Updated Czech and Romainian lang files by Jan Ptacek and Christian Tzurcanu respectively

git-svn-id: http://svg-edit.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@1564 eee81c28-f429-11dd-99c0-75d572ba1ddd
Alexis Deveria 2010-05-04 13:17:54 +00:00
parent 125d6082d8
commit 92f017e6d9
2 changed files with 60 additions and 63 deletions

View File

@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
{"id": "circle_cx", "title": "Změnit souřadnici X středu kružnice"},
{"id": "circle_cy", "title": "Změnit souřadnici Y středu kružnice"},
{"id": "circle_r", "title": "Změnit poloměr kružnice"},
{"id": "connector_no_arrow", "textContent": "No arrow"},
{"id": "copyrightLabel", "textContent": "Powered by"},
{"id": "connector_no_arrow", "textContent": "Bez šipky"},
{"id": "copyrightLabel", "textContent": "Běží na"},
{"id": "cornerRadiusLabel", "title": "Změnit zaoblení obdélníku"},
{"id": "curve_segments", "textContent": "křivka"},
{"id": "ellipse_cx", "title": "Změnit souřadnici X středu elipsy"},
@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
{"id": "icon_medium", "textContent": "střední"},
{"id": "icon_small", "textContent": "malé"},
{"id": "icon_xlarge", "textContent": "největší"},
{"id": "idLabel", "title": "Identify the element"},
{"id": "image_height", "title": "Změnit výšku dokumentu"},
{"id": "image_opt_embed", "textContent": "Vkládat do dokumentu"},
{"id": "image_opt_ref", "textContent": "Jen odkazem"},
@ -41,14 +40,14 @@
{"id": "line_x2", "title": "Změnit koncovou souřadnici X úsečky"},
{"id": "line_y1", "title": "Změnit počáteční souřadnici Y úsečky"},
{"id": "line_y2", "title": "Změnit koncovou souřadnici X úsečky"},
{"id": "linecap_butt", "title": "Linecap: Butt"},
{"id": "linecap_round", "title": "Linecap: Round"},
{"id": "linecap_square", "title": "Linecap: Square"},
{"id": "linejoin_bevel", "title": "Linejoin: Bevel"},
{"id": "linejoin_miter", "title": "Linejoin: Miter"},
{"id": "linejoin_round", "title": "Linejoin: Round"},
{"id": "main_icon", "title": "Main Menu"},
{"id": "mode_connect", "title": "Connect two objects"},
{"id": "linecap_butt", "title": "Konec úsečky: přesný"},
{"id": "linecap_round", "title": "Konec úsečky: zaoblený"},
{"id": "linecap_square", "title": "Konec úsečky: s čtvercovým přesahem"},
{"id": "linejoin_bevel", "title": "Styl napojení úseček: zkosené"},
{"id": "linejoin_miter", "title": "Styl napojení úseček: ostré"},
{"id": "linejoin_round", "title": "Styl napojení úseček: oblé"},
{"id": "main_icon", "title": "Hlavní menu"},
{"id": "mode_connect", "title": "Spojit dva objekty"},
{"id": "page", "textContent": "stránce"},
{"id": "palette", "title": "Kliknutím změníte barvu výplně, kliknutím současně s klávesou shift změníte barvu čáry"},
{"id": "path_node_x", "title": "Změnit souřadnici X uzlu"},
@ -79,8 +78,8 @@
{"id": "svginfo_title", "textContent": "Název"},
{"id": "svginfo_width", "textContent": "šířka:"},
{"id": "text", "title": "Změnit text"},
{"id": "toggle_stroke_tools", "title": "Show/hide more stroke tools"},
{"id": "tool_add_subpath", "title": "Add sub-path"},
{"id": "toggle_stroke_tools", "title": "Zobrazit/schovat více možností"},
{"id": "tool_add_subpath", "title": "Přidat další součást křivky"},
{"id": "tool_alignbottom", "title": "Zarovnat dolů"},
