
1222 lines
112 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
!_TAG_FILE_FORMAT 2 /extended format; --format=1 will not append ;" to lines/
!_TAG_FILE_SORTED 1 /0=unsorted, 1=sorted, 2=foldcase/
!_TAG_PROGRAM_AUTHOR Darren Hiebert /
!_TAG_PROGRAM_NAME Exuberant Ctags //
!_TAG_PROGRAM_URL /official site/
ATTR_DATA build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ATTR_DATA = "d"$/;" v
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
ATTR_DATA svgpathtools/ /^ATTR_DATA = "d"$/;" v
ATTR_FILL build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ATTR_FILL = "fill"$/;" v
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
ATTR_FILL svgpathtools/ /^ATTR_FILL = "fill"$/;" v
ATTR_HEIGHT build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ATTR_HEIGHT = "height"$/;" v
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
ATTR_HEIGHT svgpathtools/ /^ATTR_HEIGHT = "height"$/;" v
ATTR_STROKE build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ATTR_STROKE = "stroke"$/;" v
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
ATTR_STROKE svgpathtools/ /^ATTR_STROKE = "stroke"$/;" v
ATTR_STROKE_WIDTH build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ATTR_STROKE_WIDTH = "stroke-width"$/;" v
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
ATTR_STROKE_WIDTH svgpathtools/ /^ATTR_STROKE_WIDTH = "stroke-width"$/;" v
ATTR_TRANSFORM build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ATTR_TRANSFORM = "transform"$/;" v
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
ATTR_TRANSFORM svgpathtools/ /^ATTR_TRANSFORM = "transform"$/;" v
ATTR_VERSION build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ATTR_VERSION = "version"$/;" v
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
ATTR_VERSION svgpathtools/ /^ATTR_VERSION = "version"$/;" v
ATTR_VIEWBOX build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ATTR_VIEWBOX = "viewBox"$/;" v
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
ATTR_VIEWBOX svgpathtools/ /^ATTR_VIEWBOX = "viewBox"$/;" v
ATTR_WIDTH build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ATTR_WIDTH = "width"$/;" v
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
ATTR_WIDTH svgpathtools/ /^ATTR_WIDTH = "width"$/;" v
ATTR_XMLNS build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ATTR_XMLNS = "xmlns"$/;" v
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
ATTR_XMLNS svgpathtools/ /^ATTR_XMLNS = "xmlns"$/;" v
ATTR_XMLNS_EV build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ATTR_XMLNS_EV = "xmlns:ev"$/;" v
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
ATTR_XMLNS_EV svgpathtools/ /^ATTR_XMLNS_EV = "xmlns:ev"$/;" v
ATTR_XMLNS_LINK build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ATTR_XMLNS_LINK = "xmlns:xlink"$/;" v
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
ATTR_XMLNS_LINK svgpathtools/ /^ATTR_XMLNS_LINK = "xmlns:xlink"$/;" v
AUTHOR_NAME /^AUTHOR_NAME = 'Andy Port'$/;" v
ApproxSolutionSet build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^class ApproxSolutionSet(list):$/;" c
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
ApproxSolutionSet svgpathtools/ /^class ApproxSolutionSet(list):$/;" c
Arc build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .path import (Path, Line, QuadraticBezier, CubicBezier, Arc,$/;" i
Arc build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^class Arc(object):$/;" c
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
Arc svgpathtools/ /^from .path import (Path, Line, QuadraticBezier, CubicBezier, Arc,$/;" i
Arc svgpathtools/ /^class Arc(object):$/;" c
ArcTest test/ /^class ArcTest(unittest.TestCase):$/;" c
BPair build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^class BPair(object):$/;" c
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
BPair svgpathtools/ /^class BPair(object):$/;" c
BugException build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^BugException = Exception("This code should never be reached. You've found a "$/;" v
BugException build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .misctools import BugException$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
BugException svgpathtools/ /^BugException = Exception("This code should never be reached. You've found a "$/;" v
BugException svgpathtools/ /^from .misctools import BugException$/;" i
CLOSED_WARNING_ON build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^CLOSED_WARNING_ON = True$/;" v
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
CLOSED_WARNING_ON svgpathtools/ /^CLOSED_WARNING_ON = True$/;" v
COMMANDS build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^COMMANDS = set('MmZzLlHhVvCcSsQqTtAa')$/;" v
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
COMMANDS svgpathtools/ /^COMMANDS = set('MmZzLlHhVvCcSsQqTtAa')$/;" v
COMMAND_RE build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^COMMAND_RE = re.compile("([MmZzLlHhVvCcSsQqTtAa])")$/;" v
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
COMMAND_RE svgpathtools/ /^COMMAND_RE = re.compile("([MmZzLlHhVvCcSsQqTtAa])")$/;" v
CONVERSIONS build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .document import (Document, CONVERSIONS, CONVERT_ONLY_PATHS,$/;" i
CONVERSIONS build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^CONVERSIONS = {'path': path2pathd,$/;" v
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
CONVERSIONS svgpathtools/ /^from .document import (Document, CONVERSIONS, CONVERT_ONLY_PATHS,$/;" i
CONVERSIONS svgpathtools/ /^CONVERSIONS = {'path': path2pathd,$/;" v
CONVERT_ONLY_PATHS build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .document import (Document, CONVERSIONS, CONVERT_ONLY_PATHS,$/;" i
CONVERT_ONLY_PATHS build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^CONVERT_ONLY_PATHS = {'path': path2pathd}$/;" v
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
CONVERT_ONLY_PATHS svgpathtools/ /^from .document import (Document, CONVERSIONS, CONVERT_ONLY_PATHS,$/;" i
CONVERT_ONLY_PATHS svgpathtools/ /^CONVERT_ONLY_PATHS = {'path': path2pathd}$/;" v
COORD_PAIR_TMPLT build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^COORD_PAIR_TMPLT = re.compile($/;" v
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
COORD_PAIR_TMPLT svgpathtools/ /^COORD_PAIR_TMPLT = re.compile($/;" v
CubicBezier build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .path import (Path, Line, QuadraticBezier, CubicBezier, Arc,$/;" i
CubicBezier build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^class CubicBezier(object):$/;" c
CubicBezier build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .path import Path, CubicBezier, Line$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
CubicBezier svgpathtools/ /^from .path import (Path, Line, QuadraticBezier, CubicBezier, Arc,$/;" i
CubicBezier svgpathtools/ /^class CubicBezier(object):$/;" c
CubicBezier svgpathtools/ /^from .path import Path, CubicBezier, Line$/;" i
CubicBezierTest test/ /^class CubicBezierTest(unittest.TestCase):$/;" c
Document build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .document import (Document, CONVERSIONS, CONVERT_ONLY_PATHS,$/;" i
Document build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^class Document:$/;" c
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
Document svgpathtools/ /^from .document import (Document, CONVERSIONS, CONVERT_ONLY_PATHS,$/;" i
Document svgpathtools/ /^class Document:$/;" c
Drawing build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from svgwrite import Drawing, text as txt$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
Drawing svgpathtools/ /^from svgwrite import Drawing, text as txt$/;" i
Element build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element, SubElement, register_namespace$/;" i
Element build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from xml.etree.ElementTree import iterparse, Element, ElementTree, SubElement$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
Element svgpathtools/ /^from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element, SubElement, register_namespace$/;" i
Element svgpathtools/ /^from xml.etree.ElementTree import iterparse, Element, ElementTree, SubElement$/;" i
ElementTree build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from xml.etree.ElementTree import iterparse, Element, ElementTree, SubElement$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
ElementTree svgpathtools/ /^from xml.etree.ElementTree import iterparse, Element, ElementTree, SubElement$/;" i
FLOAT_RE build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^FLOAT_RE = re.compile("[-+]?[0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?")$/;" v
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
FLOAT_RE svgpathtools/ /^FLOAT_RE = re.compile("[-+]?[0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?")$/;" v
HigherOrderBezier examples/ /^class HigherOrderBezier:$/;" c
HigherOrderBezier test/ /^class HigherOrderBezier:$/;" c
ILENGTH_ERROR build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ILENGTH_ERROR = 1e-12$/;" v
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
ILENGTH_ERROR svgpathtools/ /^ILENGTH_ERROR = 1e-12$/;" v
ILENGTH_MAXITS build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ILENGTH_MAXITS = 10000$/;" v
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
ILENGTH_MAXITS svgpathtools/ /^ILENGTH_MAXITS = 10000$/;" v
ILENGTH_MIN_DEPTH build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ILENGTH_MIN_DEPTH = 5$/;" v
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
ILENGTH_MIN_DEPTH svgpathtools/ /^ILENGTH_MIN_DEPTH = 5$/;" v
ILENGTH_S_TOL build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ILENGTH_S_TOL = 1e-12$/;" v
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
ILENGTH_S_TOL svgpathtools/ /^ILENGTH_S_TOL = 1e-12$/;" v
LENGTH_ERROR build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^LENGTH_ERROR = 1e-12$/;" v
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
LENGTH_ERROR svgpathtools/ /^LENGTH_ERROR = 1e-12$/;" v
LENGTH_MIN_DEPTH build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^LENGTH_MIN_DEPTH = 5$/;" v
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
LENGTH_MIN_DEPTH svgpathtools/ /^LENGTH_MIN_DEPTH = 5$/;" v
Line build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .path import (Path, Line, QuadraticBezier, CubicBezier, Arc,$/;" i
Line build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^class Line(object):$/;" c
Line build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .path import Path, Line, is_path_segment$/;" i
Line build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .path import Path, CubicBezier, Line$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
Line svgpathtools/ /^from .path import (Path, Line, QuadraticBezier, CubicBezier, Arc,$/;" i
Line svgpathtools/ /^class Line(object):$/;" c
Line svgpathtools/ /^from .path import Path, Line, is_path_segment$/;" i
Line svgpathtools/ /^from .path import Path, CubicBezier, Line$/;" i
LineTest test/ /^class LineTest(unittest.TestCase):$/;" c
MutableSequence build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ from collections import MutableSequence # noqa$/;" i
MutableSequence build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ from import MutableSequence # noqa$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
MutableSequence svgpathtools/ /^ from collections import MutableSequence # noqa$/;" i
MutableSequence svgpathtools/ /^ from import MutableSequence # noqa$/;" i
NAME_PATH build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^NAME_PATH = "path"$/;" v
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
NAME_PATH svgpathtools/ /^NAME_PATH = "path"$/;" v
NAME_SVG build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^NAME_SVG = "svg"$/;" v
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
NAME_SVG svgpathtools/ /^NAME_SVG = "svg"$/;" v
Path build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .path import (Path, Line, QuadraticBezier, CubicBezier, Arc,$/;" i
Path build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .path import Path$/;" i
Path build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^class Path(MutableSequence):$/;" c
Path build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .path import Path, Line, is_path_segment$/;" i
Path build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .path import Path, CubicBezier, Line$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
Path svgpathtools/ /^from .path import (Path, Line, QuadraticBezier, CubicBezier, Arc,$/;" i
Path svgpathtools/ /^from .path import Path$/;" i
Path svgpathtools/ /^class Path(MutableSequence):$/;" c
Path svgpathtools/ /^from .path import Path, Line, is_path_segment$/;" i
Path svgpathtools/ /^from .path import Path, CubicBezier, Line$/;" i
QuadraticBezier build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .path import (Path, Line, QuadraticBezier, CubicBezier, Arc,$/;" i
QuadraticBezier build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^class QuadraticBezier(object):$/;" c
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
QuadraticBezier svgpathtools/ /^from .path import (Path, Line, QuadraticBezier, CubicBezier, Arc,$/;" i
QuadraticBezier svgpathtools/ /^class QuadraticBezier(object):$/;" c
QuadraticBezierTest test/ /^class QuadraticBezierTest(unittest.TestCase):$/;" c
SVG_GROUP_TAG build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^SVG_GROUP_TAG = 'svg:g'$/;" v
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
SVG_GROUP_TAG svgpathtools/ /^SVG_GROUP_TAG = 'svg:g'$/;" v
SVG_NAMESPACE build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^SVG_NAMESPACE = {'svg': 'http:\/\/\/2000\/svg'}$/;" v
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
SVG_NAMESPACE svgpathtools/ /^SVG_NAMESPACE = {'svg': 'http:\/\/\/2000\/svg'}$/;" v
SaxDocument build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .svg_io_sax import SaxDocument$/;" i
SaxDocument build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^class SaxDocument:$/;" c
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
SaxDocument svgpathtools/ /^from .svg_io_sax import SaxDocument$/;" i
SaxDocument svgpathtools/ /^class SaxDocument:$/;" c
SubElement build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element, SubElement, register_namespace$/;" i
SubElement build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from xml.etree.ElementTree import iterparse, Element, ElementTree, SubElement$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
SubElement svgpathtools/ /^from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element, SubElement, register_namespace$/;" i
SubElement svgpathtools/ /^from xml.etree.ElementTree import iterparse, Element, ElementTree, SubElement$/;" i
T1 examples/ /^T1 = path1.radialrange(pt2)[0][1]$/;" v
T2 examples/ /^T2 = fminbound(dist, 0, 1)$/;" v
T2t build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def T2t(self, T):$/;" m class:Path
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
T2t svgpathtools/ /^ def T2t(self, T):$/;" m class:Path
TestBezier2Polynomial test/ /^class TestBezier2Polynomial(unittest.TestCase):$/;" c
TestGeneration test/ /^class TestGeneration(unittest.TestCase):$/;" c
TestGroups test/ /^class TestGroups(unittest.TestCase):$/;" c
TestParser test/ /^class TestParser(unittest.TestCase):$/;" c
TestPath test/ /^class TestPath(unittest.TestCase):$/;" c
TestPathTools test/ /^class TestPathTools(unittest.TestCase):$/;" c
TestPolynomial2Bezier test/ /^class TestPolynomial2Bezier(unittest.TestCase):$/;" c
TestSVG2Paths test/ /^class TestSVG2Paths(unittest.TestCase):$/;" c
TestSaxGroups test/ /^class TestSaxGroups(unittest.TestCase):$/;" c
