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308 lines
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ChibiOS/HAL - Copyright (C) 2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,
2011,2012,2013,2014 Giovanni Di Sirio.
This file is part of ChibiOS/HAL
ChibiOS/HAL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
ChibiOS/RT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Concepts and parts of this file have been contributed by Uladzimir Pylinsky
aka barthess.
* @file rtc.c
* @brief RTC Driver code.
* @addtogroup RTC
* @{
#include "hal.h"
#if HAL_USE_RTC || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
/* Driver local definitions. */
/* Driver exported variables. */
/* Driver local variables and types. */
* Lookup table with months' length
static const uint8_t month_len[12] = {
31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31
/* Driver local functions. */
/* Driver exported functions. */
* @brief RTC Driver initialization.
* @note This function is implicitly invoked by @p halInit(), there is
* no need to explicitly initialize the driver.
* @init
void rtcInit(void) {
* @brief Initializes a generic RTC driver object.
* @details The HW dependent part of the initialization has to be performed
* outside, usually in the hardware initialization code.
* @param[out] rtcp pointer to RTC driver structure
* @init
void rtcObjectInit(RTCDriver *rtcp) {
rtcp->vmt = &_rtc_lld_vmt;
* @brief Set current time.
* @note This function can be called from any context but limitations
* could be imposed by the low level implementation. It is
* guaranteed that the function can be called from thread
* context.
* @note The function can be reentrant or not reentrant depending on
* the low level implementation.
* @param[in] rtcp pointer to RTC driver structure
* @param[in] timespec pointer to a @p RTCDateTime structure
* @special
void rtcSetTime(RTCDriver *rtcp, const RTCDateTime *timespec) {
osalDbgCheck((rtcp != NULL) && (timespec != NULL));
rtc_lld_set_time(rtcp, timespec);
* @brief Get current time.
* @note This function can be called from any context but limitations
* could be imposed by the low level implementation. It is
* guaranteed that the function can be called from thread
* context.
* @note The function can be reentrant or not reentrant depending on
* the low level implementation.
* @param[in] rtcp pointer to RTC driver structure
* @param[out] timespec pointer to a @p RTCDateTime structure
* @special
void rtcGetTime(RTCDriver *rtcp, RTCDateTime *timespec) {
osalDbgCheck((rtcp != NULL) && (timespec != NULL));
rtc_lld_get_time(rtcp, timespec);
#if (RTC_ALARMS > 0) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
* @brief Set alarm time.
* @note This function can be called from any context but limitations
* could be imposed by the low level implementation. It is
* guaranteed that the function can be called from thread
* context.
* @note The function can be reentrant or not reentrant depending on
* the low level implementation.
* @param[in] rtcp pointer to RTC driver structure
* @param[in] alarm alarm identifier
* @param[in] alarmspec pointer to a @p RTCAlarm structure or @p NULL
* @special
void rtcSetAlarm(RTCDriver *rtcp,
rtcalarm_t alarm,
const RTCAlarm *alarmspec) {
osalDbgCheck((rtcp != NULL) && (alarm < RTC_ALARMS));
rtc_lld_set_alarm(rtcp, alarm, alarmspec);
* @brief Get current alarm.
* @note If an alarm has not been set then the returned alarm specification
* is not meaningful.
* @note This function can be called from any context but limitations
* could be imposed by the low level implementation. It is
* guaranteed that the function can be called from thread
* context.
* @note The function can be reentrant or not reentrant depending on
* the low level implementation.
* @param[in] rtcp pointer to RTC driver structure
* @param[in] alarm alarm identifier
* @param[out] alarmspec pointer to a @p RTCAlarm structure
* @special
void rtcGetAlarm(RTCDriver *rtcp,
rtcalarm_t alarm,
RTCAlarm *alarmspec) {
osalDbgCheck((rtcp != NULL) && (alarm < RTC_ALARMS) && (alarmspec != NULL));
rtc_lld_get_alarm(rtcp, alarm, alarmspec);
#endif /* RTC_ALARMS > 0 */
* @brief Enables or disables RTC callbacks.
* @details This function enables or disables the callback, use a @p NULL
* pointer in order to disable it.
* @note This function can be called from any context but limitations
* could be imposed by the low level implementation. It is
* guaranteed that the function can be called from thread
* context.
* @note The function can be reentrant or not reentrant depending on
* the low level implementation.
* @param[in] rtcp pointer to RTC driver structure
* @param[in] callback callback function pointer or @p NULL
* @special
void rtcSetCallback(RTCDriver *rtcp, rtccb_t callback) {
osalDbgCheck(rtcp != NULL);
rtc_lld_set_callback(rtcp, callback);
* @brief Convert @p RTCDateTime to broken-down time structure.
* @param[in] timespec pointer to a @p RTCDateTime structure
* @param[out] timp pointer to a broken-down time structure
* @api
void rtcConvertDateTimeToStructTm(const RTCDateTime *timespec,
struct tm *timp) {
uint32_t tmp;
timp->tm_year = timespec->year + (1980 - 1900);
timp->tm_mon = timespec->month - 1;
timp->tm_mday = timespec->day;
timp->tm_isdst = timespec->dstflag;
tmp = timespec->millisecond / 1000;
timp->tm_sec = tmp % 60;
tmp -= timp->tm_sec;
timp->tm_min = (tmp % 3600) / 60;
tmp -= timp->tm_min * 60;
timp->tm_hour = tmp / 3600;
* @brief Convert broken-down time structure to @p RTCDateTime.
* @param[in] timp pointer to a broken-down time structure
* @param[in] tv_msec milliseconds value
* @param[out] timespec pointer to a @p RTCDateTime structure
* @api
void rtcConvertStructTmToDateTime(const struct tm *timp,
uint32_t tv_msec,
RTCDateTime *timespec) {
timespec->year = timp->tm_year - (1980 - 1900);
timespec->month = timp->tm_mon + 1;
timespec->day = timp->tm_mday;
timespec->dayofweek = timp->tm_wday + 1;
if (-1 == timp->tm_isdst)
timespec->dstflag = 0; /* set zero if dst is unknown */
timespec->dstflag = timp->tm_isdst;
timespec->millisecond = tv_msec +
(timp->tm_hour * 3600 + timp->tm_min * 60 + timp->tm_sec) * 1000;
* @brief Get current time in format suitable for usage in FAT file system.
* @note The information about day of week and DST is lost in DOS
* format, the second field loses its least significant bit.
* @param[out] timespec pointer to a @p RTCDateTime structure
* @return FAT date/time value.
* @api
uint32_t rtcConvertDateTimeToFAT(const RTCDateTime *timespec) {
uint32_t fattime;
uint32_t sec, min, hour, day, month, tmp;
tmp = timespec->millisecond / 1000;
sec = tmp % 60;
min = (tmp - sec) % 3600;
hour = (tmp - sec - min * 60) / 3600;
day = timespec->day;
month = timespec->month;
/* handle DST flag */
if (1 == timespec->dstflag) {
hour += 1;
if (hour == 24) {
hour = 0;
day += 1;
if (day > month_len[month - 1]) {
day = 1;
month += 1;
fattime = sec >> 1;
fattime |= min << 5;
fattime |= hour << 11;
fattime |= day << 16;
fattime |= month << 21;
fattime |= timespec->year << 25;
return fattime;
#endif /* HAL_USE_RTC */
/** @} */