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* Licensed under ST Liberty SW License Agreement V2, (the "License");
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* http://www.st.com/software_license_agreement_liberty_v2
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file DSPI_v1/spc5_dspi.h
* @brief SPC5xx DSPI header file.
* @addtogroup SPI
* @{
#ifndef _SPC5_DSPI_H_
#define _SPC5_DSPI_H_
/* Driver constants. */
/* Driver pre-compile time settings. */
/* Derived constants and error checks. */
/* Driver data structures and types. */
struct spc5_dspi {
union {
vuint32_t R;
struct {
vuint32_t MSTR :1;
vuint32_t CONT_SCKE :1;
vuint32_t DCONF :2;
vuint32_t FRZ :1;
vuint32_t MTFE :1;
vuint32_t PCSSE :1;
vuint32_t ROOE :1;
vuint32_t PCSIS7 :1;
vuint32_t PCSIS6 :1;
vuint32_t PCSIS5 :1;
vuint32_t PCSIS4 :1;
vuint32_t PCSIS3 :1;
vuint32_t PCSIS2 :1;
vuint32_t PCSIS1 :1;
vuint32_t PCSIS0 :1;
vuint32_t :1;
vuint32_t MDIS :1;
vuint32_t DIS_TXF :1;
vuint32_t DIS_RXF :1;
vuint32_t CLR_TXF :1;
vuint32_t CLR_RXF :1;
vuint32_t SMPL_PT :2;
vuint32_t :7;
vuint32_t HALT :1;
} B;
} MCR; /* Module Configuration Register */
uint32_t dspi_reserved1;
union {
vuint32_t R;
struct {
vuint32_t TCNT :16;
vuint32_t :16;
} B;
} TCR;
union {
vuint32_t R;
struct {
vuint32_t DBR :1;
vuint32_t FMSZ :4;
vuint32_t CPOL :1;
vuint32_t CPHA :1;
vuint32_t LSBFE :1;
vuint32_t PCSSCK :2;
vuint32_t PASC :2;
vuint32_t PDT :2;
vuint32_t PBR :2;
vuint32_t CSSCK :4;
vuint32_t ASC :4;
vuint32_t DT :4;
vuint32_t BR :4;
} B;
} CTAR[8]; /* Clock and Transfer Attributes Registers */
union {
vuint32_t R;
struct {
vuint32_t TCF :1;
vuint32_t TXRXS :1;
vuint32_t :1;
vuint32_t EOQF :1;
vuint32_t TFUF :1;
vuint32_t :1;
vuint32_t TFFF :1;
vuint32_t :5;
vuint32_t RFOF :1;
vuint32_t :1;
vuint32_t RFDF :1;
vuint32_t :1;
vuint32_t TXCTR :4;
vuint32_t TXNXTPTR :4;
vuint32_t RXCTR :4;
vuint32_t POPNXTPTR :4;
} B;
} SR; /* Status Register */
union {
vuint32_t R;
struct {
vuint32_t TCFRE :1;
vuint32_t :2;
vuint32_t EOQFRE :1;
vuint32_t TFUFRE :1;
vuint32_t :1;
vuint32_t TFFFRE :1;
vuint32_t TFFFDIRS :1;
vuint32_t :4;
vuint32_t RFOFRE :1;
vuint32_t :1;
vuint32_t RFDFRE :1;
vuint32_t RFDFDIRS :1;
vuint32_t :16;
} B;
} RSER; /* DMA/Interrupt Request Select and Enable Register */
union {
vuint32_t R;
struct {
vuint32_t CONT :1;
vuint32_t CTAS :3;
vuint32_t EOQ :1;
vuint32_t CTCNT :1;
vuint32_t :2;
vuint32_t PCS7 :1;
vuint32_t PCS6 :1;
vuint32_t PCS5 :1;
vuint32_t PCS4 :1;
vuint32_t PCS3 :1;
vuint32_t PCS2 :1;
vuint32_t PCS1 :1;
vuint32_t PCS0 :1;
vuint32_t TXDATA :16;
} B;
} PUSHR; /* PUSH TX FIFO Register */
union {
vuint32_t R;
struct {
vuint32_t :16;
vuint32_t RXDATA :16;
} B;
} POPR; /* POP RX FIFO Register */
union {
vuint32_t R;
struct {
vuint32_t TXCMD :16;
vuint32_t TXDATA :16;
} B;
} TXFR[5]; /* Transmit FIFO Registers */
vuint32_t DSPI_reserved_txf[11];
union {
vuint32_t R;
struct {
vuint32_t :16;
vuint32_t RXDATA :16;
} B;
} RXFR[5]; /* Receive FIFO Registers */
vuint32_t DSPI_reserved_rxf[12];
union {
vuint32_t R;
struct {
vuint32_t MTOE :1;
vuint32_t :1;
vuint32_t MTOCNT :6;
vuint32_t :4;
vuint32_t TXSS :1;
vuint32_t TPOL :1;
vuint32_t TRRE :1;
vuint32_t CID :1;
vuint32_t DCONT :1;
vuint32_t DSICTAS :3;
vuint32_t :6;
vuint32_t DPCS5 :1;
vuint32_t DPCS4 :1;
vuint32_t DPCS3 :1;
vuint32_t DPCS2 :1;
vuint32_t DPCS1 :1;
vuint32_t DPCS0 :1;
} B;
} DSICR; /* DSI Configuration Register */
union {
vuint32_t R;
struct {
vuint32_t :16;
vuint32_t SER_DATA :16;
} B;
} SDR; /* DSI Serialization Data Register */
union {
vuint32_t R;
struct {
vuint32_t :16;
vuint32_t ASER_DATA :16;
} B;
} ASDR; /* DSI Alternate Serialization Data Register */
union {
vuint32_t R;
struct {
vuint32_t :16;
vuint32_t COMP_DATA :16;
} B;
} COMPR; /* DSI Transmit Comparison Register */
union {
vuint32_t R;
struct {
vuint32_t :16;
vuint32_t DESER_DATA :16;
} B;
} DDR; /* DSI deserialization Data Register */
/* Driver macros. */
* @name DSPI units references
* @{
#if SPC5_HAS_DSPI0 || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
#define SPC5_DSPI0 (*(struct spc5_dspi *)0xFFF90000UL)
#if SPC5_HAS_DSPI1 || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
#define SPC5_DSPI1 (*(struct spc5_dspi *)0xFFF94000UL)
#if SPC5_HAS_DSPI2 || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
#define SPC5_DSPI2 (*(struct spc5_dspi *)0xFFF98000UL)
#if SPC5_HAS_DSPI3 || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
#define SPC5_DSPI3 (*(struct spc5_dspi *)0xFFF9C000UL)
/** @} */
#endif /* _SPC5_DSPI_H_ */
/** @} */