Test_ilength test/ /^class Test_ilength(unittest.TestCase):$/;" c
Test_intersect test/ /^class Test_intersect(unittest.TestCase):$/;" c
Test_polytools test/ /^class Test_polytools(unittest.TestCase):$/;" c
UPPERCASE build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^UPPERCASE = set('MZLHVCSQTA')$/;" v
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
UPPERCASE svgpathtools/ /^UPPERCASE = set('MZLHVCSQTA')$/;" v
USE_SCIPY_QUAD build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^USE_SCIPY_QUAD = True # for elliptic Arc segment arc length computation$/;" v
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
USE_SCIPY_QUAD svgpathtools/ /^USE_SCIPY_QUAD = True # for elliptic Arc segment arc length computation$/;" v
VALUE_NONE build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^VALUE_NONE = "none"$/;" v
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
VALUE_NONE svgpathtools/ /^VALUE_NONE = "none"$/;" v
VALUE_SVG_VERSION build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^VALUE_SVG_VERSION = "1.1"$/;" v
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
VALUE_SVG_VERSION svgpathtools/ /^VALUE_SVG_VERSION = "1.1"$/;" v
VALUE_XLINK build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^VALUE_XLINK = "http:\/\/\/1999\/xlink"$/;" v
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
VALUE_XLINK svgpathtools/ /^VALUE_XLINK = "http:\/\/\/1999\/xlink"$/;" v
VALUE_XMLNS build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^VALUE_XMLNS = "http:\/\/\/2000\/svg"$/;" v
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
VALUE_XMLNS svgpathtools/ /^VALUE_XMLNS = "http:\/\/\/2000\/svg"$/;" v
VALUE_XMLNS_EV build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^VALUE_XMLNS_EV = "http:\/\/\/2001\/xml-events"$/;" v
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
VALUE_XMLNS_EV svgpathtools/ /^VALUE_XMLNS_EV = "http:\/\/\/2001\/xml-events"$/;" v
VERSION /^VERSION = '1.4.1'$/;" v
_NotImplemented4ArcException build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ Exception("This method has not yet been implemented for Arc objects.")$/;" v
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
_NotImplemented4ArcException svgpathtools/ /^ Exception("This method has not yet been implemented for Arc objects.")$/;" v
_NotImplemented4ArcException test/ /^from svgpathtools.path import _NotImplemented4ArcException, bezier_radialrange$/;" i
__contains__ build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def __contains__(self, x):$/;" m class:ApproxSolutionSet file:
__contains__ build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def __contains__(self, x):$/;" m class:Path file:
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
__contains__ svgpathtools/ /^ def __contains__(self, x):$/;" m class:ApproxSolutionSet file:
__contains__ svgpathtools/ /^ def __contains__(self, x):$/;" m class:Path file:
__delitem__ build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def __delitem__(self, index):$/;" m class:Path file:
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
__delitem__ svgpathtools/ /^ def __delitem__(self, index):$/;" m class:Path file:
__eq__ build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def __eq__(self, other):$/;" m class:Arc file:
__eq__ build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def __eq__(self, other):$/;" m class:CubicBezier file:
__eq__ build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def __eq__(self, other):$/;" m class:Line file:
__eq__ build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def __eq__(self, other):$/;" m class:Path file:
__eq__ build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def __eq__(self, other):$/;" m class:QuadraticBezier file:
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
__eq__ svgpathtools/ /^ def __eq__(self, other):$/;" m class:Arc file:
__eq__ svgpathtools/ /^ def __eq__(self, other):$/;" m class:CubicBezier file:
__eq__ svgpathtools/ /^ def __eq__(self, other):$/;" m class:Line file:
__eq__ svgpathtools/ /^ def __eq__(self, other):$/;" m class:Path file:
__eq__ svgpathtools/ /^ def __eq__(self, other):$/;" m class:QuadraticBezier file:
__getitem__ build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def __getitem__(self, index):$/;" m class:Path file:
__getitem__ build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def __getitem__(self, item):$/;" m class:CubicBezier file:
__getitem__ build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def __getitem__(self, item):$/;" m class:Line file:
__getitem__ build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def __getitem__(self, item):$/;" m class:QuadraticBezier file:
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
__getitem__ svgpathtools/ /^ def __getitem__(self, index):$/;" m class:Path file:
__getitem__ svgpathtools/ /^ def __getitem__(self, item):$/;" m class:CubicBezier file:
__getitem__ svgpathtools/ /^ def __getitem__(self, item):$/;" m class:Line file:
__getitem__ svgpathtools/ /^ def __getitem__(self, item):$/;" m class:QuadraticBezier file:
__hash__ build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def __hash__(self):$/;" m class:Arc file:
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
__hash__ svgpathtools/ /^ def __hash__(self):$/;" m class:Arc file:
__init__ build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def __init__(self, bez1, bez2, t1, t2):$/;" m class:BPair
__init__ build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def __init__(self, tol):$/;" m class:ApproxSolutionSet
__init__ build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def __init__(self, filepath=None):$/;" m class:Document
__init__ build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def __init__(self, *segments, **kw):$/;" m class:Path
__init__ build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def __init__(self, start, control, end):$/;" m class:QuadraticBezier
__init__ build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def __init__(self, start, control1, control2, end):$/;" m class:CubicBezier
__init__ build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def __init__(self, start, end):$/;" m class:Line
__init__ build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def __init__(self, start, radius, rotation, large_arc, sweep, end,$/;" m class:Arc
__init__ build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def __init__(self, filename):$/;" m class:SaxDocument
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
__init__ examples/ /^ def __init__(self, bpoints):$/;" m class:HigherOrderBezier
__init__ svgpathtools/ /^ def __init__(self, bez1, bez2, t1, t2):$/;" m class:BPair
__init__ svgpathtools/ /^ def __init__(self, tol):$/;" m class:ApproxSolutionSet
__init__ svgpathtools/ /^ def __init__(self, filepath=None):$/;" m class:Document
__init__ svgpathtools/ /^ def __init__(self, *segments, **kw):$/;" m class:Path
__init__ svgpathtools/ /^ def __init__(self, start, control, end):$/;" m class:QuadraticBezier
__init__ svgpathtools/ /^ def __init__(self, start, control1, control2, end):$/;" m class:CubicBezier
__init__ svgpathtools/ /^ def __init__(self, start, end):$/;" m class:Line
__init__ svgpathtools/ /^ def __init__(self, start, radius, rotation, large_arc, sweep, end,$/;" m class:Arc
__init__ svgpathtools/ /^ def __init__(self, filename):$/;" m class:SaxDocument
__init__ test/ /^ def __init__(self, bpoints):$/;" m class:HigherOrderBezier
__iter__ build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def __iter__(self):$/;" m class:Path file:
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
__iter__ svgpathtools/ /^ def __iter__(self):$/;" m class:Path file:
__len__ build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def __len__(self):$/;" m class:CubicBezier file:
__len__ build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def __len__(self):$/;" m class:Line file:
__len__ build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def __len__(self):$/;" m class:Path file:
__len__ build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def __len__(self):$/;" m class:QuadraticBezier file:
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
__len__ svgpathtools/ /^ def __len__(self):$/;" m class:CubicBezier file:
__len__ svgpathtools/ /^ def __len__(self):$/;" m class:Line file:
__len__ svgpathtools/ /^ def __len__(self):$/;" m class:Path file:
__len__ svgpathtools/ /^ def __len__(self):$/;" m class:QuadraticBezier file:
__ne__ build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def __ne__(self, other):$/;" m class:Arc file:
__ne__ build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def __ne__(self, other):$/;" m class:CubicBezier file:
__ne__ build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def __ne__(self, other):$/;" m class:Line file:
__ne__ build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def __ne__(self, other):$/;" m class:Path file:
__ne__ build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def __ne__(self, other):$/;" m class:QuadraticBezier file:
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
__ne__ svgpathtools/ /^ def __ne__(self, other):$/;" m class:Arc file:
__ne__ svgpathtools/ /^ def __ne__(self, other):$/;" m class:CubicBezier file:
__ne__ svgpathtools/ /^ def __ne__(self, other):$/;" m class:Line file:
__ne__ svgpathtools/ /^ def __ne__(self, other):$/;" m class:Path file:
__ne__ svgpathtools/ /^ def __ne__(self, other):$/;" m class:QuadraticBezier file:
__repr__ build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def __repr__(self):$/;" m class:Document file:
__repr__ build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def __repr__(self):$/;" m class:Arc file:
__repr__ build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def __repr__(self):$/;" m class:CubicBezier file:
__repr__ build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def __repr__(self):$/;" m class:Line file:
__repr__ build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def __repr__(self):$/;" m class:Path file:
__repr__ build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def __repr__(self):$/;" m class:QuadraticBezier file:
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
__repr__ examples/ /^ def __repr__(self):$/;" m class:HigherOrderBezier file:
__repr__ svgpathtools/ /^ def __repr__(self):$/;" m class:Document file:
__repr__ svgpathtools/ /^ def __repr__(self):$/;" m class:Arc file:
__repr__ svgpathtools/ /^ def __repr__(self):$/;" m class:CubicBezier file:
__repr__ svgpathtools/ /^ def __repr__(self):$/;" m class:Line file:
__repr__ svgpathtools/ /^ def __repr__(self):$/;" m class:Path file:
__repr__ svgpathtools/ /^ def __repr__(self):$/;" m class:QuadraticBezier file:
__repr__ test/ /^ def __repr__(self):$/;" m class:HigherOrderBezier file:
__setitem__ build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def __setitem__(self, index, value):$/;" m class:Path file:
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
__setitem__ svgpathtools/ /^ def __setitem__(self, index, value):$/;" m class:Path file:
_calc_lengths build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def _calc_lengths(self, error=LENGTH_ERROR, min_depth=LENGTH_MIN_DEPTH):$/;" m class:Path
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
_calc_lengths svgpathtools/ /^ def _calc_lengths(self, error=LENGTH_ERROR, min_depth=LENGTH_MIN_DEPTH):$/;" m class:Path
_check_num_parsed_values build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def _check_num_parsed_values(values, allowed):$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
_check_num_parsed_values svgpathtools/ /^def _check_num_parsed_values(values, allowed):$/;" f
_closed build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ _closed = False$/;" v class:Path
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
_closed svgpathtools/ /^ _closed = False$/;" v class:Path
_deg build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def _deg(rads, domain_lower_limit):$/;" f function:Arc.phase2t
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
_deg svgpathtools/ /^ def _deg(rads, domain_lower_limit):$/;" f function:Arc.phase2t
_end build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ _end = None$/;" v class:Path
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
_end svgpathtools/ /^ _end = None$/;" v class:Path
_is_closable build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def _is_closable(self):$/;" m class:Path
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
_is_closable svgpathtools/ /^ def _is_closable(self):$/;" m class:Path
_is_smooth_from_warning build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ ("The name of this method is somewhat misleading (yet kept for "$/;" v
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
_is_smooth_from_warning svgpathtools/ /^ ("The name of this method is somewhat misleading (yet kept for "$/;" v
_length_info build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ _length_info = {'length': None, 'bpoints': None, 'error': None,$/;" v class:CubicBezier
_length_info build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ _length_info = {'length': None, 'bpoints': None}$/;" v class:QuadraticBezier
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
_length_info svgpathtools/ /^ _length_info = {'length': None, 'bpoints': None, 'error': None,$/;" v class:CubicBezier
_length_info svgpathtools/ /^ _length_info = {'length': None, 'bpoints': None}$/;" v class:QuadraticBezier
_parameterize build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def _parameterize(self):$/;" m class:Arc
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
_parameterize svgpathtools/ /^ def _parameterize(self):$/;" m class:Arc
_parse_path build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def _parse_path(self, pathdef, current_pos=0j, tree_element=None):$/;" m class:Path
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
_parse_path svgpathtools/ /^ def _parse_path(self, pathdef, current_pos=0j, tree_element=None):$/;" m class:Path
_parse_transform_substr build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def _parse_transform_substr(transform_substr):$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
_parse_transform_substr svgpathtools/ /^def _parse_transform_substr(transform_substr):$/;" f
_quad_available build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ _quad_available = False$/;" v
_quad_available build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ _quad_available = True$/;" v
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
_quad_available svgpathtools/ /^ _quad_available = False$/;" v
_quad_available svgpathtools/ /^ _quad_available = True$/;" v
_radius build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def _radius(tau):$/;" f function:bezier_radialrange
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
_radius svgpathtools/ /^ def _radius(tau):$/;" f function:bezier_radialrange
_report_unfixable_kinks build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def _report_unfixable_kinks(_path, _kink_list):$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
_report_unfixable_kinks svgpathtools/ /^def _report_unfixable_kinks(_path, _kink_list):$/;" f
_scale build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def _scale(z):$/;" f function:scale
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
_scale svgpathtools/ /^ def _scale(z):$/;" f function:scale
_start build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ _start = None$/;" v class:Path
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
_start svgpathtools/ /^ _start = None$/;" v class:Path
_tokenize_path build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def _tokenize_path(self, pathdef):$/;" m class:Path
