- npm: Move badge generation script after test running

Brett Zamir 2019-12-24 10:15:39 +08:00
parent 145c9fb171
commit ef4ea22a69
1 changed files with 2 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -28,14 +28,14 @@
"start-embedded": "echo \"Open file to http://localhost:8000/editor/embedapi.html\" && static -p 8000 | static -p 8001 -H '{\"Access-Control-Allow-Origin\": \"*\"}'",
"start": "echo \"Open file, e.g., to http://localhost:8000/editor/svg-editor-es.html\" && static -p 8000",
"cypress:open": "cypress open",
"cypress:run": "cypress run",
"cypress:run": "cypress run && npm run coverage-badge",
"open-report": "open http://localhost:8000/coverage/",
"start-open-report": "run-p start open-report",
"instrument:replace-html": "frs-replace \"../svgedit-config-es.js\" \"svgedit-config-es.js\" -i instrumented/svg-editor-es.html -o instrumented/svg-editor-es.html",
"instrument:replace-js": "frs-replace \"editor/svg-editor.js\" \"svg-editor.js\" -i svgedit-config-es.js -o instrumented/svgedit-config-es.js",
"instrument:copy-excluded": "node cypress/support/copy.js",
"copy-instrumented": "copyfiles -e \"**/*.js\" -u 1 \"editor/**/*\" instrumented && npm run instrument:replace-html && npm run instrument:replace-js && npm run instrument:copy-excluded",
"instrument": "rimraf instrumented && npx nyc instrument editor instrumented && npm run copy-instrumented && npm run coverage-badge",
"instrument": "rimraf instrumented && npx nyc instrument editor instrumented && npm run copy-instrumented",
"coverage-badge": "coveradge badges/coverage-badge",
"open-cov": "npm-run-all instrument --parallel --race start cypress:open",
"open": "run-p start cypress:open",