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/*globals MathJax, svgEditor, svgCanvas, $*/
/*jslint es5: true, todo: true, vars: true*/
* ext-mathjax.js
* Licensed under the Apache License
* Copyright(c) 2013 Jo Segaert
svgEditor.addExtension("mathjax", function() {'use strict';
// Configuration of the MathJax extention.
// This will be added to the head tag before MathJax is loaded.
var /*mathjaxConfiguration = '<script type="text/x-mathjax-config">\
extensions: ["tex2jax.js"],\
jax: ["input/TeX","output/SVG"],\
showProcessingMessages: true,\
showMathMenu: false,\
showMathMenuMSIE: false,\
errorSettings: {\
message: ["[Math Processing Error]"],\
style: {color: "#CC0000", "font-style":"italic"}\
elements: [],\
tex2jax: {\
ignoreClass: "tex2jax_ignore2", processClass: "tex2jax_process2",\
TeX: {\
extensions: ["AMSmath.js","AMSsymbols.js","noErrors.js","noUndefined.js"]\
"SVG": {\
// mathjaxSrc = '',
mathjaxSrcSecure = '',
mathjaxLoaded = false,
uiStrings = svgEditor.uiStrings;
1. Reference config.js in the editor (and remove encouragement for adding extensions to HTML) but ignore config.js in SVN (let user configure) but supply config-sample.js to indicate config/pref/extension possibilities; 2. Move ext-overview_window.js to default but overridable list of extensions (as with other extensions); 3. Allow extensions to avoid problems if failing to return an object (in svgcanvas.js); 4. Support new langReady callback to ensure extension always called when locale info is ready (and always load locale, even English); 5. Move localStorage storing to a new (i18n-ized and available-by-default) storage extension which adds a dialog asking user for whether to store prefs and/or SVG content; $.pref() now falls back to checking defaultPrefs (which may have been expanded at runtime to include URL or storage settings); use new config "forceStorage" to get old (bad) behavior 6. Remove initial cap from "Editor" to reflect singleton nature of object (as compared to JSLint conventions for initial cap constructors); 7. Begin a little JSDoc, clearer grouping of properties/methods; JSLint/clean-up 8. Omit values for lang and iconsize to be successfully auto-detected; 9. Document "save_notice_done" and "export_notice_done" within list of prefs; document "showlayers" and "no_save_warning" as config 10. Add "preventAllURLConfig" and "preventURLContentLoading" config for URL security; 11. Add "lockExtensions" and "noDefaultExtensions" config for URL behavior re: extension loading 12. Document "showGrid", and new "noStorageOnLoad" and "emptyStorageOnDecline" extension-related config 13. Change setConfig to allow a second object with "overwrite" and "allowInitialUserOverride" properties and to behave accordingly (with URL config acting with overwrite=false to act under lower priority given security concern), along with checking "preventAllURLConfig" and "lockExtensions" config. 14. Remove any dupe extensions 15. Strip all path config from URL setting in addition to extPath (imgPath, langPath, jGraduatePath) 16. Support select+checkbox type dialog (used for storage ext.) 17. Ensure clickSelect is public so can be properly used by ext-connector.js 18. Reinstate 'in' checks just to be safe 19. Fix broken linkControlPoints() and addSubPath() functions 20. Fix problem when position returned by extension object was too high (e.g., if too few other extensions were included). git-svn-id: eee81c28-f429-11dd-99c0-75d572ba1ddd
2014-02-18 15:06:27 +00:00
// TODO: Implement language support. Move these uiStrings to the locale files and the code to the langReady callback.
$.extend(uiStrings, {
mathjax: {
embed_svg: 'Save as mathematics',
embed_mathml: 'Save as figure',
svg_save_warning: 'The math will be transformed into a figure is manipulatable like everything else. You will not be able to manipulate the TeX-code anymore. ',
mathml_save_warning: 'Advised. The math will be saved as a figure.',
title: 'Mathematics code editor'
function saveMath() {
var code = $('#mathjax_code_textarea').val();
// displaystyle to force MathJax NOT to use the inline style. Because it is
// less fancy!
MathJax.Hub.queue.Push(['Text', math, '\\displaystyle{' + code + '}']);
* The MathJax library doesn't want to bloat your webpage so it creates
* every symbol (glymph) you need only once. These are saved in a <svg> on
* the top of your html document, just under the body tag. Each glymph has
* its unique id and is saved as a <path> in the <defs> tag of the <svg>
* Then when the symbols are needed in the rest of your html document they
* are refferd to by a <use> tag.
