592 lines
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592 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2006-2015, JGraph Ltd
* Copyright (c) 2006-2015, Gaudenz Alder
* Class: mxFastOrganicLayout
* Extends <mxGraphLayout> to implement a fast organic layout algorithm.
* The vertices need to be connected for this layout to work, vertices
* with no connections are ignored.
* Example:
* (code)
* var layout = new mxFastOrganicLayout(graph);
* layout.execute(graph.getDefaultParent());
* (end)
* Constructor: mxCompactTreeLayout
* Constructs a new fast organic layout for the specified graph.
function mxFastOrganicLayout(graph)
mxGraphLayout.call(this, graph);
* Extends mxGraphLayout.
mxFastOrganicLayout.prototype = new mxGraphLayout();
mxFastOrganicLayout.prototype.constructor = mxFastOrganicLayout;
* Variable: useInputOrigin
* Specifies if the top left corner of the input cells should be the origin
* of the layout result. Default is true.
mxFastOrganicLayout.prototype.useInputOrigin = true;
* Variable: resetEdges
* Specifies if all edge points of traversed edges should be removed.
* Default is true.
mxFastOrganicLayout.prototype.resetEdges = true;
* Variable: disableEdgeStyle
* Specifies if the STYLE_NOEDGESTYLE flag should be set on edges that are
* modified by the result. Default is true.
mxFastOrganicLayout.prototype.disableEdgeStyle = true;
* Variable: forceConstant
* The force constant by which the attractive forces are divided and the
* replusive forces are multiple by the square of. The value equates to the
* average radius there is of free space around each node. Default is 50.
mxFastOrganicLayout.prototype.forceConstant = 50;
* Variable: forceConstantSquared
* Cache of <forceConstant>^2 for performance.
mxFastOrganicLayout.prototype.forceConstantSquared = 0;
* Variable: minDistanceLimit
* Minimal distance limit. Default is 2. Prevents of
* dividing by zero.
mxFastOrganicLayout.prototype.minDistanceLimit = 2;
* Variable: maxDistanceLimit
* Maximal distance limit. Default is 500. Prevents of
* dividing by zero.
mxFastOrganicLayout.prototype.maxDistanceLimit = 500;
* Variable: minDistanceLimitSquared
* Cached version of <minDistanceLimit> squared.
mxFastOrganicLayout.prototype.minDistanceLimitSquared = 4;
* Variable: initialTemp
* Start value of temperature. Default is 200.
mxFastOrganicLayout.prototype.initialTemp = 200;
* Variable: temperature
* Temperature to limit displacement at later stages of layout.
mxFastOrganicLayout.prototype.temperature = 0;
* Variable: maxIterations
* Total number of iterations to run the layout though.
mxFastOrganicLayout.prototype.maxIterations = 0;
* Variable: iteration
* Current iteration count.
mxFastOrganicLayout.prototype.iteration = 0;
* Variable: vertexArray
* An array of all vertices to be laid out.
* Variable: dispX
* An array of locally stored X co-ordinate displacements for the vertices.
* Variable: dispY
* An array of locally stored Y co-ordinate displacements for the vertices.
* Variable: cellLocation
* An array of locally stored co-ordinate positions for the vertices.
* Variable: radius
* The approximate radius of each cell, nodes only.
* Variable: radiusSquared
* The approximate radius squared of each cell, nodes only.
* Variable: isMoveable
* Array of booleans representing the movable states of the vertices.
* Variable: neighbours
* Local copy of cell neighbours.
* Variable: indices
* Hashtable from cells to local indices.
* Variable: allowedToRun
* Boolean flag that specifies if the layout is allowed to run. If this is
* set to false, then the layout exits in the following iteration.
mxFastOrganicLayout.prototype.allowedToRun = true;
* Function: isVertexIgnored
* Returns a boolean indicating if the given <mxCell> should be ignored as a
* vertex. This returns true if the cell has no connections.