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
_tokenize_path svgpathtools/ /^ def _tokenize_path(self, pathdef):$/;" m class:Path
absolute_import build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
absolute_import build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
absolute_import build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
absolute_import build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
absolute_import build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
absolute_import build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
absolute_import build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import$/;" i
absolute_import build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
absolute_import build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
absolute_import build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
absolute_import svgpathtools/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
absolute_import svgpathtools/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
absolute_import svgpathtools/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
absolute_import svgpathtools/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
absolute_import svgpathtools/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
absolute_import svgpathtools/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
absolute_import svgpathtools/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import$/;" i
absolute_import svgpathtools/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
absolute_import svgpathtools/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
absolute_import svgpathtools/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
absolute_import test/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
absolute_import test/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
absolute_import test/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
absolute_import test/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
absolute_import test/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
absolute_import test/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
absolute_import test/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
absolute_import test/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
acos build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from math import sqrt, cos, sin, acos, asin, degrees, radians, log, pi, ceil$/;" i
acos svgpathtools/ /^ degrees, radians, log, pi, ceil$/;" i
add_group build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def add_group(self, group_attribs=None, parent=None):$/;" m class:Document
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
add_group svgpathtools/ /^ def add_group(self, group_attribs=None, parent=None):$/;" m class:Document
add_path build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def add_path(self, path, attribs=None, group=None):$/;" m class:Document
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
add_path svgpathtools/ /^ def add_path(self, path, attribs=None, group=None):$/;" m class:Document
angle_inv build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def angle_inv(ang, k): # inverse of angle from Arc.derivative()$/;" f function:Arc.bbox
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
angle_inv svgpathtools/ /^ def angle_inv(ang, k): # inverse of angle from Arc.derivative()$/;" f function:Arc.bbox
appadd build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def appadd(self, pt):$/;" m class:ApproxSolutionSet
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
appadd svgpathtools/ /^ def appadd(self, pt):$/;" m class:ApproxSolutionSet
approximate_arcs_with_cubics svgpathtools/ /^ def approximate_arcs_with_cubics(self, error=0.1):$/;" m class:Path
approximate_arcs_with_quads svgpathtools/ /^ def approximate_arcs_with_quads(self, error=0.1):$/;" m class:Path
area build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def area(self, chord_length=1e-4):$/;" m class:Path
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
area svgpathtools/ /^ def area(self, chord_length=1e-4):$/;" m class:Path
area_without_arcs build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def area_without_arcs(path):$/;" f function:Path.area
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
area_without_arcs svgpathtools/ /^ def area_without_arcs(path):$/;" f function:Path.area
as_cubic_curves svgpathtools/ /^ def as_cubic_curves(self, curves=1):$/;" m class:Arc
as_quad_curves svgpathtools/ /^ def as_quad_curves(self, curves=1):$/;" m class:Arc
asin build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from math import sqrt, cos, sin, acos, asin, degrees, radians, log, pi, ceil$/;" i
asin svgpathtools/ /^ degrees, radians, log, pi, ceil$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
assert_intersections test/ /^def assert_intersections(a_seg, b_seg, intersections, count):$/;" f
atan build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ from math import atan, tan$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
atan svgpathtools/ /^ from math import atan, tan$/;" i
author /^ author=AUTHOR_NAME,$/;" v
author_email /^ author_email=AUTHOR_EMAIL,$/;" v
bbox build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def bbox(self):$/;" m class:Arc
bbox build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def bbox(self):$/;" m class:CubicBezier
bbox build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def bbox(self):$/;" m class:Line
bbox build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def bbox(self):$/;" m class:Path
bbox build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def bbox(self):$/;" m class:QuadraticBezier
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
bbox svgpathtools/ /^ def bbox(self):$/;" m class:Arc
bbox svgpathtools/ /^ def bbox(self):$/;" m class:CubicBezier
bbox svgpathtools/ /^ def bbox(self):$/;" m class:Line
bbox svgpathtools/ /^ def bbox(self):$/;" m class:Path
bbox svgpathtools/ /^ def bbox(self):$/;" m class:QuadraticBezier
bbox2path build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def bbox2path(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax):$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
bbox2path svgpathtools/ /^def bbox2path(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax):$/;" f
bernstein build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def bernstein(n, t):$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
bernstein svgpathtools/ /^def bernstein(n, t):$/;" f
bez2poly build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def bez2poly(bez, numpy_ordering=True, return_poly1d=False):$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
bez2poly svgpathtools/ /^def bez2poly(bez, numpy_ordering=True, return_poly1d=False):$/;" f
bezier2polynomial build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .bezier import (bezier_point, bezier2polynomial,$/;" i
bezier2polynomial build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def bezier2polynomial(p, numpy_ordering=True, return_poly1d=False):$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
bezier2polynomial svgpathtools/ /^from .bezier import (bezier_point, bezier2polynomial,$/;" i
bezier2polynomial svgpathtools/ /^def bezier2polynomial(p, numpy_ordering=True, return_poly1d=False):$/;" f
bezier_bounding_box build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def bezier_bounding_box(bez):$/;" f
bezier_bounding_box build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .bezier import (bezier_intersections, bezier_bounding_box, split_bezier,$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
bezier_bounding_box svgpathtools/ /^def bezier_bounding_box(bez):$/;" f
bezier_bounding_box svgpathtools/ /^from .bezier import (bezier_intersections, bezier_bounding_box, split_bezier,$/;" i
bezier_by_line_intersections build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def bezier_by_line_intersections(bezier, line):$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
bezier_by_line_intersections svgpathtools/ /^def bezier_by_line_intersections(bezier, line):$/;" f
bezier_intersections build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def bezier_intersections(bez1, bez2, longer_length, tol=1e-8, tol_deC=1e-8):$/;" f
bezier_intersections build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .bezier import (bezier_intersections, bezier_bounding_box, split_bezier,$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
bezier_intersections svgpathtools/ /^def bezier_intersections(bez1, bez2, longer_length, tol=1e-8, tol_deC=1e-8):$/;" f
bezier_intersections svgpathtools/ /^from .bezier import (bezier_intersections, bezier_bounding_box, split_bezier,$/;" i
bezier_point build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .bezier import (bezier_point, bezier2polynomial,$/;" i
bezier_point build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def bezier_point(p, t):$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
bezier_point svgpathtools/ /^from .bezier import (bezier_point, bezier2polynomial,$/;" i
bezier_point svgpathtools/ /^def bezier_point(p, t):$/;" f
bezier_radialrange build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def bezier_radialrange(seg, origin, return_all_global_extrema=False):$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
bezier_radialrange svgpathtools/ /^def bezier_radialrange(seg, origin, return_all_global_extrema=False):$/;" f
bezier_radialrange test/ /^from svgpathtools.path import _NotImplemented4ArcException, bezier_radialrange$/;" i
bezier_real_minmax build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def bezier_real_minmax(p):$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
bezier_real_minmax svgpathtools/ /^def bezier_real_minmax(p):$/;" f
bezier_segment build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def bezier_segment(*bpoints):$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
bezier_segment svgpathtools/ /^def bezier_segment(*bpoints):$/;" f
bezier_unit_tangent build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def bezier_unit_tangent(seg, t):$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
bezier_unit_tangent svgpathtools/ /^def bezier_unit_tangent(seg, t):$/;" f
big_bounding_box build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def big_bounding_box(paths_n_stuff):$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
big_bounding_box svgpathtools/ /^def big_bounding_box(paths_n_stuff):$/;" f
box_area build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def box_area(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax):$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
box_area svgpathtools/ /^def box_area(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax):$/;" f
boxes_intersect build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def boxes_intersect(box1, box2):$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
boxes_intersect svgpathtools/ /^def boxes_intersect(box1, box2):$/;" f
bpoints build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def bpoints(self):$/;" m class:CubicBezier
bpoints build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def bpoints(self):$/;" m class:Line
bpoints build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def bpoints(self):$/;" m class:QuadraticBezier
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
bpoints examples/ /^ def bpoints(self):$/;" m class:HigherOrderBezier
bpoints svgpathtools/ /^ def bpoints(self):$/;" m class:CubicBezier
bpoints svgpathtools/ /^ def bpoints(self):$/;" m class:Line
bpoints svgpathtools/ /^ def bpoints(self):$/;" m class:QuadraticBezier
bpoints test/ /^ def bpoints(self):$/;" m class:HigherOrderBezier
bpoints2bezier build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def bpoints2bezier(bpoints):$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
bpoints2bezier svgpathtools/ /^def bpoints2bezier(bpoints):$/;" f
bpoints2bezier test/ /^from svgpathtools.path import bpoints2bezier$/;" i
ceil build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from math import factorial as fac, ceil, log, sqrt$/;" i
ceil build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from math import sqrt, cos, sin, acos, asin, degrees, radians, log, pi, ceil$/;" i
ceil build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from math import ceil$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
ceil svgpathtools/ /^from math import factorial as fac, ceil, log, sqrt$/;" i
ceil svgpathtools/ /^ degrees, radians, log, pi, ceil$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
ceil svgpathtools/ /^from math import ceil$/;" i
centeriso build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def centeriso(self, z):$/;" m class:Arc
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
centeriso svgpathtools/ /^ def centeriso(self, z):$/;" m class:Arc
check_group_count test/ /^ def check_group_count(self, doc, expected_count):$/;" m class:TestGroups
check_line test/ /^ def check_line(self, tf, v_s_vals, v_e_relative_vals, name, paths):$/;" m class:TestGroups
check_values test/ /^ def check_values(self, v, z):$/;" m class:TestGroups
check_values test/ /^ def check_values(self, v, z):$/;" m class:TestSaxGroups
classifiers /^ classifiers=[$/;" v
closed build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def closed(self, value):$/;" m class:Path
closed build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def closed(self, warning_on=CLOSED_WARNING_ON):$/;" m class:Path
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
closed svgpathtools/ /^ def closed(self, value):$/;" m class:Path
closed svgpathtools/ /^ def closed(self, warning_on=CLOSED_WARNING_ON):$/;" m class:Path
closed_path examples/ /^closed_path = Path(Line(0,5), Line(5,5+5j), Line(5+5j, 0))$/;" v
closest_point_in_path build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def closest_point_in_path(pt, path):$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
closest_point_in_path svgpathtools/ /^def closest_point_in_path(pt, path):$/;" f
codecs /^import codecs$/;" i
collections build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^import collections$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
collections svgpathtools/ /^import collections$/;" i
color_dict build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^color_dict = {'a': 'aqua',$/;" v
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
color_dict svgpathtools/ /^color_dict = {'a': 'aqua',$/;" v
combinations build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from itertools import combinations$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
combinations svgpathtools/ /^from itertools import combinations$/;" i
concatpaths build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def concatpaths(list_of_paths):$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
concatpaths svgpathtools/ /^def concatpaths(list_of_paths):$/;" f
construct_rotation_tf test/ /^def construct_rotation_tf(a, x, y):$/;" f
contains_group build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def contains_group(self, group):$/;" m class:Document
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
contains_group svgpathtools/ /^ def contains_group(self, group):$/;" m class:Document
continuous_subpaths build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def continuous_subpaths(self):$/;" m class:Path
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
continuous_subpaths svgpathtools/ /^ def continuous_subpaths(self):$/;" m class:Path
cos build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from math import sqrt, cos, sin, acos, asin, degrees, radians, log, pi, ceil$/;" i
