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V7 preview (#480) * #issue-fix The new menu will ask if you want to erase the current content but it will ignore the answer * #issue-fix dialog needs to be closer than the original * #issue-fix main menu alignment changes * #issue_fix double click and opensvg issue fixed * #issue-fix process_cancel change to seConfirm * #issue-fix review how the top toolbar display when many buttons are displayed * #issue-fix unwanted css reoved * #issue-fix BOTTOM TOOLS Make sure all features of the bottom toolbar are working * #issue-fix IMPORT IMAGE menu open issue fixed * #issue-fix alert dialog overwrite style * #issue-fix lint issue fixed * npm update + associated fixes * #36 look of opacity button should like the zoom button (without the dropdown button) * #37 Clicking anywhere on the bottom bar (for example below the opacity button is displaying the “color popup”.) * #38 The opacity button does not update with the current element * #42 When you import an image, it works well but the dialog should disappear automatically * Fixes #53: 4th option for the background display fixed * Fixes #53: 4th option for the background fixed * #49 the x button does not work * Fixes #41: Alignment fixes in bottom bar * fix test scenario * #39 opacity button/stroke size/radius button don’t allow the 0 value * #41 The look and alignment of stroke size and stroke style should be consistent with the rest of the bottom bar. * #44 Text font dropdown is broken * #52 Fix the export * Fixes #44: Text font dropdown fixed * Fixes #44: Text font dropdown fixed * Fixes #44: Text font dropdown fixed * Fixes #44: Text font dropdown fixed * Update index.html * update husky * fixes * moves from index.html to js * fix #66 * fix #48 first set of new icons * Reorganize tools in left panel to be more intuitive * Update button styles to adapt to new icons * Fix #48 new set of icons for alignments * Variabilisation of icon bkgd colors Update of color choice to fit new icons design * Update canvas and rulers colors * Improve layer handle design * Modernize SVG Logo but keeping original spirit * Fix #48 continue improve icons * Continue to reorganise left panel * Update right panel handle for layers * Fix #48 new set of icons for main menu * Improve main menu design * Rework menu organisation * Rework menu organisation * Update input element design * New icons * Improve Zoom Module * Improve Color Picker Module * New icons * New icons * #65 restore the feature of start/end marker lines partially did * #64 The export dialog needs to include the quality options (except for PDF) * #39 opacity button/stroke size/radius button don’t allow the 0 value * #39 eslint changes * #69 menu button style overwrite * #65 restore the feature of start/end marker lines * #43 With a small window, the look of the top toolbar is broken * #43 tool top alignment revert * #46 Move this jQuery component to a web component for graduate and picker components * #46 Move this jQuery component to a web component * remove some non standard lint rules * #46 picker convert as pure javascript changes * #46 jquery plugin convert to pure javascript * #46 jquery plugin change to pure javascript * #46 jquery remove and convert to pure javascript * #46 slider issue fixed * #46 ColorValuePicker and js convertion * #46 globals $ remov from slider class * #46 jquery convert pure javascript changes * #46 jquery to js convertion changes * #46 paintbox and current element color set issue fixed * #46 unwanted files removed * #46 $.extend modify changes * #46 extend modifiey changes * #46 $.extend change to pure javascript * #46 extend and data changes * #46 jquery removed * #45 These buttons don't work and dropdown is broken * #45 These buttons don't work and dropdown is broken * #45 These buttons don't work and dropdown is broken commit reverted * #43 With a small window, the look of the top toolbar is broken * Update jQuery.jPicker.js * #76 draggable modification changes * #76 jquery-ui-1.8.17.custom.min.js removed from editor * #76 jquery ui file removed * npm update * #77 console issue fixed * #77 <SVG> button issue fixed * #77 shortkey issue fixed * #77 jquery hotkeys plugin changes * #77 hotkey plugin related changes * #78 hotkey related code comment. * #78 js-hotkeys/jquery.hotkeys.min.js file removed from svgedit.js * #51 Rewrite the color palette without elix * #81 unwanted files removed * #81 folder name renamed * #81 folder rename changes * #81 jquery-ui folder renamed * #81 jquery modify changes * #81 globals $ removed Co-authored-by: Agriya Dev5 <> Co-authored-by: mathieucura <>
