//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Our harness for running test cases, and reusable checks. // // Copyright 2016 whitequark //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include "harness.h" #if defined(WIN32) # include #else # include #endif namespace SolveSpace { namespace Platform { // These are defined in headless.cpp, and aren't exposed in solvespace.h. extern std::vector fontFiles; } } // The paths in __FILE__ are from the build system, but defined(WIN32) returns // the value for the host system. #define BUILD_PATH_SEP (__FILE__[0]=='/' ? '/' : '\\') static std::string BuildRoot() { static std::string rootDir; if(!rootDir.empty()) return rootDir; rootDir = __FILE__; rootDir.erase(rootDir.rfind(BUILD_PATH_SEP) + 1); return rootDir; } static Platform::Path HostRoot() { static Platform::Path rootDir; if(!rootDir.IsEmpty()) return rootDir; // No especially good way to do this, so let's assume somewhere up from // the current directory there's our repository, with CMakeLists.txt, and // pivot from there. rootDir = Platform::Path::CurrentDirectory(); // We're never more than four levels deep. for(size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) { FILE *f = OpenFile(rootDir.Join("CMakeLists.txt"), "r"); if(f) { fclose(f); rootDir = rootDir.Join("test"); return rootDir; } rootDir = rootDir.Parent(); } ssassert(false, "Couldn't locate repository root"); } enum class Color { Red, Green, DarkGreen }; static std::string Colorize(Color color, std::string input) { #if !defined(WIN32) if(isatty(fileno(stdout))) { switch(color) { case Color::Red: return "\e[1;31m" + input + "\e[0m"; case Color::Green: return "\e[1;32m" + input + "\e[0m"; case Color::DarkGreen: return "\e[36m" + input + "\e[0m"; } } #endif return input; } // Normalizes a savefile. Different platforms have slightly different floating-point // behavior, so if we want to compare savefiles byte-by-byte, we need to do something // to get rid of irrelevant differences in LSB. static std::string PrepareSavefile(std::string data) { // Round everything to 2**30 ~ 1e9 const double precision = pow(2, 30); size_t lineBegin = 0; while(lineBegin < data.length()) { size_t nextLineBegin = data.find('\n', lineBegin); if(nextLineBegin == std::string::npos) { nextLineBegin = data.length(); } else { nextLineBegin++; } size_t eqPos = data.find('=', lineBegin); if(eqPos < nextLineBegin) { std::string key = data.substr(lineBegin, eqPos - lineBegin), value = data.substr(eqPos + 1, nextLineBegin - eqPos - 2); for(int i = 0; SolveSpaceUI::SAVED[i].type != 0; i++) { if(SolveSpaceUI::SAVED[i].fmt != 'f') continue; if(SolveSpaceUI::SAVED[i].desc != key) continue; double f = strtod(value.c_str(), NULL); f = round(f * precision) / precision; std::string newValue = ssprintf("%.20f", f); ssassert(value.size() == newValue.size(), "Expected no change in value length"); std::copy(newValue.begin(), newValue.end(), data.begin() + eqPos + 1); } if(key == "Group.impFile") { data.erase(lineBegin, nextLineBegin - lineBegin); nextLineBegin = lineBegin; } } size_t spPos = data.find(' ', lineBegin); if(spPos < nextLineBegin) { std::string cmd = data.substr(lineBegin, spPos - lineBegin); if(!cmd.empty()) { if(cmd == "Surface" || cmd == "SCtrl" || cmd == "TrimBy" || cmd == "Curve" || cmd == "CCtrl" || cmd == "CurvePt") { data.erase(lineBegin, nextLineBegin - lineBegin); nextLineBegin = lineBegin; } } } lineBegin = nextLineBegin; } return data; } bool Test::Helper::RecordCheck(bool success) { checkCount++; if(!success) failCount++; return success; } void Test::Helper::PrintFailure(const char *file, int line, std::string msg) { std::string shortFile = file; shortFile.erase(0, BuildRoot().size()); fprintf(stderr, "test%c%s:%d: FAILED: %s\n", BUILD_PATH_SEP, shortFile.c_str(), line, msg.c_str()); } Platform::Path Test::Helper::GetAssetPath(std::string testFile, std::string assetName, std::string mangle) { if(!mangle.empty()) { assetName.insert(assetName.rfind('.'), "." + mangle); } testFile.erase(0, BuildRoot().size()); testFile.erase(testFile.rfind(BUILD_PATH_SEP) + 1); return HostRoot().Join(Platform::Path::FromPortable(testFile + assetName)); } bool Test::Helper::CheckBool(const char *file, int line, const char *expr, bool value, bool reference) { if(!RecordCheck(value == reference)) { std::string msg = ssprintf("(%s) = %s ≠ %s", expr, value ? "true" : "false", reference ? "true" : "false"); PrintFailure(file, line, msg); return false; } else { return true; } } bool Test::Helper::CheckEqualString(const char *file, int line, const char *valueExpr, const std::string &value, const std::string &reference) { if(!RecordCheck(value == reference)) { std::string msg = ssprintf("(%s) = \"%s\" ≠ \"%s\"", valueExpr, value.c_str(), reference.c_str()); PrintFailure(file, line, msg); return false; } else { return true; } } bool Test::Helper::CheckEqualEpsilon(const char *file, int line, const char *valueExpr, double value, double reference) { bool result = fabs(value - reference) < LENGTH_EPS; if(!RecordCheck(result)) { std::string msg = ssprintf("(%s) = %.4g ≉ %.4g", valueExpr, value, reference); PrintFailure(file, line, msg); return false; } else { return true; } } bool Test::Helper::CheckLoad(const char *file, int line, const char *fixture) { Platform::Path fixturePath = GetAssetPath(file, fixture); FILE *f = OpenFile(fixturePath, "rb"); bool fixtureExists = (f != NULL); if(f) fclose(f); bool result = fixtureExists && SS.LoadFromFile(fixturePath); if(!RecordCheck(result)) { PrintFailure(file, line, ssprintf("loading file '%s'", fixturePath.raw.c_str())); return false; } else { SS.AfterNewFile(); SS.GW.offset = {}; SS.GW.scale = 10.0; return true; } } bool Test::Helper::CheckSave(const char *file, int line, const char *reference) { Platform::Path refPath = GetAssetPath(file, reference), outPath = GetAssetPath(file, reference, "out"); if(!RecordCheck(SS.SaveToFile(outPath))) { PrintFailure(file, line, ssprintf("saving file '%s'", refPath.raw.c_str())); return false; } else { std::string refData, outData; ReadFile(refPath, &refData); ReadFile(outPath, &outData); if(!RecordCheck(PrepareSavefile(refData) == PrepareSavefile(outData))) { PrintFailure(file, line, "savefile doesn't match reference"); return false; } RemoveFile(outPath); return true; } } bool Test::Helper::CheckRender(const char *file, int line, const char *reference) { // First, render to a framebuffer. Camera camera = {}; camera.pixelRatio = 1; camera.gridFit = true; camera.width = 600; camera.height = 600; camera.projUp = SS.GW.projUp; camera.projRight = SS.GW.projRight; camera.scale = SS.GW.scale; CairoPixmapRenderer pixmapCanvas; pixmapCanvas.SetLighting(SS.GW.GetLighting()); pixmapCanvas.SetCamera(camera); pixmapCanvas.Init(); pixmapCanvas.NewFrame(); SS.GW.Draw(&pixmapCanvas); pixmapCanvas.FlushFrame(); std::shared_ptr frame = pixmapCanvas.ReadFrame(); pixmapCanvas.Clear(); // Now, diff framebuffer against reference render. Platform::Path refPath = GetAssetPath(file, reference), outPath = GetAssetPath(file, reference, "out"), diffPath = GetAssetPath(file, reference, "diff"); std::shared_ptr refPixmap = Pixmap::ReadPng(refPath, /*flip=*/true); if(!RecordCheck(refPixmap && refPixmap->Equals(*frame))) { frame->WritePng(outPath, /*flip=*/true); if(!refPixmap) { PrintFailure(file, line, "reference render not present"); return false; } ssassert(refPixmap->format == frame->format, "Expected buffer formats to match"); if(refPixmap->width != frame->width || refPixmap->height != frame->height) { PrintFailure(file, line, "render