describe("Savage methods", function () { it("Savage.Matrix - six params", function () { var matrix = new Savage.Matrix(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6); expect(matrix).to.eql({ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4, e: 5, f: 6 }); }); it("Savage.Matrix - SVGMatrix param", function () { var svgMatrix = new Savage(10, 10).node.createSVGMatrix(); var matrix = new Savage.Matrix(svgMatrix); expect(matrix).to.eql({ a: 1, b: 0, c: 0, d: 1, e: 0, f: 0 }); }); it("Savage.ajax - no postData", function(done) { var xhr = Savage.ajax('./res/file-for-ajax.txt', function(xhr) { var responseText = xhr.responseText; expect(responseText)'success'); expect(this.isContext); done(); }, {'isContext': true}); expect(xhr)'object'); }); it("Savage.ajax - with object postData", function(done) { var xhr = Savage.ajax('./res/file-for-ajax.txt', {foo: 'bar'}, function(xhr) { var responseText = xhr.responseText; expect(responseText)'success'); expect(this.isContext); done(); }, {'isContext': true}); expect(xhr)'object'); }); it("Savage.ajax - with string postData", function(done) { var xhr = Savage.ajax('./res/file-for-ajax.txt', 'foo=bar', function(xhr) { var responseText = xhr.responseText; expect(responseText)'success'); expect(this.isContext); done(); }, {'isContext': true}); expect(xhr)'object'); }); var validateMina = function(minaObj) { expect(minaObj)'object'); expect('string'); expect(minaObj.duration)'function'); expect(minaObj.easing)'function'); expect(minaObj.speed)'function'); expect(minaObj.status)'function'); expect(minaObj.stop)'function'); }; it("Savage.animate - numbers, no easing or callback", function(done) { var n; var minaObj = Savage.animate(10, 20, function(newN) { n = newN; }, 50); setTimeout(function() { expect(n); done(); }, 100); validateMina(minaObj); }); it("Savage.animate - numbers, callback", function(done) { var n; var minaObj = Savage.animate(10, 20, function(newN) { n = newN; }, 50, function() { expect(n); done(); }); validateMina(minaObj); }); it("Savage.animate - numbers, easing", function(done) { var n; var minaObj = Savage.animate(10, 20, function(newN) { n = newN; }, 50, mina.easeinout); setTimeout(function() { expect(n); done(); }, 100); validateMina(minaObj); }); it("Savage.animate - numbers, easing & callback", function(done) { var n; var minaObj = Savage.animate(10, 20, function(newN) { n = newN; }, 50, mina.bounce, function() { expect(n); done(); }); validateMina(minaObj); }); it("Savage.animate - arrays, no easing or callback", function(done) { var n1, n2; var minaObj = Savage.animate([5, 10], [10, 20], function(nArr) { n1 = nArr[0]; n2 = nArr[1]; }, 50); setTimeout(function() { expect(n1); expect(n2); done(); }, 100); validateMina(minaObj); }); it("Savage.animate - arrays, callback", function(done) { var n1, n2; var minaObj = Savage.animate([5, 10], [10, 20], function(nArr) {n1 = nArr[0]; n2 = nArr[1]; }, 50, function() { expect(n1); expect(n2); done(); }); validateMina(minaObj); }); it("Savage.animate - arrays, easing", function(done) { var n1, n2; var minaObj = Savage.animate([5, 10], [10, 20], function(nArr) { n1 = nArr[0]; n2 = nArr[1]; }, 50, mina.easeinout); setTimeout(function() { expect(n1); expect(n2); done(); }, 100); validateMina(minaObj); }); it("Savage.animate - arrays, easing & callback", function(done) { var n1, n2; var minaObj = Savage.animate([5, 10], [10, 20], function(nArr) { n1 = nArr[0]; n2 = nArr[1]; }, 50, mina.backin, function() { expect(n1); expect(n2); done(); }); validateMina(minaObj); }); it("Savage.animation - no easing or callback", function() { var anim = Savage.animation({ foo: "bar" }, 100); expect(anim)"object"); expect(anim.dur); expect("bar"); }); it("Savage.animation - with easing", function() { var anim = Savage.animation({ foo: "bar" }, 100, mina.easein); expect(anim)"object"); expect(anim.dur); expect("bar"); expect(anim.easing)"function"); }); it("Savage.animation - with callback", function() { var cb = function(){}; var anim = Savage.animation({ foo: "bar" }, 100, cb); expect(anim)"object"); expect(anim.dur); expect("bar"); expect(anim.callback)"function"); }); it("Savage.animation - with easing & callback", function() { var cb = function(){}; var anim = Savage.animation({ foo: "bar" }, 100, mina.linear, cb); expect(anim)"object"); expect(anim.dur); expect("bar"); expect(anim.easing)"function"); expect(anim.callback)"function"); expect(anim.easing); }); it("Savage.deg", function() { expect(Savage.deg(Math.PI)); expect(Savage.deg(Math.PI / 2)); expect(Savage.deg(Math.PI / 4)); expect(Savage.deg(Math.PI * 2)); }); it("Savage.rad", function() { expect(Savage.rad(180)); expect(Savage.rad(90)) / 2); expect(Savage.rad(45)) / 4); expect(Savage.rad(0)); }); it("Savage.format", function() { var outputStr; outputStr = Savage.format("{x}", {x: 1}); expect(outputStr)"1"); outputStr = Savage.format("{a['foo']}", { a: { foo: 'bar' } }); expect(outputStr)"bar"); outputStr = Savage.format("M{x},{y}h{dim.width}v{dim.height}h{dim['negative width']}z", { x: 10, y: 20, dim: { width: 40, height: 50, "negative width": -40 } }); expect(outputStr)"M10,20h40v50h-40z"); }); it("Savage.fragment", function() { var frag = Savage.fragment('', ''); expect(frag)"object"); expect(frag.node.childNodes.length); expect(frag.node.firstChild.nodeName)"g"); expect(frag.node.firstChild.getAttribute("class"))"foo"); expect(frag.node.lastChild.getAttribute("class"))"foo2"); frag = Savage.fragment(''); var rectWidth ='rect').attr('width'); expect(rectWidth)"10"); }); it("", function() { var undef; expect("foo", "string")); expect(, "number")); expect({}, "object")); expect([], "array")); expect([], "object")); expect(, "null")); expect(, "boolean")); expect(, "undefined")); expect({}, "function")); expect({}, "object")); }); it("Savage.load - with context", function(done) { Savage.load('./res/external-svg.svg', function(fragment) { expect(fragment.node.querySelector("svg")); expect(this.myContext); done(); }, {myContext: true}); }); it("Savage.load - without context", function(done) { Savage.load('./res/external-svg.svg', function(fragment) { expect(fragment.node.querySelector("svg")); done(); }); }); it("Savage.parse", function() { var frag = Savage.parse(''); expect(frag)"object"); expect(frag.node.childNodes.length); expect(frag.node.firstChild.nodeName)"g"); expect(frag.node.firstChild.getAttribute("class"))"foo"); frag = Savage.parse(''); var rectWidth ='rect').attr('width'); expect(rectWidth)"10"); }); });