cos svgpathtools/ /^ degrees, radians, log, pi, ceil$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
crand test/ /^ def crand():$/;" f function:LineTest.test_radialrange
crop_bezier build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def crop_bezier(seg, t0, t1):$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
crop_bezier svgpathtools/ /^def crop_bezier(seg, t0, t1):$/;" f
cropped build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def cropped(self, T0, T1):$/;" m class:Path
cropped build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def cropped(self, t0, t1):$/;" m class:Arc
cropped build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def cropped(self, t0, t1):$/;" m class:CubicBezier
cropped build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def cropped(self, t0, t1):$/;" m class:Line
cropped build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def cropped(self, t0, t1):$/;" m class:QuadraticBezier
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
cropped svgpathtools/ /^ def cropped(self, T0, T1):$/;" m class:Path
cropped svgpathtools/ /^ def cropped(self, t0, t1):$/;" m class:Arc
cropped svgpathtools/ /^ def cropped(self, t0, t1):$/;" m class:CubicBezier
cropped svgpathtools/ /^ def cropped(self, t0, t1):$/;" m class:Line
cropped svgpathtools/ /^ def cropped(self, t0, t1):$/;" m class:QuadraticBezier
csqrt build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from cmath import exp, sqrt as csqrt, phase$/;" i
csqrt svgpathtools/ /^from numpy import exp, sqrt as csqrt, angle as phase$/;" i
curvature build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def curvature(self, T):$/;" m class:Path
curvature build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def curvature(self, t):$/;" m class:Arc
curvature build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def curvature(self, t):$/;" m class:CubicBezier
curvature build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def curvature(self, t):$/;" m class:Line
curvature build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def curvature(self, t):$/;" m class:QuadraticBezier
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
curvature svgpathtools/ /^ def curvature(self, T):$/;" m class:Path
curvature svgpathtools/ /^ def curvature(self, t):$/;" m class:Arc
curvature svgpathtools/ /^ def curvature(self, t):$/;" m class:CubicBezier
curvature svgpathtools/ /^ def curvature(self, t):$/;" m class:Line
curvature svgpathtools/ /^ def curvature(self, t):$/;" m class:QuadraticBezier
d build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def d(self, useSandT=False, use_closed_attrib=False, rel=False):$/;" m class:Path
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
d svgpathtools/ /^ def d(self, useSandT=False, use_closed_attrib=False, rel=False):$/;" m class:Path
degrees build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from math import sqrt, cos, sin, acos, asin, degrees, radians, log, pi, ceil$/;" i
degrees svgpathtools/ /^ degrees, radians, log, pi, ceil$/;" i
derivative build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def derivative(self, T, n=1):$/;" m class:Path
derivative build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def derivative(self, t, n=1):$/;" m class:Arc
derivative build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def derivative(self, t, n=1):$/;" m class:CubicBezier
derivative build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def derivative(self, t, n=1):$/;" m class:QuadraticBezier
derivative build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def derivative(self, t=None, n=1):$/;" m class:Line
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
derivative svgpathtools/ /^ def derivative(self, T, n=1):$/;" m class:Path
derivative svgpathtools/ /^ def derivative(self, t, n=1):$/;" m class:Arc
derivative svgpathtools/ /^ def derivative(self, t, n=1):$/;" m class:CubicBezier
derivative svgpathtools/ /^ def derivative(self, t, n=1):$/;" m class:QuadraticBezier
derivative svgpathtools/ /^ def derivative(self, t=None, n=1):$/;" m class:Line
description /^ description=('A collection of tools for manipulating and analyzing SVG '$/;" v
desired_group_filter build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def desired_group_filter(x):$/;" f function:flattened_paths_from_group
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
desired_group_filter svgpathtools/ /^ def desired_group_filter(x):$/;" f function:flattened_paths_from_group
desired_path_filter build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def desired_path_filter(x):$/;" f function:flattened_paths_from_group
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
desired_path_filter svgpathtools/ /^ def desired_path_filter(x):$/;" f function:flattened_paths_from_group
dirname test/ /^from os.path import join, dirname$/;" i
dirname test/ /^from os.path import join, dirname$/;" i
dirname test/ /^from os.path import join, dirname$/;" i
display build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def display(self, filepath=None):$/;" m class:Document
display build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def display(self, filename=None):$/;" m class:SaxDocument
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
display svgpathtools/ /^ def display(self, filepath=None):$/;" m class:Document
display svgpathtools/ /^ def display(self, filename=None):$/;" m class:SaxDocument
dist examples/ /^def dist(t):$/;" f
distfcn test/ /^ def distfcn(tup1, tup2):$/;" f function:TestPathTools.test_closest_point_in_path
distfcn test/ /^ def distfcn(tup1, tup2):$/;" f function:TestPathTools.test_farthest_point_in_path
distfcn test/ /^ def distfcn(tup1, tup2):$/;" f function:TestPathTools.test_polynomial2bezier
disvg build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .paths2svg import disvg, wsvg, paths2Drawing$/;" i
disvg build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def disvg(paths=None, colors=None,$/;" f
disvg build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .paths2svg import disvg$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
disvg svgpathtools/ /^from .paths2svg import disvg, wsvg, paths2Drawing$/;" i
disvg svgpathtools/ /^def disvg(paths=None, colors=None, filename=None, stroke_widths=None,$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
disvg svgpathtools/ /^from .paths2svg import disvg$/;" i
division build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
division build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
division build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
division build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
division build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
division build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
division build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import$/;" i
division build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
division build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
division build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
division svgpathtools/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
division svgpathtools/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
division svgpathtools/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
division svgpathtools/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
division svgpathtools/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
division svgpathtools/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
division svgpathtools/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import$/;" i
division svgpathtools/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
division svgpathtools/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
division svgpathtools/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
division test/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
division test/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
division test/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
division test/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
division test/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
division test/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
division test/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
division test/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
dom2dict build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def dom2dict(element):$/;" f function:svg2paths
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
dom2dict svgpathtools/ /^ def dom2dict(element):$/;" f function:svg2paths
element build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ element = None$/;" v class:Path
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
element svgpathtools/ /^ element = None$/;" v class:Path
ellipse2pathd build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .svg_to_paths import (path2pathd, ellipse2pathd, line2pathd,$/;" i
ellipse2pathd build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .svg_to_paths import (path2pathd, ellipse2pathd, line2pathd,$/;" i
ellipse2pathd build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def ellipse2pathd(ellipse):$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
ellipse2pathd svgpathtools/ /^from .svg_to_paths import (path2pathd, ellipse2pathd, line2pathd,$/;" i
ellipse2pathd svgpathtools/ /^from .svg_to_paths import (path2pathd, ellipse2pathd, line2pathd,$/;" i
ellipse2pathd svgpathtools/ /^def ellipse2pathd(ellipse):$/;" f
end build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def end(self):$/;" m class:Path
end build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def end(self, pt):$/;" m class:Path
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
end svgpathtools/ /^ def end(self):$/;" m class:Path
end svgpathtools/ /^ def end(self, pt):$/;" m class:Path
etree build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
etree svgpathtools/ /^import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree$/;" i
exp build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from cmath import exp, sqrt as csqrt, phase$/;" i
exp svgpathtools/ /^from numpy import exp, sqrt as csqrt, angle as phase$/;" i
fac build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from math import factorial as fac, ceil, log, sqrt$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
fac svgpathtools/ /^from math import factorial as fac, ceil, log, sqrt$/;" i
farthest_point_in_path build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def farthest_point_in_path(pt, path):$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
farthest_point_in_path svgpathtools/ /^def farthest_point_in_path(pt, path):$/;" f
flatten_all_paths build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def flatten_all_paths(self):$/;" m class:SaxDocument
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
flatten_all_paths svgpathtools/ /^ def flatten_all_paths(self):$/;" m class:SaxDocument
flattened_paths build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def flattened_paths(group, group_filter=lambda x: True,$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
flattened_paths svgpathtools/ /^def flattened_paths(group, group_filter=lambda x: True,$/;" f
flattened_paths_from_group build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def flattened_paths_from_group(group_to_flatten, root, recursive=True,$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
flattened_paths_from_group svgpathtools/ /^def flattened_paths_from_group(group_to_flatten, root, recursive=True,$/;" f
fminbound examples/ /^from scipy.optimize import fminbound$/;" i
generate_dom build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def generate_dom(self):$/;" m class:SaxDocument
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
generate_dom svgpathtools/ /^ def generate_dom(self):$/;" m class:SaxDocument
get_desired_path test/ /^def get_desired_path(name, paths):$/;" f
get_group build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def get_group(self, nested_names, name_attr='id'):$/;" m class:Document
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
get_group svgpathtools/ /^ def get_group(self, nested_names, name_attr='id'):$/;" m class:Document
get_or_add_group build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def get_or_add_group(self, nested_names, name_attr='id'):$/;" m class:Document
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
get_or_add_group svgpathtools/ /^ def get_or_add_group(self, nested_names, name_attr='id'):$/;" m class:Document
get_pathd_and_matrix build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def get_pathd_and_matrix(self):$/;" m class:SaxDocument
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
get_pathd_and_matrix svgpathtools/ /^ def get_pathd_and_matrix(self):$/;" m class:SaxDocument
get_relevant_children build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def get_relevant_children(parent, last_tf):$/;" f function:flattened_paths
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
get_relevant_children svgpathtools/ /^ def get_relevant_children(parent, last_tf):$/;" f function:flattened_paths
getcwd build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from os import getcwd, path as os_path, makedirs$/;" i
getcwd build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from os import path as os_path, getcwd$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
getcwd svgpathtools/ /^from os import path as os_path, getcwd$/;" i
gettempdir build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from tempfile import gettempdir$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
gettempdir svgpathtools/ /^from tempfile import gettempdir$/;" i
gettempdir svgpathtools/ /^from tempfile import gettempdir$/;" i
halve_bezier build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def halve_bezier(p):$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
halve_bezier svgpathtools/ /^def halve_bezier(p):$/;" f
hex2rgb build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .misctools import hex2rgb, rgb2hex$/;" i
hex2rgb build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def hex2rgb(value):$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
hex2rgb svgpathtools/ /^from .misctools import hex2rgb, rgb2hex$/;" i
hex2rgb svgpathtools/ /^def hex2rgb(value):$/;" f
icenteriso build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def icenteriso(self, zeta):$/;" m class:Arc
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
icenteriso svgpathtools/ /^ def icenteriso(self, zeta):$/;" m class:Arc
ilength build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def ilength(self, s, s_tol=ILENGTH_S_TOL, maxits=ILENGTH_MAXITS,$/;" m class:Arc
ilength build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def ilength(self, s, s_tol=ILENGTH_S_TOL, maxits=ILENGTH_MAXITS,$/;" m class:CubicBezier
ilength build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def ilength(self, s, s_tol=ILENGTH_S_TOL, maxits=ILENGTH_MAXITS,$/;" m class:Line
ilength build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def ilength(self, s, s_tol=ILENGTH_S_TOL, maxits=ILENGTH_MAXITS,$/;" m class:Path
ilength build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def ilength(self, s, s_tol=ILENGTH_S_TOL, maxits=ILENGTH_MAXITS,$/;" m class:QuadraticBezier
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
ilength svgpathtools/ /^ def ilength(self, s, s_tol=ILENGTH_S_TOL, maxits=ILENGTH_MAXITS,$/;" m class:Arc
ilength svgpathtools/ /^ def ilength(self, s, s_tol=ILENGTH_S_TOL, maxits=ILENGTH_MAXITS,$/;" m class:CubicBezier