* Parameters:
* vertex - <mxCell> whose ignored state should be returned.
mxFastOrganicLayout.prototype.isVertexIgnored = function(vertex)
return mxGraphLayout.prototype.isVertexIgnored.apply(this, arguments) ||
this.graph.getConnections(vertex).length == 0;
* Function: execute
* Implements <mxGraphLayout.execute>. This operates on all children of the
* given parent where <isVertexIgnored> returns false.
mxFastOrganicLayout.prototype.execute = function(parent)
var model = this.graph.getModel();
this.vertexArray = [];
var cells = this.graph.getChildVertices(parent);
for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++)
if (!this.isVertexIgnored(cells[i]))
var initialBounds = (this.useInputOrigin) ?
this.graph.getBoundingBoxFromGeometry(this.vertexArray) :
var n = this.vertexArray.length;
this.indices = [];
this.dispX = [];
this.dispY = [];
this.cellLocation = [];
this.isMoveable = [];
this.neighbours = [];
this.radius = [];
this.radiusSquared = [];
if (this.forceConstant < 0.001)
this.forceConstant = 0.001;
this.forceConstantSquared = this.forceConstant * this.forceConstant;
// Create a map of vertices first. This is required for the array of
// arrays called neighbours which holds, for each vertex, a list of
// ints which represents the neighbours cells to that vertex as
// the indices into vertexArray
for (var i = 0; i < this.vertexArray.length; i++)
var vertex = this.vertexArray[i];
this.cellLocation[i] = [];
// Set up the mapping from array indices to cells
var id = mxObjectIdentity.get(vertex);
this.indices[id] = i;
var bounds = this.getVertexBounds(vertex);
// Set the X,Y value of the internal version of the cell to
// the center point of the vertex for better positioning
var width = bounds.width;
var height = bounds.height;
// Randomize (0, 0) locations
var x = bounds.x;
var y = bounds.y;
this.cellLocation[i][0] = x + width / 2.0;
this.cellLocation[i][1] = y + height / 2.0;
this.radius[i] = Math.min(width, height);
this.radiusSquared[i] = this.radius[i] * this.radius[i];
// Moves cell location back to top-left from center locations used in
// algorithm, resetting the edge points is part of the transaction
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
this.dispX[i] = 0;
this.dispY[i] = 0;
this.isMoveable[i] = this.isVertexMovable(this.vertexArray[i]);
// Get lists of neighbours to all vertices, translate the cells
// obtained in indices into vertexArray and store as an array
// against the orginial cell index
var edges = this.graph.getConnections(this.vertexArray[i], parent);
var cells = this.graph.getOpposites(edges, this.vertexArray[i]);
this.neighbours[i] = [];
for (var j = 0; j < cells.length; j++)
// Resets the points on the traversed edge
if (this.resetEdges)
if (this.disableEdgeStyle)
this.setEdgeStyleEnabled(edges[j], false);
// Looks the cell up in the indices dictionary
var id = mxObjectIdentity.get(cells[j]);
var index = this.indices[id];
// Check the connected cell in part of the vertex list to be
// acted on by this layout
if (index != null)
this.neighbours[i][j] = index;
// Else if index of the other cell doesn't correspond to
// any cell listed to be acted upon in this layout. Set
// the index to the value of this vertex (a dummy self-loop)
// so the attraction force of the edge is not calculated
this.neighbours[i][j] = i;
this.temperature = this.initialTemp;
// If max number of iterations has not been set, guess it
if (this.maxIterations == 0)
this.maxIterations = 20 * Math.sqrt(n);
// Main iteration loop
for (this.iteration = 0; this.iteration < this.maxIterations; this.iteration++)
if (!this.allowedToRun)
// Calculate repulsive forces on all vertices
// Calculate attractive forces through edges
var minx = null;
var miny = null;
for (var i = 0; i < this.vertexArray.length; i++)
var vertex = this.vertexArray[i];
if (this.isVertexMovable(vertex))
var bounds = this.getVertexBounds(vertex);
if (bounds != null)
this.cellLocation[i][0] -= bounds.width / 2.0;
this.cellLocation[i][1] -= bounds.height / 2.0;
var x = this.graph.snap(Math.round(this.cellLocation[i][0]));
var y = this.graph.snap(Math.round(this.cellLocation[i][1]));
this.setVertexLocation(vertex, x, y);
if (minx == null)
minx = x;
minx = Math.min(minx, x);
if (miny == null)
miny = y;
miny = Math.min(miny, y);
// Modifies the cloned geometries in-place. Not needed
// to clone the geometries again as we're in the same
// undoable change.
