND_D) +DECLARE_INSN(amomin_d, MATCH_AMOMIN_D, MASK_AMOMIN_D) +DECLARE_INSN(amomax_d, MATCH_AMOMAX_D, MASK_AMOMAX_D) +DECLARE_INSN(amominu_d, MATCH_AMOMINU_D, MASK_AMOMINU_D) +DECLARE_INSN(amomaxu_d, MATCH_AMOMAXU_D, MASK_AMOMAXU_D) +DECLARE_INSN(amoswap_d, MATCH_AMOSWAP_D, MASK_AMOSWAP_D) +DECLARE_INSN(lr_d, MATCH_LR_D, MASK_LR_D) +DECLARE_INSN(sc_d, MATCH_SC_D, MASK_SC_D) +DECLARE_INSN(ecall, MATCH_ECALL, MASK_ECALL) +DECLARE_INSN(ebreak, MATCH_EBREAK, MASK_EBREAK) +DECLARE_INSN(uret, MATCH_URET, MASK_URET) +DECLARE_INSN(sret, MATCH_SRET, MASK_SRET) +DECLARE_INSN(mret, MATCH_MRET, MASK_MRET) +DECLARE_INSN(dret, MATCH_DRET, MASK_DRET) +DECLARE_INSN(sfence_vma, MATCH_SFENCE_VMA, MASK_SFENCE_VMA) +DECLARE_INSN(wfi, MATCH_WFI, MASK_WFI) +DECLARE_INSN(csrrw, MATCH_CSRRW, MASK_CSRRW) +DECLARE_INSN(csrrs, MATCH_CSRRS, MASK_CSRRS) +DECLARE_INSN(csrrc, MATCH_CSRRC, MASK_CSRRC) +DECLARE_INSN(csrrwi, MATCH_CSRRWI, MASK_CSRRWI) +DECLARE_INSN(csrrsi, MATCH_CSRRSI, MASK_CSRRSI) +DECLARE_INSN(csrrci, MATCH_CSRRCI, MASK_CSRRCI) +DECLARE_INSN(fadd_s, MATCH_FADD_S, MASK_FADD_S) +DECLARE_INSN(fsub_s, MATCH_FSUB_S, MASK_FSUB_S) +DECLARE_INSN(fmul_s, MATCH_FMUL_S, MASK_FMUL_S) +DECLARE_INSN(fdiv_s, MATCH_FDIV_S, MASK_FDIV_S) +DECLARE_INSN(fsgnj_s, MATCH_FSGNJ_S, MASK_FSGNJ_S) +DECLARE_INSN(fsgnjn_s, MATCH_FSGNJN_S, MASK_FSGNJN_S) +DECLARE_INSN(fsgnjx_s, MATCH_FSGNJX_S, MASK_FSGNJX_S) +DECLARE_INSN(fmin_s, MATCH_FMIN_S, MASK_FMIN_S) +DECLARE_INSN(fmax_s, MATCH_FMAX_S, MASK_FMAX_S) +DECLARE_INSN(fsqrt_s, MATCH_FSQRT_S, MASK_FSQRT_S) +DECLARE_INSN(fadd_d, MATCH_FADD_D, MASK_FADD_D) +DECLARE_INSN(fsub_d, MATCH_FSUB_D, MASK_FSUB_D) +DECLARE_INSN(fmul_d, MATCH_FMUL_D, MASK_FMUL_D) +DECLARE_INSN(fdiv_d, MATCH_FDIV_D, MASK_FDIV_D) +DECLARE_INSN(fsgnj_d, MATCH_FSGNJ_D, MASK_FSGNJ_D) +DECLARE_INSN(fsgnjn_d, MATCH_FSGNJN_D, MASK_FSGNJN_D) +DECLARE_INSN(fsgnjx_d, MATCH_FSGNJX_D, MASK_FSGNJX_D) +DECLARE_INSN(fmin_d, MATCH_FMIN_D, MASK_FMIN_D) +DECLARE_INSN(fmax_d, MATCH_FMAX_D, MASK_FMAX_D) +DECLARE_INSN(fcvt_s_d, MATCH_FCVT_S_D, MASK_FCVT_S_D) +DECLARE_INSN(fcvt_d_s, MATCH_FCVT_D_S, MASK_FCVT_D_S) +DECLARE_INSN(fsqrt_d, MATCH_FSQRT_D, MASK_FSQRT_D) +DECLARE_INSN(fadd_q, MATCH_FADD_Q, MASK_FADD_Q) +DECLARE_INSN(fsub_q, MATCH_FSUB_Q, MASK_FSUB_Q) +DECLARE_INSN(fmul_q, MATCH_FMUL_Q, MASK_FMUL_Q) +DECLARE_INSN(fdiv_q, MATCH_FDIV_Q, MASK_FDIV_Q) +DECLARE_INSN(fsgnj_q, MATCH_FSGNJ_Q, MASK_FSGNJ_Q) +DECLARE_INSN(fsgnjn_q, MATCH_FSGNJN_Q, MASK_FSGNJN_Q) +DECLARE_INSN(fsgnjx_q, MATCH_FSGNJX_Q, MASK_FSGNJX_Q) +DECLARE_INSN(fmin_q, MATCH_FMIN_Q, MASK_FMIN_Q) +DECLARE_INSN(fmax_q, MATCH_FMAX_Q, MASK_FMAX_Q) +DECLARE_INSN(fcvt_s_q, MATCH_FCVT_S_Q, MASK_FCVT_S_Q) +DECLARE_INSN(fcvt_q_s, MATCH_FCVT_Q_S, MASK_FCVT_Q_S) +DECLARE_INSN(fcvt_d_q, MATCH_FCVT_D_Q, MASK_FCVT_D_Q) +DECLARE_INSN(fcvt_q_d, MATCH_FCVT_Q_D, MASK_FCVT_Q_D) +DECLARE_INSN(fsqrt_q, MATCH_FSQRT_Q, MASK_FSQRT_Q) +DECLARE_INSN(fle_s, MATCH_FLE_S, MASK_FLE_S) +DECLARE_INSN(flt_s, MATCH_FLT_S, MASK_FLT_S) +DECLARE_INSN(feq_s, MATCH_FEQ_S, MASK_FEQ_S) +DECLARE_INSN(fle_d, MATCH_FLE_D, MASK_FLE_D) +DECLARE_INSN(flt_d, MATCH_FLT_D, MASK_FLT_D) +DECLARE_INSN(feq_d, MATCH_FEQ_D, MASK_FEQ_D) +DECLARE_INSN(fle_q, MATCH_FLE_Q, MASK_FLE_Q) +DECLARE_INSN(flt_q, MATCH_FLT_Q, MASK_FLT_Q) +DECLARE_INSN(feq_q, MATCH_FEQ_Q, MASK_FEQ_Q) +DECLARE_INSN(fcvt_w_s, MATCH_FCVT_W_S, MASK_FCVT_W_S) +DECLARE_INSN(fcvt_wu_s, MATCH_FCVT_WU_S, MASK_FCVT_WU_S) +DECLARE_INSN(fcvt_l_s, MATCH_FCVT_L_S, MASK_FCVT_L_S) +DECLARE_INSN(fcvt_lu_s, MATCH_FCVT_LU_S, MASK_FCVT_LU_S) +DECLARE_INSN(fmv_x_w, MATCH_FMV_X_W, MASK_FMV_X_W) +DECLARE_INSN(fclass_s, MATCH_FCLASS_S, MASK_FCLASS_S) +DECLARE_INSN(fcvt_w_d, MATCH_FCVT_W_D, MASK_FCVT_W_D) +DECLARE_INSN(fcvt_wu_d, MATCH_FCVT_WU_D, MASK_FCVT_WU_D) +DECLARE_INSN(fcvt_l_d, MATCH_FCVT_L_D, MASK_FCVT_L_D) +DECLARE_INSN(fcvt_lu_d, MATCH_FCVT_LU_D, MASK_FCVT_LU_D) +DECLARE_INSN(fmv_x_d, MATCH_FMV_X_D, MASK_FMV_X_D) +DECLARE_INSN(fclass_d, MATCH_FCLASS_D, MASK_FCLASS_D) +DECLARE_INSN(fcvt_w_q, MATCH_FCVT_W_Q, MASK_FCVT_W_Q) +DECLARE_INSN(fcvt_wu_q, MATCH_FCVT_WU_Q, MASK_FCVT_WU_Q) +DECLARE_INSN(fcvt_l_q, MATCH_FCVT_L_Q, MASK_FCVT_L_Q) +DECLARE_INSN(fcvt_lu_q, MATCH_FCVT_LU_Q, MASK_FCVT_LU_Q) +DECLARE_INSN(fmv_x_q, MATCH_FMV_X_Q, MASK_FMV_X_Q) +DECLARE_INSN(fclass_q, MATCH_FCLASS_Q, MASK_FCLASS_Q) +DECLARE_INSN(fcvt_s_w, MATCH_FCVT_S_W, MASK_FCVT_S_W) +DECLARE_INSN(fcvt_s_wu, MATCH_FCVT_S_WU, MASK_FCVT_S_WU) +DECLARE_INSN(fcvt_s_l, MATCH_FCVT_S_L, MASK_FCVT_S_L) +DECLARE_INSN(fcvt_s_lu, MATCH_FCVT_S_LU, MASK_FCVT_S_LU) +DECLARE_INSN(fmv_w_x, MATCH_FMV_W_X, MASK_FMV_W_X) +DECLARE_INSN(fcvt_d_w, MATCH_FCVT_D_W, MASK_FCVT_D_W) +DECLARE_INSN(fcvt_d_wu, MATCH_FCVT_D_WU, MASK_FCVT_D_WU) +DECLARE_INSN(fcvt_d_l, MATCH_FCVT_D_L, MASK_FCVT_D_L) +DECLARE_INSN(fcvt_d_lu, MATCH_FCVT_D_LU, MASK_FCVT_D_LU) +DECLARE_INSN(fmv_d_x, MATCH_FMV_D_X, MASK_FMV_D_X) +DECLARE_INSN(fcvt_q_w, MATCH_FCVT_Q_W, MASK_FCVT_Q_W) +DECLARE_INSN(fcvt_q_wu, MATCH_FCVT_Q_WU, MASK_FCVT_Q_WU) +DECLARE_INSN(fcvt_q_l, MATCH_FCVT_Q_L, MASK_FCVT_Q_L) +DECLARE_INSN(fcvt_q_lu, MATCH_FCVT_Q_LU, MASK_FCVT_Q_LU) +DECLARE_INSN(fmv_q_x, MATCH_FMV_Q_X, MASK_FMV_Q_X) +DECLARE_INSN(flw, MATCH_FLW, MASK_FLW) +DECLARE_INSN(fld, MATCH_FLD, MASK_FLD) +DECLARE_INSN(flq, MATCH_FLQ, MASK_FLQ) +DECLARE_INSN(fsw, MATCH_FSW, MASK_FSW) +DECLARE_INSN(fsd, MATCH_FSD, MASK_FSD) +DECLARE_INSN(fsq, MATCH_FSQ, MASK_FSQ) +DECLARE_INSN(fmadd_s, MATCH_FMADD_S, MASK_FMADD_S) +DECLARE_INSN(fmsub_s, MATCH_FMSUB_S, MASK_FMSUB_S) +DECLARE_INSN(fnmsub_s, MATCH_FNMSUB_S, MASK_FNMSUB_S) +DECLARE_INSN(fnmadd_s, MATCH_FNMADD_S, MASK_FNMADD_S) +DECLARE_INSN(fmadd_d, MATCH_FMADD_D, MASK_FMADD_D) +DECLARE_INSN(fmsub_d, MATCH_FMSUB_D, MASK_FMSUB_D) +DECLARE_INSN(fnmsub_d, MATCH_FNMSUB_D, MASK_FNMSUB_D) +DECLARE_INSN(fnmadd_d, MATCH_FNMADD_D, MASK_FNMADD_D) +DECLARE_INSN(fmadd_q, MATCH_FMADD_Q, MASK_FMADD_Q) +DECLARE_INSN(fmsub_q, MATCH_FMSUB_Q, MASK_FMSUB_Q) +DECLARE_INSN(fnmsub_q, MATCH_FNMSUB_Q, MASK_FNMSUB_Q) +DECLARE_INSN(fnmadd_q, MATCH_FNMADD_Q, MASK_FNMADD_Q) +DECLARE_INSN(c_nop, MATCH_C_NOP, MASK_C_NOP) +DECLARE_INSN(c_addi16sp, MATCH_C_ADDI16SP, MASK_C_ADDI16SP) +DECLARE_INSN(c_jr, MATCH_C_JR, MASK_C_JR) +DECLARE_INSN(c_jalr, MATCH_C_JALR, MASK_C_JALR) +DECLARE_INSN(c_ebreak, MATCH_C_EBREAK, MASK_C_EBREAK) +DECLARE_INSN(c_ld, MATCH_C_LD, MASK_C_LD) +DECLARE_INSN(c_sd, MATCH_C_SD, MASK_C_SD) +DECLARE_INSN(c_addiw, MATCH_C_ADDIW, MASK_C_ADDIW) +DECLARE_INSN(c_ldsp, MATCH_C_LDSP, MASK_C_LDSP) +DECLARE_INSN(c_sdsp, MATCH_C_SDSP, MASK_C_SDSP) +DECLARE_INSN(c_addi4spn, MATCH_C_ADDI4SPN, MASK_C_ADDI4SPN) +DECLARE_INSN(c_fld, MATCH_C_FLD, MASK_C_FLD) +DECLARE_INSN(c_lw, MATCH_C_LW, MASK_C_LW) +DECLARE_INSN(c_flw, MATCH_C_FLW, MASK_C_FLW) +DECLARE_INSN(c_fsd, MATCH_C_FSD, MASK_C_FSD) +DECLARE_INSN(c_sw, MATCH_C_SW, MASK_C_SW) +DECLARE_INSN(c_fsw, MATCH_C_FSW, MASK_C_FSW) +DECLARE_INSN(c_addi, MATCH_C_ADDI, MASK_C_ADDI) +DECLARE_INSN(c_jal, MATCH_C_JAL, MASK_C_JAL) +DECLARE_INSN(c_li, MATCH_C_LI, MASK_C_LI) +DECLARE_INSN(c_lui, MATCH_C_LUI, MASK_C_LUI) +DECLARE_INSN(c_srli, MATCH_C_SRLI, MASK_C_SRLI) +DECLARE_INSN(c_srai, MATCH_C_SRAI, MASK_C_SRAI) +DECLARE_INSN(c_andi, MATCH_C_ANDI, MASK_C_ANDI) +DECLARE_INSN(c_sub, MATCH_C_SUB, MASK_C_SUB) +DECLARE_INSN(c_xor, MATCH_C_XOR, MASK_C_XOR) +DECLARE_INSN(c_or, MATCH_C_OR, MASK_C_OR) +DECLARE_INSN(c_and, MATCH_C_AND, MASK_C_AND) +DECLARE_INSN(c_subw, MATCH_C_SUBW, MASK_C_SUBW) +DECLARE_INSN(c_addw, MATCH_C_ADDW, MASK_C_ADDW) +DECLARE_INSN(c_j, MATCH_C_J, MASK_C_J) +DECLARE_INSN(c_beqz, MATCH_C_BEQZ, MASK_C_BEQZ) +DECLARE_INSN(c_bnez, MATCH_C_BNEZ, MASK_C_BNEZ) +DECLARE_INSN(c_slli, MATCH_C_SLLI, MASK_C_SLLI) +DECLARE_INSN(c_fldsp, MATCH_C_FLDSP, MASK_C_FLDSP) +DECLARE_INSN(c_lwsp, MATCH_C_LWSP, MASK_C_LWSP) +DECLARE_INSN(c_flwsp, MATCH_C_FLWSP, MASK_C_FLWSP) +DECLARE_INSN(c_mv, MATCH_C_MV, MASK_C_MV) +DECLARE_INSN(c_add, MATCH_C_ADD, MASK_C_ADD) +DECLARE_INSN(c_fsdsp, MATCH_C_FSDSP, MASK_C_FSDSP) +DECLARE_INSN(c_swsp, MATCH_C_SWSP, MASK_C_SWSP) +DECLARE_INSN(c_fswsp, MATCH_C_FSWSP, MASK_C_FSWSP) +DECLARE_INSN(custom0, MATCH_CUSTOM0, MASK_CUSTOM0) +DECLARE_INSN(custom0_rs1, MATCH_CUSTOM0_RS1, MASK_CUSTOM0_RS1) +DECLARE_INSN(custom0_rs1_rs2, MATCH_CUSTOM0_RS1_RS2, MASK_CUSTOM0_RS1_RS2) +DECLARE_INSN(custom0_rd, MATCH_CUSTOM0_RD, MASK_CUSTOM0_RD) +DECLARE_INSN(custom0_rd_rs1, MATCH_CUSTOM0_RD_RS1, MASK_CUSTOM0_RD_RS1) +DECLARE_INSN(custom0_rd_rs1_rs2, MATCH_CUSTOM0_RD_RS1_RS2, MASK_CUSTOM0_RD_RS1_RS2) +DECLARE_INSN(custom1, MATCH_CUSTOM1, MASK_CUSTOM1) +DECLARE_INSN(custom1_rs1, MATCH_CUSTOM1_RS1, MASK_CUSTOM1_RS1) +DECLARE_INSN(custom1_rs1_rs2, MATCH_CUSTOM1_RS1_RS2, MASK_CUSTOM1_RS1_RS2) +DECLARE_INSN(custom1_rd, MATCH_CUSTOM1_RD, MASK_CUSTOM1_RD) +DECLARE_INSN(custom1_rd_rs1, MATCH_CUSTOM1_RD_RS1, MASK_CUSTOM1_RD_RS1) +DECLARE_INSN(custom1_rd_rs1_rs2, MATCH_CUSTOM1_RD_RS1_RS2, MASK_CUSTOM1_RD_RS1_RS2) +DECLARE_INSN(custom2, MATCH_CUSTOM2, MASK_CUSTOM2) +DECLARE_INSN(custom2_rs1, MATCH_CUSTOM2_RS1, MASK_CUSTOM2_RS1) +DECLARE_INSN(custom2_rs1_rs2, MATCH_CUSTOM2_RS1_RS2, MASK_CUSTOM2_RS1_RS2) +DECLARE_INSN(custom2_rd, MATCH_CUSTOM2_RD, MASK_CUSTOM2_RD) +DECLARE_INSN(custom2_rd_rs1, MATCH_CUSTOM2_RD_RS1, MASK_CUSTOM2_RD_RS1) +DECLARE_INSN(custom2_rd_rs1_rs2, MATCH_CUSTOM2_RD_RS1_RS2, MASK_CUSTOM2_RD_RS1_RS2) +DECLARE_INSN(custom3, MATCH_CUSTOM3, MASK_CUSTOM3) +DECLARE_INSN(custom3_rs1, MATCH_CUSTOM3_RS1, MASK_CUSTOM3_RS1) +DECLARE_INSN(custom3_rs1_rs2, MATCH_CUSTOM3_RS1_RS2, MASK_CUSTOM3_RS1_RS2) +DECLARE_INSN(custom3_rd, MATCH_CUSTOM3_RD, MASK_CUSTOM3_RD) +DECLARE_INSN(custom3_rd_rs1, MATCH_CUSTOM3_RD_RS1, MASK_CUSTOM3_RD_RS1) +DECLARE_INSN(custom3_rd_rs1_rs2, MATCH_CUSTOM3_RD_RS1_RS2, MASK_CUSTOM3_RD_RS1_RS2) +#endif +#ifdef DECLARE_CSR +DECLARE_CSR(fflags, CSR_FFLAGS) +DECLARE_CSR(frm, CSR_FRM) +DECLARE_CSR(fcsr, CSR_FCSR) +DECLARE_CSR(cycle, CSR_CYCLE) +DECLARE_CSR(time, CSR_TIME) +DECLARE_CSR(instret, CSR_INSTRET) +DECLARE_CSR(hpmcounter3, CSR_HPMCOUNTER3) +DECLARE_CSR(hpmcounter4, CSR_HPMCOUNTER4) +DECLARE_CSR(hpmcounter5, CSR_HPMCOUNTER5) +DECLARE_CSR(hpmcounter6, CSR_HPMCOUNTER6) +DECLARE_CSR(hpmcounter7, CSR_HPMCOUNTER7) +DECLARE_CSR(hpmcounter8, CSR_HPMCOUNTER8) +DECLARE_CSR(hpmcounter9, CSR_HPMCOUNTER9) +DECLARE_CSR(hpmcounter10, CSR_HPMCOUNTER10) +DECLARE_CSR(hpmcounter11, CSR_HPMCOUNTER11) +DECLARE_CSR(hpmcounter12, CSR_HPMCOUNTER12) +DECLARE_CSR(hpmcounter13, CSR_HPMCOUNTER13) +DECLARE_CSR(hpmcounter14, CSR_HPMCOUNTER14) +DECLARE_CSR(hpmcounter15, CSR_HPMCOUNTER15) +DECLARE_CSR(hpmcounter16, CSR_HPMCOUNTER16) +DECLARE_CSR(hpmcounter17, CSR_HPMCOUNTER17) +DECLARE_CSR(hpmcounter18, CSR_HPMCOUNTER18) +DECLARE_CSR(hpmcounter19, CSR_HPMCOUNTER19) +DECLARE_CSR(hpmcounter20, CSR_HPMCOUNTER20) +DECLARE_CSR(hpmcounter21, CSR_HPMCOUNTER21) +DECLARE_CSR(hpmcounter22, CSR_HPMCOUNTER22) +DECLARE_CSR(hpmcounter23, CSR_HPMCOUNTER23) +DECLARE_CSR(hpmcounter24, CSR_HPMCOUNTER24) +DECLARE_CSR(hpmcounter25, CSR_HPMCOUNTER25) +DECLARE_CSR(hpmcounter26, CSR_HPMCOUNTER26) +DECLARE_CSR(hpmcounter27, CSR_HPMCOUNTER27) +DECLARE_CSR(hpmcounter28, CSR_HPMCOUNTER28) +DECLARE_CSR(hpmcounter29, CSR_HPMCOUNTER29) +DECLARE_CSR(hpmcounter30, CSR_HPMCOUNTER30) +DECLARE_CSR(hpmcounter31, CSR_HPMCOUNTER31) +DECLARE_CSR(sstatus, CSR_SSTATUS) +DECLARE_CSR(sie, CSR_SIE) +DECLARE_CSR(stvec, CSR_STVEC) +DECLARE_CSR(scounteren, CSR_SCOUNTEREN) +DECLARE_CSR(sscratch, CSR_SSCRATCH) +DECLARE_CSR(sepc, CSR_SEPC) +DECLARE_CSR(scause, CSR_SCAUSE) +DECLARE_CSR(stval, CSR_STVAL) +DECLARE_CSR(sip, CSR_SIP) +DECLARE_CSR(satp, CSR_SATP) +DECLARE_CSR(mstatus, CSR_MSTATUS) +DECLARE_CSR(misa, CSR_MISA) +DECLARE_CSR(medeleg, CSR_MEDELEG) +DECLARE_CSR(mideleg, CSR_MIDELEG) +DECLARE_CSR(mie, CSR_MIE) +DECLARE_CSR(mtvec, CSR_MTVEC) +DECLARE_CSR(mcounteren, CSR_MCOUNTEREN) +DECLARE_CSR(mscratch, CSR_MSCRATCH) +DECLARE_CSR(mepc, CSR_MEPC) +DECLARE_CSR(mcause, CSR_MCAUSE) +DECLARE_CSR(mtval, CSR_MTVAL) +DECLARE_CSR(mip, CSR_MIP) +DECLARE_CSR(pmpcfg0, CSR_PMPCFG0) +DECLARE_CSR(pmpcfg1, CSR_PMPCFG1) +DECLARE_CSR(pmpcfg2, CSR_PMPCFG2) +DECLARE_CSR(pmpcfg3, CSR_PMPCFG3) +DECLARE_CSR(pmpaddr0, CSR_PMPADDR0) +DECLARE_CSR(pmpaddr1, CSR_PMPADDR1) +DECLARE_CSR(pmpaddr2, CSR_PMPADDR2) +DECLARE_CSR(pmpaddr3, CSR_PMPADDR3) +DECLARE_CSR(pmpaddr4, CSR_PMPADDR4) +DECLARE_CSR(pmpaddr5, CSR_PMPADDR5) +DECLARE_CSR(pmpaddr6, CSR_PMPADDR6) +DECLARE_CSR(pmpaddr7, CSR_PMPADDR7) +DECLARE_CSR(pmpaddr8, CSR_PMPADDR8) +DECLARE_CSR(pmpaddr9, CSR_PMPADDR9) +DECLARE_CSR(pmpaddr10, CSR_PMPADDR10) +DECLARE_CSR(pmpaddr11, CSR_PMPADDR11) +DECLARE_CSR(pmpaddr12, CSR_PMPADDR12) +DECLARE_CSR(pmpaddr13, CSR_PMPADDR13) +DECLARE_CSR(pmpaddr14, CSR_PMPADDR14) +DECLARE_CSR(pmpaddr15, CSR_PMPADDR15) +DECLARE_CSR(tselect, CSR_TSELECT) +DECLARE_CSR(tdata1, CSR_TDATA1) +DECLARE_CSR(tdata2, CSR_TDATA2) +DECLARE_CSR(tdata3, CSR_TDATA3) +DECLARE_CSR(dcsr, CSR_DCSR) +DECLARE_CSR(dpc, CSR_DPC) +DECLARE_CSR(dscratch, CSR_DSCRATCH) +DECLARE_CSR(mcycle, CSR_MCYCLE) +DECLARE_CSR(minstret, CSR_MINSTRET) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmcounter3, CSR_MHPMCOUNTER3) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmcounter4, CSR_MHPMCOUNTER4) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmcounter5, CSR_MHPMCOUNTER5) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmcounter6, CSR_MHPMCOUNTER6) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmcounter7, CSR_MHPMCOUNTER7) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmcounter8, CSR_MHPMCOUNTER8) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmcounter9, CSR_MHPMCOUNTER9) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmcounter10, CSR_MHPMCOUNTER10) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmcounter11, CSR_MHPMCOUNTER11) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmcounter12, CSR_MHPMCOUNTER12) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmcounter13, CSR_MHPMCOUNTER13) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmcounter14, CSR_MHPMCOUNTER14) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmcounter15, CSR_MHPMCOUNTER15) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmcounter16, CSR_MHPMCOUNTER16) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmcounter17, CSR_MHPMCOUNTER17) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmcounter18, CSR_MHPMCOUNTER18) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmcounter19, CSR_MHPMCOUNTER19) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmcounter20, CSR_MHPMCOUNTER20) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmcounter21, CSR_MHPMCOUNTER21) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmcounter22, CSR_MHPMCOUNTER22) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmcounter23, CSR_MHPMCOUNTER23) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmcounter24, CSR_MHPMCOUNTER24) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmcounter25, CSR_MHPMCOUNTER25) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmcounter26, CSR_MHPMCOUNTER26) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmcounter27, CSR_MHPMCOUNTER27) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmcounter28, CSR_MHPMCOUNTER28) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmcounter29, CSR_MHPMCOUNTER29) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmcounter30, CSR_MHPMCOUNTER30) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmcounter31, CSR_MHPMCOUNTER31) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmevent3, CSR_MHPMEVENT3) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmevent4, CSR_MHPMEVENT4) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmevent5, CSR_MHPMEVENT5) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmevent6, CSR_MHPMEVENT6) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmevent7, CSR_MHPMEVENT7) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmevent8, CSR_MHPMEVENT8) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmevent9, CSR_MHPMEVENT9) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmevent10, CSR_MHPMEVENT10) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmevent11, CSR_MHPMEVENT11) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmevent12, CSR_MHPMEVENT12) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmevent13, CSR_MHPMEVENT13) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmevent14, CSR_MHPMEVENT14) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmevent15, CSR_MHPMEVENT15) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmevent16, CSR_MHPMEVENT16) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmevent17, CSR_MHPMEVENT17) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmevent18, CSR_MHPMEVENT18) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmevent19, CSR_MHPMEVENT19) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmevent20, CSR_MHPMEVENT20) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmevent21, CSR_MHPMEVENT21) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmevent22, CSR_MHPMEVENT22) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmevent23, CSR_MHPMEVENT23) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmevent24, CSR_MHPMEVENT24) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmevent25, CSR_MHPMEVENT25) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmevent26, CSR_MHPMEVENT26) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmevent27, CSR_MHPMEVENT27) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmevent28, CSR_MHPMEVENT28) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmevent29, CSR_MHPMEVENT29) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmevent30, CSR_MHPMEVENT30) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmevent31, CSR_MHPMEVENT31) +DECLARE_CSR(mvendorid, CSR_MVENDORID) +DECLARE_CSR(marchid, CSR_MARCHID) +DECLARE_CSR(mimpid, CSR_MIMPID) +DECLARE_CSR(mhartid, CSR_MHARTID) +DECLARE_CSR(cycleh, CSR_CYCLEH) +DECLARE_CSR(timeh, CSR_TIMEH) +DECLARE_CSR(instreth, CSR_INSTRETH) +DECLARE_CSR(hpmcounter3h, CSR_HPMCOUNTER3H) +DECLARE_CSR(hpmcounter4h, CSR_HPMCOUNTER4H) +DECLARE_CSR(hpmcounter5h, CSR_HPMCOUNTER5H) +DECLARE_CSR(hpmcounter6h, CSR_HPMCOUNTER6H) +DECLARE_CSR(hpmcounter7h, CSR_HPMCOUNTER7H) +DECLARE_CSR(hpmcounter8h, CSR_HPMCOUNTER8H) +DECLARE_CSR(hpmcounter9h, CSR_HPMCOUNTER9H) +DECLARE_CSR(hpmcounter10h, CSR_HPMCOUNTER10H) +DECLARE_CSR(hpmcounter11h, CSR_HPMCOUNTER11H) +DECLARE_CSR(hpmcounter12h, CSR_HPMCOUNTER12H) +DECLARE_CSR(hpmcounter13h, CSR_HPMCOUNTER13H) +DECLARE_CSR(hpmcounter14h, CSR_HPMCOUNTER14H) +DECLARE_CSR(hpmcounter15h, CSR_HPMCOUNTER15H) +DECLARE_CSR(hpmcounter16h, CSR_HPMCOUNTER16H) +DECLARE_CSR(hpmcounter17h, CSR_HPMCOUNTER17H) +DECLARE_CSR(hpmcounter18h, CSR_HPMCOUNTER18H) +DECLARE_CSR(hpmcounter19h, CSR_HPMCOUNTER19H) +DECLARE_CSR(hpmcounter20h, CSR_HPMCOUNTER20H) +DECLARE_CSR(hpmcounter21h, CSR_HPMCOUNTER21H) +DECLARE_CSR(hpmcounter22h, CSR_HPMCOUNTER22H) +DECLARE_CSR(hpmcounter23h, CSR_HPMCOUNTER23H) +DECLARE_CSR(hpmcounter24h, CSR_HPMCOUNTER24H) +DECLARE_CSR(hpmcounter25h, CSR_HPMCOUNTER25H) +DECLARE_CSR(hpmcounter26h, CSR_HPMCOUNTER26H) +DECLARE_CSR(hpmcounter27h, CSR_HPMCOUNTER27H) +DECLARE_CSR(hpmcounter28h, CSR_HPMCOUNTER28H) +DECLARE_CSR(hpmcounter29h, CSR_HPMCOUNTER29H) +DECLARE_CSR(hpmcounter30h, CSR_HPMCOUNTER30H) +DECLARE_CSR(hpmcounter31h, CSR_HPMCOUNTER31H) +DECLARE_CSR(mcycleh, CSR_MCYCLEH) +DECLARE_CSR(minstreth, CSR_MINSTRETH) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmcounter3h, CSR_MHPMCOUNTER3H) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmcounter4h, CSR_MHPMCOUNTER4H) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmcounter5h, CSR_MHPMCOUNTER5H) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmcounter6h, CSR_MHPMCOUNTER6H) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmcounter7h, CSR_MHPMCOUNTER7H) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmcounter8h, CSR_MHPMCOUNTER8H) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmcounter9h, CSR_MHPMCOUNTER9H) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmcounter10h, CSR_MHPMCOUNTER10H) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmcounter11h, CSR_MHPMCOUNTER11H) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmcounter12h, CSR_MHPMCOUNTER12H) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmcounter13h, CSR_MHPMCOUNTER13H) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmcounter14h, CSR_MHPMCOUNTER14H) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmcounter15h, CSR_MHPMCOUNTER15H) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmcounter16h, CSR_MHPMCOUNTER16H) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmcounter17h, CSR_MHPMCOUNTER17H) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmcounter18h, CSR_MHPMCOUNTER18H) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmcounter19h, CSR_MHPMCOUNTER19H) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmcounter20h, CSR_MHPMCOUNTER20H) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmcounter21h, CSR_MHPMCOUNTER21H) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmcounter22h, CSR_MHPMCOUNTER22H) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmcounter23h, CSR_MHPMCOUNTER23H) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmcounter24h, CSR_MHPMCOUNTER24H) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmcounter25h, CSR_MHPMCOUNTER25H) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmcounter26h, CSR_MHPMCOUNTER26H) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmcounter27h, CSR_MHPMCOUNTER27H) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmcounter28h, CSR_MHPMCOUNTER28H) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmcounter29h, CSR_MHPMCOUNTER29H) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmcounter30h, CSR_MHPMCOUNTER30H) +DECLARE_CSR(mhpmcounter31h, CSR_MHPMCOUNTER31H) +#endif +#ifdef DECLARE_CAUSE +DECLARE_CAUSE("misaligned fetch", CAUSE_MISALIGNED_FETCH) +DECLARE_CAUSE("fetch access", CAUSE_FETCH_ACCESS) +DECLARE_CAUSE("illegal instruction", CAUSE_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION) +DECLARE_CAUSE("breakpoint", CAUSE_BREAKPOINT) +DECLARE_CAUSE("misaligned load", CAUSE_MISALIGNED_LOAD) +DECLARE_CAUSE("load access", CAUSE_LOAD_ACCESS) +DECLARE_CAUSE("misaligned store", CAUSE_MISALIGNED_STORE) +DECLARE_CAUSE("store access", CAUSE_STORE_ACCESS) +DECLARE_CAUSE("user_ecall", CAUSE_USER_ECALL) +DECLARE_CAUSE("supervisor_ecall", CAUSE_SUPERVISOR_ECALL) +DECLARE_CAUSE("hypervisor_ecall", CAUSE_HYPERVISOR_ECALL) +DECLARE_CAUSE("machine_ecall", CAUSE_MACHINE_ECALL) +DECLARE_CAUSE("fetch page fault", CAUSE_FETCH_PAGE_FAULT) +DECLARE_CAUSE("load page fault", CAUSE_LOAD_PAGE_FAULT) +DECLARE_CAUSE("store page fault", CAUSE_STORE_PAGE_FAULT) +#endif diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-env/p/link.ld b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-env/p/link.ld new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f1566b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-env/p/link.ld @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +OUTPUT_ARCH( "riscv" ) +ENTRY(_start) + +SECTIONS +{ + . = 0x00000000; + .text.init : { *(.text.init) } + + . = ALIGN(0x1000); + .tohost : { *(.tohost) } + . = ALIGN(0x1000); + .text : { *(.text) } + . = ALIGN(0x1000); + .data : { *(.data) } + .data.string : { *(.data.string)} + .bss : { *(.bss) } + _end = .; +} + diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-env/p/riscv_test.h b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-env/p/riscv_test.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a8ddf67 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-env/p/riscv_test.h @@ -0,0 +1,232 @@ +// See LICENSE for license details. + +#ifndef _ENV_PHYSICAL_SINGLE_CORE_H +#define _ENV_PHYSICAL_SINGLE_CORE_H + +#include "../encoding.h" +#include "compliance_test.h" + +//----------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Begin Macro +//----------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#define RVTEST_RV64U \ + .macro init; \ + .endm + +#define RVTEST_RV64UF \ + .macro init; \ + RVTEST_FP_ENABLE; \ + .endm + +#define RVTEST_RV32U \ + .macro init; \ + .endm + +#define RVTEST_RV32UF \ + .macro init; \ + RVTEST_FP_ENABLE; \ + .endm + +#define RVTEST_RV64M \ + .macro init; \ + RVTEST_ENABLE_MACHINE; \ + .endm + +#define RVTEST_RV64S \ + .macro init; \ + RVTEST_ENABLE_SUPERVISOR; \ + .endm + +#define RVTEST_RV32M \ + .macro init; \ + RVTEST_ENABLE_MACHINE; \ + .endm + +#define RVTEST_RV32S \ + .macro init; \ + RVTEST_ENABLE_SUPERVISOR; \ + .endm + +#if __riscv_xlen == 64 +# define CHECK_XLEN li a0, 1; slli a0, a0, 31; bgez a0, 1f; RVTEST_PASS; 1: +#else +# define CHECK_XLEN li a0, 1; slli a0, a0, 31; bltz a0, 1f; RVTEST_PASS; 1: +#endif + +#define INIT_PMP \ + la t0, 1f; \ + csrw mtvec, t0; \ + li t0, -1; /* Set up a PMP to permit all accesses */ \ + csrw pmpaddr0, t0; \ + li t0, PMP_NAPOT | PMP_R | PMP_W | PMP_X; \ + csrw pmpcfg0, t0; \ + .align 2; \ +1: + +#define INIT_SPTBR \ + la t0, 1f; \ + csrw mtvec, t0; \ + csrwi sptbr, 0; \ + .align 2; \ +1: + +#define DELEGATE_NO_TRAPS \ + la t0, 1f; \ + csrw mtvec, t0; \ + csrwi medeleg, 0; \ + csrwi mideleg, 0; \ + csrwi mie, 0; \ + .align 2; \ +1: + +#define RVTEST_ENABLE_SUPERVISOR \ + li a0, MSTATUS_MPP & (MSTATUS_MPP >> 1); \ + csrs mstatus, a0; \ + li a0, SIP_SSIP | SIP_STIP; \ + csrs mideleg, a0; \ + +#define RVTEST_ENABLE_MACHINE \ + li a0, MSTATUS_MPP; \ + csrs mstatus, a0; \ + +#define RVTEST_FP_ENABLE \ + li a0, MSTATUS_FS & (MSTATUS_FS >> 1); \ + csrs mstatus, a0; \ + csrwi fcsr, 0 + +#define RISCV_MULTICORE_DISABLE \ + csrr a0, mhartid; \ + 1: bnez a0, 1b + +#define EXTRA_TVEC_USER +#define EXTRA_TVEC_MACHINE +#define EXTRA_INIT +#define EXTRA_INIT_TIMER + +// +// undefine some unusable CSR Accesses if no PRIV Mode present +// +#if defined(PRIV_MISA_S) +# if (PRIV_MISA_S==0) +# undef INIT_SPTBR +# define INIT_SPTBR +# undef INIT_PMP +# define INIT_PMP +# undef DELEGATE_NO_TRAPS +# define DELEGATE_NO_TRAPS +# undef RVTEST_ENABLE_SUPERVISOR +# define RVTEST_ENABLE_SUPERVISOR +# endif +#endif +#if defined(PRIV_MISA_U) +# if (PRIV_MISA_U==0) +# endif +#endif +#if defined(TRAPHANDLER) +#include TRAPHANDLER +#endif + +#define INTERRUPT_HANDLER j other_exception /* No interrupts should occur */ + +#define RVTEST_CODE_BEGIN \ + .section .text.init; \ + .align 6; \ + .weak stvec_handler; \ + .weak mtvec_handler; \ + .globl _start; \ +_start: \ + /* reset vector */ \ + j reset_vector; \ + .align 2; \ +trap_vector: \ + /* test whether the test came from pass/fail */ \ + csrr t5, mcause; \ + li t6, CAUSE_USER_ECALL; \ + beq t5, t6, write_tohost; \ + li t6, CAUSE_SUPERVISOR_ECALL; \ + beq t5, t6, write_tohost; \ + li t6, CAUSE_MACHINE_ECALL; \ + beq t5, t6, write_tohost; \ + /* if an mtvec_handler is defined, jump to it */ \ + la t5, mtvec_handler; \ + beqz t5, 1f; \ + jr t5; \ + /* was it an interrupt or an exception? */ \ + 1: csrr t5, mcause; \ + bgez t5, handle_exception; \ + INTERRUPT_HANDLER; \ +handle_exception: \ + /* we don't know how to handle whatever the exception was */ \ + other_exception: \ + /* some unhandlable exception occurred */ \ + 1: ori TESTNUM, TESTNUM, 1337; \ + write_tohost: \ + sw TESTNUM, tohost, t5; \ + j write_tohost; \ +reset_vector: \ + li TESTNUM, 0; \ + la t0, trap_vector; \ + csrw mtvec, t0; \ + csrwi mstatus, 0; \ + la t0, 1f; \ + csrw mepc, t0; \ + li t0, 0; \ + li t1, TESTUTIL_ADDR_HALT; \ + sw t0, 0(t1); \ + mret; \ +1: \ +begin_testcode: + + +//----------------------------------------------------------------------- +// End Macro +//----------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#define RVTEST_CODE_END \ +end_testcode: \ + unimp + +//----------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Pass/Fail Macro +//----------------------------------------------------------------------- +//#define RVTEST_SYNC fence +#define RVTEST_SYNC nop + +#define RVTEST_PASS \ + RVTEST_SYNC; \ + li TESTNUM, 1; \ + SWSIG (0, TESTNUM); \ + ecall + +#define TESTNUM gp +#define RVTEST_FAIL \ + RVTEST_SYNC; \ +1: beqz TESTNUM, 1b; \ + sll TESTNUM, TESTNUM, 1; \ + or TESTNUM, TESTNUM, 1; \ + SWSIG (0, TESTNUM); \ + ecall + +//----------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Data Section Macro +//----------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#define EXTRA_DATA + +#define RVTEST_DATA_BEGIN \ + EXTRA_DATA \ + .pushsection .tohost,"aw",@progbits; \ + .align 8; .global tohost; tohost: .dword 0; \ + .align 8; .global fromhost; fromhost: .dword 0; \ + .popsection; \ + .align 4; .global begin_signature; begin_signature: + +#define RVTEST_DATA_END \ + .align 4; .global end_signature; end_signature: \ + .align 8; .global begin_regstate; begin_regstate: \ + .word 128; \ + .align 8; .global end_regstate; end_regstate: \ + .word 4; + +#endif diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-env/riscv_test_macros.h b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-env/riscv_test_macros.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1a04591 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-env/riscv_test_macros.h @@ -0,0 +1,462 @@ +// RISC-V Compliance IO Test Header File + +/* + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Imperas Software Ltd., www.imperas.com + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + * You may obtain a copy of the License at + * + * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + * + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, + * either express or implied. + * + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + * limitations under the License. + * + */ + + +// +// In general the following registers are reserved +// ra, a0, t0, t1 +// Additionally on an assertion violation, t1, t2 are overwritten +// x1, x10, x5, x6, x7 respectively +// Floating registers reserved +// f5 +// + +#define MASK_XLEN(x) ((x) & ((1 << (__riscv_xlen - 1) << 1) - 1)) + +#define SEXT_IMM(x) ((x) | (-(((x) >> 11) & 1) << 11)) + +// Base function for integer operations +#define TEST_CASE(testreg, destreg, correctval, swreg, offset, code... ) \ + code; \ + sw destreg, offset(swreg); \ + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(testreg, destreg, correctval) \ + +// Base functions for single precision floating point operations +#define TEST_CASE_FP(test_num, destreg, reg1, reg2, correctval, val1, val2, swreg, offset, code... ) \ + la a0, test_ ## test_num ## _data; \ + flw reg1, 0(a0); \ + flw reg2, 4(a0); \ + lw t1, 8(a0); \ + code; \ + fsw destreg, offset(swreg); \ + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_SFPR_EQ(destreg, t1, correctval) \ + .pushsection .data; \ + .align 3; \ + test_ ## test_num ## _data: \ + .float val1; \ + .float val2; \ + .word correctval; \ + .popsection + +#define TEST_CASE_FP_I(test_num, destreg, reg, correctval, val, swreg, offset, code... ) \ + la a0, test_ ## test_num ## _data; \ + lw t1, 0(a0); \ + code; \ + fsw destreg, offset(swreg); \ + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_SFPR_EQ(destreg, t1, correctval) \ + .pushsection .data; \ + .align 1; \ + test_ ## test_num ## _data: \ + .word correctval; \ + .popsection + +#define TEST_CASE_FP_I2(test_num, destreg, reg, correctval, val, swreg, offset, code... ) \ + la a0, test_ ## test_num ## _data; \ + flw reg, 0(a0); \ + lw t1, 4(a0); \ + code; \ + sw destreg, offset(swreg); \ + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, destreg, correctval) \ + .pushsection .data; \ + .align 2; \ + test_ ## test_num ## _data: \ + .float val; \ + .word correctval; \ + .popsection + +#define TEST_CASE_FP_4REG(test_num, destreg, reg1, reg2, reg3, correctval, val1, val2, val3, swreg, offset, code... ) \ + la a0, test_ ## test_num ## _data; \ + flw reg1, 0(a0); \ + flw reg2, 4(a0); \ + flw reg3, 8(a0); \ + lw t1, 12(a0); \ + code; \ + fsw destreg, offset(swreg); \ + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_SFPR_EQ(destreg, t1, correctval) \ + .pushsection .data; \ + .align 4; \ + test_ ## test_num ## _data: \ + .float val1; \ + .float val2; \ + .float val3; \ + .word correctval; \ + .popsection + +#define TEST_CASE_FP_FMVXS(test_num, destreg, reg, correctval, val, swreg, offset, code... ) \ + la a0, test_ ## test_num ## _data; \ + flw reg, 0(a0); \ + code; \ + sw destreg, offset(swreg); \ + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, destreg, correctval) \ + .pushsection .data; \ + .align 1; \ + test_ ## test_num ## _data: \ + .float val; \ + .popsection + +#define TEST_CASE_FP_FMVSX(test_num, destreg, reg, correctval, val, swreg, offset, code...) \ + la a0, test_ ## test_num ## _data; \ + li reg, val; \ + code; \ + fsw destreg, offset(swreg); \ + lw a1, 0(a0); \ + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_SFPR_EQ(destreg, a1, correctval) \ + .pushsection .data; \ + .align 1; \ + test_ ## test_num ## _data: \ + .word correctval; \ + .popsection + +// Base functions for double precision floating point operations - rv32d +#define TEST_CASE_FPD(test_num, destreg, reg1, reg2, correctval, val1, val2, swreg, offset, code... ) \ + la a0, test_ ## test_num ## _data; \ + fld reg1, 0(a0); \ + fld reg2, 8(a0); \ + code; \ + fsd destreg, offset(swreg); \ + lw t1, 16(a0); \ + lw t2, 20(a0); \ + la a0, store_ ## test_num ## _data; \ + fsd destreg, 0(a0); \ + lw a1, 0(a0); \ + lw a2, 4(a0); \ + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_DFPR_EQ(destreg, t2, t1, a2, a1, correctval) \ + .pushsection .data; \ + .align 3; \ + test_ ## test_num ## _data: \ + .double val1; \ + .double val2; \ + .dword correctval; \ + .popsection; \ + .pushsection .data; \ + store_ ## test_num ## _data: \ + .fill 1, 8, -1; \ + .popsection + +#define TEST_CASE_FPD_I(test_num, destreg, reg, correctval, val, swreg, offset, code... ) \ + la a0, test_ ## test_num ## _data; \ + code; \ + fsd destreg, offset(swreg); \ + lw t1, 0(a0); \ + lw t2, 4(a0); \ + la a0, store_ ## test_num ## _data; \ + fsd destreg, 0(a0); \ + lw a1, 0(a0); \ + lw a2, 4(a0); \ + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_DFPR_EQ(destreg, t2, t1, a2, a1, correctval) \ + .pushsection .data; \ + .align 1; \ + test_ ## test_num ## _data: \ + .dword correctval; \ + .popsection; \ + store_ ## test_num ## _data: \ + .fill 1, 8, -1; \ + .popsection + +#define TEST_CASE_FPD_I2(test_num, destreg, reg, correctval, val, swreg, offset, code... ) \ + la a0, test_ ## test_num ## _data; \ + fld reg, 0(a0); \ + lw t1, 8(a0); \ + code; \ + sw destreg, offset(swreg); \ + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, destreg, correctval) \ + .pushsection .data; \ + .align 2; \ + test_ ## test_num ## _data: \ + .double val; \ + .word correctval; \ + .popsection + +#define TEST_CASE_FPD_4REG(test_num, destreg, reg1, reg2, reg3, correctval, val1, val2, val3, swreg, offset, code... ) \ + la a0, test_ ## test_num ## _data; \ + fld reg1, 0(a0); \ + fld reg2, 8(a0); \ + fld reg3, 16(a0); \ + code; \ + fsd destreg, offset(swreg); \ + lw t1, 24(a0); \ + lw t2, 28(a0); \ + la a0, store_ ## test_num ## _data; \ + fsd destreg, 0(a0); \ + lw a1, 0(a0); \ + lw a2, 4(a0); \ + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_DFPR_EQ(destreg, t2, t1, a2, a1, correctval) \ + .pushsection .data; \ + .align 4; \ + test_ ## test_num ## _data: \ + .double val1; \ + .double val2; \ + .double val3; \ + .dword correctval; \ + .popsection; \ + .pushsection .data; \ + store_ ## test_num ## _data: \ + .fill 1, 8, -1; \ + .popsection + +//Tests for a instructions with register-register operand +#define TEST_RR_OP(inst, destreg, reg1, reg2, correctval, val1, val2, swreg, offset, testreg) \ + TEST_CASE(testreg, destreg, correctval, swreg, offset, \ + li reg1, MASK_XLEN(val1); \ + li reg2, MASK_XLEN(val2); \ + inst destreg, reg1, reg2; \ + ) + +#define TEST_RR_SRC1( inst, destreg, reg, correctval, val1, val2, swreg, offset, testreg) \ + TEST_CASE(testreg, destreg, correctval, swreg, offset, \ + li destreg, MASK_XLEN(val1); \ + li reg, MASK_XLEN(val2); \ + inst destreg, destreg, reg; \ + ) + +#define TEST_RR_SRC2( inst, destreg, reg, correctval, val1, val2, swreg, offset, testreg) \ + TEST_CASE(testreg, destreg, correctval, swreg, offset, \ + li reg, MASK_XLEN(val1); \ + li destreg, MASK_XLEN(val2); \ + inst destreg, reg, destreg; \ + ) + +#define TEST_RR_SRC12( inst, destreg, correctval, val, swreg, offset, testreg) \ + TEST_CASE(testreg, destreg, correctval, swreg, offset, \ + li destreg, MASK_XLEN(val1); \ + inst destreg, destreg, destreg; \ + ) + +#define TEST_RR_ZERO1( inst, destreg, reg, correctval, val, swreg, offset, testreg) \ + TEST_CASE(testreg, destreg, correctval, swreg, offset, \ + li reg, MASK_XLEN(val); \ + inst destreg, x0, reg; \ + ) + +#define TEST_RR_ZERO2( inst, destreg, reg, correctval, val, swreg, offset, testreg) \ + TEST_CASE(testreg, destreg, correctval, swreg, offset, \ + li reg, MASK_XLEN(val); \ + inst destreg, reg, x0; \ + ) + +#define TEST_RR_ZERO12( inst, destreg, correctval, swreg, offset, testreg) \ + TEST_CASE(testreg, destreg, correctval, swreg, offset, \ + inst destreg, x0, x0; \ + ) + +#define TEST_RR_ZERODEST( inst, reg1, reg2, val1, val2, swreg, offset, testreg) \ + TEST_CASE(testreg, x0, 0, swreg, offset, \ + li reg1, MASK_XLEN(val1); \ + li reg2, MASK_XLEN(val2); \ + inst x0, reg1, reg2; \ + ) + +//Tests for a instructions with register-immediate operand +#define TEST_IMM_OP( inst, destreg, reg, correctval, val, imm, swreg, offset, testreg) \ + TEST_CASE(testreg, destreg, correctval, swreg, offset, \ + li reg, MASK_XLEN(val); \ + inst destreg, reg, SEXT_IMM(imm); \ + ) + +#define TEST_IMM_SRC( inst, destreg, correctval, val, imm, swreg, offset, testreg) \ + TEST_CASE(testreg, destreg, correctval, swreg, offset, \ + li destreg, MASK_XLEN(val); \ + inst destreg, destreg, SEXT_IMM(imm); \ + ) + +#define TEST_IMM_ZEROSRC( inst, destreg, correctval, imm, swreg, offset, testreg) \ + TEST_CASE(testreg, destreg, correctval, swreg, offset, \ + inst destreg, x0, SEXT_IMM(imm); \ + ) + +#define TEST_IMM_ZERODEST( inst, reg, val, imm, swreg, offset, testreg) \ + TEST_CASE(testreg, x0, 0, swreg, offset, \ + li reg, MASK_XLEN(val); \ + inst x0, reg, SEXT_IMM(imm); \ + ) + +#define TEST_IMM_ONEREG( inst, destreg, correctval, imm, swreg, offset, testreg) \ + TEST_CASE(testreg, destreg, correctval, swreg, offset, \ + inst destreg, SEXT_IMM(imm); \ + ) + +#define TEST_AUIPC(inst, destreg, correctval, imm, swreg, offset, testreg) \ + TEST_CASE(testreg, destreg, correctval, swreg, offset, \ + 1: \ + inst destreg, imm; \ + la swreg, 1b; \ + sub destreg, destreg, swreg; \ + ) + +//Tests for a compressed instruction +#define TEST_CR_OP( inst, destreg, reg, correctval, val1, val2, swreg, offset, testreg) \ + TEST_CASE(testreg, destreg, correctval, swreg, offset, \ + li reg, MASK_XLEN(val1); \ + li destreg, MASK_XLEN(val2); \ + inst destreg, reg; \ + ) + +#define TEST_CI_OP( inst, destreg, correctval, val, imm, swreg, offset, testreg) \ + TEST_CASE(testreg, destreg, correctval, swreg, offset, \ + li destreg, MASK_XLEN(val); \ + inst destreg, imm; \ + ) + +#define TEST_CI_OP_NOREG(inst, correctval, imm, swreg, offset, testreg) \ + TEST_CASE(testreg,x0, correctval, swreg, offset, \ + inst imm; \ + ) + +//Tests for floating point instructions - single precision +#define TEST_FP_OP(test_num, inst, destreg, reg1, reg2, correctval, val1, val2, swreg, offset) \ + TEST_CASE_FP(test_num, destreg, reg1, reg2, correctval, val1, val2, swreg, offset, \ + inst destreg, reg1, reg2; \ + ) + +#define TEST_FP_ONEREG(test_num, inst, destreg, reg, correctval, val, swreg, offset) \ + TEST_CASE_FP(test_num, destreg, reg, reg, correctval, val, val, swreg, offset, \ + inst destreg, reg; \ + ) + +#define TEST_FP_4REG(test_num, inst, destreg, reg1, reg2, reg3, correctval, val1, val2, val3, swreg, offset) \ + TEST_CASE_FP_4REG(test_num, destreg, reg1, reg2, reg3, correctval, val1, val2, val3, swreg, offset, \ + inst destreg, reg1, reg2, reg3; \ + ) + +#define TEST_FP_I(test_num, inst, destreg, reg, correctval, val, swreg, offset) \ + TEST_CASE_FP_I(test_num, destreg, reg, correctval, val, swreg, offset, \ + li reg, MASK_XLEN(val); \ + inst destreg, reg; \ + ) + +#define TEST_FP_I2(test_num, inst, destreg, reg, correctval, val, swreg, offset) \ + TEST_CASE_FP_I2(test_num, destreg, reg, correctval, val, swreg, offset, \ + inst destreg, reg; \ + ) + +//Tests for floating point instructions - double precision +#define TEST_FPD_OP(test_num, inst, destreg, reg1, reg2, correctval, val1, val2, swreg, offset) \ + TEST_CASE_FPD(test_num, destreg, reg1, reg2, correctval, val1, val2, swreg, offset, \ + inst destreg, reg1, reg2; \ + ) + +#define TEST_FPD_ONEREG(test_num, inst, destreg, reg, correctval, val, swreg, offset) \ + TEST_CASE_FPD(test_num, destreg, reg, reg, correctval, val, val, swreg, offset, \ + inst destreg, reg; \ + ) + +#define TEST_FPD_4REG(test_num, inst, destreg, reg1, reg2, reg3, correctval, val1, val2, val3, swreg, offset) \ + TEST_CASE_FPD_4REG(test_num, destreg, reg1, reg2, reg3, correctval, val1, val2, val3, swreg, offset, \ + inst destreg, reg1, reg2, reg3; \ + ) + +#define TEST_FPD_I(test_num, inst, destreg, reg, correctval, val, swreg, offset) \ + TEST_CASE_FPD_I(test_num, destreg, reg, correctval, val, swreg, offset, \ + li reg, MASK_XLEN(val); \ + inst destreg, reg; \ + ) + +#define TEST_FPD_I2(test_num, inst, destreg, reg, correctval, val, swreg, offset) \ + TEST_CASE_FPD_I2(test_num, destreg, reg, correctval, val, swreg, offset, \ + inst destreg, reg; \ + ) + +#define TEST_CADDI16SP(correctval, imm, swreg, offset, testreg) \ + TEST_CASE(testreg,x2, correctval, swreg, offset, \ + c.addi16sp x2, imm; \ + ) + +#define TEST_CADDI4SPN(destreg, correctval, imm, swreg, offset, testreg) \ + TEST_CASE(testreg,destreg, correctval, swreg, offset, \ + c.addi4spn destreg, x2, SEXT_IMM(imm); \ + ) + +#define TEST_CJL(inst, reg, val, swreg, offset) \ + li x10, val; \ + la reg, 1f; \ + inst reg; \ + li x10, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + sw x10, offset(swreg); \ + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x10, val); \ + +#define ABS(x) ((x >> 11) ^ x) - (x >> 11) + +#define TEST_CJ(inst, reg, val, swreg, offset) \ + li reg, val; \ + inst 1f; \ + li reg, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + sw reg, offset(swreg); \ + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, reg, val); \ + +#define TEST_CL(inst, reg, imm, swreg, offset) \ + la reg, test_data; \ + inst reg, imm(reg); \ + sw reg, offset(swreg); \ + +// lw reg, imm(x2) +// c.lwsp reg, imm(x2) +#define TEST_CLWSP(reg, imm, swreg, offset) \ + la x2, test_data; \ + c.lwsp reg, imm(x2); \ + sw reg, offset(swreg); \ + +#define TEST_CSW(test_data, inst, reg1, reg2, val, imm, swreg, offset) \ + li reg1, val; \ + la reg2, test_data; \ + inst reg1, imm(reg2); \ + lw reg1, imm(reg2); \ + sw reg1, offset(swreg); \ + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, reg1, val); \ + +#define TEST_CSWSP(test_data, reg, val, imm, swreg, offset) \ + la x2, test_data; \ + li reg, val; \ + c.swsp reg, imm(x2); \ + lw reg, imm(x2); \ + sw reg, offset(swreg); \ + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, reg, val); \ + +#define TEST_CBEQZ(reg, val, swreg, offset) \ + li reg, val; \ + c.sub reg, reg; \ + c.beqz reg, 3f; \ + li reg, 0x123ab; \ +3: \ + sw reg, offset(swreg); \ + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, reg, 0x0); \ + +#define TEST_CBNEZ(reg, val, swreg, offset) \ + li reg, val; \ + c.bnez reg, 4f; \ + li reg, 0x0; \ +4: \ + sw reg, offset(swreg); \ + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, reg, val); \ + +#define TEST_FMVXS(test_num, destreg, reg, correctval, val, swreg, offset) \ + TEST_CASE_FP_FMVXS(test_num, destreg, reg, correctval, val, swreg, offset, \ + fmv.x.s destreg, reg; \ + ) + +#define TEST_FMVSX(test_num, destreg, reg, correctval, val, swreg, offset) \ + TEST_CASE_FP_FMVSX(test_num, destreg, reg, correctval, val, swreg, offset, \ + fmv.s.x destreg, reg; \ + ) + +#define SWSIG(a,b) + diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-env/test_macros.h b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-env/test_macros.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f24fc7a --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-env/test_macros.h @@ -0,0 +1,462 @@ +// RISC-V Compliance IO Test Header File + +/* + * Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Imperas Software Ltd., www.imperas.com + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + * You may obtain a copy of the License at + * + * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + * + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, + * either express or implied. + * + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + * limitations under the License. + * + */ + + +// +// In general the following registers are reserved +// ra, a0, t0, t1 +// Additionally on an assertion violation, t1, t2 are overwritten +// x1, x10, x5, x6, x7 respectively +// Floating registers reserved +// f5 +// + +#define MASK_XLEN(x) ((x) & ((1 << (__riscv_xlen - 1) << 1) - 1)) + +#define SEXT_IMM(x) ((x) | (-(((x) >> 11) & 1) << 11)) + +// Base function for integer operations +#define TEST_CASE(destreg, correctval, swreg, offset, code... ) \ + code; \ + sw destreg, offset(swreg); \ + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, destreg, correctval) \ + +// Base functions for single precision floating point operations +#define TEST_CASE_FP(test_num, destreg, reg1, reg2, correctval, val1, val2, swreg, offset, code... ) \ + la a0, test_ ## test_num ## _data; \ + flw reg1, 0(a0); \ + flw reg2, 4(a0); \ + lw t1, 8(a0); \ + code; \ + fsw destreg, offset(swreg); \ + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_SFPR_EQ(destreg, t1, correctval) \ + .pushsection .data; \ + .align 3; \ + test_ ## test_num ## _data: \ + .float val1; \ + .float val2; \ + .word correctval; \ + .popsection + +#define TEST_CASE_FP_I(test_num, destreg, reg, correctval, val, swreg, offset, code... ) \ + la a0, test_ ## test_num ## _data; \ + lw t1, 0(a0); \ + code; \ + fsw destreg, offset(swreg); \ + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_SFPR_EQ(destreg, t1, correctval) \ + .pushsection .data; \ + .align 1; \ + test_ ## test_num ## _data: \ + .word correctval; \ + .popsection + +#define TEST_CASE_FP_I2(test_num, destreg, reg, correctval, val, swreg, offset, code... ) \ + la a0, test_ ## test_num ## _data; \ + flw reg, 0(a0); \ + lw t1, 4(a0); \ + code; \ + sw destreg, offset(swreg); \ + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, destreg, correctval) \ + .pushsection .data; \ + .align 2; \ + test_ ## test_num ## _data: \ + .float val; \ + .word correctval; \ + .popsection + +#define TEST_CASE_FP_4REG(test_num, destreg, reg1, reg2, reg3, correctval, val1, val2, val3, swreg, offset, code... ) \ + la a0, test_ ## test_num ## _data; \ + flw reg1, 0(a0); \ + flw reg2, 4(a0); \ + flw reg3, 8(a0); \ + lw t1, 12(a0); \ + code; \ + fsw destreg, offset(swreg); \ + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_SFPR_EQ(destreg, t1, correctval) \ + .pushsection .data; \ + .align 4; \ + test_ ## test_num ## _data: \ + .float val1; \ + .float val2; \ + .float val3; \ + .word correctval; \ + .popsection + +#define TEST_CASE_FP_FMVXS(test_num, destreg, reg, correctval, val, swreg, offset, code... ) \ + la a0, test_ ## test_num ## _data; \ + flw reg, 0(a0); \ + code; \ + sw destreg, offset(swreg); \ + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, destreg, correctval) \ + .pushsection .data; \ + .align 1; \ + test_ ## test_num ## _data: \ + .float val; \ + .popsection + +#define TEST_CASE_FP_FMVSX(test_num, destreg, reg, correctval, val, swreg, offset, code...) \ + la a0, test_ ## test_num ## _data; \ + li reg, val; \ + code; \ + fsw destreg, offset(swreg); \ + lw a1, 0(a0); \ + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_SFPR_EQ(destreg, a1, correctval) \ + .pushsection .data; \ + .align 1; \ + test_ ## test_num ## _data: \ + .word correctval; \ + .popsection + +// Base functions for double precision floating point operations - rv32d +#define TEST_CASE_FPD(test_num, destreg, reg1, reg2, correctval, val1, val2, swreg, offset, code... ) \ + la a0, test_ ## test_num ## _data; \ + fld reg1, 0(a0); \ + fld reg2, 8(a0); \ + code; \ + fsd destreg, offset(swreg); \ + lw t1, 16(a0); \ + lw t2, 20(a0); \ + la a0, store_ ## test_num ## _data; \ + fsd destreg, 0(a0); \ + lw a1, 0(a0); \ + lw a2, 4(a0); \ + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_DFPR_EQ(destreg, t2, t1, a2, a1, correctval) \ + .pushsection .data; \ + .align 3; \ + test_ ## test_num ## _data: \ + .double val1; \ + .double val2; \ + .dword correctval; \ + .popsection; \ + .pushsection .data; \ + store_ ## test_num ## _data: \ + .fill 1, 8, -1; \ + .popsection + +#define TEST_CASE_FPD_I(test_num, destreg, reg, correctval, val, swreg, offset, code... ) \ + la a0, test_ ## test_num ## _data; \ + code; \ + fsd destreg, offset(swreg); \ + lw t1, 0(a0); \ + lw t2, 4(a0); \ + la a0, store_ ## test_num ## _data; \ + fsd destreg, 0(a0); \ + lw a1, 0(a0); \ + lw a2, 4(a0); \ + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_DFPR_EQ(destreg, t2, t1, a2, a1, correctval) \ + .pushsection .data; \ + .align 1; \ + test_ ## test_num ## _data: \ + .dword correctval; \ + .popsection; \ + store_ ## test_num ## _data: \ + .fill 1, 8, -1; \ + .popsection + +#define TEST_CASE_FPD_I2(test_num, destreg, reg, correctval, val, swreg, offset, code... ) \ + la a0, test_ ## test_num ## _data; \ + fld reg, 0(a0); \ + lw t1, 8(a0); \ + code; \ + sw destreg, offset(swreg); \ + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, destreg, correctval) \ + .pushsection .data; \ + .align 2; \ + test_ ## test_num ## _data: \ + .double val; \ + .word correctval; \ + .popsection + +#define TEST_CASE_FPD_4REG(test_num, destreg, reg1, reg2, reg3, correctval, val1, val2, val3, swreg, offset, code... ) \ + la a0, test_ ## test_num ## _data; \ + fld reg1, 0(a0); \ + fld reg2, 8(a0); \ + fld reg3, 16(a0); \ + code; \ + fsd destreg, offset(swreg); \ + lw t1, 24(a0); \ + lw t2, 28(a0); \ + la a0, store_ ## test_num ## _data; \ + fsd destreg, 0(a0); \ + lw a1, 0(a0); \ + lw a2, 4(a0); \ + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_DFPR_EQ(destreg, t2, t1, a2, a1, correctval) \ + .pushsection .data; \ + .align 4; \ + test_ ## test_num ## _data: \ + .double val1; \ + .double val2; \ + .double val3; \ + .dword correctval; \ + .popsection; \ + .pushsection .data; \ + store_ ## test_num ## _data: \ + .fill 1, 8, -1; \ + .popsection + +//Tests for a instructions with register-register operand +#define TEST_RR_OP(inst, destreg, reg1, reg2, correctval, val1, val2, swreg, offset) \ + TEST_CASE( destreg, correctval, swreg, offset, \ + li reg1, MASK_XLEN(val1); \ + li reg2, MASK_XLEN(val2); \ + inst destreg, reg1, reg2; \ + ) + +#define TEST_RR_SRC1( inst, destreg, reg, correctval, val1, val2, swreg, offset) \ + TEST_CASE( destreg, correctval, swreg, offset, \ + li destreg, MASK_XLEN(val1); \ + li reg, MASK_XLEN(val2); \ + inst destreg, destreg, reg; \ + ) + +#define TEST_RR_SRC2( inst, destreg, reg, correctval, val1, val2, swreg, offset) \ + TEST_CASE( destreg, correctval, swreg, offset, \ + li reg, MASK_XLEN(val1); \ + li destreg, MASK_XLEN(val2); \ + inst destreg, reg, destreg; \ + ) + +#define TEST_RR_SRC12( inst, destreg, correctval, val, swreg, offset) \ + TEST_CASE( destreg, correctval, swreg, offset, \ + li destreg, MASK_XLEN(val1); \ + inst destreg, destreg, destreg; \ + ) + +#define TEST_RR_ZERO1( inst, destreg, reg, correctval, val, swreg, offset) \ + TEST_CASE( destreg, correctval, swreg, offset, \ + li reg, MASK_XLEN(val); \ + inst destreg, x0, reg; \ + ) + +#define TEST_RR_ZERO2( inst, destreg, reg, correctval, val, swreg, offset) \ + TEST_CASE( destreg, correctval, swreg, offset, \ + li reg, MASK_XLEN(val); \ + inst destreg, reg, x0; \ + ) + +#define TEST_RR_ZERO12( inst, destreg, correctval, swreg, offset) \ + TEST_CASE( destreg, correctval, swreg, offset, \ + inst destreg, x0, x0; \ + ) + +#define TEST_RR_ZERODEST( inst, reg1, reg2, val1, val2, swreg, offset) \ + TEST_CASE( x0, 0, swreg, offset, \ + li reg1, MASK_XLEN(val1); \ + li reg2, MASK_XLEN(val2); \ + inst x0, reg1, reg2; \ + ) + +//Tests for a instructions with register-immediate operand +#define TEST_IMM_OP( inst, destreg, reg, correctval, val, imm, swreg, offset) \ + TEST_CASE ( destreg, correctval, swreg, offset, \ + li reg, MASK_XLEN(val); \ + inst destreg, reg, SEXT_IMM(imm); \ + ) + +#define TEST_IMM_SRC( inst, destreg, correctval, val, imm, swreg, offset) \ + TEST_CASE ( destreg, correctval, swreg, offset, \ + li destreg, MASK_XLEN(val); \ + inst destreg, destreg, SEXT_IMM(imm); \ + ) + +#define TEST_IMM_ZEROSRC( inst, destreg, correctval, imm, swreg, offset) \ + TEST_CASE ( destreg, correctval, swreg, offset, \ + inst destreg, x0, SEXT_IMM(imm); \ + ) + +#define TEST_IMM_ZERODEST( inst, reg, val, imm, swreg, offset) \ + TEST_CASE ( x0, 0, swreg, offset, \ + li reg, MASK_XLEN(val); \ + inst x0, reg, SEXT_IMM(imm); \ + ) + +#define TEST_IMM_ONEREG( inst, destreg, correctval, imm, swreg, offset) \ + TEST_CASE ( destreg, correctval, swreg, offset, \ + inst destreg, SEXT_IMM(imm); \ + ) + +#define TEST_AUIPC(inst, destreg, correctval, imm, swreg, offset) \ + TEST_CASE ( destreg, correctval, swreg, offset, \ + 1: \ + inst destreg, SEXT_IMM(imm); \ + la swreg, 1b; \ + sub destreg, destreg, swreg; \ + ) + +//Tests for a compressed instruction +#define TEST_CR_OP( inst, destreg, reg, correctval, val1, val2, swreg, offset) \ + TEST_CASE ( destreg, correctval, swreg, offset, \ + li reg, MASK_XLEN(val1); \ + li destreg, MASK_XLEN(val2); \ + inst destreg, reg; \ + ) + +#define TEST_CI_OP( inst, destreg, correctval, val, imm, swreg, offset) \ + TEST_CASE( destreg, correctval, swreg, offset, \ + li destreg, MASK_XLEN(val); \ + inst destreg, imm; \ + ) + +#define TEST_CI_OP_NOREG(inst, correctval, imm, swreg, offset) \ + TEST_CASE (x0, correctval, swreg, offset, \ + inst imm; \ + ) + +//Tests for floating point instructions - single precision +#define TEST_FP_OP(test_num, inst, destreg, reg1, reg2, correctval, val1, val2, swreg, offset) \ + TEST_CASE_FP(test_num, destreg, reg1, reg2, correctval, val1, val2, swreg, offset, \ + inst destreg, reg1, reg2; \ + ) + +#define TEST_FP_ONEREG(test_num, inst, destreg, reg, correctval, val, swreg, offset) \ + TEST_CASE_FP(test_num, destreg, reg, reg, correctval, val, val, swreg, offset, \ + inst destreg, reg; \ + ) + +#define TEST_FP_4REG(test_num, inst, destreg, reg1, reg2, reg3, correctval, val1, val2, val3, swreg, offset) \ + TEST_CASE_FP_4REG(test_num, destreg, reg1, reg2, reg3, correctval, val1, val2, val3, swreg, offset, \ + inst destreg, reg1, reg2, reg3; \ + ) + +#define TEST_FP_I(test_num, inst, destreg, reg, correctval, val, swreg, offset) \ + TEST_CASE_FP_I(test_num, destreg, reg, correctval, val, swreg, offset, \ + li reg, MASK_XLEN(val); \ + inst destreg, reg; \ + ) + +#define TEST_FP_I2(test_num, inst, destreg, reg, correctval, val, swreg, offset) \ + TEST_CASE_FP_I2(test_num, destreg, reg, correctval, val, swreg, offset, \ + inst destreg, reg; \ + ) + +//Tests for floating point instructions - double precision +#define TEST_FPD_OP(test_num, inst, destreg, reg1, reg2, correctval, val1, val2, swreg, offset) \ + TEST_CASE_FPD(test_num, destreg, reg1, reg2, correctval, val1, val2, swreg, offset, \ + inst destreg, reg1, reg2; \ + ) + +#define TEST_FPD_ONEREG(test_num, inst, destreg, reg, correctval, val, swreg, offset) \ + TEST_CASE_FPD(test_num, destreg, reg, reg, correctval, val, val, swreg, offset, \ + inst destreg, reg; \ + ) + +#define TEST_FPD_4REG(test_num, inst, destreg, reg1, reg2, reg3, correctval, val1, val2, val3, swreg, offset) \ + TEST_CASE_FPD_4REG(test_num, destreg, reg1, reg2, reg3, correctval, val1, val2, val3, swreg, offset, \ + inst destreg, reg1, reg2, reg3; \ + ) + +#define TEST_FPD_I(test_num, inst, destreg, reg, correctval, val, swreg, offset) \ + TEST_CASE_FPD_I(test_num, destreg, reg, correctval, val, swreg, offset, \ + li reg, MASK_XLEN(val); \ + inst destreg, reg; \ + ) + +#define TEST_FPD_I2(test_num, inst, destreg, reg, correctval, val, swreg, offset) \ + TEST_CASE_FPD_I2(test_num, destreg, reg, correctval, val, swreg, offset, \ + inst destreg, reg; \ + ) + +#define TEST_CADDI16SP(correctval, imm, swreg, offset) \ + TEST_CASE(x2, correctval, swreg, offset, \ + c.addi16sp x2, imm; \ + ) + +#define TEST_CADDI4SPN(destreg, correctval, imm, swreg, offset) \ + TEST_CASE(destreg, correctval, swreg, offset, \ + c.addi4spn destreg, x2, SEXT_IMM(imm); \ + ) + +#define TEST_CJL(inst, reg, val, swreg, offset) \ + li x10, val; \ + la reg, 1f; \ + inst reg; \ + li x10, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + sw x10, offset(swreg); \ + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x10, val); \ + +#define ABS(x) ((x >> 11) ^ x) - (x >> 11) + +#define TEST_CJ(inst, reg, val, swreg, offset) \ + li reg, val; \ + inst 1f; \ + li reg, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + sw reg, offset(swreg); \ + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, reg, val); \ + +#define TEST_CL(inst, reg, imm, swreg, offset) \ + la reg, test_data; \ + inst reg, imm(reg); \ + sw reg, offset(swreg); \ + +// lw reg, imm(x2) +// c.lwsp reg, imm(x2) +#define TEST_CLWSP(reg, imm, swreg, offset) \ + la x2, test_data; \ + c.lwsp reg, imm(x2); \ + sw reg, offset(swreg); \ + +#define TEST_CSW(test_data, inst, reg1, reg2, val, imm, swreg, offset) \ + li reg1, val; \ + la reg2, test_data; \ + inst reg1, imm(reg2); \ + lw reg1, imm(reg2); \ + sw reg1, offset(swreg); \ + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, reg1, val); \ + +#define TEST_CSWSP(test_data, reg, val, imm, swreg, offset) \ + la x2, test_data; \ + li reg, val; \ + c.swsp reg, imm(x2); \ + lw reg, imm(x2); \ + sw reg, offset(swreg); \ + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, reg, val); \ + +#define TEST_CBEQZ(reg, val, swreg, offset) \ + li reg, val; \ + c.sub reg, reg; \ + c.beqz reg, 3f; \ + li reg, 0x123ab; \ +3: \ + sw reg, offset(swreg); \ + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, reg, 0x0); \ + +#define TEST_CBNEZ(reg, val, swreg, offset) \ + li reg, val; \ + c.bnez reg, 4f; \ + li reg, 0x0; \ +4: \ + sw reg, offset(swreg); \ + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, reg, val); \ + +#define TEST_FMVXS(test_num, destreg, reg, correctval, val, swreg, offset) \ + TEST_CASE_FP_FMVXS(test_num, destreg, reg, correctval, val, swreg, offset, \ + fmv.x.s destreg, reg; \ + ) + +#define TEST_FMVSX(test_num, destreg, reg, correctval, val, swreg, offset) \ + TEST_CASE_FP_FMVSX(test_num, destreg, reg, correctval, val, swreg, offset, \ + fmv.s.x destreg, reg; \ + ) + +#define SWSIG(a,b) + diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/README.md b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fffdb12 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +# RISC-V Test Suites + +Tests are grouped into different functional test suites targeting the different subsets of the full RISC-V specifications. There will be ISA and privilege suites. + +For information on the test framework and other documentation on the compliance tests look at : [../doc/README.adoc](../doc/README.adoc) + +Currently there are five solid test suites checked into this repository along with a few deprecated/WIP tests. + +If you are looking to check compliance of RV32I in user mode then run the suites: RV32I, RV32ICSR and RV32IFENCEI + +To see the coverage of the suites see the riscv-test-suite coverage directory for the summary/detailed reports. These are generated by Imperas by using the github.com/google/riscv-dv UVM coverage testbench and the Mentor Questa SystemVerilog simulator. + +Test suites status: + +Pretty Solid: +* RV32I (significant improvements (Nov2019) by Imperas) + * 48 focused tests, using the correct style/macros, excellent coverage of most instructions + * Coverage 97.23% +* RV32IM (developed by Imperas) + * 8 focused tests, using the correct style/macros, excellent coverage + * Coverage 89.95% +* RV32IMC (developed by Imperas) + * 25 focused tests, using the correct style/macros + * Coverage 59.68% +* RV32ICSR + * 6 focused tests +* RV32IFENCEI + * 1 test + +Work in progress (64-bit tests): +* RV64I (developed by Imperas) + * 8 focused tests, using the correct style/macros +* RV64IM (developed by Imperas) + * 3 focused tests, using the correct style/macros + +To be worked on: +* RV64C +* RV32A +* RV64A +* RV64F +* RV64D +* RV32E +* RV32EC +* RV32EA +* RV32EF +* RV32ED diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32Zicsr/.gitignore b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32Zicsr/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32Zicsr/Makefile b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32Zicsr/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..31990b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32Zicsr/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +#======================================================================= +# Makefile for riscv-tests/isa +#----------------------------------------------------------------------- + +act_dir := . +src_dir := $(act_dir)/src +work_dir := $(ROOTDIR)/build_generated +work_dir_isa := $(work_dir)/$(RISCV_ISA) + +include $(act_dir)/Makefrag +ifneq ($(RISCV_TEST),) + target_tests = $(RISCV_TEST).elf +endif + +default: all + +#-------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Build rules +#-------------------------------------------------------------------- + +vpath %.S $(act_dir) + +INCLUDE=$(TARGETDIR)/$(RISCV_TARGET)/device/$(RISCV_DEVICE)/Makefile.include +ifeq ($(wildcard $(INCLUDE)),) + $(error Cannot find '$(INCLUDE)`. Check that RISCV_TARGET and RISCV_DEVICE are set correctly.) +endif +-include $(INCLUDE) + +#------------------------------------------------------------ +# Build and run assembly tests + +%.log: %.elf + $(V) echo "Execute $(@)" + #$(V) $(RUN_TARGET) + + +define compile_template + +$(work_dir_isa)/%.elf: $(src_dir)/%.S + $(V) echo "Compile $$(@)" + @mkdir -p $$(@D) + $(V) $(COMPILE_TARGET) + +.PRECIOUS: $(work_dir_isa)/%.elf + +endef + +$(eval $(call compile_template,-march=rv32i -mabi=ilp32)) + +target_elf = $(foreach e,$(target_tests),$(work_dir_isa)/$(e)) +target_log = $(patsubst %.elf,%.log,$(target_elf)) + +run: $(target_log) + +#------------------------------------------------------------ +# Clean up + +clean: + rm -rf $(work_dir) diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32Zicsr/Makefrag b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32Zicsr/Makefrag new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0ecda64 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32Zicsr/Makefrag @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test RV32I Makefrag +# +# Copyright (c) 2017, Codasip Ltd. +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Codasip Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Codasip Ltd. BE LIABLE FOR ANY +# DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +# (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Description: Makefrag for RV32Zicsr compliance tests + +rv32Zicsr_sc_tests = \ + I-CSRRW-01 \ + I-CSRRWI-01 \ + I-CSRRS-01 \ + I-CSRRSI-01 \ + I-CSRRC-01 \ + I-CSRRCI-01 \ + +rv32Zicsr_tests = $(addsuffix .elf, $(rv32Zicsr_sc_tests)) + +target_tests += $(rv32Zicsr_tests) diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32Zicsr/references/I-CSRRC-01.reference_output b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32Zicsr/references/I-CSRRC-01.reference_output new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e684d3b --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32Zicsr/references/I-CSRRC-01.reference_output @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +00000000 +fffffffe +ffffffff +800f0000 +7fffffff +00000000 +ffffffff +fffffffe +fffffffe +800f0000 +000f0000 +00000000 +edcba987 +ffffffff +00000000 +ffffffff +ffffffff +00000000 +42726e6f +00000000 +f7ff8818 +ffffffff +69c7ad8b +49c1a903 diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32Zicsr/references/I-CSRRCI-01.reference_output b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32Zicsr/references/I-CSRRCI-01.reference_output new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a7468e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32Zicsr/references/I-CSRRCI-01.reference_output @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +00000000 +fffffffe +ffffffff +ffffffe0 +ffffffef +fffffff0 +ffffffff +ffffffff +fffffffe +fffffffe +ffffffe0 +ffffffe0 +ffffffe0 +ffffffff +00000000 +32165490 diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32Zicsr/references/I-CSRRS-01.reference_output b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32Zicsr/references/I-CSRRS-01.reference_output new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1beda24 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32Zicsr/references/I-CSRRS-01.reference_output @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +00000000 +00000001 +00000000 +7ff0ffff +80000000 +ffffffff +00000000 +00000001 +00000001 +7ff0ffff +fff0ffff +ffffffff +12345678 +00000000 +12345678 +00000000 +12345678 +00000000 +42726e6f +00000000 +f7ff8818 +00000000 +96385274 +b63e56fc diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32Zicsr/references/I-CSRRSI-01.reference_output b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32Zicsr/references/I-CSRRSI-01.reference_output new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e999a93 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32Zicsr/references/I-CSRRSI-01.reference_output @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +00000000 +00000001 +00000000 +0000001f +00000010 +0000000f +00000000 +00000000 +00000001 +00000001 +0000001f +0000001f +0000001f +00000000 +3216549f +32165498 diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32Zicsr/references/I-CSRRW-01.reference_output b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32Zicsr/references/I-CSRRW-01.reference_output new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1e9ebf6 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32Zicsr/references/I-CSRRW-01.reference_output @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +00000000 +00000001 +00000000 +ffffffff +7fffffff +80000000 +12345678 +9abcdef0 +12345678 +9abcdef0 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +14725836 +96385274 +32165498 diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32Zicsr/references/I-CSRRWI-01.reference_output b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32Zicsr/references/I-CSRRWI-01.reference_output new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9017c05 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32Zicsr/references/I-CSRRWI-01.reference_output @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +00000000 +00000000 +00000001 +00000000 +0000001f +0000000f +00000010 +00000000 diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32Zicsr/src/I-CSRRC-01.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32Zicsr/src/I-CSRRC-01.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f6a8159 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32Zicsr/src/I-CSRRC-01.S @@ -0,0 +1,276 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test I-CSRRC-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2017, Codasip Ltd. +# Copyright (c) 2018, Imperas Software Ltd. Additions +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Codasip Ltd., Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Codasip Ltd., Imperas Software Ltd. +# BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL +# DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.0 +# Description: Testing instruction CSRRC. + +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" +#include "test_macros.h" + +# Test Virtual Machine (TVM) used by program. +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +# Test code region. +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test Begin\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A1 - general test of csrrc\n"); + + # Address for test results + la x15, test_A1_res + + # Register initialization + li x1, 1 + li x2, 0 + li x3, 0x7FF0FFFF + li x4, 0x80000000 + li x5, -1 + csrrw x0, mscratch, x5 + + # Test + csrrc x1, mscratch, x1 + csrrw x1, mscratch, x5 + + csrrc x2, mscratch, x2 + csrrw x2, mscratch, x5 + + csrrc x3, mscratch, x3 + csrrw x3, mscratch, x5 + + csrrc x4, mscratch, x4 + csrrw x4, mscratch, x5 + + csrrc x5, mscratch, x5 + csrrw x5, mscratch, x0 + + # Store results + sw x0, 0(x15) + sw x1, 4(x15) + sw x2, 8(x15) + sw x3, 12(x15) + sw x4, 16(x15) + sw x5, 20(x15) + + // + // Assert + // + RVTEST_IO_CHECK() + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x15, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x15, x1, 0xFFFFFFFE) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x15, x2, 0xFFFFFFFF) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x15, x3, 0x800F0000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x15, x4, 0x7FFFFFFF) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x15, x5, 0x00000000) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A1 - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A2 - general test of csrrc\n"); + + # Address for test results + la x5, test_A2_res + + # Register initialization + li x11, 1 + li x12, 0 + li x13, 0x7FF0FFFF + li x14, 0x80000000 + li x15, -1 + csrrw x0, mscratch, x15 + + # Test + csrrc x11, mscratch, x11 + csrrc x12, mscratch, x12 + csrrc x13, mscratch, x13 + csrrc x14, mscratch, x14 + csrrc x15, mscratch, x15 + csrrc x16, mscratch, x0 + + + # Store results + sw x11, 0(x5) + sw x12, 4(x5) + sw x13, 8(x5) + sw x14, 12(x5) + sw x15, 16(x5) + sw x16, 20(x5) + + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x5, x11, 0xFFFFFFFF) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x5, x12, 0xFFFFFFFE) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x5, x13, 0xFFFFFFFE) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x5, x14, 0x800F0000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x5, x15, 0x000F0000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x5, x16, 0x00000000) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A2 - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part B - testing forwarding between instructions\n"); + + # Address for test results + la x26, test_B_res + + # Register initialization + li x21, 0x12345678 + li x20, -1 + csrrw x0, mscratch, x20 + + # Test + csrrc x22, mscratch, x21 + csrrc x21, mscratch, x22 + csrrw x23, mscratch, x20 + csrrc x24, mscratch, x23 + csrrc x25, mscratch, x0 + + # store results + sw x21, 0(x26) + sw x22, 4(x26) + sw x23, 8(x26) + sw x24, 12(x26) + sw x25, 16(x26) + + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x26, x21, 0xEDCBA987) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x26, x22, 0xFFFFFFFF) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x26, x23, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x26, x24, 0xFFFFFFFF) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x26, x25, 0xFFFFFFFF) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A3 - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part C - testing writing to x0 and reading from x0\n"); + + # Address for test results + la x1, test_C_res + + # Register initialization + li x30, 0x42726E6F + csrrw x0, mscratch, x30 + + # Test + csrrc x0, mscratch, x30 + + # store results + sw x0, 0(x1) + sw x30, 4(x1) + + + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x30, 0x42726e6f) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A4 - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part D - testing forwarding throught x0\n"); + + # Address for test results + la x2, test_D_res + + # Register initialization + li x31, 0xF7FF8818 + csrrw x0, mscratch, x31 + + # Test + csrrc x0, mscratch, x0 + csrrc x0, mscratch, x0 + csrrc x31, mscratch, x0 + + # store results + sw x0, 0(x2) + sw x31, 4(x2) + + + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x31, 0xF7FF8818) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A5 - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part E - testing csrrc with same dst and src registers\n"); + + # Address for test results + la x2, test_E_res + + # Register initialization + li x4, -1 + li x5, 0x96385274 + li x7, 0x32165498 + csrrw x0, mscratch, x4 + + # Test + csrrc x5, mscratch, x5 + csrrc x7, mscratch, x7 + csrrc x8, mscratch, x8 + + # Store results + sw x5, 0(x2) + sw x7, 4(x2) + sw x8, 8(x2) + + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x5, 0xFFFFFFFF) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x7, 0x69C7AD8B) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x8, 0x49C1A903) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part B - Complete\n"); + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + # HALT + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + .align 4 + + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN + .align 4 + +test_A1_res: + .fill 6, 4, -1 +test_A2_res: + .fill 6, 4, -1 +test_B_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_C_res: + .fill 2, 4, -1 +test_D_res: + .fill 2, 4, -1 +test_E_res: + .fill 3, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END # End of test output data region. diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32Zicsr/src/I-CSRRCI-01.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32Zicsr/src/I-CSRRCI-01.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7686d0b --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32Zicsr/src/I-CSRRCI-01.S @@ -0,0 +1,182 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test I-CSRRCI-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2017, Codasip Ltd. +# Copyright (c) 2018, Imperas Software Ltd. Additions +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Codasip Ltd., Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Codasip Ltd., Imperas Software Ltd. +# BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL +# DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.0 +# Description: Testing instruction CSRRCI. + +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" +#include "test_macros.h" + +# Test Virtual Machine (TVM) used by program. +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +# Test code region. +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test Begin\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A1 - general test of csrrci\n"); + + # Address for test results + la x15, test_A1_res + + # Register initialization + li x8, -1 + csrrw x0, mscratch, x8 + + # Test + csrrci x1, mscratch, 1 + csrrw x1, mscratch, x8 + + csrrci x2, mscratch, 0 + csrrw x2, mscratch, x8 + + csrrci x3, mscratch, 0x1F + csrrw x3, mscratch, x8 + + csrrci x4, mscratch, 0x10 + csrrw x4, mscratch, x8 + + csrrci x5, mscratch, 0xF + csrrw x5, mscratch, x8 + + + # Store results + sw x0, 0(x15) + sw x1, 4(x15) + sw x2, 8(x15) + sw x3, 12(x15) + sw x4, 16(x15) + sw x5, 20(x15) + sw x8, 24(x15) + + // + // Assert + // + RVTEST_IO_CHECK() + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x15, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x15, x1, 0xFFFFFFFE) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x15, x2, 0xFFFFFFFF) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x15, x3, 0xFFFFFFE0) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x15, x4, 0xFFFFFFEF) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x15, x5, 0xFFFFFFF0) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x15, x8, 0xFFFFFFFF) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A1 - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A2 - general test of csrrci\n"); + + # Address for test results + la x5, test_A2_res + + # Register initialization + li x8, -1 + csrrw x0, mscratch, x8 + + # Test + csrrci x11, mscratch, 1 + csrrci x12, mscratch, 0 + csrrci x13, mscratch, 0x1F + csrrci x14, mscratch, 0x10 + csrrci x15, mscratch, 0xF + csrrci x16, mscratch, 0 + + + # Store results + sw x11, 0(x5) + sw x12, 4(x5) + sw x13, 8(x5) + sw x14, 12(x5) + sw x15, 16(x5) + sw x16, 20(x5) + sw x8, 24(x5) + + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x5, x11, 0xFFFFFFFF) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x5, x12, 0xFFFFFFFE) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x5, x13, 0xFFFFFFFE) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x5, x14, 0xFFFFFFE0) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x5, x15, 0xFFFFFFE0) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x5, x16, 0xFFFFFFE0) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x5, x8, 0xFFFFFFFF) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A2 - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part B - testing writing to x0\n"); + + # Address for test results + la x1, test_B_res + + # Register initialization + li x20, 0x32165498 + csrrw x0, mscratch, x20 + + # Test + csrrci x0, mscratch, 0xF + csrrw x20, mscratch, x20 + + + # store results + sw x0, 0(x1) + sw x20, 4(x1) + + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x20, 0x32165490) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A3 - Complete\n"); + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + # HALT + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + .align 4 + + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN + .align 4 + +test_A1_res: + .fill 7, 4, -1 +test_A2_res: + .fill 7, 4, -1 +test_B_res: + .fill 2, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END # End of test output data region. diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32Zicsr/src/I-CSRRS-01.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32Zicsr/src/I-CSRRS-01.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1692896 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32Zicsr/src/I-CSRRS-01.S @@ -0,0 +1,274 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test I-CSRRS-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2017, Codasip Ltd. +# Copyright (c) 2018, Imperas Software Ltd. Additions +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Codasip Ltd., Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Codasip Ltd., Imperas Software Ltd. +# BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL +# DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.0 +# Description: Testing instruction CSRRS. + +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" +#include "test_macros.h" + +# Test Virtual Machine (TVM) used by program. +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +# Test code region. +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test Begin\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A1 - general test of CSRRS\n"); + + # Address for test results + la x15, test_A1_res + + # Register initialization + li x1, 1 + li x2, 0 + li x3, 0x7FF0FFFF + li x4, 0x80000000 + li x5, -1 + csrrw x0, mscratch, x0 + + # Test + csrrs x1, mscratch, x1 + csrrw x1, mscratch, x0 + + csrrs x2, mscratch, x2 + csrrw x2, mscratch, x0 + + csrrs x3, mscratch, x3 + csrrw x3, mscratch, x0 + + csrrs x4, mscratch, x4 + csrrw x4, mscratch, x0 + + csrrs x5, mscratch, x5 + csrrw x5, mscratch, x0 + + # Store results + sw x0, 0(x15) + sw x1, 4(x15) + sw x2, 8(x15) + sw x3, 12(x15) + sw x4, 16(x15) + sw x5, 20(x15) + + // + // Assert + // + RVTEST_IO_CHECK() + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x15, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x15, x1, 0x00000001) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x15, x2, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x15, x3, 0x7FF0FFFF) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x15, x4, 0x80000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x15, x5, 0xFFFFFFFF) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A1 - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A2 - general test of CSRRS\n"); + + # Address for test results + la x5, test_A2_res + + # Register initialization + li x11, 1 + li x12, 0 + li x13, 0x7FF0FFFF + li x14, 0x80000000 + li x15, -1 + csrrw x0, mscratch, x0 + + # Test + csrrs x11, mscratch, x11 + csrrs x12, mscratch, x12 + csrrs x13, mscratch, x13 + csrrs x14, mscratch, x14 + csrrs x15, mscratch, x15 + csrrs x16, mscratch, x0 + + + # Store results + sw x11, 0(x5) + sw x12, 4(x5) + sw x13, 8(x5) + sw x14, 12(x5) + sw x15, 16(x5) + sw x16, 20(x5) + + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x5, x11, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x5, x12, 0x00000001) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x5, x13, 0x00000001) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x5, x14, 0x7FF0FFFF) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x5, x15, 0xFFF0FFFF) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x5, x16, 0xFFFFFFFF) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A2 - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part B - testing forwarding between instructions\n"); + + # Address for test results + la x26, test_B_res + + # Register initialization + li x21, 0x12345678 + csrrw x0, mscratch, x0 + + # Test + csrrs x22, mscratch, x21 + csrrs x23, mscratch, x22 + csrrw x23, mscratch, x0 + csrrs x24, mscratch, x23 + csrrs x25, mscratch, x0 + + # store results + sw x21, 0(x26) + sw x22, 4(x26) + sw x23, 8(x26) + sw x24, 12(x26) + sw x25, 16(x26) + + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x26, x21, 0x12345678) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x26, x22, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x26, x23, 0x12345678) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x26, x24, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x26, x25, 0x12345678) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A3 - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part C - testing writing to x0 and reading from x0\n"); + + # Address for test results + la x1, test_C_res + + # Register initialization + li x30, 0x42726E6F + csrrw x0, mscratch, x30 + + # Test + csrrs x0, mscratch, x30 + + # store results + sw x0, 0(x1) + sw x30, 4(x1) + + + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x30, 0x42726E6F) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A4 - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part D - testing forwarding throught x0\n"); + + # Address for test results + la x2, test_D_res + + # Register initialization + li x31, 0xF7FF8818 + csrrw x0, mscratch, x31 + + # Test + csrrs x0, mscratch, x0 + csrrs x0, mscratch, x0 + csrrs x31, mscratch, x0 + + # store results + sw x0, 0(x2) + sw x31, 4(x2) + + + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x31, 0xF7FF8818) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A5 - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part E - testing csrrs with same dst and src registers\n"); + + # Address for test results + la x2, test_E_res + + # Register initialization + li x7, 0x32165498 + li x5, 0x96385274 + csrrw x0, mscratch, x0 + + # Test + csrrs x5, mscratch, x5 + csrrs x7, mscratch, x7 + csrrs x8, mscratch, x8 + + # Store results + sw x5, 0(x2) + sw x7, 4(x2) + sw x8, 8(x2) + + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x5, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x7, 0x96385274) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x8, 0xB63E56FC) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part B - Complete\n"); + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + # HALT + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + .align 4 + + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN + .align 4 + +test_A1_res: + .fill 6, 4, -1 +test_A2_res: + .fill 6, 4, -1 +test_B_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_C_res: + .fill 2, 4, -1 +test_D_res: + .fill 2, 4, -1 +test_E_res: + .fill 3, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END # End of test output data region. diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32Zicsr/src/I-CSRRSI-01.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32Zicsr/src/I-CSRRSI-01.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ee55e13 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32Zicsr/src/I-CSRRSI-01.S @@ -0,0 +1,177 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test I-CSRRSI-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2017, Codasip Ltd. +# Copyright (c) 2018, Imperas Software Ltd. Additions +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Codasip Ltd., Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Codasip Ltd., Imperas Software Ltd. +# BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL +# DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.0 +# Description: Testing instruction CSRRSI. + +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" +#include "test_macros.h" + +# Test Virtual Machine (TVM) used by program. +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +# Test code region. +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test Begin\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A1 - general test of CSRRSI\n"); + + # Address for test results + la x15, test_A1_res + + # Register initialization + csrrw x0, mscratch, x0 + + # Test + csrrsi x1, mscratch, 1 + csrrw x1, mscratch, x0 + + csrrsi x2, mscratch, 0 + csrrw x2, mscratch, x0 + + csrrsi x3, mscratch, 0x1F + csrrw x3, mscratch, x0 + + csrrsi x4, mscratch, 0x10 + csrrw x4, mscratch, x0 + + csrrsi x5, mscratch, 0xF + csrrw x5, mscratch, x0 + + # Store results + sw x0, 0(x15) + sw x1, 4(x15) + sw x2, 8(x15) + sw x3, 12(x15) + sw x4, 16(x15) + sw x5, 20(x15) + + // + // Assert + // + RVTEST_IO_CHECK() + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x15, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x15, x1, 0x00000001) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x15, x2, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x15, x3, 0x0000001F) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x15, x4, 0x00000010) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x15, x5, 0x0000000F) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A1 - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A2 - general test of CSRRSI\n"); + + # Address for test results + la x5, test_A2_res + + # Register initialization + csrrw x0, mscratch, x0 + + # Test + csrrsi x11, mscratch, 1 + csrrsi x12, mscratch, 0 + csrrsi x13, mscratch, 0x1F + csrrsi x14, mscratch, 0x10 + csrrsi x15, mscratch, 0xF + csrrsi x16, mscratch, 0 + + # Store results + sw x0, 0(x5) + sw x11, 4(x5) + sw x12, 8(x5) + sw x13, 12(x5) + sw x14, 16(x5) + sw x15, 20(x5) + sw x16, 24(x5) + + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x5, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x5, x11, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x5, x12, 0x00000001) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x5, x13, 0x00000001) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x5, x14, 0x0000001F) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x5, x15, 0x0000001F) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x5, x16, 0x0000001F) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A2 - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part B - testing writing to x0\n"); + + # Address for test results + la x1, test_B_res + + # Register initialization + li x20, 0x32165498 + csrrw x0, mscratch, x20 + + # Test + csrrsi x0, mscratch, 0xF + csrrw x21, mscratch, x20 + + # store results + sw x0, 0(x1) + sw x21, 4(x1) + sw x20, 8(x1) + + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x21, 0x3216549F) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x20, 0x32165498) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A3 - Complete\n"); + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + # HALT + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + .align 4 + + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN + .align 4 + +test_A1_res: + .fill 6, 4, -1 +test_A2_res: + .fill 7, 4, -1 +test_B_res: + .fill 3, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END # End of test output data region. diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32Zicsr/src/I-CSRRW-01.