most of Slovak translation, some minor changes to the rest

git-svn-id: eee81c28-f429-11dd-99c0-75d572ba1ddd
Pavol Rusnak 2010-05-03 23:29:13 +00:00
parent 8000c9651e
commit 125d6082d8
8 changed files with 2113 additions and 2108 deletions

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@ -19,4 +19,4 @@ nl: Jaap Blom <> (Nederlands)
ro: Christian Tzurcanu <> (Româneşte)
ru: Laurent Dufloux <> (Русский)
sk: Pavol Rusnak <> (Slovenčina)
zh-TW: 黃瀚生(han sheng Huang) <> (台灣正體)
zh-TW: 黃瀚生 (Han Sheng Huang) <> (台灣正體)

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -1,288 +1,287 @@
* A class to parse color values
* @author Stoyan Stefanov <>
* @link
* @license Use it if you like it
function RGBColor(color_string)
this.ok = false;
// strip any leading #
if (color_string.charAt(0) == '#') { // remove # if any
color_string = color_string.substr(1,6);
color_string = color_string.replace(/ /g,'');
color_string = color_string.toLowerCase();
// before getting into regexps, try simple matches
// and overwrite the input
var simple_colors = {
aliceblue: 'f0f8ff',
antiquewhite: 'faebd7',
aqua: '00ffff',
aquamarine: '7fffd4',
azure: 'f0ffff',
beige: 'f5f5dc',
bisque: 'ffe4c4',
black: '000000',
blanchedalmond: 'ffebcd',
blue: '0000ff',
blueviolet: '8a2be2',
brown: 'a52a2a',
burlywood: 'deb887',
cadetblue: '5f9ea0',
chartreuse: '7fff00',
chocolate: 'd2691e',
coral: 'ff7f50',
cornflowerblue: '6495ed',
cornsilk: 'fff8dc',
crimson: 'dc143c',
cyan: '00ffff',
darkblue: '00008b',
darkcyan: '008b8b',
darkgoldenrod: 'b8860b',
darkgray: 'a9a9a9',
darkgreen: '006400',
darkkhaki: 'bdb76b',
darkmagenta: '8b008b',
darkolivegreen: '556b2f',
darkorange: 'ff8c00',
darkorchid: '9932cc',
darkred: '8b0000',
darksalmon: 'e9967a',
darkseagreen: '8fbc8f',
darkslateblue: '483d8b',
darkslategray: '2f4f4f',
darkturquoise: '00ced1',
darkviolet: '9400d3',
deeppink: 'ff1493',
deepskyblue: '00bfff',
dimgray: '696969',
dodgerblue: '1e90ff',
feldspar: 'd19275',
firebrick: 'b22222',
floralwhite: 'fffaf0',
forestgreen: '228b22',
fuchsia: 'ff00ff',
gainsboro: 'dcdcdc',
ghostwhite: 'f8f8ff',
gold: 'ffd700',
goldenrod: 'daa520',
gray: '808080',
green: '008000',
greenyellow: 'adff2f',
honeydew: 'f0fff0',
hotpink: 'ff69b4',
indianred : 'cd5c5c',
indigo : '4b0082',
ivory: 'fffff0',
khaki: 'f0e68c',
lavender: 'e6e6fa',
lavenderblush: 'fff0f5',
lawngreen: '7cfc00',
lemonchiffon: 'fffacd',
lightblue: 'add8e6',
lightcoral: 'f08080',
lightcyan: 'e0ffff',
lightgoldenrodyellow: 'fafad2',
lightgrey: 'd3d3d3',
lightgreen: '90ee90',
lightpink: 'ffb6c1',
lightsalmon: 'ffa07a',
lightseagreen: '20b2aa',
lightskyblue: '87cefa',
lightslateblue: '8470ff',
lightslategray: '778899',
lightsteelblue: 'b0c4de',
lightyellow: 'ffffe0',
lime: '00ff00',
limegreen: '32cd32',
linen: 'faf0e6',
magenta: 'ff00ff',
maroon: '800000',
mediumaquamarine: '66cdaa',
mediumblue: '0000cd',
mediumorchid: 'ba55d3',
mediumpurple: '9370d8',
mediumseagreen: '3cb371',
mediumslateblue: '7b68ee',
mediumspringgreen: '00fa9a',
mediumturquoise: '48d1cc',
mediumvioletred: 'c71585',
midnightblue: '191970',
mintcream: 'f5fffa',
mistyrose: 'ffe4e1',
moccasin: 'ffe4b5',
navajowhite: 'ffdead',
navy: '000080',
oldlace: 'fdf5e6',
olive: '808000',
