import { visitAndApproveStorage } from '../../support/ui-test-helper.js'; describe('UI - Accessibility', function () { beforeEach(() => { visitAndApproveStorage(); cy.injectAxe(); }); // it.skip('Has no detectable a11y violations on load', () => { // Configure aXe and test the page at initial load cy.configureAxe({ // Todo: Reenable when have time to fix // See rules: [{ id: 'meta-viewport', enabled: false }] /* branding: { brand: String, application: String }, reporter: 'option', checks: [Object], rules: [Object], locale: Object */ }); cy.checkA11y( {}, { rules: { 'label-title-only': {enabled: false}, 'page-has-heading-one': {enabled: false}, region: {enabled: false}, 'scrollable-region-focusable': {enabled: false} } } ); }); });