
603 lines
19 KiB

* @file ext-markers.js
* @license Apache-2.0
* @copyright 2010 Will Schleter based on ext-arrows.js by Copyright(c) 2010 Alexis Deveria
* This extension provides for the addition of markers to the either end
* or the middle of a line, polyline, path, polygon.
* Markers may be either a graphic or arbitary text
* to simplify the coding and make the implementation as robust as possible,
* markers are not shared - every object has its own set of markers.
* this relationship is maintained by a naming convention between the
* ids of the markers and the ids of the object
* The following restrictions exist for simplicty of use and programming
* objects and their markers to have the same color
* marker size is fixed
* text marker font, size, and attributes are fixed
* an application specific attribute - se_type - is added to each marker element
* to store the type of marker
* @todo
* remove some of the restrictions above
* add option for keeping text aligned to horizontal
* add support for dimension extension lines
export default {
name: 'markers',
async init (S) {
const strings = await S.importLocale();
const svgEditor = this;
const {$} = S;
const svgCanvas = svgEditor.canvas;
const // {svgcontent} = S,
addElem = svgCanvas.addSVGElementFromJson;
const mtypes = ['start', 'mid', 'end'];
const markerPrefix = 'se_marker_';
const idPrefix = 'mkr_';
// note - to add additional marker types add them below with a unique id
// and add the associated icon(s) to marker-icons.svg
// the geometry is normalized to a 100x100 box with the origin at lower left
// Safari did not like negative values for low left of viewBox
// remember that the coordinate system has +y downward
const markerTypes = {
nomarker: {},
{element: 'path', attr: {d: 'M0,50 L100,90 L70,50 L100,10 Z'}},
{element: 'path', attr: {d: 'M100,50 L0,90 L30,50 L0,10 Z'}},
{element: 'text', attr: {x: 0, y: 0, 'stroke-width': 0, stroke: 'none', 'font-size': 75, 'font-family': 'serif', 'text-anchor': 'left',
'xml:space': 'preserve'}},
{element: 'path', attr: {d: 'M30,100 L70,0'}},
{element: 'path', attr: {d: 'M30,0 L70,100'}},
{element: 'path', attr: {d: 'M50,0 L50,100'}},
{element: 'path', attr: {d: 'M20,20 L20,80 L80,80 L80,20 Z'}},
{element: 'path', attr: {d: 'M10,30 L90,30 L20,90 L50,10 L80,90 Z'}},
{element: 'path', attr: {d: 'M20,80 L80,20 M80,80 L20,20'}},
{element: 'path', attr: {d: 'M10,80 L50,20 L80,80 Z'}},
{element: 'circle', attr: {r: 30, cx: 50, cy: 50}}
// duplicate shapes to support unfilled (open) marker types with an _o suffix
['leftarrow', 'rightarrow', 'box', 'star', 'mcircle', 'triangle'].forEach((v) => {
markerTypes[v + '_o'] = markerTypes[v];
* @param {Element} elem - A graphic element will have an attribute like marker-start
* @param {"marker-start"|"marker-mid"|"marker-end"} attr
* @returns {Element} The marker element that is linked to the graphic element
function getLinked (elem, attr) {
const str = elem.getAttribute(attr);
if (!str) { return null; }
const m = str.match(/\(#(.*)\)/);
// const m = str.match(/\(#(?<id>.+)\)/);
// if (!m || ! {
if (!m || m.length !== 2) {
return null;
return svgCanvas.getElem(m[1]);
// return svgCanvas.getElem(;
* @param {"start"|"mid"|"end"} pos
* @param {string} id
* @returns {void}
function setIcon (pos, id) {
if (id.substr(0, 1) !== '\\') { id = '\\textmarker'; }
const ci = '#' + idPrefix + pos + '_' + id.substr(1);
svgEditor.setIcon('#cur_' + pos + '_marker_list', $(ci).children());
let selElems;
* Toggles context tool panel off/on. Sets the controls with the
* selected element's settings.