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32Zicsr/src/I-CSRRW-01.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..23079b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32Zicsr/src/I-CSRRW-01.S @@ -0,0 +1,220 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test I-CSRRW-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2017, Codasip Ltd. +# Copyright (c) 2018, Imperas Software Ltd. Additions +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Codasip Ltd., Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Codasip Ltd., Imperas Software Ltd. +# BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL +# DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.0 +# Description: Testing instruction CSRRW. + +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" +#include "test_macros.h" + +# Test Virtual Machine (TVM) used by program. +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +# Test code region. +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test Begin\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A - general test of CSRRW\n"); + + # Address for test results + la x15, test_A_res + + # Register initialization + li x1, 1 + li x3, 0 + li x5, -1 + li x27, 0x7FFFFFFF + li x29, 0x80000000 + csrrw x0, mscratch, x0 + + # Test + csrrw x2, mscratch, x1 + csrrw x4, mscratch, x3 + csrrw x6, mscratch, x5 + csrrw x28, mscratch, x27 + csrrw x30, mscratch, x29 + csrrw x31, mscratch, x0 + + # Store results + sw x2, 0(x15) + sw x4, 4(x15) + sw x6, 8(x15) + sw x28, 12(x15) + sw x30, 16(x15) + sw x31, 20(x15) + + // + // Assert + // + RVTEST_IO_CHECK() + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x15, x2, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x15, x4, 0x00000001) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x15, x6, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x15, x28, 0xFFFFFFFF) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x15, x30, 0x7FFFFFFF) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x15, x31, 0x80000000) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A1 - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part B - testing forwarding between instructions\n"); + + # Address for test results + la x26, test_B_res + + # Register initialization + li x1, 0x12345678 + li x2, 0x9ABCDEF0 + + # Test + csrrw x0, mscratch, x1 + csrrw x3, mscratch, x2 + csrrw x4, mscratch, x3 + csrrw x5, mscratch, x4 + csrrw x6, mscratch, x0 + + # store results + sw x3, 0(x26) + sw x4, 4(x26) + sw x5, 8(x26) + sw x6, 12(x26) + + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x26, x3, 0x12345678) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x26, x4, 0x9ABCDEF0) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x26, x5, 0x12345678) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x26, x6, 0x9ABCDEF0) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A2 - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part C - testing writing to x0\n"); + + # Address for test results + la x1, test_C_res + + # Register initialization + li x2, 0x42726E6F + + # Test + csrrw x0, mscratch, x2 + csrrw x0, mscratch, x0 + + # store results + sw x0, 0(x1) + + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x0, 0x00000000) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A3 - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part D - testing forwarding throught x0\n"); + + # Address for test results + la x2, test_D_res + + # Register initialization + li x27, 0xF7FF8818 + + # Test + csrrw x0, mscratch, x27 + csrrw x0, mscratch, x0 + csrrw x0, mscratch, x0 + csrrw x5, mscratch, x0 + + # store results + sw x0, 0(x2) + sw x5, 4(x2) + + + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x5, 0x00000000) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A4 - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part E - testing csrrw with same dst and src registers\n"); + + # Address for test results + la x2, test_E_res + + # Register initialization + li x7, 0x32165498 + li x6, 0x14725836 + li x5, 0x96385274 + + # Test + csrrw x0, mscratch, x6 + csrrw x5, mscratch, x5 + csrrw x7, mscratch, x7 + csrrw x8, mscratch, x0 + + # Store results + sw x5, 0(x2) + sw x7, 4(x2) + sw x8, 8(x2) + + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x5, 0x14725836) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x7, 0x96385274) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x8, 0x32165498) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A5 - Complete\n"); + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + # HALT + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + .align 4 + + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN + .align 4 + +test_A_res: + .fill 6, 4, -1 +test_B_res: + .fill 4, 4, -1 +test_C_res: + .fill 1, 4, -1 +test_D_res: + .fill 2, 4, -1 +test_E_res: + .fill 3, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END # End of test output data region. diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32Zicsr/src/I-CSRRWI-01.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32Zicsr/src/I-CSRRWI-01.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..256eff5 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32Zicsr/src/I-CSRRWI-01.S @@ -0,0 +1,124 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test I-CSRRWI-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2017, Codasip Ltd. +# Copyright (c) 2018, Imperas Software Ltd. Additions +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Codasip Ltd., Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Codasip Ltd., Imperas Software Ltd. +# BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL +# DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.0 +# Description: Testing instruction CSRRWI. + +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" +#include "test_macros.h" + +# Test Virtual Machine (TVM) used by program. +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +# Test code region. +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test Begin\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A - general test of CSRRWI\n"); + + # Address for test results + la x15, test_A_res + + # Register initialization + csrrw x0, mscratch, x0 + + # Test + csrrwi x2, mscratch, 1 + csrrwi x4, mscratch, 0 + csrrwi x6, mscratch, 0x1F + csrrwi x28, mscratch, 0x0F + csrrwi x30, mscratch, 0x10 + csrrwi x31, mscratch, 0 + + # Store results + sw x0, 0(x15) + sw x2, 4(x15) + sw x4, 8(x15) + sw x6, 12(x15) + sw x28, 16(x15) + sw x30, 20(x15) + sw x31, 24(x15) + + // + // Assert + // + RVTEST_IO_CHECK() + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x15, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x15, x2, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x15, x4, 0x00000001) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x15, x6, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x15, x28, 0x0000001F) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x15, x30, 0x0000000F) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x15, x31, 0x00000010) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A1 - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part B - testing writing to x0\n"); + + # Address for test results + la x1, test_B_res + + # Test + csrrwi x0, mscratch, 0xF + csrrwi x0, mscratch, 0 + + # store results + sw x0, 0(x1) + + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x0, 0x00000000) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A2 - Complete\n"); + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + # HALT + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + .align 4 + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN + .align 4 + +test_A_res: + .fill 7, 4, -1 +test_B_res: + .fill 1, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END # End of test output data region. diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32Zifencei/.gitignore b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32Zifencei/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32Zifencei/Makefile b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32Zifencei/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..31990b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32Zifencei/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +#======================================================================= +# Makefile for riscv-tests/isa +#----------------------------------------------------------------------- + +act_dir := . +src_dir := $(act_dir)/src +work_dir := $(ROOTDIR)/build_generated +work_dir_isa := $(work_dir)/$(RISCV_ISA) + +include $(act_dir)/Makefrag +ifneq ($(RISCV_TEST),) + target_tests = $(RISCV_TEST).elf +endif + +default: all + +#-------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Build rules +#-------------------------------------------------------------------- + +vpath %.S $(act_dir) + +INCLUDE=$(TARGETDIR)/$(RISCV_TARGET)/device/$(RISCV_DEVICE)/Makefile.include +ifeq ($(wildcard $(INCLUDE)),) + $(error Cannot find '$(INCLUDE)`. Check that RISCV_TARGET and RISCV_DEVICE are set correctly.) +endif +-include $(INCLUDE) + +#------------------------------------------------------------ +# Build and run assembly tests + +%.log: %.elf + $(V) echo "Execute $(@)" + #$(V) $(RUN_TARGET) + + +define compile_template + +$(work_dir_isa)/%.elf: $(src_dir)/%.S + $(V) echo "Compile $$(@)" + @mkdir -p $$(@D) + $(V) $(COMPILE_TARGET) + +.PRECIOUS: $(work_dir_isa)/%.elf + +endef + +$(eval $(call compile_template,-march=rv32i -mabi=ilp32)) + +target_elf = $(foreach e,$(target_tests),$(work_dir_isa)/$(e)) +target_log = $(patsubst %.elf,%.log,$(target_elf)) + +run: $(target_log) + +#------------------------------------------------------------ +# Clean up + +clean: + rm -rf $(work_dir) diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32Zifencei/Makefrag b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32Zifencei/Makefrag new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2c2e125 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32Zifencei/Makefrag @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test RV32I Makefrag +# +# Copyright (c) 2017, Codasip Ltd. +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Codasip Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Codasip Ltd. BE LIABLE FOR ANY +# DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +# (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Description: Makefrag for RV32Zifencei compliance tests + +rv32Zifencei_sc_tests = \ + I-FENCE.I-01 \ + +rv32Zifencei_tests = $(addsuffix .elf, $(rv32Zifencei_sc_tests)) + +target_tests += $(rv32Zifencei_tests) diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32Zifencei/references/I-FENCE.I-01.reference_output b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32Zifencei/references/I-FENCE.I-01.reference_output new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1a31ff3 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32Zifencei/references/I-FENCE.I-01.reference_output @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +00000030 +00000012 +00000042 +001101b3 diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32Zifencei/src/I-FENCE.I-01.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32Zifencei/src/I-FENCE.I-01.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..60d7ccf --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32Zifencei/src/I-FENCE.I-01.S @@ -0,0 +1,112 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test I-FENCE.I-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2017, Codasip Ltd. +# Copyright (c) 2018, Imperas Software Ltd. Additions +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Codasip Ltd., Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Codasip Ltd., Imperas Software Ltd. +# BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL +# DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.0 +# Description: Testing instruction FENCE.I. + +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" +#include "test_macros.h" + +# Test Virtual Machine (TVM) used by program. +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +# Test code region +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test Begin\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A - test fence\n"); + + # Addresses for test data and results + la x16, test_A_data + la x17, test_A_res + + # Register initialization + li x3, 0 + + # Load testdata + lw x1, 0(x16) + lw x2, 4(x16) + + # Test + la x20, instr_A_src + la x21, instr_A_dst + lw x15, 0(x20) + sw x15, 0(x21) + fence.i +instr_A_dst: + lui x2, 0 + + # Store results + sw x1, 0(x17) + sw x2, 4(x17) + sw x3, 8(x17) + sw x15, 12(x17) + + // + // Assert + // + RVTEST_IO_CHECK() + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x17, x2, 0x00000012) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x17, x3, 0x00000042) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x17, x15, 0x001101B3) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A1 - Complete\n"); + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + # HALT + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + .align 4 + +instr_A_src: + add x3, x2, x1 + +test_A_data: + .word 0x30 + .word 0x12 + + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN + .align 4 + +test_A_res: + .fill 4, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/.gitignore b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/Makefile b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..101607b --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +#======================================================================= +# Makefile for riscv-tests/isa +#----------------------------------------------------------------------- + +act_dir := . +src_dir := $(act_dir)/src +work_dir := $(ROOTDIR)/build_generated +work_dir_isa := $(work_dir)/$(RISCV_ISA) + +include $(act_dir)/Makefrag +ifneq ($(RISCV_TEST),) + target_tests = $(RISCV_TEST).elf +endif + +default: all + +#-------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Build rules +#-------------------------------------------------------------------- + +vpath %.S $(act_dir) + +INCLUDE=$(TARGETDIR)/$(RISCV_TARGET)/device/$(RISCV_DEVICE)/Makefile.include +ifeq ($(wildcard $(INCLUDE)),) + $(error Cannot find '$(INCLUDE)`. Check that RISCV_TARGET and RISCV_DEVICE are set correctly.) +endif +-include $(INCLUDE) + +#------------------------------------------------------------ +# Build and run assembly tests + +%.log: %.elf + $(V) echo "Execute $(@)" + #$(V) $(RUN_TARGET) + + +define compile_template + +$(work_dir_isa)/%.elf: $(src_dir)/%.S + $(V) echo "Compile $$(@)" + @mkdir -p $$(@D) + $(V) $(COMPILE_TARGET) + +.PRECIOUS: $(work_dir_isa)/%.elf + +endef + +$(eval $(call compile_template,-march=rv32i -mabi=ilp32)) + +target_elf = $(foreach e,$(target_tests),$(work_dir_isa)/$(e)) +target_log = $(patsubst %.elf,%.log,$(target_elf)) + +run: $(target_log) + +#------------------------------------------------------------ +# Clean up + +clean: + rm -rf $(work_dir_isa) diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/Makefrag b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/Makefrag new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2157363 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/Makefrag @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test RV32I Makefrag +# +# Copyright (c) 2017, Codasip Ltd. +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Codasip Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Codasip Ltd. BE LIABLE FOR ANY +# DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +# (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Description: Makefrag for RV32I compliance tests + +rv32i_sc_tests = \ + I-ENDIANESS-01 \ + I-RF_x0-01 \ + I-RF_size-01 \ + I-RF_width-01 \ + I-MISALIGN_JMP-01 \ + I-MISALIGN_LDST-01 \ + I-DELAY_SLOTS-01 \ + I-JAL-01 \ + I-JALR-01 \ + I-LUI-01 \ + I-AUIPC-01 \ + I-LW-01 \ + I-LH-01 \ + I-LHU-01 \ + I-LB-01 \ + I-LBU-01 \ + I-SW-01 \ + I-SH-01 \ + I-SB-01 \ + I-ADD-01 \ + I-ADDI-01 \ + I-AND-01 \ + I-OR-01 \ + I-ORI-01 \ + I-XORI-01 \ + I-XOR-01 \ + I-SUB-01 \ + I-ANDI-01 \ + I-SLTI-01 \ + I-SLTIU-01 \ + I-BEQ-01 \ + I-BNE-01 \ + I-BLT-01 \ + I-BLTU-01 \ + I-BGE-01 \ + I-BGEU-01 \ + I-SRLI-01 \ + I-SLLI-01 \ + I-SRAI-01 \ + I-SLL-01 \ + I-SRL-01 \ + I-SRA-01 \ + I-SLT-01 \ + I-SLTU-01 \ + I-NOP-01 \ + I-ECALL-01 \ + I-EBREAK-01 \ + I-IO-01 \ + + +rv32i_tests = $(addsuffix .elf, $(rv32i_sc_tests)) + +target_tests += $(rv32i_tests) diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/coverage/report.txt b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/coverage/report.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..482c079 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/coverage/report.txt @@ -0,0 +1,3938 @@ +This coverage created by Imperas using Mentor Questa simulator and SystemVerilog UVM coverage from github.com/google/riscv-dv + +COVERGROUP COVERAGE: +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Covergroup Metric Goal Status + +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + TYPE /riscv_instr_pkg/riscv_instr_cover_group/add_cg + 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 110 110 + missing/total bins: 0 110 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + Coverpoint add_cg::cp_rs1 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 6 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 7 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 6 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 6 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 6 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 6 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 4 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 2 1 Covered + Coverpoint add_cg::cp_rs2 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 8 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 3 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 3 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 3 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 10 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint add_cg::cp_rd 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 4 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 3 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 4 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 3 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 3 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 3 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 3 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 3 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 3 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 3 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 2 1 Covered + Coverpoint add_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 53 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 23 1 Covered + Coverpoint add_cg::cp_rs2_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 52 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 24 1 Covered + Coverpoint add_cg::cp_rd_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 43 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 33 1 Covered + Cross add_cg::cp_sign_cross 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 8 8 + missing/total bins: 0 8 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin + 29 1 Covered + bin + 5 1 Covered + bin + 5 1 Covered + bin + 4 1 Covered + bin + 7 1 Covered + bin + 11 1 Covered + bin + 12 1 Covered + bin + 3 1 Covered + TYPE /riscv_instr_pkg/riscv_instr_cover_group/sub_cg + 98.21% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 109 110 + missing/total bins: 1 110 + % Hit: 99.09% 100 + Coverpoint sub_cg::cp_rs1 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 3 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 3 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 2 1 Covered + Coverpoint sub_cg::cp_rs2 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 21 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 8 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 6 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 3 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint sub_cg::cp_rd 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 3 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 3 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 2 1 Covered + Coverpoint sub_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 26 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 40 1 Covered + Coverpoint sub_cg::cp_rs2_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 21 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 45 1 Covered + Coverpoint sub_cg::cp_rd_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 47 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 19 1 Covered + Cross sub_cg::cp_sign_cross 87.50% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 7 8 + missing/total bins: 1 8 + % Hit: 87.50% 100 + bin + 7 1 Covered + bin + 1 1 Covered + bin + 9 1 Covered + bin + 30 1 Covered + bin + 4 1 Covered + bin + 9 1 Covered + bin + 6 1 Covered + bin + 0 1 ZERO + TYPE /riscv_instr_pkg/riscv_instr_cover_group/addi_cg + 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 78 78 + missing/total bins: 0 78 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + Coverpoint addi_cg::cp_rs1 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 1237 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 556 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 178 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 50 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 23 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 376 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 26 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 36 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 48 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 38 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 86 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 26 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 11 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 23 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 10 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 10 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 13 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 12 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 10 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 35 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 13 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 35 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 27 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 23 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 48 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 39 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 39 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 29 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 10 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 23 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 34 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 15 1 Covered + Coverpoint addi_cg::cp_rd 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 9 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 549 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 208 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 170 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 46 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 494 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 77 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 73 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 60 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 60 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 156 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 60 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 47 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 59 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 60 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 60 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 63 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 61 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 59 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 60 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 35 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 57 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 60 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 59 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 60 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 61 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 61 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 63 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 46 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 59 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 83 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 64 1 Covered + Coverpoint addi_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 1995 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 1144 1 Covered + Coverpoint addi_cg::cp_rd_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 1692 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 1447 1 Covered + Coverpoint addi_cg::cp_imm_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 1531 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 1608 1 Covered + Cross addi_cg::cp_sign_cross 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 8 8 + missing/total bins: 0 8 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin + 1148 1 Covered + bin + 1 1 Covered + bin + 456 1 Covered + bin + 87 1 Covered + bin + 2 1 Covered + bin + 380 1 Covered + bin + 389 1 Covered + bin + 676 1 Covered + TYPE /riscv_instr_pkg/riscv_instr_cover_group/lui_cg + 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 34 34 + missing/total bins: 0 34 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + Coverpoint lui_cg::cp_rd 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 5 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 274 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 46 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 29 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 32 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 34 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 20 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 18 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 43 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 32 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 80 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 20 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 18 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 18 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 4 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 4 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 4 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 5 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 5 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 29 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 32 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 32 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 21 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 18 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 42 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 32 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 32 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 23 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 18 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 17 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 4 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 4 1 Covered + Coverpoint lui_cg::cp_rd_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 723 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 272 1 Covered + TYPE /riscv_instr_pkg/riscv_instr_cover_group/auipc_cg + 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 34 34 + missing/total bins: 0 34 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + Coverpoint auipc_cg::cp_rd 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 196 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 106 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 22 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 17 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 331 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 7 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 19 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 8 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 8 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 7 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 7 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 7 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 7 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 7 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 7 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 10 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 8 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 7 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 7 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 7 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 7 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 7 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 7 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 7 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 8 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 8 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 7 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 7 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 7 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 7 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 12 1 Covered + Coverpoint auipc_cg::cp_rd_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 54 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 827 1 Covered + TYPE /riscv_instr_pkg/riscv_instr_cover_group/sra_cg + 85.71% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 103 106 + missing/total bins: 3 106 + % Hit: 97.16% 100 + Coverpoint sra_cg::cp_rs1 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint sra_cg::cp_rs2 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint sra_cg::cp_rd 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint sra_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 21 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 12 1 Covered + Coverpoint sra_cg::cp_rs2_sign 50.00% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 1 2 + missing/total bins: 1 2 + % Hit: 50.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 33 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 0 1 ZERO + Coverpoint sra_cg::cp_rd_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 22 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 11 1 Covered + Cross sra_cg::cp_sign_cross 50.00% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 2 4 + missing/total bins: 2 4 + % Hit: 50.00% 100 + bin 21 1 Covered + bin 12 1 Covered + bin 0 1 ZERO + bin 0 1 ZERO + TYPE /riscv_instr_pkg/riscv_instr_cover_group/sll_cg + 85.71% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 103 106 + missing/total bins: 3 106 + % Hit: 97.16% 100 + Coverpoint sll_cg::cp_rs1 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint sll_cg::cp_rs2 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint sll_cg::cp_rd 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint sll_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 21 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 12 1 Covered + Coverpoint sll_cg::cp_rs2_sign 50.00% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 1 2 + missing/total bins: 1 2 + % Hit: 50.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 33 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 0 1 ZERO + Coverpoint sll_cg::cp_rd_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 22 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 11 1 Covered + Cross sll_cg::cp_sign_cross 50.00% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 2 4 + missing/total bins: 2 4 + % Hit: 50.00% 100 + bin 21 1 Covered + bin 12 1 Covered + bin 0 1 ZERO + bin 0 1 ZERO + TYPE /riscv_instr_pkg/riscv_instr_cover_group/srl_cg + 85.71% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 103 106 + missing/total bins: 3 106 + % Hit: 97.16% 100 + Coverpoint srl_cg::cp_rs1 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint srl_cg::cp_rs2 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint srl_cg::cp_rd 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint srl_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 21 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 12 1 Covered + Coverpoint srl_cg::cp_rs2_sign 50.00% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 1 2 + missing/total bins: 1 2 + % Hit: 50.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 33 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 0 1 ZERO + Coverpoint srl_cg::cp_rd_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 30 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 3 1 Covered + Cross srl_cg::cp_sign_cross 50.00% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 2 4 + missing/total bins: 2 4 + % Hit: 50.00% 100 + bin 21 1 Covered + bin 12 1 Covered + bin 0 1 ZERO + bin 0 1 ZERO + TYPE /riscv_instr_pkg/riscv_instr_cover_group/srai_cg + 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 68 68 + missing/total bins: 0 68 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + Coverpoint srai_cg::cp_rs1 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint srai_cg::cp_rd 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint srai_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 21 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 12 1 Covered + Coverpoint srai_cg::cp_rd_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 22 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 11 1 Covered + TYPE /riscv_instr_pkg/riscv_instr_cover_group/slli_cg + 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 68 68 + missing/total bins: 0 68 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + Coverpoint slli_cg::cp_rs1 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 50 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 2 1 Covered + Coverpoint slli_cg::cp_rd 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 50 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 2 1 Covered + Coverpoint slli_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 100 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 12 1 Covered + Coverpoint slli_cg::cp_rd_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 22 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 90 1 Covered + TYPE /riscv_instr_pkg/riscv_instr_cover_group/srli_cg + 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 68 68 + missing/total bins: 0 68 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + Coverpoint srli_cg::cp_rs1 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint srli_cg::cp_rd 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint srli_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 21 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 12 1 Covered + Coverpoint srli_cg::cp_rd_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 30 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 3 1 Covered + TYPE /riscv_instr_pkg/riscv_instr_cover_group/xor_cg + 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 110 110 + missing/total bins: 0 110 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + Coverpoint xor_cg::cp_rs1 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint xor_cg::cp_rs2 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint xor_cg::cp_rd 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint xor_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 21 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 12 1 Covered + Coverpoint xor_cg::cp_rs2_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 20 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 13 1 Covered + Coverpoint xor_cg::cp_rd_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 14 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 19 1 Covered + Coverpoint xor_cg::cp_logical 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 4 4 + missing/total bins: 0 4 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[IDENTICAL] 4 1 Covered + bin auto[OPPOSITE] 4 1 Covered + bin auto[SIMILAR] 4 1 Covered + bin auto[DIFFERENT] 21 1 Covered + Cross xor_cg::cp_sign_cross 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 4 4 + missing/total bins: 0 4 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin 10 1 Covered + bin 10 1 Covered + bin 11 1 Covered + bin 2 1 Covered + TYPE /riscv_instr_pkg/riscv_instr_cover_group/or_cg + 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 110 110 + missing/total bins: 0 110 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + Coverpoint or_cg::cp_rs1 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint or_cg::cp_rs2 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint or_cg::cp_rd 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint or_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 21 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 12 1 Covered + Coverpoint or_cg::cp_rs2_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 21 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 12 1 Covered + Coverpoint or_cg::cp_rd_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 12 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 21 1 Covered + Coverpoint or_cg::cp_logical 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 4 4 + missing/total bins: 0 4 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[IDENTICAL] 4 1 Covered + bin auto[OPPOSITE] 4 1 Covered + bin auto[SIMILAR] 4 1 Covered + bin auto[DIFFERENT] 21 1 Covered + Cross or_cg::cp_sign_cross 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 4 4 + missing/total bins: 0 4 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin 11 1 Covered + bin 10 1 Covered + bin 10 1 Covered + bin 2 1 Covered + TYPE /riscv_instr_pkg/riscv_instr_cover_group/and_cg + 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 110 110 + missing/total bins: 0 110 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + Coverpoint and_cg::cp_rs1 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint and_cg::cp_rs2 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint and_cg::cp_rd 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint and_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 21 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 12 1 Covered + Coverpoint and_cg::cp_rs2_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 21 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 12 1 Covered + Coverpoint and_cg::cp_rd_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 31 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 2 1 Covered + Coverpoint and_cg::cp_logical 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 4 4 + missing/total bins: 0 4 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[IDENTICAL] 4 1 Covered + bin auto[OPPOSITE] 4 1 Covered + bin auto[SIMILAR] 4 1 Covered + bin auto[DIFFERENT] 21 1 Covered + Cross and_cg::cp_sign_cross 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 4 4 + missing/total bins: 0 4 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin 11 1 Covered + bin 10 1 Covered + bin 10 1 Covered + bin 2 1 Covered + TYPE /riscv_instr_pkg/riscv_instr_cover_group/xori_cg + 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 78 78 + missing/total bins: 0 78 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + Coverpoint xori_cg::cp_rs1 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint xori_cg::cp_rd 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint xori_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 21 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 12 1 Covered + Coverpoint xori_cg::cp_rd_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 10 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 23 1 Covered + Coverpoint xori_cg::cp_imm_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 12 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 21 1 Covered + Coverpoint xori_cg::cp_logical 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 4 4 + missing/total bins: 0 4 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[IDENTICAL] 4 1 Covered + bin auto[OPPOSITE] 4 1 Covered + bin auto[SIMILAR] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[DIFFERENT] 23 1 Covered + Cross xori_cg::cp_sign_cross 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 4 4 + missing/total bins: 0 4 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin 4 1 Covered + bin 8 1 Covered + bin 17 1 Covered + bin 4 1 Covered + TYPE /riscv_instr_pkg/riscv_instr_cover_group/ori_cg + 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 78 78 + missing/total bins: 0 78 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + Coverpoint ori_cg::cp_rs1 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint ori_cg::cp_rd 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint ori_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 21 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 12 1 Covered + Coverpoint ori_cg::cp_rd_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 6 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 27 1 Covered + Coverpoint ori_cg::cp_imm_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 13 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 20 1 Covered + Coverpoint ori_cg::cp_logical 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 4 4 + missing/total bins: 0 4 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[IDENTICAL] 4 1 Covered + bin auto[OPPOSITE] 4 1 Covered + bin auto[SIMILAR] 3 1 Covered + bin auto[DIFFERENT] 22 1 Covered + Cross ori_cg::cp_sign_cross 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 4 4 + missing/total bins: 0 4 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin 5 1 Covered + bin 8 1 Covered + bin 16 1 Covered + bin 4 1 Covered + TYPE /riscv_instr_pkg/riscv_instr_cover_group/andi_cg + 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 78 78 + missing/total bins: 0 78 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + Coverpoint andi_cg::cp_rs1 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 24 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint andi_cg::cp_rd 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 24 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint andi_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 21 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 35 1 Covered + Coverpoint andi_cg::cp_rd_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 52 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 4 1 Covered + Coverpoint andi_cg::cp_imm_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 36 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 20 1 Covered + Coverpoint andi_cg::cp_logical 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 4 4 + missing/total bins: 0 4 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[IDENTICAL] 4 1 Covered + bin auto[OPPOSITE] 4 1 Covered + bin auto[SIMILAR] 12 1 Covered + bin auto[DIFFERENT] 36 1 Covered + Cross andi_cg::cp_sign_cross 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 4 4 + missing/total bins: 0 4 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin 5 1 Covered + bin 31 1 Covered + bin 16 1 Covered + bin 4 1 Covered + TYPE /riscv_instr_pkg/riscv_instr_cover_group/slt_cg + 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 106 106 + missing/total bins: 0 106 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + Coverpoint slt_cg::cp_rs1 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint slt_cg::cp_rd 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint slt_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 21 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 12 1 Covered + Coverpoint slt_cg::cp_result 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[0] 20 1 Covered + bin auto[1] 13 1 Covered + Coverpoint slt_cg::cp_rs2 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint slt_cg::cp_rs2_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 21 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 12 1 Covered + Cross slt_cg::cp_sign_cross 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 4 4 + missing/total bins: 0 4 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin 11 1 Covered + bin 10 1 Covered + bin 10 1 Covered + bin 2 1 Covered + TYPE /riscv_instr_pkg/riscv_instr_cover_group/sltu_cg + 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 106 106 + missing/total bins: 0 106 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + Coverpoint sltu_cg::cp_rs1 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint sltu_cg::cp_rd 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint sltu_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 21 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 12 1 Covered + Coverpoint sltu_cg::cp_result 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[0] 19 1 Covered + bin auto[1] 14 1 Covered + Coverpoint sltu_cg::cp_rs2 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint sltu_cg::cp_rs2_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 21 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 12 1 Covered + Cross sltu_cg::cp_sign_cross 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 4 4 + missing/total bins: 0 4 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin 11 1 Covered + bin 10 1 Covered + bin 10 1 Covered + bin 2 1 Covered + TYPE /riscv_instr_pkg/riscv_instr_cover_group/slti_cg + 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 74 74 + missing/total bins: 0 74 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + Coverpoint slti_cg::cp_rs1 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint slti_cg::cp_rd 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint slti_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 21 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 12 1 Covered + Coverpoint slti_cg::cp_result 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[0] 26 1 Covered + bin auto[1] 7 1 Covered + Coverpoint slti_cg::cp_imm_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 13 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 20 1 Covered + Cross slti_cg::cp_sign_cross 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 4 4 + missing/total bins: 0 4 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin 5 1 Covered + bin 8 1 Covered + bin 16 1 Covered + bin 4 1 Covered + TYPE /riscv_instr_pkg/riscv_instr_cover_group/sltiu_cg + 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 74 74 + missing/total bins: 0 74 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + Coverpoint sltiu_cg::cp_rs1 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint sltiu_cg::cp_rd 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint sltiu_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 21 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 12 1 Covered + Coverpoint sltiu_cg::cp_result 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[0] 17 1 Covered + bin auto[1] 16 1 Covered + Coverpoint sltiu_cg::cp_imm_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 13 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 20 1 Covered + Cross sltiu_cg::cp_sign_cross 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 4 4 + missing/total bins: 0 4 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin 5 1 Covered + bin 8 1 Covered + bin 16 1 Covered + bin 4 1 Covered + TYPE /riscv_instr_pkg/riscv_instr_cover_group/beq_cg + 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 76 76 + missing/total bins: 0 76 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + Coverpoint beq_cg::cp_rs1 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 52 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint beq_cg::cp_rs2 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 49 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 3 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint beq_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 71 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 12 1 Covered + Coverpoint beq_cg::cp_rs2_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 71 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 12 1 Covered + Coverpoint beq_cg::cp_imm_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 77 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 6 1 Covered + Coverpoint beq_cg::cp_branch_hit 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[0] 29 1 Covered + bin auto[1] 54 1 Covered + Cross beq_cg::cp_sign_cross 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 4 4 + missing/total bins: 0 4 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin 61 1 Covered + bin 10 1 Covered + bin 10 1 Covered + bin 2 1 Covered + TYPE /riscv_instr_pkg/riscv_instr_cover_group/bne_cg + 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 76 76 + missing/total bins: 0 76 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + Coverpoint bne_cg::cp_rs1 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 4 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 49 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint bne_cg::cp_rs2 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 49 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 3 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint bne_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 71 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 12 1 Covered + Coverpoint bne_cg::cp_rs2_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 71 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 12 1 Covered + Coverpoint bne_cg::cp_imm_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 77 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 6 1 Covered + Coverpoint bne_cg::cp_branch_hit 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[0] 30 1 Covered + bin auto[1] 53 1 Covered + Cross bne_cg::cp_sign_cross 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 4 4 + missing/total bins: 0 4 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin 61 1 Covered + bin 10 1 Covered + bin 10 1 Covered + bin 2 1 Covered + TYPE /riscv_instr_pkg/riscv_instr_cover_group/blt_cg + 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 76 76 + missing/total bins: 0 76 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + Coverpoint blt_cg::cp_rs1 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 4 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 3 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 50 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 2 1 Covered + Coverpoint blt_cg::cp_rs2 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 80 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 3 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint blt_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 23 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 91 1 Covered + Coverpoint blt_cg::cp_rs2_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 102 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 12 1 Covered + Coverpoint blt_cg::cp_imm_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 108 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 6 1 Covered + Coverpoint blt_cg::cp_branch_hit 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[0] 19 1 Covered + bin auto[1] 95 1 Covered + Cross blt_cg::cp_sign_cross 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 4 4 + missing/total bins: 0 4 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin 13 1 Covered + bin 89 1 Covered + bin 10 1 Covered + bin 2 1 Covered + TYPE /riscv_instr_pkg/riscv_instr_cover_group/bge_cg + 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 76 76 + missing/total bins: 0 76 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + Coverpoint bge_cg::cp_rs1 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 3 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint bge_cg::cp_rs2 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 3 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint bge_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 23 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 12 1 Covered + Coverpoint bge_cg::cp_rs2_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 23 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 12 1 Covered + Coverpoint bge_cg::cp_imm_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 29 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 6 1 Covered + Coverpoint bge_cg::cp_branch_hit 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[0] 19 1 Covered + bin auto[1] 16 1 Covered + Cross bge_cg::cp_sign_cross 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 4 4 + missing/total bins: 0 4 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin 13 1 Covered + bin 10 1 Covered + bin 10 1 Covered + bin 2 1 Covered + TYPE /riscv_instr_pkg/riscv_instr_cover_group/bltu_cg + 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 76 76 + missing/total bins: 0 76 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + Coverpoint bltu_cg::cp_rs1 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 3 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint bltu_cg::cp_rs2 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 3 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint bltu_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 23 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 12 1 Covered + Coverpoint bltu_cg::cp_rs2_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 23 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 12 1 Covered + Coverpoint bltu_cg::cp_imm_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 29 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 6 1 Covered + Coverpoint bltu_cg::cp_branch_hit 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[0] 19 1 Covered + bin auto[1] 16 1 Covered + Cross bltu_cg::cp_sign_cross 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 4 4 + missing/total bins: 0 4 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin 13 1 Covered + bin 10 1 Covered + bin 10 1 Covered + bin 2 1 Covered + TYPE /riscv_instr_pkg/riscv_instr_cover_group/bgeu_cg + 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 76 76 + missing/total bins: 0 76 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + Coverpoint bgeu_cg::cp_rs1 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 3 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint bgeu_cg::cp_rs2 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 3 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint bgeu_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 23 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 12 1 Covered + Coverpoint bgeu_cg::cp_rs2_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 23 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 12 1 Covered + Coverpoint bgeu_cg::cp_imm_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 29 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 6 1 Covered + Coverpoint bgeu_cg::cp_branch_hit 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[0] 19 1 Covered + bin auto[1] 16 1 Covered + Cross bgeu_cg::cp_sign_cross 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 4 4 + missing/total bins: 0 4 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin 13 1 Covered + bin 10 1 Covered + bin 10 1 Covered + bin 2 1 Covered + TYPE /riscv_instr_pkg/riscv_instr_cover_group/lb_cg + 98.95% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 65 66 + missing/total bins: 1 66 + % Hit: 98.48% 100 + Coverpoint lb_cg::cp_rs1 96.87% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 31 32 + missing/total bins: 1 32 + % Hit: 96.87% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[RA] 3 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint lb_cg::cp_rd 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint lb_cg::cp_imm_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 21 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 12 1 Covered + TYPE /riscv_instr_pkg/riscv_instr_cover_group/lh_cg + 99.21% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 67 68 + missing/total bins: 1 68 + % Hit: 98.52% 100 + Coverpoint lh_cg::cp_rs1 96.87% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 31 32 + missing/total bins: 1 32 + % Hit: 96.87% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[RA] 3 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 5 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint lh_cg::cp_rd 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 5 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint lh_cg::cp_imm_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 29 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 8 1 Covered + Coverpoint lh_cg::cp_align 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[0] 35 1 Covered + bin auto[1] 2 1 Covered + TYPE /riscv_instr_pkg/riscv_instr_cover_group/lw_cg + 99.21% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 67 68 + missing/total bins: 1 68 + % Hit: 98.52% 100 + Coverpoint lw_cg::cp_rs1 96.87% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 31 32 + missing/total bins: 1 32 + % Hit: 96.87% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[RA] 11 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 5 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint lw_cg::cp_rd 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 3 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 5 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 4 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint lw_cg::cp_imm_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 43 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 4 1 Covered + Coverpoint lw_cg::cp_align 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[0] 44 1 Covered + bin auto[1] 3 1 Covered + TYPE /riscv_instr_pkg/riscv_instr_cover_group/lbu_cg + 98.95% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 65 66 + missing/total bins: 1 66 + % Hit: 98.48% 100 + Coverpoint lbu_cg::cp_rs1 96.87% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 31 32 + missing/total bins: 1 32 + % Hit: 96.87% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[RA] 3 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 6 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint lbu_cg::cp_rd 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint lbu_cg::cp_imm_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 25 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 13 1 Covered + TYPE /riscv_instr_pkg/riscv_instr_cover_group/lhu_cg + 99.21% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 67 68 + missing/total bins: 1 68 + % Hit: 98.52% 100 + Coverpoint lhu_cg::cp_rs1 96.87% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 31 32 + missing/total bins: 1 32 + % Hit: 96.87% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[RA] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 5 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 3 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint lhu_cg::cp_rd 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 5 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint lhu_cg::cp_imm_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 30 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 8 1 Covered + Coverpoint lhu_cg::cp_align 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[0] 36 1 Covered + bin auto[1] 2 1 Covered + TYPE /riscv_instr_pkg/riscv_instr_cover_group/sb_cg + 98.95% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 65 66 + missing/total bins: 1 66 + % Hit: 98.48% 100 + Coverpoint sb_cg::cp_rs1 96.87% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 31 32 + missing/total bins: 1 32 + % Hit: 96.87% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[RA] 22 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 8 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 6 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint sb_cg::cp_rs2 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 33 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint sb_cg::cp_imm_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 40 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 24 1 Covered + TYPE /riscv_instr_pkg/riscv_instr_cover_group/sh_cg + 99.21% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 67 68 + missing/total bins: 1 68 + % Hit: 98.52% 100 + Coverpoint sh_cg::cp_rs1 96.87% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 31 32 + missing/total bins: 1 32 + % Hit: 96.87% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[RA] 22 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 12 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 6 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint sh_cg::cp_rs2 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 33 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 5 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint sh_cg::cp_imm_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 52 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 16 1 Covered + Coverpoint sh_cg::cp_misalign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[0] 66 1 Covered + bin auto[1] 2 1 Covered + TYPE /riscv_instr_pkg/riscv_instr_cover_group/sw_cg + 99.21% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 67 68 + missing/total bins: 1 68 + % Hit: 98.52% 100 + Coverpoint sw_cg::cp_rs1 96.87% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 31 32 + missing/total bins: 1 32 + % Hit: 96.87% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[RA] 701 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 354 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 44 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 21 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 146 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 61 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 33 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 9 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 9 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 13 1 Covered + Coverpoint sw_cg::cp_rs2 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 81 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 214 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 70 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 36 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 47 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 43 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 38 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 34 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 35 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 34 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 33 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 33 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 33 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 34 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 33 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 33 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 33 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 33 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 34 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 33 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 33 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 33 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 33 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 34 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 33 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 33 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 34 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 35 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 34 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 33 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 80 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 33 1 Covered + Coverpoint sw_cg::cp_imm_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 1404 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 8 1 Covered + Coverpoint sw_cg::cp_misalign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[0] 943 1 Covered + bin auto[1] 469 1 Covered + TYPE /riscv_instr_pkg/riscv_instr_cover_group/jal_cg + 83.33% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 35 36 + missing/total bins: 1 36 + % Hit: 97.22% 100 + Coverpoint jal_cg::cp_imm_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 9 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 164 1 Covered + Coverpoint jal_cg::cp_rd 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 32 32 + missing/total bins: 0 32 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 142 1 Covered + bin auto[RA] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint jal_cg::cp_rd_align 50.00% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 1 2 + missing/total bins: 1 2 + % Hit: 50.00% 100 + bin auto[0] 173 1 Covered + bin auto[1] 0 1 ZERO + TYPE /riscv_instr_pkg/riscv_instr_cover_group/jalr_cg + 66.14% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 37 44 + missing/total bins: 7 44 + % Hit: 84.09% 100 + Coverpoint jalr_cg::cp_imm_sign 50.00% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 1 2 + missing/total bins: 1 2 + % Hit: 50.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 31 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 0 1 ZERO + Coverpoint jalr_cg::cp_rd 96.87% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 31 32 + missing/total bins: 1 32 + % Hit: 96.87% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[RA] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[SP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 1 1 Covered + Coverpoint jalr_cg::cp_rd_align 50.00% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 1 2 + missing/total bins: 1 2 + % Hit: 50.00% 100 + bin auto[0] 31 1 Covered + bin auto[1] 0 1 ZERO + Coverpoint jalr_cg::cp_rs1_link 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin ra 2 1 Covered + bin t1 1 1 Covered + default bin non_link 28 Occurred + Coverpoint jalr_cg::cp_rd_link 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin ra 1 1 Covered + bin t1 1 1 Covered + default bin non_link 29 Occurred + Cross jalr_cg::cp_ras 0.00% 100 ZERO + covered/total bins: 0 4 + missing/total bins: 4 4 + % Hit: 0.00% 100 + bin 0 1 ZERO + bin 0 1 ZERO + bin 0 1 ZERO + bin 0 1 ZERO + +TOTAL COVERGROUP COVERAGE: 97.23% COVERGROUP TYPES: 37 diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/coverage/summary.txt b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/coverage/summary.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ab655e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/coverage/summary.txt @@ -0,0 +1,174 @@ +This coverage created by Imperas using Mentor Questa simulator and SystemVerilog UVM coverage from github.com/google/riscv-dv + + Coverpoint add_cg::cp_rs1 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint add_cg::cp_rs2 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint add_cg::cp_rd 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint add_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint add_cg::cp_rs2_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint add_cg::cp_rd_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint sub_cg::cp_rs1 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint sub_cg::cp_rs2 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint sub_cg::cp_rd 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint sub_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint sub_cg::cp_rs2_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint sub_cg::cp_rd_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint addi_cg::cp_rs1 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint addi_cg::cp_rd 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint addi_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint addi_cg::cp_rd_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint addi_cg::cp_imm_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint lui_cg::cp_rd 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint lui_cg::cp_rd_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint auipc_cg::cp_rd 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint auipc_cg::cp_rd_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint sra_cg::cp_rs1 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint sra_cg::cp_rs2 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint sra_cg::cp_rd 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint sra_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint sra_cg::cp_rs2_sign 50.00% 100 Uncovered + Coverpoint sra_cg::cp_rd_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint sll_cg::cp_rs1 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint sll_cg::cp_rs2 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint sll_cg::cp_rd 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint sll_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint sll_cg::cp_rs2_sign 50.00% 100 Uncovered + Coverpoint sll_cg::cp_rd_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint srl_cg::cp_rs1 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint srl_cg::cp_rs2 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint srl_cg::cp_rd 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint srl_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint srl_cg::cp_rs2_sign 50.00% 100 Uncovered + Coverpoint srl_cg::cp_rd_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint srai_cg::cp_rs1 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint srai_cg::cp_rd 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint srai_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint srai_cg::cp_rd_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint slli_cg::cp_rs1 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint slli_cg::cp_rd 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint slli_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint slli_cg::cp_rd_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint srli_cg::cp_rs1 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint srli_cg::cp_rd 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint srli_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint srli_cg::cp_rd_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint xor_cg::cp_rs1 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint xor_cg::cp_rs2 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint xor_cg::cp_rd 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint xor_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint xor_cg::cp_rs2_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint xor_cg::cp_rd_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint or_cg::cp_rs1 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint or_cg::cp_rs2 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint or_cg::cp_rd 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint or_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint or_cg::cp_rs2_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint or_cg::cp_rd_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint and_cg::cp_rs1 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint and_cg::cp_rs2 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint and_cg::cp_rd 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint and_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint and_cg::cp_rs2_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint and_cg::cp_rd_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint xori_cg::cp_rs1 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint xori_cg::cp_rd 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint xori_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint xori_cg::cp_rd_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint xori_cg::cp_imm_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint ori_cg::cp_rs1 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint ori_cg::cp_rd 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint ori_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint ori_cg::cp_rd_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint ori_cg::cp_imm_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint andi_cg::cp_rs1 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint andi_cg::cp_rd 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint andi_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint andi_cg::cp_rd_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint andi_cg::cp_imm_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint slt_cg::cp_rs1 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint slt_cg::cp_rd 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint slt_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint slt_cg::cp_result 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint slt_cg::cp_rs2 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint slt_cg::cp_rs2_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint sltu_cg::cp_rs1 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint sltu_cg::cp_rd 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint sltu_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint sltu_cg::cp_result 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint sltu_cg::cp_rs2 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint sltu_cg::cp_rs2_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint slti_cg::cp_rs1 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint slti_cg::cp_rd 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint slti_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint slti_cg::cp_result 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint slti_cg::cp_imm_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint sltiu_cg::cp_rs1 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint sltiu_cg::cp_rd 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint sltiu_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint sltiu_cg::cp_result 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint sltiu_cg::cp_imm_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint beq_cg::cp_rs1 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint beq_cg::cp_rs2 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint beq_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint beq_cg::cp_rs2_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint beq_cg::cp_imm_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint beq_cg::cp_branch_hit 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint bne_cg::cp_rs1 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint bne_cg::cp_rs2 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint bne_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint bne_cg::cp_rs2_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint bne_cg::cp_imm_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint bne_cg::cp_branch_hit 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint blt_cg::cp_rs1 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint blt_cg::cp_rs2 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint blt_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint blt_cg::cp_rs2_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint blt_cg::cp_imm_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint blt_cg::cp_branch_hit 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint bge_cg::cp_rs1 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint bge_cg::cp_rs2 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint bge_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint bge_cg::cp_rs2_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint bge_cg::cp_imm_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint bge_cg::cp_branch_hit 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint bltu_cg::cp_rs1 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint bltu_cg::cp_rs2 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint bltu_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint bltu_cg::cp_rs2_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint bltu_cg::cp_imm_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint bltu_cg::cp_branch_hit 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint bgeu_cg::cp_rs1 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint bgeu_cg::cp_rs2 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint bgeu_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint bgeu_cg::cp_rs2_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint bgeu_cg::cp_imm_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint bgeu_cg::cp_branch_hit 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint lb_cg::cp_rs1 96.87% 100 Uncovered + Coverpoint lb_cg::cp_rd 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint lb_cg::cp_imm_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint lh_cg::cp_rs1 96.87% 100 Uncovered + Coverpoint lh_cg::cp_rd 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint lh_cg::cp_imm_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint lw_cg::cp_rs1 96.87% 100 Uncovered + Coverpoint lw_cg::cp_rd 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint lw_cg::cp_imm_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint lbu_cg::cp_rs1 96.87% 100 Uncovered + Coverpoint lbu_cg::cp_rd 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint lbu_cg::cp_imm_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint lhu_cg::cp_rs1 96.87% 100 Uncovered + Coverpoint lhu_cg::cp_rd 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint lhu_cg::cp_imm_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint sb_cg::cp_rs1 96.87% 100 Uncovered + Coverpoint sb_cg::cp_rs2 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint sb_cg::cp_imm_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint sh_cg::cp_rs1 96.87% 100 Uncovered + Coverpoint sh_cg::cp_rs2 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint sh_cg::cp_imm_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint sw_cg::cp_rs1 96.87% 100 Uncovered + Coverpoint sw_cg::cp_rs2 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint sw_cg::cp_imm_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint jal_cg::cp_imm_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint jal_cg::cp_rd 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint jalr_cg::cp_imm_sign 50.00% 100 Uncovered + Coverpoint jalr_cg::cp_rd 96.87% 100 Uncovered + Coverpoint jalr_cg::cp_rs1_link 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint jalr_cg::cp_rd_link 100.00% 100 Covered diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-ADD-01.reference_output b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-ADD-01.reference_output new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d9ab753 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-ADD-01.reference_output @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +00000000 +fffff802 +ffffffff +fffff5cb +80000000 +00001a34 +07654320 +80000000 +80000000 +07654320 +00001a34 +80000000 +fffff5cb +fffffffe +fffff802 +00000000 +ffffffff +fffff802 +ffffffff +fffff5cb +80000000 +00001a34 +07654320 +80000000 +80000000 +07654320 +00001a34 +80000000 +fffff5cb +fffffffe +fffff802 +00000000 +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +00000000 diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-ADDI-01.reference_output b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-ADDI-01.reference_output new file mode 100644 index 0000000..354cd38 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-ADDI-01.reference_output @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +00000000 +fffff802 +ffffffff +ffffffff +fffff800 +00000000 +07653b21 +80000000 +fffff801 +fffff7ff +00000a34 +80000000 +fffff5cb +fffffffe +fffff802 +00000000 +ffffffff +fffff802 +ffffffff +ffffffff +fffff800 +00000000 +07653b21 +80000000 +fffff801 +fffff7ff +00000a34 +80000000 +fffff5cb +fffffffe +fffff802 +00000000 +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +00000000 diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-AND-01.reference_output b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-AND-01.reference_output new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a6c255f --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-AND-01.reference_output @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +00000000 +00000001 +00000000 +000005cc +00000000 +00000000 +07654321 +00000001 +00000001 +07654321 +00000000 +00000000 +000005cc +ffffffff +00000001 +00000000 +00000000 +00000001 +00000000 +000005cc +00000000 +00000000 +07654321 +00000001 +00000001 +07654321 +00000000 +00000000 +000005cc +ffffffff +00000001 +00000000 +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +00000000 diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-ANDI-01.reference_output b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-ANDI-01.reference_output new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7f4f02a --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-ANDI-01.reference_output @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +00000000 +00000001 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000800 +07654000 +00000001 +00000000 +fffff800 +00001000 +00000000 +000005cc +ffffffff +00000001 +00000000 +00000000 +00000001 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000800 +07654000 +00000001 +00000000 +fffff800 +00001000 +00000000 +000005cc +ffffffff +00000001 +00000000 +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +00000000 diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-AUIPC-01.reference_output b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-AUIPC-01.reference_output new file mode 100644 index 0000000..deab1d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-AUIPC-01.reference_output @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +00000000 +00000000 +007ff000 +00001000 +01234000 +80000000 +01234000 +fffff000 +00001000 +7ffff000 +54321000 +00800000 +00000000 +007ff000 +00000000 +00001000 +00000000 +00000000 +007ff000 +00001000 +01234000 +80000000 +01234000 +fffff000 +00001000 +7ffff000 +54321000 +00800000 +00000000 +007ff000 +00000000 +00001000 +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +00000000 diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-BEQ-01.reference_output b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-BEQ-01.reference_output new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ed14a43 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-BEQ-01.reference_output @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +000123ab +000123ab +000123ab +000123ab +000123ab +000123ab +000123ab +000123ab +000123ab +000123ab +000123ab +000123ab +000123ab +0000cccc +000123ab +0000cccc +000123ab +000123ab +000123ab +000123ab +000123ab +000123ab +000123ab +000123ab +000123ab +000123ab +000123ab +000123ab +000123ab +0000cccc +000123ab +0000cccc +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +00000000 diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-BGE-01.reference_output b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-BGE-01.reference_output new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7cf39c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-BGE-01.reference_output @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +000123ab +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +000123ab +0000cccc +0000cccc +000123ab +000123ab +0000cccc +000123ab +000123ab +0000cccc +000123ab +0000cccc +000123ab +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +000123ab +0000cccc +0000cccc +000123ab +000123ab +0000cccc +000123ab +000123ab +0000cccc +000123ab +0000cccc +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +00000000 diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-BGEU-01.reference_output b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-BGEU-01.reference_output new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5ac2956 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-BGEU-01.reference_output @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +0000cccc +000123ab +000123ab +000123ab +000123ab +000123ab +000123ab +0000cccc +000123ab +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +000123ab +000123ab +000123ab +000123ab +000123ab +000123ab +0000cccc +000123ab +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +00000000 diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-BLT-01.reference_output