var svgEditorExtension_closepath = (function () { 'use strict'; /** * ext-closepath.js * * @license MIT * * @copyright 2010 Jeff Schiller * */ // This extension adds a simple button to the contextual panel for paths // The button toggles whether the path is open or closed var extClosepath = { name: 'closepath', init: function init(_ref) { var importLocale, $, strings, svgEditor, selElems, updateButton, showPanel, toggleClosed, buttons; return regeneratorRuntime.async(function init$(_context) { while (1) { switch (_context.prev = { case 0: importLocale = _ref.importLocale, $ = _ref.$; = 3; return regeneratorRuntime.awrap(importLocale()); case 3: strings = _context.sent; svgEditor = this; updateButton = function updateButton(path) { var seglist = path.pathSegList, closed = seglist.getItem(seglist.numberOfItems - 1).pathSegType === 1, showbutton = closed ? '#tool_openpath' : '#tool_closepath', hidebutton = closed ? '#tool_closepath' : '#tool_openpath'; $(hidebutton).hide(); $(showbutton).show(); }; showPanel = function showPanel(on) { $('#closepath_panel').toggle(on); if (on) { var path = selElems[0]; if (path) { updateButton(path); } } }; toggleClosed = function toggleClosed() { var path = selElems[0]; if (path) { var seglist = path.pathSegList, last = seglist.numberOfItems - 1; // is closed if (seglist.getItem(last).pathSegType === 1) { seglist.removeItem(last); } else { seglist.appendItem(path.createSVGPathSegClosePath()); } updateButton(path); } }; buttons = [{ id: 'tool_openpath', icon: svgEditor.curConfig.extIconsPath + 'openpath.png', type: 'context', panel: 'closepath_panel', events: { click: function click() { toggleClosed(); } } }, { id: 'tool_closepath', icon: svgEditor.curConfig.extIconsPath + 'closepath.png', type: 'context', panel: 'closepath_panel', events: { click: function click() { toggleClosed(); } } }]; return _context.abrupt("return", { name:, svgicons: svgEditor.curConfig.extIconsPath + 'closepath_icons.svg', buttons: (button, i) { return Object.assign(buttons[i], button); }), callback: function callback() { $('#closepath_panel').hide(); }, selectedChanged: function selectedChanged(opts) { selElems = opts.elems; var i = selElems.length; while (i--) { var elem = selElems[i]; if (elem && elem.tagName === 'path') { if (opts.selectedElement && !opts.multiselected) { showPanel(true); } else { showPanel(false); } } else { showPanel(false); } } } }); case 10: case "end": return _context.stop(); } } }, null, this); } }; return extClosepath; }());