
332 lines
9.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include "solvespace.h"
void StepFileWriter::WriteHeader(void) {
"FILE_DESCRIPTION((''), '2;1');\n"
" 'output_file',\n"
" '2009-06-07T17:44:47-07:00',\n"
" (''),\n"
" (''),\n"
" 'SolveSpace',\n"
" '',\n"
" ''\n"
" * This defines the units and tolerances for the file. It\n"
" * is always the same, independent of the actual data.\n"
" **********************************************************/\n"
int StepFileWriter::ExportCurve(SBezier *sb) {
int i, ret = id;
fprintf(f, "#%d=B_SPLINE_CURVE_WITH_KNOTS('',%d,(",
ret, sb->deg, (sb->deg + 1), (sb->deg + 1));
for(i = 0; i <= sb->deg; i++) {
fprintf(f, "#%d", ret + i + 1);
if(i != sb->deg) fprintf(f, ",");
fprintf(f, "),.UNSPECIFIED.,.F.,.F.,(%d, %d),",
(sb->deg + 1), (sb-> deg + 1));
fprintf(f, "(0.000,1.000),.UNSPECIFIED.);\n");
for(i = 0; i <= sb->deg; i++) {
fprintf(f, "#%d=CARTESIAN_POINT('',(%.10f,%.10f,%.10f));\n",
id + 1 + i,
fprintf(f, "\n");
id = ret + 1 + (sb->deg + 1);
return ret;
int StepFileWriter::ExportCurveLoop(SBezierLoop *loop, bool inner) {
List<int> listOfTrims;
SBezier *sb;
for(sb = loop->l.First(); sb; sb = loop->l.NextAfter(sb)) {
int curveId = ExportCurve(sb);
fprintf(f, "#%d=CARTESIAN_POINT('',(%.10f,%.10f,%.10f));\n",
id, CO(sb->Start()));
fprintf(f, "#%d=VERTEX_POINT('',#%d);\n", id+1, id);
fprintf(f, "#%d=CARTESIAN_POINT('',(%.10f,%.10f,%.10f));\n",
id+2, CO(sb->Finish()));
fprintf(f, "#%d=VERTEX_POINT('',#%d);\n", id+3, id+2);
fprintf(f, "#%d=EDGE_CURVE('',#%d,#%d,#%d,%s);\n",
id+4, id+1, id+3, curveId, ".T.");
fprintf(f, "#%d=ORIENTED_EDGE('',*,*,#%d,.T.);\n",
id+5, id+4);
int oe = id+5;
id += 6;
fprintf(f, "#%d=EDGE_LOOP('',(", id);
int *oe;
for(oe = listOfTrims.First(); oe; oe = listOfTrims.NextAfter(oe)) {
fprintf(f, "#%d", *oe);
if(listOfTrims.NextAfter(oe) != NULL) fprintf(f, ",");
fprintf(f, "));\n");
int fb = id + 1;
fprintf(f, "#%d=%s('',#%d,.T.);\n",
fb, inner ? "FACE_BOUND" : "FACE_OUTER_BOUND", id);
id += 2;
return fb;
void StepFileWriter::ExportSurface(SSurface *ss) {
int i, j, srfid = id;
fprintf(f, "#%d=B_SPLINE_SURFACE_WITH_KNOTS('',%d,%d,(",
srfid, ss->degm, ss->degn);
for(i = 0; i <= ss->degm; i++) {
fprintf(f, "(");
for(j = 0; j <= ss->degn; j++) {
fprintf(f, "#%d", srfid + 1 + j + i*(ss->degn + 1));
if(j != ss->degn) fprintf(f, ",");
fprintf(f, ")");
if(i != ss->degm) fprintf(f, ",");
fprintf(f, "),.UNSPECIFIED.,.F.,.F.,.F.,(%d,%d),(%d,%d),",
(ss->degm + 1), (ss->degm + 1),
(ss->degn + 1), (ss->degn + 1));
fprintf(f, "(0.000,1.000),(0.000,1.000),.UNSPECIFIED.);\n");
for(i = 0; i <= ss->degm; i++) {
for(j = 0; j <= ss->degn; j++) {
fprintf(f, "#%d=CARTESIAN_POINT('',(%.10f,%.10f,%.10f));\n",
srfid + 1 + j + i*(ss->degn + 1),
fprintf(f, "\n");
id = srfid + 1 + (ss->degm + 1)*(ss->degn + 1);
// Get all of the loops of Beziers that trim our surface (with each
// Bezier split so that we use the section as t goes from 0 to 1), and
// the piecewise linearization of those loops in xyz space.
SBezierList sbl;
SPolygon sp;
SEdge errorAt;
bool allClosed;
ss->MakeSectionEdgesInto(shell, NULL, &sbl);
SBezierLoopSet sbls = SBezierLoopSet::From(&sbl, &sp, &allClosed, &errorAt);
// Convert the xyz piecewise linear to uv piecewise linear.
