Fixed issue 339...for Firefox

git-svn-id: eee81c28-f429-11dd-99c0-75d572ba1ddd
Alexis Deveria 2009-11-24 15:43:57 +00:00
parent da09855230
commit da6fb0a3cc
1 changed files with 41 additions and 28 deletions

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@ -5469,34 +5469,47 @@ function BatchCommand(text) {
var bb = elem.getBBox();
var angle = canvas.getRotationAngle(elem) * Math.PI / 180.0;
if (angle) {
var rminx = Number.MAX_VALUE, rminy = Number.MAX_VALUE,
rmaxx = Number.MIN_VALUE, rmaxy = Number.MIN_VALUE;
var cx = round(bb.x + bb.width/2),
cy = round(bb.y + bb.height/2);
var pts = [ [bb.x - cx, bb.y - cy],
[bb.x + bb.width - cx, bb.y - cy],
[bb.x + bb.width - cx, bb.y + bb.height - cy],
[bb.x - cx, bb.y + bb.height - cy] ];
var j = 4;
while (j--) {
var x = pts[j][0],
y = pts[j][1],
r = Math.sqrt( x*x + y*y );
var theta = Math.atan2(y,x) + angle;
x = round(r * Math.cos(theta) + cx);
y = round(r * Math.sin(theta) + cy);
// Accurate way to get BBox of rotated element in Firefox:
// Put element in group and get its BBox
var g = document.createElementNS(svgns, "g");
var parent = elem.parentNode;
parent.replaceChild(g, elem);
bb = g.getBBox();
// now set the bbox for the shape after it's been rotated
if (x < rminx) rminx = x;
if (y < rminy) rminy = y;
if (x > rmaxx) rmaxx = x;
if (y > rmaxy) rmaxy = y;
bb.x = rminx;
bb.y = rminy;
bb.width = rmaxx - rminx;
bb.height = rmaxy - rminy;
// Old method: Works by giving the rotated BBox,
// this is (unfortunately) what Opera and Safari do
// natively when getting the BBox of the parent group
// var rminx = Number.MAX_VALUE, rminy = Number.MAX_VALUE,
// rmaxx = Number.MIN_VALUE, rmaxy = Number.MIN_VALUE;
// var cx = round(bb.x + bb.width/2),
// cy = round(bb.y + bb.height/2);
// var pts = [ [bb.x - cx, bb.y - cy],
// [bb.x + bb.width - cx, bb.y - cy],
// [bb.x + bb.width - cx, bb.y + bb.height - cy],
// [bb.x - cx, bb.y + bb.height - cy] ];
// var j = 4;
// while (j--) {
// var x = pts[j][0],
// y = pts[j][1],
// r = Math.sqrt( x*x + y*y );
// var theta = Math.atan2(y,x) + angle;
// x = round(r * Math.cos(theta) + cx);
// y = round(r * Math.sin(theta) + cy);
// // now set the bbox for the shape after it's been rotated
// if (x < rminx) rminx = x;
// if (y < rminy) rminy = y;
// if (x > rmaxx) rmaxx = x;
// if (y > rmaxy) rmaxy = y;
// }
// bb.x = rminx;
// bb.y = rminy;
// bb.width = rmaxx - rminx;
// bb.height = rmaxy - rminy;
return bb;