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/** @page primerpatches Patch Primer
This page provides an introduction to patching that may be useful
for OpenOCD contributors who are unfamiliar with the process.
@section primerpatchintro Introduction to Patching
The standard method for creating patches requires developers to:
- checkout the Subversion repository (or bring a copy up-to-date),
- make the necessary modifications to a working copy,
- check with 'svn status' to see which files will be modified/added, and
- use 'svn diff' to review the changes and produce a patch.
It is important to minimize the changes to only those lines that contain
important differences; do not allow stray whitespace changes into your
patches, and keep the focus to a single logical change.
@section primerpatchcreate Creating Patches
You can create a patch (from the root of your working copy) with a
command like the following example: @par
svn diff > patch-name.patch
where @a patch-name should be something that is descriptive and unique.
The above command will create a patch containing all of the changes in
the working copy; if you want to obtain a subset, simply provide the
list of files to the command: @par
svn diff doc > <patch-name>-doc.patch
svn diff src > <patch-name>-src.patch
This will create two patches, each containing only those changes present
in the subdirectory specified.
@subsection primerpatchcreate Naming Patches
One developer has evolved an informal standard for naming his patches: @par
where @a project is @c openocd, @a lod (line-of-development) could be a
subsystem (e.g. @c jtag, @c jlink, etc.) or other group identifier,
@a action is @c add, @c change, @c fix, @c update, etc., and @a task is
whatever the patch will accomplish (in 2-4 words).
This scheme does not need to be followed, but it is helpful for
maintainers that receive many patches. You do not want your own
@c openocd.patch file to be accidentally overwritten by another
submission, sending your patch to the bit bucket on accident.
@section primerpatchpreflight Developer Review
Before sending in patches, please make sure you have updated to the
latest version of the trunk (using <code>svn up</code>) before creating
your patch. This helps to increase the chances that it will apply
cleanly to the trunk. However, the content matters most.
When creating a patch using "<code>svn diff</code>", Subversion will
produce a patch that contains all of the changes in your working copy.
To manage multiple changes at once, you either need one working copy per
patch, or you can specified specific files and directories when using
<code>svn diff</code>. Overlapping patches will be discussed in the
next section.
The remainder of this section provides
@subsection primerpatchprops Subversion Properties
The Subversion attributes of files can be examined with commands like the
following: @par
$ svn pl README
Properties on 'README':
$ svn pl tools/rlink_make_speed_table/rlink_make_speed_table.pl
Properties on 'tools/rlink_make_speed_table/rlink_make_speed_table.pl':
@subsection primerpatchpropcrlf Native Line-endings
Subversion checks out files marked with the attribute @c svn:eol-style
set to @c native such that these files contain the default line ending
style of the current host ('\\n' or '\\r\\n'). By using the proper line
endings for different platforms, two different byte streams for the same
file will be produced.
@subsection primerpatchwincrlf Windows Patching Problems
Because of the line-ending functionality, it may be correct when a fresh
patch does not apply cleanly on the Windows platform. This is because
patches are created by SVN with UNIX line endings, so the context and
changes will not appear to match the files with Windows line endings.
In other words, the following command may @b not succeed because @c foo
has its @c svn:eol-style property set to @c native: @par
svn diff foo | patch -R
The following series of commands will work: @par
svn diff foo | unix2dos | patch -R
This is not a bug.
@todo Does Subversion's treatment of line-endings for files marked with
svn:eol-style=native continue to pose the problems described here, or
has this been magically solved?
@section primerpatchseries Patch Series
As was mentioned above, each patch should contain one logical @c task,
and multiple logical tasks should be split into a series of patches.
There are no hard guidelines for how that is to be done; it's an art
form. Many simple changes should not have to worry about being split,
as they will naturally represent a single task.
When working on several different non-intersecting lines of development,
a combination of multiple working copies and patch series management
techniques can become critical to efficiently managing change. This
again is an area where developers have favorite methodologies that are
simply a matter of taste or familiarity; your mileage may vary.
Packages such as @c patchutils, @c diffutils, and @c quilt are among
those that have proved themselves invaluable for these type of tasks.
Others take their patch management a step further, tracking the
Subversion repository with git-svn and employing GIT conventions and
methodologies for development.
@subsection primerpatchseriesinterdiff Using @c interdiff
The @c patchutils package includes the @c interdiff command, which
produces a patch that contains the changes made between two other
patches. This command can be used to manage the creation of trivial
patch series. For example, the following sequence of commands will
produce three patches: @par
$ cd openocd-head/
$ svn up && svn st
At revision NNNN.
$ <<<start changes for patch #1>>>
$ <<<finish changes for patch #1>>>
$ svn diff > series-1.patch # patch #1 is easy
$ <<<start changes for patch #2>>>
$ <<<finish changes for patch #2>>>
$ svn diff > series-1+2.patch # create patch 1+2
$ interdiff series-1{,+2}.patch > series-2.patch # 1 ~ 1+2 => #2
$ <<<start changes for patch #3>>>
$ <<<finish changes for patch #3>>>
$ svn diff > series-1+2+3.patch # create patch 1+2+3
$ interdiff series-1+2{,+3}.patch > series-3.patch # 1+2 ~ 1+2+3 => 3
This technique falls apart when the repository changes, but this may be
suitable for small series of patches.
@subsection primerpatchseriesquilt Using @c quilt
The @c quilt package provides scripts to manage series of patches more
efficiently than can be managed by hand. For out-of-tree work projects
that require such patch management, @c quilt provides an indispensable
tool for solving the problem.
@subsection primerpatchseriesgit Using @c git
The @c git revision control system provides a tool for tracking
Subversion repositories.
@section primerpatchsubmit Submitting Patches
Write access to the OpenOCD Subversion repository is limited to
contributors that have demonstrated the ability to produce clear,
consistent, and frequent patches. These individuals are responsible
for maintaining the integrity of the repository for the community.
Thus, commits to the Subversion repository must be handled by one of
these maintainers.
Patches must be sent to the OpenOCD developer mailing list:
They will be reviewed and committed if the changes are found to be
acceptable. If there are problems, you will receive feedback via the
mailing list; in general, the maintainers prefer all communication to go
through the list, as the entire community needs to judge contributions
for possible merits and mistakes.
Contributors may be asked to address certain issues and submit a new
patch. In the event that it gets overlooked, you may need to resubmit
it or prompt for feedback. Please have patience, as many maintainers
work on the project voluntarily and without compensation for the time
that they spend doing these tasks.
/** @file
This file contains the @ref patchprimer page.