diff --git a/SUMMARY.md b/SUMMARY.md index cc84e72..8c5b0af 100644 --- a/SUMMARY.md +++ b/SUMMARY.md @@ -37,4 +37,45 @@ Summary * [11.5. 创建一个可执行jar](II. Getting started/11.5. Creating an executable jar.md) * [12. 接下来阅读什么](II. Getting started/12. What to read next.md) - +* III. 使用Spring Boot + * [13. 构建系统](III. Using Spring Boot/13. Build systems.md) + * [13.1. Maven](III. Using Spring Boot/13.1. Maven.md) + * [13.1.1. 继承starter parent](III. Using Spring Boot/13.1.1. Inheriting the starter parent.md) + * [13.1.2. 使用没有父POM的Spring Boot](III. Using Spring Boot/13.1.2. Using Spring Boot without the parent POM.md) + * [13.1.3. 改变Java版本](III. Using Spring Boot/13.1.3. Changing the Java version.md) + * [13.1.4. 使用Spring Boot Maven插件](III. Using Spring Boot/13.1.4. Using the Spring Boot Maven plugin.md) + * [13.2. Gradle](III. Using Spring Boot/13.2. Gradle.md) + * [13.3. Ant](III. Using Spring Boot/13.3. Ant.md) + * [13.4. Starter POMs](III. Using Spring Boot/13.4. Starter POMs.md) + * [14. 组织你的代码](III. Using Spring Boot/14. Structuring your code.md) + * [14.1. 使用"default"包](III. Using Spring Boot/14.1. Using the “default” package.md) + * [14.2. 定位main应用类](III. Using Spring Boot/14.2. Locating the main application class.md) + * [15. 配置类](III. Using Spring Boot/15. Configuration classes.md) + * [15.1. 导入其他配置类](III. Using Spring Boot/15.1. Importing additional configuration classes.md) + * [15.2. 导入XML配置](III. Using Spring Boot/15.2. Importing XML configuration.md) + * [16. 自动配置](III. Using Spring Boot/16. Auto-configuration.md) + * [16.1. 逐步替换自动配置](III. Using Spring Boot/16.1. Gradually replacing auto-configuration.md) + * [16.2. 禁用特定的自动配置](III. Using Spring Boot/16.2. Disabling specific auto-configuration.md) + * [17. Spring Beans和依赖注入](III. Using Spring Boot/17. Spring Beans and dependency injection.md) + * [18. 使用@SpringBootApplication注解](III. Using Spring Boot/18. Using the @SpringBootApplication annotation.md) + * [19. 运行应用程序](III. Using Spring Boot/19. Running your application.md) + * [19.1. 从IDE中运行](III. Using Spring Boot/19.1. Running from an IDE.md) + * [19.2. 作为一个打包后的应用运行](III. Using Spring Boot/19.2. Running as a packaged application.md) + * [19.3. 使用Maven插件运行](III. Using Spring Boot/19.3. Using the Maven plugin.md) + * [19.4. 使用Gradle插件运行](III. Using Spring Boot/19.4. Using the Gradle plugin.md) + * [19.5. 热交换](III. Using Spring Boot/19.5. Hot swapping.md) + * [20. 打包用于生产的应用程序](III. Using Spring Boot/20. Packaging your application for production.md) + * [21. 接下来阅读什么](III. Using Spring Boot/21. What to read next.md) + + + + + + + + + + + + +