b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-BLT-01.reference_output new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bc8d944 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-BLT-01.reference_output @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +0000cccc +000123ab +000123ab +000123ab +000123ab +0000cccc +000123ab +000123ab +0000cccc +0000cccc +000123ab +0000cccc +0000cccc +000123ab +0000cccc +000123ab +0000cccc +000123ab +000123ab +000123ab +000123ab +0000cccc +000123ab +000123ab +0000cccc +0000cccc +000123ab +0000cccc +0000cccc +000123ab +0000cccc +000123ab +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +00000000 diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-BLTU-01.reference_output b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-BLTU-01.reference_output new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ea34398 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-BLTU-01.reference_output @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +000123ab +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +000123ab +0000cccc +000123ab +000123ab +000123ab +000123ab +000123ab +000123ab +000123ab +000123ab +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +000123ab +0000cccc +000123ab +000123ab +000123ab +000123ab +000123ab +000123ab +000123ab +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +00000000 diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-BNE-01.reference_output b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-BNE-01.reference_output new file mode 100644 index 0000000..836e69f --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-BNE-01.reference_output @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +000123ab +0000cccc +000123ab +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +000123ab +0000cccc +000123ab +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +00000000 diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-DELAY_SLOTS-01.reference_output b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-DELAY_SLOTS-01.reference_output new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b0a5086 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-DELAY_SLOTS-01.reference_output @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +11111111 +22222222 +33333333 +44444444 +55555555 +66666666 +77777777 +88888888 diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-EBREAK-01.reference_output b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-EBREAK-01.reference_output new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b48c634 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-EBREAK-01.reference_output @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +00000003 +11111111 +00000000 +00000000 diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-ECALL-01.reference_output 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b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-IO-01.reference_output @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +00000000 +00000000 +00000001 +ffffffff +7fffffff +80000000 +00000001 +00000001 +00000002 +00000000 +80000000 +80000001 +ffffffff +ffffffff +00000000 +fffffffe +7ffffffe +7fffffff +7fffffff +7fffffff +80000000 +7ffffffe +fffffffe +ffffffff +80000000 +80000000 +80000001 +7fffffff +ffffffff +00000000 +00000001 +0000abcd +0000abce +0000abcf +0000abd0 +0000abd1 +0000abd2 +0000abd3 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +36925814 +36925814 +36925814 diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-JAL-01.reference_output b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-JAL-01.reference_output new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5e6e467 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-JAL-01.reference_output @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +00000000 +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +00000000 diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-JALR-01.reference_output b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-JALR-01.reference_output new file mode 100644 index 0000000..975966e --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-JALR-01.reference_output @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +0000cccc +00000000 +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +00000000 diff --git 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b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-LBU-01.reference_output @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +00000000 +000000bb +000000dd +0000000c +0000000d +000000f0 +0000000b +0000000e +000000ee +000000bb +000000dd +0000000c +0000000d +000000f0 +0000000b +0000000e +000000ee +000000bb +000000dd +0000000c +0000000d +000000f0 +0000000b +0000000e +000000ee +000000bb +000000dd +0000000c +0000000d +000000f0 +0000000b +0000000e +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +00000000 diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-LH-01.reference_output b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-LH-01.reference_output new file mode 100644 index 0000000..517a29f --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-LH-01.reference_output @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +00000000 +00000bbb +ffffdd0d +ffffcc0c +ffffdd0d +000000f0 +00000eee +00000eee +00000eee +00000bbb +ffffdd0d +ffffcc0c +ffffdd0d +000000f0 +00000eee +00000eee +00000eee +00000bbb +ffffdd0d +ffffcc0c +ffffdd0d +000000f0 +00000eee +00000eee +00000eee +00000bbb +ffffdd0d +ffffcc0c +ffffdd0d +000000f0 +00000eee +00000eee +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +00000000 diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-LHU-01.reference_output b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-LHU-01.reference_output new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c1e3873 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-LHU-01.reference_output @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +00000000 +00000bbb +0000dd0d +0000cc0c +0000dd0d +000000f0 +00000eee +00000eee +00000eee +00000bbb +0000dd0d +0000cc0c +0000dd0d +000000f0 +00000eee +00000eee +00000eee +00000bbb +0000dd0d +0000cc0c +0000dd0d +000000f0 +00000eee +00000eee +00000eee +00000bbb +0000dd0d +0000cc0c +0000dd0d +000000f0 +00000eee +00000eee +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +00000000 diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-LUI-01.reference_output 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+0fff00f0 +dd0d0eee +dd0d0eee +dd0d0eee +dd0d0eee +dd0d0eee +0bbbcc0c +dd0d0eee +0fff00f0 +dd0d0eee +dd0d0eee +dd0d0eee +dd0d0eee +dd0d0eee +0bbbcc0c +dd0d0eee +0fff00f0 +dd0d0eee +dd0d0eee +dd0d0eee +dd0d0eee +dd0d0eee +0bbbcc0c +dd0d0eee +0fff00f0 +dd0d0eee +dd0d0eee +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +00000000 diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-MISALIGN_JMP-01.reference_output b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-MISALIGN_JMP-01.reference_output new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6cbe1f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-MISALIGN_JMP-01.reference_output @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +00000002 +00000000 +11111111 +22222222 +33333333 +44444444 +00000002 +00000000 +55555555 +00000002 +00000000 +66666666 +00000002 +00000000 +77777777 +00000002 +00000000 +88888888 +00000002 +00000000 +99999999 +00000002 +00000000 +aaaaaaaa +00000002 +00000000 +bbbbbbbb +00000002 +00000000 +cccccccc +00000002 +00000000 +dddddddd +00000002 +00000000 +eeeeeeee diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-MISALIGN_LDST-01.reference_output b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-MISALIGN_LDST-01.reference_output new file mode 100644 index 0000000..62f5208 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-MISALIGN_LDST-01.reference_output @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +91a1b1c1 +91a1b1c1 +91a1b1c1 +91a1b1c1 +00000001 +00000004 +00000002 +00000004 +00000003 +00000004 +fffff202 +fffff202 +ffffd2e2 +ffffd2e2 +0000f202 +0000f202 +0000d2e2 +0000d2e2 +00000001 +00000004 +00000003 +00000004 +00000001 +00000004 +00000003 +00000004 +00000000 +99999999 +99999999 +99999999 +00000001 +00000006 +00000002 +00000006 +00000003 +00000006 +99990000 +99999999 +00009999 +99999999 +00000001 +00000006 +00000003 +00000006 diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-NOP-01.reference_output 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+ffffffff +00001a34 +80000000 +ffffefff +ffffffff +fffff801 +00000000 +ffffffff +fffff801 +ffffffff +ffffefff +80000000 +00001a34 +ffffffff +7fffffff +7fffffff +ffffffff +00001a34 +80000000 +ffffefff +ffffffff +fffff801 +00000000 +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +00000000 diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-ORI-01.reference_output b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-ORI-01.reference_output new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f7b6610 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-ORI-01.reference_output @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +00000000 +fffff801 +ffffffff +ffffffff +fffff800 +fffff800 +fffffb21 +7fffffff +fffff801 +ffffffff +fffffa34 +80000000 +ffffefff +ffffffff +fffff801 +00000000 +ffffffff +fffff801 +ffffffff +ffffffff +fffff800 +fffff800 +fffffb21 +7fffffff +fffff801 +ffffffff +fffffa34 +80000000 +ffffefff +ffffffff +fffff801 +00000000 +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +00000000 diff --git 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b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-RF_width-01.reference_output @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +00000000 +80000000 +80000000 +80000000 +80000000 +80000000 +80000000 +80000000 +80000000 +80000000 +80000000 +80000000 +80000000 +80000000 +80000000 +80000000 +80000000 +80000000 +80000000 +80000000 +80000000 +80000000 +80000000 +80000000 +80000000 +80000000 +80000000 +80000000 +80000000 +80000000 +80000000 +80000000 diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-RF_x0-01.reference_output b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-RF_x0-01.reference_output new file mode 100644 index 0000000..95a5caf --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-RF_x0-01.reference_output @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-SB-01.reference_output b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-SB-01.reference_output new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cba6255 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-SB-01.reference_output @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +ff01ffff +0000ffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +21ffffff +ffffff01 +ffffff00 +ffffffff +ffffffff +01ffff00 +34ccffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ff01ffff +00ff0000 +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +21ffffff +ff00ff01 +ffffff00 +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffff00 +34ccffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +01ffffff +ffff00ff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-SH-01.reference_output b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-SH-01.reference_output new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5672451 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-SH-01.reference_output @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +000107ff +0000ffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffff0001 +ffff0800 +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffff0000 +edccf801 +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +000107ff +00000000 +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +00000001 +ffff0800 +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffff0000 +edccffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffff0000 +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-SLL-01.reference_output b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-SLL-01.reference_output new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8960430 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-SLL-01.reference_output @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +00000000 +00000001 +00000000 +00007ff0 +00000000 +00000000 +43210000 +fffffffe +00000001 +ffffffff +00002468 +00000000 +ffedcc00 +80000000 +f8010000 +00000000 +ffffffff +00000001 +00000000 +00007ff0 +00000000 +00000000 +43210000 +fffffffe +00000001 +ffffffff +00002468 +00000000 +ffedcc00 +80000000 +f8010000 +00000000 +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +00000000 diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-SLLI-01.reference_output b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-SLLI-01.reference_output new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8960430 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-SLLI-01.reference_output @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +00000000 +00000001 +00000000 +00007ff0 +00000000 +00000000 +43210000 +fffffffe +00000001 +ffffffff +00002468 +00000000 +ffedcc00 +80000000 +f8010000 +00000000 +ffffffff +00000001 +00000000 +00007ff0 +00000000 +00000000 +43210000 +fffffffe +00000001 +ffffffff +00002468 +00000000 +ffedcc00 +80000000 +f8010000 +00000000 +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +00000000 diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-SLT-01.reference_output b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-SLT-01.reference_output new file mode 100644 index 0000000..56b1248 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-SLT-01.reference_output @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000001 +00000000 +00000000 +00000001 +00000001 +00000000 +00000001 +00000001 +00000000 +00000001 +00000000 +00000001 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000001 +00000000 +00000000 +00000001 +00000001 +00000000 +00000001 +00000001 +00000000 +00000001 +00000000 +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +00000000 diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-SLTI-01.reference_output b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-SLTI-01.reference_output new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b881592 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-SLTI-01.reference_output @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000001 +00000001 +00000000 +00000001 +00000000 +00000001 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000001 +00000001 +00000000 +00000001 +00000000 +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +00000000 diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-SLTIU-01.reference_output b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-SLTIU-01.reference_output new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5bebffd --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-SLTIU-01.reference_output @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +00000000 +00000001 +00000001 +00000001 +00000001 +00000001 +00000001 +00000000 +00000001 +00000000 +00000001 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000001 +00000001 +00000001 +00000001 +00000001 +00000001 +00000000 +00000001 +00000000 +00000001 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +00000000 diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-SLTU-01.reference_output b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-SLTU-01.reference_output new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cfeed4d --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-SLTU-01.reference_output @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +00000000 +00000001 +00000001 +00000001 +00000001 +00000001 +00000001 +00000000 +00000001 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000001 +00000001 +00000001 +00000001 +00000001 +00000001 +00000000 +00000001 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +00000000 diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-SRA-01.reference_output b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-SRA-01.reference_output new file mode 100644 index 0000000..61fd5c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-SRA-01.reference_output @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +00000000 +00000001 +00000000 +0000007f +00000000 +00000000 +00000765 +3fffffff +00000001 +ffffffff +0000091a +f8000000 +ffffffed +ffffffff +ffffffff +00000000 +ffffffff +00000001 +00000000 +0000007f +00000000 +00000000 +00000765 +3fffffff +00000001 +ffffffff +0000091a +f8000000 +ffffffed +ffffffff +ffffffff +00000000 +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +00000000 diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-SRAI-01.reference_output b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-SRAI-01.reference_output new file mode 100644 index 0000000..61fd5c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-SRAI-01.reference_output @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +00000000 +00000001 +00000000 +0000007f +00000000 +00000000 +00000765 +3fffffff +00000001 +ffffffff +0000091a +f8000000 +ffffffed +ffffffff +ffffffff +00000000 +ffffffff +00000001 +00000000 +0000007f +00000000 +00000000 +00000765 +3fffffff +00000001 +ffffffff +0000091a +f8000000 +ffffffed +ffffffff +ffffffff +00000000 +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +00000000 diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-SRL-01.reference_output b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-SRL-01.reference_output new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6737fda --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-SRL-01.reference_output @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +00000000 +00000001 +00000000 +0000007f +00000000 +00000000 +00000765 +3fffffff +00000001 +ffffffff +0000091a +08000000 +00ffffed +00000001 +0000ffff +00000000 +ffffffff +00000001 +00000000 +0000007f +00000000 +00000000 +00000765 +3fffffff +00000001 +ffffffff +0000091a +08000000 +00ffffed +00000001 +0000ffff +00000000 +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +00000000 diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-SRLI-01.reference_output b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-SRLI-01.reference_output new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6737fda --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-SRLI-01.reference_output @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +00000000 +00000001 +00000000 +0000007f +00000000 +00000000 +00000765 +3fffffff +00000001 +ffffffff +0000091a +08000000 +00ffffed +00000001 +0000ffff +00000000 +ffffffff +00000001 +00000000 +0000007f +00000000 +00000000 +00000765 +3fffffff +00000001 +ffffffff +0000091a +08000000 +00ffffed +00000001 +0000ffff +00000000 +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +00000000 diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-SUB-01.reference_output b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-SUB-01.reference_output new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bbfdc30 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-SUB-01.reference_output @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +00000000 +00000800 +00000001 +00001a33 +80000000 +fffff5cc +07654322 +7ffffffe +80000002 +f89abcde +00000a34 +80000000 +ffffe5cd +00000000 +fffff800 +00000000 +ffffffff +00000800 +00000001 +00001a33 +80000000 +fffff5cc +07654322 +7ffffffe +80000002 +f89abcde +00000a34 +80000000 +ffffe5cd +00000000 +fffff800 +00000000 +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +00000000 diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-SW-01.reference_output b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-SW-01.reference_output new file mode 100644 index 0000000..364db51 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-SW-01.reference_output @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +ffffffff +00000001 +00000000 +000007ff +00000000 +00000800 +07654321 +7fffffff +00000001 +ffffffff +00001234 +80000000 +ffffedcc +ffffffff +fffff801 +fffffffe +00000000 +00000001 +00000000 +000007ff +00000000 +00000800 +07654321 +7fffffff +00000001 +ffffffff +00001234 +80000000 +ffffedcc +ffffffff +fffff801 +fffffffe +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +00000000 diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-XOR-01.reference_output b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-XOR-01.reference_output new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e8b700b --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-XOR-01.reference_output @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +00000000 +fffff800 +ffffffff +ffffea33 +80000000 +00001a34 +f89abcde +7ffffffe +7ffffffe +f89abcde +00001a34 +80000000 +ffffea33 +00000000 +fffff800 +00000000 +ffffffff +fffff800 +ffffffff +ffffea33 +80000000 +00001a34 +f89abcde +7ffffffe +7ffffffe +f89abcde +00001a34 +80000000 +ffffea33 +00000000 +fffff800 +00000000 +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +00000000 diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-XORI-01.reference_output b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-XORI-01.reference_output new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4b85ed7 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/references/I-XORI-01.reference_output @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +00000000 +fffff800 +ffffffff +ffffffff +fffff800 +fffff000 +f89abb21 +7ffffffe +fffff801 +000007ff +ffffea34 +80000000 +ffffea33 +00000000 +fffff800 +00000000 +ffffffff +fffff800 +ffffffff +ffffffff +fffff800 +fffff000 +f89abb21 +7ffffffe +fffff801 +000007ff +ffffea34 +80000000 +ffffea33 +00000000 +fffff800 +00000000 +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +00000000 diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-ADD-01.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-ADD-01.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f2f17b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-ADD-01.S @@ -0,0 +1,172 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test ADD-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2019, Imperas Software Ltd. +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Imperas Software Ltd. BE LIABLE FOR ANY +# DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +# (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.1 +# Description: Testing instruction 'ADD'. + +#include "riscv_test_macros.h" +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" + +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test Begin\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 1\n") + + + # address for test results + la x5, test_1_res + + TEST_RR_OP(add, x0, x31, x16, 0x0, -0x1, 0x0, x5, 0, x6) # Testcase 0 + TEST_RR_OP(add, x1, x30, x15, 0xfffff802, 0x1, -0x7ff, x5, 4, x6) # Testcase 1 + TEST_RR_OP(add, x2, x29, x14, 0xffffffff, 0x0, -0x1, x5, 8, x6) # Testcase 2 + TEST_RR_OP(add, x3, x28, x13, 0xfffff5cb, 0x7ff, -0x1234, x5, 12, x6) # Testcase 3 + TEST_RR_OP(add, x4, x27, x12, 0x80000000, 0x0, 0x80000000, x5, 16, x6) # Testcase 4 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 2\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_2_res + + TEST_RR_OP(add, x5, x26, x11, 0x1a34, 0x800, 0x1234, x1, 0, x2) # Testcase 5 + TEST_RR_OP(add, x6, x25, x10, 0x7654320, 0x7654321, 0xffffffff, x1, 4, x2) # Testcase 6 + TEST_RR_OP(add, x7, x24, x9, 0x80000000, 0x7fffffff, 0x1, x1, 8, x2) # Testcase 7 + TEST_RR_OP(add, x8, x23, x8, 0x80000000, 0x1, 0x7fffffff, x1, 12, x2) # Testcase 8 + TEST_RR_OP(add, x9, x22, x7, 0x7654320, 0xffffffff, 0x7654321, x1, 16, x2) # Testcase 9 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 3\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_3_res + + TEST_RR_OP(add, x10, x21, x6, 0x1a34, 0x1234, 0x800, x1, 0, x7) # Testcase 10 + TEST_RR_OP(add, x11, x20, x5, 0x80000000, 0x80000000, 0x0, x1, 4, x7) # Testcase 11 + TEST_RR_OP(add, x12, x19, x4, 0xfffff5cb, -0x1234, 0x7ff, x1, 8, x7) # Testcase 12 + TEST_RR_OP(add, x13, x18, x3, 0xfffffffe, -0x1, -0x1, x1, 12, x7) # Testcase 13 + TEST_RR_OP(add, x14, x17, x2, 0xfffff802, -0x7ff, 0x1, x1, 16, x7) # Testcase 14 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 4\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_4_res + + TEST_RR_OP(add, x15, x16, x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, x2, 0, x3) # Testcase 15 + TEST_RR_OP(add, x16, x15, x0, 0xffffffff, -0x1, 0x0, x2, 4, x3) # Testcase 16 + TEST_RR_OP(add, x17, x14, x31, 0xfffff802, 0x1, -0x7ff, x2, 8, x3) # Testcase 17 + TEST_RR_OP(add, x18, x13, x30, 0xffffffff, 0x0, -0x1, x2, 12, x3) # Testcase 18 + TEST_RR_OP(add, x19, x12, x29, 0xfffff5cb, 0x7ff, -0x1234, x2, 16, x3) # Testcase 19 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 5\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_5_res + + TEST_RR_OP(add, x20, x11, x28, 0x80000000, 0x0, 0x80000000, x1, 0, x2) # Testcase 20 + TEST_RR_OP(add, x21, x10, x27, 0x1a34, 0x800, 0x1234, x1, 4, x2) # Testcase 21 + TEST_RR_OP(add, x22, x9, x26, 0x7654320, 0x7654321, 0xffffffff, x1, 8, x2) # Testcase 22 + TEST_RR_OP(add, x23, x8, x25, 0x80000000, 0x7fffffff, 0x1, x1, 12, x2) # Testcase 23 + TEST_RR_OP(add, x24, x7, x24, 0x80000000, 0x1, 0x7fffffff, x1, 16, x2) # Testcase 24 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 6\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_6_res + + TEST_RR_OP(add, x25, x6, x23, 0x7654320, 0xffffffff, 0x7654321, x1, 0, x7) # Testcase 25 + TEST_RR_OP(add, x26, x5, x22, 0x1a34, 0x1234, 0x800, x1, 4, x7) # Testcase 26 + TEST_RR_OP(add, x27, x4, x21, 0x80000000, 0x80000000, 0x0, x1, 8, x7) # Testcase 27 + TEST_RR_OP(add, x28, x3, x20, 0xfffff5cb, -0x1234, 0x7ff, x1, 12, x7) # Testcase 28 + TEST_RR_OP(add, x29, x2, x19, 0xfffffffe, -0x1, -0x1, x1, 16, x7) # Testcase 29 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 7\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_7_res + + TEST_RR_OP(add, x30, x1, x18, 0xfffff802, -0x7ff, 0x1, x2, 0, x3) # Testcase 30 + TEST_RR_OP(add, x31, x0, x17, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, x2, 4, x3) # Testcase 31 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN + +test_1_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_2_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_3_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_4_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_5_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_6_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_7_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END + diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-ADDI-01.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-ADDI-01.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..264a439 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-ADDI-01.S @@ -0,0 +1,172 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test ADDI-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2019, Imperas Software Ltd. +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Imperas Software Ltd. BE LIABLE FOR ANY +# DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +# (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.1 +# Description: Testing instruction 'ADDI'. + +#include "riscv_test_macros.h" +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" + +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test Begin\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 1\n") + + + # address for test results + la x5, test_1_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(addi, x0, x31, 0x0, -0x1, 0x0, x5, 0, x6) # Testcase 0 + TEST_IMM_OP(addi, x1, x30, 0xfffff802, 0x1, -0x7ff, x5, 4, x6) # Testcase 1 + TEST_IMM_OP(addi, x2, x29, 0xffffffff, 0x0, -0x1, x5, 8, x6) # Testcase 2 + TEST_IMM_OP(addi, x3, x28, 0xffffffff, 0x7ff, -0x800, x5, 12, x6) # Testcase 3 + TEST_IMM_OP(addi, x4, x27, 0xfffff800, 0x0, 0x800, x5, 16, x6) # Testcase 4 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 2\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_2_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(addi, x5, x26, 0x0, 0x800, 0x800, x1, 0, x2) # Testcase 5 + TEST_IMM_OP(addi, x6, x25, 0x7653b21, 0x7654321, 0x800, x1, 4, x2) # Testcase 6 + TEST_IMM_OP(addi, x7, x24, 0x80000000, 0x7fffffff, 0x1, x1, 8, x2) # Testcase 7 + TEST_IMM_OP(addi, x8, x23, 0xfffff801, 0x1, 0x800, x1, 12, x2) # Testcase 8 + TEST_IMM_OP(addi, x9, x22, 0xfffff7ff, 0xffffffff, 0x800, x1, 16, x2) # Testcase 9 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 3\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_3_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(addi, x10, x21, 0xa34, 0x1234, 0x800, x1, 0, x7) # Testcase 10 + TEST_IMM_OP(addi, x11, x20, 0x80000000, 0x80000000, 0x0, x1, 4, x7) # Testcase 11 + TEST_IMM_OP(addi, x12, x19, 0xfffff5cb, -0x1234, 0x7ff, x1, 8, x7) # Testcase 12 + TEST_IMM_OP(addi, x13, x18, 0xfffffffe, -0x1, -0x1, x1, 12, x7) # Testcase 13 + TEST_IMM_OP(addi, x14, x17, 0xfffff802, -0x7ff, 0x1, x1, 16, x7) # Testcase 14 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 4\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_4_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(addi, x15, x16, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, x2, 0, x3) # Testcase 15 + TEST_IMM_OP(addi, x16, x15, 0xffffffff, -0x1, 0x0, x2, 4, x3) # Testcase 16 + TEST_IMM_OP(addi, x17, x14, 0xfffff802, 0x1, -0x7ff, x2, 8, x3) # Testcase 17 + TEST_IMM_OP(addi, x18, x13, 0xffffffff, 0x0, -0x1, x2, 12, x3) # Testcase 18 + TEST_IMM_OP(addi, x19, x12, 0xffffffff, 0x7ff, -0x800, x2, 16, x3) # Testcase 19 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 5\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_5_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(addi, x20, x11, 0xfffff800, 0x0, 0x800, x1, 0, x2) # Testcase 20 + TEST_IMM_OP(addi, x21, x10, 0x0, 0x800, 0x800, x1, 4, x2) # Testcase 21 + TEST_IMM_OP(addi, x22, x9, 0x7653b21, 0x7654321, 0x800, x1, 8, x2) # Testcase 22 + TEST_IMM_OP(addi, x23, x8, 0x80000000, 0x7fffffff, 0x1, x1, 12, x2) # Testcase 23 + TEST_IMM_OP(addi, x24, x7, 0xfffff801, 0x1, 0x800, x1, 16, x2) # Testcase 24 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 6\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_6_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(addi, x25, x6, 0xfffff7ff, 0xffffffff, 0x800, x1, 0, x7) # Testcase 25 + TEST_IMM_OP(addi, x26, x5, 0xa34, 0x1234, 0x800, x1, 4, x7) # Testcase 26 + TEST_IMM_OP(addi, x27, x4, 0x80000000, 0x80000000, 0x0, x1, 8, x7) # Testcase 27 + TEST_IMM_OP(addi, x28, x3, 0xfffff5cb, -0x1234, 0x7ff, x1, 12, x7) # Testcase 28 + TEST_IMM_OP(addi, x29, x2, 0xfffffffe, -0x1, -0x1, x1, 16, x7) # Testcase 29 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 7\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_7_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(addi, x30, x1, 0xfffff802, -0x7ff, 0x1, x2, 0, x3) # Testcase 30 + TEST_IMM_OP(addi, x31, x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, x2, 4, x3) # Testcase 31 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN + +test_1_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_2_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_3_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_4_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_5_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_6_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_7_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END + diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-AND-01.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-AND-01.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..30124be --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-AND-01.S @@ -0,0 +1,172 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test AND-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2019, Imperas Software Ltd. +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Imperas Software Ltd. BE LIABLE FOR ANY +# DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +# (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.1 +# Description: Testing instruction 'AND'. + +#include "riscv_test_macros.h" +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" + +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test Begin\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 1\n") + + + # address for test results + la x5, test_1_res + + TEST_RR_OP(and, x0, x31, x16, 0x0, -0x1, 0x0, x5, 0, x6) # Testcase 0 + TEST_RR_OP(and, x1, x30, x15, 0x1, 0x1, -0x7ff, x5, 4, x6) # Testcase 1 + TEST_RR_OP(and, x2, x29, x14, 0x0, 0x0, -0x1, x5, 8, x6) # Testcase 2 + TEST_RR_OP(and, x3, x28, x13, 0x5cc, 0x7ff, -0x1234, x5, 12, x6) # Testcase 3 + TEST_RR_OP(and, x4, x27, x12, 0x0, 0x0, 0x80000000, x5, 16, x6) # Testcase 4 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 2\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_2_res + + TEST_RR_OP(and, x5, x26, x11, 0x0, 0x800, 0x1234, x1, 0, x2) # Testcase 5 + TEST_RR_OP(and, x6, x25, x10, 0x7654321, 0x7654321, 0xffffffff, x1, 4, x2) # Testcase 6 + TEST_RR_OP(and, x7, x24, x9, 0x1, 0x7fffffff, 0x1, x1, 8, x2) # Testcase 7 + TEST_RR_OP(and, x8, x23, x8, 0x1, 0x1, 0x7fffffff, x1, 12, x2) # Testcase 8 + TEST_RR_OP(and, x9, x22, x7, 0x7654321, 0xffffffff, 0x7654321, x1, 16, x2) # Testcase 9 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 3\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_3_res + + TEST_RR_OP(and, x10, x21, x6, 0x0, 0x1234, 0x800, x1, 0, x7) # Testcase 10 + TEST_RR_OP(and, x11, x20, x5, 0x0, 0x80000000, 0x0, x1, 4, x7) # Testcase 11 + TEST_RR_OP(and, x12, x19, x4, 0x5cc, -0x1234, 0x7ff, x1, 8, x7) # Testcase 12 + TEST_RR_OP(and, x13, x18, x3, 0xffffffff, -0x1, -0x1, x1, 12, x7) # Testcase 13 + TEST_RR_OP(and, x14, x17, x2, 0x1, -0x7ff, 0x1, x1, 16, x7) # Testcase 14 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 4\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_4_res + + TEST_RR_OP(and, x15, x16, x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, x2, 0, x3) # Testcase 15 + TEST_RR_OP(and, x16, x15, x0, 0x0, -0x1, 0x0, x2, 4, x3) # Testcase 16 + TEST_RR_OP(and, x17, x14, x31, 0x1, 0x1, -0x7ff, x2, 8, x3) # Testcase 17 + TEST_RR_OP(and, x18, x13, x30, 0x0, 0x0, -0x1, x2, 12, x3) # Testcase 18 + TEST_RR_OP(and, x19, x12, x29, 0x5cc, 0x7ff, -0x1234, x2, 16, x3) # Testcase 19 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 5\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_5_res + + TEST_RR_OP(and, x20, x11, x28, 0x0, 0x0, 0x80000000, x1, 0, x2) # Testcase 20 + TEST_RR_OP(and, x21, x10, x27, 0x0, 0x800, 0x1234, x1, 4, x2) # Testcase 21 + TEST_RR_OP(and, x22, x9, x26, 0x7654321, 0x7654321, 0xffffffff, x1, 8, x2) # Testcase 22 + TEST_RR_OP(and, x23, x8, x25, 0x1, 0x7fffffff, 0x1, x1, 12, x2) # Testcase 23 + TEST_RR_OP(and, x24, x7, x24, 0x1, 0x1, 0x7fffffff, x1, 16, x2) # Testcase 24 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 6\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_6_res + + TEST_RR_OP(and, x25, x6, x23, 0x7654321, 0xffffffff, 0x7654321, x1, 0, x7) # Testcase 25 + TEST_RR_OP(and, x26, x5, x22, 0x0, 0x1234, 0x800, x1, 4, x7) # Testcase 26 + TEST_RR_OP(and, x27, x4, x21, 0x0, 0x80000000, 0x0, x1, 8, x7) # Testcase 27 + TEST_RR_OP(and, x28, x3, x20, 0x5cc, -0x1234, 0x7ff, x1, 12, x7) # Testcase 28 + TEST_RR_OP(and, x29, x2, x19, 0xffffffff, -0x1, -0x1, x1, 16, x7) # Testcase 29 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 7\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_7_res + + TEST_RR_OP(and, x30, x1, x18, 0x1, -0x7ff, 0x1, x2, 0, x3) # Testcase 30 + TEST_RR_OP(and, x31, x0, x17, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, x2, 4, x3) # Testcase 31 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN + +test_1_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_2_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_3_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_4_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_5_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_6_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_7_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END + diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-ANDI-01.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-ANDI-01.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..39ff107 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-ANDI-01.S @@ -0,0 +1,172 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test ANDI-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2019, Imperas Software Ltd. +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Imperas Software Ltd. BE LIABLE FOR ANY +# DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +# (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.1 +# Description: Testing instruction 'ANDI'. + +#include "riscv_test_macros.h" +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" + +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test Begin\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 1\n") + + + # address for test results + la x5, test_1_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(andi, x0, x31, 0x0, -0x1, 0x0, x5, 0, x6) # Testcase 0 + TEST_IMM_OP(andi, x1, x30, 0x1, 0x1, -0x7ff, x5, 4, x6) # Testcase 1 + TEST_IMM_OP(andi, x2, x29, 0x0, 0x0, -0x1, x5, 8, x6) # Testcase 2 + TEST_IMM_OP(andi, x3, x28, 0x0, 0x7ff, -0x800, x5, 12, x6) # Testcase 3 + TEST_IMM_OP(andi, x4, x27, 0x0, 0x0, 0x800, x5, 16, x6) # Testcase 4 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 2\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_2_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(andi, x5, x26, 0x800, 0x800, 0x800, x1, 0, x2) # Testcase 5 + TEST_IMM_OP(andi, x6, x25, 0x7654000, 0x7654321, 0x800, x1, 4, x2) # Testcase 6 + TEST_IMM_OP(andi, x7, x24, 0x1, 0x7fffffff, 0x1, x1, 8, x2) # Testcase 7 + TEST_IMM_OP(andi, x8, x23, 0x0, 0x1, 0x800, x1, 12, x2) # Testcase 8 + TEST_IMM_OP(andi, x9, x22, 0xfffff800, 0xffffffff, 0x800, x1, 16, x2) # Testcase 9 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 3\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_3_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(andi, x10, x21, 0x1000, 0x1234, 0x800, x1, 0, x7) # Testcase 10 + TEST_IMM_OP(andi, x11, x20, 0x0, 0x80000000, 0x0, x1, 4, x7) # Testcase 11 + TEST_IMM_OP(andi, x12, x19, 0x5cc, -0x1234, 0x7ff, x1, 8, x7) # Testcase 12 + TEST_IMM_OP(andi, x13, x18, 0xffffffff, -0x1, -0x1, x1, 12, x7) # Testcase 13 + TEST_IMM_OP(andi, x14, x17, 0x1, -0x7ff, 0x1, x1, 16, x7) # Testcase 14 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 4\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_4_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(andi, x15, x16, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, x2, 0, x3) # Testcase 15 + TEST_IMM_OP(andi, x16, x15, 0x0, -0x1, 0x0, x2, 4, x3) # Testcase 16 + TEST_IMM_OP(andi, x17, x14, 0x1, 0x1, -0x7ff, x2, 8, x3) # Testcase 17 + TEST_IMM_OP(andi, x18, x13, 0x0, 0x0, -0x1, x2, 12, x3) # Testcase 18 + TEST_IMM_OP(andi, x19, x12, 0x0, 0x7ff, -0x800, x2, 16, x3) # Testcase 19 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 5\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_5_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(andi, x20, x11, 0x0, 0x0, 0x800, x1, 0, x2) # Testcase 20 + TEST_IMM_OP(andi, x21, x10, 0x800, 0x800, 0x800, x1, 4, x2) # Testcase 21 + TEST_IMM_OP(andi, x22, x9, 0x7654000, 0x7654321, 0x800, x1, 8, x2) # Testcase 22 + TEST_IMM_OP(andi, x23, x8, 0x1, 0x7fffffff, 0x1, x1, 12, x2) # Testcase 23 + TEST_IMM_OP(andi, x24, x7, 0x0, 0x1, 0x800, x1, 16, x2) # Testcase 24 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 6\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_6_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(andi, x25, x6, 0xfffff800, 0xffffffff, 0x800, x1, 0, x7) # Testcase 25 + TEST_IMM_OP(andi, x26, x5, 0x1000, 0x1234, 0x800, x1, 4, x7) # Testcase 26 + TEST_IMM_OP(andi, x27, x4, 0x0, 0x80000000, 0x0, x1, 8, x7) # Testcase 27 + TEST_IMM_OP(andi, x28, x3, 0x5cc, -0x1234, 0x7ff, x1, 12, x7) # Testcase 28 + TEST_IMM_OP(andi, x29, x2, 0xffffffff, -0x1, -0x1, x1, 16, x7) # Testcase 29 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 7\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_7_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(andi, x30, x1, 0x1, -0x7ff, 0x1, x2, 0, x3) # Testcase 30 + TEST_IMM_OP(andi, x31, x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, x2, 4, x3) # Testcase 31 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN + +test_1_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_2_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_3_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_4_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_5_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_6_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_7_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END + diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-AUIPC-01.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-AUIPC-01.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b8e5008 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-AUIPC-01.S @@ -0,0 +1,391 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test I-AUIPC-01 +# +# +# Copyright (c) 2019 Imperas Software Ltd., www.imperas.com +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, +# either express or implied. +# +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# +# +# Specification: RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.1 +# Description: Testing instruction 'AUIPC'. + +#include "riscv_test_macros.h" +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" + +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test Begin\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 1\n") + + + # address for test results + la x5, test_1_res + + # Testcase 0: imm:0x0, result rd:x0(0x0) +1: + auipc x0, 0x0 + la x7, 1b + sub x0, x0, x7 + sw x0, 0(x5) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x6, x0, 0x0) + + # Testcase 1: imm:0x0, result rd:x1(0x0) +1: + auipc x1, 0x0 + la x7, 1b + sub x1, x1, x7 + sw x1, 4(x5) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x6, x1, 0x0) + + # Testcase 2: imm:0x7ff, result rd:x2(0x7ff000) +1: + auipc x2, 0x7ff + la x7, 1b + sub x2, x2, x7 + sw x2, 8(x5) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x6, x2, 0x7ff000) + + # Testcase 3: imm:0x1, result rd:x3(0x1000) +1: + auipc x3, 0x1 + la x7, 1b + sub x3, x3, x7 + sw x3, 12(x5) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x6, x3, 0x1000) + + # Testcase 4: imm:0x1234, result rd:x4(0x1234000) +1: + auipc x4, 0x1234 + la x7, 1b + sub x4, x4, x7 + sw x4, 16(x5) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x6, x4, 0x1234000) + + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 2\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_2_res + + # Testcase 5: imm:0x80000, result rd:x5(0x80000000) +1: + auipc x5, 0x80000 + la x3, 1b + sub x5, x5, x3 + sw x5, 0(x1) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x5, 0x80000000) + + # Testcase 6: imm:0x1234, result rd:x6(0x1234000) +1: + auipc x6, 0x1234 + la x3, 1b + sub x6, x6, x3 + sw x6, 4(x1) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x6, 0x1234000) + + # Testcase 7: imm:0xfffff, result rd:x7(0xfffff000) +1: + auipc x7, 0xfffff + la x3, 1b + sub x7, x7, x3 + sw x7, 8(x1) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x7, 0xfffff000) + + # Testcase 8: imm:0x1, result rd:x8(0x1000) +1: + auipc x8, 0x1 + la x3, 1b + sub x8, x8, x3 + sw x8, 12(x1) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x8, 0x1000) + + # Testcase 9: imm:0x7ffff, result rd:x9(0x7ffff000) +1: + auipc x9, 0x7ffff + la x3, 1b + sub x9, x9, x3 + sw x9, 16(x1) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x9, 0x7ffff000) + + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 3\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_3_res + + # Testcase 10: imm:0x54321, result rd:x10(0x54321000) +1: + auipc x10, 0x54321 + la x8, 1b + sub x10, x10, x8 + sw x10, 0(x1) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x10, 0x54321000) + + # Testcase 11: imm:0x800, result rd:x11(0x800000) +1: + auipc x11, 0x800 + la x8, 1b + sub x11, x11, x8 + sw x11, 4(x1) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x11, 0x800000) + + # Testcase 12: imm:0x0, result rd:x12(0x0) +1: + auipc x12, 0x0 + la x8, 1b + sub x12, x12, x8 + sw x12, 8(x1) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x12, 0x0) + + # Testcase 13: imm:0x7ff, result rd:x13(0x7ff000) +1: + auipc x13, 0x7ff + la x8, 1b + sub x13, x13, x8 + sw x13, 12(x1) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x13, 0x7ff000) + + # Testcase 14: imm:0x0, result rd:x14(0x0) +1: + auipc x14, 0x0 + la x8, 1b + sub x14, x14, x8 + sw x14, 16(x1) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x14, 0x0) + + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 4\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_4_res + + # Testcase 15: imm:0x1, result rd:x15(0x1000) +1: + auipc x15, 0x1 + la x4, 1b + sub x15, x15, x4 + sw x15, 0(x2) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x3, x15, 0x1000) + + # Testcase 16: imm:0x0, result rd:x16(0x0) +1: + auipc x16, 0x0 + la x4, 1b + sub x16, x16, x4 + sw x16, 4(x2) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x3, x16, 0x0) + + # Testcase 17: imm:0x0, result rd:x17(0x0) +1: + auipc x17, 0x0 + la x4, 1b + sub x17, x17, x4 + sw x17, 8(x2) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x3, x17, 0x0) + + # Testcase 18: imm:0x7ff, result rd:x18(0x7ff000) +1: + auipc x18, 0x7ff + la x4, 1b + sub x18, x18, x4 + sw x18, 12(x2) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x3, x18, 0x7ff000) + + # Testcase 19: imm:0x1, result rd:x19(0x1000) +1: + auipc x19, 0x1 + la x4, 1b + sub x19, x19, x4 + sw x19, 16(x2) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x3, x19, 0x1000) + + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 5\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_5_res + + # Testcase 20: imm:0x1234, result rd:x20(0x1234000) +1: + auipc x20, 0x1234 + la x3, 1b + sub x20, x20, x3 + sw x20, 0(x1) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x20, 0x1234000) + + # Testcase 21: imm:0x80000, result rd:x21(0x80000000) +1: + auipc x21, 0x80000 + la x3, 1b + sub x21, x21, x3 + sw x21, 4(x1) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x21, 0x80000000) + + # Testcase 22: imm:0x1234, result rd:x22(0x1234000) +1: + auipc x22, 0x1234 + la x3, 1b + sub x22, x22, x3 + sw x22, 8(x1) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x22, 0x1234000) + + # Testcase 23: imm:0xfffff, result rd:x23(0xfffff000) +1: + auipc x23, 0xfffff + la x3, 1b + sub x23, x23, x3 + sw x23, 12(x1) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x23, 0xfffff000) + + # Testcase 24: imm:0x1, result rd:x24(0x1000) +1: + auipc x24, 0x1 + la x3, 1b + sub x24, x24, x3 + sw x24, 16(x1) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x24, 0x1000) + + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 6\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_6_res + + # Testcase 25: imm:0x7ffff, result rd:x25(0x7ffff000) +1: + auipc x25, 0x7ffff + la x8, 1b + sub x25, x25, x8 + sw x25, 0(x1) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x25, 0x7ffff000) + + # Testcase 26: imm:0x54321, result rd:x26(0x54321000) +1: + auipc x26, 0x54321 + la x8, 1b + sub x26, x26, x8 + sw x26, 4(x1) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x26, 0x54321000) + + # Testcase 27: imm:0x800, result rd:x27(0x800000) +1: + auipc x27, 0x800 + la x8, 1b + sub x27, x27, x8 + sw x27, 8(x1) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x27, 0x800000) + + # Testcase 28: imm:0x0, result rd:x28(0x0) +1: + auipc x28, 0x0 + la x8, 1b + sub x28, x28, x8 + sw x28, 12(x1) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x28, 0x0) + + # Testcase 29: imm:0x7ff, result rd:x29(0x7ff000) +1: + auipc x29, 0x7ff + la x8, 1b + sub x29, x29, x8 + sw x29, 16(x1) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x29, 0x7ff000) + + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 7\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_7_res + + # Testcase 30: imm:0x0, result rd:x30(0x0) +1: + auipc x30, 0x0 + la x4, 1b + sub x30, x30, x4 + sw x30, 0(x2) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x3, x30, 0x0) + + # Testcase 31: imm:0x1, result rd:x31(0x1000) +1: + auipc x31, 0x1 + la x4, 1b + sub x31, x31, x4 + sw x31, 4(x2) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x3, x31, 0x1000) + + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN + +test_1_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_2_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_3_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_4_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_5_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_6_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_7_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END + diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-BEQ-01.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-BEQ-01.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..acf1cf0 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-BEQ-01.S @@ -0,0 +1,496 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test BEQ-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2019, Imperas Software Ltd. +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Imperas Software Ltd. BE LIABLE FOR ANY +# DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +# (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.1 +# Description: Testing instruction 'BEQ'. + +#include "riscv_test_macros.h" +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" + +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test Begin\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 1\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_1_res + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0x123ab, x2, 0, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x31, -0x1; \ + li x16, 0x0; \ + beq x31, x16, 1f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0x123ab, x2, 4, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x30, 0x1; \ + li x15, -0x7ff; \ + beq x30, x15, 2f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +2: \ + ) + + + jal x0, 3f +2: + jal x0, 4f +3: + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0x123ab, x2, 8, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x29, 0x0; \ + li x14, -0x1; \ + beq x29, x14, 2b; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0x123ab, x2, 12, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x28, 0x7ff; \ + li x13, -0x1234; \ + beq x28, x13, 4f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0x123ab, x2, 16, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x27, 0x0; \ + li x12, 0x80000000; \ + beq x27, x12, 5f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +5: \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 2\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_2_res + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0x123ab, x2, 0, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x26, 0x800; \ + li x11, 0x1234; \ + beq x26, x11, 1f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0x123ab, x2, 4, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x25, 0x7654321; \ + li x10, 0xffffffff; \ + beq x25, x10, 2f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +2: \ + ) + + + jal x0, 3f +2: + jal x0, 4f +3: + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0x123ab, x2, 8, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x24, 0x7fffffff; \ + li x9, 0x1; \ + beq x24, x9, 2b; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0x123ab, x2, 12, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x23, 0x1; \ + li x8, 0x7fffffff; \ + beq x23, x8, 4f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0x123ab, x2, 16, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x22, 0xffffffff; \ + li x7, 0x7654321; \ + beq x22, x7, 5f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +5: \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 3\n") + + + # address for test results + la x7, test_3_res + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0x123ab, x7, 0, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x21, 0x1234; \ + li x6, 0x800; \ + beq x21, x6, 1f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0x123ab, x7, 4, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x20, 0x80000000; \ + li x5, 0x0; \ + beq x20, x5, 2f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +2: \ + ) + + + jal x0, 3f +2: + jal x0, 4f +3: + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0x123ab, x7, 8, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x19, -0x1234; \ + li x4, 0x7ff; \ + beq x19, x4, 2b; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0xcccc, x7, 12, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x18, -0x1; \ + li x3, -0x1; \ + beq x18, x3, 4f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0x123ab, x7, 16, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x17, -0x7ff; \ + li x2, 0x1; \ + beq x17, x2, 5f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +5: \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 4\n") + + + # address for test results + la x3, test_4_res + + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x4, x2, 0xcccc, x3, 0, \ + li x2, 0xcccc; \ + li x16, 0x0; \ + li x1, 0x0; \ + beq x16, x1, 1f; \ + li x2, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x4, x1, 0x123ab, x3, 4, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x15, -0x1; \ + li x0, 0x0; \ + beq x15, x0, 2f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +2: \ + ) + + + jal x0, 3f +2: + jal x0, 4f +3: + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x4, x1, 0x123ab, x3, 8, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x14, 0x1; \ + li x31, -0x7ff; \ + beq x14, x31, 2b; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x4, x1, 0x123ab, x3, 12, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x13, 0x0; \ + li x30, -0x1; \ + beq x13, x30, 4f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x4, x1, 0x123ab, x3, 16, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x12, 0x7ff; \ + li x29, -0x1234; \ + beq x12, x29, 5f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +5: \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 5\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_5_res + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0x123ab, x2, 0, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x11, 0x0; \ + li x28, 0x80000000; \ + beq x11, x28, 1f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0x123ab, x2, 4, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x10, 0x800; \ + li x27, 0x1234; \ + beq x10, x27, 2f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +2: \ + ) + + + jal x0, 3f +2: + jal x0, 4f +3: + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0x123ab, x2, 8, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x9, 0x7654321; \ + li x26, 0xffffffff; \ + beq x9, x26, 2b; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0x123ab, x2, 12, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x8, 0x7fffffff; \ + li x25, 0x1; \ + beq x8, x25, 4f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0x123ab, x2, 16, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x7, 0x1; \ + li x24, 0x7fffffff; \ + beq x7, x24, 5f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +5: \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 6\n") + + + # address for test results + la x7, test_6_res + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0x123ab, x7, 0, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x6, 0xffffffff; \ + li x23, 0x7654321; \ + beq x6, x23, 1f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0x123ab, x7, 4, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x5, 0x1234; \ + li x22, 0x800; \ + beq x5, x22, 2f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +2: \ + ) + + + jal x0, 3f +2: + jal x0, 4f +3: + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0x123ab, x7, 8, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x4, 0x80000000; \ + li x21, 0x0; \ + beq x4, x21, 2b; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0x123ab, x7, 12, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x3, -0x1234; \ + li x20, 0x7ff; \ + beq x3, x20, 4f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0xcccc, x7, 16, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x2, -0x1; \ + li x19, -0x1; \ + beq x2, x19, 5f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +5: \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 7\n") + + + # address for test results + la x3, test_7_res + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x4, x2, 0x123ab, x3, 0, \ + li x2, 0xcccc; \ + li x1, -0x7ff; \ + li x18, 0x1; \ + beq x1, x18, 1f; \ + li x2, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + ) + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x4, x1, 0xcccc, x3, 4, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x0, 0x0; \ + li x17, 0x0; \ + beq x0, x17, 2f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +2: \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN + +test_1_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_2_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_3_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_4_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_5_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_6_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_7_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END + diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-BGE-01.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-BGE-01.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..edbe3d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-BGE-01.S @@ -0,0 +1,496 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test BGE-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2019, Imperas Software Ltd. +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Imperas Software Ltd. BE LIABLE FOR ANY +# DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +# (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.1 +# Description: Testing instruction 'BGE'. + +#include "riscv_test_macros.h" +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" + +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test Begin\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 1\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_1_res + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0x123ab, x2, 0, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x31, -0x1; \ + li x16, 0x0; \ + bge x31, x16, 1f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + ) + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0xcccc, x2, 4, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x30, 0x1; \ + li x15, -0x7ff; \ + bge x30, x15, 2f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +2: \ + ) + + + jal x0, 3f +2: + jal x0, 4f +3: + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0xcccc, x2, 8, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x29, 0x0; \ + li x14, -0x1; \ + bge x29, x14, 2b; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0xcccc, x2, 12, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x28, 0x7ff; \ + li x13, -0x1234; \ + bge x28, x13, 4f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0xcccc, x2, 16, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x27, 0x0; \ + li x12, 0x80000000; \ + bge x27, x12, 5f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +5: \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 2\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_2_res + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0x123ab, x2, 0, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x26, 0x800; \ + li x11, 0x1234; \ + bge x26, x11, 1f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + ) + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0xcccc, x2, 4, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x25, 0x7654321; \ + li x10, 0xffffffff; \ + bge x25, x10, 2f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +2: \ + ) + + + jal x0, 3f +2: + jal x0, 4f +3: + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0xcccc, x2, 8, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x24, 0x7fffffff; \ + li x9, 0x1; \ + bge x24, x9, 2b; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0x123ab, x2, 12, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x23, 0x1; \ + li x8, 0x7fffffff; \ + bge x23, x8, 4f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0x123ab, x2, 16, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x22, 0xffffffff; \ + li x7, 0x7654321; \ + bge x22, x7, 5f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +5: \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 3\n") + + + # address for test results + la x7, test_3_res + + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0xcccc, x7, 0, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x21, 0x1234; \ + li x6, 0x800; \ + bge x21, x6, 1f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0x123ab, x7, 4, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x20, 0x80000000; \ + li x5, 0x0; \ + bge x20, x5, 2f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +2: \ + ) + + + jal x0, 3f +2: + jal x0, 4f +3: + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0x123ab, x7, 8, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x19, -0x1234; \ + li x4, 0x7ff; \ + bge x19, x4, 2b; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0xcccc, x7, 12, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x18, -0x1; \ + li x3, -0x1; \ + bge x18, x3, 4f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0x123ab, x7, 16, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x17, -0x7ff; \ + li x2, 0x1; \ + bge x17, x2, 5f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +5: \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 4\n") + + + # address for test results + la x3, test_4_res + + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x4, x2, 0xcccc, x3, 0, \ + li x2, 0xcccc; \ + li x16, 0x0; \ + li x1, 0x0; \ + bge x16, x1, 1f; \ + li x2, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x4, x1, 0x123ab, x3, 4, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x15, -0x1; \ + li x0, 0x0; \ + bge x15, x0, 2f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +2: \ + ) + + + jal x0, 3f +2: + jal x0, 4f +3: + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x4, x1, 0xcccc, x3, 8, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x14, 0x1; \ + li x31, -0x7ff; \ + bge x14, x31, 2b; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x4, x1, 0xcccc, x3, 12, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x13, 0x0; \ + li x30, -0x1; \ + bge x13, x30, 4f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x4, x1, 0xcccc, x3, 16, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x12, 0x7ff; \ + li x29, -0x1234; \ + bge x12, x29, 5f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +5: \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 5\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_5_res + + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0xcccc, x2, 0, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x11, 0x0; \ + li x28, 0x80000000; \ + bge x11, x28, 1f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0x123ab, x2, 4, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x10, 0x800; \ + li x27, 0x1234; \ + bge x10, x27, 2f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +2: \ + ) + + + jal x0, 3f +2: + jal x0, 4f +3: + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0xcccc, x2, 8, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x9, 0x7654321; \ + li x26, 0xffffffff; \ + bge x9, x26, 2b; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0xcccc, x2, 12, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x8, 0x7fffffff; \ + li x25, 0x1; \ + bge x8, x25, 4f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0x123ab, x2, 16, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x7, 0x1; \ + li x24, 0x7fffffff; \ + bge x7, x24, 5f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +5: \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 6\n") + + + # address for test results + la x7, test_6_res + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0x123ab, x7, 0, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x6, 0xffffffff; \ + li x23, 0x7654321; \ + bge x6, x23, 1f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + ) + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0xcccc, x7, 4, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x5, 0x1234; \ + li x22, 0x800; \ + bge x5, x22, 2f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +2: \ + ) + + + jal x0, 3f +2: + jal x0, 4f +3: + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0x123ab, x7, 8, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x4, 0x80000000; \ + li x21, 0x0; \ + bge x4, x21, 2b; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0x123ab, x7, 12, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x3, -0x1234; \ + li x20, 0x7ff; \ + bge x3, x20, 4f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0xcccc, x7, 16, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x2, -0x1; \ + li x19, -0x1; \ + bge x2, x19, 5f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +5: \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 7\n") + + + # address for test results + la x3, test_7_res + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x4, x2, 0x123ab, x3, 0, \ + li x2, 0xcccc; \ + li x1, -0x7ff; \ + li x18, 0x1; \ + bge x1, x18, 1f; \ + li x2, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + ) + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x4, x1, 0xcccc, x3, 4, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x0, 0x0; \ + li x17, 0x0; \ + bge x0, x17, 2f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +2: \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN + +test_1_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_2_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_3_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_4_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_5_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_6_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_7_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END + diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-BGEU-01.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-BGEU-01.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7497981 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-BGEU-01.S @@ -0,0 +1,496 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test BGEU-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2019, Imperas Software Ltd. +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Imperas Software Ltd. BE LIABLE FOR ANY +# DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +# (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.1 +# Description: Testing instruction 'BGEU'. + +#include "riscv_test_macros.h" +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" + +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test Begin\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 1\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_1_res + + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0xcccc, x2, 0, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x31, -0x1; \ + li x16, 0x0; \ + bgeu x31, x16, 1f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0x123ab, x2, 4, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x30, 0x1; \ + li x15, -0x7ff; \ + bgeu x30, x15, 2f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +2: \ + ) + + + jal x0, 3f +2: + jal x0, 4f +3: + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0x123ab, x2, 8, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x29, 0x0; \ + li x14, -0x1; \ + bgeu x29, x14, 2b; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0x123ab, x2, 12, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x28, 0x7ff; \ + li x13, -0x1234; \ + bgeu x28, x13, 4f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0x123ab, x2, 16, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x27, 0x0; \ + li x12, 0x80000000; \ + bgeu x27, x12, 5f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +5: \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 2\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_2_res + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0x123ab, x2, 0, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x26, 0x800; \ + li x11, 0x1234; \ + bgeu x26, x11, 1f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0x123ab, x2, 4, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x25, 0x7654321; \ + li x10, 0xffffffff; \ + bgeu x25, x10, 2f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +2: \ + ) + + + jal x0, 3f +2: + jal x0, 4f +3: + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0xcccc, x2, 8, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x24, 0x7fffffff; \ + li x9, 0x1; \ + bgeu x24, x9, 2b; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0x123ab, x2, 12, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x23, 0x1; \ + li x8, 0x7fffffff; \ + bgeu x23, x8, 4f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0xcccc, x2, 16, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x22, 0xffffffff; \ + li x7, 0x7654321; \ + bgeu x22, x7, 5f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +5: \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 3\n") + + + # address for test results + la x7, test_3_res + + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0xcccc, x7, 0, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x21, 0x1234; \ + li x6, 0x800; \ + bgeu x21, x6, 1f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + ) + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0xcccc, x7, 4, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x20, 0x80000000; \ + li x5, 0x0; \ + bgeu x20, x5, 2f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +2: \ + ) + + + jal x0, 3f +2: + jal x0, 4f +3: + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0xcccc, x7, 8, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x19, -0x1234; \ + li x4, 0x7ff; \ + bgeu x19, x4, 2b; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0xcccc, x7, 12, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x18, -0x1; \ + li x3, -0x1; \ + bgeu x18, x3, 4f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0xcccc, x7, 16, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x17, -0x7ff; \ + li x2, 0x1; \ + bgeu x17, x2, 5f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +5: \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 4\n") + + + # address for test results + la x3, test_4_res + + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x4, x2, 0xcccc, x3, 0, \ + li x2, 0xcccc; \ + li x16, 0x0; \ + li x1, 0x0; \ + bgeu x16, x1, 1f; \ + li x2, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + ) + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x4, x1, 0xcccc, x3, 4, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x15, -0x1; \ + li x0, 0x0; \ + bgeu x15, x0, 2f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +2: \ + ) + + + jal x0, 3f +2: + jal x0, 4f +3: + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x4, x1, 0x123ab, x3, 8, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x14, 0x1; \ + li x31, -0x7ff; \ + bgeu x14, x31, 2b; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x4, x1, 0x123ab, x3, 12, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x13, 0x0; \ + li x30, -0x1; \ + bgeu x13, x30, 4f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x4, x1, 0x123ab, x3, 16, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x12, 0x7ff; \ + li x29, -0x1234; \ + bgeu x12, x29, 5f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +5: \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 5\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_5_res + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0x123ab, x2, 0, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x11, 0x0; \ + li x28, 0x80000000; \ + bgeu x11, x28, 1f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0x123ab, x2, 4, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x10, 0x800; \ + li x27, 0x1234; \ + bgeu x10, x27, 2f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +2: \ + ) + + + jal x0, 3f +2: + jal x0, 4f +3: + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0x123ab, x2, 8, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x9, 0x7654321; \ + li x26, 0xffffffff; \ + bgeu x9, x26, 2b; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0xcccc, x2, 12, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x8, 0x7fffffff; \ + li x25, 0x1; \ + bgeu x8, x25, 4f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0x123ab, x2, 16, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x7, 0x1; \ + li x24, 0x7fffffff; \ + bgeu x7, x24, 5f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +5: \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 6\n") + + + # address for test results + la x7, test_6_res + + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0xcccc, x7, 0, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x6, 0xffffffff; \ + li x23, 0x7654321; \ + bgeu x6, x23, 1f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + ) + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0xcccc, x7, 4, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x5, 0x1234; \ + li x22, 0x800; \ + bgeu x5, x22, 2f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +2: \ + ) + + + jal x0, 3f +2: + jal x0, 4f +3: + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0xcccc, x7, 8, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x4, 0x80000000; \ + li x21, 0x0; \ + bgeu x4, x21, 2b; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0xcccc, x7, 12, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x3, -0x1234; \ + li x20, 0x7ff; \ + bgeu x3, x20, 4f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0xcccc, x7, 16, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x2, -0x1; \ + li x19, -0x1; \ + bgeu x2, x19, 5f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +5: \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 7\n") + + + # address for test results + la x3, test_7_res + + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x4, x2, 0xcccc, x3, 0, \ + li x2, 0xcccc; \ + li x1, -0x7ff; \ + li x18, 0x1; \ + bgeu x1, x18, 1f; \ + li x2, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + ) + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x4, x1, 0xcccc, x3, 4, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x0, 0x0; \ + li x17, 0x0; \ + bgeu x0, x17, 2f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +2: \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN + +test_1_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_2_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_3_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_4_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_5_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_6_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_7_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END + diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-BLT-01.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-BLT-01.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2e402af --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-BLT-01.S @@ -0,0 +1,496 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test BLT-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2019, Imperas Software Ltd. +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Imperas Software Ltd. BE LIABLE FOR ANY +# DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +# (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.1 +# Description: Testing instruction 'BLT'. + +#include "riscv_test_macros.h" +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" + +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test Begin\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 1\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_1_res + + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0xcccc, x2, 0, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x31, -0x1; \ + li x16, 0x0; \ + blt x31, x16, 1f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0x123ab, x2, 4, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x30, 0x1; \ + li x15, -0x7ff; \ + blt x30, x15, 2f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +2: \ + ) + + + jal x0, 3f +2: + jal x0, 4f +3: + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0x123ab, x2, 8, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x29, 0x0; \ + li x14, -0x1; \ + blt x29, x14, 2b; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0x123ab, x2, 12, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x28, 0x7ff; \ + li x13, -0x1234; \ + blt x28, x13, 4f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0x123ab, x2, 16, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x27, 0x0; \ + li x12, 0x80000000; \ + blt x27, x12, 5f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +5: \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 2\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_2_res + + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0xcccc, x2, 0, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x26, 0x800; \ + li x11, 0x1234; \ + blt x26, x11, 1f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0x123ab, x2, 4, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x25, 0x7654321; \ + li x10, 0xffffffff; \ + blt x25, x10, 2f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +2: \ + ) + + + jal x0, 3f +2: + jal x0, 4f +3: + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0x123ab, x2, 8, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x24, 0x7fffffff; \ + li x9, 0x1; \ + blt x24, x9, 2b; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0xcccc, x2, 12, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x23, 0x1; \ + li x8, 0x7fffffff; \ + blt x23, x8, 4f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0xcccc, x2, 16, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x22, 0xffffffff; \ + li x7, 0x7654321; \ + blt x22, x7, 5f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +5: \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 3\n") + + + # address for test results + la x7, test_3_res + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0x123ab, x7, 0, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x21, 0x1234; \ + li x6, 0x800; \ + blt x21, x6, 1f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + ) + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0xcccc, x7, 4, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x20, 0x80000000; \ + li x5, 0x0; \ + blt x20, x5, 2f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +2: \ + ) + + + jal x0, 3f +2: + jal x0, 4f +3: + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0xcccc, x7, 8, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x19, -0x1234; \ + li x4, 0x7ff; \ + blt x19, x4, 2b; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0x123ab, x7, 12, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x18, -0x1; \ + li x3, -0x1; \ + blt x18, x3, 4f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0xcccc, x7, 16, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x17, -0x7ff; \ + li x2, 0x1; \ + blt x17, x2, 5f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +5: \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 4\n") + + + # address for test results + la x3, test_4_res + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x4, x2, 0x123ab, x3, 0, \ + li x2, 0xcccc; \ + li x16, 0x0; \ + li x1, 0x0; \ + blt x16, x1, 1f; \ + li x2, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + ) + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x4, x1, 0xcccc, x3, 4, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x15, -0x1; \ + li x0, 0x0; \ + blt x15, x0, 2f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +2: \ + ) + + + jal x0, 3f +2: + jal x0, 4f +3: + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x4, x1, 0x123ab, x3, 8, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x14, 0x1; \ + li x31, -0x7ff; \ + blt x14, x31, 2b; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x4, x1, 0x123ab, x3, 12, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x13, 0x0; \ + li x30, -0x1; \ + blt x13, x30, 4f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x4, x1, 0x123ab, x3, 16, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x12, 0x7ff; \ + li x29, -0x1234; \ + blt x12, x29, 5f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +5: \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 5\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_5_res + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0x123ab, x2, 0, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x11, 0x0; \ + li x28, 0x80000000; \ + blt x11, x28, 1f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + ) + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0xcccc, x2, 4, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x10, 0x800; \ + li x27, 0x1234; \ + blt x10, x27, 2f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +2: \ + ) + + + jal x0, 3f +2: + jal x0, 4f +3: + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0x123ab, x2, 8, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x9, 0x7654321; \ + li x26, 0xffffffff; \ + blt x9, x26, 2b; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0x123ab, x2, 12, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x8, 0x7fffffff; \ + li x25, 0x1; \ + blt x8, x25, 4f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0xcccc, x2, 16, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x7, 0x1; \ + li x24, 0x7fffffff; \ + blt x7, x24, 5f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +5: \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 6\n") + + + # address for test results + la x7, test_6_res + + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0xcccc, x7, 0, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x6, 0xffffffff; \ + li x23, 0x7654321; \ + blt x6, x23, 1f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0x123ab, x7, 4, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x5, 0x1234; \ + li x22, 0x800; \ + blt x5, x22, 2f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +2: \ + ) + + + jal x0, 3f +2: + jal x0, 4f +3: + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0xcccc, x7, 8, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x4, 0x80000000; \ + li x21, 0x0; \ + blt x4, x21, 2b; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0xcccc, x7, 12, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x3, -0x1234; \ + li x20, 0x7ff; \ + blt x3, x20, 4f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0x123ab, x7, 16, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x2, -0x1; \ + li x19, -0x1; \ + blt x2, x19, 5f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +5: \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 7\n") + + + # address for test results + la x3, test_7_res + + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x4, x2, 0xcccc, x3, 0, \ + li x2, 0xcccc; \ + li x1, -0x7ff; \ + li x18, 0x1; \ + blt x1, x18, 1f; \ + li x2, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x4, x1, 0x123ab, x3, 4, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x0, 0x0; \ + li x17, 0x0; \ + blt x0, x17, 2f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +2: \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN + +test_1_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_2_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_3_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_4_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_5_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_6_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_7_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END + diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-BLTU-01.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-BLTU-01.