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/*globals $, svgedit, svgCanvas, jsPDF*/
/*jslint vars: true, eqeq: true, todo: true, bitwise: true, continue: true, forin: true */
* svgcanvas.js
* Licensed under the MIT License
* Copyright(c) 2010 Alexis Deveria
* Copyright(c) 2010 Pavol Rusnak
* Copyright(c) 2010 Jeff Schiller
// Dependencies:
// 1) jQuery
// 2) pathseg.js
// 3) browser.js
// 4) svgtransformlist.js
// 5) math.js
// 6) units.js
// 7) svgutils.js
// 8) sanitize.js
// 9) history.js
// 10) select.js
// 11) draw.js
// 12) path.js
// 13) coords.js
// 14) recalculate.js
(function () {
if (!window.console) {
window.console = {};
window.console.log = function(str) {};
window.console.dir = function(str) {};
if (window.opera) {
window.console.log = function(str) { opera.postError(str); };
window.console.dir = function(str) {};
// Class: SvgCanvas
// The main SvgCanvas class that manages all SVG-related functions
// Parameters:
// container - The container HTML element that should hold the SVG root element
// config - An object that contains configuration data
$.SvgCanvas = function(container, config) {
// Alias Namespace constants
var NS = svgedit.NS;
// Default configuration options
var curConfig = {
show_outside_canvas: true,
selectNew: true,
dimensions: [640, 480]
// Update config with new one if given
if (config) {
$.extend(curConfig, config);
// Array with width/height of canvas
var dimensions = curConfig.dimensions;
var canvas = this;
// "document" element associated with the container (same as window.document using default svg-editor.js)
// NOTE: This is not actually a SVG document, but a HTML document.
var svgdoc = container.ownerDocument;
// This is a container for the document being edited, not the document itself.
var svgroot = svgdoc.importNode(svgedit.utilities.text2xml(
'<svg id="svgroot" xmlns="' + NS.SVG + '" xlinkns="' + NS.XLINK + '" ' +
'width="' + dimensions[0] + '" height="' + dimensions[1] + '" x="' + dimensions[0] + '" y="' + dimensions[1] + '" overflow="visible">' +
'<defs>' +
'<filter id="canvashadow" filterUnits="objectBoundingBox">' +
'<feGaussianBlur in="SourceAlpha" stdDeviation="4" result="blur"/>'+
'<feOffset in="blur" dx="5" dy="5" result="offsetBlur"/>'+
'<feMergeNode in="offsetBlur"/>'+
'<feMergeNode in="SourceGraphic"/>'+
'</svg>').documentElement, true);
// The actual element that represents the final output SVG element
var svgcontent = svgdoc.createElementNS(NS.SVG, 'svg');
// This function resets the svgcontent element while keeping it in the DOM.
var clearSvgContentElement = canvas.clearSvgContentElement = function() {
while (svgcontent.firstChild) { svgcontent.removeChild(svgcontent.firstChild); }
// TODO: Clear out all other attributes first?
id: 'svgcontent',
width: dimensions[0],
height: dimensions[1],
x: dimensions[0],
y: dimensions[1],
overflow: curConfig.show_outside_canvas ? 'visible' : 'hidden',
xmlns: NS.SVG,
'xmlns:se': NS.SE,
'xmlns:xlink': NS.XLINK
// TODO: make this string optional and set by the client
2015-12-03 08:24:28 +00:00
var comment = svgdoc.createComment(" Created with SVG-edit -");
// Prefix string for element IDs
var idprefix = 'svg_';
// Function: setIdPrefix
// Changes the ID prefix to the given value
// Parameters:
// p - String with the new prefix
canvas.setIdPrefix = function(p) {
idprefix = p;
// Current svgedit.draw.Drawing object
// @type {svgedit.draw.Drawing}
canvas.current_drawing_ = new svgedit.draw.Drawing(svgcontent, idprefix);
// Function: getCurrentDrawing
// Returns the current Drawing.
// @return {svgedit.draw.Drawing}
var getCurrentDrawing = canvas.getCurrentDrawing = function() {
return canvas.current_drawing_;
// Float displaying the current zoom level (1 = 100%, .5 = 50%, etc)
var current_zoom = 1;
// pointer to current group (for in-group editing)
var current_group = null;
// Object containing data for the currently selected styles
var all_properties = {
shape: {
fill: (curConfig.initFill.color == 'none' ? '' : '#') + curConfig.initFill.color,
fill_paint: null,
fill_opacity: curConfig.initFill.opacity,
stroke: '#' + curConfig.initStroke.color,
stroke_paint: null,
stroke_opacity: curConfig.initStroke.opacity,
stroke_width: curConfig.initStroke.width,
stroke_dasharray: 'none',
stroke_linejoin: 'miter',
stroke_linecap: 'butt',
opacity: curConfig.initOpacity
all_properties.text = $.extend(true, {}, all_properties.shape);
$.extend(all_properties.text, {
fill: '#000000',
stroke_width: 0,
font_size: 24,
font_family: 'serif'
// Current shape style properties
var cur_shape = all_properties.shape;
// Array with all the currently selected elements
// default size of 1 until it needs to grow bigger
var selectedElements = [];
// Function: addSvgElementFromJson
// Create a new SVG element based on the given object keys/values and add it to the current layer
// The element will be ran through cleanupElement before being returned
// Parameters:
// data - Object with the following keys/values:
// * element - tag name of the SVG element to create
// * attr - Object with attributes key-values to assign to the new element
// * curStyles - Boolean indicating that current style attributes should be applied first
// Returns: The new element
var addSvgElementFromJson = this.addSvgElementFromJson = function(data) {
var shape = svgedit.utilities.getElem(;
// if shape is a path but we need to create a rect/ellipse, then remove the path
var current_layer = getCurrentDrawing().getCurrentLayer();
if (shape && data.element != shape.tagName) {
shape = null;
if (!shape) {
shape = svgdoc.createElementNS(NS.SVG, data.element);
if (current_layer) {
(current_group || current_layer).appendChild(shape);
if (data.curStyles) {
svgedit.utilities.assignAttributes(shape, {
'fill': cur_shape.fill,
'stroke': cur_shape.stroke,
'stroke-width': cur_shape.stroke_width,
'stroke-dasharray': cur_shape.stroke_dasharray,
'stroke-linejoin': cur_shape.stroke_linejoin,
'stroke-linecap': cur_shape.stroke_linecap,
'stroke-opacity': cur_shape.stroke_opacity,
'fill-opacity': cur_shape.fill_opacity,
'opacity': cur_shape.opacity / 2,
'style': 'pointer-events:inherit'
}, 100);
svgedit.utilities.assignAttributes(shape, data.attr, 100);
return shape;
// import svgtransformlist.js
var getTransformList = canvas.getTransformList = svgedit.transformlist.getTransformList;
// import from math.js.
var transformPoint = svgedit.math.transformPoint;
var matrixMultiply = canvas.matrixMultiply = svgedit.math.matrixMultiply;
var hasMatrixTransform = canvas.hasMatrixTransform = svgedit.math.hasMatrixTransform;
var transformListToTransform = canvas.transformListToTransform = svgedit.math.transformListToTransform;
var snapToAngle = svgedit.math.snapToAngle;
var getMatrix = svgedit.math.getMatrix;
// initialize from units.js
// send in an object implementing the ElementContainer interface (see units.js)
getBaseUnit: function() { return curConfig.baseUnit; },
getElement: svgedit.utilities.getElem,
getHeight: function() { return svgcontent.getAttribute('height')/current_zoom; },
getWidth: function() { return svgcontent.getAttribute('width')/current_zoom; },
getRoundDigits: function() { return save_options.round_digits; }
// import from units.js
var convertToNum = canvas.convertToNum = svgedit.units.convertToNum;
// import from svgutils.js
getDOMDocument: function() { return svgdoc; },
getDOMContainer: function() { return container; },
getSVGRoot: function() { return svgroot; },
// TODO: replace this mostly with a way to get the current drawing.
getSelectedElements: function() { return selectedElements; },
getSVGContent: function() { return svgcontent; },
getBaseUnit: function() { return curConfig.baseUnit; },
getSnappingStep: function() { return curConfig.snappingStep; }
var findDefs = canvas.findDefs = svgedit.utilities.findDefs;
var getUrlFromAttr = canvas.getUrlFromAttr = svgedit.utilities.getUrlFromAttr;
var getHref = canvas.getHref = svgedit.utilities.getHref;
var setHref = canvas.setHref = svgedit.utilities.setHref;
var getPathBBox = svgedit.utilities.getPathBBox;
var getBBox = canvas.getBBox = svgedit.utilities.getBBox;
var getRotationAngle = canvas.getRotationAngle = svgedit.utilities.getRotationAngle;
var getElem = canvas.getElem = svgedit.utilities.getElem;
var getRefElem = canvas.getRefElem = svgedit.utilities.getRefElem;
var assignAttributes = canvas.assignAttributes = svgedit.utilities.assignAttributes;
var cleanupElement = this.cleanupElement = svgedit.utilities.cleanupElement;
// import from coords.js
getDrawing: function() { return getCurrentDrawing(); },
getGridSnapping: function() { return curConfig.gridSnapping; }
var remapElement = this.remapElement = svgedit.coords.remapElement;
// import from recalculate.js
getSVGRoot: function() { return svgroot; },
getStartTransform: function() { return startTransform; },
setStartTransform: function(transform) { startTransform = transform; }
var recalculateDimensions = this.recalculateDimensions = svgedit.recalculate.recalculateDimensions;
// import from sanitize.js
var nsMap = svgedit.getReverseNS();
var sanitizeSvg = canvas.sanitizeSvg = svgedit.sanitize.sanitizeSvg;
// import from history.js
var MoveElementCommand = svgedit.history.MoveElementCommand;
var InsertElementCommand = svgedit.history.InsertElementCommand;
var RemoveElementCommand = svgedit.history.RemoveElementCommand;
var ChangeElementCommand = svgedit.history.ChangeElementCommand;
var BatchCommand = svgedit.history.BatchCommand;
var call;
// Implement the svgedit.history.HistoryEventHandler interface.
canvas.undoMgr = new svgedit.history.UndoManager({
handleHistoryEvent: function(eventType, cmd) {
var EventTypes = svgedit.history.HistoryEventTypes;
// TODO: handle setBlurOffsets.
if (eventType == EventTypes.BEFORE_UNAPPLY || eventType == EventTypes.BEFORE_APPLY) {
} else if (eventType == EventTypes.AFTER_APPLY || eventType == EventTypes.AFTER_UNAPPLY) {
var elems = cmd.elements();
call('changed', elems);
var cmdType = cmd.type();
var isApply = (eventType == EventTypes.AFTER_APPLY);
if (cmdType == MoveElementCommand.type()) {
var parent = isApply ? cmd.newParent : cmd.oldParent;
if (parent == svgcontent) {
} else if (cmdType == InsertElementCommand.type() ||
cmdType == RemoveElementCommand.type()) {
if (cmd.parent == svgcontent) {
if (cmdType == InsertElementCommand.type()) {
if (isApply) {restoreRefElems(cmd.elem);}
} else {
if (!isApply) {restoreRefElems(cmd.elem);}
if (cmd.elem.tagName === 'use') {
} else if (cmdType == ChangeElementCommand.type()) {
// if we are changing layer names, re-identify all layers
if (cmd.elem.tagName == 'title' && cmd.elem.parentNode.parentNode == svgcontent) {
var values = isApply ? cmd.newValues : cmd.oldValues;
// If stdDeviation was changed, update the blur.
if (values.stdDeviation) {
canvas.setBlurOffsets(cmd.elem.parentNode, values.stdDeviation);
// This is resolved in later versions of webkit, perhaps we should
// have a featured detection for correct 'use' behavior?
// ——————————
// Remove & Re-add hack for Webkit (issue 775)
//if (cmd.elem.tagName === 'use' && svgedit.browser.isWebkit()) {
// var elem = cmd.elem;
// if (!elem.getAttribute('x') && !elem.getAttribute('y')) {
// var parent = elem.parentNode;
// var sib = elem.nextSibling;
// parent.removeChild(elem);
// parent.insertBefore(elem, sib);
// }
var addCommandToHistory = function(cmd) {
// import from select.js, {
createSVGElement: function(jsonMap) { return canvas.addSvgElementFromJson(jsonMap); },
svgRoot: function() { return svgroot; },
svgContent: function() { return svgcontent; },
currentZoom: function() { return current_zoom; },
// TODO(codedread): Remove when getStrokedBBox() has been put into svgutils.js.
getStrokedBBox: function(elems) { return canvas.getStrokedBBox([elems]); }
// this object manages selectors for us
var selectorManager = this.selectorManager =;
// Import from path.js
getCurrentZoom: function() { return current_zoom; },
getSVGRoot: function() { return svgroot; }
// Interface strings, usually for title elements
var uiStrings = {
exportNoBlur: "Blurred elements will appear as un-blurred",
exportNoforeignObject: "foreignObject elements will not appear",
exportNoDashArray: "Strokes will appear filled",
exportNoText: "Text may not appear as expected"
var visElems = 'a,circle,ellipse,foreignObject,g,image,line,path,polygon,polyline,rect,svg,text,tspan,use';
var ref_attrs = ['clip-path', 'fill', 'filter', 'marker-end', 'marker-mid', 'marker-start', 'mask', 'stroke'];
var elData = $.data;
// Animation element to change the opacity of any newly created element
var opac_ani = document.createElementNS(NS.SVG, 'animate');
attributeName: 'opacity',
begin: 'indefinite',
dur: 1,
fill: 'freeze'
var restoreRefElems = function(elem) {
// Look for missing reference elements, restore any found
var o, i, l,
attrs = $(elem).attr(ref_attrs);
for (o in attrs) {
var val = attrs[o];
if (val && val.indexOf('url(') === 0) {
var id = svgedit.utilities.getUrlFromAttr(val).substr(1);
var ref = getElem(id);
if (!ref) {
delete removedElements[id];
var childs = elem.getElementsByTagName('*');
if (childs.length) {
for (i = 0, l = childs.length; i < l; i++) {
(function() {
// TODO For Issue 208: this is a start on a thumbnail
// var svgthumb = svgdoc.createElementNS(NS.SVG, 'use');
// svgthumb.setAttribute('width', '100');
// svgthumb.setAttribute('height', '100');
// svgedit.utilities.setHref(svgthumb, '#svgcontent');
// svgroot.appendChild(svgthumb);
// Object to contain image data for raster images that were found encodable
var encodableImages = {},
// String with image URL of last loadable image
last_good_img_url = curConfig.imgPath + 'logo.png',
// Array with current disabled elements (for in-group editing)
disabled_elems = [],
// Object with save options
save_options = {round_digits: 5},
// Boolean indicating whether or not a draw action has been started
started = false,
// String with an element's initial transform attribute value
startTransform = null,
// String indicating the current editor mode
current_mode = 'select',
// String with the current direction in which an element is being resized
current_resize_mode = 'none',
// Object with IDs for imported files, to see if one was already added
import_ids = {},
// Current text style properties
cur_text = all_properties.text,
// Current general properties
cur_properties = cur_shape,
// Array with selected elements' Bounding box object
// selectedBBoxes = new Array(1),
// The DOM element that was just selected
justSelected = null,
// DOM element for selection rectangle drawn by the user
rubberBox = null,
// Array of current BBoxes, used in getIntersectionList().
curBBoxes = [],
// Object to contain all included extensions
extensions = {},
// Canvas point for the most recent right click
lastClickPoint = null,
// Map of deleted reference elements
removedElements = {};
// Clipboard for cut, copy&pasted elements
canvas.clipBoard = [];
// Should this return an array by default, so extension results aren't overwritten?
var runExtensions = this.runExtensions = function(action, vars, returnArray) {
var result = returnArray ? [] : false;
$.each(extensions, function(name, opts) {
1. Reference config.js in the editor (and remove encouragement for adding extensions to HTML) but ignore config.js in SVN (let user configure) but supply config-sample.js to indicate config/pref/extension possibilities; 2. Move ext-overview_window.js to default but overridable list of extensions (as with other extensions); 3. Allow extensions to avoid problems if failing to return an object (in svgcanvas.js); 4. Support new langReady callback to ensure extension always called when locale info is ready (and always load locale, even English); 5. Move localStorage storing to a new (i18n-ized and available-by-default) storage extension which adds a dialog asking user for whether to store prefs and/or SVG content; $.pref() now falls back to checking defaultPrefs (which may have been expanded at runtime to include URL or storage settings); use new config "forceStorage" to get old (bad) behavior 6. Remove initial cap from "Editor" to reflect singleton nature of object (as compared to JSLint conventions for initial cap constructors); 7. Begin a little JSDoc, clearer grouping of properties/methods; JSLint/clean-up 8. Omit values for lang and iconsize to be successfully auto-detected; 9. Document "save_notice_done" and "export_notice_done" within list of prefs; document "showlayers" and "no_save_warning" as config 10. Add "preventAllURLConfig" and "preventURLContentLoading" config for URL security; 11. Add "lockExtensions" and "noDefaultExtensions" config for URL behavior re: extension loading 12. Document "showGrid", and new "noStorageOnLoad" and "emptyStorageOnDecline" extension-related config 13. Change setConfig to allow a second object with "overwrite" and "allowInitialUserOverride" properties and to behave accordingly (with URL config acting with overwrite=false to act under lower priority given security concern), along with checking "preventAllURLConfig" and "lockExtensions" config. 14. Remove any dupe extensions 15. Strip all path config from URL setting in addition to extPath (imgPath, langPath, jGraduatePath) 16. Support select+checkbox type dialog (used for storage ext.) 17. Ensure clickSelect is public so can be properly used by ext-connector.js 18. Reinstate 'in' checks just to be safe 19. Fix broken linkControlPoints() and addSubPath() functions 20. Fix problem when position returned by extension object was too high (e.g., if too few other extensions were included). git-svn-id: eee81c28-f429-11dd-99c0-75d572ba1ddd
2014-02-18 15:06:27 +00:00
if (opts && action in opts) {
if (returnArray) {
} else {
result = opts[action](vars);
return result;
// Function: addExtension
// Add an extension to the editor
// Parameters:
// name - String with the ID of the extension
// ext_func - Function supplied by the extension with its data
this.addExtension = function(name, ext_func) {
var ext;
if (!(name in extensions)) {
// Provide private vars/funcs here. Is there a better way to do this?
if ($.isFunction(ext_func)) {
ext = ext_func($.extend(canvas.getPrivateMethods(), {
svgroot: svgroot,
svgcontent: svgcontent,
nonce: getCurrentDrawing().getNonce(),
selectorManager: selectorManager
} else {
ext = ext_func;
extensions[name] = ext;
call('extension_added', ext);
} else {
console.log('Cannot add extension "' + name + '", an extension by that name already exists.');
// This method rounds the incoming value to the nearest value based on the current_zoom
var round = this.round = function(val) {
return parseInt(val*current_zoom, 10)/current_zoom;
// This method sends back an array or a NodeList full of elements that
// intersect the multi-select rubber-band-box on the current_layer only.
// We brute-force getIntersectionList for browsers that do not support it (Firefox).
// Reference:
// Firefox does not implement getIntersectionList(), see
var getIntersectionList = this.getIntersectionList = function(rect) {
if (rubberBox == null) { return null; }
var parent = current_group || getCurrentDrawing().getCurrentLayer();
var rubberBBox;
if (!rect) {
rubberBBox = rubberBox.getBBox();
var o, bb = svgcontent.createSVGRect();
for (o in rubberBBox) {
bb[o] = rubberBBox[o] / current_zoom;
rubberBBox = bb;
} else {
rubberBBox = svgcontent.createSVGRect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);
var resultList = null;
if (!svgedit.browser.isIE) {
if (typeof(svgroot.getIntersectionList) == 'function') {
// Offset the bbox of the rubber box by the offset of the svgcontent element.
rubberBBox.x += parseInt(svgcontent.getAttribute('x'), 10);
rubberBBox.y += parseInt(svgcontent.getAttribute('y'), 10);
resultList = svgroot.getIntersectionList(rubberBBox, parent);
if (resultList == null || typeof(resultList.item) != 'function') {
resultList = [];
if (!curBBoxes.length) {
// Cache all bboxes
curBBoxes = getVisibleElementsAndBBoxes(parent);
var i = curBBoxes.length;
while (i--) {
if (!rubberBBox.width) {continue;}
if (svgedit.math.rectsIntersect(rubberBBox, curBBoxes[i].bbox)) {
// addToSelection expects an array, but it's ok to pass a NodeList
// because using square-bracket notation is allowed:
return resultList;
// TODO(codedread): Migrate this into svgutils.js
// Function: getStrokedBBox
// Get the bounding box for one or more stroked and/or transformed elements
// Parameters:
// elems - Array with DOM elements to check
// Returns:
// A single bounding box object
getStrokedBBox = this.getStrokedBBox = function(elems) {
if (!elems) {elems = getVisibleElements();}
if (!elems.length) {return false;}
// Make sure the expected BBox is returned if the element is a group
var getCheckedBBox = function(elem) {
// TODO: Fix issue with rotated groups. Currently they work
// fine in FF, but not in other browsers (same problem mentioned
// in Issue 339 comment #2).
var bb = svgedit.utilities.getBBox(elem);
if (!bb) {
return null;
var angle = svgedit.utilities.getRotationAngle(elem);
if ((angle && angle % 90) ||
svgedit.math.hasMatrixTransform(svgedit.transformlist.getTransformList(elem))) {
// Accurate way to get BBox of rotated element in Firefox:
// Put element in group and get its BBox
var good_bb = false;
// Get the BBox from the raw path for these elements
var elemNames = ['ellipse', 'path', 'line', 'polyline', 'polygon'];
if (elemNames.indexOf(elem.tagName) >= 0) {
bb = good_bb = canvas.convertToPath(elem, true);
} else if (elem.tagName == 'rect') {
// Look for radius
var rx = elem.getAttribute('rx');
var ry = elem.getAttribute('ry');
if (rx || ry) {
bb = good_bb = canvas.convertToPath(elem, true);
if (!good_bb) {
// Must use clone else FF freaks out
var clone = elem.cloneNode(true);
var g = document.createElementNS(NS.SVG, 'g');
var parent = elem.parentNode;
bb = svgedit.utilities.bboxToObj(g.getBBox());
// Old method: Works by giving the rotated BBox,
// this is (unfortunately) what Opera and Safari do
// natively when getting the BBox of the parent group
// var angle = angle * Math.PI / 180.0;
// var rminx = Number.MAX_VALUE, rminy = Number.MAX_VALUE,
// rmaxx = Number.MIN_VALUE, rmaxy = Number.MIN_VALUE;
// var cx = round(bb.x + bb.width/2),
// cy = round(bb.y + bb.height/2);
// var pts = [ [bb.x - cx, bb.y - cy],
// [bb.x + bb.width - cx, bb.y - cy],
// [bb.x + bb.width - cx, bb.y + bb.height - cy],
// [bb.x - cx, bb.y + bb.height - cy] ];
// var j = 4;
// while (j--) {
// var x = pts[j][0],
// y = pts[j][1],
// r = Math.sqrt( x*x + y*y );
// var theta = Math.atan2(y,x) + angle;
// x = round(r * Math.cos(theta) + cx);
// y = round(r * Math.sin(theta) + cy);
// // now set the bbox for the shape after it's been rotated
// if (x < rminx) rminx = x;
// if (y < rminy) rminy = y;
// if (x > rmaxx) rmaxx = x;
// if (y > rmaxy) rmaxy = y;
// }
// bb.x = rminx;
// bb.y = rminy;
// bb.width = rmaxx - rminx;
// bb.height = rmaxy - rminy;
return bb;
var full_bb;
$.each(elems, function() {
if (full_bb) {return;}
if (!this.parentNode) {return;}
full_bb = getCheckedBBox(this);
// This shouldn't ever happen...
if (full_bb == null) {return null;}
// full_bb doesn't include the stoke, so this does no good!
// if (elems.length == 1) return full_bb;
var max_x = full_bb.x + full_bb.width;
var max_y = full_bb.y + full_bb.height;
var min_x = full_bb.x;
var min_y = full_bb.y;
// FIXME: same re-creation problem with this function as getCheckedBBox() above
var getOffset = function(elem) {
var sw = elem.getAttribute('stroke-width');
var offset = 0;
if (elem.getAttribute('stroke') != 'none' && !isNaN(sw)) {
offset += sw/2;
return offset;
var bboxes = [];
$.each(elems, function(i, elem) {
var cur_bb = getCheckedBBox(elem);
if (cur_bb) {
var offset = getOffset(elem);
min_x = Math.min(min_x, cur_bb.x - offset);
min_y = Math.min(min_y, cur_bb.y - offset);
full_bb.x = min_x;
full_bb.y = min_y;
$.each(elems, function(i, elem) {
var cur_bb = bboxes[i];
// ensure that elem is really an element node
if (cur_bb && elem.nodeType == 1) {
var offset = getOffset(elem);
max_x = Math.max(max_x, cur_bb.x + cur_bb.width + offset);
max_y = Math.max(max_y, cur_bb.y + cur_bb.height + offset);
full_bb.width = max_x - min_x;
full_bb.height = max_y - min_y;
return full_bb;
// Function: getVisibleElements
// Get all elements that have a BBox (excludes <defs>, <title>, etc).
// Note that 0-opacity, off-screen etc elements are still considered "visible"
// for this function
// Parameters:
// parent - The parent DOM element to search within
// Returns:
// An array with all "visible" elements.
var getVisibleElements = this.getVisibleElements = function(parent) {
if (!parent) {
parent = $(svgcontent).children(); // Prevent layers from being included
var contentElems = [];
$(parent).children().each(function(i, elem) {
if (elem.getBBox) {
return contentElems.reverse();
// Function: getVisibleElementsAndBBoxes
// Get all elements that have a BBox (excludes <defs>, <title>, etc).
