
482 lines
19 KiB

"""This submodule: basic tools for creating svg files from path data.
See also the submodule.
# External dependencies:
from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function
from math import ceil
from os import path as os_path, makedirs
from tempfile import gettempdir
from xml.dom.minidom import parse as md_xml_parse
from svgwrite import Drawing, text as txt
from time import time
from warnings import warn
import re
# Internal dependencies
from .path import Path, Line, is_path_segment
from .misctools import open_in_browser
# color shorthand for inputting color list as string of chars.
color_dict = {'a': 'aqua',
'b': 'blue',
'c': 'cyan',
'd': 'darkblue',
'e': '',
'f': '',
'g': 'green',
'h': '',
'i': '',
'j': '',
'k': 'black',
'l': 'lime',
'm': 'magenta',
'n': 'brown',
'o': 'orange',
'p': 'pink',
'q': 'turquoise',
'r': 'red',
's': 'salmon',
't': 'tan',
'u': 'purple',
'v': 'violet',
'w': 'white',
'x': '',
'y': 'yellow',
'z': 'azure'}
def str2colorlist(s, default_color=None):
color_list = [color_dict[ch] for ch in s]
if default_color:
for idx, c in enumerate(color_list):
if not c:
color_list[idx] = default_color
return color_list
def is3tuple(c):
return isinstance(c, tuple) and len(c) == 3
def big_bounding_box(paths_n_stuff):
"""returns minimal upright bounding box.
paths_n_stuff: iterable of Paths, Bezier path segments, and
points (given as complex numbers).
extrema of bounding box, (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
bbs = []
for thing in paths_n_stuff:
if is_path_segment(thing) or isinstance(thing, Path):
elif isinstance(thing, complex):
bbs.append((thing.real, thing.real, thing.imag, thing.imag))
complexthing = complex(thing)
bbs.append((complexthing.real, complexthing.real,
complexthing.imag, complexthing.imag))
except ValueError:
raise TypeError("paths_n_stuff can only contains Path, "
"CubicBezier, QuadraticBezier, Line, "
"and complex objects.")
xmins, xmaxs, ymins, ymaxs = list(zip(*bbs))
xmin = min(xmins)
xmax = max(xmaxs)
ymin = min(ymins)
ymax = max(ymaxs)
return xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax
def disvg(paths=None, colors=None, filename=None, stroke_widths=None,
nodes=None, node_colors=None, node_radii=None,
openinbrowser=True, timestamp=None, margin_size=0.1,
mindim=600, dimensions=None, viewbox=None, text=None,
text_path=None, font_size=None, attributes=None,
svg_attributes=None, svgwrite_debug=False,
paths2Drawing=False, baseunit='px'):
"""Creates (and optionally displays) an SVG file.
:param paths - a list of paths
:param colors - specifies the path stroke color. By default all paths
will be black (#000000). This paramater can be input in a few ways
1) a list of strings that will be input into the path elements stroke
attribute (so anything that is understood by the svg viewer).
2) a string of single character colors -- e.g. setting colors='rrr' is
equivalent to setting colors=['red', 'red', 'red'] (see the
'color_dict' dictionary above for a list of possibilities).
3) a list of rgb 3-tuples -- e.g. colors = [(255, 0, 0), ...].
:param filename - the desired location/filename of the SVG file
created (by default the SVG will be named 'disvg_output.svg' or
'disvg_output_<timestamp>.svg' and stored in the temporary
directory returned by `tempfile.gettempdir()`. See `timestamp`
for information on the timestamp.
:param stroke_widths - a list of stroke_widths to use for paths
(default is 0.5% of the SVG's width or length)
:param nodes - a list of points to draw as filled-in circles
:param node_colors - a list of colors to use for the nodes (by default
nodes will be red)
:param node_radii - a list of radii to use for the nodes (by default
nodes will be radius will be 1 percent of the svg's width/length)
:param text - string or list of strings to be displayed
:param text_path - if text is a list, then this should be a list of
path (or path segments of the same length. Note: the path must be
long enough to display the text or the text will be cropped by the svg
:param font_size - a single float of list of floats.
:param openinbrowser - Set to True to automatically open the created
SVG in the user's default web browser.
:param timestamp - if true, then the a timestamp will be
appended to the output SVG's filename. This is meant as a
workaround for issues related to rapidly opening multiple
SVGs in your browser using `disvg`. This defaults to true if
`filename is None` and false otherwise.
:param margin_size - The min margin (empty area framing the collection
of paths) size used for creating the canvas and background of the SVG.
:param mindim - The minimum dimension (height or width) of the output
SVG (default is 600).
:param dimensions - The (x,y) display dimensions of the output SVG.
I.e. this specifies the `width` and `height` SVG attributes. Note that
these also can be used to specify units other than pixels. Using this
will override the `mindim` parameter.
:param viewbox - This specifies the coordinated system used in the svg.
