#include "solvespace.h" #define clamp01(x) (max(0, min(1, (x)))) const Style::Default Style::Defaults[] = { { ACTIVE_GRP, "ActiveGrp", RGBf(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), 1.5, }, { CONSTRUCTION, "Construction", RGBf(0.1, 0.7, 0.1), 1.5, }, { INACTIVE_GRP, "InactiveGrp", RGBf(0.5, 0.3, 0.0), 1.5, }, { DATUM, "Datum", RGBf(0.0, 0.8, 0.0), 1.5, }, { SOLID_EDGE, "SolidEdge", RGBf(0.8, 0.8, 0.8), 1.0, }, { CONSTRAINT, "Constraint", RGBf(1.0, 0.1, 1.0), 1.0, }, { SELECTED, "Selected", RGBf(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), 1.5, }, { HOVERED, "Hovered", RGBf(1.0, 1.0, 0.0), 1.5, }, { CONTOUR_FILL, "ContourFill", RGBf(0.0, 0.1, 0.1), 1.0, }, { NORMALS, "Normals", RGBf(0.0, 0.4, 0.4), 1.0, }, { ANALYZE, "Analyze", RGBf(0.0, 1.0, 1.0), 1.0, }, { DRAW_ERROR, "DrawError", RGBf(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), 8.0, }, { DIM_SOLID, "DimSolid", RGBf(0.1, 0.1, 0.1), 1.0, }, { 0, NULL, 0, 0.0, }, }; char *Style::CnfColor(char *prefix) { static char name[100]; sprintf(name, "Style_%s_Color", prefix); return name; } char *Style::CnfWidth(char *prefix) { static char name[100]; sprintf(name, "Style_%s_Width", prefix); return name; } char *Style::CnfPrefixToName(char *prefix) { static char name[100]; int i = 0, j; strcpy(name, "def-"); j = 4; while(prefix[i] && j < 90) { if(isupper(prefix[i]) && i != 0) { name[j++] = '-'; } name[j++] = tolower(prefix[i]); i++; } name[j++] = '\0'; return name; } void Style::CreateAllDefaultStyles(void) { const Default *d; for(d = &(Defaults[0]); d->h.v; d++) { (void)Get(d->h); } } void Style::CreateDefaultStyle(hStyle h) { bool isDefaultStyle = true; const Default *d; for(d = &(Defaults[0]); d->h.v; d++) { if(d->h.v == h.v) break; } if(!d->h.v) { // Not a default style; so just create it the same as our default // active group entity style. d = &(Defaults[0]); isDefaultStyle = false; } Style ns; ZERO(&ns); ns.color = CnfThawDWORD(d->color, CnfColor(d->cnfPrefix)); ns.width = CnfThawFloat((float)(d->width), CnfWidth(d->cnfPrefix)); ns.widthHow = WIDTH_AS_PIXELS; ns.visible = true; ns.exportable = true; ns.h = h; if(isDefaultStyle) { ns.name.strcpy(CnfPrefixToName(d->cnfPrefix)); } else { ns.name.strcpy("new-custom-style"); } SK.style.Add(&ns); } void Style::LoadFactoryDefaults(void) { const Default *d; for(d = &(Defaults[0]); d->h.v; d++) { Style *s = Get(d->h); s->color = d->color; s->width = d->width; s->widthHow = WIDTH_AS_PIXELS; s->visible = true; s->exportable = true; s->name.strcpy(CnfPrefixToName(d->cnfPrefix)); } SS.backgroundColor = RGB(0, 0, 0); } void Style::FreezeDefaultStyles(void) { const Default *d; for(d = &(Defaults[0]); d->h.v; d++) { CnfFreezeDWORD(Color(d->h), CnfColor(d->cnfPrefix)); CnfFreezeFloat((float)Width(d->h), CnfWidth(d->cnfPrefix)); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Look up a style by its handle. If that style does not exist, then create // the style, according to our table of default styles. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Style *Style::Get(hStyle h) { Style *s = SK.style.FindByIdNoOops(h); if(s) { // It exists, good. return s; } else { // It doesn't exist; so we should create it and then return that. CreateDefaultStyle(h); return SK.style.FindById(h); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // A couple of wrappers, so that I can call these functions with either an // hStyle or with the integer corresponding to that hStyle.v. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DWORD Style::Color(int s, bool forExport) { hStyle hs = { s }; return Color(hs, forExport); } float Style::Width(int s) { hStyle hs = { s }; return Width(hs); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Return the color associated with our style as 8-bit RGB. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DWORD Style::Color(hStyle h, bool forExport) { Style *s = Get(h); return s->color; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Return the width associated with our style in pixels.. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- float Style::Width(hStyle h) { double r = 1.0; Style *s = Get(h); if(s->widthHow == WIDTH_AS_MM) { r = s->width * SS.GW.scale; } else if(s->widthHow == WIDTH_AS_PIXELS) { r = s->width; } // This returns a float because glLineWidth expects a float, avoid casts. return (float)r; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Return the appropriate style for our entity. If the entity has a style // explicitly assigned, then it's that style. Otherwise it's the appropriate // default style. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- hStyle Style::ForEntity(hEntity he) { Entity *e = SK.GetEntity(he); // If the entity has a special style, use that. If that style doesn't // exist yet, then it will get created automatically later. if(e->style.v != 0) { return e->style; } // Otherwise, we use the default rules. hStyle hs; if(e->group.v != SS.GW.activeGroup.v) { hs.v = INACTIVE_GRP; } else if(e->construction) { hs.v = CONSTRUCTION; } else { hs.v = ACTIVE_GRP; } return hs; } char *Style::DescriptionString(void) { static char ret[100]; if(name.str[0]) { sprintf(ret, "s%03x-%s", h.v, name.str); } else { sprintf(ret, "s%03x-(unnamed)", h.v); } return ret; } void TextWindow::ScreenShowListOfStyles(int link, DWORD v) { SS.TW.GoToScreen(SCREEN_LIST_OF_STYLES); } void TextWindow::ScreenShowStyleInfo(int link, DWORD v) { SS.TW.GoToScreen(SCREEN_STYLE_INFO); SS.TW.shown.style.v = v; } void TextWindow::ScreenLoadFactoryDefaultStyles(int link, DWORD v) { Style::LoadFactoryDefaults(); SS.TW.GoToScreen(SCREEN_LIST_OF_STYLES); } void TextWindow::ScreenCreateCustomStyle(int link, DWORD v) { SS.UndoRemember(); DWORD vs = max(Style::FIRST_CUSTOM, SK.style.MaximumId() + 1); hStyle hs = { vs }; (void)Style::Get(hs); } void TextWindow::ScreenChangeBackgroundColor(int link, DWORD v) { DWORD rgb = SS.backgroundColor; char str[300]; sprintf(str, "%.2f, %.2f, %.2f", REDf(rgb), GREENf(rgb), BLUEf(rgb)); ShowTextEditControl(v, 3, str); SS.TW.edit.meaning = EDIT_BACKGROUND_COLOR; } void TextWindow::ShowListOfStyles(void) { Printf(true, "%Ft color style-name"); bool darkbg = false; Style *s; for(s = SK.style.First(); s; s = SK.style.NextAfter(s)) { Printf(false, "%Bp %Bp %Bp %Fl%Ll%f%D%s%E", darkbg ? 'd' : 'a', 0x80000000 | s->color, darkbg ? 'd' : 'a', ScreenShowStyleInfo, s->h.v, s->DescriptionString()); darkbg = !darkbg; } Printf(true, " %Fl%Ll%fcreate a new custom style%E", &ScreenCreateCustomStyle); Printf(false, ""); DWORD rgb = SS.backgroundColor; Printf(false, "%Ft background color (r, g, b)%E"); Printf(false, "%Ba %@, %@, %@ %Fl%D%f%Ll[change]%E", REDf(rgb), GREENf(rgb), BLUEf(rgb), top[rows-1] + 2, &ScreenChangeBackgroundColor); Printf(false, ""); Printf(false, " %Fl%Ll%fload factory defaults%E", &ScreenLoadFactoryDefaultStyles); } void TextWindow::ScreenChangeStyleName(int link, DWORD v) { hStyle hs = { v }; Style *s = Style::Get(hs); ShowTextEditControl(10, 13, s->name.str); SS.TW.edit.style = hs; SS.TW.edit.meaning = EDIT_STYLE_NAME; } void TextWindow::ScreenDeleteStyle(int link, DWORD v) { SS.UndoRemember(); hStyle hs = { v }; Style *s = SK.style.FindByIdNoOops(hs); if(s) { SK.style.RemoveById(hs); // And it will get recreated automatically if something is still using // the style, so no need to do anything else. } SS.TW.GoToScreen(SCREEN_LIST_OF_STYLES); InvalidateGraphics(); } void TextWindow::ScreenChangeStyleWidth(int link, DWORD v) { hStyle hs = { v }; Style *s = Style::Get(hs); char str[300]; if(s->widthHow == Style::WIDTH_AS_PIXELS) { sprintf(str, "%.2f", s->width); } else { strcpy(str, SS.MmToString(s->width)); } ShowTextEditControl(16, 8, str); SS.TW.edit.style = hs; SS.TW.edit.meaning = EDIT_STYLE_WIDTH; } void TextWindow::ScreenChangeStyleColor(int link, DWORD v) { hStyle hs = { v }; Style *s = Style::Get(hs); char str[300]; sprintf(str, "%.2f, %.2f, %.2f", REDf(s->color), GREENf(s->color), BLUEf(s->color)); ShowTextEditControl(13, 12, str); SS.TW.edit.style = hs; SS.TW.edit.meaning = EDIT_STYLE_COLOR; } void TextWindow::ScreenChangeStyleYesNo(int link, DWORD v) { SS.UndoRemember(); hStyle hs = { v }; Style *s = Style::Get(hs); switch(link) { case 'w': if(s->widthHow == Style::WIDTH_AS_PIXELS) { s->widthHow = Style::WIDTH_AS_MM; } else { s->widthHow = Style::WIDTH_AS_PIXELS; } break; case 'e': s->exportable = !(s->exportable); break; case 'v': s->visible = !(s->visible); break; } InvalidateGraphics(); } bool TextWindow::EditControlDoneForStyles(char *str) { Style *s; switch(edit.meaning) { case EDIT_STYLE_WIDTH: SS.UndoRemember(); s = Style::Get(edit.style); if(s->widthHow == Style::WIDTH_AS_MM) { s->width = SS.StringToMm(str); } else { s->width = atof(str); } s->width = max(0, s->width); return true; case EDIT_BACKGROUND_COLOR: case EDIT_STYLE_COLOR: { double r, g, b; if(sscanf(str, "%lf, %lf, %lf", &r, &g, &b)==3) { r = clamp01(r); g = clamp01(g); b = clamp01(b); if(edit.meaning == EDIT_STYLE_COLOR) { SS.UndoRemember(); s = Style::Get(edit.style); s->color = RGBf(r, g, b); } else { SS.backgroundColor = RGBf(r, g, b); } } else { Error("Bad format: specify color as r, g, b"); } return true; } case EDIT_STYLE_NAME: if(!StringAllPrintable(str) || !*str) { Error("Invalid characters. Allowed are: A-Z a-z 0-9 _ -"); } else { SS.UndoRemember(); s = Style::Get(edit.style); s->name.strcpy(str); } return true; default: return false; } } void TextWindow::ShowStyleInfo(void) { Printf(true, "%Fl%f%Ll(back to list of styles)%E", &ScreenShowListOfStyles); Style *s = Style::Get(shown.style); if(s->h.v < Style::FIRST_CUSTOM) { Printf(true, "%FtSTYLE %E%s ", s->DescriptionString()); } else { Printf(true, "%FtSTYLE %E%s " "[%Fl%Ll%D%frename%E/%Fl%Ll%D%fdel%E]", s->DescriptionString(), s->h.v, &ScreenChangeStyleName, s->h.v, &ScreenDeleteStyle); } Printf(true, "%FtCOLOR %E%Bp %Bd (%@, %@, %@) %D%f%Ll%Fl[change]%E", 0x80000000 | s->color, REDf(s->color), GREENf(s->color), BLUEf(s->color), s->h.v, ScreenChangeStyleColor); if(s->widthHow == Style::WIDTH_AS_PIXELS) { Printf(true, "%FtWIDTH %E%@ %D%f%Ll%Fl[change]%E", s->width, s->h.v, &ScreenChangeStyleWidth); } else { Printf(true, "%FtWIDTH %E%s %D%f%Ll%Fl[change]%E", SS.MmToString(s->width), s->h.v, &ScreenChangeStyleWidth); } char *unit = (SS.viewUnits == SolveSpace::UNIT_INCHES) ? "inches" : "mm"; bool widthpx = (s->widthHow == Style::WIDTH_AS_PIXELS); if(s->h.v < Style::FIRST_CUSTOM) { Printf(false,"%FtUNITS %Fspixels%E"); } else { Printf(false,"%FtUNITS %Fh%D%f%Lw%s%E%Fs%s%E / %Fh%D%f%Lw%s%E%Fs%s%E", s->h.v, &ScreenChangeStyleYesNo, ( widthpx ? "" : "pixels"), ( widthpx ? "pixels" : ""), s->h.v, &ScreenChangeStyleYesNo, (!widthpx ? "" : unit), (!widthpx ? unit : "")); } if(s->h.v >= Style::FIRST_CUSTOM) { Printf(true, "%FtSHOW %Fh%D%f%Lv%s%E%Fs%s%E / %Fh%D%f%Lv%s%E%Fs%s%E", s->h.v, &ScreenChangeStyleYesNo, ( s->visible ? "" : "yes"), ( s->visible ? "yes" : ""), s->h.v, &ScreenChangeStyleYesNo, (!s->visible ? "" : "no"), (!s->visible ? "no" : "")); Printf(false,"%FtEXPORT %Fh%D%f%Le%s%E%Fs%s%E / %Fh%D%f%Le%s%E%Fs%s%E", s->h.v, &ScreenChangeStyleYesNo, ( s->exportable ? "" : "yes"), ( s->exportable ? "yes" : ""), s->h.v, &ScreenChangeStyleYesNo, (!s->exportable ? "" : "no"), (!s->exportable ? "no" : "")); } }