415 lines
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415 lines
8.0 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2006-2015, JGraph Ltd
* Copyright (c) 2006-2015, Gaudenz Alder
var mxLog =
* Class: mxLog
* A singleton class that implements a simple console.
* Variable: consoleName
* Specifies the name of the console window. Default is 'Console'.
consoleName: 'Console',
* Variable: TRACE
* Specified if the output for <enter> and <leave> should be visible in the
* console. Default is false.
TRACE: false,
* Variable: DEBUG
* Specifies if the output for <debug> should be visible in the console.
* Default is true.
DEBUG: true,
* Variable: WARN
* Specifies if the output for <warn> should be visible in the console.
* Default is true.
WARN: true,
* Variable: buffer
* Buffer for pre-initialized content.
buffer: '',
* Function: init
* Initializes the DOM node for the console. This requires document.body to
* point to a non-null value. This is called from within <setVisible> if the
* log has not yet been initialized.
init: function()
if (mxLog.window == null && document.body != null)
var title = mxLog.consoleName + ' - mxGraph ' + mxClient.VERSION;
// Creates a table that maintains the layout
var table = document.createElement('table');
table.setAttribute('width', '100%');
table.setAttribute('height', '100%');
var tbody = document.createElement('tbody');
var tr = document.createElement('tr');
var td = document.createElement('td');
td.style.verticalAlign = 'top';
// Adds the actual console as a textarea
mxLog.textarea = document.createElement('textarea');
mxLog.textarea.setAttribute('wrap', 'off');
mxLog.textarea.setAttribute('readOnly', 'true');
mxLog.textarea.style.height = '100%';
mxLog.textarea.style.resize = 'none';
mxLog.textarea.value = mxLog.buffer;
// Workaround for wrong width in standards mode
if (mxClient.IS_NS && document.compatMode != 'BackCompat')
mxLog.textarea.style.width = '99%';
mxLog.textarea.style.width = '100%';
// Creates the container div
tr = document.createElement('tr');
mxLog.td = document.createElement('td');
mxLog.td.style.verticalAlign = 'top';
mxLog.td.setAttribute('height', '30px');
// Adds various debugging buttons
mxLog.addButton('Info', function (evt)
mxLog.addButton('DOM', function (evt)
var content = mxUtils.getInnerHtml(document.body);
mxLog.addButton('Trace', function (evt)
mxLog.TRACE = !mxLog.TRACE;
if (mxLog.TRACE)
mxLog.debug('Tracing enabled');
mxLog.debug('Tracing disabled');
mxLog.addButton('Copy', function (evt)
catch (err)
mxLog.addButton('Show', function (evt)
catch (err)
mxLog.addButton('Clear', function (evt)
mxLog.textarea.value = '';
// Cross-browser code to get window size
var h = 0;
var w = 0;
if (typeof(window.innerWidth) === 'number')
h = window.innerHeight;
w = window.innerWidth;
h = (document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight);
w = document.body.clientWidth;
mxLog.window = new mxWindow(title, table, Math.max(0, w - 320), Math.max(0, h - 210), 300, 160);
mxLog.window.destroyOnClose = false;
// Workaround for ignored textarea height in various setups
if (((mxClient.IS_NS || mxClient.IS_IE) && !mxClient.IS_GC &&
!mxClient.IS_SF && document.compatMode != 'BackCompat') ||
document.documentMode == 11)
var elt = mxLog.window.getElement();
var resizeHandler = function(sender, evt)
mxLog.textarea.style.height = Math.max(0, elt.offsetHeight - 70) + 'px';
mxLog.window.addListener(mxEvent.RESIZE_END, resizeHandler);
mxLog.window.addListener(mxEvent.MAXIMIZE, resizeHandler);
mxLog.window.addListener(mxEvent.NORMALIZE, resizeHandler);
mxLog.textarea.style.height = '92px';
* Function: info
* Writes the current navigator information to the console.
info: function()
* Function: addButton
* Adds a button to the console using the given label and function.
addButton: function(lab, funct)
var button = document.createElement('button');
mxUtils.write(button, lab);
mxEvent.addListener(button, 'click', funct);
* Function: isVisible
* Returns true if the console is visible.
isVisible: function()
if (mxLog.window != null)
return mxLog.window.isVisible();
return false;
* Function: show
* Shows the console.
show: function()
* Function: setVisible
* Shows or hides the console.
setVisible: function(visible)
if (mxLog.window == null)
if (mxLog.window != null)
* Function: enter
* Writes the specified string to the console
* if <TRACE> is true and returns the current
* time in milliseconds.
* Example:
* (code)
* mxLog.show();
* var t0 = mxLog.enter('Hello');
* // Do something
* mxLog.leave('World!', t0);
* (end)
enter: function(string)
if (mxLog.TRACE)
mxLog.writeln('Entering '+string);
return new Date().getTime();
* Function: leave
* Writes the specified string to the console
* if <TRACE> is true and computes the difference
* between the current time and t0 in milliseconds.
* See <enter> for an example.
leave: function(string, t0)
if (mxLog.TRACE)
var dt = (t0 != 0) ? ' ('+(new Date().getTime() - t0)+' ms)' : '';
mxLog.writeln('Leaving '+string+dt);
* Function: debug
* Adds all arguments to the console if <DEBUG> is enabled.
* Example:
* (code)
* mxLog.show();
* mxLog.debug('Hello, World!');
* (end)
debug: function()
if (mxLog.DEBUG)
mxLog.writeln.apply(this, arguments);
* Function: warn
* Adds all arguments to the console if <WARN> is enabled.
* Example:
* (code)
* mxLog.show();
* mxLog.warn('Hello, World!');
* (end)
warn: function()
if (mxLog.WARN)
mxLog.writeln.apply(this, arguments);
* Function: write
* Adds the specified strings to the console.
write: function()
var string = '';
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)
string += arguments[i];
if (i < arguments.length - 1)
string += ' ';
if (mxLog.textarea != null)
mxLog.textarea.value = mxLog.textarea.value + string;
// Workaround for no update in Presto 2.5.22 (Opera 10.5)
if (navigator.userAgent != null &&
navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Presto/2.5') >= 0)
mxLog.textarea.style.visibility = 'hidden';
mxLog.textarea.style.visibility = 'visible';
mxLog.textarea.scrollTop = mxLog.textarea.scrollHeight;
mxLog.buffer += string;
* Function: writeln
* Adds the specified strings to the console, appending a linefeed at the
* end of each string.
writeln: function()
var string = '';
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)
string += arguments[i];
if (i < arguments.length - 1)
string += ' ';
mxLog.write(string + '\n');