The SVG `viewBox` attribute works together with the the `height` and
`width` attrinutes. Using these three attributes allows for shifting
and scaling of the SVG canvas without changing the any values other
than those in `viewBox`, `height`, and `width`. `viewbox` should be
input as a 4-tuple, (min_x, min_y, width, height), or a string
"min_x min_y width height". Using this will override the `mindim`
:param attributes - a list of dictionaries of attributes for the input
paths. Note: This will override any other conflicting settings.
:param svg_attributes - a dictionary of attributes for output svg.
:param svgwrite_debug - This parameter turns on/off `svgwrite`'s
debugging mode. By default svgwrite_debug=False. This increases
speed and also prevents `svgwrite` from raising of an error when not
all `svg_attributes` key-value pairs are understood.
:param paths2Drawing - If true, an `svgwrite.Drawing` object is
returned and no file is written. This `Drawing` can later be saved
using the `` method.
* The `svg_attributes` parameter will override any other conflicting
* Any `extra` parameters that `svgwrite.Drawing()` accepts can be
controlled by passing them in through `svg_attributes`.
* The unit of length here is assumed to be pixels in all variables.
* If this function is used multiple times in quick succession to
display multiple SVGs (all using the default filename), the
svgviewer/browser will likely fail to load some of the SVGs in time.
To fix this, use the timestamp attribute, or give the files unique
names, or use a pause command (e.g. time.sleep(1)) between uses.
_default_relative_node_radius = 5e-3
_default_relative_stroke_width = 1e-3
_default_path_color = '#000000' # black
_default_node_color = '#ff0000' # red
_default_font_size = 12
if filename is None:
timestamp = True if timestamp is None else timestamp
filename = os_path.join(gettempdir(), 'disvg_output.svg')
# append time stamp to filename
if timestamp:
fbname, fext = os_path.splitext(filename)
dirname = os_path.dirname(filename)
tstamp = str(time()).replace('.', '')
stfilename = os_path.split(fbname)[1] + '_' + tstamp + fext
filename = os_path.join(dirname, stfilename)
# check paths and colors are set
if isinstance(paths, Path) or is_path_segment(paths):
paths = [paths]
if paths:
if not colors:
colors = [_default_path_color] * len(paths)
assert len(colors) == len(paths)
if isinstance(colors, str):
colors = str2colorlist(colors,
elif isinstance(colors, list):
for idx, c in enumerate(colors):
if is3tuple(c):
colors[idx] = "rgb" + str(c)
# check nodes and nodes_colors are set (node_radii are set later)
if nodes:
if not node_colors:
node_colors = [_default_node_color] * len(nodes)
assert len(node_colors) == len(nodes)
if isinstance(node_colors, str):
node_colors = str2colorlist(node_colors,
elif isinstance(node_colors, list):
for idx, c in enumerate(node_colors):
if is3tuple(c):
node_colors[idx] = "rgb" + str(c)
# set up the viewBox and display dimensions of the output SVG
# along the way, set stroke_widths and node_radii if not provided
assert paths or nodes
stuff2bound = []
if viewbox:
if not isinstance(viewbox, str):
viewbox = '%s %s %s %s' % viewbox
if dimensions is None:
dimensions = viewbox.split(' ')[2:4]
elif dimensions:
dimensions = tuple(map(str, dimensions))
def strip_units(s):
return'\d*\.?\d*', s.strip()).group()
viewbox = '0 0 %s %s' % tuple(map(strip_units, dimensions))
if paths:
stuff2bound += paths
if nodes:
stuff2bound += nodes
if text_path:
stuff2bound += text_path
xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = big_bounding_box(stuff2bound)
dx = xmax - xmin
dy = ymax - ymin
if dx == 0:
dx = 1
if dy == 0:
dy = 1
# determine stroke_widths to use (if not provided) and max_stroke_width
if paths:
if not stroke_widths:
sw = max(dx, dy) * _default_relative_stroke_width
stroke_widths = [sw]*len(paths)
max_stroke_width = sw
assert len(paths) == len(stroke_widths)
max_stroke_width = max(stroke_widths)
max_stroke_width = 0
# determine node_radii to use (if not provided) and max_node_diameter
if nodes:
if not node_radii:
r = max(dx, dy) * _default_relative_node_radius
node_radii = [r]*len(nodes)
max_node_diameter = 2*r
assert len(nodes) == len(node_radii)
max_node_diameter = 2*max(node_radii)
max_node_diameter = 0
extra_space_for_style = max(max_stroke_width, max_node_diameter)
xmin -= margin_size*dx + extra_space_for_style/2
ymin -= margin_size*dy + extra_space_for_style/2
dx += 2*margin_size*dx + extra_space_for_style
dy += 2*margin_size*dy + extra_space_for_style
viewbox = "%s %s %s %s" % (xmin, ymin, dx, dy)