// Note that 0-opacity, off-screen etc elements are still considered "visible"
// for this function
// Parameters:
// parent - The parent DOM element to search within
// Returns:
// An array with objects that include:
// * elem - The element
// * bbox - The element's BBox as retrieved from getStrokedBBox
var getVisibleElementsAndBBoxes = this.getVisibleElementsAndBBoxes = function(parent) {
if (!parent) {
parent = $(svgcontent).children(); // Prevent layers from being included
var contentElems = [];
$(parent).children().each(function(i, elem) {
if (elem.getBBox) {
contentElems.push({'elem':elem, 'bbox':getStrokedBBox([elem])});
return contentElems.reverse();
// Function: groupSvgElem
// Wrap an SVG element into a group element, mark the group as 'gsvg'
// Parameters:
// elem - SVG element to wrap
var groupSvgElem = this.groupSvgElem = function(elem) {
var g = document.createElementNS(NS.SVG, 'g');
elem.parentNode.replaceChild(g, elem);
$(g).append(elem).data('gsvg', elem)[0].id = getNextId();
// Function: copyElem
// Create a clone of an element, updating its ID and its children's IDs when needed
// Parameters:
// el - DOM element to clone
// Returns: The cloned element
var copyElem = function(el) {
// manually create a copy of the element
var new_el = document.createElementNS(el.namespaceURI, el.nodeName);
$.each(el.attributes, function(i, attr) {
if (attr.localName != '-moz-math-font-style') {
new_el.setAttributeNS(attr.namespaceURI, attr.nodeName, attr.value);
// set the copied element's new id
new_el.removeAttribute('id'); = getNextId();
// Opera's "d" value needs to be reset for Opera/Win/non-EN
// Also needed for webkit (else does not keep curved segments on clone)
if (svgedit.browser.isWebkit() && el.nodeName == 'path') {
var fixed_d = pathActions.convertPath(el);
new_el.setAttribute('d', fixed_d);
// now create copies of all children
$.each(el.childNodes, function(i, child) {
switch(child.nodeType) {
case 1: // element node
case 3: // text node
new_el.textContent = child.nodeValue;
if ($(el).data('gsvg')) {
$(new_el).data('gsvg', new_el.firstChild);
} else if ($(el).data('symbol')) {
var ref = $(el).data('symbol');
$(new_el).data('ref', ref).data('symbol', ref);
} else if (new_el.tagName == 'image') {
return new_el;
// Set scope for these functions
var getId, getNextId;
var textActions, pathActions;
(function(c) {
// Object to contain editor event names and callback functions
var events = {};
getId = c.getId = function() { return getCurrentDrawing().getId(); };
getNextId = c.getNextId = function() { return getCurrentDrawing().getNextId(); };
// Function: call
// Run the callback function associated with the given event
// Parameters:
// event - String with the event name
// arg - Argument to pass through to the callback function
call = = function(event, arg) {
if (events[event]) {
return events[event](this, arg);
// Function: bind
// Attaches a callback function to an event
// Parameters:
// event - String indicating the name of the event
// f - The callback function to bind to the event
// Return:
// The previous event
c.bind = function(event, f) {
var old = events[event];
events[event] = f;
return old;
// Function: canvas.prepareSvg
// Runs the SVG Document through the sanitizer and then updates its paths.
// Parameters:
// newDoc - The SVG DOM document
this.prepareSvg = function(newDoc) {
// convert paths into absolute commands
var i, path, len,
paths = newDoc.getElementsByTagNameNS(NS.SVG, 'path');
for (i = 0, len = paths.length; i < len; ++i) {
path = paths[i];
path.setAttribute('d', pathActions.convertPath(path));
// Function: ffClone
// Hack for Firefox bugs where text element features aren't updated or get
// messed up. See issue 136 and issue 137.
// This function clones the element and re-selects it
// TODO: Test for this bug on load and add it to "support" object instead of
// browser sniffing
// Parameters:
// elem - The (text) DOM element to clone
var ffClone = function(elem) {
if (!svgedit.browser.isGecko()) {return elem;}
var clone = elem.cloneNode(true);
elem.parentNode.insertBefore(clone, elem);
selectedElements[0] = clone;
return clone;
// this.each is deprecated, if any extension used this it can be recreated by doing this:
// $(canvas.getRootElem()).children().each(...)
// this.each = function(cb) {
// $(svgroot).children().each(cb);
// };
// Function: setRotationAngle
// Removes any old rotations if present, prepends a new rotation at the
// transformed center
// Parameters:
// val - The new rotation angle in degrees
// preventUndo - Boolean indicating whether the action should be undoable or not
this.setRotationAngle = function(val, preventUndo) {
// ensure val is the proper type
val = parseFloat(val);
var elem = selectedElements[0];
var oldTransform = elem.getAttribute('transform');
var bbox = svgedit.utilities.getBBox(elem);
var cx = bbox.x+bbox.width/2, cy = bbox.y+bbox.height/2;
var tlist = svgedit.transformlist.getTransformList(elem);
// only remove the real rotational transform if present (i.e. at index=0)
if (tlist.numberOfItems > 0) {
var xform = tlist.getItem(0);
if (xform.type == 4) {
// find R_nc and insert it
if (val != 0) {
var center = svgedit.math.transformPoint(cx, cy, svgedit.math.transformListToTransform(tlist).matrix);
var R_nc = svgroot.createSVGTransform();
R_nc.setRotate(val, center.x, center.y);
if (tlist.numberOfItems) {
tlist.insertItemBefore(R_nc, 0);
} else {
} else if (tlist.numberOfItems == 0) {
if (!preventUndo) {
// we need to undo it, then redo it so it can be undo-able! :)
// TODO: figure out how to make changes to transform list undo-able cross-browser?
var newTransform = elem.getAttribute('transform');
elem.setAttribute('transform', oldTransform);
changeSelectedAttribute('transform', newTransform, selectedElements);
call('changed', selectedElements);
var pointGripContainer = svgedit.utilities.getElem('pathpointgrip_container');
// if (elem.nodeName == 'path' && pointGripContainer) {
// pathActions.setPointContainerTransform(elem.getAttribute('transform'));
// }
var selector = selectorManager.requestSelector(selectedElements[0]);
// Function: recalculateAllSelectedDimensions
// Runs recalculateDimensions on the selected elements,
// adding the changes to a single batch command
var recalculateAllSelectedDimensions = this.recalculateAllSelectedDimensions = function() {
var text = (current_resize_mode == 'none' ? 'position' : 'size');
var batchCmd = new svgedit.history.BatchCommand(text);
var i = selectedElements.length;
while (i--) {
var elem = selectedElements[i];
// if (svgedit.utilities.getRotationAngle(elem) && !svgedit.math.hasMatrixTransform(getTransformList(elem))) {continue;}
var cmd = svgedit.recalculate.recalculateDimensions(elem);
if (cmd) {
if (!batchCmd.isEmpty()) {
call('changed', selectedElements);
// this is how we map paths to our preferred relative segment types
var pathMap = [0, 'z', 'M', 'm', 'L', 'l', 'C', 'c', 'Q', 'q', 'A', 'a',
'H', 'h', 'V', 'v', 'S', 's', 'T', 't'];
// Debug tool to easily see the current matrix in the browser's console
var logMatrix = function(m) {
console.log([m.a, m.b, m.c, m.d, m.e, m.f]);
// Root Current Transformation Matrix in user units
var root_sctm = null;
// Group: Selection
// Function: clearSelection
// Clears the selection. The 'selected' handler is then called.
// Parameters:
// noCall - Optional boolean that when true does not call the "selected" handler
var clearSelection = this.clearSelection = function(noCall) {
if (selectedElements[0] != null) {
var i, elem,
len = selectedElements.length;
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
elem = selectedElements[i];
if (elem == null) {break;}
selectedElements[i] = null;
// selectedBBoxes[0] = null;
if (!noCall) {call('selected', selectedElements);}
// TODO: do we need to worry about selectedBBoxes here?
// Function: addToSelection
// Adds a list of elements to the selection. The 'selected' handler is then called.
// Parameters:
// elemsToAdd - an array of DOM elements to add to the selection
// showGrips - a boolean flag indicating whether the resize grips should be shown
var addToSelection = this.addToSelection = function(elemsToAdd, showGrips) {
if (elemsToAdd.length == 0) { return; }
// find the first null in our selectedElements array
var j = 0;
while (j < selectedElements.length) {
if (selectedElements[j] == null) {
// now add each element consecutively
var i = elemsToAdd.length;
while (i--) {
var elem = elemsToAdd[i];
if (!elem || !svgedit.utilities.getBBox(elem)) {continue;}
if (elem.tagName === 'a' && elem.childNodes.length === 1) {
// Make "a" element's child be the selected element
elem = elem.firstChild;
// if it's not already there, add it
if (selectedElements.indexOf(elem) == -1) {
selectedElements[j] = elem;
// only the first selectedBBoxes element is ever used in the codebase these days
// if (j == 0) selectedBBoxes[0] = svgedit.utilities.getBBox(elem);
var sel = selectorManager.requestSelector(elem);
if (selectedElements.length > 1) {
call('selected', selectedElements);
if (showGrips || selectedElements.length == 1) {
else {
// make sure the elements are in the correct order
// See:
selectedElements.sort(function(a, b) {
if (a && b && a.compareDocumentPosition) {
return 3 - (b.compareDocumentPosition(a) & 6);
if (a == null) {
return 1;
// Make sure first elements are not null
while (selectedElements[0] == null) {
// Function: selectOnly()
// Selects only the given elements, shortcut for clearSelection(); addToSelection()
// Parameters:
// elems - an array of DOM elements to be selected
var selectOnly = this.selectOnly = function(elems, showGrips) {
addToSelection(elems, showGrips);
// TODO: could use slice here to make this faster?
// TODO: should the 'selected' handler
// Function: removeFromSelection
// Removes elements from the selection.
// Parameters:
// elemsToRemove - an array of elements to remove from selection
var removeFromSelection = this.removeFromSelection = function(elemsToRemove) {
if (selectedElements[0] == null) { return; }
if (elemsToRemove.length == 0) { return; }
// find every element and remove it from our array copy
var i,
j = 0,
newSelectedItems = [],
len = selectedElements.length;
newSelectedItems.length = len;
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
var elem = selectedElements[i];
if (elem) {
// keep the item
if (elemsToRemove.indexOf(elem) == -1) {
newSelectedItems[j] = elem;
} else { // remove the item and its selector
// the copy becomes the master now
selectedElements = newSelectedItems;
// Function: selectAllInCurrentLayer
// Clears the selection, then adds all elements in the current layer to the selection.
this.selectAllInCurrentLayer = function() {
var current_layer = getCurrentDrawing().getCurrentLayer();
if (current_layer) {
current_mode = 'select';
selectOnly($(current_group || current_layer).children());
// Function: getMouseTarget
// Gets the desired element from a mouse event
// Parameters:
// evt - Event object from the mouse event
// Returns:
// DOM element we want
var getMouseTarget = this.getMouseTarget = function(evt) {
if (evt == null) {
return null;
var mouse_target =;
// if it was a <use>, Opera and WebKit return the SVGElementInstance
if (mouse_target.correspondingUseElement) {mouse_target = mouse_target.correspondingUseElement;}
// for foreign content, go up until we find the foreignObject
// WebKit browsers set the mouse target to the svgcanvas div
if ([NS.MATH, NS.HTML].indexOf(mouse_target.namespaceURI) >= 0 && != 'svgcanvas')
while (mouse_target.nodeName != 'foreignObject') {
mouse_target = mouse_target.parentNode;
if (!mouse_target) {return svgroot;}
// Get the desired mouse_target with jQuery selector-fu
// If it's root-like, select the root
var current_layer = getCurrentDrawing().getCurrentLayer();
if ([svgroot, container, svgcontent, current_layer].indexOf(mouse_target) >= 0) {
return svgroot;
var $target = $(mouse_target);
// If it's a selection grip, return the grip parent
if ($target.closest('#selectorParentGroup').length) {
// While we could instead have just returned mouse_target,
// this makes it easier to indentify as being a selector grip
return selectorManager.selectorParentGroup;
while (mouse_target.parentNode !== (current_group || current_layer)) {
mouse_target = mouse_target.parentNode;
// // go up until we hit a child of a layer
// while (mouse_target.parentNode.parentNode.tagName == 'g') {
// mouse_target = mouse_target.parentNode;
// }
// Webkit bubbles the mouse event all the way up to the div, so we
// set the mouse_target to the svgroot like the other browsers
// if (mouse_target.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'div') {
// mouse_target = svgroot;
// }
return mouse_target;
// Mouse events
(function() {
var d_attr = null,
start_x = null,
start_y = null,
r_start_x = null,
r_start_y = null,
init_bbox = {},
freehand = {
minx: null,
miny: null,
maxx: null,
maxy: null
sumDistance = 0,
controllPoint2 = {x:0, y:0},
controllPoint1 = {x:0, y:0},
start = {x:0, y:0},
end = {x:0, y:0},
bSpline = {x:0, y:0},
nextPos = {x:0, y:0},
var getBsplinePoint = function(t) {
var spline = {x:0, y:0},
p0 = controllPoint2,
p1 = controllPoint1,
p2 = start,
p3 = end,
S = 1.0 / 6.0,
t2 = t * t,
t3 = t2 * t;
var m = [
[-1, 3, -3, 1],
[3, -6, 3, 0],
[-3, 0, 3, 0],
[1, 4, 1, 0]
spline.x = S * (
(p0.x * m[0][0] + p1.x * m[0][1] + p2.x * m[0][2] + p3.x * m[0][3] ) * t3 +
(p0.x * m[1][0] + p1.x * m[1][1] + p2.x * m[1][2] + p3.x * m[1][3] ) * t2 +
(p0.x * m[2][0] + p1.x * m[2][1] + p2.x * m[2][2] + p3.x * m[2][3] ) * t +
(p0.x * m[3][0] + p1.x * m[3][1] + p2.x * m[3][2] + p3.x * m[3][3] )
spline.y = S * (
(p0.y * m[0][0] + p1.y * m[0][1] + p2.y * m[0][2] + p3.y * m[0][3] ) * t3 +
(p0.y * m[1][0] + p1.y * m[1][1] + p2.y * m[1][2] + p3.y * m[1][3] ) * t2 +
(p0.y * m[2][0] + p1.y * m[2][1] + p2.y * m[2][2] + p3.y * m[2][3] ) * t +
(p0.y * m[3][0] + p1.y * m[3][1] + p2.y * m[3][2] + p3.y * m[3][3] )
return {
// - when we are in a create mode, the element is added to the canvas
// but the action is not recorded until mousing up
// - when we are in select mode, select the element, remember the position
// and do nothing else
var mouseDown = function(evt) {
if (canvas.spaceKey || evt.button === 1) {return;}
var right_click = evt.button === 2;
if (evt.altKey) { // duplicate when dragging
svgCanvas.cloneSelectedElements(0, 0);
root_sctm = $('#svgcontent g')[0].getScreenCTM().inverse();
var pt = svgedit.math.transformPoint( evt.pageX, evt.pageY, root_sctm ),
mouse_x = pt.x * current_zoom,
mouse_y = pt.y * current_zoom;
if (right_click) {
current_mode = 'select';
lastClickPoint = pt;
// This would seem to be unnecessary...
// if (['select', 'resize'].indexOf(current_mode) == -1) {
// setGradient();
// }
var x = mouse_x / current_zoom,
y = mouse_y / current_zoom,
mouse_target = getMouseTarget(evt);
if (mouse_target.tagName === 'a' && mouse_target.childNodes.length === 1) {
mouse_target = mouse_target.firstChild;
// real_x/y ignores grid-snap value
var real_x = x;
r_start_x = start_x = x;
var real_y = y;
r_start_y = start_y = y;
if (curConfig.gridSnapping){
x = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(x);
y = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(y);
start_x = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(start_x);
start_y = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(start_y);
// if it is a selector grip, then it must be a single element selected,
// set the mouse_target to that and update the mode to rotate/resize
if (mouse_target == selectorManager.selectorParentGroup && selectedElements[0] != null) {
var grip =;
var griptype = elData(grip, 'type');
// rotating
if (griptype == 'rotate') {
current_mode = 'rotate';
// resizing
else if (griptype == 'resize') {
current_mode = 'resize';
current_resize_mode = elData(grip, 'dir');
mouse_target = selectedElements[0];
startTransform = mouse_target.getAttribute('transform');
var i, stroke_w,
tlist = svgedit.transformlist.getTransformList(mouse_target);
switch (current_mode) {
case 'select':
started = true;
current_resize_mode = 'none';
if (right_click) {started = false;}
if (mouse_target != svgroot) {
// if this element is not yet selected, clear selection and select it
if (selectedElements.indexOf(mouse_target) == -1) {
// only clear selection if shift is not pressed (otherwise, add
// element to selection)
if (!evt.shiftKey) {
// No need to do the call here as it will be done on addToSelection
justSelected = mouse_target;
// else if it's a path, go into pathedit mode in mouseup
if (!right_click) {
// insert a dummy transform so if the element(s) are moved it will have
// a transform to use for its translate
for (i = 0; i < selectedElements.length; ++i) {
if (selectedElements[i] == null) {continue;}
var slist = svgedit.transformlist.getTransformList(selectedElements[i]);
if (slist.numberOfItems) {
slist.insertItemBefore(svgroot.createSVGTransform(), 0);
} else {
} else if (!right_click){
current_mode = 'multiselect';
if (rubberBox == null) {
rubberBox = selectorManager.getRubberBandBox();
r_start_x *= current_zoom;
r_start_y *= current_zoom;
// console.log('p',[evt.pageX, evt.pageY]);
// console.log('c',[evt.clientX, evt.clientY]);
// console.log('o',[evt.offsetX, evt.offsetY]);
// console.log('s',[start_x, start_y]);
svgedit.utilities.assignAttributes(rubberBox, {
'x': r_start_x,
'y': r_start_y,
'width': 0,
'height': 0,
'display': 'inline'
}, 100);
case 'zoom':
started = true;
if (rubberBox == null) {
rubberBox = selectorManager.getRubberBandBox();
svgedit.utilities.assignAttributes(rubberBox, {
'x': real_x * current_zoom,
'y': real_x * current_zoom,
'width': 0,
'height': 0,
'display': 'inline'
}, 100);
case 'resize':
started = true;
start_x = x;
start_y = y;
// Getting the BBox from the selection box, since we know we
// want to orient around it
init_bbox = svgedit.utilities.getBBox($('#selectedBox0')[0]);
var bb = {};
$.each(init_bbox, function(key, val) {
bb[key] = val/current_zoom;
init_bbox = bb;
// append three dummy transforms to the tlist so that
// we can translate,scale,translate in mousemove
var pos = svgedit.utilities.getRotationAngle(mouse_target) ? 1 : 0;
if (svgedit.math.hasMatrixTransform(tlist)) {
tlist.insertItemBefore(svgroot.createSVGTransform(), pos);
tlist.insertItemBefore(svgroot.createSVGTransform(), pos);
tlist.insertItemBefore(svgroot.createSVGTransform(), pos);
} else {
if (svgedit.browser.supportsNonScalingStroke()) {
// Handle crash for newer Chrome and Safari 6 (Mobile and Desktop):
// Chromium issue:
// TODO: Remove this workaround once vendor fixes the issue
var isWebkit = svgedit.browser.isWebkit();
if (isWebkit) {
var delayedStroke = function(ele) {
var _stroke = ele.getAttributeNS(null, 'stroke');
ele.removeAttributeNS(null, 'stroke');
//Re-apply stroke after delay. Anything higher than 1 seems to cause flicker
setTimeout(function() { ele.setAttributeNS(null, 'stroke', _stroke); }, 0);
} = 'non-scaling-stroke';
if (isWebkit) {delayedStroke(mouse_target);}
var all = mouse_target.getElementsByTagName('*'),
len = all.length;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
all[i].style.vectorEffect = 'non-scaling-stroke';
if (isWebkit) {delayedStroke(all[i]);}
case 'fhellipse':
case 'fhrect':
case 'fhpath':
start.x = real_x;
start.y = real_y;
started = true;
d_attr = real_x + ',' + real_y + ' ';
stroke_w = cur_shape.stroke_width == 0 ? 1 : cur_shape.stroke_width;
element: 'polyline',
curStyles: true,
attr: {
points: d_attr,
id: getNextId(),
fill: 'none',
opacity: cur_shape.opacity / 2,
'stroke-linecap': 'round',
style: 'pointer-events:none'
freehand.minx = real_x;
freehand.maxx = real_x;
freehand.miny = real_y;
freehand.maxy = real_y;
case 'image':
started = true;
var newImage = addSvgElementFromJson({
element: 'image',
attr: {
x: x,
y: y,
width: 0,
height: 0,
id: getNextId(),
opacity: cur_shape.opacity / 2,
style: 'pointer-events:inherit'
setHref(newImage, last_good_img_url);
case 'square':
// FIXME: once we create the rect, we lose information that this was a square
// (for resizing purposes this could be important)
case 'rect':
started = true;
start_x = x;
start_y = y;
element: 'rect',
curStyles: true,
attr: {
x: x,
y: y,
width: 0,
height: 0,
id: getNextId(),
opacity: cur_shape.opacity / 2
case 'line':
started = true;
stroke_w = cur_shape.stroke_width == 0 ? 1 : cur_shape.stroke_width;
element: 'line',
curStyles: true,
attr: {
x1: x,
y1: y,
x2: x,
y2: y,
id: getNextId(),
stroke: cur_shape.stroke,
'stroke-width': stroke_w,
'stroke-dasharray': cur_shape.stroke_dasharray,
'stroke-linejoin': cur_shape.stroke_linejoin,
'stroke-linecap': cur_shape.stroke_linecap,
'stroke-opacity': cur_shape.stroke_opacity,
fill: 'none',
opacity: cur_shape.opacity / 2,
style: 'pointer-events:none'
case 'circle':
started = true;
element: 'circle',
curStyles: true,
attr: {
cx: x,
cy: y,
r: 0,
id: getNextId(),
opacity: cur_shape.opacity / 2
case 'ellipse':
started = true;
element: 'ellipse',
curStyles: true,
attr: {
cx: x,
cy: y,
rx: 0,
ry: 0,
id: getNextId(),
opacity: cur_shape.opacity / 2
case 'text':
started = true;
var newText = addSvgElementFromJson({
element: 'text',
curStyles: true,
attr: {
x: x,
y: y,
id: getNextId(),
fill: cur_text.fill,
'stroke-width': cur_text.stroke_width,
'font-size': cur_text.font_size,
'font-family': cur_text.font_family,
'text-anchor': 'middle',
'xml:space': 'preserve',
opacity: cur_shape.opacity
// newText.textContent = 'text';
case 'path':
// Fall through
case 'pathedit':
start_x *= current_zoom;
start_y *= current_zoom;
pathActions.mouseDown(evt, mouse_target, start_x, start_y);
started = true;
case 'textedit':
start_x *= current_zoom;
start_y *= current_zoom;
textActions.mouseDown(evt, mouse_target, start_x, start_y);
started = true;
case 'rotate':
started = true;
// we are starting an undoable change (a drag-rotation)
canvas.undoMgr.beginUndoableChange('transform', selectedElements);
// This could occur in an extension
var ext_result = runExtensions('mouseDown', {
event: evt,
start_x: start_x,
start_y: start_y,
selectedElements: selectedElements
}, true);
$.each(ext_result, function(i, r) {
if (r && r.started) {
started = true;
// in this function we do not record any state changes yet (but we do update
// any elements that are still being created, moved or resized on the canvas)
var mouseMove = function(evt) {
if (!started) {return;}
if (evt.button === 1 || canvas.spaceKey) {return;}
var i, xya, c, cx, cy, dx, dy, len, angle, box,
selected = selectedElements[0],
pt = svgedit.math.transformPoint( evt.pageX, evt.pageY, root_sctm ),
mouse_x = pt.x * current_zoom,
mouse_y = pt.y * current_zoom,
shape = svgedit.utilities.getElem(getId());
var real_x = mouse_x / current_zoom;
x = real_x;
var real_y = mouse_y / current_zoom;
y = real_y;
if (curConfig.gridSnapping){
x = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(x);
y = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(y);
var tlist;
switch (current_mode) {
case 'select':
// we temporarily use a translate on the element(s) being dragged
// this transform is removed upon mousing up and the element is
// relocated to the new location
if (selectedElements[0] !== null) {
dx = x - start_x;
dy = y - start_y;
if (curConfig.gridSnapping){
dx = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(dx);
dy = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(dy);
if (evt.shiftKey) {
xya = svgedit.math.snapToAngle(start_x, start_y, x, y);
x = xya.x;
y = xya.y;
if (dx != 0 || dy != 0) {
len = selectedElements.length;
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
selected = selectedElements[i];
if (selected == null) {break;}
// if (i==0) {
// var box = svgedit.utilities.getBBox(selected);
// selectedBBoxes[i].x = box.x + dx;
// selectedBBoxes[i].y = box.y + dy;
// }
// update the dummy transform in our transform list
// to be a translate
var xform = svgroot.createSVGTransform();
tlist = svgedit.transformlist.getTransformList(selected);
// Note that if Webkit and there's no ID for this
// element, the dummy transform may have gotten lost.
