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Flattening SVG groups and handling transforms (#55) * Some progress (and added * fixed documentation line-width to be PEP 8 compliant * fixed documentation line-width to be PEP 8 compliant * style changes * made some design changes * Make the Document class available when importing the library * Add a method to parse transform strings * Iterate on the implementation of the Document class * Tweaks to transform parsing implementation * Implementing a depth-first flattening of groups * Finish implementation of flatten_paths * Beginning to write tests for groups * Refactoring flatten_paths() into flatten_all_paths() * Clean up implementation of document classes * Debugging xml namespace behavior -- needs improvement * Improve the way the svg namespace is handled * Print out some paths to see that they're sane * Fix multiplication of numpy matrices -- need to use .dot() instead of operator* * Create a unit test for parsing SVG groups * Return a reference to an element instead of a copied dictionary of attributes * Add a test for <path> elements that contain a 'transform' attribute * minor docstring improvements * got rid of svg2path changes (reverted to master) * updated to match master * Remove accidental paranthesis * Remove unnecessary import * Use a default width and height of 0, as dictated by SVG specs, in case width or height is missing * Expose the CONVERSIONS and CONVERT_ONLY_PATHS constants * Fix the use of some numpy operations * Remove untested functions * Fix add_group() and write tests for adding groups and paths * Update documentation of document module * Add tests for parsing transforms * Update the module name for svg_to_paths * Improve Python3 compatibility * Try to improve compatibility * More tweaks for compatibility
2018-08-22 01:00:29 +00:00
from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function
import unittest
from svgpathtools import *
from os.path import join, dirname
import numpy as np
def get_desired_path(name, paths):
return next(p for p in paths if p.element.get('{some://testuri}name') == name)
def column_vector(values):
input = []
for value in values:
return np.matrix(input)
class TestGroups(unittest.TestCase):
def check_values(self, v, z):
# Check that the components of 2D vector v match the components of complex number z
self.assertAlmostEqual(v[0], z.real)
self.assertAlmostEqual(v[1], z.imag)
def check_line(self, tf, v_s_vals, v_e_relative_vals, name, paths):
# Check that the endpoints of the line have been correctly transformed.
# * tf is the transform that should have been applied.
# * v_s_vals is a 2D list of the values of the line's start point
# * v_e_relative_vals is a 2D list of the values of the line's end point relative to the start point
# * name is the path name (value of the test:name attribute in the SVG document)
# * paths is the output of doc.flatten_all_paths()
v_s = column_vector(v_s_vals)
v_e = v_s + column_vector(v_e_relative_vals)
actual = get_desired_path(name, paths)
self.check_values(, actual.path.start)
self.check_values(, actual.path.end)
def test_group_flatten(self):
