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2019-11-07 02:55:57 +00:00
#include <qlabel.h>
#include <qlayout.h>
#include <qstatusbar.h>
#include <qtoolbar.h>
#include <qtoolbutton.h>
#include <qspinbox.h>
#include <qcheckbox.h>
#include <qwhatsthis.h>
#include <qpixmap.h>
#include "randomplot.h"
#include "mainwindow.h"
#include "start.xpm"
#include "clear.xpm"
class MyToolBar: public QToolBar
MyToolBar( MainWindow *parent ):
QToolBar( parent )
void addSpacing( int spacing )
QLabel *label = new QLabel( this );
addWidget( label );
label->setFixedWidth( spacing );
class Counter: public QWidget
Counter( QWidget *parent,
const QString &prefix, const QString &suffix,
int min, int max, int step ):
QWidget( parent )
QHBoxLayout *layout = new QHBoxLayout( this );
if ( !prefix.isEmpty() )
layout->addWidget( new QLabel( prefix + " ", this ) );
d_counter = new QSpinBox( this );
d_counter->setRange( min, max );
d_counter->setSingleStep( step );
layout->addWidget( d_counter );
if ( !suffix.isEmpty() )
layout->addWidget( new QLabel( QString( " " ) + suffix, this ) );
void setValue( int value ) { d_counter->setValue( value ); }
int value() const { return d_counter->value(); }
QSpinBox *d_counter;
addToolBar( toolBar() );
( void )statusBar();
d_plot = new RandomPlot( this );
const int margin = 4;
d_plot->setContentsMargins( margin, margin, margin, margin );
setCentralWidget( d_plot );
connect( d_startAction, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( appendPoints( bool ) ) );
connect( d_clearAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), d_plot, SLOT( clear() ) );
connect( d_symbolType, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), d_plot, SLOT( showSymbols( bool ) ) );
connect( d_plot, SIGNAL( running( bool ) ), this, SLOT( showRunning( bool ) ) );
connect( d_plot, SIGNAL( elapsed( int ) ), this, SLOT( showElapsed( int ) ) );
setContextMenuPolicy( Qt::NoContextMenu );
QToolBar *MainWindow::toolBar()
MyToolBar *toolBar = new MyToolBar( this );
toolBar->setAllowedAreas( Qt::TopToolBarArea | Qt::BottomToolBarArea );
setToolButtonStyle( Qt::ToolButtonTextUnderIcon );
d_startAction = new QAction( QPixmap( start_xpm ), "Start", toolBar );
d_startAction->setCheckable( true );
d_clearAction = new QAction( QPixmap( clear_xpm ), "Clear", toolBar );
QAction *whatsThisAction = QWhatsThis::createAction( toolBar );
whatsThisAction->setText( "Help" );
toolBar->addAction( d_startAction );
toolBar->addAction( d_clearAction );
toolBar->addAction( whatsThisAction );
setIconSize( QSize( 22, 22 ) );
QWidget *hBox = new QWidget( toolBar );
d_symbolType = new QCheckBox( "Symbols", hBox );
d_symbolType->setChecked( true );
d_randomCount =
new Counter( hBox, "Points", QString::null, 1, 100000, 100 );
d_randomCount->setValue( 1000 );
d_timerCount = new Counter( hBox, "Delay", "ms", 0, 100000, 100 );
d_timerCount->setValue( 0 );
QHBoxLayout *layout = new QHBoxLayout( hBox );
layout->setMargin( 0 );
layout->setSpacing( 0 );
layout->addSpacing( 10 );
layout->addWidget( new QWidget( hBox ), 10 ); // spacer
layout->addWidget( d_symbolType );
layout->addSpacing( 5 );
layout->addWidget( d_randomCount );
layout->addSpacing( 5 );
layout->addWidget( d_timerCount );
showRunning( false );
toolBar->addWidget( hBox );
return toolBar;
void MainWindow::appendPoints( bool on )
if ( on )
d_plot->append( d_timerCount->value(),
d_randomCount->value() );
void MainWindow::showRunning( bool running )
d_randomCount->setEnabled( !running );
d_timerCount->setEnabled( !running );
d_startAction->setChecked( running );
d_startAction->setText( running ? "Stop" : "Start" );
void MainWindow::showElapsed( int ms )
QString text;
text.setNum( ms );
text += " ms";
statusBar()->showMessage( text );
void MainWindow::initWhatsThis()
const char *text1 =
"Zooming is enabled until the selected area gets "
"too small for the significance on the axes.\n\n"
"You can zoom in using the left mouse button.\n"
"The middle mouse button is used to go back to the "
"previous zoomed area.\n"
"The right mouse button is used to unzoom completely.";
const char *text2 =
"Number of random points that will be generated.";
const char *text3 =
"Delay between the generation of two random points.";
const char *text4 =
"Start generation of random points.\n\n"
"The intention of this example is to show how to implement "
"growing curves. The points will be generated and displayed "
"one after the other.\n"
"To check the performance, a small delay and a large number "
"of points are useful. To watch the curve growing, a delay "
" > 300 ms and less points are better.\n"
"To inspect the curve, stacked zooming is implemented using the "
"mouse buttons on the plot.";
const char *text5 = "Remove all points.";
d_plot->setWhatsThis( text1 );
d_randomCount->setWhatsThis( text2 );
d_timerCount->setWhatsThis( text3 );
d_startAction->setWhatsThis( text4 );
d_clearAction->setWhatsThis( text5 );