const LOAD = 'load'; const DOM_CONTENT_LOADED = 'DOMContentLoaded'; class QueryResult extends Array {} const search = (list, el) => { const nodes = []; for (const CSS of list) { const css = CSS.trim(); if (css.slice(-6) === ':first') { const node = el.querySelector(css.slice(0, -6)); if (node) nodes.push(node); } else for (const node of el.querySelectorAll(css)) nodes.push(node); } return new QueryResult(...nodes); }; const {defineProperty} = Object; const $ = defineProperty( (CSS, parent = document) => { switch (typeof CSS) { case 'string': return search(CSS.split(','), parent); case 'object': return new QueryResult( ...(('nodeType' in CSS || 'postMessage' in CSS) ? [CSS] : CSS) ); case 'function': const $parent = $(parent); const $window = $(parent.defaultView); const handler = {handleEvent(event) { $, handler); $, handler); CSS(event); }}; $parent.on(DOM_CONTENT_LOADED, handler); $window.on(LOAD, handler); const rs = parent.readyState; if (rs == 'complete' || (rs != 'loading' && !parent.documentElement.doScroll)) setTimeout(() => $parent.dispatch(DOM_CONTENT_LOADED)); return $; } }, Symbol.hasInstance, {value: instance => instance instanceof QueryResult} ); $.extend = (key, value) => (defineProperty( QueryResult.prototype, key, {configurable: true, value} ), $); $.extend('dispatch', function dispatch(type, init = {}) { const event = new CustomEvent(type, init); for (const node of this) node.dispatchEvent(event); return this; }) .extend('off', function off(type, handler, options = false) { for (const node of this) node.removeEventListener(type, handler, options); return this; }) .extend('on', function on(type, handler, options = false) { for (const node of this) node.addEventListener(type, handler, options); return this; }); export default $;