"""(Experimental) replacement for import/export functionality. This module contains the `Document` class, a container for a DOM-style document (e.g. svg, html, xml, etc.) designed to replace and improve upon the IO functionality of svgpathtools (i.e. the svg2paths and disvg/wsvg functions). An Historic Note: The functionality in this module is meant to replace and improve upon the IO functionality previously provided by the the `svg2paths` and `disvg`/`wsvg` functions. Example: Typical usage looks something like the following. >> from svgpathtools import * >> doc = Document('my_file.html') >> for path in doc.paths(): >> # Do something with the transformed Path object. >> foo(path) >> # Inspect the raw SVG element, e.g. change its attributes >> foo(path.element) >> transform = result.transform >> # Use the transform that was applied to the path. >> foo(path.transform) >> foo(doc.tree) # do stuff using ElementTree's functionality >> doc.display() # display doc in OS's default application >> doc.save('my_new_file.html') A Big Problem: Derivatives and other functions may be messed up by transforms unless transforms are flattened (and not included in css) """ # External dependencies from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function import os import collections import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element, SubElement, register_namespace from xml.dom.minidom import parseString import warnings from io import StringIO from tempfile import gettempdir from time import time # Internal dependencies from .parser import parse_path from .parser import parse_transform from .svg_to_paths import (path2pathd, ellipse2pathd, line2pathd, polyline2pathd, polygon2pathd, rect2pathd) from .misctools import open_in_browser from .path import * # To maintain forward/backward compatibility try: str = basestring except NameError: pass # Let xml.etree.ElementTree know about the SVG namespace SVG_NAMESPACE = {'svg': 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'} register_namespace('svg', 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg') # THESE MUST BE WRAPPED TO OUTPUT ElementTree.element objects CONVERSIONS = {'path': path2pathd, 'circle': ellipse2pathd, 'ellipse': ellipse2pathd, 'line': line2pathd, 'polyline': polyline2pathd, 'polygon': polygon2pathd, 'rect': rect2pathd} CONVERT_ONLY_PATHS = {'path': path2pathd} SVG_GROUP_TAG = 'svg:g' def flattened_paths(group, group_filter=lambda x: True, path_filter=lambda x: True, path_conversions=CONVERSIONS, group_search_xpath=SVG_GROUP_TAG): """Returns the paths inside a group (recursively), expressing the paths in the base coordinates. Note that if the group being passed in is nested inside some parent group(s), we cannot take the parent group(s) into account, because xml.etree.Element has no pointer to its parent. You should use Document.flattened_paths_from_group(group) to flatten a specific nested group into the root coordinates. Args: group is an Element path_conversions (dict): A dictionary to convert from an SVG element to a path data string. Any element tags that are not included in this dictionary will be ignored (including the `path` tag). To only convert explicit path elements, pass in `path_conversions=CONVERT_ONLY_PATHS`. """ if not isinstance(group, Element): raise TypeError('Must provide an xml.etree.Element object. ' 'Instead you provided {0}'.format(type(group))) # Stop right away if the group_selector rejects this group if not group_filter(group): warnings.warn('The input group [{}] (id attribute: {}) was rejected by the group filter' .format(group, group.get('id'))) return [] # To handle the transforms efficiently, we'll traverse the tree of # groups depth-first using a stack of tuples. # The first entry in the tuple is a group element and the second # entry is its transform. As we pop each entry in the stack, we # will add all its child group elements to the stack. StackElement = collections.namedtuple('StackElement', ['group', 'transform']) def new_stack_element(element, last_tf): return StackElement(element, last_tf.dot( parse_transform(element.get('transform')))) def get_relevant_children(parent, last_tf): children = [] for elem in filter(group_filter, parent.iterfind(group_search_xpath, SVG_NAMESPACE)): children.append(new_stack_element(elem, last_tf)) return children stack = [new_stack_element(group, np.identity(3))] paths = [] while stack: top = stack.pop() # For each element type that we know how to convert into path # data, parse the element after confirming that the path_filter # accepts it. for key, converter in path_conversions.items(): for path_elem in filter(path_filter, top.group.iterfind( 'svg:'+key, SVG_NAMESPACE)): path_tf = top.transform.dot( parse_transform(path_elem.get('transform'))) path = transform(parse_path(converter(path_elem)), path_tf) path.element = path_elem path.transform = path_tf