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- Breaking change: Rename config file to `svgedit-config-iife.js` (or for the module version, `svgedit-config-es.js`); also expect one directory higher; incorporates #207 (@iuyiuy) - Breaking change: Separate `extIconsPath` from `extPath` (not copying over icons) - Breaking change: Don't reference `custom.css` in HTML; can instead be referenced in JavaScript through the config file (provided in `svgedit-config-sample-iife.js`/`svgedit-config-sample-es.js` as `svgedit-custom.css` for better namespacing); incorporates #207 (@iuyiuy) - Breaking change: Remove minified jgraduate/spinbtn files (minified within Rollup routine) - Fix: Zoom when scrolled; incorporates #169 (@AndrolGenhald), adapting for conventions; also allow avoidance when shift key pressed - Fix: Update Atom feed reference in HTML - Fixes related to recent commits: Some path and method name fixes needed, function order, missing methods, variable scope declaration, no need for DOMContentLoaded listeners in modules, switch back to non-default export, avoid trimming nullish, deal with mock tests, fix `math.matrixMultiply`, use jquery-svg where needed for array/SVG attributes; add babel-polyfill and defer script to imagelib; other misc. fixes - Enhancement: Move config-sample.js out of `editor` directory - Enhancement: For `callback`-style extensions, also provide config object; add following to that object: buildCanvgCallback, canvg, decode64, encode64, executeAfterLoads, getTypeMap, isChrome, ieIE, NS, text2xml - Enhancement: Complete ES6 modules work (extensions, locales, tests), along with Babel; make Node build routine for converting modular source to non-modular, use `loadStylesheets` for modular stylehsheet defining (but parallel loading); - Enhancement: Add `stylesheets` config for modular but parallel stylesheet loading with `@default` option for simple inclusion/exclusion of defaults (if not going with default). - Refactoring: Clean up `svg-editor.html`: consistent indents; avoid extra lbs, avoid long lines - Refactoring: Avoid embedded API adding inline JavaScript listener - Refactoring: Move layers and context code to `draw.js` - Refactoring: Move `pathActions` from `svgcanvas.js` (though preserve aliases to these methods on `canvas`) and `convertPath` from `svgutils.js` to `path.js` - Refactoring: Move `getStrokedBBox` from `svgcanvas.js` (while keeping an alias) to `svgutils.js` (as `getStrokedBBoxDefaultVisible` to avoid conflict with existing) - Docs: Remove "dependencies" comments in code except where summarizing role of jQuery or a non-obvious dependency - Refactoring/Linting: Enfore `no-extra-semi` and `quote-props` rules - Refactoring: Further avoidance of quotes on properties (as possible) - Refactoring: Use `class` in place of functions where intended as classes - Refactoring: Consistency and granularity in extensions imports - Testing: Update QUnit to 2.6.1 (node_modules) and Sinon to 5.0.8 (and add sinon-test at 2.1.3) and enforce eslint-plugin-qunit linting rules; update custom extensions - Testing: Add node-static for automating (and accessing out-of-directory contents) - Testing: Avoid HTML attributes for styling - Testing: Add npm `test` script - Testing: Comment out unused jQuery SVG test - Testing: Add test1 and svgutils_performance_test to all tests page - Testing: Due apparently to Path having not been a formal class, the test was calling it without `new`; refactored now with sufficient mock data to take into account it is a class - npm: Update devDeps - npm: Add html modules and config build to test script
2018-05-22 10:03:16 +00:00
(function () {
'use strict';
var confirmSetStorage = {
en: {
message: 'By default and where supported, SVG-Edit can store your editor ' + 'preferences and SVG content locally on your machine so you do not ' + 'need to add these back each time you load SVG-Edit. If, for privacy ' + 'reasons, you do not wish to store this information on your machine, ' + 'you can change away from the default option below.',
storagePrefsAndContent: 'Store preferences and SVG content locally',
storagePrefsOnly: 'Only store preferences locally',
storagePrefs: 'Store preferences locally',
storageNoPrefsOrContent: 'Do not store my preferences or SVG content locally',
storageNoPrefs: 'Do not store my preferences locally',
rememberLabel: 'Remember this choice?',
rememberTooltip: 'If you choose to opt out of storage while remembering this choice, the URL will change so as to avoid asking again.'