// This results in unexpected behaviour
xform.setTranslate(dx, dy);
if (tlist.numberOfItems) {
tlist.replaceItem(xform, 0);
} else {
// update our internal bbox that we're tracking while dragging
call('transition', selectedElements);
case 'multiselect':
real_x *= current_zoom;
real_y *= current_zoom;
svgedit.utilities.assignAttributes(rubberBox, {
'x': Math.min(r_start_x, real_x),
'y': Math.min(r_start_y, real_y),
'width': Math.abs(real_x - r_start_x),
'height': Math.abs(real_y - r_start_y)
}, 100);
// for each selected:
// - if newList contains selected, do nothing
// - if newList doesn't contain selected, remove it from selected
// - for any newList that was not in selectedElements, add it to selected
var elemsToRemove = selectedElements.slice(), elemsToAdd = [],
newList = getIntersectionList();
// For every element in the intersection, add if not present in selectedElements.
len = newList.length;
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
var intElem = newList[i];
// Found an element that was not selected before, so we should add it.
if (selectedElements.indexOf(intElem) == -1) {
// Found an element that was already selected, so we shouldn't remove it.
var foundInd = elemsToRemove.indexOf(intElem);
if (foundInd != -1) {
elemsToRemove.splice(foundInd, 1)
if (elemsToRemove.length > 0) {
if (elemsToAdd.length > 0) {
case 'resize':
// we track the resize bounding box and translate/scale the selected element
// while the mouse is down, when mouse goes up, we use this to recalculate
// the shape's coordinates
tlist = svgedit.transformlist.getTransformList(selected);
var hasMatrix = svgedit.math.hasMatrixTransform(tlist);
box = hasMatrix ? init_bbox : svgedit.utilities.getBBox(selected);
var left = box.x, top = box.y, width = box.width,
height = box.height;
dx = (x-start_x);
dy = (y-start_y);
if (curConfig.gridSnapping) {
dx = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(dx);
dy = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(dy);
height = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(height);
width = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(width);
// if rotated, adjust the dx,dy values
angle = svgedit.utilities.getRotationAngle(selected);
if (angle) {
var r = Math.sqrt( dx*dx + dy*dy ),
theta = Math.atan2(dy, dx) - angle * Math.PI / 180.0;
dx = r * Math.cos(theta);
dy = r * Math.sin(theta);
// if not stretching in y direction, set dy to 0
// if not stretching in x direction, set dx to 0
if (current_resize_mode.indexOf('n')==-1 && current_resize_mode.indexOf('s')==-1) {
dy = 0;
if (current_resize_mode.indexOf('e')==-1 && current_resize_mode.indexOf('w')==-1) {
dx = 0;
var ts = null,
tx = 0, ty = 0,
sy = height ? (height+dy)/height : 1,
sx = width ? (width+dx)/width : 1;
// if we are dragging on the north side, then adjust the scale factor and ty
if (current_resize_mode.indexOf('n') >= 0) {
sy = height ? (height-dy)/height : 1;
ty = height;
// if we dragging on the east side, then adjust the scale factor and tx
if (current_resize_mode.indexOf('w') >= 0) {
sx = width ? (width-dx)/width : 1;
tx = width;
// update the transform list with translate,scale,translate
var translateOrigin = svgroot.createSVGTransform(),
scale = svgroot.createSVGTransform(),
translateBack = svgroot.createSVGTransform();
if (curConfig.gridSnapping) {
left = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(left);
tx = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(tx);
top = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(top);
ty = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(ty);
translateOrigin.setTranslate(-(left+tx), -(top+ty));
if (evt.shiftKey) {
if (sx == 1) {sx = sy;}
else {sy = sx;}
scale.setScale(sx, sy);
translateBack.setTranslate(left+tx, top+ty);
if (hasMatrix) {
var diff = angle ? 1 : 0;
tlist.replaceItem(translateOrigin, 2+diff);
tlist.replaceItem(scale, 1+diff);
tlist.replaceItem(translateBack, Number(diff));
} else {
var N = tlist.numberOfItems;
tlist.replaceItem(translateBack, N-3);
tlist.replaceItem(scale, N-2);
tlist.replaceItem(translateOrigin, N-1);
call('transition', selectedElements);
case 'zoom':
real_x *= current_zoom;
real_y *= current_zoom;
svgedit.utilities.assignAttributes(rubberBox, {
'x': Math.min(r_start_x*current_zoom, real_x),
'y': Math.min(r_start_y*current_zoom, real_y),
'width': Math.abs(real_x - r_start_x*current_zoom),
'height': Math.abs(real_y - r_start_y*current_zoom)
}, 100);
case 'text':
'x': x,
'y': y
}, 1000);
case 'line':
if (curConfig.gridSnapping) {
x = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(x);
y = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(y);
var x2 = x;
var y2 = y;
if (evt.shiftKey) {
xya = svgedit.math.snapToAngle(start_x, start_y, x2, y2);
x2 = xya.x;
y2 = xya.y;
shape.setAttributeNS(null, 'x2', x2);
shape.setAttributeNS(null, 'y2', y2);
case 'foreignObject':
// fall through
case 'square':
// fall through
case 'rect':
// fall through
case 'image':
var square = (current_mode == 'square') || evt.shiftKey,
w = Math.abs(x - start_x),
h = Math.abs(y - start_y),
new_x, new_y;
if (square) {
w = h = Math.max(w, h);
new_x = start_x < x ? start_x : start_x - w;
new_y = start_y < y ? start_y : start_y - h;
} else {
new_x = Math.min(start_x, x);
new_y = Math.min(start_y, y);
if (curConfig.gridSnapping) {
w = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(w);
h = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(h);
new_x = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(new_x);
new_y = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(new_y);
'width': w,
'height': h,
'x': new_x,
'y': new_y
case 'circle':
c = $(shape).attr(['cx', 'cy']);
cx =;
cy =;
var rad = Math.sqrt( (x-cx)*(x-cx) + (y-cy)*(y-cy) );
if (curConfig.gridSnapping) {
rad = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(rad);
shape.setAttributeNS(null, 'r', rad);
case 'ellipse':
c = $(shape).attr(['cx', 'cy']);
cx =;
cy =;
if (curConfig.gridSnapping) {
x = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(x);
cx = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(cx);
y = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(y);
cy = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(cy);
shape.setAttributeNS(null, 'rx', Math.abs(x - cx) );
var ry = Math.abs(evt.shiftKey?(x - cx):(y - cy));
shape.setAttributeNS(null, 'ry', ry );
case 'fhellipse':
case 'fhrect':
freehand.minx = Math.min(real_x, freehand.minx);
freehand.maxx = Math.max(real_x, freehand.maxx);
freehand.miny = Math.min(real_y, freehand.miny);
freehand.maxy = Math.max(real_y, freehand.maxy);
// break; missing on purpose
case 'fhpath':
// d_attr += + real_x + ',' + real_y + ' ';
// shape.setAttributeNS(null, 'points', d_attr);
end.x = real_x; end.y = real_y;
if (controllPoint2.x && controllPoint2.y) {
for (i = 0; i < STEP_COUNT - 1; i++) {
parameter = i / STEP_COUNT;
nextParameter = (i + 1) / STEP_COUNT;
bSpline = getBsplinePoint(nextParameter);
nextPos = bSpline;
bSpline = getBsplinePoint(parameter);
sumDistance += Math.sqrt((nextPos.x - bSpline.x) * (nextPos.x - bSpline.x) + (nextPos.y - bSpline.y) * (nextPos.y - bSpline.y));
if (sumDistance > THRESHOLD_DIST) {
d_attr += + bSpline.x + ',' + bSpline.y + ' ';
shape.setAttributeNS(null, 'points', d_attr);
sumDistance -= THRESHOLD_DIST;
controllPoint2 = {x:controllPoint1.x, y:controllPoint1.y};
controllPoint1 = {x:start.x, y:start.y};
start = {x:end.x, y:end.y};
// update path stretch line coordinates
case 'path':
// fall through
case 'pathedit':
x *= current_zoom;
y *= current_zoom;
if (curConfig.gridSnapping) {
x = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(x);
y = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(y);
start_x = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(start_x);
start_y = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(start_y);
if (evt.shiftKey) {
var path = svgedit.path.path;
var x1, y1;
if (path) {
x1 = path.dragging?path.dragging[0]:start_x;
y1 = path.dragging?path.dragging[1]:start_y;
} else {
x1 = start_x;
y1 = start_y;
xya = svgedit.math.snapToAngle(x1, y1, x, y);
x = xya.x;
y = xya.y;
if (rubberBox && rubberBox.getAttribute('display') !== 'none') {
real_x *= current_zoom;
real_y *= current_zoom;
svgedit.utilities.assignAttributes(rubberBox, {
'x': Math.min(r_start_x*current_zoom, real_x),
'y': Math.min(r_start_y*current_zoom, real_y),
'width': Math.abs(real_x - r_start_x*current_zoom),
'height': Math.abs(real_y - r_start_y*current_zoom)
pathActions.mouseMove(x, y);
case 'textedit':
x *= current_zoom;
y *= current_zoom;
// if (rubberBox && rubberBox.getAttribute('display') != 'none') {
// svgedit.utilities.assignAttributes(rubberBox, {
// 'x': Math.min(start_x,x),
// 'y': Math.min(start_y,y),
// 'width': Math.abs(x-start_x),
// 'height': Math.abs(y-start_y)
// },100);
// }
textActions.mouseMove(mouse_x, mouse_y);
case 'rotate':
box = svgedit.utilities.getBBox(selected);
cx = box.x + box.width/2;
cy = box.y + box.height/2;
var m = svgedit.math.getMatrix(selected),
center = svgedit.math.transformPoint(cx, cy, m);
cx = center.x;
cy = center.y;
angle = ((Math.atan2(cy-y, cx-x) * (180/Math.PI))-90) % 360;
if (curConfig.gridSnapping) {
angle = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(angle);
if (evt.shiftKey) { // restrict rotations to nice angles (WRS)
var snap = 45;
angle= Math.round(angle/snap)*snap;
canvas.setRotationAngle(angle<-180?(360+angle):angle, true);
call('transition', selectedElements);
runExtensions('mouseMove', {
event: evt,
mouse_x: mouse_x,
mouse_y: mouse_y,
selected: selected
}; // mouseMove()
// - in create mode, the element's opacity is set properly, we create an InsertElementCommand
// and store it on the Undo stack
// - in move/resize mode, the element's attributes which were affected by the move/resize are
// identified, a ChangeElementCommand is created and stored on the stack for those attrs
// this is done in when we recalculate the selected dimensions()
var mouseUp = function(evt) {
if (evt.button === 2) {return;}
var tempJustSelected = justSelected;
justSelected = null;
if (!started) {return;}
var pt = svgedit.math.transformPoint(evt.pageX, evt.pageY, root_sctm),
mouse_x = pt.x * current_zoom,
mouse_y = pt.y * current_zoom,
x = mouse_x / current_zoom,
y = mouse_y / current_zoom,
element = svgedit.utilities.getElem(getId()),
keep = false;
var real_x = x;
var real_y = y;
// TODO: Make true when in multi-unit mode
var useUnit = false; // (curConfig.baseUnit !== 'px');
started = false;
var attrs, t;
switch (current_mode) {
// intentionally fall-through to select here
case 'resize':
case 'multiselect':
if (rubberBox != null) {
rubberBox.setAttribute('display', 'none');
curBBoxes = [];
current_mode = 'select';
case 'select':
if (selectedElements[0] != null) {
// if we only have one selected element
if (selectedElements[1] == null) {
// set our current stroke/fill properties to the element's
var selected = selectedElements[0];
switch ( selected.tagName ) {
case 'g':
case 'use':
case 'image':
case 'foreignObject':
cur_properties.fill = selected.getAttribute('fill');
cur_properties.fill_opacity = selected.getAttribute('fill-opacity');
cur_properties.stroke = selected.getAttribute('stroke');
cur_properties.stroke_opacity = selected.getAttribute('stroke-opacity');
cur_properties.stroke_width = selected.getAttribute('stroke-width');
cur_properties.stroke_dasharray = selected.getAttribute('stroke-dasharray');
cur_properties.stroke_linejoin = selected.getAttribute('stroke-linejoin');
cur_properties.stroke_linecap = selected.getAttribute('stroke-linecap');
if (selected.tagName == 'text') {
cur_text.font_size = selected.getAttribute('font-size');
cur_text.font_family = selected.getAttribute('font-family');
// This shouldn't be necessary as it was done on mouseDown...
// call('selected', [selected]);
// always recalculate dimensions to strip off stray identity transforms
// if it was being dragged/resized
if (real_x != r_start_x || real_y != r_start_y) {
var i, len = selectedElements.length;
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if (selectedElements[i] == null) {break;}
if (!selectedElements[i].firstChild) {
// Not needed for groups (incorrectly resizes elems), possibly not needed at all?
// no change in position/size, so maybe we should move to pathedit
else {
t =;
if (selectedElements[0].nodeName === 'path' && selectedElements[1] == null) {[0]);
} // if it was a path
// else, if it was selected and this is a shift-click, remove it from selection
else if (evt.shiftKey) {
if (tempJustSelected != t) {
} // no change in mouse position
// Remove non-scaling stroke
if (svgedit.browser.supportsNonScalingStroke()) {
var elem = selectedElements[0];
if (elem) {
svgedit.utilities.walkTree(elem, function(elem) {
case 'zoom':
if (rubberBox != null) {
rubberBox.setAttribute('display', 'none');
var factor = evt.shiftKey ? 0.5 : 2;
call('zoomed', {
'x': Math.min(r_start_x, real_x),
'y': Math.min(r_start_y, real_y),
'width': Math.abs(real_x - r_start_x),
'height': Math.abs(real_y - r_start_y),
'factor': factor
case 'fhpath':
// Check that the path contains at least 2 points; a degenerate one-point path
// causes problems.
// Webkit ignores how we set the points attribute with commas and uses space
// to separate all coordinates, see
sumDistance = 0;
controllPoint2 = {x:0, y:0};
controllPoint1 = {x:0, y:0};
start = {x:0, y:0};
end = {x:0, y:0};
var coords = element.getAttribute('points');
var commaIndex = coords.indexOf(',');
if (commaIndex >= 0) {
keep = coords.indexOf(',', commaIndex+1) >= 0;
} else {
keep = coords.indexOf(' ', coords.indexOf(' ')+1) >= 0;
if (keep) {
element = pathActions.smoothPolylineIntoPath(element);
case 'line':
attrs = $(element).attr(['x1', 'x2', 'y1', 'y2']);
keep = (attrs.x1 != attrs.x2 || attrs.y1 != attrs.y2);
case 'foreignObject':
case 'square':
case 'rect':
case 'image':
attrs = $(element).attr(['width', 'height']);
// Image should be kept regardless of size (use inherit dimensions later)
keep = (attrs.width != 0 || attrs.height != 0) || current_mode === 'image';
case 'circle':
keep = (element.getAttribute('r') != 0);
case 'ellipse':
attrs = $(element).attr(['rx', 'ry']);
keep = (attrs.rx != null || attrs.ry != null);
case 'fhellipse':
if ((freehand.maxx - freehand.minx) > 0 &&
(freehand.maxy - freehand.miny) > 0) {
element = addSvgElementFromJson({
element: 'ellipse',
curStyles: true,
attr: {
cx: (freehand.minx + freehand.maxx) / 2,
cy: (freehand.miny + freehand.maxy) / 2,
rx: (freehand.maxx - freehand.minx) / 2,
ry: (freehand.maxy - freehand.miny) / 2,
id: getId()
keep = true;
case 'fhrect':
if ((freehand.maxx - freehand.minx) > 0 &&
(freehand.maxy - freehand.miny) > 0) {
element = addSvgElementFromJson({
element: 'rect',
curStyles: true,
attr: {
x: freehand.minx,
y: freehand.miny,
width: (freehand.maxx - freehand.minx),
height: (freehand.maxy - freehand.miny),
id: getId()
keep = true;
case 'text':
keep = true;
case 'path':
// set element to null here so that it is not removed nor finalized
element = null;
// continue to be set to true so that mouseMove happens
started = true;
var res = pathActions.mouseUp(evt, element, mouse_x, mouse_y);
element = res.element;
keep = res.keep;
case 'pathedit':
keep = true;
element = null;
case 'textedit':
keep = false;
element = null;
textActions.mouseUp(evt, mouse_x, mouse_y);
case 'rotate':
keep = true;
element = null;
current_mode = 'select';
var batchCmd = canvas.undoMgr.finishUndoableChange();
if (!batchCmd.isEmpty()) {
// perform recalculation to weed out any stray identity transforms that might get stuck
call('changed', selectedElements);
// This could occur in an extension
var ext_result = runExtensions('mouseUp', {
event: evt,
mouse_x: mouse_x,
mouse_y: mouse_y
}, true);
$.each(ext_result, function(i, r) {
if (r) {
keep = r.keep || keep;
element = r.element;
started = r.started || started;
if (!keep && element != null) {
element = null;
t =;
// if this element is in a group, go up until we reach the top-level group
// just below the layer groups
// TODO: once we implement links, we also would have to check for <a> elements
while (t.parentNode.parentNode.tagName == 'g') {
t = t.parentNode;
// if we are not in the middle of creating a path, and we've clicked on some shape,
// then go to Select mode.
// WebKit returns <div> when the canvas is clicked, Firefox/Opera return <svg>
if ( (current_mode != 'path' || !drawn_path) && != 'selectorParentGroup' && != 'svgcanvas' && != 'svgroot')
// switch into "select" mode if we've clicked on an element
selectOnly([t], true);
} else if (element != null) {
canvas.addedNew = true;
if (useUnit) {svgedit.units.convertAttrs(element);}
var ani_dur = 0.2, c_ani;
if (opac_ani.beginElement && element.getAttribute('opacity') != cur_shape.opacity) {
c_ani = $(opac_ani).clone().attr({
to: cur_shape.opacity,
dur: ani_dur
try {
// Fails in FF4 on foreignObject
} catch(e){}
} else {
ani_dur = 0;
// Ideally this would be done on the endEvent of the animation,
// but that doesn't seem to be supported in Webkit
setTimeout(function() {
if (c_ani) {c_ani.remove();}
element.setAttribute('opacity', cur_shape.opacity);
element.setAttribute('style', 'pointer-events:inherit');
if (current_mode === 'path') {
} else if (curConfig.selectNew) {
selectOnly([element], true);
// we create the insert command that is stored on the stack
// undo means to call cmd.unapply(), redo means to call cmd.apply()
addCommandToHistory(new svgedit.history.InsertElementCommand(element));
}, ani_dur * 1000);
startTransform = null;
var dblClick = function(evt) {
var evt_target =;
var parent = evt_target.parentNode;
// Do nothing if already in current group
if (parent === current_group) {return;}
var mouse_target = getMouseTarget(evt);
var tagName = mouse_target.tagName;
if (tagName === 'text' && current_mode !== 'textedit') {
var pt = svgedit.math.transformPoint( evt.pageX, evt.pageY, root_sctm );, pt.x, pt.y);
if ((tagName === 'g' || tagName === 'a') && svgedit.utilities.getRotationAngle(mouse_target)) {
// TODO: Allow method of in-group editing without having to do
// this (similar to editing rotated paths)
// Ungroup and regroup
mouse_target = selectedElements[0];
// Reset context
if (current_group) {
if ((parent.tagName !== 'g' && parent.tagName !== 'a') ||
parent === getCurrentDrawing().getCurrentLayer() ||
mouse_target === selectorManager.selectorParentGroup)
// Escape from in-group edit
// prevent links from being followed in the canvas
var handleLinkInCanvas = function(e) {
return false;
// Added mouseup to the container here.
// TODO(codedread): Figure out why after the Closure compiler, the window mouseup is ignored.
// $(window).mouseup(mouseUp);
//TODO(rafaelcastrocouto): User preference for shift key and zoom factor
$(container).bind('mousewheel DOMMouseScroll', function(e){
//if (!e.shiftKey) {return;}
var evt = e.originalEvent;
root_sctm = $('#svgcontent g')[0].getScreenCTM().inverse();
var pt = svgedit.math.transformPoint( evt.pageX, evt.pageY, root_sctm );
var bbox = {
'x': pt.x,
'y': pt.y,
'width': 0,
'height': 0
var delta = (evt.wheelDelta) ? evt.wheelDelta : (evt.detail) ? -evt.detail : 0;
if (!delta) {return;}
bbox.factor = Math.max(3/4, Math.min(4/3, (delta)));
call('zoomed', bbox);
// Function: preventClickDefault
// Prevents default browser click behaviour on the given element
// Parameters:
// img - The DOM element to prevent the cilck on
var preventClickDefault = function(img) {
// Group: Text edit functions
// Functions relating to editing text elements
textActions = canvas.textActions = (function() {
var curtext;
var textinput;
var cursor;
var selblock;
var blinker;
var chardata = [];
var textbb, transbb;
var matrix;
var last_x, last_y;
var allow_dbl;
function setCursor(index) {
var empty = (textinput.value === '');
if (!arguments.length) {
if (empty) {
index = 0;
} else {
if (textinput.selectionEnd !== textinput.selectionStart) {return;}
index = textinput.selectionEnd;
var charbb;
charbb = chardata[index];
if (!empty) {
textinput.setSelectionRange(index, index);
cursor = svgedit.utilities.getElem('text_cursor');
if (!cursor) {
cursor = document.createElementNS(NS.SVG, 'line');
svgedit.utilities.assignAttributes(cursor, {
id: 'text_cursor',
stroke: '#333',
'stroke-width': 1
cursor = svgedit.utilities.getElem('selectorParentGroup').appendChild(cursor);
if (!blinker) {
blinker = setInterval(function() {
var show = (cursor.getAttribute('display') === 'none');
cursor.setAttribute('display', show?'inline':'none');
}, 600);
var start_pt = ptToScreen(charbb.x, textbb.y);
var end_pt = ptToScreen(charbb.x, (textbb.y + textbb.height));
svgedit.utilities.assignAttributes(cursor, {
x1: start_pt.x,
y1: start_pt.y,
x2: end_pt.x,
y2: end_pt.y,
visibility: 'visible',
display: 'inline'
if (selblock) {selblock.setAttribute('d', '');}
function setSelection(start, end, skipInput) {
if (start === end) {
if (!skipInput) {
textinput.setSelectionRange(start, end);
selblock = svgedit.utilities.getElem('text_selectblock');
if (!selblock) {
selblock = document.createElementNS(NS.SVG, 'path');
svgedit.utilities.assignAttributes(selblock, {
id: 'text_selectblock',
fill: 'green',
opacity: 0.5,
style: 'pointer-events:none'
var startbb = chardata[start];
var endbb = chardata[end];
cursor.setAttribute('visibility', 'hidden');
var tl = ptToScreen(startbb.x, textbb.y),
tr = ptToScreen(startbb.x + (endbb.x - startbb.x), textbb.y),
bl = ptToScreen(startbb.x, textbb.y + textbb.height),
br = ptToScreen(startbb.x + (endbb.x - startbb.x), textbb.y + textbb.height);
var dstr = 'M' + tl.x + ',' + tl.y
+ ' L' + tr.x + ',' + tr.y
+ ' ' + br.x + ',' + br.y
+ ' ' + bl.x + ',' + bl.y + 'z';
svgedit.utilities.assignAttributes(selblock, {
d: dstr,
'display': 'inline'
function getIndexFromPoint(mouse_x, mouse_y) {
// Position cursor here
var pt = svgroot.createSVGPoint();
pt.x = mouse_x;
pt.y = mouse_y;
// No content, so return 0
if (chardata.length == 1) {return 0;}
// Determine if cursor should be on left or right of character
var charpos = curtext.getCharNumAtPosition(pt);
if (charpos < 0) {
// Out of text range, look at mouse coords
charpos = chardata.length - 2;
if (mouse_x <= chardata[0].x) {
charpos = 0;
} else if (charpos >= chardata.length - 2) {
charpos = chardata.length - 2;
var charbb = chardata[charpos];
var mid = charbb.x + (charbb.width/2);
if (mouse_x > mid) {
return charpos;
function setCursorFromPoint(mouse_x, mouse_y) {
setCursor(getIndexFromPoint(mouse_x, mouse_y));
function setEndSelectionFromPoint(x, y, apply) {
var i1 = textinput.selectionStart;
var i2 = getIndexFromPoint(x, y);
var start = Math.min(i1, i2);
var end = Math.max(i1, i2);
setSelection(start, end, !apply);
function screenToPt(x_in, y_in) {
var out = {
x: x_in,
y: y_in
out.x /= current_zoom;
out.y /= current_zoom;
if (matrix) {
var pt = svgedit.math.transformPoint(out.x, out.y, matrix.inverse());
out.x = pt.x;
out.y = pt.y;
return out;
function ptToScreen(x_in, y_in) {
var out = {
x: x_in,
y: y_in
if (matrix) {
var pt = svgedit.math.transformPoint(out.x, out.y, matrix);
out.x = pt.x;
out.y = pt.y;
out.x *= current_zoom;
out.y *= current_zoom;
return out;
function hideCursor() {
if (cursor) {
cursor.setAttribute('visibility', 'hidden');
function selectAll(evt) {
setSelection(0, curtext.textContent.length);
function selectWord(evt) {
if (!allow_dbl || !curtext) {return;}
var ept = svgedit.math.transformPoint( evt.pageX, evt.pageY, root_sctm ),
mouse_x = ept.x * current_zoom,
mouse_y = ept.y * current_zoom;
var pt = screenToPt(mouse_x, mouse_y);
var index = getIndexFromPoint(pt.x, pt.y);
var str = curtext.textContent;
var first = str.substr(0, index).replace(/[a-z0-9]+$/i, '').length;
var m = str.substr(index).match(/^[a-z0-9]+/i);
var last = (m?m[0].length:0) + index;
setSelection(first, last);
// Set tripleclick
setTimeout(function() {
$('click', selectAll);
}, 300);
return {
select: function(target, x, y) {
curtext = target;
textActions.toEditMode(x, y);
start: function(elem) {
curtext = elem;
mouseDown: function(evt, mouse_target, start_x, start_y) {
var pt = screenToPt(start_x, start_y);
setCursorFromPoint(pt.x, pt.y);
last_x = start_x;
last_y = start_y;
// TODO: Find way to block native selection
mouseMove: function(mouse_x, mouse_y) {
var pt = screenToPt(mouse_x, mouse_y);
setEndSelectionFromPoint(pt.x, pt.y);
mouseUp: function(evt, mouse_x, mouse_y) {
var pt = screenToPt(mouse_x, mouse_y);
setEndSelectionFromPoint(pt.x, pt.y, true);
// TODO: Find a way to make this work: Use transformed BBox instead of
// if (last_x === mouse_x && last_y === mouse_y
// && !svgedit.math.rectsIntersect(transbb, {x: pt.x, y: pt.y, width:0, height:0})) {
// textActions.toSelectMode(true);
// }
if ( !== curtext
&& mouse_x < last_x + 2
&& mouse_x > last_x - 2
&& mouse_y < last_y + 2
&& mouse_y > last_y - 2) {
setCursor: setCursor,
toEditMode: function(x, y) {
allow_dbl = false;
current_mode = 'textedit';
// Make selector group accept clicks
var sel = selectorManager.requestSelector(curtext).selectorRect;
$(curtext).css('cursor', 'text');
// if (svgedit.browser.supportsEditableText()) {
// curtext.setAttribute('editable', 'simple');
// return;
// }
if (!arguments.length) {
} else {
var pt = screenToPt(x, y);
setCursorFromPoint(pt.x, pt.y);
setTimeout(function() {
allow_dbl = true;
}, 300);
toSelectMode: function(selectElem) {
current_mode = 'select';
blinker = null;
if (selblock) {$(selblock).attr('display', 'none');}
if (cursor) {$(cursor).attr('visibility', 'hidden');}
$(curtext).css('cursor', 'move');
if (selectElem) {
$(curtext).css('cursor', 'move');
call('selected', [curtext]);
addToSelection([curtext], true);
if (curtext && !curtext.textContent.length) {
// No content, so delete
curtext = false;
// if (svgedit.browser.supportsEditableText()) {
// curtext.removeAttribute('editable');
// }
setInputElem: function(elem) {
textinput = elem;
// $(textinput).blur(hideCursor);
clear: function() {
if (current_mode == 'textedit') {
init: function(inputElem) {
if (!curtext) {return;}
var i, end;
// if (svgedit.browser.supportsEditableText()) {
// return;
// }
if (!curtext.parentNode) {
// Result of the ffClone, need to get correct element
curtext = selectedElements[0];
var str = curtext.textContent;
var len = str.length;
var xform = curtext.getAttribute('transform');
textbb = svgedit.utilities.getBBox(curtext);
matrix = xform ? svgedit.math.getMatrix(curtext) : null;
chardata = [];
chardata.length = len;
$(curtext).unbind('dblclick', selectWord).dblclick(selectWord);
if (!len) {
end = {x: textbb.x + (textbb.width/2), width: 0};
for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
var start = curtext.getStartPositionOfChar(i);
end = curtext.getEndPositionOfChar(i);
if (!svgedit.browser.supportsGoodTextCharPos()) {
var offset = canvas.contentW * current_zoom;
start.x -= offset;
end.x -= offset;
start.x /= current_zoom;
end.x /= current_zoom;
// Get a "bbox" equivalent for each character. Uses the
// bbox data of the actual text for y, height purposes
// TODO: Decide if y, width and height are actually necessary
chardata[i] = {
x: start.x,
y: textbb.y, // start.y?
