example: add gpio

Signed-off-by: liangkangnan <liangkangnan@163.com>
liangkangnan 2020-04-06 17:19:53 +08:00
parent e714a0ba63
commit 000bb19ad2
8 changed files with 429 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
RISCV_ARCH := rv32im
RISCV_ABI := ilp32
RISCV_PATH := ../../../tools/gnu-mcu-eclipse-riscv-none-gcc-8.2.0-2.2-20190521-0004-win64/
CFLAGS += -march=$(RISCV_ARCH)
CFLAGS += -mabi=$(RISCV_ABI)
CFLAGS += -static -mcmodel=medany -fvisibility=hidden -nostdlib -nostartfiles
RISCV_GCC := $(abspath $(RISCV_PATH)/bin/riscv-none-embed-gcc)
RISCV_AS := $(abspath $(RISCV_PATH)/bin/riscv-none-embed-as)
RISCV_GXX := $(abspath $(RISCV_PATH)/bin/riscv-none-embed-g++)
RISCV_OBJDUMP := $(abspath $(RISCV_PATH)/bin/riscv-none-embed-objdump)
RISCV_GDB := $(abspath $(RISCV_PATH)/bin/riscv-none-embed-gdb)
RISCV_AR := $(abspath $(RISCV_PATH)/bin/riscv-none-embed-ar)
RISCV_OBJCOPY := $(abspath $(RISCV_PATH)/bin/riscv-none-embed-objcopy)
RISCV_READELF := $(abspath $(RISCV_PATH)/bin/riscv-none-embed-readelf)
.PHONY: all
$(RISCV_GCC) $(CFLAGS) start.S main.c -Tlink.ld -o gpio
$(RISCV_OBJCOPY) -O binary gpio gpio.bin
$(RISCV_OBJDUMP) --disassemble-all gpio > gpio.dump

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

tests/example/gpio/gpio Normal file

Binary file not shown.

