fixtransforms branch: More updates for fixtransforms. Resizing rotated elements now broken

git-svn-id: eee81c28-f429-11dd-99c0-75d572ba1ddd
Jeff Schiller 2009-12-10 15:33:38 +00:00
parent 5e2883cfd5
commit 6236b5cda1
1 changed files with 152 additions and 34 deletions

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@ -10,26 +10,11 @@
TODOs for TransformList:
* Maybe:
* we need do nothing about a rotate() - i.e. just look for [T] at beginning or [T][S][-T]
at the end and update
* if no matrix() exists, we can freely recalculateDimensions as we used to do
* if a matrix() exists, we should no longer update the shape's dimensions - instead
we should just update the matrix() transform to reflect any moving, stretch
* Fix problem when moving elements that are rotated in a group (all rotates must have their
center updated?) and what about matrix transforms - do they need update as well?
* Fix problem when ungrouping rotated elements that were scaled in a group
* When ungrouping, always end up with a single [M]
* When rotating, always end up with [Rc][M]
* When scaling a group, [Rc][M]
* When scaling a shape, [Rc]
* When moving, always end up with a single [M]
* Fix Opera's centering of rotated, resized groups
* Fix resizing of rotated already-resized groups (scales incorrect with mouse)
* Ensure ungrouping works (Issue 204)
* fix resizing of rotated elements
* when resizing a group and elements are rotated within, collapse matrices now that it works
* go through ungrouping again
* go through Selector.resize() and rework so that they are always rectangular
TODOs for Localizing:
@ -1542,18 +1527,151 @@ function BatchCommand(text) {
// else, it's a non-group
else {
var box = canvas.getBBox(selected);
var origcenter = {x: (box.x+box.width/2), y: (box.y+box.height/2)};
var newcenter = {x: origcenter.x, y: origcenter.y};
var rotAngle = 0;
// TODO: re-do this: instead of looping through transforms just check
// like we do above for: scales, translates, rotations (in that order)
// and ignore all other transforms in the tlist.
var center = {x: (box.x+box.width/2), y: (box.y+box.height/2)};
// temporarily strip off the rotate
var angle = canvas.getRotationAngle(selected);
if (angle) {
for (var i = 0; i < tlist.numberOfItems; ++i) {
var xform = tlist.getItem(i);
if (xform.type == 4) {
var N = tlist.numberOfItems;
// This pass loop in reverse order and removes any translates or scales.
// Once we hit our first rotate(), we will only remove translates.
n = tlist.numberOfItems;
var m = svgroot.createSVGMatrix(); // identity
// first, if it was a scale then the second-last transform will be it
var remap = null, scalew = null, scaleh = null;
// if we had [M][T][S][T] we want to extract the matrix equivalent of
// [T][S][T] and push it down
if (N >= 3 && tlist.getItem(N-2).type == 3 &&
tlist.getItem(N-3).type == 2 && tlist.getItem(N-1).type == 2)
var m = transformListToTransform(tlist,N-3,N-1).matrix;
remap = function(x,y) { return transformPoint(x,y,m); };
scalew = function(w) { return m.a * w; }
scaleh = function(h) { return m.d * h; }
// if we had [T1][M] we want to transform this into [M][T2]
// therefore [ T2 ] = [ M_inv ] [ T1 ] [ M ]
else if ( (N == 1 || (N > 1 && tlist.getItem(1).type != 3)) &&
tlist.getItem(0).type == 2)
var oldxlate = tlist.removeItem(0).matrix,
m = transformListToTransform(tlist).matrix,
m_inv = m.inverse();
var newxlate = matrixMultiply( m_inv, oldxlate, m );