width: end.x - start.x,
height: textbb.height
// Add a last bbox for cursor at end of text
x: end.x,
width: 0
setSelection(textinput.selectionStart, textinput.selectionEnd, true);
// TODO: Migrate all of this code into path.js
// Group: Path edit functions
// Functions relating to editing path elements
pathActions = canvas.pathActions = function() {
var subpath = false;
var current_path;
var newPoint, firstCtrl;
function resetD(p) {
p.setAttribute('d', pathActions.convertPath(p));
// TODO: Move into path.js
svgedit.path.Path.prototype.endChanges = function(text) {
if (svgedit.browser.isWebkit()) {resetD(this.elem);}
var cmd = new svgedit.history.ChangeElementCommand(this.elem, {d: this.last_d}, text);
call('changed', [this.elem]);
svgedit.path.Path.prototype.addPtsToSelection = function(indexes) {
var i, seg;
if (!$.isArray(indexes)) {indexes = [indexes];}
for (i = 0; i< indexes.length; i++) {
var index = indexes[i];
seg = this.segs[index];
if (seg.ptgrip) {
if (this.selected_pts.indexOf(index) == -1 && index >= 0) {
i = this.selected_pts.length;
var grips = [];
grips.length = i;
// Loop through points to be selected and highlight each
while (i--) {
var pt = this.selected_pts[i];
seg = this.segs[pt];;
grips[i] = seg.ptgrip;
// TODO: Correct this:
pathActions.canDeleteNodes = true;
pathActions.closed_subpath = this.subpathIsClosed(this.selected_pts[0]);
call('selected', grips);
current_path = null;
var drawn_path = null,
hasMoved = false;
// This function converts a polyline (created by the fh_path tool) into
// a path element and coverts every three line segments into a single bezier
// curve in an attempt to smooth out the free-hand
var smoothPolylineIntoPath = function(element) {
var i, points = element.points;
var N = points.numberOfItems;
if (N >= 4) {
// loop through every 3 points and convert to a cubic bezier curve segment
// NOTE: this is cheating, it means that every 3 points has the potential to
// be a corner instead of treating each point in an equal manner. In general,
// this technique does not look that good.
// I am open to better ideas!
// Reading:
// -
// -
// -
// -
var curpos = points.getItem(0), prevCtlPt = null;
var d = [];
d.push(['M', curpos.x, ',', curpos.y, ' C'].join(''));
for (i = 1; i <= (N-4); i += 3) {
var ct1 = points.getItem(i);
var ct2 = points.getItem(i+1);
var end = points.getItem(i+2);
// if the previous segment had a control point, we want to smooth out
// the control points on both sides
if (prevCtlPt) {
var newpts = svgedit.path.smoothControlPoints( prevCtlPt, ct1, curpos );
if (newpts && newpts.length == 2) {
var prevArr = d[d.length-1].split(',');
prevArr[2] = newpts[0].x;
prevArr[3] = newpts[0].y;
d[d.length-1] = prevArr.join(',');
ct1 = newpts[1];
d.push([ct1.x, ct1.y, ct2.x, ct2.y, end.x, end.y].join(','));
curpos = end;
prevCtlPt = ct2;
// handle remaining line segments
while (i < N) {
var pt = points.getItem(i);
d.push([pt.x, pt.y].join(','));
d = d.join(' ');
// create new path element
element = addSvgElementFromJson({
element: 'path',
curStyles: true,
attr: {
id: getId(),
d: d,
fill: 'none'
// No need to call "changed", as this is already done under mouseUp
return element;
return {
mouseDown: function(evt, mouse_target, start_x, start_y) {
var id;
if (current_mode === 'path') {
mouse_x = start_x;
mouse_y = start_y;
var x = mouse_x/current_zoom,
y = mouse_y/current_zoom,
stretchy = svgedit.utilities.getElem('path_stretch_line');
newPoint = [x, y];
if (curConfig.gridSnapping){
x = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(x);
y = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(y);
mouse_x = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(mouse_x);
mouse_y = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(mouse_y);
if (!stretchy) {
stretchy = document.createElementNS(NS.SVG, 'path');
svgedit.utilities.assignAttributes(stretchy, {
id: 'path_stretch_line',
stroke: '#22C',
'stroke-width': '0.5',
fill: 'none'
stretchy = svgedit.utilities.getElem('selectorParentGroup').appendChild(stretchy);
stretchy.setAttribute('display', 'inline');
var keep = null;
var index;
// if pts array is empty, create path element with M at current point
if (!drawn_path) {
d_attr = 'M' + x + ',' + y + ' ';
drawn_path = addSvgElementFromJson({
element: 'path',
curStyles: true,
attr: {
d: d_attr,
id: getNextId(),
opacity: cur_shape.opacity / 2
// set stretchy line to first point
stretchy.setAttribute('d', ['M', mouse_x, mouse_y, mouse_x, mouse_y].join(' '));
index = subpath ? svgedit.path.path.segs.length : 0;
svgedit.path.addPointGrip(index, mouse_x, mouse_y);
} else {
// determine if we clicked on an existing point
var seglist = drawn_path.pathSegList;
var i = seglist.numberOfItems;
var FUZZ = 6/current_zoom;
var clickOnPoint = false;
while (i) {
i --;
var item = seglist.getItem(i);
var px = item.x, py = item.y;
// found a matching point
if ( x >= (px-FUZZ) && x <= (px+FUZZ) && y >= (py-FUZZ) && y <= (py+FUZZ) ) {
clickOnPoint = true;
// get path element that we are in the process of creating
id = getId();
// Remove previous path object if previously created
var newpath = svgedit.utilities.getElem(id);
var newseg;
var s_seg;
var len = seglist.numberOfItems;
// if we clicked on an existing point, then we are done this path, commit it
// (i, i+1) are the x,y that were clicked on
if (clickOnPoint) {
// if clicked on any other point but the first OR
// the first point was clicked on and there are less than 3 points
// then leave the path open
// otherwise, close the path
if (i <= 1 && len >= 2) {
// Create end segment
var abs_x = seglist.getItem(0).x;
var abs_y = seglist.getItem(0).y;
s_seg = stretchy.pathSegList.getItem(1);
if (s_seg.pathSegType === 4) {
newseg = drawn_path.createSVGPathSegLinetoAbs(abs_x, abs_y);
} else {
newseg = drawn_path.createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs(
s_seg.x1 / current_zoom,
s_seg.y1 / current_zoom,
var endseg = drawn_path.createSVGPathSegClosePath();
} else if (len < 3) {
keep = false;
return keep;
// This will signal to commit the path
element = newpath;
drawn_path = null;
started = false;
if (subpath) {
if (svgedit.path.path.matrix) {
svgedit.coords.remapElement(newpath, {}, svgedit.path.path.matrix.inverse());
var new_d = newpath.getAttribute('d');
var orig_d = $(svgedit.path.path.elem).attr('d');
$(svgedit.path.path.elem).attr('d', orig_d + new_d);
if (svgedit.path.path.matrix) {
return false;
// else, create a new point, update path element
else {
// Checks if current target or parents are #svgcontent
if (!$.contains(container, getMouseTarget(evt))) {
// Clicked outside canvas, so don't make point
console.log('Clicked outside canvas');
return false;
var num = drawn_path.pathSegList.numberOfItems;
var last = drawn_path.pathSegList.getItem(num -1);
var lastx = last.x, lasty = last.y;
if (evt.shiftKey) {
var xya = svgedit.math.snapToAngle(lastx, lasty, x, y);
x = xya.x;
y = xya.y;
// Use the segment defined by stretchy
s_seg = stretchy.pathSegList.getItem(1);
if (s_seg.pathSegType === 4) {
newseg = drawn_path.createSVGPathSegLinetoAbs(round(x), round(y));
} else {
newseg = drawn_path.createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs(
s_seg.x1 / current_zoom,
s_seg.y1 / current_zoom,
s_seg.x2 / current_zoom,
s_seg.y2 / current_zoom
x *= current_zoom;
y *= current_zoom;
// set stretchy line to latest point
stretchy.setAttribute('d', ['M', x, y, x, y].join(' '));
index = num;
if (subpath) {index += svgedit.path.path.segs.length;}
svgedit.path.addPointGrip(index, x, y);
// keep = true;
// TODO: Make sure current_path isn't null at this point
if (!svgedit.path.path) {return;}
id =;
var cur_pt;
if (id.substr(0,14) == 'pathpointgrip_') {
// Select this point
cur_pt = svgedit.path.path.cur_pt = parseInt(id.substr(14));
svgedit.path.path.dragging = [start_x, start_y];
var seg = svgedit.path.path.segs[cur_pt];
// only clear selection if shift is not pressed (otherwise, add
// node to selection)
if (!evt.shiftKey) {
if (svgedit.path.path.selected_pts.length <= 1 || !seg.selected) {
} else if (seg.selected) {
} else {
} else if (id.indexOf('ctrlpointgrip_') == 0) {
svgedit.path.path.dragging = [start_x, start_y];
var parts = id.split('_')[1].split('c');
cur_pt = Number(parts[0]);
var ctrl_num = Number(parts[1]);
svgedit.path.path.selectPt(cur_pt, ctrl_num);
// Start selection box
if (!svgedit.path.path.dragging) {
if (rubberBox == null) {
rubberBox = selectorManager.getRubberBandBox();
svgedit.utilities.assignAttributes(rubberBox, {
'x': start_x * current_zoom,
'y': start_y * current_zoom,
'width': 0,
'height': 0,
'display': 'inline'
}, 100);
mouseMove: function(mouse_x, mouse_y) {
hasMoved = true;
if (current_mode === 'path') {
if (!drawn_path) {return;}
var seglist = drawn_path.pathSegList;
var index = seglist.numberOfItems - 1;
if (newPoint) {
// First point
// if (!index) {return;}
// Set control points
var pointGrip1 = svgedit.path.addCtrlGrip('1c1');
var pointGrip2 = svgedit.path.addCtrlGrip('0c2');
// dragging pointGrip1
pointGrip1.setAttribute('cx', mouse_x);
pointGrip1.setAttribute('cy', mouse_y);
pointGrip1.setAttribute('display', 'inline');
var pt_x = newPoint[0];
var pt_y = newPoint[1];
// set curve
var seg = seglist.getItem(index);
var cur_x = mouse_x / current_zoom;
var cur_y = mouse_y / current_zoom;
var alt_x = (pt_x + (pt_x - cur_x));
var alt_y = (pt_y + (pt_y - cur_y));
pointGrip2.setAttribute('cx', alt_x * current_zoom);
pointGrip2.setAttribute('cy', alt_y * current_zoom);
pointGrip2.setAttribute('display', 'inline');
var ctrlLine = svgedit.path.getCtrlLine(1);
svgedit.utilities.assignAttributes(ctrlLine, {
x1: mouse_x,
y1: mouse_y,
x2: alt_x * current_zoom,
y2: alt_y * current_zoom,
display: 'inline'
if (index === 0) {
firstCtrl = [mouse_x, mouse_y];
} else {
var last = seglist.getItem(index - 1);
var last_x = last.x;
var last_y = last.y;
if (last.pathSegType === 6) {
last_x += (last_x - last.x2);
last_y += (last_y - last.y2);
} else if (firstCtrl) {
last_x = firstCtrl[0]/current_zoom;
last_y = firstCtrl[1]/current_zoom;
svgedit.path.replacePathSeg(6, index, [pt_x, pt_y, last_x, last_y, alt_x, alt_y], drawn_path);
} else {
var stretchy = svgedit.utilities.getElem('path_stretch_line');
if (stretchy) {
var prev = seglist.getItem(index);
if (prev.pathSegType === 6) {
var prev_x = prev.x + (prev.x - prev.x2);
var prev_y = prev.y + (prev.y - prev.y2);
svgedit.path.replacePathSeg(6, 1, [mouse_x, mouse_y, prev_x * current_zoom, prev_y * current_zoom, mouse_x, mouse_y], stretchy);
} else if (firstCtrl) {
svgedit.path.replacePathSeg(6, 1, [mouse_x, mouse_y, firstCtrl[0], firstCtrl[1], mouse_x, mouse_y], stretchy);
} else {
svgedit.path.replacePathSeg(4, 1, [mouse_x, mouse_y], stretchy);
// if we are dragging a point, let's move it
if (svgedit.path.path.dragging) {
var pt = svgedit.path.getPointFromGrip({
x: svgedit.path.path.dragging[0],
y: svgedit.path.path.dragging[1]
}, svgedit.path.path);
var mpt = svgedit.path.getPointFromGrip({
x: mouse_x,
y: mouse_y
}, svgedit.path.path);
var diff_x = mpt.x - pt.x;
var diff_y = mpt.y - pt.y;
svgedit.path.path.dragging = [mouse_x, mouse_y];
if (svgedit.path.path.dragctrl) {
svgedit.path.path.moveCtrl(diff_x, diff_y);
} else {
svgedit.path.path.movePts(diff_x, diff_y);
} else {
svgedit.path.path.selected_pts = [];
svgedit.path.path.eachSeg(function(i) {
var seg = this;
if (! && !seg.prev) {return;}
var item = seg.item;
var rbb = rubberBox.getBBox();
var pt = svgedit.path.getGripPt(seg);
var pt_bb = {
x: pt.x,
y: pt.y,
width: 0,
height: 0
var sel = svgedit.math.rectsIntersect(rbb, pt_bb);;
//Note that addPtsToSelection is not being run
if (sel) {svgedit.path.path.selected_pts.push(seg.index);}
mouseUp: function(evt, element, mouse_x, mouse_y) {
// Create mode
if (current_mode === 'path') {
newPoint = null;
if (!drawn_path) {
element = svgedit.utilities.getElem(getId());
started = false;
firstCtrl = null;
return {
keep: true,
element: element
// Edit mode
if (svgedit.path.path.dragging) {
var last_pt = svgedit.path.path.cur_pt;
svgedit.path.path.dragging = false;
svgedit.path.path.dragctrl = false;
if (hasMoved) {
svgedit.path.path.endChanges('Move path point(s)');
if (!evt.shiftKey && !hasMoved) {
} else if (rubberBox && rubberBox.getAttribute('display') != 'none') {
// Done with multi-node-select
rubberBox.setAttribute('display', 'none');
if (rubberBox.getAttribute('width') <= 2 && rubberBox.getAttribute('height') <= 2) {
// else, move back to select mode
} else {
hasMoved = false;
toEditMode: function(element) {
svgedit.path.path = svgedit.path.getPath_(element);
current_mode = 'pathedit';
svgedit.path.path.oldbbox = svgedit.utilities.getBBox(svgedit.path.path.elem);
subpath = false;
toSelectMode: function(elem) {
var selPath = (elem == svgedit.path.path.elem);
current_mode = 'select';;
current_path = false;
if (svgedit.path.path.matrix) {
// Rotated, so may need to re-calculate the center
if (selPath) {
call('selected', [elem]);
addToSelection([elem], true);
addSubPath: function(on) {
if (on) {
// Internally we go into "path" mode, but in the UI it will
// still appear as if in "pathedit" mode.
current_mode = 'path';
subpath = true;
} else {
select: function(target) {
if (current_path === target) {
current_mode = 'pathedit';
} // going into pathedit mode
else {
current_path = target;
reorient: function() {
var elem = selectedElements[0];
if (!elem) {return;}
var angle = svgedit.utilities.getRotationAngle(elem);
if (angle == 0) {return;}
var batchCmd = new svgedit.history.BatchCommand('Reorient path');
var changes = {
d: elem.getAttribute('d'),
transform: elem.getAttribute('transform')
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new svgedit.history.ChangeElementCommand(elem, changes));
// Set matrix to null
svgedit.path.getPath_(elem).show(false).matrix = null;
addToSelection([elem], true);
call('changed', selectedElements);
clear: function(remove) {
current_path = null;
if (drawn_path) {
var elem = svgedit.utilities.getElem(getId());
$(svgedit.utilities.getElem('pathpointgrip_container')).find('*').attr('display', 'none');
drawn_path = firstCtrl = null;
started = false;
} else if (current_mode == 'pathedit') {
if (svgedit.path.path) {svgedit.path.path.init().show(false);}
resetOrientation: function(path) {
if (path == null || path.nodeName != 'path') {return false;}
var tlist = svgedit.transformlist.getTransformList(path);
var m = svgedit.math.transformListToTransform(tlist).matrix;
var segList = path.pathSegList;
// Opera/win/non-EN throws an error here.
// TODO: Find out why!
// Presumed fixed in Opera 10.5, so commented out for now
// try {
var len = segList.numberOfItems;
// } catch(err) {
// var fixed_d = pathActions.convertPath(path);
// path.setAttribute('d', fixed_d);
// segList = path.pathSegList;
// var len = segList.numberOfItems;
// }
var i, last_x, last_y;
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
var seg = segList.getItem(i);
var type = seg.pathSegType;
if (type == 1) {continue;}
var pts = [];
$.each(['',1,2], function(j, n) {
var x = seg['x'+n], y = seg['y'+n];
if (x !== undefined && y !== undefined) {
var pt = svgedit.math.transformPoint(x, y, m);
pts.splice(pts.length, 0, pt.x, pt.y);
svgedit.path.replacePathSeg(type, i, pts, path);
reorientGrads(path, m);
zoomChange: function() {
if (current_mode == 'pathedit') {
getNodePoint: function() {
var sel_pt = svgedit.path.path.selected_pts.length ? svgedit.path.path.selected_pts[0] : 1;
var seg = svgedit.path.path.segs[sel_pt];
return {
x: seg.item.x,
y: seg.item.y,
type: seg.type
linkControlPoints: function(linkPoints) {
clonePathNode: function() {
var sel_pts = svgedit.path.path.selected_pts;
var segs = svgedit.path.path.segs;
var i = sel_pts.length;
var nums = [];
while (i--) {
var pt = sel_pts[i];
nums.push(pt + i);
nums.push(pt + i + 1);
svgedit.path.path.endChanges('Clone path node(s)');
opencloseSubPath: function() {
var sel_pts = svgedit.path.path.selected_pts;
// Only allow one selected node for now
if (sel_pts.length !== 1) {return;}
var elem = svgedit.path.path.elem;
var list = elem.pathSegList;
var len = list.numberOfItems;
var index = sel_pts[0];
var open_pt = null;
var start_item = null;
// Check if subpath is already open
svgedit.path.path.eachSeg(function(i) {
if (this.type === 2 && i <= index) {
start_item = this.item;
if (i <= index) {return true;}
if (this.type === 2) {
// Found M first, so open
open_pt = i;
return false;
if (this.type === 1) {
// Found Z first, so closed
open_pt = false;
return false;
if (open_pt == null) {
// Single path, so close last seg
open_pt = svgedit.path.path.segs.length - 1;
if (open_pt !== false) {
// Close this path
// Create a line going to the previous "M"
var newseg = elem.createSVGPathSegLinetoAbs(start_item.x, start_item.y);
var closer = elem.createSVGPathSegClosePath();
if (open_pt == svgedit.path.path.segs.length - 1) {
} else {
svgedit.path.insertItemBefore(elem, closer, open_pt);
svgedit.path.insertItemBefore(elem, newseg, open_pt);
// M 1,1 L 2,2 L 3,3 L 1,1 z // open at 2,2
// M 2,2 L 3,3 L 1,1
// M 1,1 L 2,2 L 1,1 z M 4,4 L 5,5 L6,6 L 5,5 z
// M 1,1 L 2,2 L 1,1 z [M 4,4] L 5,5 L(M)6,6 L 5,5 z
var seg = svgedit.path.path.segs[index];
if (seg.mate) {
list.removeItem(index); // Removes last "L"
list.removeItem(index); // Removes the "Z"
svgedit.path.path.init().selectPt(index - 1);
var i, last_m, z_seg;
// Find this sub-path's closing point and remove
for (i = 0; i<list.numberOfItems; i++) {
var item = list.getItem(i);
if (item.pathSegType === 2) {
// Find the preceding M
last_m = i;
} else if (i === index) {
// Remove it
// index--;
} else if (item.pathSegType === 1 && index < i) {
// Remove the closing seg of this subpath
z_seg = i-1;
var num = (index - last_m) - 1;
while (num--) {
svgedit.path.insertItemBefore(elem, list.getItem(last_m), z_seg);
var pt = list.getItem(last_m);
// Make this point the new "M"
svgedit.path.replacePathSeg(2, last_m, [pt.x, pt.y]);
i = index; // i is local here, so has no effect; what is the reason for this?
deletePathNode: function() {
if (!pathActions.canDeleteNodes) {return;}
var sel_pts = svgedit.path.path.selected_pts;
var i = sel_pts.length;
while (i--) {
var pt = sel_pts[i];
// Cleanup
var cleanup = function() {
var segList = svgedit.path.path.elem.pathSegList;
var len = segList.numberOfItems;
var remItems = function(pos, count) {
while (count--) {
if (len <= 1) {return true;}
while (len--) {
var item = segList.getItem(len);
if (item.pathSegType === 1) {
var prev = segList.getItem(len-1);
var nprev = segList.getItem(len-2);
if (prev.pathSegType === 2) {
remItems(len-1, 2);
} else if (nprev.pathSegType === 2) {
remItems(len-2, 3);
} else if (item.pathSegType === 2) {
if (len > 0) {
var prev_type = segList.getItem(len-1).pathSegType;
// Path has M M
if (prev_type === 2) {
remItems(len-1, 1);
// Entire path ends with Z M
} else if (prev_type === 1 && segList.numberOfItems-1 === len) {
remItems(len, 1);
return false;
// Completely delete a path with 1 or 0 segments
if (svgedit.path.path.elem.pathSegList.numberOfItems <= 1) {
// TODO: Find right way to select point now
// path.selectPt(sel_pt);
if (window.opera) { // Opera repaints incorrectly
var cp = $(svgedit.path.path.elem);
cp.attr('d', cp.attr('d'));
svgedit.path.path.endChanges('Delete path node(s)');
smoothPolylineIntoPath: smoothPolylineIntoPath,
setSegType: function(v) {
moveNode: function(attr, newValue) {
var sel_pts = svgedit.path.path.selected_pts;
if (!sel_pts.length) {return;}
// Get first selected point
var seg = svgedit.path.path.segs[sel_pts[0]];
var diff = {x:0, y:0};
diff[attr] = newValue - seg.item[attr];
seg.move(diff.x, diff.y);
svgedit.path.path.endChanges('Move path point');
fixEnd: function(elem) {
// Adds an extra segment if the last seg before a Z doesn't end
// at its M point
// M0,0 L0,100 L100,100 z
var segList = elem.pathSegList;
var len = segList.numberOfItems;
var i, last_m;
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
var item = segList.getItem(i);
if (item.pathSegType === 2) {
last_m = item;
if (item.pathSegType === 1) {
var prev = segList.getItem(i-1);
if (prev.x != last_m.x || prev.y != last_m.y) {
// Add an L segment here
var newseg = elem.createSVGPathSegLinetoAbs(last_m.x, last_m.y);
svgedit.path.insertItemBefore(elem, newseg, i);
// Can this be done better?
if (svgedit.browser.isWebkit()) {resetD(elem);}
// Convert a path to one with only absolute or relative values
convertPath: function(path, toRel) {
var i;
var segList = path.pathSegList;
var len = segList.numberOfItems;
var curx = 0, cury = 0;
var d = '';
var last_m = null;
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
var seg = segList.getItem(i);
// if these properties are not in the segment, set them to zero
var x = seg.x || 0,
y = seg.y || 0,
x1 = seg.x1 || 0,
y1 = seg.y1 || 0,
x2 = seg.x2 || 0,
y2 = seg.y2 || 0;
var type = seg.pathSegType;
var letter = pathMap[type]['to'+(toRel?'Lower':'Upper')+'Case']();
var addToD = function(pnts, more, last) {
var str = '';
more = more ? ' ' + more.join(' ') : '';
last = last ? ' ' + svgedit.units.shortFloat(last) : '';
$.each(pnts, function(i, pnt) {
pnts[i] = svgedit.units.shortFloat(pnt);
d += letter + pnts.join(' ') + more + last;
switch (type) {
case 1: // z,Z closepath (Z/z)
d += 'z';
case 12: // absolute horizontal line (H)
x -= curx;
case 13: // relative horizontal line (h)
if (toRel) {
curx += x;
letter = 'l';
} else {
x += curx;
curx = x;
letter = 'L';
// Convert to "line" for easier editing
addToD([[x, cury]]);
case 14: // absolute vertical line (V)
y -= cury;
case 15: // relative vertical line (v)
if (toRel) {
cury += y;
letter = 'l';
} else {
y += cury;
cury = y;
letter = 'L';
// Convert to "line" for easier editing
addToD([[curx, y]]);
case 2: // absolute move (M)
case 4: // absolute line (L)
case 18: // absolute smooth quad (T)
x -= curx;
y -= cury;
case 5: // relative line (l)
case 3: // relative move (m)
// If the last segment was a "z", this must be relative to
if (last_m && segList.getItem(i-1).pathSegType === 1 && !toRel) {
curx = last_m[0];
cury = last_m[1];
case 19: // relative smooth quad (t)
if (toRel) {
curx += x;
cury += y;
} else {
x += curx;
y += cury;
curx = x;
cury = y;
if (type === 3) {last_m = [curx, cury];}
addToD([[x, y]]);
case 6: // absolute cubic (C)
x -= curx; x1 -= curx; x2 -= curx;
y -= cury; y1 -= cury; y2 -= cury;
case 7: // relative cubic (c)
if (toRel) {
curx += x;
cury += y;
} else {
x += curx; x1 += curx; x2 += curx;
y += cury; y1 += cury; y2 += cury;
curx = x;
cury = y;
addToD([[x1, y1], [x2, y2], [x, y]]);
case 8: // absolute quad (Q)
x -= curx; x1 -= curx;
y -= cury; y1 -= cury;
case 9: // relative quad (q)
if (toRel) {
curx += x;
cury += y;
} else {
x += curx; x1 += curx;
y += cury; y1 += cury;
curx = x;
cury = y;
addToD([[x1, y1],[x, y]]);
case 10: // absolute elliptical arc (A)
x -= curx;
y -= cury;
case 11: // relative elliptical arc (a)
if (toRel) {
curx += x;
cury += y;
} else {
x += curx;
y += cury;
curx = x;
cury = y;
addToD([[seg.r1, seg.r2]], [
(seg.largeArcFlag ? 1 : 0),
(seg.sweepFlag ? 1 : 0)
], [x, y]
case 16: // absolute smooth cubic (S)
x -= curx; x2 -= curx;
y -= cury; y2 -= cury;
case 17: // relative smooth cubic (s)
if (toRel) {
curx += x;
cury += y;
} else {
x += curx; x2 += curx;
y += cury; y2 += cury;
curx = x;
cury = y;
addToD([[x2, y2],[x, y]]);
} // switch on path segment type
} // for each segment
return d;
// end pathActions
// Group: Serialization
// Function: removeUnusedDefElems
// Looks at DOM elements inside the <defs> to see if they are referred to,
// removes them from the DOM if they are not.