{"id": "tool_aligncenter", "title": "Zarovnat nastřed"},
{"id": "tool_alignleft", "title": "Zarovnat doleva"},
@ -88,7 +87,7 @@
{"id": "tool_alignright", "title": "Zarovnat doprava"},
{"id": "tool_aligntop", "title": "Zarovnat nahoru"},
{"id": "tool_angle", "title": "Změnit úhel natočení"},
{"id": "tool_blur", "title": "Change gaussian blur value"},
{"id": "tool_blur", "title": "Změnit rozostření"},
{"id": "tool_bold", "title": "Tučně"},
{"id": "tool_circle", "title": "Kružnice"},
{"id": "tool_clear", "textContent": "Nový dokument"},
@ -100,15 +99,15 @@
{"id": "tool_docprops_cancel", "textContent": "Storno"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_save", "textContent": "Uložit"},
{"id": "tool_ellipse", "title": "Elipsa"},
{"id": "tool_export", "textContent": "Export as PNG"},
{"id": "tool_eyedropper", "title": "Eye Dropper Tool"},
{"id": "tool_export", "textContent": "Exportovat jako PNG"},
{"id": "tool_eyedropper", "title": "Kapátko"},
{"id": "tool_fhellipse", "title": "Elipsa volnou rukou"},
{"id": "tool_fhpath", "title": "Kresba od ruky"},
{"id": "tool_fhrect", "title": "Obdélník volnou rukou"},
{"id": "tool_font_size", "title": "Změnit velikost písma"},
{"id": "tool_group", "title": "Seskupit objekty"},
{"id": "tool_image", "title": "Obrázek"},
{"id": "tool_import", "textContent": "Import SVG"},
{"id": "tool_import", "textContent": "Importovat SVG"},
{"id": "tool_italic", "title": "Kurzíva"},
{"id": "tool_line", "title": "Úsečka"},
{"id": "tool_move_bottom", "title": "Vrstvu úplně dospodu"},
@ -118,9 +117,7 @@
{"id": "tool_node_link", "title": "Provázat ovládací body uzlu"},
{"id": "tool_opacity", "title": "Změnit průhlednost objektů"},
{"id": "tool_open", "textContent": "Otevřít dokument"},
{"id": "tool_openclose_path", "title": "Open/close sub-path"},
{"id": "tool_path", "title": "Křivka"},
{"id": "tool_position", "title": "Align Element to Page"},
{"id": "tool_rect", "title": "Obdélník"},
{"id": "tool_redo", "title": "Znovu"},
{"id": "tool_reorient", "title": "Změna orientace křivky"},
@ -136,7 +133,7 @@
{"id": "tool_ungroup", "title": "Zrušit seskupení"},
{"id": "tool_wireframe", "title": "Zobrazit jen kostru"},
{"id": "tool_zoom", "title": "Přiblížení"},
{"id": "url_notice", "title": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed"},
{"id": "url_notice", "title": "POZOR: Obrázek nelze uložit s dokumentem. Bude zobrazován z adresáře, kde se nyní nachází."},
{"id": "zoom_panel", "title": "Změna přiblížení"},
{"id": "sidepanel_handle", "textContent": "V r s t v y", "title": "Táhnutím změnit velikost"},
@ -146,16 +143,16 @@
"QmoveElemsToLayer": "Opravdu chcete přesunout vybrané objekty do vrstvy '%s'?",
"QwantToClear": "Opravdu chcete smazat současný dokument?\nHistorie změn bude také smazána.",
"cancel": "Storno",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"defsFailOnSave": "POZOR: Kvůli nedokonalosti Vašeho prohlížeče se mohou některé části dokumentu špatně vykreslovat (mohou chybět barevné přechody nebo některé objekty). Po uložení dokumentu by se ale vše mělo zobrazovat správně.",
"dupeLayerName": "Taková vrstva už bohužel existuje",
"enterNewImgURL": "Vložte adresu URL, na které se nachází vkládaný obrázek",
"enterNewLayerName": "Zadejte prosím jméno pro novou vrstvu",
