(function () { 'use strict'; /* globals jQuery */ /* * ext-imagelib.js * * Licensed under the MIT License * * Copyright(c) 2010 Alexis Deveria * */ svgEditor.addExtension('imagelib', function (_ref) { var decode64 = _ref.decode64; var $ = jQuery; var _svgEditor = svgEditor, uiStrings = _svgEditor.uiStrings, svgCanvas = _svgEditor.canvas; $.extend(uiStrings, { imagelib: { select_lib: 'Select an image library', show_list: 'Show library list', import_single: 'Import single', import_multi: 'Import multiple', open: 'Open as new document' } }); var modularVersion = !('svgEditor' in window) || !window.svgEditor || window.svgEditor.modules !== false; var imgLibs = [{ name: 'Demo library (local)', url: svgEditor.curConfig.extIconsPath + 'imagelib/index' + (modularVersion ? '-es' : '') + '.html', description: 'Demonstration library for SVG-edit on this server' }, { name: 'IAN Symbol Libraries', url: 'https://ian.umces.edu/symbols/catalog/svgedit/album_chooser.php', description: 'Free library of illustrations' }, { name: 'Openclipart', url: 'https://openclipart.org/svgedit', description: 'Share and Use Images. Over 50,000 Public Domain SVG Images and Growing.' }]; function closeBrowser() { $('#imgbrowse_holder').hide(); } function importImage(url) { var newImage = svgCanvas.addSvgElementFromJson({ element: 'image', attr: { x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0, id: svgCanvas.getNextId(), style: 'pointer-events:inherit' } }); svgCanvas.clearSelection(); svgCanvas.addToSelection([newImage]); svgCanvas.setImageURL(url); } var pending = {}; var mode = 's'; var multiArr = []; var transferStopped = false; var preview = void 0, submit = void 0; window.addEventListener('message', function (evt) { // Receive `postMessage` data var response = evt.data; if (!response || typeof response !== 'string') { // Do nothing return; } try { // Todo: This block can be removed (and the above check changed to // insist on an object) if embedAPI moves away from a string to // an object (if IE9 support not needed) response = JSON.parse(response); if (response.namespace !== 'imagelib') { return; } } catch (e) { return; } var hasName = 'name' in response; var hasHref = 'href' in response; if (!hasName && transferStopped) { transferStopped = false; return; } var id = void 0; if (hasHref) { id = response.href; response = response.data; } // Hide possible transfer dialog box $('#dialog_box').hide(); var entry = void 0, curMeta = void 0, svgStr = void 0, imgStr = void 0; var type = hasName ? 'meta' : response.charAt(0); switch (type) { case 'meta': { // Metadata transferStopped = false; curMeta = response; pending[curMeta.id] = curMeta; var name = curMeta.name || 'file'; var message = uiStrings.notification.retrieving.replace('%s', name); if (mode !== 'm') { $.process_cancel(message, function () { transferStopped = true; // Should a message be sent back to the frame? $('#dialog_box').hide(); }); } else { entry = $('
' + message + '
').data('id', curMeta.id); preview.append(entry); curMeta.entry = entry; } return; } case '<': svgStr = true; break; case 'd': { if (response.startsWith('data:image/svg+xml')) { var pre = 'data:image/svg+xml;base64,'; var src = response.substring(pre.length); response = decode64(src); svgStr = true; break; } else if (response.startsWith('data:image/')) { imgStr = true; break; } } // Else fall through default: // TODO: See if there's a way to base64 encode the binary data stream // const str = 'data:;base64,' + svgedit.utilities.encode64(response, true); // Assume it's raw image data // importImage(str); // Don't give warning as postMessage may have been used by something else if (mode !== 'm') { closeBrowser(); } else { pending[id].entry.remove(); } // $.alert('Unexpected data was returned: ' + response, function() { // if (mode !== 'm') { // closeBrowser(); // } else { // pending[id].entry.remove(); // } // }); return; } switch (mode) { case 's': // Import one if (svgStr) { svgCanvas.importSvgString(response); } else if (imgStr) { importImage(response); } closeBrowser(); break; case 'm': // Import multiple multiArr.push([svgStr ? 'svg' : 'img', response]); curMeta = pending[id]; var title = void 0; if (svgStr) { if (curMeta && curMeta.name) { title = curMeta.name; } else { // Try to find a title var xml = new DOMParser().parseFromString(response, 'text/xml').documentElement; title = $(xml).children('title').first().text() || '(SVG #' + response.length + ')'; } if (curMeta) { preview.children().each(function () { if ($(this).data('id') === id) { if (curMeta.preview_url) { $(this).html('' + title); } else { $(this).text(title); } submit.removeAttr('disabled'); } }); } else { preview.append('
' + title + '
'); submit.removeAttr('disabled'); } } else { if (curMeta && curMeta.preview_url) { title = curMeta.name || ''; } if (curMeta && curMeta.preview_url) { entry = '' + title; } else { entry = ''; } if (curMeta) { preview.children().each(function () { if ($(this).data('id') === id) { $(this).html(entry); submit.removeAttr('disabled'); } }); } else { preview.append($('
').append(entry)); submit.removeAttr('disabled'); } } break; case 'o': // Open if (!svgStr) { break; } svgEditor.openPrep(function (ok) { if (!ok) { return; } svgCanvas.clear(); svgCanvas.setSvgString(response); // updateCanvas(); }); closeBrowser(); break; } }, true); function toggleMulti(show) { $('#lib_framewrap, #imglib_opts').css({ right: show ? 200 : 10 }); if (!preview) { preview = $('
').css({ position: 'absolute', top: 45, right: 10, width: 180, bottom: 45, background: '#fff', overflow: 'auto' }).insertAfter('#lib_framewrap'); submit = $('').appendTo('#imgbrowse').on('click touchend', function () { $.each(multiArr, function (i) { var type = this[0]; var data = this[1]; if (type === 'svg') { svgCanvas.importSvgString(data); } else { importImage(data); } svgCanvas.moveSelectedElements(i * 20, i * 20, false); }); preview.empty(); multiArr = []; $('#imgbrowse_holder').hide(); }).css({ position: 'absolute', bottom: 10, right: -10 }); } preview.toggle(show); submit.toggle(show); } function showBrowser() { var browser = $('#imgbrowse'); if (!browser.length) { $('
' + '
').insertAfter('#svg_docprops'); browser = $('#imgbrowse'); var allLibs = uiStrings.imagelib.select_lib; var libOpts = $('