Iterate on the implementation of the Document class

Michael X. Grey 2018-05-07 18:31:06 -07:00
parent 9370d3f5a2
commit 17d283abe0
1 changed files with 68 additions and 26 deletions

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@ -52,12 +52,15 @@ A Big Problem:
from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function
import os
import xml.etree.cElementTree as etree
import xml.etree.ElementTree.Element as Element
import xml.etree.ElementTree.SubElement as SubElement
# Internal dependencies
from .parser import parse_path
from .svg2paths import (ellipse2pathd, line2pathd, polyline2pathd,
polygon2pathd, rect2pathd)
from .misctools import open_in_browser
from .path import *
# THESE MUST BE WRAPPED TO OUPUT ElementTree.element objects
CONVERSIONS = {'circle': ellipse2pathd,
@ -68,13 +71,21 @@ CONVERSIONS = {'circle': ellipse2pathd,
'rect': rect2pathd}
def flatten_group_transforms(group):
"""Returns a 3x3 matrix which can transform points on a path from a group frame to the root frame"""
if not isinstance(group, Element):
raise TypeError('Must provide an xml.etree.Element object')
class Document:
def __init__(self, filename, conversions=False, transform_paths=True):
"""(EXPERIMENTAL) A container for a DOM-style document.
The `Document` class provides a simple interface to modify and analyze
the path elements in a DOM-style document. The DOM-style document is
parsed into an ElementTree object (stored in the `tree` attribute and
parsed into an ElementTree object (stored in the `tree` attribute) and
all SVG-Path (and, optionally, Path-like) elements are extracted into a
list of svgpathtools Path objects. For more information on "Path-like"
objects, see the below explanation of the `conversions` argument.
@ -110,7 +121,6 @@ class Document:
self._prefix = ''
# etree.register_namespace('', prefix)
self.paths = self._get_paths(conversions)
def get_elements_by_tag(self, tag):
"""Returns a generator of all elements with the given tag.
@ -120,23 +130,6 @@ class Document:
return self.tree.iter(tag=self._prefix + tag)
def _get_paths(self, conversions):
paths = []
# Get d-strings for SVG-Path elements
paths += [el.attrib for el in self.get_elements_by_tag('path')]
d_strings = [el['d'] for el in paths]
attribute_dictionary_list = paths
# Convert path-like elements to d-strings and attribute dicts
if conversions:
for tag, fcn in conversions.items():
attributes = [l.attrib for l in self.get_elements_by_tag(tag)]
d_strings += [fcn(d) for d in attributes]
path_list = [parse_path(d) for d in d_strings]
return path_list
def convert_pathlike_elements_to_paths(self, conversions=CONVERSIONS):
raise NotImplementedError
@ -148,14 +141,63 @@ class Document:
"""To help with backwards compatibility."""
return [p.tree_element.attrib for p in self.paths]
def add(self, path, attribs={}, parent=None):
def add_path(self, path, attribs={}, group=None):
"""Add a new path to the SVG."""
if parent is None:
parent = self.tree.getroot()
# just get root
# then add new path
# then record element_tree object in path
raise NotImplementedError
# If we are not given a parent, assume that the path does not have a group
if group is None:
group = self.tree.getroot()
# If we are given a list of strings (one or more), assume it represents a sequence of nested group names
elif all(isinstance(elem, basestring) for elem in group):
group = self.get_or_add_group(group)
elif not isinstance(group, Element):
raise TypeError('Must provide a list of strings or an xml.etree.Element object')
# TODO: If the user passes in an xml.etree.Element object, should we check to make sure that it actually
# belongs to this Document object?
if isinstance(path, Path):
path_svg = path.d()
elif is_path_segment(path):
path_svg = Path(path).d()
elif isinstance(path, basestring):
# Assume this is a valid d-string TODO: Should we sanity check the input string?
path_svg = path
return SubElement(group, 'path', {'d': path_svg})
def get_or_add_group(self, nested_names):
"""Get a group from the tree, or add a new one with the given name structure.
*nested_names* is a list of strings which represent group names. Each group name will be nested inside of the
previous group name.
Returns the requested group. If the requested group did not exist, this function will create it, as well as all
parent groups that it requires. All created groups will be left with blank attributes.
group = self.tree.getroot()
# Drill down through the names until we find the desired group
while nested_names:
prev_group = group
next_name = nested_names.pop(0)
for elem in group.iter():
if elem.get('id') == next_name:
group = elem
if prev_group is group:
# The group we're looking for does not exist, so let's create the group structure
nested_names.insert(0, next_name)
while nested_names:
next_name = nested_names.pop(0)
group = self.add_group({'id': next_name}, group)
# Now nested_names will be empty, so the topmost while-loop will end
return group
def add_group(self, group_attribs={}, parent=None):
"""Add an empty group element to the SVG."""