remap = function(x,y) { return transformPoint(x,y,newxlate); };
scalew = function(w) { return w; }
scaleh = function(h) { return h; }
if (remap) {
switch (selected.tagName)
case "line":
var pt1 = remap(changes["x1"],changes["y1"]),
pt2 = remap(changes["x2"],changes["y2"]);
changes["x1"] = pt1.x;
changes["y1"] = pt1.y;
changes["x2"] = pt2.x;
changes["y2"] = pt2.y;
case "circle":
var c = remap(changes["cx"],changes["cy"]);
changes["cx"] = c.x;
changes["cy"] = c.y;
// take the minimum of the new selected box's dimensions for the new circle radius
changes["r"] = Math.min(box.width/2,box.height/2);
case "ellipse":
var c = remap(changes["cx"],changes["cy"]);
changes["cx"] = c.x;
changes["cy"] = c.y;
changes["rx"] = scalew(changes["rx"]);
changes["ry"] = scaleh(changes["ry"]);
case "rect":
case "image":
var pt1 = remap(changes["x"],changes["y"]);
changes["x"] = pt1.x;
changes["y"] = pt1.y;
changes["width"] = scalew(changes["width"]);
changes["height"] = scaleh(changes["height"]);
case "text":
var pt1 = remap(changes["x"],changes["y"]);
changes["x"] = pt1.x;
changes["y"] = pt1.y;
case "polygon":
case "polyline":
var len = changes["points"].length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
var pt = changes["points"][i];
pt = remap(pt.x,pt.y);
changes["points"][i].x = pt.x;
changes["points"][i].y = pt.y;
case "path":
var len = changes["d"].length;
var firstseg = changes["d"][0];
var firstpt = remap(firstseg.x,firstseg.y);
changes["d"][0].x = firstpt.x;
changes["d"][0].y = firstpt.y;
for (var i = 1; i < len; ++i) {
var seg = changes["d"][i];
var type = seg.type;
// if absolute or first segment, we want to remap x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2
// if relative, we want to scalew, scaleh
if (type % 2 == 0) { // absolute
var pt = remap(seg.x,seg.y),
pt1 = remap(seg.x1,seg.y1),
pt2 = remap(seg.x2,seg.y2);
seg.x = pt.x;
seg.y = pt.y;
seg.x1 = pt1.x;
seg.y1 = pt1.y;
seg.x2 = pt2.x;
seg.y2 = pt2.y;
seg.r1 = scalew(seg.r1),
seg.r2 = scaleh(seg.r2);
else { // relative
seg.x = scalew(seg.x);
seg.y = scaleh(seg.y);
seg.x1 = scalew(seg.x1);
seg.y1 = scaleh(seg.y1);
seg.x2 = scalew(seg.x2);
seg.y2 = scaleh(seg.y2);
seg.r1 = scalew(seg.r1),
seg.r2 = scaleh(seg.r2);
} // for each segment
} // switch on element type to get initial values
var newcenter = remap(center.x,center.y);
center.x = newcenter.x;
center.y = newcenter.y;
} // if we are remapping
// if we had a rotation, remap its center
if (angle) {
var newRot = svgroot.createSVGTransform();
while (n--) {
var xform = tlist.getItem(n);
// get the matrix of all transformations to the right of this transform
@ -1623,8 +1741,6 @@ function BatchCommand(text) {
switch (selected.tagName)
case "g":
case "line":
var pt1 = remap(changes["x1"],changes["y1"]),
pt2 = remap(changes["x2"],changes["y2"]);
@ -1718,6 +1834,7 @@ function BatchCommand(text) {
newrot.setRotate(rotAngle, newcenter.x, newcenter.y);
tlist.insertItemBefore(newrot, 0);
} // a non-group
// now we have a set of changes and an applied reduced transform list
@ -5128,8 +5245,9 @@ function BatchCommand(text) {
var selected = elem || selectedElements[0];
// find the rotation transform (if any) and set it
var tlist = canvas.getTransformList(selected);
if (tlist.numberOfItems > 0) {
var xform = tlist.getItem(0);
var N = tlist.numberOfItems;
for (var i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
var xform = tlist.getItem(i);
if (xform.type == 4) {
return to_rad ? xform.angle * Math.PI / 180.0 : xform.angle;