olivedrab: '6b8e23',
orange: 'ffa500',
orangered: 'ff4500',
orchid: 'da70d6',
palegoldenrod: 'eee8aa',
palegreen: '98fb98',
paleturquoise: 'afeeee',
palevioletred: 'd87093',
papayawhip: 'ffefd5',
peachpuff: 'ffdab9',
peru: 'cd853f',
pink: 'ffc0cb',
plum: 'dda0dd',
powderblue: 'b0e0e6',
purple: '800080',
red: 'ff0000',
rosybrown: 'bc8f8f',
royalblue: '4169e1',
saddlebrown: '8b4513',
salmon: 'fa8072',
sandybrown: 'f4a460',
seagreen: '2e8b57',
seashell: 'fff5ee',
sienna: 'a0522d',
silver: 'c0c0c0',
skyblue: '87ceeb',
slateblue: '6a5acd',
slategray: '708090',
snow: 'fffafa',
springgreen: '00ff7f',
steelblue: '4682b4',
tan: 'd2b48c',
teal: '008080',
thistle: 'd8bfd8',
tomato: 'ff6347',
turquoise: '40e0d0',
violet: 'ee82ee',
violetred: 'd02090',
wheat: 'f5deb3',
white: 'ffffff',
whitesmoke: 'f5f5f5',
yellow: 'ffff00',
yellowgreen: '9acd32'
for (var key in simple_colors) {
if (color_string == key) {
color_string = simple_colors[key];
// emd of simple type-in colors
// array of color definition objects
var color_defs = [
re: /^rgb\((\d{1,3}),\s*(\d{1,3}),\s*(\d{1,3})\)$/,
example: ['rgb(123, 234, 45)', 'rgb(255,234,245)'],
process: function (bits){
return [
re: /^(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})$/,
example: ['#00ff00', '336699'],
process: function (bits){
return [
parseInt(bits[1], 16),
parseInt(bits[2], 16),
parseInt(bits[3], 16)
re: /^(\w{1})(\w{1})(\w{1})$/,
example: ['#fb0', 'f0f'],
process: function (bits){
return [
parseInt(bits[1] + bits[1], 16),
parseInt(bits[2] + bits[2], 16),
parseInt(bits[3] + bits[3], 16)
// search through the definitions to find a match
for (var i = 0; i < color_defs.length; i++) {
var re = color_defs[i].re;
var processor = color_defs[i].process;
var bits = re.exec(color_string);
if (bits) {
channels = processor(bits);
this.r = channels[0];
this.g = channels[1];
this.b = channels[2];
this.ok = true;
// validate/cleanup values
this.r = (this.r < 0 || isNaN(this.r)) ? 0 : ((this.r > 255) ? 255 : this.r);
this.g = (this.g < 0 || isNaN(this.g)) ? 0 : ((this.g > 255) ? 255 : this.g);
this.b = (this.b < 0 || isNaN(this.b)) ? 0 : ((this.b > 255) ? 255 : this.b);
// some getters
this.toRGB = function () {
return 'rgb(' + this.r + ', ' + this.g + ', ' + this.b + ')';
this.toHex = function () {
var r = this.r.toString(16);
var g = this.g.toString(16);
var b = this.b.toString(16);
if (r.length == 1) r = '0' + r;
if (g.length == 1) g = '0' + g;
if (b.length == 1) b = '0' + b;
return '#' + r + g + b;
// help
this.getHelpXML = function () {
var examples = new Array();
// add regexps
for (var i = 0; i < color_defs.length; i++) {
var example = color_defs[i].example;
for (var j = 0; j < example.length; j++) {
examples[examples.length] = example[j];
// add type-in colors
for (var sc in simple_colors) {
examples[examples.length] = sc;
var xml = document.createElement('ul');
xml.setAttribute('id', 'rgbcolor-examples');
for (var i = 0; i < examples.length; i++) {
try {
var list_item = document.createElement('li');
var list_color = new RGBColor(examples[i]);
var example_div = document.createElement('div'); =
'margin: 3px; '
+ 'border: 1px solid black; '
+ 'background:' + list_color.toHex() + '; '
