Overhaul of grid extension to make grid appear better and change based on the current unit type

git-svn-id: http://svg-edit.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@1813 eee81c28-f429-11dd-99c0-75d572ba1ddd
Alexis Deveria 2010-10-21 17:02:12 +00:00
parent 5aabcff60c
commit f367dde12b
2 changed files with 108 additions and 77 deletions

View File

@ -4,51 +4,23 @@
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2
* Copyright(c) 2010 Redou Mine
* Copyright(c) 2010 Alexis Deveria
svgEditor.addExtension("view_grid", function(s) {
* Config for grid-lines
var gridConfig = {
'1x1': { height: 1, width: 1, color: '#CCC', strokeWidth: 0.05, opacity: 1 },
'5x5': { height: 5, width: 5, color: '#BBB', strokeWidth: 0.2, opacity: 1 },
'10x10': { height: 10, width: 10, color: '#AAA', strokeWidth: 0.2, opacity: 1 },
'100x100': { height: 100, width: 100, color: '#888', strokeWidth: 0.2, opacity: 1 }
var svgdoc = document.getElementById("svgcanvas").ownerDocument,
svgns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",
dims = svgEditor.curConfig.dimensions,
svgroot = s.svgroot;
* copied from svgcanvas.js line 1138-1157 (version: 2.5 rc1)
var assignAttributes = function(node, attrs, suspendLength, unitCheck) {
if (!suspendLength) suspendLength = 0;
// Opera has a problem with suspendRedraw() apparently
var handle = null;
if (!window.opera) svgroot.suspendRedraw(suspendLength);
var showGrid = false;
var assignAttributes = svgCanvas.assignAttributes;
var hcanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
for (var i in attrs) {
var ns = (i.substr(0, 4) == "xml:" ? xmlns :
i.substr(0, 6) == "xlink:" ? xlinkns : null);
if (ns || !unitCheck) {
node.setAttributeNS(ns, i, attrs[i]);
} else {
setUnitAttr(node, i, attrs[i]);
if (!window.opera) svgroot.unsuspendRedraw(handle);
// create svg for grid
var canvasgrid = svgdoc.createElementNS(svgns, "svg");
assignAttributes(canvasgrid, {
'id': 'canvasGrid',
@ -57,46 +29,32 @@ svgEditor.addExtension("view_grid", function(s) {
'x': 0,
'y': 0,
'overflow': 'visible',
'viewBox': '0 0 ' + dims[0] + ' ' + dims[1],
'display': 'none'
var canvBG = $('#canvasBackground');
// create each grid
$.each(gridConfig, function(key, value) {
// grid-pattern
var gridPattern = svgdoc.createElementNS(svgns, "pattern");
assignAttributes(gridPattern, {
'id': 'gridpattern' + key,
'id': 'gridpattern',
'patternUnits': 'userSpaceOnUse',
'x': -(value.strokeWidth / 2), // position for strokewidth
'y': -(value.strokeWidth / 2), // position for strokewidth
'width': value.width,
'height': value.height
'x': 0, //-(value.strokeWidth / 2), // position for strokewidth
'y': 0, //-(value.strokeWidth / 2), // position for strokewidth
'width': 100,
'height': 100
var gridPattern_hoLine = svgdoc.createElementNS(svgns, "line");
assignAttributes(gridPattern_hoLine, {
'fill': 'none',
'stroke-width': value.strokeWidth,
'x1': 0,
'y1': 0,
'x2': value.width,
'y2': 0,
'stroke': value.color
var gridimg = svgdoc.createElementNS(svgns, "image");
assignAttributes(gridimg, {
'x': 0,
'y': 0,
'width': 100,
'height': 100
var gridPattern_veLine = svgdoc.createElementNS(svgns, "line");
assignAttributes(gridPattern_veLine, {
'fill': 'none',
'stroke-width': value.strokeWidth,
'x1': 0,
'y1': 0,
'x2': 0,
'y2': value.height,
'stroke': value.color
$('#svgroot defs').append(gridPattern);
// grid-box
@ -108,21 +66,92 @@ svgEditor.addExtension("view_grid", function(s) {