// Returns:
// The amount of elements that were removed
var removeUnusedDefElems = this.removeUnusedDefElems = function() {
var defs = svgcontent.getElementsByTagNameNS(NS.SVG, 'defs');
if (!defs || !defs.length) {return 0;}
// if (!defs.firstChild) {return;}
var defelem_uses = [],
numRemoved = 0;
var attrs = ['fill', 'stroke', 'filter', 'marker-start', 'marker-mid', 'marker-end'];
var alen = attrs.length;
var all_els = svgcontent.getElementsByTagNameNS(NS.SVG, '*');
var all_len = all_els.length;
var i, j;
for (i = 0; i < all_len; i++) {
var el = all_els[i];
for (j = 0; j < alen; j++) {
var ref = svgedit.utilities.getUrlFromAttr(el.getAttribute(attrs[j]));
if (ref) {
// gradients can refer to other gradients
var href = getHref(el);
if (href && href.indexOf('#') === 0) {
var defelems = $(defs).find('linearGradient, radialGradient, filter, marker, svg, symbol');
i = defelems.length;
while (i--) {
var defelem = defelems[i];
var id =;
if (defelem_uses.indexOf(id) < 0) {
// Not found, so remove (but remember)
removedElements[id] = defelem;
return numRemoved;
// Function: svgCanvasToString
// Main function to set up the SVG content for output
// Returns:
// String containing the SVG image for output
this.svgCanvasToString = function() {
// keep calling it until there are none to remove
while (removeUnusedDefElems() > 0) {}
// Keep SVG-Edit comment on top
$.each(svgcontent.childNodes, function(i, node) {
if (i && node.nodeType === 8 &&'Created with') >= 0) {
svgcontent.insertBefore(node, svgcontent.firstChild);
// Move out of in-group editing mode
if (current_group) {
var naked_svgs = [];
// Unwrap gsvg if it has no special attributes (only id and style)
$(svgcontent).find('g:data(gsvg)').each(function() {
var attrs = this.attributes;
var len = attrs.length;
var i;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (attrs[i].nodeName == 'id' || attrs[i].nodeName == 'style') {
// No significant attributes, so ungroup
if (len <= 0) {
var svg = this.firstChild;
var output = this.svgToString(svgcontent, 0);
// Rewrap gsvg
if (naked_svgs.length) {
$(naked_svgs).each(function() {
return output;
// Function: svgToString
// Sub function ran on each SVG element to convert it to a string as desired
// Parameters:
// elem - The SVG element to convert
// indent - Integer with the amount of spaces to indent this tag
// Returns:
// String with the given element as an SVG tag
this.svgToString = function(elem, indent) {
var out = [],
toXml = svgedit.utilities.toXml;
var unit = curConfig.baseUnit;
var unit_re = new RegExp('^-?[\\d\\.]+' + unit + '$');
if (elem) {
var attrs = elem.attributes,
childs = elem.childNodes;
for (i = 0; i < indent; i++) {out.push(' ');}
out.push('<'); out.push(elem.nodeName);
if ( === 'svgcontent') {
// Process root element separately
var res = getResolution();
var vb = '';
// TODO: Allow this by dividing all values by current baseVal
// Note that this also means we should properly deal with this on import
// if (curConfig.baseUnit !== 'px') {
// var unit = curConfig.baseUnit;
// var unit_m = svgedit.units.getTypeMap()[unit];
// res.w = svgedit.units.shortFloat(res.w / unit_m)
// res.h = svgedit.units.shortFloat(res.h / unit_m)
// vb = ' viewBox="' + [0, 0, res.w, res.h].join(' ') + '"';
// res.w += unit;
// res.h += unit;
// }
if (unit !== 'px') {
res.w = svgedit.units.convertUnit(res.w, unit) + unit;
res.h = svgedit.units.convertUnit(res.h, unit) + unit;
out.push(' width="' + res.w + '" height="' + res.h + '"' + vb + ' xmlns="'+NS.SVG+'"');
var nsuris = {};
// Check elements for namespaces, add if found
$(elem).find('*').andSelf().each(function() {
var el = this;
// for some elements have no attribute
var uri = this.namespaceURI;
if(uri && !nsuris[uri] && nsMap[uri] && nsMap[uri] !== 'xmlns' && nsMap[uri] !== 'xml' ) {
nsuris[uri] = true;
out.push(' xmlns:' + nsMap[uri] + '="' + uri +'"');
$.each(this.attributes, function(i, attr) {
var uri = attr.namespaceURI;
if (uri && !nsuris[uri] && nsMap[uri] !== 'xmlns' && nsMap[uri] !== 'xml' ) {
nsuris[uri] = true;
out.push(' xmlns:' + nsMap[uri] + '="' + uri +'"');
i = attrs.length;
var attr_names = ['width', 'height', 'xmlns', 'x', 'y', 'viewBox', 'id', 'overflow'];
while (i--) {
attr = attrs.item(i);
var attrVal = toXml(attr.value);
// Namespaces have already been dealt with, so skip
if (attr.nodeName.indexOf('xmlns:') === 0) {continue;}
// only serialize attributes we don't use internally
if (attrVal != '' && attr_names.indexOf(attr.localName) == -1) {
if (!attr.namespaceURI || nsMap[attr.namespaceURI]) {
out.push(' ');
out.push(attr.nodeName); out.push('="');
out.push(attrVal); out.push('"');
} else {
// Skip empty defs
if (elem.nodeName === 'defs' && !elem.firstChild) {return;}
var moz_attrs = ['-moz-math-font-style', '_moz-math-font-style'];
for (i = attrs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
attr = attrs.item(i);
var attrVal = toXml(attr.value);
//remove bogus attributes added by Gecko
if (moz_attrs.indexOf(attr.localName) >= 0) {continue;}
if (attrVal != '') {
if (attrVal.indexOf('pointer-events') === 0) {continue;}
if (attr.localName === 'class' && attrVal.indexOf('se_') === 0) {continue;}
out.push(' ');
if (attr.localName === 'd') {attrVal = pathActions.convertPath(elem, true);}
if (!isNaN(attrVal)) {
attrVal = svgedit.units.shortFloat(attrVal);
} else if (unit_re.test(attrVal)) {
attrVal = svgedit.units.shortFloat(attrVal) + unit;
// Embed images when saving
if (save_options.apply
&& elem.nodeName === 'image'
&& attr.localName === 'href'
&& save_options.images
&& save_options.images === 'embed')
var img = encodableImages[attrVal];
if (img) {attrVal = img;}
// map various namespaces to our fixed namespace prefixes
// (the default xmlns attribute itself does not get a prefix)
if (!attr.namespaceURI || attr.namespaceURI == NS.SVG || nsMap[attr.namespaceURI]) {
out.push(attr.nodeName); out.push('="');
out.push(attrVal); out.push('"');
if (elem.hasChildNodes()) {
var bOneLine = false;
for (i = 0; i < childs.length; i++) {
var child = childs.item(i);
switch(child.nodeType) {
case 1: // element node
out.push(this.svgToString(childs.item(i), indent));
case 3: // text node
var str = child.nodeValue.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
if (str != '') {
bOneLine = true;
case 4: // cdata node
out.push(new Array(indent+1).join(' '));
case 8: // comment
out.push(new Array(indent+1).join(' '));
} // switch on node type
if (!bOneLine) {
for (i = 0; i < indent; i++) {out.push(' ');}
out.push('</'); out.push(elem.nodeName); out.push('>');
} else {
return out.join('');
}; // end svgToString()
// Function: embedImage
// Converts a given image file to a data URL when possible, then runs a given callback
// Parameters:
// val - String with the path/URL of the image
// callback - Optional function to run when image data is found, supplies the
// result (data URL or false) as first parameter.
this.embedImage = function(val, callback) {
// load in the image and once it's loaded, get the dimensions
$(new Image()).load(function() {
// create a canvas the same size as the raster image
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
canvas.width = this.width;
canvas.height = this.height;
// load the raster image into the canvas
canvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(this, 0, 0);
// retrieve the data: URL
try {
var urldata = ';svgedit_url=' + encodeURIComponent(val);
urldata = canvas.toDataURL().replace(';base64', urldata+';base64');
encodableImages[val] = urldata;
} catch(e) {
encodableImages[val] = false;
last_good_img_url = val;
if (callback) {callback(encodableImages[val]);}
}).attr('src', val);
// Function: setGoodImage
// Sets a given URL to be a "last good image" URL
this.setGoodImage = function(val) {
last_good_img_url = val;
}; = function() {
// Nothing by default, handled by optional widget/extension
// Function: save
// Serializes the current drawing into SVG XML text and returns it to the 'saved' handler.
// This function also includes the XML prolog. Clients of the SvgCanvas bind their save
// function to the 'saved' event.
// Returns:
// Nothing = function(opts) {
// remove the selected outline before serializing
// Update save options if provided
if (opts) {$.extend(save_options, opts);}
save_options.apply = true;
// no need for doctype, see
var str = this.svgCanvasToString();
call('saved', str);
function getIssues () {
// remove the selected outline before serializing
// Check for known CanVG issues
var issues = [];
// Selector and notice
var issue_list = {
'feGaussianBlur': uiStrings.exportNoBlur,
'foreignObject': uiStrings.exportNoforeignObject,
'[stroke-dasharray]': uiStrings.exportNoDashArray
var content = $(svgcontent);
// Add font/text check if Canvas Text API is not implemented
if (!('font' in $('<canvas>')[0].getContext('2d'))) {
issue_list.text = uiStrings.exportNoText;
$.each(issue_list, function(sel, descr) {
if (content.find(sel).length) {
return issues;
// Function: rasterExport
// Generates a Data URL based on the current image, then calls "exported"
// with an object including the string, image information, and any issues found
this.rasterExport = function(imgType, quality, exportWindowName) {
var mimeType = 'image/' + imgType.toLowerCase();
var issues = getIssues();
var str = this.svgCanvasToString();
svgedit.utilities.buildCanvgCallback(function () {
var type = imgType || 'PNG';
if (!$('#export_canvas').length) {
$('<canvas>', {id: 'export_canvas'}).hide().appendTo('body');
var c = $('#export_canvas')[0];
c.width = svgCanvas.contentW;
c.height = svgCanvas.contentH;
canvg(c, str, {renderCallback: function() {
var dataURLType = (type === 'ICO' ? 'BMP' : type).toLowerCase();
var datauri = quality ? c.toDataURL('image/' + dataURLType, quality) : c.toDataURL('image/' + dataURLType);
call('exported', {datauri: datauri, svg: str, issues: issues, type: imgType, mimeType: mimeType, quality: quality, exportWindowName: exportWindowName});
this.exportPDF = function (exportWindowName, outputType) {
var that = this;
svgedit.utilities.buildJSPDFCallback(function () {
var res = getResolution();
var orientation = res.w > res.h ? 'landscape' : 'portrait';
var units = 'pt'; // curConfig.baseUnit; // We could use baseUnit, but that is presumably not intended for export purposes
var doc = jsPDF({
orientation: orientation,
unit: units,
format: [res.w, res.h]
// , compressPdf: true
}); // Todo: Give options to use predefined jsPDF formats like "a4", etc. from pull-down (with option to keep customizable)
var docTitle = getDocumentTitle();
title: docTitle/*,
subject: '',
author: '',
keywords: '',
creator: ''*/
var issues = getIssues();
var str = that.svgCanvasToString();
doc.addSVG(str, 0, 0);
// doc.output('save'); // Works to open in a new
// window; todo: configure this and other export
// options to optionally work in this manner as
// opposed to opening a new tab
var obj = {svg: str, issues: issues, exportWindowName: exportWindowName};
var method = outputType || 'dataurlstring';
obj[method] = doc.output(method);
call('exportedPDF', obj);
// Function: getSvgString
// Returns the current drawing as raw SVG XML text.
// Returns:
// The current drawing as raw SVG XML text.
this.getSvgString = function() {
save_options.apply = false;
return this.svgCanvasToString();
// Function: randomizeIds
// This function determines whether to use a nonce in the prefix, when
// generating IDs for future documents in SVG-Edit.
// Parameters:
// an optional boolean, which, if true, adds a nonce to the prefix. Thus
// svgCanvas.randomizeIds() <==> svgCanvas.randomizeIds(true)
// if you're controlling SVG-Edit externally, and want randomized IDs, call
// this BEFORE calling svgCanvas.setSvgString
this.randomizeIds = function(enableRandomization) {
if (arguments.length > 0 && enableRandomization == false) {
svgedit.draw.randomizeIds(false, getCurrentDrawing());
} else {
svgedit.draw.randomizeIds(true, getCurrentDrawing());
// Function: uniquifyElems
// Ensure each element has a unique ID
// Parameters:
// g - The parent element of the tree to give unique IDs
var uniquifyElems = this.uniquifyElems = function(g) {
var ids = {};
// TODO: Handle markers and connectors. These are not yet re-identified properly
// as their referring elements do not get remapped.
// <marker id='se_marker_end_svg_7'/>
// <polyline id='svg_7' se:connector='svg_1 svg_6' marker-end='url(#se_marker_end_svg_7)'/>
// Problem #1: if svg_1 gets renamed, we do not update the polyline's se:connector attribute
// Problem #2: if the polyline svg_7 gets renamed, we do not update the marker id nor the polyline's marker-end attribute
var ref_elems = ['filter', 'linearGradient', 'pattern', 'radialGradient', 'symbol', 'textPath', 'use'];
svgedit.utilities.walkTree(g, function(n) {
// if it's an element node
if (n.nodeType == 1) {
// and the element has an ID
if ( {
// and we haven't tracked this ID yet
if (!( in ids)) {
// add this id to our map
ids[] = {elem:null, attrs:[], hrefs:[]};
ids[].elem = n;
// now search for all attributes on this element that might refer
// to other elements
$.each(ref_attrs, function(i, attr) {
var attrnode = n.getAttributeNode(attr);
if (attrnode) {
// the incoming file has been sanitized, so we should be able to safely just strip off the leading #
var url = svgedit.utilities.getUrlFromAttr(attrnode.value),
refid = url ? url.substr(1) : null;
if (refid) {
if (!(refid in ids)) {
// add this id to our map
ids[refid] = {elem:null, attrs:[], hrefs:[]};
// check xlink:href now
var href = svgedit.utilities.getHref(n);
// TODO: what if an <image> or <a> element refers to an element internally?
if (href && ref_elems.indexOf(n.nodeName) >= 0) {
var refid = href.substr(1);
if (refid) {
if (!(refid in ids)) {
// add this id to our map
ids[refid] = {elem:null, attrs:[], hrefs:[]};
// in ids, we now have a map of ids, elements and attributes, let's re-identify
var oldid;
for (oldid in ids) {
if (!oldid) {continue;}
var elem = ids[oldid].elem;
if (elem) {
var newid = getNextId();
// assign element its new id = newid;
// remap all url() attributes
var attrs = ids[oldid].attrs;
var j = attrs.length;
while (j--) {
var attr = attrs[j];
attr.ownerElement.setAttribute(, 'url(#' + newid + ')');
// remap all href attributes
var hreffers = ids[oldid].hrefs;
var k = hreffers.length;
while (k--) {
var hreffer = hreffers[k];
svgedit.utilities.setHref(hreffer, '#' + newid);
// Function setUseData
// Assigns reference data for each use element
var setUseData = this.setUseData = function(parent) {
var elems = $(parent);
if (parent.tagName !== 'use') {
elems = elems.find('use');
elems.each(function() {
var id = getHref(this).substr(1);
var ref_elem = svgedit.utilities.getElem(id);
if (!ref_elem) {return;}
$(this).data('ref', ref_elem);
if (ref_elem.tagName == 'symbol' || ref_elem.tagName == 'svg') {
$(this).data('symbol', ref_elem).data('ref', ref_elem);
// Function convertGradients
// Converts gradients from userSpaceOnUse to objectBoundingBox
var convertGradients = this.convertGradients = function(elem) {
var elems = $(elem).find('linearGradient, radialGradient');
if (!elems.length && svgedit.browser.isWebkit()) {
// Bug in webkit prevents regular *Gradient selector search
elems = $(elem).find('*').filter(function() {
return (this.tagName.indexOf('Gradient') >= 0);
elems.each(function() {
var grad = this;
if ($(grad).attr('gradientUnits') === 'userSpaceOnUse') {
// TODO: Support more than one element with this ref by duplicating parent grad
var elems = $(svgcontent).find('[fill="url(#' + + ')"],[stroke="url(#' + + ')"]');
if (!elems.length) {return;}
// get object's bounding box
var bb = svgedit.utilities.getBBox(elems[0]);
// This will occur if the element is inside a <defs> or a <symbol>,
// in which we shouldn't need to convert anyway.
if (!bb) {return;}
if (grad.tagName === 'linearGradient') {
var g_coords = $(grad).attr(['x1', 'y1', 'x2', 'y2']);
// If has transform, convert
var tlist = grad.gradientTransform.baseVal;
if (tlist && tlist.numberOfItems > 0) {
var m = svgedit.math.transformListToTransform(tlist).matrix;
var pt1 = svgedit.math.transformPoint(g_coords.x1, g_coords.y1, m);
var pt2 = svgedit.math.transformPoint(g_coords.x2, g_coords.y2, m);
g_coords.x1 = pt1.x;
g_coords.y1 = pt1.y;
g_coords.x2 = pt2.x;
g_coords.y2 = pt2.y;
x1: (g_coords.x1 - bb.x) / bb.width,
y1: (g_coords.y1 - bb.y) / bb.height,
x2: (g_coords.x2 - bb.x) / bb.width,
y2: (g_coords.y2 - bb.y) / bb.height
// else {
// Note: radialGradient elements cannot be easily converted
// because userSpaceOnUse will keep circular gradients, while
// objectBoundingBox will x/y scale the gradient according to
// its bbox.
// For now we'll do nothing, though we should probably have
// the gradient be updated as the element is moved, as
// inkscape/illustrator do.
// var g_coords = $(grad).attr(['cx', 'cy', 'r']);
// $(grad).attr({
// cx: ( - bb.x) / bb.width,
// cy: ( - bb.y) / bb.height,
// r: g_coords.r
// });
// grad.removeAttribute('gradientUnits');
// }
// Function: convertToGroup
// Converts selected/given <use> or child SVG element to a group
var convertToGroup = this.convertToGroup = function(elem) {
if (!elem) {
elem = selectedElements[0];
var $elem = $(elem);
var batchCmd = new svgedit.history.BatchCommand();
var ts;
if ($'gsvg')) {
// Use the gsvg as the new group
var svg = elem.firstChild;
var pt = $(svg).attr(['x', 'y']);
var tlist = svgedit.transformlist.getTransformList(elem);
var xform = svgroot.createSVGTransform();
xform.setTranslate(pt.x, pt.y);
call('selected', [elem]);
} else if ($'symbol')) {
elem = $'symbol');
ts = $elem.attr('transform');
var pos = $elem.attr(['x', 'y']);
var vb = elem.getAttribute('viewBox');
if (vb) {
var nums = vb.split(' ');
pos.x -= +nums[0];
pos.y -= +nums[1];
// Not ideal, but works
ts += ' translate(' + (pos.x || 0) + ',' + (pos.y || 0) + ')';
var prev = $elem.prev();
// Remove <use> element
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new svgedit.history.RemoveElementCommand($elem[0], $elem[0].nextSibling, $elem[0].parentNode));
// See if other elements reference this symbol
var has_more = $(svgcontent).find('use:data(symbol)').length;
var g = svgdoc.createElementNS(NS.SVG, 'g');
var childs = elem.childNodes;
var i;
for (i = 0; i < childs.length; i++) {
// Duplicate the gradients for Gecko, since they weren't included in the <symbol>
if (svgedit.browser.isGecko()) {
var dupeGrads = $(svgedit.utilities.findDefs()).children('linearGradient,radialGradient,pattern').clone();
if (ts) {
g.setAttribute('transform', ts);
var parent = elem.parentNode;
// Put the dupe gradients back into <defs> (after uniquifying them)
if (svgedit.browser.isGecko()) {
$(findDefs()).append( $(g).find('linearGradient,radialGradient,pattern') );
// now give the g itself a new id = getNextId();
if (parent) {
if (!has_more) {
// remove symbol/svg element
var nextSibling = elem.nextSibling;
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new svgedit.history.RemoveElementCommand(elem, nextSibling, parent));
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new svgedit.history.InsertElementCommand(g));
if (svgedit.browser.isGecko()) {
} else {
// recalculate dimensions on the top-level children so that unnecessary transforms
// are removed
svgedit.utilities.walkTreePost(g, function(n){
try {
} catch(e) {
// Give ID for any visible element missing one
$(g).find(visElems).each(function() {
if (! { = getNextId();}
var cm = pushGroupProperties(g, true);
if (cm) {
} else {
console.log('Unexpected element to ungroup:', elem);
// Function: setSvgString
// This function sets the current drawing as the input SVG XML.
// Parameters:
// xmlString - The SVG as XML text.