+ 'color:' + list_color.toHex()
var list_item_value = document.createTextNode(
' ' + examples[i] + ' -> ' + list_color.toRGB() + ' -> ' + list_color.toHex()
} catch(e){}
return xml;
* A class to parse color values
* @author Stoyan Stefanov <>
* @link
* @license Use it if you like it
function RGBColor(color_string)
this.ok = false;
// strip any leading #
if (color_string.charAt(0) == '#') { // remove # if any
color_string = color_string.substr(1,6);
color_string = color_string.replace(/ /g,'');
color_string = color_string.toLowerCase();
// before getting into regexps, try simple matches
// and overwrite the input
var simple_colors = {
aliceblue: 'f0f8ff',
antiquewhite: 'faebd7',
aqua: '00ffff',
aquamarine: '7fffd4',
azure: 'f0ffff',
beige: 'f5f5dc',
bisque: 'ffe4c4',
black: '000000',
blanchedalmond: 'ffebcd',
blue: '0000ff',
blueviolet: '8a2be2',
brown: 'a52a2a',
burlywood: 'deb887',
cadetblue: '5f9ea0',
chartreuse: '7fff00',
chocolate: 'd2691e',
coral: 'ff7f50',
cornflowerblue: '6495ed',
cornsilk: 'fff8dc',
crimson: 'dc143c',
cyan: '00ffff',
darkblue: '00008b',
darkcyan: '008b8b',
darkgoldenrod: 'b8860b',
darkgray: 'a9a9a9',
darkgreen: '006400',
darkkhaki: 'bdb76b',
darkmagenta: '8b008b',
darkolivegreen: '556b2f',
darkorange: 'ff8c00',
darkorchid: '9932cc',
darkred: '8b0000',
darksalmon: 'e9967a',
darkseagreen: '8fbc8f',
darkslateblue: '483d8b',
darkslategray: '2f4f4f',
darkturquoise: '00ced1',
darkviolet: '9400d3',
deeppink: 'ff1493',
deepskyblue: '00bfff',
dimgray: '696969',
dodgerblue: '1e90ff',
feldspar: 'd19275',
firebrick: 'b22222',
floralwhite: 'fffaf0',
forestgreen: '228b22',
fuchsia: 'ff00ff',
gainsboro: 'dcdcdc',
ghostwhite: 'f8f8ff',
gold: 'ffd700',
goldenrod: 'daa520',
gray: '808080',
green: '008000',
greenyellow: 'adff2f',
honeydew: 'f0fff0',
hotpink: 'ff69b4',
indianred : 'cd5c5c',
indigo : '4b0082',
ivory: 'fffff0',
khaki: 'f0e68c',
lavender: 'e6e6fa',
lavenderblush: 'fff0f5',
lawngreen: '7cfc00',
lemonchiffon: 'fffacd',
lightblue: 'add8e6',
lightcoral: 'f08080',
lightcyan: 'e0ffff',
lightgoldenrodyellow: 'fafad2',
lightgrey: 'd3d3d3',
lightgreen: '90ee90',
lightpink: 'ffb6c1',
lightsalmon: 'ffa07a',
lightseagreen: '20b2aa',
lightskyblue: '87cefa',
lightslateblue: '8470ff',
lightslategray: '778899',
lightsteelblue: 'b0c4de',
lightyellow: 'ffffe0',
lime: '00ff00',
limegreen: '32cd32',
linen: 'faf0e6',
magenta: 'ff00ff',
maroon: '800000',
mediumaquamarine: '66cdaa',
mediumblue: '0000cd',
mediumorchid: 'ba55d3',
mediumpurple: '9370d8',
mediumseagreen: '3cb371',
mediumslateblue: '7b68ee',
mediumspringgreen: '00fa9a',
mediumturquoise: '48d1cc',
mediumvioletred: 'c71585',
midnightblue: '191970',
mintcream: 'f5fffa',
mistyrose: 'ffe4e1',
moccasin: 'ffe4b5',
navajowhite: 'ffdead',
navy: '000080',
oldlace: 'fdf5e6',
olive: '808000',
olivedrab: '6b8e23',
orange: 'ffa500',
orangered: 'ff4500',
orchid: 'da70d6',
palegoldenrod: 'eee8aa',
palegreen: '98fb98',
paleturquoise: 'afeeee',
palevioletred: 'd87093',
papayawhip: 'ffefd5',
peachpuff: 'ffdab9',
peru: 'cd853f',
pink: 'ffc0cb',
plum: 'dda0dd',
powderblue: 'b0e0e6',
purple: '800080',
red: 'ff0000',
rosybrown: 'bc8f8f',
royalblue: '4169e1',
saddlebrown: '8b4513',
salmon: 'fa8072',
sandybrown: 'f4a460',