"enterUniqueLayerName": "Zadejte prosím jedinečné jméno pro vrstvu",
"exportNoBlur": "Blurred elements will appear as un-blurred",
"exportNoDashArray": "Strokes will appear filled",
"exportNoImage": "Image elements will not appear",
"exportNoText": "Text may not appear as expected",
"exportNoforeignObject": "foreignObject elements will not appear",
"exportNoBlur": "bez rozostření elementů",
"exportNoDashArray": "plné tahy",
"exportNoImage": "bez vložených obrázků",
"exportNoText": "vložený text může vypadat jinak",
"exportNoforeignObject": "bez foreignObject objektů",
"featNotSupported": "Tato vlastnost ještě není k dispozici",
"invalidAttrValGiven": "Nevhodná hodnota",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
@ -164,13 +161,13 @@
"key_up": "šipka nahoru",
"layer": "Vrstva",
"layerHasThatName": "Vrstva už se tak jmenuje",
"loadingImage": "Loading image, please wait...",
"loadingImage": "Nahrávám obrázek ...",
"noContentToFitTo": "Vyberte oblast pro přizpůsobení",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"noteTheseIssues": "Mohou se vyskytnout následující problémy: ",
"ok": "OK",
"pathCtrlPtTooltip": "Táhnutím ovládacího bodu myší tvarujete křivku.",
"pathNodeTooltip": "Táhnutím myši uzel přesunete. Dvojklik mění typ segmentu.",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file."
"saveFromBrowser": "Použijte nabídku \"Uložit stránku jako ...\" ve Vašem prohlížeči pro uložení dokumentu do souboru %s."

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
{"id": "circle_cx", "title": "Schimbarea coordonatei CX a cercului"},
{"id": "circle_cy", "title": "Schimbarea coordonatei CY a cercului"},
{"id": "circle_r", "title": "Schimbarea razei cercului"},
{"id": "connector_no_arrow", "textContent": "No arrow"},
{"id": "connector_no_arrow", "textContent": "Fără Săgeată"},
{"id": "copyrightLabel", "textContent": "Powered by"},
{"id": "cornerRadiusLabel", "title": "Schimbarea Razei Colţului Dreptunghiului"},
{"id": "curve_segments", "textContent": "Curv"},
@ -40,14 +40,14 @@
{"id": "line_x2", "title": "Schimbare coordonatei x a punctului final"},
{"id": "line_y1", "title": "Schimbare coordonatei y a punctului de start"},
{"id": "line_y2", "title": "Schimbare coordonatei y a punctului final"},
{"id": "linecap_butt", "title": "Linecap: Butt"},
{"id": "linecap_round", "title": "Linecap: Round"},
{"id": "linecap_square", "title": "Linecap: Square"},
{"id": "linejoin_bevel", "title": "Linejoin: Bevel"},
{"id": "linejoin_miter", "title": "Linejoin: Miter"},
{"id": "linejoin_round", "title": "Linejoin: Round"},
{"id": "main_icon", "title": "Main Menu"},
{"id": "mode_connect", "title": "Connect two objects"},
{"id": "linecap_butt", "title": "Capat de linie: Butuc"},
{"id": "linecap_round", "title": "Capat de linie: Rotund"},
{"id": "linecap_square", "title": "Capat de linie: Patrat"},
{"id": "linejoin_bevel", "title": "Articulatia liniei: Tesita"},
{"id": "linejoin_miter", "title": "Articulatia liniei: Unghi ascutit"},
{"id": "linejoin_round", "title": "Articulatia liniei: Rotunda"},
{"id": "main_icon", "title": "Menu Principal"},
{"id": "mode_connect", "title": "Conectati doua obiecte"},
{"id": "page", "textContent": "de start"},
{"id": "palette", "title": "Faceţi clic a schimba culoare de umplere, Shift-click pentru a schimba culoarea de contur"},