ilength svgpathtools/ /^ def ilength(self, s, s_tol=ILENGTH_S_TOL, maxits=ILENGTH_MAXITS,$/;" m class:Line
ilength svgpathtools/ /^ def ilength(self, s, s_tol=ILENGTH_S_TOL, maxits=ILENGTH_MAXITS,$/;" m class:Path
ilength svgpathtools/ /^ def ilength(self, s, s_tol=ILENGTH_S_TOL, maxits=ILENGTH_MAXITS,$/;" m class:QuadraticBezier
imag build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .polytools import polyroots, polyroots01, rational_limit, real, imag$/;" i
imag build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .polytools import real, imag, polyroots, polyroots01$/;" i
imag build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .polytools import rational_limit, polyroots, polyroots01, imag, real$/;" i
imag build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def imag(z):$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
imag svgpathtools/ /^from .polytools import polyroots, polyroots01, rational_limit, real, imag$/;" i
imag svgpathtools/ /^from .polytools import real, imag, polyroots, polyroots01$/;" i
imag svgpathtools/ /^from .polytools import rational_limit, polyroots, polyroots01, imag, real$/;" i
imag svgpathtools/ /^def imag(z):$/;" f
in_range build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def in_range(min, max, val):$/;" f function:Arc.point_to_t
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
in_range svgpathtools/ /^ def in_range(min, max, val):$/;" f function:Arc.point_to_t
insert build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def insert(self, index, value):$/;" m class:Path
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
insert svgpathtools/ /^ def insert(self, index, value):$/;" m class:Path
install_requires /^ install_requires=['numpy', 'svgwrite'],$/;" v
intersect build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def intersect(self, other_curve, justonemode=False, tol=1e-12):$/;" m class:Path
intersect build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def intersect(self, other_seg, tol=1e-12):$/;" m class:Arc
intersect build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def intersect(self, other_seg, tol=1e-12):$/;" m class:CubicBezier
intersect build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def intersect(self, other_seg, tol=1e-12):$/;" m class:QuadraticBezier
intersect build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def intersect(self, other_seg, tol=None):$/;" m class:Line
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
intersect svgpathtools/ /^ def intersect(self, other_curve, justonemode=False, tol=1e-12):$/;" m class:Path
intersect svgpathtools/ /^ def intersect(self, other_seg, tol=1e-12):$/;" m class:Arc
intersect svgpathtools/ /^ def intersect(self, other_seg, tol=1e-12):$/;" m class:CubicBezier
intersect svgpathtools/ /^ def intersect(self, other_seg, tol=1e-12):$/;" m class:QuadraticBezier
intersect svgpathtools/ /^ def intersect(self, other_seg, tol=None):$/;" m class:Line
interval_intersection_width build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def interval_intersection_width(a, b, c, d):$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
interval_intersection_width svgpathtools/ /^def interval_intersection_width(a, b, c, d):$/;" f
inv_arclength build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def inv_arclength(curve, s, s_tol=ILENGTH_S_TOL, maxits=ILENGTH_MAXITS,$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
inv_arclength svgpathtools/ /^def inv_arclength(curve, s, s_tol=ILENGTH_S_TOL, maxits=ILENGTH_MAXITS,$/;" f
is3tuple build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def is3tuple(c):$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
is3tuple svgpathtools/ /^def is3tuple(c):$/;" f
is_bezier_path build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def is_bezier_path(path):$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
is_bezier_path svgpathtools/ /^def is_bezier_path(path):$/;" f
is_bezier_segment build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def is_bezier_segment(seg):$/;" f
is_bezier_segment build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def is_bezier_segment(x):$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
is_bezier_segment svgpathtools/ /^def is_bezier_segment(seg):$/;" f
is_bezier_segment svgpathtools/ /^def is_bezier_segment(x):$/;" f
is_contained_by build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def is_contained_by(self, other):$/;" m class:Path
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
is_contained_by svgpathtools/ /^ def is_contained_by(self, other):$/;" m class:Path
is_differentiable build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .smoothing import smoothed_path, smoothed_joint, is_differentiable, kinks$/;" i
is_differentiable build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def is_differentiable(path, tol=1e-8):$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
is_differentiable svgpathtools/ /^from .smoothing import smoothed_path, smoothed_joint, is_differentiable, kinks$/;" i
is_differentiable svgpathtools/ /^def is_differentiable(path, tol=1e-8):$/;" f
is_path_segment build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def is_path_segment(seg):$/;" f
is_path_segment build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def is_path_segment(x):$/;" f
is_path_segment build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .path import Path, Line, is_path_segment$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
is_path_segment svgpathtools/ /^def is_path_segment(seg):$/;" f
is_path_segment svgpathtools/ /^def is_path_segment(x):$/;" f
is_path_segment svgpathtools/ /^from .path import Path, Line, is_path_segment$/;" i
is_smooth_from build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def is_smooth_from(self, previous, warning_on=True):$/;" m class:CubicBezier
is_smooth_from build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def is_smooth_from(self, previous, warning_on=True):$/;" m class:QuadraticBezier
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
is_smooth_from svgpathtools/ /^ def is_smooth_from(self, previous, warning_on=True):$/;" m class:CubicBezier
is_smooth_from svgpathtools/ /^ def is_smooth_from(self, previous, warning_on=True):$/;" m class:QuadraticBezier
isclose build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def isclose(a, b, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-8):$/;" f
isclose build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .misctools import isclose$/;" i
isclose build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .misctools import isclose$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
isclose svgpathtools/ /^def isclose(a, b, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-8):$/;" f
isclose svgpathtools/ /^from .misctools import isclose$/;" i
isclose svgpathtools/ /^from .misctools import isclose$/;" i
isclosed build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def isclosed(self):$/;" m class:Path
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
isclosed svgpathtools/ /^ def isclosed(self):$/;" m class:Path
isclosedac build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def isclosedac(self):$/;" m class:Path
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
isclosedac svgpathtools/ /^ def isclosedac(self):$/;" m class:Path
iscontinuous build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def iscontinuous(self):$/;" m class:Path
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
iscontinuous svgpathtools/ /^ def iscontinuous(self):$/;" m class:Path
itemgetter build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from operator import itemgetter$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
itemgetter svgpathtools/ /^from operator import itemgetter$/;" i
itemgetter test/ /^from operator import itemgetter$/;" i
iterparse build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from xml.etree.ElementTree import iterparse, Element, ElementTree, SubElement$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
iterparse svgpathtools/ /^from xml.etree.ElementTree import iterparse, Element, ElementTree, SubElement$/;" i
iu1transform build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def iu1transform(self, zeta):$/;" m class:Arc
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
iu1transform svgpathtools/ /^ def iu1transform(self, zeta):$/;" m class:Arc
join test/ /^from os.path import join, dirname$/;" i
join test/ /^from os.path import join, dirname$/;" i
join test/ /^from os.path import join, dirname$/;" i
joins_smoothly_with build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def joins_smoothly_with(self, previous, wrt_parameterization=False):$/;" m class:CubicBezier
joins_smoothly_with build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def joins_smoothly_with(self, previous, wrt_parameterization=False):$/;" m class:Line
joins_smoothly_with build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def joins_smoothly_with(self, previous, wrt_parameterization=False):$/;" m class:Path
joins_smoothly_with build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def joins_smoothly_with(self, previous, wrt_parameterization=False,$/;" m class:Arc
joins_smoothly_with build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def joins_smoothly_with(self, previous, wrt_parameterization=False,$/;" m class:QuadraticBezier
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
joins_smoothly_with svgpathtools/ /^ def joins_smoothly_with(self, previous, wrt_parameterization=False):$/;" m class:CubicBezier
joins_smoothly_with svgpathtools/ /^ def joins_smoothly_with(self, previous, wrt_parameterization=False):$/;" m class:Line
joins_smoothly_with svgpathtools/ /^ def joins_smoothly_with(self, previous, wrt_parameterization=False):$/;" m class:Path
joins_smoothly_with svgpathtools/ /^ def joins_smoothly_with(self, previous, wrt_parameterization=False,$/;" m class:Arc
joins_smoothly_with svgpathtools/ /^ def joins_smoothly_with(self, previous, wrt_parameterization=False,$/;" m class:QuadraticBezier
keyfcn build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def keyfcn(tpair):$/;" f function:Arc.intersect
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
keyfcn svgpathtools/ /^ def keyfcn(tpair):$/;" f function:Arc.intersect
keywords /^ keywords=['svg', 'svg path', 'svg.path', 'bezier', 'parse svg path', 'display svg'],$/;" v
kinks build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .smoothing import smoothed_path, smoothed_joint, is_differentiable, kinks$/;" i
kinks build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def kinks(path, tol=1e-8):$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
kinks svgpathtools/ /^from .smoothing import smoothed_path, smoothed_joint, is_differentiable, kinks$/;" i
kinks svgpathtools/ /^def kinks(path, tol=1e-8):$/;" f
length build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def length(self, T0=0, T1=1, error=LENGTH_ERROR, min_depth=LENGTH_MIN_DEPTH):$/;" m class:Path
length build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def length(self, t0=0, t1=1, error=LENGTH_ERROR, min_depth=LENGTH_MIN_DEPTH):$/;" m class:Arc
length build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def length(self, t0=0, t1=1, error=LENGTH_ERROR, min_depth=LENGTH_MIN_DEPTH):$/;" m class:CubicBezier
length build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def length(self, t0=0, t1=1, error=None, min_depth=None):$/;" m class:Line
length build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def length(self, t0=0, t1=1, error=None, min_depth=None):$/;" m class:QuadraticBezier
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
length svgpathtools/ /^ def length(self, T0=0, T1=1, error=LENGTH_ERROR, min_depth=LENGTH_MIN_DEPTH):$/;" m class:Path
length svgpathtools/ /^ def length(self, t0=0, t1=1, error=LENGTH_ERROR, min_depth=LENGTH_MIN_DEPTH):$/;" m class:Arc
length svgpathtools/ /^ def length(self, t0=0, t1=1, error=LENGTH_ERROR, min_depth=LENGTH_MIN_DEPTH):$/;" m class:CubicBezier
length svgpathtools/ /^ def length(self, t0=0, t1=1, error=None, min_depth=None):$/;" m class:Line
length svgpathtools/ /^ def length(self, t0=0, t1=1, error=None, min_depth=None):$/;" m class:QuadraticBezier
license /^ license='MIT',$/;" v
line2pathd build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .svg_to_paths import (path2pathd, ellipse2pathd, line2pathd,$/;" i
line2pathd build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .svg_to_paths import (path2pathd, ellipse2pathd, line2pathd,$/;" i
line2pathd build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def line2pathd(l):$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
line2pathd svgpathtools/ /^from .svg_to_paths import (path2pathd, ellipse2pathd, line2pathd,$/;" i
line2pathd svgpathtools/ /^from .svg_to_paths import (path2pathd, ellipse2pathd, line2pathd,$/;" i
line2pathd svgpathtools/ /^def line2pathd(l):$/;" f
log build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from math import factorial as fac, ceil, log, sqrt$/;" i
log build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from math import sqrt, cos, sin, acos, asin, degrees, radians, log, pi, ceil$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
log svgpathtools/ /^from math import factorial as fac, ceil, log, sqrt$/;" i
log svgpathtools/ /^ degrees, radians, log, pi, ceil$/;" i
long_description /^ long_description=read(""),$/;" v
long_description_content_type /^ long_description_content_type='text\/markdown',$/;" v
makedirs build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from os import getcwd, path as os_path, makedirs$/;" i
makedirs svgpathtools/ /^from os import path as os_path, makedirs$/;" i
md_xml_parse build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from xml.dom.minidom import parse as md_xml_parse$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
md_xml_parse svgpathtools/ /^from xml.dom.minidom import parse as md_xml_parse$/;" i
meta build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ meta = None # meant as container for storage of arbitrary meta data$/;" v class:Path
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
meta svgpathtools/ /^ meta = None # meant as container for storage of arbitrary meta data$/;" v class:Path
n_choose_k build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def n_choose_k(n, k):$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
n_choose_k svgpathtools/ /^def n_choose_k(n, k):$/;" f
new_stack_element build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def new_stack_element(element, last_tf):$/;" f function:flattened_paths
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
new_stack_element svgpathtools/ /^ def new_stack_element(element, last_tf):$/;" f function:flattened_paths
noqa build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ from collections import MutableSequence # noqa$/;" i
noqa build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ from import MutableSequence # noqa$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
noqa svgpathtools/ /^ from collections import MutableSequence # noqa$/;" i
noqa svgpathtools/ /^ from import MutableSequence # noqa$/;" i
normal build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def normal(self, t):$/;" m class:Arc
normal build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def normal(self, t):$/;" m class:CubicBezier
normal build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def normal(self, t):$/;" m class:Path
normal build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def normal(self, t):$/;" m class:QuadraticBezier
normal build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def normal(self, t=None):$/;" m class:Line