* @param {boolean} on
* @returns {void}
function showPanel (on) {
if (on) {
const el = selElems[0];
let val, ci;
$.each(mtypes, function (i, pos) {
const m = getLinked(el, 'marker-' + pos);
const txtbox = $('#' + pos + '_marker');
if (!m) {
val = '\\nomarker';
ci = val;
txtbox.hide(); // hide text box
} else {
if (!m.attributes.se_type) { return; } // not created by this extension
val = '\\' + m.attributes.se_type.textContent;
ci = val;
if (val === '\\textmarker') {
val = m.lastChild.textContent;
//; // show text box
} else {
txtbox.hide(); // hide text box
setIcon(pos, ci);
* @param {string} id
* @param {""|"\\nomarker"|"nomarker"|"leftarrow"|"rightarrow"|"textmarker"|"forwardslash"|"reverseslash"|"verticalslash"|"box"|"star"|"xmark"|"triangle"|"mcircle"} val
* @returns {SVGMarkerElement}
function addMarker (id, val) {
const txtBoxBg = '#ffffff';
const txtBoxBorder = 'none';
const txtBoxStrokeWidth = 0;
let marker = svgCanvas.getElem(id);
if (marker) { return undefined; }
if (val === '' || val === '\\nomarker') { return undefined; }
const el = selElems[0];
const color = el.getAttribute('stroke');
// NOTE: Safari didn't like a negative value in viewBox
// so we use a standardized 0 0 100 100
// with 50 50 being mapped to the marker position
const strokeWidth = 10;
let refX = 50;
let refY = 50;
let viewBox = '0 0 100 100';
let markerWidth = 5;
let markerHeight = 5;
let seType;
if (val.substr(0, 1) === '\\') {
seType = val.substr(1);
} else { seType = 'textmarker'; }
if (!markerTypes[seType]) { return undefined; } // an unknown type!
// create a generic marker
marker = addElem({
element: 'marker',
attr: {
markerUnits: 'strokeWidth',
orient: 'auto',
style: 'pointer-events:none',
se_type: seType
if (seType !== 'textmarker') {
const mel = addElem(markerTypes[seType]);
const fillcolor = (seType.substr(-2) === '_o')
? 'none'
: color;
mel.setAttribute('fill', fillcolor);
mel.setAttribute('stroke', color);
mel.setAttribute('stroke-width', strokeWidth);
} else {
const text = addElem(markerTypes[seType]);
// have to add text to get bounding box
text.textContent = val;
const tb = text.getBBox();
// alert(tb.x + ' ' + tb.y + ' ' + tb.width + ' ' + tb.height);
const pad = 1;
const bb = tb;
bb.x = 0;
bb.y = 0;
bb.width += pad * 2;
bb.height += pad * 2;
// shift text according to its size
text.setAttribute('x', pad);
text.setAttribute('y', bb.height - pad - tb.height / 4); // kludge?
text.setAttribute('fill', color);
refX = bb.width / 2 + pad;
refY = bb.height / 2 + pad;
viewBox = bb.x + ' ' + bb.y + ' ' + bb.width + ' ' + bb.height;
markerWidth = bb.width / 10;
markerHeight = bb.height / 10;
const box = addElem({
element: 'rect',
attr: {
x: bb.x,
y: bb.y,
width: bb.width,
height: bb.height,
fill: txtBoxBg,
stroke: txtBoxBorder,
'stroke-width': txtBoxStrokeWidth
marker.setAttribute('orient', 0);
marker.append(box, text);
marker.setAttribute('viewBox', viewBox);
marker.setAttribute('markerWidth', markerWidth);
marker.setAttribute('markerHeight', markerHeight);
marker.setAttribute('refX', refX);
marker.setAttribute('refY', refY);
return marker;
* @param {Element} elem
* @returns {SVGPolylineElement}
function convertline (elem) {
// this routine came from the connectors extension
// it is needed because midpoint markers don't work with line elements
if (elem.tagName !== 'line') { return elem; }
// Convert to polyline to accept mid-arrow
const x1 = Number(elem.getAttribute('x1'));
const x2 = Number(elem.getAttribute('x2'));
const y1 = Number(elem.getAttribute('y1'));
const y2 = Number(elem.getAttribute('y2'));
const {id} = elem;
const midPt = (' ' + ((x1 + x2) / 2) + ',' + ((y1 + y2) / 2) + ' ');
const pline = addElem({
element: 'polyline',
attr: {
points: (x1 + ',' + y1 + midPt + x2 + ',' + y2),
stroke: elem.getAttribute('stroke'),
'stroke-width': elem.getAttribute('stroke-width'),
fill: 'none',
opacity: elem.getAttribute('opacity') || 1
$.each(mtypes, function (i, pos) { // get any existing marker definitions
const nam = 'marker-' + pos;
const m = elem.getAttribute(nam);
if (m) { pline.setAttribute(nam, elem.getAttribute(nam)); }
