/* globals jsPDF */ /* * svgToPdf.js * * Copyright 2012-2014 Florian Hülsmann * Copyright 2014 Ben Gribaudo * * This script is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this file. If not, see . * */ import RGBColor from '../canvg/rgbcolor.js'; const jsPDFAPI = jsPDF.API; const pdfSvgAttr = { // allowed attributes. all others are removed from the preview. g: ['stroke', 'fill', 'stroke-width'], line: ['x1', 'y1', 'x2', 'y2', 'stroke', 'stroke-width'], rect: ['x', 'y', 'width', 'height', 'stroke', 'fill', 'stroke-width'], ellipse: ['cx', 'cy', 'rx', 'ry', 'stroke', 'fill', 'stroke-width'], circle: ['cx', 'cy', 'r', 'stroke', 'fill', 'stroke-width'], text: ['x', 'y', 'font-size', 'font-family', 'text-anchor', 'font-weight', 'font-style', 'fill'] }; const attributeIsNotEmpty = function (node, attr) { const attVal = attr ? node.getAttribute(attr) : node; return attVal !== '' && attVal !== null; }; const nodeIs = function (node, possible) { return possible.includes(node.tagName.toLowerCase()); }; const removeAttributes = function (node, attributes) { const toRemove = []; [].forEach.call(node.attributes, function (a) { if (attributeIsNotEmpty(a) && !attributes.includes(a.name.toLowerCase())) { toRemove.push(a.name); } }); toRemove.forEach((a) => { node.removeAttribute(a.name); }); }; const svgElementToPdf = function (element, pdf, options) { // pdf is a jsPDF object // console.log('options =', options); const remove = (options.removeInvalid === undefined ? false : options.removeInvalid); const k = (options.scale === undefined ? 1.0 : options.scale); let colorMode = null; [].forEach.call(element.children, function (node) { // console.log('passing: ', node); // let hasStrokeColor = false; let hasFillColor = false; let fillRGB; if (nodeIs(node, ['g', 'line', 'rect', 'ellipse', 'circle', 'text'])) { const fillColor = node.getAttribute('fill'); if (attributeIsNotEmpty(fillColor)) { fillRGB = new RGBColor(fillColor); if (fillRGB.ok) { hasFillColor = true; colorMode = 'F'; } else { colorMode = null; } } } if (nodeIs(node, ['g', 'line', 'rect', 'ellipse', 'circle'])) { if (hasFillColor) { pdf.setFillColor(fillRGB.r, fillRGB.g, fillRGB.b); } if (attributeIsNotEmpty(node, 'stroke-width')) { pdf.setLineWidth(k * parseInt(node.getAttribute('stroke-width'), 10)); } const strokeColor = node.getAttribute('stroke'); if (attributeIsNotEmpty(strokeColor)) { const strokeRGB = new RGBColor(strokeColor); if (strokeRGB.ok) { // hasStrokeColor = true; pdf.setDrawColor(strokeRGB.r, strokeRGB.g, strokeRGB.b); if (colorMode === 'F') { colorMode = 'FD'; } else { colorMode = null; } } else { colorMode = null; } } } switch (node.tagName.toLowerCase()) { case 'svg': case 'a': case 'g': svgElementToPdf(node, pdf, options); removeAttributes(node, pdfSvgAttr.g); break; case 'line': pdf.line( k * parseInt(node.getAttribute('x1'), 10), k * parseInt(node.getAttribute('y1'), 10), k * parseInt(node.getAttribute('x2'), 10), k * parseInt(node.getAttribute('y2'), 10) ); removeAttributes(node, pdfSvgAttr.line); break; case 'rect': pdf.rect( k * parseInt(node.getAttribute('x'), 10), k * parseInt(node.getAttribute('y'), 10), k * parseInt(node.getAttribute('width'), 10), k * parseInt(node.getAttribute('height'), 10), colorMode ); removeAttributes(node, pdfSvgAttr.rect); break; case 'ellipse': pdf.ellipse( k * parseInt(node.getAttribute('cx'), 10), k * parseInt(node.getAttribute('cy'), 10), k * parseInt(node.getAttribute('rx'), 10), k * parseInt(node.getAttribute('ry'), 10), colorMode ); removeAttributes(node, pdfSvgAttr.ellipse); break; case 'circle': pdf.circle( k * parseInt(node.getAttribute('cx'), 10), k * parseInt(node.getAttribute('cy'), 10), k * parseInt(node.getAttribute('r'), 10), colorMode ); removeAttributes(node, pdfSvgAttr.circle); break; case 'text': if (node.hasAttribute('font-family')) { switch ((node.getAttribute('font-family') || '').toLowerCase()) { case 'serif': pdf.setFont('times'); break; case 'monospace': pdf.setFont('courier'); break; default: node.setAttribute('font-family', 'sans-serif'); pdf.setFont('helvetica'); } } if (hasFillColor) { pdf.setTextColor(fillRGB.r, fillRGB.g, fillRGB.b); } let fontType = ''; if (node.hasAttribute('font-weight')) { if (node.getAttribute('font-weight') === 'bold') { fontType = 'bold'; } else { node.removeAttribute('font-weight'); } } if (node.hasAttribute('font-style')) { if (node.getAttribute('font-style') === 'italic') { fontType += 'italic'; } else { node.removeAttribute('font-style'); } } pdf.setFontType(fontType); const pdfFontSize = node.hasAttribute('font-size') ? parseInt(node.getAttribute('font-size'), 10) : 16; const getWidth = (node) => { let box; try { box = node.getBBox(); // Firefox on MacOS will raise error here } catch (err) { // copy and append to body so that getBBox is available const nodeCopy = node.cloneNode(true); const svg = node.ownerSVGElement.cloneNode(false); svg.appendChild(nodeCopy); document.body.appendChild(svg); try { box = nodeCopy.getBBox(); } catch (err) { box = {width: 0}; } document.body.removeChild(svg); } return box.width; }; // FIXME: use more accurate positioning!! let x, y, xOffset = 0; if (node.hasAttribute('text-anchor')) { switch (node.getAttribute('text-anchor')) { case 'end': xOffset = getWidth(node); break; case 'middle': xOffset = getWidth(node) / 2; break; case 'start': break; case 'default': node.setAttribute('text-anchor', 'start'); break; } x = parseInt(node.getAttribute('x'), 10) - xOffset; y = parseInt(node.getAttribute('y'), 10); } // console.log('fontSize:', pdfFontSize, 'text:', node.textContent); pdf.setFontSize(pdfFontSize).text( k * x, k * y, node.textContent ); removeAttributes(node, pdfSvgAttr.text); break; // TODO: image default: if (remove) { console.log("can't translate to pdf:", node); node.remove(); } } }); return pdf; }; jsPDFAPI.addSVG = function (element, x, y, options) { options = (options === undefined ? {} : options); options.x_offset = x; options.y_offset = y; if (typeof element === 'string') { element = new DOMParser().parseFromString(element, 'text/xml').documentElement; } svgElementToPdf(element, this, options); return this; };