paths.append(path) stack.extend(get_relevant_children(top.group, top.transform)) return paths def flattened_paths_from_group(group_to_flatten, root, recursive=True, group_filter=lambda x: True, path_filter=lambda x: True, path_conversions=CONVERSIONS, group_search_xpath=SVG_GROUP_TAG): """Flatten all the paths in a specific group. The paths will be flattened into the 'root' frame. Note that root needs to be an ancestor of the group that is being flattened. Otherwise, no paths will be returned.""" if not any(group_to_flatten is descendant for descendant in root.iter()): warnings.warn('The requested group_to_flatten is not a ' 'descendant of root') # We will shortcut here, because it is impossible for any paths # to be returned anyhow. return [] # We create a set of the unique IDs of each element that we wish to # flatten, if those elements are groups. Any groups outside of this # set will be skipped while we flatten the paths. desired_groups = set() if recursive: for group in group_to_flatten.iter(): desired_groups.add(id(group)) else: desired_groups.add(id(group_to_flatten)) ignore_paths = set() # Use breadth-first search to find the path to the group that we care about if root is not group_to_flatten: search = [[root]] route = None while search: top = search.pop(0) frontier = top[-1] for child in frontier.iterfind(group_search_xpath, SVG_NAMESPACE): if child is group_to_flatten: route = top break future_top = list(top) future_top.append(child) search.append(future_top) if route is not None: for group in route: # Add each group from the root to the parent of the desired group # to the list of groups that we should traverse. This makes sure # that paths will not stop before reaching the desired # group. desired_groups.add(id(group)) for key in path_conversions.keys(): for path_elem in group.iterfind('svg:'+key, SVG_NAMESPACE): # Add each path in the parent groups to the list of paths # that should be ignored. The user has not requested to # flatten the paths of the parent groups, so we should not # include any of these in the result. ignore_paths.add(id(path_elem)) break if route is None: raise ValueError('The group_to_flatten is not a descendant of the root!') def desired_group_filter(x): return (id(x) in desired_groups) and group_filter(x) def desired_path_filter(x): return (id(x) not in ignore_paths) and path_filter(x) return flattened_paths(root, desired_group_filter, desired_path_filter, path_conversions, group_search_xpath) class Document: def __init__(self, filepath=None): """A container for a DOM-style SVG document. The `Document` class provides a simple interface to modify and analyze the path elements in a DOM-style document. The DOM-style document is parsed into an ElementTree object (stored in the `tree` attribute). This class provides functions for extracting SVG data into Path objects. The output Path objects will be transformed based on their parent groups. Args: filepath (str or file-like): The filepath of the DOM-style object or a file-like object containing it. """ self.original_filepath = None # strings are interpreted as file location everything else is treated as # file-like object and passed to the xml parser directly if isinstance(filepath, str): # remember location of original svg file if any self.original_filepath = filepath if os.path.dirname(filepath) == '': self.original_filepath = os.path.join( os.getcwd(), filepath) if filepath is None: self.tree = etree.ElementTree(Element('svg')) else: # parse svg to ElementTree object self.tree = etree.parse(filepath) self.root = self.tree.getroot() @classmethod def from_svg_string(cls, svg_string): """Factory method for creating a document from a string holding a svg object """ # wrap string into StringIO object svg_file_obj = StringIO(svg_string) # create document from file object return Document(svg_file_obj) def paths(self, group_filter=lambda x: True, path_filter=lambda x: True, path_conversions=CONVERSIONS): """Returns a list of all paths in the document. Note that any transform attributes are applied before returning the paths. """ return flattened_paths(self.tree.getroot(), group_filter, path_filter, path_conversions) def paths_from_group(self, group, recursive=True, group_filter=lambda x: True, path_filter=lambda x: True, path_conversions=CONVERSIONS): if all(isinstance(s, str) for s in group): # If we're given a list of strings, assume it represents a # nested sequence group = self.get_group(group) elif not isinstance(group, Element): raise TypeError( 'Must provide a list of strings that represent a nested ' 'group name, or provide an xml.etree.Element object. ' 'Instead you provided {0}'.format(group)) if group is None: warnings.warn("Could not find the requested group!") return [] return flattened_paths_from_group(group, self.tree.getroot(), recursive, group_filter, path_filter, path_conversions) def add_path(self, path, attribs=None, group=None): """Add a new path to the SVG.""" # If not