// Returns:
// This function returns false if the set was unsuccessful, true otherwise.
this.setSvgString = function(xmlString) {
try {
// convert string into XML document
var newDoc = svgedit.utilities.text2xml(xmlString);
var batchCmd = new svgedit.history.BatchCommand('Change Source');
// remove old svg document
var nextSibling = svgcontent.nextSibling;
var oldzoom = svgroot.removeChild(svgcontent);
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new svgedit.history.RemoveElementCommand(oldzoom, nextSibling, svgroot));
// set new svg document
// If DOM3 adoptNode() available, use it. Otherwise fall back to DOM2 importNode()
if (svgdoc.adoptNode) {
svgcontent = svgdoc.adoptNode(newDoc.documentElement);
else {
svgcontent = svgdoc.importNode(newDoc.documentElement, true);
var content = $(svgcontent);
canvas.current_drawing_ = new svgedit.draw.Drawing(svgcontent, idprefix);
// retrieve or set the nonce
var nonce = getCurrentDrawing().getNonce();
if (nonce) {
call('setnonce', nonce);
} else {
// change image href vals if possible
content.find('image').each(function() {
var image = this;
var val = getHref(this);
if (val) {
if (val.indexOf('data:') === 0) {
// Check if an SVG-edit data URI
var m = val.match(/svgedit_url=(.*?);/);
if (m) {
var url = decodeURIComponent(m[1]);
$(new Image()).load(function () {
image.setAttributeNS(NS.XLINK, 'xlink:href', url);
}).attr('src', url);
// Add to encodableImages if it loads
// Wrap child SVGs in group elements
content.find('svg').each(function() {
// Skip if it's in a <defs>
if ($(this).closest('defs').length) {return;}
// Check if it already has a gsvg group
var pa = this.parentNode;
if (pa.childNodes.length === 1 && pa.nodeName === 'g') {
$(pa).data('gsvg', this); = || getNextId();
} else {
// For Firefox: Put all paint elems in defs
if (svgedit.browser.isGecko()) {
content.find('linearGradient, radialGradient, pattern').appendTo(svgedit.utilities.findDefs());
// Set ref element for <use> elements
// TODO: This should also be done if the object is re-added through "redo"
// recalculate dimensions on the top-level children so that unnecessary transforms
// are removed
svgedit.utilities.walkTreePost(svgcontent, function(n) {
try {
} catch(e) {
var attrs = {
id: 'svgcontent',
overflow: curConfig.show_outside_canvas ? 'visible' : 'hidden'
var percs = false;
// determine proper size
if (content.attr('viewBox')) {
var vb = content.attr('viewBox').split(' ');
attrs.width = vb[2];
attrs.height = vb[3];
// handle content that doesn't have a viewBox
else {
$.each(['width', 'height'], function(i, dim) {
// Set to 100 if not given
var val = content.attr(dim);
if (!val) {val = '100%';}
if (String(val).substr(-1) === '%') {
// Use user units if percentage given
percs = true;
} else {
attrs[dim] = svgedit.units.convertToNum(dim, val);
// identify layers
// Give ID for any visible layer children missing one
content.children().find(visElems).each(function() {
if (! { = getNextId();}
// Percentage width/height, so let's base it on visible elements
if (percs) {
var bb = getStrokedBBox();
attrs.width = bb.width + bb.x;
attrs.height = bb.height + bb.y;
// Just in case negative numbers are given or
// result from the percs calculation
if (attrs.width <= 0) {attrs.width = 100;}
if (attrs.height <= 0) {attrs.height = 100;}
this.contentW = attrs.width;
this.contentH = attrs.height;
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new svgedit.history.InsertElementCommand(svgcontent));
// update root to the correct size
var changes = content.attr(['width', 'height']);
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new svgedit.history.ChangeElementCommand(svgroot, changes));
// reset zoom
current_zoom = 1;
// reset transform lists
call('changed', [svgcontent]);
} catch(e) {
return false;
return true;
// Function: importSvgString
// This function imports the input SVG XML as a <symbol> in the <defs>, then adds a
// <use> to the current layer.
// Parameters:
// xmlString - The SVG as XML text.
// Returns:
// This function returns null if the import was unsuccessful, or the element otherwise.
// TODO:
// * properly handle if namespace is introduced by imported content (must add to svgcontent
// and update all prefixes in the imported node)
// * properly handle recalculating dimensions, recalculateDimensions() doesn't handle
// arbitrary transform lists, but makes some assumptions about how the transform list
// was obtained
// * import should happen in top-left of current zoomed viewport
this.importSvgString = function(xmlString) {
var j, ts;
try {
// Get unique ID
var uid = svgedit.utilities.encode64(xmlString.length + xmlString).substr(0,32);
var useExisting = false;
// Look for symbol and make sure symbol exists in image
if (import_ids[uid]) {
if ( $(import_ids[uid].symbol).parents('#svgroot').length ) {
useExisting = true;
var batchCmd = new svgedit.history.BatchCommand('Import Image');
var symbol;
if (useExisting) {
symbol = import_ids[uid].symbol;
ts = import_ids[uid].xform;
} else {
// convert string into XML document
var newDoc = svgedit.utilities.text2xml(xmlString);
// import new svg document into our document
var svg;
// If DOM3 adoptNode() available, use it. Otherwise fall back to DOM2 importNode()
if (svgdoc.adoptNode) {
svg = svgdoc.adoptNode(newDoc.documentElement);
} else {
svg = svgdoc.importNode(newDoc.documentElement, true);
var innerw = svgedit.units.convertToNum('width', svg.getAttribute('width')),
innerh = svgedit.units.convertToNum('height', svg.getAttribute('height')),
innervb = svg.getAttribute('viewBox'),
// if no explicit viewbox, create one out of the width and height
vb = innervb ? innervb.split(' ') : [0, 0, innerw, innerh];
for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
vb[j] = +(vb[j]);
// TODO: properly handle preserveAspectRatio
var canvasw = +svgcontent.getAttribute('width'),
canvash = +svgcontent.getAttribute('height');
// imported content should be 1/3 of the canvas on its largest dimension
if (innerh > innerw) {
ts = 'scale(' + (canvash/3)/vb[3] + ')';
} else {
ts = 'scale(' + (canvash/3)/vb[2] + ')';
// Hack to make recalculateDimensions understand how to scale
ts = 'translate(0) ' + ts + ' translate(0)';
symbol = svgdoc.createElementNS(NS.SVG, 'symbol');
var defs = svgedit.utilities.findDefs();
if (svgedit.browser.isGecko()) {
// Move all gradients into root for Firefox, workaround for this bug:
// TODO: Make this properly undo-able.
$(svg).find('linearGradient, radialGradient, pattern').appendTo(defs);
while (svg.firstChild) {
var first = svg.firstChild;
var attrs = svg.attributes;
var i;
for (i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) {
var attr = attrs[i];
symbol.setAttribute(attr.nodeName, attr.value);
} = getNextId();
// Store data
import_ids[uid] = {
symbol: symbol,
xform: ts
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new svgedit.history.InsertElementCommand(symbol));
var use_el = svgdoc.createElementNS(NS.SVG, 'use'); = getNextId();
setHref(use_el, '#' +;
(current_group || getCurrentDrawing().getCurrentLayer()).appendChild(use_el);
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new svgedit.history.InsertElementCommand(use_el));
use_el.setAttribute('transform', ts);
$(use_el).data('symbol', symbol).data('ref', symbol);
// TODO: Find way to add this in a recalculateDimensions-parsable way
// if (vb[0] != 0 || vb[1] != 0)
// ts = 'translate(' + (-vb[0]) + ',' + (-vb[1]) + ') ' + ts;
call('changed', [svgcontent]);
} catch(e) {
return null;
// we want to return the element so we can automatically select it
return use_el;
// TODO(codedread): Move all layer/context functions in draw.js
// Layer API Functions
// Group: Layers
// Function: identifyLayers
// Updates layer system
var identifyLayers = canvas.identifyLayers = function() {
// Function: createLayer
// Creates a new top-level layer in the drawing with the given name, sets the current layer
// to it, and then clears the selection. This function then calls the 'changed' handler.
// This is an undoable action.
// Parameters:
// name - The given name
this.createLayer = function(name) {
var batchCmd = new svgedit.history.BatchCommand('Create Layer');
var new_layer = getCurrentDrawing().createLayer(name);
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new svgedit.history.InsertElementCommand(new_layer));
call('changed', [new_layer]);
// Function: cloneLayer
// Creates a new top-level layer in the drawing with the given name, copies all the current layer's contents
// to it, and then clears the selection. This function then calls the 'changed' handler.
// This is an undoable action.
// Parameters:
// name - The given name
this.cloneLayer = function(name) {
var batchCmd = new svgedit.history.BatchCommand('Duplicate Layer');
var new_layer = svgdoc.createElementNS(NS.SVG, 'g');
var layer_title = svgdoc.createElementNS(NS.SVG, 'title');
layer_title.textContent = name;
var current_layer = getCurrentDrawing().getCurrentLayer();
var childs = current_layer.childNodes;
var i;
for (i = 0; i < childs.length; i++) {
var ch = childs[i];
if (ch.localName == 'title') {continue;}
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new svgedit.history.InsertElementCommand(new_layer));
call('changed', [new_layer]);
// Function: deleteCurrentLayer
// Deletes the current layer from the drawing and then clears the selection. This function
// then calls the 'changed' handler. This is an undoable action.
this.deleteCurrentLayer = function() {
var current_layer = getCurrentDrawing().getCurrentLayer();
var nextSibling = current_layer.nextSibling;
var parent = current_layer.parentNode;
current_layer = getCurrentDrawing().deleteCurrentLayer();
if (current_layer) {
var batchCmd = new svgedit.history.BatchCommand('Delete Layer');
// store in our Undo History
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new svgedit.history.RemoveElementCommand(current_layer, nextSibling, parent));
call('changed', [parent]);
return true;
return false;
// Function: setCurrentLayer
// Sets the current layer. If the name is not a valid layer name, then this function returns
// false. Otherwise it returns true. This is not an undo-able action.
// Parameters:
// name - the name of the layer you want to switch to.
// Returns:
// true if the current layer was switched, otherwise false
this.setCurrentLayer = function(name) {
var result = getCurrentDrawing().setCurrentLayer(svgedit.utilities.toXml(name));
if (result) {
return result;
// Function: renameCurrentLayer
// Renames the current layer. If the layer name is not valid (i.e. unique), then this function
// does nothing and returns false, otherwise it returns true. This is an undo-able action.
// Parameters:
// newname - the new name you want to give the current layer. This name must be unique
// among all layer names.
// Returns:
// true if the rename succeeded, false otherwise.
this.renameCurrentLayer = function(newname) {
var i;
var drawing = getCurrentDrawing();
if (drawing.current_layer) {
var oldLayer = drawing.current_layer;
// setCurrentLayer will return false if the name doesn't already exist
// this means we are free to rename our oldLayer
if (!canvas.setCurrentLayer(newname)) {
var batchCmd = new svgedit.history.BatchCommand('Rename Layer');
// find the index of the layer
for (i = 0; i < drawing.getNumLayers(); ++i) {
if (drawing.all_layers[i][1] == oldLayer) {break;}
var oldname = drawing.getLayerName(i);
drawing.all_layers[i][0] = svgedit.utilities.toXml(newname);
// now change the underlying title element contents
var len = oldLayer.childNodes.length;
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
var child = oldLayer.childNodes.item(i);
// found the <title> element, now append all the
if (child && child.tagName == 'title') {
// wipe out old name
while (child.firstChild) { child.removeChild(child.firstChild); }
child.textContent = newname;
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new svgedit.history.ChangeElementCommand(child, {'#text':oldname}));
call('changed', [oldLayer]);
return true;
drawing.current_layer = oldLayer;
return false;
// Function: setCurrentLayerPosition
// Changes the position of the current layer to the new value. If the new index is not valid,
// this function does nothing and returns false, otherwise it returns true. This is an
// undo-able action.
// Parameters:
// newpos - The zero-based index of the new position of the layer. This should be between
// 0 and (number of layers - 1)
// Returns:
// true if the current layer position was changed, false otherwise.
this.setCurrentLayerPosition = function(newpos) {
var oldpos, drawing = getCurrentDrawing();
if (drawing.current_layer && newpos >= 0 && newpos < drawing.getNumLayers()) {
for (oldpos = 0; oldpos < drawing.getNumLayers(); ++oldpos) {
if (drawing.all_layers[oldpos][1] == drawing.current_layer) {break;}
// some unknown error condition (current_layer not in all_layers)
if (oldpos == drawing.getNumLayers()) { return false; }
if (oldpos != newpos) {
// if our new position is below us, we need to insert before the node after newpos
var refLayer = null;
var oldNextSibling = drawing.current_layer.nextSibling;
if (newpos > oldpos ) {
if (newpos < drawing.getNumLayers()-1) {
refLayer = drawing.all_layers[newpos+1][1];
// if our new position is above us, we need to insert before the node at newpos
else {
refLayer = drawing.all_layers[newpos][1];
svgcontent.insertBefore(drawing.current_layer, refLayer);
addCommandToHistory(new svgedit.history.MoveElementCommand(drawing.current_layer, oldNextSibling, svgcontent));
return true;
return false;
// Function: setLayerVisibility
// Sets the visibility of the layer. If the layer name is not valid, this function return
// false, otherwise it returns true. This is an undo-able action.
// Parameters:
// layername - the name of the layer to change the visibility
// bVisible - true/false, whether the layer should be visible
// Returns:
// true if the layer's visibility was set, false otherwise
this.setLayerVisibility = function(layername, bVisible) {
var drawing = getCurrentDrawing();
var prevVisibility = drawing.getLayerVisibility(layername);
var layer = drawing.setLayerVisibility(layername, bVisible);
if (layer) {
var oldDisplay = prevVisibility ? 'inline' : 'none';
addCommandToHistory(new svgedit.history.ChangeElementCommand(layer, {'display':oldDisplay}, 'Layer Visibility'));
} else {
return false;
if (layer == drawing.getCurrentLayer()) {
// call('changed', [selected]);
return true;
// Function: moveSelectedToLayer
// Moves the selected elements to layername. If the name is not a valid layer name, then false
// is returned. Otherwise it returns true. This is an undo-able action.
// Parameters:
// layername - the name of the layer you want to which you want to move the selected elements
// Returns:
// true if the selected elements were moved to the layer, false otherwise.
this.moveSelectedToLayer = function(layername) {
// find the layer
var i;
var layer = null;
var drawing = getCurrentDrawing();
for (i = 0; i < drawing.getNumLayers(); ++i) {
if (drawing.getLayerName(i) == layername) {
layer = drawing.all_layers[i][1];
if (!layer) {return false;}
var batchCmd = new svgedit.history.BatchCommand('Move Elements to Layer');
// loop for each selected element and move it
var selElems = selectedElements;
i = selElems.length;
while (i--) {
var elem = selElems[i];
if (!elem) {continue;}
var oldNextSibling = elem.nextSibling;
// TODO: this is pretty brittle!
var oldLayer = elem.parentNode;
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new svgedit.history.MoveElementCommand(elem, oldNextSibling, oldLayer));
return true;
this.mergeLayer = function(skipHistory) {
var batchCmd = new svgedit.history.BatchCommand('Merge Layer');
var drawing = getCurrentDrawing();
var prev = $(drawing.current_layer).prev()[0];
if (!prev) {return;}
var childs = drawing.current_layer.childNodes;
var len = childs.length;
var layerNextSibling = drawing.current_layer.nextSibling;
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new svgedit.history.RemoveElementCommand(drawing.current_layer, layerNextSibling, svgcontent));
while (drawing.current_layer.firstChild) {
var ch = drawing.current_layer.firstChild;
if (ch.localName == 'title') {
var chNextSibling = ch.nextSibling;
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new svgedit.history.RemoveElementCommand(ch, chNextSibling, drawing.current_layer));
var oldNextSibling = ch.nextSibling;
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new svgedit.history.MoveElementCommand(ch, oldNextSibling, drawing.current_layer));
// Remove current layer
if (!skipHistory) {
call('changed', [svgcontent]);
drawing.current_layer = prev;
return batchCmd;
this.mergeAllLayers = function() {
var batchCmd = new svgedit.history.BatchCommand('Merge all Layers');
var drawing = getCurrentDrawing();
drawing.current_layer = drawing.all_layers[drawing.getNumLayers()-1][1];
while ($(svgcontent).children('g').length > 1) {
call('changed', [svgcontent]);
// Function: leaveContext
// Return from a group context to the regular kind, make any previously
// disabled elements enabled again
var leaveContext = this.leaveContext = function() {
var i, len = disabled_elems.length;
if (len) {
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var elem = disabled_elems[i];
var orig = elData(elem, 'orig_opac');
if (orig !== 1) {
elem.setAttribute('opacity', orig);
} else {
elem.setAttribute('style', 'pointer-events: inherit');
disabled_elems = [];
call('contextset', null);
current_group = null;
// Function: setContext
// Set the current context (for in-group editing)
var setContext = this.setContext = function(elem) {
if (typeof elem === 'string') {
elem = svgedit.utilities.getElem(elem);
// Edit inside this group
current_group = elem;
// Disable other elements
$(elem).parentsUntil('#svgcontent').andSelf().siblings().each(function() {
var opac = this.getAttribute('opacity') || 1;
// Store the original's opacity
elData(this, 'orig_opac', opac);
this.setAttribute('opacity', opac * 0.33);
this.setAttribute('style', 'pointer-events: none');
call('contextset', current_group);
// Group: Document functions
// Function: clear
// Clears the current document. This is not an undoable action.
this.clear = function() {
// clear the svgcontent node
// create new document
canvas.current_drawing_ = new svgedit.draw.Drawing(svgcontent);
// create empty first layer
canvas.createLayer('Layer 1');
// clear the undo stack
// reset the selector manager
// reset the rubber band box
rubberBox = selectorManager.getRubberBandBox();
// Function: linkControlPoints
// Alias function
this.linkControlPoints = pathActions.linkControlPoints;
// Function: getContentElem
// Returns the content DOM element
this.getContentElem = function() { return svgcontent; };
// Function: getRootElem
// Returns the root DOM element
this.getRootElem = function() { return svgroot; };
// Function: getSelectedElems
// Returns the array with selected DOM elements
this.getSelectedElems = function() { return selectedElements; };
// Function: getResolution
// Returns the current dimensions and zoom level in an object
var getResolution = this.getResolution = function() {
// var vb = svgcontent.getAttribute('viewBox').split(' ');
// return {'w':vb[2], 'h':vb[3], 'zoom': current_zoom};
var width = svgcontent.getAttribute('width')/current_zoom;
var height = svgcontent.getAttribute('height')/current_zoom;
return {
'w': width,
'h': height,
'zoom': current_zoom
// Function: getZoom
// Returns the current zoom level
this.getZoom = function(){return current_zoom;};
// Function: getSnapToGrid
// Returns the current snap to grid setting
this.getSnapToGrid = function(){return curConfig.gridSnapping;};
// Function: getVersion
// Returns a string which describes the revision number of SvgCanvas.
this.getVersion = function() {
return 'svgcanvas.js ($Rev$)';
// Function: setUiStrings
// Update interface strings with given values
// Parameters:
// strs - Object with strings (see uiStrings for examples)
this.setUiStrings = function(strs) {
$.extend(uiStrings, strs.notification);
// Function: setConfig
// Update configuration options with given values
// Parameters:
// opts - Object with options (see curConfig for examples)
this.setConfig = function(opts) {
$.extend(curConfig, opts);
// Function: getTitle
// Returns the current group/SVG's title contents
this.getTitle = function(elem) {
var i;
elem = elem || selectedElements[0];
if (!elem) {return;}
elem = $(elem).data('gsvg') || $(elem).data('symbol') || elem;
var childs = elem.childNodes;
for (i = 0; i < childs.length; i++) {
if (childs[i].nodeName == 'title') {
return childs[i].textContent;
return '';
// Function: setGroupTitle
// Sets the group/SVG's title content
// TODO: Combine this with setDocumentTitle
this.setGroupTitle = function(val) {
var elem = selectedElements[0];
elem = $(elem).data('gsvg') || elem;
var ts = $(elem).children('title');
var batchCmd = new svgedit.history.BatchCommand('Set Label');
if (!val.length) {
// Remove title element
var tsNextSibling = ts.nextSibling;
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new svgedit.history.RemoveElementCommand(ts[0], tsNextSibling, elem));
} else if (ts.length) {
// Change title contents
var title = ts[0];
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new svgedit.history.ChangeElementCommand(title, {'#text': title.textContent}));
title.textContent = val;
} else {
// Add title element
title = svgdoc.createElementNS(NS.SVG, 'title');
title.textContent = val;
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new svgedit.history.InsertElementCommand(title));
// Function: getDocumentTitle
// Returns the current document title or an empty string if not found
var getDocumentTitle = this.getDocumentTitle = function() {
return canvas.getTitle(svgcontent);
// Function: setDocumentTitle
// Adds/updates a title element for the document with the given name.
// This is an undoable action
// Parameters:
// newtitle - String with the new title
this.setDocumentTitle = function(newtitle) {
var i;
var childs = svgcontent.childNodes, doc_title = false, old_title = '';
var batchCmd = new svgedit.history.BatchCommand('Change Image Title');
for (i = 0; i < childs.length; i++) {
if (childs[i].nodeName == 'title') {
doc_title = childs[i];
old_title = doc_title.textContent;
if (!doc_title) {
doc_title = svgdoc.createElementNS(NS.SVG, 'title');
svgcontent.insertBefore(doc_title, svgcontent.firstChild);
if (newtitle.length) {
doc_title.textContent = newtitle;
} else {
// No title given, so element is not necessary
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new svgedit.history.ChangeElementCommand(doc_title, {'#text': old_title}));
// Function: getEditorNS
// Returns the editor's namespace URL, optionally adds it to root element
// Parameters:
// add - Boolean to indicate whether or not to add the namespace value
this.getEditorNS = function(add) {
if (add) {
svgcontent.setAttribute('xmlns:se', NS.SE);
return NS.SE;
// Function: setResolution
// Changes the document's dimensions to the given size
// Parameters:
// x - Number with the width of the new dimensions in user units.
// Can also be the string "fit" to indicate "fit to content"
// y - Number with the height of the new dimensions in user units.
// Returns:
// Boolean to indicate if resolution change was succesful.
// It will fail on "fit to content" option with no content to fit to.
this.setResolution = function(x, y) {
var res = getResolution();
var w = res.w, h = res.h;
var batchCmd;
if (x == 'fit') {
// Get bounding box
var bbox = getStrokedBBox();
if (bbox) {
batchCmd = new svgedit.history.BatchCommand('Fit Canvas to Content');
var visEls = getVisibleElements();
var dx = [], dy = [];
$.each(visEls, function(i, item) {
var cmd = canvas.moveSelectedElements(dx, dy, true);
x = Math.round(bbox.width);
y = Math.round(bbox.height);
} else {
return false;
if (x != w || y != h) {
if (!batchCmd) {
batchCmd = new svgedit.history.BatchCommand('Change Image Dimensions');
x = svgedit.units.convertToNum('width', x);
y = svgedit.units.convertToNum('height', y);
svgcontent.setAttribute('width', x);
svgcontent.setAttribute('height', y);
this.contentW = x;
this.contentH = y;
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new svgedit.history.ChangeElementCommand(svgcontent, {'width':w, 'height':h}));
svgcontent.setAttribute('viewBox', [0, 0, x/current_zoom, y/current_zoom].join(' '));
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new svgedit.history.ChangeElementCommand(svgcontent, {'viewBox': ['0 0', w, h].join(' ')}));
call('changed', [svgcontent]);
return true;
// Function: getOffset
// Returns an object with x, y values indicating the svgcontent element's
// position in the editor's canvas.