doesn't match reference; dimensions differ"); } else { std::shared_ptr diffPixmap = Pixmap::Create(refPixmap->format, refPixmap->width, refPixmap->height); int diffPixelCount = 0; for(size_t j = 0; j < refPixmap->height; j++) { for(size_t i = 0; i < refPixmap->width; i++) { if(!refPixmap->GetPixel(i, j).Equals(frame->GetPixel(i, j))) { diffPixelCount++; diffPixmap->SetPixel(i, j, RgbaColor::From(255, 0, 0, 255)); } } } diffPixmap->WritePng(diffPath, /*flip=*/true); std::string message = ssprintf("render doesn't match reference; %d (%.2f%%) pixels differ", diffPixelCount, 100.0 * diffPixelCount / (refPixmap->width * refPixmap->height)); PrintFailure(file, line, message); } return false; } else { RemoveFile(outPath); RemoveFile(diffPath); return true; } } bool Test::Helper::CheckRenderXY(const char *file, int line, const char *fixture) { SS.GW.projRight = Vector::From(1, 0, 0); SS.GW.projUp = Vector::From(0, 1, 0); return CheckRender(file, line, fixture); } bool Test::Helper::CheckRenderIso(const char *file, int line, const char *fixture) { SS.GW.projRight = Vector::From(0.707, 0.000, -0.707); SS.GW.projUp = Vector::From(-0.408, 0.816, -0.408); return CheckRender(file, line, fixture); } // Avoid global constructors; using a global static vector instead of a local one // breaks MinGW for some obscure reason. static std::vector *testCasesPtr; int Test::Case::Register(Test::Case testCase) { static std::vector testCases; testCases.push_back(testCase); testCasesPtr = &testCases; return 0; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { std::vector args = InitPlatform(argc, argv); std::regex filter(".*"); if(args.size() == 1) { } else if(args.size() == 2) { filter = args[1]; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [test filter regex]\n", args[0].c_str()); return 1; } Platform::fontFiles.push_back(HostRoot().Join("Gentium-R.ttf")); // Wreck order dependencies between tests! std::random_shuffle(testCasesPtr->begin(), testCasesPtr->end()); auto testStartTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); size_t ranTally = 0, skippedTally = 0, checkTally = 0, failTally = 0; for(Test::Case &testCase : *testCasesPtr) { std::string testCaseName = testCase.fileName; testCaseName.erase(0, BuildRoot().size()); testCaseName.erase(testCaseName.rfind(BUILD_PATH_SEP)); testCaseName += BUILD_PATH_SEP + testCase.caseName; std::smatch filterMatch; if(!std::regex_search(testCaseName, filterMatch, filter)) { skippedTally += 1; continue; } SS.Init(); SS.checkClosedContour = false; Test::Helper helper = {}; testCase.fn(&helper); SK.Clear(); SS.Clear(); ranTally += 1; checkTally += helper.checkCount; failTally += helper.failCount; if(helper.checkCount == 0) { fprintf(stderr, " %s test %s (empty)\n", Colorize(Color::Red, "??").c_str(), Colorize(Color::DarkGreen, testCaseName).c_str()); } else if(helper.failCount > 0) { fprintf(stderr, " %s test %s\n", Colorize(Color::Red, "NG").c_str(), Colorize(Color::DarkGreen, testCaseName).c_str()); } else { fprintf(stderr, " %s test %s\n", Colorize(Color::Green, "OK").c_str(), Colorize(Color::DarkGreen, testCaseName).c_str()); } } auto testEndTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); std::chrono::duration testTime = testEndTime - testStartTime; if(failTally > 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failure! %u checks failed\n", (unsigned)failTally); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Success! %u test cases (%u skipped), %u checks, %.3fs\n", (unsigned)ranTally, (unsigned)skippedTally, (unsigned)checkTally, testTime.count()); } // At last, try to reset all caches we or our dependencies have, to make SNR // of memory checking tools like valgrind higher. cairo_debug_reset_static_data(); return (failTally > 0); }