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5e5b285 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-BLTU-01.S @@ -0,0 +1,496 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test BLTU-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2019, Imperas Software Ltd. +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Imperas Software Ltd. BE LIABLE FOR ANY +# DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +# (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.1 +# Description: Testing instruction 'BLTU'. + +#include "riscv_test_macros.h" +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" + +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test Begin\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 1\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_1_res + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0x123ab, x2, 0, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x31, -0x1; \ + li x16, 0x0; \ + bltu x31, x16, 1f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + ) + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0xcccc, x2, 4, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x30, 0x1; \ + li x15, -0x7ff; \ + bltu x30, x15, 2f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +2: \ + ) + + + jal x0, 3f +2: + jal x0, 4f +3: + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0xcccc, x2, 8, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x29, 0x0; \ + li x14, -0x1; \ + bltu x29, x14, 2b; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0xcccc, x2, 12, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x28, 0x7ff; \ + li x13, -0x1234; \ + bltu x28, x13, 4f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0xcccc, x2, 16, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x27, 0x0; \ + li x12, 0x80000000; \ + bltu x27, x12, 5f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +5: \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 2\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_2_res + + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0xcccc, x2, 0, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x26, 0x800; \ + li x11, 0x1234; \ + bltu x26, x11, 1f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + ) + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0xcccc, x2, 4, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x25, 0x7654321; \ + li x10, 0xffffffff; \ + bltu x25, x10, 2f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +2: \ + ) + + + jal x0, 3f +2: + jal x0, 4f +3: + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0x123ab, x2, 8, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x24, 0x7fffffff; \ + li x9, 0x1; \ + bltu x24, x9, 2b; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0xcccc, x2, 12, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x23, 0x1; \ + li x8, 0x7fffffff; \ + bltu x23, x8, 4f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0x123ab, x2, 16, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x22, 0xffffffff; \ + li x7, 0x7654321; \ + bltu x22, x7, 5f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +5: \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 3\n") + + + # address for test results + la x7, test_3_res + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0x123ab, x7, 0, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x21, 0x1234; \ + li x6, 0x800; \ + bltu x21, x6, 1f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0x123ab, x7, 4, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x20, 0x80000000; \ + li x5, 0x0; \ + bltu x20, x5, 2f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +2: \ + ) + + + jal x0, 3f +2: + jal x0, 4f +3: + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0x123ab, x7, 8, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x19, -0x1234; \ + li x4, 0x7ff; \ + bltu x19, x4, 2b; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0x123ab, x7, 12, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x18, -0x1; \ + li x3, -0x1; \ + bltu x18, x3, 4f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0x123ab, x7, 16, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x17, -0x7ff; \ + li x2, 0x1; \ + bltu x17, x2, 5f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +5: \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 4\n") + + + # address for test results + la x3, test_4_res + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x4, x2, 0x123ab, x3, 0, \ + li x2, 0xcccc; \ + li x16, 0x0; \ + li x1, 0x0; \ + bltu x16, x1, 1f; \ + li x2, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x4, x1, 0x123ab, x3, 4, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x15, -0x1; \ + li x0, 0x0; \ + bltu x15, x0, 2f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +2: \ + ) + + + jal x0, 3f +2: + jal x0, 4f +3: + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x4, x1, 0xcccc, x3, 8, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x14, 0x1; \ + li x31, -0x7ff; \ + bltu x14, x31, 2b; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x4, x1, 0xcccc, x3, 12, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x13, 0x0; \ + li x30, -0x1; \ + bltu x13, x30, 4f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x4, x1, 0xcccc, x3, 16, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x12, 0x7ff; \ + li x29, -0x1234; \ + bltu x12, x29, 5f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +5: \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 5\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_5_res + + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0xcccc, x2, 0, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x11, 0x0; \ + li x28, 0x80000000; \ + bltu x11, x28, 1f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + ) + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0xcccc, x2, 4, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x10, 0x800; \ + li x27, 0x1234; \ + bltu x10, x27, 2f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +2: \ + ) + + + jal x0, 3f +2: + jal x0, 4f +3: + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0xcccc, x2, 8, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x9, 0x7654321; \ + li x26, 0xffffffff; \ + bltu x9, x26, 2b; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0x123ab, x2, 12, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x8, 0x7fffffff; \ + li x25, 0x1; \ + bltu x8, x25, 4f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0xcccc, x2, 16, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x7, 0x1; \ + li x24, 0x7fffffff; \ + bltu x7, x24, 5f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +5: \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 6\n") + + + # address for test results + la x7, test_6_res + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0x123ab, x7, 0, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x6, 0xffffffff; \ + li x23, 0x7654321; \ + bltu x6, x23, 1f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0x123ab, x7, 4, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x5, 0x1234; \ + li x22, 0x800; \ + bltu x5, x22, 2f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +2: \ + ) + + + jal x0, 3f +2: + jal x0, 4f +3: + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0x123ab, x7, 8, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x4, 0x80000000; \ + li x21, 0x0; \ + bltu x4, x21, 2b; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0x123ab, x7, 12, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x3, -0x1234; \ + li x20, 0x7ff; \ + bltu x3, x20, 4f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0x123ab, x7, 16, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x2, -0x1; \ + li x19, -0x1; \ + bltu x2, x19, 5f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +5: \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 7\n") + + + # address for test results + la x3, test_7_res + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x4, x2, 0x123ab, x3, 0, \ + li x2, 0xcccc; \ + li x1, -0x7ff; \ + li x18, 0x1; \ + bltu x1, x18, 1f; \ + li x2, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x4, x1, 0x123ab, x3, 4, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x0, 0x0; \ + li x17, 0x0; \ + bltu x0, x17, 2f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +2: \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN + +test_1_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_2_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_3_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_4_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_5_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_6_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_7_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END + diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-BNE-01.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-BNE-01.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..96d2dcd --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-BNE-01.S @@ -0,0 +1,496 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test BNE-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2019, Imperas Software Ltd. +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Imperas Software Ltd. BE LIABLE FOR ANY +# DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +# (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.1 +# Description: Testing instruction 'BNE'. + +#include "riscv_test_macros.h" +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" + +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test Begin\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 1\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_1_res + + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0xcccc, x2, 0, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x31, -0x1; \ + li x16, 0x0; \ + bne x31, x16, 1f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + ) + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0xcccc, x2, 4, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x30, 0x1; \ + li x15, -0x7ff; \ + bne x30, x15, 2f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +2: \ + ) + + + jal x0, 3f +2: + jal x0, 4f +3: + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0xcccc, x2, 8, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x29, 0x0; \ + li x14, -0x1; \ + bne x29, x14, 2b; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0xcccc, x2, 12, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x28, 0x7ff; \ + li x13, -0x1234; \ + bne x28, x13, 4f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0xcccc, x2, 16, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x27, 0x0; \ + li x12, 0x80000000; \ + bne x27, x12, 5f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +5: \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 2\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_2_res + + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0xcccc, x2, 0, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x26, 0x800; \ + li x11, 0x1234; \ + bne x26, x11, 1f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + ) + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0xcccc, x2, 4, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x25, 0x7654321; \ + li x10, 0xffffffff; \ + bne x25, x10, 2f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +2: \ + ) + + + jal x0, 3f +2: + jal x0, 4f +3: + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0xcccc, x2, 8, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x24, 0x7fffffff; \ + li x9, 0x1; \ + bne x24, x9, 2b; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0xcccc, x2, 12, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x23, 0x1; \ + li x8, 0x7fffffff; \ + bne x23, x8, 4f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0xcccc, x2, 16, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x22, 0xffffffff; \ + li x7, 0x7654321; \ + bne x22, x7, 5f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +5: \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 3\n") + + + # address for test results + la x7, test_3_res + + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0xcccc, x7, 0, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x21, 0x1234; \ + li x6, 0x800; \ + bne x21, x6, 1f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + ) + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0xcccc, x7, 4, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x20, 0x80000000; \ + li x5, 0x0; \ + bne x20, x5, 2f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +2: \ + ) + + + jal x0, 3f +2: + jal x0, 4f +3: + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0xcccc, x7, 8, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x19, -0x1234; \ + li x4, 0x7ff; \ + bne x19, x4, 2b; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0x123ab, x7, 12, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x18, -0x1; \ + li x3, -0x1; \ + bne x18, x3, 4f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0xcccc, x7, 16, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x17, -0x7ff; \ + li x2, 0x1; \ + bne x17, x2, 5f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +5: \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 4\n") + + + # address for test results + la x3, test_4_res + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x4, x2, 0x123ab, x3, 0, \ + li x2, 0xcccc; \ + li x16, 0x0; \ + li x1, 0x0; \ + bne x16, x1, 1f; \ + li x2, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + ) + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x4, x1, 0xcccc, x3, 4, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x15, -0x1; \ + li x0, 0x0; \ + bne x15, x0, 2f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +2: \ + ) + + + jal x0, 3f +2: + jal x0, 4f +3: + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x4, x1, 0xcccc, x3, 8, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x14, 0x1; \ + li x31, -0x7ff; \ + bne x14, x31, 2b; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x4, x1, 0xcccc, x3, 12, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x13, 0x0; \ + li x30, -0x1; \ + bne x13, x30, 4f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x4, x1, 0xcccc, x3, 16, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x12, 0x7ff; \ + li x29, -0x1234; \ + bne x12, x29, 5f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +5: \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 5\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_5_res + + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0xcccc, x2, 0, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x11, 0x0; \ + li x28, 0x80000000; \ + bne x11, x28, 1f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + ) + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0xcccc, x2, 4, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x10, 0x800; \ + li x27, 0x1234; \ + bne x10, x27, 2f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +2: \ + ) + + + jal x0, 3f +2: + jal x0, 4f +3: + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0xcccc, x2, 8, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x9, 0x7654321; \ + li x26, 0xffffffff; \ + bne x9, x26, 2b; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0xcccc, x2, 12, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x8, 0x7fffffff; \ + li x25, 0x1; \ + bne x8, x25, 4f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0xcccc, x2, 16, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x7, 0x1; \ + li x24, 0x7fffffff; \ + bne x7, x24, 5f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +5: \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 6\n") + + + # address for test results + la x7, test_6_res + + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0xcccc, x7, 0, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x6, 0xffffffff; \ + li x23, 0x7654321; \ + bne x6, x23, 1f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + ) + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0xcccc, x7, 4, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x5, 0x1234; \ + li x22, 0x800; \ + bne x5, x22, 2f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +2: \ + ) + + + jal x0, 3f +2: + jal x0, 4f +3: + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0xcccc, x7, 8, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x4, 0x80000000; \ + li x21, 0x0; \ + bne x4, x21, 2b; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0xcccc, x7, 12, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x3, -0x1234; \ + li x20, 0x7ff; \ + bne x3, x20, 4f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x8, x1, 0x123ab, x7, 16, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x2, -0x1; \ + li x19, -0x1; \ + bne x2, x19, 5f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +5: \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 7\n") + + + # address for test results + la x3, test_7_res + + + // Result = 1 + TEST_CASE(x4, x2, 0xcccc, x3, 0, \ + li x2, 0xcccc; \ + li x1, -0x7ff; \ + li x18, 0x1; \ + bne x1, x18, 1f; \ + li x2, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x4, x1, 0x123ab, x3, 4, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + li x0, 0x0; \ + li x17, 0x0; \ + bne x0, x17, 2f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +2: \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN + +test_1_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_2_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_3_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_4_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_5_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_6_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_7_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END + diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-DELAY_SLOTS-01.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-DELAY_SLOTS-01.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8d166a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-DELAY_SLOTS-01.S @@ -0,0 +1,261 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test I-DELAY_SLOTS-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2017, Codasip Ltd. +# Copyright (c) 2018, Imperas Software Ltd. Additions +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Codasip Ltd., Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Codasip Ltd., Imperas Software Ltd. +# BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL +# DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.0 +# Description: Testing delay slots of jump and branch instructions. + +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" +#include "test_macros.h" + +# Test Virtual Machine (TVM) used by program. +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +# Test code region +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test Begin\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A1 - test JAL\n"); + + # Address for test results + la x1, test_A1_res + + # Test + li x2, 0x11111111 + jal x0, 1f + li x2, 0 +1: + + # Store results + sw x2, 0(x1) + + // + // Assert + // + RVTEST_IO_CHECK() + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x2, 0x11111111) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A1 - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A2 - test JALR\n"); + + # Address for test results + la x1, test_A2_res + + # Test + li x2, 0x22222222 + la x4, 1f + jalr x0, x4, 0 + li x2, 0 +1: + + # Store results + sw x2, 0(x1) + + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x2, 0x22222222) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A2 - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part B1 - test BEQ\n"); + + # Address for test results + la x1, test_B1_res + + # Register initialization + li x5, 5 + li x6, 6 + + # Test + li x2, 0x33333333 + beq x5, x5, 1f + li x2, 0 +1: + + # Store results + sw x2, 0(x1) + + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x2, 0x33333333) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A3 - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part B2 - test BNE\n"); + + # Address for test results + la x1, test_B2_res + + # Register initialization + li x5, 5 + li x6, 6 + + # Test + li x2, 0x44444444 + bne x5, x6, 1f + li x2, 0 +1: + + # Store results + sw x2, 0(x1) + + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x2, 0x44444444) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A4 - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part B3 - test BLT\n"); + + # Address for test results + la x1, test_B3_res + + # Register initialization + li x5, 5 + li x6, 6 + + # Test + li x2, 0x55555555 + blt x5, x6, 1f + li x2, 0 +1: + + # Store results + sw x2, 0(x1) + + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x2, 0x55555555) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A5 - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part B4 - test BLTU\n"); + + # Address for test results + la x1, test_B4_res + + # Register initialization + li x5, 5 + li x6, 6 + + # Test + li x2, 0x66666666 + bltu x5, x6, 1f + li x2, 0 +1: + + # Store results + sw x2, 0(x1) + + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x2, 0x66666666) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part B - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part B5 - test BGE\n"); + + # Address for test results + la x1, test_B5_res + + # Register initialization + li x5, 5 + li x6, 6 + + # Test + li x2, 0x77777777 + bge x6, x5, 1f + li x2, 0 +1: + + # Store results + sw x2, 0(x1) + + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x2, 0x77777777) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part C - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part B6 - test BGEU\n"); + + # Address for test results + la x1, test_B6_res + + # Register initialization + li x5, 5 + li x6, 6 + + # Test + li x2, 0x88888888 + bgeu x6, x5, 1f + li x2, 0 +1: + + # Store results + sw x2, 0(x1) + + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x2, 0x88888888) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part D - Complete\n"); + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + # HALT + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + .align 4 + + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN + .align 4 + +test_A1_res: + .fill 1, 4, -1 +test_A2_res: + .fill 1, 4, -1 +test_B1_res: + .fill 1, 4, -1 +test_B2_res: + .fill 1, 4, -1 +test_B3_res: + .fill 1, 4, -1 +test_B4_res: + .fill 1, 4, -1 +test_B5_res: + .fill 1, 4, -1 +test_B6_res: + .fill 1, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-EBREAK-01.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-EBREAK-01.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..958eebc --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-EBREAK-01.S @@ -0,0 +1,118 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test I-EBREAK-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2017, Codasip Ltd. +# Copyright (c) 2018, Imperas Software Ltd. Additions +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Codasip Ltd., Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Codasip Ltd., Imperas Software Ltd. +# BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL +# DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.0 +# Description: Testing instruction EBREAK. + +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" +#include "test_macros.h" + +# Test Virtual Machine (TVM) used by program. +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +# Test code region +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x30, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x30, "# Test Begin Reserved reg x31\n") + + # Save and set trap handler address + la x1, _trap_handler + csrrw x31, mtvec, x1 + + // + // Assert + // + RVTEST_IO_CHECK() + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x30, "# Test part A - test EBREAK\n"); + + # Address for test results + la x1, test_A_res_exc + + # Test + li x2, 0x11111111 + ebreak + sw x0, 0(x1) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x30, "# Test part A1 - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + # restore mtvec and jump to the end + csrw mtvec, x31 + jal x0, test_end + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + # Exception handler +_trap_handler: + # increment return address + csrr x30, mepc + addi x30, x30, 4 + csrw mepc, x30 + + # Store MCAUSE + csrr x30, mcause + sw x30, 0(x1) + + # Store data from test + sw x2, 4(x1) + sw x0, 8(x1) + + # increment data_exc address + addi x1, x1, 12 + + # return + mret + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +test_end: + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x30, "# Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + # HALT + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + .align 4 + + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN + .align 4 + +test_A_res_exc: + .fill 4, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-ECALL-01.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-ECALL-01.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5278207 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-ECALL-01.S @@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test I-ECALL-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2017, Codasip Ltd. +# Copyright (c) 2018, Imperas Software Ltd. Additions +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Codasip Ltd., Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Codasip Ltd., Imperas Software Ltd. +# BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL +# DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.0 +# Description: Testing instruction ECALL. + +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" +#include "test_macros.h" + +# Test Virtual Machine (TVM) used by program. +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +# Test code region +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x30, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x30, "# Test Begin Reserved reg x31\n") + + # Save and set trap handler address + la x1, _trap_handler + csrrw x31, mtvec, x1 + + // + // Assert + // + RVTEST_IO_CHECK() + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x30, "# Test part A - test ECALL\n"); + + # Address for test results + la x1, test_A_res_exc + + # Test + li x2, 0x11111111 + ecall + sw x0, 0(x1) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x30, "# Test part A1 - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + # restore mtvec and jump to the end + csrw mtvec, x31 + jal x0, test_end + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x30, "# Test part A2 - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + # Exception handler +_trap_handler: + # increment return address + csrr x30, mepc + addi x30, x30, 4 + csrw mepc, x30 + + # Store MCAUSE + csrr x30, mcause + sw x30, 0(x1) + + # Store data from test + sw x2, 4(x1) + sw x0, 8(x1) + + # increment data_exc address + addi x1, x1, 12 + + # return + mret + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +test_end: + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x30, "# Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + # HALT + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + .align 4 + + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN + .align 4 + +test_A_res_exc: + .fill 4, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-ENDIANESS-01.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-ENDIANESS-01.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ec0591d --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-ENDIANESS-01.S @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test I-ENDIANESS-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2017, Codasip Ltd. +# Copyright (c) 2018, Imperas Software Ltd. Additions +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Codasip Ltd., Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Codasip Ltd., Imperas Software Ltd. +# BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL +# DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.0 +# Description: Testing ENDIANESS of RISC-V processor. + +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" +#include "test_macros.h" + +# Test Virtual Machine (TVM) used by program. +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +# Test code region +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test Begin\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A - test loading word by LW, LH, LB\n"); + + # Addresses for test data and results + la x16, test_A_data + la x17, test_A_res + + # Test + lw x1, 0(x16) + lhu x2, 0(x16) + lhu x3, 2(x16) + lbu x4, -1(x16) + lbu x5, 0(x16) + lbu x6, 1(x16) + lbu x7, 2(x16) + lbu x8, 3(x16) + + # Store results + sw x1, 0(x17) + sw x2, 4(x17) + sw x3, 8(x17) + sw x4, 12(x17) + sw x5, 16(x17) + sw x6, 20(x17) + sw x7, 24(x17) + sw x8, 28(x17) + + // + // Assert + // + RVTEST_IO_CHECK() + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x17, x1, 0x01234567) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x17, x2, 0x00004567) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x17, x3, 0x00000123) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x17, x4, 0x00000089) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x17, x5, 0x00000067) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x17, x6, 0x00000045) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x17, x7, 0x00000023) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x17, x8, 0x00000001) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A1 - Complete\n"); + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + # HALT + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + .align 4 + .word 0x89ABCDEF +test_A_data: + .word 0x01234567 + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN + .align 4 + +test_A_res: + .fill 8, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-IO-01.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-IO-01.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..addd89a --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-IO-01.S @@ -0,0 +1,424 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test I-IO-01 +# +# Additions Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Imperas Software Ltd., www.imperas.com +# +# Copyright (c) 2017, Codasip Ltd. +# Copyright (c) 2018, Imperas Software Ltd. Additions +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Codasip Ltd., Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Codasip Ltd., Imperas Software Ltd. +# BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL +# DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.0 +# Description: Testing instruction IO-S. + + +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" +#include "test_macros.h" + +# Test Virtual Machine (TVM) used by program. +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +# Test code region. +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test Begin\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A1 - general test of value 0 with 0, 1, -1, MIN, MAX register values\n"); + + # Addresses for test data and results + la x1, test_A1_data + la x2, test_A1_res + + # Load testdata + lw x3, 0(x1) + + # Register initialization + li x4, 0 + li x5, 1 + li x6, -1 + li x7, 0x7FFFFFFF + li x8, 0x80000000 + + # Test + add x4, x3, x4 + add x5, x3, x5 + add x6, x3, x6 + add x7, x3, x7 + add x8, x3, x8 + + # Store results + sw x3, 0(x2) + sw x4, 4(x2) + sw x5, 8(x2) + sw x6, 12(x2) + sw x7, 16(x2) + sw x8, 20(x2) + + // + // Assert + // + RVTEST_IO_CHECK() + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x3, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x4, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x5, 0x00000001) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x6, 0xFFFFFFFF) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x7, 0x7FFFFFFF) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x8, 0x80000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A1 - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A2 - general test of value 1 with 0, 1, -1, MIN, MAX register values\n"); + + # Addresses for test data and results + la x1, test_A2_data + la x2, test_A2_res + + # Load testdata + lw x8, 0(x1) + + # Register initialization + li x9, 0 + li x10, 1 + li x11, -1 + li x12, 0x7FFFFFFF + li x13, 0x80000000 + + # Test + add x9, x8, x9 + add x10, x8, x10 + add x11, x8, x11 + add x12, x8, x12 + add x13, x8, x13 + + # Store results + sw x8, 0(x2) + sw x9, 4(x2) + sw x10, 8(x2) + sw x11, 12(x2) + sw x12, 16(x2) + sw x13, 20(x2) + + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x8, 0x00000001) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x9, 0x00000001) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x10, 0x00000002) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x11, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x12, 0x80000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x13, 0x80000001) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A2 - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A3 - general test of value -1 with 0, 1, -1, MIN, MAX register values\n"); + + # Addresses for test data and results + la x1, test_A3_data + la x2, test_A3_res + + # Load testdata + lw x13, 0(x1) + + # Register initialization + li x14, 0 + li x15, 1 + li x16, -1 + li x17, 0x7FFFFFFF + li x18, 0x80000000 + + # Test + add x14, x13, x14 + add x15, x13, x15 + add x16, x13, x16 + add x17, x13, x17 + add x18, x13, x18 + + # Store results + sw x13, 0(x2) + sw x14, 4(x2) + sw x15, 8(x2) + sw x16, 12(x2) + sw x17, 16(x2) + sw x18, 20(x2) + + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x13, 0xFFFFFFFF) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x14, 0xFFFFFFFF) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x15, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x16, 0xFFFFFFFE) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x17, 0x7FFFFFFE) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x18, 0x7FFFFFFF) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A3 - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A4 - general test of value 0x7FFFFFFF with 0, 1, -1, MIN, MAX register values\n"); + + # Addresses for test data and results + la x1, test_A4_data + la x2, test_A4_res + + # Load testdata + lw x18, 0(x1) + + # Register initialization + li x19, 0 + li x20, 1 + li x21, -1 + li x22, 0x7FFFFFFF + li x23, 0x80000000 + + # Test execution + add x19, x18, x19 + add x20, x18, x20 + add x21, x18, x21 + add x22, x18, x22 + add x23, x18, x23 + + # Store results + sw x18, 0(x2) + sw x19, 4(x2) + sw x20, 8(x2) + sw x21, 12(x2) + sw x22, 16(x2) + sw x23, 20(x2) + + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x18, 0x7FFFFFFF) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x19, 0x7FFFFFFF) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x20, 0x80000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x21, 0x7FFFFFFE) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x22, 0xFFFFFFFE) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x23, 0xFFFFFFFF) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A4 - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A5 - general test of value 0x80000000 with 0, 1, -1, MIN, MAX register values\n"); + + # Addresses for test data and results + la x1, test_A5_data + la x2, test_A5_res + + # Load testdata + lw x23, 0(x1) + + # Register initialization + li x24, 0 + li x25, 1 + li x26, -1 + li x27, 0x7FFFFFFF + li x28, 0x80000000 + + # Test + add x24, x23, x24 + add x25, x23, x25 + add x26, x23, x26 + add x27, x23, x27 + add x28, x23, x28 + + # Store results + sw x23, 0(x2) + sw x24, 4(x2) + sw x25, 8(x2) + sw x26, 12(x2) + sw x27, 16(x2) + sw x28, 20(x2) + + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x23, 0x80000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x24, 0x80000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x25, 0x80000001) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x26, 0x7FFFFFFF) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x27, 0xFFFFFFFF) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x28, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A5 - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part B - testing forwarding between instructions\n"); + + # Addresses for test data and results + la x25, test_B_data + la x26, test_B_res + + # Load testdata + lw x28, 0(x25) + + # Register initialization + li x27, 0x1 + + # Test + add x29, x28, x27 + add x30, x29, x27 + add x31, x30, x27 + add x1, x31, x27 + add x2, x1, x27 + add x3, x2, x27 + + # store results + sw x27, 0(x26) + sw x28, 4(x26) + sw x29, 8(x26) + sw x30, 12(x26) + sw x31, 16(x26) + sw x1, 20(x26) + sw x2, 24(x26) + sw x3, 28(x26) + + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x26, x27, 0x00000001) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x26, x28, 0x0000ABCD) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x26, x29, 0x0000ABCE) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x26, x30, 0x0000ABCF) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x26, x31, 0x0000ABD0) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x26, x1, 0x0000ABD1) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x26, x2, 0x0000ABD2) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x26, x3, 0x0000ABD3) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part B - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part C - testing writing to x0\n"); + + # Addresses for test data and results + la x1, test_C_data + la x2, test_C_res + + # Load testdata + lw x28, 0(x1) + + # Register initialization + li x27, 0xF7FF8818 + + # Test + add x0, x28, x27 + + # store results + sw x0, 0(x2) + + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part C - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part D - testing forwarding throught x0\n"); + + # Addresses for test data and results + la x1, test_D_data + la x2, test_D_res + + # Load testdata + lw x28, 0(x1) + + # Register initialization + li x27, 0xF7FF8818 + + # Test + add x0, x28, x27 + add x5, x0, x0 + + # store results + sw x0, 0(x2) + sw x5, 4(x2) + + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x0, 0x00000000) + //RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x5, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part D - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part E - testing moving (add with x0)\n"); + + # Addresses for test data and results + la x1, test_E_data + la x2, test_E_res + + # Load testdata + lw x3, 0(x1) + + # Test + add x4, x3, x0 + add x5, x4, x0 + add x6, x0, x5 + add x14, x6, x0 + add x15, x14, x0 + add x16, x15, x0 + add x25, x0, x16 + add x26, x0, x25 + add x27, x26, x0 + + # Store results + sw x4, 0(x2) + sw x26, 4(x2) + sw x27, 8(x2) + + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x4, 0x36925814) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x26, 0x36925814) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x27, 0x36925814) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part E - Complete\n"); + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + # HALT + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + +test_A1_data: + .word 0 +test_A2_data: + .word 1 +test_A3_data: + .word -1 +test_A4_data: + .word 0x7FFFFFFF +test_A5_data: + .word 0x80000000 +test_B_data: + .word 0x0000ABCD +test_C_data: + .word 0x12345678 +test_D_data: + .word 0xFEDCBA98 +test_E_data: + .word 0x36925814 + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN + +test_A1_res: + .fill 6, 4, -1 +test_A2_res: + .fill 6, 4, -1 +test_A3_res: + .fill 6, 4, -1 +test_A4_res: + .fill 6, 4, -1 +test_A5_res: + .fill 6, 4, -1 +test_B_res: + .fill 8, 4, -1 +test_C_res: + .fill 1, 4, -1 +test_D_res: + .fill 2, 4, -1 +test_E_res: + .fill 3, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-JAL-01.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-JAL-01.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..79922b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-JAL-01.S @@ -0,0 +1,432 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test JAL-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2019, Imperas Software Ltd. +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Imperas Software Ltd. BE LIABLE FOR ANY +# DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +# (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.1 +# Description: Testing instruction 'JAL'. + +#include "riscv_test_macros.h" +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" + +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test Begin\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 1\n") + + + # address for test results + la x5, test_1_res + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x6, x0, 0, x5, 0, \ + li x0, 0xcccc; \ + jal x31, 1f; \ + li x0, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x6, x1, 0xcccc, x5, 4, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + jal x30, 2f; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +2: \ + ) + + + jal x0, 3f +2: + jal x0, 4f +3: + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x6, x2, 0xcccc, x5, 8, \ + li x2, 0xcccc; \ + jal x29, 2b; \ + li x2, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x6, x3, 0xcccc, x5, 12, \ + li x3, 0xcccc; \ + jal x28, 4f; \ + li x3, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x6, x4, 0xcccc, x5, 16, \ + li x4, 0xcccc; \ + jal x27, 5f; \ + li x4, 0x123ab; \ +5: \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 2\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_2_res + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x2, x5, 0xcccc, x1, 0, \ + li x5, 0xcccc; \ + jal x26, 1f; \ + li x5, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x2, x6, 0xcccc, x1, 4, \ + li x6, 0xcccc; \ + jal x25, 2f; \ + li x6, 0x123ab; \ +2: \ + ) + + + jal x0, 3f +2: + jal x0, 4f +3: + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x2, x7, 0xcccc, x1, 8, \ + li x7, 0xcccc; \ + jal x24, 2b; \ + li x7, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x2, x8, 0xcccc, x1, 12, \ + li x8, 0xcccc; \ + jal x23, 4f; \ + li x8, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x2, x9, 0xcccc, x1, 16, \ + li x9, 0xcccc; \ + jal x22, 5f; \ + li x9, 0x123ab; \ +5: \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 3\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_3_res + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x7, x10, 0xcccc, x1, 0, \ + li x10, 0xcccc; \ + jal x21, 1f; \ + li x10, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x7, x11, 0xcccc, x1, 4, \ + li x11, 0xcccc; \ + jal x20, 2f; \ + li x11, 0x123ab; \ +2: \ + ) + + + jal x0, 3f +2: + jal x0, 4f +3: + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x7, x12, 0xcccc, x1, 8, \ + li x12, 0xcccc; \ + jal x19, 2b; \ + li x12, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x7, x13, 0xcccc, x1, 12, \ + li x13, 0xcccc; \ + jal x18, 4f; \ + li x13, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x7, x14, 0xcccc, x1, 16, \ + li x14, 0xcccc; \ + jal x17, 5f; \ + li x14, 0x123ab; \ +5: \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 4\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_4_res + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x15, 0xcccc, x2, 0, \ + li x15, 0xcccc; \ + jal x16, 1f; \ + li x15, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x16, 0xcccc, x2, 4, \ + li x16, 0xcccc; \ + jal x15, 2f; \ + li x16, 0x123ab; \ +2: \ + ) + + + jal x0, 3f +2: + jal x0, 4f +3: + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x17, 0xcccc, x2, 8, \ + li x17, 0xcccc; \ + jal x14, 2b; \ + li x17, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x18, 0xcccc, x2, 12, \ + li x18, 0xcccc; \ + jal x13, 4f; \ + li x18, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x19, 0xcccc, x2, 16, \ + li x19, 0xcccc; \ + jal x12, 5f; \ + li x19, 0x123ab; \ +5: \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 5\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_5_res + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x2, x20, 0xcccc, x1, 0, \ + li x20, 0xcccc; \ + jal x11, 1f; \ + li x20, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x2, x21, 0xcccc, x1, 4, \ + li x21, 0xcccc; \ + jal x10, 2f; \ + li x21, 0x123ab; \ +2: \ + ) + + + jal x0, 3f +2: + jal x0, 4f +3: + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x2, x22, 0xcccc, x1, 8, \ + li x22, 0xcccc; \ + jal x9, 2b; \ + li x22, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x2, x23, 0xcccc, x1, 12, \ + li x23, 0xcccc; \ + jal x8, 4f; \ + li x23, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x2, x24, 0xcccc, x1, 16, \ + li x24, 0xcccc; \ + jal x7, 5f; \ + li x24, 0x123ab; \ +5: \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 6\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_6_res + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x7, x25, 0xcccc, x1, 0, \ + li x25, 0xcccc; \ + jal x6, 1f; \ + li x25, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x7, x26, 0xcccc, x1, 4, \ + li x26, 0xcccc; \ + jal x5, 2f; \ + li x26, 0x123ab; \ +2: \ + ) + + + jal x0, 3f +2: + jal x0, 4f +3: + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x7, x27, 0xcccc, x1, 8, \ + li x27, 0xcccc; \ + jal x4, 2b; \ + li x27, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x7, x28, 0xcccc, x1, 12, \ + li x28, 0xcccc; \ + jal x3, 4f; \ + li x28, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x7, x29, 0xcccc, x1, 16, \ + li x29, 0xcccc; \ + jal x2, 5f; \ + li x29, 0x123ab; \ +5: \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 7\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_7_res + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x30, 0xcccc, x2, 0, \ + li x30, 0xcccc; \ + jal x1, 1f; \ + li x30, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x31, 0xcccc, x2, 4, \ + li x31, 0xcccc; \ + jal x0, 2f; \ + li x31, 0x123ab; \ +2: \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN + +test_1_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_2_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_3_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_4_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_5_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_6_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_7_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END + diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-JALR-01.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-JALR-01.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5fcff87 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-JALR-01.S @@ -0,0 +1,464 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test JALR-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2019, Imperas Software Ltd. +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Imperas Software Ltd. BE LIABLE FOR ANY +# DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +# (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.1 +# Description: Testing instruction 'JALR'. + +#include "riscv_test_macros.h" +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" + +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test Begin\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 1\n") + + + # address for test results + la x5, test_1_res + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x6, x31, 0xcccc, x5, 0, \ + li x31, 0xcccc; \ + la x16, 1f - 0; \ + jalr x0, x16, 0; \ + li x31, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x6, x30, 0xcccc, x5, 4, \ + li x30, 0xcccc; \ + la x15, 2f - 1; \ + jalr x1, x15, 1; \ + li x30, 0x123ab; \ +2: \ + ) + + + jal x0, 3f +2: + jal x0, 4f +3: + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x6, x29, 0xcccc, x5, 8, \ + li x29, 0xcccc; \ + la x14, 2b - 1; \ + jalr x2, x14, 1; \ + li x29, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x6, x28, 0xcccc, x5, 12, \ + li x28, 0xcccc; \ + la x13, 4f - 4; \ + jalr x3, x13, 4; \ + li x28, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x6, x27, 0xcccc, x5, 16, \ + li x27, 0xcccc; \ + la x12, 5f - 2; \ + jalr x4, x12, 2; \ + li x27, 0x123ab; \ +5: \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 2\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_2_res + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x2, x26, 0xcccc, x1, 0, \ + li x26, 0xcccc; \ + la x11, 1f - 4; \ + jalr x5, x11, 4; \ + li x26, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x2, x25, 0xcccc, x1, 4, \ + li x25, 0xcccc; \ + la x10, 2f - 3; \ + jalr x6, x10, 3; \ + li x25, 0x123ab; \ +2: \ + ) + + + jal x0, 3f +2: + jal x0, 4f +3: + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x2, x24, 0xcccc, x1, 8, \ + li x24, 0xcccc; \ + la x9, 2b - 2; \ + jalr x7, x9, 2; \ + li x24, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x2, x23, 0xcccc, x1, 12, \ + li x23, 0xcccc; \ + la x8, 4f - 0; \ + jalr x8, x8, 0; \ + li x23, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x2, x22, 0xcccc, x1, 16, \ + li x22, 0xcccc; \ + la x7, 5f - 1; \ + jalr x9, x7, 1; \ + li x22, 0x123ab; \ +5: \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 3\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_3_res + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x7, x21, 0xcccc, x1, 0, \ + li x21, 0xcccc; \ + la x6, 1f - 1; \ + jalr x10, x6, 1; \ + li x21, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x7, x20, 0xcccc, x1, 4, \ + li x20, 0xcccc; \ + la x5, 2f - 4; \ + jalr x11, x5, 4; \ + li x20, 0x123ab; \ +2: \ + ) + + + jal x0, 3f +2: + jal x0, 4f +3: + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x7, x19, 0xcccc, x1, 8, \ + li x19, 0xcccc; \ + la x4, 2b - 2; \ + jalr x12, x4, 2; \ + li x19, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x7, x18, 0xcccc, x1, 12, \ + li x18, 0xcccc; \ + la x3, 4f - 4; \ + jalr x13, x3, 4; \ + li x18, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x7, x17, 0xcccc, x1, 16, \ + li x17, 0xcccc; \ + la x2, 5f - 3; \ + jalr x14, x2, 3; \ + li x17, 0x123ab; \ +5: \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 4\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_4_res + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x16, 0xcccc, x2, 0, \ + li x16, 0xcccc; \ + la x1, 1f - 2; \ + jalr x15, x1, 2; \ + li x16, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x15, 0xcccc, x2, 4, \ + li x15, 0xcccc; \ + la x1, 2f - 0; \ + jalr x16, x1, 0; \ + li x15, 0x123ab; \ +2: \ + ) + + + jal x0, 3f +2: + jal x0, 4f +3: + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x14, 0xcccc, x2, 8, \ + li x14, 0xcccc; \ + la x31, 2b - 1; \ + jalr x17, x31, 1; \ + li x14, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x13, 0xcccc, x2, 12, \ + li x13, 0xcccc; \ + la x30, 4f - 1; \ + jalr x18, x30, 1; \ + li x13, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x12, 0xcccc, x2, 16, \ + li x12, 0xcccc; \ + la x29, 5f - 4; \ + jalr x19, x29, 4; \ + li x12, 0x123ab; \ +5: \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 5\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_5_res + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x2, x11, 0xcccc, x1, 0, \ + li x11, 0xcccc; \ + la x28, 1f - 2; \ + jalr x20, x28, 2; \ + li x11, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x2, x10, 0xcccc, x1, 4, \ + li x10, 0xcccc; \ + la x27, 2f - 4; \ + jalr x21, x27, 4; \ + li x10, 0x123ab; \ +2: \ + ) + + + jal x0, 3f +2: + jal x0, 4f +3: + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x2, x9, 0xcccc, x1, 8, \ + li x9, 0xcccc; \ + la x26, 2b - 3; \ + jalr x22, x26, 3; \ + li x9, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x2, x8, 0xcccc, x1, 12, \ + li x8, 0xcccc; \ + la x25, 4f - 2; \ + jalr x23, x25, 2; \ + li x8, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x2, x7, 0xcccc, x1, 16, \ + li x7, 0xcccc; \ + la x24, 5f - 0; \ + jalr x24, x24, 0; \ + li x7, 0x123ab; \ +5: \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 6\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_6_res + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x7, x6, 0xcccc, x1, 0, \ + li x6, 0xcccc; \ + la x23, 1f - 1; \ + jalr x25, x23, 1; \ + li x6, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x7, x5, 0xcccc, x1, 4, \ + li x5, 0xcccc; \ + la x22, 2f - 1; \ + jalr x26, x22, 1; \ + li x5, 0x123ab; \ +2: \ + ) + + + jal x0, 3f +2: + jal x0, 4f +3: + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x7, x4, 0xcccc, x1, 8, \ + li x4, 0xcccc; \ + la x21, 2b - 4; \ + jalr x27, x21, 4; \ + li x4, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x7, x3, 0xcccc, x1, 12, \ + li x3, 0xcccc; \ + la x20, 4f - 2; \ + jalr x28, x20, 2; \ + li x3, 0x123ab; \ +4: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x7, x2, 0xcccc, x1, 16, \ + li x2, 0xcccc; \ + la x19, 5f - 4; \ + jalr x29, x19, 4; \ + li x2, 0x123ab; \ +5: \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 7\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_7_res + + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x1, 0xcccc, x2, 0, \ + li x1, 0xcccc; \ + la x18, 1f - 3; \ + jalr x30, x18, 3; \ + li x1, 0x123ab; \ +1: \ + ) + + // Result = 0 + TEST_CASE(x3, x0, 0, x2, 4, \ + li x0, 0xcccc; \ + la x17, 2f - 2; \ + jalr x31, x17, 2; \ + li x0, 0x123ab; \ +2: \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN + +test_1_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_2_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_3_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_4_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_5_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_6_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_7_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END + diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-LB-01.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-LB-01.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..646c7c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-LB-01.S @@ -0,0 +1,284 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test LB-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2019, Imperas Software Ltd. +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Imperas Software Ltd. BE LIABLE FOR ANY +# DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +# (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.1 +# Description: Testing instruction 'LB'. + +#include "riscv_test_macros.h" +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" + +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test Begin\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 1\n") + + + # Addresses for test data and results + la x5, test_1_res + + TEST_CASE(x7, x0, 0x0, x5, 0, \ + la x31, test_data; \ + lb x0, 0x0(x31); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x7, x1, 0xffffffbb, x5, 4, \ + la x30, test_data; \ + lb x1, -0x2(x30); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x7, x2, 0xffffffdd, x5, 8, \ + la x29, test_data; \ + lb x2, 0x3(x29); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x7, x3, 0xc, x5, 12, \ + la x28, test_data; \ + lb x3, -0x4(x28); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x7, x4, 0xd, x5, 16, \ + la x27, test_data; \ + lb x4, 0x2(x27); \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 2\n") + + + # Addresses for test data and results + la x1, test_2_res + + TEST_CASE(x3, x5, 0xfffffff0, x1, 0, \ + la x26, test_data; \ + lb x5, 0x4(x26); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x3, x6, 0xb, x1, 4, \ + la x25, test_data; \ + lb x6, -0x1(x25); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x3, x7, 0xe, x1, 8, \ + la x24, test_data; \ + lb x7, 0x1(x24); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x3, x8, 0xffffffee, x1, 12, \ + la x23, test_data; \ + lb x8, 0x0(x23); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x3, x9, 0xffffffbb, x1, 16, \ + la x22, test_data; \ + lb x9, -0x2(x22); \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 3\n") + + + # Addresses for test data and results + la x1, test_3_res + + TEST_CASE(x8, x10, 0xffffffdd, x1, 0, \ + la x21, test_data; \ + lb x10, 0x3(x21); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x8, x11, 0xc, x1, 4, \ + la x20, test_data; \ + lb x11, -0x4(x20); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x8, x12, 0xd, x1, 8, \ + la x19, test_data; \ + lb x12, 0x2(x19); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x8, x13, 0xfffffff0, x1, 12, \ + la x18, test_data; \ + lb x13, 0x4(x18); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x8, x14, 0xb, x1, 16, \ + la x17, test_data; \ + lb x14, -0x1(x17); \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 4\n") + + + # Addresses for test data and results + la x2, test_4_res + + TEST_CASE(x4, x15, 0xe, x2, 0, \ + la x16, test_data; \ + lb x15, 0x1(x16); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x4, x16, 0xffffffee, x2, 4, \ + la x15, test_data; \ + lb x16, 0x0(x15); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x4, x17, 0xffffffbb, x2, 8, \ + la x14, test_data; \ + lb x17, -0x2(x14); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x4, x18, 0xffffffdd, x2, 12, \ + la x13, test_data; \ + lb x18, 0x3(x13); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x4, x19, 0xc, x2, 16, \ + la x12, test_data; \ + lb x19, -0x4(x12); \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 5\n") + + + # Addresses for test data and results + la x1, test_5_res + + TEST_CASE(x3, x20, 0xd, x1, 0, \ + la x11, test_data; \ + lb x20, 0x2(x11); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x3, x21, 0xfffffff0, x1, 4, \ + la x10, test_data; \ + lb x21, 0x4(x10); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x3, x22, 0xb, x1, 8, \ + la x9, test_data; \ + lb x22, -0x1(x9); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x3, x23, 0xe, x1, 12, \ + la x8, test_data; \ + lb x23, 0x1(x8); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x3, x24, 0xffffffee, x1, 16, \ + la x7, test_data; \ + lb x24, 0x0(x7); \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 6\n") + + + # Addresses for test data and results + la x1, test_6_res + + TEST_CASE(x8, x25, 0xffffffbb, x1, 0, \ + la x6, test_data; \ + lb x25, -0x2(x6); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x8, x26, 0xffffffdd, x1, 4, \ + la x5, test_data; \ + lb x26, 0x3(x5); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x8, x27, 0xc, x1, 8, \ + la x4, test_data; \ + lb x27, -0x4(x4); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x8, x28, 0xd, x1, 12, \ + la x3, test_data; \ + lb x28, 0x2(x3); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x8, x29, 0xfffffff0, x1, 16, \ + la x2, test_data; \ + lb x29, 0x4(x2); \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 7\n") + + + # Addresses for test data and results + la x2, test_7_res + + TEST_CASE(x4, x30, 0xb, x2, 0, \ + la x1, test_data; \ + lb x30, -0x1(x1); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x4, x31, 0xe, x2, 4, \ + la x1, test_data; \ + lb x31, 0x1(x1); \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + .align 4 +test_data_start: + + .word 0x11f1f222 + .word 0xf33344f4 + .word 0x55f5f666 + .word 0xf77788f8 + .word 0x99090aaa + .word 0xbbbcc0c +test_data: + .word 0xdd0d0eee + .word 0xfff00f0 + .word 0x12345678 + .word 0x9abcdef0 + .word 0x76543210 + .word 0xfedcba98 + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN + +test_1_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_2_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_3_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_4_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_5_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_6_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_7_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END + diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-LBU-01.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-LBU-01.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..40aa90b --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-LBU-01.S @@ -0,0 +1,284 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test LBU-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2019, Imperas Software Ltd. +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Imperas Software Ltd. BE LIABLE FOR ANY +# DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +# (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.1 +# Description: Testing instruction 'LBU'. + +#include "riscv_test_macros.h" +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" + +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test Begin\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 1\n") + + + # Addresses for test data and results + la x5, test_1_res + + TEST_CASE(x7, x0, 0x0, x5, 0, \ + la x31, test_data; \ + lbu x0, 0x0(x31); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x7, x1, 0xbb, x5, 4, \ + la x30, test_data; \ + lbu x1, -0x2(x30); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x7, x2, 0xdd, x5, 8, \ + la x29, test_data; \ + lbu x2, 0x3(x29); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x7, x3, 0xc, x5, 12, \ + la x28, test_data; \ + lbu x3, -0x4(x28); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x7, x4, 0xd, x5, 16, \ + la x27, test_data; \ + lbu x4, 0x2(x27); \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 2\n") + + + # Addresses for test data and results + la x1, test_2_res + + TEST_CASE(x3, x5, 0xf0, x1, 0, \ + la x26, test_data; \ + lbu x5, 0x4(x26); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x3, x6, 0xb, x1, 4, \ + la x25, test_data; \ + lbu x6, -0x1(x25); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x3, x7, 0xe, x1, 8, \ + la x24, test_data; \ + lbu x7, 0x1(x24); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x3, x8, 0xee, x1, 12, \ + la x23, test_data; \ + lbu x8, 0x0(x23); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x3, x9, 0xbb, x1, 16, \ + la x22, test_data; \ + lbu x9, -0x2(x22); \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 3\n") + + + # Addresses for test data and results + la x1, test_3_res + + TEST_CASE(x8, x10, 0xdd, x1, 0, \ + la x21, test_data; \ + lbu x10, 0x3(x21); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x8, x11, 0xc, x1, 4, \ + la x20, test_data; \ + lbu x11, -0x4(x20); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x8, x12, 0xd, x1, 8, \ + la x19, test_data; \ + lbu x12, 0x2(x19); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x8, x13, 0xf0, x1, 12, \ + la x18, test_data; \ + lbu x13, 0x4(x18); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x8, x14, 0xb, x1, 16, \ + la x17, test_data; \ + lbu x14, -0x1(x17); \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 4\n") + + + # Addresses for test data and results + la x2, test_4_res + + TEST_CASE(x4, x15, 0xe, x2, 0, \ + la x16, test_data; \ + lbu x15, 0x1(x16); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x4, x16, 0xee, x2, 4, \ + la x15, test_data; \ + lbu x16, 0x0(x15); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x4, x17, 0xbb, x2, 8, \ + la x14, test_data; \ + lbu x17, -0x2(x14); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x4, x18, 0xdd, x2, 12, \ + la x13, test_data; \ + lbu x18, 0x3(x13); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x4, x19, 0xc, x2, 16, \ + la x12, test_data; \ + lbu x19, -0x4(x12); \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 5\n") + + + # Addresses for test data and results + la x1, test_5_res + + TEST_CASE(x3, x20, 0xd, x1, 0, \ + la x11, test_data; \ + lbu x20, 0x2(x11); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x3, x21, 0xf0, x1, 4, \ + la x10, test_data; \ + lbu x21, 0x4(x10); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x3, x22, 0xb, x1, 8, \ + la x9, test_data; \ + lbu x22, -0x1(x9); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x3, x23, 0xe, x1, 12, \ + la x8, test_data; \ + lbu x23, 0x1(x8); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x3, x24, 0xee, x1, 16, \ + la x7, test_data; \ + lbu x24, 0x0(x7); \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 6\n") + + + # Addresses for test data and results + la x1, test_6_res + + TEST_CASE(x8, x25, 0xbb, x1, 0, \ + la x6, test_data; \ + lbu x25, -0x2(x6); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x8, x26, 0xdd, x1, 4, \ + la x5, test_data; \ + lbu x26, 0x3(x5); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x8, x27, 0xc, x1, 8, \ + la x4, test_data; \ + lbu x27, -0x4(x4); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x8, x28, 0xd, x1, 12, \ + la x3, test_data; \ + lbu x28, 0x2(x3); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x8, x29, 0xf0, x1, 16, \ + la x2, test_data; \ + lbu x29, 0x4(x2); \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 7\n") + + + # Addresses for test data and results + la x2, test_7_res + + TEST_CASE(x4, x30, 0xb, x2, 0, \ + la x1, test_data; \ + lbu x30, -0x1(x1); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x4, x31, 0xe, x2, 4, \ + la x1, test_data; \ + lbu x31, 0x1(x1); \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + .align 4 +test_data_start: + + .word 0x11f1f222 + .word 0xf33344f4 + .word 0x55f5f666 + .word 0xf77788f8 + .word 0x99090aaa + .word 0xbbbcc0c +test_data: + .word 0xdd0d0eee + .word 0xfff00f0 + .word 0x12345678 + .word 0x9abcdef0 + .word 0x76543210 + .word 0xfedcba98 + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN + +test_1_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_2_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_3_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_4_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_5_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_6_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_7_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END + diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-LH-01.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-LH-01.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..caa25cf --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-LH-01.S @@ -0,0 +1,284 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test LH-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2019, Imperas Software Ltd. +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Imperas Software Ltd. BE LIABLE FOR ANY +# DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +# (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.1 +# Description: Testing instruction 'LH'. + +#include "riscv_test_macros.h" +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" + +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test Begin\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 1\n") + + + # Addresses for test data and results + la x5, test_1_res + + TEST_CASE(x7, x0, 0x0, x5, 0, \ + la x31, test_data; \ + lh x0, 0x0(x31); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x7, x1, 0xbbb, x5, 4, \ + la x30, test_data; \ + lh x1, -0x2(x30); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x7, x2, 0xffffdd0d, x5, 8, \ + la x29, test_data; \ + lh x2, 0x2(x29); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x7, x3, 0xffffcc0c, x5, 12, \ + la x28, test_data; \ + lh x3, -0x4(x28); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x7, x4, 0xffffdd0d, x5, 16, \ + la x27, test_data; \ + lh x4, 0x2(x27); \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 2\n") + + + # Addresses for test data and results + la x1, test_2_res + + TEST_CASE(x3, x5, 0xf0, x1, 0, \ + la x26, test_data; \ + lh x5, 0x4(x26); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x3, x6, 0xeee, x1, 4, \ + la x25, test_data; \ + lh x6, 0x0(x25); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x3, x7, 0xeee, x1, 8, \ + la x24, test_data; \ + lh x7, 0x0(x24); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x3, x8, 0xeee, x1, 12, \ + la x23, test_data; \ + lh x8, 0x0(x23); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x3, x9, 0xbbb, x1, 16, \ + la x22, test_data; \ + lh x9, -0x2(x22); \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 3\n") + + + # Addresses for test data and results + la x1, test_3_res + + TEST_CASE(x8, x10, 0xffffdd0d, x1, 0, \ + la x21, test_data; \ + lh x10, 0x2(x21); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x8, x11, 0xffffcc0c, x1, 4, \ + la x20, test_data; \ + lh x11, -0x4(x20); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x8, x12, 0xffffdd0d, x1, 8, \ + la x19, test_data; \ + lh x12, 0x2(x19); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x8, x13, 0xf0, x1, 12, \ + la x18, test_data; \ + lh x13, 0x4(x18); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x8, x14, 0xeee, x1, 16, \ + la x17, test_data; \ + lh x14, 0x0(x17); \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 4\n") + + + # Addresses for test data and results + la x2, test_4_res + + TEST_CASE(x4, x15, 0xeee, x2, 0, \ + la x16, test_data; \ + lh x15, 0x0(x16); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x4, x16, 0xeee, x2, 4, \ + la x15, test_data; \ + lh x16, 0x0(x15); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x4, x17, 0xbbb, x2, 8, \ + la x14, test_data; \ + lh x17, -0x2(x14); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x4, x18, 0xffffdd0d, x2, 12, \ + la x13, test_data; \ + lh x18, 0x2(x13); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x4, x19, 0xffffcc0c, x2, 16, \ + la x12, test_data; \ + lh x19, -0x4(x12); \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 5\n") + + + # Addresses for test data and results + la x1, test_5_res + + TEST_CASE(x3, x20, 0xffffdd0d, x1, 0, \ + la x11, test_data; \ + lh x20, 0x2(x11); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x3, x21, 0xf0, x1, 4, \ + la x10, test_data; \ + lh x21, 0x4(x10); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x3, x22, 0xeee, x1, 8, \ + la x9, test_data; \ + lh x22, 0x0(x9); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x3, x23, 0xeee, x1, 12, \ + la x8, test_data; \ + lh x23, 0x0(x8); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x3, x24, 0xeee, x1, 16, \ + la x7, test_data; \ + lh x24, 0x0(x7); \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 6\n") + + + # Addresses for test data and results + la x1, test_6_res + + TEST_CASE(x8, x25, 0xbbb, x1, 0, \ + la x6, test_data; \ + lh x25, -0x2(x6); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x8, x26, 0xffffdd0d, x1, 4, \ + la x5, test_data; \ + lh x26, 0x2(x5); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x8, x27, 0xffffcc0c, x1, 8, \ + la x4, test_data; \ + lh x27, -0x4(x4); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x8, x28, 0xffffdd0d, x1, 12, \ + la x3, test_data; \ + lh x28, 0x2(x3); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x8, x29, 0xf0, x1, 16, \ + la x2, test_data; \ + lh x29, 0x4(x2); \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 7\n") + + + # Addresses for test data and results + la x2, test_7_res + + TEST_CASE(x4, x30, 0xeee, x2, 0, \ + la x1, test_data; \ + lh x30, 0x0(x1); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x4, x31, 0xeee, x2, 4, \ + la x1, test_data; \ + lh x31, 0x0(x1); \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + .align 4 +test_data_start: + + .word 0x11f1f222 + .word 0xf33344f4 + .word 0x55f5f666 + .word 0xf77788f8 + .word 0x99090aaa + .word 0xbbbcc0c +test_data: + .word 0xdd0d0eee + .word 0xfff00f0 + .word 0x12345678 + .word 0x9abcdef0 + .word 0x76543210 + .word 0xfedcba98 + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN + +test_1_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_2_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_3_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_4_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_5_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_6_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_7_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END + diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-LHU-01.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-LHU-01.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4abffc7 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-LHU-01.S @@ -0,0 +1,284 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test LHU-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2019, Imperas Software Ltd. +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Imperas Software Ltd. BE LIABLE FOR ANY +# DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +# (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.1 +# Description: Testing instruction 'LHU'. + +#include "riscv_test_macros.h" +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" + +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test Begin\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 1\n") + + + # Addresses for test data and results + la x5, test_1_res + + TEST_CASE(x7, x0, 0x0, x5, 0, \ + la x31, test_data; \ + lhu x0, 0x0(x31); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x7, x1, 0xbbb, x5, 4, \ + la x30, test_data; \ + lhu x1, -0x2(x30); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x7, x2, 0xdd0d, x5, 8, \ + la x29, test_data; \ + lhu x2, 0x2(x29); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x7, x3, 0xcc0c, x5, 12, \ + la x28, test_data; \ + lhu x3, -0x4(x28); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x7, x4, 0xdd0d, x5, 16, \ + la x27, test_data; \ + lhu x4, 0x2(x27); \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 2\n") + + + # Addresses for test data and results + la x1, test_2_res + + TEST_CASE(x3, x5, 0xf0, x1, 0, \ + la x26, test_data; \ + lhu x5, 0x4(x26); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x3, x6, 0xeee, x1, 4, \ + la x25, test_data; \ + lhu x6, 0x0(x25); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x3, x7, 0xeee, x1, 8, \ + la x24, test_data; \ + lhu x7, 0x0(x24); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x3, x8, 0xeee, x1, 12, \ + la x23, test_data; \ + lhu x8, 0x0(x23); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x3, x9, 0xbbb, x1, 16, \ + la x22, test_data; \ + lhu x9, -0x2(x22); \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 3\n") + + + # Addresses for test data and results + la x1, test_3_res + + TEST_CASE(x8, x10, 0xdd0d, x1, 0, \ + la x21, test_data; \ + lhu x10, 0x2(x21); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x8, x11, 0xcc0c, x1, 4, \ + la x20, test_data; \ + lhu x11, -0x4(x20); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x8, x12, 0xdd0d, x1, 8, \ + la x19, test_data; \ + lhu x12, 0x2(x19); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x8, x13, 0xf0, x1, 12, \ + la x18, test_data; \ + lhu x13, 0x4(x18); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x8, x14, 0xeee, x1, 16, \ + la x17, test_data; \ + lhu x14, 0x0(x17); \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 4\n") + + + # Addresses for test data and results + la x2, test_4_res + + TEST_CASE(x4, x15, 0xeee, x2, 0, \ + la x16, test_data; \ + lhu x15, 0x0(x16); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x4, x16, 0xeee, x2, 4, \ + la x15, test_data; \ + lhu x16, 0x0(x15); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x4, x17, 0xbbb, x2, 8, \ + la x14, test_data; \ + lhu x17, -0x2(x14); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x4, x18, 0xdd0d, x2, 12, \ + la x13, test_data; \ + lhu x18, 0x2(x13); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x4, x19, 0xcc0c, x2, 16, \ + la x12, test_data; \ + lhu x19, -0x4(x12); \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 5\n") + + + # Addresses for test data and results + la x1, test_5_res + + TEST_CASE(x3, x20, 0xdd0d, x1, 0, \ + la x11, test_data; \ + lhu x20, 0x2(x11); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x3, x21, 0xf0, x1, 4, \ + la x10, test_data; \ + lhu x21, 0x4(x10); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x3, x22, 0xeee, x1, 8, \ + la x9, test_data; \ + lhu x22, 0x0(x9); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x3, x23, 0xeee, x1, 12, \ + la x8, test_data; \ + lhu x23, 0x0(x8); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x3, x24, 0xeee, x1, 16, \ + la x7, test_data; \ + lhu x24, 0x0(x7); \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 6\n") + + + # Addresses for test data and results + la x1, test_6_res + + TEST_CASE(x8, x25, 0xbbb, x1, 0, \ + la x6, test_data; \ + lhu x25, -0x2(x6); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x8, x26, 0xdd0d, x1, 4, \ + la x5, test_data; \ + lhu x26, 0x2(x5); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x8, x27, 0xcc0c, x1, 8, \ + la x4, test_data; \ + lhu x27, -0x4(x4); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x8, x28, 0xdd0d, x1, 12, \ + la x3, test_data; \ + lhu x28, 0x2(x3); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x8, x29, 0xf0, x1, 16, \ + la x2, test_data; \ + lhu x29, 0x4(x2); \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 7\n") + + + # Addresses for test data and results + la x2, test_7_res + + TEST_CASE(x4, x30, 0xeee, x2, 0, \ + la x1, test_data; \ + lhu x30, 0x0(x1); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x4, x31, 0xeee, x2, 4, \ + la x1, test_data; \ + lhu x31, 0x0(x1); \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + .align 4 +test_data_start: + + .word 0x11f1f222 + .word 0xf33344f4 + .word 0x55f5f666 + .word 0xf77788f8 + .word 0x99090aaa + .word 0xbbbcc0c +test_data: + .word 0xdd0d0eee + .word 0xfff00f0 + .word 0x12345678 + .word 0x9abcdef0 + .word 0x76543210 + .word 0xfedcba98 + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN + +test_1_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_2_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_3_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_4_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_5_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_6_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_7_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END + diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-LUI-01.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-LUI-01.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dcf4f3a --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-LUI-01.S @@ -0,0 +1,236 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test LUI-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2019, Imperas Software Ltd. +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Imperas Software Ltd. BE LIABLE FOR ANY +# DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +# (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.1 +# Description: Testing instruction 'LUI'. + +#include "riscv_test_macros.h" +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" + +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test Begin\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 1\n") + + + # address for test results + la x5, test_1_res + + TEST_CASE(x6, x0, 0x0, x5, 0, \ + lui x0, 0x0; \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x6, x1, 0x0, x5, 4, \ + lui x1, 0x0; \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x6, x2, 0x7ff000, x5, 8, \ + lui x2, 0x7ff; \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x6, x3, 0x1000, x5, 12, \ + lui x3, 0x1; \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x6, x4, 0x1234000, x5, 16, \ + lui x4, 0x1234; \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 2\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_2_res + + TEST_CASE(x2, x5, 0x80000000, x1, 0, \ + lui x5, 0x80000; \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x2, x6, 0x1234000, x1, 4, \ + lui x6, 0x1234; \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x2, x7, 0xfffff000, x1, 8, \ + lui x7, 0xfffff; \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x2, x8, 0x1000, x1, 12, \ + lui x8, 0x1; \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x2, x9, 0x7ffff000, x1, 16, \ + lui x9, 0x7ffff; \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 3\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_3_res + + TEST_CASE(x7, x10, 0x54321000, x1, 0, \ + lui x10, 0x54321; \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x7, x11, 0x800000, x1, 4, \ + lui x11, 0x800; \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x7, x12, 0x0, x1, 8, \ + lui x12, 0x0; \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x7, x13, 0x7ff000, x1, 12, \ + lui x13, 0x7ff; \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x7, x14, 0x0, x1, 16, \ + lui x14, 0x0; \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 4\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_4_res + + TEST_CASE(x3, x15, 0x1000, x2, 0, \ + lui x15, 0x1; \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x3, x16, 0x0, x2, 4, \ + lui x16, 0x0; \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x3, x17, 0x0, x2, 8, \ + lui x17, 0x0; \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x3, x18, 0x7ff000, x2, 12, \ + lui x18, 0x7ff; \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x3, x19, 0x1000, x2, 16, \ + lui x19, 0x1; \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 5\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_5_res + + TEST_CASE(x2, x20, 0x1234000, x1, 0, \ + lui x20, 0x1234; \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x2, x21, 0x80000000, x1, 4, \ + lui x21, 0x80000; \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x2, x22, 0x1234000, x1, 8, \ + lui x22, 0x1234; \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x2, x23, 0xfffff000, x1, 12, \ + lui x23, 0xfffff; \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x2, x24, 0x1000, x1, 16, \ + lui x24, 0x1; \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 6\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_6_res + + TEST_CASE(x7, x25, 0x7ffff000, x1, 0, \ + lui x25, 0x7ffff; \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x7, x26, 0x54321000, x1, 4, \ + lui x26, 0x54321; \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x7, x27, 0x800000, x1, 8, \ + lui x27, 0x800; \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x7, x28, 0x0, x1, 12, \ + lui x28, 0x0; \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x7, x29, 0x7ff000, x1, 16, \ + lui x29, 0x7ff; \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 7\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_7_res + + TEST_CASE(x3, x30, 0x0, x2, 0, \ + lui x30, 0x0; \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x3, x31, 0x1000, x2, 4, \ + lui x31, 0x1; \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN + +test_1_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_2_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_3_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_4_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_5_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_6_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_7_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END + diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-LW-01.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-LW-01.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dff1b6f --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-LW-01.S @@ -0,0 +1,284 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test LW-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2019, Imperas Software Ltd. +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Imperas Software Ltd. BE LIABLE FOR ANY +# DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +# (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.1 +# Description: Testing instruction 'LW'. + +#include "riscv_test_macros.h" +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" + +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test Begin\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 1\n") + + + # Addresses for test data and results + la x5, test_1_res + + TEST_CASE(x7, x0, 0x0, x5, 0, \ + la x31, test_data; \ + lw x0, 0x0(x31); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x7, x1, 0xdd0d0eee, x5, 4, \ + la x30, test_data; \ + lw x1, 0x0(x30); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x7, x2, 0xdd0d0eee, x5, 8, \ + la x29, test_data; \ + lw x2, 0x0(x29); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x7, x3, 0xbbbcc0c, x5, 12, \ + la x28, test_data; \ + lw x3, -0x4(x28); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x7, x4, 0xdd0d0eee, x5, 16, \ + la x27, test_data; \ + lw x4, 0x0(x27); \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 2\n") + + + # Addresses for test data and results + la x1, test_2_res + + TEST_CASE(x3, x5, 0xfff00f0, x1, 0, \ + la x26, test_data; \ + lw x5, 0x4(x26); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x3, x6, 0xdd0d0eee, x1, 4, \ + la x25, test_data; \ + lw x6, 0x0(x25); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x3, x7, 0xdd0d0eee, x1, 8, \ + la x24, test_data; \ + lw x7, 0x0(x24); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x3, x8, 0xdd0d0eee, x1, 12, \ + la x23, test_data; \ + lw x8, 0x0(x23); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x3, x9, 0xdd0d0eee, x1, 16, \ + la x22, test_data; \ + lw x9, 0x0(x22); \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 3\n") + + + # Addresses for test data and results + la x1, test_3_res + + TEST_CASE(x8, x10, 0xdd0d0eee, x1, 0, \ + la x21, test_data; \ + lw x10, 0x0(x21); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x8, x11, 0xbbbcc0c, x1, 4, \ + la x20, test_data; \ + lw x11, -0x4(x20); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x8, x12, 0xdd0d0eee, x1, 8, \ + la x19, test_data; \ + lw x12, 0x0(x19); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x8, x13, 0xfff00f0, x1, 12, \ + la x18, test_data; \ + lw x13, 0x4(x18); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x8, x14, 0xdd0d0eee, x1, 16, \ + la x17, test_data; \ + lw x14, 0x0(x17); \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 4\n") + + + # Addresses for test data and results + la x2, test_4_res + + TEST_CASE(x4, x15, 0xdd0d0eee, x2, 0, \ + la x16, test_data; \ + lw x15, 0x0(x16); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x4, x16, 0xdd0d0eee, x2, 4, \ + la x15, test_data; \ + lw x16, 0x0(x15); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x4, x17, 0xdd0d0eee, x2, 8, \ + la x14, test_data; \ + lw x17, 0x0(x14); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x4, x18, 0xdd0d0eee, x2, 12, \ + la x13, test_data; \ + lw x18, 0x0(x13); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x4, x19, 0xbbbcc0c, x2, 16, \ + la x12, test_data; \ + lw x19, -0x4(x12); \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 5\n") + + + # Addresses for test data and results + la x1, test_5_res + + TEST_CASE(x3, x20, 0xdd0d0eee, x1, 0, \ + la x11, test_data; \ + lw x20, 0x0(x11); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x3, x21, 0xfff00f0, x1, 4, \ + la x10, test_data; \ + lw x21, 0x4(x10); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x3, x22, 0xdd0d0eee, x1, 8, \ + la x9, test_data; \ + lw x22, 0x0(x9); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x3, x23, 0xdd0d0eee, x1, 12, \ + la x8, test_data; \ + lw x23, 0x0(x8); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x3, x24, 0xdd0d0eee, x1, 16, \ + la x7, test_data; \ + lw x24, 0x0(x7); \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 6\n") + + + # Addresses for test data and results + la x1, test_6_res + + TEST_CASE(x8, x25, 0xdd0d0eee, x1, 0, \ + la x6, test_data; \ + lw x25, 0x0(x6); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x8, x26, 0xdd0d0eee, x1, 4, \ + la x5, test_data; \ + lw x26, 0x0(x5); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x8, x27, 0xbbbcc0c, x1, 8, \ + la x4, test_data; \ + lw x27, -0x4(x4); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x8, x28, 0xdd0d0eee, x1, 12, \ + la x3, test_data; \ + lw x28, 0x0(x3); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x8, x29, 0xfff00f0, x1, 16, \ + la x2, test_data; \ + lw x29, 0x4(x2); \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 7\n") + + + # Addresses for test data and results + la x2, test_7_res + + TEST_CASE(x4, x30, 0xdd0d0eee, x2, 0, \ + la x1, test_data; \ + lw x30, 0x0(x1); \ + ) + TEST_CASE(x4, x31, 0xdd0d0eee, x2, 4, \ + la x1, test_data; \ + lw x31, 0x0(x1); \ + ) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + .align 4 +test_data_start: + + .word 0x11f1f222 + .word 0xf33344f4 + .word 0x55f5f666 + .word 0xf77788f8 + .word 0x99090aaa + .word 0xbbbcc0c +test_data: + .word 0xdd0d0eee + .word 0xfff00f0 + .word 0x12345678 + .word 0x9abcdef0 + .word 0x76543210 + .word 0xfedcba98 + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN + +test_1_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_2_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_3_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_4_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_5_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_6_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_7_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END + diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-MISALIGN_JMP-01.