seagreen: '2e8b57',
seashell: 'fff5ee',
sienna: 'a0522d',
silver: 'c0c0c0',
skyblue: '87ceeb',
slateblue: '6a5acd',
slategray: '708090',
snow: 'fffafa',
springgreen: '00ff7f',
steelblue: '4682b4',
tan: 'd2b48c',
teal: '008080',
thistle: 'd8bfd8',
tomato: 'ff6347',
turquoise: '40e0d0',
violet: 'ee82ee',
violetred: 'd02090',
wheat: 'f5deb3',
white: 'ffffff',
whitesmoke: 'f5f5f5',
yellow: 'ffff00',
yellowgreen: '9acd32'
for (var key in simple_colors) {
if (color_string == key) {
color_string = simple_colors[key];
// emd of simple type-in colors
// array of color definition objects
var color_defs = [
re: /^rgb\((\d{1,3}),\s*(\d{1,3}),\s*(\d{1,3})\)$/,
example: ['rgb(123, 234, 45)', 'rgb(255,234,245)'],
process: function (bits){
return [
re: /^(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})$/,
example: ['#00ff00', '336699'],
process: function (bits){
return [
parseInt(bits[1], 16),
parseInt(bits[2], 16),
parseInt(bits[3], 16)
re: /^(\w{1})(\w{1})(\w{1})$/,
example: ['#fb0', 'f0f'],
process: function (bits){
return [
parseInt(bits[1] + bits[1], 16),
parseInt(bits[2] + bits[2], 16),
parseInt(bits[3] + bits[3], 16)
// search through the definitions to find a match
for (var i = 0; i < color_defs.length; i++) {
var re = color_defs[i].re;
var processor = color_defs[i].process;
var bits = re.exec(color_string);
if (bits) {
channels = processor(bits);
this.r = channels[0];
this.g = channels[1];
this.b = channels[2];
this.ok = true;
// validate/cleanup values
this.r = (this.r < 0 || isNaN(this.r)) ? 0 : ((this.r > 255) ? 255 : this.r);
this.g = (this.g < 0 || isNaN(this.g)) ? 0 : ((this.g > 255) ? 255 : this.g);
this.b = (this.b < 0 || isNaN(this.b)) ? 0 : ((this.b > 255) ? 255 : this.b);
// some getters
this.toRGB = function () {
return 'rgb(' + this.r + ', ' + this.g + ', ' + this.b + ')';
this.toHex = function () {
var r = this.r.toString(16);
var g = this.g.toString(16);
var b = this.b.toString(16);
if (r.length == 1) r = '0' + r;
if (g.length == 1) g = '0' + g;
if (b.length == 1) b = '0' + b;
return '#' + r + g + b;
// help
this.getHelpXML = function () {
var examples = new Array();
// add regexps
for (var i = 0; i < color_defs.length; i++) {
var example = color_defs[i].example;
for (var j = 0; j < example.length; j++) {
examples[examples.length] = example[j];
// add type-in colors
for (var sc in simple_colors) {
examples[examples.length] = sc;
var xml = document.createElement('ul');
xml.setAttribute('id', 'rgbcolor-examples');
for (var i = 0; i < examples.length; i++) {
try {
var list_item = document.createElement('li');
var list_color = new RGBColor(examples[i]);
var example_div = document.createElement('div'); =
'margin: 3px; '
+ 'border: 1px solid black; '
+ 'background:' + list_color.toHex() + '; '
+ 'color:' + list_color.toHex()
var list_item_value = document.createTextNode(
' ' + examples[i] + ' -> ' + list_color.toRGB() + ' -> ' + list_color.toHex()
} catch(e){}
return xml;

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Initial translations were done by Narendra Sisodiya putting the English
strings through the Google Translation API. Humans will need to take these
automated translations and ensure they make sense.