{"id": "path_node_x", "title": "Schimba coordonata x a punctului"},
@ -78,8 +78,8 @@
{"id": "svginfo_title", "textContent": "Titlul"},
{"id": "svginfo_width", "textContent": "Lăţime:"},
{"id": "text", "title": "Schimbarea Conţinutului textului"},
{"id": "toggle_stroke_tools", "title": "Show/hide more stroke tools"},
{"id": "tool_add_subpath", "title": "Add sub-path"},
{"id": "toggle_stroke_tools", "title": "Aratati/ascundeti mai multe unelte de contur"},
{"id": "tool_add_subpath", "title": "Adaugati sub-traiectorie"},
{"id": "tool_alignbottom", "title": "Alinierea jos"},
{"id": "tool_aligncenter", "title": "Aliniere la centru"},
{"id": "tool_alignleft", "title": "Aliniere la stânga"},
@ -87,27 +87,27 @@
{"id": "tool_alignright", "title": "Aliniere la dreapta"},
{"id": "tool_aligntop", "title": "Alinierea sus"},
{"id": "tool_angle", "title": "Schimbarea unghiul de rotatie"},
{"id": "tool_blur", "title": "Change gaussian blur value"},
{"id": "tool_blur", "title": "Schimbarea valorii estomparii gaussiene"},
{"id": "tool_bold", "title": "Text Îngroşat"},
{"id": "tool_circle", "title": "Cerc"},
{"id": "tool_clear", "textContent": "Imagine nouă"},
{"id": "tool_clone", "title": "Clonare Element"},
{"id": "tool_clone_multi", "title": "Clonare Elemente"},
{"id": "tool_delete", "title": "Şterge Element"},
{"id": "tool_delete_multi", "title": "Ştergeţi Elemente selectate"},
{"id": "tool_delete_multi", "title": "Ştergeţi Elementele selectate"},
{"id": "tool_docprops", "textContent": "Propertile Documentului"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_cancel", "textContent": "Anulaţi"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_save", "textContent": "Ok"},
{"id": "tool_ellipse", "title": "Elipsă"},
{"id": "tool_export", "textContent": "Export as PNG"},
{"id": "tool_eyedropper", "title": "Eye Dropper Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhellipse", "title": "Free-Hand elipsă"},
{"id": "tool_fhpath", "title": "Unealta de Creion"},
{"id": "tool_fhrect", "title": "Free-Hand Dreptunghi"},
{"id": "tool_export", "textContent": "Exportare ca şi PNG"},
{"id": "tool_eyedropper", "title": "Unealta de Eye Dropper"},
{"id": "tool_fhellipse", "title": "Elipsă cu mana-libera"},
{"id": "tool_fhpath", "title": "Unealta de Traiectorie"},
{"id": "tool_fhrect", "title": "Dreptunghi cu mana-libera"},
{"id": "tool_font_size", "title": "Schimbă dimensiunea fontului"},
{"id": "tool_group", "title": "Grupare Elemente"},
{"id": "tool_image", "title": "Unealta de Imagine"},
{"id": "tool_import", "textContent": "Import SVG"},
{"id": "tool_import", "textContent": "Importare SVG"},
{"id": "tool_italic", "title": "Text Înclinat"},
{"id": "tool_line", "title": "Unealta de Linie"},
{"id": "tool_move_bottom", "title": "Mutare în jos"},
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
{"id": "tool_path", "title": "Unealta de Path"},
{"id": "tool_rect", "title": "Dreptunghi"},
{"id": "tool_redo", "title": "Refacere"},
{"id": "tool_reorient", "title": "Reorienteaza path"},
{"id": "tool_reorient", "title": "Reorienteaza Traiectoria"},
{"id": "tool_save", "textContent": "Salvare Imagine"},
{"id": "tool_select", "title": "Unealta de Selectare"},
{"id": "tool_source", "title": "Editare Cod Sursa"},
@ -128,12 +128,12 @@