const batchCmd = new S.BatchCommand();
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new S.RemoveElementCommand(elem, elem.parentNode));
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new S.InsertElementCommand(pline));
svgCanvas.clearSelection(); = id;
return pline;
* @returns {void}
function setMarker () {
const poslist = {start_marker: 'start', mid_marker: 'mid', end_marker: 'end'};
const pos = poslist[];
const markerName = 'marker-' + pos;
const el = selElems[0];
const marker = getLinked(el, markerName);
if (marker) { $(marker).remove(); }
let val = this.value;
if (val === '') { val = '\\nomarker'; }
if (val === '\\nomarker') {
setIcon(pos, val);'changed', selElems);
// Set marker on element
const id = markerPrefix + pos + '_' +;
addMarker(id, val);
svgCanvas.changeSelectedAttribute(markerName, 'url(#' + id + ')');
if (el.tagName === 'line' && pos === 'mid') {
}'changed', selElems);
setIcon(pos, val);
* Called when the main system modifies an object. This routine changes
* the associated markers to be the same color.
* @param {Element} elem
* @returns {void}
function colorChanged (elem) {
const color = elem.getAttribute('stroke');
$.each(mtypes, function (i, pos) {
const marker = getLinked(elem, 'marker-' + pos);
if (!marker) { return; }
if (!marker.attributes.se_type) { return; } // not created by this extension
const ch = marker.lastElementChild;
if (!ch) { return; }
const curfill = ch.getAttribute('fill');
const curstroke = ch.getAttribute('stroke');
if (curfill && curfill !== 'none') { ch.setAttribute('fill', color); }
if (curstroke && curstroke !== 'none') { ch.setAttribute('stroke', color); }
* Called when the main system creates or modifies an object.
* Its primary purpose is to create new markers for cloned objects.
* @param {Element} el
* @returns {void}
function updateReferences (el) {
$.each(mtypes, function (i, pos) {
const id = markerPrefix + pos + '_' +;
const markerName = 'marker-' + pos;
const marker = getLinked(el, markerName);
if (!marker || !marker.attributes.se_type) { return; } // not created by this extension
const url = el.getAttribute(markerName);
if (url) {
const len =;
const linkid = url.substr(-len - 1, len);
if ( !== linkid) {
const val = $('#' + pos + '_marker').attr('value');
addMarker(id, val);
svgCanvas.changeSelectedAttribute(markerName, 'url(#' + id + ')');
if (el.tagName === 'line' && pos === 'mid') { el = convertline(el); }'changed', selElems);
// simulate a change event a text box that stores the current element's marker type
* @param {"start"|"mid"|"end"} pos
* @param {string} val
* @returns {void}
function triggerTextEntry (pos, val) {
$('#' + pos + '_marker').val(val);
$('#' + pos + '_marker').change();
// const txtbox = $('#'+pos+'_marker');
// if (val.substr(0,1)=='\\') {txtbox.hide();}
// else {;}
* @param {"start"|"mid"|"end"} pos
* @returns {Promise<void>} Resolves to `undefined`
async function showTextPrompt (pos) {
let def = $('#' + pos + '_marker').val();
if (def.substr(0, 1) === '\\') { def = ''; }
const txt = await $.prompt('Enter text for ' + pos + ' marker', def);
if (txt) {
triggerTextEntry(pos, txt);
function setMarkerSet(obj) {
const parts ='_');
const set = parts[2];
switch (set) {
case 'off':
case 'dimension':
await showTextPrompt('mid');
case 'label':
await showTextPrompt('start');
// callback function for a toolbar button click
* @param {Event} ev
* @returns {Promise<void>} Resolves to `undefined`
async function setArrowFromButton (ev) {
const parts ='_');
const pos = parts[1];
let val = parts[2];
if (parts[3]) { val += '_' + parts[3]; }
if (val !== 'textmarker') {
triggerTextEntry(pos, '\\' + val);
} else {
await showTextPrompt(pos);
* @param {"nomarker"|"leftarrow"|"rightarrow"|"textmarker"|"forwardslash"|"reverseslash"|"verticalslash"|"box"|"star"|"xmark"|"triangle"|"mcircle"} id
* @returns {string}
function getTitle (id) {
const {langList} = strings;
const item = langList.find((itm) => {
return === id;
return item ? item.title : id;
* Build the toolbar button array from the marker definitions.
