prettify svg2paths docstring (Google style)

Andy 2017-04-23 01:12:12 -07:00
parent 900d5ba93b
commit aa02116e87
1 changed files with 20 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -84,23 +84,29 @@ def svg2paths(svg_file_location,
"""Converts an SVG into a list of Path objects and attribute dictionaries.
Converts an SVG file into a list of Path objects and a list of
dictionaries containing their attributes. This currently supports
SVG Path, Line, Polyline, Polygon, Circle, and Ellipse elements.
:param svg_file_location: the location of the svg file
:param convert_lines_to_paths: Set to False to disclude SVG-Line objects
svg_file_location (string): the location of the svg file
convert_lines_to_paths (bool): Set to False to disclude SVG-Line objects
(converted to Paths)
:param convert_polylines_to_paths: Set to False to disclude SVG-Polyline
convert_polylines_to_paths (bool): Set to False to disclude SVG-Polyline
objects (converted to Paths)
:param convert_polygons_to_paths: Set to False to disclude SVG-Polygon
convert_polygons_to_paths (bool): Set to False to disclude SVG-Polygon
objects (converted to Paths)
:param return_svg_attributes: Set to True and a dictionary of
return_svg_attributes (bool): Set to True and a dictionary of
svg-attributes will be extracted and returned
:param convert_ellipses_to_paths: Set to False to disclude SVG-Ellipse
convert_ellipses_to_paths (bool): Set to False to disclude SVG-Ellipse
objects (converted to Paths). Circles are treated as ellipses.
:return: list of Path objects, list of path attribute dictionaries, and
(optionally) a dictionary of svg-attributes
list: The list of Path objects.
list: The list of corresponding path attribute dictionaries.
dict (optional): A dictionary ofsvg-attributes.
if os_path.dirname(svg_file_location) == '':
svg_file_location = os_path.join(getcwd(), svg_file_location)