given a parent, assume that the path does not have a group if group is None: group = self.tree.getroot() # If given a list of strings (one or more), assume it represents # a sequence of nested group names elif len(group) > 0 and all(isinstance(elem, str) for elem in group): group = self.get_or_add_group(group) elif not isinstance(group, Element): raise TypeError( 'Must provide a list of strings or an xml.etree.Element ' 'object. Instead you provided {0}'.format(group)) else: # Make sure that the group belongs to this Document object if not self.contains_group(group): warnings.warn('The requested group does not belong to ' 'this Document') # TODO: It might be better to use duck-typing here with a try-except if isinstance(path, Path): path_svg = path.d() elif is_path_segment(path): path_svg = Path(path).d() elif isinstance(path, str): # Assume this is a valid d-string. # TODO: Should we sanity check the input string? path_svg = path else: raise TypeError( 'Must provide a Path, a path segment type, or a valid ' 'SVG path d-string. Instead you provided {0}'.format(path)) if attribs is None: attribs = {} else: attribs = attribs.copy() attribs['d'] = path_svg return SubElement(group, 'path', attribs) def contains_group(self, group): return any(group is owned for owned in self.tree.iter()) def get_group(self, nested_names, name_attr='id'): """Get a group from the tree, or None if the requested group does not exist. Use get_or_add_group(~) if you want a new group to be created if it did not already exist. `nested_names` is a list of strings which represent group names. Each group name will be nested inside of the previous group name. `name_attr` is the group attribute that is being used to represent the group's name. Default is 'id', but some SVGs may contain custom name labels, like 'inkscape:label'. Returns the request group. If the requested group did not exist, this function will return a None value. """ group = self.tree.getroot() # Drill down through the names until we find the desired group while len(nested_names): prev_group = group next_name = nested_names.pop(0) for elem in group.iterfind(SVG_GROUP_TAG, SVG_NAMESPACE): if elem.get(name_attr) == next_name: group = elem break if prev_group is group: # The nested group could not be found, so we return None return None return group def get_or_add_group(self, nested_names, name_attr='id'): """Get a group from the tree, or add a new one with the given name structure. `nested_names` is a list of strings which represent group names. Each group name will be nested inside of the previous group name. `name_attr` is the group attribute that is being used to represent the group's name. Default is 'id', but some SVGs may contain custom name labels, like 'inkscape:label'. Returns the requested group. If the requested group did not exist, this function will create it, as well as all parent groups that it requires. All created groups will be left with blank attributes. """ group = self.tree.getroot() # Drill down through the names until we find the desired group while len(nested_names): prev_group = group next_name = nested_names.pop(0) for elem in group.iterfind(SVG_GROUP_TAG, SVG_NAMESPACE): if elem.get(name_attr) == next_name: group = elem break if prev_group is group: # The group we're looking for does not exist, so let's # create the group structure nested_names.insert(0, next_name) while nested_names: next_name = nested_names.pop(0) group = self.add_group({'id': next_name}, group) # Now nested_names will be empty, so the topmost # while-loop will end return group def add_group(self, group_attribs=None, parent=None): """Add an empty group element to the SVG.""" if parent is None: parent = self.tree.getroot() elif not self.contains_group(parent): warnings.warn('The requested group {0} does not belong to ' 'this Document'.format(parent)) if group_attribs is None: group_attribs = {} else: group_attribs = group_attribs.copy() return SubElement(parent, '{{{0}}}g'.format( SVG_NAMESPACE['svg']), group_attribs) def __repr__(self): return etree.tostring(self.tree.getroot()).decode() def pretty(self, **kwargs): return parseString(repr(self)).toprettyxml(**kwargs) def save(self, filepath, prettify=False, **kwargs): with open(filepath, 'w+') as output_svg: if prettify: output_svg.write(self.pretty(**kwargs)) else: output_svg.write(repr(self)) def display(self, filepath=None): """Displays/opens the doc using the OS's default application.""" if filepath is None: if self.original_filepath is None: # created from empty Document orig_name, ext = 'unnamed', '.svg' else: orig_name, ext = \ os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.original_filepath)) tmp_name = orig_name + '_' + str(time()).replace('.', '-') + ext filepath = os.path.join(gettempdir(), tmp_name) # write to a (by default temporary) file with open(filepath, 'w') as output_svg: output_svg.write(repr(self)) open_in_browser(filepath)