* Because of bug 1076 we can't just grab the defs tag on the top and add it
* to your formula's <svg> and copy the lot. So we have to replace each
* <use> tag by it's <path>.
function() {
var mathjaxMath = $('.MathJax_SVG');
var svg = $(mathjaxMath.html());
svg.find('use').each(function() {
var x, y, id, transform;
// TODO: find a less pragmatic and more elegant solution to this.
if ($(this).attr('href')) {
id = $(this).attr('href').slice(1); // Works in Chrome.
} else {
id = $(this).attr('xlink:href').slice(1); // Works in Firefox.
var glymph = $('#' + id).clone().removeAttr('id');
x = $(this).attr('x');
y = $(this).attr('y');
transform = $(this).attr('transform');
if (transform && ( x || y )) {
glymph.attr('transform', transform + ' translate(' + x + ',' + y + ')');
else if (transform) {
glymph.attr('transform', transform);
else if (x || y) {
glymph.attr('transform', 'translate(' + x + ',' + y + ')');
// Remove the style tag because it interferes with SVG-Edit.
svg.attr('xmlns', '');
svgCanvas.importSvgString($('<div>').append(svg.clone()).html(), true);
// TODO: To undo the adding of the Formula you now have to undo twice.
// This should only be once!
svgCanvas.moveSelectedElements(locationX, locationY, true);
return {
name: "MatJax",
svgicons: svgEditor.curConfig.extPath + "mathjax-icons.xml",
buttons: [{
id: "tool_mathjax",
type: "mode",
title: "Add Mathematics",
events: {
'click': function() {
// Only load Mathjax when needed, we don't want to strain Svg-Edit any more.
// From this point on it is very probable that it will be needed, so load it.
if (mathjaxLoaded === false) {
$('<div id="mathjax">\
<!-- Here is where MathJax creates the math -->\
<div id="mathjax_creator" class="tex2jax_process" style="display:none">\
<div id="mathjax_overlay"></div>\
<div id="mathjax_container">\
<div id="tool_mathjax_back" class="toolbar_button">\
<button id="tool_mathjax_save">OK</button>\
<button id="tool_mathjax_cancel">Cancel</button>\
<legend id="mathjax_legend">Mathematics Editor</legend>\
<span id="mathjax_explication">Please type your mathematics in \
<a href="" target="_blank">TeX</a> code.</span></label>\
<textarea id="mathjax_code_textarea" spellcheck="false"></textarea>\
// Make the MathEditor draggable.
$('#mathjax_container').draggable({cancel: 'button,fieldset', containment: 'window'});
// Add functionality and picture to cancel button.
$('#tool_mathjax_cancel').prepend($.getSvgIcon('cancel', true))
.on("click touched", function() {
// Add functionality and picture to the save button.
$('#tool_mathjax_save').prepend($.getSvgIcon('ok', true))
.on("click touched", function() {
// MathJax preprocessing has to ignore most of the page.
// Now get (and run) the MathJax Library.
.done(function(script, textStatus) {
// When MathJax is loaded get the div where the math will be rendered.
MathJax.Hub.queue.Push(function() {
math = MathJax.Hub.getAllJax('#mathjax_creator')[0];
mathjaxLoaded = true;
console.log('MathJax Loaded');
// If it fails.
.fail(function() {
console.log("Failed loadeing MathJax.");
$.alert("Failed loading MathJax. You will not be able to change the mathematics.");
// Set the mode.
mouseDown: function() {
if (svgCanvas.getMode() === "mathjax") {
return {started: true};
mouseUp: function(opts) {
if (svgCanvas.getMode() === "mathjax") {
// Get the coordinates from your mouse.
var zoom = svgCanvas.getZoom();
// Get the actual coordinate by dividing by the zoom value
locationX = opts.mouse_x / zoom;
locationY = opts.mouse_y / zoom;
return {started: false}; // Otherwise the last selected object dissapears.
callback: function() {
#mathjax fieldset{\
padding: 5px;\
margin: 5px;\
border: 1px solid #DDD;\
#mathjax label{\
display: block;\
margin: .5em;\
#mathjax legend {\
#mathjax_overlay {\
position: absolute;\
top: 0;\
left: 0;\
right: 0;\
bottom: 0;\
background-color: black;\
opacity: 0.6;\
z-index: 20000;\
#mathjax_container {\
position: absolute;\
top: 50px;\
padding: 10px;\
background-color: #B0B0B0;\
border: 1px outset #777;\
opacity: 1.0;\
font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif;\
font-size: .8em;\
z-index: 20001;\
#tool_mathjax_back {\
margin-left: 1em;\
overflow: auto;\
font-weight: bold;\
#mathjax_code_textarea {\\n\
margin: 5px .7em;\
overflow: hidden;\
width: 416px;\
display: block;\
height: 100px;\
// Add the MathJax configuration.