See Authors.txt for the translations credits.
See AUTHORS for the translations credits.
Languages Already Translated By Humans:
* lang.cs.js

View File

@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
{"id": "icon_medium", "textContent": "střední"},
{"id": "icon_small", "textContent": "malé"},
{"id": "icon_xlarge", "textContent": "největší"},
{"id": "idLabel", "title": "Identify the element"},
{"id": "image_height", "title": "Změnit výšku dokumentu"},
{"id": "image_opt_embed", "textContent": "Vkládat do dokumentu"},
{"id": "image_opt_ref", "textContent": "Jen odkazem"},
@ -117,7 +118,9 @@
{"id": "tool_node_link", "title": "Provázat ovládací body uzlu"},
{"id": "tool_opacity", "title": "Změnit průhlednost objektů"},
{"id": "tool_open", "textContent": "Otevřít dokument"},
{"id": "tool_openclose_path", "title": "Open/close sub-path"},
{"id": "tool_path", "title": "Křivka"},
{"id": "tool_position", "title": "Align Element to Page"},
{"id": "tool_rect", "title": "Obdélník"},
{"id": "tool_redo", "title": "Znovu"},
{"id": "tool_reorient", "title": "Změna orientace křivky"},

View File

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
{"id": "align_relative_to", "title": "Ailínigh i gcomparáid leis ..."},
{"id": "tool_angle", "title": "Uillinn rothlaithe Athrú"},
{"id": "angleLabel", "textContent": "uillinn:"},
{"id": "bkgnd_color", "title": "Dath cúlra Athraigh / teimhneacht"},
{"id": "circle_cx", "title": "Athraigh an ciorcal a chomhordú CX"},
{"id": "circle_cy", "title": "Athraigh an ciorcal a chomhordú ga"},
{"id": "circle_r", "title": "Athraigh an ciorcal&#39;s ga"},
{"id": "cornerRadiusLabel", "textContent": "Ga Cúinne:"},
{"id": "cornerRadiusLabel", "title": "Athraigh Dronuilleog Cúinne na Ga"},
{"id": "curve_segments", "textContent": "Curve"},
{"id": "ellipse_cx", "title": "Athraigh Éilips&#39;s CX a chomhordú"},
{"id": "ellipse_cy", "title": "Athraigh an Éilips a chomhordú ga"},
@ -20,8 +20,6 @@
{"id": "fit_to_layer_content", "textContent": "Laghdaigh shraith ábhar a"},
{"id": "fit_to_sel", "textContent": "Laghdaigh a roghnú"},
{"id": "font_family", "title": "Athraigh an Cló Teaghlaigh"},
{"id": "tool_font_size", "title": "Athraigh Clómhéid"},
{"id": "tool_opacity", "title": "Athraigh roghnaithe teimhneacht mír"},
{"id": "icon_large", "textContent": "Large"},
{"id": "icon_medium", "textContent": "Medium"},
{"id": "icon_small", "textContent": "Small"},
@ -50,7 +48,6 @@
{"id": "path_node_x", "title": "Change node's x coordinate"},
{"id": "path_node_y", "title": "Change node's y coordinate"},
{"id": "rect_height_tool", "title": "Airde dronuilleog Athrú"},
{"id": "cornerRadiusLabel", "title": "Athraigh Dronuilleog Cúinne na Ga"},
{"id": "rect_width_tool", "title": "Leithead dronuilleog Athrú"},
{"id": "relativeToLabel", "textContent": "i gcomparáid leis:"},
{"id": "rheightLabel", "textContent": "Airde:"},
@ -85,6 +82,7 @@
{"id": "tool_alignmiddle", "title": "Cineál Middle"},
{"id": "tool_alignright", "title": "Ailínigh ar Dheis"},
{"id": "tool_aligntop", "title": "Cineál Barr"},
{"id": "tool_angle", "title": "Uillinn rothlaithe Athrú"},
{"id": "tool_bold", "title": "Trom Téacs"},
{"id": "tool_circle", "title": "Ciorcal"},
{"id": "tool_clear", "textContent": "Íomhá Nua"},
@ -99,6 +97,7 @@
{"id": "tool_fhellipse", "title": "Free-Hand Ellipse"},
{"id": "tool_fhpath", "title": "Phionsail Uirlis"},
{"id": "tool_fhrect", "title": "Saor Hand Dronuilleog"},
{"id": "tool_font_size", "title": "Athraigh Clómhéid"},
