#include "solvespace.h" #include void SolveSpace::ExportSectionTo(char *filename) { SPolygon sp; ZERO(&sp); Vector gn = (SS.GW.projRight).Cross(SS.GW.projUp); gn = gn.WithMagnitude(1); Group *g = SS.GetGroup(SS.GW.activeGroup); if(g->runningMesh.l.n == 0) { Error("No solid model present; draw one with extrudes and revolves, " "or use Export 2d View to export bare lines and curves."); return; } // The plane in which the exported section lies; need this because we'll // reorient from that plane into the xy plane before exporting. Vector origin, u, v, n; double d; SS.GW.GroupSelection(); #define gs (SS.GW.gs) if((gs.n == 0 && g->activeWorkplane.v != Entity::FREE_IN_3D.v)) { Entity *wrkpl = SS.GetEntity(g->activeWorkplane); origin = wrkpl->WorkplaneGetOffset(); n = wrkpl->Normal()->NormalN(); u = wrkpl->Normal()->NormalU(); v = wrkpl->Normal()->NormalV(); } else if(gs.n == 1 && gs.faces == 1) { Entity *face = SS.GetEntity(gs.entity[0]); origin = face->FaceGetPointNum(); n = face->FaceGetNormalNum(); if(n.Dot(gn) < 0) n = n.ScaledBy(-1); u = n.Normal(0); v = n.Normal(1); } else if(gs.n == 3 && gs.vectors == 2 && gs.points == 1) { Vector ut = SS.GetEntity(gs.entity[0])->VectorGetNum(), vt = SS.GetEntity(gs.entity[1])->VectorGetNum(); ut = ut.WithMagnitude(1); vt = vt.WithMagnitude(1); if(fabs(SS.GW.projUp.Dot(vt)) < fabs(SS.GW.projUp.Dot(ut))) { SWAP(Vector, ut, vt); } if(SS.GW.projRight.Dot(ut) < 0) ut = ut.ScaledBy(-1); if(SS.GW.projUp. Dot(vt) < 0) vt = vt.ScaledBy(-1); origin = SS.GetEntity(gs.point[0])->PointGetNum(); n = ut.Cross(vt); u = ut.WithMagnitude(1); v = (n.Cross(u)).WithMagnitude(1); } else { Error("Bad selection for export section. Please select:\r\n\r\n" " * nothing, with an active workplane " "(workplane is section plane)\r\n" " * a face (section plane through face)\r\n" " * a point and two line segments " "(plane through point and parallel to lines)\r\n"); return; } SS.GW.ClearSelection(); n = n.WithMagnitude(1); d = origin.Dot(n); SMesh m; ZERO(&m); m.MakeFromCopy(&(g->runningMesh)); // Delete all triangles in the mesh that do not lie in our export plane. m.l.ClearTags(); int i; for(i = 0; i < m.l.n; i++) { STriangle *tr = &(m.l.elem[i]); if((fabs(n.Dot(tr->a) - d) >= LENGTH_EPS) || (fabs(n.Dot(tr->b) - d) >= LENGTH_EPS) || (fabs(n.Dot(tr->c) - d) >= LENGTH_EPS)) { tr->tag = 1; } } m.l.RemoveTagged(); // Select the naked edges in our resulting open mesh. SKdNode *root = SKdNode::From(&m); SEdgeList el; ZERO(&el); root->MakeNakedEdgesInto(&el); // Assemble those edges into a polygon, and clear the edge list el.AssemblePolygon(&sp, NULL); el.Clear(); m.Clear(); // And write the polygon. VectorFileWriter *out = VectorFileWriter::ForFile(filename); if(out) { ExportPolygon(&sp, u, v, n, origin, out); } sp.Clear(); } void SolveSpace::ExportViewTo(char *filename) { int i; SEdgeList edges; ZERO(&edges); for(i = 0; i < SS.entity.n; i++) { Entity *e = &(SS.entity.elem[i]); if(!e->IsVisible()) continue; e->GenerateEdges(&edges); } SPolygon