this.getOffset = function() {
return $(svgcontent).attr(['x', 'y']);
// Function: setBBoxZoom
// Sets the zoom level on the canvas-side based on the given value
// Parameters:
// val - Bounding box object to zoom to or string indicating zoom option
// editor_w - Integer with the editor's workarea box's width
// editor_h - Integer with the editor's workarea box's height
this.setBBoxZoom = function(val, editor_w, editor_h) {
var spacer = 0.85;
var bb;
var calcZoom = function(bb) {
if (!bb) {return false;}
var w_zoom = Math.round((editor_w / bb.width)*100 * spacer)/100;
var h_zoom = Math.round((editor_h / bb.height)*100 * spacer)/100;
var zoomlevel = Math.min(w_zoom, h_zoom);
return {'zoom': zoomlevel, 'bbox': bb};
if (typeof val == 'object') {
bb = val;
if (bb.width == 0 || bb.height == 0) {
var newzoom = bb.zoom ? bb.zoom : current_zoom * bb.factor;
return {'zoom': current_zoom, 'bbox': bb};
return calcZoom(bb);
switch (val) {
case 'selection':
if (!selectedElements[0]) {return;}
var sel_elems = $.map(selectedElements, function(n){ if (n) {return n;} });
bb = getStrokedBBox(sel_elems);
case 'canvas':
var res = getResolution();
spacer = 0.95;
bb = {width:res.w, height:res.h , x:0, y:0};
case 'content':
bb = getStrokedBBox();
case 'layer':
bb = getStrokedBBox(getVisibleElements(getCurrentDrawing().getCurrentLayer()));
return calcZoom(bb);
// Function: setZoom
// Sets the zoom to the given level
// Parameters:
// zoomlevel - Float indicating the zoom level to change to
this.setZoom = function(zoomlevel) {
var res = getResolution();
svgcontent.setAttribute('viewBox', '0 0 ' + res.w/zoomlevel + ' ' + res.h/zoomlevel);
current_zoom = zoomlevel;
$.each(selectedElements, function(i, elem) {
if (!elem) {return;}
runExtensions('zoomChanged', zoomlevel);
// Function: getMode
// Returns the current editor mode string
this.getMode = function() {
return current_mode;
// Function: setMode
// Sets the editor's mode to the given string
// Parameters:
// name - String with the new mode to change to
this.setMode = function(name) {
cur_properties = (selectedElements[0] && selectedElements[0].nodeName == 'text') ? cur_text : cur_shape;
current_mode = name;
// Group: Element Styling
// Function: getColor
// Returns the current fill/stroke option
this.getColor = function(type) {
return cur_properties[type];
// Function: setColor
// Change the current stroke/fill color/gradient value
// Parameters:
// type - String indicating fill or stroke
// val - The value to set the stroke attribute to
// preventUndo - Boolean indicating whether or not this should be and undoable option
this.setColor = function(type, val, preventUndo) {
cur_shape[type] = val;
cur_properties[type + '_paint'] = {type:'solidColor'};
var elems = [];
function addNonG (e) {
if (e.nodeName != 'g') {
var i = selectedElements.length;
while (i--) {
var elem = selectedElements[i];
if (elem) {
if (elem.tagName == 'g') {
svgedit.utilities.walkTree(elem, addNonG);
} else {
if (type == 'fill') {
if (elem.tagName != 'polyline' && elem.tagName != 'line') {
} else {
if (elems.length > 0) {
if (!preventUndo) {
changeSelectedAttribute(type, val, elems);
call('changed', elems);
} else {
changeSelectedAttributeNoUndo(type, val, elems);
// Function: setGradient
// Apply the current gradient to selected element's fill or stroke
// Parameters
// type - String indicating "fill" or "stroke" to apply to an element
var setGradient = this.setGradient = function(type) {
if (!cur_properties[type + '_paint'] || cur_properties[type + '_paint'].type == 'solidColor') {return;}
var grad = canvas[type + 'Grad'];
// find out if there is a duplicate gradient already in the defs
var duplicate_grad = findDuplicateGradient(grad);
var defs = svgedit.utilities.findDefs();
// no duplicate found, so import gradient into defs
if (!duplicate_grad) {
var orig_grad = grad;
grad = defs.appendChild( svgdoc.importNode(grad, true) );
// get next id and set it on the grad = getNextId();
} else { // use existing gradient
grad = duplicate_grad;
canvas.setColor(type, 'url(#' + + ')');
// Function: findDuplicateGradient
// Check if exact gradient already exists
// Parameters:
// grad - The gradient DOM element to compare to others
// Returns:
// The existing gradient if found, null if not
var findDuplicateGradient = function(grad) {
var defs = svgedit.utilities.findDefs();
var existing_grads = $(defs).find('linearGradient, radialGradient');
var i = existing_grads.length;
var rad_attrs = ['r', 'cx', 'cy', 'fx', 'fy'];
while (i--) {
var og = existing_grads[i];
if (grad.tagName == 'linearGradient') {
if (grad.getAttribute('x1') != og.getAttribute('x1') ||
grad.getAttribute('y1') != og.getAttribute('y1') ||
grad.getAttribute('x2') != og.getAttribute('x2') ||
grad.getAttribute('y2') != og.getAttribute('y2'))
} else {
var grad_attrs = $(grad).attr(rad_attrs);
var og_attrs = $(og).attr(rad_attrs);
var diff = false;
$.each(rad_attrs, function(i, attr) {
if (grad_attrs[attr] != og_attrs[attr]) {diff = true;}
if (diff) {continue;}
// else could be a duplicate, iterate through stops
var stops = grad.getElementsByTagNameNS(NS.SVG, 'stop');
var ostops = og.getElementsByTagNameNS(NS.SVG, 'stop');
if (stops.length != ostops.length) {
var j = stops.length;
while (j--) {
var stop = stops[j];
var ostop = ostops[j];
if (stop.getAttribute('offset') != ostop.getAttribute('offset') ||
stop.getAttribute('stop-opacity') != ostop.getAttribute('stop-opacity') ||
stop.getAttribute('stop-color') != ostop.getAttribute('stop-color'))
if (j == -1) {
return og;
} // for each gradient in defs
return null;
function reorientGrads(elem, m) {
var i;
var bb = svgedit.utilities.getBBox(elem);
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
var type = i === 0 ? 'fill' : 'stroke';
var attrVal = elem.getAttribute(type);
if (attrVal && attrVal.indexOf('url(') === 0) {
var grad = svgedit.utilities.getRefElem(attrVal);
if (grad.tagName === 'linearGradient') {
var x1 = grad.getAttribute('x1') || 0;
var y1 = grad.getAttribute('y1') || 0;
var x2 = grad.getAttribute('x2') || 1;
var y2 = grad.getAttribute('y2') || 0;
// Convert to USOU points
x1 = (bb.width * x1) + bb.x;
y1 = (bb.height * y1) + bb.y;
x2 = (bb.width * x2) + bb.x;
y2 = (bb.height * y2) + bb.y;
// Transform those points
var pt1 = svgedit.math.transformPoint(x1, y1, m);
var pt2 = svgedit.math.transformPoint(x2, y2, m);
// Convert back to BB points
var g_coords = {};
g_coords.x1 = (pt1.x - bb.x) / bb.width;
g_coords.y1 = (pt1.y - bb.y) / bb.height;
g_coords.x2 = (pt2.x - bb.x) / bb.width;
g_coords.y2 = (pt2.y - bb.y) / bb.height;
var newgrad = grad.cloneNode(true);
$(newgrad).attr(g_coords); = getNextId();
elem.setAttribute(type, 'url(#' + + ')');
// Function: setPaint
// Set a color/gradient to a fill/stroke
// Parameters:
// type - String with "fill" or "stroke"
// paint - The jGraduate paint object to apply
this.setPaint = function(type, paint) {
// make a copy
var p = new $.jGraduate.Paint(paint);
this.setPaintOpacity(type, p.alpha / 100, true);
// now set the current paint object
cur_properties[type + '_paint'] = p;
switch (p.type) {
case 'solidColor':
this.setColor(type, p.solidColor != 'none' ? '#' + p.solidColor : 'none');
case 'linearGradient':
case 'radialGradient':
canvas[type + 'Grad'] = p[p.type];
// alias
this.setStrokePaint = function(paint) {
this.setPaint('stroke', paint);
this.setFillPaint = function(paint) {
this.setPaint('fill', paint);
// Function: getStrokeWidth
// Returns the current stroke-width value
this.getStrokeWidth = function() {
return cur_properties.stroke_width;
// Function: setStrokeWidth
// Sets the stroke width for the current selected elements
// When attempting to set a line's width to 0, this changes it to 1 instead
// Parameters:
// val - A Float indicating the new stroke width value
this.setStrokeWidth = function(val) {
if (val == 0 && ['line', 'path'].indexOf(current_mode) >= 0) {
cur_properties.stroke_width = val;
var elems = [];
function addNonG (e) {
if (e.nodeName != 'g') {
var i = selectedElements.length;
while (i--) {
var elem = selectedElements[i];
if (elem) {
if (elem.tagName == 'g') {
svgedit.utilities.walkTree(elem, addNonG);
else {
if (elems.length > 0) {
changeSelectedAttribute('stroke-width', val, elems);
call('changed', selectedElements);
// Function: setStrokeAttr
// Set the given stroke-related attribute the given value for selected elements
// Parameters:
// attr - String with the attribute name
// val - String or number with the attribute value
this.setStrokeAttr = function(attr, val) {
cur_shape[attr.replace('-', '_')] = val;
var elems = [];
function addNonG (e) {
if (e.nodeName != 'g') {
var i = selectedElements.length;
while (i--) {
var elem = selectedElements[i];
if (elem) {
if (elem.tagName == 'g') {
svgedit.utilities.walkTree(elem, function(e){if (e.nodeName!='g') {elems.push(e);}});
else {
if (elems.length > 0) {
changeSelectedAttribute(attr, val, elems);
call('changed', selectedElements);
// Function: getStyle
// Returns current style options
this.getStyle = function() {
return cur_shape;
// Function: getOpacity
// Returns the current opacity
this.getOpacity = function() {
return cur_shape.opacity;
// Function: setOpacity
// Sets the given opacity to the current selected elements
this.setOpacity = function(val) {
cur_shape.opacity = val;
changeSelectedAttribute('opacity', val);
// Function: getOpacity
// Returns the current fill opacity
this.getFillOpacity = function() {
return cur_shape.fill_opacity;
// Function: getStrokeOpacity
// Returns the current stroke opacity
this.getStrokeOpacity = function() {
return cur_shape.stroke_opacity;
// Function: setPaintOpacity
// Sets the current fill/stroke opacity
// Parameters:
// type - String with "fill" or "stroke"
// val - Float with the new opacity value
// preventUndo - Boolean indicating whether or not this should be an undoable action
this.setPaintOpacity = function(type, val, preventUndo) {
cur_shape[type + '_opacity'] = val;
if (!preventUndo) {
changeSelectedAttribute(type + '-opacity', val);
else {
changeSelectedAttributeNoUndo(type + '-opacity', val);
// Function: getPaintOpacity
// Gets the current fill/stroke opacity
// Parameters:
// type - String with "fill" or "stroke"
this.getPaintOpacity = function(type) {
return type === 'fill' ? this.getFillOpacity() : this.getStrokeOpacity();
// Function: getBlur
// Gets the stdDeviation blur value of the given element
// Parameters:
// elem - The element to check the blur value for
this.getBlur = function(elem) {
var val = 0;
// var elem = selectedElements[0];
if (elem) {
var filter_url = elem.getAttribute('filter');
if (filter_url) {
var blur = svgedit.utilities.getElem( + '_blur');
if (blur) {
val = blur.firstChild.getAttribute('stdDeviation');
return val;
(function() {
var cur_command = null;
var filter = null;
var filterHidden = false;
// Function: setBlurNoUndo
// Sets the stdDeviation blur value on the selected element without being undoable
// Parameters:
// val - The new stdDeviation value
canvas.setBlurNoUndo = function(val) {
if (!filter) {
if (val === 0) {
// Don't change the StdDev, as that will hide the element.
// Instead, just remove the value for "filter"
changeSelectedAttributeNoUndo('filter', '');
filterHidden = true;
} else {
var elem = selectedElements[0];
if (filterHidden) {
changeSelectedAttributeNoUndo('filter', 'url(#' + + '_blur)');
if (svgedit.browser.isWebkit()) {
console.log('e', elem);
elem.setAttribute('filter', 'url(#' + + '_blur)');
changeSelectedAttributeNoUndo('stdDeviation', val, [filter.firstChild]);
canvas.setBlurOffsets(filter, val);
function finishChange() {
var bCmd = canvas.undoMgr.finishUndoableChange();
cur_command = null;
filter = null;
// Function: setBlurOffsets
// Sets the x, y, with, height values of the filter element in order to
// make the blur not be clipped. Removes them if not neeeded
// Parameters:
// filter - The filter DOM element to update
// stdDev - The standard deviation value on which to base the offset size
canvas.setBlurOffsets = function(filter, stdDev) {
if (stdDev > 3) {
// TODO: Create algorithm here where size is based on expected blur
svgedit.utilities.assignAttributes(filter, {
x: '-50%',
y: '-50%',
width: '200%',
height: '200%'
}, 100);
} else {
// Removing these attributes hides text in Chrome (see Issue 579)
if (!svgedit.browser.isWebkit()) {
// Function: setBlur
// Adds/updates the blur filter to the selected element
// Parameters:
// val - Float with the new stdDeviation blur value
// complete - Boolean indicating whether or not the action should be completed (to add to the undo manager)
canvas.setBlur = function(val, complete) {
if (cur_command) {
// Looks for associated blur, creates one if not found
var elem = selectedElements[0];
var elem_id =;
filter = svgedit.utilities.getElem(elem_id + '_blur');
val -= 0;
var batchCmd = new svgedit.history.BatchCommand();
// Blur found!
if (filter) {
if (val === 0) {
filter = null;
} else {
// Not found, so create
var newblur = addSvgElementFromJson({ 'element': 'feGaussianBlur',
'attr': {
'in': 'SourceGraphic',
'stdDeviation': val
filter = addSvgElementFromJson({ 'element': 'filter',
'attr': {
'id': elem_id + '_blur'
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new svgedit.history.InsertElementCommand(filter));
var changes = {filter: elem.getAttribute('filter')};
if (val === 0) {
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new svgedit.history.ChangeElementCommand(elem, changes));
changeSelectedAttribute('filter', 'url(#' + elem_id + '_blur)');
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new svgedit.history.ChangeElementCommand(elem, changes));
canvas.setBlurOffsets(filter, val);
cur_command = batchCmd;
canvas.undoMgr.beginUndoableChange('stdDeviation', [filter?filter.firstChild:null]);
if (complete) {
// Function: getBold
// Check whether selected element is bold or not
// Returns:
// Boolean indicating whether or not element is bold
this.getBold = function() {
// should only have one element selected
var selected = selectedElements[0];
if (selected != null && selected.tagName == 'text' &&
selectedElements[1] == null)
return (selected.getAttribute('font-weight') == 'bold');
return false;
// Function: setBold
// Make the selected element bold or normal
// Parameters:
// b - Boolean indicating bold (true) or normal (false)
this.setBold = function(b) {
var selected = selectedElements[0];
if (selected != null && selected.tagName == 'text' &&
selectedElements[1] == null)
changeSelectedAttribute('font-weight', b ? 'bold' : 'normal');
if (!selectedElements[0].textContent) {
// Function: getItalic
// Check whether selected element is italic or not
// Returns:
// Boolean indicating whether or not element is italic
this.getItalic = function() {
var selected = selectedElements[0];
if (selected != null && selected.tagName == 'text' &&
selectedElements[1] == null)
return (selected.getAttribute('font-style') == 'italic');
return false;
// Function: setItalic
// Make the selected element italic or normal
// Parameters:
// b - Boolean indicating italic (true) or normal (false)
this.setItalic = function(i) {
var selected = selectedElements[0];
if (selected != null && selected.tagName == 'text' &&
selectedElements[1] == null)
changeSelectedAttribute('font-style', i ? 'italic' : 'normal');
if (!selectedElements[0].textContent) {
// Function: getFontFamily
// Returns the current font family
this.getFontFamily = function() {
return cur_text.font_family;
// Function: setFontFamily
// Set the new font family
// Parameters:
// val - String with the new font family
this.setFontFamily = function(val) {
cur_text.font_family = val;
changeSelectedAttribute('font-family', val);
if (selectedElements[0] && !selectedElements[0].textContent) {
// Function: setFontColor
// Set the new font color
// Parameters:
// val - String with the new font color
this.setFontColor = function(val) {
cur_text.fill = val;
changeSelectedAttribute('fill', val);
// Function: getFontColor
// Returns the current font color
this.getFontColor = function() {
return cur_text.fill;
// Function: getFontSize
// Returns the current font size
this.getFontSize = function() {
return cur_text.font_size;
// Function: setFontSize
// Applies the given font size to the selected element
// Parameters:
// val - Float with the new font size
this.setFontSize = function(val) {
cur_text.font_size = val;
changeSelectedAttribute('font-size', val);
if (!selectedElements[0].textContent) {
// Function: getText
// Returns the current text (textContent) of the selected element
this.getText = function() {
var selected = selectedElements[0];
if (selected == null) { return ''; }
return selected.textContent;
// Function: setTextContent
// Updates the text element with the given string
// Parameters:
// val - String with the new text
this.setTextContent = function(val) {
changeSelectedAttribute('#text', val);
// Function: setImageURL
// Sets the new image URL for the selected image element. Updates its size if
// a new URL is given
// Parameters:
// val - String with the image URL/path
this.setImageURL = function(val) {
var elem = selectedElements[0];
if (!elem) {return;}
var attrs = $(elem).attr(['width', 'height']);
var setsize = (!attrs.width || !attrs.height);
var cur_href = getHref(elem);
// Do nothing if no URL change or size change
if (cur_href !== val) {
setsize = true;
} else if (!setsize) {return;}
var batchCmd = new svgedit.history.BatchCommand('Change Image URL');
setHref(elem, val);
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new svgedit.history.ChangeElementCommand(elem, {
'#href': cur_href
if (setsize) {
$(new Image()).load(function() {
var changes = $(elem).attr(['width', 'height']);
width: this.width,
height: this.height
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new svgedit.history.ChangeElementCommand(elem, changes));
call('changed', [elem]);
}).attr('src', val);
} else {
// Function: setLinkURL
// Sets the new link URL for the selected anchor element.
// Parameters:
// val - String with the link URL/path
this.setLinkURL = function(val) {
var elem = selectedElements[0];
if (!elem) {return;}
if (elem.tagName !== 'a') {
// See if parent is an anchor
var parents_a = $(elem).parents('a');
if (parents_a.length) {
elem = parents_a[0];
} else {
var cur_href = getHref(elem);
if (cur_href === val) {return;}
var batchCmd = new svgedit.history.BatchCommand('Change Link URL');
setHref(elem, val);
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new svgedit.history.ChangeElementCommand(elem, {
'#href': cur_href
// Function: setRectRadius
// Sets the rx & ry values to the selected rect element to change its corner radius
// Parameters:
// val - The new radius
this.setRectRadius = function(val) {
var selected = selectedElements[0];
if (selected != null && selected.tagName == 'rect') {
var r = selected.getAttribute('rx');
if (r != val) {
selected.setAttribute('rx', val);
selected.setAttribute('ry', val);
addCommandToHistory(new svgedit.history.ChangeElementCommand(selected, {'rx':r, 'ry':r}, 'Radius'));
call('changed', [selected]);
// Function: makeHyperlink
// Wraps the selected element(s) in an anchor element or converts group to one
this.makeHyperlink = function(url) {
canvas.groupSelectedElements('a', url);
// TODO: If element is a single "g", convert to "a"
// if (selectedElements.length > 1 && selectedElements[1]) {
// Function: removeHyperlink
this.removeHyperlink = function() {
// Group: Element manipulation
// Function: setSegType
// Sets the new segment type to the selected segment(s).
// Parameters:
// new_type - Integer with the new segment type
// See for list
this.setSegType = function(new_type) {
// TODO(codedread): Remove the getBBox argument and split this function into two.
// Function: convertToPath
// Convert selected element to a path, or get the BBox of an element-as-path
// Parameters:
// elem - The DOM element to be converted
// getBBox - Boolean on whether or not to only return the path's BBox
// Returns:
// If the getBBox flag is true, the resulting path's bounding box object.
// Otherwise the resulting path element is returned.
this.convertToPath = function(elem, getBBox) {
if (elem == null) {
var elems = selectedElements;
$.each(selectedElements, function(i, elem) {
if (elem) {canvas.convertToPath(elem);}
if (!getBBox) {
var batchCmd = new svgedit.history.BatchCommand('Convert element to Path');
var attrs = getBBox?{}:{
'fill': cur_shape.fill,
'fill-opacity': cur_shape.fill_opacity,
'stroke': cur_shape.stroke,
'stroke-width': cur_shape.stroke_width,
'stroke-dasharray': cur_shape.stroke_dasharray,
'stroke-linejoin': cur_shape.stroke_linejoin,
'stroke-linecap': cur_shape.stroke_linecap,
'stroke-opacity': cur_shape.stroke_opacity,
'opacity': cur_shape.opacity,
// any attribute on the element not covered by the above
// TODO: make this list global so that we can properly maintain it
// TODO: what about @transform, @clip-rule, @fill-rule, etc?
$.each(['marker-start', 'marker-end', 'marker-mid', 'filter', 'clip-path'], function() {
if (elem.getAttribute(this)) {
attrs[this] = elem.getAttribute(this);
var path = addSvgElementFromJson({
'element': 'path',
'attr': attrs
var eltrans = elem.getAttribute('transform');
if (eltrans) {
path.setAttribute('transform', eltrans);
var id =;
var parent = elem.parentNode;
if (elem.nextSibling) {
parent.insertBefore(path, elem);
} else {
var d = '';
var joinSegs = function(segs) {
$.each(segs, function(j, seg) {
var i;
var l = seg[0], pts = seg[1];
d += l;
for (i = 0; i < pts.length; i+=2) {
d += (pts[i] +','+pts[i+1]) + ' ';
// Possibly the cubed root of 6, but 1.81 works best
var num = 1.81;
var a, rx;
switch (elem.tagName) {
case 'ellipse':
case 'circle':
a = $(elem).attr(['rx', 'ry', 'cx', 'cy']);
var cx =, cy =;
rx = a.rx;
ry = a.ry;
if (elem.tagName == 'circle') {
rx = ry = $(elem).attr('r');
['C',[(cx-rx),(cy-ry/num), (cx-rx/num),(cy-ry), (cx),(cy-ry)]],
['C',[(cx+rx/num),(cy-ry), (cx+rx),(cy-ry/num), (cx+rx),(cy)]],
['C',[(cx+rx),(cy+ry/num), (cx+rx/num),(cy+ry), (cx),(cy+ry)]],
['C',[(cx-rx/num),(cy+ry), (cx-rx),(cy+ry/num), (cx-rx),(cy)]],
case 'path':
d = elem.getAttribute('d');
case 'line':
a = $(elem).attr(['x1', 'y1', 'x2', 'y2']);
d = 'M'+a.x1+','+a.y1+'L'+a.x2+','+a.y2;
case 'polyline':
case 'polygon':
d = 'M' + elem.getAttribute('points');
case 'rect':
var r = $(elem).attr(['rx', 'ry']);
rx = r.rx;
ry = r.ry;
var b = elem.getBBox();
var x = b.x, y = b.y, w = b.width, h = b.height;
num = 4 - num; // Why? Because!
if (!rx && !ry) {
// Regular rect
['M',[x, y]],
['L',[x+w, y]],
['L',[x+w, y+h]],
['L',[x, y+h]],
['L',[x, y]],
} else {
['M',[x, y+ry]],
['C',[x, y+ry/num, x+rx/num, y, x+rx, y]],
['L',[x+w-rx, y]],
['C',[x+w-rx/num, y, x+w, y+ry/num, x+w, y+ry]],
['L',[x+w, y+h-ry]],
['C',[x+w, y+h-ry/num, x+w-rx/num, y+h, x+w-rx, y+h]],
['L',[x+rx, y+h]],
['C',[x+rx/num, y+h, x, y+h-ry/num, x, y+h-ry]],
['L',[x, y+ry]],
if (d) {
path.setAttribute('d', d);
if (!getBBox) {
// Replace the current element with the converted one
// Reorient if it has a matrix
if (eltrans) {
var tlist = svgedit.transformlist.getTransformList(path);
if (svgedit.math.hasMatrixTransform(tlist)) {
var nextSibling = elem.nextSibling;
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new svgedit.history.RemoveElementCommand(elem, nextSibling, parent));
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new svgedit.history.InsertElementCommand(path));
path.setAttribute('id', id);
addToSelection([path], true);
} else {
// Get the correct BBox of the new path, then discard it
var bb = false;
try {
bb = path.getBBox();
} catch(e) {
// Firefox fails
return bb;
// Function: changeSelectedAttributeNoUndo
// This function makes the changes to the elements. It does not add the change
// to the history stack.
// Parameters:
// attr - String with the attribute name
// newValue - String or number with the new attribute value
// elems - The DOM elements to apply the change to
var changeSelectedAttributeNoUndo = function(attr, newValue, elems) {
if (current_mode == 'pathedit') {
// Editing node
pathActions.moveNode(attr, newValue);
elems = elems || selectedElements;
var i = elems.length;
var no_xy_elems = ['g', 'polyline', 'path'];
var good_g_attrs = ['transform', 'opacity', 'filter'];
while (i--) {
var elem = elems[i];
if (elem == null) {continue;}
// Set x,y vals on elements that don't have them
if ((attr === 'x' || attr === 'y') && no_xy_elems.indexOf(elem.tagName) >= 0) {
var bbox = getStrokedBBox([elem]);
var diff_x = attr === 'x' ? newValue - bbox.x : 0;
var diff_y = attr === 'y' ? newValue - bbox.y : 0;
canvas.moveSelectedElements(diff_x*current_zoom, diff_y*current_zoom, true);
// only allow the transform/opacity/filter attribute to change on <g> elements, slightly hacky
// TODO: FIXME: This doesn't seem right. Where's the body of this if statement?
if (elem.tagName === 'g' && good_g_attrs.indexOf(attr) >= 0) {}
var oldval = attr === '#text' ? elem.textContent : elem.getAttribute(attr);
if (oldval == null) {oldval = '';}
if (oldval !== String(newValue)) {
if (attr == '#text') {
var old_w = svgedit.utilities.getBBox(elem).width;
elem.textContent = newValue;
// FF bug occurs on on rotated elements
if (/rotate/.test(elem.getAttribute('transform'))) {
elem = ffClone(elem);
// Hoped to solve the issue of moving text with text-anchor="start",
// but this doesn't actually fix it. Hopefully on the right track, though. -Fyrd
// var box=getBBox(elem), left=box.x, top=box.y, width=box.width,
// height=box.height, dx = width - old_w, dy=0;
// var angle = svgedit.utilities.getRotationAngle(elem, true);
// if (angle) {
// var r = Math.sqrt( dx*dx + dy*dy );
// var theta = Math.atan2(dy,dx) - angle;
// dx = r * Math.cos(theta);
// dy = r * Math.sin(theta);
// elem.setAttribute('x', elem.getAttribute('x')-dx);
// elem.setAttribute('y', elem.getAttribute('y')-dy);
// }
} else if (attr == '#href') {
setHref(elem, newValue);
else {elem.setAttribute(attr, newValue);}
// Go into "select" mode for text changes
// NOTE: Important that this happens AFTER elem.setAttribute() or else attributes like
// font-size can get reset to their old value, ultimately by svgEditor.updateContextPanel(),
// after calling textActions.toSelectMode() below
if (current_mode === 'textedit' && attr !== '#text' && elem.textContent.length) {
// if (i==0)
// selectedBBoxes[0] = svgedit.utilities.getBBox(elem);
// Use the Firefox ffClone hack for text elements with gradients or
// where other text attributes are changed.
if (svgedit.browser.isGecko() && elem.nodeName === 'text' && /rotate/.test(elem.getAttribute('transform'))) {
if (String(newValue).indexOf('url') === 0 || (['font-size', 'font-family', 'x', 'y'].indexOf(attr) >= 0 && elem.textContent)) {
elem = ffClone(elem);
// Timeout needed for Opera & Firefox
// codedread: it is now possible for this function to be called with elements
// that are not in the selectedElements array, we need to only request a
// selector if the element is in that array
if (selectedElements.indexOf(elem) >= 0) {
setTimeout(function() {
// Due to element replacement, this element may no longer
// be part of the DOM
if (!elem.parentNode) {return;}
}, 0);
// if this element was rotated, and we changed the position of this element
// we need to update the rotational transform attribute
var angle = svgedit.utilities.getRotationAngle(elem);
if (angle != 0 && attr != 'transform') {
var tlist = svgedit.transformlist.getTransformList(elem);
var n = tlist.numberOfItems;
while (n--) {
var xform = tlist.getItem(n);
if (xform.type == 4) {
// remove old rotate
var box = svgedit.utilities.getBBox(elem);
var center = svgedit.math.transformPoint(box.x+box.width/2, box.y+box.height/2, svgedit.math.transformListToTransform(tlist).matrix);
var cx = center.x,
cy = center.y;
var newrot = svgroot.createSVGTransform();
newrot.setRotate(angle, cx, cy);
tlist.insertItemBefore(newrot, n);
} // if oldValue != newValue
} // for each elem
// Function: changeSelectedAttribute
// Change the given/selected element and add the original value to the history stack
// If you want to change all selectedElements, ignore the elems argument.
// If you want to change only a subset of selectedElements, then send the
// subset to this function in the elems argument.