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
normal svgpathtools/ /^ def normal(self, t):$/;" m class:Arc
normal svgpathtools/ /^ def normal(self, t):$/;" m class:CubicBezier
normal svgpathtools/ /^ def normal(self, t):$/;" m class:Path
normal svgpathtools/ /^ def normal(self, t):$/;" m class:QuadraticBezier
normal svgpathtools/ /^ def normal(self, t=None):$/;" m class:Line
np build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^import numpy as np$/;" i
np build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^import numpy as np$/;" i
np build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^import numpy as np$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
np examples/ /^import numpy as np$/;" i
np svgpathtools/ /^import numpy as np$/;" i
np svgpathtools/ /^import numpy as np$/;" i
np svgpathtools/ /^import numpy as np$/;" i
np test/ /^import numpy as np$/;" i
np test/ /^import numpy as np$/;" i
np test/ /^import numpy as np$/;" i
np test/ /^import numpy as np$/;" i
np test/ /^import numpy as np$/;" i
num_segs examples/ /^ num_segs = 1000$/;" v
open_in_browser build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .misctools import open_in_browser$/;" i
open_in_browser build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def open_in_browser(file_location):$/;" f
open_in_browser build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .misctools import open_in_browser$/;" i
open_in_browser build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .misctools import open_in_browser$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
open_in_browser svgpathtools/ /^from .misctools import open_in_browser$/;" i
open_in_browser svgpathtools/ /^def open_in_browser(file_location):$/;" f
open_in_browser svgpathtools/ /^from .misctools import open_in_browser$/;" i
open_in_browser svgpathtools/ /^from .misctools import open_in_browser$/;" i
os build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^import os$/;" i
os build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^import os$/;" i
os build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^import os$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
os /^import os$/;" i
os svgpathtools/ /^import os$/;" i
os svgpathtools/ /^import os$/;" i
os svgpathtools/ /^import os$/;" i
os_path build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from os import getcwd, path as os_path, makedirs$/;" i
os_path build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from os import path as os_path, getcwd$/;" i
os_path svgpathtools/ /^from os import path as os_path, makedirs$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
os_path svgpathtools/ /^from os import path as os_path, getcwd$/;" i
packages /^ packages=['svgpathtools'],$/;" v
parse build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from xml.dom.minidom import parse$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
parse svgpathtools/ /^from xml.dom.minidom import parse$/;" i
parseString build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from xml.dom.minidom import parseString$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
parseString svgpathtools/ /^from xml.dom.minidom import parseString$/;" i
parse_path build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .parser import parse_path$/;" i
parse_path build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .parser import parse_path$/;" i
parse_path build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def parse_path(pathdef, current_pos=0j, tree_element=None):$/;" f
parse_path build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .parser import parse_path$/;" i
parse_path build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .parser import parse_path$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
parse_path svgpathtools/ /^from .parser import parse_path$/;" i
parse_path svgpathtools/ /^from .parser import parse_path$/;" i
parse_path svgpathtools/ /^def parse_path(pathdef, current_pos=0j, tree_element=None):$/;" f
parse_path svgpathtools/ /^from .parser import parse_path$/;" i
parse_path svgpathtools/ /^from .parser import parse_path$/;" i
parse_transform build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .parser import parse_transform$/;" i
parse_transform build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def parse_transform(transform_str):$/;" f
parse_transform build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .parser import parse_transform$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
parse_transform svgpathtools/ /^from .parser import parse_transform$/;" i
parse_transform svgpathtools/ /^def parse_transform(transform_str):$/;" f
parse_transform svgpathtools/ /^from .parser import parse_transform$/;" i
path1 examples/ /^path1 = CubicBezier(1,2+3j,3-5j,4+1j)$/;" v
path1_is_contained_in_path2 examples/ /^def path1_is_contained_in_path2(path1, path2):$/;" f
path2 examples/ /^path2 = path1.rotated(60).translated(3)$/;" v
path2pathd build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .svg_to_paths import (path2pathd, ellipse2pathd, line2pathd,$/;" i
path2pathd build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .svg_to_paths import (path2pathd, ellipse2pathd, line2pathd,$/;" i
path2pathd build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def path2pathd(path):$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
path2pathd svgpathtools/ /^from .svg_to_paths import (path2pathd, ellipse2pathd, line2pathd,$/;" i
path2pathd svgpathtools/ /^from .svg_to_paths import (path2pathd, ellipse2pathd, line2pathd,$/;" i
path2pathd svgpathtools/ /^def path2pathd(path):$/;" f
path_encloses_pt build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def path_encloses_pt(pt, opt, path):$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
path_encloses_pt svgpathtools/ /^def path_encloses_pt(pt, opt, path):$/;" f
path_that_intersects examples/ /^path_that_intersects = Path(Line(2+1j, 10+10j))$/;" v
path_that_is_contained examples/ /^path_that_is_contained = Path(Line(1+1j, 2+2j))$/;" v
path_thats_not_contained examples/ /^path_thats_not_contained = Path(Line(10+10j, 20+20j))$/;" v
paths build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def paths(self, group_filter=lambda x: True,$/;" m class:Document
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
paths svgpathtools/ /^ def paths(self, group_filter=lambda x: True,$/;" m class:Document
paths2Drawing build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .paths2svg import disvg, wsvg, paths2Drawing$/;" i
paths2Drawing build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def paths2Drawing(paths=None, colors=None,$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
paths2Drawing svgpathtools/ /^from .paths2svg import disvg, wsvg, paths2Drawing$/;" i
paths2Drawing svgpathtools/ /^def paths2Drawing(paths=None, colors=None, filename=None,$/;" f
paths_from_group build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def paths_from_group(self, group, recursive=True, group_filter=lambda x: True,$/;" m class:Document
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
paths_from_group svgpathtools/ /^ def paths_from_group(self, group, recursive=True, group_filter=lambda x: True,$/;" m class:Document
phase build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from cmath import exp, sqrt as csqrt, phase$/;" i
phase svgpathtools/ /^from numpy import exp, sqrt as csqrt, angle as phase$/;" i
phase2t build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def phase2t(self, psi):$/;" m class:Arc
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
phase2t svgpathtools/ /^ def phase2t(self, psi):$/;" m class:Arc
pi build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from math import sqrt, cos, sin, acos, asin, degrees, radians, log, pi, ceil$/;" i
pi svgpathtools/ /^ degrees, radians, log, pi, ceil$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
pi test/ /^from math import sqrt, pi$/;" i
platforms /^ platforms="OS Independent",$/;" v
point build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def point(self, pos):$/;" m class:Path
point build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def point(self, t):$/;" m class:Arc
point build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def point(self, t):$/;" m class:CubicBezier
point build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def point(self, t):$/;" m class:Line
point build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def point(self, t):$/;" m class:QuadraticBezier
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
point examples/ /^ def point(self, t):$/;" m class:HigherOrderBezier
point svgpathtools/ /^ def point(self, pos):$/;" m class:Path
point svgpathtools/ /^ def point(self, t):$/;" m class:Arc
point svgpathtools/ /^ def point(self, t):$/;" m class:CubicBezier
point svgpathtools/ /^ def point(self, t):$/;" m class:Line
point svgpathtools/ /^ def point(self, t):$/;" m class:QuadraticBezier
point test/ /^ def point(self, t):$/;" m class:HigherOrderBezier
point_in_seg_interior build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def point_in_seg_interior(point, seg):$/;" f function:Arc.intersect
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
point_in_seg_interior svgpathtools/ /^ def point_in_seg_interior(point, seg):$/;" f function:Arc.intersect
point_to_t build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def point_to_t(self, point):$/;" m class:Arc
point_to_t build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def point_to_t(self, point):$/;" m class:Line
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
point_to_t svgpathtools/ /^ def point_to_t(self, point):$/;" m class:Arc
point_to_t svgpathtools/ /^ def point_to_t(self, point):$/;" m class:Line
points build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def points(self, ts):$/;" m class:CubicBezier
points build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def points(self, ts):$/;" m class:Line
points build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def points(self, ts):$/;" m class:QuadraticBezier
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
points svgpathtools/ /^ def points(self, ts):$/;" m class:CubicBezier
points svgpathtools/ /^ def points(self, ts):$/;" m class:Line
points svgpathtools/ /^ def points(self, ts):$/;" m class:QuadraticBezier
points_in_each_seg examples/ /^def points_in_each_seg(path, tvals):$/;" f
points_in_each_seg_slow examples/ /^def points_in_each_seg_slow(path, tvals):$/;" f
poly build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def poly(self, return_coeffs=False):$/;" m class:CubicBezier
poly build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def poly(self, return_coeffs=False):$/;" m class:Line
poly build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def poly(self, return_coeffs=False):$/;" m class:QuadraticBezier
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
poly svgpathtools/ /^ def poly(self, return_coeffs=False):$/;" m class:CubicBezier
poly svgpathtools/ /^ def poly(self, return_coeffs=False):$/;" m class:Line
poly svgpathtools/ /^ def poly(self, return_coeffs=False):$/;" m class:QuadraticBezier
poly1d build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from numpy import poly1d$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
poly1d svgpathtools/ /^from numpy import poly1d$/;" i
poly2bez build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def poly2bez(poly, return_bpoints=False):$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
poly2bez svgpathtools/ /^def poly2bez(poly, return_bpoints=False):$/;" f
poly_imag_part build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def poly_imag_part(poly):$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
poly_imag_part svgpathtools/ /^def poly_imag_part(poly):$/;" f
poly_real_part build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def poly_real_part(poly):$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
poly_real_part svgpathtools/ /^def poly_real_part(poly):$/;" f
polygon build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def polygon(*points):$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
polygon svgpathtools/ /^def polygon(*points):$/;" f
polygon2pathd build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def polygon2pathd(polyline):$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
polygon2pathd svgpathtools/ /^def polygon2pathd(polyline):$/;" f
polyline build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def polyline(*points):$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
polyline svgpathtools/ /^def polyline(*points):$/;" f
polyline2pathd build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def polyline2pathd(polyline, is_polygon=False):$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
polyline2pathd svgpathtools/ /^def polyline2pathd(polyline, is_polygon=False):$/;" f
polynomial2bezier build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def polynomial2bezier(poly):$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
polynomial2bezier svgpathtools/ /^def polynomial2bezier(poly):$/;" f
polyroots build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .polytools import polyroots, polyroots01, rational_limit, real, imag$/;" i
polyroots build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .polytools import real, imag, polyroots, polyroots01$/;" i
polyroots build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .polytools import rational_limit, polyroots, polyroots01, imag, real$/;" i
polyroots build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def polyroots(p, realroots=False, condition=lambda r: True):$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
polyroots svgpathtools/ /^from .polytools import polyroots, polyroots01, rational_limit, real, imag$/;" i
polyroots svgpathtools/ /^from .polytools import real, imag, polyroots, polyroots01$/;" i
polyroots svgpathtools/ /^from .polytools import rational_limit, polyroots, polyroots01, imag, real$/;" i
polyroots svgpathtools/ /^def polyroots(p, realroots=False, condition=lambda r: True):$/;" f
polyroots01 build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .polytools import polyroots, polyroots01, rational_limit, real, imag$/;" i
polyroots01 build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .polytools import real, imag, polyroots, polyroots01$/;" i
polyroots01 build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .polytools import rational_limit, polyroots, polyroots01, imag, real$/;" i
polyroots01 build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def polyroots01(p):$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
polyroots01 svgpathtools/ /^from .polytools import polyroots, polyroots01, rational_limit, real, imag$/;" i
polyroots01 svgpathtools/ /^from .polytools import real, imag, polyroots, polyroots01$/;" i
polyroots01 svgpathtools/ /^from .polytools import rational_limit, polyroots, polyroots01, imag, real$/;" i
polyroots01 svgpathtools/ /^def polyroots01(p):$/;" f
pretty build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def pretty(self, **kwargs):$/;" m class:Document
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
pretty svgpathtools/ /^ def pretty(self, **kwargs):$/;" m class:Document
print_function build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
print_function build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
print_function build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
print_function build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
print_function build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