# Test the Document.flatten_all_paths() function against the groups.svg test file.
# There are 12 paths in that file, with various levels of being nested inside of group transforms.
# The check_line function is used to reduce the boilerplate, since all the tests are very similar.
# This test covers each of the different types of transforms that are specified by the SVG standard.
doc = Document(join(dirname(__file__), 'groups.svg'))
result = doc.flatten_all_paths()
self.assertEqual(12, len(result))
tf_matrix_group = np.matrix([[1.5, 0.0, -40.0], [0.0, 0.5, 20.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])
[183, 183], [0.0, -50],
'path00', result)
tf_scale_group = np.matrix([[1.25, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.25, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])
[122, 320], [-50.0, 0.0],
'path01', result)
[150, 200], [-50, 25],
'path02', result)
[150, 200], [-50, 25],
'path03', result)
tf_nested_translate_group = np.matrix([[1, 0, 20], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
[150, 200], [-50, 25],
'path04', result)
tf_nested_translate_xy_group = np.matrix([[1, 0, 20], [0, 1, 30], [0, 0, 1]])
[150, 200], [-50, 25],
'path05', result)
tf_scale_xy_group = np.matrix([[0.5, 0, 0], [0, 1.5, 0.0], [0, 0, 1]])
[122, 320], [-50, 0],
'path06', result)
a_07 = 20.0*np.pi/180.0
tf_rotate_group = np.matrix([[np.cos(a_07), -np.sin(a_07), 0],
[np.sin(a_07), np.cos(a_07), 0],
[0, 0, 1]])
[183, 183], [0, 30],
'path07', result)
a_08 = 45.0*np.pi/180.0
tf_rotate_xy_group_R = np.matrix([[np.cos(a_08), -np.sin(a_08), 0],
[np.sin(a_08), np.cos(a_08), 0],
[0, 0, 1]])
tf_rotate_xy_group_T = np.matrix([[1, 0, 183], [0, 1, 183], [0, 0, 1]])
tf_rotate_xy_group =
[183, 183], [0, 30],
'path08', result)
a_09 = 5.0*np.pi/180.0
tf_skew_x_group = np.matrix([[1, np.tan(a_09), 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
[183, 183], [40, 40],
'path09', result)
a_10 = 5.0*np.pi/180.0
tf_skew_y_group = np.matrix([[1, 0, 0], [np.tan(a_10), 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
[183, 183], [40, 40],
'path10', result)
# This last test is for handling transforms that are defined as attributes of a <path> element.
a_11 = -40*np.pi/180.0
tf_path11_R = np.matrix([[np.cos(a_11), -np.sin(a_11), 0],
[np.sin(a_11), np.cos(a_11), 0],
[0, 0, 1]])
tf_path11_T = np.matrix([[1, 0, 100], [0, 1, 100], [0, 0, 1]])
tf_path11 =
[180, 20], [-70, 80],
'path11', result)
def check_group_count(self, doc, expected_count):
count = 0
for group in doc.tree.getroot().iter('{{{0}}}g'.format(SVG_NAMESPACE['svg'])):
count += 1
self.assertEqual(expected_count, count)
def test_add_group(self):
# Test the Document.add_group() function and related Document functions.
doc = Document(None)
self.check_group_count(doc, 0)
base_group = doc.add_group()
base_group.set('id', 'base_group')
self.check_group_count(doc, 1)
child_group = doc.add_group(parent=base_group)
child_group.set('id', 'child_group')
self.check_group_count(doc, 2)
grandchild_group = doc.add_group(parent=child_group)
grandchild_group.set('id', 'grandchild_group')
self.check_group_count(doc, 3)
sibling_group = doc.add_group(parent=base_group)
sibling_group.set('id', 'sibling_group')
self.check_group_count(doc, 4)
# Test that we can retrieve each new group from the document
self.assertEqual(base_group, doc.get_or_add_group(['base_group']))
self.assertEqual(child_group, doc.get_or_add_group(['base_group', 'child_group']))
self.assertEqual(grandchild_group, doc.get_or_add_group(['base_group', 'child_group', 'grandchild_group']))
self.assertEqual(sibling_group, doc.get_or_add_group(['base_group', 'sibling_group']))
# Create a new nested group
new_child = doc.get_or_add_group(['base_group', 'new_parent', 'new_child'])
self.check_group_count(doc, 6)
self.assertEqual(new_child, doc.get_or_add_group(['base_group', 'new_parent', 'new_child']))
new_leaf = doc.get_or_add_group(['base_group', 'new_parent', 'new_child', 'new_leaf'])
self.assertEqual(new_leaf, doc.get_or_add_group(['base_group', 'new_parent', 'new_child', 'new_leaf']))
self.check_group_count(doc, 7)
path_d = 'M 206.07112,858.41289 L 206.07112,-2.02031 C -50.738,-81.14814 -20.36402,-105.87055 ' \
'52.52793,-101.01525 L 103.03556,0.0 L 0.0,111.11678'
svg_path = doc.add_path(path_d, group=new_leaf)
self.assertEqual(path_d, svg_path.get('d'))
path = parse_path(path_d)
svg_path = doc.add_path(path, group=new_leaf)
self.assertEqual(path_d, svg_path.get('d'))