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{"version":3,"file":"svgcanvas-iife.min.js","sources":["../editor/jQuery.attr.js","../editor/svgpathseg.js","../editor/namespaces.js","../editor/browser.js","../editor/svgtransformlist.js","../editor/units.js","../editor/history.js","../editor/path.js","../editor/math.js","../editor/utilities.js","../editor/layer.js","../editor/historyrecording.js","../editor/draw.js","../editor/sanitize.js","../editor/external/dynamic-import-polyfill/importModule.js","../editor/coords.js","../editor/recalculate.js","../editor/select.js","../editor/svgcanvas.js","../editor/dbox.js"],"sourcesContent":["/**\n * A jQuery module to work with SVG attributes.\n * @module jQueryAttr\n * @license MIT\n */\n\n/**\n* This fixes `$(...).attr()` to work as expected with SVG elements.\n* Does not currently use `*AttributeNS()` since we rarely need that.\n* Adds {@link external:jQuery.fn.attr}.\n* See {@link} for basic documentation of `.attr()`.\n*\n* Additional functionality:\n* - When getting attributes, a string that's a number is returned as type number.\n* - If an array is supplied as the first parameter, multiple values are returned\n* as an object with values for each given attribute.\n* @function module:jQueryAttr.jQueryAttr\n* @param {external:jQuery} $ The jQuery object to which to add the plug-in\n* @returns {external:jQuery}\n*/\nexport default function jQueryPluginSVG ($) {\n const proxied = $.fn.attr,\n svgns = '';\n /**\n * @typedef {PlainObject<string, string|Float>} module:jQueryAttr.Attributes\n */\n /**\n * @function external:jQuery.fn.attr\n * @param {string|string[]|PlainObject<string, string>} key\n * @param {string} value\n * @returns {external:jQuery|module:jQueryAttr.Attributes}\n */\n $.fn.attr = function (key, value) {\n const len = this.length;\n if (!len) { return, key, value); }\n for (let i = 0; i < len; ++i) {\n const elem = this[i];\n // set/get SVG attribute\n if (elem.namespaceURI === svgns) {\n // Setting attribute\n if (value !== undefined) {\n elem.setAttribute(key, value);\n } else if (Array.isArray(key)) {\n // Getting attributes from array\n const obj = {};\n let j = key.length;\n\n while (j--) {\n const aname = key[j];\n let attr = elem.getAttribute(aname);\n // This returns a number when appropriate\n if (attr || attr === '0') {\n attr = isNaN(attr) ? attr : (attr - 0);\n }\n obj[aname] = attr;\n }\n return obj;\n }\n if (typeof key === 'object') {\n // Setting attributes from object\n for (const [name, val] of Object.entries(key)) {\n elem.setAttribute(name, val);\n }\n // Getting attribute\n } else {\n let attr = elem.getAttribute(key);\n if (attr || attr === '0') {\n attr = isNaN(attr) ? attr : (attr - 0);\n }\n return attr;\n }\n } else {\n return, key, value);\n }\n }\n return this;\n };\n return $;\n}\n","/* globals SVGPathSeg, SVGPathSegMovetoRel, SVGPathSegMovetoAbs,\n SVGPathSegMovetoRel, SVGPathSegLinetoRel, SVGPathSegLinetoAbs,\n SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel, SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs,\n SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel, SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs,\n SVGPathSegClosePath, SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel,\n SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs, SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel,\n SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs, SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel,\n SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs, SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel,\n SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs, SVGPathSegArcRel, SVGPathSegArcAbs */\n/**\n* SVGPathSeg API polyfill\n*\n*\n* This is a drop-in replacement for the `SVGPathSeg` and `SVGPathSegList` APIs\n* that were removed from SVG2 ({@link}),\n* including the lat