de: {
message: 'Standardmäßig kann SVG-Edit Ihre Editor-Einstellungen ' + 'und die SVG-Inhalte lokal auf Ihrem Gerät abspeichern. So brauchen Sie ' + 'nicht jedes Mal die SVG neu laden. Falls Sie aus Datenschutzgründen ' + 'dies nicht wollen, ' + 'können Sie die Standardeinstellung im Folgenden ändern.',
storagePrefsAndContent: 'Store preferences and SVG content locally',
storagePrefsOnly: 'Only store preferences locally',
storagePrefs: 'Store preferences locally',
storageNoPrefsOrContent: 'Do not store my preferences or SVG content locally',
storageNoPrefs: 'Do not store my preferences locally',
rememberLabel: 'Remember this choice?',
rememberTooltip: 'If you choose to opt out of storage while remembering this choice, the URL will change so as to avoid asking again.'
fr: {
message: "Par défaut et si supporté, SVG-Edit peut stocker les préférences de l'éditeur " + "et le contenu SVG localement sur votre machine de sorte que vous n'ayez pas besoin de les " + 'rajouter chaque fois que vous chargez SVG-Edit. Si, pour des raisons de confidentialité, ' + 'vous ne souhaitez pas stocker ces données sur votre machine, vous pouvez changer ce ' + 'comportement ci-dessous.',
storagePrefsAndContent: 'Store preferences and SVG content locally',
storagePrefsOnly: 'Only store preferences locally',
storagePrefs: 'Store preferences locally',
storageNoPrefsOrContent: 'Do not store my preferences or SVG content locally',
storageNoPrefs: 'Do not store my preferences locally',
rememberLabel: 'Remember this choice?',
rememberTooltip: "Si vous choisissez de désactiver le stockage en mémorisant le choix, l'URL va changer afin que la question ne vous soit plus reposée."
/* globals jQuery */
svgEditor.addExtension('storage', function () {
var $ = jQuery;
var svgCanvas = svgEditor.canvas;
// We could empty any already-set data for users when they decline storage,
// but it would be a risk for users who wanted to store but accidentally
// said "no"; instead, we'll let those who already set it, delete it themselves;
// to change, set the "emptyStorageOnDecline" config setting to true
// in svgedit-config-iife.js/svgedit-config-es.js.
var _svgEditor$curConfig = svgEditor.curConfig,
emptyStorageOnDecline = _svgEditor$curConfig.emptyStorageOnDecline,
noStorageOnLoad = _svgEditor$curConfig.noStorageOnLoad,
forceStorage = _svgEditor$curConfig.forceStorage;
var _svgEditor = svgEditor,
storage =;
function replaceStoragePrompt(val) {
val = val ? 'storagePrompt=' + val : '';
var loc = top.location; // Allow this to work with the embedded editor as well
if (loc.href.includes('storagePrompt=')) {
loc.href = loc.href.replace(/([&?])storagePrompt=[^&]*(&?)/, function (n0, n1, amp) {
return (val ? n1 : '') + val + (!val && amp ? n1 : amp || '');
} else {
loc.href += (loc.href.includes('?') ? '&' : '?') + val;
function setSVGContentStorage(val) {
if (storage) {
var name = 'svgedit-' + svgEditor.curConfig.canvasName;
if (!val) {
} else {
storage.setItem(name, val);
function expireCookie(cookie) {
document.cookie = encodeURIComponent(cookie) + '=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT';
function removeStoragePrefCookie() {
function emptyStorage() {
for (var name in svgEditor.curPrefs) {
if (svgEditor.curPrefs.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
name = 'svg-edit-' + name;
if (storage) {
// emptyStorage();
* Listen for unloading: If and only if opted in by the user, set the content
* document and preferences into storage:
* 1. Prevent save warnings (since we're automatically saving unsaved
* content into storage)
* 2. Use localStorage to set SVG contents (potentially too large to allow in cookies)
* 3. Use localStorage (where available) or cookies to set preferences.