var dx = -(minx || 0) + 1;
var dy = -(miny || 0) + 1;
if (initialBounds != null)
dx += initialBounds.x;
dy += initialBounds.y;
this.graph.moveCells(this.vertexArray, dx, dy);
* Function: calcPositions
* Takes the displacements calculated for each cell and applies them to the
* local cache of cell positions. Limits the displacement to the current
* temperature.
mxFastOrganicLayout.prototype.calcPositions = function()
for (var index = 0; index < this.vertexArray.length; index++)
if (this.isMoveable[index])
// Get the distance of displacement for this node for this
// iteration
var deltaLength = Math.sqrt(this.dispX[index] * this.dispX[index] +
this.dispY[index] * this.dispY[index]);
if (deltaLength < 0.001)
deltaLength = 0.001;
// Scale down by the current temperature if less than the
// displacement distance
var newXDisp = this.dispX[index] / deltaLength
* Math.min(deltaLength, this.temperature);
var newYDisp = this.dispY[index] / deltaLength
* Math.min(deltaLength, this.temperature);
// reset displacements
this.dispX[index] = 0;
this.dispY[index] = 0;
// Update the cached cell locations
this.cellLocation[index][0] += newXDisp;
this.cellLocation[index][1] += newYDisp;
* Function: calcAttraction
* Calculates the attractive forces between all laid out nodes linked by
* edges
mxFastOrganicLayout.prototype.calcAttraction = function()
// Check the neighbours of each vertex and calculate the attractive
// force of the edge connecting them
for (var i = 0; i < this.vertexArray.length; i++)
for (var k = 0; k < this.neighbours[i].length; k++)
// Get the index of the othe cell in the vertex array
var j = this.neighbours[i][k];
// Do not proceed self-loops
if (i != j &&
this.isMoveable[i] &&
var xDelta = this.cellLocation[i][0] - this.cellLocation[j][0];
var yDelta = this.cellLocation[i][1] - this.cellLocation[j][1];
// The distance between the nodes
var deltaLengthSquared = xDelta * xDelta + yDelta
* yDelta - this.radiusSquared[i] - this.radiusSquared[j];
if (deltaLengthSquared < this.minDistanceLimitSquared)
deltaLengthSquared = this.minDistanceLimitSquared;
var deltaLength = Math.sqrt(deltaLengthSquared);
var force = (deltaLengthSquared) / this.forceConstant;
var displacementX = (xDelta / deltaLength) * force;
var displacementY = (yDelta / deltaLength) * force;
this.dispX[i] -= displacementX;
this.dispY[i] -= displacementY;
this.dispX[j] += displacementX;
this.dispY[j] += displacementY;
* Function: calcRepulsion
* Calculates the repulsive forces between all laid out nodes
mxFastOrganicLayout.prototype.calcRepulsion = function()
var vertexCount = this.vertexArray.length;
for (var i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++)
for (var j = i; j < vertexCount; j++)
// Exits if the layout is no longer allowed to run
if (!this.allowedToRun)
if (j != i &&
this.isMoveable[i] &&
var xDelta = this.cellLocation[i][0] - this.cellLocation[j][0];
var yDelta = this.cellLocation[i][1] - this.cellLocation[j][1];
if (xDelta == 0)
xDelta = 0.01 + Math.random();
if (yDelta == 0)
yDelta = 0.01 + Math.random();
// Distance between nodes
var deltaLength = Math.sqrt((xDelta * xDelta)
+ (yDelta * yDelta));
var deltaLengthWithRadius = deltaLength - this.radius[i]
- this.radius[j];
if (deltaLengthWithRadius > this.maxDistanceLimit)
// Ignore vertices too far apart
if (deltaLengthWithRadius < this.minDistanceLimit)
deltaLengthWithRadius = this.minDistanceLimit;
var force = this.forceConstantSquared / deltaLengthWithRadius;
var displacementX = (xDelta / deltaLength) * force;
var displacementY = (yDelta / deltaLength) * force;
this.dispX[i] += displacementX;
this.dispY[i] += displacementY;
this.dispX[j] -= displacementX;
this.dispY[j] -= displacementY;
* Function: reduceTemperature
* Reduces the temperature of the layout from an initial setting in a linear
* fashion to zero.
mxFastOrganicLayout.prototype.reduceTemperature = function()
this.temperature = this.initialTemp * (1.0 - this.iteration / this.maxIterations);