sp; ZERO(&sp); edges.AssemblePolygon(&sp, NULL); Vector u = SS.GW.projRight, v = SS.GW.projUp, n = u.Cross(v), origin = SS.GW.offset.ScaledBy(-1); VectorFileWriter *out = VectorFileWriter::ForFile(filename); if(out) { ExportPolygon(&sp, u, v, n, origin, out); } edges.Clear(); sp.Clear(); } void SolveSpace::ExportPolygon(SPolygon *sp, Vector u, Vector v, Vector n, Vector origin, VectorFileWriter *out) { int i, j; // Project into the export plane; so when we're done, z doesn't matter, // and x and y are what goes in the DXF. for(i = 0; i < sp->l.n; i++) { SContour *sc = &(sp->l.elem[i]); for(j = 0; j < sc->l.n; j++) { Vector *p = &(sc->l.elem[j].p); *p = p->Minus(origin); *p = p->DotInToCsys(u, v, n); // and apply the export scale factor double s = SS.exportScale; *p = p->ScaledBy(1.0/s); } } // If cutter radius compensation is requested, then perform it now. if(fabs(SS.exportOffset) > LENGTH_EPS) { SPolygon compd; ZERO(&compd); sp->normal = Vector::From(0, 0, -1); sp->FixContourDirections(); sp->OffsetInto(&compd, SS.exportOffset); sp->Clear(); *sp = compd; } // Now begin the entities, which are just line segments reproduced from // our piecewise linear curves. out->StartFile(); for(i = 0; i < sp->l.n; i++) { SContour *sc = &(sp->l.elem[i]); for(j = 1; j < sc->l.n; j++) { Vector p0 = sc->l.elem[j-1].p, p1 = sc->l.elem[j].p; out->LineSegment(p0.x, p0.y, p1.x, p1.y); } } out->FinishAndCloseFile(); } bool VectorFileWriter::StringEndsIn(char *str, char *ending) { int i, ls = strlen(str), le = strlen(ending); if(ls < le) return false; for(i = 0; i < le; i++) { if(tolower(ending[le-i-1]) != tolower(str[ls-i-1])) { return false; } } return true; } VectorFileWriter *VectorFileWriter::ForFile(char *filename) { VectorFileWriter *ret; if(StringEndsIn(filename, ".dxf")) { static DxfFileWriter DxfWriter; ret = &DxfWriter; } else { Error("Can't identify output file type from file extension."); return NULL; } FILE *f = fopen(filename, "wb"); if(!f) { Error("Couldn't write to '%s'", filename); return NULL; } ret->f = f; return ret; } void DxfFileWriter::StartFile(void) { // Some software, like Adobe Illustrator, insists on a header. fprintf(f, " 999\r\n" "file created by SolveSpace\r\n" " 0\r\n" "SECTION\r\n" " 2\r\n" "HEADER\r\n" " 9\r\n" "$ACADVER\r\n" " 1\r\n" "AC1006\r\n" " 9\r\n" "$INSBASE\r\n" " 10\r\n" "0.0\r\n" " 20\r\n" "0.0\r\n" " 30\r\n" "0.0\r\n" " 9\r\n" "$EXTMIN\r\n" " 10\r\n" "0.0\r\n" " 20\r\n" "0.0\r\n" " 9\r\n" "$EXTMAX\r\n" " 10\r\n" "10000.0\r\n" " 20\r\n" "10000.0\r\n" " 0\r\n" "ENDSEC\r\n"); // Then start the entities. fprintf(f, " 0\r\n" "SECTION\r\n" " 2\r\n" "ENTITIES\r\n"); } void DxfFileWriter::SetLineWidth(double mm) { } void DxfFileWriter::LineSegment(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1) { fprintf(f, " 0\r\n" "LINE\r\n" " 8\r\n" // Layer code "%d\r\n" " 10\r\n" // xA "%.6f\r\n" " 20\r\n" // yA "%.6f\r\n" " 30\r\n" // zA "%.6f\r\n" " 11\r\n" // xB "%.6f\r\n" " 21\r\n" // yB "%.6f\r\n" " 31\r\n" // zB "%.6f\r\n", 0, x0, y0, 0.0, x1, y1, 0.0); } void DxfFileWriter::FinishAndCloseFile(void) { fprintf(f, " 0\r\n" "ENDSEC\r\n" " 0\r\n" "EOF\r\n" ); fclose(f); } void SolveSpace::ExportMeshTo(char *filename) { SMesh *m = &(SS.GetGroup(SS.GW.activeGroup)->runningMesh); if(m->l.n == 0) { Error("Active group mesh is empty; nothing to export."); return; } FILE *f = fopen(filename, "wb"); if(!f) { Error("Couldn't write to '%s'", filename); return; } char str[80]; memset(str, 0, sizeof(str)); strcpy(str, "STL exported mesh"); fwrite(str, 1, 80, f); DWORD n = m->l.n; fwrite(&n, 4, 1, f); double s = SS.exportScale; int i; for(i = 0; i < m->l.n; i++) { STriangle *tr = &(m->l.elem[i]); Vector n = tr->Normal().WithMagnitude(1); float w; w = (float)n.x; fwrite(&w, 4, 1, f); w = (float)n.y; fwrite(&w, 4, 1, f); w = (float)n.z; fwrite(&w, 4, 1, f); w = (float)((tr->a.x)/s); fwrite(&w, 4, 1, f); w = (float)((tr->a.y)/s); fwrite(&w, 4, 1, f); w = (float)((tr->a.z)/s); fwrite(&w, 4, 1, f); w = (float)((tr->b.x)/s); fwrite(&w, 4, 1, f); w = (float)((tr->b.y)/s); fwrite(&w, 4, 1, f); w = (float)((tr->b.z)/s); fwrite(&w, 4, 1, f); w = (float)((tr->c.x)/s); fwrite(&w, 4, 1, f); w = (float)((tr->c.y)/s); fwrite(&w, 4, 1, f); w = (float)((tr->c.z)/s); fwrite(&w, 4, 1, f); fputc(0, f); fputc(0, f); } fclose(f); } void SolveSpace::ExportAsPngTo(char *filename) { int w = (int)SS.GW.width, h = (int)SS.GW.height; // No guarantee that the back buffer contains anything valid right now, // so repaint the scene. And hide the toolbar too. int prevShowToolbar = SS.showToolbar; SS.showToolbar = false; SS.GW.Paint(w, h); SS.showToolbar = prevShowToolbar; FILE *f = fopen(filename, "wb"); if(!f) goto err; png_struct *png_ptr = png_create_write_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL); if(!png_ptr) goto err; png_info *info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr); if(!png_ptr) goto err; if(setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr))) goto err; png_init_io(png_ptr, f); // glReadPixels wants to align things on 4-boundaries, and there's 3 // bytes per pixel. As long as the row width is divisible by 4, all // works out. w &= ~3; h &= ~3; png_set_IHDR(png_ptr, info_ptr, w, h, 8, PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB, PNG_INTERLACE_NONE, PNG_COMPRESSION_TYPE_DEFAULT,PNG_FILTER_TYPE_DEFAULT); png_write_info(png_ptr, info_ptr); // Get the pixel data from the framebuffer BYTE *pixels = (BYTE *)AllocTemporary(3*w*h); BYTE **rowptrs = (BYTE **)AllocTemporary(h*sizeof(BYTE *)); glReadPixels(0, 0, w, h, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixels); int y; for(y = 0; y < h; y++) { // gl puts the origin at lower left, but png puts it top left rowptrs[y] = pixels + ((h - 1) - y)*(3*w); } png_write_image(png_ptr, rowptrs); png_write_end(png_ptr, info_ptr); png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr); fclose(f); return; err: Error("Error writing PNG file '%s'", filename); if(f) fclose(f); return; }