function setupBeforeUnloadListener() {
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', function (e) {
// Don't save anything unless the user opted in to storage
if (!document.cookie.match(/(?:^|;\s*)store=(?:prefsAndContent|prefsOnly)/)) {
if (document.cookie.match(/(?:^|;\s*)store=prefsAndContent/)) {
svgEditor.setConfig({ no_save_warning: true }); // No need for explicit saving at all once storage is on
// svgEditor.showSaveWarning = false;
var _svgEditor2 = svgEditor,
curPrefs = _svgEditor2.curPrefs;
for (var key in curPrefs) {
if (curPrefs.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
// It's our own config, so we don't need to iterate up the prototype chain
var val = curPrefs[key];
var store = val !== undefined;
key = 'svg-edit-' + key;
if (!store) {
if (storage) {
storage.setItem(key, val);
} else if (window.widget) {
window.widget.setPreferenceForKey(val, key);
} else {
val = encodeURIComponent(val);
document.cookie = encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + val + '; expires=Fri, 31 Dec 9999 23:59:59 GMT';
}, false);
var loaded = false;
return {
name: 'storage',
langReady: function langReady(data) {
// const {uiStrings: {confirmSetStorage}} = data, // No need to store as dialog should only run once
var lang = data.lang;
var _$$deparam$querystrin = $.deparam.querystring(true),
storagePrompt = _$$deparam$querystrin.storagePrompt;
var _confirmSetStorage$la = confirmSetStorage[lang],
message = _confirmSetStorage$la.message,
storagePrefsAndContent = _confirmSetStorage$la.storagePrefsAndContent,
storagePrefsOnly = _confirmSetStorage$la.storagePrefsOnly,
storagePrefs = _confirmSetStorage$la.storagePrefs,
storageNoPrefsOrContent = _confirmSetStorage$la.storageNoPrefsOrContent,
storageNoPrefs = _confirmSetStorage$la.storageNoPrefs,
rememberLabel = _confirmSetStorage$la.rememberLabel,
rememberTooltip = _confirmSetStorage$la.rememberTooltip;
// No need to run this one-time dialog again just because the user
// changes the language
if (loaded) {
loaded = true;
// Note that the following can load even if "noStorageOnLoad" is
// set to false; to avoid any chance of storage, avoid this
// extension! (and to avoid using any prior storage, set the
// config option "noStorageOnLoad" to true).
if (!forceStorage && (
// If the URL has been explicitly set to always prompt the
// user (e.g., so one can be pointed to a URL where one
// can alter one's settings, say to prevent future storage)...
storagePrompt === true ||
// ...or...if the URL at least doesn't explicitly prevent a
// storage prompt (as we use for users who
// don't want to set cookies at all but who don't want
// continual prompts about it)...
storagePrompt !== false &&
// ...and this user hasn't previously indicated a desire for storage
// ...then show the storage prompt.
)) {
var options = [];
if (storage) {
options.unshift({ value: 'prefsAndContent', text: storagePrefsAndContent }, { value: 'prefsOnly', text: storagePrefsOnly }, { value: 'noPrefsOrContent', text: storageNoPrefsOrContent });
} else {
options.unshift({ value: 'prefsOnly', text: storagePrefs }, { value: 'noPrefsOrContent', text: storageNoPrefs });
// Hack to temporarily provide a wide and high enough dialog
var oldContainerWidth = $('#dialog_container')[0].style.width,
oldContainerMarginLeft = $('#dialog_container')[0].style.marginLeft,
oldContentHeight = $('#dialog_content')[0].style.height,
oldContainerHeight = $('#dialog_container')[0].style.height;
$('#dialog_content')[0].style.height = '120px';
$('#dialog_container')[0].style.height = '170px';
$('#dialog_container')[0].style.width = '800px';
$('#dialog_container')[0].style.marginLeft = '-400px';
// Open select-with-checkbox dialog
// From svg-editor.js
$.select(message, options, function (pref, checked) {
if (pref && pref !== 'noPrefsOrContent') {
// Regardless of whether the user opted
// to remember the choice (and move to a URL which won't
// ask them again), we have to assume the user
// doesn't even want to remember their not wanting
// storage, so we don't set the cookie or continue on with
// setting storage on beforeunload
document.cookie = 'store=' + encodeURIComponent(pref) + '; expires=Fri, 31 Dec 9999 23:59:59 GMT'; // 'prefsAndContent' | 'prefsOnly'
// If the URL was configured to always insist on a prompt, if
// the user does indicate a wish to store their info, we
// don't want ask them again upon page refresh so move
// them instead to a URL which does not always prompt
if (storagePrompt === true && checked) {
} else {
// The user does not wish storage (or cancelled, which we treat equivalently)
if (pref && // If the user explicitly expresses wish for no storage
emptyStorageOnDecline) {
if (pref && checked) {
// Open a URL which won't set storage and won't prompt user about storage
// Reset width/height of dialog (e.g., for use by Export)
$('#dialog_container')[0].style.width = oldContainerWidth;
$('#dialog_container')[0].style.marginLeft = oldContainerMarginLeft;
$('#dialog_content')[0].style.height = oldContentHeight;
$('#dialog_container')[0].style.height = oldContainerHeight;
// It should be enough to (conditionally) add to storage on
// beforeunload, but if we wished to update immediately,
// we might wish to try setting:
// svgEditor.setConfig({noStorageOnLoad: true});
// and then call:
// svgEditor.loadContentAndPrefs();
// We don't check for noStorageOnLoad here because
// the prompt gives the user the option to store data
svgEditor.storagePromptClosed = true;
}, null, null, {
label: rememberLabel,
checked: false,
tooltip: rememberTooltip
} else if (!noStorageOnLoad || forceStorage) {