SContour *contour;
for(contour = sp.l.First(); contour; contour = sp.l.NextAfter(contour)) {
SPoint *pt;
for(pt = contour->l.First(); pt; pt = contour->l.NextAfter(pt)) {
double u, v;
ss->ClosestPointTo(pt->p, &u, &v);
pt->p = Vector::From(u, v, 0);
sp.normal = Vector::From(0, 0, 1);
static const int OUTER_LOOP = 10;
static const int INNER_LOOP = 20;
static const int USED_LOOP = 30;
// Fix the contour directions; SBezierLoopSet::From() works only for
// planes, since it uses the polygon xyz space.
for(i = 0; i < sp.l.n; i++) {
SContour *contour = &(sp.l.elem[i]);
SBezierLoop *bl = &(sbls.l.elem[i]);
if(contour->tag) {
// This contour got reversed in the polygon to make the directions
// consistent, so the same must be necessary for the Bezier loop.
if(contour->IsClockwiseProjdToNormal(sp.normal)) {
bl->tag = INNER_LOOP;
} else {
bl->tag = OUTER_LOOP;
bool loopsRemaining = true;
while(loopsRemaining) {
loopsRemaining = false;
for(i = 0; i < sbls.l.n; i++) {
SBezierLoop *loop = &(sbls.l.elem[i]);
if(loop->tag != OUTER_LOOP) continue;
// Check if this contour contains any outer loops; if it does, then
// we should do those "inner outer loops" first; otherwise we
// will steal their holes, since their holes also lie inside this
// contour.
for(j = 0; j < sbls.l.n; j++) {
SBezierLoop *outer = &(sbls.l.elem[j]);
if(i == j) continue;
if(outer->tag != OUTER_LOOP) continue;
Vector p = sp.l.elem[j].AnyEdgeMidpoint();
if(sp.l.elem[i].ContainsPointProjdToNormal(sp.normal, p)) {
if(j < sbls.l.n) {
// It does, can't do this one yet.
loopsRemaining = true;
loop->tag = USED_LOOP;
List<int> listOfLoops;
// Create the face outer boundary from the outer loop.
int fob = ExportCurveLoop(loop, false);
// And create the face inner boundaries from any inner loops that
// lie within this contour.
for(j = 0; j < sbls.l.n; j++) {
SBezierLoop *inner = &(sbls.l.elem[j]);
if(inner->tag != INNER_LOOP) continue;
Vector p = sp.l.elem[j].AnyEdgeMidpoint();
if(sp.l.elem[i].ContainsPointProjdToNormal(sp.normal, p)) {
int fib = ExportCurveLoop(inner, true);
inner->tag = USED_LOOP;
// And now create the face that corresponds to this outer loop
// and all of its holes.
int advFaceId = id;
fprintf(f, "#%d=ADVANCED_FACE('',(", advFaceId);
int *fb;
for(fb = listOfLoops.First(); fb; fb = listOfLoops.NextAfter(fb)) {
fprintf(f, "#%d", *fb);
if(listOfLoops.NextAfter(fb) != NULL) fprintf(f, ",");
fprintf(f, "),#%d,.T.);\n", srfid);
fprintf(f, "\n");
void StepFileWriter::ExportTo(char *file) {
Group *g = SK.GetGroup(SS.GW.activeGroup);
shell = &(g->runningShell);
if(shell->surface.n == 0) {
Error("The model does not contain any surfaces to export.%s",
g->runningMesh.l.n > 0 ?
"\r\n\r\nThe model does contain triangles from a mesh, but "
"a triangle mesh cannot be exported as a STEP file. Try "
"File -> Export Mesh... instead." : "");
f = fopen(file, "wb");
if(!f) {
Error("Couldn't write to '%s'", file);
id = 200;
SSurface *ss;
for(ss = shell->surface.First(); ss; ss = shell->surface.NextAfter(ss)) {
if(ss->trim.n == 0) continue;
fprintf(f, "#%d=CLOSED_SHELL('',(", id);
int *af;
for(af = advancedFaces.First(); af; af = advancedFaces.NextAfter(af)) {
fprintf(f, "#%d", *af);
if(advancedFaces.NextAfter(af) != NULL) fprintf(f, ",");
fprintf(f, "));\n");
fprintf(f, "#%d=MANIFOLD_SOLID_BREP('brep_1',#%d);\n", id+1, id);
fprintf(f, "#%d=ADVANCED_BREP_SHAPE_REPRESENTATION('',(#%d,#170),#168);\n",
id+2, id+1);
fprintf(f, "#%d=SHAPE_REPRESENTATION_RELATIONSHIP($,$,#169,#%d);\n",
id+3, id+2);