tests/example/gpio/gpio.bin Normal file

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
gpio: file format elf32-littleriscv
Disassembly of section .init:
00000000 <_start>:
0: 0040006f j 4 <_reset_handler>
00000004 <_reset_handler>:
4: 10000197 auipc gp,0x10000
8: 7fc18193 addi gp,gp,2044 # 10000800 <__global_pointer$>
c: 00018113 mv sp,gp
10: 00000d13 li s10,0
14: 00000d93 li s11,0
18: 1d000513 li a0,464
1c: 10000597 auipc a1,0x10000
20: fe458593 addi a1,a1,-28 # 10000000 <_data>
24: 10000617 auipc a2,0x10000
28: fdc60613 addi a2,a2,-36 # 10000000 <_data>
2c: 00c5fc63 bgeu a1,a2,44 <_reset_handler+0x40>
30: 00052283 lw t0,0(a0)
34: 0055a023 sw t0,0(a1)
38: 00450513 addi a0,a0,4
3c: 00458593 addi a1,a1,4
40: fec5e8e3 bltu a1,a2,30 <_reset_handler+0x2c>
44: 10000517 auipc a0,0x10000
48: fbc50513 addi a0,a0,-68 # 10000000 <_data>
4c: 10000597 auipc a1,0x10000
50: fb458593 addi a1,a1,-76 # 10000000 <_data>
54: 00b57863 bgeu a0,a1,64 <_reset_handler+0x60>
58: 00052023 sw zero,0(a0)
5c: 00450513 addi a0,a0,4
60: feb56ce3 bltu a0,a1,58 <_reset_handler+0x54>
64: 134000ef jal ra,198 <main>
68: 00100d13 li s10,1
0000006c <loop>:
6c: 0000006f j 6c <loop>
Disassembly of section .text:
00000070 <delay_ms>:
70: fb010113 addi sp,sp,-80
74: 04812623 sw s0,76(sp)
78: 05010413 addi s0,sp,80
7c: faa42e23 sw a0,-68(s0)
80: c0002773 rdcycle a4
84: fee42623 sw a4,-20(s0)
88: fec42703 lw a4,-20(s0)
8c: fee42023 sw a4,-32(s0)
90: fe042223 sw zero,-28(s0)
94: c8002773 rdcycleh a4
98: fce42e23 sw a4,-36(s0)
9c: fdc42703 lw a4,-36(s0)
a0: 00070793 mv a5,a4
a4: 00000813 li a6,0
a8: 00079e93 slli t4,a5,0x0
ac: 00000e13 li t3,0
b0: fe042683 lw a3,-32(s0)
b4: fe442703 lw a4,-28(s0)
b8: 01c687b3 add a5,a3,t3
bc: 00078513 mv a0,a5
c0: 00d53533 sltu a0,a0,a3
c4: 01d70833 add a6,a4,t4
c8: 01050733 add a4,a0,a6
cc: 00070813 mv a6,a4
d0: fef42023 sw a5,-32(s0)
d4: ff042223 sw a6,-28(s0)
d8: c00027f3 rdcycle a5
dc: fcf42c23 sw a5,-40(s0)
e0: fd842783 lw a5,-40(s0)
e4: fcf42823 sw a5,-48(s0)
e8: fc042a23 sw zero,-44(s0)
ec: c80027f3 rdcycleh a5
f0: fcf42623 sw a5,-52(s0)
f4: fcc42783 lw a5,-52(s0)
f8: 00078f13 mv t5,a5
fc: 00000f93 li t6,0
100: 000f1393 slli t2,t5,0x0
104: 00000313 li t1,0
108: fd042683 lw a3,-48(s0)
10c: fd442703 lw a4,-44(s0)
110: 006687b3 add a5,a3,t1
114: 00078513 mv a0,a5
118: 00d53533 sltu a0,a0,a3
11c: 00770833 add a6,a4,t2
120: 01050733 add a4,a0,a6
124: 00070813 mv a6,a4
128: fcf42823 sw a5,-48(s0)
12c: fd042a23 sw a6,-44(s0)
130: fbc42703 lw a4,-68(s0)
134: 0000c7b7 lui a5,0xc
138: 35078793 addi a5,a5,848 # c350 <__stack_size+0xbf50>
13c: 02f707b3 mul a5,a4,a5
140: 00078593 mv a1,a5
144: 00000613 li a2,0
148: fe042683 lw a3,-32(s0)
14c: fe442703 lw a4,-28(s0)
150: 00d587b3 add a5,a1,a3
154: 00078513 mv a0,a5
158: 00b53533 sltu a0,a0,a1
15c: 00e60833 add a6,a2,a4
160: 01050733 add a4,a0,a6
164: 00070813 mv a6,a4
168: fd442703 lw a4,-44(s0)
16c: 00080693 mv a3,a6
170: f6d764e3 bltu a4,a3,d8 <delay_ms+0x68>
174: fd442703 lw a4,-44(s0)
178: 00080693 mv a3,a6
17c: 00d71663 bne a4,a3,188 <delay_ms+0x118>
180: fd042703 lw a4,-48(s0)
184: f4f76ae3 bltu a4,a5,d8 <delay_ms+0x68>
188: 00000013 nop
18c: 04c12403 lw s0,76(sp)
190: 05010113 addi sp,sp,80
194: 00008067 ret
00000198 <main>:
198: ff010113 addi sp,sp,-16
19c: 00112623 sw ra,12(sp)
1a0: 00812423 sw s0,8(sp)
1a4: 01010413 addi s0,sp,16
1a8: 400007b7 lui a5,0x40000
1ac: 00478793 addi a5,a5,4 # 40000004 <__global_pointer$+0x2ffff804>
1b0: 0007a703 lw a4,0(a5)
1b4: 400007b7 lui a5,0x40000
1b8: 00478793 addi a5,a5,4 # 40000004 <__global_pointer$+0x2ffff804>
1bc: 00174713 xori a4,a4,1
1c0: 00e7a023 sw a4,0(a5)
1c4: 1f400513 li a0,500
1c8: ea9ff0ef jal ra,70 <delay_ms>
1cc: fddff06f j 1a8 <main+0x10>
Disassembly of section .stack:
10000400 <_sp-0x400>:
Disassembly of section .comment:
00000000 <.comment>:
0: 3a434347 fmsub.d ft6,ft6,ft4,ft7,rmm
4: 2820 fld fs0,80(s0)
6: 20554e47 fmsub.s ft8,fa0,ft5,ft4,rmm
a: 434d li t1,19
c: 2055 jal b0 <delay_ms+0x40>
e: 6345 lui t1,0x11
10: 696c flw fa1,84(a0)
12: 7370 flw fa2,100(a4)
14: 2065 jal bc <delay_ms+0x4c>
16: 4952 lw s2,20(sp)
18: 562d4353 0x562d4353
1c: 4520 lw s0,72(a0)
1e: 626d lui tp,0x1b
20: 6465 lui s0,0x19
22: 6564 flw fs1,76(a0)
24: 2064 fld fs1,192(s0)
26: 2c434347 0x2c434347
2a: 3620 fld fs0,104(a2)
2c: 2d34 fld fa3,88(a0)
2e: 6962 flw fs2,24(sp)
30: 2974 fld fa3,208(a0)
32: 3820 fld fs0,112(s0)
34: 322e fld ft4,232(sp)
36: 302e fld ft0,232(sp)

