/** * Should not be needed for same domain control (just call via child frame), * but an API common for cross-domain and same domain use can be found * in embedapi.js with a demo at embedapi.html */ export default { name: 'xdomain-messaging', init () { const svgEditor = this; const svgCanvas = svgEditor.canvas; try { window.addEventListener('message', function (e) { // We accept and post strings for the sake of IE9 support if (typeof e.data !== 'string' || e.data.charAt() === '|') { return; } const data = JSON.parse(e.data); if (!data || typeof data !== 'object' || data.namespace !== 'svgCanvas') { return; } // The default is not to allow any origins, including even the same domain or if run on a file:// URL // See config-sample.js for an example of how to configure const {allowedOrigins} = svgEditor.curConfig; if (!allowedOrigins.includes('*') && !allowedOrigins.includes(e.origin)) { return; } const cbid = data.id; const {name, args} = data; const message = { namespace: 'svg-edit', id: cbid }; try { message.result = svgCanvas[name].apply(svgCanvas, args); } catch (err) { message.error = err.message; } e.source.postMessage(JSON.stringify(message), '*'); }, false); } catch (err) { console.log('Error with xdomain message listener: ' + err); } } };