
1012 B


  • Added .addClass(), .removeClass(), .toggleClass() and .hasClass() APIs
  • Added Paper.mask(), Paper.ptrn(), Paper.use(), Paper.svg()
  • Mask & pattern elements are sharing paper methods (just like group)
  • Added Set.bind() method
  • Added syncronisation for Set.animate()
  • Added opacity to the shadow filter
  • Added ability to specify attributes as "+=10" or "-=1em" or "*=2"
  • Fix negative scale
  • Fix for path2curve
  • Fixed shared <defs> issue
  • Various bug fixes


  • Added support for text path
  • Added getBBox method to the paper object
  • Added Element.appendTo() and Element.prependTo()
  • Added getElementByPoint()
  • Added Set.remove() method
  • Get rid of internal SVG parser in favor of the browser
  • Fix for xlink:href setting for images
  • Fix Element.animate()
  • Fix for animate and stroke-dashoffset
  • Absolute transforms fix
  • Fix for animation of SVG transformations, matrices and polygon points
  • Various bug fixes


  • Initial release