{"id": "tool_source_save", "textContent": "Folositi Schimbarile"},
{"id": "tool_square", "title": "Pătrat"},
{"id": "tool_text", "title": "Unealta de Text"},
{"id": "tool_topath", "title": "Converteste in Path"},
{"id": "tool_topath", "title": "Converteste in Traiectorie"},
{"id": "tool_undo", "title": "Anulare"},
{"id": "tool_ungroup", "title": "Anulare Grupare Elemente"},
{"id": "tool_wireframe", "title": "Mod Schelet"},
{"id": "tool_zoom", "title": "Unealta de Zoom"},
{"id": "url_notice", "title": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed"},
{"id": "url_notice", "title": "NOTE: Aceasta imagine nu poate fi inglobata. Va depinde de aceasta traiectorie pentru a fi prezentata."},
{"id": "zoom_panel", "title": "Schimbarea nivelului de zoom"},
{"id": "sidepanel_handle", "textContent": "S t r a t u r i", "title": "Trage stanga/dreapta pentru redimensionare panou lateral"},
@ -141,33 +141,33 @@
"QerrorsRevertToSource": "Sunt erori de parsing in sursa SVG.\nRevenire la sursa SVG orginala?",
"QignoreSourceChanges": "Ignorati schimbarile la sursa SVG?",
"QmoveElemsToLayer": "Mutati elementele selectate pe stratul '%s'?",
"QwantToClear": "Doriti sa stergeti desenul?\nAceasta va sterge si posibilitatea de undo!",
"QwantToClear": "Doriti sa stergeti desenul?\nAceasta va sterge si posibilitatea de anulare!",
"cancel": "Revocare",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Din cauza unei erori in browserul dv., aceasta imagine poate apare gresit (fara gradiente sau elemente). Insa va apare corect dupa salvare.",
"dupeLayerName": "Deja exista un strat numis asa!",
"enterNewImgURL": "Introduceti noul URL pentru Imagine",
"enterNewLayerName": "Rog introduceti un nume pentru strat",
"enterUniqueLayerName": "Rog introduceti un nume unic",
"exportNoBlur": "Blurred elements will appear as un-blurred",
"exportNoDashArray": "Strokes will appear filled",
"exportNoImage": "Image elements will not appear",
"exportNoText": "Text may not appear as expected",
"exportNoforeignObject": "foreignObject elements will not appear",
"exportNoBlur": "Elementele estompate vor apare ne-estompate",
"exportNoDashArray": "Contururile vor apare pline",
"exportNoImage": "Elementele de imagine nu vor apare",
"exportNoText": "Posibil ca textul sa nu apara conform asteptarilor",
"exportNoforeignObject": "Elementele foreignObject nu vor apare",
"featNotSupported": "Functie neimplementata",
"invalidAttrValGiven": "Valoarea data nu este valida",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
"key_del": "stergere",
"key_down": "jos",
"key_up": "sus",
"layer": "Strat",
"layerHasThatName": "Statul deja are acest nume",
"loadingImage": "Loading image, please wait...",
"loadingImage": "Imaginea se incarca, va rugam asteptati...",
"noContentToFitTo": "Fara continut de referinta",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"noteTheseIssues": "De asemeni remarcati urmatoarele probleme: ",
"ok": "OK",
"pathCtrlPtTooltip": "Trage de punctul de control pt. a-i schimba proprietatile",
"pathNodeTooltip": "Trage de punct pentru a-l muta. Dublu-clic pentru schimbarea tipului de segment",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file."
"saveFromBrowser": "Selecteaza \"Salvea ca si...\" in browserul dv. pt. a salva aceasta imafine ca si fisier %s."