if mindim is None:
szx = "{}{}".format(dx, baseunit)
szy = "{}{}".format(dy, baseunit)
if dx > dy:
szx = str(mindim) + baseunit
szy = str(int(ceil(mindim * dy / dx))) + baseunit
szx = str(int(ceil(mindim * dx / dy))) + baseunit
szy = str(mindim) + baseunit
dimensions = szx, szy
# Create an SVG file
if svg_attributes is not None:
dimensions = (svg_attributes.get("width", dimensions[0]),
svg_attributes.get("height", dimensions[1]))
debug = svg_attributes.get("debug", svgwrite_debug)
dwg = Drawing(filename=filename, size=dimensions, debug=debug,
dwg = Drawing(filename=filename, size=dimensions, debug=svgwrite_debug,
# add paths
if paths:
for i, p in enumerate(paths):
if isinstance(p, Path):
ps = p.d()
elif is_path_segment(p):
ps = Path(p).d()
else: # assume this path, p, was input as a Path d-string
ps = p
if attributes:
good_attribs = {'d': ps}
for key in attributes[i]:
val = attributes[i][key]
if key != 'd':
dwg.path(ps, **{key: val})
good_attribs.update({key: val})
except Exception as e:
dwg.add(dwg.path(ps, stroke=colors[i],
# add nodes (filled in circles)
if nodes:
for i_pt, pt in enumerate([(z.real, z.imag) for z in nodes]):
dwg.add(, node_radii[i_pt], fill=node_colors[i_pt]))
# add texts
if text:
assert isinstance(text, str) or (isinstance(text, list) and
isinstance(text_path, list) and
len(text_path) == len(text))
if isinstance(text, str):
text = [text]
if not font_size:
font_size = [_default_font_size]
if not text_path:
pos = complex(xmin + margin_size*dx, ymin + margin_size*dy)
text_path = [Line(pos, pos + 1).d()]
if font_size:
if isinstance(font_size, list):
assert len(font_size) == len(text)
font_size = [font_size] * len(text)
font_size = [_default_font_size] * len(text)
for idx, s in enumerate(text):
p = text_path[idx]
if isinstance(p, Path):
ps = p.d()
elif is_path_segment(p):
ps = Path(p).d()
else: # assume this path, p, was input as a Path d-string
ps = p
# paragraph = dwg.add(dwg.g(font_size=font_size[idx]))
# paragraph.add(dwg.textPath(ps, s))
pathid = 'tp' + str(idx)
dwg.defs.add(dwg.path(d=ps, id=pathid))
txter = dwg.add(dwg.text('', font_size=font_size[idx]))
txter.add(txt.TextPath('#'+pathid, s))
if paths2Drawing:
return dwg
# save svg
if not os_path.exists(os_path.dirname(filename)):
# re-open the svg, make the xml pretty, and save it again
xmlstring = md_xml_parse(filename).toprettyxml()
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
# try to open in web browser
if openinbrowser:
print("Failed to open output SVG in browser. SVG saved to:")
def wsvg(paths=None, colors=None, filename=None, stroke_widths=None,
nodes=None, node_colors=None, node_radii=None,
openinbrowser=False, timestamp=False, margin_size=0.1,
mindim=600, dimensions=None, viewbox=None, text=None,
text_path=None, font_size=None, attributes=None,
svg_attributes=None, svgwrite_debug=False,
paths2Drawing=False, baseunit='px'):
"""Create SVG and write to disk.
Note: This is identical to `disvg()` except that `openinbrowser`
is false by default and an assertion error is raised if `filename
is None`.
See `disvg()` docstring for more info.
assert filename is not None
return disvg(paths, colors=colors, filename=filename,
stroke_widths=stroke_widths, nodes=nodes,
node_colors=node_colors, node_radii=node_radii,
openinbrowser=openinbrowser, timestamp=timestamp,
margin_size=margin_size, mindim=mindim,
dimensions=dimensions, viewbox=viewbox, text=text,
text_path=text_path, font_size=font_size,
attributes=attributes, svg_attributes=svg_attributes,
paths2Drawing=paths2Drawing, baseunit=baseunit)
def paths2Drawing(paths=None, colors=None, filename=None,
stroke_widths=None, nodes=None, node_colors=None,
node_radii=None, openinbrowser=False, timestamp=False,
margin_size=0.1, mindim=600, dimensions=None,
viewbox=None, text=None, text_path=None,
font_size=None, attributes=None, svg_attributes=None,
svgwrite_debug=False, paths2Drawing=True, baseunit='px'):
"""Create and return `svg.Drawing` object.
Note: This is identical to `disvg()` except that `paths2Drawing`
is true by default and an assertion error is raised if `filename
is None`.
See `disvg()` docstring for more info.
return disvg(paths, colors=colors, filename=filename,
stroke_widths=stroke_widths, nodes=nodes,
node_colors=node_colors, node_radii=node_radii,
openinbrowser=openinbrowser, timestamp=timestamp,
margin_size=margin_size, mindim=mindim,
dimensions=dimensions, viewbox=viewbox, text=text,
text_path=text_path, font_size=font_size,
attributes=attributes, svg_attributes=svg_attributes,
paths2Drawing=paths2Drawing, baseunit=baseunit)