* @returns {module:SVGEditor.Button[]}
function buildButtonList () {
const buttons = [];
// const i = 0;
id: idPrefix + 'markers_off',
title: 'Turn off all markers',
type: 'context',
events: { click: setMarkerSet },
panel: 'marker_panel'
id: idPrefix + 'markers_dimension',
title: 'Dimension',
type: 'context',
events: { click: setMarkerSet },
panel: 'marker_panel'
id: idPrefix + 'markers_label',
title: 'Label',
type: 'context',
events: { click: setMarkerSet },
panel: 'marker_panel'
$.each(mtypes, function (k, pos) {
const listname = pos + '_marker_list';
let def = true;
Object.keys(markerTypes).forEach(function (id) {
const title = getTitle(String(id));
id: idPrefix + pos + '_' + id,
svgicon: id,
icon: svgEditor.curConfig.extIconsPath + 'markers-' + id + '.png',
type: 'context',
events: {click: setArrowFromButton},
panel: 'marker_panel',
list: listname,
isDefault: def
def = false;
return buttons;
const contextTools = [
type: 'input',
panel: 'marker_panel',
id: 'start_marker',
size: 3,
events: {change: setMarker}
}, {
type: 'button-select',
panel: 'marker_panel',
id: 'start_marker_list',
colnum: 3,
events: {change: setArrowFromButton}
}, {
type: 'input',
panel: 'marker_panel',
id: 'mid_marker',
defval: '',
size: 3,
events: {change: setMarker}
}, {
type: 'button-select',
panel: 'marker_panel',
id: 'mid_marker_list',
colnum: 3,
events: {change: setArrowFromButton}
}, {
type: 'input',
panel: 'marker_panel',
id: 'end_marker',
size: 3,
events: {change: setMarker}
}, {
type: 'button-select',
panel: 'marker_panel',
id: 'end_marker_list',
colnum: 3,
events: {change: setArrowFromButton}
return {
svgicons: svgEditor.curConfig.extIconsPath + 'markers-icons.xml',
callback () {
/* async */ addLangData ({importLocale, lang}) {
return {data: strings.langList};
selectedChanged (opts) {
// Use this to update the current selected elements
// console.log('selectChanged',opts);
selElems = opts.elems;
const markerElems = ['line', 'path', 'polyline', 'polygon'];
let i = selElems.length;
while (i--) {
const elem = selElems[i];
if (elem && markerElems.includes(elem.tagName)) {
if (opts.selectedElement && !opts.multiselected) {
} else {
} else {
elementChanged (opts) {
// console.log('elementChanged',opts);
const elem = opts.elems[0];
if (elem && (
elem.getAttribute('marker-start') ||
elem.getAttribute('marker-mid') ||
)) {
// changing_flag = false; // Not apparently in use
buttons: buildButtonList(),
context_tools:, i) => {
return Object.assign(contextTools[i], contextTool);