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-MISALIGN_JMP-01.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0dc6869 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-MISALIGN_JMP-01.S @@ -0,0 +1,346 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test I-MISALIGN_JMP-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2017, Codasip Ltd. +# Copyright (c) 2018, Imperas Software Ltd. Additions +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Codasip Ltd., Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Codasip Ltd., Imperas Software Ltd. +# BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL +# DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.0 +# Description: Testing MISALIGNED JUMP exception. + +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" +#include "test_macros.h" + +# Test Virtual Machine (TVM) used by program. +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +# Test code region +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x30, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x30, "# Test Begin Reserved reg x31\n") + + # Save and set trap handler address + la x1, _trap_handler + csrrw x31, mtvec, x1 + + # switch off C + csrrci x0, misa, 4 + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x30, "# Test part A1 - test JAL\n"); + + # Address for test results + la x1, test_A1_res_exc + + # Test + li x2, 0x11111111 + jal x0, 1f + 2 + li x2, 0 +1: + + // + // Assert + // + RVTEST_IO_CHECK() + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x30, "# Test part A1 - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x30, "# Test part A2 - test JALR - NOT causing the exception\n"); + + # Address for test results + la x1, test_A2_res + + # Test + li x2, 0x22222222 + la x4, 1f + 1 + jalr x0, x4, 0 + li x2, 0 +1: + sw x2, 0(x1) + addi x1, x1, 4 + + li x2, 0x33333333 + la x4, 1f + jalr x0, x4, 1 + li x2, 0 +1: + sw x2, 0(x1) + addi x1, x1, 4 + + li x2, 0x44444444 + la x4, 1f + jalr x0, x4, -3 + li x2, 0 + + sw x2, 0(x1) +1: + addi x1, x1, 4 + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x30, "# Test part A2 - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x30, "# Test part A3 - test JALR - causing the exception\n"); + + # Address for test results + la x1, test_A3_res_exc + + # Test + li x2, 0x55555555 + la x4, 1f + 2 + jalr x0, x4, 0 + li x2, 0 +1: + + li x2, 0x66666666 + la x4, 1f + 3 + jalr x0, x4, 0 + li x2, 0 +1: + + # Test + li x2, 0x77777777 + la x4, 1f + jalr x0, x4, 2 + li x2, 0 +1: + + li x2, 0x88888888 + la x4, 1f + jalr x0, x4, 3 + li x2, 0 +1: + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x30, "# Test part A3 - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x30, "# Test part B1 - test BEQ\n"); + + # Address for test results + la x1, test_B1_res_exc + + # Register initialization + li x5, 5 + li x6, 6 + + # Test + beq x5, x6, 1f + 2 + li x2, 0x99999999 +1: + nop + nop + beq x5, x5, 1f + 2 + li x2, 0 +1: + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x30, "# Test part A4 - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x30, "# Test part B2 - test BNE\n"); + + # Address for test results + la x1, test_B2_res_exc + + # Register initialization + li x5, 5 + li x6, 6 + + # Test + bne x5, x5, 1f + 2 + li x2, 0xAAAAAAAA +1: + nop + nop + bne x5, x6, 1f + 2 + li x2, 0 +1: + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x30, "# Test part A5 - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x30, "# Test part B3 - test BLT\n"); + + # Address for test results + la x1, test_B3_res_exc + + # Register initialization + li x5, 5 + li x6, 6 + + # Test + blt x6, x5, 1f + 2 + li x2, 0xBBBBBBBB +1: + nop + nop + blt x5, x6, 1f + 2 + li x2, 0 +1: + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x30, "# Test part B - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x30, "# Test part B4 - test BLTU\n"); + + # Address for test results + la x1, test_B4_res_exc + + # Register initialization + li x5, 5 + li x6, 6 + + # Test + bltu x6, x5, 1f + 2 + li x2, 0xCCCCCCCC +1: + nop + nop + bltu x5, x6, 1f + 2 + li x2, 0 +1: + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x30, "# Test part C - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x30, "# Test part B5 - test BGE\n"); + + # Address for test results + la x1, test_B5_res_exc + + # Register initialization + li x5, 5 + li x6, 6 + + # Test + bge x5, x6, 1f + 2 + li x2, 0xDDDDDDDD +1: + nop + nop + bge x6, x5, 1f + 2 + li x2, 0 +1: + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x30, "# Test part D - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x30, "# Test part B6 - test BGEU\n"); + + # Address for test results + la x1, test_B6_res_exc + + # Register initialization + li x5, 5 + li x6, 6 + + # Test + bgeu x5, x6, 1f + 2 + li x2, 0xEEEEEEEE +1: + nop + nop + bgeu x6, x5, 1f + 2 + li x2, 0 +1: + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x30, "# Test part E - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + # restore mtvec and jump to the end + csrw mtvec, x31 + jal x0, test_end + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x30, "# Test part A1 - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + # Exception handler +_trap_handler: + # increment return address + csrr x30, mtval + addi x30, x30, -2 + csrw mepc, x30 + + # store low bits of mtval + csrr x30, mtval + andi x30, x30, 3 + sw x30, 0(x1) + + # Store MCAUSE + csrr x30, mcause + sw x30, 4(x1) + + # Store data from test + sw x2, 8(x1) + + # increment data_exc address + addi x1, x1, 12 + + # return + mret + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x30, "# Test part A2 - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +test_end: + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x30, "# Test part A3 - Complete\n"); + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x30, "# Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + # HALT + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + .align 4 + + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN + .align 4 + +test_A1_res_exc: + .fill 3, 4, -1 +test_A2_res: + .fill 3, 4, -1 +test_A3_res_exc: + .fill 12, 4, -1 +test_B1_res_exc: + .fill 3, 4, -1 +test_B2_res_exc: + .fill 3, 4, -1 +test_B3_res_exc: + .fill 3, 4, -1 +test_B4_res_exc: + .fill 3, 4, -1 +test_B5_res_exc: + .fill 3, 4, -1 +test_B6_res_exc: + .fill 3, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-MISALIGN_LDST-01.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-MISALIGN_LDST-01.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8fba0c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-MISALIGN_LDST-01.S @@ -0,0 +1,256 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test I-MISALIGN_LDST-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2017, Codasip Ltd. +# Copyright (c) 2018, Imperas Software Ltd. Additions +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Codasip Ltd., Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Codasip Ltd., Imperas Software Ltd. +# BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL +# DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.0 +# Description: Testing MISALIGNED LOAD/STORE exception. + +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" +#include "test_macros.h" + +# Test Virtual Machine (TVM) used by program. +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +# Test code region +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x30, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x30, "# Test Begin Reserved reg x31\n") + + # Save and set trap handler address + la x1, _trap_handler + csrrw x31, mtvec, x1 + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x30, "# Test part A1 - test LW\n"); + + # Addresses for test data and results + la x3, test_A1_data + la x2, test_A1_res + la x1, test_A1_res_exc + + # Register initialization + li x5, 5 + li x6, 6 + + # Test + lw x4, 0(x3) + sw x4, 0(x2) + + lw x4, 1(x3) + sw x4, 4(x2) + + lw x4, 2(x3) + sw x4, 8(x2) + + lw x4, 3(x3) + sw x4, 12(x2) + + // + // Assert + // + RVTEST_IO_CHECK() + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x30, "# Test part A1 - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x30, "# Test part A2 - test LH and LHU\n"); + + # Addresses for test data and results + la x3, test_A2_data + la x2, test_A2_res + la x1, test_A2_res_exc + + # Register initialization + li x5, 5 + li x6, 6 + + # Test + lh x4, 0(x3) + sw x4, 0(x2) + + lh x4, 1(x3) + sw x4, 4(x2) + + lh x4, 2(x3) + sw x4, 8(x2) + + lh x4, 3(x3) + sw x4, 12(x2) + + lhu x4, 0(x3) + sw x4, 16(x2) + + lhu x4, 1(x3) + sw x4, 20(x2) + + lhu x4, 2(x3) + sw x4, 24(x2) + + lhu x4, 3(x3) + sw x4, 28(x2) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x30, "# Test part A2 - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x30, "# Test part B1 - test SW\n"); + + # Addresses for test data and results + la x2, test_B1_res + la x1, test_B1_res_exc + + # Register initialization + li x6, 0x0 + li x5, 0x99999999 + + # Init memory + sw x5, 0(x2) + sw x5, 4(x2) + sw x5, 8(x2) + sw x5, 12(x2) + + # Test + sw x6, 0(x2) + addi x2, x2, 4 + + sw x6, 1(x2) + addi x2, x2, 4 + + sw x6, 2(x2) + addi x2, x2, 4 + + sw x6, 3(x2) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x30, "# Test part A3 - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x30, "# Test part B2 - test SH\n"); + + # Addresses for test data and results + la x2, test_B2_res + la x1, test_B2_res_exc + + # Register initialization + li x6, 0x0 + li x5, 0x99999999 + + # Init memory + sw x5, 0(x2) + sw x5, 4(x2) + sw x5, 8(x2) + sw x5, 12(x2) + + # Test + sh x6, 0(x2) + addi x2, x2, 4 + + sh x6, 1(x2) + addi x2, x2, 4 + + sh x6, 2(x2) + addi x2, x2, 4 + + sh x6, 3(x2) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x30, "# Test part A4 - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + # restore mtvec and jump to the end + csrw mtvec, x31 + jal x0, test_end + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x30, "# Test part A5 - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + # Exception handler +_trap_handler: + # increment return address + csrr x30, mepc + addi x30, x30, 4 + csrw mepc, x30 + + # store low bits of mtval + csrr x30, mtval + andi x30, x30, 3 + sw x30, 0(x1) + + # Store MCAUSE + csrr x30, mcause + sw x30, 4(x1) + + # increment data_exc address + addi x1, x1, 8 + + # return + mret + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x30, "# Test part B - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +test_end: + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x30, "# Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + # HALT + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + .align 4 + +test_A1_data: + .word 0x91A1B1C1 +test_A2_data: + .word 0xD2E2F202 + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN + .align 4 + +test_A1_res: + .fill 4, 4, -1 +test_A1_res_exc: + .fill 6, 4, -1 +test_A2_res: + .fill 8, 4, -1 +test_A2_res_exc: + .fill 8, 4, -1 +test_B1_res: + .fill 4, 4, -1 +test_B1_res_exc: + .fill 6, 4, -1 +test_B2_res: + .fill 4, 4, -1 +test_B2_res_exc: + .fill 4, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-NOP-01.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-NOP-01.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a7ac2af --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-NOP-01.S @@ -0,0 +1,211 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test I-NOP-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2017, Codasip Ltd. +# Copyright (c) 2018, Imperas Software Ltd. Additions +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Codasip Ltd., Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Codasip Ltd., Imperas Software Ltd. +# BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL +# DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.0 +# Description: Testing pseudo instruction NOP. + +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" +#include "test_macros.h" + +# Test Virtual Machine (TVM) used by program. +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +# Test code region. +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test Begin\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A1 - general test, instruction should not change any register\n"); + + # Addresses for test data and results + la x1, test_A1_res + + # Register initialization + li x2, 2 + li x3, 3 + li x4, 4 + li x5, 5 + li x6, 6 + li x7, 7 + li x8, 8 + li x9, 9 + li x10, 10 + li x11, 11 + li x12, 12 + li x13, 13 + li x14, 14 + li x15, 15 + li x16, 16 + li x17, 17 + li x18, 18 + li x19, 19 + li x20, 20 + li x21, 21 + li x22, 22 + li x23, 23 + li x24, 24 + li x25, 25 + li x26, 26 + li x27, 27 + li x28, 28 + li x29, 29 + li x30, 30 + li x31, 31 + + #Test + nop + nop + nop + nop + nop + nop + + # Store results + sw x0, 0( x1 ) + sw x2, 4( x1 ) + sw x3, 8( x1 ) + sw x4, 12( x1 ) + sw x5, 16( x1 ) + sw x6, 20( x1 ) + sw x7, 24( x1 ) + sw x8, 28( x1 ) + sw x9, 32( x1 ) + sw x10, 36( x1 ) + sw x11, 40( x1 ) + sw x12, 44( x1 ) + sw x13, 48( x1 ) + sw x14, 52( x1 ) + sw x15, 56( x1 ) + sw x16, 60( x1 ) + sw x17, 64( x1 ) + sw x18, 68( x1 ) + sw x19, 72( x1 ) + sw x20, 76( x1 ) + sw x21, 80( x1 ) + sw x22, 84( x1 ) + sw x23, 88( x1 ) + sw x24, 92( x1 ) + sw x25, 96( x1 ) + sw x26, 100( x1 ) + sw x27, 104( x1 ) + sw x28, 108( x1 ) + sw x29, 112( x1 ) + sw x30, 116( x1 ) + sw x31, 120( x1 ) + + // + // Assert + // + RVTEST_IO_CHECK() + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x2, 0x00000002) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x3, 0x00000003) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x4, 0x00000004) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x5, 0x00000005) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x6, 0x00000006) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x7, 0x00000007) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x8, 0x00000008) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x9, 0x00000009) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x10, 0x0000000A) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x11, 0x0000000B) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x12, 0x0000000C) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x13, 0x0000000D) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x14, 0x0000000E) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x15, 0x0000000F) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x16, 0x00000010) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x17, 0x00000011) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x18, 0x00000012) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x19, 0x00000013) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x20, 0x00000014) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x21, 0x00000015) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x22, 0x00000016) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x23, 0x00000017) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x24, 0x00000018) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x25, 0x00000019) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x26, 0x0000001A) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x27, 0x0000001B) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x28, 0x0000001C) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x29, 0x0000001D) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x30, 0x0000001E) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x31, 0x0000001F) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A1 - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A2 - general test, only 5 cycles are executed\n"); + + # Addresses for test data and results + la x3, test_A2_res + + # Register initialization + auipc x8, 0 + + #Test + nop + nop + nop + nop + nop + + # Store results + auipc x9, 0 + sub x9, x9, x8 + + # Store results + sw x9, 0( x3 ) + + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x3, x9, 0x00000018) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A2 - Complete\n"); + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + # HALT + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + .align 4 + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN + .align 4 + +test_A1_res: + .fill 31, 4, -1 +test_A2_res: + .fill 1, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END # End of test output data region. diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-OR-01.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-OR-01.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0740530 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-OR-01.S @@ -0,0 +1,172 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test OR-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2019, Imperas Software Ltd. +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Imperas Software Ltd. BE LIABLE FOR ANY +# DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +# (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.1 +# Description: Testing instruction 'OR'. + +#include "riscv_test_macros.h" +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" + +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test Begin\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 1\n") + + + # address for test results + la x5, test_1_res + + TEST_RR_OP(or, x0, x31, x16, 0x0, -0x1, 0x0, x5, 0, x6) # Testcase 0 + TEST_RR_OP(or, x1, x30, x15, 0xfffff801, 0x1, -0x7ff, x5, 4, x6) # Testcase 1 + TEST_RR_OP(or, x2, x29, x14, 0xffffffff, 0x0, -0x1, x5, 8, x6) # Testcase 2 + TEST_RR_OP(or, x3, x28, x13, 0xffffefff, 0x7ff, -0x1234, x5, 12, x6) # Testcase 3 + TEST_RR_OP(or, x4, x27, x12, 0x80000000, 0x0, 0x80000000, x5, 16, x6) # Testcase 4 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 2\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_2_res + + TEST_RR_OP(or, x5, x26, x11, 0x1a34, 0x800, 0x1234, x1, 0, x2) # Testcase 5 + TEST_RR_OP(or, x6, x25, x10, 0xffffffff, 0x7654321, 0xffffffff, x1, 4, x2) # Testcase 6 + TEST_RR_OP(or, x7, x24, x9, 0x7fffffff, 0x7fffffff, 0x1, x1, 8, x2) # Testcase 7 + TEST_RR_OP(or, x8, x23, x8, 0x7fffffff, 0x1, 0x7fffffff, x1, 12, x2) # Testcase 8 + TEST_RR_OP(or, x9, x22, x7, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, 0x7654321, x1, 16, x2) # Testcase 9 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 3\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_3_res + + TEST_RR_OP(or, x10, x21, x6, 0x1a34, 0x1234, 0x800, x1, 0, x7) # Testcase 10 + TEST_RR_OP(or, x11, x20, x5, 0x80000000, 0x80000000, 0x0, x1, 4, x7) # Testcase 11 + TEST_RR_OP(or, x12, x19, x4, 0xffffefff, -0x1234, 0x7ff, x1, 8, x7) # Testcase 12 + TEST_RR_OP(or, x13, x18, x3, 0xffffffff, -0x1, -0x1, x1, 12, x7) # Testcase 13 + TEST_RR_OP(or, x14, x17, x2, 0xfffff801, -0x7ff, 0x1, x1, 16, x7) # Testcase 14 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 4\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_4_res + + TEST_RR_OP(or, x15, x16, x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, x2, 0, x3) # Testcase 15 + TEST_RR_OP(or, x16, x15, x0, 0xffffffff, -0x1, 0x0, x2, 4, x3) # Testcase 16 + TEST_RR_OP(or, x17, x14, x31, 0xfffff801, 0x1, -0x7ff, x2, 8, x3) # Testcase 17 + TEST_RR_OP(or, x18, x13, x30, 0xffffffff, 0x0, -0x1, x2, 12, x3) # Testcase 18 + TEST_RR_OP(or, x19, x12, x29, 0xffffefff, 0x7ff, -0x1234, x2, 16, x3) # Testcase 19 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 5\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_5_res + + TEST_RR_OP(or, x20, x11, x28, 0x80000000, 0x0, 0x80000000, x1, 0, x2) # Testcase 20 + TEST_RR_OP(or, x21, x10, x27, 0x1a34, 0x800, 0x1234, x1, 4, x2) # Testcase 21 + TEST_RR_OP(or, x22, x9, x26, 0xffffffff, 0x7654321, 0xffffffff, x1, 8, x2) # Testcase 22 + TEST_RR_OP(or, x23, x8, x25, 0x7fffffff, 0x7fffffff, 0x1, x1, 12, x2) # Testcase 23 + TEST_RR_OP(or, x24, x7, x24, 0x7fffffff, 0x1, 0x7fffffff, x1, 16, x2) # Testcase 24 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 6\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_6_res + + TEST_RR_OP(or, x25, x6, x23, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, 0x7654321, x1, 0, x7) # Testcase 25 + TEST_RR_OP(or, x26, x5, x22, 0x1a34, 0x1234, 0x800, x1, 4, x7) # Testcase 26 + TEST_RR_OP(or, x27, x4, x21, 0x80000000, 0x80000000, 0x0, x1, 8, x7) # Testcase 27 + TEST_RR_OP(or, x28, x3, x20, 0xffffefff, -0x1234, 0x7ff, x1, 12, x7) # Testcase 28 + TEST_RR_OP(or, x29, x2, x19, 0xffffffff, -0x1, -0x1, x1, 16, x7) # Testcase 29 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 7\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_7_res + + TEST_RR_OP(or, x30, x1, x18, 0xfffff801, -0x7ff, 0x1, x2, 0, x3) # Testcase 30 + TEST_RR_OP(or, x31, x0, x17, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, x2, 4, x3) # Testcase 31 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN + +test_1_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_2_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_3_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_4_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_5_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_6_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_7_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END + diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-ORI-01.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-ORI-01.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d6ceb8c --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-ORI-01.S @@ -0,0 +1,172 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test ORI-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2019, Imperas Software Ltd. +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Imperas Software Ltd. BE LIABLE FOR ANY +# DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +# (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.1 +# Description: Testing instruction 'ORI'. + +#include "riscv_test_macros.h" +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" + +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test Begin\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 1\n") + + + # address for test results + la x5, test_1_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(ori, x0, x31, 0x0, -0x1, 0x0, x5, 0, x6) # Testcase 0 + TEST_IMM_OP(ori, x1, x30, 0xfffff801, 0x1, -0x7ff, x5, 4, x6) # Testcase 1 + TEST_IMM_OP(ori, x2, x29, 0xffffffff, 0x0, -0x1, x5, 8, x6) # Testcase 2 + TEST_IMM_OP(ori, x3, x28, 0xffffffff, 0x7ff, -0x800, x5, 12, x6) # Testcase 3 + TEST_IMM_OP(ori, x4, x27, 0xfffff800, 0x0, 0x800, x5, 16, x6) # Testcase 4 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 2\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_2_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(ori, x5, x26, 0xfffff800, 0x800, 0x800, x1, 0, x2) # Testcase 5 + TEST_IMM_OP(ori, x6, x25, 0xfffffb21, 0x7654321, 0x800, x1, 4, x2) # Testcase 6 + TEST_IMM_OP(ori, x7, x24, 0x7fffffff, 0x7fffffff, 0x1, x1, 8, x2) # Testcase 7 + TEST_IMM_OP(ori, x8, x23, 0xfffff801, 0x1, 0x800, x1, 12, x2) # Testcase 8 + TEST_IMM_OP(ori, x9, x22, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, 0x800, x1, 16, x2) # Testcase 9 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 3\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_3_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(ori, x10, x21, 0xfffffa34, 0x1234, 0x800, x1, 0, x7) # Testcase 10 + TEST_IMM_OP(ori, x11, x20, 0x80000000, 0x80000000, 0x0, x1, 4, x7) # Testcase 11 + TEST_IMM_OP(ori, x12, x19, 0xffffefff, -0x1234, 0x7ff, x1, 8, x7) # Testcase 12 + TEST_IMM_OP(ori, x13, x18, 0xffffffff, -0x1, -0x1, x1, 12, x7) # Testcase 13 + TEST_IMM_OP(ori, x14, x17, 0xfffff801, -0x7ff, 0x1, x1, 16, x7) # Testcase 14 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 4\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_4_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(ori, x15, x16, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, x2, 0, x3) # Testcase 15 + TEST_IMM_OP(ori, x16, x15, 0xffffffff, -0x1, 0x0, x2, 4, x3) # Testcase 16 + TEST_IMM_OP(ori, x17, x14, 0xfffff801, 0x1, -0x7ff, x2, 8, x3) # Testcase 17 + TEST_IMM_OP(ori, x18, x13, 0xffffffff, 0x0, -0x1, x2, 12, x3) # Testcase 18 + TEST_IMM_OP(ori, x19, x12, 0xffffffff, 0x7ff, -0x800, x2, 16, x3) # Testcase 19 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 5\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_5_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(ori, x20, x11, 0xfffff800, 0x0, 0x800, x1, 0, x2) # Testcase 20 + TEST_IMM_OP(ori, x21, x10, 0xfffff800, 0x800, 0x800, x1, 4, x2) # Testcase 21 + TEST_IMM_OP(ori, x22, x9, 0xfffffb21, 0x7654321, 0x800, x1, 8, x2) # Testcase 22 + TEST_IMM_OP(ori, x23, x8, 0x7fffffff, 0x7fffffff, 0x1, x1, 12, x2) # Testcase 23 + TEST_IMM_OP(ori, x24, x7, 0xfffff801, 0x1, 0x800, x1, 16, x2) # Testcase 24 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 6\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_6_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(ori, x25, x6, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, 0x800, x1, 0, x7) # Testcase 25 + TEST_IMM_OP(ori, x26, x5, 0xfffffa34, 0x1234, 0x800, x1, 4, x7) # Testcase 26 + TEST_IMM_OP(ori, x27, x4, 0x80000000, 0x80000000, 0x0, x1, 8, x7) # Testcase 27 + TEST_IMM_OP(ori, x28, x3, 0xffffefff, -0x1234, 0x7ff, x1, 12, x7) # Testcase 28 + TEST_IMM_OP(ori, x29, x2, 0xffffffff, -0x1, -0x1, x1, 16, x7) # Testcase 29 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 7\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_7_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(ori, x30, x1, 0xfffff801, -0x7ff, 0x1, x2, 0, x3) # Testcase 30 + TEST_IMM_OP(ori, x31, x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, x2, 4, x3) # Testcase 31 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN + +test_1_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_2_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_3_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_4_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_5_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_6_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_7_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END + diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-RF_size-01.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-RF_size-01.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9a0dfc0 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-RF_size-01.S @@ -0,0 +1,209 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test I-RF_size-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2017, Codasip Ltd. +# Copyright (c) 2018, Imperas Software Ltd. Additions +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Codasip Ltd., Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Codasip Ltd., Imperas Software Ltd. +# BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL +# DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.0 +# Description: Testing size of register file. + +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" +#include "test_macros.h" + +# Test Virtual Machine (TVM) used by program. +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +# Test code region +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test Begin\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A1 - test registers x0 - x15\n"); + + # Address for test results + la x16, test_A1_res + + # Test + li x0, 0x42726e6f + li x1, 0x56333249 + li x2, 0x2d562052 + li x3, 0x52697363 + li x4, 0x736b7920 + li x5, 0x73746572 + li x6, 0x6e204e6f + li x7, 0x4d696c61 + li x8, 0x6f646173 + li x9, 0x6b794063 + li x10, 0x74657273 + li x11, 0x286e6f73 + li x12, 0x656b2048 + li x13, 0x20526164 + li x14, 0x6f6d292c + li x15, 0x69702e63 + + # Store results + sw x0, 0(x16) + sw x1, 4(x16) + sw x2, 8(x16) + sw x3, 12(x16) + sw x4, 16(x16) + sw x5, 20(x16) + sw x6, 24(x16) + sw x7, 28(x16) + sw x8, 32(x16) + sw x9, 36(x16) + sw x10, 40(x16) + sw x11, 44(x16) + sw x12, 48(x16) + sw x13, 52(x16) + sw x14, 56(x16) + sw x15, 60(x16) + + // + // Assert + // + RVTEST_IO_CHECK() + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x16, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x16, x1, 0x56333249) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x16, x2, 0x2D562052) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x16, x3, 0x52697363) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x16, x4, 0x736B7920) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x16, x5, 0x73746572) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x16, x6, 0x6E204E6F) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x16, x7, 0x4D696C61) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x16, x8, 0x6F646173) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x16, x9, 0x6B794063) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x16, x10, 0x74657273) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x16, x11, 0x286E6F73) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x16, x12, 0x656B2048) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x16, x13, 0x20526164) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x16, x14, 0x6F6D292C) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x16, x15, 0x69702E63) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A1 - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A2 - test registers x16 - x30\n"); + + # Address for test results + la x4, test_A2_res + + # Test + li x16, 0x636f6461 + li x17, 0x6a656b40 + li x18, 0x20286861 + li x19, 0x616a656b + li x20, 0x61766520 + li x21, 0x2e204c65 + li x22, 0x636f6d29 + li x23, 0x7369702e + li x24, 0x6620796f + li x25, 0x67652069 + li x26, 0x65737361 + li x27, 0x7573206d + li x28, 0x3a290d0a + li x29, 0x68697320 + li x30, 0x61642074 + li x31, 0x75207265 + + # Store results + sw x16, 0(x4) + sw x17, 4(x4) + sw x18, 8(x4) + sw x19, 12(x4) + sw x20, 16(x4) + sw x21, 20(x4) + sw x22, 24(x4) + sw x23, 28(x4) + sw x24, 32(x4) + sw x25, 36(x4) + sw x26, 40(x4) + sw x27, 44(x4) + sw x28, 48(x4) + sw x29, 52(x4) + sw x30, 56(x4) + sw x31, 60(x4) + + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x4, x16, 0x636F6461) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x4, x17, 0x6A656B40) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x4, x18, 0x20286861) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x4, x19, 0x616A656B) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x4, x20, 0x61766520) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x4, x21, 0x2E204C65) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x4, x22, 0x636F6D29) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x4, x23, 0x7369702E) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x4, x24, 0x6620796F) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x4, x25, 0x67652069) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x4, x26, 0x65737361) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x4, x27, 0x7573206D) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x4, x28, 0x3A290D0A) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x4, x29, 0x68697320) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x4, x30, 0x61642074) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x4, x31, 0x75207265) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A2 - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A3 - test registers x0 - x3 again (were not overwritten)\n"); + + # Address for test results + la x4, test_A3_res + + # Test + sw x0, 0(x4) + sw x1, 4(x4) + sw x2, 8(x4) + sw x3, 12(x4) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A3 - Complete\n"); + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + # HALT + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + .align 4 + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN + .align 4 + +test_A1_res: + .fill 16, 4, -1 +test_A2_res: + .fill 16, 4, -1 +test_A3_res: + .fill 4, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-RF_width-01.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-RF_width-01.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2291707 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-RF_width-01.S @@ -0,0 +1,353 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test I-RF_width-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2017, Codasip Ltd. +# Copyright (c) 2018, Imperas Software Ltd. Additions +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Codasip Ltd., Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Codasip Ltd., Imperas Software Ltd. +# BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL +# DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.0 +# Description: Testing width of register file. + +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" +#include "test_macros.h" + +# Test Virtual Machine (TVM) used by program. +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +# Test code region +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test Begin\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A1 - test x1 - x15 are 32 bits\n"); + + # Address for test results + la x16, test_A1_res + + # Init registers + li x0, 1 + li x1, 1 + li x2, 1 + li x3, 1 + li x4, 1 + li x5, 1 + li x6, 1 + li x7, 1 + li x8, 1 + li x9, 1 + li x10, 1 + li x11, 1 + li x12, 1 + li x13, 1 + li x14, 1 + li x15, 1 + + + # Test + slli x1, x1, 31 + bltz x1, 1f + li x1, 0 + +1: + slli x2, x2, 31 + bltz x2, 1f + li x2, 0 + +1: + slli x3, x3, 31 + bltz x3, 1f + li x3, 0 + +1: + slli x4, x4, 31 + bltz x4, 1f + li x4, 0 + +1: + slli x5, x5, 31 + bltz x5, 1f + li x5, 0 + +1: + slli x6, x6, 31 + bltz x6, 1f + li x6, 0 + +1: + slli x7, x7, 31 + bltz x7, 1f + li x7, 0 + +1: + slli x8, x8, 31 + bltz x8, 1f + li x8, 0 + +1: + slli x9, x9, 31 + bltz x9, 1f + li x9, 0 + +1: + slli x10, x10, 31 + bltz x10, 1f + li x10, 0 + +1: + slli x11, x11, 31 + bltz x11, 1f + li x11, 0 + +1: + slli x12, x12, 31 + bltz x12, 1f + li x12, 0 + +1: + slli x13, x13, 31 + bltz x13, 1f + li x13, 0 + +1: + slli x14, x14, 31 + bltz x14, 1f + li x14, 0 + +1: + slli x15, x15, 31 + bltz x15, 1f + li x15, 0 + +1: + + # Store results + sw x0, 0(x16) + sw x1, 4(x16) + sw x2, 8(x16) + sw x3, 12(x16) + sw x4, 16(x16) + sw x5, 20(x16) + sw x6, 24(x16) + sw x7, 28(x16) + sw x8, 32(x16) + sw x9, 36(x16) + sw x10, 40(x16) + sw x11, 44(x16) + sw x12, 48(x16) + sw x13, 52(x16) + sw x14, 56(x16) + sw x15, 60(x16) + + // + // Assert + // + RVTEST_IO_CHECK() + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x16, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x16, x1, 0x80000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x16, x2, 0x80000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x16, x3, 0x80000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x16, x4, 0x80000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x16, x5, 0x80000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x16, x6, 0x80000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x16, x7, 0x80000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x16, x8, 0x80000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x16, x9, 0x80000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x16, x10, 0x80000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x16, x11, 0x80000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x16, x12, 0x80000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x16, x13, 0x80000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x16, x14, 0x80000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x16, x15, 0x80000000) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A1 - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A2 - test x16 - x30 are 32 bits\n"); + + # Address for test results + la x1, test_A2_res + + # Init registers + li x16, 1 + li x17, 1 + li x18, 1 + li x19, 1 + li x20, 1 + li x21, 1 + li x22, 1 + li x23, 1 + li x24, 1 + li x25, 1 + li x26, 1 + li x27, 1 + li x28, 1 + li x29, 1 + li x30, 1 + li x31, 1 + + # Test + slli x16, x16, 31 + bltz x16, 1f + li x16, 0 + +1: + slli x17, x17, 31 + bltz x17, 1f + li x17, 0 + +1: + slli x18, x18, 31 + bltz x18, 1f + li x18, 0 + +1: + slli x19, x19, 31 + bltz x19, 1f + li x19, 0 + +1: + slli x20, x20, 31 + bltz x20, 1f + li x20, 0 + +1: + slli x21, x21, 31 + bltz x21, 1f + li x21, 0 + +1: + slli x22, x22, 31 + bltz x22, 1f + li x22, 0 + +1: + slli x23, x23, 31 + bltz x23, 1f + li x23, 0 + +1: + slli x24, x24, 31 + bltz x24, 1f + li x24, 0 + +1: + slli x25, x25, 31 + bltz x25, 1f + li x25, 0 + +1: + slli x26, x26, 31 + bltz x26, 1f + li x26, 0 + +1: + slli x27, x27, 31 + bltz x27, 1f + li x27, 0 + +1: + slli x28, x28, 31 + bltz x28, 1f + li x28, 0 + +1: + slli x29, x29, 31 + bltz x29, 1f + li x29, 0 + +1: + slli x30, x30, 31 + bltz x30, 1f + li x30, 0 + +1: + slli x31, x31, 31 + bltz x31, 1f + li x31, 0 + +1: + + # Store results + sw x16, 0(x1) + sw x17, 4(x1) + sw x18, 8(x1) + sw x19, 12(x1) + sw x20, 16(x1) + sw x21, 20(x1) + sw x22, 24(x1) + sw x23, 28(x1) + sw x24, 32(x1) + sw x25, 36(x1) + sw x26, 40(x1) + sw x27, 44(x1) + sw x28, 48(x1) + sw x29, 52(x1) + sw x30, 56(x1) + sw x31, 60(x1) + + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x16, 0x80000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x17, 0x80000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x18, 0x80000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x19, 0x80000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x20, 0x80000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x21, 0x80000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x22, 0x80000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x23, 0x80000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x24, 0x80000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x25, 0x80000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x26, 0x80000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x27, 0x80000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x28, 0x80000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x29, 0x80000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x30, 0x80000000) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x1, x31, 0x80000000) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A2 - Complete\n"); + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + # HALT + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + .align 4 + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN + .align 4 + +test_A1_res: + .fill 16, 4, -1 +test_A2_res: + .fill 16, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-RF_x0-01.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-RF_x0-01.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8f282d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-RF_x0-01.S @@ -0,0 +1,201 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test I-RF_x0-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2017, Codasip Ltd. +# Copyright (c) 2018, Imperas Software Ltd. Additions +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Codasip Ltd., Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Codasip Ltd., Imperas Software Ltd. +# BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL +# DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.0 +# Description: Testing x0 is hardwired 0. + +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" +#include "test_macros.h" + +# Test Virtual Machine (TVM) used by program. +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +# Test code region +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test Begin\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A1 - test computational instructions - register-immediate\n"); + + # Address for test results + la x31, test_A1_res + + # Test + lui x0, 0xABCDE + addi x0, x0, 1 + ori x0, x0, 0x7F0 + andi x0, x0, 0x53F + xori x0, x0, 0xFFFFF803 + slli x0, x0, 5 + srai x0, x0, 2 + srli x0, x0, 4 + + # Store results + sw x0, 0(x31) + + // + // Assert + // + RVTEST_IO_CHECK() + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A1 - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A2 - test computational instructions - register-register\n"); + + # Address for test results + la x31, test_A2_res + + # Register initialization + li x1, 0x1 + li x2, 0x7F0 + li x3, 0x53F + li x4, 0xFFFFF803 + li x5, 0x5 + li x6, 0x2 + li x7, 0x4 + li x8, 0x18 + + # Test + auipc x0, 0xABCDE + add x0, x0, x1 + or x0, x0, x2 + and x0, x0, x3 + xor x0, x0, x4 + sll x0, x0, x5 + sra x0, x0, x6 + srl x0, x0, x7 + sub x0, x0, x8 + + # Store results + sw x0, 0(x31) + + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A2 - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A3 - test compare instructions\n"); + + # Address for test results + la x31, test_A3_res + + # Register initialization + li x1, 0x1 + li x2, 0x2 + + # Test and store + slt x0, x1, x2 + sw x0, 0(x31) + + sltu x0, x1, x2 + sw x0, 4(x31) + + slti x0, x1, 2 + sw x0, 8(x31) + + sltiu x0, x1, 2 + sw x0, 12(x31) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A3 - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A4 - test jump and link instructions\n"); + + # Address for test results + la x31, test_A4_res + + # Test and store + jal x0, 1f +1: + sw x0, 0(x31) + + la x1, 1f + jalr x0, x1, 0 +1: + sw x0, 4(x31) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A4 - Complete\n"); + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A5 - test load instructions\n"); + + # Addresses for test data and results + la x1, test_A5_data + la x31, test_A5_res + + # Test and store + lw x0, 0(x1) + sw x0, 0(x31) + + lh x0, 0(x1) + sw x0, 4(x31) + + lb x0, 0(x1) + sw x0, 8(x31) + + lbu x0, 0(x1) + sw x0, 12(x31) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test part A5 - Complete\n"); + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + # HALT + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + .align 4 +test_A5_data: + .word 0x42524E4F + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN + .align 4 + +test_A1_res: + .fill 1, 4, -1 +test_A2_res: + .fill 1, 4, -1 +test_A3_res: + .fill 4, 4, -1 +test_A4_res: + .fill 2, 4, -1 +test_A5_res: + .fill 4, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-SB-01.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-SB-01.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8341fae --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-SB-01.S @@ -0,0 +1,428 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test SB-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2019, Imperas Software Ltd. +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Imperas Software Ltd. BE LIABLE FOR ANY +# DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +# (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.1 +# Description: Testing instruction 'SB'. + +#include "riscv_test_macros.h" +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" + +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test Begin\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 1\n") + + + # Addresses for test results + la x5, test_1_res + + # Clear memory + sb x0, 0x0(x5) + # Test + li x16, -0x1 + addi x31, x5, 0 + sb x16, 0x0(x31) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x6, x31, test_1_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x6, x16, -0x1) + # Clear memory + sb x0, -0x2(x5) + # Test + li x15, 0x1 + addi x30, x5, 0 + sb x15, -0x2(x30) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x6, x30, test_1_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x6, x15, 0x1) + # Clear memory + sb x0, 0x3(x5) + # Test + li x14, 0x0 + addi x29, x5, 0 + sb x14, 0x3(x29) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x6, x29, test_1_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x6, x14, 0x0) + # Clear memory + sb x0, -0x4(x5) + # Test + li x13, 0x7ff + addi x28, x5, 0 + sb x13, -0x4(x28) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x6, x28, test_1_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x6, x13, 0x7ff) + # Clear memory + sb x0, 0x2(x5) + # Test + li x12, 0x0 + addi x27, x5, 0 + sb x12, 0x2(x27) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x6, x27, test_1_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x6, x12, 0x0) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 2\n") + + + # Addresses for test results + la x1, test_2_res + + # Clear memory + sb x0, 0x4(x1) + # Test + li x11, 0x800 + addi x26, x1, 0 + sb x11, 0x4(x26) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x26, test_2_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x11, 0x800) + # Clear memory + sb x0, -0x1(x1) + # Test + li x10, 0x7654321 + addi x25, x1, 0 + sb x10, -0x1(x25) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x25, test_2_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x10, 0x7654321) + # Clear memory + sb x0, 0x1(x1) + # Test + li x9, 0x7fffffff + addi x24, x1, 0 + sb x9, 0x1(x24) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x24, test_2_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x9, 0x7fffffff) + # Clear memory + sb x0, 0x0(x1) + # Test + li x8, 0x1 + addi x23, x1, 0 + sb x8, 0x0(x23) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x23, test_2_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x8, 0x1) + # Clear memory + sb x0, -0x2(x1) + # Test + li x7, 0xffffffff + addi x22, x1, 0 + sb x7, -0x2(x22) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x22, test_2_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x7, 0xffffffff) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 3\n") + + + # Addresses for test results + la x1, test_3_res + + # Clear memory + sb x0, 0x3(x1) + # Test + li x6, 0x1234 + addi x21, x1, 0 + sb x6, 0x3(x21) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x21, test_3_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x6, 0x1234) + # Clear memory + sb x0, -0x4(x1) + # Test + li x5, 0x80000000 + addi x20, x1, 0 + sb x5, -0x4(x20) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x20, test_3_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x5, 0x80000000) + # Clear memory + sb x0, 0x2(x1) + # Test + li x4, -0x1234 + addi x19, x1, 0 + sb x4, 0x2(x19) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x19, test_3_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x4, -0x1234) + # Clear memory + sb x0, 0x4(x1) + # Test + li x3, -0x1 + addi x18, x1, 0 + sb x3, 0x4(x18) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x18, test_3_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x3, -0x1) + # Clear memory + sb x0, -0x1(x1) + # Test + li x2, -0x7ff + addi x17, x1, 0 + sb x2, -0x1(x17) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x17, test_3_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x2, -0x7ff) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 4\n") + + + # Addresses for test results + la x2, test_4_res + + # Clear memory + sb x0, 0x1(x2) + # Test + li x1, 0x0 + addi x16, x2, 0 + sb x1, 0x1(x16) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x3, x16, test_4_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x3, x1, 0x0) + # Clear memory + sb x0, 0x0(x2) + # Test + li x0, -0x1 + addi x15, x2, 0 + sb x0, 0x0(x15) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x3, x15, test_4_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x3, x0, 0) + # Clear memory + sb x0, -0x2(x2) + # Test + li x31, 0x1 + addi x14, x2, 0 + sb x31, -0x2(x14) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x3, x14, test_4_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x3, x31, 0x1) + # Clear memory + sb x0, 0x3(x2) + # Test + li x30, 0x0 + addi x13, x2, 0 + sb x30, 0x3(x13) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x3, x13, test_4_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x3, x30, 0x0) + # Clear memory + sb x0, -0x4(x2) + # Test + li x29, 0x7ff + addi x12, x2, 0 + sb x29, -0x4(x12) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x3, x12, test_4_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x3, x29, 0x7ff) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 5\n") + + + # Addresses for test results + la x1, test_5_res + + # Clear memory + sb x0, 0x2(x1) + # Test + li x28, 0x0 + addi x11, x1, 0 + sb x28, 0x2(x11) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x11, test_5_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x28, 0x0) + # Clear memory + sb x0, 0x4(x1) + # Test + li x27, 0x800 + addi x10, x1, 0 + sb x27, 0x4(x10) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x10, test_5_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x27, 0x800) + # Clear memory + sb x0, -0x1(x1) + # Test + li x26, 0x7654321 + addi x9, x1, 0 + sb x26, -0x1(x9) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x9, test_5_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x26, 0x7654321) + # Clear memory + sb x0, 0x1(x1) + # Test + li x25, 0x7fffffff + addi x8, x1, 0 + sb x25, 0x1(x8) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x8, test_5_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x25, 0x7fffffff) + # Clear memory + sb x0, 0x0(x1) + # Test + li x24, 0x1 + addi x7, x1, 0 + sb x24, 0x0(x7) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x7, test_5_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x24, 0x1) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 6\n") + + + # Addresses for test results + la x1, test_6_res + + # Clear memory + sb x0, -0x2(x1) + # Test + li x23, 0xffffffff + addi x6, x1, 0 + sb x23, -0x2(x6) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x6, test_6_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x23, 0xffffffff) + # Clear memory + sb x0, 0x3(x1) + # Test + li x22, 0x1234 + addi x5, x1, 0 + sb x22, 0x3(x5) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x5, test_6_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x22, 0x1234) + # Clear memory + sb x0, -0x4(x1) + # Test + li x21, 0x80000000 + addi x4, x1, 0 + sb x21, -0x4(x4) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x4, test_6_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x21, 0x80000000) + # Clear memory + sb x0, 0x2(x1) + # Test + li x20, -0x1234 + addi x3, x1, 0 + sb x20, 0x2(x3) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x3, test_6_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x20, -0x1234) + # Clear memory + sb x0, 0x4(x1) + # Test + li x19, -0x1 + addi x2, x1, 0 + sb x19, 0x4(x2) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x2, test_6_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x19, -0x1) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 7\n") + + + # Addresses for test results + la x2, test_7_res + + # Clear memory + sb x0, -0x1(x2) + # Test + li x18, -0x7ff + addi x1, x2, 0 + sb x18, -0x1(x1) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x3, x1, test_7_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x3, x18, -0x7ff) + # Clear memory + sb x0, 0x1(x2) + # Test + li x17, 0x0 + addi x1, x2, 0 + sb x17, 0x1(x1) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x3, x1, test_7_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x3, x17, 0x0) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN + .fill 1, 4, -1 //padding because negative offsets are used +test_1_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_2_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_3_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_4_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_5_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_6_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_7_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END + diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-SH-01.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-SH-01.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fadcd49 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-SH-01.S @@ -0,0 +1,428 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test SH-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2019, Imperas Software Ltd. +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Imperas Software Ltd. BE LIABLE FOR ANY +# DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +# (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.1 +# Description: Testing instruction 'SH'. + +#include "riscv_test_macros.h" +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" + +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test Begin\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 1\n") + + + # Addresses for test results + la x5, test_1_res + + # Clear memory + sh x0, 0x0(x5) + # Test + li x16, -0x1 + addi x31, x5, 0 + sh x16, 0x0(x31) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x6, x31, test_1_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x6, x16, -0x1) + # Clear memory + sh x0, -0x2(x5) + # Test + li x15, 0x1 + addi x30, x5, 0 + sh x15, -0x2(x30) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x6, x30, test_1_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x6, x15, 0x1) + # Clear memory + sh x0, 0x2(x5) + # Test + li x14, 0x0 + addi x29, x5, 0 + sh x14, 0x2(x29) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x6, x29, test_1_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x6, x14, 0x0) + # Clear memory + sh x0, -0x4(x5) + # Test + li x13, 0x7ff + addi x28, x5, 0 + sh x13, -0x4(x28) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x6, x28, test_1_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x6, x13, 0x7ff) + # Clear memory + sh x0, 0x2(x5) + # Test + li x12, 0x0 + addi x27, x5, 0 + sh x12, 0x2(x27) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x6, x27, test_1_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x6, x12, 0x0) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 2\n") + + + # Addresses for test results + la x1, test_2_res + + # Clear memory + sh x0, 0x4(x1) + # Test + li x11, 0x800 + addi x26, x1, 0 + sh x11, 0x4(x26) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x26, test_2_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x11, 0x800) + # Clear memory + sh x0, 0x0(x1) + # Test + li x10, 0x7654321 + addi x25, x1, 0 + sh x10, 0x0(x25) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x25, test_2_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x10, 0x7654321) + # Clear memory + sh x0, 0x0(x1) + # Test + li x9, 0x7fffffff + addi x24, x1, 0 + sh x9, 0x0(x24) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x24, test_2_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x9, 0x7fffffff) + # Clear memory + sh x0, 0x0(x1) + # Test + li x8, 0x1 + addi x23, x1, 0 + sh x8, 0x0(x23) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x23, test_2_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x8, 0x1) + # Clear memory + sh x0, -0x2(x1) + # Test + li x7, 0xffffffff + addi x22, x1, 0 + sh x7, -0x2(x22) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x22, test_2_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x7, 0xffffffff) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 3\n") + + + # Addresses for test results + la x1, test_3_res + + # Clear memory + sh x0, 0x2(x1) + # Test + li x6, 0x1234 + addi x21, x1, 0 + sh x6, 0x2(x21) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x21, test_3_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x6, 0x1234) + # Clear memory + sh x0, -0x4(x1) + # Test + li x5, 0x80000000 + addi x20, x1, 0 + sh x5, -0x4(x20) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x20, test_3_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x5, 0x80000000) + # Clear memory + sh x0, 0x2(x1) + # Test + li x4, -0x1234 + addi x19, x1, 0 + sh x4, 0x2(x19) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x19, test_3_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x4, -0x1234) + # Clear memory + sh x0, 0x4(x1) + # Test + li x3, -0x1 + addi x18, x1, 0 + sh x3, 0x4(x18) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x18, test_3_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x3, -0x1) + # Clear memory + sh x0, 0x0(x1) + # Test + li x2, -0x7ff + addi x17, x1, 0 + sh x2, 0x0(x17) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x17, test_3_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x2, -0x7ff) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 4\n") + + + # Addresses for test results + la x2, test_4_res + + # Clear memory + sh x0, 0x0(x2) + # Test + li x1, 0x0 + addi x16, x2, 0 + sh x1, 0x0(x16) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x3, x16, test_4_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x3, x1, 0x0) + # Clear memory + sh x0, 0x0(x2) + # Test + li x0, -0x1 + addi x15, x2, 0 + sh x0, 0x0(x15) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x3, x15, test_4_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x3, x0, 0) + # Clear memory + sh x0, -0x2(x2) + # Test + li x31, 0x1 + addi x14, x2, 0 + sh x31, -0x2(x14) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x3, x14, test_4_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x3, x31, 0x1) + # Clear memory + sh x0, 0x2(x2) + # Test + li x30, 0x0 + addi x13, x2, 0 + sh x30, 0x2(x13) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x3, x13, test_4_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x3, x30, 0x0) + # Clear memory + sh x0, -0x4(x2) + # Test + li x29, 0x7ff + addi x12, x2, 0 + sh x29, -0x4(x12) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x3, x12, test_4_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x3, x29, 0x7ff) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 5\n") + + + # Addresses for test results + la x1, test_5_res + + # Clear memory + sh x0, 0x2(x1) + # Test + li x28, 0x0 + addi x11, x1, 0 + sh x28, 0x2(x11) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x11, test_5_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x28, 0x0) + # Clear memory + sh x0, 0x4(x1) + # Test + li x27, 0x800 + addi x10, x1, 0 + sh x27, 0x4(x10) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x10, test_5_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x27, 0x800) + # Clear memory + sh x0, 0x0(x1) + # Test + li x26, 0x7654321 + addi x9, x1, 0 + sh x26, 0x0(x9) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x9, test_5_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x26, 0x7654321) + # Clear memory + sh x0, 0x0(x1) + # Test + li x25, 0x7fffffff + addi x8, x1, 0 + sh x25, 0x0(x8) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x8, test_5_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x25, 0x7fffffff) + # Clear memory + sh x0, 0x0(x1) + # Test + li x24, 0x1 + addi x7, x1, 0 + sh x24, 0x0(x7) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x7, test_5_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x24, 0x1) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 6\n") + + + # Addresses for test results + la x1, test_6_res + + # Clear memory + sh x0, -0x2(x1) + # Test + li x23, 0xffffffff + addi x6, x1, 0 + sh x23, -0x2(x6) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x6, test_6_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x23, 0xffffffff) + # Clear memory + sh x0, 0x2(x1) + # Test + li x22, 0x1234 + addi x5, x1, 0 + sh x22, 0x2(x5) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x5, test_6_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x22, 0x1234) + # Clear memory + sh x0, -0x4(x1) + # Test + li x21, 0x80000000 + addi x4, x1, 0 + sh x21, -0x4(x4) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x4, test_6_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x21, 0x80000000) + # Clear memory + sh x0, 0x2(x1) + # Test + li x20, -0x1234 + addi x3, x1, 0 + sh x20, 0x2(x3) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x3, test_6_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x20, -0x1234) + # Clear memory + sh x0, 0x4(x1) + # Test + li x19, -0x1 + addi x2, x1, 0 + sh x19, 0x4(x2) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x2, test_6_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x19, -0x1) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 7\n") + + + # Addresses for test results + la x2, test_7_res + + # Clear memory + sh x0, 0x0(x2) + # Test + li x18, -0x7ff + addi x1, x2, 0 + sh x18, 0x0(x1) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x3, x1, test_7_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x3, x18, -0x7ff) + # Clear memory + sh x0, 0x0(x2) + # Test + li x17, 0x0 + addi x1, x2, 0 + sh x17, 0x0(x1) + + #RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x3, x1, test_7_res) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x3, x17, 0x0) + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN + .fill 1, 4, -1 //padding because negative offsets are used +test_1_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_2_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_3_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_4_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_5_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_6_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_7_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END + diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-SLL-01.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-SLL-01.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ab88d62 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-SLL-01.S @@ -0,0 +1,172 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test SLL-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2019, Imperas Software Ltd. +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Imperas Software Ltd. BE LIABLE FOR ANY +# DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +# (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.1 +# Description: Testing instruction 'SLL'. + +#include "riscv_test_macros.h" +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" + +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test Begin\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 1\n") + + + # address for test results + la x5, test_1_res + + TEST_RR_OP(sll, x0, x31, x16, 0x0, -0x1, 0x0, x5, 0, x6) # Testcase 0 + TEST_RR_OP(sll, x1, x30, x15, 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, x5, 4, x6) # Testcase 1 + TEST_RR_OP(sll, x2, x29, x14, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, x5, 8, x6) # Testcase 2 + TEST_RR_OP(sll, x3, x28, x13, 0x7ff0, 0x7ff, 0x4, x5, 12, x6) # Testcase 3 + TEST_RR_OP(sll, x4, x27, x12, 0x0, 0x0, 0x8, x5, 16, x6) # Testcase 4 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 2\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_2_res + + TEST_RR_OP(sll, x5, x26, x11, 0x0, 0x800, 0x1f, x1, 0, x2) # Testcase 5 + TEST_RR_OP(sll, x6, x25, x10, 0x43210000, 0x7654321, 0x10, x1, 4, x2) # Testcase 6 + TEST_RR_OP(sll, x7, x24, x9, 0xfffffffe, 0x7fffffff, 0x1, x1, 8, x2) # Testcase 7 + TEST_RR_OP(sll, x8, x23, x8, 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, x1, 12, x2) # Testcase 8 + TEST_RR_OP(sll, x9, x22, x7, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, 0x0, x1, 16, x2) # Testcase 9 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 3\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_3_res + + TEST_RR_OP(sll, x10, x21, x6, 0x2468, 0x1234, 0x1, x1, 0, x7) # Testcase 10 + TEST_RR_OP(sll, x11, x20, x5, 0x0, 0x80000000, 0x4, x1, 4, x7) # Testcase 11 + TEST_RR_OP(sll, x12, x19, x4, 0xffedcc00, -0x1234, 0x8, x1, 8, x7) # Testcase 12 + TEST_RR_OP(sll, x13, x18, x3, 0x80000000, -0x1, 0x1f, x1, 12, x7) # Testcase 13 + TEST_RR_OP(sll, x14, x17, x2, 0xf8010000, -0x7ff, 0x10, x1, 16, x7) # Testcase 14 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 4\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_4_res + + TEST_RR_OP(sll, x15, x16, x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, x2, 0, x3) # Testcase 15 + TEST_RR_OP(sll, x16, x15, x0, 0xffffffff, -0x1, 0x0, x2, 4, x3) # Testcase 16 + TEST_RR_OP(sll, x17, x14, x31, 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, x2, 8, x3) # Testcase 17 + TEST_RR_OP(sll, x18, x13, x30, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, x2, 12, x3) # Testcase 18 + TEST_RR_OP(sll, x19, x12, x29, 0x7ff0, 0x7ff, 0x4, x2, 16, x3) # Testcase 19 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 5\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_5_res + + TEST_RR_OP(sll, x20, x11, x28, 0x0, 0x0, 0x8, x1, 0, x2) # Testcase 20 + TEST_RR_OP(sll, x21, x10, x27, 0x0, 0x800, 0x1f, x1, 4, x2) # Testcase 21 + TEST_RR_OP(sll, x22, x9, x26, 0x43210000, 0x7654321, 0x10, x1, 8, x2) # Testcase 22 + TEST_RR_OP(sll, x23, x8, x25, 0xfffffffe, 0x7fffffff, 0x1, x1, 12, x2) # Testcase 23 + TEST_RR_OP(sll, x24, x7, x24, 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, x1, 16, x2) # Testcase 24 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 6\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_6_res + + TEST_RR_OP(sll, x25, x6, x23, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, 0x0, x1, 0, x7) # Testcase 25 + TEST_RR_OP(sll, x26, x5, x22, 0x2468, 0x1234, 0x1, x1, 4, x7) # Testcase 26 + TEST_RR_OP(sll, x27, x4, x21, 0x0, 0x80000000, 0x4, x1, 8, x7) # Testcase 27 + TEST_RR_OP(sll, x28, x3, x20, 0xffedcc00, -0x1234, 0x8, x1, 12, x7) # Testcase 28 + TEST_RR_OP(sll, x29, x2, x19, 0x80000000, -0x1, 0x1f, x1, 16, x7) # Testcase 29 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 7\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_7_res + + TEST_RR_OP(sll, x30, x1, x18, 0xf8010000, -0x7ff, 0x10, x2, 0, x3) # Testcase 30 + TEST_RR_OP(sll, x31, x0, x17, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, x2, 4, x3) # Testcase 31 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN + +test_1_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_2_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_3_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_4_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_5_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_6_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_7_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END + diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-SLLI-01.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-SLLI-01.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..75128a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-SLLI-01.S @@ -0,0 +1,172 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test SLLI-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2019, Imperas Software Ltd. +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Imperas Software Ltd. BE LIABLE FOR ANY +# DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +# (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.1 +# Description: Testing instruction 'SLLI'. + +#include "riscv_test_macros.h" +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" + +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test Begin\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 1\n") + + + # address for test results + la x5, test_1_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(slli, x0, x31, 0x0, -0x1, 0x0, x5, 0, x6) # Testcase 0 + TEST_IMM_OP(slli, x1, x30, 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, x5, 4, x6) # Testcase 1 + TEST_IMM_OP(slli, x2, x29, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, x5, 8, x6) # Testcase 2 + TEST_IMM_OP(slli, x3, x28, 0x7ff0, 0x7ff, 0x4, x5, 12, x6) # Testcase 3 + TEST_IMM_OP(slli, x4, x27, 0x0, 0x0, 0x8, x5, 16, x6) # Testcase 4 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 2\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_2_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(slli, x5, x26, 0x0, 0x800, 0x1f, x1, 0, x2) # Testcase 5 + TEST_IMM_OP(slli, x6, x25, 0x43210000, 0x7654321, 0x10, x1, 4, x2) # Testcase 6 + TEST_IMM_OP(slli, x7, x24, 0xfffffffe, 0x7fffffff, 0x1, x1, 8, x2) # Testcase 7 + TEST_IMM_OP(slli, x8, x23, 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, x1, 12, x2) # Testcase 8 + TEST_IMM_OP(slli, x9, x22, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, 0x0, x1, 16, x2) # Testcase 9 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 3\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_3_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(slli, x10, x21, 0x2468, 0x1234, 0x1, x1, 0, x7) # Testcase 10 + TEST_IMM_OP(slli, x11, x20, 0x0, 0x80000000, 0x4, x1, 4, x7) # Testcase 11 + TEST_IMM_OP(slli, x12, x19, 0xffedcc00, -0x1234, 0x8, x1, 8, x7) # Testcase 12 + TEST_IMM_OP(slli, x13, x18, 0x80000000, -0x1, 0x1f, x1, 12, x7) # Testcase 13 + TEST_IMM_OP(slli, x14, x17, 0xf8010000, -0x7ff, 0x10, x1, 16, x7) # Testcase 14 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 4\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_4_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(slli, x15, x16, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, x2, 0, x3) # Testcase 15 + TEST_IMM_OP(slli, x16, x15, 0xffffffff, -0x1, 0x0, x2, 4, x3) # Testcase 16 + TEST_IMM_OP(slli, x17, x14, 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, x2, 8, x3) # Testcase 17 + TEST_IMM_OP(slli, x18, x13, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, x2, 12, x3) # Testcase 18 + TEST_IMM_OP(slli, x19, x12, 0x7ff0, 0x7ff, 0x4, x2, 16, x3) # Testcase 19 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 5\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_5_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(slli, x20, x11, 0x0, 0x0, 0x8, x1, 0, x2) # Testcase 20 + TEST_IMM_OP(slli, x21, x10, 0x0, 0x800, 0x1f, x1, 4, x2) # Testcase 21 + TEST_IMM_OP(slli, x22, x9, 0x43210000, 0x7654321, 0x10, x1, 8, x2) # Testcase 22 + TEST_IMM_OP(slli, x23, x8, 0xfffffffe, 0x7fffffff, 0x1, x1, 12, x2) # Testcase 23 + TEST_IMM_OP(slli, x24, x7, 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, x1, 16, x2) # Testcase 24 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 6\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_6_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(slli, x25, x6, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, 0x0, x1, 0, x7) # Testcase 25 + TEST_IMM_OP(slli, x26, x5, 0x2468, 0x1234, 0x1, x1, 4, x7) # Testcase 26 + TEST_IMM_OP(slli, x27, x4, 0x0, 0x80000000, 0x4, x1, 8, x7) # Testcase 27 + TEST_IMM_OP(slli, x28, x3, 0xffedcc00, -0x1234, 0x8, x1, 12, x7) # Testcase 28 + TEST_IMM_OP(slli, x29, x2, 0x80000000, -0x1, 0x1f, x1, 16, x7) # Testcase 29 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 7\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_7_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(slli, x30, x1, 0xf8010000, -0x7ff, 0x10, x2, 0, x3) # Testcase 30 + TEST_IMM_OP(slli, x31, x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, x2, 4, x3) # Testcase 31 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN + +test_1_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_2_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_3_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_4_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_5_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_6_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_7_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END + diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-SLT-01.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-SLT-01.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e76faff --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-SLT-01.S @@ -0,0 +1,172 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test SLT-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2019, Imperas Software Ltd. +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Imperas Software Ltd. BE LIABLE FOR ANY +# DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +# (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.1 +# Description: Testing instruction 'SLT'. + +#include "riscv_test_macros.h" +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" + +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test Begin\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 1\n") + + + # address for test results + la x5, test_1_res + + TEST_RR_OP(slt, x0, x31, x16, 0x0, -0x1, 0x0, x5, 0, x6) # Testcase 0 + TEST_RR_OP(slt, x1, x30, x15, 0x0, 0x1, -0x7ff, x5, 4, x6) # Testcase 1 + TEST_RR_OP(slt, x2, x29, x14, 0x0, 0x0, -0x1, x5, 8, x6) # Testcase 2 + TEST_RR_OP(slt, x3, x28, x13, 0x0, 0x7ff, -0x1234, x5, 12, x6) # Testcase 3 + TEST_RR_OP(slt, x4, x27, x12, 0x0, 0x0, 0x80000000, x5, 16, x6) # Testcase 4 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 2\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_2_res + + TEST_RR_OP(slt, x5, x26, x11, 0x1, 0x800, 0x1234, x1, 0, x2) # Testcase 5 + TEST_RR_OP(slt, x6, x25, x10, 0x0, 0x7654321, 0xffffffff, x1, 4, x2) # Testcase 6 + TEST_RR_OP(slt, x7, x24, x9, 0x0, 0x7fffffff, 0x1, x1, 8, x2) # Testcase 7 + TEST_RR_OP(slt, x8, x23, x8, 0x1, 0x1, 0x7fffffff, x1, 12, x2) # Testcase 8 + TEST_RR_OP(slt, x9, x22, x7, 0x1, 0xffffffff, 0x7654321, x1, 16, x2) # Testcase 9 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 3\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_3_res + + TEST_RR_OP(slt, x10, x21, x6, 0x0, 0x1234, 0x800, x1, 0, x7) # Testcase 10 + TEST_RR_OP(slt, x11, x20, x5, 0x1, 0x80000000, 0x0, x1, 4, x7) # Testcase 11 + TEST_RR_OP(slt, x12, x19, x4, 0x1, -0x1234, 0x7ff, x1, 8, x7) # Testcase 12 + TEST_RR_OP(slt, x13, x18, x3, 0x0, -0x1, -0x1, x1, 12, x7) # Testcase 13 + TEST_RR_OP(slt, x14, x17, x2, 0x1, -0x7ff, 0x1, x1, 16, x7) # Testcase 14 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 4\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_4_res + + TEST_RR_OP(slt, x15, x16, x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, x2, 0, x3) # Testcase 15 + TEST_RR_OP(slt, x16, x15, x0, 0x1, -0x1, 0x0, x2, 4, x3) # Testcase 16 + TEST_RR_OP(slt, x17, x14, x31, 0x0, 0x1, -0x7ff, x2, 8, x3) # Testcase 17 + TEST_RR_OP(slt, x18, x13, x30, 0x0, 0x0, -0x1, x2, 12, x3) # Testcase 18 + TEST_RR_OP(slt, x19, x12, x29, 0x0, 0x7ff, -0x1234, x2, 16, x3) # Testcase 19 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 5\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_5_res + + TEST_RR_OP(slt, x20, x11, x28, 0x0, 0x0, 0x80000000, x1, 0, x2) # Testcase 20 + TEST_RR_OP(slt, x21, x10, x27, 0x1, 0x800, 0x1234, x1, 4, x2) # Testcase 21 + TEST_RR_OP(slt, x22, x9, x26, 0x0, 0x7654321, 0xffffffff, x1, 8, x2) # Testcase 22 + TEST_RR_OP(slt, x23, x8, x25, 0x0, 0x7fffffff, 0x1, x1, 12, x2) # Testcase 23 + TEST_RR_OP(slt, x24, x7, x24, 0x1, 0x1, 0x7fffffff, x1, 16, x2) # Testcase 24 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 6\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_6_res + + TEST_RR_OP(slt, x25, x6, x23, 0x1, 0xffffffff, 0x7654321, x1, 0, x7) # Testcase 25 + TEST_RR_OP(slt, x26, x5, x22, 0x0, 0x1234, 0x800, x1, 4, x7) # Testcase 26 + TEST_RR_OP(slt, x27, x4, x21, 0x1, 0x80000000, 0x0, x1, 8, x7) # Testcase 27 + TEST_RR_OP(slt, x28, x3, x20, 0x1, -0x1234, 0x7ff, x1, 12, x7) # Testcase 28 + TEST_RR_OP(slt, x29, x2, x19, 0x0, -0x1, -0x1, x1, 16, x7) # Testcase 29 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 7\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_7_res + + TEST_RR_OP(slt, x30, x1, x18, 0x1, -0x7ff, 0x1, x2, 0, x3) # Testcase 30 + TEST_RR_OP(slt, x31, x0, x17, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, x2, 4, x3) # Testcase 31 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN + +test_1_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_2_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_3_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_4_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_5_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_6_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_7_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END + diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-SLTI-01.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-SLTI-01.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..67740af --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-SLTI-01.S @@ -0,0 +1,172 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test SLTI-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2019, Imperas Software Ltd. +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Imperas Software Ltd. BE LIABLE FOR ANY +# DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +# (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.1 +# Description: Testing instruction 'SLTI'. + +#include "riscv_test_macros.h" +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" + +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test Begin\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 1\n") + + + # address for test results + la x5, test_1_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(slti, x0, x31, 0x0, -0x1, 0x0, x5, 0, x6) # Testcase 0 + TEST_IMM_OP(slti, x1, x30, 0x0, 0x1, -0x7ff, x5, 4, x6) # Testcase 1 + TEST_IMM_OP(slti, x2, x29, 0x0, 0x0, -0x1, x5, 8, x6) # Testcase 2 + TEST_IMM_OP(slti, x3, x28, 0x0, 0x7ff, -0x800, x5, 12, x6) # Testcase 3 + TEST_IMM_OP(slti, x4, x27, 0x0, 0x0, 0x800, x5, 16, x6) # Testcase 4 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 2\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_2_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(slti, x5, x26, 0x0, 0x800, 0x800, x1, 0, x2) # Testcase 5 + TEST_IMM_OP(slti, x6, x25, 0x0, 0x7654321, 0x800, x1, 4, x2) # Testcase 6 + TEST_IMM_OP(slti, x7, x24, 0x0, 0x7fffffff, 0x1, x1, 8, x2) # Testcase 7 + TEST_IMM_OP(slti, x8, x23, 0x0, 0x1, 0x800, x1, 12, x2) # Testcase 8 + TEST_IMM_OP(slti, x9, x22, 0x0, 0xffffffff, 0x800, x1, 16, x2) # Testcase 9 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 3\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_3_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(slti, x10, x21, 0x0, 0x1234, 0x800, x1, 0, x7) # Testcase 10 + TEST_IMM_OP(slti, x11, x20, 0x1, 0x80000000, 0x0, x1, 4, x7) # Testcase 11 + TEST_IMM_OP(slti, x12, x19, 0x1, -0x1234, 0x7ff, x1, 8, x7) # Testcase 12 + TEST_IMM_OP(slti, x13, x18, 0x0, -0x1, -0x1, x1, 12, x7) # Testcase 13 + TEST_IMM_OP(slti, x14, x17, 0x1, -0x7ff, 0x1, x1, 16, x7) # Testcase 14 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 4\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_4_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(slti, x15, x16, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, x2, 0, x3) # Testcase 15 + TEST_IMM_OP(slti, x16, x15, 0x1, -0x1, 0x0, x2, 4, x3) # Testcase 16 + TEST_IMM_OP(slti, x17, x14, 0x0, 0x1, -0x7ff, x2, 8, x3) # Testcase 17 + TEST_IMM_OP(slti, x18, x13, 0x0, 0x0, -0x1, x2, 12, x3) # Testcase 18 + TEST_IMM_OP(slti, x19, x12, 0x0, 0x7ff, -0x800, x2, 16, x3) # Testcase 19 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 5\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_5_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(slti, x20, x11, 0x0, 0x0, 0x800, x1, 0, x2) # Testcase 20 + TEST_IMM_OP(slti, x21, x10, 0x0, 0x800, 0x800, x1, 4, x2) # Testcase 21 + TEST_IMM_OP(slti, x22, x9, 0x0, 0x7654321, 0x800, x1, 8, x2) # Testcase 22 + TEST_IMM_OP(slti, x23, x8, 0x0, 0x7fffffff, 0x1, x1, 12, x2) # Testcase 23 + TEST_IMM_OP(slti, x24, x7, 0x0, 0x1, 0x800, x1, 16, x2) # Testcase 24 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 6\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_6_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(slti, x25, x6, 0x0, 0xffffffff, 0x800, x1, 0, x7) # Testcase 25 + TEST_IMM_OP(slti, x26, x5, 0x0, 0x1234, 0x800, x1, 4, x7) # Testcase 26 + TEST_IMM_OP(slti, x27, x4, 0x1, 0x80000000, 0x0, x1, 8, x7) # Testcase 27 + TEST_IMM_OP(slti, x28, x3, 0x1, -0x1234, 0x7ff, x1, 12, x7) # Testcase 28 + TEST_IMM_OP(slti, x29, x2, 0x0, -0x1, -0x1, x1, 16, x7) # Testcase 29 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 7\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_7_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(slti, x30, x1, 0x1, -0x7ff, 0x1, x2, 0, x3) # Testcase 30 + TEST_IMM_OP(slti, x31, x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, x2, 4, x3) # Testcase 31 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN + +test_1_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_2_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_3_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_4_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_5_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_6_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_7_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END + diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-SLTIU-01.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-SLTIU-01.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e55c176 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-SLTIU-01.S @@ -0,0 +1,172 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test SLTIU-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2019, Imperas Software Ltd. +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Imperas Software Ltd. BE LIABLE FOR ANY +# DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +# (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.1 +# Description: Testing instruction 'SLTIU'. + +#include "riscv_test_macros.h" +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" + +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test Begin\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 1\n") + + + # address for test results + la x5, test_1_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(sltiu, x0, x31, 0x0, -0x1, 0x0, x5, 0, x6) # Testcase 0 + TEST_IMM_OP(sltiu, x1, x30, 0x1, 0x1, -0x7ff, x5, 4, x6) # Testcase 1 + TEST_IMM_OP(sltiu, x2, x29, 0x1, 0x0, -0x1, x5, 8, x6) # Testcase 2 + TEST_IMM_OP(sltiu, x3, x28, 0x1, 0x7ff, -0x800, x5, 12, x6) # Testcase 3 + TEST_IMM_OP(sltiu, x4, x27, 0x1, 0x0, 0x800, x5, 16, x6) # Testcase 4 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 2\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_2_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(sltiu, x5, x26, 0x1, 0x800, 0x800, x1, 0, x2) # Testcase 5 + TEST_IMM_OP(sltiu, x6, x25, 0x1, 0x7654321, 0x800, x1, 4, x2) # Testcase 6 + TEST_IMM_OP(sltiu, x7, x24, 0x0, 0x7fffffff, 0x1, x1, 8, x2) # Testcase 7 + TEST_IMM_OP(sltiu, x8, x23, 0x1, 0x1, 0x800, x1, 12, x2) # Testcase 8 + TEST_IMM_OP(sltiu, x9, x22, 0x0, 0xffffffff, 0x800, x1, 16, x2) # Testcase 9 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 3\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_3_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(sltiu, x10, x21, 0x1, 0x1234, 0x800, x1, 0, x7) # Testcase 10 + TEST_IMM_OP(sltiu, x11, x20, 0x0, 0x80000000, 0x0, x1, 4, x7) # Testcase 11 + TEST_IMM_OP(sltiu, x12, x19, 0x0, -0x1234, 0x7ff, x1, 8, x7) # Testcase 12 + TEST_IMM_OP(sltiu, x13, x18, 0x0, -0x1, -0x1, x1, 12, x7) # Testcase 13 + TEST_IMM_OP(sltiu, x14, x17, 0x0, -0x7ff, 0x1, x1, 16, x7) # Testcase 14 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 4\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_4_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(sltiu, x15, x16, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, x2, 0, x3) # Testcase 15 + TEST_IMM_OP(sltiu, x16, x15, 0x0, -0x1, 0x0, x2, 4, x3) # Testcase 16 + TEST_IMM_OP(sltiu, x17, x14, 0x1, 0x1, -0x7ff, x2, 8, x3) # Testcase 17 + TEST_IMM_OP(sltiu, x18, x13, 0x1, 0x0, -0x1, x2, 12, x3) # Testcase 18 + TEST_IMM_OP(sltiu, x19, x12, 0x1, 0x7ff, -0x800, x2, 16, x3) # Testcase 19 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 5\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_5_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(sltiu, x20, x11, 0x1, 0x0, 0x800, x1, 0, x2) # Testcase 20 + TEST_IMM_OP(sltiu, x21, x10, 0x1, 0x800, 0x800, x1, 4, x2) # Testcase 21 + TEST_IMM_OP(sltiu, x22, x9, 0x1, 0x7654321, 0x800, x1, 8, x2) # Testcase 22 + TEST_IMM_OP(sltiu, x23, x8, 0x0, 0x7fffffff, 0x1, x1, 12, x2) # Testcase 23 + TEST_IMM_OP(sltiu, x24, x7, 0x1, 0x1, 0x800, x1, 16, x2) # Testcase 24 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 6\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_6_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(sltiu, x25, x6, 0x0, 0xffffffff, 0x800, x1, 0, x7) # Testcase 25 + TEST_IMM_OP(sltiu, x26, x5, 0x1, 0x1234, 0x800, x1, 4, x7) # Testcase 26 + TEST_IMM_OP(sltiu, x27, x4, 0x0, 0x80000000, 0x0, x1, 8, x7) # Testcase 27 + TEST_IMM_OP(sltiu, x28, x3, 0x0, -0x1234, 0x7ff, x1, 12, x7) # Testcase 28 + TEST_IMM_OP(sltiu, x29, x2, 0x0, -0x1, -0x1, x1, 16, x7) # Testcase 29 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 7\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_7_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(sltiu, x30, x1, 0x0, -0x7ff, 0x1, x2, 0, x3) # Testcase 30 + TEST_IMM_OP(sltiu, x31, x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, x2, 4, x3) # Testcase 31 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN + +test_1_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_2_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_3_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_4_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_5_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_6_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_7_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END + diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-SLTU-01.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-SLTU-01.