'y': 0,
'stroke-width': 0,
'stroke': 'none',
'fill': 'url(#gridpattern' + key + ')',
'opacity': value.opacity,
'fill': 'url(#gridpattern)',
'style': 'pointer-events: none; display:visible;'
// });
function updateGrid(zoom) {
// TODO: Try this with <line> elements, then compare performance difference
var bgwidth = +canvBG.attr('width');
var bgheight = +canvBG.attr('height');
var units = svgCanvas.getUnits();
var unit = units[svgEditor.curConfig.baseUnit]; // 1 = 1px
var r_intervals = [.01, .1, 1, 10, 100, 1000];
var d = 0;
var is_x = (d === 0);
var dim = is_x ? 'x' : 'y';
var lentype = is_x?'width':'height';
var c_elem = svgCanvas.getContentElem();
var content_d = c_elem.getAttribute(dim)-0;
var hcanv = hcanvas;
var u_multi = unit * zoom;
// Calculate the main number interval
var raw_m = 100 / u_multi;
var multi = 1;
for(var i = 0; i < r_intervals.length; i++) {
var num = r_intervals[i];
multi = num;
if(raw_m <= num) {
var big_int = multi * u_multi;
// Set the canvas size to the width of the container
hcanv.width = big_int;
hcanv.height = big_int;
var ctx = hcanv.getContext("2d");
var ruler_d = 0;
var cur_d = .5;
var part = big_int / 10;
ctx.globalAlpha = 0.2;
ctx.strokeStyle = "#000";
for(var i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
var sub_d = Math.round(part * i) + .5;
// var line_num = (i % 2)?12:10;
var line_num = 0;
ctx.moveTo(sub_d, big_int);
ctx.lineTo(sub_d, line_num);
ctx.moveTo(big_int, sub_d);
ctx.lineTo(line_num ,sub_d);
ctx.globalAlpha = 0.5;
ctx.moveTo(cur_d, big_int);
ctx.lineTo(cur_d, 0);
ctx.moveTo(big_int, cur_d);
ctx.lineTo(0, cur_d);
var datauri = hcanv.toDataURL('image/png');
gridimg.setAttribute('width', big_int);
gridimg.setAttribute('height', big_int);
gridimg.parentNode.setAttribute('width', big_int);
gridimg.parentNode.setAttribute('height', big_int);
svgCanvas.setHref(gridimg, datauri);
return {
name: "view_grid",
svgicons: "extensions/grid-icon.xml",
zoomChanged: function(zoomlevel) {
zoomChanged: function(zoom) {
// update size
var viewBox = "0 0 " + svgCanvas.contentW + " " + svgCanvas.contentH;
$('#canvasGrid').attr("viewBox", viewBox);
if(showGrid) updateGrid(zoom);
buttons: [{
@ -134,12 +163,13 @@ svgEditor.addExtension("view_grid", function(s) {
'click': function() {
var gr = !$('#view_grid').hasClass('push_button_pressed');
if (gr) {
svgEditor.curConfig.gridSnapping = true;
svgEditor.curConfig.showGrid = showGrid = true;
$('#canvasGrid').attr('display', 'normal');
else {
svgEditor.curConfig.gridSnapping = false;
svgEditor.curConfig.showGrid = showGrid = false;
$('#canvasGrid').attr('display', 'none');

View File

@ -402,6 +402,10 @@ var Utils = this.Utils = function() {
// round value to for snapping
"snapToGrid" : function(value){
var stepSize = curConfig.snappingStep;
var unit = curConfig.baseUnit;
if(unit !== "px") {
stepSize *= unit_types[unit];
value = Math.round(value/stepSize)*stepSize;
return value;
@ -488,6 +492,7 @@ var canvas = this,
// The actual element that represents the final output SVG element
var svgcontent = svgdoc.createElementNS(svgns, "svg");
@ -8515,10 +8520,6 @@ var convertToGroup = this.convertToGroup = function(elem) {
// Temporary hack to get rid of matrix
// TODO: See what ungroupSelectedElement does to absorb matrix
// canvas.ungroupSelectedElement();
// canvas.groupSelectedElements();
batchCmd.addSubCommand(pushGroupProperties(g, true));