print_function build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
print_function build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
print_function build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
print_function build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
print_function examples/ /^from __future__ import print_function$/;" i
print_function svgpathtools/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
print_function svgpathtools/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
print_function svgpathtools/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
print_function svgpathtools/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
print_function svgpathtools/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
print_function svgpathtools/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
print_function svgpathtools/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
print_function svgpathtools/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
print_function svgpathtools/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
print_function test/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
print_function test/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
print_function test/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
print_function test/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
print_function test/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
print_function test/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
print_function test/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
print_function test/ /^from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function$/;" i
pt1 examples/ /^pt1 = path1.point(T1)$/;" v
pt2 examples/ /^pt2 = path2.point(T2)$/;" v
pts examples/ /^ pts = points_in_each_seg(testpath, tvals)$/;" v
pts_check examples/ /^ pts_check = points_in_each_seg_slow(testpath, tvals)$/;" v
quad build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ from scipy.integrate import quad$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
quad svgpathtools/ /^ from scipy.integrate import quad$/;" i
radialrange build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def radialrange(self, origin, **kwargs):$/;" m class:Line
radialrange build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def radialrange(self, origin, return_all_global_extrema=False):$/;" m class:Arc
radialrange build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def radialrange(self, origin, return_all_global_extrema=False):$/;" m class:CubicBezier
radialrange build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def radialrange(self, origin, return_all_global_extrema=False):$/;" m class:Path
radialrange build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def radialrange(self, origin, return_all_global_extrema=False):$/;" m class:QuadraticBezier
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
radialrange svgpathtools/ /^ def radialrange(self, origin, **kwargs):$/;" m class:Line
radialrange svgpathtools/ /^ def radialrange(self, origin, return_all_global_extrema=False):$/;" m class:Arc
radialrange svgpathtools/ /^ def radialrange(self, origin, return_all_global_extrema=False):$/;" m class:CubicBezier
radialrange svgpathtools/ /^ def radialrange(self, origin, return_all_global_extrema=False):$/;" m class:Path
radialrange svgpathtools/ /^ def radialrange(self, origin, return_all_global_extrema=False):$/;" m class:QuadraticBezier
radians build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from math import sqrt, cos, sin, acos, asin, degrees, radians, log, pi, ceil$/;" i
radians svgpathtools/ /^ degrees, radians, log, pi, ceil$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
random test/ /^import random$/;" i
random_arc test/ /^def random_arc():$/;" f
random_bezier examples/ /^def random_bezier(degree):$/;" f
random_bezier test/ /^def random_bezier(degree):$/;" f
random_line test/ /^def random_line():$/;" f
random_polynomial test/ /^def random_polynomial(degree):$/;" f
rational_limit build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .polytools import polyroots, polyroots01, rational_limit, real, imag$/;" i
rational_limit build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .polytools import rational_limit, polyroots, polyroots01, imag, real$/;" i
rational_limit build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def rational_limit(f, g, t0):$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
rational_limit svgpathtools/ /^from .polytools import polyroots, polyroots01, rational_limit, real, imag$/;" i
rational_limit svgpathtools/ /^from .polytools import rational_limit, polyroots, polyroots01, imag, real$/;" i
rational_limit svgpathtools/ /^def rational_limit(f, g, t0):$/;" f
re build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^import re$/;" i
re build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^import re$/;" i
re build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^import re$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
re svgpathtools/ /^import re$/;" i
re svgpathtools/ /^import re$/;" i
re svgpathtools/ /^import re$/;" i
read /^def read(*parts):$/;" f
real build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .polytools import polyroots, polyroots01, rational_limit, real, imag$/;" i
real build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .polytools import real, imag, polyroots, polyroots01$/;" i
real build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .polytools import rational_limit, polyroots, polyroots01, imag, real$/;" i
real build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def real(z):$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
real svgpathtools/ /^from .polytools import polyroots, polyroots01, rational_limit, real, imag$/;" i
real svgpathtools/ /^from .polytools import real, imag, polyroots, polyroots01$/;" i
real svgpathtools/ /^from .polytools import rational_limit, polyroots, polyroots01, imag, real$/;" i
real svgpathtools/ /^def real(z):$/;" f
rect2pathd build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def rect2pathd(rect):$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
rect2pathd svgpathtools/ /^def rect2pathd(rect):$/;" f
register_namespace build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element, SubElement, register_namespace$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
register_namespace svgpathtools/ /^from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element, SubElement, register_namespace$/;" i
requires /^ requires=['numpy', 'svgwrite'],$/;" v
reversed build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def reversed(self):$/;" m class:Arc
reversed build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def reversed(self):$/;" m class:CubicBezier
reversed build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def reversed(self):$/;" m class:Line
reversed build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def reversed(self):$/;" m class:Path
reversed build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def reversed(self):$/;" m class:QuadraticBezier
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
reversed svgpathtools/ /^ def reversed(self):$/;" m class:Arc
reversed svgpathtools/ /^ def reversed(self):$/;" m class:CubicBezier
reversed svgpathtools/ /^ def reversed(self):$/;" m class:Line
reversed svgpathtools/ /^ def reversed(self):$/;" m class:Path
reversed svgpathtools/ /^ def reversed(self):$/;" m class:QuadraticBezier
rgb2hex build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .misctools import hex2rgb, rgb2hex$/;" i
rgb2hex build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def rgb2hex(rgb):$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
rgb2hex svgpathtools/ /^from .misctools import hex2rgb, rgb2hex$/;" i
rgb2hex svgpathtools/ /^def rgb2hex(rgb):$/;" f
rotate build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def rotate(curve, degs, origin=None):$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
rotate svgpathtools/ /^def rotate(curve, degs, origin=None):$/;" f
rotated build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def rotated(self, degs, origin=None):$/;" m class:Arc
rotated build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def rotated(self, degs, origin=None):$/;" m class:CubicBezier
rotated build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def rotated(self, degs, origin=None):$/;" m class:Line
rotated build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def rotated(self, degs, origin=None):$/;" m class:Path
rotated build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def rotated(self, degs, origin=None):$/;" m class:QuadraticBezier
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
rotated svgpathtools/ /^ def rotated(self, degs, origin=None):$/;" m class:Arc
rotated svgpathtools/ /^ def rotated(self, degs, origin=None):$/;" m class:CubicBezier
rotated svgpathtools/ /^ def rotated(self, degs, origin=None):$/;" m class:Line
rotated svgpathtools/ /^ def rotated(self, degs, origin=None):$/;" m class:Path
rotated svgpathtools/ /^ def rotated(self, degs, origin=None):$/;" m class:QuadraticBezier
save build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def save(self, filepath, prettify=False, **kwargs):$/;" m class:Document
save build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def save(self, filename):$/;" m class:SaxDocument
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
save svgpathtools/ /^ def save(self, filepath, prettify=False, **kwargs):$/;" m class:Document
save svgpathtools/ /^ def save(self, filename):$/;" m class:SaxDocument
sax_parse build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def sax_parse(self, filename):$/;" m class:SaxDocument
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
sax_parse svgpathtools/ /^ def sax_parse(self, filename):$/;" m class:SaxDocument
scale build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def scale(curve, sx, sy=None, origin=0j):$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
scale svgpathtools/ /^def scale(curve, sx, sy=None, origin=0j):$/;" f
scale_a_point test/ /^ def scale_a_point(pt, sx, sy=None, origin=0j):$/;" f function:TestPath.test_transform_scale
scale_bezier build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def scale_bezier(bez):$/;" f function:scale
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
scale_bezier svgpathtools/ /^ def scale_bezier(bez):$/;" f function:scale
scaled build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def scaled(self, sx, sy=None, origin=0j):$/;" m class:Arc
scaled build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def scaled(self, sx, sy=None, origin=0j):$/;" m class:CubicBezier
scaled build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def scaled(self, sx, sy=None, origin=0j):$/;" m class:Line
scaled build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def scaled(self, sx, sy=None, origin=0j):$/;" m class:Path
scaled build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def scaled(self, sx, sy=None, origin=0j):$/;" m class:QuadraticBezier
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
scaled svgpathtools/ /^ def scaled(self, sx, sy=None, origin=0j):$/;" m class:Arc
scaled svgpathtools/ /^ def scaled(self, sx, sy=None, origin=0j):$/;" m class:CubicBezier
scaled svgpathtools/ /^ def scaled(self, sx, sy=None, origin=0j):$/;" m class:Line
scaled svgpathtools/ /^ def scaled(self, sx, sy=None, origin=0j):$/;" m class:Path
scaled svgpathtools/ /^ def scaled(self, sx, sy=None, origin=0j):$/;" m class:QuadraticBezier
seg2lines build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def seg2lines(seg):$/;" f function:Path.area
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
seg2lines svgpathtools/ /^ def seg2lines(seg):$/;" f function:Path.area
segment_curvature build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def segment_curvature(self, t, use_inf=False):$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
segment_curvature svgpathtools/ /^def segment_curvature(self, t, use_inf=False):$/;" f
segment_length build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def segment_length(curve, start, end, start_point, end_point,$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
segment_length svgpathtools/ /^def segment_length(curve, start, end, start_point, end_point,$/;" f
setUp test/ /^ def setUp(self):$/;" m class:TestPathTools
setup /^from setuptools import setup$/;" i
sin build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from math import sqrt, cos, sin, acos, asin, degrees, radians, log, pi, ceil$/;" i
sin svgpathtools/ /^ degrees, radians, log, pi, ceil$/;" i
smoothed_joint build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .smoothing import smoothed_path, smoothed_joint, is_differentiable, kinks$/;" i
smoothed_joint build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def smoothed_joint(seg0, seg1, maxjointsize=3, tightness=1.99):$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
smoothed_joint svgpathtools/ /^from .smoothing import smoothed_path, smoothed_joint, is_differentiable, kinks$/;" i
smoothed_joint svgpathtools/ /^def smoothed_joint(seg0, seg1, maxjointsize=3, tightness=1.99):$/;" f
smoothed_path build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .smoothing import smoothed_path, smoothed_joint, is_differentiable, kinks$/;" i
smoothed_path build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def smoothed_path(path, maxjointsize=3, tightness=1.99, ignore_unfixable_kinks=False):$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
smoothed_path svgpathtools/ /^from .smoothing import smoothed_path, smoothed_joint, is_differentiable, kinks$/;" i
smoothed_path svgpathtools/ /^def smoothed_path(path, maxjointsize=3, tightness=1.99, ignore_unfixable_kinks=False):$/;" f
split build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def split(self, t):$/;" m class:Arc
split build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def split(self, t):$/;" m class:CubicBezier
split build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def split(self, t):$/;" m class:Line
split build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def split(self, t):$/;" m class:QuadraticBezier
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
split svgpathtools/ /^ def split(self, t):$/;" m class:Arc
split svgpathtools/ /^ def split(self, t):$/;" m class:CubicBezier
split svgpathtools/ /^ def split(self, t):$/;" m class:Line
split svgpathtools/ /^ def split(self, t):$/;" m class:QuadraticBezier
split_bezier build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def split_bezier(bpoints, t):$/;" f
split_bezier build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .bezier import (bezier_intersections, bezier_bounding_box, split_bezier,$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
split_bezier svgpathtools/ /^def split_bezier(bpoints, t):$/;" f
split_bezier svgpathtools/ /^from .bezier import (bezier_intersections, bezier_bounding_box, split_bezier,$/;" i
split_bezier_recursion build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def split_bezier_recursion(bpoints_left_, bpoints_right_, bpoints_, t_):$/;" f function:split_bezier
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
split_bezier_recursion svgpathtools/ /^ def split_bezier_recursion(bpoints_left_, bpoints_right_, bpoints_, t_):$/;" f function:split_bezier
sqrt build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from math import factorial as fac, ceil, log, sqrt$/;" i
sqrt build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from math import sqrt, cos, sin, acos, asin, degrees, radians, log, pi, ceil$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