{"id": "tool_group", "title": "Eilimintí Grúpa"},
{"id": "tool_image", "title": "Íomhá Uirlis"},
{"id": "tool_italic", "title": "Iodálach Téacs"},
@ -108,6 +107,7 @@
{"id": "tool_node_clone", "title": "Clone Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_delete", "title": "Delete Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_link", "title": "Link Control Points"},
{"id": "tool_opacity", "title": "Athraigh roghnaithe teimhneacht mír"},
{"id": "tool_open", "textContent": "Íomhá Oscailte"},
{"id": "tool_path", "title": "Path Tool"},
{"id": "tool_rect", "title": "Dronuilleog"},
@ -125,8 +125,8 @@
{"id": "tool_ungroup", "title": "Eilimintí Díghrúpáil"},
{"id": "tool_wireframe", "title": "Wireframe Mode"},
{"id": "tool_zoom", "title": "Zúmáil Uirlis"},
{"id": "zoom_panel", "title": "Athraigh súmáil leibhéal"},
{"id": "zoomLabel", "textContent": "súmáil isteach:"},
{"id": "zoom_panel", "title": "Athraigh súmáil leibhéal"},
{"id": "sidepanel_handle", "textContent": "L a y e r s", "title": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"},
"js_strings": {

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
{"id": "circle_cx", "title": "Zmeniť súradnicu X stredu kružnice"},
{"id": "circle_cy", "title": "Zmeniť súradnicu Y stredu kružnice"},
{"id": "circle_r", "title": "Zmeniť polomer kružnice"},
{"id": "connector_no_arrow", "textContent": "No arrow"},
{"id": "connector_no_arrow", "textContent": "Bez šípok"},
{"id": "copyrightLabel", "textContent": "Powered by"},
{"id": "cornerRadiusLabel", "title": "Zmeniť zaoblenie rohov obdĺžnika"},
{"id": "curve_segments", "textContent": "Krivka"},
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
{"id": "icon_medium", "textContent": "Stredná"},
{"id": "icon_small", "textContent": "Malá"},
{"id": "icon_xlarge", "textContent": "Extra veľká"},
{"id": "idLabel", "title": "Zmeniť ID elementu"},
{"id": "image_height", "title": "Zmeniť výšku obrázka"},
{"id": "image_opt_embed", "textContent": "Vložiť data (lokálne súbory)"},
{"id": "image_opt_ref", "textContent": "Použiť referenciu na súbor"},
@ -47,7 +48,7 @@
{"id": "linejoin_miter", "title": "Linejoin: Miter"},
{"id": "linejoin_round", "title": "Linejoin: Round"},
{"id": "main_icon", "title": "Main Menu"},
{"id": "mode_connect", "title": "Connect two objects"},
{"id": "mode_connect", "title": "Spojiť dva objekty"},
{"id": "page", "textContent": "stránke"},
{"id": "palette", "title": "Kliknutím zmeníte farbu výplne, so Shiftom zmeníte farbu obrysu"},
{"id": "path_node_x", "title": "Zmeniť uzlu súradnicu X"},
@ -78,7 +79,7 @@
{"id": "svginfo_title", "textContent": "Titulok"},
{"id": "svginfo_width", "textContent": "Šírka:"},
{"id": "text", "title": "Změnit text"},
{"id": "toggle_stroke_tools", "title": "Show/hide more stroke tools"},
{"id": "toggle_stroke_tools", "title": "Skryť/ukázať viac nástrojov pre krivku"},
{"id": "tool_add_subpath", "title": "Add sub-path"},
{"id": "tool_alignbottom", "title": "Zarovnať dole"},
{"id": "tool_aligncenter", "title": "Zarovnať na stred"},
@ -87,7 +88,7 @@
{"id": "tool_alignright", "title": "Zarovnať doprava"},
{"id": "tool_aligntop", "title": "Zarovnať hore"},
{"id": "tool_angle", "title": "Zmeniť uhol natočenia"},
{"id": "tool_blur", "title": "Change gaussian blur value"},
{"id": "tool_blur", "title": "Zmeniť intenzitu rozmazania"},
{"id": "tool_bold", "title": "Tučne"},
{"id": "tool_circle", "title": "Kružnica"},
{"id": "tool_clear", "textContent": "Nový obrázok"},
@ -99,7 +100,7 @@
