- Breaking change: Treat callbacks to `editor.ready` as Promises, only resolving after all resolve
- Breaking change: Make `editor.runCallbacks` return a `Promise` which resolves upon all callbacks resolving
- Breaking change: Require `npx` (used with `babel-node`) to allow Node files
for HTML building and JSDoc type checking to be expressed as ESM.
- Breaking change: `addExtension` now throws upon a repeated attempt to add an already-added extension
- Breaking change (storage preference cookies): Namespace the cookie as "svgeditstore" instead of just "store"
- Breaking change (API): Remove `svgCanvas.rasterExport` fourth (callback) argument, collapsing fifth (options) to fourth
- Breaking change (API): Remove `svgCanvas.exportPDF` third (callback) argument
- Breaking change (API): `editor/contextmenu.js` `add` now throws instead of giving a console error only upon detecting a bad menuitem or preexisting context menu
- Breaking change (API): Remove `svgCanvas.embedImage` second (callback) argument
- Breaking change (API): Make `getHelpXML` a class instead of instance method of `RGBColor`
- Breaking change (internal API): Refactor `dbox` (and `alert`/`confirm`/`process`/`prompt`/`select`) to avoid a callback argument in favor of return a Promise
- Fix: Avoid running in extension `langReady` multiple times or serially
- Enhancement (API): Add svgCanvas.runExtension to run just one extension and add `nameFilter` callback to `runExtensions`
- Enhancement (API): Supply `$` (our wrapped jQuery) to extensions so can use its plugins, e.g., dbox with its `alert`
- Enhancement: Use alert dialog in place of `alert` in webappfind
- Enhancement: `editor.ready` now returns a Promise resolving when all callbacks have resolved
- Enhancement: Allow `noAlert` option as part of second argument to `loadSvgString` (and `loadFromURL` and `loadFromDataURI`) to avoid UI alert (and trigger promise rejection)
- Enhancement: Make `dbox` as a separate module for alert, prompt, etc. dialogs
- Refactoring: Internal `PaintBox` as class; other misc. tweaks; no bitwise in canvg
- Linting (ESLint): Further linting changes (for editor); rename `.eslintrc` -> `.eslintrc.json` per recommendation
- Optimization: Recompress images (imageoptim-cli updated)
- npm: Update devDeps
- npm: Bump to 4.0.0
- Docs: Mention potentially more frequent release schedule
- Docs (ReleaseInstructions): Update per new testing; update
`grep-doc` -> `types-doc` and indicate current failing status; indicate
when `build-doc` will be used; clarify `npm pack`
- npm: Add newly renamed `jsdoc-check-overly-generic-types.js` to ignore
- npm: Bump to 3.1.1