2021-03-05 11:45:07 +00:00
var t="undefined"!=typeof globalThis?globalThis:"undefined"!=typeof window?window:"undefined"!=typeof global?global:"undefined"!=typeof self?self:{};function createCommonjsModule(t){var r={exports:{}};return t(r,r.exports),r.exports}var check=function(t){return t&&t.Math==Math&&t},r=check("object"==typeof globalThis&&globalThis)||check("object"==typeof window&&window)||check("object"==typeof self&&self)||check("object"==typeof t&&t)||function(){return this}()||Function("return this")(),fails=function(t){try{return!!t()}catch(t){return!0}},e=!fails((function(){return 7!=Object.defineProperty({},1,{get:function(){return 7}})[1]})),n={}.propertyIsEnumerable,o=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,i={f:o&&!{1:2},1)?function propertyIsEnumerable(t){var r=o(this,t);return!!r&&r.enumerable}:n},createPropertyDescriptor=function(t,r){return{enumerable:!(1&t),configurable:!(2&t),writable:!(4&t),value:r}},c={}.toString,classofRaw=function(t){return,-1)},u="".split,a=fails((function(){return!Object("z").propertyIsEnumerable(0)}))?function(t){return"String"==classofRaw(t)?,""):Object(t)}:Object,requireObjectCoercible=function(t){if(null==t)throw TypeError("Can't call method on "+t);return t},toIndexedObject=function(t){return a(requireObjectCoercible(t))},isObject=function(t){return"object"==typeof t?null!==t:"function"==typeof t},toPrimitive=function(t,r){if(!isObject(t))return t;var e,n;if(r&&"function"==typeof(e=t.toString)&&!isObject( n;if("function"==typeof(e=t.valueOf)&&!isObject( n;if(!r&&"function"==typeof(e=t.toString)&&!isObject( n;throw TypeError("Can't convert object to primitive value")},f={}.hasOwnProperty,has=function(t,r){return,r)},l=r.document,s=isObject(l)&&isObject(l.createElement),documentCreateElement=function(t){return s?l.createElement(t):{}},p=!e&&!fails((function(){return 7!=Object.defineProperty(documentCreateElement("div"),"a",{get:function(){return 7}}).a})),y=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,d={f:e?y:function getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t,r){if(t=toIndexedObject(t),r=toPrimitive(r,!0),p)try{return y(t,r)}catch(t){}if(has(t,r))return createPropertyDescriptor(!,r),t[r])}},anObject=function(t){if(!isObject(t))throw TypeError(String(t)+" is not an object");return t},g=Object.defineProperty,m={f:e?g:function defineProperty(t,r,e){if(anObject(t),r=toPrimitive(r,!0),anObject(e),p)try{return g(t,r,e)}catch(t){}if("get"in e||"set"in e)throw TypeError("Accessors not supported");return"value"in e&&(t[r]=e.value),t}},h=e?function(t,r,e){return m.f(t,r,createPropertyDescriptor(1,e))}:function(t,r,e){return t[r]=e,t},setGlobal=function(t,e){try{h(r,t,e)}catch(n){r[t]=e}return e},v=r["__core-js_shared__"]||setGlobal("__core-js_shared__",{}),b=Function.toString;"function"!=typeof v.inspectSource&&(v.inspectSource=function(t){return});var S,w,O,j=v.inspectSource,A=r.WeakMap,_="function"==typeof A&&/native code/.test(j(A)),E=createCommonjsModule((function(t){(t.exports=function(t,r){return v[t]||(v[t]=void 0!==r?r:{})})("versions",[]).push({version:"3.8.3",mode:"global",copyright:"© 2021 Denis Pushkarev ("})})),T=0,x=Math.random(),uid=function(t){return"Symbol("+String(void 0===t?"":t)+")_"+(++T+x).toString(36)},C=E("keys"),sharedKey=function(t){return C[t]||(C[t]=uid(t))},P={},M=r.WeakMap;if(_){var I=v.state||(v.state=new M),k=I.get,L=I.has,F=I.set;S=function(t,r){return r.facade=t,,t,r),r},w=function(t){return,t)||{}},O=function(t){return,t)}}else{var N=sharedKey("state");P[N]=!0,S=function(t,r){return r.facade=t,h(t,N,r),r},w=function(t){return has(t,N)?t[N]:{}},O=function(t){return has(t,N)}}var R,W,D={set:S,get:w,has:O,enforce:function(t){return O(t)?w(t):S(t,{})},getterFor:function(t){return function(r){var e;if(!isObject(r)||(e=w(r)).type!==t)throw TypeError("Incompatible receiver, "+t+" required");return e}}},z=createCommonjsModule((function(t){var e=D.get,n=D.enforce,o=String(String).split("String");(t.exports=function(t,e,i,c){var u,a=!!c&&!!c.unsafe,f=!!c&&!!c.enum
2020-09-10 06:24:38 +00:00