{"id": "tool_docprops_cancel", "textContent": "Zrušiť"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_save", "textContent": "Uložiť"},
{"id": "tool_ellipse", "title": "Elipsa"},
{"id": "tool_export", "textContent": "Export as PNG"},
{"id": "tool_export", "textContent": "Exportovať ako PNG"},
{"id": "tool_eyedropper", "title": "Eye Dropper Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhellipse", "title": "Elipsa voľnou rukou"},
{"id": "tool_fhpath", "title": "Ceruzka"},
@ -117,7 +118,9 @@
{"id": "tool_node_link", "title": "Prepojiť kontrolné body"},
{"id": "tool_opacity", "title": "Zmeniť prehľadnosť vybraných položiek"},
{"id": "tool_open", "textContent": "Otvoriť obrázok"},
{"id": "tool_openclose_path", "title": "Open/close sub-path"},
{"id": "tool_path", "title": "Path Tool"},
{"id": "tool_position", "title": "Zarovnať element na stránku"},
{"id": "tool_rect", "title": "Obdĺžnik"},
{"id": "tool_redo", "title": "Opakovať"},
{"id": "tool_reorient", "title": "Zmeniť orientáciu krivky"},
@ -133,41 +136,41 @@
{"id": "tool_ungroup", "title": "Zrušiť skupinu"},
{"id": "tool_wireframe", "title": "Drôtový model"},
{"id": "tool_zoom", "title": "Priblíženie"},
{"id": "url_notice", "title": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed"},
{"id": "url_notice", "title": "POZNÁMKA: Tento obrázok nemôže byť vložený. Jeho zobrazenie bude závisieť na jeho ceste"},
{"id": "zoom_panel", "title": "Zmena priblíženia"},
{"id": "sidepanel_handle", "textContent": "V r s t v y", "title": "Ťahajte vľavo/vpravo na zmenu veľkosti"},
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"pathNodeTooltip": "Ťahajte bod na presunutie. Dvojklik na zmenu typu segmentu",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file."
"QerrorsRevertToSource": "Chyba pri načítaní SVG dokumentu.\nVrátiť povodný SVG dokument?",
"QignoreSourceChanges": "Ignorovať zmeny v SVG dokumente?",
"QmoveElemsToLayer": "Presunúť elementy do vrstvy '%s'?",
"QwantToClear": "Naozaj chcete vymazať kresbu?\n(História bude taktiež vymazaná!)!",
"cancel": "Zrušiť",
"defsFailOnSave": "POZNÁMKA: Kvôli chybe v prehliadači sa tento obrázok môže zobraziť nesprávne (napr. chýbajúce prechody či elementy). Po uložení sa zobrazí správne.",
"dupeLayerName": "Vrstva s daným názvom už existuje!",
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"enterNewLayerName": "Zadajte názov vrstvy",
"enterUniqueLayerName": "Zadajte unikátny názov vrstvy",
"exportNoBlur": "Rozmazané elementy sa zobrazia ako nerozmazané",
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"loadingImage": "Nahrávam obrázok, prosím čakajte ...",
"noContentToFitTo": "Žiaden obsah na prispôsobenie",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"ok": "OK",
"pathCtrlPtTooltip": "Ťahajte kontrolné body pre upravnie vlastnosti krivky",
"pathNodeTooltip": "Ťahajte bod na presunutie. Dvojklik na zmenu typu segmentu",
"saveFromBrowser": "Vyberte \"Uložiť ako ...\" vo vašom prehliadači na uloženie tohoto obrázka do súboru %s."

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
* Copyright(c) 2010 Alexis Deveria
var svgEditor = (function($, Editor) {
Editor.putLocale = function(given_param, good_langs){
var lang_param;
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ var svgEditor = (function($, Editor) {
if( {
var elem = $('#svg_editor').parent().find('#'[0];
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elem.title = data.title;
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// Only replace non-empty text nodes, not elements