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b57a894 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-SLTU-01.S @@ -0,0 +1,172 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test SLTU-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2019, Imperas Software Ltd. +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Imperas Software Ltd. BE LIABLE FOR ANY +# DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +# (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.1 +# Description: Testing instruction 'SLTU'. + +#include "riscv_test_macros.h" +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" + +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test Begin\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 1\n") + + + # address for test results + la x5, test_1_res + + TEST_RR_OP(sltu, x0, x31, x16, 0x0, -0x1, 0x0, x5, 0, x6) # Testcase 0 + TEST_RR_OP(sltu, x1, x30, x15, 0x1, 0x1, -0x7ff, x5, 4, x6) # Testcase 1 + TEST_RR_OP(sltu, x2, x29, x14, 0x1, 0x0, -0x1, x5, 8, x6) # Testcase 2 + TEST_RR_OP(sltu, x3, x28, x13, 0x1, 0x7ff, -0x1234, x5, 12, x6) # Testcase 3 + TEST_RR_OP(sltu, x4, x27, x12, 0x1, 0x0, 0x80000000, x5, 16, x6) # Testcase 4 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 2\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_2_res + + TEST_RR_OP(sltu, x5, x26, x11, 0x1, 0x800, 0x1234, x1, 0, x2) # Testcase 5 + TEST_RR_OP(sltu, x6, x25, x10, 0x1, 0x7654321, 0xffffffff, x1, 4, x2) # Testcase 6 + TEST_RR_OP(sltu, x7, x24, x9, 0x0, 0x7fffffff, 0x1, x1, 8, x2) # Testcase 7 + TEST_RR_OP(sltu, x8, x23, x8, 0x1, 0x1, 0x7fffffff, x1, 12, x2) # Testcase 8 + TEST_RR_OP(sltu, x9, x22, x7, 0x0, 0xffffffff, 0x7654321, x1, 16, x2) # Testcase 9 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 3\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_3_res + + TEST_RR_OP(sltu, x10, x21, x6, 0x0, 0x1234, 0x800, x1, 0, x7) # Testcase 10 + TEST_RR_OP(sltu, x11, x20, x5, 0x0, 0x80000000, 0x0, x1, 4, x7) # Testcase 11 + TEST_RR_OP(sltu, x12, x19, x4, 0x0, -0x1234, 0x7ff, x1, 8, x7) # Testcase 12 + TEST_RR_OP(sltu, x13, x18, x3, 0x0, -0x1, -0x1, x1, 12, x7) # Testcase 13 + TEST_RR_OP(sltu, x14, x17, x2, 0x0, -0x7ff, 0x1, x1, 16, x7) # Testcase 14 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 4\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_4_res + + TEST_RR_OP(sltu, x15, x16, x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, x2, 0, x3) # Testcase 15 + TEST_RR_OP(sltu, x16, x15, x0, 0x0, -0x1, 0x0, x2, 4, x3) # Testcase 16 + TEST_RR_OP(sltu, x17, x14, x31, 0x1, 0x1, -0x7ff, x2, 8, x3) # Testcase 17 + TEST_RR_OP(sltu, x18, x13, x30, 0x1, 0x0, -0x1, x2, 12, x3) # Testcase 18 + TEST_RR_OP(sltu, x19, x12, x29, 0x1, 0x7ff, -0x1234, x2, 16, x3) # Testcase 19 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 5\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_5_res + + TEST_RR_OP(sltu, x20, x11, x28, 0x1, 0x0, 0x80000000, x1, 0, x2) # Testcase 20 + TEST_RR_OP(sltu, x21, x10, x27, 0x1, 0x800, 0x1234, x1, 4, x2) # Testcase 21 + TEST_RR_OP(sltu, x22, x9, x26, 0x1, 0x7654321, 0xffffffff, x1, 8, x2) # Testcase 22 + TEST_RR_OP(sltu, x23, x8, x25, 0x0, 0x7fffffff, 0x1, x1, 12, x2) # Testcase 23 + TEST_RR_OP(sltu, x24, x7, x24, 0x1, 0x1, 0x7fffffff, x1, 16, x2) # Testcase 24 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 6\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_6_res + + TEST_RR_OP(sltu, x25, x6, x23, 0x0, 0xffffffff, 0x7654321, x1, 0, x7) # Testcase 25 + TEST_RR_OP(sltu, x26, x5, x22, 0x0, 0x1234, 0x800, x1, 4, x7) # Testcase 26 + TEST_RR_OP(sltu, x27, x4, x21, 0x0, 0x80000000, 0x0, x1, 8, x7) # Testcase 27 + TEST_RR_OP(sltu, x28, x3, x20, 0x0, -0x1234, 0x7ff, x1, 12, x7) # Testcase 28 + TEST_RR_OP(sltu, x29, x2, x19, 0x0, -0x1, -0x1, x1, 16, x7) # Testcase 29 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 7\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_7_res + + TEST_RR_OP(sltu, x30, x1, x18, 0x0, -0x7ff, 0x1, x2, 0, x3) # Testcase 30 + TEST_RR_OP(sltu, x31, x0, x17, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, x2, 4, x3) # Testcase 31 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN + +test_1_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_2_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_3_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_4_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_5_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_6_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_7_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END + diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-SRA-01.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-SRA-01.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..30f6ae0 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-SRA-01.S @@ -0,0 +1,172 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test SRA-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2019, Imperas Software Ltd. +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Imperas Software Ltd. BE LIABLE FOR ANY +# DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +# (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.1 +# Description: Testing instruction 'SRA'. + +#include "riscv_test_macros.h" +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" + +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test Begin\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 1\n") + + + # address for test results + la x5, test_1_res + + TEST_RR_OP(sra, x0, x31, x16, 0x0, -0x1, 0x0, x5, 0, x6) # Testcase 0 + TEST_RR_OP(sra, x1, x30, x15, 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, x5, 4, x6) # Testcase 1 + TEST_RR_OP(sra, x2, x29, x14, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, x5, 8, x6) # Testcase 2 + TEST_RR_OP(sra, x3, x28, x13, 0x7f, 0x7ff, 0x4, x5, 12, x6) # Testcase 3 + TEST_RR_OP(sra, x4, x27, x12, 0x0, 0x0, 0x8, x5, 16, x6) # Testcase 4 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 2\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_2_res + + TEST_RR_OP(sra, x5, x26, x11, 0x0, 0x800, 0x1f, x1, 0, x2) # Testcase 5 + TEST_RR_OP(sra, x6, x25, x10, 0x765, 0x7654321, 0x10, x1, 4, x2) # Testcase 6 + TEST_RR_OP(sra, x7, x24, x9, 0x3fffffff, 0x7fffffff, 0x1, x1, 8, x2) # Testcase 7 + TEST_RR_OP(sra, x8, x23, x8, 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, x1, 12, x2) # Testcase 8 + TEST_RR_OP(sra, x9, x22, x7, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, 0x0, x1, 16, x2) # Testcase 9 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 3\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_3_res + + TEST_RR_OP(sra, x10, x21, x6, 0x91a, 0x1234, 0x1, x1, 0, x7) # Testcase 10 + TEST_RR_OP(sra, x11, x20, x5, 0xf8000000, 0x80000000, 0x4, x1, 4, x7) # Testcase 11 + TEST_RR_OP(sra, x12, x19, x4, 0xffffffed, -0x1234, 0x8, x1, 8, x7) # Testcase 12 + TEST_RR_OP(sra, x13, x18, x3, 0xffffffff, -0x1, 0x1f, x1, 12, x7) # Testcase 13 + TEST_RR_OP(sra, x14, x17, x2, 0xffffffff, -0x7ff, 0x10, x1, 16, x7) # Testcase 14 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 4\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_4_res + + TEST_RR_OP(sra, x15, x16, x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, x2, 0, x3) # Testcase 15 + TEST_RR_OP(sra, x16, x15, x0, 0xffffffff, -0x1, 0x0, x2, 4, x3) # Testcase 16 + TEST_RR_OP(sra, x17, x14, x31, 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, x2, 8, x3) # Testcase 17 + TEST_RR_OP(sra, x18, x13, x30, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, x2, 12, x3) # Testcase 18 + TEST_RR_OP(sra, x19, x12, x29, 0x7f, 0x7ff, 0x4, x2, 16, x3) # Testcase 19 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 5\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_5_res + + TEST_RR_OP(sra, x20, x11, x28, 0x0, 0x0, 0x8, x1, 0, x2) # Testcase 20 + TEST_RR_OP(sra, x21, x10, x27, 0x0, 0x800, 0x1f, x1, 4, x2) # Testcase 21 + TEST_RR_OP(sra, x22, x9, x26, 0x765, 0x7654321, 0x10, x1, 8, x2) # Testcase 22 + TEST_RR_OP(sra, x23, x8, x25, 0x3fffffff, 0x7fffffff, 0x1, x1, 12, x2) # Testcase 23 + TEST_RR_OP(sra, x24, x7, x24, 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, x1, 16, x2) # Testcase 24 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 6\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_6_res + + TEST_RR_OP(sra, x25, x6, x23, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, 0x0, x1, 0, x7) # Testcase 25 + TEST_RR_OP(sra, x26, x5, x22, 0x91a, 0x1234, 0x1, x1, 4, x7) # Testcase 26 + TEST_RR_OP(sra, x27, x4, x21, 0xf8000000, 0x80000000, 0x4, x1, 8, x7) # Testcase 27 + TEST_RR_OP(sra, x28, x3, x20, 0xffffffed, -0x1234, 0x8, x1, 12, x7) # Testcase 28 + TEST_RR_OP(sra, x29, x2, x19, 0xffffffff, -0x1, 0x1f, x1, 16, x7) # Testcase 29 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 7\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_7_res + + TEST_RR_OP(sra, x30, x1, x18, 0xffffffff, -0x7ff, 0x10, x2, 0, x3) # Testcase 30 + TEST_RR_OP(sra, x31, x0, x17, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, x2, 4, x3) # Testcase 31 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN + +test_1_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_2_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_3_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_4_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_5_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_6_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_7_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END + diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-SRAI-01.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-SRAI-01.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d83222b --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-SRAI-01.S @@ -0,0 +1,172 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test SRAI-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2019, Imperas Software Ltd. +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Imperas Software Ltd. BE LIABLE FOR ANY +# DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +# (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.1 +# Description: Testing instruction 'SRAI'. + +#include "riscv_test_macros.h" +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" + +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test Begin\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 1\n") + + + # address for test results + la x5, test_1_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(srai, x0, x31, 0x0, -0x1, 0x0, x5, 0, x6) # Testcase 0 + TEST_IMM_OP(srai, x1, x30, 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, x5, 4, x6) # Testcase 1 + TEST_IMM_OP(srai, x2, x29, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, x5, 8, x6) # Testcase 2 + TEST_IMM_OP(srai, x3, x28, 0x7f, 0x7ff, 0x4, x5, 12, x6) # Testcase 3 + TEST_IMM_OP(srai, x4, x27, 0x0, 0x0, 0x8, x5, 16, x6) # Testcase 4 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 2\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_2_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(srai, x5, x26, 0x0, 0x800, 0x1f, x1, 0, x2) # Testcase 5 + TEST_IMM_OP(srai, x6, x25, 0x765, 0x7654321, 0x10, x1, 4, x2) # Testcase 6 + TEST_IMM_OP(srai, x7, x24, 0x3fffffff, 0x7fffffff, 0x1, x1, 8, x2) # Testcase 7 + TEST_IMM_OP(srai, x8, x23, 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, x1, 12, x2) # Testcase 8 + TEST_IMM_OP(srai, x9, x22, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, 0x0, x1, 16, x2) # Testcase 9 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 3\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_3_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(srai, x10, x21, 0x91a, 0x1234, 0x1, x1, 0, x7) # Testcase 10 + TEST_IMM_OP(srai, x11, x20, 0xf8000000, 0x80000000, 0x4, x1, 4, x7) # Testcase 11 + TEST_IMM_OP(srai, x12, x19, 0xffffffed, -0x1234, 0x8, x1, 8, x7) # Testcase 12 + TEST_IMM_OP(srai, x13, x18, 0xffffffff, -0x1, 0x1f, x1, 12, x7) # Testcase 13 + TEST_IMM_OP(srai, x14, x17, 0xffffffff, -0x7ff, 0x10, x1, 16, x7) # Testcase 14 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 4\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_4_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(srai, x15, x16, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, x2, 0, x3) # Testcase 15 + TEST_IMM_OP(srai, x16, x15, 0xffffffff, -0x1, 0x0, x2, 4, x3) # Testcase 16 + TEST_IMM_OP(srai, x17, x14, 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, x2, 8, x3) # Testcase 17 + TEST_IMM_OP(srai, x18, x13, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, x2, 12, x3) # Testcase 18 + TEST_IMM_OP(srai, x19, x12, 0x7f, 0x7ff, 0x4, x2, 16, x3) # Testcase 19 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 5\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_5_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(srai, x20, x11, 0x0, 0x0, 0x8, x1, 0, x2) # Testcase 20 + TEST_IMM_OP(srai, x21, x10, 0x0, 0x800, 0x1f, x1, 4, x2) # Testcase 21 + TEST_IMM_OP(srai, x22, x9, 0x765, 0x7654321, 0x10, x1, 8, x2) # Testcase 22 + TEST_IMM_OP(srai, x23, x8, 0x3fffffff, 0x7fffffff, 0x1, x1, 12, x2) # Testcase 23 + TEST_IMM_OP(srai, x24, x7, 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, x1, 16, x2) # Testcase 24 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 6\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_6_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(srai, x25, x6, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, 0x0, x1, 0, x7) # Testcase 25 + TEST_IMM_OP(srai, x26, x5, 0x91a, 0x1234, 0x1, x1, 4, x7) # Testcase 26 + TEST_IMM_OP(srai, x27, x4, 0xf8000000, 0x80000000, 0x4, x1, 8, x7) # Testcase 27 + TEST_IMM_OP(srai, x28, x3, 0xffffffed, -0x1234, 0x8, x1, 12, x7) # Testcase 28 + TEST_IMM_OP(srai, x29, x2, 0xffffffff, -0x1, 0x1f, x1, 16, x7) # Testcase 29 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 7\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_7_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(srai, x30, x1, 0xffffffff, -0x7ff, 0x10, x2, 0, x3) # Testcase 30 + TEST_IMM_OP(srai, x31, x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, x2, 4, x3) # Testcase 31 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN + +test_1_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_2_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_3_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_4_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_5_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_6_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_7_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END + diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-SRL-01.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-SRL-01.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9cd51ae --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-SRL-01.S @@ -0,0 +1,172 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test SRL-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2019, Imperas Software Ltd. +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Imperas Software Ltd. BE LIABLE FOR ANY +# DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +# (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.1 +# Description: Testing instruction 'SRL'. + +#include "riscv_test_macros.h" +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" + +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test Begin\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 1\n") + + + # address for test results + la x5, test_1_res + + TEST_RR_OP(srl, x0, x31, x16, 0x0, -0x1, 0x0, x5, 0, x6) # Testcase 0 + TEST_RR_OP(srl, x1, x30, x15, 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, x5, 4, x6) # Testcase 1 + TEST_RR_OP(srl, x2, x29, x14, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, x5, 8, x6) # Testcase 2 + TEST_RR_OP(srl, x3, x28, x13, 0x7f, 0x7ff, 0x4, x5, 12, x6) # Testcase 3 + TEST_RR_OP(srl, x4, x27, x12, 0x0, 0x0, 0x8, x5, 16, x6) # Testcase 4 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 2\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_2_res + + TEST_RR_OP(srl, x5, x26, x11, 0x0, 0x800, 0x1f, x1, 0, x2) # Testcase 5 + TEST_RR_OP(srl, x6, x25, x10, 0x765, 0x7654321, 0x10, x1, 4, x2) # Testcase 6 + TEST_RR_OP(srl, x7, x24, x9, 0x3fffffff, 0x7fffffff, 0x1, x1, 8, x2) # Testcase 7 + TEST_RR_OP(srl, x8, x23, x8, 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, x1, 12, x2) # Testcase 8 + TEST_RR_OP(srl, x9, x22, x7, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, 0x0, x1, 16, x2) # Testcase 9 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 3\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_3_res + + TEST_RR_OP(srl, x10, x21, x6, 0x91a, 0x1234, 0x1, x1, 0, x7) # Testcase 10 + TEST_RR_OP(srl, x11, x20, x5, 0x8000000, 0x80000000, 0x4, x1, 4, x7) # Testcase 11 + TEST_RR_OP(srl, x12, x19, x4, 0xffffed, -0x1234, 0x8, x1, 8, x7) # Testcase 12 + TEST_RR_OP(srl, x13, x18, x3, 0x1, -0x1, 0x1f, x1, 12, x7) # Testcase 13 + TEST_RR_OP(srl, x14, x17, x2, 0xffff, -0x7ff, 0x10, x1, 16, x7) # Testcase 14 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 4\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_4_res + + TEST_RR_OP(srl, x15, x16, x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, x2, 0, x3) # Testcase 15 + TEST_RR_OP(srl, x16, x15, x0, 0xffffffff, -0x1, 0x0, x2, 4, x3) # Testcase 16 + TEST_RR_OP(srl, x17, x14, x31, 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, x2, 8, x3) # Testcase 17 + TEST_RR_OP(srl, x18, x13, x30, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, x2, 12, x3) # Testcase 18 + TEST_RR_OP(srl, x19, x12, x29, 0x7f, 0x7ff, 0x4, x2, 16, x3) # Testcase 19 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 5\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_5_res + + TEST_RR_OP(srl, x20, x11, x28, 0x0, 0x0, 0x8, x1, 0, x2) # Testcase 20 + TEST_RR_OP(srl, x21, x10, x27, 0x0, 0x800, 0x1f, x1, 4, x2) # Testcase 21 + TEST_RR_OP(srl, x22, x9, x26, 0x765, 0x7654321, 0x10, x1, 8, x2) # Testcase 22 + TEST_RR_OP(srl, x23, x8, x25, 0x3fffffff, 0x7fffffff, 0x1, x1, 12, x2) # Testcase 23 + TEST_RR_OP(srl, x24, x7, x24, 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, x1, 16, x2) # Testcase 24 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 6\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_6_res + + TEST_RR_OP(srl, x25, x6, x23, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, 0x0, x1, 0, x7) # Testcase 25 + TEST_RR_OP(srl, x26, x5, x22, 0x91a, 0x1234, 0x1, x1, 4, x7) # Testcase 26 + TEST_RR_OP(srl, x27, x4, x21, 0x8000000, 0x80000000, 0x4, x1, 8, x7) # Testcase 27 + TEST_RR_OP(srl, x28, x3, x20, 0xffffed, -0x1234, 0x8, x1, 12, x7) # Testcase 28 + TEST_RR_OP(srl, x29, x2, x19, 0x1, -0x1, 0x1f, x1, 16, x7) # Testcase 29 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 7\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_7_res + + TEST_RR_OP(srl, x30, x1, x18, 0xffff, -0x7ff, 0x10, x2, 0, x3) # Testcase 30 + TEST_RR_OP(srl, x31, x0, x17, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, x2, 4, x3) # Testcase 31 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN + +test_1_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_2_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_3_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_4_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_5_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_6_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_7_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END + diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-SRLI-01.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-SRLI-01.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8012626 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-SRLI-01.S @@ -0,0 +1,172 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test SRLI-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2019, Imperas Software Ltd. +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Imperas Software Ltd. BE LIABLE FOR ANY +# DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +# (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.1 +# Description: Testing instruction 'SRLI'. + +#include "riscv_test_macros.h" +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" + +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test Begin\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 1\n") + + + # address for test results + la x5, test_1_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(srli, x0, x31, 0x0, -0x1, 0x0, x5, 0, x6) # Testcase 0 + TEST_IMM_OP(srli, x1, x30, 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, x5, 4, x6) # Testcase 1 + TEST_IMM_OP(srli, x2, x29, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, x5, 8, x6) # Testcase 2 + TEST_IMM_OP(srli, x3, x28, 0x7f, 0x7ff, 0x4, x5, 12, x6) # Testcase 3 + TEST_IMM_OP(srli, x4, x27, 0x0, 0x0, 0x8, x5, 16, x6) # Testcase 4 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 2\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_2_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(srli, x5, x26, 0x0, 0x800, 0x1f, x1, 0, x2) # Testcase 5 + TEST_IMM_OP(srli, x6, x25, 0x765, 0x7654321, 0x10, x1, 4, x2) # Testcase 6 + TEST_IMM_OP(srli, x7, x24, 0x3fffffff, 0x7fffffff, 0x1, x1, 8, x2) # Testcase 7 + TEST_IMM_OP(srli, x8, x23, 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, x1, 12, x2) # Testcase 8 + TEST_IMM_OP(srli, x9, x22, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, 0x0, x1, 16, x2) # Testcase 9 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 3\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_3_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(srli, x10, x21, 0x91a, 0x1234, 0x1, x1, 0, x7) # Testcase 10 + TEST_IMM_OP(srli, x11, x20, 0x8000000, 0x80000000, 0x4, x1, 4, x7) # Testcase 11 + TEST_IMM_OP(srli, x12, x19, 0xffffed, -0x1234, 0x8, x1, 8, x7) # Testcase 12 + TEST_IMM_OP(srli, x13, x18, 0x1, -0x1, 0x1f, x1, 12, x7) # Testcase 13 + TEST_IMM_OP(srli, x14, x17, 0xffff, -0x7ff, 0x10, x1, 16, x7) # Testcase 14 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 4\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_4_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(srli, x15, x16, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, x2, 0, x3) # Testcase 15 + TEST_IMM_OP(srli, x16, x15, 0xffffffff, -0x1, 0x0, x2, 4, x3) # Testcase 16 + TEST_IMM_OP(srli, x17, x14, 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, x2, 8, x3) # Testcase 17 + TEST_IMM_OP(srli, x18, x13, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, x2, 12, x3) # Testcase 18 + TEST_IMM_OP(srli, x19, x12, 0x7f, 0x7ff, 0x4, x2, 16, x3) # Testcase 19 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 5\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_5_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(srli, x20, x11, 0x0, 0x0, 0x8, x1, 0, x2) # Testcase 20 + TEST_IMM_OP(srli, x21, x10, 0x0, 0x800, 0x1f, x1, 4, x2) # Testcase 21 + TEST_IMM_OP(srli, x22, x9, 0x765, 0x7654321, 0x10, x1, 8, x2) # Testcase 22 + TEST_IMM_OP(srli, x23, x8, 0x3fffffff, 0x7fffffff, 0x1, x1, 12, x2) # Testcase 23 + TEST_IMM_OP(srli, x24, x7, 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, x1, 16, x2) # Testcase 24 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 6\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_6_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(srli, x25, x6, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, 0x0, x1, 0, x7) # Testcase 25 + TEST_IMM_OP(srli, x26, x5, 0x91a, 0x1234, 0x1, x1, 4, x7) # Testcase 26 + TEST_IMM_OP(srli, x27, x4, 0x8000000, 0x80000000, 0x4, x1, 8, x7) # Testcase 27 + TEST_IMM_OP(srli, x28, x3, 0xffffed, -0x1234, 0x8, x1, 12, x7) # Testcase 28 + TEST_IMM_OP(srli, x29, x2, 0x1, -0x1, 0x1f, x1, 16, x7) # Testcase 29 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 7\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_7_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(srli, x30, x1, 0xffff, -0x7ff, 0x10, x2, 0, x3) # Testcase 30 + TEST_IMM_OP(srli, x31, x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, x2, 4, x3) # Testcase 31 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN + +test_1_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_2_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_3_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_4_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_5_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_6_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_7_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END + diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-SUB-01.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-SUB-01.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..be59eb4 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-SUB-01.S @@ -0,0 +1,172 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test SUB-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2019, Imperas Software Ltd. +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Imperas Software Ltd. BE LIABLE FOR ANY +# DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +# (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.1 +# Description: Testing instruction 'SUB'. + +#include "riscv_test_macros.h" +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" + +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test Begin\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 1\n") + + + # address for test results + la x5, test_1_res + + TEST_RR_OP(sub, x0, x31, x16, 0x0, -0x1, 0x0, x5, 0, x6) # Testcase 0 + TEST_RR_OP(sub, x1, x30, x15, 0x800, 0x1, -0x7ff, x5, 4, x6) # Testcase 1 + TEST_RR_OP(sub, x2, x29, x14, 0x1, 0x0, -0x1, x5, 8, x6) # Testcase 2 + TEST_RR_OP(sub, x3, x28, x13, 0x1a33, 0x7ff, -0x1234, x5, 12, x6) # Testcase 3 + TEST_RR_OP(sub, x4, x27, x12, 0x80000000, 0x0, 0x80000000, x5, 16, x6) # Testcase 4 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 2\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_2_res + + TEST_RR_OP(sub, x5, x26, x11, 0xfffff5cc, 0x800, 0x1234, x1, 0, x2) # Testcase 5 + TEST_RR_OP(sub, x6, x25, x10, 0x7654322, 0x7654321, 0xffffffff, x1, 4, x2) # Testcase 6 + TEST_RR_OP(sub, x7, x24, x9, 0x7ffffffe, 0x7fffffff, 0x1, x1, 8, x2) # Testcase 7 + TEST_RR_OP(sub, x8, x23, x8, 0x80000002, 0x1, 0x7fffffff, x1, 12, x2) # Testcase 8 + TEST_RR_OP(sub, x9, x22, x7, 0xf89abcde, 0xffffffff, 0x7654321, x1, 16, x2) # Testcase 9 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 3\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_3_res + + TEST_RR_OP(sub, x10, x21, x6, 0xa34, 0x1234, 0x800, x1, 0, x7) # Testcase 10 + TEST_RR_OP(sub, x11, x20, x5, 0x80000000, 0x80000000, 0x0, x1, 4, x7) # Testcase 11 + TEST_RR_OP(sub, x12, x19, x4, 0xffffe5cd, -0x1234, 0x7ff, x1, 8, x7) # Testcase 12 + TEST_RR_OP(sub, x13, x18, x3, 0x0, -0x1, -0x1, x1, 12, x7) # Testcase 13 + TEST_RR_OP(sub, x14, x17, x2, 0xfffff800, -0x7ff, 0x1, x1, 16, x7) # Testcase 14 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 4\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_4_res + + TEST_RR_OP(sub, x15, x16, x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, x2, 0, x3) # Testcase 15 + TEST_RR_OP(sub, x16, x15, x0, 0xffffffff, -0x1, 0x0, x2, 4, x3) # Testcase 16 + TEST_RR_OP(sub, x17, x14, x31, 0x800, 0x1, -0x7ff, x2, 8, x3) # Testcase 17 + TEST_RR_OP(sub, x18, x13, x30, 0x1, 0x0, -0x1, x2, 12, x3) # Testcase 18 + TEST_RR_OP(sub, x19, x12, x29, 0x1a33, 0x7ff, -0x1234, x2, 16, x3) # Testcase 19 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 5\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_5_res + + TEST_RR_OP(sub, x20, x11, x28, 0x80000000, 0x0, 0x80000000, x1, 0, x2) # Testcase 20 + TEST_RR_OP(sub, x21, x10, x27, 0xfffff5cc, 0x800, 0x1234, x1, 4, x2) # Testcase 21 + TEST_RR_OP(sub, x22, x9, x26, 0x7654322, 0x7654321, 0xffffffff, x1, 8, x2) # Testcase 22 + TEST_RR_OP(sub, x23, x8, x25, 0x7ffffffe, 0x7fffffff, 0x1, x1, 12, x2) # Testcase 23 + TEST_RR_OP(sub, x24, x7, x24, 0x80000002, 0x1, 0x7fffffff, x1, 16, x2) # Testcase 24 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 6\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_6_res + + TEST_RR_OP(sub, x25, x6, x23, 0xf89abcde, 0xffffffff, 0x7654321, x1, 0, x7) # Testcase 25 + TEST_RR_OP(sub, x26, x5, x22, 0xa34, 0x1234, 0x800, x1, 4, x7) # Testcase 26 + TEST_RR_OP(sub, x27, x4, x21, 0x80000000, 0x80000000, 0x0, x1, 8, x7) # Testcase 27 + TEST_RR_OP(sub, x28, x3, x20, 0xffffe5cd, -0x1234, 0x7ff, x1, 12, x7) # Testcase 28 + TEST_RR_OP(sub, x29, x2, x19, 0x0, -0x1, -0x1, x1, 16, x7) # Testcase 29 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 7\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_7_res + + TEST_RR_OP(sub, x30, x1, x18, 0xfffff800, -0x7ff, 0x1, x2, 0, x3) # Testcase 30 + TEST_RR_OP(sub, x31, x0, x17, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, x2, 4, x3) # Testcase 31 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN + +test_1_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_2_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_3_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_4_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_5_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_6_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_7_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END + diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-SW-01.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-SW-01.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..afabbb7 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-SW-01.S @@ -0,0 +1,519 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test I-SW-01 +# +# +# Copyright (c) 2019 Imperas Software Ltd., www.imperas.com +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, +# either express or implied. +# +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# +# +# Specification: RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.1 +# Description: Testing instruction 'SW'. + +#include "riscv_test_macros.h" +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" + +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test Begin\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 1\n") + + + # Addresses for test results + la x5, test_1_res + + # Clear memory + sw x0, 0(x5) + # Load values and compute offsets + li x16, -0x1 + addi x31, x5,0 + addi x31, x31, 0x7d0 + # Test Instruction + sw x16, -0x7d0(x31) + # Check results: mem[test_1_res+0] = -0x1 + lw x7, 0(x5) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x6, x7, -0x1) + + # Clear memory + sw x0, 4(x5) + # Load values and compute offsets + li x15, 0x1 + addi x30, x5,4 + addi x30, x30, 0x0 + # Test Instruction + sw x15, 0x0(x30) + # Check results: mem[test_1_res+4] = 0x1 + lw x7, 4(x5) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x6, x7, 0x1) + + # Clear memory + sw x0, 8(x5) + # Load values and compute offsets + li x14, 0x0 + addi x29, x5,8 + addi x29, x29, 0x1 + # Test Instruction + sw x14, -0x1(x29) + # Check results: mem[test_1_res+8] = 0x0 + lw x7, 8(x5) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x6, x7, 0x0) + + # Clear memory + sw x0, 12(x5) + # Load values and compute offsets + li x13, 0x7ff + addi x28, x5,12 + addi x28, x28, 0x7d0 + # Test Instruction + sw x13, -0x7d0(x28) + # Check results: mem[test_1_res+12] = 0x7ff + lw x7, 12(x5) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x6, x7, 0x7ff) + + # Clear memory + sw x0, 16(x5) + # Load values and compute offsets + li x12, 0x0 + addi x27, x5,16 + addi x27, x27, -0x7d0 + # Test Instruction + sw x12, 0x7d0(x27) + # Check results: mem[test_1_res+16] = 0x0 + lw x7, 16(x5) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x6, x7, 0x0) + + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 2\n") + + + # Addresses for test results + la x1, test_2_res + + # Clear memory + sw x0, 0(x1) + # Load values and compute offsets + li x11, 0x800 + addi x26, x1,0 + addi x26, x26, -0x7d0 + # Test Instruction + sw x11, 0x7d0(x26) + # Check results: mem[test_2_res+0] = 0x800 + lw x3, 0(x1) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x3, 0x800) + + # Clear memory + sw x0, 4(x1) + # Load values and compute offsets + li x10, 0x7654321 + addi x25, x1,4 + addi x25, x25, -0x7d0 + # Test Instruction + sw x10, 0x7d0(x25) + # Check results: mem[test_2_res+4] = 0x7654321 + lw x3, 4(x1) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x3, 0x7654321) + + # Clear memory + sw x0, 8(x1) + # Load values and compute offsets + li x9, 0x7fffffff + addi x24, x1,8 + addi x24, x24, -0x1 + # Test Instruction + sw x9, 0x1(x24) + # Check results: mem[test_2_res+8] = 0x7fffffff + lw x3, 8(x1) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x3, 0x7fffffff) + + # Clear memory + sw x0, 12(x1) + # Load values and compute offsets + li x8, 0x1 + addi x23, x1,12 + addi x23, x23, -0x7d0 + # Test Instruction + sw x8, 0x7d0(x23) + # Check results: mem[test_2_res+12] = 0x1 + lw x3, 12(x1) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x3, 0x1) + + # Clear memory + sw x0, 16(x1) + # Load values and compute offsets + li x7, 0xffffffff + addi x22, x1,16 + addi x22, x22, -0x7d0 + # Test Instruction + sw x7, 0x7d0(x22) + # Check results: mem[test_2_res+16] = 0xffffffff + lw x3, 16(x1) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x3, 0xffffffff) + + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 3\n") + + + # Addresses for test results + la x1, test_3_res + + # Clear memory + sw x0, 0(x1) + # Load values and compute offsets + li x6, 0x1234 + addi x21, x1,0 + addi x21, x21, -0x7d0 + # Test Instruction + sw x6, 0x7d0(x21) + # Check results: mem[test_3_res+0] = 0x1234 + lw x8, 0(x1) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x8, 0x1234) + + # Clear memory + sw x0, 4(x1) + # Load values and compute offsets + li x5, 0x80000000 + addi x20, x1,4 + addi x20, x20, 0x0 + # Test Instruction + sw x5, 0x0(x20) + # Check results: mem[test_3_res+4] = 0x80000000 + lw x8, 4(x1) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x8, 0x80000000) + + # Clear memory + sw x0, 8(x1) + # Load values and compute offsets + li x4, -0x1234 + addi x19, x1,8 + addi x19, x19, -0x7d0 + # Test Instruction + sw x4, 0x7d0(x19) + # Check results: mem[test_3_res+8] = -0x1234 + lw x8, 8(x1) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x8, -0x1234) + + # Clear memory + sw x0, 12(x1) + # Load values and compute offsets + li x3, -0x1 + addi x18, x1,12 + addi x18, x18, 0x1 + # Test Instruction + sw x3, -0x1(x18) + # Check results: mem[test_3_res+12] = -0x1 + lw x8, 12(x1) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x8, -0x1) + + # Clear memory + sw x0, 16(x1) + # Load values and compute offsets + li x2, -0x7ff + addi x17, x1,16 + addi x17, x17, 0x0 + # Test Instruction + sw x2, 0x0(x17) + # Check results: mem[test_3_res+16] = -0x7ff + lw x8, 16(x1) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x8, -0x7ff) + + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 4\n") + + + # Addresses for test results + la x2, test_4_res + + # Clear memory + sw x0, 0(x2) + # Load values and compute offsets + li x1, -0x2 + addi x16, x2,0 + addi x16, x16, -0x1 + # Test Instruction + sw x1, 0x1(x16) + # Check results: mem[test_4_res+0] = -0x2 + lw x4, 0(x2) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x3, x4, -0x2) + + # Clear memory + sw x0, 4(x2) + # Load values and compute offsets + li x0, -0x1 + addi x15, x2,4 + addi x15, x15, 0x7d0 + # Test Instruction + sw x0, -0x7d0(x15) + # Check results: mem[test_4_res+4] = 0 + lw x4, 4(x2) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x3, x4, 0) + + # Clear memory + sw x0, 8(x2) + # Load values and compute offsets + li x31, 0x1 + addi x14, x2,8 + addi x14, x14, 0x0 + # Test Instruction + sw x31, 0x0(x14) + # Check results: mem[test_4_res+8] = 0x1 + lw x4, 8(x2) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x3, x4, 0x1) + + # Clear memory + sw x0, 12(x2) + # Load values and compute offsets + li x30, 0x0 + addi x13, x2,12 + addi x13, x13, 0x1 + # Test Instruction + sw x30, -0x1(x13) + # Check results: mem[test_4_res+12] = 0x0 + lw x4, 12(x2) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x3, x4, 0x0) + + # Clear memory + sw x0, 16(x2) + # Load values and compute offsets + li x29, 0x7ff + addi x12, x2,16 + addi x12, x12, 0x7d0 + # Test Instruction + sw x29, -0x7d0(x12) + # Check results: mem[test_4_res+16] = 0x7ff + lw x4, 16(x2) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x3, x4, 0x7ff) + + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 5\n") + + + # Addresses for test results + la x1, test_5_res + + # Clear memory + sw x0, 0(x1) + # Load values and compute offsets + li x28, 0x0 + addi x11, x1,0 + addi x11, x11, -0x7d0 + # Test Instruction + sw x28, 0x7d0(x11) + # Check results: mem[test_5_res+0] = 0x0 + lw x3, 0(x1) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x3, 0x0) + + # Clear memory + sw x0, 4(x1) + # Load values and compute offsets + li x27, 0x800 + addi x10, x1,4 + addi x10, x10, -0x7d0 + # Test Instruction + sw x27, 0x7d0(x10) + # Check results: mem[test_5_res+4] = 0x800 + lw x3, 4(x1) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x3, 0x800) + + # Clear memory + sw x0, 8(x1) + # Load values and compute offsets + li x26, 0x7654321 + addi x9, x1,8 + addi x9, x9, -0x7d0 + # Test Instruction + sw x26, 0x7d0(x9) + # Check results: mem[test_5_res+8] = 0x7654321 + lw x3, 8(x1) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x3, 0x7654321) + + # Clear memory + sw x0, 12(x1) + # Load values and compute offsets + li x25, 0x7fffffff + addi x8, x1,12 + addi x8, x8, -0x1 + # Test Instruction + sw x25, 0x1(x8) + # Check results: mem[test_5_res+12] = 0x7fffffff + lw x3, 12(x1) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x3, 0x7fffffff) + + # Clear memory + sw x0, 16(x1) + # Load values and compute offsets + li x24, 0x1 + addi x7, x1,16 + addi x7, x7, -0x7d0 + # Test Instruction + sw x24, 0x7d0(x7) + # Check results: mem[test_5_res+16] = 0x1 + lw x3, 16(x1) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x2, x3, 0x1) + + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 6\n") + + + # Addresses for test results + la x1, test_6_res + + # Clear memory + sw x0, 0(x1) + # Load values and compute offsets + li x23, 0xffffffff + addi x6, x1,0 + addi x6, x6, -0x7d0 + # Test Instruction + sw x23, 0x7d0(x6) + # Check results: mem[test_6_res+0] = 0xffffffff + lw x8, 0(x1) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x8, 0xffffffff) + + # Clear memory + sw x0, 4(x1) + # Load values and compute offsets + li x22, 0x1234 + addi x5, x1,4 + addi x5, x5, -0x7d0 + # Test Instruction + sw x22, 0x7d0(x5) + # Check results: mem[test_6_res+4] = 0x1234 + lw x8, 4(x1) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x8, 0x1234) + + # Clear memory + sw x0, 8(x1) + # Load values and compute offsets + li x21, 0x80000000 + addi x4, x1,8 + addi x4, x4, 0x0 + # Test Instruction + sw x21, 0x0(x4) + # Check results: mem[test_6_res+8] = 0x80000000 + lw x8, 8(x1) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x8, 0x80000000) + + # Clear memory + sw x0, 12(x1) + # Load values and compute offsets + li x20, -0x1234 + addi x3, x1,12 + addi x3, x3, -0x7d0 + # Test Instruction + sw x20, 0x7d0(x3) + # Check results: mem[test_6_res+12] = -0x1234 + lw x8, 12(x1) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x8, -0x1234) + + # Clear memory + sw x0, 16(x1) + # Load values and compute offsets + li x19, -0x1 + addi x2, x1,16 + addi x2, x2, 0x1 + # Test Instruction + sw x19, -0x1(x2) + # Check results: mem[test_6_res+16] = -0x1 + lw x8, 16(x1) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x8, -0x1) + + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 7\n") + + + # Addresses for test results + la x2, test_7_res + + # Clear memory + sw x0, 0(x2) + # Load values and compute offsets + li x18, -0x7ff + addi x1, x2,0 + addi x1, x1, 0x0 + # Test Instruction + sw x18, 0x0(x1) + # Check results: mem[test_7_res+0] = -0x7ff + lw x4, 0(x2) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x3, x4, -0x7ff) + + # Clear memory + sw x0, 4(x2) + # Load values and compute offsets + li x17, -0x2 + addi x1, x2,4 + addi x1, x1, -0x1 + # Test Instruction + sw x17, 0x1(x1) + # Check results: mem[test_7_res+4] = -0x2 + lw x4, 4(x2) + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x3, x4, -0x2) + + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN + +test_1_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_2_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_3_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_4_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_5_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_6_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_7_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END + diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-XOR-01.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-XOR-01.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..af35340 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-XOR-01.S @@ -0,0 +1,172 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test XOR-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2019, Imperas Software Ltd. +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Imperas Software Ltd. BE LIABLE FOR ANY +# DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +# (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.1 +# Description: Testing instruction 'XOR'. + +#include "riscv_test_macros.h" +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" + +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test Begin\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 1\n") + + + # address for test results + la x5, test_1_res + + TEST_RR_OP(xor, x0, x31, x16, 0x0, -0x1, 0x0, x5, 0, x6) # Testcase 0 + TEST_RR_OP(xor, x1, x30, x15, 0xfffff800, 0x1, -0x7ff, x5, 4, x6) # Testcase 1 + TEST_RR_OP(xor, x2, x29, x14, 0xffffffff, 0x0, -0x1, x5, 8, x6) # Testcase 2 + TEST_RR_OP(xor, x3, x28, x13, 0xffffea33, 0x7ff, -0x1234, x5, 12, x6) # Testcase 3 + TEST_RR_OP(xor, x4, x27, x12, 0x80000000, 0x0, 0x80000000, x5, 16, x6) # Testcase 4 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 2\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_2_res + + TEST_RR_OP(xor, x5, x26, x11, 0x1a34, 0x800, 0x1234, x1, 0, x2) # Testcase 5 + TEST_RR_OP(xor, x6, x25, x10, 0xf89abcde, 0x7654321, 0xffffffff, x1, 4, x2) # Testcase 6 + TEST_RR_OP(xor, x7, x24, x9, 0x7ffffffe, 0x7fffffff, 0x1, x1, 8, x2) # Testcase 7 + TEST_RR_OP(xor, x8, x23, x8, 0x7ffffffe, 0x1, 0x7fffffff, x1, 12, x2) # Testcase 8 + TEST_RR_OP(xor, x9, x22, x7, 0xf89abcde, 0xffffffff, 0x7654321, x1, 16, x2) # Testcase 9 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 3\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_3_res + + TEST_RR_OP(xor, x10, x21, x6, 0x1a34, 0x1234, 0x800, x1, 0, x7) # Testcase 10 + TEST_RR_OP(xor, x11, x20, x5, 0x80000000, 0x80000000, 0x0, x1, 4, x7) # Testcase 11 + TEST_RR_OP(xor, x12, x19, x4, 0xffffea33, -0x1234, 0x7ff, x1, 8, x7) # Testcase 12 + TEST_RR_OP(xor, x13, x18, x3, 0x0, -0x1, -0x1, x1, 12, x7) # Testcase 13 + TEST_RR_OP(xor, x14, x17, x2, 0xfffff800, -0x7ff, 0x1, x1, 16, x7) # Testcase 14 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 4\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_4_res + + TEST_RR_OP(xor, x15, x16, x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, x2, 0, x3) # Testcase 15 + TEST_RR_OP(xor, x16, x15, x0, 0xffffffff, -0x1, 0x0, x2, 4, x3) # Testcase 16 + TEST_RR_OP(xor, x17, x14, x31, 0xfffff800, 0x1, -0x7ff, x2, 8, x3) # Testcase 17 + TEST_RR_OP(xor, x18, x13, x30, 0xffffffff, 0x0, -0x1, x2, 12, x3) # Testcase 18 + TEST_RR_OP(xor, x19, x12, x29, 0xffffea33, 0x7ff, -0x1234, x2, 16, x3) # Testcase 19 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 5\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_5_res + + TEST_RR_OP(xor, x20, x11, x28, 0x80000000, 0x0, 0x80000000, x1, 0, x2) # Testcase 20 + TEST_RR_OP(xor, x21, x10, x27, 0x1a34, 0x800, 0x1234, x1, 4, x2) # Testcase 21 + TEST_RR_OP(xor, x22, x9, x26, 0xf89abcde, 0x7654321, 0xffffffff, x1, 8, x2) # Testcase 22 + TEST_RR_OP(xor, x23, x8, x25, 0x7ffffffe, 0x7fffffff, 0x1, x1, 12, x2) # Testcase 23 + TEST_RR_OP(xor, x24, x7, x24, 0x7ffffffe, 0x1, 0x7fffffff, x1, 16, x2) # Testcase 24 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 6\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_6_res + + TEST_RR_OP(xor, x25, x6, x23, 0xf89abcde, 0xffffffff, 0x7654321, x1, 0, x7) # Testcase 25 + TEST_RR_OP(xor, x26, x5, x22, 0x1a34, 0x1234, 0x800, x1, 4, x7) # Testcase 26 + TEST_RR_OP(xor, x27, x4, x21, 0x80000000, 0x80000000, 0x0, x1, 8, x7) # Testcase 27 + TEST_RR_OP(xor, x28, x3, x20, 0xffffea33, -0x1234, 0x7ff, x1, 12, x7) # Testcase 28 + TEST_RR_OP(xor, x29, x2, x19, 0x0, -0x1, -0x1, x1, 16, x7) # Testcase 29 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 7\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_7_res + + TEST_RR_OP(xor, x30, x1, x18, 0xfffff800, -0x7ff, 0x1, x2, 0, x3) # Testcase 30 + TEST_RR_OP(xor, x31, x0, x17, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, x2, 4, x3) # Testcase 31 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN + +test_1_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_2_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_3_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_4_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_5_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_6_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_7_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END + diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-XORI-01.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-XORI-01.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7137385 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32i/src/I-XORI-01.S @@ -0,0 +1,172 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test XORI-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2019, Imperas Software Ltd. +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Imperas Software Ltd. BE LIABLE FOR ANY +# DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +# (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.1 +# Description: Testing instruction 'XORI'. + +#include "riscv_test_macros.h" +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" + +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test Begin\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 1\n") + + + # address for test results + la x5, test_1_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(xori, x0, x31, 0x0, -0x1, 0x0, x5, 0, x6) # Testcase 0 + TEST_IMM_OP(xori, x1, x30, 0xfffff800, 0x1, -0x7ff, x5, 4, x6) # Testcase 1 + TEST_IMM_OP(xori, x2, x29, 0xffffffff, 0x0, -0x1, x5, 8, x6) # Testcase 2 + TEST_IMM_OP(xori, x3, x28, 0xffffffff, 0x7ff, -0x800, x5, 12, x6) # Testcase 3 + TEST_IMM_OP(xori, x4, x27, 0xfffff800, 0x0, 0x800, x5, 16, x6) # Testcase 4 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 2\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_2_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(xori, x5, x26, 0xfffff000, 0x800, 0x800, x1, 0, x2) # Testcase 5 + TEST_IMM_OP(xori, x6, x25, 0xf89abb21, 0x7654321, 0x800, x1, 4, x2) # Testcase 6 + TEST_IMM_OP(xori, x7, x24, 0x7ffffffe, 0x7fffffff, 0x1, x1, 8, x2) # Testcase 7 + TEST_IMM_OP(xori, x8, x23, 0xfffff801, 0x1, 0x800, x1, 12, x2) # Testcase 8 + TEST_IMM_OP(xori, x9, x22, 0x7ff, 0xffffffff, 0x800, x1, 16, x2) # Testcase 9 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 3\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_3_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(xori, x10, x21, 0xffffea34, 0x1234, 0x800, x1, 0, x7) # Testcase 10 + TEST_IMM_OP(xori, x11, x20, 0x80000000, 0x80000000, 0x0, x1, 4, x7) # Testcase 11 + TEST_IMM_OP(xori, x12, x19, 0xffffea33, -0x1234, 0x7ff, x1, 8, x7) # Testcase 12 + TEST_IMM_OP(xori, x13, x18, 0x0, -0x1, -0x1, x1, 12, x7) # Testcase 13 + TEST_IMM_OP(xori, x14, x17, 0xfffff800, -0x7ff, 0x1, x1, 16, x7) # Testcase 14 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 4\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_4_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(xori, x15, x16, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, x2, 0, x3) # Testcase 15 + TEST_IMM_OP(xori, x16, x15, 0xffffffff, -0x1, 0x0, x2, 4, x3) # Testcase 16 + TEST_IMM_OP(xori, x17, x14, 0xfffff800, 0x1, -0x7ff, x2, 8, x3) # Testcase 17 + TEST_IMM_OP(xori, x18, x13, 0xffffffff, 0x0, -0x1, x2, 12, x3) # Testcase 18 + TEST_IMM_OP(xori, x19, x12, 0xffffffff, 0x7ff, -0x800, x2, 16, x3) # Testcase 19 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 5\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_5_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(xori, x20, x11, 0xfffff800, 0x0, 0x800, x1, 0, x2) # Testcase 20 + TEST_IMM_OP(xori, x21, x10, 0xfffff000, 0x800, 0x800, x1, 4, x2) # Testcase 21 + TEST_IMM_OP(xori, x22, x9, 0xf89abb21, 0x7654321, 0x800, x1, 8, x2) # Testcase 22 + TEST_IMM_OP(xori, x23, x8, 0x7ffffffe, 0x7fffffff, 0x1, x1, 12, x2) # Testcase 23 + TEST_IMM_OP(xori, x24, x7, 0xfffff801, 0x1, 0x800, x1, 16, x2) # Testcase 24 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 6\n") + + + # address for test results + la x1, test_6_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(xori, x25, x6, 0x7ff, 0xffffffff, 0x800, x1, 0, x7) # Testcase 25 + TEST_IMM_OP(xori, x26, x5, 0xffffea34, 0x1234, 0x800, x1, 4, x7) # Testcase 26 + TEST_IMM_OP(xori, x27, x4, 0x80000000, 0x80000000, 0x0, x1, 8, x7) # Testcase 27 + TEST_IMM_OP(xori, x28, x3, 0xffffea33, -0x1234, 0x7ff, x1, 12, x7) # Testcase 28 + TEST_IMM_OP(xori, x29, x2, 0x0, -0x1, -0x1, x1, 16, x7) # Testcase 29 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 7\n") + + + # address for test results + la x2, test_7_res + + TEST_IMM_OP(xori, x30, x1, 0xfffff800, -0x7ff, 0x1, x2, 0, x3) # Testcase 30 + TEST_IMM_OP(xori, x31, x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, x2, 4, x3) # Testcase 31 + + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN + +test_1_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_2_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_3_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_4_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_5_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_6_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_7_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END + diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/.gitignore b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/Makefile b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8782fbe --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +#======================================================================= +# Makefile for riscv-tests/isa +#----------------------------------------------------------------------- + +act_dir := . +src_dir := $(act_dir)/src +work_dir := $(ROOTDIR)/build_generated +work_dir_isa := $(work_dir)/$(RISCV_ISA) + +include $(act_dir)/Makefrag +ifneq ($(RISCV_TEST),) + target_tests = $(RISCV_TEST).elf +endif + +default: all + +#-------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Build rules +#-------------------------------------------------------------------- + +vpath %.S $(act_dir) + +INCLUDE=$(TARGETDIR)/$(RISCV_TARGET)/device/$(RISCV_DEVICE)/Makefile.include +ifeq ($(wildcard $(INCLUDE)),) + $(error Cannot find '$(INCLUDE)`. Check that RISCV_TARGET and RISCV_DEVICE are set correctly.) +endif +-include $(INCLUDE) + +#------------------------------------------------------------ +# Build and run assembly tests + +%.log: %.elf + $(V) echo "Execute $(@)" + #$(V) $(RUN_TARGET) + + +define compile_template + +$(work_dir_isa)/%.elf: $(src_dir)/%.S + $(V) echo "Compile $$(@)" + @mkdir -p $$(@D) + $(V) $(COMPILE_TARGET) + +.PRECIOUS: $(work_dir_isa)/%.elf + +endef + +$(eval $(call compile_template,-march=rv32im -mabi=ilp32)) + +target_elf = $(foreach e,$(target_tests),$(work_dir_isa)/$(e)) +target_log = $(patsubst %.elf,%.log,$(target_elf)) + +run: $(target_log) + +#------------------------------------------------------------ +# Clean up + +clean: + rm -rf $(work_dir_isa) diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/Makefrag b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/Makefrag new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0a5ce44 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/Makefrag @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test RV32IM Makefrag +# +# Copyright (c) 2018, Imperas Software Ltd. +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Imperas Software Ltd. BE LIABLE FOR ANY +# DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +# (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Description: Makefrag for RV32IM compliance tests + +rv32im_sc_tests = \ + MULHU \ + MULH \ + MULHSU \ + DIV \ + REM \ + REMU \ + MUL \ + DIVU \ + REMU \ + +xx_rv32im_sc_tests = \ + DIV \ + +rv32im_tests = $(addsuffix .elf, $(rv32im_sc_tests)) + +target_tests += $(rv32im_tests) diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/coverage/report.txt b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/coverage/report.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d4dc572 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/coverage/report.txt @@ -0,0 +1,1149 @@ +This coverage created by Imperas using Mentor Questa simulator and SystemVerilog UVM coverage from github.com/google/riscv-dv + +COVERGROUP COVERAGE: +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Covergroup Metric Goal Status + +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + TYPE /riscv_instr_pkg/riscv_instr_cover_group/mul_cg + 89.28% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 82 106 + missing/total bins: 24 106 + % Hit: 77.35% 100 + Coverpoint mul_cg::cp_rs1 75.00% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 24 32 + missing/total bins: 8 32 + % Hit: 75.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[RA] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[SP] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[T1] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[T2] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 0 1 ZERO + Coverpoint mul_cg::cp_rs2 75.00% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 24 32 + missing/total bins: 8 32 + % Hit: 75.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[RA] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[SP] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[T1] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[T2] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 0 1 ZERO + Coverpoint mul_cg::cp_rd 75.00% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 24 32 + missing/total bins: 8 32 + % Hit: 75.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[RA] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[SP] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[T1] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[T2] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 0 1 ZERO + Coverpoint mul_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 15 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 10 1 Covered + Coverpoint mul_cg::cp_rs2_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 15 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 10 1 Covered + Coverpoint mul_cg::cp_rd_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 15 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 10 1 Covered + Cross mul_cg::cp_sign_cross 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 4 4 + missing/total bins: 0 4 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin 9 1 Covered + bin 6 1 Covered + bin 6 1 Covered + bin 4 1 Covered + TYPE /riscv_instr_pkg/riscv_instr_cover_group/mulh_cg + 89.28% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 82 106 + missing/total bins: 24 106 + % Hit: 77.35% 100 + Coverpoint mulh_cg::cp_rs1 75.00% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 24 32 + missing/total bins: 8 32 + % Hit: 75.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[RA] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[SP] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[T1] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[T2] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 0 1 ZERO + Coverpoint mulh_cg::cp_rs2 75.00% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 24 32 + missing/total bins: 8 32 + % Hit: 75.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[RA] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[SP] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[T1] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[T2] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 0 1 ZERO + Coverpoint mulh_cg::cp_rd 75.00% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 24 32 + missing/total bins: 8 32 + % Hit: 75.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[RA] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[SP] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[T1] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[T2] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 0 1 ZERO + Coverpoint mulh_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 15 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 10 1 Covered + Coverpoint mulh_cg::cp_rs2_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 15 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 10 1 Covered + Coverpoint mulh_cg::cp_rd_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 17 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 8 1 Covered + Cross mulh_cg::cp_sign_cross 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 4 4 + missing/total bins: 0 4 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin 9 1 Covered + bin 6 1 Covered + bin 6 1 Covered + bin 4 1 Covered + TYPE /riscv_instr_pkg/riscv_instr_cover_group/mulhsu_cg + 89.28% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 82 106 + missing/total bins: 24 106 + % Hit: 77.35% 100 + Coverpoint mulhsu_cg::cp_rs1 75.00% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 24 32 + missing/total bins: 8 32 + % Hit: 75.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[RA] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[SP] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[T1] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[T2] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 0 1 ZERO + Coverpoint mulhsu_cg::cp_rs2 75.00% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 24 32 + missing/total bins: 8 32 + % Hit: 75.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[RA] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[SP] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[T1] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[T2] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 0 1 ZERO + Coverpoint mulhsu_cg::cp_rd 75.00% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 24 32 + missing/total bins: 8 32 + % Hit: 75.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[RA] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[SP] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[T1] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[T2] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 0 1 ZERO + Coverpoint mulhsu_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 15 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 10 1 Covered + Coverpoint mulhsu_cg::cp_rs2_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 15 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 10 1 Covered + Coverpoint mulhsu_cg::cp_rd_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 17 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 8 1 Covered + Cross mulhsu_cg::cp_sign_cross 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 4 4 + missing/total bins: 0 4 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin 9 1 Covered + bin 6 1 Covered + bin 6 1 Covered + bin 4 1 Covered + TYPE /riscv_instr_pkg/riscv_instr_cover_group/mulhu_cg + 89.28% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 82 106 + missing/total bins: 24 106 + % Hit: 77.35% 100 + Coverpoint mulhu_cg::cp_rs1 75.00% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 24 32 + missing/total bins: 8 32 + % Hit: 75.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[RA] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[SP] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[T1] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[T2] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 0 1 ZERO + Coverpoint mulhu_cg::cp_rs2 75.00% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 24 32 + missing/total bins: 8 32 + % Hit: 75.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[RA] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[SP] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[T1] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[T2] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 0 1 ZERO + Coverpoint mulhu_cg::cp_rd 75.00% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 24 32 + missing/total bins: 8 32 + % Hit: 75.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[RA] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[SP] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[T1] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[T2] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 0 1 ZERO + Coverpoint mulhu_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 15 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 10 1 Covered + Coverpoint mulhu_cg::cp_rs2_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 15 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 10 1 Covered + Coverpoint mulhu_cg::cp_rd_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 24 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 1 1 Covered + Cross mulhu_cg::cp_sign_cross 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 4 4 + missing/total bins: 0 4 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin 9 1 Covered + bin 6 1 Covered + bin 6 1 Covered + bin 4 1 Covered + TYPE /riscv_instr_pkg/riscv_instr_cover_group/div_cg + 90.62% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 85 109 + missing/total bins: 24 109 + % Hit: 77.98% 100 + Coverpoint div_cg::cp_rs1 75.00% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 24 32 + missing/total bins: 8 32 + % Hit: 75.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[RA] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[SP] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[T1] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[T2] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 0 1 ZERO + Coverpoint div_cg::cp_rs2 75.00% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 24 32 + missing/total bins: 8 32 + % Hit: 75.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[RA] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[SP] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[T1] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[T2] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 0 1 ZERO + Coverpoint div_cg::cp_rd 75.00% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 24 32 + missing/total bins: 8 32 + % Hit: 75.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[RA] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[SP] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[T1] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[T2] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 0 1 ZERO + Coverpoint div_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 15 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 10 1 Covered + Coverpoint div_cg::cp_rs2_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 15 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 10 1 Covered + Coverpoint div_cg::cp_rd_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 14 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 11 1 Covered + Coverpoint div_cg::cp_div_result 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 3 3 + missing/total bins: 0 3 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[DIV_NORMAL] 19 1 Covered + bin auto[DIV_BY_ZERO] 5 1 Covered + bin auto[DIV_OVERFLOW] 1 1 Covered + Cross div_cg::cp_sign_cross 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 4 4 + missing/total bins: 0 4 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin 9 1 Covered + bin 6 1 Covered + bin 6 1 Covered + bin 4 1 Covered + TYPE /riscv_instr_pkg/riscv_instr_cover_group/divu_cg + 90.62% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 85 109 + missing/total bins: 24 109 + % Hit: 77.98% 100 + Coverpoint divu_cg::cp_rs1 75.00% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 24 32 + missing/total bins: 8 32 + % Hit: 75.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[RA] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[SP] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[T1] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[T2] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 0 1 ZERO + Coverpoint divu_cg::cp_rs2 75.00% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 24 32 + missing/total bins: 8 32 + % Hit: 75.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[RA] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[SP] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[T1] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[T2] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 0 1 ZERO + Coverpoint divu_cg::cp_rd 75.00% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 24 32 + missing/total bins: 8 32 + % Hit: 75.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[RA] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[SP] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[T1] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[T2] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 0 1 ZERO + Coverpoint divu_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 15 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 10 1 Covered + Coverpoint divu_cg::cp_rs2_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 15 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 10 1 Covered + Coverpoint divu_cg::cp_rd_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 18 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 7 1 Covered + Coverpoint divu_cg::cp_div_result 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 3 3 + missing/total bins: 0 3 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[DIV_NORMAL] 19 1 Covered + bin auto[DIV_BY_ZERO] 5 1 Covered + bin auto[DIV_OVERFLOW] 1 1 Covered + Cross divu_cg::cp_sign_cross 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 4 4 + missing/total bins: 0 4 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin 9 1 Covered + bin 6 1 Covered + bin 6 1 Covered + bin 4 1 Covered + TYPE /riscv_instr_pkg/riscv_instr_cover_group/rem_cg + 90.62% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 85 109 + missing/total bins: 24 109 + % Hit: 77.98% 100 + Coverpoint rem_cg::cp_rs1 75.00% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 24 32 + missing/total bins: 8 32 + % Hit: 75.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[RA] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[SP] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[T1] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[T2] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 0 1 ZERO + Coverpoint rem_cg::cp_rs2 75.00% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 24 32 + missing/total bins: 8 32 + % Hit: 75.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[RA] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[SP] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[T1] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[T2] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 0 1 ZERO + Coverpoint rem_cg::cp_rd 75.00% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 24 32 + missing/total bins: 8 32 + % Hit: 75.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[RA] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[SP] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[T1] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[T2] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 0 1 ZERO + Coverpoint rem_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 15 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 10 1 Covered + Coverpoint rem_cg::cp_rs2_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 15 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 10 1 Covered + Coverpoint rem_cg::cp_rd_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 20 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 5 1 Covered + Coverpoint rem_cg::cp_div_result 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 3 3 + missing/total bins: 0 3 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[DIV_NORMAL] 19 1 Covered + bin auto[DIV_BY_ZERO] 5 1 Covered + bin auto[DIV_OVERFLOW] 1 1 Covered + Cross rem_cg::cp_sign_cross 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 4 4 + missing/total bins: 0 4 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin 9 1 Covered + bin 6 1 Covered + bin 6 1 Covered + bin 4 1 Covered + TYPE /riscv_instr_pkg/riscv_instr_cover_group/remu_cg + 90.62% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 85 109 + missing/total bins: 24 109 + % Hit: 77.98% 100 + Coverpoint remu_cg::cp_rs1 75.00% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 24 32 + missing/total bins: 8 32 + % Hit: 75.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[RA] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[SP] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[T1] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[T2] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 0 1 ZERO + Coverpoint remu_cg::cp_rs2 75.00% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 24 32 + missing/total bins: 8 32 + % Hit: 75.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[RA] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[SP] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[T1] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[T2] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 0 1 ZERO + Coverpoint remu_cg::cp_rd 75.00% 100 Uncovered + covered/total bins: 24 32 + missing/total bins: 8 32 + % Hit: 75.00% 100 + bin auto[ZERO] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[RA] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[SP] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[GP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[TP] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T0] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[T1] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[T2] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[S0] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A0] 0 1 ZERO + bin auto[A1] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[A7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S2] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S5] 2 1 Covered + bin auto[S6] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S7] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S8] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S9] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S10] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[S11] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T3] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T4] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T5] 1 1 Covered + bin auto[T6] 0 1 ZERO + Coverpoint remu_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 15 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 10 1 Covered + Coverpoint remu_cg::cp_rs2_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 15 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 10 1 Covered + Coverpoint remu_cg::cp_rd_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 2 2 + missing/total bins: 0 2 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[POSITIVE] 22 1 Covered + bin auto[NEGATIVE] 3 1 Covered + Coverpoint remu_cg::cp_div_result 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 3 3 + missing/total bins: 0 3 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin auto[DIV_NORMAL] 19 1 Covered + bin auto[DIV_BY_ZERO] 5 1 Covered + bin auto[DIV_OVERFLOW] 1 1 Covered + Cross remu_cg::cp_sign_cross 100.00% 100 Covered + covered/total bins: 4 4 + missing/total bins: 0 4 + % Hit: 100.00% 100 + bin 9 1 Covered + bin 6 1 Covered + bin 6 1 Covered + bin 4 1 Covered + +TOTAL COVERGROUP COVERAGE: 89.95% COVERGROUP TYPES: 8 diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/coverage/summary.txt b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/coverage/summary.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1066a7a --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/coverage/summary.txt @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +This coverage created by Imperas using Mentor Questa simulator and SystemVerilog UVM coverage from github.com/google/riscv-dv + + Coverpoint mul_cg::cp_rs1 75.00% 100 Uncovered + Coverpoint mul_cg::cp_rs2 75.00% 100 Uncovered + Coverpoint mul_cg::cp_rd 75.00% 100 Uncovered + Coverpoint mul_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint mul_cg::cp_rs2_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint mul_cg::cp_rd_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint mulh_cg::cp_rs1 75.00% 100 Uncovered + Coverpoint mulh_cg::cp_rs2 75.00% 100 Uncovered + Coverpoint mulh_cg::cp_rd 75.00% 100 Uncovered + Coverpoint mulh_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint mulh_cg::cp_rs2_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint mulh_cg::cp_rd_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint mulhsu_cg::cp_rs1 75.00% 100 Uncovered + Coverpoint mulhsu_cg::cp_rs2 75.00% 100 Uncovered + Coverpoint mulhsu_cg::cp_rd 75.00% 100 Uncovered + Coverpoint mulhsu_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint mulhsu_cg::cp_rs2_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint mulhsu_cg::cp_rd_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint mulhu_cg::cp_rs1 75.00% 100 Uncovered + Coverpoint mulhu_cg::cp_rs2 75.00% 100 Uncovered + Coverpoint mulhu_cg::cp_rd 75.00% 100 Uncovered + Coverpoint mulhu_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint mulhu_cg::cp_rs2_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint mulhu_cg::cp_rd_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint div_cg::cp_rs1 75.00% 100 Uncovered + Coverpoint div_cg::cp_rs2 75.00% 100 Uncovered + Coverpoint div_cg::cp_rd 75.00% 100 Uncovered + Coverpoint div_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint div_cg::cp_rs2_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint div_cg::cp_rd_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint div_cg::cp_div_result 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint divu_cg::cp_rs1 75.00% 100 Uncovered + Coverpoint divu_cg::cp_rs2 75.00% 100 Uncovered + Coverpoint divu_cg::cp_rd 75.00% 100 Uncovered + Coverpoint divu_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint divu_cg::cp_rs2_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint divu_cg::cp_rd_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint divu_cg::cp_div_result 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint rem_cg::cp_rs1 75.00% 100 Uncovered + Coverpoint rem_cg::cp_rs2 75.00% 100 Uncovered + Coverpoint rem_cg::cp_rd 75.00% 100 Uncovered + Coverpoint rem_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint rem_cg::cp_rs2_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint rem_cg::cp_rd_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint rem_cg::cp_div_result 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint remu_cg::cp_rs1 75.00% 100 Uncovered + Coverpoint remu_cg::cp_rs2 75.00% 100 Uncovered + Coverpoint remu_cg::cp_rd 75.00% 100 Uncovered + Coverpoint remu_cg::cp_rs1_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint remu_cg::cp_rs2_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint remu_cg::cp_rd_sign 100.00% 100 Covered + Coverpoint remu_cg::cp_div_result 100.00% 100 Covered diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/references/DIV.reference_output b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/references/DIV.reference_output new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9735211 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/references/DIV.reference_output @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +ffffffff +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +ffffffff +00000001 +ffffffff +00000000 +00000000 +ffffffff +ffffffff +00000001 +00000000 +00000000 +ffffffff +7fffffff +80000001 +00000001 +00000000 +ffffffff +80000000 +80000000 +ffffffff +00000001 +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +00000000 +00000000 diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/references/DIVU.reference_output b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/references/DIVU.reference_output new file mode 100644 index 0000000..84ff2cc --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/references/DIVU.reference_output @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +ffffffff +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +ffffffff +00000001 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +ffffffff +ffffffff +00000001 +00000002 +00000001 +ffffffff +7fffffff +00000000 +00000001 +00000000 +ffffffff +80000000 +00000000 +00000001 +00000001 +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +00000000 +00000000 diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/references/MUL.reference_output b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/references/MUL.reference_output new file mode 100644 index 0000000..64c1bec --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/references/MUL.reference_output @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000001 +ffffffff +7fffffff +80000000 +00000000 +ffffffff +00000001 +80000001 +80000000 +00000000 +7fffffff +80000001 +00000001 +80000000 +00000000 +80000000 +80000000 +80000000 +00000000 +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +00000000 +00000000 diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/references/MULH.reference_output b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/references/MULH.reference_output new file mode 100644 index 0000000..79034fa --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/references/MULH.reference_output @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +ffffffff +00000000 +ffffffff +00000000 +ffffffff +00000000 +ffffffff +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +ffffffff +3fffffff +c0000000 +00000000 +ffffffff +00000000 +c0000000 +40000000 +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +00000000 +00000000 diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/references/MULHSU.reference_output b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/references/MULHSU.reference_output new file mode 100644 index 0000000..43d614b --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/references/MULHSU.reference_output @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +00000000 +00000000 +7ffffffe +3fffffff +3fffffff +00000000 +ffffffff +80000000 +c0000000 +c0000000 +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +00000000 +00000000 diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/references/MULHU.reference_output b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/references/MULHU.reference_output new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a4bcd18 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/references/MULHU.reference_output @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +fffffffe +7ffffffe +7fffffff +00000000 +00000000 +7ffffffe +3fffffff +3fffffff +00000000 +00000000 +7fffffff +3fffffff +40000000 +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +00000000 +00000000 diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/references/REM.reference_output b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/references/REM.reference_output new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8c77876 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/references/REM.reference_output @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000001 +00000000 +00000000 +00000001 +00000001 +ffffffff +00000000 +00000000 +ffffffff +ffffffff +7fffffff +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +7fffffff +80000000 +00000000 +00000000 +ffffffff +00000000 +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +00000000 +00000000 diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/references/REMU.reference_output b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/references/REMU.reference_output new file mode 100644 index 0000000..59f0e2d --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/references/REMU.reference_output @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000000 +00000001 +00000000 +00000001 +00000001 +00000001 +ffffffff +00000000 +00000000 +00000001 +7fffffff +7fffffff +00000000 +7fffffff +00000000 +7fffffff +80000000 +00000000 +80000000 +00000001 +00000000 +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +ffffffff +00000000 +00000000 diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/src/DIV.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/src/DIV.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e02339e --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/src/DIV.S @@ -0,0 +1,142 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test RV32IM-DIV-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2018, Imperas Software Ltd. +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Imperas Software Ltd. BE LIABLE FOR ANY +# DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +# (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32IM Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.0 +# Description: Testing instruction DIV. + +#include "test_macros.h" +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" + +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test Begin Reserved regs ra(x1) a0(x10) t0(x5)\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 1 - corner cases\n") + + # address for test results + la x2, test_1_res + + TEST_RR_SRC2(div, x17, x18, 0xffffffff, 0x0, 0x0, x2, 0) + TEST_RR_SRC2(div, x19, x20, 0, 0x0, 0x1, x2, 4) + TEST_RR_SRC2(div, x21, x22, 0, 0x0, -0x1, x2, 8) + TEST_RR_SRC2(div, x23, x24, 0, 0x0, 0x7fffffff, x2, 12) + TEST_RR_SRC2(div, x25, x26, 0, 0x0, 0x80000000, x2, 16) + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 2 - corner cases\n") + + # address for test results + la x2, test_2_res + + TEST_RR_SRC2(div, x27, x28, 0xffffffff, 0x1, 0x0, x2, 0) + TEST_RR_SRC2(div, x29, x30, 0x1, 0x1, 0x1, x2, 4) + TEST_RR_SRC2(div, x21, x3, 0xffffffff, 0x1, -0x1, x2, 8) + TEST_RR_SRC2(div, x4, x8, 0, 0x1, 0x7fffffff, x2, 12) + TEST_RR_SRC2(div, x9, x11, 0, 0x1, 0x80000000, x2, 16) + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 3 - corner cases\n") + + # address for test results + la x2, test_3_res + + TEST_RR_SRC2(div, x12, x13, 0xffffffff, -0x1, 0x0, x2, 0) + TEST_RR_SRC2(div, x14, x15, 0xffffffff, -0x1, 0x1, x2, 4) + TEST_RR_SRC2(div, x16, x17, 0x1, -0x1, -0x1, x2, 8) + TEST_RR_SRC2(div, x18, x19, 0, -0x1, 0x7fffffff, x2, 12) + TEST_RR_SRC2(div, x20, x21, 0, -0x1, 0x80000000, x2, 16) + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 4 - corner cases\n") + + # address for test results + la x2, test_4_res + + TEST_RR_SRC2(div, x22, x23, 0xffffffff, 0x7fffffff, 0x0, x2, 0) + TEST_RR_SRC2(div, x24, x25, 0x7fffffff, 0x7fffffff, 0x1, x2, 4) + TEST_RR_SRC2(div, x26, x27, 0x80000001, 0x7fffffff, -0x1, x2, 8) + TEST_RR_SRC2(div, x28, x29, 0x1, 0x7fffffff, 0x7fffffff, x2, 12) + TEST_RR_SRC2(div, x30, x21, 0, 0x7fffffff, 0x80000000, x2, 16) + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 5 - corner cases\n") + + # address for test results + la x2, test_5_res + + TEST_RR_SRC2(div, x3, x4, 0xffffffff, 0x80000000, 0x0, x2, 0) + TEST_RR_SRC2(div, x8, x9, 0x80000000, 0x80000000, 0x1, x2, 4) + TEST_RR_SRC2(div, x11, x12, 0x80000000, 0x80000000, -0x1, x2, 8) + TEST_RR_SRC2(div, x13, x14, 0xffffffff, 0x80000000, 0x7fffffff, x2, 12) + TEST_RR_SRC2(div, x15, x16, 0x1, 0x80000000, 0x80000000, x2, 16) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN +test_1_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_2_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_3_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_4_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_5_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_6_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_7_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_8_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_9_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_10_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/src/DIVU.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/src/DIVU.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3491231 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/src/DIVU.S @@ -0,0 +1,142 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test RV32IM-DIVU-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2018, Imperas Software Ltd. +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Imperas Software Ltd. BE LIABLE FOR ANY +# DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +# (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32IM Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.0 +# Description: Testing instruction DIVU. + +#include "test_macros.h" +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" + +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test Begin Reserved regs ra(x1) a0(x10) t0(x5)\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 1 - corner cases\n") + + # address for test results + la x2, test_1_res + + TEST_RR_SRC2(divu, x17, x18, 0xffffffff, 0x0, 0x0, x2, 0) + TEST_RR_SRC2(divu, x19, x20, 0, 0x0, 0x1, x2, 4) + TEST_RR_SRC2(divu, x21, x22, 0, 0x0, -0x1, x2, 8) + TEST_RR_SRC2(divu, x23, x24, 0, 0x0, 0x7fffffff, x2, 12) + TEST_RR_SRC2(divu, x25, x26, 0, 0x0, 0x80000000, x2, 16) + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 2 - corner cases\n") + + # address for test results + la x2, test_2_res + + TEST_RR_SRC2(divu, x27, x28, 0xffffffff, 0x1, 0x0, x2, 0) + TEST_RR_SRC2(divu, x29, x30, 0x1, 0x1, 0x1, x2, 4) + TEST_RR_SRC2(divu, x21, x3, 0, 0x1, -0x1, x2, 8) + TEST_RR_SRC2(divu, x4, x8, 0, 0x1, 0x7fffffff, x2, 12) + TEST_RR_SRC2(divu, x9, x11, 0, 0x1, 0x80000000, x2, 16) + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 3 - corner cases\n") + + # address for test results + la x2, test_3_res + + TEST_RR_SRC2(divu, x12, x13, 0xffffffff, -0x1, 0x0, x2, 0) + TEST_RR_SRC2(divu, x14, x15, 0xffffffff, -0x1, 0x1, x2, 4) + TEST_RR_SRC2(divu, x16, x17, 0x1, -0x1, -0x1, x2, 8) + TEST_RR_SRC2(divu, x18, x19, 0x2, -0x1, 0x7fffffff, x2, 12) + TEST_RR_SRC2(divu, x20, x21, 0x1, -0x1, 0x80000000, x2, 16) + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 4 - corner cases\n") + + # address for test results + la x2, test_4_res + + TEST_RR_SRC2(divu, x22, x23, 0xffffffff, 0x7fffffff, 0x0, x2, 0) + TEST_RR_SRC2(divu, x24, x25, 0x7fffffff, 0x7fffffff, 0x1, x2, 4) + TEST_RR_SRC2(divu, x26, x27, 0, 0x7fffffff, -0x1, x2, 8) + TEST_RR_SRC2(divu, x28, x29, 0x1, 0x7fffffff, 0x7fffffff, x2, 12) + TEST_RR_SRC2(divu, x30, x21, 0, 0x7fffffff, 0x80000000, x2, 16) + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 5 - corner cases\n") + + # address for test results + la x2, test_5_res + + TEST_RR_SRC2(divu, x3, x4, 0xffffffff, 0x80000000, 0x0, x2, 0) + TEST_RR_SRC2(divu, x8, x9, 0x80000000, 0x80000000, 0x1, x2, 4) + TEST_RR_SRC2(divu, x11, x12, 0, 0x80000000, -0x1, x2, 8) + TEST_RR_SRC2(divu, x13, x14, 0x1, 0x80000000, 0x7fffffff, x2, 12) + TEST_RR_SRC2(divu, x15, x16, 0x1, 0x80000000, 0x80000000, x2, 16) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN +test_1_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_2_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_3_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_4_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_5_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_6_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_7_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_8_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_9_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_10_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/src/MUL.