tests/example/gpio/link.ld Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
OUTPUT_ARCH( "riscv" )
flash (wxa!ri) : ORIGIN = 0x00000000, LENGTH = 4K
ram (wxa!ri) : ORIGIN = 0x10000000, LENGTH = 2K
__stack_size = DEFINED(__stack_size) ? __stack_size : 1K;
.init :
KEEP (*(SORT_NONE(.init)))
} >flash AT>flash
.text :
*(.text.unlikely .text.unlikely.*)
*(.text.startup .text.startup.*)
*(.text .text.*)
} >flash AT>flash
. = ALIGN(4);
PROVIDE (__etext = .);
PROVIDE (_etext = .);
PROVIDE (etext = .);
.preinit_array :
PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__preinit_array_start = .);
KEEP (*(.preinit_array))
PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__preinit_array_end = .);
} >flash AT>flash
.init_array :
PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__init_array_start = .);
KEEP (*(.init_array EXCLUDE_FILE (*crtbegin.o *crtbegin?.o *crtend.o *crtend?.o ) .ctors))
PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__init_array_end = .);
} >flash AT>flash
.fini_array :
PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__fini_array_start = .);
KEEP (*(.fini_array EXCLUDE_FILE (*crtbegin.o *crtbegin?.o *crtend.o *crtend?.o ) .dtors))
PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__fini_array_end = .);
} >flash AT>flash
.ctors :
/* gcc uses crtbegin.o to find the start of
the constructors, so we make sure it is
first. Because this is a wildcard, it
doesn't matter if the user does not
actually link against crtbegin.o; the
linker won't look for a file to match a
wildcard. The wildcard also means that it
doesn't matter which directory crtbegin.o
is in. */
KEEP (*crtbegin.o(.ctors))
KEEP (*crtbegin?.o(.ctors))
/* We don't want to include the .ctor section from
the crtend.o file until after the sorted ctors.
The .ctor section from the crtend file contains the
end of ctors marker and it must be last */
KEEP (*(EXCLUDE_FILE (*crtend.o *crtend?.o ) .ctors))
KEEP (*(SORT(.ctors.*)))
KEEP (*(.ctors))
} >flash AT>flash
.dtors :
KEEP (*crtbegin.o(.dtors))
KEEP (*crtbegin?.o(.dtors))
KEEP (*(EXCLUDE_FILE (*crtend.o *crtend?.o ) .dtors))
KEEP (*(SORT(.dtors.*)))
KEEP (*(.dtors))
} >flash AT>flash
.lalign :
. = ALIGN(4);
PROVIDE( _data_lma = . );
} >flash AT>flash
.dalign :
. = ALIGN(4);
PROVIDE( _data = . );
} >ram AT>flash
.data :
*(.rodata .rodata.*)
*(.data .data.*)
. = ALIGN(8);
PROVIDE( __global_pointer$ = . + 0x800 );
*(.sdata .sdata.*)
. = ALIGN(8);
*(.srodata .srodata.*)
} >ram AT>flash
. = ALIGN(4);
PROVIDE( _edata = . );
PROVIDE( edata = . );
PROVIDE( _fbss = . );
PROVIDE( __bss_start = . );
.bss :
*(.bss .bss.*)
. = ALIGN(4);
} >ram AT>ram
. = ALIGN(8);
PROVIDE( _end = . );
PROVIDE( end = . );
.stack ORIGIN(ram) + LENGTH(ram) - __stack_size :
PROVIDE( _heap_end = . );
. = __stack_size;
PROVIDE( _sp = . );
} >ram AT>ram

tests/example/gpio/main.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
#include <stdint.h>
// GPIO regs
#define GPIO_BASE (0x40000000)
#define GPIO_DATA (GPIO_BASE + (0x04))
#define GPIO_REG(addr) (*((volatile uint32_t *)addr))
#define MS(ms) (ms * 50000)
#define read_csr(reg) ({ unsigned long __tmp; \
asm volatile ("csrr %0, " #reg : "=r"(__tmp)); \
__tmp; })
static void delay_ms(uint32_t ms)
uint64_t tmp;
uint64_t cycle;
tmp = read_csr(cycle);
tmp += (uint64_t)(read_csr(cycleh)) << 32;
do {
cycle = read_csr(cycle);
cycle += (uint64_t)(read_csr(cycleh)) << 32;
} while (cycle < tmp + MS(ms));
int main()
while (1) {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
.section .init;
.globl _start;
.type _start,@function
j _reset_handler
.option push
.option norelax
la gp, __global_pointer$
.option pop
la sp, _sp
li x26, 0x00
li x27, 0x00
/* Load data section */
la a0, _data_lma
la a1, _data
la a2, _edata
bgeu a1, a2, 2f
lw t0, (a0)
sw t0, (a1)
addi a0, a0, 4
addi a1, a1, 4
bltu a1, a2, 1b
/* Clear bss section */
la a0, __bss_start
la a1, _end
bgeu a0, a1, 2f
sw zero, (a0)
addi a0, a0, 4
bltu a0, a1, 1b
call main
li x26, 0x01
j loop