"""(Experimental) replacement for import/export functionality SAX """ # External dependencies from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function import os from xml.etree.ElementTree import iterparse, Element, ElementTree, SubElement # Internal dependencies from .parser import parse_path from .parser import parse_transform from .svg_to_paths import (path2pathd, ellipse2pathd, line2pathd, polyline2pathd, polygon2pathd, rect2pathd) from .misctools import open_in_browser from .path import * # To maintain forward/backward compatibility try: str = basestring except NameError: pass NAME_SVG = "svg" ATTR_VERSION = "version" VALUE_SVG_VERSION = "1.1" ATTR_XMLNS = "xmlns" VALUE_XMLNS = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" ATTR_XMLNS_LINK = "xmlns:xlink" VALUE_XLINK = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" ATTR_XMLNS_EV = "xmlns:ev" VALUE_XMLNS_EV = "http://www.w3.org/2001/xml-events" ATTR_WIDTH = "width" ATTR_HEIGHT = "height" ATTR_VIEWBOX = "viewBox" NAME_PATH = "path" ATTR_DATA = "d" ATTR_FILL = "fill" ATTR_STROKE = "stroke" ATTR_STROKE_WIDTH = "stroke-width" ATTR_TRANSFORM = "transform" VALUE_NONE = "none" class SaxDocument: def __init__(self, filename): """A container for a SAX SVG light tree objects document. This class provides functions for extracting SVG data into Path objects. Args: filename (str): The filename of the SVG file """ self.root_values = {} self.tree = [] # remember location of original svg file if filename is not None and os.path.dirname(filename) == '': self.original_filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), filename) else: self.original_filename = filename if filename is not None: self.sax_parse(filename) def sax_parse(self, filename): self.root_values = {} self.tree = [] stack = [] values = {} matrix = None for event, elem in iterparse(filename, events=('start', 'end')): if event == 'start': stack.append((values, matrix)) if matrix is not None: matrix = matrix.copy() # copy of matrix current_values = values values = {} values.update(current_values) # copy of dictionary attrs = elem.attrib values.update(attrs) name = elem.tag[28:] if "style" in attrs: for equate in attrs["style"].split(";"): equal_item = equate.split(":") values[equal_item[0]] = equal_item[1] if "transform" in attrs: transform_matrix = parse_transform(attrs["transform"]) if matrix is None: matrix = np.identity(3) matrix = transform_matrix.dot(matrix) if "svg" == name: current_values = values values = {} values.update(current_values) self.root_values = current_values continue elif "g" == name: continue elif 'path' == name: values['d'] = path2pathd(values) elif 'circle' == name: values["d"] = ellipse2pathd(values) elif 'ellipse' == name: values["d"] = ellipse2pathd(values) elif 'line' == name: values["d"] = line2pathd(values) elif 'polyline' == name: values["d"] = polyline2pathd(values) elif 'polygon' == name: values["d"] = polygon2pathd(values) elif 'rect' == name: values["d"] = rect2pathd(values) else: continue values["matrix"] = matrix values["name"] = name self.tree.append(values) else: v = stack.pop() values = v[0] matrix = v[1] def flatten_all_paths(self): flat = [] for values in self.tree: pathd = values['d'] matrix = values['matrix'] parsed_path = parse_path(pathd) if matrix is not None: transform(parsed_path, matrix) flat.append(parsed_path) return flat def get_pathd_and_matrix(self): flat = [] for values in self.tree: pathd = values['d'] matrix = values['matrix'] flat.append((pathd, matrix)) return flat def generate_dom(self): root = Element(NAME_SVG) root.set(ATTR_VERSION, VALUE_SVG_VERSION) root.set(ATTR_XMLNS, VALUE_XMLNS) root.set(ATTR_XMLNS_LINK, VALUE_XLINK) root.set(ATTR_XMLNS_EV, VALUE_XMLNS_EV) width = self.root_values.get(ATTR_WIDTH, None) height = self.root_values.get(ATTR_HEIGHT, None) if width is not None: root.set(ATTR_WIDTH, width) if height is not None: root.set(ATTR_HEIGHT, height) viewbox = self.root_values.get(ATTR_VIEWBOX, None) if viewbox is not None: root.set(ATTR_VIEWBOX, viewbox) identity = np.identity(3) for values in self.tree: pathd = values.get('d', '') matrix = values.get('matrix', None) # path_value = parse_path(pathd) path = SubElement(root, NAME_PATH) if matrix is not None and not np.all(np.equal(matrix, identity)): matrix_string = "matrix(" matrix_string += " " matrix_string += str(matrix[0][0]) matrix_string += " " matrix_string += str(matrix[1][0]) matrix_string += " " matrix_string += str(matrix[0][1]) matrix_string += " " matrix_string += str(matrix[1][1]) matrix_string += " " matrix_string += str(matrix[0][2]) matrix_string += " " matrix_string += str(matrix[1][2]) matrix_string += ")" path.set(ATTR_TRANSFORM, matrix_string) if ATTR_DATA in values: path.set(ATTR_DATA, values[ATTR_DATA]) if ATTR_FILL in values: path.set(ATTR_FILL, values[ATTR_FILL]) if ATTR_STROKE in values: path.set(ATTR_STROKE, values[ATTR_STROKE]) return ElementTree(root) def save(self, filename): with open(filename, 'wb') as output_svg: dom_tree = self.generate_dom() dom_tree.write(output_svg) def display(self, filename=None): """Displays/opens the doc using the OS's default application.""" if filename is None: filename = 'display_temp.svg' self.save(filename) open_in_browser(filename)