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/src/MUL.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..773b350 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/src/MUL.S @@ -0,0 +1,142 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test RV32IM-MUL-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2018, Imperas Software Ltd. +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Imperas Software Ltd. BE LIABLE FOR ANY +# DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +# (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32IM Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.0 +# Description: Testing instruction MUL. + +#include "test_macros.h" +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" + +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test Begin Reserved regs ra(x1) a0(x10) t0(x5)\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 1 - corner cases\n") + + # address for test results + la x2, test_1_res + + TEST_RR_SRC2(mul, x17, x18, 0, 0x0, 0x0, x2, 0) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mul, x19, x20, 0, 0x0, 0x1, x2, 4) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mul, x21, x22, 0, 0x0, -0x1, x2, 8) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mul, x23, x24, 0, 0x0, 0x7fffffff, x2, 12) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mul, x25, x26, 0, 0x0, 0x80000000, x2, 16) + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 2 - corner cases\n") + + # address for test results + la x2, test_2_res + + TEST_RR_SRC2(mul, x27, x28, 0, 0x1, 0x0, x2, 0) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mul, x29, x30, 0x1, 0x1, 0x1, x2, 4) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mul, x21, x3, 0xffffffff, 0x1, -0x1, x2, 8) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mul, x4, x8, 0x7fffffff, 0x1, 0x7fffffff, x2, 12) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mul, x9, x11, 0x80000000, 0x1, 0x80000000, x2, 16) + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 3 - corner cases\n") + + # address for test results + la x2, test_3_res + + TEST_RR_SRC2(mul, x12, x13, 0, -0x1, 0x0, x2, 0) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mul, x14, x15, 0xffffffff, -0x1, 0x1, x2, 4) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mul, x16, x17, 0x1, -0x1, -0x1, x2, 8) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mul, x18, x19, 0x80000001, -0x1, 0x7fffffff, x2, 12) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mul, x20, x21, 0x80000000, -0x1, 0x80000000, x2, 16) + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 4 - corner cases\n") + + # address for test results + la x2, test_4_res + + TEST_RR_SRC2(mul, x22, x23, 0, 0x7fffffff, 0x0, x2, 0) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mul, x24, x25, 0x7fffffff, 0x7fffffff, 0x1, x2, 4) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mul, x26, x27, 0x80000001, 0x7fffffff, -0x1, x2, 8) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mul, x28, x29, 0x1, 0x7fffffff, 0x7fffffff, x2, 12) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mul, x30, x21, 0x80000000, 0x7fffffff, 0x80000000, x2, 16) + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 5 - corner cases\n") + + # address for test results + la x2, test_5_res + + TEST_RR_SRC2(mul, x3, x4, 0, 0x80000000, 0x0, x2, 0) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mul, x8, x9, 0x80000000, 0x80000000, 0x1, x2, 4) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mul, x11, x12, 0x80000000, 0x80000000, -0x1, x2, 8) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mul, x13, x14, 0x80000000, 0x80000000, 0x7fffffff, x2, 12) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mul, x15, x16, 0, 0x80000000, 0x80000000, x2, 16) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN +test_1_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_2_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_3_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_4_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_5_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_6_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_7_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_8_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_9_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_10_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/src/MULH.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/src/MULH.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a950da3 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/src/MULH.S @@ -0,0 +1,142 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test RV32IM-MULH-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2018, Imperas Software Ltd. +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Imperas Software Ltd. BE LIABLE FOR ANY +# DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +# (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32IM Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.0 +# Description: Testing instruction MULH. + +#include "test_macros.h" +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" + +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test Begin Reserved regs ra(x1) a0(x10) t0(x5)\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 1 - corner cases\n") + + # address for test results + la x2, test_1_res + + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulh, x17, x18, 0, 0x0, 0x0, x2, 0) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulh, x19, x20, 0, 0x0, 0x1, x2, 4) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulh, x21, x22, 0, 0x0, -0x1, x2, 8) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulh, x23, x24, 0, 0x0, 0x7fffffff, x2, 12) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulh, x25, x26, 0, 0x0, 0x80000000, x2, 16) + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 2 - corner cases\n") + + # address for test results + la x2, test_2_res + + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulh, x27, x28, 0, 0x1, 0x0, x2, 0) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulh, x29, x30, 0, 0x1, 0x1, x2, 4) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulh, x21, x3, 0xffffffff, 0x1, -0x1, x2, 8) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulh, x4, x8, 0, 0x1, 0x7fffffff, x2, 12) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulh, x9, x11, 0xffffffff, 0x1, 0x80000000, x2, 16) + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 3 - corner cases\n") + + # address for test results + la x2, test_3_res + + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulh, x12, x13, 0, -0x1, 0x0, x2, 0) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulh, x14, x15, 0xffffffff, -0x1, 0x1, x2, 4) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulh, x16, x17, 0, -0x1, -0x1, x2, 8) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulh, x18, x19, 0xffffffff, -0x1, 0x7fffffff, x2, 12) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulh, x20, x21, 0, -0x1, 0x80000000, x2, 16) + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 4 - corner cases\n") + + # address for test results + la x2, test_4_res + + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulh, x22, x23, 0, 0x7fffffff, 0x0, x2, 0) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulh, x24, x25, 0, 0x7fffffff, 0x1, x2, 4) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulh, x26, x27, 0xffffffff, 0x7fffffff, -0x1, x2, 8) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulh, x28, x29, 0x3fffffff, 0x7fffffff, 0x7fffffff, x2, 12) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulh, x30, x21, 0xc0000000, 0x7fffffff, 0x80000000, x2, 16) + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 5 - corner cases\n") + + # address for test results + la x2, test_5_res + + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulh, x3, x4, 0, 0x80000000, 0x0, x2, 0) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulh, x8, x9, 0xffffffff, 0x80000000, 0x1, x2, 4) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulh, x11, x12, 0, 0x80000000, -0x1, x2, 8) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulh, x13, x14, 0xc0000000, 0x80000000, 0x7fffffff, x2, 12) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulh, x15, x16, 0x40000000, 0x80000000, 0x80000000, x2, 16) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN +test_1_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_2_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_3_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_4_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_5_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_6_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_7_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_8_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_9_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_10_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/src/MULHSU.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/src/MULHSU.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0620cd4 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/src/MULHSU.S @@ -0,0 +1,142 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test RV32IM-MULHSU-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2018, Imperas Software Ltd. +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Imperas Software Ltd. BE LIABLE FOR ANY +# DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +# (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32IM Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.0 +# Description: Testing instruction MULHSU. + +#include "test_macros.h" +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" + +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test Begin Reserved regs ra(x1) a0(x10) t0(x5)\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 1 - corner cases\n") + + # address for test results + la x2, test_1_res + + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulhsu, x17, x18, 0, 0x0, 0x0, x2, 0) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulhsu, x19, x20, 0, 0x0, 0x1, x2, 4) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulhsu, x21, x22, 0, 0x0, -0x1, x2, 8) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulhsu, x23, x24, 0, 0x0, 0x7fffffff, x2, 12) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulhsu, x25, x26, 0, 0x0, 0x80000000, x2, 16) + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 2 - corner cases\n") + + # address for test results + la x2, test_2_res + + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulhsu, x27, x28, 0, 0x1, 0x0, x2, 0) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulhsu, x29, x30, 0, 0x1, 0x1, x2, 4) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulhsu, x21, x3, 0, 0x1, -0x1, x2, 8) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulhsu, x4, x8, 0, 0x1, 0x7fffffff, x2, 12) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulhsu, x9, x11, 0, 0x1, 0x80000000, x2, 16) + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 3 - corner cases\n") + + # address for test results + la x2, test_3_res + + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulhsu, x12, x13, 0, -0x1, 0x0, x2, 0) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulhsu, x14, x15, 0xffffffff, -0x1, 0x1, x2, 4) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulhsu, x16, x17, 0xffffffff, -0x1, -0x1, x2, 8) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulhsu, x18, x19, 0xffffffff, -0x1, 0x7fffffff, x2, 12) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulhsu, x20, x21, 0xffffffff, -0x1, 0x80000000, x2, 16) + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 4 - corner cases\n") + + # address for test results + la x2, test_4_res + + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulhsu, x22, x23, 0, 0x7fffffff, 0x0, x2, 0) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulhsu, x24, x25, 0, 0x7fffffff, 0x1, x2, 4) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulhsu, x26, x27, 0x7ffffffe, 0x7fffffff, -0x1, x2, 8) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulhsu, x28, x29, 0x3fffffff, 0x7fffffff, 0x7fffffff, x2, 12) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulhsu, x30, x21, 0x3fffffff, 0x7fffffff, 0x80000000, x2, 16) + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 5 - corner cases\n") + + # address for test results + la x2, test_5_res + + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulhsu, x3, x4, 0, 0x80000000, 0x0, x2, 0) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulhsu, x8, x9, 0xffffffff, 0x80000000, 0x1, x2, 4) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulhsu, x11, x12, 0x80000000, 0x80000000, -0x1, x2, 8) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulhsu, x13, x14, 0xc0000000, 0x80000000, 0x7fffffff, x2, 12) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulhsu, x15, x16, 0xc0000000, 0x80000000, 0x80000000, x2, 16) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN +test_1_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_2_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_3_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_4_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_5_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_6_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_7_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_8_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_9_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_10_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/src/MULHU.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/src/MULHU.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..88bddfd --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/src/MULHU.S @@ -0,0 +1,142 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test RV32IM-MULHU-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2018, Imperas Software Ltd. +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Imperas Software Ltd. BE LIABLE FOR ANY +# DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +# (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32IM Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.0 +# Description: Testing instruction MULHU. + +#include "test_macros.h" +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" + +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test Begin Reserved regs ra(x1) a0(x10) t0(x5)\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 1 - corner cases\n") + + # address for test results + la x2, test_1_res + + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulhu, x17, x18, 0, 0x0, 0x0, x2, 0) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulhu, x19, x20, 0, 0x0, 0x1, x2, 4) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulhu, x21, x22, 0, 0x0, -0x1, x2, 8) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulhu, x23, x24, 0, 0x0, 0x7fffffff, x2, 12) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulhu, x25, x26, 0, 0x0, 0x80000000, x2, 16) + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 2 - corner cases\n") + + # address for test results + la x2, test_2_res + + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulhu, x27, x28, 0, 0x1, 0x0, x2, 0) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulhu, x29, x30, 0, 0x1, 0x1, x2, 4) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulhu, x21, x3, 0, 0x1, -0x1, x2, 8) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulhu, x4, x8, 0, 0x1, 0x7fffffff, x2, 12) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulhu, x9, x11, 0, 0x1, 0x80000000, x2, 16) + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 3 - corner cases\n") + + # address for test results + la x2, test_3_res + + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulhu, x12, x13, 0, -0x1, 0x0, x2, 0) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulhu, x14, x15, 0, -0x1, 0x1, x2, 4) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulhu, x16, x17, 0xfffffffe, -0x1, -0x1, x2, 8) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulhu, x18, x19, 0x7ffffffe, -0x1, 0x7fffffff, x2, 12) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulhu, x20, x21, 0x7fffffff, -0x1, 0x80000000, x2, 16) + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 4 - corner cases\n") + + # address for test results + la x2, test_4_res + + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulhu, x22, x23, 0, 0x7fffffff, 0x0, x2, 0) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulhu, x24, x25, 0, 0x7fffffff, 0x1, x2, 4) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulhu, x26, x27, 0x7ffffffe, 0x7fffffff, -0x1, x2, 8) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulhu, x28, x29, 0x3fffffff, 0x7fffffff, 0x7fffffff, x2, 12) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulhu, x30, x21, 0x3fffffff, 0x7fffffff, 0x80000000, x2, 16) + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 5 - corner cases\n") + + # address for test results + la x2, test_5_res + + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulhu, x3, x4, 0, 0x80000000, 0x0, x2, 0) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulhu, x8, x9, 0, 0x80000000, 0x1, x2, 4) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulhu, x11, x12, 0x7fffffff, 0x80000000, -0x1, x2, 8) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulhu, x13, x14, 0x3fffffff, 0x80000000, 0x7fffffff, x2, 12) + TEST_RR_SRC2(mulhu, x15, x16, 0x40000000, 0x80000000, 0x80000000, x2, 16) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN +test_1_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_2_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_3_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_4_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_5_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_6_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_7_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_8_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_9_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_10_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/src/REM.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/src/REM.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1aee9df --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/src/REM.S @@ -0,0 +1,142 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test RV32IM-REM-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2018, Imperas Software Ltd. +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Imperas Software Ltd. BE LIABLE FOR ANY +# DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +# (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32IM Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.0 +# Description: Testing instruction REM. + +#include "test_macros.h" +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" + +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test Begin Reserved regs ra(x1) a0(x10) t0(x5)\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 1 - corner cases\n") + + # address for test results + la x2, test_1_res + + TEST_RR_SRC2(rem, x17, x18, 0, 0x0, 0x0, x2, 0) + TEST_RR_SRC2(rem, x19, x20, 0, 0x0, 0x1, x2, 4) + TEST_RR_SRC2(rem, x21, x22, 0, 0x0, -0x1, x2, 8) + TEST_RR_SRC2(rem, x23, x24, 0, 0x0, 0x7fffffff, x2, 12) + TEST_RR_SRC2(rem, x25, x26, 0, 0x0, 0x80000000, x2, 16) + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 2 - corner cases\n") + + # address for test results + la x2, test_2_res + + TEST_RR_SRC2(rem, x27, x28, 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, x2, 0) + TEST_RR_SRC2(rem, x29, x30, 0, 0x1, 0x1, x2, 4) + TEST_RR_SRC2(rem, x21, x3, 0, 0x1, -0x1, x2, 8) + TEST_RR_SRC2(rem, x4, x8, 0x1, 0x1, 0x7fffffff, x2, 12) + TEST_RR_SRC2(rem, x9, x11, 0x1, 0x1, 0x80000000, x2, 16) + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 3 - corner cases\n") + + # address for test results + la x2, test_3_res + + TEST_RR_SRC2(rem, x12, x13, 0xffffffff, -0x1, 0x0, x2, 0) + TEST_RR_SRC2(rem, x14, x15, 0, -0x1, 0x1, x2, 4) + TEST_RR_SRC2(rem, x16, x17, 0, -0x1, -0x1, x2, 8) + TEST_RR_SRC2(rem, x18, x19, 0xffffffff, -0x1, 0x7fffffff, x2, 12) + TEST_RR_SRC2(rem, x20, x21, 0xffffffff, -0x1, 0x80000000, x2, 16) + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 4 - corner cases\n") + + # address for test results + la x2, test_4_res + + TEST_RR_SRC2(rem, x22, x23, 0x7fffffff, 0x7fffffff, 0x0, x2, 0) + TEST_RR_SRC2(rem, x24, x25, 0, 0x7fffffff, 0x1, x2, 4) + TEST_RR_SRC2(rem, x26, x27, 0, 0x7fffffff, -0x1, x2, 8) + TEST_RR_SRC2(rem, x28, x29, 0, 0x7fffffff, 0x7fffffff, x2, 12) + TEST_RR_SRC2(rem, x30, x21, 0x7fffffff, 0x7fffffff, 0x80000000, x2, 16) + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 5 - corner cases\n") + + # address for test results + la x2, test_5_res + + TEST_RR_SRC2(rem, x3, x4, 0x80000000, 0x80000000, 0x0, x2, 0) + TEST_RR_SRC2(rem, x8, x9, 0, 0x80000000, 0x1, x2, 4) + TEST_RR_SRC2(rem, x11, x12, 0, 0x80000000, -0x1, x2, 8) + TEST_RR_SRC2(rem, x13, x14, 0xffffffff, 0x80000000, 0x7fffffff, x2, 12) + TEST_RR_SRC2(rem, x15, x16, 0, 0x80000000, 0x80000000, x2, 16) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN +test_1_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_2_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_3_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_4_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_5_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_6_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_7_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_8_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_9_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_10_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/src/REMU.S b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/src/REMU.S new file mode 100644 index 0000000..84e7817 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/riscv-test-suite/rv32im/src/REMU.S @@ -0,0 +1,142 @@ +# RISC-V Compliance Test RV32IM-REMU-01 +# +# Copyright (c) 2018, Imperas Software Ltd. +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +# * Neither the name of the Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +# derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS +# IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +# THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +# PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Imperas Software Ltd. BE LIABLE FOR ANY +# DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES +# (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND +# ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF +# THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +# +# Specification: RV32IM Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.0 +# Description: Testing instruction REMU. + +#include "test_macros.h" +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_io.h" + +RV_COMPLIANCE_RV32M + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_BEGIN + + RVTEST_IO_INIT + RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test Begin Reserved regs ra(x1) a0(x10) t0(x5)\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 1 - corner cases\n") + + # address for test results + la x2, test_1_res + + TEST_RR_SRC2(remu, x17, x18, 0, 0x0, 0x0, x2, 0) + TEST_RR_SRC2(remu, x19, x20, 0, 0x0, 0x1, x2, 4) + TEST_RR_SRC2(remu, x21, x22, 0, 0x0, -0x1, x2, 8) + TEST_RR_SRC2(remu, x23, x24, 0, 0x0, 0x7fffffff, x2, 12) + TEST_RR_SRC2(remu, x25, x26, 0, 0x0, 0x80000000, x2, 16) + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 2 - corner cases\n") + + # address for test results + la x2, test_2_res + + TEST_RR_SRC2(remu, x27, x28, 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, x2, 0) + TEST_RR_SRC2(remu, x29, x30, 0, 0x1, 0x1, x2, 4) + TEST_RR_SRC2(remu, x21, x3, 0x1, 0x1, -0x1, x2, 8) + TEST_RR_SRC2(remu, x4, x8, 0x1, 0x1, 0x7fffffff, x2, 12) + TEST_RR_SRC2(remu, x9, x11, 0x1, 0x1, 0x80000000, x2, 16) + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 3 - corner cases\n") + + # address for test results + la x2, test_3_res + + TEST_RR_SRC2(remu, x12, x13, 0xffffffff, -0x1, 0x0, x2, 0) + TEST_RR_SRC2(remu, x14, x15, 0, -0x1, 0x1, x2, 4) + TEST_RR_SRC2(remu, x16, x17, 0, -0x1, -0x1, x2, 8) + TEST_RR_SRC2(remu, x18, x19, 0x1, -0x1, 0x7fffffff, x2, 12) + TEST_RR_SRC2(remu, x20, x21, 0x7fffffff, -0x1, 0x80000000, x2, 16) + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 4 - corner cases\n") + + # address for test results + la x2, test_4_res + + TEST_RR_SRC2(remu, x22, x23, 0x7fffffff, 0x7fffffff, 0x0, x2, 0) + TEST_RR_SRC2(remu, x24, x25, 0, 0x7fffffff, 0x1, x2, 4) + TEST_RR_SRC2(remu, x26, x27, 0x7fffffff, 0x7fffffff, -0x1, x2, 8) + TEST_RR_SRC2(remu, x28, x29, 0, 0x7fffffff, 0x7fffffff, x2, 12) + TEST_RR_SRC2(remu, x30, x21, 0x7fffffff, 0x7fffffff, 0x80000000, x2, 16) + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test number 5 - corner cases\n") + + # address for test results + la x2, test_5_res + + TEST_RR_SRC2(remu, x3, x4, 0x80000000, 0x80000000, 0x0, x2, 0) + TEST_RR_SRC2(remu, x8, x9, 0, 0x80000000, 0x1, x2, 4) + TEST_RR_SRC2(remu, x11, x12, 0x80000000, 0x80000000, -0x1, x2, 8) + TEST_RR_SRC2(remu, x13, x14, 0x1, 0x80000000, 0x7fffffff, x2, 12) + TEST_RR_SRC2(remu, x15, x16, 0, 0x80000000, 0x80000000, x2, 16) + + RVTEST_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "Test End\n") + + # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + RV_COMPLIANCE_HALT + +RV_COMPLIANCE_CODE_END + +# Input data section. + .data + +# Output data section. +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN +test_1_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_2_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_3_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_4_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_5_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_6_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_7_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_8_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_9_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 +test_10_res: + .fill 5, 4, -1 + +RV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/spec/TestFormatSpec.adoc b/tests/riscv-compliance/spec/TestFormatSpec.adoc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..84dc16b --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/spec/TestFormatSpec.adoc @@ -0,0 +1,758 @@ += RISC-V Compliance Test Format Specification = +RISC-V Foundation Compliance Task Group +Issue 1.0 Draft +:toc: +:icons: font +:numbered: +:source-highlighter: rouge + +//// +SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0 + +Document conventions: +- one line per paragraph (don't fill lines - this makes changes clearer) +- Wikipedia heading conventions (First word only capitalized) +- US spelling throughout. +- Run "make spell" before committing changes. +- Build the HTML and commit it with any changed source. +- Do not commit the PDF! +//// + +== Introduction +=== About + +This document contains the RISC-V <> structure and <> format specification which shall be used as a reference document for those who write or are going to write tests for the RISC-V compliance test pool and for those who are going to use the <> in their own compliance test framework. + +* It includes, as example, source code listing and detailed description of one <> + +Framework specification which includes description of how the <> are built and used for the appropriate RISC-V configurations is given in the complementary Framework Specification document. This document is made freely available under a <>. + + +=== Intended audience + +This document is intended for design and verification engineers who wish to develop new compliance tests and also for those who wish to write or adapt their own test framework. + +=== Future work + +This is a draft document; it partially documents what exists, and partially documents the longer-term goal. +As such, this document still under review and its content will change. +Its primary aim is to get a long-term stable version of the spec and to give test authors sufficient lead time to prepare test authoring tools and strategies. + +=== Feedback and how to contribute + +Comments on this document should be made through the RISC-V Compliance Task Group mailing list. Proposed changes may be submitted as git pull requests. + +You are encouraged to contribute to this repository by submitting pull requests and by commenting on pull requests submitted by other people as described in the link:../README.md[`README.md`] file in the top level directory. + +NOTE: Don't forget to add your own name to the list of contributors in the document. + +==== AsciiDoc + +This is a structured text format used by this document. Simple usage should be fairly self evident. + +* Comprehensive information on the format is on the http://www.methods.co.nz/asciidoc/[AsciiDoc website]. + +* Comprehensive information on the tooling on the https://asciidoctor.org/[AsciiDoctor website]. + +* You may find this https://asciidoctor.org/docs/asciidoc-syntax-quick-reference/[cheat sheet] helpful. + +==== Installing tools + +To generate the documentation as HTML you need _asciidoctor_ and to generate as +PDF you need _asciidoctor-pdf_. + +* These are the https://asciidoctor.org/docs/install-toolchain/[installation instructions for asciidoctor]. + +* These are the https://asciidoctor.org/docs/asciidoctor-pdf/#install-the-published-gem[installation instructions for asciidoctor-pdf]. + +To spell check you need _aspell_ installed. + +==== Building the documentation + +To build HTML: +[source,make] +---- +make html +---- + +To build PDF: +[source,make] +---- +make pdf +---- + +To build both: +[source,make] +---- +make +---- + +To check the spelling (excludes any listing or code phrases): +[source,make] +---- +make spell +---- + +Any custom words for spell checking should be added to link:./custom.wordlist[`custom.wordlist`]. + +=== Contributors + +This document has been created by the following people (in alphabetical order of surname). + +[quote] +Allen Baum, Jeremy Bennett, Radek Hajek, Premysl Vaclavik + +=== Document history +[cols="<1,<2,<3,<4",options="header,pagewidth",] +|================================================================================ +| _Revision_ | _Date_ | _Author_ | _Modification_ + + +| 1.2.5 Draft | 22 Jan 2020 | + +Allen Baum | + + * removed references to test pool reference doc, mentioned that the framework will generate it + * clarified that macros defined in a test may be used in a test + * minor clarifications, consistency changes, added page breaks + +| 1.2.4 Draft | 08 Jan 2020 | + +Allen Baum | + + * typos fixed + * added RVTEST_BASEUPD macro + * added explanations for each macro + * clarified restrictions on #ifdefs + * added comment that test cases with identical conditions should be combined into a single case + * documented that test case first parameter should match the #ifdef parameter that precedes it + +| 1.2.3 Draft | 02 Dec 2019 | + +Allen Baum | + + * modified macro names to conformn to riscof naming convention of model specific vs. pre-defined + * add more complete list of macros, their uses, parameters, and whether they are required or optional + * minor structural changes (moving sentences, renumbering) and typo fixes + * clarified impact of debug macros + * clarified how SIGUPD and BASEUPD must be used, fixed parameter description + +| 1.2.2 Draft | 21 Nov 2019 | + +Allen Baum | + + * remove section about test taxonomy, binary tests, emulated ops + * clarify/fix boundary between test target and framework responsibilities + (split test target into test target and test shell) + * remove To Be discussed items that have been discussed + * remove default case condition; if conditions are unchaged, part of same case + * minor grammatical changes related to the above + +| 1.2.1 Draft | 19 Nov 2019 | + +Allen Baum | + + * spec/TestFormatSpec.adoc: changed the format of the signature to fixed 32b data size only extracted from COMPLIANCE_DATA_BEGIN/END range. + * made test suite subdirectories upper case, with sub-extensions camel case + * updated example to match most recent riscof implement macros + * fix format so Appendix is now in TOC + * moved note about multiple test cases in a test closer to definition + * fixed cut/paste error in example of test pool + * more gramatical fixes, clarifications added + * added To Be Discussed items regarding emulated instruction and binary tests + * added graphic of test suite/test_pool/test/test_case hierarchy + + +| 1.2.1 Draft | 12 Oct 2019 | + +Allen Baum | + +minor grammar, wording, syntax corrections, added detail and clarification from suggestions by Paul Donahue + +| 1.2 Draft | 12 Sep 2019 | + +Allen Baum | + +minor grammar, wording, syntax corrections, added detail and clarification +Added detail regarding the 2 approaches for test selection: central database, or embedded conditions embedded in macros +Added detail of proposed standard macros RVTEST_SIGBASE, RVTEST_SIGUPD, RVTEST_CASE +More explanation of spec status in initial _future work_ paragraph (i.e. goal, not yet accomplished) +Removed many "to Be Discussed items and made them official +Removed options, made POR for test selection and standard macros RVTEST_SIGBASE, RVTEST_SIGUPD, RVTEST_CASE +Removed prohibition on absolute addresses +Clarified which test suites a test should be in where they are dependent on multiple extensions +Clarified use of includes and macros (and documented exsiting deviations) +Clarified use of YAML files +Added detail to description and uses of common compliance test pool reference document + +| 1.1 Draft | 15 Feb 2019 | + +Radek Hajek | + +Appendix A: example assertions update + +| 1.0 Draft | 10 Dec 2018 | + +Radek Hajek, Premysl Vaclavik | + +First version of the document under this file name. Document may contain some segments of the README.adoc from the compatibility reasons. + +|================================================================================ +<<< +== Foreword +The compliance test pool shall become a complete set of compliance tests which will allow developers to build a compliance test suite for any legal RISC-V configuration. The compliance tests will be very likely written by various authors and therefore it is very important to define the compliance test pool structure and compliance test form, which will be obligatory for all tests. Unification of tests will guarantee optimal compliance test pool management and also better quality and readability of the tests. Last but not least, it will simplify the process of adding new tests into the existing compliance test pool and the formal revision process. + +== Vocabulary +=== The compliance test +The compliance test is a nonfunctional testing technique which is done to validate whether the system developed meets the prescribed standard or not. In this particular case the golden reference is the RISC-V ISA standard. + +For purpose of this document we understand that the compliance test is a single test which represents the minimum test code that can be compiled and run. It is written in assembler code and its product is a <>. A compliance test may consist of several <>. + +=== The RISC-V compliance test pool +The RISC-V compliance test pool consists of all approved <> that can be assembled by the test framework, forming the <>. The RISC-V compliance test pool must be test target independent (so, should correctly run on any compliant target). Note that this nonfunctional testing is not a substitute for verification or device test. + +=== The RISC-V compliance test suite +The RISC-V compliance test suite is a group of tests selected from the <> to test compliance for the specific RISC-V configuration. Test results are obtained in the form of a <>. Selection of tests is performed based on the target's asserted configuration, and the spec, Execution Environment or platform requirements. Compliant processor or processor models shall exhibit the same test suite signature as the golden reference test suite signature for the specific configuration being tested. + +=== The test case +A _test case_ is part of the compliance test that tests just one feature of the specification. + +---- +Note: a single test can contain multiple test cases, each of which can have its own test inclusion condition (as defined by the cond_str parameter of the RVTEST_CASE macro. +---- + +[#img-testStruct] +.Test Suite, Test_Pool, Test, Test_Case relationship +image::./testpool.jpg[testStruct] + +=== The test case signature +The _test case signature_ is represented by single or multiple values. Values are written to memory at the address starting at the address specified by the RVMODEL_DATA_BEGIN and ending at RVMODEL_DATA_END. Signatures can be generated most easily using the RVTEST_SIGUPD macro. + +=== The test signature +The <> is a characteristic value which is generated by the compliance test run. The <> may consist of several <>, prefixed with a separate line containing the name of the test and a unique value indicating its version (e.g. git checkin hash). The test target is responsible for extracting values from memory and properly formatting them, using metadata provided to it by the framework using the RVMODEL_DATA_BEGIN and RVMODEL_DATA_END macros. Test case signature values are written one per line, starting with the most-significant byte on the left-hand side with the format where the length of value will be 32 bits (so 8 characters), regardless of the actual value length computed by the test. + +=== The test suite signature +The _test suite signature_ is defined as a set of <> valid for given <>. It represents the test signature of the particular RISC-V configuration selected for the compliance test. + +=== The target shell +The <> is the software and hardware environment around the <> that enables it to communicate with the framework, including assembling and linking tests, loading tests into memory, executing tests, and extracting the signature. The input to the <> is a .S <> file, and the output is a <>. + +=== The test target +The <> can be either a RISC-V Instruction Set Simulator (ISS), a RISC-V emulator, a RISC-V RTL model running on an HDL simulator, a RISC-V FPGA implementation or a physical chip. Each of the target types offers specific features and represents specific interface challenges. It is a role of the <> to handle different targets while using the same <> as a test source. + +=== The RISC-V processor (device) configuration +The RISC-V ISA specification allows many optional instructions, registers, and other features. Production directed targets typically have a fixed subset of available options. A simulator, on the other hand, may implement all known options which may be constrained to mimic the behavior of the RISC-V processor with the particular configuration. It is a role of the Compliance Test Framework to build and use the <> suitable for the selected RISC-V configuration. + + +=== The compliance test framework +The <> selects and configures the <> from the <> for the selected <> based on both the specific architectural choices made by an implementation and those required by the Execution Environment It causes the <> to build, execute, and report a signature. The <> then compares reported signatures, inserts test part names and version numbers and summarizes differences (or lack of them) into a RISC-V compliance report. The primary role of the well-defined <> structure is to provide the tests in a form suitable for the Compliance Test Framework selection engine. + +<<< +== Compliance test pool +=== Test pool structure + +The structure of <> in the <> shall be based on defined RISC-V extensions and privileged mode selection. This will provide a good overview of which parts of the ISA specification are already covered in the <>, and which tests are suitable for certain configurations. The compliance test pool has this structure: + +---- +compliance-tests-suite (root) +|-- _/, where + is [ RV32I | RV64I | RV32E ] + is [ M | MU | MS | MSU ], where + M Machine mode tests - tests execute in M-mode only + MU Machine/User mode tests - tests execute in both M- & U-modes (S-mode may exist) + MS Machine/Supv mode tests - tests execute in both M- & S-modes (not U-mode) + MSU All mode tests - tests execute in all of M-, S-, & U-Modes + are the lettered extension [A | B | C | M ...] or subextension [Zifencei | Zam | ...] when the tests involve extensions, or more general names when tests cut across extension definitionss (e.g. Priv, Interrupt, Vm). The feature string consists of an initial capital letter, followed by any further letters in lower case. + +---- + +Note that this structure is for organizational purposes, not functional purposes, although full test names will take advantage of it. + +Tests that will be executed in different modes, even if the results are identical, should be replicated in each mode directory, e.g. RV32I_M/, RV32I_MS/, and RV32I_MU/. These tests are typically those involving trapping behavior, e.g load, store, and privilged ops. + +=== Test naming + +The naming convention of a single test: + +<__test objective__>-<__test number__>.S + +* __test objective__ – an aspect that the test is focused on. A test objective may be an instruction for ISA tests (ADD, SUB, ...), or a characteristic covering multiple instructions, e.g. exception event (misaligned fetch, misalign load/store) and others. + +* __test number__ – number of the test. It is expected that multiple tests may be specified for one test objective. We recommend to break down complex tests into a set of small tests. A simple rule of thumb is one simple test objective = one simple test. The code becomes more readable and the test of the objective can be improved just by adding <>. The typical example are instruction tests for the F extension. + +* A test name shall not include an ISA category as part of its name (i.e. the directory, subdirectory names). + +Experience has shown that including ISA category in the test name leads to very long test names. Instead, we have introduced the <> where the full name is composed of the test path in the <> and the simple test name. + +Since full names can be reconstructed easily it is not necessary to include the path in test names. + +=== The test structure of a compliance test + +All tests shall use a signature approach. Each test shall be written in the same style, with defined mandatory items. There are both pre-defined and model-specific macros which shall be used in every test to guarantee their portability. In addition, there are both pre-defined and model specific macros that are not required, but may be used in tests. + +*Required, Pre-defined Macros* + + RVTEST_ISA(isa_str) // defines the Test Virtual Machine (TVM, the ISA being tested) + + - Empty macro to specify the isa required for compilation of the test. + + - This is mandated to be present at the start of the test. + + RVTEST_CODE_BEGIN // start of code (test) section + + - Macro to indicate test code start add and where test startup routine is inserted. + + - No part of the code section should precede this macro + + RVTEST_CODE_END // end of code (test) section + + = Macro to indicate test code end. + + - No part of the code section should follow after this macro. + + RVTEST_CASE(CaseName, CondStr) // execute this case only if condition in cond_str are met + +- CaseName is arbitrary string + +- CondStr is evaluated to determine if the test-case is enabled and sets name variable + +- CondStr can also define compile time macros required for the test-case to be enabled. + +- the test-case must be delimited with an #ifdef CaseName/#endif pair + +- the format of CondStr can be found in https://riscof.readthedocs.io/en/latest/cond_spec.html#cond-spec + +*Required, Model-defined Macros* + + RVMODEL_DATA_BEGIN // start of output data (signature) section + + RVMODEL_DATA_END // end of output data (signature) section + + RVMODEL_DATA_SECTION // model defined data area + + - contains static input data and intermediate scratch area for the test (e.g. stack) + + RVMODEL_HALT // defines model halt mechanism, which starts signature saving + +*Optional, Pre-defined Macros* + + RVTEST_SIGBASE(BaseReg,Val) // defines the base register used to update signature values + + - Register BaseReg is loaded with value Val + + - hidden_offset is initialized to zero + + RVTEST_SIGUPD(BaseReg, SigReg [,Value]) // stores sig value, with optional value assertion + + - Register Val is stored in mem(reg_Base+hidden_offset) + + - hidden_offset is post incremented so repeated uses store signature values sequentially + + RVTEST_BASEUPD(BaseReg[oldBase[,newOff]]) // [moves &] updates BaseReg past stored signature + + - Register BaseReg is loaded with the oldReg+newOff+hidden_offset + + - BaseReg is used if oldBase isn't specified; 0 is used if newOff isn't specified + + - hidden_offset is re-initialized to 0 afterwards + +*Optional, Model-defined Macros* + + RVMODEL_BOOT // contains boot code for model; may include emulation code or trap stub + + RVMODEL_IO_INIT // initializes IO for debug output + + - this must be invoked if any of the other RV_MODEL_IO_* macros are used + + RVMODEL_IO_CHECK // checks IO for debug output + + - + + RVMODEL_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(ScrReg, Reg, Value) // debug assertion that GPR should have value + + - outputs a debug message if Reg!=Value + + - ScrReg is a scratch register used by the output routine; its final value cannot be guaranteed + + RVMODEL_IO_WRITE_STR(ScrReg, String) // output debug string, using a scratch register + + - outputs the message String + - ScrReg is a scratch register used by the output routine; its final value cannot be guaranteed + + +The test structure of a compliance test shall have the following sections in the order as follows: + +. Header + license (including a specification link, a brief test description and RVTEST_ISA macro)) +. Includes of header files (see Common Header Files section) +. Test Virtual Machine (TVM) specification +. Test code between “RVTEST_CODE_BEGIN” and “RVTEST_CODE_END” +. Input data section, marked with "RVMODEL_DATA_SECTION" +. Output data section between “RVMODEL_DATA_BEGIN” and “RVMODEL_DATA_END”. + + + Note that there is no a requirement that the code or scratch data sections must be contiguous in memory, or that they be located before or after data or code sections (configured by embedded directives recognized by the linker) + +==== Common test format rules + +There are the following common rules that shall be applied to each <>: + +. Always use “//” as commentary. “#” should be used only for includes and defines. +. A test shall be divided into logical blocks (<>) according to the test goals. Test cases are enclosed in an `#ifdef <__CaseName__>, #endif` pair and begin with the RVTEST_CASE(CaseName,CondStr) macro that specifies the test case name, and a string that defines the conditions under which that <> can be selected for assembly and execution. Those conditions will be collected and used to generate the database which in turn is used to select tests for inclusion in the test suite for this target. +. Tests should use the RVTEST_SIGBASE(BaseReg,Val) macro to define the GPR used as a pointer to the output signature area, and its initial value. It can be used multiple times within a test to reassign the output area or change the base register. This value will be used by the invocations of the RVTEST_SIGUPD macro. +. Tests should use the RVTEST_SIGUPD(BaseReg, SigReg, ScratchReg, Value) macro to store signature values using (only) the base register defined in the most recently encountered RVTEST_SIGBASE(BaseReg,Val) macro. Repeated uses will automatically have an increasing offset that is managed by the macro. +.. Uses of RVTEST_SIGUPD shall always be preceded sometime in the test case by RVTEST_SIGBASE. + +.. The SIGUPD macro may optionally invoke a test assertion macro (e.g. RVMODEL_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ) with an assertion value for debugging, determined by the presence of ScratchReg and Value parameters. + +.. Tests that use SIGUPD inside a loop or in any section of code that will be repeated (e.g. traps) must use the BASEUPD macro between each loop iteration or repeated code to ensure static values of the base and offset don't overwrite older values. +. When macros are needed for debug purposes, only macros from compliance_model.h shall be used. + Note that using this feature shall not affect the signature results of the test run. +. Test shall not include other tests (e.g. #include “../add.S”) to prevent non-complete tests, compilation issues, and problems with code maintenance. +. Tests and test cases shall be skipped if not required for a specific model test configuration based on test conditions defined in the RVTEST_CASE macro. Tests that are selected may be further configured using variables (e.g. XLEN) which are passed into the tests and used to compile them. In either case, those conditions and variables are derived from the YAML specification of the device and execution environment that are passed into the framework. The flow is to run a compliance test suite built by the <> from the <> to determine which tests and test cases to run. +. Tests shall not depend on tool specific features. For example, tests shall avoid usage of internal GCC macros (e..g. ____risc_xlen__), specific syntax (char 'a' instead of 'a) or simulator features (e.g. tohost) etc. +. Each test shall be ended by the (target specific) “RVMODEL_HALT“ macro. Depending on branches in the test, there may be more than one instance of this in a test. +. Macros defined outside of a test shall only be defined in specific predefined header files (see <> below), and once they are in use, they may be modified only if the function of all affected tests remains unchanged. +It is acceptable that macros use may lead to operand repetition (register X is used every time). +- The aim of this restriction is to have test code more readable and to avoid side effects which may occur when different contributors will include new <> or updates of existing ones in the <>. +This measure results from the negative experience, where the <> could be used just for one target while the compliance test code changes were necessary to have it also running for other targets. + +==== Common Header Files + +Each test shall include only the following header files: + +. _compliance_model.h_ – defines target-specific macros, both required and optional: (e.g. RVMODEL_xxx) +. _compliance_test.h_ – defines pre-defined test macros both required and optional: (e.g. RVTEST_xxx) + +Adding new header files is forbidden. It may lead to macro redefinition and compilation issues. +Macros maybe defined and used inside a test, as they will not be defined outside that specific test. +Assertions will generate code that reports assertion failures (and optionally successes?) only if enabled by the framework. +In addition, the framework may collect the assertion values and save them as a signature output file if enabled by the framework. + +---- +Note that there are other legacy header files (aw_test_macros.h, riscv_test.h, encoding.h, ..) already included and used in existing tests that. +These header files shall not be modified for testing purposes. New tests should must either move them into compliance_test.h or not use them. +---- + +==== Framework Requirements + +The framework will import files that describe + +- the implemented, target-specific configuration parameters in YAML format + +- the required, platform-specific configuration parameters in YAML format + +The framework will generate intermediate files, including a Test Database YAML file that selects tests from the test pool to generate a test suite for the target. + +The framework will also invoke the <> as appropriate to cause tests to be built, loaded, executed, and results reported. + +The YAML files define both the values of those conditions and values that can be used by the framework to configure tests (e.g. format of WARL CSR fields). +Tests should not have #if, #ifdef, etc. for conditional assembly except those that surround RVMODEL_CASE macros +Instead, each of those should be a separate <> whose conditions are defined in + the common reference document entry for that test and test case number. + +<<< +[appendix] + +== Example - ISA test _ADD-01.S_ + +.a) Header and license + +---- +// RISC-V Compliance Test ADD-01 +// +// Copyright (c) 2017, Codasip Ltd. +// Copyright (c) 2018, Imperas Software Ltd. Additions +// All rights reserved. +// +// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +// documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +// * Neither the name of the Codasip Ltd., Imperas Software Ltd. nor the +// names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products +// derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +// +// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND +// ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED +// WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. +// IN NO EVENT SHALL Codasip Ltd., Imperas Software Ltd. BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, +// INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT +// NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES;LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR +// PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, +// WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) +// ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE +// POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +// +// Specification: RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.0 +// Description: Testing instruction ADD. +---- + +.b) Includes of header files + +---- +#include "compliance_test.h" +#include "compliance_model.h" + +---- + +.c) TVM selection + +---- +// Test Virtual Machine (TVM) used by program. +RVTEST_ISA("RV32M") //This is a standard macro +---- + +.d) Test code + +ISA test is divided into several test cases marked as “A“,“B“,“C“, etc. These test cases distinguish various logical tests. The test uses macros from compliance_io.h for debug purposes. + +---- +// Test code region. +RVTEST_CODE_BEGIN + + RVMODEL_IO_INIT + RVMODEL_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x31, x0, 0x00000000) + RVMODEL_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "# Test Begin\n") +---- + +.d.A) Test code - test case A + +Test case “A“ focuses on checking corner case values of the ADD instruction. In particular, 0, 1, -1, 0x7FFFFFFF, 0x80000000 with 0, 1, -1, MIN, MAX values. + +---- +// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +#ifdef TEST_CASE_A +// update case variable, describes test, defines framework test requirements +RVTEST_CASE(TEST_CASE_A ,"check ISA:=regex(.*I.*); def TEST_CASE_A=True") +RVMODEL_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "// Test case A1 - general test of value 0 with 0, 1, -1, MIN, MAX register values\n"); + +// Addresses for test data and results +la x1, test_A1_data +RVTEST_SIGBASE(x2, test_A1_res) //this sets x2 as sig_base and initializes it and sig_offset + +// Load testdata +lw x3, 0(x1) + +// Register initialization +li x4, 0 +li x5, 1 +li x6, -1 +li x7, 0x7FFFFFFF +li x8, 0x80000000 + +// Test +add x4, x3, x4 +add x5, x3, x5 +add x6, x3, x6 +add x7, x3, x7 +add x8, x3, x8 + +// Store results, and assert expected values +RVTEST_SIGUPD(x2, x3, 0x00000000) -- stores x3 at sig_base+sig_offset, updates sig_offset +RVTEST_SIGUPD(x2, x4, 00000000) -- stores x4 at sig_base+sig_offset, updates sig_offset +RVTEST_SIGUPD(x2, x5, 0x00000000) +RVTEST_SIGUPD(x2, x6, 0xFFFFFFFF) +RVTEST_SIGUPD(x2, x7, 0xFFFFFFFF) +RVTEST_SIGUPD(x2, x8, 0x80000000) + + +RVMODEL_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "// Test case A1 - Complete\n"); + +// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- +RVMODEL_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "// Test case A2 - general test of value 1 with 0, 1, -1, MIN, MAX register values\n"); + + + +// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- +RVMODEL_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "// Test case A3 - general test of value -1 with 0, 1, -1, MIN, MAX register values\n"); + + + +// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- +RVMODEL_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "// Test case A4 - general test of value 0x7FFFFFFF with 0, 1, -1, MIN, MAX register values\n"); + + + +// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- +RVMODEL_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "// Test case A5 - general test of value 0x80000000 with 0, 1, -1, MIN, MAX register values\n"); + + + +#endif +---- +<<< +.d.B) Test code - test case B + +Test case “B“ focuses on forwarding between instruction. It means that a result of an instruction is immediately passed to another instruction. + +---- +// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- +#ifdef TEST_CASE_B +// update case variable, describes test, defines framework test requirements +RVTEST_CASE(TEST_CASE_B ,"check ISA:=regex(.*I.*); def TEST_CASE_B=True") +RVMODEL_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "// Test case B - testing forwarding between instructions\n"); + +// Addresses for test data and results +la x25, test_B_data +RVTEST_SIGBASE(x26, test_B_res) //this sets x26 as sig_base and initializes it and sig_offset + +// Load testdata +lw x28, 0(x25) + +// Register initialization +li x27, 0x1 + +// Test +add x29, x28, x27 +add x30, x29, x27 +add x31, x30, x27 +add x1, x31, x27 +add x2, x1, x27 +add x3, x2, x27 + +// store results, and assert expected values +RVTEST_SIGUPD(x26, x27, 0x00000001) //store x27 at sig_base+sig_offset, update sig_offset, assert expected value +RVTEST_SIGUPD(x26, x29, 0x0000ABCE) +RVTEST_SIGUPD(x26, x30, 0x0000ABCF) +RVTEST_SIGUPD(x26, x31, 0x0000ABD0) +RVTEST_SIGUPD(x26, x1, 0x0000ABD1) +RVTEST_SIGUPD(x26, x2, 0x0000ABD2) +RVTEST_SIGUPD(x26, x3, 0x0000ABD3) + +RVMODEL_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "// Test case B - Complete\n"); + +#endif +---- +<<< +.d.C) Test code - test case C + +Test case “C“ focuses on writing to x0. This register is hardwired to the 0 value, so in any RISC-V implementation, it must not be overwritten. + +---- +// ------------------------------------------------------------------- +#ifdef TEST_CASE_C +// update case variable, describes test, defines framework test requirements +RVTEST_CASE(TEST_CASE_B ,"check ISA:=regex(.*I.*); def TEST_CASE_C=True") +RVMODEL_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "// Test case C - testing writing to x0\n"); + +// Addresses for test data and results +la x1, test_C_data +RVTEST_SIGBASE(x2, test_C_res) //this sets x2 as sig_base and initializes it and sig_offset + +// Load testdata +lw x28, 0(x1) + +// Register initialization +li x27, 0xF7FF8818 + +// Test +add x0, x28, x27 + +// store results using x2 as a base +RVTEST_SIGUPD(x2, x0, 0x00000000) + +RVMODEL_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "// Test case C - Complete\n"); +#endif + +---- + +<<< +.d.D) Test code - test case D + +Test case “D“ focuses on forwarding through x0. This register is hardwired to the 0 value, so a temporary non-zero result must not be passed to another instruction. + +---- +// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- +#ifdef TEST_CASE_D +// update case variable, describes test, defines framework test requirements +RVTEST_CASE(TEST_CASE_D ,"check ISA:=regex(.*I.*); def TEST_CASE_D=True") +RVMODEL_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "// Test case D - testing forwarding throught x0\n"); + +// Addresses for test data and results +la x1, test_D_data +RVTEST_SIGBASE(x2, test_D_res) //this sets x2 as sig_base and initializes it and sig_offset + +// Load testdata +lw x28, 0(x1) + +// Register initialization +li x27, 0xF7FF8818 + +// Test +add x0, x28, x27 +add x5, x0, x0 + +// store results +RVTEST_SIGUPD(x2, x0, 0x00000000) +RVTEST_SIGUPD(x2, x5, 0x00000000) + +RVMODEL_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "// Test case D - Complete\n"); +---- + +<<< +.d.E) Test code - test case E + +Test case “E“ focuses on ADD with x0. The ADD instruction performs the MOVE operation in that case. + +---- +// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- +#ifdef TEST_CASE_E +// update case variable, describes test, defines framework test requirements +RVTEST_CASE(TEST_CASE_E ,"check ISA:=regex(.*I.*); def TEST_CASE_E=True") +RVMODEL_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "// Test case E - testing moving (add with x0)\n"); + +// Addresses for test data and results +la x1, test_E_data +RVTEST_SIGBASE(x2, test_E_res) //this sets x2 as sig_base and initializes it and sig_offset + +// Load testdata +lw x3, 0(x1) + +// Test +add x4, x3, x0 +add x5, x4, x0 +add x6, x0, x5 +add x14, x6, x0 +add x15, x14, x0 +add x16, x15, x0 +add x25, x0, x16 +add x26, x0, x25 +add x27, x26, x0 + +// Store results, assert expected value +RVTEST_SIGUPD(x2, x4, 0x36925814) +RVTEST_SIGUPD(x2, x26, 0x36925814) +RVTEST_SIGUPD(x2, x27, 0x36925814) + +RVMODEL_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "// Test case E - Complete\n"); + +#endif +---- + +Note that because all the test conditions in the above example are identical, they should have been combined into a single test case. + +<<< +.d.F) Test code - section Test End + +Every test environment should implement at least one instance of the HALT macro. IMore than one would be implemented in cases where the test has branches or traps that cause it to end in different locations. When the macro is called, operation of DUT is stopped and a comparison to the reference results can be performed. + +---- +RVMODEL_IO_WRITE_STR(x31, "// Test End\n") +// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// HALT +RVMODEL_HALT +RVTEST_CODE_END +---- + +.e) Test code - section Input Data + +Addresses used for storing input data. + +---- +// Input data section. +.data +test_A1_data: +.word 0 +test_A2_data: +.word 1 +test_A3_data: +.word -1 +test_A4_data: +.word 0x7FFFFFFF +test_A5_data: +.word 0x80000000 +test_B_data: +.word 0x0000ABCD +test_C_data: +.word 0x12345678 +test_D_data: +.word 0xFEDCBA98 +test_E_data: +.word 0x36925814 +---- +<<< +.f) Test code - section Output Data + +Addresses used for storing results. + +---- +// Output data section. +RVMODEL_DATA_BEGIN +test_A1_res: +.fill 6, 4, -1 +test_A2_res: +.fill 6, 4, -1 +test_A3_res: +.fill 6, 4, -1 +test_A4_res: +.fill 6, 4, -1 +test_A5_res: +.fill 6, 4, -1 +test_B_res: +.fill 8, 4, -1 +test_C_res: +.fill 1, 4, -1 +test_D_res: +.fill 2, 4, -1 +test_E_res: +.fill 3, 4, -1 +RVMODEL_DATA_END +---- diff --git a/tests/riscv-compliance/spec/TestFormatSpec.pdf b/tests/riscv-compliance/spec/TestFormatSpec.pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1f27fbe --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/riscv-compliance/spec/TestFormatSpec.pdf @@ -0,0 +1,17544 @@ +%PDF-1.3 +% +1 0 obj +<< /Title (RISC-V Compliance Test Format Specification) +/Author (RISC-V Foundation Compliance Task Group) +/Creator (Asciidoctor PDF 1.5.0.alpha.17, based on Prawn 2.2.2) +/Producer (RISC-V Foundation Compliance Task Group) +/ModDate (D:20200221171611-08'00') +/CreationDate (D:20200224100936-08'00') +>> +endobj +2 0 obj +<< /Type /Catalog +/Pages 3 0 R +/Names 10 0 R +/Outlines 213 0 R +/PageLabels 241 0 R +/PageMode /UseOutlines +/OpenAction [7 0 R /FitH 842.89] +/ViewerPreferences << /DisplayDocTitle true +>> +>> +endobj +3 0 obj +<< /Type /Pages +/Count 23 +/Kids [7 0 R 20 0 R 38 0 R 44 0 R 46 0 R 48 0 R 50 0 R 65 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+<312e20496e74726f64756374696f6e> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +48.24 132.586 Td +/F1.0 18 Tf +<312e312e2041626f7574> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +2.9477 Tw + +BT +48.24 104.566 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<5468697320646f63756d656e7420636f6e7461696e732074686520524953432d5620> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 SCN + +2.9477 Tw + +BT +239.6828 104.566 Td +/F4.0 10.5 Tf +<636f6d706c69616e6365207465737420706f6f6c> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +2.9477 Tw + +BT +345.7062 104.566 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<2073747275637475726520616e6420> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 SCN + +2.9477 Tw + +BT +427.9337 104.566 Td +/F4.0 10.5 Tf +<636f6d706c69616e63652074657374> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +2.9477 Tw + +BT +506.9853 104.566 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<20666f726d6174> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +0.1469 Tw + +BT +48.24 88.786 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<73706563696669636174696f6e207768696368207368616c6c20626520757365642061732061207265666572656e636520646f63756d656e7420666f722074686f73652077686f207772697465206f722061726520676f696e6720746f207772697465> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +0.1253 Tw + +BT +48.24 73.006 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<746573747320666f722074686520524953432d5620636f6d706c69616e6365207465737420706f6f6c20616e6420666f722074686f73652077686f2061726520676f696e6720746f207573652074686520> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 SCN + +0.1253 Tw + +BT +446.6614 73.006 Td +/F4.0 10.5 Tf +<636f6d706c69616e6365207465737420706f6f6c> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +48.24 57.226 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<696e207468656972206f776e20636f6d706c69616e63652074657374206672> 20.0195 <616d65776f726b2e>] TJ +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +48.24 693.354 Td +/F1.0 22 Tf +[<54> 29.7852 <61626c65206f6620436f6e74656e7473>] TJ +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +48.24 662.816 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<312e20496e74726f64756374696f6e> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.6627 0.6627 0.6627 scn +0.6627 0.6627 0.6627 SCN + +BT +123.6196 662.816 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<2e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e20> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn + +BT +540.4906 662.816 Td +/F3.0 2.625 Tf + Tj +ET + +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +541.1705 662.816 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<31> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +60.24 644.336 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<312e312e2041626f7574> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.6627 0.6627 0.6627 scn +0.6627 0.6627 0.6627 SCN + +BT +112.9306 644.336 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<2e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e20> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn + +BT +540.4906 644.336 Td +/F3.0 2.625 Tf + Tj +ET + +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +541.1705 644.336 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<31> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +60.24 625.856 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<312e322e20496e74656e6465642061756469656e6365> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.6627 0.6627 0.6627 scn +0.6627 0.6627 0.6627 SCN + +BT +177.0646 625.856 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<2e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e20> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn + +BT +540.4906 625.856 Td +/F3.0 2.625 Tf + Tj +ET + +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +541.1705 625.856 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<32> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +60.24 607.376 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<312e332e2046757475726520776f726b> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.6627 0.6627 0.6627 scn +0.6627 0.6627 0.6627 SCN + +BT +144.9976 607.376 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<2e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e20> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn + +BT +540.4906 607.376 Td +/F3.0 2.625 Tf + Tj +ET + +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +541.1705 607.376 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<32> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +60.24 588.896 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<312e342e2046> 40.0391 <6565646261636b20616e6420686f7720746f20636f6e74726962757465>] TJ +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.6627 0.6627 0.6627 scn +0.6627 0.6627 0.6627 SCN + +BT +246.5431 588.896 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<2e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e20> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn + +BT +540.4906 588.896 Td +/F3.0 2.625 Tf + Tj +ET + +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +541.1705 588.896 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<32> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +60.24 570.416 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<312e352e20436f6e7472696275746f7273> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.6627 0.6627 0.6627 scn +0.6627 0.6627 0.6627 SCN + +BT +144.9976 570.416 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<2e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e20> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn + +BT +540.4906 570.416 Td +/F3.0 2.625 Tf + Tj +ET + +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +541.1705 570.416 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<33> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +60.24 551.936 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<312e362e20446f63756d656e7420686973746f7279> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.6627 0.6627 0.6627 scn +0.6627 0.6627 0.6627 SCN + +BT +171.7201 551.936 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<2e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e20> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn + +BT +540.4906 551.936 Td +/F3.0 2.625 Tf + Tj +ET + +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +541.1705 551.936 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<33> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +48.24 533.456 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<322e2046> 40.0391 <6f7265776f7264>] TJ +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.6627 0.6627 0.6627 scn +0.6627 0.6627 0.6627 SCN + +BT +112.9306 533.456 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<2e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e20> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn + +BT +540.4906 533.456 Td +/F3.0 2.625 Tf + Tj +ET + +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +541.1705 533.456 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<37> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +48.24 514.976 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<332e2056> 60.0586 <6f636162756c617279>] TJ +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.6627 0.6627 0.6627 scn +0.6627 0.6627 0.6627 SCN + +BT +118.2751 514.976 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<2e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e20> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn + +BT +540.4906 514.976 Td +/F3.0 2.625 Tf + Tj +ET + +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +541.1705 514.976 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<37> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +60.24 496.496 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<332e312e2054686520636f6d706c69616e63652074657374> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.6627 0.6627 0.6627 scn +0.6627 0.6627 0.6627 SCN + +BT +182.4091 496.496 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<2e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e20> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn + +BT +540.4906 496.496 Td +/F3.0 2.625 Tf + Tj +ET + +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +541.1705 496.496 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<37> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +60.24 478.016 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<332e322e2054686520524953432d5620636f6d706c69616e6365207465737420706f6f6c> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.6627 0.6627 0.6627 scn +0.6627 0.6627 0.6627 SCN + +BT +241.1986 478.016 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<2e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e20> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn + +BT +540.4906 478.016 Td +/F3.0 2.625 Tf + Tj +ET + +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +541.1705 478.016 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<37> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +60.24 459.536 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<332e332e2054686520524953432d5620636f6d706c69616e63652074657374207375697465> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.6627 0.6627 0.6627 scn +0.6627 0.6627 0.6627 SCN + +BT +246.5431 459.536 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<2e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e20> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn + +BT +540.4906 459.536 Td +/F3.0 2.625 Tf + Tj +ET + +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +541.1705 459.536 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<37> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +60.24 441.056 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<332e342e2054686520746573742063617365> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.6627 0.6627 0.6627 scn +0.6627 0.6627 0.6627 SCN + +BT +144.9976 441.056 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<2e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e20> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn + +BT +540.4906 441.056 Td +/F3.0 2.625 Tf + Tj +ET + +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +541.1705 441.056 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<37> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +60.24 422.576 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<332e352e2054686520746573742063617365207369676e6174757265> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.6627 0.6627 0.6627 scn +0.6627 0.6627 0.6627 SCN + +BT +198.4426 422.576 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<2e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e20> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn + +BT +540.4906 422.576 Td +/F3.0 2.625 Tf + Tj +ET + +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +541.1705 422.576 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<38> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +60.24 404.096 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<332e362e205468652074657374207369676e6174757265> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.6627 0.6627 0.6627 scn +0.6627 0.6627 0.6627 SCN + +BT +171.7201 404.096 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<2e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e20> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn + +BT +540.4906 404.096 Td +/F3.0 2.625 Tf + Tj +ET + +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +541.1705 404.096 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<38> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +60.24 385.616 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<332e372e205468652074657374207375697465207369676e6174757265> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.6627 0.6627 0.6627 scn +0.6627 0.6627 0.6627 SCN + +BT +198.4426 385.616 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<2e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e20> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn + +BT +540.4906 385.616 Td +/F3.0 2.625 Tf + Tj +ET + +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +541.1705 385.616 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<39> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +60.24 367.136 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<332e382e2054686520746172676574207368656c6c> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.6627 0.6627 0.6627 scn +0.6627 0.6627 0.6627 SCN + +BT +161.0311 367.136 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<2e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e20> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn + +BT +540.4906 367.136 Td +/F3.0 2.625 Tf + Tj +ET + +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +541.1705 367.136 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<39> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +60.24 348.656 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<332e392e20546865207465737420746172676574> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.6627 0.6627 0.6627 scn +0.6627 0.6627 0.6627 SCN + +BT +155.6866 348.656 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<2e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e20> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn + +BT +540.4906 348.656 Td +/F3.0 2.625 Tf + Tj +ET + +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +541.1705 348.656 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<39> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +60.24 330.176 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<332e31302e2054686520524953432d562070726f636573736f7220286465766963652920636f6e6669677572> 20.0195 <6174696f6e>] TJ +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.6627 0.6627 0.6627 scn +0.6627 0.6627 0.6627 SCN + +BT +305.3326 330.176 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<2e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e20> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn + +BT +540.4906 330.176 Td +/F3.0 2.625 Tf + Tj +ET + +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +541.1705 330.176 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<39> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +60.24 311.696 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<332e31312e2054686520636f6d706c69616e63652074657374206672> 20.0195 <616d65776f726b>] TJ +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.6627 0.6627 0.6627 scn +0.6627 0.6627 0.6627 SCN + +BT +246.5431 311.696 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<2e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e20> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn + +BT +540.4906 311.696 Td +/F3.0 2.625 Tf + Tj +ET + +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +541.1705 311.696 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<39> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +48.24 293.216 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<342e20436f6d706c69616e6365207465737420706f6f6c> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.6627 0.6627 0.6627 scn +0.6627 0.6627 0.6627 SCN + +BT +165.8506 293.216 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<2e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e20> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn + +BT +534.6211 293.216 Td +/F3.0 2.625 Tf + Tj +ET + +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +535.301 293.216 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<3130> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +60.24 274.736 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<342e312e2054> 29.7852 <65737420706f6f6c20737472756374757265>] TJ +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.6627 0.6627 0.6627 scn +0.6627 0.6627 0.6627 SCN + +BT +176.5396 274.736 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<2e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e202e20> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn + +BT +534.6211 274.736 Td +/F3.0 2.625 Tf + Tj +ET + +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +535.301 274.736 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<3130> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +60.24 256.256 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<342e322e2054> 29.7852 <657374206e616d696e67>] TJ +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.6627 0.6627 0.6627 scn +0.6627 0.6627 0.6627 SCN + +BT +144.4726 256.256 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf 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0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +48.24 391.506 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<5468697320646f63756d656e7420686173206265656e20637265617465642062> 20.0195 <792074686520666f6c6c6f77696e672070656f706c652028696e20616c7068616265746963616c206f72646572206f66207375726e616d65292e>] TJ +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +62.74 360.8774 Td +/F3.0 13 Tf +[<416c6c656e204261756d2c204a6572656d792042656e6e6574742c20526164656b2048616a656b2c205072656d79736c2056> 60.0586 <61636c6176696b>] TJ +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +q +5 w +0.9333 0.9333 0.9333 SCN +50.74 375.69 m +50.74 353.1529 l +S +Q +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +48.24 317.1289 Td +/F1.0 18 Tf +<312e362e20446f63756d656e7420686973746f7279> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +1.0 1.0 1.0 scn +48.24 262.5129 49.88 38.56 re +f +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +1.0 1.0 1.0 scn +98.12 262.5129 99.76 38.56 re +f +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +1.0 1.0 1.0 scn +197.88 262.5129 149.64 38.56 re +f +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +1.0 1.0 1.0 scn +347.52 262.5129 199.52 38.56 re +f +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +1.0 1.0 1.0 scn +48.24 146.0529 49.88 116.46 re +f +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +1.0 1.0 1.0 scn +98.12 146.0529 99.76 116.46 re +f +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +1.0 1.0 1.0 scn +197.88 146.0529 149.64 116.46 re +f +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +1.0 1.0 1.0 scn +347.52 146.0529 199.52 116.46 re +f +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +48.24 301.0729 m +98.12 301.0729 l +S +[] 0 d +1.25 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +48.24 262.5129 m +98.12 262.5129 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +48.24 301.3229 m +48.24 261.8879 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +98.12 301.3229 m +98.12 261.8879 l +S +[] 0 d +1 w +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn + +BT +53.24 284.8589 Td +/F4.0 10.5 Tf +<5265766973696f> Tj +ET + + +BT +53.24 270.5789 Td +/F4.0 10.5 Tf +<6e> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +98.12 301.0729 m +197.88 301.0729 l +S +[] 0 d +1.25 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +98.12 262.5129 m +197.88 262.5129 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +98.12 301.3229 m +98.12 261.8879 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +197.88 301.3229 m +197.88 261.8879 l +S +[] 0 d +1 w +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn + +BT +103.12 284.8589 Td +/F4.0 10.5 Tf +<44617465> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +197.88 301.0729 m +347.52 301.0729 l +S +[] 0 d +1.25 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +197.88 262.5129 m +347.52 262.5129 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +197.88 301.3229 m +197.88 261.8879 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +347.52 301.3229 m +347.52 261.8879 l +S +[] 0 d +1 w +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn + +BT +202.88 284.8589 Td +/F4.0 10.5 Tf +[<41> 20.0195 <7574686f72>] TJ +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +347.52 301.0729 m +547.04 301.0729 l +S +[] 0 d +1.25 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +347.52 262.5129 m +547.04 262.5129 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +347.52 301.3229 m +347.52 261.8879 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w 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767.33 m +347.52 767.33 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +197.88 806.14 m +197.88 766.705 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +347.52 806.14 m +347.52 766.705 l +S +[] 0 d +1 w +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn + +BT +202.88 789.676 Td +/F4.0 10.5 Tf +[<41> 20.0195 <7574686f72>] TJ +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +347.52 805.89 m +547.04 805.89 l +S +[] 0 d +1.25 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +347.52 767.33 m +547.04 767.33 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +347.52 806.14 m +347.52 766.705 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +547.04 806.14 m +547.04 766.705 l +S +[] 0 d +1 w +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn + +BT +352.52 789.676 Td +/F4.0 10.5 Tf +<4d6f64696669636174696f6e> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +48.24 767.33 m +98.12 767.33 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +48.24 603.53 m +98.12 603.53 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +48.24 767.58 m +48.24 603.28 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +98.12 767.58 m +98.12 603.28 l +S +[] 0 d +1 w +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn + +BT +51.24 752.366 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<312e322e34> Tj +ET + + +BT +51.24 736.586 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<4472> 20.0195 <616674>] TJ +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +98.12 767.33 m +197.88 767.33 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +98.12 603.53 m +197.88 603.53 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +98.12 767.58 m +98.12 603.28 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +197.88 767.58 m +197.88 603.28 l +S +[] 0 d +1 w +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn + +BT +101.12 752.366 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<3038204a616e2032303230> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +197.88 767.33 m +347.52 767.33 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +197.88 603.53 m +347.52 603.53 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +197.88 767.58 m +197.88 603.28 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +347.52 767.58 m +347.52 603.28 l +S +[] 0 d +1 w +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn + +BT +200.88 752.366 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<416c6c656e204261756d> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +347.52 767.33 m +547.04 767.33 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +347.52 603.53 m +547.04 603.53 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +347.52 767.58 m +347.52 603.28 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +547.04 767.58 m +547.04 603.28 l +S +[] 0 d +1 w +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn + +BT +350.52 752.366 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<2a207479706f73206669786564202a206164646564> Tj +ET + + +BT +350.52 736.586 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<52> 29.7852 <56544553> 20.0195 <545f42> 20.0195 <415345555044206d6163726f202a206164646564>] TJ +ET + + +BT +350.52 720.806 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<6578706c616e6174696f6e7320666f722065616368206d6163726f202a> Tj +ET + + +BT +350.52 705.026 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<636c61726966696564207265737472696374696f6e73206f6e2023696664656673202a> Tj +ET + + +BT +350.52 689.246 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<616464656420636f6d6d656e74207468617420746573742063617365732077697468> Tj +ET + + +BT +350.52 673.466 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<6964656e746963616c20636f6e646974696f6e732073686f756c64206265> Tj +ET + + +BT +350.52 657.686 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<636f6d62696e656420696e746f20612073696e676c652063617365202a> Tj +ET + + +BT +350.52 641.906 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<646f63756d656e746564207468617420746573742063617365206669727374> Tj +ET + + +BT +350.52 626.126 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<706172> 20.0195 <616d657465722073686f756c64206d617463682074686520236966646566>] TJ +ET + + +BT +350.52 610.346 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<706172> 20.0195 <616d657465722074686174207072656365646573206974>] TJ +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +48.24 603.53 m +98.12 603.53 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +48.24 408.17 m +98.12 408.17 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +48.24 603.78 m +48.24 407.92 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +98.12 603.78 m +98.12 407.92 l +S +[] 0 d +1 w +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn + +BT +51.24 588.566 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<312e322e33> Tj +ET + + +BT +51.24 572.786 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<4472> 20.0195 <616674>] TJ +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +98.12 603.53 m +197.88 603.53 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +98.12 408.17 m +197.88 408.17 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +98.12 603.78 m +98.12 407.92 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +197.88 603.78 m +197.88 407.92 l +S +[] 0 d +1 w +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn + +BT +101.12 588.566 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<3032204465632032303139> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +197.88 603.53 m +347.52 603.53 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +197.88 408.17 m +347.52 408.17 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +197.88 603.78 m +197.88 407.92 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +347.52 603.78 m +347.52 407.92 l +S +[] 0 d +1 w +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn + +BT +200.88 588.566 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<416c6c656e204261756d> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +347.52 603.53 m +547.04 603.53 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +347.52 408.17 m +547.04 408.17 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +347.52 603.78 m +347.52 407.92 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +547.04 603.78 m +547.04 407.92 l +S +[] 0 d +1 w +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn + +BT +350.52 588.566 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<2a206d6f646966696564206d6163726f206e616d657320746f20636f6e666f726d6e> Tj +ET + + +BT +350.52 572.786 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<746f20726973636f66206e616d696e6720636f6e76656e74696f6e206f66206d6f64656c> Tj +ET + + +BT +350.52 557.006 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<73706563696669632076732e207072652d646566696e6564202a20616464206d6f7265> Tj +ET + + +BT +350.52 541.226 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<636f6d706c657465206c697374206f66206d6163726f732c20746865697220757365732c> Tj +ET + + +BT +350.52 525.446 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<706172> 20.0195 <616d65746572732c20616e642077686574686572207468657920617265>] TJ +ET + + +BT +350.52 509.666 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<7265717569726564206f72206f7074696f6e616c202a206d696e6f72> Tj +ET + + +BT +350.52 493.886 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<7374727563747572> 20.0195 <616c206368616e67657320286d6f76696e672073656e74656e6365732c>] TJ +ET + + +BT +350.52 478.106 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<72656e756d626572696e672920616e64207479706f206669786573202a> Tj +ET + + +BT +350.52 462.326 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<636c6172696669656420696d70616374206f66206465627567206d6163726f73202a> Tj +ET + + +BT +350.52 446.546 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<636c6172696669656420686f772053494755504420616e642042> 20.0195 <415345555044>] TJ +ET + + +BT +350.52 430.766 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<6d75737420626520757365642c20666978656420706172> 20.0195 <616d65746572>] TJ +ET + + +BT +350.52 414.986 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<6465736372697074696f6e> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +48.24 408.17 m +98.12 408.17 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +48.24 228.59 m +98.12 228.59 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +48.24 408.42 m +48.24 228.34 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +98.12 408.42 m +98.12 228.34 l +S +[] 0 d +1 w +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn + +BT +51.24 393.206 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<312e322e32> Tj +ET + + +BT +51.24 377.426 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<4472> 20.0195 <616674>] TJ +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +98.12 408.17 m +197.88 408.17 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +98.12 228.59 m +197.88 228.59 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +98.12 408.42 m +98.12 228.34 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +197.88 408.42 m +197.88 228.34 l +S +[] 0 d +1 w +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn + +BT +101.12 393.206 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<3231204e6f762032303139> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +197.88 408.17 m +347.52 408.17 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +197.88 228.59 m +347.52 228.59 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +197.88 408.42 m +197.88 228.34 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +347.52 408.42 m +347.52 228.34 l +S +[] 0 d +1 w +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn + +BT +200.88 393.206 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<416c6c656e204261756d> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +347.52 408.17 m +547.04 408.17 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +347.52 228.59 m +547.04 228.59 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +347.52 408.42 m +347.52 228.34 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +547.04 408.42 m +547.04 228.34 l +S +[] 0 d +1 w +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn + +BT +350.52 393.206 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<2a2072656d6f76652073656374696f6e2061626f75742074657374207461786f6e6f6d79> 89.8438 <2c>] TJ +ET + + +BT +350.52 377.426 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<62696e6172792074657374732c20656d756c61746564206f7073202a20636c61726966792f666978> Tj +ET + + +BT +350.52 361.646 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<626f756e64617279206265747765656e20746573742074617267657420616e64> Tj +ET + + +BT +350.52 345.866 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<6672> 20.0195 <616d65776f726b20726573706f6e736962696c6974696573202873706c69742074657374>] TJ +ET + + +BT +350.52 330.086 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<74617267657420696e746f20746573742074617267657420616e642074657374207368656c6c29202a> Tj +ET + + +BT +350.52 314.306 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<72656d6f76652054> 29.7852 <6f20426520646973637573736564206974656d732074686174>] TJ +ET + + +BT +350.52 298.526 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<68617665206265656e20646973637573736564202a2072656d6f76652064656661756c74> Tj +ET + + +BT +350.52 282.746 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<6361736520636f6e646974696f6e3b20696620636f6e646974696f6e7320617265> Tj +ET + + +BT +350.52 266.966 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<756e6368616765642c2070617274206f662073616d652063617365202a206d696e6f72> Tj +ET + + +BT +350.52 251.186 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<6772> 20.0195 <616d6d61746963616c206368616e6765732072656c6174656420746f20746865>] TJ +ET + + +BT +350.52 235.406 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<61626f7665> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +q +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +1 w +0 J +0 j +[] 0 d +/Stamp2 Do +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +49.24 14.388 Td +/F3.0 9 Tf +<34> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +Q +Q + +endstream +endobj +44 0 obj +<< /Type /Page +/Parent 3 0 R +/MediaBox [0 0 595.28 841.89] +/CropBox [0 0 595.28 841.89] +/BleedBox [0 0 595.28 841.89] +/TrimBox [0 0 595.28 841.89] +/ArtBox [0 0 595.28 841.89] +/Contents 43 0 R +/Resources << /ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI] +/Font << /F4.0 15 0 R +/F3.0 14 0 R +>> +/XObject << /Stamp2 212 0 R +>> +>> +>> +endobj +45 0 obj +<< /Length 8407 +>> +stream +q +/DeviceRGB cs +1.0 1.0 1.0 scn +48.24 767.33 49.88 38.56 re +f +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +1.0 1.0 1.0 scn +98.12 767.33 99.76 38.56 re +f +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +1.0 1.0 1.0 scn +197.88 767.33 149.64 38.56 re +f +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +1.0 1.0 1.0 scn +347.52 767.33 199.52 38.56 re +f +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +1.0 1.0 1.0 scn +48.24 493.07 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0.0 scn +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +98.12 805.89 m +197.88 805.89 l +S +[] 0 d +1.25 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +98.12 767.33 m +197.88 767.33 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +98.12 806.14 m +98.12 766.705 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +197.88 806.14 m +197.88 766.705 l +S +[] 0 d +1 w +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn + +BT +103.12 789.676 Td +/F4.0 10.5 Tf +<44617465> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +197.88 805.89 m +347.52 805.89 l +S +[] 0 d +1.25 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +197.88 767.33 m +347.52 767.33 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +197.88 806.14 m +197.88 766.705 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +347.52 806.14 m +347.52 766.705 l +S +[] 0 d +1 w +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn + +BT +202.88 789.676 Td +/F4.0 10.5 Tf +[<41> 20.0195 <7574686f72>] TJ +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +347.52 805.89 m +547.04 805.89 l +S +[] 0 d +1.25 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +347.52 767.33 m +547.04 767.33 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +347.52 806.14 m +347.52 766.705 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +547.04 806.14 m +547.04 766.705 l +S +[] 0 d +1 w +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn + +BT +352.52 789.676 Td +/F4.0 10.5 Tf +<4d6f64696669636174696f6e> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +48.24 767.33 m +98.12 767.33 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +48.24 493.07 m +98.12 493.07 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +48.24 767.58 m +48.24 492.82 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +98.12 767.58 m +98.12 492.82 l +S +[] 0 d +1 w +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn + +BT +51.24 752.366 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<312e322e31> Tj +ET + + +BT +51.24 736.586 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<4472> 20.0195 <616674>] TJ +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +98.12 767.33 m +197.88 767.33 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +98.12 493.07 m +197.88 493.07 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +98.12 767.58 m +98.12 492.82 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +197.88 767.58 m +197.88 492.82 l +S +[] 0 d +1 w +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn + +BT +101.12 752.366 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<3139204e6f762032303139> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +197.88 767.33 m +347.52 767.33 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +197.88 493.07 m +347.52 493.07 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +197.88 767.58 m +197.88 492.82 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +347.52 767.58 m +347.52 492.82 l +S +[] 0 d +1 w +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn + +BT +200.88 752.366 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<416c6c656e204261756d> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +347.52 767.33 m +547.04 767.33 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +347.52 493.07 m +547.04 493.07 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +347.52 767.58 m +347.52 492.82 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +547.04 767.58 m +547.04 492.82 l +S +[] 0 d +1 w +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn + +BT +350.52 752.366 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<2a20737065632f54> 29.7852 <65737446> 40.0391 <6f726d6174537065632e61646f633a206368616e676564>] TJ +ET + + +BT +350.52 736.586 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<74686520666f726d6174206f6620746865207369676e617475726520746f206669786564> Tj +ET + + +BT +350.52 720.806 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<33326220646174612073697a65206f6e6c792065787472> 20.0195 <61637465642066726f6d>] TJ +ET + + +BT +350.52 705.026 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<434f4d504c49414e43455f44> 20.0195 <41> 60.0586 <54> 60.0586 <415f424547494e2f454e44>] TJ +ET + + +BT +350.52 689.246 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<72> 20.0195 <616e67652e202a206d6164652074657374207375697465207375626469726563746f72696573>] TJ +ET + + +BT +350.52 673.466 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<757070657220636173652c2077697468207375622d657874656e73696f6e732063616d656c> Tj +ET + + +BT +350.52 657.686 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<63617365202a2075706461746564206578616d706c6520746f206d61746368206d6f7374> Tj +ET + + +BT +350.52 641.906 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<726563656e7420726973636f6620696d706c656d656e74206d6163726f73202a20666978> Tj +ET + + +BT +350.52 626.126 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<666f726d617420736f20417070656e646978206973206e6f7720696e2054> 20.0195 <4f43202a>] TJ +ET + + +BT +350.52 610.346 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<6d6f766564206e6f74652061626f7574206d756c7469706c652074657374206361736573> Tj +ET + + +BT +350.52 594.566 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<696e2061207465737420636c6f73657220746f20646566696e6974696f6e202a206669786564> Tj +ET + + +BT +350.52 578.786 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<6375742f7061737465206572726f7220696e206578616d706c65206f66207465737420706f6f6c> Tj +ET + + +BT +350.52 563.006 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<2a206d6f7265206772> 20.0195 <616d61746963616c2066697865732c20636c6172696669636174696f6e73>] TJ +ET + + +BT +350.52 547.226 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<6164646564202a2061646465642054> 29.7852 <6f20426520446973637573736564206974656d73>] TJ +ET + + +BT +350.52 531.446 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<726567617264696e6720656d756c6174656420696e737472756374696f6e20616e64> Tj +ET + + +BT +350.52 515.666 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<62696e617279207465737473202a206164646564206772> 20.0195 <6170686963206f662074657374>] TJ +ET + + +BT +350.52 499.886 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<73756974652f746573745f706f6f6c2f746573742f746573745f636173652068696572> 20.0195 <61726368> 20.0195 <79>] TJ +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +48.24 493.07 m +98.12 493.07 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +48.24 423.95 m +98.12 423.95 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +48.24 493.32 m +48.24 423.7 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +98.12 493.32 m +98.12 423.7 l +S +[] 0 d +1 w +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn + +BT +51.24 478.106 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<312e322e31> Tj +ET + + +BT +51.24 462.326 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<4472> 20.0195 <616674>] TJ +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +98.12 493.07 m +197.88 493.07 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN 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+<636f7272656374696f6e732c2061646465642064657461696c20616e64> Tj +ET + + +BT +350.52 720.806 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<636c6172696669636174696f6e2041> 20.0195 <646465642064657461696c20726567617264696e67>] TJ +ET + + +BT +350.52 705.026 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<746865203220617070726f616368657320666f7220746573742073656c656374696f6e3a> Tj +ET + + +BT +350.52 689.246 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<63656e7472> 20.0195 <616c2064617461626173652c206f7220656d626564646564>] TJ +ET + + +BT +350.52 673.466 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<636f6e646974696f6e7320656d62656464656420696e206d6163726f73> Tj +ET + + +BT +350.52 657.686 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<41> 20.0195 <646465642064657461696c206f662070726f706f736564207374616e64617264>] TJ +ET + + +BT +350.52 641.906 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<6d6163726f732052> 29.7852 <56544553> 20.0195 <545f53494742> 20.0195 <4153452c>] TJ +ET + + +BT +350.52 626.126 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<52> 29.7852 <56544553> 20.0195 <545f5349475550442c2052> 29.7852 <56544553> 20.0195 <545f43415345204d6f7265>] TJ +ET + + +BT +350.52 610.346 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<6578706c616e6174696f6e206f6620737065632073746174757320696e20696e697469616c> Tj +ET + + +BT +350.52 594.566 Td +/F4.0 10.5 Tf +<66757475726520776f726b> Tj +ET + + +BT +408.5745 594.566 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<20706172> 20.0195 <616772> 20.0195 <6170682028692e652e20676f616c2c206e6f74>] TJ +ET + + +BT +350.52 578.786 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<796574206163636f6d706c6973686564292052656d6f766564206d616e> 20.0195 <792022746f>] TJ +ET + + +BT +350.52 563.006 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<426520446973637573736564206974656d7320616e64206d616465207468656d> Tj +ET + + +BT +350.52 547.226 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<6f6666696369616c2052656d6f766564206f7074696f6e732c206d61646520504f52> Tj +ET + + +BT +350.52 531.446 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<666f7220746573742073656c656374696f6e20616e64207374616e64617264206d6163726f73> Tj +ET + + +BT +350.52 515.666 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<52> 29.7852 <56544553> 20.0195 <545f53494742> 20.0195 <4153452c2052> 29.7852 <56544553> 20.0195 <545f5349475550442c>] TJ +ET + + +BT +350.52 499.886 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<52> 29.7852 <56544553> 20.0195 <545f434153452052656d6f7665642070726f6869626974696f6e206f6e>] TJ +ET + + +BT +350.52 484.106 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<6162736f6c7574652061646472657373657320436c617269666965642077686963682074657374> Tj +ET + + +BT +350.52 468.326 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<737569746573206120746573742073686f756c6420626520696e2077686572652074686579> Tj +ET + + +BT +350.52 452.546 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<61726520646570656e64656e74206f6e206d756c7469706c6520657874656e73696f6e73> Tj +ET + + +BT +350.52 436.766 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<436c6172696669656420757365206f6620696e636c7564657320616e64206d6163726f73> Tj +ET + + +BT +350.52 420.986 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<28616e6420646f63756d656e746564206578736974696e6720646576696174696f6e7329> Tj +ET + + +BT +350.52 405.206 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<436c6172696669656420757365206f662059> 69.8242 <414d4c2066696c65732041> 20.0195 <64646564>] TJ +ET + + +BT +350.52 389.426 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<64657461696c20746f206465736372697074696f6e20616e642075736573206f66> Tj +ET + + +BT +350.52 373.646 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<636f6d6d6f6e20636f6d706c69616e6365207465737420706f6f6c> Tj +ET + + +BT +350.52 357.866 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<7265666572656e636520646f63756d656e74> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +48.24 351.05 m +98.12 351.05 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +48.24 313.49 m +98.12 313.49 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +48.24 351.3 m +48.24 313.24 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +98.12 351.3 m +98.12 313.24 l +S +[] 0 d +1 w +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn + +BT +51.24 336.086 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<312e31204472> 20.0195 <616674>] TJ +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +98.12 351.05 m +197.88 351.05 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +98.12 313.49 m +197.88 313.49 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +98.12 351.3 m +98.12 313.24 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +197.88 351.3 m +197.88 313.24 l +S +[] 0 d +1 w +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn + +BT +101.12 336.086 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<31352046> 40.0391 <65622032303139>] TJ +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +197.88 351.05 m +347.52 351.05 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +197.88 313.49 m +347.52 313.49 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +197.88 351.3 m +197.88 313.24 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +347.52 351.3 m +347.52 313.24 l +S +[] 0 d +1 w +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn + +BT +200.88 336.086 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<526164656b2048616a656b> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +347.52 351.05 m +547.04 351.05 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +347.52 313.49 m +547.04 313.49 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +347.52 351.3 m +347.52 313.24 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +547.04 351.3 m +547.04 313.24 l +S +[] 0 d +1 w +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn + +BT +350.52 336.086 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<417070656e64697820413a206578616d706c6520617373657274696f6e73> Tj +ET + + +BT +350.52 320.306 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<757064617465> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +48.24 313.49 m +98.12 313.49 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +48.24 244.37 m +98.12 244.37 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +48.24 313.74 m +48.24 244.12 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +98.12 313.74 m +98.12 244.12 l +S +[] 0 d +1 w +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn + +BT +51.24 298.526 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<312e30204472> 20.0195 <616674>] TJ +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +98.12 313.49 m +197.88 313.49 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +98.12 244.37 m +197.88 244.37 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +98.12 313.74 m +98.12 244.12 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +197.88 313.74 m +197.88 244.12 l +S +[] 0 d +1 w +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn + +BT +101.12 298.526 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<3130204465632032303138> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +197.88 313.49 m +347.52 313.49 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +197.88 244.37 m +347.52 244.37 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +197.88 313.74 m +197.88 244.12 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +347.52 313.74 m +347.52 244.12 l +S +[] 0 d +1 w +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn + +BT +200.88 298.526 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<526164656b2048616a656b2c205072656d79736c> Tj +ET + + +BT +200.88 282.746 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<56> 60.0586 <61636c6176696b>] TJ +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +347.52 313.49 m +547.04 313.49 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +347.52 244.37 m +547.04 244.37 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +347.52 313.74 m +347.52 244.12 l +S +[] 0 d +0.5 w +0.8667 0.8667 0.8667 SCN +547.04 313.74 m +547.04 244.12 l +S +[] 0 d +1 w +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn + +BT +350.52 298.526 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf 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0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +0.0471 Tw + +BT +48.24 674.306 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<7175616c69747920616e6420726561646162696c697479206f66207468652074657374732e204c61737420627574206e6f74206c656173742c2069742077696c6c2073696d706c696679207468652070726f63657373206f6620616464696e67206e6577207465737473> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +48.24 658.526 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<696e746f20746865206578697374696e6720636f6d706c69616e6365207465737420706f6f6c20616e642074686520666f726d616c207265766973696f6e2070726f636573732e> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +48.24 614.414 Td +/F1.0 22 Tf +[<332e2056> 60.0586 <6f636162756c617279>] TJ +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +48.24 573.166 Td +/F1.0 18 Tf +<332e312e2054686520636f6d706c69616e63652074657374> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +1.8598 Tw + +BT +48.24 545.146 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<54686520636f6d706c69616e636520746573742069732061206e6f6e66756e6374696f6e616c2074657374696e6720746563686e6971756520776869636820697320646f6e6520746f2076616c6964617465207768657468657220746865> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +0.1191 Tw + +BT +48.24 529.366 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<73797374656d20646576656c6f706564206d65657473207468652070726573637269626564207374616e64617264206f72206e6f742e20496e207468697320706172746963756c617220636173652074686520676f6c64656e207265666572656e6365> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +48.24 513.586 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<69732074686520524953432d56204953> 20.0195 <41207374616e646172642e>] TJ +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +3.0505 Tw + +BT +48.24 485.806 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<46> 40.0391 <6f7220707572706f7365206f66207468697320646f63756d656e7420776520756e6465727374616e6420746861742074686520636f6d706c69616e6365207465737420697320612073696e676c652074657374207768696368>] TJ +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +1.3635 Tw + +BT +48.24 470.026 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<726570726573656e747320746865206d696e696d756d207465737420636f646520746861742063616e20626520636f6d70696c656420616e642072756e2e204974206973207772697474656e20696e20617373656d626c657220636f6465> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +48.24 454.246 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<616e64206974732070726f64756374206973206120> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 SCN + +BT +146.1105 454.246 Td +/F4.0 10.5 Tf +<74657374207369676e6174757265> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +213.09 454.246 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf 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+<636f6d706c69616e6365207465737473> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +0.4352 Tw + +BT +416.6275 386.386 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<20746861742063616e20626520617373656d626c65642062> 20.0195 <79>] TJ +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +0.3757 Tw + +BT +48.24 370.606 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<7468652074657374206672> 20.0195 <616d65776f726b2c20666f726d696e672074686520>] TJ +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 SCN + +0.3757 Tw + +BT +212.8055 370.606 Td +/F4.0 10.5 Tf +<636f6d706c69616e63652074657374207375697465> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +0.3757 Tw + +BT +315.764 370.606 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<2e2054686520524953432d5620636f6d706c69616e6365207465737420706f6f6c206d7573742062652074657374> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +0.4626 Tw + +BT +48.24 354.826 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<74617267657420696e646570656e64656e742028736f2c2073686f756c6420636f72726563746c792072756e206f6e20616e> 20.0195 <7920636f6d706c69616e7420746172676574292e204e6f746520746861742074686973206e6f6e66756e6374696f6e616c>] TJ +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +48.24 339.046 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<74657374696e67206973206e6f742061207375627374697475746520666f7220766572696669636174696f6e206f722064657669636520746573742e> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +48.24 299.206 Td +/F1.0 18 Tf +<332e332e2054686520524953432d5620636f6d706c69616e63652074657374207375697465> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +1.2938 Tw + +BT +48.24 271.186 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<54686520524953432d5620636f6d706c69616e6365207465737420737569746520697320612067726f7570206f662074657374732073656c65637465642066726f6d2074686520> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 SCN + +1.2938 Tw + +BT +408.7982 271.186 Td +/F4.0 10.5 Tf +<636f6d706c69616e6365207465737420706f6f6c> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +1.2938 Tw + +BT +511.5139 271.186 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<20746f2074657374> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +0.1776 Tw + +BT +48.24 255.406 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<636f6d706c69616e636520666f722074686520737065636966696320524953432d5620636f6e6669677572> 20.0195 <6174696f6e2e2054> 29.7852 <65737420726573756c747320617265206f627461696e656420696e2074686520666f726d206f66206120>] TJ +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 SCN + +0.1776 Tw + +BT +502.9934 255.406 Td +/F4.0 10.5 Tf +<74657374207375697465> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 SCN + +0.3733 Tw + +BT +48.24 239.626 Td +/F4.0 10.5 Tf +<7369676e6174757265> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +0.3733 Tw + +BT +94.734 239.626 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<2e2053656c656374696f6e206f6620746573747320697320706572666f726d6564206261736564206f6e2074686520746172676574d57320617373657274656420636f6e6669677572> 20.0195 <6174696f6e2c20616e642074686520737065632c>] TJ +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +0.9111 Tw + +BT +48.24 223.846 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<457865637574696f6e20456e7669726f6e6d656e74206f7220706c6174666f726d20726571756972656d656e74732e20436f6d706c69616e742070726f636573736f72206f722070726f636573736f72206d6f64656c73207368616c6c> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +1.6889 Tw + +BT +48.24 208.066 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<65786869626974207468652073616d652074657374207375697465207369676e61747572652061732074686520676f6c64656e207265666572656e63652074657374207375697465207369676e617475726520666f7220746865207370656369666963> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +48.24 192.286 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<636f6e6669677572> 20.0195 <6174696f6e206265696e67207465737465642e>] TJ +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +48.24 152.446 Td +/F1.0 18 Tf +<332e342e2054686520746573742063617365> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +48.24 124.426 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<4120> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +58.362 124.426 Td +/F4.0 10.5 Tf +<746573742063617365> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +100.068 124.426 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf 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+<4e6f74653a20612073696e676c6520746573742063616e20636f6e7461696e206d756c7469706c6520746573742063617365732c2065616368206f662077686963682063616e206861766520697473206f776e> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +59.24 768.325 Td +/F5.0 11 Tf +<7465737420696e636c7573696f6e20636f6e646974696f6e2028617320646566696e65642062792074686520636f6e645f73747220706172616d65746572206f6620746865205256544553545f43415345> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +59.24 753.585 Td +/F5.0 11 Tf +<6d6163726f2e> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn + +q +498.8 0.0 0.0 343.7773 48.24 383.8927 cm +/I1 Do +Q +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +48.24 368.5269 Td +/F4.0 9.975 Tf +[<46696775726520312e2054> 29.7852 <6573742053756974652c2054> 29.7852 <6573745f506f6f6c2c2054> 29.7852 <6573742c2054> 29.7852 <6573745f436173652072656c6174696f6e73686970>] TJ +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +48.24 328.8777 Td +/F1.0 18 Tf +<332e352e2054686520746573742063617365207369676e6174757265> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +0.3182 Tw + +BT +48.24 300.8577 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<54686520> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +0.3182 Tw + +BT +69.9782 300.8577 Td +/F4.0 10.5 Tf +<746573742063617365207369676e6174757265> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +0.3182 Tw + +BT +161.534 300.8577 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<20697320726570726573656e7465642062> 20.0195 <792073696e676c65206f72206d756c7469706c652076616c7565732e2056> 60.0586 <616c75657320617265207772697474656e20746f206d656d6f7279206174>] TJ +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +4.2094 Tw + +BT +48.24 285.0777 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<7468652061646472657373207374617274696e67206174207468652061646472657373207370656369666965642062> 20.0195 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+0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +1.1253 Tw + +BT +122.1216 559.806 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<2063616e20626520656974686572206120524953432d5620496e737472756374696f6e205365742053696d756c61746f722028495353292c206120524953432d5620656d756c61746f722c206120524953432d56> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +0.057 Tw + +BT +48.24 544.026 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<52> 20.0195 <544c206d6f64656c2072756e6e696e67206f6e20616e2048444c2073696d756c61746f722c206120524953432d56204650474120696d706c656d656e746174696f6e206f722061207068> 20.0195 <79736963616c20636869702e2045616368206f66>] TJ +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +1.1212 Tw + +BT +48.24 528.246 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<74686520746172676574207479706573206f666665727320737065636966696320666561747572657320616e6420726570726573656e747320737065636966696320696e74657266616365206368616c6c656e6765732e204974206973206120726f6c65206f66> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +2.3669 Tw + +BT +48.24 512.466 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<74686520> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 SCN + +2.3669 Tw + +BT +69.2969 512.466 Td +/F4.0 10.5 Tf +<746172676574207368656c6c> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +2.3669 Tw + +BT +126.8204 512.466 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<20746f2068616e646c6520646966666572656e742074617267657473207768696c65207573696e67207468652073616d6520> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 SCN + +2.3669 Tw + +BT +392.6363 512.466 Td +/F4.0 10.5 Tf +<636f6d706c69616e6365207465737420706f6f6c> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +2.3669 Tw + +BT +497.4982 512.466 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<20617320612074657374> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +48.24 496.686 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<736f757263652e> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +48.24 456.846 Td +/F1.0 18 Tf +[<332e31302e2054686520524953432d562070726f636573736f7220286465766963652920636f6e6669677572> 20.0195 <6174696f6e>] TJ +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +3.3149 Tw + +BT +48.24 428.826 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<54686520524953432d56204953> 20.0195 <412073706563696669636174696f6e20616c6c6f7773206d616e> 20.0195 <79206f7074696f6e616c20696e737472756374696f6e732c207265676973746572732c20616e64206f746865722066656174757265732e>] TJ +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +1.1968 Tw + +BT +48.24 413.046 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<50726f64756374696f6e2064697265637465642074617267657473207479706963616c6c792068617665206120666978656420737562736574206f6620617661696c61626c65206f7074696f6e732e20412073696d756c61746f722c206f6e20746865> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +0.4115 Tw + +BT +48.24 397.266 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<6f746865722068616e642c206d61> 20.0195 <7920696d706c656d656e7420616c6c206b6e6f776e206f7074696f6e73207768696368206d61> 20.0195 <7920626520636f6e737472> 20.0195 <61696e656420746f206d696d696320746865206265686176696f72206f66>] TJ +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +4.0602 Tw + +BT +48.24 381.486 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<74686520524953432d562070726f636573736f7220776974682074686520706172746963756c617220636f6e6669677572> 20.0195 <6174696f6e2e204974206973206120726f6c65206f662074686520436f6d706c69616e63652054> 29.7852 <657374>] TJ +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +48.24 365.706 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<4672> 20.0195 <616d65776f726b20746f206275696c6420616e64207573652074686520>] TJ +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 SCN + +BT +211.0633 365.706 Td +/F4.0 10.5 Tf +<636f6d706c69616e63652074657374207375697465> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +313.2703 365.706 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<207375697461626c6520666f72207468652073656c656374656420524953432d5620636f6e6669677572> 20.0195 <6174696f6e2e>] TJ +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +48.24 325.866 Td +/F1.0 18 Tf +[<332e31312e2054686520636f6d706c69616e63652074657374206672> 20.0195 <616d65776f726b>] TJ +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +0.2559 Tw + +BT +48.24 297.846 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<54686520> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 SCN + +0.2559 Tw + +BT +69.9159 297.846 Td +/F4.0 10.5 Tf +[<636f6d706c69616e63652074657374206672> 20.0195 <616d65776f726b>] TJ +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +0.2559 Tw + +BT +203.4099 297.846 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<2073656c6563747320616e6420636f6e666967757265732074686520> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 SCN + +0.2559 Tw + +BT +339.0157 297.846 Td +/F4.0 10.5 Tf +<636f6d706c69616e63652074657374207375697465> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +0.2559 Tw + +BT +441.7344 297.846 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<2066726f6d2074686520> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 SCN + +0.2559 Tw + +BT +491.4215 297.846 Td +/F4.0 10.5 Tf +<636f6d706c69616e6365> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 SCN + +1.5677 Tw + +BT +48.24 282.066 Td +/F4.0 10.5 Tf +<7465737420706f6f6c> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +1.5677 Tw + +BT +91.5977 282.066 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<20666f72207468652073656c656374656420> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 SCN + +1.5677 Tw + +BT +179.7368 282.066 Td +/F4.0 10.5 Tf +<7465737420746172676574> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +1.5677 Tw + +BT +231.5154 282.066 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<206261736564206f6e20626f746820746865207370656369666963206172636869746563747572> 20.0195 <616c2063686f69636573206d6164652062> 20.0195 <7920616e>] TJ +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +2.3179 Tw + +BT +48.24 266.286 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<696d706c656d656e746174696f6e20616e642074686f73652072657175697265642062> 20.0195 <792074686520457865637574696f6e20456e7669726f6e6d656e74204974206361757365732074686520>] TJ +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 SCN + +2.3179 Tw + +BT +474.7737 266.286 Td +/F4.0 10.5 Tf +<746172676574207368656c6c> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +2.3179 Tw + +BT +532.2481 266.286 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<20746f> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +2.3474 Tw + +BT +48.24 250.506 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<6275696c642c20657865637574652c20616e64207265706f72742061207369676e61747572652e2054686520> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 SCN + +2.3474 Tw + +BT +278.893 250.506 Td +/F4.0 10.5 Tf +[<636f6d706c69616e63652074657374206672> 20.0195 <616d65776f726b>] TJ +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +2.3474 Tw + +BT +416.5702 250.506 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<207468656e20636f6d7061726573207265706f72746564> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +1.5562 Tw + +BT +48.24 234.726 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<7369676e6174757265732c20696e736572747320746573742070617274206e616d657320616e642076657273696f6e206e756d6265727320616e642073756d6d6172697a657320646966666572656e63657320286f72206c61636b206f66> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +1.2261 Tw + +BT +48.24 218.946 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<7468656d2920696e746f206120524953432d5620636f6d706c69616e6365207265706f72742e20546865207072696d61727920726f6c65206f66207468652077656c6c2d646566696e656420> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 SCN + +1.2261 Tw + +BT +444.4599 218.946 Td +/F4.0 10.5 Tf +<636f6d706c69616e6365207465737420706f6f6c> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +1.2261 Tw + +BT +547.04 218.946 Td +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +1.567 Tw + +BT +48.24 203.166 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf 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497.4982 523.68] +/Type /Annot +>> +endobj +92 0 obj +[75 0 R /XYZ 0 480.87 null] +endobj +93 0 obj +<< /Border [0 0 0] +/Dest (_the_risc_v_compliance_test_suite) +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [211.0633 362.64 313.2703 376.92] +/Type /Annot +>> +endobj +94 0 obj +[75 0 R /XYZ 0 349.89 null] +endobj +95 0 obj +<< /Border [0 0 0] +/Dest (_the_compliance_test_framework) +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [69.9159 294.78 203.4099 309.06] +/Type /Annot +>> +endobj +96 0 obj +<< /Border [0 0 0] +/Dest (_the_risc_v_compliance_test_suite) +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [339.0157 294.78 441.7344 309.06] +/Type /Annot +>> +endobj +97 0 obj +<< /Border [0 0 0] +/Dest (_the_risc_v_compliance_test_pool) +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [491.4215 294.78 547.04 309.06] +/Type /Annot +>> +endobj +98 0 obj +<< /Border [0 0 0] +/Dest (_the_risc_v_compliance_test_pool) +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [48.24 279.0 91.5977 293.28] +/Type /Annot +>> +endobj +99 0 obj +<< /Border [0 0 0] +/Dest (_the_test_target) +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [179.7368 279.0 231.5154 293.28] +/Type /Annot +>> +endobj +100 0 obj +<< /Border [0 0 0] +/Dest (_the_target_shell) +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [474.7737 263.22 532.2481 277.5] +/Type /Annot +>> +endobj +101 0 obj +<< /Border [0 0 0] +/Dest (_the_compliance_test_framework) +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [278.893 247.44 416.5702 261.72] +/Type /Annot +>> +endobj +102 0 obj +<< /Border [0 0 0] +/Dest (_the_risc_v_compliance_test_pool) +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [444.4599 215.88 547.04 230.16] +/Type /Annot +>> +endobj +103 0 obj +<< /Length 12576 +>> +stream +q +/DeviceRGB cs +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +/DeviceRGB CS +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +48.24 782.394 Td +/F1.0 22 Tf +<342e20436f6d706c69616e6365207465737420706f6f6c> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +48.24 741.146 Td +/F1.0 18 Tf +[<342e312e2054> 29.7852 <65737420706f6f6c20737472756374757265>] TJ +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +2.3406 Tw + +BT +48.24 713.126 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<54686520737472756374757265206f6620> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 SCN + +2.3406 Tw + +BT +138.1699 713.126 Td +/F4.0 10.5 Tf +<636f6d706c69616e6365207465737473> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +2.3406 Tw + +BT +221.476 713.126 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<20696e2074686520> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 SCN + +2.3406 Tw + +BT +262.7489 713.126 Td +/F4.0 10.5 Tf +<636f6d706c69616e6365207465737420706f6f6c> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +2.3406 Tw + +BT +367.5582 713.126 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<207368616c6c206265206261736564206f6e20646566696e656420524953432d56> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +0.7677 Tw + +BT +48.24 697.346 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<657874656e73696f6e7320616e642070726976696c65676564206d6f64652073656c656374696f6e2e20546869732077696c6c2070726f76696465206120676f6f64206f76657276696577206f66207768696368207061727473206f6620746865> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +0.9658 Tw + +BT +48.24 681.566 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<4953> 20.0195 <412073706563696669636174696f6e2061726520616c726561647920636f766572656420696e2074686520>] TJ +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 SCN + +0.9658 Tw + +BT +274.7132 681.566 Td +/F4.0 10.5 Tf +<636f6d706c69616e63652074657374207375697465> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +0.9658 Tw + +BT +378.8519 681.566 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<2c20616e6420776869636820746573747320617265207375697461626c6520666f72> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +48.24 665.786 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<6365727461696e20636f6e6669677572> 20.0195 <6174696f6e732e2054686520636f6d706c69616e6365207465737420706f6f6c206861732074686973207374727563747572653a>] TJ +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +q +0.9608 0.9608 0.9608 scn +52.24 649.97 m +543.04 649.97 l +545.2491 649.97 547.04 648.1791 547.04 645.97 c +547.04 455.09 l +547.04 452.8809 545.2491 451.09 543.04 451.09 c +52.24 451.09 l +50.0309 451.09 48.24 452.8809 48.24 455.09 c +48.24 645.97 l +48.24 648.1791 50.0309 649.97 52.24 649.97 c +h +f +0.8 0.8 0.8 SCN +0.75 w +52.24 649.97 m +543.04 649.97 l +545.2491 649.97 547.04 648.1791 547.04 645.97 c +547.04 455.09 l +547.04 452.8809 545.2491 451.09 543.04 451.09 c +52.24 451.09 l +50.0309 451.09 48.24 452.8809 48.24 455.09 c +48.24 645.97 l +48.24 648.1791 50.0309 649.97 52.24 649.97 c +h +S +Q +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +59.24 627.145 Td +/F5.0 11 Tf +<636f6d706c69616e63652d74657374732d73756974652028726f6f7429> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +59.24 612.405 Td +/F5.0 11 Tf +<7c2d2d203c6172636869746563747572653e5f3c6d6f64653e2f3c666561747572652873293e2c207768657265> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +59.24 597.665 Td +/F5.0 11 Tf +<3c6172636869746563747572653e206973205b205256333249207c205256363449207c205256333245205d> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +59.24 582.925 Td +/F5.0 11 Tf +<3c6d6f64653e206973205b204d207c204d55207c204d53207c204d5355205d2c207768657265> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +59.24 568.185 Td +/F5.0 11 Tf + Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +59.24 553.445 Td +/F5.0 11 Tf + Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +59.24 538.705 Td +/F5.0 11 Tf + Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +59.24 523.965 Td +/F5.0 11 Tf + Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +59.24 509.225 Td +/F5.0 11 Tf +<3c666561747572652873293e2061726520746865206c6574746572656420657874656e73696f6e205b41207c2042207c2043207c204d202e2e2e5d206f7220737562657874656e73696f6e205b5a6966656e636569> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +59.24 494.485 Td +/F5.0 11 Tf +<7c205a616d207c202e2e2e5d207768656e2074686520746573747320696e766f6c766520657874656e73696f6e732c206f72206d6f72652067656e6572616c206e616d6573207768656e20746573747320637574> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +59.24 479.745 Td +/F5.0 11 Tf +<6163726f737320657874656e73696f6e20646566696e6974696f6e73732028652e672e20507269762c20496e746572727570742c20566d292e20546865206665617475726520737472696e6720636f6e7369737473> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +59.24 465.005 Td +/F5.0 11 Tf +<6f6620616e20696e697469616c206361706974616c206c65747465722c20666f6c6c6f77656420627920616e792066757274686572206c65747465727320696e206c6f77657220636173652e> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +1.2138 Tw + +BT +48.24 427.126 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<4e6f7465207468617420746869732073747275637475726520697320666f72206f7267616e697a6174696f6e616c20707572706f7365732c206e6f742066756e6374696f6e616c20707572706f7365732c20616c74686f7567682066756c6c2074657374> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +48.24 411.346 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<6e616d65732077696c6c2074616b> 20.0195 <6520616476616e74616765206f662069742e>] TJ +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +0.318 Tw + +BT +48.24 383.566 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<54> 29.7852 <6573747320746861742077696c6c20626520657865637574656420696e20646966666572656e74206d6f6465732c206576656e2069662074686520726573756c747320617265206964656e746963616c2c2073686f756c64206265207265706c696361746564>] TJ +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +1.4643 Tw + +BT +48.24 367.786 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<696e2065616368206d6f6465206469726563746f7279> 89.8438 <2c20652e672e2052> 29.7852 <563332495f4d2f2c2052> 29.7852 <563332495f4d532f2c20616e642052> 29.7852 <563332495f4d552f2e20546865736520746573747320617265207479706963616c6c792074686f7365>] TJ +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +48.24 352.006 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<696e766f6c76696e67207472> 20.0195 <617070696e67206265686176696f722c20652e67206c6f61642c2073746f72652c20616e642070726976696c676564206f70732e>] TJ +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +48.24 312.166 Td +/F1.0 18 Tf +[<342e322e2054> 29.7852 <657374206e616d696e67>] TJ +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +48.24 284.146 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<546865206e616d696e6720636f6e76656e74696f6e206f6620612073696e676c6520746573743a> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +48.24 256.366 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<3c> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +54.1095 256.366 Td +/F4.0 10.5 Tf +<74657374206f626a656374697665> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +117.7395 256.366 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<3e2d3c> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +132.7335 256.366 Td +/F4.0 10.5 Tf +<74657374206e756d626572> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +191.1765 256.366 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<3e2e53> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn + +-0.5 Tc +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +56.8805 228.586 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf + Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn + +0.0 Tc +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +1.0596 Tw + +BT +66.24 228.586 Td +/F4.0 10.5 Tf +<74657374206f626a656374697665> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +1.0596 Tw + +BT +130.9296 228.586 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<20d020616e20617370656374207468617420746865207465737420697320666f6375736564206f6e2e20412074657374206f626a656374697665206d61> 20.0195 <7920626520616e20696e737472756374696f6e20666f72>] TJ +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +0.9915 Tw + +BT +66.24 212.806 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<4953> 20.0195 <4120746573747320284144442c205355422c20c9292c206f7220612063686172> 20.0195 <6163746572697374696320636f766572696e67206d756c7469706c6520696e737472756374696f6e732c20652e672e20657863657074696f6e206576656e74>] TJ +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +66.24 197.026 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<286d6973616c69676e65642066657463682c206d6973616c69676e206c6f61642f73746f72652920616e64206f74686572732e> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn + +-0.5 Tc +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +56.8805 175.246 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf + Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn + +0.0 Tc +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +0.5957 Tw + +BT +66.24 175.246 Td +/F4.0 10.5 Tf +<74657374206e756d626572> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +0.5957 Tw + +BT +125.2787 175.246 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<20d0206e756d626572206f662074686520746573742e2049742069732065787065637465642074686174206d756c7469706c65207465737473206d61> 20.0195 <792062652073706563696669656420666f72206f6e65ca74657374>] TJ +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +0.3085 Tw + +BT +66.24 159.466 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<6f626a6563746976652e2057> 60.0586 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0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +3.2917 Tw + +BT +408.671 127.906 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<2e20546865207479706963616c206578616d706c6520617265> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +66.24 112.126 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<696e737472756374696f6e20746573747320666f7220746865204620657874656e73696f6e2e> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn + +-0.5 Tc +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +56.8805 90.346 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf + Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn + +0.0 Tc +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +0.2423 Tw + +BT +66.24 90.346 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<412074657374206e616d65207368616c6c206e6f7420696e636c75646520616e204953> 20.0195 <412063617465676f72792061732070617274206f6620697473206e616d652028692e652e20746865206469726563746f7279> 89.8438 <2c207375626469726563746f7279>] TJ +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +66.24 74.566 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<6e616d6573292e> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +2.4314 Tw + +BT +66.24 58.786 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<457870657269656e6365206861732073686f776e207468617420696e636c7564696e67204953> 20.0195 <412063617465676f727920696e207468652074657374206e616d65206c6561647320746f2076657279206c6f6e672074657374>] TJ +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +q +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +1 w +0 J +0 j +[] 0 d +/Stamp2 Do +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +49.24 14.388 Td +/F3.0 9 Tf +<3130> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +Q +Q + +endstream +endobj +104 0 obj +<< /Type /Page +/Parent 3 0 R +/MediaBox [0 0 595.28 841.89] +/CropBox [0 0 595.28 841.89] +/BleedBox [0 0 595.28 841.89] +/TrimBox [0 0 595.28 841.89] +/ArtBox [0 0 595.28 841.89] +/Contents 103 0 R +/Resources << /ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI] +/Font << /F1.0 8 0 R +/F3.0 14 0 R +/F4.0 15 0 R +/F5.0 27 0 R +>> +/XObject << /Stamp2 212 0 R +>> +>> +/Annots [107 0 R 108 0 R 109 0 R 111 0 R] 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0.2 0.2 SCN + +2.3694 Tw + +BT +66.24 763.116 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<53696e63652066756c6c206e616d65732063616e206265207265636f6e737472756374656420656173696c79206974206973206e6f74206e656365737361727920746f20696e636c75646520746865207061746820696e2074657374> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +66.24 747.336 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<6e616d65732e> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +48.24 707.496 Td +/F1.0 18 Tf +<342e332e20546865207465737420737472756374757265206f66206120636f6d706c69616e63652074657374> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +1.0628 Tw + +BT +48.24 679.476 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<416c6c207465737473207368616c6c207573652061207369676e617475726520617070726f6163682e20456163682074657374207368616c6c206265207772697474656e20696e207468652073616d65207374796c652c207769746820646566696e6564> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +1.7444 Tw + +BT +48.24 663.696 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<6d616e6461746f7279206974656d732e2054686572652061726520626f7468207072652d646566696e656420616e64206d6f64656c2d7370656369666963206d6163726f73207768696368207368616c6c206265207573656420696e> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +0.569 Tw + +BT +48.24 647.916 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<6576657279207465737420746f2067756172> 20.0195 <616e74656520746865697220706f72746162696c697479> 89.8438 <2e20496e206164646974696f6e2c2074686572652061726520626f7468207072652d646566696e656420616e64206d6f64656c207370656369666963>] TJ +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +48.24 632.136 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<6d6163726f73207468617420617265206e6f742072657175697265642c20627574206d61> 20.0195 <79206265207573656420696e2074657374732e>] TJ +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +48.24 604.356 Td +/F1.0 10.5 Tf 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10.5 Tf +<3d204d6163726f20746f20696e646963617465207465737420636f646520656e642e> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +48.24 462.336 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<2d204e6f2070617274206f662074686520636f64652073656374696f6e2073686f756c6420666f6c6c6f772061667465722074686973206d6163726f2e> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +48.24 446.556 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<52> 29.7852 <56544553> 20.0195 <545f4341534528436173654e616d652c20436f6e6453747229202f2f206578656375746520746869732063617365206f6e6c7920696620636f6e646974696f6e20696e20636f6e645f73747220617265206d6574>] TJ +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +48.24 430.776 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<2d20436173654e616d6520697320617262697472> 20.0195 <61727920737472696e6720>] TJ +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +48.24 414.996 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf 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+0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 SCN + +0.3696 Tw + +BT +249.449 367.656 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<68747470733a2f2f726973636f662e72656164746865646f63732e696f2f656e2f6c61746573742f636f6e645f737065632e68746d6c23636f6e642d> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 SCN + +BT +48.24 351.876 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<73706563> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +48.24 324.096 Td +/F1.0 10.5 Tf +<52657175697265642c204d6f64656c2d646566696e6564204d6163726f73> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +48.24 308.316 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<52> 29.7852 <564d4f44454c5f44> 20.0195 <41> 60.0586 <54> 60.0586 <415f424547494e202f2f207374617274206f66206f7574707574206461746120287369676e6174757265292073656374696f6e>] TJ +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +48.24 292.536 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<52> 29.7852 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+0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 SCN + +0.9723 Tw + +BT +282.4122 261.046 Td +/F4.0 10.5 Tf +<74657374206361736573> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +0.9723 Tw + +BT +329.952 261.046 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<29206163636f7264696e6720746f20746865207465737420676f616c732e2054> 29.7852 <65737420636173657320617265>] TJ +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +15.5059 Tw + +BT +66.24 245.266 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<656e636c6f73656420696e20616e20> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.6941 0.1294 0.2745 scn +0.6941 0.1294 0.2745 SCN + +15.5059 Tw + +BT +187.3706 245.266 Td +/F5.0 10.5 Tf +<236966646566203c> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.6941 0.1294 0.2745 scn +0.6941 0.1294 0.2745 SCN + +15.5059 Tw + +BT +244.8764 245.266 Td +/F7.0 10.5 Tf +<436173654e616d65> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.6941 0.1294 0.2745 scn +0.6941 0.1294 0.2745 SCN + +15.5059 Tw + +BT +286.8764 245.266 Td +/F5.0 10.5 Tf +<3e2c2023656e646966> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +15.5059 Tw + +BT +349.6323 245.266 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<207061697220616e6420626567696e207769746820746865> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +2.2282 Tw + +BT +66.24 229.486 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<52> 29.7852 <56544553> 20.0195 <545f4341534528436173654e616d652c436f6e6453747229206d6163726f2074686174207370656369666965732074686520746573742063617365206e616d652c20616e64206120737472696e672074686174>] TJ +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +0.9504 Tw + +BT +66.24 213.706 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<646566696e65732074686520636f6e646974696f6e7320756e646572207768696368207468617420> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 SCN 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Tf +<622e> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn + +0.0 Tc +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +11.8768 Tw + +BT +84.24 735.336 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<54686520534947555044206d6163726f206d61> 20.0195 <79206f7074696f6e616c6c7920696e766f6b> 20.0195 <652061207465737420617373657274696f6e206d6163726f2028652e672e>] TJ +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +1.4852 Tw + +BT +84.24 719.556 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<52> 29.7852 <564d4f44454c5f494f5f4153534552> 20.0195 <545f4750525f455129207769746820616e20617373657274696f6e2076616c756520666f7220646562756767696e672c2064657465726d696e65642062> 20.0195 <7920746865>] TJ +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +84.24 703.776 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<70726573656e6365206f6620536372> 20.0195 <6174636852656720616e642056> 60.0586 <616c756520706172> 20.0195 <616d65746572732e>] TJ +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn + +-0.5 Tc +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +71.38 681.996 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<632e> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn + +0.0 Tc +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +0.1616 Tw + +BT +84.24 681.996 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<54> 29.7852 <657374732074686174207573652053494755504420696e736964652061206c6f6f70206f7220696e20616e> 20.0195 <792073656374696f6e206f6620636f646520746861742077696c6c2062652072657065617465642028652e672e207472> 20.0195 <61707329>] TJ +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +0.4757 Tw + +BT +84.24 666.216 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<6d75737420757365207468652042> 20.0195 <415345555044206d6163726f206265747765656e2065616368206c6f6f702069746572> 20.0195 <6174696f6e206f7220726570656174656420636f646520746f20656e7375726520737461746963>] TJ +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +84.24 650.436 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<76616c756573206f6620746865206261736520616e64206f666673657420646f6ed574206f7665727772697465206f6c6465722076616c7565732e> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn + +-0.5 Tc +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +52.6765 628.656 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<352e> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn + +0.0 Tc +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +1.0128 Tw + +BT +66.24 628.656 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<5768656e206d6163726f7320617265206e656564656420666f7220646562756720707572706f7365732c206f6e6c79206d6163726f732066726f6d20636f6d706c69616e63655f6d6f64656c2e68207368616c6c206265> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +66.24 612.876 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<757365642e204e6f74652074686174207573696e6720746869732066656174757265207368616c6c206e6f742061666665637420746865207369676e617475726520726573756c7473206f662074686520746573742072756e2e> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn + +-0.5 Tc +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +52.6765 591.096 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<362e> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn + +0.0 Tc +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +3.8826 Tw + +BT +66.24 591.096 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<54> 29.7852 <657374207368616c6c206e6f7420696e636c756465206f746865722074657374732028652e672e2023696e636c75646520d22e2e2f6164642e53d32920746f2070726576656e74206e6f6e2d636f6d706c6574652074657374732c>] TJ +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +66.24 575.316 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<636f6d70696c6174696f6e206973737565732c20616e642070726f626c656d73207769746820636f6465206d61696e74656e616e63652e> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn + +-0.5 Tc +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +52.6765 553.536 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<372e> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn + +0.0 Tc +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +0.1222 Tw + +BT +66.24 553.536 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<54> 29.7852 <6573747320616e642074657374206361736573207368616c6c20626520736b6970706564206966206e6f7420726571756972656420666f722061207370656369666963206d6f64656c207465737420636f6e6669677572> 20.0195 <6174696f6e206261736564>] TJ +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +1.4363 Tw + +BT +66.24 537.756 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<6f6e207465737420636f6e646974696f6e7320646566696e656420696e207468652052> 29.7852 <56544553> 20.0195 <545f43415345206d6163726f2e2054> 29.7852 <657374732074686174206172652073656c6563746564206d61> 20.0195 <792062652066757274686572>] TJ +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +0.0101 Tw + +BT +66.24 521.976 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<636f6e66696775726564207573696e67207661726961626c65732028652e672e20584c454e29207768696368206172652070617373656420696e746f2074686520746573747320616e64207573656420746f20636f6d70696c65207468656d2e> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +1.3562 Tw + +BT +66.24 506.196 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<496e2065697468657220636173652c2074686f736520636f6e646974696f6e7320616e64207661726961626c65732061726520646572697665642066726f6d207468652059> 69.8242 <414d4c2073706563696669636174696f6e206f6620746865>] TJ +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +1.7349 Tw + +BT +66.24 490.416 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<64657669636520616e6420657865637574696f6e20656e7669726f6e6d656e742074686174206172652070617373656420696e746f20746865206672> 20.0195 <616d65776f726b2e2054686520666c6f7720697320746f2072756e2061>] TJ +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +0.8897 Tw + +BT +66.24 474.636 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<636f6d706c69616e63652074657374207375697465206275696c742062> 20.0195 <792074686520>] TJ +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 SCN + +0.8897 Tw + +BT +238.8431 474.636 Td +/F4.0 10.5 Tf +[<436f6d706c69616e63652054> 29.7852 <657374204672> 20.0195 <616d65776f726b>] TJ +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +0.8897 Tw + +BT +380.1801 474.636 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<2066726f6d2074686520> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 SCN + +0.8897 Tw + +BT +431.7688 474.636 Td +/F4.0 10.5 Tf +<636f6d706c69616e6365207465737420706f6f6c> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +0.8897 Tw + +BT +533.6763 474.636 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<20746f> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +66.24 458.856 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<64657465726d696e6520776869636820746573747320616e64207465737420636173657320746f2072756e2e> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn + +-0.5 Tc +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +52.6765 437.076 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<382e> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn + +0.0 Tc +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +0.6057 Tw + +BT +66.24 437.076 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<54> 29.7852 <65737473207368616c6c206e6f7420646570656e64206f6e20746f6f6c2073706563696669632066656174757265732e2046> 40.0391 <6f72206578616d706c652c207465737473207368616c6c2061766f6964207573616765206f6620696e7465726e616c>] TJ +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +1.2544 Tw + +BT +66.24 421.296 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<474343206d6163726f732028652e2e672e20> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +1.2544 Tw + +BT +158.0142 421.296 Td +/F4.0 10.5 Tf +<5f5f726973635f786c656e> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +1.2544 Tw + +BT +210.8817 421.296 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<292c2073706563696669632073796e746178202863686172202761> 40.0391 <2720696e7374656164206f6620276129206f722073696d756c61746f722066656174757265732028652e672e>] TJ +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +66.24 405.516 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<746f686f737429206574632e> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn + +-0.5 Tc +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +52.6765 383.736 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<392e> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn + +0.0 Tc +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +3.4091 Tw + +BT +66.24 383.736 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<456163682074657374207368616c6c20626520656e6465642062> 20.0195 <792074686520287461726765742073706563696669632920d252> 29.7852 <564d4f44454c5f48414c> 69.8242 <54d2206d6163726f2e20446570656e64696e67206f6e>] TJ +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +66.24 367.956 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<6272> 20.0195 <616e6368657320696e2074686520746573742c207468657265206d61> 20.0195 <79206265206d6f7265207468616e206f6e6520696e7374616e6365206f66207468697320696e206120746573742e>] TJ +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn + +-0.5 Tc +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +47.307 346.176 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<31302e> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn + +0.0 Tc +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +1.3751 Tw + +BT +66.24 346.176 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<4d6163726f7320646566696e6564206f757473696465206f6620612074657374207368616c6c206f6e6c7920626520646566696e656420696e20737065636966696320707265646566696e6564206865616465722066696c65732028736565> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 SCN + +2.6266 Tw + +BT +66.24 330.396 Td +/F4.0 10.5 Tf +<436f6d6d6f6e204865616465722046696c6573> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +2.6266 Tw + +BT +178.9818 330.396 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<2062656c6f77292c20616e64206f6e636520746865792061726520696e207573652c2074686579206d61> 20.0195 <79206265206d6f646966696564206f6e6c7920696620746865>] TJ +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +1.2113 Tw + +BT +66.24 314.616 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<66756e6374696f6e206f6620616c6c2061666665637465642074657374732072656d61696e7320756e6368616e6765642e2049742069732061636365707461626c652074686174206d6163726f7320757365206d61> 20.0195 <79206c65616420746f>] TJ +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +66.24 298.836 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<6f706572> 20.0195 <616e642072657065746974696f6e20287265676973746572205820697320757365642065766572792074696d65292e>] TJ +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn + +-0.5 Tc +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +74.954 277.056 Td +/F3.1 10.5 Tf +<21> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn + +0.0 Tc +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +0.233 Tw + +BT +84.24 277.056 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<5468652061696d206f662074686973207265737472696374696f6e20697320746f2068617665207465737420636f6465206d6f7265207265616461626c6520616e6420746f2061766f696420736964652065666665637473207768696368> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +2.4677 Tw + +BT +84.24 261.276 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<6d61> 20.0195 <79206f63637572207768656e20646966666572656e7420636f6e7472696275746f72732077696c6c20696e636c756465206e657720>] TJ +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 SCN + +2.4677 Tw + +BT +387.6283 261.276 Td +/F4.0 10.5 Tf +<636f6d706c69616e6365207465737473> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +2.4677 Tw + +BT +471.0614 261.276 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<206f722075706461746573206f66> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +0.1649 Tw + +BT +84.24 245.496 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<6578697374696e67206f6e657320696e2074686520> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 SCN + +0.1649 Tw + +BT +184.2927 245.496 Td +/F4.0 10.5 Tf +<636f6d706c69616e6365207465737420706f6f6c> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +0.1649 Tw + +BT +284.7505 245.496 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<2e2054686973206d65617375726520726573756c74732066726f6d20746865206e6567617469766520657870657269656e63652c> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +0.9325 Tw + +BT +84.24 229.716 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<77686572652074686520> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 scn +0.2588 0.5451 0.7922 SCN + +0.9325 Tw + +BT +139.3926 229.716 Td +/F4.0 10.5 Tf +<636f6d706c69616e63652074657374207375697465> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +0.9325 Tw + +BT +243.4646 229.716 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<20636f756c642062652075736564206a75737420666f72206f6e6520746172676574207768696c652074686520636f6d706c69616e63652074657374> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +84.24 213.936 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<636f6465206368616e6765732077657265206e656365737361727920746f206861766520697420616c736f2072756e6e696e6720666f72206f7468657220746172676574732e> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +48.24 179.436 Td +/F1.0 13 Tf +<342e332e322e20436f6d6d6f6e204865616465722046696c6573> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +48.24 152.876 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<456163682074657374207368616c6c20696e636c756465206f6e6c792074686520666f6c6c6f77696e67206865616465722066696c65733a> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn + +-0.5 Tc +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +52.6765 125.096 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<312e> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn + +0.0 Tc +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +6.1127 Tw + +BT +66.24 125.096 Td +/F4.0 10.5 Tf +<636f6d706c69616e63655f6d6f64656c2e68> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +6.1127 Tw + +BT +165.4545 125.096 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<20d020646566696e6573207461726765742d7370656369666963206d6163726f732c20626f746820726571756972656420616e64206f7074696f6e616c3a2028652e672e> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +66.24 109.316 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<52> 29.7852 <564d4f44454c5f78787829>] TJ +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn + +-0.5 Tc +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +52.6765 87.536 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<322e> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn + +0.0 Tc +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +6.1377 Tw + +BT +66.24 87.536 Td +/F4.0 10.5 Tf +<636f6d706c69616e63655f746573742e68> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +6.1377 Tw + +BT +153.348 87.536 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<20d020646566696e6573207072652d646566696e65642074657374206d6163726f7320626f746820726571756972656420616e64206f7074696f6e616c3a2028652e672e> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT 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545.2491 634.78 543.04 634.78 c +52.24 634.78 l +50.0309 634.78 48.24 636.5709 48.24 638.78 c +48.24 711.74 l +48.24 713.9491 50.0309 715.74 52.24 715.74 c +h +f +0.8 0.8 0.8 SCN +0.75 w +52.24 715.74 m +543.04 715.74 l +545.2491 715.74 547.04 713.9491 547.04 711.74 c +547.04 638.78 l +547.04 636.5709 545.2491 634.78 543.04 634.78 c +52.24 634.78 l +50.0309 634.78 48.24 636.5709 48.24 638.78 c +48.24 711.74 l +48.24 713.9491 50.0309 715.74 52.24 715.74 c +h +S +Q +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +59.24 692.915 Td +/F5.0 11 Tf +<4e6f7465207468617420746865726520617265206f74686572206c6567616379206865616465722066696c6573202861775f746573745f6d6163726f732e682c2072697363765f746573742e682c> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +59.24 678.175 Td +/F5.0 11 Tf +<656e636f64696e672e682c202e2e2920616c726561647920696e636c7564656420616e64207573656420696e206578697374696e6720746573747320746861742e> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +59.24 663.435 Td +/F5.0 11 Tf +<5468657365206865616465722066696c6573207368616c6c206e6f74206265206d6f64696669656420666f722074657374696e6720707572706f7365732e204e65772074657374732073686f756c64206d757374> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +59.24 648.695 Td +/F5.0 11 Tf +<656974686572206d6f7665207468656d20696e746f20636f6d706c69616e63655f746573742e68206f72206e6f7420757365207468656d2e> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +48.24 604.096 Td +/F1.0 13 Tf +[<342e332e332e204672> 20.0195 <616d65776f726b20526571756972656d656e7473>] TJ +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +48.24 577.536 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +[<546865206672> 20.0195 <616d65776f726b2077696c6c20696d706f72742066696c65732074686174206465736372696265>] TJ +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn + +-0.5 Tc +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +56.8805 549.756 Td +/F3.0 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+<2077686f736520636f6e646974696f6e732061726520646566696e656420696e2074686520636f6d6d6f6e207265666572656e636520646f63756d656e74> Tj +ET + + +0.0 Tw +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +48.24 349.956 Td +/F3.0 10.5 Tf +<656e74727920666f722074686174207465737420616e6420746573742063617365206e756d6265722e> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +q +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +1 w +0 J +0 j +[] 0 d +/Stamp2 Do +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +49.24 14.388 Td +/F3.0 9 Tf +<3134> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +Q +Q + +endstream +endobj +137 0 obj +<< /Type /Page +/Parent 3 0 R +/MediaBox [0 0 595.28 841.89] +/CropBox [0 0 595.28 841.89] +/BleedBox [0 0 595.28 841.89] +/TrimBox [0 0 595.28 841.89] +/ArtBox [0 0 595.28 841.89] +/Contents 136 0 R +/Resources << /ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI] +/Font << /F3.0 14 0 R +/F5.0 27 0 R +/F1.0 8 0 R +/F4.0 15 0 R +>> +/XObject << /Stamp2 212 0 R +>> +>> +/Annots [139 0 R 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0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +59.24 455.194 Td +/F5.0 11 Tf +<2f2f2054657374> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +59.24 440.454 Td +/F5.0 11 Tf +<616464207832392c207832382c20783237> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +59.24 425.714 Td +/F5.0 11 Tf +<616464207833302c207832392c20783237> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +59.24 410.974 Td +/F5.0 11 Tf +<616464207833312c207833302c20783237> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +59.24 396.234 Td +/F5.0 11 Tf +<6164642078312c20207833312c20783237> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +59.24 381.494 Td +/F5.0 11 Tf +<6164642078322c202078312c2020783237> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +59.24 366.754 Td +/F5.0 11 Tf +<6164642078332c202078322c2020783237> Tj +ET + 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0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +59.24 381.494 Td +/F5.0 11 Tf +<616464207832372c207832362c20207830> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +59.24 352.014 Td +/F5.0 11 Tf +<2f2f2053746f726520726573756c74732c206173736572742065787065637465642076616c7565> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +59.24 337.274 Td +/F5.0 11 Tf +<5256544553545f5349475550442878322c2078342c20203078333639323538313429> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +59.24 322.534 Td +/F5.0 11 Tf +<5256544553545f5349475550442878322c207832362c203078333639323538313429> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +59.24 307.794 Td +/F5.0 11 Tf +<5256544553545f5349475550442878322c207832372c203078333639323538313429> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +59.24 278.314 Td +/F5.0 11 Tf 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m +543.04 759.119 l +545.2491 759.119 547.04 757.3281 547.04 755.119 c +547.04 431.579 l +547.04 429.3699 545.2491 427.579 543.04 427.579 c +52.24 427.579 l +50.0309 427.579 48.24 429.3699 48.24 431.579 c +48.24 755.119 l +48.24 757.3281 50.0309 759.119 52.24 759.119 c +h +S +Q +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +59.24 736.294 Td +/F5.0 11 Tf +<2f2f204f757470757420646174612073656374696f6e2e> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +59.24 721.554 Td +/F5.0 11 Tf +<52564d4f44454c5f444154415f424547494e> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +59.24 706.814 Td +/F5.0 11 Tf +<746573745f41315f7265733a> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +59.24 692.074 Td +/F5.0 11 Tf +<2e66696c6c20362c20342c202d31> Tj +ET + +0.0 0.0 0.0 SCN +0.0 0.0 0.0 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 scn +0.2 0.2 0.2 SCN + +BT +59.24 677.334 Td +/F5.0 11 Tf +<746573745f41325f7265733a> Tj +ET + +0.0 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