sqrt svgpathtools/ /^from math import factorial as fac, ceil, log, sqrt$/;" i
sqrt svgpathtools/ /^ degrees, radians, log, pi, ceil$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
sqrt test/ /^from math import sqrt, pi$/;" i
start build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def start(self):$/;" m class:Path
start build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def start(self, pt):$/;" m class:Path
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
start svgpathtools/ /^ def start(self):$/;" m class:Path
start svgpathtools/ /^ def start(self, pt):$/;" m class:Path
str build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ str = basestring$/;" v
str build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ str = basestring$/;" v
str build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ str = basestring$/;" v
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
str svgpathtools/ /^ str = basestring$/;" v
str svgpathtools/ /^ str = basestring$/;" v
str svgpathtools/ /^ str = basestring$/;" v
str2colorlist build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def str2colorlist(s, default_color=None):$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
str2colorlist svgpathtools/ /^def str2colorlist(s, default_color=None):$/;" f
strip_units build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def strip_units(s):$/;" f function:disvg
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
strip_units svgpathtools/ /^ def strip_units(s):$/;" f function:disvg
svg2paths build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ from .svg_to_paths import svg2paths, svg2paths2$/;" i
svg2paths build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def svg2paths(svg_file_location,$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
svg2paths svgpathtools/ /^ from .svg_to_paths import svg2paths, svg2paths2$/;" i
svg2paths svgpathtools/ /^def svg2paths(svg_file_location,$/;" f
svg2paths2 build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ from .svg_to_paths import svg2paths, svg2paths2$/;" i
svg2paths2 build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def svg2paths2(svg_file_location,$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
svg2paths2 svgpathtools/ /^ from .svg_to_paths import svg2paths, svg2paths2$/;" i
svg2paths2 svgpathtools/ /^def svg2paths2(svg_file_location,$/;" f
svgpathtools test/ /^import svgpathtools$/;" i
sys build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^import sys$/;" i
sys build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ import sys$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
sys svgpathtools/ /^import sys$/;" i
sys svgpathtools/ /^ import sys$/;" i
t2T build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def t2T(self, seg, t):$/;" m class:Path
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
t2T svgpathtools/ /^ def t2T(self, seg, t):$/;" m class:Path
tan build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ from math import atan, tan$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
tan svgpathtools/ /^ from math import atan, tan$/;" i
tan svgpathtools/ /^ degrees, radians, log, pi, ceil$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
test_add_group test/ /^ def test_add_group(self):$/;" m class:TestGroups
test_approx_circle test/ /^ def test_approx_circle(self):$/;" m class:CubicBezierTest
test_approx_cubic test/ /^ def test_approx_cubic(self):$/;" m class:ArcTest
test_approx_quad test/ /^ def test_approx_quad(self):$/;" m class:ArcTest
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
test_arc_arc_0 test/ /^ def test_arc_arc_0(self):$/;" m class:Test_intersect
test_arc_arc_1 test/ /^ def test_arc_arc_1(self):$/;" m class:Test_intersect
test_arc_arc_2 test/ /^ def test_arc_arc_2(self):$/;" m class:Test_intersect
test_arc_arc_same_circle test/ /^ def test_arc_arc_same_circle(self):$/;" m class:Test_intersect
test_arc_arc_tangent_circles_inside test/ /^ def test_arc_arc_tangent_circles_inside(self):$/;" m class:Test_intersect
test_arc_arc_tangent_circles_outside test/ /^ def test_arc_arc_tangent_circles_outside(self):$/;" m class:Test_intersect
test_arc_line test/ /^ def test_arc_line(self):$/;" m class:Test_intersect
test_bezier2polynomial test/ /^ def test_bezier2polynomial(self):$/;" m class:TestBezier2Polynomial
test_bpoints2bezier test/ /^ def test_bpoints2bezier(self):$/;" m class:TestPathTools
test_circle test/ /^ def test_circle(self):$/;" m class:TestPath
test_closest_point_in_path test/ /^ def test_closest_point_in_path(self):$/;" m class:TestPathTools
test_continuous_subpaths test/ /^ def test_continuous_subpaths(self):$/;" m class:TestPath
test_cropped test/ /^ def test_cropped(self):$/;" m class:TestPath
test_d test/ /^ def test_d(self):$/;" m class:TestPath
test_equality test/ /^ def test_equality(self):$/;" m class:ArcTest
test_equality test/ /^ def test_equality(self):$/;" m class:CubicBezierTest
test_equality test/ /^ def test_equality(self):$/;" m class:LineTest
test_equality test/ /^ def test_equality(self):$/;" m class:QuadraticBezierTest
test_equality test/ /^ def test_equality(self):$/;" m class:TestPath
test_errors test/ /^ def test_errors(self):$/;" m class:TestParser
test_farthest_point_in_path test/ /^ def test_farthest_point_in_path(self):$/;" m class:TestPathTools
test_group_flatten test/ /^ def test_group_flatten(self):$/;" m class:TestGroups
test_ilength_arcs test/ /^ def test_ilength_arcs(self):$/;" m class:Test_ilength
test_ilength_cubics test/ /^ def test_ilength_cubics(self):$/;" m class:Test_ilength
test_ilength_exceptions test/ /^ def test_ilength_exceptions(self):$/;" m class:Test_ilength
test_ilength_lines test/ /^ def test_ilength_lines(self):$/;" m class:Test_ilength
test_ilength_paths test/ /^ def test_ilength_paths(self):$/;" m class:Test_ilength
test_ilength_quadratics test/ /^ def test_ilength_quadratics(self):$/;" m class:Test_ilength
test_intersect test/ /^ def test_intersect(self):$/;" m class:Test_intersect
test_intersect_arc_line_1 test/ /^ def test_intersect_arc_line_1(self):$/;" m class:Test_intersect
test_intersect_arc_line_2 test/ /^ def test_intersect_arc_line_2(self):$/;" m class:Test_intersect
test_intersect_arc_line_3 test/ /^ def test_intersect_arc_line_3(self):$/;" m class:Test_intersect
test_intersect_arc_line_disjoint_bboxes test/ /^ def test_intersect_arc_line_disjoint_bboxes(self):$/;" m class:Test_intersect
test_is_bezier_path test/ /^ def test_is_bezier_path(self):$/;" m class:TestPathTools
test_is_bezier_segment test/ /^ def test_is_bezier_segment(self):$/;" m class:TestPathTools
test_is_contained_by test/ /^ def test_is_contained_by(self):$/;" m class:TestPathTools
test_issue_99 test/ /^ def test_issue_99(self):$/;" m class:TestParser
test_length test/ /^ def test_length(self):$/;" m class:ArcTest
test_length test/ /^ def test_length(self):$/;" m class:CubicBezierTest
test_length test/ /^ def test_length(self):$/;" m class:QuadraticBezierTest
test_line_line_0 test/ /^ def test_line_line_0(self):$/;" m class:Test_intersect
test_line_line_1 test/ /^ def test_line_line_1(self):$/;" m class:Test_intersect
test_lines test/ /^ def test_lines(self):$/;" m class:LineTest
test_negative test/ /^ def test_negative(self):$/;" m class:TestParser
test_nested_group test/ /^ def test_nested_group(self):$/;" m class:TestGroups
test_normalizing test/ /^ def test_normalizing(self):$/;" m class:TestGeneration
test_numbers test/ /^ def test_numbers(self):$/;" m class:TestParser
test_others test/ /^ def test_others(self):$/;" m class:TestParser
test_parse_display test/ /^ def test_parse_display(self):$/;" m class:TestSaxGroups
test_path_area test/ /^ def test_path_area(self):$/;" m class:TestPathTools
test_path_encloses_pt test/ /^ def test_path_encloses_pt(self):$/;" m class:TestPathTools
test_path_parsing test/ /^ def test_path_parsing(self):$/;" m class:TestGeneration
test_pathd_init test/ /^ def test_pathd_init(self):$/;" m class:TestParser
test_point_to_t test/ /^ def test_point_to_t(self):$/;" m class:ArcTest
test_point_to_t test/ /^ def test_point_to_t(self):$/;" m class:LineTest
test_points test/ /^ def test_points(self):$/;" m class:ArcTest
test_polynomial2bezier test/ /^ def test_polynomial2bezier(self):$/;" m class:TestPolynomial2Bezier
test_polynomial2bezier test/ /^ def test_polynomial2bezier(self):$/;" m class:TestPathTools
test_radialrange test/ /^ def test_radialrange(self):$/;" m class:LineTest
test_rational_limit test/ /^ def test_rational_limit(self):$/;" m class:Test_polytools
test_repr test/ /^ def test_repr(self):$/;" m class:TestPath
test_svg2paths_ellipses test/ /^ def test_svg2paths_ellipses(self):$/;" m class:TestSVG2Paths
test_svg2paths_polygons test/ /^ def test_svg2paths_polygons(self):$/;" m class:TestSVG2Paths
test_svg_examples test/ /^ def test_svg_examples(self):$/;" m class:TestParser
test_svg_examples test/ /^ def test_svg_examples(self):$/;" m class:CubicBezierTest
test_svg_examples test/ /^ def test_svg_examples(self):$/;" m class:QuadraticBezierTest
test_svg_specs test/ /^ def test_svg_specs(self):$/;" m class:TestPath
test_transform test/ /^ def test_transform(self):$/;" m class:TestParser
test_transform_scale test/ /^ def test_transform_scale(self):$/;" m class:TestPath
test_trusting_acos test/ /^ def test_trusting_acos(self):$/;" m class:ArcTest
testpath examples/ /^ testpath = Path(*[random_bezier(3) for dummy in range(num_segs)])$/;" v
time build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from time import time$/;" i
time build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from time import time$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
time svgpathtools/ /^from time import time$/;" i
time svgpathtools/ /^from time import time$/;" i
to_complex build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def to_complex(v):$/;" f function:transform
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
to_complex svgpathtools/ /^ def to_complex(v):$/;" f function:transform
to_point build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def to_point(p):$/;" f function:transform
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
to_point svgpathtools/ /^ def to_point(p):$/;" f function:transform
to_vector build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def to_vector(z):$/;" f function:transform
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
to_vector svgpathtools/ /^ def to_vector(z):$/;" f function:transform
transform build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def transform(z):$/;" f function:rotate
transform build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ transform = None$/;" v class:Path
transform build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def transform(curve, tf):$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
transform svgpathtools/ /^ def transform(z):$/;" f function:rotate
transform svgpathtools/ /^ transform = None$/;" v class:Path
transform svgpathtools/ /^def transform(curve, tf):$/;" f
translate build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def translate(curve, z0):$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
translate svgpathtools/ /^def translate(curve, z0):$/;" f
translated build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def translated(self, z0):$/;" m class:Arc
translated build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def translated(self, z0):$/;" m class:CubicBezier
translated build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def translated(self, z0):$/;" m class:Line
translated build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def translated(self, z0):$/;" m class:Path
translated build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def translated(self, z0):$/;" m class:QuadraticBezier
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
translated svgpathtools/ /^ def translated(self, z0):$/;" m class:Arc
translated svgpathtools/ /^ def translated(self, z0):$/;" m class:CubicBezier
translated svgpathtools/ /^ def translated(self, z0):$/;" m class:Line
translated svgpathtools/ /^ def translated(self, z0):$/;" m class:Path
translated svgpathtools/ /^ def translated(self, z0):$/;" m class:QuadraticBezier
tvals examples/ /^ tvals = np.linspace(0, 1, 10)$/;" v
txt build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from svgwrite import Drawing, text as txt$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
txt svgpathtools/ /^from svgwrite import Drawing, text as txt$/;" i
u1transform build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def u1transform(self, z):$/;" m class:Arc
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
u1transform svgpathtools/ /^ def u1transform(self, z):$/;" m class:Arc
unit_tangent build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def unit_tangent(self, T):$/;" m class:Path
unit_tangent build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def unit_tangent(self, t):$/;" m class:Arc
unit_tangent build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def unit_tangent(self, t):$/;" m class:CubicBezier
unit_tangent build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def unit_tangent(self, t):$/;" m class:QuadraticBezier
unit_tangent build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^ def unit_tangent(self, t=None):$/;" m class:Line
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
unit_tangent svgpathtools/ /^ def unit_tangent(self, T):$/;" m class:Path
unit_tangent svgpathtools/ /^ def unit_tangent(self, t):$/;" m class:Arc
unit_tangent svgpathtools/ /^ def unit_tangent(self, t):$/;" m class:CubicBezier
unit_tangent svgpathtools/ /^ def unit_tangent(self, t):$/;" m class:QuadraticBezier
unit_tangent svgpathtools/ /^ def unit_tangent(self, t=None):$/;" m class:Line
unittest test/ /^import unittest$/;" i
unittest test/ /^import unittest$/;" i
unittest test/ /^import unittest$/;" i
unittest test/ /^import unittest$/;" i
unittest test/ /^import unittest$/;" i
unittest test/ /^import unittest$/;" i
unittest test/ /^import unittest$/;" i
unittest test/ /^import unittest$/;" i
url /^ url='https:\/\/\/mathandy\/svgpathtools',$/;" v
version /^ version=VERSION,$/;" v
warn build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from warnings import warn$/;" i
warn build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from warnings import warn$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
warn svgpathtools/ /^from warnings import warn$/;" i
warn svgpathtools/ /^from warnings import warn$/;" i
warnings build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^import warnings$/;" i
warnings build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^import warnings$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
warnings svgpathtools/ /^import warnings$/;" i
warnings svgpathtools/ /^import warnings$/;" i
webbrowser build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^import webbrowser$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
webbrowser svgpathtools/ /^import webbrowser$/;" i
wsvg build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^from .paths2svg import disvg, wsvg, paths2Drawing$/;" i
wsvg build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^def wsvg(paths=None, colors=None,$/;" f
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
wsvg svgpathtools/ /^from .paths2svg import disvg, wsvg, paths2Drawing$/;" i
wsvg svgpathtools/ /^def wsvg(paths=None, colors=None, filename=None, stroke_widths=None,$/;" f
xml build/lib/svgpathtools/ /^import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree$/;" i
2020-08-05 01:22:20 +00:00
xml svgpathtools/ /^import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree$/;" i