// Parameters:
// attr - String with the attribute name
// newValue - String or number with the new attribute value
// elems - The DOM elements to apply the change to
var changeSelectedAttribute = this.changeSelectedAttribute = function(attr, val, elems) {
elems = elems || selectedElements;
canvas.undoMgr.beginUndoableChange(attr, elems);
var i = elems.length;
changeSelectedAttributeNoUndo(attr, val, elems);
var batchCmd = canvas.undoMgr.finishUndoableChange();
if (!batchCmd.isEmpty()) {
// Function: deleteSelectedElements
// Removes all selected elements from the DOM and adds the change to the
// history stack
this.deleteSelectedElements = function() {
var i;
var batchCmd = new svgedit.history.BatchCommand('Delete Elements');
var len = selectedElements.length;
var selectedCopy = []; //selectedElements is being deleted
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
var selected = selectedElements[i];
if (selected == null) {break;}
var parent = selected.parentNode;
var t = selected;
// this will unselect the element and remove the selectedOutline
// Remove the path if present.
// Get the parent if it's a single-child anchor
if (parent.tagName === 'a' && parent.childNodes.length === 1) {
t = parent;
parent = parent.parentNode;
var nextSibling = t.nextSibling;
var elem = parent.removeChild(t);
selectedCopy.push(selected); //for the copy
selectedElements[i] = null;
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new RemoveElementCommand(elem, nextSibling, parent));
if (!batchCmd.isEmpty()) {addCommandToHistory(batchCmd);}
call('changed', selectedCopy);
// Function: cutSelectedElements
// Removes all selected elements from the DOM and adds the change to the
// history stack. Remembers removed elements on the clipboard
// TODO: Combine similar code with deleteSelectedElements
this.cutSelectedElements = function() {
var i;
var batchCmd = new svgedit.history.BatchCommand('Cut Elements');
var len = selectedElements.length;
var selectedCopy = []; //selectedElements is being deleted
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
var selected = selectedElements[i];
if (selected == null) {break;}
var parent = selected.parentNode;
var t = selected;
// this will unselect the element and remove the selectedOutline
// Remove the path if present.
var nextSibling = t.nextSibling;
var elem = parent.removeChild(t);
selectedCopy.push(selected); //for the copy
selectedElements[i] = null;
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new RemoveElementCommand(elem, nextSibling, parent));
if (!batchCmd.isEmpty()) {addCommandToHistory(batchCmd);}
call('changed', selectedCopy);
canvas.clipBoard = selectedCopy;
// Function: copySelectedElements
// Remembers the current selected elements on the clipboard
this.copySelectedElements = function() {
canvas.clipBoard = $.merge([], selectedElements);
this.pasteElements = function(type, x, y) {
var cb = canvas.clipBoard;
var len = cb.length;
if (!len) {return;}
var pasted = [];
var batchCmd = new svgedit.history.BatchCommand('Paste elements');
// Move elements to lastClickPoint
while (len--) {
var elem = cb[len];
if (!elem) {continue;}
var copy = copyElem(elem);
// See if elem with elem ID is in the DOM already
if (!svgedit.utilities.getElem( { =;}
(current_group || getCurrentDrawing().getCurrentLayer()).appendChild(copy);
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new svgedit.history.InsertElementCommand(copy));
if (type !== 'in_place') {
var ctr_x, ctr_y;
if (!type) {
ctr_x = lastClickPoint.x;
ctr_y = lastClickPoint.y;
} else if (type === 'point') {
ctr_x = x;
ctr_y = y;
var bbox = getStrokedBBox(pasted);
var cx = ctr_x - (bbox.x + bbox.width/2),
cy = ctr_y - (bbox.y + bbox.height/2),
dx = [],
dy = [];
$.each(pasted, function(i, item) {
var cmd = canvas.moveSelectedElements(dx, dy, false);
call('changed', pasted);
// Function: groupSelectedElements
// Wraps all the selected elements in a group (g) element
// Parameters:
// type - type of element to group into, defaults to <g>
this.groupSelectedElements = function(type, urlArg) {
if (!type) {type = 'g';}
var cmd_str = '';
switch (type) {
case 'a':
cmd_str = 'Make hyperlink';
var url = '';
if (arguments.length > 1) {
url = urlArg;
type = 'g';
cmd_str = 'Group Elements';
var batchCmd = new svgedit.history.BatchCommand(cmd_str);
// create and insert the group element
var g = addSvgElementFromJson({
'element': type,
'attr': {
'id': getNextId()
if (type === 'a') {
setHref(g, url);
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new svgedit.history.InsertElementCommand(g));
// now move all children into the group
var i = selectedElements.length;
while (i--) {
var elem = selectedElements[i];
if (elem == null) {continue;}
if (elem.parentNode.tagName === 'a' && elem.parentNode.childNodes.length === 1) {
elem = elem.parentNode;
var oldNextSibling = elem.nextSibling;
var oldParent = elem.parentNode;
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new svgedit.history.MoveElementCommand(elem, oldNextSibling, oldParent));
if (!batchCmd.isEmpty()) {addCommandToHistory(batchCmd);}
// update selection
selectOnly([g], true);
// Function: pushGroupProperties
// Pushes all appropriate parent group properties down to its children, then
// removes them from the group
var pushGroupProperties = this.pushGroupProperties = function(g, undoable) {
var children = g.childNodes;
var len = children.length;
var xform = g.getAttribute('transform');
var glist = svgedit.transformlist.getTransformList(g);
var m = svgedit.math.transformListToTransform(glist).matrix;
var batchCmd = new svgedit.history.BatchCommand('Push group properties');
// TODO: get all fill/stroke properties from the group that we are about to destroy
// "fill", "fill-opacity", "fill-rule", "stroke", "stroke-dasharray", "stroke-dashoffset",
// "stroke-linecap", "stroke-linejoin", "stroke-miterlimit", "stroke-opacity",
// "stroke-width"
// and then for each child, if they do not have the attribute (or the value is 'inherit')
// then set the child's attribute
var i = 0;
var gangle = svgedit.utilities.getRotationAngle(g);
var gattrs = $(g).attr(['filter', 'opacity']);
var gfilter, gblur, changes;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var elem = children[i];
if (elem.nodeType !== 1) {continue;}
if (gattrs.opacity !== null && gattrs.opacity !== 1) {
var c_opac = elem.getAttribute('opacity') || 1;
var new_opac = Math.round((elem.getAttribute('opacity') || 1) * gattrs.opacity * 100)/100;
changeSelectedAttribute('opacity', new_opac, [elem]);
if (gattrs.filter) {
var cblur = this.getBlur(elem);
var orig_cblur = cblur;
if (!gblur) {gblur = this.getBlur(g);}
if (cblur) {
// Is this formula correct?
cblur = Number(gblur) + Number(cblur);
} else if (cblur === 0) {
cblur = gblur;
// If child has no current filter, get group's filter or clone it.
if (!orig_cblur) {
// Set group's filter to use first child's ID
if (!gfilter) {
gfilter = svgedit.utilities.getRefElem(gattrs.filter);
} else {
// Clone the group's filter
gfilter = copyElem(gfilter);
} else {
gfilter = svgedit.utilities.getRefElem(elem.getAttribute('filter'));
// Change this in future for different filters
var suffix = (gfilter.firstChild.tagName === 'feGaussianBlur')?'blur':'filter'; = + '_' + suffix;
changeSelectedAttribute('filter', 'url(#' + + ')', [elem]);
// Update blur value
if (cblur) {
changeSelectedAttribute('stdDeviation', cblur, [gfilter.firstChild]);
canvas.setBlurOffsets(gfilter, cblur);
var chtlist = svgedit.transformlist.getTransformList(elem);
// Don't process gradient transforms
if (~elem.tagName.indexOf('Gradient')) {chtlist = null;}
// Hopefully not a problem to add this. Necessary for elements like <desc/>
if (!chtlist) {continue;}
// Apparently <defs> can get get a transformlist, but we don't want it to have one!
if (elem.tagName === 'defs') {continue;}
if (glist.numberOfItems) {
// TODO: if the group's transform is just a rotate, we can always transfer the
// rotate() down to the children (collapsing consecutive rotates and factoring
// out any translates)
if (gangle && glist.numberOfItems == 1) {
// [Rg] [Rc] [Mc]
// we want [Tr] [Rc2] [Mc] where:
// - [Rc2] is at the child's current center but has the
// sum of the group and child's rotation angles
// - [Tr] is the equivalent translation that this child
// undergoes if the group wasn't there
// [Tr] = [Rg] [Rc] [Rc2_inv]
// get group's rotation matrix (Rg)
var rgm = glist.getItem(0).matrix;
// get child's rotation matrix (Rc)
var rcm = svgroot.createSVGMatrix();
var cangle = svgedit.utilities.getRotationAngle(elem);
if (cangle) {
rcm = chtlist.getItem(0).matrix;
// get child's old center of rotation
var cbox = svgedit.utilities.getBBox(elem);
var ceqm = svgedit.math.transformListToTransform(chtlist).matrix;
var coldc = svgedit.math.transformPoint(cbox.x+cbox.width/2, cbox.y+cbox.height/2, ceqm);
// sum group and child's angles
var sangle = gangle + cangle;
// get child's rotation at the old center (Rc2_inv)
var r2 = svgroot.createSVGTransform();
r2.setRotate(sangle, coldc.x, coldc.y);
// calculate equivalent translate
var trm = svgedit.math.matrixMultiply(rgm, rcm, r2.matrix.inverse());
// set up tlist
if (cangle) {
if (sangle) {
if (chtlist.numberOfItems) {
chtlist.insertItemBefore(r2, 0);
} else {
if (trm.e || trm.f) {
var tr = svgroot.createSVGTransform();
tr.setTranslate(trm.e, trm.f);
if (chtlist.numberOfItems) {
chtlist.insertItemBefore(tr, 0);
} else {
} else { // more complicated than just a rotate
// transfer the group's transform down to each child and then
// call svgedit.recalculate.recalculateDimensions()
var oldxform = elem.getAttribute('transform');
changes = {};
changes.transform = oldxform || '';
var newxform = svgroot.createSVGTransform();
// [ gm ] [ chm ] = [ chm ] [ gm' ]
// [ gm' ] = [ chm_inv ] [ gm ] [ chm ]
var chm = svgedit.math.transformListToTransform(chtlist).matrix,
chm_inv = chm.inverse();
var gm = svgedit.math.matrixMultiply( chm_inv, m, chm );
var cmd = svgedit.recalculate.recalculateDimensions(elem);
if (cmd) {batchCmd.addSubCommand(cmd);}
// remove transform and make it undo-able
if (xform) {
changes = {};
changes.transform = xform;
g.setAttribute('transform', '');
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new svgedit.history.ChangeElementCommand(g, changes));
if (undoable && !batchCmd.isEmpty()) {
return batchCmd;
// Function: ungroupSelectedElement
// Unwraps all the elements in a selected group (g) element. This requires
// significant recalculations to apply group's transforms, etc to its children
this.ungroupSelectedElement = function() {
var g = selectedElements[0];
if (!g) {
if ($(g).data('gsvg') || $(g).data('symbol')) {
// Is svg, so actually convert to group
if (g.tagName === 'use') {
// Somehow doesn't have data set, so retrieve
var symbol = svgedit.utilities.getElem(getHref(g).substr(1));
$(g).data('symbol', symbol).data('ref', symbol);
var parents_a = $(g).parents('a');
if (parents_a.length) {
g = parents_a[0];
// Look for parent "a"
if (g.tagName === 'g' || g.tagName === 'a') {
var batchCmd = new svgedit.history.BatchCommand('Ungroup Elements');
var cmd = pushGroupProperties(g, true);
if (cmd) {batchCmd.addSubCommand(cmd);}
var parent = g.parentNode;
var anchor = g.nextSibling;
var children = new Array(g.childNodes.length);
var i = 0;
while (g.firstChild) {
var elem = g.firstChild;
var oldNextSibling = elem.nextSibling;
var oldParent = elem.parentNode;
// Remove child title elements
if (elem.tagName === 'title') {
var nextSibling = elem.nextSibling;
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new svgedit.history.RemoveElementCommand(elem, nextSibling, oldParent));
children[i++] = elem = parent.insertBefore(elem, anchor);
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new svgedit.history.MoveElementCommand(elem, oldNextSibling, oldParent));
// remove the group from the selection
// delete the group element (but make undo-able)
var gNextSibling = g.nextSibling;
g = parent.removeChild(g);
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new svgedit.history.RemoveElementCommand(g, gNextSibling, parent));
if (!batchCmd.isEmpty()) {addCommandToHistory(batchCmd);}
// update selection
// Function: moveToTopSelectedElement
// Repositions the selected element to the bottom in the DOM to appear on top of
// other elements
this.moveToTopSelectedElement = function() {
var selected = selectedElements[0];
if (selected != null) {
var t = selected;
var oldParent = t.parentNode;
var oldNextSibling = t.nextSibling;
t = t.parentNode.appendChild(t);
// If the element actually moved position, add the command and fire the changed
// event handler.
if (oldNextSibling != t.nextSibling) {
addCommandToHistory(new svgedit.history.MoveElementCommand(t, oldNextSibling, oldParent, 'top'));
call('changed', [t]);
// Function: moveToBottomSelectedElement
// Repositions the selected element to the top in the DOM to appear under
// other elements
this.moveToBottomSelectedElement = function() {
var selected = selectedElements[0];
if (selected != null) {
var t = selected;
var oldParent = t.parentNode;
var oldNextSibling = t.nextSibling;
var firstChild = t.parentNode.firstChild;
if (firstChild.tagName == 'title') {
firstChild = firstChild.nextSibling;
// This can probably be removed, as the defs should not ever apppear
// inside a layer group
if (firstChild.tagName == 'defs') {
firstChild = firstChild.nextSibling;
t = t.parentNode.insertBefore(t, firstChild);
// If the element actually moved position, add the command and fire the changed
// event handler.
if (oldNextSibling != t.nextSibling) {
addCommandToHistory(new svgedit.history.MoveElementCommand(t, oldNextSibling, oldParent, 'bottom'));
call('changed', [t]);
// Function: moveUpDownSelected
// Moves the select element up or down the stack, based on the visibly
// intersecting elements
// Parameters:
// dir - String that's either 'Up' or 'Down'
this.moveUpDownSelected = function(dir) {
var selected = selectedElements[0];
if (!selected) {return;}
curBBoxes = [];
var closest, found_cur;
// jQuery sorts this list
var list = $(getIntersectionList(getStrokedBBox([selected]))).toArray();
if (dir == 'Down') {list.reverse();}
$.each(list, function() {
if (!found_cur) {
if (this == selected) {
found_cur = true;
closest = this;
return false;
if (!closest) {return;}
var t = selected;
var oldParent = t.parentNode;
var oldNextSibling = t.nextSibling;
$(closest)[dir == 'Down'?'before':'after'](t);
// If the element actually moved position, add the command and fire the changed
// event handler.
if (oldNextSibling != t.nextSibling) {
addCommandToHistory(new svgedit.history.MoveElementCommand(t, oldNextSibling, oldParent, 'Move ' + dir));
call('changed', [t]);
// Function: moveSelectedElements
// Moves selected elements on the X/Y axis
// Parameters:
// dx - Float with the distance to move on the x-axis
// dy - Float with the distance to move on the y-axis
// undoable - Boolean indicating whether or not the action should be undoable
// Returns:
// Batch command for the move
this.moveSelectedElements = function(dx, dy, undoable) {
// if undoable is not sent, default to true
// if single values, scale them to the zoom
if (dx.constructor != Array) {
dx /= current_zoom;
dy /= current_zoom;
undoable = undoable || true;
var batchCmd = new svgedit.history.BatchCommand('position');
var i = selectedElements.length;
while (i--) {
var selected = selectedElements[i];
if (selected != null) {
// if (i==0)
// selectedBBoxes[0] = svgedit.utilities.getBBox(selected);
// var b = {};
// for (var j in selectedBBoxes[i]) b[j] = selectedBBoxes[i][j];
// selectedBBoxes[i] = b;
var xform = svgroot.createSVGTransform();
var tlist = svgedit.transformlist.getTransformList(selected);
// dx and dy could be arrays
if (dx.constructor == Array) {
// if (i==0) {
// selectedBBoxes[0].x += dx[0];
// selectedBBoxes[0].y += dy[0];
// }
xform.setTranslate(dx[i], dy[i]);
} else {
// if (i==0) {
// selectedBBoxes[0].x += dx;
// selectedBBoxes[0].y += dy;
// }
xform.setTranslate(dx, dy);
if (tlist.numberOfItems) {
tlist.insertItemBefore(xform, 0);
} else {
var cmd = svgedit.recalculate.recalculateDimensions(selected);
if (cmd) {
if (!batchCmd.isEmpty()) {
if (undoable) {
call('changed', selectedElements);
return batchCmd;
// Function: cloneSelectedElements
// Create deep DOM copies (clones) of all selected elements and move them slightly
// from their originals
this.cloneSelectedElements = function(x, y) {
var i, elem;
var batchCmd = new svgedit.history.BatchCommand('Clone Elements');
// find all the elements selected (stop at first null)
var len = selectedElements.length;
function sortfunction(a, b){
return ($(b).index() - $(a).index()); //causes an array to be sorted numerically and ascending
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
elem = selectedElements[i];
if (elem == null) {break;}
// use slice to quickly get the subset of elements we need
var copiedElements = selectedElements.slice(0, i);
// note that we loop in the reverse way because of the way elements are added
// to the selectedElements array (top-first)
i = copiedElements.length;
while (i--) {
// clone each element and replace it within copiedElements
elem = copiedElements[i] = copyElem(copiedElements[i]);
(current_group || getCurrentDrawing().getCurrentLayer()).appendChild(elem);
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new svgedit.history.InsertElementCommand(elem));
if (!batchCmd.isEmpty()) {
addToSelection(copiedElements.reverse()); // Need to reverse for correct selection-adding
this.moveSelectedElements(x, y, false);
// Function: alignSelectedElements
// Aligns selected elements
// Parameters:
// type - String with single character indicating the alignment type
// relative_to - String that must be one of the following:
// "selected", "largest", "smallest", "page"
this.alignSelectedElements = function(type, relative_to) {
var i, elem;
var bboxes = [], angles = [];
var minx = Number.MAX_VALUE, maxx = Number.MIN_VALUE, miny = Number.MAX_VALUE, maxy = Number.MIN_VALUE;
var curwidth = Number.MIN_VALUE, curheight = Number.MIN_VALUE;
var len = selectedElements.length;
if (!len) {return;}
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if (selectedElements[i] == null) {break;}
elem = selectedElements[i];
bboxes[i] = getStrokedBBox([elem]);
// now bbox is axis-aligned and handles rotation
switch (relative_to) {
case 'smallest':
if ( (type == 'l' || type == 'c' || type == 'r') && (curwidth == Number.MIN_VALUE || curwidth > bboxes[i].width) ||
(type == 't' || type == 'm' || type == 'b') && (curheight == Number.MIN_VALUE || curheight > bboxes[i].height) ) {
minx = bboxes[i].x;
miny = bboxes[i].y;
maxx = bboxes[i].x + bboxes[i].width;
maxy = bboxes[i].y + bboxes[i].height;
curwidth = bboxes[i].width;
curheight = bboxes[i].height;
case 'largest':
if ( (type == 'l' || type == 'c' || type == 'r') && (curwidth == Number.MIN_VALUE || curwidth < bboxes[i].width) ||
(type == 't' || type == 'm' || type == 'b') && (curheight == Number.MIN_VALUE || curheight < bboxes[i].height) ) {
minx = bboxes[i].x;
miny = bboxes[i].y;
maxx = bboxes[i].x + bboxes[i].width;
maxy = bboxes[i].y + bboxes[i].height;
curwidth = bboxes[i].width;
curheight = bboxes[i].height;
default: // 'selected'
if (bboxes[i].x < minx) {minx = bboxes[i].x;}
if (bboxes[i].y < miny) {miny = bboxes[i].y;}
if (bboxes[i].x + bboxes[i].width > maxx) {maxx = bboxes[i].x + bboxes[i].width;}
if (bboxes[i].y + bboxes[i].height > maxy) {maxy = bboxes[i].y + bboxes[i].height;}
} // loop for each element to find the bbox and adjust min/max
if (relative_to == 'page') {
minx = 0;
miny = 0;
maxx = canvas.contentW;
maxy = canvas.contentH;
var dx = new Array(len);
var dy = new Array(len);
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if (selectedElements[i] == null) {break;}
elem = selectedElements[i];
var bbox = bboxes[i];
dx[i] = 0;
dy[i] = 0;
switch (type) {
case 'l': // left (horizontal)
dx[i] = minx - bbox.x;
case 'c': // center (horizontal)
dx[i] = (minx+maxx)/2 - (bbox.x + bbox.width/2);
case 'r': // right (horizontal)
dx[i] = maxx - (bbox.x + bbox.width);
case 't': // top (vertical)
dy[i] = miny - bbox.y;
case 'm': // middle (vertical)
dy[i] = (miny+maxy)/2 - (bbox.y + bbox.height/2);
case 'b': // bottom (vertical)
dy[i] = maxy - (bbox.y + bbox.height);
this.moveSelectedElements(dx, dy);
// Group: Additional editor tools
this.contentW = getResolution().w;
this.contentH = getResolution().h;
// Function: updateCanvas
// Updates the editor canvas width/height/position after a zoom has occurred
// Parameters:
// w - Float with the new width
// h - Float with the new height
// Returns:
// Object with the following values:
// * x - The canvas' new x coordinate
// * y - The canvas' new y coordinate
// * old_x - The canvas' old x coordinate
// * old_y - The canvas' old y coordinate
// * d_x - The x position difference
// * d_y - The y position difference
this.updateCanvas = function(w, h) {
svgroot.setAttribute('width', w);
svgroot.setAttribute('height', h);
var bg = $('#canvasBackground')[0];
var old_x = svgcontent.getAttribute('x');
var old_y = svgcontent.getAttribute('y');
var x = (w/2 - this.contentW*current_zoom/2);
var y = (h/2 - this.contentH*current_zoom/2);
svgedit.utilities.assignAttributes(svgcontent, {
width: this.contentW*current_zoom,
height: this.contentH*current_zoom,
'x': x,
'y': y,
'viewBox' : '0 0 ' + this.contentW + ' ' + this.contentH
svgedit.utilities.assignAttributes(bg, {
width: svgcontent.getAttribute('width'),
height: svgcontent.getAttribute('height'),
x: x,
y: y
var bg_img = svgedit.utilities.getElem('background_image');
if (bg_img) {
svgedit.utilities.assignAttributes(bg_img, {
'width': '100%',
'height': '100%'
selectorManager.selectorParentGroup.setAttribute('transform', 'translate(' + x + ',' + y + ')');
runExtensions('canvasUpdated', {new_x:x, new_y:y, old_x:old_x, old_y:old_y, d_x:x - old_x, d_y:y - old_y});
return {x:x, y:y, old_x:old_x, old_y:old_y, d_x:x - old_x, d_y:y - old_y};
// Function: setBackground
// Set the background of the editor (NOT the actual document)
// Parameters:
// color - String with fill color to apply
// url - URL or path to image to use
this.setBackground = function(color, url) {
var bg = svgedit.utilities.getElem('canvasBackground');
var border = $(bg).find('rect')[0];
var bg_img = svgedit.utilities.getElem('background_image');
border.setAttribute('fill', color);
if (url) {
if (!bg_img) {
bg_img = svgdoc.createElementNS(NS.SVG, 'image');
svgedit.utilities.assignAttributes(bg_img, {
'id': 'background_image',
'width': '100%',
'height': '100%',
'preserveAspectRatio': 'xMinYMin',
setHref(bg_img, url);
} else if (bg_img) {
// Function: cycleElement
// Select the next/previous element within the current layer
// Parameters:
// next - Boolean where true = next and false = previous element
this.cycleElement = function(next) {
var num;
var cur_elem = selectedElements[0];
var elem = false;
var all_elems = getVisibleElements(current_group || getCurrentDrawing().getCurrentLayer());
if (!all_elems.length) {return;}
if (cur_elem == null) {
num = next?all_elems.length-1:0;
elem = all_elems[num];
} else {
var i = all_elems.length;
while (i--) {
if (all_elems[i] == cur_elem) {
num = next ? i - 1 : i + 1;
if (num >= all_elems.length) {
num = 0;
} else if (num < 0) {
num = all_elems.length-1;
elem = all_elems[num];
selectOnly([elem], true);
call('selected', selectedElements);
// DEPRECATED: getPrivateMethods
// Since all methods are/should be public somehow, this function should be removed
// Being able to access private methods publicly seems wrong somehow,
// but currently appears to be the best way to allow testing and provide
// access to them to plugins.
this.getPrivateMethods = function() {
var obj = {
addCommandToHistory: addCommandToHistory,
setGradient: setGradient,
addSvgElementFromJson: addSvgElementFromJson,
assignAttributes: assignAttributes,
BatchCommand: BatchCommand,
call: call,
ChangeElementCommand: ChangeElementCommand,
copyElem: copyElem,
ffClone: ffClone,
findDefs: findDefs,
findDuplicateGradient: findDuplicateGradient,
getElem: getElem,
getId: getId,
getIntersectionList: getIntersectionList,
getMouseTarget: getMouseTarget,
getNextId: getNextId,
getPathBBox: getPathBBox,
getUrlFromAttr: getUrlFromAttr,
hasMatrixTransform: hasMatrixTransform,
identifyLayers: identifyLayers,
InsertElementCommand: InsertElementCommand,
isIdentity: svgedit.math.isIdentity,
logMatrix: logMatrix,
matrixMultiply: matrixMultiply,
MoveElementCommand: MoveElementCommand,
preventClickDefault: preventClickDefault,
recalculateAllSelectedDimensions: recalculateAllSelectedDimensions,
recalculateDimensions: recalculateDimensions,
remapElement: remapElement,
RemoveElementCommand: RemoveElementCommand,
removeUnusedDefElems: removeUnusedDefElems,
round: round,
runExtensions: runExtensions,
sanitizeSvg: sanitizeSvg,
SVGEditTransformList: svgedit.transformlist.SVGTransformList,
toString: toString,
transformBox: svgedit.math.transformBox,
transformListToTransform: transformListToTransform,
transformPoint: transformPoint,
walkTree: svgedit.utilities.walkTree
return obj;