rtl: add config for branch predictor

Signed-off-by: liangkangnan <liangkangnan@163.com>
liangkangnan 2021-06-28 11:31:04 +08:00
parent 2db9e7dbb9
commit 3269041c0b
3 changed files with 55 additions and 34 deletions

View File

@ -17,8 +17,9 @@
`include "defines.sv"
// 执行模块
module exu(
module exu #(
parameter bit BranchPredictor = 1'b1
input wire clk, // 时钟
input wire rst_n, // 复位
@ -373,10 +374,16 @@ module exu(
assign reg_we_o = commit_reg_we_o & (~int_stall_i);
wire prdt_taken;
if (BranchPredictor) begin: g_branch_predictor
// jal
wire prdt_taken = ((~bjp_op_jalr_o) & bjp_op_jump_o) |
assign prdt_taken = ((~bjp_op_jalr_o) & bjp_op_jump_o) |
// bxx & imm[31]
(req_bjp_o & (~bjp_op_jump_o) & dec_imm_i[31]);
end else begin: g_no_branch_predictor
assign prdt_taken = 1'b0;
// bxx分支预测错误
wire prdt_taken_error = prdt_taken & (~bjp_cmp_res_o) & req_bjp_o & (~bjp_op_jump_o);

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@ -17,19 +17,23 @@
`include "defines.sv"
// 取指模块
module ifu(
module ifu #(
parameter bit BranchPredictor = 1'b1
input wire clk,
input wire rst_n,
input wire flush_i, // 跳转标志
input wire[31:0] flush_addr_i, // 跳转地址
input wire flush_i, // 冲刷标志
input wire[31:0] flush_addr_i, // 冲刷地址
input wire[`STALL_WIDTH-1:0] stall_i, // 流水线暂停标志
input wire jtag_halt_i,
// to ifu_idu
output wire[31:0] inst_o,
output wire[31:0] pc_o,
output wire inst_valid_o,
// 指令总线信号
output wire instr_req_o,
input wire instr_gnt_i,
input wire instr_rvalid_i,
@ -109,6 +113,7 @@ module ifu(
assign instr_addr_o = {fetch_addr_d[31:2], 2'b00};
assign pc_o = fetch_addr_q;
if (BranchPredictor) begin: g_branch_predictor
bpu u_bpu(
@ -118,5 +123,9 @@ module ifu(
end else begin: g_no_branch_predictor
assign prdt_taken = 1'b0;
assign prdt_addr = 32'h0;

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@ -19,7 +19,8 @@
// tinyriscv处理器核顶层模块
module tinyriscv_core #(
parameter int unsigned DEBUG_HALT_ADDR = 32'h10000800,
parameter int unsigned DEBUG_EXCEPTION_ADDR = 32'h10000808
parameter int unsigned DEBUG_EXCEPTION_ADDR = 32'h10000808,
parameter bit BranchPredictor = 1'b1
input wire clk,
@ -147,7 +148,9 @@ module tinyriscv_core #(
wire clint_int_assert_o;
ifu u_ifu(
ifu #(
) u_ifu (
@ -272,7 +275,9 @@ module tinyriscv_core #(
exu u_exu(
exu #(
) u_exu (