Figure out Debug RAM size in examine().

It compiles, so that means it works, right?
Tim Newsome 2016-05-13 13:04:49 -07:00
parent 48cf8eebf1
commit 495384e15f
1 changed files with 155 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -1,17 +1,168 @@
#include <assert.h>
#include "config.h"
#include "target.h"
#include "target_type.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "jtag/jtag.h"
static int riscv_poll(struct target *target)
#define get_field(reg, mask) (((reg) & (mask)) / ((mask) & ~((mask) << 1)))
#define set_field(reg, mask, val) (((reg) & ~(mask)) | (((val) * ((mask) & ~((mask) << 1))) & (mask)))
/*** JTAG registers. ***/
#define DTMINFO 0x10
#define DTMINFO_ADDRBITS (0xf<<4)
#define DTMINFO_VERSION (0xf)
#define DBUS 0x11
/*** Debug Bus registers. ***/
#define DMCONTROL 0x10
#define DMCONTROL_HALTNOT (1<<33)
#define DMCONTROL_BUSERROR (7<<19)
#define DMCONTROL_SERIAL (3<<16)
#define DMCONTROL_ACCESS (7<<12)
#define DMCONTROL_HARTID (0x3ff<<2)
#define DMCONTROL_NDRESET (1<<1)
#define DMINFO 0x11
#define DMINFO_ABUSSIZE (0x7f<<25)
#define DMINFO_SERIALCOUNT (0xf<<21)
#define DMINFO_ACCESS128 (1<<20)
#define DMINFO_ACCESS64 (1<<19)
#define DMINFO_ACCESS32 (1<<18)
#define DMINFO_ACCESS16 (1<<17)
#define DMINFO_ACCESS8 (1<<16)
#define DMINFO_DRAMSIZE (0x3f<<10)
#define DMINFO_AUTHBUSY (1<<4)
#define DMINFO_AUTHTYPE (3<<2)
/*** Info about the core being debugged. ***/
typedef struct {
/* Number of address bits in the dbus register. */
uint8_t addrbits;
/* Width of a GPR (and many other things) in bits. */
uint8_t xlen;
/* Last value we wrote to DBUS_ADDRESS (eg. the address of the register
* whose value will be read the next time we scan dbus). */
uint16_t dbus_address;
/* Number of words in Debug RAM. */
unsigned int dramsize;
} riscv_info_t;
static uint64_t dbus_scan(struct target *target, uint16_t address,
uint64_t data_out, bool read, bool write)
return 0;
riscv_info_t *info = (riscv_info_t *) target->arch_info;
struct scan_field field;
uint8_t in[8];
uint8_t out[8];
assert(info->addrbits != 0);
// TODO: max bits is 32?
field.num_bits = info->addrbits + 35;
field.out_value = out;
if (read) {
field.in_value = in;
buf_set_u64(out, 0, 34, data_out);
buf_set_u64(out, 34, info->addrbits, address);
buf_set_u64(out, info->addrbits + 34, 1, write);
/* Assume dbus is already selected. */
jtag_add_dr_scan(target->tap, 1, &field, TAP_DRUPDATE);
info->dbus_address = address;
return buf_get_u64(in, 0, 34);
static uint64_t dbus_read(struct target *target, uint16_t address, uint16_t next_address)
riscv_info_t *info = (riscv_info_t *) target->arch_info;
if (address != info->dbus_address) {
dbus_scan(target, address, 0, false, false);
return dbus_scan(target, next_address, 0, true, false);
static uint32_t dtminfo_read(struct target *target)
struct scan_field field;
uint8_t in[4];
uint8_t out[4];
field.num_bits = target->tap->ir_length;
field.out_value = out;
field.in_value = NULL;
buf_set_u32(out, 0, field.num_bits, DTMINFO);
jtag_add_ir_scan(target->tap, &field, TAP_DRSELECT);
field.num_bits = 32;
field.out_value = NULL;
field.in_value = in;
jtag_add_dr_scan(target->tap, 1, &field, TAP_DRUPDATE);
/* Always return to dbus. */
/* TODO: Can we rely on IR not being messed with between calls into
* RISCV code? Eg. what happens if there are multiple cores and some
* other core is accessed? */
field.num_bits = target->tap->ir_length;
field.out_value = out;
field.in_value = NULL;
buf_set_u32(out, 0, field.num_bits, DBUS);
jtag_add_ir_scan(target->tap, &field, TAP_DRSELECT);
return buf_get_u32(field.in_value, 0, 32);
static int riscv_init_target(struct command_context *cmd_ctx,
struct target *target)
target->arch_info = calloc(1, sizeof(riscv_info_t));
riscv_info_t *info = (riscv_info_t *) target->arch_info;
info->dbus_address = DBUS_ADDRESS_UNKNOWN;
return ERROR_OK;
int riscv_examine(struct target *target)
if (target_was_examined(target)) {
return ERROR_OK;
uint32_t dtminfo = dtminfo_read(target);
riscv_info_t *info = (riscv_info_t *) target->arch_info;
info->addrbits = get_field(dtminfo, DTMINFO_ADDRBITS);
/* TODO: Figure out size of debug RAM, and allocate it. */
uint64_t dminfo = dbus_read(target, DMINFO, 0);
info->dramsize = get_field(dminfo, DMINFO_DRAMSIZE) + 1;
return ERROR_OK;
struct target_type riscv_target = {
.name = "riscv",
.name = "riscv",
.poll = riscv_poll,
.init_target = riscv_init_target,
.examine = riscv_examine,